The reasons for the appearance of herpes on the body of a child: its types, methods of treatment. Herpetic infections that cause illness in children Why these infections are, in fact, incurable

Herpetic infections that affects children are quite diverse and are far from limited to the so-called cold on the lips. Moreover, it is in childhood most often there are such herpetic diseases, which the vast majority of adults do not even know about.

For example, the photo below shows the external manifestations of sudden exanthema (aka roseola or pseudo-rubella) - a fairly common herpes infection, often found in children:

And here - herpetic panaritium, found in babies more often than in adults:

In general, almost every child in the first few years of his life is usually faced with several infections caused by herpes viruses (many of which, fortunately, in adulthood often do not make themselves felt at all).

It is useful to bear in mind that the concepts of "herpes" and "herpes infection" differ in their meaning. The word "herpes" usually refers to diseases caused by herpes simplex viruses of the first and second types. In most cases, it is a cold sore on the lips and genital herpes, less often - herpetic panaritium, ophthalmic herpes and some other diseases.

The concept of herpes infection implies infection of the body with a herpesvirus of any type, and in terms of the number of manifestations such diseases are much more numerous than even “many-sided” herpes. Accordingly, the treatment of herpes infection in each case may require completely different approaches, medications and sanitary regimes.

But first things first…

Causative agents of herpes infections and related diseases

The whole variety of herpes infections is associated with 8 different herpes viruses:

  1. Herpes simplex type 1 virus is the most common. In children given virus can cause colds on the lips, herpetic stomatitis, herpetic felon (ulcers on the fingers), "wrestling herpes", herpetic keratoconjunctivitis, viral encephalitis and meningitis, herpetic esophagitis, eczema and sycosis;
  2. Herpes simplex virus type 2 is the most common cause of genital herpes. In children, it often manifests itself in the form of neonatal herpes, or in the form of disseminated infection. Herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 are often referred to as herpes simplex viruses;
  3. Herpes simplex virus type 3 causes the famous chickenpox in children. And in case of relapse, it causes the so-called shingles - more often in adults, but sometimes in children too;
  4. Herpes simplex virus type 4, also called Epstein-Barr virus... A rather little-known disease is associated with it - Infectious mononucleosis... It is little known, by the way, not because of the small number of cases of infection, but because in most cases it is mistaken for a cold and the correct diagnosis is not made. In addition, it is with this virus that some oncological diseases;
  5. Herpes simplex virus type 5, or cytomegalovirus. The associated infection is called cytomegalovirus. According to individual experts, every person in the world is infected with this infection, but few people know about it due to the fact that in the overwhelming majority of cases it does not manifest itself in a persistent form;
  6. Herpes simplex virus type 6, aka roseolovirus. Causes the so-called "sixth disease", better known as baby roseola or sudden exanthema;
  7. Herpes simplex virus type 7, almost identical to the previous one. It also sometimes causes exanthema, but in adults it is often associated with chronic fatigue syndrome;
  8. And finally, the herpes simplex virus type 8, which is rather poorly understood. It is believed to cause Kaposi's sarcoma.

Herpes simplex on a child's hand:

Relapses of some of the diseases caused by herpes viruses have such peculiar symptoms that sometimes patients consider them to be independent diseases. For example, shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, but only in cases where the infection "dormant" in the body gets the opportunity to reactivate when the immune system is weakened.

The photo below shows an example of shingles in a child:

This is interesting: the well-known "herpes" infection in the throat in children is not actually herpes. It is called herpangina, but is not associated with sore throat or herpes. This disease is caused by intestinal Coxsackie viruses, and it looks like a sore throat only with sore throat, and herpes - characteristic rashes. The photo below shows such a pseudoherpetic infection in a child's throat. However, the herpes simplex type 1 virus sometimes causes herpetic stomatitis, which is capable of invading, among other things, the tonsils, which leads to a sore throat.

Herpetic sore throat:

Any of the above infections can occur in a child of almost any age: from the period of a newborn to adolescence. However, as a rule, for of different ages quite specific herpetic infections are characteristic:

  • The neonatal period and infancy - herpes of newborns when infected from the mother during childbirth, as well as sudden exanthema;
  • Preschoolers - chickenpox and infectious mononucleosis;
  • Children 8-12 years old - infectious mononucleosis, chickenpox, cytomegalovirus, labial herpes and herpetic stomatitis;
  • Adolescents - labial herpes, herpes felon.

Diseases such as shingles or genital herpes in children different reasons occur relatively rarely (the latter - due to the specifics of the distribution, it can occur in adolescents who begin their sex life early).

It is useful to know the main symptoms with which herpes infections manifest themselves in order to recognize the disease in time and not to stuff the child with medications for diseases with which such infections are often confused. We will talk about these symptoms in more detail a little later, but for now let's see how exactly the infection of the body with herpes viruses occurs ...

