Itching in the back pass what could be. Anal itch: Elementary non-compliance with hygiene or serious warning? Why itching appears in the rear pass over the monthly

Itching in the rear pass is a delicate problem, in almost all cases a lot of inconveniences delivering to man. Today you will learn what this symptom can testify and how at all you can get rid of itch.

The most common cause of itching is the banal neglect of personal hygiene standards. A person is late for a long time, uses hard toilet paper, too often shaves her hair around anus, wearing close underwear from synthetics, because of what diallos appear first, and then - burning and itching. As a rule, this phenomenon does not need serious treatment - it can be solved by observing all the same hygiene.

But in some cases anal itch is the symptom of others, sometimes even dangerous diseases.

Table. The main reasons for the appearance of itching

NameDescription of the cause

One of the main symptoms of Helminthosis is just itching in the anus area. This is explained by the fact that the worms can postpone their eggs next to the sphincter, which leads to itching and burning in the intestinal mucosa. Still helminths can cause diarrhea, and a frequent defecation, as you know, also often leads to a burning and itching.

One of the specific signs of this disease is itching in the field of genitals and anus.

They may be accompanied by an unpleasant sensation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal hole. This may indicate the appearance of polyps, malignant or benign tumors, pancreas and liver diseases, poisoning.

A sign of dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema is a strong itching, and these diseases can manifest themselves not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membrane of the anus.

Most of the ailments that are transmitted by sexually accompanied by the characteristic itching of the genital organs. And infections caused by bacteria and fungi may well "get to" to the rear pass.

It is also itching can be a symptom of hemorrhoids (both both external and outer), anogenital warts, anal cracks, pointed wings and fistula.

Itching can occur after the use of low-quality alcoholic beverages, food products containing preservatives or artificial dyes. In addition, allergies may be a consequence of antibiotics.

In addition, itching may be due to the use of antibiotics (especially tetracycline and erythromycin), chronic intoxication (excessive use of alcohol, drugs), diseases of mental nature (psychosis, neurosis, dermatozoic absurd or eccoma syndrome, so on.).

Note! Above lists only the most common diseases whose symptom is anal itch. But in rare cases, it is the manifestation of other, less common pathologies.

As diagnosed

Due to the fact that the list of diseases capable of calling itching is large enough, without consulting a qualified physician in any case can not do. To reveal the cause and assign the corresponding treatment can a proctologist (although a woman can also appeal to the gynecologist). Next, a general blood test is prescribed, feces (for the subject of helminthosis) and urine. Sometimes biochemical analysis is required, as well as consultation of the endocrinologist.

Further treatment depends mainly on the reason for the appearance of the problem described. Consider the most common options.

Skin disease

In this case, itching is treated with the help of corticosteroids of external use - for example, prednisone or hydrocortisone. Such drugs are hormonal, therefore, therapy should be a course, and there is a slight break between the courses.

As for symptomatic treatment, it should include sedative and anti-lobes. The treatment uses with a soft effect, which is accepted by the course about two weeks. If allergies are treated, antihistamine drugs can be used (they also have anti-lope).


If the doctor diagnosed the disease that is transmitted by sexually, it will take antibiotics. A wide range of action can also be used (such as amoxycian, ciprofloxacin, etc.), which have high efficiency, which means that the course will be reduced to six to seven days.

Women can prescribe local antimicrobial drugs (vaginal candles), while men are tools for external use (chlorhexidine Bigluconat).

Finally, if there is a fungus, the doctor may additionally attribute antimicotic drugs - clotrimazole, fluconazole, etc.

At the initial stage, the disease is treated with local drugs (ointments, rectal candles, as well as anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Sometimes itching causes pointed condylomas. To eliminate them, the doctor can attribute imiques in combination with drugs to increase immunity.

If drug therapy is ineffective, then the Condylomes are removed by the surgically - by cryodestruction or with a laser.

Helmintosis - treatment

Note! While the treatment lasts, the patient is obliged to pay special attention to personal hygiene. It follows twice a day, and even after each fear. Soap is desirable to use hypoallergenic (for example, children's).

