How to quickly cure pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor). Tubular lichen in humans: photos, causes, symptoms and treatment Medicines for tubular lichen

Tubular (or pityriasis versicolor) - infection skin without damage to hair follicles. The peak of the disease occurs in the summer and is most typical for regions with a humid, hot climate. The fungus itself does not carry great danger and appears periodically, but due to the danger of relapses, it is still necessary to treat it. Young people are usually at risk.

Reasons for appearance

Present on the skin healthy person, this type of fungus may not manifest itself in any way. Its appearance can be triggered by:

  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Overweight;
  • Diabetes;
  • Stressful situations;
  • Wearing tight synthetic clothing.

Symptoms, signs and diagnosis

The main symptom is the appearance of small yellow-pink or dark brown spots on the chest, back, shoulders and sometimes on the head irregular shape. The formations are usually characterized by slight peeling. With insufficient treatment or lack thereof, over time the spots increase in size and can merge, forming large lesions. This type of fungus can form over several years, affecting increasingly large areas of the body.

It is believed that infection with pityriasis versicolor can occur not only when personal contact with an infected person, but also when sharing personal hygiene items (towels, washcloths, etc.). Incubation period lasts several weeks, but sometimes reaches several months. Very often, the fungus appears in those areas of the body where the sebaceous glands are concentrated.

The correct diagnosis can be made using a simple test. To do this, the affected area is lubricated with iodine, after which it is immediately wiped with alcohol. Skin affected by fungus will quickly absorb iodine, turning the spots dark brown. Unaffected skin will turn yellow. It is also easy to identify lesions after exposure to ultraviolet rays. In places where the disease is localized, spots form that will remain untanned.

Treatment of tubular lichen

At correct positioning diagnosis of tubular lichen, the treatment prescribed is not complicated, does not require large expenses or special medical procedures. They fight this species quite effectively by depriving solutions, folk remedies And antifungal ointments.

Pharmacy products for tubular lichen

  • A number of allylamine preparations, which include terbinafine, are highly effective. These include ointments: Lamisil, Exoderil, Clotrimazole, etc. They should be applied twice a day to clean skin. Having eliminated tubular lichen, treatment should be repeated after some time to avoid relapse.
  • Soviet dermatovenerologist Demyanovich M.P. became interested in what tubular lichen is and how to treat it this disease and developed the following method with sequential application of a 60% sodium thiosulfate solution and a 6% hydrochloric acid solution to the affected areas.

Treatment of tubular lichen with folk remedies

ethnoscience is rich in a variety of recipes for combating ringworm, but do not forget that the main method of treatment should still be drugs prescribed by a dermatologist.

Celandine Used in the form of tinctures to cleanse the skin.

  1. Add sugar to the crushed celandine and wrap in gauze.
  2. Pour boiling water over it. Leave to infuse for 30 days.
  3. Take 50 g. 3 times a day, without exceeding the dosage, as this can be harmful to health.

Compresses Calendula tincture, onion juice, Apple vinegar, Burr oil.

  1. Apply the selected solution to a gauze bandage.
  2. Apply the compress to the affected area of ​​skin.
Compresses are applied to the affected areas regularly and without interruption until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

Sorrel decoction

  1. Pour boiling water over sorrel leaves.
  2. Leave for an hour.
  3. Use the resulting decoction to wipe the areas where tubular lichen appears.
Procedures must be performed several times a day.


Prevention occupies the most important place in the fight against this disease, because it is better to prevent tubular lichen than to treat the consequences of its manifestation. When choosing underwear, you should give preference to products made from cotton fabric. It is good to iron clothes after washing. Rubbing with salicylic alcohol once a week will be beneficial for the skin.

The main thing is that at the end of treatment you should throw away the washcloth, and towels and bed sheets disinfect by boiling.

Lichen tubularis (another name is pityriasis versicolor) is an infectious disease of the skin. His characteristic features are fungal infection skin and the appearance of age spots on the outer layers of the epidermis different color. The causative agent of tubular lichen is a special fungus called malassezia. According to statistics, most often such infectious lesions of the skin overtake young people under thirty years of age. Tubular lichen does not pose a threat to the life or health of the patient, but it causes a lot of discomfort, discomfort and looks extremely unaesthetic.