How does a virus infect an organism?

Herpes viruses differ significantly in contagiousness and the main routes of transmission. For example, herpes simplex viruses are transmitted by direct contact with fluid from papules (vesicles), and chickenpox and Epstein-Barr virus can be easily transmitted by airborne droplets.

After entering the patient's body, viral particles, in the presence of favorable conditions, penetrate into the tissue cells of the host organism. Here the protein coat of the virion opens, and nucleic acids with the genetic information of the virus rush to the replication apparatus of the cell.

If the genome of the virus successfully integrates into the genetic material of a human cell, then the latter begins, together with the proteins it needs, to produce components of viral particles. From them, right inside the cells, new virions are collected, which, when accumulated in large quantities, lead to the death and destruction of the cell. In this case, the particles themselves are released, enter the blood, lymph, or simply the intercellular space, infect neighboring cells and spread further.

Depending on the type of herpesvirus, its further existence in the body differs:

  • When infected with herpes simplex viruses, some of the new virions cause skin damage (most often on the lips), and some penetrate into the nerve cells spinal cord, in which the DNA of the virus will be in the future throughout a person's life;
  • When infected with viruses chickenpox and herpes simplex virus type 6, virions spread rapidly throughout the body and rashes appear on all parts of the body. In this case, again, the nervous tissue is affected, in which the virus can persist until the death of the host organism;
  • The Epstein-Barr virus is tropic to the lymphocytes of the host's immune system, and it does not destroy them, but stimulates further proliferation;
  • Cytomegalovirus in the host organism in greatest quantities affects the salivary glands.

The photo shows chickenpox - one of the most common herpes infections in children:

In most cases, primary herpes infection is acute and without consequences. This is especially true for sudden exanthema, cytomegalovirus infection and infectious mononucleosis caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.

However, infection with herpes simplex viruses in newborn babies can cause serious conditions, and without treatment, such infections can lead to the development of serious complications and even death.

It is important to understand that herpes infections are among the most common in the human population in general. Most likely everyone one year old child has already been ill with one of them and will get ill with several of them before he comes of age. Therefore, such an infection should be treated as normal.

This is interesting: about 90% of the world's population is infected with herpes simplex viruses. 52% of children aged 5 years and 95% of the adult population in the United States are carriers of the Epstein-Barr virus. Almost 100% of the world's population is infected with cytomegalovirus, while more than half of people become infected in childhood. Almost 100% of children in countries the former USSR get sick with chickenpox, despite the fact that today a vaccine against it has been developed and is available for use.

Those herpes virus particles that have penetrated into nerve cells or lymphocytes remain in the body forever. The virions produced by these cells are constantly released into the blood or into the intercellular space, where they are immediately destroyed by the cells of the immune system. And only in the case of a strong weakening of immunity, they sometimes can get to the corresponding tissues (for example, peripheral - say, to the skin on the lips) and lead to their re-infection with the development of a relapse of the disease.

This is interesting: in many children, relapses of herpes diseases are mild and asymptomatic, which is why no one even suspects that these children are carriers of the virus and at certain periods of time can be sources of infection.

Herpes viruses have low interferonogenic activity, due to which, even with reactivation of the infection defense mechanisms in the child's body, they are launched with a delay, as a result of which the virus has the ability to manifest itself, so to speak, in full.

Why are these infections, in fact, incurable?

A herpetic infection that once struck the human body remains in it forever. This is due to the localization of the DNA of viruses in tissues, which are extremely difficult or not at all amenable to therapy.

A good example is herpes simplex viruses, as well as the varicella-zoster virus. After infection, the initial manifestation of symptoms and suppression of the infection by the body's defenses, the genetic material of the virus is stored in the nuclei of the nerve cells of the human body in the spinal cord.

Today, medicine does not have the means and methods to selectively remove foreign genetic material from the chromosomes of human nerve cells, or replace the nerve cells of the spinal cord with uninfected ones. This means that as long as such cells are stored in the body, the virus is also stored with them.

And, for example, the Epstein-Barr virus multiplies in lymphocytes - cells of the immune system itself, which, in principle, would have to fight against virions. As in the previous case, it is extremely difficult to destroy all lymphocytes in the human body. And to do this only in order to get rid of the virus, which in the overwhelming majority of cases does not cause serious diseases, is irrational.

In addition, it is problematic to prevent infection of those cells from which it will be impossible to remove the virus in the future. For example, when infected with herpes simplex viruses, nerve cells are affected even before the characteristic rashes on the lips become noticeable, and the varicella-zoster virus is already confidently settling in the spinal ganglia when a child is just beginning to develop a rash all over the body. Simply put, when the parents understand that the baby has a herpetic disease, it is no longer possible to completely eliminate its pathogen from the body.