To reduce itching, after the bath, you can use Talc - this will not affect the effect of medical preparations. In addition, after contact with animals, you need to wash your hands. As for a special diet, which can also be appointed, it consists in the complete exclusion of oily, canned, salted and acute products (they all irritate the intestinal walls).

People's methods for treating itching

There are many folk agents against anal ferry, although it is worth remembering that they are all symptomatic, that is, eliminate (to one degree or another) symptoms, but the cause of discomfort remains.


In proportions 1: 1: 1 The following ingredients are mixed:

  • propolis;
  • 70 percent alcohol;
  • ball grease.

All this is carefully stirred and stored in a cold place for three days. A candle is cut out of the potatoes, then it (candle) is dipped into the cooked mixture and introduced into the rear pass for fifteen minutes. This agent is particularly effective in cases where it is caused by the anal cracks.

Herbal decoction

The following ingredients will be required:

  • walnut leaves;

  • burdock root;

  • chamomile.

All this is mixed in the same proportions and boils fifteen minutes (four tablespoons per liter of water). It is necessary to take three times a day about 100 ml.

Baths (Sitting)

Tazik on ½ is filled not too hot decoction of oak bark (three tablespoons per liter of water). Sitting in the pelvis need half an hour. It is worth knowing that the oak bark can be alternating with birch kidneys and calendula.


The dried calendula flowers are flooded with boiling water (100 ml of water for each tablespoon), after which the fluid is brought to a boil, removed from the fire and insisted within an hour. When the decoction cools, it is necessary to add two teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil.

The enema is put before bedtime.


200 g Vaseline should be divorced in 50 ml of cranberry juice. The finished mixture is used to lubricate the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass, the procedure is repeated twice a day.

There is another recipe: toasted oats is grinding to powder consistency, mixed with butter (1: 2), and the finished ointment is rubbed into the "problem" place twice a day.


Two teaspoons of Veronica poured 400 ml of boiling water and insist for two hours. The finished decoction must be drunk four times every day (before meals).

A similar decoction can be prepared from other plants, such as:

  • mint;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • st. John's wort;
  • truck.

All ingredients are mixed in a 1: 1: 1: 1: 1 ratio. Then you need to take three tablespoons of the obtained collection and pour the glass of boiling water. The mixture is kept on fire for five minutes, after which it insisters a few hours. The decoction is taken three times a day of 100 ml (also before meals).

Preventive measures

As noted above, the main thing in this case is personal hygiene. Ideally, for the prevention of anal itch, it follows after each defecation, so you need to try to make such a habit.

Note! Hard toilet paper or, worse, the newspaper can cause irritation of gentle skin in the anus area, which, in turn, can lead to a burning and toide. There is a huge amount of bacteria in the feces, which, penetrating the wounded skin, can cause discomfort.

Video - anal itch

A very unpleasant situation that can happen to every person is itching in the rear pass. Such uncomfortable sensations in such an intimate place significantly reduce the quality of life and deliver a lot of psychological problems.

Many people have suffered such an inconvenience for a long time and do not want to visit the doctor because of the feeling of shame and constraint, although the cause that causes itching and irritation can be a fairly serious disease that needs to be treated as soon as possible.

The problem is very delicate, and some simply do not know what specialist they need to contact, and consult with friends and familiar is not possible. In such a situation, you need to contact a proctologistwhich will help solve the problem in a short time, or, with a difficult situation, will send to other specialists for consultation. With the appearance of itching unclear etiology, it may be necessary to inspect the therapist, a dermatologist, a gastroenterologist, an infectiousnessist and an allergist.

In any case, if the problem is not possible to solve with the help of simple hygienic procedures, it is necessary, without postponing, visit the proctologist.

Top 5 reasons for itching

1. Violation of personal hygiene rules

The most elementary cause of a strong itching in the back pass may be a violation of personal hygiene rules. Also here refers to wearing uncomfortable or synthetic linen, especially for women who are constantly carrying thongs.

To solve such a problem, it is enough to simply remove an annoying factor and two times a day to blow the crotch using baby soap, especially after the act of defecation. Changing underwear should occur every day. All the diameters and sections of the maceration need to be treated with glycerol or children's sprinkler after water procedures. If the problem has not disappeared, you need to seek help from a specialist.

