Useful and harmful products, deal with what you can eat, and why not why it is so important to eat right? The most useful product in the world. Products, health beneficial and healthy products

Food must be not only delicious, but also useful - everyone knows about it, so today the topic of healthy nutrition is so relevant. Of course, each of the natural products carries a certain benefit, but among all there are the most useful food, we will talk about them. Starting a conversation about the most useful products, immediately focus on the fact that the usual diet of an ordinary person consists of the following categories: fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, meat, cereals, dairy products, oil (vegetable, cream and animal fats), honey, eggs . We will talk about the most useful products in each of these categories.

List of most useful products:

Apples - iron source, pectin, fiber. Contribute to cleansing the body from harmful cholesterol, toxins, slags, improve intestinal peristalsis. The beneficial properties of apples are strong enough, and regular use of apples helps reduce weight.

Avocado (also fruit) - contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, easily digestible fats. The product has antioxidant properties, pronounced anticancinogenic effect, rejuvenates the body, stimulates the production of collagen.

Most useful vegetables:

Carrot is a source of carotene, has antioxidant, anticarcinogenic properties, improves digestion and blood composition.

Broccoli is the most useful cabbage, contains a lot of vitamins, trace elements, etc., Malokalorina. The useful properties of broccoli are truly amazing, it protects against cancer, strengthens the immunity, cleans blood from cholesterol (harmful). One of the most favorite products of almost all nutritionists.

Onions and garlic - record holders on the content of phytoncides and substances that enhance the body's resistance to various kinds of viruses and causative agents of diseases.

Tomatoes are a source of Lutein and Licopean. Beneficially affect vision, possess the strongest anticarcinogenic property.

The most useful berries:

Blueberries - Lutein source, the strongest antioxidant improves the composition of the blood, opposes the development of cancer tumors.

Strawberry is rich in iron, zinc, vitamins (carotenoids), has a beneficial effect on vision, strengthens immunity.

The most useful nuts:

Almonds - contains a lot of useful substances, has a spicy taste, it is appropriate everywhere: in desserts, in basic dishes, salads. The beneficial properties of the almond improve the work of all organism systems.

Walnut - "Food for Mind", the source of most healthy substances, improves the brain and nervous system, can act as a medication with many diseases. People's recipes from walnut are long well known for the treatment of various ailments.

The most useful cereals:

Oatmeal - source of vitamins, trace elements, proteins. Improves digestion, strengthens the body, helps reduce blood pressure.

Buckwheat cereals - "Queen" croup, source of iron and other valuable trace elements. Strengthens immunity, improves the composition of the blood, enriches the organism with the necessary substances.

Bean (soy, nuts, beans, lentils) - source of protein, valuable vitamins and minerals. The inclusion of legume crops in the diet significantly improves the work of all organism systems, strengthens the immune system, heals.

Most useful dairy products:

Yoghurt, kefir - fermented milk products enriched with useful bacteria, saturate by the body by calcium, the vitamins of the group B, improve digestion, improve the work of the intestine.

The most useful oil:

Linen oil - despite the generally accepted stereotype, that the most useful oil is olive, linseed oil exceeds olive in the content of many useful substances and is a record holder for the content of unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6). Evaluate all the beneficial properties of linseed oil and be sure to enter it into your diet.

Olive is a source of vitamins A and E, positively affect the composition of the blood, normalizes the work of the heart.

The most useful meat:

The rabbit is low-calorie, hypoallergenic, rich in protein meat, has a gentle subtle taste.

Also, the useful types of meat include chicken, turkey and veal.

The most useful fish:

Among all kinds of fish, marine fish from the cold seas is particularly useful, for example, salmon is a record holder for the content of omega-3 and omega-6 fats, is also a source of iron. Improves the composition of the blood, has a strong antioxidant property, low-caloriene.

By the way, the fish oil is also one of the most useful products, many are consumed along with vitamin complexes.

The most useful foods:

Finally, we will tell about other no less wonderful products that bring the body exclusively to benefit, they must be included in the diet, if you strive to maintain health over long years.

Honey - source of natural saccharides, contains a lot of trace elements. It is useful for the entire body, as a sliding and rejuvenating agent.

Eggs - source of protein and other valuable substances (contain 12 types of vitamins and minerals). In the diet, it is necessary to turn on the eggs, but more than two pieces per day are not recommended.