Fortunately, most herpes infections are not so dangerous as to worry about their presence in the body.

Dangerous consequences

In most cases, healthy babies herpes infections are acute, fast and practically without consequences. Greatest dangers represents, as a rule, a herpes infection in a newborn child:

  • Neonatal herpes, which a baby gets during childbirth, or immediately before birth from a mother suffering from genital herpes. The consequences here can be the most severe - from eye damage to cerebral palsy and meningoencephalitis;
  • Congenital cytomegalovirus infection, which resembles infectious mononucleosis in symptoms.

Herpes on the face of a newborn:

Also dangerous are oncological diseases, which in rare cases can lead to the Epstein-Barr virus (Burkitt's lymphoma), cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus type 8 (Kaposi's sarcoma).

All herpesvirus infections are also dangerous for children with severely weakened immunity. In them, even herpes simplex can lead to lesions of internal organs and generalized disease with a severe course. This is true, including for babies undergoing therapy with artificial immunosuppression.

Note: in HIV-infected children, it is herpes infections that are one of the leading causes of death.

A healthy child, who has caught an infection already in kindergarten or school, is likely to transfer it quite easily, and all that is required from the parents and the doctor is symptomatic treatment to relieve severe illness.

Dangerous "consequences" of chickenpox - shingles and often associated with it postherpetic neuralgia, which occur less often and mainly in adults with weakened immunity (the word "consequences" is enclosed in quotes, since chickenpox itself does not cause shingles - it can develop only when the infection is reactivated in the body).

Note: if you constantly scratch the bubbles with chickenpox, scars may remain in their place for life. The bubbles themselves develop on the upper layers of the epidermis and, after recovery, disappear without a trace.

Symptoms and differential diagnosis of infections

Each herpesvirus infection is characterized by a specific set of symptoms that allow an experienced doctor to diagnose it in a sick person. On the other side, clinical picture in most cases, it looks like parents mistake some herpes for colds and do not go to doctors.

In general, characteristic symptoms herpes infections are as follows:

Typical external symptoms roseola are shown in the photo below:

Some diseases may have similar symptoms (for example, mononucleosis and cytomegalovirus infection), and some of them resemble typical respiratory diseases so that they are treated like flu or sore throat.

In many cases, blood tests or blood tests are required to reliably diagnose a specific herpes infection. special examination in the clinic.

Treatment of herpetic diseases in children

Treatment of herpes infections is carried out in situations where the disease is too difficult. At the same time, for the treatment of most infections, specialized antiviral agents are used, first of all, and in addition to this therapy, symptomatic treatment agents are used.

Of the narrowly targeted drugs, it should be noted:

  • When infected with herpes simplex viruses, as well as chickenpox - Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Valtrex, Famvir and Famciclovir. Their use is optional, and allows for correct use only to shorten the duration of the course of the disease;
  • When infected with the Epstein-Barr virus, symptomatic treatment is carried out - there are no specialized remedies against it;
  • Treatment of cytomegalovirus infection is carried out using antiviral agents- Ganciclovir, Foscarnet, Tsidofovir, as well as using specific immunoglobulin preparations - Cytotect, Megalotect and others;
  • Sudden exanthema in children is not treated at all, or symptomatic therapy is dispensed with.

The use of interferon inducers and other immunomodulators for the treatment of herpes infections today is not considered effective and in due measure in a safe way therapy. In exceptional cases, such funds can be prescribed only by a doctor and only under his personal responsibility.

Symptomatic treatment of herpes infections involves the use of antipyretic and pain relievers, sometimes local hormonal ointments to reduce itching. By the way, the use of folk "brilliant green" and with herpes, and chickenpox has practically no therapeutic effect.

Important! With chickenpox, aspirin cannot be used as an analgesic and antipyretic - this remedy, specifically for this infection, can cause severe side effects from the liver.

As a rule, all herpetic infections disappear in children with normal immunity in 1-2 weeks. If the disease has dragged on, or its symptoms are too severe, then the child should be shown to the doctor.

Is prevention possible?

To date, all clinical trials have passed and the chickenpox vaccine has been introduced into the vaccination schedules of the USA, Australia and Austria. According to research results, it provides reliable protection from infection with the virus, provides immunity for several years (after 20 years, the first vaccinated were 100% immune and no one contracted chickenpox) and is well tolerated, although it requires the child to be isolated for several days immediately after vaccination.

In Russia, vaccination against chickenpox is voluntary. The vaccine itself can be bought at major pharmacies, although it is quite expensive.

There are no reliable vaccines for other herpes infections today.

Prevention methods such as restricting the child in communicating with peers and strict sanitary measures are inappropriate, since the child will get sick in any case.

