Conjunctivitis - symptoms and signs, causes, treatment. Characteristics of the main drops for conjunctivitis An effective cure for conjunctivitis

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Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, provoked by various pathogenic factors. In general, the correct name of the disease is conjunctivitis however, it is often known only to doctors and nurses. Commonly used to refer to inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye, the term "conjunctivitis" is used. In the text of the article we will use exactly the wrong, but familiar to those far from medical science term people.


In general, the term "conjunctivitis" is not the name of the disease, but reflects only the localization of the inflammatory process - the mucous membrane of the eye. In order to get the full name of the disease, it is necessary to add the designation of the causative factor to the term "conjunctivitis" or indicate the nature of the inflammatory process, for example, "bacterial conjunctivitis" or "chronic conjunctivitis", etc. The full name of the disease, which includes the designation of the cause of inflammation or its nature, is used by doctors in medical records. The nature and cause of inflammation of the conjunctiva should always be clarified, since the correct and effective treatment depends on this.

Currently, there are a number of classifications of conjunctivitis, each of which reflects some significant factor regarding the cause or nature of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Depending on the cause that provoked inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis is divided into the following types:

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis is provoked by various pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria, such as streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, gonococci, diphtheria bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.;

  • Chlamydial conjunctivitis (trachoma) is provoked by the ingress of chlamydia into the eyes;

  • Angular conjunctivitis (angular) is provoked by Morax-Axenfeld diplobacillus and is characterized by a chronic course;

  • Viral conjunctivitis provoked by various viruses, such as adenoviruses, herpes viruses, etc.;

  • Fungal conjunctivitis is provoked by various pathogenic fungi and is a particular manifestation of systemic infections, such as actinomycosis, aspergillosis, candidomycosis, spirotrichelosis;

  • Allergic conjunctivitis develops under the influence of any allergen or factor that irritates the mucous membrane of the eye (for example, dust, wool, varnishes, paints, etc.);

  • Dystrophic conjunctivitis develops under the influence of various substances that cause damage to the mucous membrane of the eye (for example, reagents, paints, industrial fumes and gases, etc.).

Chlamydial and angular (angular) conjunctivitis are special cases of bacterial conjunctivitis, however, based on certain features clinical course and signs are distinguished into separate varieties.

Depending on the type of inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis is divided into:

  • Acute conjunctivitis;

  • Chronic conjunctivitis.

A special case of acute conjunctivitis is epidemic, provoked by the Koch-Wicks wand.

Depending on the nature of inflammation and morphological changes in the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis is divided into the following types:

  • Purulent conjunctivitis, proceeding with the formation of pus;

  • Catarrhal conjunctivitis, occurring without the formation of pus, but with profuse mucous discharge;

  • Papillary conjunctivitis develops against the background of an allergic reaction to ophthalmic drugs and is the formation of small grains and seals on the mucous membrane of the eye in the upper eyelid;

  • Follicular conjunctivitis develops according to the first type of allergic reaction and is the formation of follicles on the mucous membrane of the eye;

  • Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is characterized by numerous hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the eye;

  • Filmy conjunctivitis develops in children against the background of acute viral respiratory diseases.
Despite the rather large number of varieties of conjunctivitis, any form of the disease is manifested by a set of typical symptoms, as well as a number of specific signs.


The causes of conjunctivitis are the following groups of factors that can cause inflammation in the mucous membrane of the eye:
  1. infectious causes:

    • Pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, meningococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.);

    • Viruses (adenoviruses and herpes viruses);

    • Pathogenic fungi (actinomycetes, aspergillus, candida, spirotrichella);

  2. Allergic causes (wearing contact lenses, atopic, medicinal or seasonal conjunctivitis);

  3. Other causes (occupational hazards, dust, gases, etc.).
All of these causes of conjunctivitis cause disease only if they manage to get on the mucous membrane of the eye. As a rule, infection occurs through dirty hands that a person rubs or touches his eyes, as well as airborne droplets in the case of viruses, allergens or occupational hazards. In addition, infection with pathogenic microorganisms can occur ascending way from ENT organs (nasal, oral cavity, ear, throat, etc.).

Symptoms of different types of conjunctivitis

With any type of conjunctivitis, a person develops certain non-specific symptoms, such as:
  • swelling of the eyelids;

  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye;

  • Redness of the conjunctiva and eyelids;

  • Photophobia;

  • lacrimation;

  • Sensation of a foreign body in the eye;

  • Discharge of mucous, purulent or mucopurulent nature.
The above symptoms develop with any type of conjunctivitis and are therefore called nonspecific. Quite often, the symptoms of conjunctivitis are combined with symptoms of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract with various respiratory infections, as well as fever, headache and other signs of intoxication (muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, etc.).

However, in addition to non-specific symptoms, various types of conjunctivitis are characterized by the appearance of specific signs, which are due to the properties of the factor that causes the inflammatory process. It is the specific symptoms that make it possible to differentiate various types of conjunctivitis on the basis of the clinical picture without special laboratory tests. Let us consider in detail what non-specific and specific symptoms manifest various types of conjunctivitis.

Acute (epidemic) conjunctivitis

Currently, the term "acute conjunctivitis" refers to a disease whose full name is "acute epidemic Koch-Wicks conjunctivitis". However, for ease of use of the term, only a part of it is taken, which allows you to understand what it is about.

Acute conjunctivitis is bacterial because it is provoked pathogenic bacterium- Koch Wicks wand. However, since acute epidemic conjunctivitis has features of the course, associated primarily with the defeat a large number people and the rapid spread in the population, then this type of bacterial inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye is isolated in a separate form.

Acute Koch-Wicks conjunctivitis is common in Asia and the Caucasus, in more northern latitudes it practically does not occur. The infection occurs in the form of seasonal, epidemic outbreaks mainly in the autumn and summer periods of the year. Infection with Koch-Wicks conjunctivitis occurs by contact and airborne droplets. This means that the causative agent of conjunctivitis is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through close household contacts, as well as through common household items, dirty hands, dishes, fruits, vegetables, water, etc. Epidemic conjunctivitis is a contagious disease.

Koch-Wicks conjunctivitis begins acutely and suddenly, after a short incubation period of 1 to 2 days. As a rule, both eyes are affected at the same time. Conjunctivitis begins with redness of the mucous membrane of the eyelids, which quickly captures the surface of the eyeball and transitional folds. The most severe redness and swelling develops in the area of ​​the lower eyelid, which takes the form of a roller. Within 1-2 days, a mucopurulent or purulent discharge appears on the eyes, and brownish thin films are also formed, which are easily rejected and removed without damaging the mucous membrane of the eye. In addition, numerous hemorrhages in the form of dots are visible in the mucous membrane of the eye. A person is concerned about photophobia, a feeling of pain or a foreign body in the eyes, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids and redness of the entire surface of the eyeball.

In addition to epidemic Koch-Wicks conjunctivitis, the term "acute conjunctivitis" is often used by doctors to refer to any acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, regardless of what pathogen or cause provoked it. Acute conjunctivitis always occurs suddenly and usually occurs in both eyes in succession.
Any acute conjunctivitis with proper treatment ends with recovery within 5 to 20 days.


It always proceeds acutely and is provoked by contact with the mucous membrane of the eye of various pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria, such as staphylococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, gonococci, pneumococci, etc. Regardless of which microbe caused bacterial conjunctivitis, the inflammatory process begins suddenly with the appearance of a cloudy, viscous, grayish-yellowish discharge on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye. The discharge leads to sticking of the eyelids, especially after a night's sleep. In addition, a person develops dryness of the mucous membrane and skin around the inflamed eye. You may also feel pain and pain in the eye. With bacterial conjunctivitis, as a rule, only one eye is affected, but if left untreated, inflammation can also capture the second. The most common bacterial infections are gonococcal, staphylococcal, pneumococcal, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and diphtheria conjunctivitis. Consider the features of their flow.

Staphylococcal conjunctivitis is characterized by severe redness and swelling of the eyelids, as well as profuse mucopurulent discharge, which makes it difficult to open the eyes after sleep. Edema of the eyelids is combined with their intense itching and burning. There is photophobia and a sensation of a foreign body under the eyelid. Usually both eyes are involved alternately in the inflammatory process. With timely treatment local antibiotics(ointments, drops, etc.) conjunctivitis disappears within 3-5 days.

Gonococcal conjunctivitis (gonoblennorrhea) usually develops in newborns due to infection when passing through the birth canal of a mother infected with gonorrhea (gonorrhea). With gonococcal conjunctivitis, a rapid and very dense swelling of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eye develops. Appears abundant mucopurulent discharge, which has a characteristic appearance of "meat slops". When opening closed eyelids, the discharge literally splashes out in a jet. As the recovery progresses, the amount of discharge decreases, it becomes thick, and films form on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye, which are easily removed without damaging the underlying tissues. After 2-3 weeks, the discharge again acquires a liquid consistency and a greenish color, completely disappearing by the end of the 2nd month of the disease. Together with the disappearance of the discharge, both swelling and redness of the conjunctiva disappear. Gonoblenorrhea requires treatment with topical antibiotics until complete recovery.

Pneumococcal conjunctivitis occurs in children. Inflammation begins acutely, with one eye first affected, and then the second is involved. First, there is an abundant purulent discharge, combined with swelling of the eyelids, petechial hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the eye and photophobia. Films are formed on the conjunctiva, which are easily removed and do not damage the underlying tissues.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is characterized by profuse purulent discharge, pronounced redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, swelling of the eyelids, pain, photophobia and lacrimation.
Diphtheritic conjunctivitis develops against the background of diphtheria. First, the eyelids swell, redden and thicken. The skin is so thick that it is impossible to open the eyes. Then a cloudy discharge appears, which is replaced by a bloody one. Dirty-gray films are formed on the mucous membrane of the eyelids, which are not removed. When the films are forcibly removed, bleeding surfaces are formed.

Approximately on the 2nd week of the disease, the films are rejected, the edema disappears, and the amount of discharge increases. After 2 weeks, diphtheritic conjunctivitis ends or passes into chronic form. After inflammation, complications may develop, such as scars on the conjunctiva, torsion of the eyelid, etc.


The disease begins with a sudden onset of photophobia, which is accompanied by rapid swelling of the eyelids and redness of the mucous membrane of the eye. A scanty mucopurulent discharge appears, which glues the eyelids in the morning. The most pronounced inflammatory process is localized in the region of the lower eyelid. First, one eye is affected, but with inadequate hygiene, inflammation passes to the second.

Often, chlamydial conjunctivitis appears in the form of epidemic outbreaks during mass visits to swimming pools. Therefore, chlamydial conjunctivitis is also called pool or bath.


Conjunctivitis can be caused by adenoviruses, herpes viruses, atypical trachoma virus, measles, smallpox viruses, etc. The most common are herpetic and adenovirus conjunctivitis, which are very contagious. Therefore, patients with viral conjunctivitis should be isolated from others until complete recovery.

Herpetic conjunctivitis is characterized by a sharp redness, infiltration, and the formation of follicles on the mucous membrane of the eye. Quite often, thin films are also formed, which are easily removed without damaging the underlying tissues. Inflammation of the conjunctiva is accompanied by photophobia, blepharospasm and lacrimation.

Adenovirus conjunctivitis can occur in three forms:

  1. The catarrhal form is characterized by mild inflammation. The redness of the eye is not strong, and the discharge is very poor;

  2. The membranous form is characterized by the formation of thin films on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye. The films are easily removed with a cotton swab, but sometimes they are firmly attached to the underlying surface. In the thickness of the conjunctiva, hemorrhages and seals can form, which completely disappear after recovery;

  3. The follicular form is characterized by the formation of small bubbles on the conjunctiva.
Adenovirus conjunctivitis is very often combined with sore throat and fever, as a result of which the disease was called adenopharyngoconjunctival fever.


Allergic conjunctivitis, depending on the factor that provokes them, is divided into the following clinical forms:
  • Pollinous conjunctivitis provoked by an allergy to pollen, flowering plants, etc.;

  • Spring keratoconjunctivitis;

  • Drug allergy to eye preparations, manifested in the form of conjunctivitis;

  • Chronic allergic conjunctivitis;

  • Allergic conjunctivitis associated with wearing contact lenses.
Establishment of the clinical form of allergic conjunctivitis is carried out on the basis of anamnesis data analysis. Knowledge of the form of conjunctivitis is necessary to select the optimal therapy.

The symptomatology of any form of allergic conjunctivitis is unbearable itching and burning on the mucous membrane and on the skin of the eyelids, as well as photophobia, lacrimation, severe swelling and redness of the eye.


This type of inflammatory process in the conjunctiva of the eye takes a long time, and the person makes numerous subjective complaints, the severity of which does not correlate with the degree of objective changes in the mucous membrane. A person is concerned about the feeling of heaviness of the eyelids, "sand" or "garbage" in the eyes, pain, fatigue when reading, itching and a feeling of heat. During an objective examination, the doctor fixes a slight reddening of the conjunctiva, the presence of irregularities in it due to an increase in papillae. Detachable is very scarce.

Chronic conjunctivitis is triggered by physical or chemical factors that irritate the mucous membrane of the eye, such as dust, gases, smoke, etc. Most often, chronic conjunctivitis affects people working in flour, chemical, textile, cement, brick and sawmills and factories. In addition, chronic conjunctivitis can develop in people against the background of diseases of the digestive system, nasopharynx and sinuses, as well as anemia, beriberi, helminthic invasions, etc. Treatment of chronic conjunctivitis is to eliminate the causative factor and restore the normal functioning of the eye.