2. Infectious and dermatological diseases

Some types of skin diseases can manifest itself such a symptom as the crotch itch, in particular, the anal hole. Psoriasis, eczema, scab they have a property spread to intimate parts of the body.But at the same time symptoms will be bright and very diverse, and itching in the back pass will not be the very first and main manifestation. Dermatitis occur due to constant rubbing with seams, folds, artificial fabric in the field of genital organs.

In places of friction there are cracks and wounds, which are entrance gates for pathogenic microorganisms.

There are plenty of them in this place, and considering permanent combs, inflammation is not avoided. So the origin of the ferry treats a dermatologist with the help of special ointments and physiotherapy procedures.

3. Diseases of the urogenital system in women and men

Most sexually transmitted diseases are striking all the crotch, mostly in women and only sometimes in men. This is connected with the physiological location of the anus and the vagina of a woman. Most often in the rear aisle itches for the active phase of the Candidiasis, which is experiencing almost every female representative. This option is considered the most harmless.

Also itching can be caused colpit (inflammation of the vagina) various origin. The uncomfortable sensations arising from this kind of reasons will disappear in the treatment of the underlying disease and eliminate the pathogen of the pathological process. Therapeutic measures include specific medicines that are used to treat venereal diseases, or antifungal drugs.

4. Playing invasions

Itching in the anal holes can cause worms that affect the lower intestinal departments.

On a series of itching, there can sometimes be burning (more often after the intestine), which indicates the infection of ascarides or other types of worms.

5. Diseases of the rectum

In adults, the causes of itching in the rear pass can be related to the diseases of the rectum. In the case when painful sensations and bleeding are joined, the time to visit the proctologist, because it can be about serious health problems that it is best to solve at an early stage development.

The most frequent pathologies that are manifested by such symptoms may be the following:

  • cracks of the rectum;
  • anorectal fistula;
  • inflamed hemorrhoidal nodes;
  • novoy formation of the lower part of the rectum;
  • internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • malignant rectum tumor;
  • the proctosigmiditis, which amazes the mucous membrane of the sigmoid and rectum.

Diseases wear a protracted and recurrent character, so the main task of the patient is timely appeal to the doctorwhich will conduct diagnostic events and prescribe effective treatment. Otherwise, symptoms will grow, and itching in the anus area on subjective sensations will go to the second plan in comparison with increasing pain syndrome and abundant bleeding. In such situations, surgeons come to the help of proctologists, which stop the pathological process with a scalpel.

Timely start of treatment from the first symptoms gives a large percentage of cure. Calculate patients with ointments, gels and medicines that improve the peripheral blood circulation of the venous bed.

Possible causes of itch in the rear pass

To the question, why itchs in the rear pass, they will answer some diseases whose clinic can manifest itself in a similar way. Accordingly, itching in the crotch area sometimes appears in the following pathologies:

  • dysbacteriosis due to disorders of the intestinal microflora (manifested by inflammation and irritation of the anal hole);
  • obesity and overweight (always characterized by the diameters in all folds on the body, which are collections of colonies of pathological microorganisms, and, accordingly, itching appears);
  • diabetes mellitus (very often manifested by crotch mass, especially in women);
  • breast-age children are very often subjected to diameters that provoke itching, which is accompanied by the loss of appetite and the capriciousness of the baby;
  • increased sweating;
  • forced refusal to make hygiene of external genital organs (provokes irritation and itching in the perineum);
  • psychological disorders or strong shocks of a negative nature (cause the itching of the skin and the mucous membrane of some organs);
  • anogenital herpes;
  • papillomas (very often occur in the area of \u200b\u200bthe perineum and anal opening), may cause irritation during maceration.
It must be remembered that with the anus itch, which does not pass after hygienic procedures, you need to look for the reason for its appearance in violations of the body's functions.

Treatment of the rear pass

In all pharmacies, you can find many diverse tools from itching in the rear pass. Most of them really perfectly cope with this problem, that is, itching can stop. Usually, the external use preparations contain hydrocortisone hormone. But the effectiveness of such ointments can be justified only in the case of dermatitis and diaper. In all other cases, the symptom will return, since the main disease continues to progress.