The only situation in which you need to take really serious measures to protect the child from contracting herpesvirus infection is a disease in a pregnant mother. Such situations are the most dangerous, and therefore doctors use strict methods of pregnancy and childbirth in such cases.

Interesting video: the doctor explains what to do to parents if the child has type 4 herpes infection

How dangerous herpes can be ...

Data Aug 21 ● Comments 0 ● Views

Doctor Dmitry Sedykh

Herpesviruses are an extensive group of infectious pathogens, including over 80 varieties. Of these, 8 types are dangerous to humans. They are easily transmitted from one person to another - for this reason, infection often occurs during childhood. Any herpes virus in a weakened child can harm a fragile body, therefore, correct diagnosis and adequate treatment at this age are especially important.

According to research data, the peak incidence of herpes viruses occurs at the age of 2-3 years. In the first months of life, the baby is protected by antibodies received from the mother, but already in one year old child herpes can manifest itself in one way or another. The correct strategy for treating herpes infection in children largely depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis, therefore, the determination of the pathogen should be entrusted to a specialist. But parents also need to know what to look for if the child is sick.

By the age of 15, 90% of children are infected with the herpes simplex virus

Herpes simplex virus type 1

This is one of the first infections that babies face early in life. It is often diagnosed even in children under one year old. The reason is constant close contact with carriers, which are the majority of adults (including parents). Infection routes:

  • contact, contact-household;
  • airborne;
  • vertical (from mother to child - in utero or during labor).

Incubation period lasts from 1 day to 3 weeks, then visible symptoms appear.

Herpes type 1 often affects the face and upper body. The disease can manifest itself even in the smallest children. The main symptom for herpes simplex is blistering eruptions on the lips, in oral cavity, on the skin. Sometimes it can spread to the throat, mucous membranes of the eyes and nose. The affected areas are bothering severe itching and pain. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by fever, lethargy, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

The virus poses a certain threat - herpes simplex in a child can cause:

  • gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • herpetic sore throat;
  • generalized herpes skin;
  • neurological diseases;
  • encephalitis;
  • keratitis;
  • herpetic panaceria (a form of skin lesions).

The frequency of recurrences of herpes and the severity of their course depends on the state of the immune system.

Herpes simplex virus type 2

In children, this herpes infection is less common, since it is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Primary herpes infection can occur during childbirth, passing through birth canal mother. The possibility of contact infection when caring for a baby cannot be completely ruled out.

Herpes type 2 affects the mucous membranes of the genitals and adjacent areas of the skin. Characteristic rashes can spread to the urethra and rectum. The virus poses a great danger to a child:

  • leads to a decrease in general immunity;
  • causes reproductive and urinary system(cystitis, pyelonephritis, endocervicitis);
  • can cause infertility in the future;
  • increases the likelihood of contracting HIV.

Therefore, if the disease is diagnosed in a family member, increased attention should be paid to hygiene.

Herpes types 1 and 2 are combined into one group, and classified as HSV - herpes simplex viruses.

Genital herpes in children and during pregnancy

Herpes 3 types (Varicella-Zoster)

Causes chickenpox - one of the most recognizable infections in children. The disease is caused by initial exposure to the virus. Infection most often occurs when visiting kindergarten... The pathogen is easily transmitted from one child to another by contact, household and airborne droplets. The baby becomes infectious 2 days before the blisters appear on the skin, and remains a source of infection for about a week after that.

The incubation period can last from 1 to 3 weeks, then symptoms appear:

  • the body temperature rises (up to 39-40 degrees);
  • itchy blisters filled with fluid appear on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • they burst within a short time, small crusts form in their place, which then dry out and fall off.

Duration acute phase the disease is 7-10 days. The temperature with such herpes can drop after 2-3 days, or it can bother you throughout the course of the disease. After finishing acute period a stable immunity to the pathogen is formed, but if it decreases, a relapse of the infection is possible - it is called "shingles". In this case, the rash takes limited area(associated with nerve ganglia, where the virus persists in a dormant state).

In a weakened child, the Varicella-Zoster virus can cause serious illnesses - pneumonia, encephalitis and other damage to internal organs, so chickenpox should not be taken lightly.

Type 4 - Epstein-Barr virus

It is transmitted in the same way as other herpes viruses - by contact, household and airborne droplets, it is very contagious. The incubation period can last up to 1.5 months. Infection with this virus often goes unnoticed, but in some cases it causes a specific disease - infectious mononucleosis.

Herpes in children has congenital and acquired forms. In addition, congenital infection also has forms. There are only six types of herpes that affect a child most often. With herpes in children, it is necessary special approach to treatment. Very often, the symptoms of herpes infection in childhood manifest themselves more aggressively than in adults, due to the fact that the body first encounters the virus and children's herpes passes into acute form... And in adults, herpes infection usually becomes recurrent. In the article we will consider the types of herpes in a child, talk about the treatment of viral herpes in children, touch on prevention, transmission routes and possible complications childhood herpes.