Green tea is an antioxidant source, strengthens the body, has a strong anti-cancer effect.

On this, our list of the most useful food is completed. In fact, much useful products are very much, because all that gives us nature bears favor and creation. Therefore, picking up the most useful food, see not only for their well-known useful properties, but consider your individual features, competently approach the formation of your menu and then health and longevity are guaranteed you!

Eggs contain a large amount of protein necessary, as well as lutein, which prevents development. On the day you can eat 1-2 chicken eggs. It will not cause raising in the level, because The body itself synthesizes it from saturated fats.
Quail eggs are very helpful. According to the content of useful components, they exceed chicken. Quail eggs contribute to the enhancement of immunity, normalize the operation of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Some believe that carbohydrates contained in cereals are harmful to the figure. However, it is not. Complex carbohydrates are necessary for health. Eat cereals and cereal bread - these important foods reduce cholesterol levels, enhance the tone of the intestinal tract, struggle with obesity and diabetes.

Milk products
Milk and dairy products are a rich source of calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of muscle and nervous systems, osteoporosis. With lactose intolerance, doctors recommend to use a fat-free yogurt or kefir that contain useful lactic acid bacteria.

Chicken meat
Chicken is one of the most useful types of meat. Chicken breasts contain a very small amount of fats, but rich in valuable anti-Vidant - selenium - and vitamins of group V.

A fish
Fish grades - mackerel, salmon, trout, etc. - Contains a large amount of omega-3 fats, which contribute to lower cholesterol levels, prevent thrombosis development and certain types of cancer.

Vegetable products
Fruits and berries are rich sources of vitamin C, strengthening the body's immune system. Apples, oranges, pears, tangerines, grapes, persimmon and other fruits have a multitude of useful properties. Bananas, for example, contribute to the formation of serotonin - hormone hormone.

The main benefits of vegetables consists in filling the body with vitamins, mineral elements, carbohydrates, organic acids and polysaccharides. Most vegetables normalize the work of the digestive organs and improve the condition of the body as a whole.

Products antioxidants

To rejuvenate the body and long active life, it is recommended to use products with an antioxidant effect more often. These include black currants, apples, blueberries, pomegranates, cherry, peaches, strawberries, oranges, raspberries, plums, dark grapes, tomatoes, spinach, red onions, bread with bran, cauliflower, broccoli. Red wine, black chocolate, coffee and tea are considered the strongest antioxidants.
Especially useful is chocolate with a high content of cocoa powder and low fat content.

All these products contain biochemical compounds in themselves, biological processes occurring in cells occurring in the body cells and reduce the number of free radicals in the blood. And tea, coffee and black chocolate are sources of polyphenols with a function of restoring damaged cells.

It's no secret that there is a huge number of valuable vitamins and minerals in vegetables, fruits, croups, milk, meat and fish. Therefore, they all have to regularly appear in our menu. Leading world nutritionists still lead active discussions on which product is the most useful for the human body. In today's article, the best will be presented.


The composition of these fruits is present twelve vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. They are rich in pectin, sugars, iron, iodine, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, apples can apply for the title "The most useful product in the world."

The systematic use of these fruits tones the body, helps to strengthen the immunity and improve the work of the cardiovascular system. According to scientists, people eating daily by one apple, less often suffer from Alzheimer's disease. In addition, these fruits contain quercetin. This substance has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and prevents the development of cancer cells.


This amazing vegetable can also boldly qualify for the title "The most useful product in the world." It has more than four hundred valuable components. It is considered one of the best sources of nickel, magnesium, cobalt, potassium, calcium, chromium, allycine, adenosine and flavonoids. This vegetable is rich in C, A, B 1 and B 2.

Garlic, whose property is determined by a unique composition, has an excellent antibacterial effect. It prevents the development of infectious diseases and helps to strengthen the immune system. The systematic use of this vegetable is considered to be the best prevention of infarction and strokes. In addition, it is effective in the fight against staphylococci, pneumonia, hypertension, influenza and herpes.

Plus, everything else, garlic, whose property is successfully used in alternative medicine, is shown to people suffering from the nervous system disorders. Thanks to the substances contained in it, it is a natural antibiotic.


This vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin B, A, C, K, D and E. In addition, it is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, pectins, starch, natural sugars, purine compounds organic and polyunsaturated acids.

Cauliflower recipes are available for any mistress, the eats of it are characterized by simplicity and ease of preparation. Therefore, dishes from it should appear as much as possible in your diet. Regular use of this vegetable helps to prevent skin diseases and strengthen the nervous system. It contains a relatively high concentration of biotin, helps to cope with fatigue and depression. It is also considered a good source of molybdenum, zinc, iron, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine. It is this complex chemical composition that all the beneficial properties of this vegetable are explained.

In addition, simple recipes are used for its preparation. From cauliflower you can make a lot of delicious dishes, so it is an integral part of many diets. This is due to a relatively low energy value. So, in one hundred grams of this vegetable contains 29 kcal. Due to the increased content of dietary fiber fibers, cauliflower gives a feeling of satiety.

A fish

Scientists found that the daily use of thirty grams of this product twice reduces the risk of infarction. Peoples, the basis of the diet of which is fish, less often suffer from various cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it can also qualify for the title "The most useful product in the world."

Just like apples, fish reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. It contributes to the regeneration of nerve cells. In salmon and red fish contain valuable oils, improving the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, this product contains a large amount of sodium, phosphorus, calcium, riboflavin, pyroxidine, niacin and retinol.


Perhaps this is the most useful products for vessels. They are rich in pectins, fiber, organic acids, essential oils, vitamins A and C. In these fruits there is an increased concentration of manganese, copper, fluorine, zinc, cobalt, iodine and iron. The glycosides contained in them normalize the work of the heart and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

In addition, grapefruit is considered to be a good source of promoting vascular strengthening. It is recommended to include in the diet of people suffering from reduced pressure. It is also shown to prevent heart attacks. Specialists advise twice a week to eat one whole grapefruit. This will increase and strengthen their walls.


This rootpode is rich in many valuable vitamins and minerals. It contains a dottery concentration of beta-carotene. If you get into the human body, this substance is transformed into vitamin A. Of course, carrots are not the most useful product in the world, but the regular use of orange root helps to increase the visual acuity and preventing cancer.

This vegetable is rich in starch, proteins, amino acids, lecithin, glucose, fructose and enzymes. It is considered a good source of cobalt, phosphorus, iodine, copper, magnesium and calcium. Therefore, it is recommended to include in the diet of people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder and liver. Also carrots are shown at elevated acidity of the stomach and salt metabolism.


This vegetable contains a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and fiber. It is considered one of the best sources of beta-carotene, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium and selenium. Fresh broccoli is rich in K, E, PP and C. On the content of the latter, it bypassed even an orange.

It is believed that regular use of this vegetable helps to reduce the risk of oncological diseases. Broccoli is useful for the heart. It accelerates the process of removing heavy metals and maintains a normal water and electrolyte balance.

Fresh stems and inflorescences of broccoli can safely qualify for the title of "the most useful low-calorie products". Regular use of this vegetable contributes to the removal of excess fluid, as well as improved skin condition. Therefore, the dishes from this type of cabbage are included in many diets.


Gentle leaves of this plant are considered an excellent source of choline, sugars, starch, fiber, beta-carotene, carbohydrates and organic acids. They contain a sufficient concentration of vitamin H, PP, E, K, C, B, and A. and this is not a complete list of what the spinach rich.

Fresh product contributes to the removal of slags, while at the same time saturating the body contained in the valuable substances. The fiber in the leaves helps to maintain the stable functioning of the digestive system. Regular use of this plant contributes to the natural slimming and strengthening of the immune system.

Spinach has one more unique property. It blocks the growth of tumors. Therefore, it is recommended to be introduced into the diet of people recovering after the passage of radiation therapy.

Milk and its derivatives

These tasty and useful products contain a sufficient amount of calcium, valuable proteins, lactose and easily digestible fats. It is believed that the regular use of the milk itself and its derivatives contributes to the normalization of the nervous system. It also allows you to establish the correct functioning of the muscles. Doctors are confident that those who daily drink at least a glass of milk, much less often suffer from stomach cancer.

People whose organism does not tolerate lactose, it is advisable to regularly use natural yogurt. Degreased milk is considered an excellent source of calcium necessary to prevent osteoporosis.