What does it come from?

The direct factor causing the appearance of tubular lichen is damage to the skin (epidermis) by a special fungal infection. At the same time, which is typical, the fungus may not manifest itself in any way for a long period of time while on the skin. However, under the influence of a number of catalyzing factors, they begin to become active and multiply. The development of this infectious disease is caused by the following reasons:

  1. Increased sweating.
  2. Presence of endocrine diseases.
  3. Decreased immunity.
  4. Hypothermia of the body.
  5. Patient's presence gastrointestinal diseases of a chronic nature.
  6. Frequently wearing tight-fitting synthetic clothing.
  7. Heavy tan.
  8. Regular trips to the solarium.
  9. Genetic predisposition.
  10. Changes chemical composition sweating (often observed as a result of long-term use of certain medications).
  11. Since the malassezia fungus is extremely heat-loving, the disease most often develops in the warm season.
  12. Frequent use of antibacterial cosmetics, which reduces the barrier function of the skin.
  13. Increased humidity in the air.
  14. Hormonal contraceptives (if used regularly).
  15. Stress. Pregnancy can also trigger the activation of the fungus.
  16. Violation of personal hygiene rules.

In addition, doctors note the relationship between pityriasis versicolor and some other diseases. Often this infectious skin lesion affects patients suffering from tuberculosis, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus and seborrhea. Tinea tubularis may also accompany various pathologies gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Some scientists put forward a theory about the hereditary nature of this skin disease, which manifests itself in a special alkaline reaction secretions of the sweat glands, but so far this scientific assumption has not been confirmed.

Symptoms and signs of tubular lichen

A distinctive feature of pityriasis versicolor is the appearance on the patient’s skin of numerous round spots. They arise as a result of disruption of the activity of melanocytes - cells that regulate the process of melanin synthesis.

The color of such spots can vary from flesh to dark red, but dominates in in this case yellow. It is characteristic that when tanning, the color of lichen spots does not change. These lesions usually affect a person's back, neck, abdomen and chest. In the absence of treatment and as the disease progresses, the spots begin to peel off and increase in size.

TO additional symptoms The disease includes the following symptoms:

  1. Itching in the area of ​​the lesions.
  2. Burning sensation on the skin.
  3. Frequent cases of relapse of the disease with intensive treatment.

However, it should be emphasized that additional symptoms usually occur in the event of re-infection.

If you find suspicious scaly spots on your body, characteristic of pityriasis versicolor, you should consult a dermatologist.

Diagnosis of tubular lichen

The diagnosis of tubular lichen is made based on visual inspection patient specialist examining clinical picture and symptoms. However, in many cases, the manifestations of this disease are very similar to those of other skin diseases(eg roseola, leprosy, pityriasis rosea and others). Therefore, in order to make the most accurate diagnosis, the following medical procedures are performed:

  1. Taking the Balzer iodine test.
  2. Dermatoscopy.
  3. Test for Beignet's symptom.
  4. Luminescent study.
  5. Microscopy of tissue scraping.
  6. Using a Wood's lamp to reveal the characteristic color of the spots.

How to treat tubular lichen

Correct and comprehensive treatment of pityriasis versicolor is prescribed by a dermatologist, taking into account the degree of complexity of the disease and individual characteristics patient. Therapy consists of the use of local and general antifungal drugs.

The following antimycotic agents are usually used to combat tubular lichen:

  1. Bifosin.
  2. Mikospor.
  3. Salicylic gel.
  4. Clotrimazole cream.
  5. Terbinafine cream.
  6. Sulfuric ointment.
  7. Cycloperox.
  8. Resorcinol alcohol.
  9. Salicylic alcohol.
  10. Naftifin.

The course of treatment with external antifungal drugs is usually two weeks.

In cases of significant damage to the skin or a long course of the disease, doctors prescribe systemic antifungal drugs in the form of tablets. The selection of medications occurs individually. This takes into account general state health and age of the patient, whether he has chronic diseases and a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as contraindications to the use of certain medicines.

The most common antifungal drugs used to treat lichen tubularis are:

  1. Ketoconazal.
  2. Nizoral.
  3. Diflucan.
  4. Flucostat.
  5. Fluconazole.
  6. Itraconazole
  7. Fungavisin.
  8. Orungal.
  9. Rumicosis.
  10. Candithral.