There are over two hundred strains of the herpes virus, but children are most affected by six of them. The first three of the most common of these six are precisely with the defeat of the child's body, let's look at them in more detail.

  1. HSV type 1 (herpes simplex virus type 1) - herpes labialis. It affects the skin of different localization. Very often it breaks out in the form of a blistering rash on the lips, fingers, eyes or face. This herpesvirus strain can appear in different parts of the body, but the most common manifestation is "".
  2. HSV type 2 (herpes simplex virus type 2) is genital herpes. This type of herpes usually affects baby's genitals or areas near the genitals. But in the genital area, HSV type 1 can also appear, and HSV type 2 can give symptoms similar to the first. To understand which type of herpes simplex has manifested itself, laboratory diagnostics are required.
  3. Varicella zoster is a type 3 herpes virus. Varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox in childhood. Chickenpox usually occurs in the vast majority of children, and if the child is vaccinated, it proceeds in easy form... In some cases, this strain can cause herpes zoster in a child if the child has a relapse after having had chickenpox.
  4. Epstein-Barr virus is the 4th type of human herpesvirus. In children, it usually causes infectious mononucleosis. More than 50% of children are infected with this herpes strain. Mononucleosis in most children goes away in a mild form, sometimes with practically no symptoms.
  5. Cytomegalovirus is the 5th type of herpes virus. This type of herpesvirus causes CMVI ( cytomegalovirus infection). The disease is often asymptomatic and does not cause serious complications. Almost all people are affected by this virus and are its carriers. With serious immunity disorders, the fifth type can lead to complications.
  6. Herpes viruses type 6 - HHV-6A, HHV-6B. The human herpes virus can cause many diseases. In children, it is HHV-6B that actively manifests itself, it causes. The disease is quite common in children, but is usually mild.

Of all the strains of the herpes virus described above, the first two, which are combined into one species and are called herpes simplex virus, and the chickenpox virus are the most common culprits in the defeat of the child's body.

Ways of infection with childhood herpes

The causes of herpes in children and the ways of transmission of the virus do not differ from the methods of getting viral cells into an adult body, except for intrauterine infection or infection of a child during childbirth. There are five ways to transmit herpesvirus to children:

  1. Airborne droplets. Herpes in children often occurs due to the fact that close people who have a latent form of herpes infection surround the baby. When you sneeze or free herpes cells from the mucous membranes, it can spread through the air.
  2. Household or direct contact. With the general use of household items, the virus is transmitted through household items. And also in case of relapses of the disease, direct contact of an infected person with a healthy person provokes the herpes virus to penetrate into a new organism.
  3. Blood transfusion, organ transplantation. If a child is made like this complex operations like organ transplant, there is a high probability of transplanting an infected element. More frequent medical manipulation is to infect the child through blood transfusion.
  4. Vertical transmission (perinatal). In this case, the virus gets into the baby while the baby is passing through the birth canal. Very often, the herpesvirus type 6 is transmitted in this way.
  5. Transplacental - through the placenta. When a pregnant woman does not have antibodies to any virus in her blood, and becomes infected during pregnancy, the herpes virus can cross the placenta, and the baby is already born infected.

Despite the fact that there are five ways of contracting herpes in children, the cause of the most frequent infection of a child is the mother of the baby. When Small child surrounded by the care of the mother, and she often kisses him, or licks the spoon and nipple, the herpes of an infected mother quickly enters the child's body. At first, it causes herpetic stomatitis in a child even up to a year, and then begins to recur in different areas of the skin. Relapses usually begin at the age of 5 years, when the immune response is formed. In children from one to three years of age, relapses occur less often. But this applies to HSV.

Symptoms of a herpes infection in a child

Let's look at what herpes looks like in children and general symptoms in viruses that do not give external signs.

Herpes simplex virus

With herpes simplex virus, the symptoms are similar to a cold on the lips, wherever they get enough sleep. This is a herpetic rash that manifests itself as follows:

  • the temperature may rise;
  • general malaise of the baby;
  • tingling, itching, burning sensation in the affected area;
  • then small bubbles appear;
  • bubbles burst and form ulcers;
  • they eventually crust over and heal.

Photo # 1 and # 2 shows how a herpes infection in children spreads to the lips. It can also show up in the corners of the lips.

In the photo under number 3, you can see how herpes manifested itself on the baby's finger - it's called. The photo under No. 4 shows which can be localized on the cheeks, ears, chin and other areas of the face associated with the facial nerve.

In photos 5 and 6, the herpes simplex virus has infected the child's genitals. In girls, the virus can enter the genitals. Herpesvirus infection on the genitals in children is much less common than in adults.