Also called corner. The disease is caused by the Morax-Axenfeld bacillus and is most often chronic. The person is worried about pain and severe itching in the corners of the eye, worse in the evening. The skin at the corners of the eyes is red and cracked. The mucous membrane of the eye is moderately reddish. Detachable scanty, viscous, mucous character. During the night, the discharge accumulates in the corner of the eye and freezes in the form of a small dense lump. Proper Treatment allows you to completely eliminate angular conjunctivitis, and the lack of therapy leads to the fact that the inflammatory process continues for years.


Always bacterial. With this type of conjunctivitis in the affected eye, a person develops an abundant discharge of a purulent nature. Purulent is gonococcal, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pneumococcal and staphylococcal conjunctivitis. With the development of purulent conjunctivitis, the use of antibiotics is mandatory. local action in the form of ointments, drops, etc.


It can be viral, allergic or chronic, depending on the causative factor that provoked the inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye. With catarrhal conjunctivitis, a person has moderate swelling and redness of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eye, and the discharge is mucous or mucopurulent. Photophobia is moderate. With catarrhal conjunctivitis, there are no hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the eye, papillae do not increase, follicles and films do not form. This type of conjunctivitis usually resolves within 10 days without causing severe complications.


It is a clinical form of allergic conjunctivitis, and therefore usually takes a long time. With papillary conjunctivitis, existing papillae increase in the mucous membrane of the eye, forming irregularities and roughness on its surface. A person is usually worried about itching, burning, pain in the eye in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid and poor mucous membranes. Most often, papillary conjunctivitis develops due to the constant wearing of contact lenses, the use of ocular prostheses, or prolonged contact of the surface of the eye with a foreign object.


It is characterized by the appearance on the mucous membrane of the eye of grayish-pink follicles and papillae, which are infiltrates. The swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva is not strong, but the redness is pronounced. Infiltrates in the mucous membrane of the eye cause severe lacrimation and severe blepharospasm (closing of the eyelids).

Follicular conjunctivitis, depending on the type of pathogen, can be viral (adenoviral) or bacterial (for example, staphylococcal). Follicular conjunctivitis actively proceeds for 2-3 weeks, after which the inflammation gradually decreases, completely disappearing also within 1-3 weeks. The total duration of follicular conjunctivitis is 2-3 months.

Temperature with conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis almost never causes a fever. However, if conjunctivitis occurs against the background of any infectious and inflammatory disease (for example, bronchitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory infections, SARS, etc.), then a person may have a fever. In this case, the temperature is not a sign of conjunctivitis, but an infectious disease.

Conjunctivitis - photo

The photograph shows catarrhal conjunctivitis with moderate redness and swelling, and scanty mucous discharge.

The photograph shows purulent conjunctivitis with severe edema, severe redness and purulent discharge.

What tests can a doctor prescribe for conjunctivitis?

With conjunctivitis, doctors rarely prescribe any studies and tests, since a simple examination and questioning about the nature of the discharge and the symptoms present are usually sufficient to determine the type of disease and, accordingly, prescribe the necessary treatment. After all, each type of conjunctivitis has its own signs that allow it to be distinguished from other varieties of the disease with sufficient accuracy.

However, in some cases, when it is not possible to accurately determine the type of conjunctivitis on the basis of an examination and a survey, or it occurs in an erased form, an ophthalmologist may prescribe the following studies:

  • Sowing discharge from the eye for aerobic microflora and determining the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics;
  • Sowing discharge from the eye for anaerobic microflora and determining sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • Sowing discharge from the eye for gonococcus (N. gonorrhoeae) and determining sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • Determination of the presence of IgA antibodies to adenovirus in the blood;
  • Determination of the presence of IgE antibodies in the blood.
Sowing discharge from the eye for aerobic and anaerobic microflora, as well as for gonococcus, is used to detect bacterial conjunctivitis, which is difficult or not at all treatable. Also, these crops are used for chronic bacterial conjunctivitis to determine which antibiotic will be most effective in this particular case. In addition, sowing on gonococcus is used for bacterial conjunctivitis in children in order to confirm or refute the diagnosis of gonoblenorrhea.

An analysis for the determination of antibodies to adenovirus in the blood is used in cases of suspected viral conjunctivitis.

An IgE blood test is used to confirm suspected allergic conjunctivitis.

Which doctor should I contact with conjunctivitis?

If signs of conjunctivitis appear, contact an ophthalmologist (oculist) or a pediatric ophthalmologist () when it comes to a child. If for some reason it is impossible to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist, then adults should contact therapist (), and to children - to pediatrician ().

General principles for the treatment of all types of conjunctivitis

Regardless of the type of conjunctivitis, its treatment consists in eliminating the causative factor and the use of drugs that relieve the painful symptoms of an inflammatory disease.

Symptomatic treatment aimed at eliminating the manifestations of an inflammatory disease consists in the use of topical drugs that are injected directly into the eye.

With the development of the first signs of conjunctivitis, it is necessary first of all to stop pain by introducing drops containing local anesthetics, such as, for example, Pyromecaine, Trimecaine or Lidocaine. After pain relief, it is necessary to toilet the ciliary edge of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eye, washing its surface with antiseptic solutions, such as potassium permanganate, brilliant green, Furacilin (dilution 1: 1000), Dimexide, Oxycyanate.

After pain relief and sanitation of the conjunctiva, drugs containing antibiotics, sulfonamides, antiviral or antihistamine substances are injected into the eye. In this case, the choice of drug depends on the causative factor of inflammation. If there is bacterial inflammation, then antibiotics are used. sulfonamides (for example, tetracycline ointment, Albucid, etc.).

Used for viral conjunctivitis local funds with antiviral components (for example, Kerecid, Florenal, etc.).

With allergic conjunctivitis, it is necessary to use antihistamines, for example, drops with Diphenhydramine, Dibazol, etc.

Treatment of conjunctivitis should be carried out until complete disappearance clinical symptoms. In the process of treating conjunctivitis, it is strictly forbidden to put any bandages on the eyes, as this will create favorable conditions for the reproduction of various microorganisms, which will lead to complications or aggravation of the course of the process.

Principles of treatment at home


With adenoviral conjunctivitis, interferon preparations, such as Interferon or Laferon, are used to destroy the virus. Interferons are used in the form of instillations of a freshly prepared solution into the eye. In the first 2-3 days, interferons are injected into the eyes 6-8 times a day, then 4-5 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely. In addition, ointments with antiviral action, such as Tebrofen, Florenal or Bonafton, are applied 2 to 4 times a day. With severe inflammation of the eye, it is recommended to inject Diclofenac into the eye 3-4 times a day. In order to prevent dry eye syndrome, artificial tear substitutes are used during the entire course of treatment, for example, Oftagel, Sistein, Vidisik, etc.

Herpes virus
In order to destroy the virus, interferon solutions are also used, which are prepared from a lyophilized powder immediately before injection into the eye. The first 2-3 days, interferon solutions are administered 6-8 times a day, then 4-5 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely. To reduce inflammation, relieve pain, itching and burning, Diclofenac is injected into the eye. To prevent bacterial complications in herpetic conjunctivitis, Picloxidine or silver nitrate solution is injected into the eyes 3-4 times a day.


Be sure to instill Diclofenac in the eyes 2 to 4 times a day during the entire course of treatment to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. The discharge must be removed by washing the eye with antiseptic solutions, for example, Furacilin at a dilution of 1: 1000 or 2% boric acid. To destroy the pathogenic microbe-causative agent, ointments or drops with antibiotics or sulfonamides are used, such as Tetracycline, Gentamicin, Erythromycin, Lomefloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Albucid, etc. Ointment or drops with antibiotics should be administered in the first 2 - 3 days 4 - 6 times a day, then 2-3 times a day until the complete disappearance of clinical symptoms. Simultaneously with antibacterial ointments and drops, Picloxidine can be instilled into the eyes 3 times a day.


Since chlamydia are intracellular microorganisms, the treatment of the infectious and inflammatory process provoked by them requires the use of systemic drugs. Therefore, with chlamydial conjunctivitis, it is necessary to take Levofloxacin 1 tablet per day for a week.

At the same time, local preparations with antibiotics, such as Erythromycin ointment or Lomefloxacin drops, should be injected into the affected eye 4 to 5 times a day. Ointment and drops must be applied continuously from 3 weeks to 3 months, until the clinical symptoms completely disappear. To reduce the inflammatory reaction, Diclofenac is injected into the eye 2 times a day, also for 1 to 3 months. If Diclofenac does not help to stop the inflammation, then it is replaced with Dexamethasone, which is also administered 2 times a day. For the prevention of dry eye syndrome, it is necessary to use artificial tears daily, such as Oksial, Oftagel, etc.


With purulent conjunctivitis, be sure to rinse the eye with antiseptic solutions (2% boric acid, Furacilin, potassium permanganate, etc.) in order to remove copious discharge. Eye rinsing is performed as needed. Treatment of conjunctivitis consists in the introduction of Erythromycin, Tetracycline or Gentamicin ointment or Lomefloxacin into the eye 2 to 3 times a day until the clinical symptoms disappear completely. With severe edema, Diclofenac is injected into the eye to stop it.


For the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, topical antihistamines(Spersallerg, Allergoftal) and agents that reduce mast cell degranulation (Lekrolin 2%, Kuzikrom 4%, Alomid 1%). These drugs are injected into the eyes 2 times a day for a long time. If these funds do not completely stop the symptoms of conjunctivitis, then anti-inflammatory drops Diclofenac, Dexalox, Maxidex, etc. are added to them. In severe allergic conjunctivitis, eye drops containing corticosteroids and antibiotics are used, for example, Maxitrol, Tobradex, etc.


For successful treatment of chronic conjunctivitis, the cause of inflammation should be eliminated. To stop the inflammatory process, a 0.25 - 0.5% solution of zinc sulfate with a 1% solution of resorcinol is instilled into the eyes. In addition, solutions of Protargol and Collargol can be injected into the eyes 2 to 3 times a day. Before going to bed, yellow mercury ointment is applied to the eyes.

Preparations (medicine) for the treatment of conjunctivitis

Drugs used to treat conjunctivitis local application in two main forms - drops and ointments recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Also for the treatment of conjunctivitis, drops and ointments are presented in the table.
Ointments for the treatment of conjunctivitis Drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis
Erythromycin (antibiotic)Picloxidine (antiseptic)
Tetracycline ointment (antibiotic)Albucid 20% (antiseptic)
Gentamycin (antibiotic)Levomycetin drops (antibiotic)
Yellow mercury ointment (antiseptic)Diclofenac (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug)
Dexamethasone (anti-inflammatory drug)
Olopatodin (anti-inflammatory agent)
Fenistil (antiallergic agent)
Oxial (artificial tear)
Tobradex (anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent)

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can be used in the complex treatment of conjunctivitis as solutions for washing and treating the eyes. Currently, the most effective folk remedies used for conjunctivitis are the following:
  • Pass the dill greens through a meat grinder, collect the resulting slurry in cheesecloth and squeeze thoroughly to get pure juice. Soak a clean, soft cotton cloth in dill juice and put it on your eyes for 15-20 minutes when initial signs conjunctivitis;

  • Dilute honey with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2 and instill the eye with the resulting solution as needed;

  • Grind two teaspoons of rose hips and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Boil the berries and insist for half an hour. Strain the finished infusion, moisten a clean cloth in it and apply lotions on the eyes when pus is released;

  • Pound 10 g of plantain seeds in a mortar and pour them with a glass of boiling water, then leave for half an hour and strain. In the finished infusion, moisten a clean cloth and apply lotions to the eyes. You can also rinse your eyes with infusion as needed;

  • Collect fresh Datura leaves and grind them. Then pour 30 g of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then strain. Ready infusion to use for the manufacture of lotions.

What is the recovery treatment after conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis can provoke various visual impairments associated with damage to the mucous membrane of the eye. Therefore, after a complete recovery, a person may be disturbed by periodic discomfort, which is quite treatable. Currently, ophthalmologists recommend that immediately after the relief of inflammation in conjunctivitis, the use of local drugs that accelerate healing and full recovery tissue structures (reparants).

Among the most effective and commonly used reparants is Solcoseryl eye gel, made from the blood of dairy calves.

This drug activates the metabolism at the cellular level, as a result of which tissue restoration occurs in a short time. In addition, there is a complete restoration of the damaged structure, which, accordingly, creates conditions for the normalization of the functions of the damaged organ, in this case the eye. Solcoseryl ensures the formation of a normal and uniform mucous membrane of the eye, which will perfectly perform its functions and will not create any subjective discomfort. Thus, restorative treatment after conjunctivitis consists in the use of Solcoseryl eye gel for 1 to 3 weeks.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Conjunctivitis drops are the most popular pharmacological form that allows you to target inflamed tissues. Conjunctivitis is a common ophthalmic disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the eyes that have arisen against the background of activation of pathogenic or opportunistic microflora.

Anatomical features of the organ and pathogenesis of the disease

The eye is covered by a special membrane - the conjunctiva. It will allow the organ of vision to optimally perform all its physiological processes and functions. The shell protects the eye from harmful effects environment. This structure is responsible for the processes of lacrimation, the distribution of fluid, nourishes the eyes, preventing drying out.