In addition, as a treatment for tubular lichen, the process of pseudoleukoderma is used - the discoloration of lichen spots and the destruction of the malassezia fungus under the influence of ultraviolet rays during tanning.

Additional treatment conditions

In order for the treatment of tubular lichen to take place as quickly and successfully as possible, the following rules must be carefully followed:

  1. Carry out daily wet cleaning of the premises.
  2. The patient's linen and bedding should be washed in hot water at temperatures above ninety-five degrees.
  3. The patient's clothing should be ironed both on the outside and on the inside.
  4. Strong physical and psychological stress should be excluded.
  5. During treatment, it is recommended to avoid stress and overwork.
  6. Limit as much as possible the time the patient spends in the cold or direct sun.

For such a skin disease as tubular lichen, relapses are characteristic. According to statistics, they occur in eighty percent of cases. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, you should pay attention to the condition immune system, take a course of vitamins and special drugs that help improve immunity. For personal hygiene you need to choose cosmetical tools containing salicylic acid.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine suggests using apple cider vinegar, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil to treat pityriasis versicolor. These products are recommended to be applied daily to the affected areas of the skin. Folk remedies such as onion juice, tinctures and decoctions of rue or St. John's wort will help boost immunity and restore strength.

It should be emphasized that self-medication of tubular lichen is strictly not recommended. Practice shows that this leads to the development of many complications and can cause serious damage to the patient’s health. Treatment tactics and medications to combat this disease should only be determined by a dermatologist based on an accurately established diagnosis.

Tubular lichen is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that can significantly spoil the patient’s quality of life. Balanced diet, maintaining good personal hygiene and moderate sun exposure significantly reduce the risk of this skin disease.

(also called multi-colored or pityriasis) is an infectious disease caused by the fungus malassezia. This type of fungus reproduces well in humid, warm climates, so this disease is more often diagnosed in residents of southern countries. In Russia it is rare.

How to distinguish tubular lichen from other types of lichen?

The malassezia fungus is part of the natural human microflora. He lives at the base sebaceous glands and does not cause any harm. Under certain conditions, the fungus begins to multiply rapidly, causing disease. People with a high or weak immune system are especially susceptible to this disease.

The disease itself is not contagious, but can be transmitted either by wearing clothes and shoes of a person infected with the fungus, or by sharing hygiene products with him.

To protect yourself from this type of disease, you should follow some simple rules.

Prevention measures:

  • Each family member must have personal hygiene and bath supplies (toothbrush, washcloth, towel)
  • wear underwear made of cotton fabrics that absorb sweat well
  • have personal slippers for each family member
  • observe basic hygiene body, especially for people suffering from excessive sweating
  • avoid hypothermia and overheating of the body

If a family member becomes infected with a fungus, immediate action must be taken.

Everyone without exception can get tubular lichen. People who are weakened are especially susceptible to the spread of the fungus.

The reasons for the uncontrolled proliferation of the fungus can be serious health problems.

Provoking factors:

  • hormonal imbalance, which leads to a weakening of the body's protective function
  • diabetes mellitus, when excess weight is present and the sweat glands secrete sweat excessively
  • problems with the intestines when the process of absorption of nutrients is disrupted
  • chronic diseases
  • tuberculosis of the lungs
  • formation of malignant tumors
  • blood diseases
  • HIV infection

Tubular lichen appears on the back, chest, neck, shoulders, armpits in the form of small brownish spots, when scraped off, peeling of the top layer is observed. As they grow, they merge, forming lesions.

Tubular lichen is a chronic disease, so exacerbation is possible if measures are not taken in time.

Medicines against tubular lichen:

  • The following antifungal and antiseptic drugs containing imidazole are widely used: Clotrimazole, Mycospor, Travogen, Ecodance, Bifonazole. The active substance of these antimicrobial agents has a destructive effect on the cells of the fungus, changing its structure and causing irreversible death of the fungus.
  • Medicines from the allylamine group are also effective in the treatment of tubular lichen: Terbinafine, Atifan, Lamikon, Mycozil and others. They have fungicidal and fungistatic effects, preventing the biosynthesis of stearins in fungal cells.