These health care products must necessarily detail in the diet of each person. There are all the most important classes of nutrients. Nuts are rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They contain a sufficient amount of phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. They are rich in vitamins P, B, E and A.

It is proved that people who regularly use nuts, less often suffer from senile dementia, heart attacks and heart disease. These products feed on the brain and prevent the destruction of the shells of nerve cells.

For example, almonds are shown when heartburn, ulcers, obesity and hypertension. Hazelnuk normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system and prevents the appearance of tumors. It is recommended to use in varicose veins, an increase in prostate gland and chronic fatigue. Pistachios must be present in the diet of those who suffer atherosclerosis and liver diseases. Cedar nuts activate the physical and mental development of children.


The most useful is buckwheat. This low-calorie and easily friendly groove is rich in many valuable vitamins and microelements. It contributes to the removal of cholesterol and slags. It is recommended to use people suffering from diabetes mellitus, obesity, heart disease, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Oatmeal is recognized as the second beneficial cereal. It contributes to a significant reduction in the risk of occurrence of cancer tumors, strengthening immunity and normalization of metabolism. This easily friendly cereal is ideal for dietary food. In addition, the regular use of oatmeal improves the condition of bones and teeth.

The millet is shown to everyone who for a long time takes antibiotics. This cereal possesses common properties. It contributes to the speedy removal of toxins.

Manka of coarse pall contains a much less fiber and vitamins. But this is compensated by the high nutritional value of the cereals. It is shown to people suffering from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Since there is a sufficiently large amount of gluten, it can cause allergic reactions.

Perplovka is recognized as the main cereal athletes and people engaged in severe physical labor. This cereal is considered one of the best sources of phosphorus needed to build muscle contractions. It is equally well suited to allergies, and those who wish to get rid of excess weight.


This delicious product is considered a natural sugar substitute. In natural bee honey, there are almost all valuable trace elements. In its composition, he approaches the blood plasma. This product is rich in biotin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine. It is considered an excellent source of ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acids.

High-quality natural honey has the most powerful bactericidal properties. In addition, it contributes to the acceleration of metabolism and increased tissue regeneration. This product has an excellent tonic, absorbing and anti-inflammatory effect.

It is proved that the systematic use of honey stimulates the protective forces of the human body, eliminates problems with sleep, prevents the development of sclerosis and establishes the operation of the digestive system. It is shown in gastritis and stomach ulcers. Honey eliminates the swelling, improves blood supply and normalizes pressure. It is recommended to include in the diet of those who suffer from heart muscle diseases.

The nutritionists of the whole world continue to persevere to arguing about what foods are most useful for humans. Recently, the question of a healthy lifestyle has recently stimulates scientists to conduct research in this area. This article is not truth in all instances, but only an attempt to summarize the results of research over the past year, designed to answer the question: " What products are useful? »


According to scientists, first of all the title "The most useful products" deserved berries. Especially emphasize the researchers of the properties of blueberries and blueberries. These useful products contain the largest amount of antioxidants. In addition, the Anthocian contained in these berries contributes to the slowdown in the processes of the aging of the human nervous system. Blueberries and blueberries are very useful food for those who suffer from the diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive system, oncological diseases. These useful foods are indispensable and for people suffering from obesity, and diabetes patients, since they are able to reduce the level of cholesterol and blood sugar.


Nuts and nuts fell into the list of the most useful foods, and some kind of separate their kind of scientists do not allocate - absolutely all. Nuts are the source of a large number of vitamins, minerals, proteins, useful fats. These useful foods in their daily consumption are good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, anemia, problems with potency, vision, menstrual cycle. It has also been proven that nuts are useful food during stress, depressions, decay of forces, the general tone of the body.

Onion and garlic

Onions and garlic are undoubtedly useful food, and scientists confirm this. As a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, useful essential oils, these foods have a positive effect on the entire human body. Judge for yourself: onions and garlic are good for diseases of the liver, cardiovascular and endocrine system, reduce blood cholesterol levels, strengthen the human immune system. And, of course, everyone knows that onions and garlic are the most useful products in colds. Essential oils and finthocides contained in a bow and garlic prevent microbes reproduction and destroy them.