The conjunctiva can be damaged in a variety of ways. The affected mucous membrane becomes rough and cloudy, the general visual functions. A person experiences severe discomfort from conjunctivitis in any form.

The main types and forms of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis can be of endogenous or exogenous origin. This pathology is classified from the standpoint of what was the key reason, how the eye is affected, how the inflammatory process develops. The table shows the main types of the disease.

The main categories of eye drops for conjunctivitis

Eye drops from conjunctivitis are also divided into several types, depending on which pathogen and the nature of the disease you have to deal with. Conventionally, all drugs can be divided into the following types:

  • antibacterial drops;
  • antiviral agents;
  • allergy drops.

In turn, each type of similar pharmacological products is divided into several subspecies. For example, antibiotics can be synthetic natural basis(herbal remedies), purely antibacterial or antiseptic action.

Drops for the treatment of viral pathology: a review of funds

Some drops from conjunctivitis in adults and children are considered universal. They are prescribed to everyone, regardless of age, gender, other characteristics. The main condition is that the drug must act precisely on the pathogen that has provoked the disease at the moment.

The table below discusses the main ophthalmic preparations for the elimination of viral agents on the conjunctiva.

Oftalmoferon The drug can be used by both an adult patient and a child. The highly effective combination product contains special immunostimulating elements, as well as an important component - alpha-2b.

Recombinant and antihistamine components have an enhanced antiviral effect on any tissue of the human body. The drug can be used up to 8 times a day, instilling a few drops into each eye.

In the process of treatment, it is important to gradually reduce the dosage, minimizing the amount of the drug.

Oftan Idu Nucleotide preparation based on idoxuridine and yoduridine. It suppresses the ability to live of most viruses, disrupting the synthesis of proteins and acids of pathogenic agents.

The drug is relevant only for the treatment of advanced forms of conjunctivitis. A few drops are instilled into each eye every 60 minutes during the day. At night, use the drug 1 time in 2 hours. It is permissible to use in intensive mode for 21 days. Then for several days, 2-3 drops are administered 2 times a day.

The drug is not used to treat children under 2 years of age.

Florenal (0.1%) The drug has a good effect on viral agents, quickly eliminating them from the mucous membrane of the eye. Buried 1-3 times a day, a few drops in each eye.

The drug is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

Tebrofen (0.1%) Good antiviral drug. Destroys pathogens quickly and effectively, without affecting the functional potential of the visual organ.

Instill the remedy up to 3 times a day.

Gludanthane (0.1%) Drops do well with viruses of various types. Allergic conjunctivitis is also well eliminated. Treatment, as a rule, is not complicated by any side effects. It is well tolerated in the elderly, as well as in small children.

With a mild and moderate form of the course of the disease, drops are instilled 1-3 times a day. If conjunctivitis is severe, the frequency of drug administration is increased to 5-6 times a day.

Poludan The drug is prescribed for "classic" viral conjunctivitis, as well as for various forms blepharoconjunctivitis.
Interferon (solution form) There are many varieties of formulations based on interferon. Among them, two medicines are distinguished - Ophthalmoferon and Lokferon. Such eye drops from conjunctivitis simultaneously neutralize both viral agents and bacterial pathogens. In parallel, there is a correction of the local immune response.

Drops for the treatment of antibacterial conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis of bacterial origin is cured with antimicrobial medicines. Feature bacterial variety of the disease - the presence of purulent exudate that bleeds from the eye.

Drops are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to a specific active substance. It is extremely important to determine which bacterial agent caused the inflammatory process.

The table shows the most popular and effective drugs ophthalmic type to eliminate bacteria.

Name of the pharmacological product Description, key characteristics of the drug, features of use
Phloxal It has a wide range of effects on the tissues of the human body. The active components in the composition of the drops destroy pathogenic agents without disturbing visual functions (including transient ones).

Depending on the stage and severity of the disease, the drug is used 2-5 times a day. To achieve a better therapeutic effect, the drug is combined with antibacterial ointments. Medicinal combinations are thought out exclusively by the attending physician.

Albucid (20% or 30% in solution) Preferred for children minimum dose, for adults - solutions with a maximum concentration. The product may cause a slight burning sensation.

The solution is instilled 1-3 drops 4-5 times a day.

Oftadek A good antiseptic, which is prescribed only by the attending physician. The number of injections per day is up to 6. 3 drops are instilled into each eye.
Tsipromed An effective antimicrobial drug that is also prescribed for the treatment of blepharoconjunctivitis.
Gentomycin (0.25%) Drops are able to sanitize and disinfect the mucous membranes. The active components of the composition eliminate the vast majority of pathogenic microorganisms.
zinc sulfate Antibacterial agent for adult patients. Instill 1-2 drops every 4 hours.
Vitabact The drug is approved for all patients, even for newborns from the first days of life. The active ingredient is picloxidine. Up to 6 times a day, 1-2 drops are injected into each eye. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Drugs for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis develops when the mucous membrane of the eye comes into contact with any allergenic substances. It can be any chemical compounds, plant pollen, animal hair, cosmetics.

In any case, antihistamines should be used to combat allergic conjunctivitis. It is also important to find out which allergen provokes the disease, and eliminate it as much as possible.

The main antihistamine pharmacological products for the eyes in the form of drops are presented below.

  1. Histimet is a drug that selectively blocks histamine receptors. Well eliminates swelling, itching, redness of the mucous membranes. The drug is instilled 1-2 drops in each eye twice a day. With severe allergies, a double number of installations is allowed.
  2. Hydrocortisone in the form of drops is a glucocorticosteroid of synthetic origin. It relieves local inflammatory reactions, stimulates a local immune response, eliminates unpleasant allergy symptoms (itching, beauty, swelling of the eyelids).
  3. Allergodil is a drug of combined action. Removes puffiness, blocks histamine receptors, helps to get rid of edema. The drug is instilled three times a day, 1-2 drops.
  4. Opanatol is an anti-allergic agent based on olopatadine. Drops eliminate all allergy symptoms. It is allowed to use the drug from several days to 4 months.

Features of using eye drops

For the treatment of fungal conjunctivitis, as a rule, drugs made to order are required. It is important to identify which fungi cause the inflammatory process, and then select the appropriate antifungal agents.

With a disease of allergic, viral and fungal origin, antibacterial drops and ointments for the eyes are often prescribed. This is necessary so that new foci, now of bacterial origin, do not additionally form on the mucous membranes.


Only a competent ophthalmologist can select a drug or a set of medicines for the treatment of conjunctivitis. He will take into account all the features, conduct a thorough diagnosis, relying on experience and knowledge, will be able to choose the optimal treatment regimen.

When trying to self-medicate, the patient may not only not cure his disease, but also aggravate the problem.

The eyes are a very vulnerable organ. Contact with mucous membranes of bacteria and viruses often provokes the development of inflammation. Conjunctivitis is accompanied by redness of the proteins, soreness, tearing, swelling, dryness of the eyelids and the formation of purulent discharge.

In the treatment of the disease, eye drops are widely used for conjunctivitis. The selection of therapy should be done by a doctor, based on the degree of development of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.

The main types of conjunctivitis

Depending on the nature of the disease, there are several types of the disease:

The bacterial and infectious form of the disease is transmitted to others, so when signs of conjunctivitis appear, precautions should be taken.

Allergic inflammation is usually accompanied by rhinitis and skin rashes. The infectious form of the disease does not appear immediately. After infection, it can take from 4 to 12 days and only after that the first signs appear.

The following symptoms help to recognize viral conjunctivitis in adults and children:

  • redness;
  • tearing;
  • the formation of follicles on the eyelids is possible;
  • serous discharge;
  • enlargement of the anterior lymph nodes, causing pain when you press;
  • photophobia;
  • sensation of the presence of crumbs in the eyes;
  • cloudy cornea.

Symptoms may vary depending on the type of viral conjunctivitis.

Experts identify the 5 most common:

  • epidemic form;
  • pharyngoconjunctival fever;
  • herpetic form;
  • conjunctivitis caused by novolat.

The incubation period for bacterial conjunctivitis is much shorter and rarely exceeds 2 days.

After infection, they begin to appear:

  • puffiness;
  • redness;
  • burning;
  • discomfort, similar to getting a speck in the eye;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • bacteria usually affect one organ, then the disease spreads to both eyes;
  • temperature rise is possible.

A feature of allergic conjunctivitis is the fact that the disease affects both eyes at once.

The following signs help to calculate allergic conjunctivitis:

  • development together with conjunctivitis allergic rhinitis, abundant mucous discharge from the nose, irritating the mucous membrane of the eyes even more;
  • the appearance of severe itching and burning;
  • tearing;
  • feeling of dryness;
  • sore eyes;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • redness.

Top 9 Known Eye Drops for Conjunctivitis

Before contacting a pharmacy for a drug, you need to understand that it is extremely difficult to choose the right drug without establishing the cause of conjunctivitis. It's almost impossible to do it on your own.

Treatment with eye drops for most patients gives a quick and tangible result, but bacterial conjunctivitis requires the use of antibiotics.

In the infectious form, the medicines used should have an antiviral effect. In the case with allergic manifestations Sometimes it’s enough just to isolate yourself from the annoying factor. What eye drops for conjunctivitis do most patients trust?


The tool is used for various types of diseases. Equally effective eye drops rid the body of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The great popularity of eye drops is largely due to its low cost, approximately from 25 rubles.

Instructions for use involves the use of these eye drops without consulting a doctor. In this case, the period of use is limited to three days.

It is forbidden to use the medicine for pregnant women, newborns and persons with individual intolerance to the components of the solution.

Eye drops have only one side effect - the possible development of allergies.


Eye drops are produced on the basis of the antibiotic tobramycin. Successfully relieves inflammation caused by staphylococci, intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as other harmful microorganisms. The cost of the drug fluctuates around 200 rubles.


It is contraindicated in the presence of allergic manifestations on it and other glycolysides. It is also not recommended to use these eye drops during pregnancy and lactation.

Tobramycin can cause:

  • headache;
  • lethargy;
  • disorientation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • anemia and other phenomena.

Approximate price in the area 180-193 rubles.


Another inexpensive remedy for bacterial conjunctivitis. Eye drops are available in different concentrations of 20% and 30%, thanks to which the remedy is used to treat patients of different ages.

The solution is contraindicated in case of allergies to sulfonamides. They are allowed to be used by pregnant women and young children.

Among the unpleasant side effects can be observed:

  • burning;
  • tearing.

There are such drops around 50-55 rubles.


Drops with an antibiotic - ciprofloxacin from a number of fluoroquinils. Resists gonococcal bacteria, spirochetes and klesiella. The price of this drug is not high and is about 150 rubles.

The tool can not be used in the treatment of:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients with viral keratitis;
  • babies of the first year of life;
  • people with hypersensitivity to ciprofloxacin and other quinols.

Eye drops can cause sensation: itching, burning, soreness. Eyelids rarely swell, photophobia develops, nausea and vomiting appear.


Analogue of Tsiprolet. The same active substance, direction of action and effectiveness of application. The price is also not too different from the cost of the previous medication and is approximately 150 rubles.


Antibiotic with antiviral action. Thanks to ofloxacin, the drug is recommended for diseases caused by streptococci, staphylococci, fungi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. You can buy medicine less than 200 rubles.

The list of side effects of eye drops contains the following items:

  • burning;
  • redness of the skin around the eyes;
  • tearing;
  • photophobia;
  • swelling of the eyelids.

In addition to allergic reactions to ofloxacin, the list of contraindications includes pregnancy and lactation. After instillation, a temporary decrease in vision is possible, which is restored after half an hour.

There is a possibility of developing photophobia, which will help to cope Sunglasses. When using 2 types of drops, you will need to withstand a five-minute break after using Floksal.

Sulfacyl sodium

Same as Albucid. As in the situation with Tsipromed and Tsiprolet, the difference lies only in the name and the manufacturer. There is no significant difference in price between these eye drops.


The drug is made on the basis of taurine. The substance has a positive effect on the retina and copes with many disease-causing processes, including inflammatory ones.

Drops are applied when inflammation begins to spread from the retina to the corneas of the eyes. Taufon costs in pharmacies approximately 150 rubles.

A tangible advantage of the drug is the absence of side effects and contraindications, except for an allergy to taurine.

The main condition is the individual calculation of the dosage and the number of eye drops.


The medicine contains nepafenac. The substance has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling and itching. Resorting to these eye drops for conjunctivitis is necessary in extreme cases. Prolonged use and exceeding the allowable dosage can lead to decreased vision.

cost of eye drops more than 500 rubles.

The impact of Nevanak on children has not been tested, so its use under 18 years of age is not recommended. Also, you can not use eye drops for pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects may include:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • photophobia;
  • discomfort in the eyes;
  • the formation of crusts on the eyelids;
  • clouding of the corneas;
  • decreased vision;
  • swelling of the eyes;
  • sinusitis;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dry mouth.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis in children

Conjunctivitis of this type is caused by external factors. The disease is often provoked by pollen, animal hair, dust and other allergens. Removing inflammation with an antiviral or antibacterial agent is not effective. Here we need a different approach. Additional adjustments in the choice of therapy in children are made by their age.