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If a person has a hand, ear or, for example, eye, he can get rid of this uncomfortable sensation even in a public place. It is enough to scratch the itching plot, but what to do if the discomfort zone goes beyond the fraction of decency? How to get rid of an unpleasant feeling if it occurs in the zone of the anal hole? And before you understand the aesthetic part of the solution to the problem, you should understand why itches in the rear pass, and how to eliminate the cause of this symptom.

How dangerous itch is in the rear pass?

The irritation of the anal hole is a fairly common clinical syndrome, which people are simply shy about to speak. Many try not to pay attention to this problem and prefer to search for ways to solve it. However, this approach is radically incredible. Before proceeding with the treatment of itching, it should be sorted out why itchs in the rear pass.

It is worth noting that in half cases irritation of the anal hole is quite an independent clinical symptom, which is easy to eliminate with the help of various hygiene events. But in other cases, itching in the rear pass can be a body signal on the development of severe illness. Therefore, doctors recommend not to engage in self-medication in such situations and contact a medical facility for accurate diagnostics.

Glice invasion

Most often infected with small children who do not always follow the rules of personal hygiene. And to keep track of the restless fidgets that play in the sandbox, torment the unwashed fruits or vegetables, almost impossible. Therefore, so often moms are asked about why the child itches in the rear pass. And the answer is quite simple - the crumbs are glisted invasion with an edge. These "apartment" in the daytime are actively developing in the intestine of the child, and in the evening and at night they crawl to postpone the offspring. At the same time, the baby complains of a strong itch in the back pass, he becomes irritable and sleeps badly.

It is worth noting that not only children, but also adults can be the victim of the sharp. Some are infected with their own crumbs, others - irresponsibly belong to the rules of hygiene.

How to get rid of itching with sharp?

In addition to receiving medicines to prevent re-infection, the hygiene rules should be more carefully followed. It is also recommended to draw bed linen disinfection, towels and underwear. To do this, it is enough to wash these things at the highest temperature, then carefully pasted on both sides.

Itching with anorectovaginal diseases

Often the causes of uncomfortable sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal opening are the anorertovaginal diseases. These include hemorrhoids, anogenital warts, rear pass cracks, pointed warts, etc. And since the list of these diseases is large enough, to accurately determine why it is sick in the rear pass than to treat and how to facilitate the patient's condition during therapy, can only doctor.

After the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, the specialist will appoint a comprehensive treatment of the identified disease. If the patient was detected by hemorrhoids, then the doctor can recommend the drug "Relief", "Hepatrombin", "Burned", "Proktozan", "Ultrafrokt", "Detralex", "Aurobin" or others. Quickly remove irritation and pain during external hemorrhoid With the help of Medovazin medication.

Dermatological defaults

There are many of the reasons for the anal itch, so it's very difficult to cope with a patient with a problem. So, this symptom may indicate the development of dermatological ailments. It can be like scabies, pediculosis, seborrheic eczema, flat deprived and mycotic lesions of the epidermis or allergic dermatitis.

Before determining why itching in the rear pass in adults, the doctor should examine the patient and assign a number of laboratory research to help properly determine the diagnosis. Only after receiving the diagnostic results, the specialist will be able to choose the necessary complex of medicines for the treatment of the patient. In addition, the doctor will prescribe drugs for local applications, which will facilitate the condition of the patient and reduce the symptoms of the ailment.

Fungi, bacteria, microorganisms

Often itching in the back pass may appear against the background of a gonane and trichetic infection. But to determine which of these ailments I was struck and why itchs in the patient's rear aisle, I must define an exclusively professional. After all, only the doctor on history and the results of laboratory research is able to accurately diagnose the disease and assign adequate effective treatment. But if a person is diagnosed with a fungus, he will be recommended by medicines that are highly effective to this type of microorganisms. Most often, the patients are prescribed "Posterizan", "Otabeth", "Clotrimazole", "Triderm", etc.