The affected areas are first wiped with a 2-5% solution to soften the rough layer of skin, and then antifungal ointments are applied. Treatment with ointments usually lasts no more than 6-7 days. IN difficult cases When large areas of skin are affected, tableted antimicrobial drugs are used.

IN complex treatment tubular lichen is used ultraviolet irradiation and special antimicrobials for skin treatment.

It is important to eliminate the infection by disinfecting the patient's personal belongings to avoid re-infection through clothing items. In some cases, it is recommended to change the climate of the place of residence or working conditions that contribute to the development of fungal disease.

Thus, methods and means of treatment should be selected by a dermatologist after examining the patient and establishing the correct diagnosis. Sometimes the doctor refers the patient to laboratory test particles of affected skin to confirm the diagnosis.

How to treat tubular lichen? Enough a large number of people felt the beauty of this disease. It creates a lot of trouble for a person, especially in the summer. After all, the rash is mainly located in the most open places in the form of large spots. And if lichen appears in the summer, then this also adds a bunch of complexes. Because it is very difficult to hide your neck, arms and chest when the temperature outside is +30°C.

Tubular lichen is dermatological disease, which affects human skin and hair. Research data indicates that this disease mainly affects young people under 30 years of age. Tubular lichen is not dangerous to human life, but its appearance significantly affects and worsens life. This disease must be dealt with competently and comprehensively. And a dermatologist can provide this approach. If you have any suspicion, you should not self-medicate at home. It is better to seek help and get quality therapy.

First of all, you will need to undergo tests and carry out a series of manipulations that will help determine the true origin of the spots on the body and, as a result, prescribe adequate treatment.

The examination includes the following stages:

  • dermoscopy;
  • microscopic examination of scrapings;
  • iodine tests;
  • fluorescent diagnostics;
  • blood tests.

When carried out full examination person, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes a course of treatment. Therapy includes local and systemic antifungal drugs. The patient will need to avoid heavy loads, stressful situations and long stays in hot or, conversely, cool rooms. main reason appearance is increased sweating.

As for clothing, a person will have to stop wearing synthetic items and take care of personal hygiene. It is important to remember that synthetics give impetus to the proliferation of lichen fungus due to heavy sweating.

How to treat tubular lichen? The selection of medications to eliminate pathology is carried out individually for each patient. And it is always important to remember: what helps one patient may be harmful to another.

When making appointments, the following data is taken into account:

  • age and presence of chronic diseases;
  • form and duration of pathology;
  • the amount of infected skin.

If the epidermis is less than 18% infected, then treatment is local. If the area of ​​infection is larger, then antifungal drugs are also prescribed (orally).

If a person has been infected with lichen for less than two years, the attending physician will prescribe only external remedies. But at the same time, while treating the affected areas of the body, areas of healthy skin should also be smeared. Especially those places where lichen likes to settle.

IN old times used for external treatment sulfur ointment or salicylic acid. But time does not stand still, and today a large number of different antifungal agents have been created. They are able to deal with this problem much faster. At the same time, you should always remember that only a specialist can make an appointment, and independent choice will not lead to anything good.

The course of treatment consists of the following drugs:

  1. Special shampoos that are created to eliminate lichen, because this problem It also affects the hair.
  2. Antifungal sprays are used to apply to lesions throughout the body.
  3. There are cases when lichen begins to recur over a certain period of time. In such a situation, external remedies are ineffective. In this case, antifungal drugs are prescribed, which must be taken orally.

In order to receive good result from treatment, several rules must be followed. It's a daily shift underwear and clothes. And all bedding must pass heat treatment V soda solution. After drying, items must be ironed on both sides.

Modern treatment, as a rule, gives good results, but age spots in most cases remain on the human body. To get rid of them, you need to consult a doctor. He will be able to select the drug individually for the patient, and soon after the course of treatment the spots will disappear.

The key to successful treatment is hygiene

When the question of how to treat a disease is over, a person should take care of preventing pathology. First of all, to prevent a relapse, the patient needs to wipe the skin with salicylic alcohol in the heat. If there is no such thing in the house, you can treat it with acidified water. This must be done without fail, since human sweat promotes the growth of fungi. Once every two weeks, you can use antifungal agents.