  1. Allergodil. Suitable for children over 4 years old. Price from 365 rubles. The tool has a long-lasting effect. In addition, the medicine has practically no contraindications;
  2. Levocabastin. Price in pharmacies from 259 rubles. Not suitable for babies, but widely used in the treatment of adolescents over 12 years old;
  3. Lecrolin. The therapeutic effect is achieved through sodium cromoglycate. Drops cost about from 102 rubles. The tool is approved for use from the first days after birth;

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis in children

Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis can only affect one organ. Unpleasant symptoms cause discomfort, and children often climb into the eyes. Instillation into both eyes will help to avoid the spread of infection, and the passing introduction of bacteria.

  1. Florenal. The price of the drops is unknown, since the drug is not on sale in Russian pharmacies. An effective remedy, but often causes side effects in the form of a burning sensation in the eyes. Such a reaction is unlikely to please the child;
  2. Albumen. Price from 1500. The most commonly used drug. It is shown both for the treatment of infectious inflammatory processes and bacterial ones;
  3. Oftan Idu. Price 250-350 rubles. Suitable for children over 2 years old. First drops are used hourly during the day and after 2 hours at night. Treatment must be continued after the symptoms have been relieved for a few more days;
  4. Oftalmoferon. Price starts from 250 rubles. They differ in their speed. Relief from symptoms occurs in a short time. Neutralization of viruses is not accompanied by side effects. Oftalmoferon has antiviral, immunomodulatory and antihistamine properties. The anti-allergic effect helps to get rid of itching and the child scratches his eyes less. Begin treatment with frequent instillation, up to 8 times a day. As you recover, the number of applications is reduced to 2;
  5. Aktipol. Price from 100 to 200 rubles. Apply drops up to 8 times a day. After the signs of conjunctivitis disappear, the treatment is continued for another week with three daily procedures.

Viral conjunctivitis in children can be caused by infections that provoke otitis, tonsillitis or other respiratory diseases.

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis in children

  1. Levomecithin - from 15 rubles. Does not cause an adverse reaction, but can provoke allergic manifestations;
  2. Futsitalmik - from 419 rubles. It also contains substances that can cause allergies;
  3. Interferon - from 195 rubles. Excellent antibacterial agent. Refers to the safest drugs for conjunctivitis and is prescribed for children from birth;
  4. Floksal - from 187 rubles. The use of this medicine will not cause any side effects or allergic reactions in the child;
  5. Albucid - from 50 rubles. The most popular drug. 1-2 drops are instilled into each eye 4 to 6 times a day;
  6. Tsiprolet or Tsipromed - from 64 rubles. Can be used in children up to a year. The course of treatment is a week and begins with frequent instillations with an interval of 2 hours. Gradually, the number of procedures is halved.

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis in adults

Most drops used to treat viral conjunctivitis in children will work for adults. But in some cases, eye drops are used, which are contraindicated for small patients.

  1. Tebrofen (out of production, can be replaced by analogues). Drops are available in different concentrations. For the treatment of conjunctivitis in adults, only a 1% solution is used. The drug is used in the minimum dosage three times a day;
  2. Gludanthan. strong and effective remedy for the treatment of conjunctivitis, but it is not advisable to use it more than 3 times a day. The solution is instilled three times a day with a mild degree of the disease; for advanced forms, the number of procedures is increased to 6;
  3. Florenal. With conjunctivitis, a 1% solution is prescribed. The use of this remedy involves frequent instillations, up to 6 times a day;
  4. Tobrex. The main active ingredient of the drops is an antibiotic. This achieves a wide spectrum of action of the drug;
  5. Phloxal. Able to destroy not only viruses, but also bacteria. Drops are not recommended to be used more than 4 times a day and longer than 14 days;
  6. Albucid. It brings quick relief, and is also able to defeat bacteria.

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis in adults

The disease occurs due to infection with streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci, chlamydia, and other bacteria. The disease is spread by airborne droplets, contact or sexual contact.

The most commonly used in treatment are:

  1. Sulfacyl sodium. For the treatment of adults, a 30% solution of the drug is taken. Drops are used 3 times a day at the dosage prescribed by the doctor;
  2. zinc sulfate. The concentration of the solution depends on the severity of conjunctivitis and is selected specifically for the patient. 1-25% solution is instilled three times at equal intervals;
  3. Gentamicin. It is an analogue of levomecithin and has a strong antibacterial effect. Dosage and number of applications is calculated individually by an ophthalmologist;
  4. Ophthalmodec. Usually prescribed 3 drops of medication 5 times a day;
  5. norsulfazol. The standard dosage for adults is 2 drops three times a day;
  6. Tobrex. Has a strong antibacterial effect. The medicine effectively fights various types of pathogens. The doctor is responsible for calculating the dosage and the number of doses;
  7. Levomecithin. In the treatment of this drug, the dosage and frequency of use for children and adults is the same;
  8. Phloxal. Eye drops are used 4 times a day, 1 drop.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis in adults

Allergic conjunctivitis in adults has more severe symptoms than in children. Therefore, the treatment is slightly different, other means are used. Drops should relieve inflammation, swelling, get rid of tearing and redness.

These properties combine the following drugs:

  1. Claritin. An antihistamine used three times a day, 1 drop;
  2. Cortisone. Potent hormonal drug which should be used with caution due to a large number contraindications;
  3. Ophthalmodec. Eye drops combine antihistamine and antibacterial properties, therefore, in addition to allergic conjunctivitis, they effectively treat the bacterial form of the disease;
  4. lacrisifi. It has a stronger effect than Claritin.

In addition to the listed drops, the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are relieved by:

  • Opatanol;
  • Allergodil;
  • Histimet;
  • Kromoheksal;
  • Loratadine;
  • Telfast;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Azelastine;
  • Krom-Allerg.

Eye drops for purulent conjunctivitis

Purulent conjunctivitis is more often diagnosed in children, but it also occurs in adults. The peculiarity of this type of disease is that conjunctivitis can go away on its own. That's just the lack of treatment can lead to serious complications and serious consequences.

Getting rid of unpleasant symptoms and relief of the condition will come much faster after applying the drops. The nature of purulent conjunctivitis can be different. Usually, complex treatment is used, combining antibacterial and antiviral agents.

The following symptoms help to distinguish purulent conjunctivitis:

  • purulent discharge;
  • sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the eye;
  • burning;
  • puffiness;
  • photophobia.

Of the drops for the treatment of this form of the disease, Levomecithin is most often used, due to its high efficiency, ability to resist infections and bacteria, and affordable prices.

Effective treatment should include several steps:

  1. Removal of purulent secretions. For this, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or herbal infusions is suitable. Pus will be easier to wash out by douching, using a syringe without a needle. The preparatory stage is very important, otherwise the accumulated secretions will interfere with the distribution and action of the drops;
  2. Levomycetin or another drug prescribed by a doctor is instilled. With severe lacrimation, eye drops are quickly washed out, their effectiveness decreases, so medicines are used every hour. Medicines should be used that do not give adverse reactions in case of excessive instillation, i.e. that have only a local effect without getting into the blood.

With purulent conjunctivitis, it is better to combine drops with ointments that are laid at night. The pus is more pronounced when the eyelids are closed, and the lack of nightly treatment leads to a large accumulation of discharge and sticking of the eyelashes.

In addition to using Levomycitin, they get rid of pus in the eyes with the help of Oftadek, Gentamicin, Tobrex and Albucid.

Use of drops during pregnancy

Conjunctivitis during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the woman, but also for the baby. Infection of an infant can occur at the time of its passage through the birth canal.

The choice of therapy will again depend on the nature of the conjunctivitis. The viral form goes away on its own in a few days, but drops with an anti-inflammatory effect and washings will be required to relieve symptoms. The doctor should prescribe eye drops, taking into account the duration of pregnancy and the degree of the disease.

Based on the examination and identification of the cause of conjunctivitis, the ophthalmologist may prescribe the following drops:


You can prevent and avoid the development of complications with the help of simple actions:

  1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  2. Reduce frequent touching of the eyes, especially if the hands have not been washed before;
  3. Use only personal hygiene items: towels, bed sheets, make-up products;
  4. After swimming in a pool or open water, it is necessary to rinse your eyes thoroughly, it is advisable to do this with clean boiled water;
  5. When identifying the first signs of conjunctivitis, visits to public places should be abandoned in order to prevent additional infection and not infect others;
  6. With the development of the disease in a child, try to tell him about the dangers of touching his eyes and often wash his hands with him;
  7. Strengthen the immune system by taking vitamin-mineral complexes and using other generally accepted measures.


  1. The choice of drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis is very large. Some are allowed to be used by both a child and an adult, others are suitable only for a certain age category. The same eye drops can be used to treat infectious and bacterial conjunctivitis.
  2. For effective treatment of the disease, it is necessary to take appropriate measures when the first symptoms appear. First, you need to seek the advice of an ophthalmologist, and not rely on your own opinion and the advice of others. Pharmacy pharmacists are not narrow specialists and can advise drops only at their discretion and will not guarantee that they will fit in any particular case.
  3. Eye drops used in the treatment of conjunctivitis are distinguished by their affordable price. Even if the doctor prescribes an expensive drug, it is not difficult to find it cheap analogue for the active substance.
  4. With the right approach, conjunctivitis is treated in a matter of days, and symptom relief occurs almost from the first time the drops are applied. Therefore, it is very important to determine the nature of the disease, follow the recommendations of a specialist and follow preventive measures to avoid relapses.


Good day, dear readers! Since the mucous membrane of the eyeball is very thin and sensitive, when viruses, microbes, fungi or substances that cause allergies enter it, it instantly becomes inflamed, which leads to the development of conjunctivitis.

One of the most common types of ophthalmic disease is viral conjunctivitis in adults, which almost always occurs against the background of other diseases of similar origin (rubella, measles, mumps, etc.).

In most cases, the disease proceeds in an acute form and is easily transmitted from person to person. Let's talk about possible ways getting rid of this eye disease.

How does viral conjunctivitis manifest itself?

In 75% of cases, infections and viruses that cause respiratory diseases act as a provoking factor in viral conjunctivitis. The spread of this type of ailment occurs mainly by household means, and sometimes by airborne droplets.

Very often, this type of conjunctivitis begins at the same time as a cold and goes away with it.

Speaking about the symptoms, I note that with such a pathology the following occurs:

  1. Vessels increase and the nerve endings of the eyes are irritated, which leads to severe redness, itching and tearing.
  2. A serous discharge appears in one eye, which soon spreads to the other eye.
  3. There is photophobia.
  4. It seems as if there is a presence in the organs of vision foreign body.
  5. Follicles are formed on the mucous membrane of the eyeball.

General information about the treatment of viral conjunctivitis in adults

How to cure viral conjunctivitis quickly? This question worries every person who is faced with a similar problem. As I said, treatment should be comprehensive.

Thanks to early diagnosis and timely medical intervention, it is possible to cure the disease in 10-12 days.

See also: Rules for taking antibiotics for conjunctivitis.

Complex therapy involves the use of antiviral, antiseptic and antibacterial drugs. The average duration of treatment for this type of conjunctivitis in adults is 12-21 days. If the disease is provoked by a herpes infection, the treatment process lasts from 3 to 4 weeks.

Effective drops for viral conjunctivitis

I bring to your attention a list of the most popular and most effective drops that ophthalmologists prescribe to patients suffering from viral conjunctivitis:

  • Oftalmoferon. These drops have an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the content of human interferon in their composition, it is possible to achieve antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

If the disease proceeds in an acute form, it is necessary to instill eyes with Otfalmoferon 6 to 8 times daily (1-2 drops in each eye), and as you recover, the number of instillations is reduced to 2-3 times a day.

For a list of the most effective drops for conjunctivitis in children, see here.

  • Poludan. Antiviral drops used to treat herpetic and adenovirus eye infections. With viral conjunctivitis, you need to drip 1-2 drops in each eye 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.
  • Aktipol. With the help of these antiviral drops, it is possible to accelerate the processes of regeneration of tissues and mucous membranes of the eye. It is necessary to bury the inflamed organs of vision with Actipol for 10 days, dripping 3 to 8 times, 2 drops in each eye.

What antiviral drugs are prescribed for this disease?

The following antiviral drugs help fight viral conjunctivitis:

  • Phloxal. The action of antibacterial drops is aimed at preventing the reproduction of viruses and their destruction. They effectively fight the manifestations of viral and adenovirus conjunctivitis. Floxal should be instilled in the eyes three times a day, 1-2 drops for 2 weeks.

If the disease is advanced and there are complications, the therapeutic course is extended to 40-45 days, but this decision should be made by the attending physician.

  • Acyclovir. Tablets that have an antiviral effect and are highly active against the herpes virus. The recommended daily dose for adults is 200 mg 4 times a day. The course of treatment with Acyclovir lasts 5 days, but if necessary, it is extended to 10 days.

Often, the mucous membrane of the eye cannot cope with the pathogenic microflora and begins to become inflamed. In this case, the medicine for conjunctivitis will help. Conjunctivitis is characterized by its rapid progression and does not tolerate treatment delay. You can stop the development of the disease already at first, but it is important to know an effective remedy in the treatment of this disease. It is undesirable to postpone a visit to an ophthalmologist.

Causes and symptoms of eye disease

Conjunctivitis is characterized as pathological condition mucous membrane of the eyeball. This is an inflammation of the thin film that covers the front of the visual analyzer and performs a protective function. She constantly encounters pathogenic microorganisms.

Irritation of the conjunctiva is more common in children due to frequent rubbing of the eyes with dirty hands.

Sometimes the development of conjunctivitis is observed during or after a cold. Such inflammation passes quickly enough (no more than a week), requires standard treatment and leaves no complications.