The following in the list "The most useful products" go legs. The large quantities of valuable proteins and coarse fiber do these products are truly unique in their kind. Soy, beans, beans and peas - useful products for patients with diabetes mellitus, people suffering from obesity, diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and liver having a weak immune system. Bean - this is the most useful food for vegetarians, as they are able to supply the human body with proteins without escorting fat (which is impossible when used proteins of animal origin). In addition, a protein (vegetable protein) contained in bean protein contributes to cell regeneration. Also, legumes are useful food with the disorders of the nervous system, because the amino acids contained in them provide peace of mind, human equilibrium.


Fruits - Certainly, without them, the list of the most useful foods would be incomplete. First of all, these are apples. List of diseases for the prevention and treatment of which they are especially useful, quite wide. These are useful food for cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, immune system, leather diseases and musculoskeletal system. Reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels, slowing the growth of cancer cells, apples can rightfully be called the most useful fruits. Other fruits were also included in the list "The most useful products": kiwi and persimmon, pineapple and grenades, apricot and banana, avocado and mango. Thus, than a variety of your "Fruit Menu" - the better.


The location in the list of the most useful products was also for vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are leading here: spinach and salad. These useful products are polyvitamin, good for the intestines, slow down the growth of tumors (especially prostate), have a diuretic action, useful in hypertension, obesity, tuberculosis, atherosclerosis. Among the vegetables to the title "The most useful products" also claim cabbage and carrots. So, cabbage (especially white) has high nutritional value and is useful both in the fresh form and in the saunas. Cabbage enriches the intestinal microflora, is able to remove cholesterol from the body. This is especially useful food for patients with gastritis with reduced acidity, ulcerative disease suffering from hemorrhoids and constipation, obesity. Carrot does not lag behind the cabbage in the number of useful substances contained in it. It strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the intestine, has a positive effect on the retina of the eye, it is used to prevent heart disease, kidney and liver, has wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects. These useful products in combination, for example, in salads are especially good.


Seafood - Certainly, useful food. The first place among them is fish. The most useful products from fish are fatty varieties: salmon, tuna, sardines. Positively affecting the cardiovascular system, the fish significantly reduces the possibility of various diseases of the heart (including arrhythmias and ischemia), heart attacks and strokes. It is also recommended to eat these useful products to people with problems with stomach, thyroid gland, overweight. Fish promotes the intensification of the brain, the rapid healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, prevents the formation of cancer cells.


The next on the list of the most useful products go eggs. These useful products are recommended to eat in the amount of five pieces per week. Containing about hundreds of beneficial substances, eggs are capable of cleaning the human body, with cholesterol and other harmful substances from it, split fats, and egg protein is the best "building material" for muscles. Eggs - especially useful foods for ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and 12-rosewood, chronic pancreatitis, nervous system disorders. Scientists also proved the role of eggs in preventing cancer cells to prevent the formation of cancer cells and in the future, it is possible that the eggs will be used as one of the effective ways to combat oncological diseases.

Coarse grinding products

Coarse flour products are also useful food. High content of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, biologically active substances - this is what gives all the grounds to replenish them the list "The most useful products". They are indispensable for every person, but are particularly relevant in diabetes, heart diseases, weak immune system, problems with intestines. The products made of coarse grinding flour have a positive effect on the skin, preventing it from aging, inflammation, the occurrence of allergic reactions. This is especially useful food for people engaged in sports leading a healthy lifestyle.


Milk and fermented milk products also hit the list "The most useful products" . Calcium contained in milk strengthens the bones, teeth and hair. Also, milk is recommended for cardiovascular diseases, anemia, edema, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcerative disease, neurosis of the stomach). Milk has proven itself with various poisoning and no wonder it is used to prevent various diseases on "harmful works". As for fermented milk products, kefir and cottage cheese are the most useful products among them. They favorably affect the work of the intestines and the digestive system as a whole due to the bacteria contained in them. Also, this useful food causes appetite, stimulating the extraction of gastric juice, has an antimicrobial effect.

Green tea

Green tea is another useful food product, scientists argue. It has long turned out of an exotic drink in everyday, and its healing properties are known to almost everyone. Green tea helps to strengthen blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The substances contained in the green tea have a destructive effect on various viruses and microbes.

Green tea is an excellent antioxidant, well removes toxic substances and poisons from the body, slows down the growth of cancer cells. The list of diseases in which this miracle drink should be used is quite wide: atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disease, vision problems, immune system. Finally, increasing the overall tone of the body and slowing the processes of aging, green tea has every reason to replenish the list "The most useful products".