Zhktic diseases

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract often become the cause of the anal itch. Ulcers, colitis, dyskinesia, polyposis, gastritis and even dysbacteriosis can cause this symptom and significantly worsen the quality of life of the patient. At the same time, a person may not even suspect the presence of a major disease due to the lack of other clinical manifestations. Therefore, in search of a response to the question of why itchs in the rear pass, you should take advantage of the help of doctors. Only experts will be able to establish the true cause of uncomfortable symptoms and prescribe treatment.

Domestic diseases

Itching in the anus area may appear in diseases of the internal organs. This symptom is able to occur in diabetes mellitus, oncological pathology, intoxication, as well as in the pancreas and liver diseases.

Symptomatic treatment of itching in such situations does not make sense. All efforts should be aimed at eliminating the main reason - internal illness.

Contact dermatitis

The use of various ointments, creams and shower gels can be a response to the question of why the rear pass has a woman. After all, the fair sex is used by a large amount of cosmetics to care for their own body. But the body is not always ready to perceive such care. As a result, contact dermatitis and itching in the region of the most sensitive areas of the skin, including the anal hole.

To get rid of the problem, it follows some time to cancel the use of cosmetics. To rather forget about the uncomfortable sensations, you can apply special dry ointment. It can be both a preparation "hydrocarter" and zinc or salicyl ointment. In addition, during treatment and after it, special attention should be paid to the choice of underwear, which must necessarily be made of natural tissues and not very tightly fit into the body.

After the problem disappears, it is necessary to choose the right hygiene agents that do not irritate the skin. It is necessary to carry out water procedures twice a day, and the underwear should be changed at least once a day. Observing these uncomplicated rules, questions about why itchies in the rear pass, how to treat folk remedies or medicines irritation in the field of the anus will arise much less often.

Incorrect meals and overweight

There may be unpleasant sensations in the rear pass, including itching, maybe with excessive use of some products. This includes both acute foods, a large number of spices, vitamin C, citrus and cola, tea, wine, coffee, beer, etc. And for many, this is the constituent daily diet.

In addition, the improper power most often leads to overweight and enhanced sweating, as a result of which a person may experience itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass and other sensitive parts of the body.

Other reasons

Neglect of hygiene rules, the use of coarse toilet paper, underwear from synthetic tissues, thongs with gross seams is not the entire list of reasons that cause itching in the anus area. And if the problem has already appeared, you should not postpone its decision for later, it is necessary to immediately eliminate the external stimuli.

It is also worth noting that there may be uncomfortable sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear passage can when receiving some antibiotics. Especially often they are manifested using penicillin and tetracycline drugs.

Sometimes asked questions about why itchs in the rear pass, how to treat this uncomfortable symptom, people suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction. They do not associate their dependence with this clinical symptom, although it appears precisely against the background of strong intoxication of the body. The treatment of the body should be preceded by the treatment of the body to local use in such situations.

Itches in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus? The reasons can be a lot - both hemorrhoids, and worms, and diabetes ... Itching the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear passage is the phenomenon common and can disturb the person for a long time. How to determine the cause of the anal itch and get rid of it?

When a person is ill and is experiencing some unpleasant feelings, he often complains of his state around. So we often say that our head ached, the stomach hurts or presses in the heart. At the same time, we are sure that we will understand and sympathize. But there are such diseases, whose symptoms are unlikely to complain out loud at work or in the company of friends. For example, most likely you do not want to voice that it is worried about itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass. But the "inconvenience" of this problem does not mean that it needs to be ignored. Itching in the area is a fairly common problem that can disturb for a long time. So that it has disappeared, you need to find out the reason for its appearance and take appropriate measures.

Itching is unpleasant and exhaust

Itching can occur directly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass or it can be all crotch. Itching can be light and short-term, and may be strong and unbearable. Also burning, swelling of the skin, excessive humidity in irritated place, thickening of the skin, or on the contrary, its detachment.

Do not be shy and endure these unpleasant and often exhausting sensations. To clarify the reasons for such a disorder, you need to contact a proctologist.

Why can it occur in the anus area?

The reasons for the occurrence of itch in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear passage are many and they are very diverse. Such itching can be a symptom of some kind of disease or an independent disease. Based on this, itching in the anus area is divided into primary or idiopathic anal itching and secondary.