But the disease that developed against the background of viruses or bacteria (staphylococcus, E. coli) getting on the mucous membrane is more complex and requires the right approach to therapy. Such conjunctivitis is dangerous for others, it is quickly transmitted by contact or airborne droplets.

The disease can also be developed as an allergic reaction:

  • for cosmetics;
  • for medicines;
  • on animal hair;
  • on air pollution.

If the irritant is not eliminated, and relapses of conjunctivitis occur frequently, then the disease becomes chronic, which is quite difficult to treat.

In adults, as in children, the development of the disease may be associated with the influence external factors or be a manifestation of diseases in the body.

Depending on what exactly caused the development of the disease, there are also varieties of conjunctivitis:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • allergic;
  • fungal.

There are also chronic and acute forms of the disease.

The characteristic signs will differ depending on the type of conjunctivitis, but the following manifestations of the disease can be attributed to the general symptoms:

  • burning in the eyes, feeling of sand;
  • redness of the sclera;
  • discharge (purulent, cloudy);
  • increased lacrimation;
  • non-perception of bright light;
  • swelling on the eyelids.

Fundamentals of disease therapy

At the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist for advice. Postponing therapy is not worth it. Launched conjunctivitis often acquires characteristics chronic process which is very difficult to treat.

The treatment of the disease consists in the selection of a medicine that will help not only relieve the symptoms, but is also aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

Only a doctor can determine what exactly became the impetus for the onset of the inflammatory process. And only he will select medicines that will destroy the pathogen. In addition, other drugs are prescribed that have anti-inflammatory, regenerating, anti-allergic effects.

Even if the inflammatory process takes place in one eye, conjunctivitis is treated for both eyes. This prevents the transition of pathogenic microflora.

The treatment takes place on an outpatient basis, subject to the implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor.

Along with medications, herbal infusions and decoctions can also be recommended. But even here there are certain rules for their application.

  1. For lotions, a bandage or gauze folded several times is used. Cotton wool is not used, as its pile can get into the eye and cause additional irritation.
  2. For each eye, a separate piece of gauze is used, and each time it is recommended to put a new one.
  3. The prepared herbal solution is used only once. It cannot be reused.

Before applying the drug, it is necessary to rinse the eyes from accumulated mucus and purulent contents. Furacilin or infusion of pharmacy chamomile is used as a wash.

Conjunctivitis is treated individually, but the precautions outlined above are mandatory, regardless of the cause of the disease.

Features of therapy depending on the type of disease

It has already been mentioned that the treatment and choice of means to achieve a positive result largely depends on the correct identification of the causative agent of conjunctivitis.

Consider some of the features of therapy, depending on the cause of the development of the disease:

  1. Bacterial conjunctivitis is most common in children. Babies, especially newborns, do not always control their movements, which leads to damage to the mucous membrane of the eye and infection. For such crumbs, it is undesirable to use drugs based on sodium sulfacyl, which are actively used to treat adults. Newborns and small children are recommended for therapy with Tobrex drops, which do not cause irritation, are painless, and hypoallergenic.
  2. Viral conjunctivitis - enough dangerous disease. It is manifested by unpleasant sensations in the eyes, which are accompanied by burning and itching. For treatment, drugs based on interferon (Lokferon, Oftalmoferon, Interferon alfa 2) are used.
  3. If the cause of the development of the disease is an allergic factor, then such a disease is quite difficult to treat. Therapy is usually complex and consists of drops, and anti-allergic tablets for oral administration may also be prescribed. They help to quickly stop unpleasant symptoms.

Before starting the use of any remedy, a doctor's consultation is necessary. This is especially important if conjunctivitis is determined in a pregnant woman, during lactation or in children.

Often, therapy for adults is more aggressive than for children. In the complex treatment of conjunctivitis (bacterial), antibiotics, Levomycetin, Albucid, Futsitalmik, Tsiprolet, Vitabakt can be included. These drugs should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and for a certain number of days.

A disease such as conjunctivitis can cause a deterioration in the quality of the visual analyzer. And even after a complete cure, the patient may complain of discomfort in the eyes that occur periodically. Pharmacology today presents Solcoseryl eye gel, which ophthalmologists use as a restorative agent.

Its effect on the mucous membrane and conjunctiva:

  • accelerates the healing of damaged tissues at the cellular level;
  • normalizes metabolism and organ function;
  • restores tissues in a short time.

Folk methods and recipes can be used in complex therapy in adults. Usually these are eye washes and lotions.

Using only them, it will not be possible to cure the disease, therefore folk recipes should be used only as auxiliary methods of cleaning the eye from accumulated pus and mucus. In addition, do not forget that many components of traditional medicine can cause an allergic reaction, which will aggravate the situation.

Here are some recipes:

  • dill greens are passed through a meat grinder and the juice is squeezed out, from which lotions are made at the first signs of the disease;
  • honey is dissolved in water in a ratio of 2: 1 and the eyes are instilled with the resulting liquid;
  • crush a few rose hips (no more than 5) and pour boiling water over them, put on fire until boiling, leave for 30 minutes, strain and make lotions.

Always remember the methods of preventing the disease, follow the rules of hygiene, and the problems of conjunctivitis will not affect you.

Conjunctivitis is a fairly common eye disease. Both adults and children suffer from it. Redness of the mucous membrane, itching, pain, purulent discharge - these characteristic symptoms inflammatory process.

For the treatment of conjunctivitis, pharmacies have a variety of eye drops for adults and children. How to understand this variety and choose the right ones? To do this, you need to know exactly the cause that caused your inflammation of the conjunctiva, and in accordance with this, select medicines.

All eye drops from conjunctivitis are divided into several types, each drug is suitable for the treatment of a certain type of conjunctivitis:

  1. Bacterial - easily treatable with antibiotics, in the form of ointments, drops, and in some cases tablets.
  2. Viral - eye drops antiviral and antiviral drugs of general action.
  3. Allergic - disappears as soon as the action of the allergen on the mucous membrane of the eye stops.

The first two species are contagious, so always be careful when dealing with people who show signs of sore eyes. Among ointments and eye drops from various kinds conjunctivitis, there are both cheap remedies and more expensive ones. The choice of this or that drug should be determined by a specialist, taking into account the existing contraindications and effectiveness in each case.

Drops from bacterial conjunctivitis

The choice of effective eye drops in the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis is quite wide.

The most commonly used eye drops are:

  1. Albucid - 65 rubles. Produced in the form of a 20% solution used to treat conjunctivitis in children and 30% for adults.
  2. Levomycetin - 35 rubles. Relate to drugs with a wide scope of action. Their use negatively affects the development of gram-negative and gram-positive inflammatory pathogens.
  3. Tobrex - 190 rubles. The main substance is tobramycin, which fights staphylococci, Escherichia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria.
  4. Tsipromed - 140 rubles. They contain ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action, which is also active against gonococci, spirochetes and Klebsiella.
  5. Floksal - 180 rubles. Antimicrobial eye drops containing the antibiotic ofloxacin, which has a bactericidal effect on streptococci, fungi, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, chlamydia.

These drugs are the main ones for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children and adults, but the choice should be made by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the disease and individual characteristics.

Drops from viral conjunctivitis

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis are designed to enhance immune system and prevent the multiplication of the pathogen in the tissues.

A sample list of good antiviral eye drops:

  1. Aktipol. Solution with antiviral, antioxidant and regenerative properties. The active substance is para-aminobenzoic acid (interferon inducer). The average price is 220 rubles.
  2. Poludan. The drug is designed to eliminate adenovirus and herpetic infection, developed on the basis of a polyribonucleotide complex. Price 120-130 rubles.
  3. Oftalmoferon. A drug containing alpha-2 interferon. It has an antiviral and immunostimulating effect. Helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain with conjunctivitis. The average price is 294 rubles.

It should be understood that viral infection quickly shifts from one eye to the other. As a result, in the presence of inflammation on the one hand, it is necessary to drip the second eye.

Drops from allergic conjunctivitis

Such drops are used for conjunctivitis of allergic origin, as well as for infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva to reduce unpleasant pathological manifestations - itching, redness, etc.

Here are some antiallergic medicinal solutions for the eyes:

  1. Allergodil. A powerful anti-allergic drug, has a long-term effect and practically does not cause side effects. Price 310-330 rubles.
  2. Kromoheksal. The main active ingredient of the drug is cromoglycic acid, which prevents the release of inflammatory mediators in case of allergies. The price is about 100 rubles.
  3. Opatanol. A potent antihistamine drug, the composition includes olopatadine. Price 380-420 rubles.
  4. Lecrolin. They prevent the release of mediators of an allergic reaction and effectively relieve allergy symptoms, the composition contains cromoglycic acid. The price is within 120-135 rubles.

The main components of the above drops are antihistamines.

Drops from conjunctivitis for children

Eye drops for conjunctivitis for children as such do not exist. Treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision in a child should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

  1. With a bacterial infection, the use of eye drops based on antibiotics is indicated.
  2. For viral infections, antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  3. In allergic conjunctivitis, antihistamines are indicated. Symptoms of the disease disappear immediately after the elimination of the allergen.

Topical agents are the safest for children, since they are practically not absorbed by the body and do not cause side effects from its various systems.

The drug for conjunctivitis can be in various pharmaceutical forms. Depending on the type of disease, the doctor may suggest antihistamines, antibacterials, antivirals, corticosteroids, topical NPS, membrane stabilizing or other drugs. Some of the drugs have direct contraindications and can enter the bloodstream, causing adverse reactions. That is why self-treatment of any form of conjunctivitis is unacceptable.

Principles of treatment of conjunctivitis

Therapy of conjunctivitis will not be successful if the patient does not adhere to the basic principles of its treatment. And the first of these concerns eye hygiene. Since bacteria and viruses can be transmitted by contact, it is necessary to use sterile, disposable and separate cotton swabs and discs for each eye. They are not allowed to be reused.

A mandatory rule should be the professional treatment of conjunctivitis. That is, at the first manifestations of the disease, you need to visit an ophthalmologist. But not all drugs to combat conjunctivitis will be equally useful and appropriate, because there are many varieties of this disease.

It is important to remove the root cause of conjunctivitis. So, when an allergic variant appears, the first task is to eliminate the allergen, with a viral one - the treatment of a common viral disease (flu, acute respiratory infections, etc.), bacterial - the fight against pathogenic microorganisms.

General therapy is aimed at combating the main symptoms and common disease. Meanwhile, to speed up the treatment, folk methods of struggle can also be used. In any case, the scheme should be determined by the doctor.

Washing, instillation of eye drops, lubrication of the eyelids with special ointments - these are the main manipulations that will have to be performed during the period of conjunctivitis.

It is important to pay attention to the storage conditions of medicines, because most of them contain live microorganisms, so they cannot be stored in a warm place.

Without knowing which of the varieties you have to deal with, it is absolutely impossible to use thermal methods of treatment. With a bacterial variant, such a procedure can cause a sharp deterioration in the situation. The same goes for cooling the eyes and eyelids.

Treatment of bacterial type of conjunctivitis

As a rule, bacterial conjunctivitis always occurs in an acute form. It often occurs in both adults and children. There are many specific pathogens that can lead to the development of this disease, in particular: pneumococci, gonococci, streptococci. In children, they can happen as a result of rubbing the eyes with dirty hands or after certain colds or infectious diseases, for example, after diphtheria.

To treat this type of disease, you do not have to spend a lot of time and medicines. Antibiotics are the main treatment. You can name the following:

  1. Albucid. Effective in case of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Among others, it has an affordable price. Can be used to treat children.
  2. Phloxal. The instillation of such a medicine is appropriate when it is necessary to fight salmonella, staphylococci, gonococci.
  3. Tobrex. The main active ingredient is tobramycin. It is able to overcome a lot of bacteria, however, some microorganisms of the staphylococcal group are resistant to it.
  4. Levomycetin. Differs in a wide spectrum of action. In addition to many bacteria, this medicine is also capable of destroying some large viruses. Although the drug is sold in the form of drops, however, it is able to partially penetrate into the general bloodstream, so it cannot be used for a long time.
  5. Fucitalmic. Considered a natural antibiotic. It is used exclusively locally (in the form of drops). Treatment of conjunctivitis should take courses. It does not have a large number of contraindications, however, it should be used with caution in therapy in infants.

It is possible to supplement the treatment with some ointments, in particular, erythromycin, tetracycline.

How to treat the viral variety?

Viral conjunctivitis is a consequence of various types of colds. Therefore, it is traditionally preceded by: high fever, runny nose, sore throat, sometimes indigestion, etc. According to therapists and ophthalmologists, the adult body is able to recover on its own, however, with the help of medications, this process can be accelerated. So, with a viral type of disease, it is appropriate to use eye ointments, which destroy herpetic manifestations and adenovirus, drops with an immunostimulating effect, special injections administered under the shell of the eye.

We can distinguish the following 3 main tools used in the fight against viral conjunctivitis:

  1. Oftalmoferon. This is a combined remedy that simultaneously performs 3 positive actions: antiallergic, antiviral and immunostimulating. IN acute period diseases, this effective remedy should be instilled into the conjunctivitis sac at the dose prescribed by the doctor 5-7 times a day. When the manifestations of the lesion decrease, the number of instillations also decreases accordingly.
  2. Aktipol. The active substance is an interferon inducer. The agent has an antiviral effect, in addition, it promotes the regeneration of the cornea of ​​​​the eye, and improves the water-salt balance. For getting sustainable result requires long-term treatment, even after the main manifestations of the disease are overcome.
  3. Oftan I go. Causes selective destruction of herpetic viruses. It is used in courses from several days to 3 weeks. The use of such a medicine is not very popular, because it is contraindicated in children of the first 3 years of life. In addition, the use of the product should be very frequent: in fact, every 2 hours (both day and night).