So, it is these foods that are currently the most useful, according to scientists. And get the maximum benefit from them, if you combine all the listed components in your daily diet. Stay healthy and eat only the most useful products!

As a rule, the products that are delicious for us and which we use with a big appetite are also the most harmful. Meanwhile, incorrect meals are the main cause of the development of many diseases. We will analyze what products are harmful to our organism, and what are useful?

Harmful products.
Negatively affect the health of the body animals fats, fat, eggs, oily meat, cream and sour cream in large quantities, as well as products with a black crust for frying.

Sweets and flour products. Various cookies, cakes, sugar, candy and chocolate, as well as sweet juices cause acne appearance. Of course, it is impossible to completely refuse to eat this category of products, and no need. Just such products are better to replace more useful. For example, chocolate candies and cakes can be replaced with dried fruits and honey, and sweet drinks - tea and water. If you cannot live without a cake, it is absolutely impossible, sometimes you can afford a small piece of low-fat cake (bird milk or a portion of fruit-berry jelly or souffle).

White bread. A detrimental effect on our health, as well as the figure to eat white bread. It does not carry any benefit for the body, only adds empty calories. An excellent alternative to white bread is bread with bran or rootless bread. Breeding today in stores you can find such a kind of bread.

The list of harmful products, of course, can be included in various kinds of chewing candies, chocolate bars, chups, etc., since there are a large amount of sugar and various chemical additives, flavors, dyes and preservatives.

Separately, I want to say about the most introduced product, which adore both children and adults are chips, and, both potato and corn. Chips are a dangerous mixture of carbohydrates and fat, covered with dyes and flavors. Less dangerous, but no less harmful is Potato Fries.

Sweet carbonated drinks. The composition contains a huge amount of sugar (the daily norm necessary for humans is contained in 250 ml of such fluid) and various chemistry (flavors, preservatives), which poisons our body. As a rule, carbonated drinks with a large amount of sugar are added extra calories, and no benefit is carried out. An excellent replacement of sweet carbonated drinks will be water with lime, especially in a summer heat, and in winter such a drink serves as an excellent antidepressant, since Lime has an impact on the production of serotonin, hormone of happiness. Also good alternative will serve freshly prepared fruit juices and fruit salads without sugar.

Products of the meat processing industry (sausage, sausages, etc.). The whole sausage-sausage range contains hidden fats (fat, pork peel, interior fat), which are disguised by substitutes of taste and flavors. In addition, increasingly, manufacturers of meat products are added to their products a genetically modified raw material, in particular transgenic soy, side effects from which not yet fully studied. Fats contained in this product contribute to an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which clogs the vessels, thereby speeding up the process of aging the body and increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Mayonnaise. Alone prepared mayonnaise and used in rare cases and small quantities of particular harm to the body will not apply. However, ready mayonnaise to which most of us are accustomed to, as well as dishes with its addition, are highly calorie, because in mayonnaise contains a huge amount of fats and carbohydrates. In addition, various dyes, substitutes and other "chemistry" are also used in its production. Especially harmful mayonnaise as part of various hamburgers, shawarma, hot dogs. Not as an alternative to use and skimmed mayonnaise, comforting itself in that it contains fewer calories. This is not so. The number of calories in such mayonnaise is not much less than in ordinary mayonnaise, but various E-additives are a huge amount.

The list of harmful products should include ketchup, ready-made sauces and refueling, as well as various dishes that can be purchased in any supermarket. In their composition, a huge number of substitutes of tastes and other chemistry, from which the benefits will not definitely be.

Salt. Everyone knows its second name "White Death". Its use reduces pressure, negatively affects the salt-acid balance, promotes the accumulation of toxins in the body. The salt lowers the pressure, disrupts the salt-sour balance in the body, contributes to the accumulation of toxins. Therefore, if you do not abandon it, then, at least, try not to indulge yourself with overly salty dishes.

Alcohol. Alcohol, oddly sounds, very caloriene. About the dangers of alcohol are known to everyone since school bench. And it is not necessary to teach yourself to the thought that in small doses it is useful for the body. This is not true. Even a small amount of alcohol negatively affects the assimilation of the vitamins. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for a healthy lifestyle.