Idiopathic anal itchit occurs without any obvious reasons and is considered an independent illness.

Secondary itching in the anus areacaused by certain reasons. The list includes:

  • hemorrhoids, anal cracks
  • tumor in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectum
  • diabetes
  • liver diseases
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular colitis
  • venericual diseases: chlamydoz, trichomoniasis
  • use of antibiotics and has arisen due to this dysbacteriosis
  • dermatitis due to the use of ointments and candles, soap, powders, shampoos
  • cleers
  • fungal lesions
  • allergic reaction to food or alcohol

Other reasons, such as thorough hygiene, allergic reactions of various kinds, stress can lead to itch. The most common cause of itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass is hemorrhoids, worms and fungal diseases.

Determination of the cause - the key to success in the fight against itch

To get rid of itching in the anus area, you need to find it the root cause and treat it. To do this, you need to see a doctor and conduct a number of studies.

As a rule, you must pass:

  • blood test for sugar
  • cal on the eggs of worms
  • analysis for the presence of dysbacteriosis
  • to do

Other studies may also be needed to clarify the diagnosis.

What is the treatment?

After setting the reasons for the appearance of itching, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. Typically, treatment includes:

    Appointment of drugs aimed at treating the main disease

    The use of local drugs aimed at eliminating itching


In some cases, even operational intervention may be needed.

But there are a number of measures to be taken first. They are relevant for any causes of itching, and will help facilitate your condition.

The first thing to be done with the bey in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus

    Get rid of uncomfortable clothing, which presses and is unnecessarily adjacent to the affected area.

    Do not wear clothes from synthetic materials.

    Change the means of personal hygiene that you use maybe it contains some irritating substance to your skin.

    Exclude hot baths.

    Make daily arms of cool water.

Diet against itching

Those who suffer from itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass, recommend excluding from the diet:

  • smoked

  • alcohol


It is also necessary to ensure that there is enough vitamins and fiber in the food.

"Non-serious" problem can be serious

Many suffering from itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass, confuse the inconvenience and seeming frivolousness of the problem. And the person postponing the campaign to the doctor in the hope that everything will be held by itself. But the launched problem can lead to the appearance of eczema, bleeding and ulcers. In addition, constant itching prevents normal sleep, causes irritability and spoil the mood. Chronic itching in the anus area is a constant feeling of discomfort and tension.

Feel free to consult a doctor, do not run the problem and do not let it worsen the quality of your life!

In life, everyone may happen. And if we are not able to prevent an accident, then when some symptoms are found, it is possible to prevent the disease. And today we are Pogim about why itching occurs in the field of anal hole in women, men and children, what are his symptoms, causes and methods of treatment.

What is an anal itch

Anal itching is a pathological condition, which is expressed in an unpleasant, similar to burning, tingling and pain, sensation arising locally (locally) in the zone of the posterior hole and the surrounding area (perianal), and causes the need to comb the disturbing site. It is often accompanied by the itching of the mucous and skin genitals.

Persistent long-term strong itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal hole leads to the depletion of the nervous system, sleep disorder, depression, often - to disabilities, causing even suicidal thoughts with a duty of the tormenting itch.

Itching in the anus zone is often one of the symptoms of skin pathologies, melted invasions, but is often observed with internal diseases.

About what anal itching will tell a doctor in this video:


Specialists identify several forms of anal ferry.

By origin:

  1. Primary (true)which is binding to a violation of the function of the posterior sphincter and uncontrolled allocating small volumes of feces that annoy the perianal zone.
  2. Secondarywhich cause various dermatoses, damage to the skin of the anus area, internal diseases and infections.

At the form of the flow:

  • acute I.
  • chronic.

How to reveal it

The condition in which the skin is sympathized in the anal area is quite unpleasant and expressed to quickly reveal it even with weak intensity.

Symptoms of itch in the anus zone:

  • soreness during defecation, combing;
  • irritation, redness and maceration (swelling) of the skin;
  • the appearance of abrasions, comb, bleeding;
  • inflammation and suppuration when introducing global microbes in deep damage after combing.