The specifics of the fight against allergic manifestations in the eyes

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when small allergen particles from the air get on the shell of the eye. It can be dust, sand, flower pollen, wool, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, household chemicals, etc. As a rule, this variant of the disease is accompanied by sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, swelling of the eyelids.

The first task in this case is to eliminate the main irritant, that is, the allergen.

It is better to rinse your eyes with warm water, but not in the case when chemicals are to blame (they, in combination with other substances, including water, can give an unpredictable reaction).

Quite often (especially for children), with an allergic variant of conjunctivitis, doctors suggest the use of antihistamines inside. These, in particular, include tablets Zirtek, Loratadin, Claritin, Telfast, Cetrin.

As for the drops in the eyes, in this case, you can name a lot of possible options. So, the most popular among ophthalmologists are:

  • histamine receptor blockers - Allergodil, Histimet, Vizin, Opatanol;
  • mast cell stabilizers - Krom-allergies, Hi-krom, Lekrolin, Kromoheksal;
  • membrane stabilizing agents - Zadiken, Lekrolin;
  • tear substitutes (relevant when the shell of the eye is especially dry, more often this happens in the elderly) - Oftolik, Defislez, Oftogel, Vidisik, Inoks;
  • in the inflammatory process of the cornea, drops with a vitamin composition are often prescribed - Quinax, Khrustalina, Taufon, Catalin, Katahrom, Vita-Yodurol;
  • corticosteroid drops (used only for conjunctivitis of particular complexity) - various options based on Hydrocortisol, Dexamethasone;
  • topical NPS - products based on Diclofenac.

Fight against purulent conjunctivitis

Particularly difficult and dangerous form considered purulent conjunctivitis. It is always manifested by adhesion of the eyelids, severe irritation of the cornea, the release of purulent fluid, and fear of light. Watching and doing any work in this case is especially difficult.

The effectiveness of treatment is ensured not only by the drugs recommended by doctors, but also by the sequence of actions, attentiveness and discipline in treatment. The treatment algorithm includes the following actions:

  • morning rinsing of the eyes with a solution of potassium permanganate: first, the main pus is removed from the eyelid with a cotton swab, then rinse the conjunctivile cavity with a jet of the same solution (a pear or a syringe without a needle is used for this function);
  • the cleaned eye is instilled with Levomycetin - an antimicrobial drug a wide range actions;
  • at night, put tetracycline ointment behind the eyelids.

Provided that purulent formations come to the surface during the day, washing and instillation should be repeated more often.

Eliminating the purulent type of conjunctivitis, be sure to take into account a few basic tips to combat it:

  1. You should not start instillation before the eyes are washed, because the purulent liquid will not allow the active substance to break through to the focus of the inflammatory process.
  2. Do not abuse eye drops. It is erroneous to say that the more liquid, the better the effect. Excess drops will simply flow down the cheek, irritating it.
  3. You can not skip the time of instillation. In the case of Levomycetin, such a procedure should occur every 50-60 minutes. If less often, then there is a risk of selection of microorganisms resistant to the agent, and the conjunctivitis itself then becomes chronic.

home remedies for conjunctivitis

Home treatments can be a good alternative to conventional medical treatment for conjunctivitis. And such folk medicine knows a lot:

  1. Chamomile. This plant can be used in a wide variety of ways. It is perfect for making lotions, washing the eyes, in addition, for making teas. The plant has a good anti-inflammatory effect and has virtually no contraindications. An allergic reaction as a result of the use of chamomile is a huge rarity.
  2. Black tea. One of the oldest medicines in the fight against eye diseases, not only in humans, but also in animals. Tea should be brewed at medium strength. Having moistened gauze in it, it is necessary to rinse the eyes in the direction from the corner to the base (it is closer to the nose).
  3. Dill. From this green for the treatment of the eyes, you need to squeeze the juice. After moistening the cotton pads, they should be applied for 14-18 minutes on the eyelids. On its basis, you can perform eye drops. To do this, boil crushed dill particles in one container, in addition, extracts of such plants: horsetail, chicory flowers, rose petals, marshmallow roots. The decoction should be quite strong. It is worth instilling according to the same principle as Levomycetin drops.
  4. Potato. Most suitable for performing compresses. To prepare the mixture, you need to grate the cleaned and washed product and mix it with the chicken egg. Apply the product in a small amount for 10-14 minutes.
  5. Tea mushroom. Although it is not as easy to obtain such a remedy as rose hips or honey, however, it will be especially useful. Kombucha perfectly raises both general and local immunity, therefore it can be used both for decoction for internal use and for washing.
  6. Bay leaf. Boiled for approximately 10 minutes. When the broth has cooled, a piece of gauze or a cotton pad is soaked in it, and then applied for half an hour on closed eyelids.

Summing up the above, we can conclude that conjunctivitis is one of those diseases that can be cured quickly and relatively easily. However, to obtain a positive result, the doctor must select a list of the best and most suitable drugs in this case, and the patient must adhere to the exact recommendations.

For the treatment of conjunctivitis, pharmacies have a variety of eye drops for adults and children. How to understand this variety and choose the right ones? To do this, you need to know exactly the cause that caused your inflammation of the conjunctiva, and in accordance with this, select medicines.

All eye drops from conjunctivitis are divided into several types, each drug is suitable for the treatment of a certain type of conjunctivitis:

  1. Bacterial - easily treatable with antibiotics, in the form of ointments, drops, and in some cases tablets.
  2. Viral - eye drops antiviral and antiviral drugs of general action.
  3. Allergic - disappears as soon as the action of the allergen on the mucous membrane of the eye stops.

The first two species are contagious, so always be careful when dealing with people who show signs of sore eyes. Among the ointments and eye drops for various types of conjunctivitis, there are both cheap and more expensive ones. The choice of this or that drug should be determined by a specialist, taking into account the existing contraindications and effectiveness in each case.

The choice of effective eye drops in the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis is quite wide.

The most commonly used eye drops are:

  1. Albucid - 65 rubles. Produced in the form of a 20% solution used to treat conjunctivitis in children and 30% for adults.
  2. Levomycetin - 35 rubles. Relate to drugs with a wide scope of action. Their use negatively affects the development of gram-negative and gram-positive inflammatory pathogens.
  3. Tobrex - 190 rubles. The main substance is tobramycin, which fights staphylococci, Escherichia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria.
  4. Tsipromed - 140 rubles. They contain ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action, which is also active against gonococci, spirochetes and Klebsiella.
  5. Floksal - 180 rubles. Antimicrobial eye drops containing the antibiotic ofloxacin, which has a bactericidal effect on streptococci, fungi, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, chlamydia.

These drugs are the main ones for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children and adults, but the choice should be made by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the disease and individual characteristics.

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis are designed to strengthen the immune system and prevent the pathogen from multiplying in tissues.

A sample list of good antiviral eye drops:

  1. Aktipol. Solution with antiviral, antioxidant and regenerative properties. The active substance is para-aminobenzoic acid (interferon inducer). The average price is 220 rubles.
  2. Poludan. The drug is designed to eliminate adenovirus and herpes infection, developed on the basis of a polyribonucleotide complex. Price 120-130 rubles.
  3. Oftalmoferon. A drug containing alpha-2 interferon. It has an antiviral and immunostimulating effect. Helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain in conjunctivitis. The average price is 294 rubles.

It should be understood that a viral infection is quickly transferred from one eye to another. As a result, in the presence of inflammation on the one hand, it is necessary to drip the second eye.

Such drops are used for conjunctivitis of allergic origin, as well as for infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva to reduce unpleasant pathological manifestations - itching, redness, etc.

Here are some antiallergic medicinal solutions for the eyes:

  1. Allergodil. A powerful anti-allergic drug, has a long-term effect and practically does not cause side effects. Price 310-330 rubles.
  2. Kromoheksal. The main active ingredient of the drug is cromoglycic acid, which prevents the release of inflammatory mediators in case of allergies. The price is about 100 rubles.
  3. Opatanol. A potent antihistamine drug, the composition includes olopatadine. Price 380-420 rubles.
  4. Lecrolin. They prevent the release of mediators of an allergic reaction and effectively relieve allergy symptoms, the composition contains cromoglycic acid. The price is within 120-135 rubles.

The main components of the above drops are antihistamines.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis for children as such do not exist. Treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision in a child should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

  1. With a bacterial infection, the use of eye drops based on antibiotics is indicated.
  2. For viral infections, antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  3. In allergic conjunctivitis, antihistamines are indicated. Symptoms of the disease disappear immediately after the elimination of the allergen.

Topical agents are the safest for children, since they are practically not absorbed by the body and do not cause side effects from its various systems.

An unpleasant and uncomfortable eye disease is conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Its symptoms are photophobia, redness of the eyes, lacrimation, which you want to get rid of as soon as possible. But it is not always possible to go to the doctor on time, and living and working with conjunctivitis is very uncomfortable. Most often, in the event of this eye disease, we go to the pharmacy and ask them to sell "some drops for conjunctivitis." Let's see what drugs are really effective against this disease.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis

What is conjunctivitis?

The choice of drops against conjunctivitis directly depends on the cause of the disease or, as doctors say, etiology. Depending on the etiology, conjunctivitis can be:

Viral The causative virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. Usually, such conjunctivitis becomes a consequence of SARS and often manifests itself even simply with a sore throat. Conjunctivitis that occurs in schools, kindergartens, is called adenovirus Pain in the eye, redness of the eyes, sometimes - photophobia, there is a desire to close the eyes
Allergic Any allergen: pollen from flowers, fruits, animal hair, etc. Eyes itch a lot, sometimes hurt. Swelling may appear on the eyelids
Bacterial Purulent bacteria The main symptom is the appearance of purulent secretions of gray or yellow color. Eyelashes after sleep are often glued together. The patient has a feeling as if something is bothering him in the eye. The eyes themselves are dry, sore
Negative effects on the eyes Exposure to the eye of toxic or poisonous substances Eyes hurt a lot, but do not water, do not itch. Such conjunctivitis is the only one that is accompanied by very severe pain.
Spicy It proceeds very rapidly and is accompanied by pain in the eyes, purulent discharge, tearing. After a few days, there is a lot of pus, and a corneal ulcer may form. As a rule, one eye is affected first, and then the second
Chronic develops more slowly than acute form. It seems to the patient that sand has got into his eyes, he feels a burning sensation, his eyes itch. Most often both eyes are affected at once.

The reasons may be:

  • incorrect wearing of contact lenses or improper care of them;
  • long exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • the use of any medications;
  • eye strain;
  • beriberi;
  • chronic respiratory diseases.

Varieties of conjunctivitis

Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are contagious and spread easily, and therefore the patient should be treated at home - take a sick leave or, if this is a student, stop attending classes at school.

If this disease is allowed to take its course, then various complications may appear, up to loss of vision.

Interestingly, people with blue eyes are the most likely to have vision problems due to conjunctivitis - their eyes are more sensitive to light.

An exact diagnosis and type of conjunctivitis can only be established by an ophthalmologist, so it is best to pay a visit to the clinic without delay. Most often, the doctor makes a diagnosis by simply interviewing the patient and examining his eyes, sometimes additional tests are required to determine the causative agent of the disease. Conjunctivitis is treated with special eye drops, the action of which is aimed at destroying the causative agent of the disease.

The exact diagnosis and type of conjunctivitis can only be established by an ophthalmologist

Drops from conjunctivitis

Drops against conjunctivitis are prescribed depending on the type of disease - each of the drugs has its own spectrum of action. Consider several types of eye drops that help overcome the disease.


These drops are used in the treatment of blepharitis and conjunctivitis. The active substance is fluorenonylglyoxal bisulfite. "Florenal" has a powerful effect on pathogens, it should be used only according to the instructions.

The drug is instilled up to 6 times during the day, 1 drop, after pulling the lower eyelid, and after the introduction of the drops, you need to blink several times.

Also, "Florenal" is available in the form of ointments and eye films. Doctors advise using ointment and drops in combination to achieve a faster effect.

Florenal also has side effects, which are most often short-lived: lacrimation, itching, burning. These drops can also be prescribed to pregnant women, but only by a specialist. Women “in position” should not self-medicate if they want to give birth to a baby without pathologies.


Oftalmoferon perfectly fights itching

This drug based on recombinant interferon perfectly fights itching, and also has an antiviral and antiallergic effect, quickly bringing the eyes back to normal. Apply "Ophthalmoferon" at the very beginning of treatment should be at least 6 times a day, 1-2 drops in each eye. Then the number of instillations is reduced to 3 times a day. However, if there is no improvement in drug treatment within 5 days, then you should contact an ophthalmologist.

The drug is suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis in both children and adults. No side effects were noted. The decision on the use of these drops by pregnant and lactating women should be made by a doctor.