Fast food or fast food products. All dishes, the so-called fast food can be considered a huge source of bad cholesterol. Eating very fatty meat products contributes to an increase in the formation of free radicals in the body, which contribute to the attachment of cholesterol to the walls of the vessels and their clogging. In addition, free radicals can affect the structure of cells and contribute to their reincarnation. Therefore, in food it is best to use a lean beef, and use fresh vegetables as a side dish, because there are so many antioxidants that are actively struggling with free radicals and restoring the structure of damaged cells.

Coffee with cream. Regular use of coffee with cream can negatively affect your figure. In addition, it is not a secret that coffee consumption deprives our whiteness and natural gloss teeth, and excess caffeine can contribute to the resolution of the bone substance, as a result of which the bones become very fragile. Also, coffee belongs to those products whose use causes acne. This is explained by the fact that coffee contributes to an increase in the production of cortisol, the hormone, which is responsible for stress and which, in turn, is the main reason for the occurrence of acne in middle-aged people. Especially harmful to drink sweet coffee on an empty stomach in the morning. According to the conducted studies, the harm is applied by eating more than two cups of coffee per day. Therefore, it should only sometimes allow itself black coffee or coffee with the addition of skimmed milk. And preferences are best to give tea, both green and black. The flavanoids contained in it have an antioxidant effect, regulate the amount of poor cholesterol, reducing the risk of blocking the artery.

What makes the use of harmful products?
It is no secret that the wrong food serves as a hidden source of many human diseases. Fat food in large quantities contributes to the appearance of excess weight. The constant use of food, rich in preservatives and dyes, with time, poison the body, at the same time causing addiction. Getting small portions of poisoning substances, the body gradually gets used to them and ceases to signal about it, namely, allergic rashes appear on the skin, there is no nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

In addition, a person gradually begins to dull the sense of saturation, which is associated with the abundance of boiled food, which is particularly affected by the digestion system. Vegetable food (coarse) has a stimulating effect on the operation of the digestion system, so in the diet of any person there should be more fresh vegetables and fruits.

But not only the quality of the used products is important, it is also consumed in what quantities of food. Violation of the power mode negatively affects the functioning of the body. In the context of the modern rhythm of life, we manage to fully eat only in the evening, mainly before bedtime. And since in the evening we are experiencing the strongest hunger, most often we pass, and this is reflected in our figure. In addition, such nutrition leads to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, before you eat something very tasty, but harmful, think a hundred times, because such food slowly kills our body.

The most useful products.
Of course, about the harm and benefits of some products nutritionists and today are endless discussions. However, there are still products regarding the benefits of which there is a unanimous opinion.

Apples. Apples, from which side, do not look, are very useful fruits. They contain acids that are effectively fighting with putrefactive bacteria, and it bears tremendous benefits for the stomach. In addition, the use of apples is also proved for the work of the cardiovascular system. Also, the apples contain a substance of quartzetin, which affects the growth of cancer cells, slowing them. To replenish the body, the necessary microelements of nutritionists are recommended to eat several apples in the afternoon.

Onion. The composition of the bow contains substances that are effective in the fight against pathogens microbes. In addition, onions are rich in carotine, vitamins, among which both vitamin C, sugar and mineral salts. Luke essential oil has a bactericidal action. It is used to treat many diseases, including it effectively reduces blood sugar levels, improves the liver, cardiovascular system and thyroid gland, increases immunity, as well as effective in combating colds. The onions are obliged to contain in it phytoncides - special substances that prevent the reproduction of pathogens of microorganisms. In addition to the bow, carrots, beets and potatoes are useful. It is worth saying that even during thermal processing, the bow retains its therapeutic properties.

Garlic. Garlic also contains a huge amount of useful substances and is effective against colds. It adversely affects harmful microorganisms and restores the intestinal microflora. In addition, its use reduces blood cholesterol. The most useful garlic in the raw form, but after thermal exposure, he loses his unpleasant fragrance. Therefore, on weekends, when it is not expected to meet and communicate with outsiders should use garlic in a fresh form.

Nuts. The benefits of nuts are undoubted. They have a lot of vitamins and minerals. Their consumption has a beneficial effect on male potency and female libido. It is very useful to use nuts to improve vision, for the work of the heart, besides, they reduce the risk of diabetes. They can be used as a supplement to salads, as well as in the form of an independent dish (as snacks).