The photo under No. 7 and 8 shows, which can be localized in the form or on inside cheeks. It also often affects the gums (gingivostomatitis).

The photo under No. 9 shows ocular herpes(ophthalmic herpes), which affects the skin optic nerve... And in the photo under No. 10, the same one provoked in the child one of the forms of herpetic lesions of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Symptoms of Varicella zoster in a child

The symptoms of chickenpox are known to many. They can take different general symptoms, the temperature may or may not be raised. The photo below shows outward manifestation chickenpox.

Has mild or severe form... Symptoms include chills, swollen lymph nodes, fever, general malaise, and pain along the nerve where the rash appears. Shingles (herpes zoster) is a neurological and rather painful disease. Below you can see how herpes zoster "girdles" parts of the body along the nerve zone.

Symptoms of herpesviruses type 4 and 5

The Epstein-Barr virus, which is type 4 herpes, causes mononucleosis. This disease is associated with angina, but it is not. Symptoms include redness and sore throat, as with angina, high fever, swollen lymph nodes and internal organs such as the liver and spleen.

Or the 5th type of herpesvirus, which causes cytomegalovirus infection. This infection is especially dangerous for a child infected with it in the womb. With intrauterine infection, the fetus begins to develop with pathologies of certain organs. When children become infected after childbirth, cytomegalovirus practically does not manifest itself in any way.

Symptoms of type 6 herpesvirus in childhood

Roseola infantile, also called “sudden exanthema,” or pseudo-rubella, can dramatically raise your baby's body temperature and suddenly develop a pink rash. The rash is extensive and protrudes slightly on the surface of the skin. It is very easy to confuse this disease with rubella and other similar diseases, so it is worth going through clinical diagnostics... The photo shows baby roseola on different parts of the body.

Congenital herpes and its forms

Congenital herpes infection, more correctly called neonatal herpes, provokes one of three forms.

  1. Generalized form. The risk of getting this form of herpes infection for a baby reaches 50%. The following signs are observed - general weakness of the body, heat, symptoms of pneumonia, various pathologies with the liver and adrenal glands, frequent regurgitation, and signs of shortness of breath.
  2. Localized form. Two weeks after giving birth, you can notice a pronounced herpes rash in the baby. This form is characterized by lesions of the skin on different parts of the body, herpetic eruptions on the oral mucosa and ocular forms of herpes infection.
  3. Striking form. It affects nervous system and causes such serious illness like encephalitis and meningoencephalitis. May be accompanied by convulsions and cytosis.

Treatment of herpes in children

Today we will look at how to treat herpes in a child caused by HSV. Since HSV causes the most FAQ and it is always herpes simplex that is associated with herpes infection. In addition, both the first and second types of HSV are treated with the same drugs.

When treating herpes infection, it is necessary to pay attention to an integrated approach:

  • the use of antiherpetic drugs;
  • immunomodulatory drugs;
  • medicines to relieve general symptoms.

It does not matter whether a herpetic infection is manifested in a child under 3 years old, 2 years old or in a one-year-old baby, the drugs against herpesvirus infection are the same. No special remedies have been invented for the treatment of children; we are talking specifically about antiherpetic drugs. Therefore, how to treat herpes in children, the treatment regimen and dosage should be prescribed by the doctor.

Let's look at the technology for treating herpes infection, but without dosages:

  1. Antiviral agents. To suppress herpesvirus, drugs such as Acyclovir, Zovirax and Famvir are used. They can be used as ointments or tablets.
  2. Immunomodulatory agents. For the weakened child immunity it is necessary to maintain the protective functions of the body. Of the drugs, one can single out - Viferon, Cycloferon and Immunal.
  3. Coping with symptoms. The symptoms often include itching and elevated temperature... In order to bring down the temperature, antipyretics are used. To relieve itching, apply antihistamines such as Suprastin or Tavegil.

If the child's eyes are affected with herpes, then a local treatment with three percent Vidarabine or two percent Trifluridine is prescribed.

Possible complications of herpes in children

Herpesvirus infection in children can lead to serious complications. Now we are not talking about the consequences of HSV, which provoke diseases such as:

  • herpetic stomatitis;
  • herpetic keratitis, conjunctivitis;
  • or other ophthalmic problems.

And I mean serious consequences that affect the improper formation of fetal organs or are caused, albeit rare, but more aggressive species herpesvirus. Of these complications, meningoencephalitis and encephalitis can be distinguished, leading to death in half of the cases, even with timely and correct treatment... And also it is worth paying attention to such complications as cerebral palsy, hepatitis and disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Prevention of herpes in a child

Preventive measures depend on the type of herpes virus. For chickenpox, there is a vaccination that is given to almost all children. If we talk about prevention aimed at combating relapses of herpes infection, then, as Dr. Komarovsky advises, Special attention must be devoted to maintaining the baby's immune system.