Interferon alfa-2

Drops do an excellent job with viruses, and therefore are indispensable in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis, especially those caused by SARS. It is necessary to bury the eyes with the drug once a day, 2 drops, between which an interval of 5-10 minutes is maintained. After instillation, the patient must blink intensively several times so that the drug penetrates into the very depths of the eye. Usually the symptoms disappear already on the 4th day of treatment, but for prevention it is best to drip the eyes for a total of 6 days.

"Interferon" is better to use according to the doctor's prescription and strictly according to the instructions, since the medicine is strong. Of the side effects, only a short-term burning sensation in the eyes was noted. Pregnant women are not advised to use this drug.


Aktipol has an anti-inflammatory effect

The drug is characterized by rapid absorption and rapid effect. "Aktipol" not only fights conjunctivitis, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves swelling. The drug is used for 7-10 days, 2 drops from 3 to 8 times a day. Among the side effects are rare allergic reactions to the components of the drug. It is possible for pregnant women to instill Aktipol in their eyes, but still it is worth consulting with your doctor.


Levomycetin is an excellent antimicrobial drug

These are the cheapest and most famous drops for bacterial conjunctivitis. They are familiar to us since childhood and have been used long before we were born. This is an excellent antimicrobial drug that easily stops the reproduction of pathogens and kills them.

Treatment with these drops lasts individually, depending on the severity of the disease, the maximum drops are applied for about 2 weeks. You need to bury your eyes 3 times a day, 1 drop each.

"Levomitsetin" is very well tolerated, occasionally it can cause a rash on the skin, itching in the eyes or increased tearing. Pregnant women should not instill their eyes with Levomycetin.


Albucid drops kill pathogens

It is used by ophthalmologists for the treatment of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, as well as for prophylactic purposes after operations. "Albucid" is a drug proven in the "price-quality" ratio: it is inexpensive and very effective. Drops quickly penetrate the tissues of the eye and kill pathogens.

There are children's and adult eye drops. The dosage depends on the level of development of the disease. If you have acute conjunctivitis, then "Albucid" is instilled 5-6 times a day, 2-3 drops, as soon as the effect of the treatment is noticeable, the number of instillations can be reduced. Treatment continues until the symptoms disappear.

The drug has side effects: itching, burning, tearing or swelling of the eyelids. "Albucid" is relatively safe for pregnant women, but still such a drug should be prescribed by a doctor.


The effect of these drops is the same as from Levomycetin - this antibiotic fights bacteria well, while it is practically not absorbed into the blood. Apply the drug for no more than 2 weeks, 1-2 drops in each eye 3-4 times a day. After applying "Gentamicin" the following side effects may occur: lacrimation, allergies, photophobia, burning, short-term visual impairment. For pregnant women, the drug is prescribed only by prescription.


Vitabact - eye drops against conjunctivitis

Drops have a good antimicrobial effect, and are also used after operations. With conjunctivitis, it is used for 10 days, 1 drop from 2 to 6 times a day (the dose should be prescribed by a specialist). There is only one side effect: an allergic reaction. The drug is not recommended for pregnant women.

Since the cause of allergic conjunctivitis is most often any irritants-allergens, the effect of eye drops for a long time can not be expected. To begin with, it is important to find out what causes allergies, and try to minimize contact with this substance as much as possible. It can be dust, hair or skin secretions of pets, plant pollen, and so on. In general, there are a lot of drugs in pharmacies that, if they do not help get rid of conjunctivitis, then at least alleviate the patient's condition.


Lakrisifi excellent drops for relieving allergic reactions

Excellent drops to relieve allergic reactions, redness of the eyes, especially caused by exposure to smoke, cold, dust. It is used 4 to 8 times a day, 1-2 drops, but it is not recommended to use it for a long time. The drug is very viscous, so a side effect can be gluing of eyelashes and eyelids, sometimes burning. If you wear contact lenses, then remove them before instilling Lakrisifi. This drug is not recommended for pregnant women.


Drops have a disinfectant, antiseptic effect, kill microorganisms. Their action is similar to that of well-known antibiotics. It is used up to 6 times a day, 2-3 drops in each eye, the duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. It is not absorbed, so there is no overdose. Not recommended for pregnant women.


The action of drops Allergodil - anti-allergic

The action of the drops is anti-allergic. They act quickly and the effect lasts for a long time. Drops relieve swelling, itching, burning, tearing, redness of the eyes. They need to be instilled 2-3 times during the day, 1-2 drops in each eye, the treatment can be long. Side effects: after instillation, a short-term visual impairment, a feeling of sand in the eyes, soreness or swelling are possible. The drug should not be used in children under 4 years of age, women during pregnancy and lactation.


Vizin instantly relieves swelling and constricts blood vessels

Instantly relieves swelling and constricts blood vessels and acts for 6-8 hours. Buried 2 to 4 times a day. Without a break, "Vizin" is used for a maximum of 4 days. If there is no effect on the second day of administration, the drops are canceled, as they have too many side effects: burning, tearing, itching, blurred vision, allergies. Pregnant and lactating appoint with caution. For children under 2 years old, patients with increased eye pressure, Vizin is contraindicated.

To get rid of conjunctivitis as quickly as possible, during treatment with eye drops, take the following measures:

  • do not wear contact lenses;
  • wash your hands thoroughly before and after instillation of eyes, as well as after touching sore eyes;
  • use only your own towel;
  • do not go to work, shops, school;
  • sleep only on your pillow;
  • do not stay under the scorching sun for a long time.

One of the most common eye diseases is conjunctivitis. Its symptoms are tearing, redness of the eyes and purulent discharge. As a rule, conjunctivitis appears due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. The most common means of combating the disease are drops. Their choice depends on the type of conjunctivitis, which can be viral, allergic and bacterial.

When choosing drops from conjunctivitis, you need to understand the history of its origin. If this is an allergic reaction of the body to an external irritant, for example, cosmetics, animals, then antihistamine drops will do. Allergic conjunctivitis is accompanied by swelling of both eyes, redness and tearing. Bacterial conjunctivitis appears due to dirt brought by the hands, and is accompanied by purulent discharge. It is treated with other drops, which are based on more serious components. Weak immunity and a viral infection can provoke the appearance of viral conjunctivitis. In this case, you need to turn to antimicrobial and antiviral drops.

Children are more likely to get conjunctivitis. But far from all means are suitable for the treatment of babies, therefore, the choice of eye drops should be approached very carefully: study the indications and contraindications for use, side effects and method of application. All this will help to cope with inflammation without harm to health.

It must be remembered that the choice of drops for healing depends on what form of the disease with conjunctivitis affected a person. Having studied different means, namely, the composition, indications for use, side effects and customer reviews, we have developed a rating of the best drops for conjunctivitis.

Attention! There are contraindications - you need to consult a specialist!

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There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The basis for the treatment of all forms of conjunctivitis is antimicrobial drops. The timely use of correctly selected means helps to quickly cope with the disease and prevent its further development.

Belarus (produced in Russia)

Eye drops Ciprofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It has no smell. The product is contained in a glass bottle with a narrow spout. With its help it is convenient to dose the drug. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by numerous positive reviews from patients. He manages to defeat the symptoms of purulent conjunctivitis in a day, 3 days are enough for the complete disappearance of the disease.

Ciprofloxacin practically does not burn the eyes. It's cheap. On the first day of use, patients note relief of the condition: a decrease in inflammation, burning and swelling. It is convenient that the package includes a sterile cap - a pipette. With its help, it is easy to dose the drug. To achieve a real effect, it is recommended to use the drops strictly according to the instructions.

Serbia (produced in Serbia, Montenegro)

Montevisin is an "ambulance" for the eyes. The drug has proven itself quite well. It helps to overcome fatigue and redness of the eyes, eliminate puffiness. Many users have noticed a decrease in pain and cramps after applying the drops. Pleased with the price of the drug in relation to efficiency.

The drug has contraindications associated with high pressure and heart disease. Doctors strongly recommend not to neglect them. You can not use the tool constantly, it can be addictive. But as a fast-acting medicine, Montevizin fits perfectly. The eyes, a couple of minutes after instillation, become lighter and brighter, the reddened vascular network disappears. It is worth noting that the bottle contains a pipette, which greatly simplifies the use of the drug.

The drug Okomistin really qualitatively fights against conjunctivitis and other eye diseases provoked by pathogenic bacteria. Users leave mostly positive reviews. Rare negative opinions are associated with a side effect of drops - itching and burning, which disappear over time. Whatever it was, these side effects are not dangerous to health.

In terms of composition and medicinal properties, the drug is comparable to expensive Miramistin. To cope with purulent conjunctivitis, Okomistin needs 5 days. Symptoms gradually begin to disappear on the 2nd day. The versatility of the drug is due to the possibility of using it as ear drops.

Children have different forms of conjunctivitis. It is very important to choose the right drops for treatment without causing adverse reactions that can provoke other health problems for the baby.

Vitabact - broad-spectrum drops with antimicrobial action. Absolutely safe, therefore suitable for newborns. The drug is able to effectively cope not only with inflammation and suppuration, but also with the causative agent of the disease itself. Reviews testify to the positive effect of the remedy. It relieves discomfort in the eyes, eliminates irritation and dryness.

Among the disadvantages are the high cost of drops and the limited period of use after opening (1 month). Parents talk about the good tolerance of Vitabact by newborns, about the absence discomfort after using the drops in the form of burning and itching. The lack of effect may be due to especially advanced cases, untimely access to a doctor, or individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Users recommend Tsiprolet as an effective and inexpensive remedy compared to more expensive counterparts. One bottle is enough to completely cure conjunctivitis. If you use it strictly according to the instructions, instilling it every 5 hours for several days, then already on the 3rd day the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age. It can be used for no longer than a week. Tsiprolet copes with inflammation in the shortest possible time, this has been proven in practice. The only discomfort is a slight burning sensation in the eyes. But for the sake of achieving a quick effect, you can endure. Additional advantages of the drug include convenient packaging and affordable price.

USA (manufactured in Canada)

The following eye drops in the ranking of the best are ideal for allergic conjunctivitis. The effect of the drug does not make you wait long, after 5-7 minutes there is an improvement in the condition of the eyes. The effect persists for quite a long time - from 4 to 8 hours. Well remove puffiness and redness caused by lenses, chemicals, cosmetics, dust.

Patients using Vizin drops leave positive feedback that the remedy instantly relieves irritation, redness and dryness of the mucosa. Vizin is not suitable for permanent instillation, but only with severe inflammation and swelling. Allowed for children from 2 years. The drug is enough for 3-4 days to relieve the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.

Diclofenac is used to treat inflammation of the eyes and conjunctivitis, as well as to relieve pain after injury or surgery. The vast majority of reviews about the drug are positive. When using drops, there is a rapid removal of pain. Diclofenac copes well with various inflammatory manifestations.

Due to the active ingredient, diclofenac sodium, which is rapidly absorbed into the blood, the drug is able to provide immediate assistance. Like any drug, diclofenac has side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to use it strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the remedy can cause severe itching, swelling, allergies, vomiting, nausea. Diclofenac is approved for use in children over 2 years of age. After opening, the drops can be used for a month. For other drugs, this period is shorter.

Attention! The above information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

Eye drops for conjunctivitis are taken as prescribed by a doctor. The choice of drug depends on the type of pathogen and the form of the disease.

Inflammation of the eyes, which covers the mucous membrane, develops due to viruses, fungi, bacteria entering the organs of vision. The causative agent can cause colds, flu, acute respiratory infections. Ophthalmologists recommend treating conjunctivitis in adults and children with drops of various effects.


Taking into account the classification of the causative agent of the infectious process, the following agents can be dripped into the eyes:

  • viral;
  • allergic;
  • bacterial.

Antiviral drops for conjunctivitis affect cells, destroying the pathogen.

This form of the disease is characterized by lacrimation with clear discharge.

If 1 eye is affected, it is instilled carefully so that a drop of the solution does not fall into the other.

From the viral form of the disease, the following drugs help:

  1. Florenal ─ quickly neutralizes the virus.
  2. Tebrofen ─ used 3 times daily.
  3. Gludanthane - effectively fights the virus without causing side effects. Treatment of conjunctivitis of a complex form consists in multiple doses of the drug (5-6 times daily).
  4. Poludan ─ is prescribed for blepharoconjunctivitis.
  5. Dexamethasone is not recommended for pregnant women.

Antibiotic eye drops for conjunctivitis include Oftalmoferon and Lokferon. They destroy the pathogen, helping to increase the immunity of the mucosa. If the disease is bacterial in nature, then antimicrobial eye drops are prescribed. This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of pus and mucus, while 2 eyes are affected.

Treatment of conjunctivitis of a bacterial nature consists in taking antibiotics, presented in the form of the following solutions:

  1. Albucid 20% or solution 30% ─ the attending physician selects the concentration taking into account the age of the patient. It is better for children to drip a 20% solution, as it does not cause burning, and for adults it is better to use a 30% solution. The drug is taken 3 times a day. It relieves redness and swelling well.
  2. ─ used 5 times daily. These drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis have an antiseptic effect.
  3. Norsulfazol is used 4 times a day. The eyes are pre-washed.
  4. Levomycetin - has an antibacterial effect. Used 4 times a day.
  5. Vigamox is prescribed for elderly patients.
  6. Floksal ─ has an antimicrobial effect. Buried in 2 eyes 5 times a day.
  7. Gentomycin ─ drops with conjunctivitis have an antimicrobial effect.
  8. Zinc sulfate is prescribed as an effective antibacterial solution for adults.