A fish. The use of fish reduces the likelihood of coronary heart disease several times. Also in fish there are many unsaturated fatty acids that do not give cholesterol entering the body with another food, accumulate. Ideally replace meat consuming fish, or include more dishes with fish in the diet. Salo is especially useful, in meat of which are important fatty acids of omega-3, which can go to the body only with food or in the form of a separate additive. They reduce inflammation, contribute to improved blood circulation, reduce the risk of cancer.

Milk. Milk and fermented dairy products are very important for the body, since they contain the necessary calcium, firming bone. Bacteria, which are contained in fermented milk products, are beneficial to work the gastrointestinal tract.

Green tea. Green tea has a number of useful properties for our body. It reduces the likelihood of a stroke, increases the body's protective forces. Green tea also reduces the risk of tumor formation. And about how much green tea is useful for skin, I'm generally silent.

Honey. Honey can be called the most useful product. This is a natural sugar substitute. Used in the treatment of many colds. In addition, honey is particularly useful for the work of the cardiovascular system.

Bananas. Possess unique properties, they remove stress and fill lost forces. They contain a large amount of vitamins A, C, B6. Their consumption contributes to the normalization of the work of the cardiovascular system, intestines, are an excellent natural laxative. There are also many iron in bananas that increases blood hemoglobin. However, despite all the positive qualities of bananas, it is worth noting that they are quite calories, so those who are going for their shape should not be carried away by their use.

Olives. The benefits of olives are known for a long time. There are many vitamin E and iron in their composition. Very useful oil obtained from olives. Therefore, all salads are better to fill it. Regular use of olive oil, thanks to the content of monon-saturated fatty acids in it, reduces the cholesterol content in the blood, blood pressure and risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Cauliflower and broccoli. The presence in the diet of cauliflower and broccoli significantly reduces the likelihood of the development of prostate cancer. Vitamins and microelements (iodine, zinc, manganese) contained in them are not only a beneficial effect on the metabolism, but also have an antitumor effect. They include protein, which is almost equivalent to animal proteins. Pectin substances contained in these types of cabbage, getting into the stomach, prevent suction of toxins in lymph and blood, and also reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Ordinary white cabbage and greens. It is rich in a fiber, which effectively removes cholesterol from the body and prevents the development of atherosclerosis, mineral salts, microelements and vitamins, especially in her vitamin C. Green is also useful for our body, only to use it immediately, because there are many vitamins when stored is lost.

Tomatoes. In their composition there is a powerful antioxidant - lycopene, which protects the skin from the effects of ultraviolet, prevents the development of cancer, and also reduces blood cholesterol. Also, tomatoes are rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

Kiwi. In this exotic fruit, there are a lot of vitamin C, magnesium, mineral salts of potassium and fiber, normalizing digestion and withdrawing cholesterol from the body.

Blueberry. Blueberries are rightfully considered a useful number one product, since in a huge amount contains antioxidants and phytonutrients, which neutralize free radicals, thereby preventing cancer development. In addition, regular use of blueberries reduces the risk of developing age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia.

Raisins. Very useful product with a number of useful properties. Strengthens the nervous system and heart. It has substances that are capable of stopping the growth of bacteria causing caries and gum disease.

Black beans. The glass of black beans contains 15 g of pure protein without saturated fats that score artery. The huge benefit of the beans for the work of the heart, since its composition contains fiber, iron and a huge amount of antioxidants.

Cranberry. Cranberry use is effectively in colds, since it has an antipyretic effect, and also adversely affects viruses in acute respiratory infections. Cranberries is also effective in the treatment of hypertension.

This is not the entire list, in addition to these products, you can note the prunes and dark plums, black currants and black rowan rowan (aronym), dark grapes, eggplant, cherry and cherry, spinach, artichokes, raspberries, pomegranate, grapefruit, strawberries, blackberry, cocoa and low-calorie products from it. It is also useful to eat the seedlings of beans, peas, crescent salad, wheat.

However, the knowledge of products that have a useful and harmful effect is still not enough. It is necessary to adjust the power in view of the characteristics of its own body. Proper and balanced nutrition is a way to health. Do not forget about it.