The most important thing is to remember that tubular lichen, even after a full course of treatment, can return, since this disease has chronic course. And if tubular lichen has been identified, treatment is temporary. If you do not maintain personal hygiene, even after a full course of treatment, it will come back again and again.

Therefore, a person needs to take all measures to prevent exacerbation, namely, try to reduce sweating. In hot weather, you should not go outside without treating your skin first. You need to regularly maintain personal hygiene and wear only clean linen and clothes. These methods can control the disease and prevent relapse.

People with tubular lichen are susceptible to heavy sweating. And no matter how trivial it may sound, hygiene is not in last place in this problem. If a person does not keep his body and things clean, he is guaranteed to develop tubular lichen. Therefore, in this situation, there can be only one recommendation - to take care of yourself, since fungi of different nature and the size of the lesion appears on the human body as a result of poor hygiene.

Lichen tubularis is a skin disease caused by special types fungus of the genus Pityrosporum or Malassezia. Popular name disease - solar lichen, which is caused by frequent relapses after sunbathing or solarium. Other scientific names - pityriasis versicolor or pityriasis versicolor - are associated with appearance spots that have uneven color and peeling on the surface, reminiscent of bran.

What leads to the development of infection

Pathogens live on the skin of even healthy people without appearing in any way, but certain factors can activate their growth. It has been noticed that pityriasis versicolor is often caused by the following reasons:

  • decreased immunity;
  • excessive use of soap or alcohol-containing cleansers, which wash away the protective film from the skin;
  • hyperhidrosis or other sweating disorders;
  • intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • heredity;
  • serious internal diseases.

Active growth of fungi is observed in places where lipids accumulate on human skin, which provide a nutrient medium for them. This is due to the fact that tubular lichen develops on those surfaces of the skin where there are especially many excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.

Affected areas of the human body:

  • back;
  • breast;
  • shoulders;
  • stomach;
  • head, including face and scalp;
  • armpits;
  • large skin folds.

If you do not immediately begin to treat the manifestations of tubular lichen, fungi can penetrate into the glands or hair roots, thereby prolonging the course of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

With tubular lichen, spots on the surface of the skin look like this:

  • rounded areas of skin different sizes with a clear boundary that can merge;
  • do not protrude above the surface;
  • have different colors - dark brown, pinkish, light or dark brown, yellow;
  • in the center they peel a little when exposed to external influences.

If these areas become painful, itch and burn, the reasons most likely lie in the addition of a secondary infection, bacterial, which needs to be treated with antibiotics.

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Ways to get rid of the disease

Plaques of tubular lichen, appearing en masse on the body, have an unpleasant and repulsive appearance, although for others the sick person is not contagious. In order to cure a disease, it is necessary to correctly diagnose it, which only qualified specialists can do. Moreover, treat pityriasis versicolor It is better to start from the very beginning of the symptoms.

Internal administration of drugs is necessary if relapses are observed within 2 years, accompanied by an increase in the affected area by more than 18% of the healthy surface. In this case, the ointment is combined with systemic antifungal tablets or capsules.

Preventive actions

The following will help prevent tubular lichen fungus from appearing:

  • treatment of sweating areas of the skin with acidifying agents in the hot season, since alkaline environment most favorable for pathogens;
  • compliance with the totality hygiene rules skin care;
  • preference in clothing to natural materials;
  • fairly frequent change of linen;
  • use of protective equipment when tanning;
  • after illness, disinfection of personal belongings and bed linen.

Let's summarize the above

The fungus that causes tubular lichen is not contagious and can be asymptomatic on the body of a healthy person. Due to some reasons, its growth is activated, resulting in multiple multi-colored, flaky plaques appearing on the skin. The disease must be treated comprehensively, as prescribed by the doctor, this helps to get rid of the disease and possible relapses. Preventive measures reduce the likelihood of lichen occurring.

Experts advise not to try to treat fungal skin disorders on your own. Shtirtsev Igor Vladimirovich, an experienced dermatovenerologist, says that only a doctor can prescribe the right ointment, which will be localized in specific places where the fungus develops, without penetrating into healthy skin. According to the doctor, the specialist will diagnose tubular or multicolored lichen and also conduct necessary tests which will help distinguish forms of the disease. Depending on this, individual complex therapy is prescribed.