In order not to infect a child, you need to prevent a pregnant woman and do everything so as not to provoke a relapse of the disease. To do this, you also need to maintain immunity for high level... It is much more dangerous for a pregnant woman to become infected for the first time, since this will bring more problems baby.

Summing up, it is worth remembering that the symptoms and treatment of herpes infection in childhood depend on the type of herpes virus. It is necessary to understand that a herpes infection cannot be cured, so if you are wondering how to cure it forever, know that you can only constantly suppress the virus throughout your life.

Herpes- one of the most common viruses, it is carried by 90% of all people.

Most adults are immune to it, and a newborn is protected by maternal antibodies for six months, if his mother has developed resistance to herpes.

But then the body needs to get sick with this virus in order to permanently form immunity to it. The task of adults is to properly treat the disease in order to avoid complications.

Of the two hundred types of herpes, the most common among children are six to seven. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through contact with an infected person, with his personal belongings.

After infection, it may not manifest itself in any way until the right conditions appear, for example, stress, hypothermia, overheating, and a cold. Any effect on the child's body, leading to a decrease in immunity, can play the role of a trigger.

Herpes on the face of a child photo

Also, herpes is transmitted to the child from the mother, if she was its carrier during pregnancy.

After the bubbles of herpes simplex ripen, they burst, become crusted and, drying out, crumble.

The most unambiguous symptom for both parents and doctors is the appearance of bubbles. Before they appear, the child may be assigned a number of tests, up to an MRI of the brain.

Viral herpes in children on the body photo

Herpes in children on the lips

Children of school and kindergarten age especially often bring home the herpes virus of the first type, which is expressed by the appearance of bubbles on the lips.

Often, adults who tolerate this disease quite easily carry out the treatment of herpes simplex on their own, using what they are used to.

Important: Many believe that - this is just one of the manifestations colds... This is mistake.

Colds and herpes are inextricably linked, since the sleeper in nerve cells the virus waits for a weakening of immunity by a cold to enter the active phase.

Children's herpes on the body photo

It is better to "catch" herpes on the lips at the very beginning of its development. You need to start worrying already with the following signs:

  1. complains of pain or tingling in the lips or throat;
  2. activity decreases;
  3. decreased appetite.

If you do it in a timely manner, as well as follow other recommendations, the development of the virus can be stopped at the very beginning. Therefore, the ointment should be applied 3 to 5 times a day if no bubbles appear. If they appear, the ointment is applied every 3 hours.

Precautions must be taken to avoid contracting the virus and infecting other family members.

You can not touch the herpes that has opened on the body of your child with your fingers, it is better to apply the ointment cotton swab, and after this procedure, wash your hands well hot water with soap. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not pick up the crust on the bursting bubbles.

And so that the affected areas do not itch, use cold tea or chamomile compresses.

From the first day of an exacerbation of herpes, you need to follow a diet: exclude smoked meats, citrus fruits, nuts and chocolate from the child's diet and add fish, dairy products, vegetable oil and meat. It is worth drinking a course of multivitamins.

Do not worry if herpes is on the body in children and appears not infrequently. For parents, this is a sign that the child's immunity is missing something, that the diet and lifestyle need to be revised.

But if herpes on the lips and body occurs periodically, up to six or more times a year, a visit to a dermatologist and to a specialized center cannot be postponed. Such a frequency of manifestation of herpes is a signal of deviations in the immune system child.

Genital herpes in children

The appearance of herpes on the genitals in children is not only a sign of youthfulness among adolescents, although this is one of the reasons.

You can get infected by using personal belongings of the carrier of the virus: soap, towels, linen.

If a child visits the pool or shower in the sports section, it is imperative to have a conversation with him about personal hygiene.

Hearing the name herpes, a small number of people suggest the onset of the disease on the child's body. However, it is possible to suffer from it at absolutely any age, since the disease is viral in nature.

The appearance of herpes in a child is very dangerous, since a sharp rise in temperature and the appearance of rashes worsen the state of health. That is why, at the first sign, you need to immediately seek treatment to prevent complications.

What is herpes?

Herpes can only be caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. Scientists believe that it can be found in the body of any person on the planet, it just lives there, in a latent state, and therefore has no symptoms.

The main factor in his awakening is immunity problems. That is why young children are considered a special risk zone, since their bodies have not yet had time to get strong enough.

After the virus enters the body, it begins to actively multiply, constantly affecting healthy parts of the body and infecting internal organs... If the body is healthy, then the secreted antibodies are enough to suppress the disease, so herpes does not appear.

If there are failures, severe weakness, itching and burning of the skin begin to appear, and red blistering rashes develop.