In chronic conjunctivitis, drops are prescribed as follows: 1% potassium permanganate solution, silver nitrate. Can be used herbal remedies(decoction of string, chamomile and calendula). allergic form the disease is associated with the negative effect of an aggressive agent on the shell of the eyes.

What drops are used in the fight against allergic conjunctivitis? The list of funds is selected by the doctor, taking into account the type of allergen.

The action of these drugs is aimed at relieving inflammation and swelling, redness of the eyes and eyelids.

For the prevention and treatment of eye diseases, our readers advise

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The opinion of doctors ... "

The patient uses drops for external use (Cortisone, Claritin, Lakrisifin) and antihistamines. From antibacterial drugs prescribe Tobrex, Oftadek. Calcium chloride 10%, Diphenhydramine tablets are used intravenously.

Effective eye drops for conjunctivitis:

  1. Gludantan ─ is available in the form of a powder, which dissolves in anticholinergics before taking. The resulting solution is used 2 times daily.
  2. Poludan - used for blepharoconjunctivitis. The solution is instilled with a pipette.
  3. Oftadek ─ effective drops for ocular chlamydia and acute conjunctivitis in children.
  4. Dexamethasone ─ provokes an acute burning sensation.
  5. Floresan ─ is prescribed for mild conjunctivitis. Effectively disinfects lenses.
  6. Norsulfazol is a powder that requires ordinary water to dissolve. The resulting solution is used to eliminate eye infections.
  7. Vigamox is prescribed for the treatment of corneal ulcers and any form of conjunctivitis.
  8. Floksal ─ eliminates conjunctivitis provoked by staphylococci, salmonella, gonococci.
  9. Ciprofloxacin - not prescribed for keratitis, blepharitis.
  10. Lacrisifin is a gentle and effective remedy for allergic conjunctivitis.
  11. Taufon ─ is prescribed for conjunctivitis on a dystrophic cornea. Applied twice a day.
  12. Gentomycin - quickly eliminates keratoconjunctivitis.
  13. Indocollir is a remedy used as a prophylaxis for mucosal inflammation.

With the disease in question, solutions based on Levomycetin and Cortisone are used. But they provoke a strong burning sensation and pain in the eyes. The composition of the Levomycetin solution includes chloramphenicol ─ a substance that effectively eliminates a bacterial infection. The disadvantages of this tool include a high incidence of allergies and a negative effect on circulatory system. Learn more about the treatment in this video:

Tobrex is a bactericidal agent that quickly relieves inflammation, while at the same time having a broad effect on the body. Drops are used to treat staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. They are based on the aminoglycoside of tobramycin. The solution is well tolerated by the child and is prescribed to the baby without restrictions.

Tsipromed is an antimicrobial drug used for blepharoconjunctivitis.

It contains ciprofloxacin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic fluoroquinolone. Drops are prescribed to fight gonococci. The analogues of this solution include Normaks, Oftaviks. Drops with sulfonamides (Albucid) are effective and safe. But they are prescribed to children with caution.

Ophthalmologists distinguish 2 types of antiviral solutions from conjunctivitis:

  • drops with ready-made interferon;
  • drops that stimulate the production of a personal antiviral protein.

The first group of funds includes drops of Okoferon and Oftalmoferon. They include recombinant interferon, which has a pronounced immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. The composition of Oftalmoferon includes an antihistamine substance that reduces the risk of inflammation.

Interferons in these products help fight the virus

The second group includes Aktipol and Poludan drops, which have an antiviral, antioxidant and radioprotective effect. These drugs accelerate the regeneration of the mucosa, quickly stopping viral inflammation.

Drops that are used to treat allergic conjunctivitis are based on azelastine and cromoglycic acid. These substances stabilize mast cell membranes. In the process of contact with the allergen, the immune complex acts on the cells, provoking the release of substances that are responsible for the signs of allergy. Effective antiallergic drops include Allergodil, Lekrolin and Kromoheksal. Watch this video about the fight against the virus:

In the acute course of conjunctivitis, complex treatment is prescribed, which includes the use of anti-inflammatory solutions. But they only relieve the symptoms of the disease, without eliminating its cause. Therefore, the patient may be prescribed NSAIDs and hormonal medications. The first group includes Diklo F. In non-infectious conjunctivitis, Indocollir is taken to reduce the severity of the pain syndrome. Dexamethasone is an effective hormonal drops.

Most often, the disease proceeds without complications if the correct treatment is prescribed.

Conjunctivitis (conjunctivitis) or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sclera and the inner surface of the eyelids, accounts for about a third of all ophthalmic diseases. The cause most often becomes an infection, but the inflammatory process can also be aseptic. How to treat conjunctivitis in an adult? Usually, topical drugs are used, sometimes systemic therapy is also prescribed. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, at the first signs pathological process, since a neglected disease is fraught with irreversible visual impairment.

The mucous membrane of the eye protects it from external adverse influences, therefore it is often infected with pathogenic microflora, viruses, and is also subject to injury. If the conjunctiva is damaged, bacteria and other infectious agents enter the conjunctiva, the mucosa becomes inflamed due to allergies. This process is accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations, secretion of mucus or pus, redness. Both eyes are usually affected, as the infection quickly spreads from the infected to the healthy one.

In the photo of conjunctivitis in an adult, characteristic external symptoms are visible in the form of hyperemia, swelling of the eyelids and discharge. Depending on the cause and severity of the inflammatory process, they may be accompanied by hypo- and entropion, corneal perforation, scarring, film formation, and other pathological signs. Often others join conjunctivitis inflammatory diseases eyes - keratitis, blepharitis, dry eye syndrome. If left untreated, they lead to a decrease in visual acuity, its partial loss.


Conjunctivitis is divided primarily into endo- and exogenous. The second ones are a consequence of infection of the mucosa with an etiological agent, and endogenous ones are secondary. That is, in this case, inflammation of the conjunctiva develops against the background of other infectious diseases: chickenpox, tuberculosis, rubella, respiratory infections.

In accordance with the cause that caused the inflammatory process, the following types of conjunctivitis are distinguished:

  • Bacterial, provoked by pneumococci, gonococci, diphtheria bacillus, streptococci and other microorganisms.
  • Chlamydial, which is called trachoma or paratrachoma. Unlike others bacterial infections, the treatment of conjunctivitis in adults in this case requires the additional use of systemic drugs (tetracycline, erythromycin, and others).
  • Viral, caused by herpesviruses, adenoviruses, a representative of the smallpox group of viruses - molluscum contagiosum.
  • Fungal, resulting from candidiasis, actinomycosis, aspergillosis, sporotrichosis and other diseases of fungal etiology.
  • Non-infectious conjunctivitis that develop against the background of an allergic reaction (with hay fever, for example) or autoimmune pathologies - gout, psoriasis, sarcoidosis, etc.
  • Traumatic - a consequence of thermal, mechanical or chemical damage to the mucosa.
  • Metastatic, arising from general diseases.

In addition, inflammation of the conjunctiva is divided into acute, subacute and chronic according to the type of course, and according to the form - into catarrhal, purulent, follicular and membranous.

What can cause conjunctivitis?

The cause of inflammation of bacterial etiology is infection by household contact, when bacteria enter the mucous membrane due to rubbing the eyes with hands, using contaminated towels, and cosmetics. In this case, the conjunctiva is infected both by representatives of the opportunistic microflora (- and, Escherichia coli), and by specific pathogens.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis is often seen in newborns who become infected while passing through the mother's birth canal. In adults, the cause of the pathological process is the presence of infection genitourinary system(urethritis or prostatitis in men, cervicitis and vaginitis in women) in combination with an active sexual life.

Viral inflammation is a consequence of infection with various types of adenoviruses, enteroviruses, as well as viruses of herpes simplex or herpes zoster, chickenpox. The infectious agent is usually transmitted by contact-household or airborne droplets. As in the case of chlamydial, additional systemic drugs are prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis in adults.

Fungal conjunctivitis develops against the background of damage to the body by molds or fungi of the genus Candida, actinomycetes and other pathogens.

Systemic allergic reactions to drugs, chemicals, food, pollen, demodex mites and other allergens are the cause of non-infectious allergic conjunctivitis. Non-infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva also develops as a result of trauma, irritation by aggressive factors (dust, ultraviolet, smoke, including tobacco, etc.), autoimmune diseases, spasm of accommodation, and metabolic disorders.

Symptoms, diagnosis and consequences of conjunctivitis

Symptoms of the inflammatory process may vary depending on the infectious agent and the form of the course. However, there are a number common features by which this disease can be diagnosed:

  • corneal redness;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • pain, burning, pain and other uncomfortable sensations (“sand” or “foreign body” in the eye);
  • mucous or purulent discharge, due to which the eye “sticks together” by morning;
  • blepharospasm.

The primary diagnosis is made on the basis of examination, subjective complaints and anamnesis. To identify a specific cause, various laboratory methods are used: cytoscopy, bacterial culture, allergic and instillation tests, etc. Additional consultation with an allergist, infectious disease specialist, otolaryngologist and other specialized specialists may also be required.

If you see a doctor in a timely manner and use the appropriate remedy for conjunctivitis in adults, the inflammation usually goes away without any negative consequences. If there is no treatment, the disease progresses, other pathologies and secondary lesions of the cornea join it. In this case, visual acuity is irreversibly reduced, and its partial loss is also possible.

How to treat adult conjunctivitis at home

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye does not require hospitalization, so the treatment is carried out at home, on an outpatient basis. To cure conjunctivitis quickly and without negative consequences, you must definitely consult an ophthalmologist, undergo all the necessary examinations and strictly follow the appointments.

Therapy may include:

  • washing the conjunctival cavity;
  • the use of topical drugs - eye drops or ointments for conjunctivitis (antibacterial, fungicidal, antiviral, antiallergic, vasoconstrictive drugs, corticosteroids are implied);
  • the use of systemic antimicrobial or antiviral drugs.

In some cases, subconjunctival injections may be required, which are performed by a doctor after cleansing the eye and local anesthesia. As for alternative medicine, any folk remedies for conjunctivitis (washing with decoctions of medicinal plants, for example) can only be used in consultation with an ophthalmologist as an auxiliary.

During the treatment of the inflammatory process, it is strictly forbidden to put bandages on the eyes. They contribute to the development of complications in the form of keratitis, for example, and impede the outflow of mucous or purulent discharge. Wearing contact lenses for conjunctivitis is also excluded, as they increase discomfort, provoke clouding of the cornea and become a "reservoir" for pathogenic microorganisms.


This procedure is carried out to cleanse the eye of secretions, in addition, the solutions used for this purpose have an antiseptic effect and accelerate recovery. Most often, Furacilin is used in tablets, which are dissolved with warm boiled water before use (100 ml per 1 tablet). A ready-made pharmacy solution is not suitable, since it is made on an alcohol basis. It is necessary to wash the eye several times a day with a swab, pipette or syringe without a needle so that the liquid flows to the inner corner of the eye. You can also use an infusion of black tea or chamomile.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis

Liquid dosage form is the most convenient to use. In the form of eye drops, topical drugs for various purposes are produced - antimicrobial, antihistamine, vasoconstrictor, antiviral, etc. Based on the cause of the disease, an ophthalmologist may prescribe:

  • Albucid (aka sulfacetamide, sulfacyl sodium 20%) - cheap effective drops for conjunctivitis. The active substance is a broad-spectrum drug. You need to drip up to 6 times a day, 2 drops in each conjunctival sac. This remedy is prescribed even before the etiology of the inflammatory process is clarified, it has a minimum of side effects and contraindications.
  • from conjunctivitis in the form of 0.25% drops is another inexpensive drug that is active against a wide range of pathogens. An additional advantage is also the sensitivity to this antibiotic of strains resistant to sulfonamides and tetracycline.
  • Dex-Gentamicin - combination drug containing antibiotic and glucocorticosteroid dexamethasone. This combination provides antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine action in bacterial and allergic (with the addition of a microbial infection) conjunctivitis.
  • Various eye drops for conjunctivitis caused by bacteria based on (

To eliminate the risk of re-infection, it is necessary to wash hands as often as possible (especially before and after the instillation procedure), store medicines in sterile conditions, and use clean pipettes.

Ointment for conjunctivitis in adults

Like drops, this dosage form is intended for therapy different types inflammation of the conjunctiva:

  • With bacterial infections, tetracycline 1% ointment is often prescribed. The antibiotic tetracycline is antimicrobial against most pathogens of bacterial conjunctivitis, including chlamydia (in the latter case, home treatment of conjunctivitis in adults is supplemented with oral tablets of the same name). Also shown are ointments based on erythromycin, gentamicin.
  • Inflammation of viral etiology is treated with ointments Acyclovir, Tebrofen, Bonafton in accordance with the specific type of virus that caused the disease.
  • Local antifungal agents include ointments based on nystatin, ketoconazole, which are prepared directly in the pharmacy.
  • Of the antiallergic ointments, the medicine for conjunctivitis in adults with dexamethasone is used.

Ointments after washing are laid behind the lower eyelid, usually once a day before bedtime. In some cases, it is recommended to perform the procedure several times a day.

Do adults get sick leave with conjunctivitis

Since it takes some time to determine the cause of inflammation, and its bacterial and, especially, viral varieties are very contagious, a temporary disability sheet is issued for at least 3 days. Then, based on the results of the analysis, treatment is prescribed, for which, if necessary, the sick leave is extended. Particular attention is paid to persons working in the field of public catering and in children's institutions.