What does herpes look like on a child's body - photo

The causes of herpes in children

The virus can get into the child's body, airborne droplets or excreted by the mother during childbirth.

Once the virus has entered the body, it begins to develop, however, this requires a number of reasons:

  • the child previously transferred infectious disease that weakened natural immunity;
  • the body lacks vitamins and nutrients, vitamin deficiency sets in and the body does not have enough strength to produce antibodies;
  • with severe hypothermia of the body, herpes begins to develop instantly and the disease proceeds in a severe form;
  • chronic stress is negative small body so it becomes unnecessarily weak.

Note! Risk factors in this situation can be anything: unhealthy diet, allergic reactions, weakened immunity and many other reasons why the child's body is not able to cope with the virus on its own.

Symptoms and Signs

The symptoms of childhood herpes are easy to notice. Appears on the body a large number of ulcers. They are red in color and watery in nature, touching the rash brings the child severe pain.

Sores are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching and burning;
  • high temperature;
  • weakness of the body, lethargy of the limbs and mental apathy - the child does not want to play games, remains inactive;
  • severe nausea and vomiting, general loss of appetite, dizziness.

Typology of the disease

In total, scientists will identify 6 types of childhood herpes, but the most common are three of them:

  1. Herpes simplex strikes intimate area, mucous membranes, stomach, back. Redness occurs in these places, they begin to itch. Vesicles are gradually formed and begin to grow. The rashes begin to burst in a week, and after 2 more they pass.
  2. Herpes zoster spreads throughout the skin, forming a bright red pattern on the baby's body. The course of herpes is long and difficult, since the damaged skin begins to swell and crusts form.
  3. Chickenpox is a type 3 herpes, it is especially dangerous for children from one to five years of age. Numerous rashes appear on the body, and a fever begins.

Diagnostic methods

Not worth doing self-treatment, the child must be shown to the doctor to establish a diagnosis.

To establish the disease, the following are used:

  • examination of the child and collection of the required anamnesis;
  • blood test to establish the presence of child's body virus;
  • laboratory examination of skin scraping from the damaged area. Helps to identify the type of virus infecting the body.

Treatment of herpes in children

Only a doctor has the right to prescribe adequate treatment for a child. In general, an integrated approach is used, aimed not only at symptomatic treatment, but also at suppressing the virus and increasing immunity. Antibiotics for herpes in a child should not be used, as this can be very harmful.

Drug treatment

Before using any drugs, you should definitely read the instructions for use, not only for the dosage used, but also for the presence of contraindications. Antiviral drugs should be used primarily.

Most popular in pediatric treatment acquired Acyclovir. It is produced as tablets and ampoules for injection, and is approved for use even at a young age.

By itself, it helps prevent further development rashes, crusts on bursting bubbles are formed at an accelerated rate, suppression occurs pain... As an analogue, Virolex, Valtrex and Famciclovir are used.

During the treatment of childhood herpes, it is advisable to use ointments to combat rashes:

  1. Zovirax is excellent for rescuing the mucous membranes of the body. Quickly and effectively affects the affected areas.
  2. Oxolinic ointment is suitable for getting rid of herpes zoster. Does not damage the body due to low absorption into the blood. Even babies are allowed to use it.


Coping with the disease directly folk remedies will not help, however, they act effectively in the fight against the main symptoms: rashes and itching:

  • Aloe juice has antibacterial and moisturizing properties. To create a lotion, fresh leaves are washed and ground to a gruel state. Juice is squeezed out of it, which is applied with cotton swabs to the damaged areas of the dermis 2 times a day.
  • An infusion of chamomile flowers is prepared by brewing a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water. The broth is infused for an hour, after which it is filtered. Applied to skin rashes 3-4 times a day.

The danger of herpes

Children's herpes is much more dangerous for a child, especially for newborns. In almost 50% of cases, this leads to the death of the child or damage to the central nervous system.

Once in the child's body, the virus tends to generalize, because of this, it spreads to other organs of the body, disrupts the functioning of systems and damages the spinal cord and brain.

Note! At the first symptoms of the disease, especially if there is a possibility of complications, the child needs to be taken to a doctor, and if necessary, hospitalized. Damage to the mucous membrane of the eye by herpes leads to visual impairment or blindness, skin rashes develop into eczema.

Preventive measures

The child himself is practically unable to carry out all the necessary preventive measures.

It should be closely watched by a parent or other adult:

  1. Proper adherence to the rules of personal hygiene - washing hands, using only your own things.
  2. Limiting contact with infected people.
  3. Constant increase in immunity - physical exercise, the use of vitamins, walks in the fresh air.
  4. Hypothermia should not be allowed - do not walk with your child in the cold and dress him appropriately for the weather.