The intensity of chronic anal itch increases gradually, becoming stronger. The skin around the anal passage (holes) at itching is thinning, stretched, becomes dry and inflamed, while often loses.

What can speak symptom


The anal it is often accompanied by the following pathologies:

  • inflammatory diseases:
    • the lower intestinal department:, punctures and paraproktitis, proctoigmith, cryptite, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis;
    • internal and external genital organs, including vulvovaginitis, adnexitis, bartolinite, cervicitis;
  • anal cracks, fistula;
  • insufficiency of the Anus sphincter (incontinence) - reducing the contractile function of the muscles of the posterior-intensive hole, followed by irritation of the skin by felling feces;
  • constipation and diarrhea of \u200b\u200bvarious origin;
  • Helmintoses;
  • bacterial and viral infections - Pointed Condylomes;
  • skin diseases -, psoriasis, flat deprived;
  • fungal infections of anal zone - candidiasis, actinomycosis;
  • diabetes (early manifestations include itching, limited by the anal area), pancreatitis, liver disease, accompanied by cholestasis (bile stake);
  • , as a rule, combined with soreness, bleeding, sensation of a foreign body in anus.
  • (Neurogenic itch).

About what diseases can cause anal ferry, Elena Malysheva will tell in this video:

Factors and status

In addition, there are certain factors and conditions that contribute to the development of anal itch. These include:

  • anal sex;
  • frequent constipation and diarrhea;
  • reception of certain drugs (yathedral itch), for example - antibiotics, hemorrhoids, gels, ointments and contraceptives in the form of candles;
  • dried skin soap, gels, rigid toilet paper, urinary;
  • reducing estrogen levels during menopause, disturbing the physiological microflora and causing increased dryness of the mucous membrane.
  • insufficient compliance with hygiene;
  • excess in food spices, acids, salts, spices, synthetic additives irritating intestinal mucosa,
  • depilation in the anogenital region;
  • porched skin in old age.

How to deal with such a symptom

Itching the skin in the anus zone, if it lasts longer than 3 days and does not pass under the observance of hygiene and the use of moisturizing and fat creams (better - children's), as a rule, signals the possible development of non-identified diseases. The main task is to detect this pathology in diagnosing and conduct competent treatment.


Diagnostic examination in the condition of itching in the anal area includes:

  • conducting outdoor proctology inspection, since some diseases are found with an external visual study. These include: cracks, hemorrhoidal nodes, fungal lesions, condylomas, allergic skin diseases.
  • a finger rectal study that allows us to find out the degree of dysfunction of the sphincter of the rear pass;
  • the endoscopy of the colon, including colonoscopy, reorganosososcopy, anoscopy, which help the diagnosis of neoplasms, internal hemorrhoids, polyps, proctitis;
  • clinical and immunological examination of blood;
  • feast analysis for the presence of ascaris, sharp, eggs of helminths;
  • urine analysis on protein and sugar, on bilirubin, sugar, urea, cholesterol, creatinine to detect diabetes mellitus, cholestasis (bile delays in hepatic pathologies, leading to itch);
  • blood test on syphilis, smears on fungal infections to eliminate these diseases;
  • gynecological examination with suspected inflammation of reproductive organs and dermatological, if there are symptoms of the skin disease.

Diagnosis takes into account the connection of the ferrous with the defecation process, nutrition, the character of the chair, aggressive external factors (increased humidity, sharp temperature differences, overheating).


Appeal to the coloproktologist necessarily if:

  • the intensity of the rectal itch increases, is accompanied by a soreness, a feeling of a foreign body in the rear-ground opening;
  • in feces or on toilet paper, blood is found;
  • the state of it was manifested after 50 years;
  • there are relatives suffering from rectal neoplasms (it is recommended to screen on colorectal cancer).

Therapy of itching in the anogenital zone is aimed at treating the main disease or to eliminate provoking factors.

  1. The infectious nature of itching or inflammatory bowel diseases, reproduction authorities require the appointment of antibiotics and specialized treatment.
  2. With fungal infection, fungicidal preparations (, nystatin, leviversity, amphotericin B) and ointments are used (pimafucine, miconazole).
  3. When infected with helminths, anthelmintic ticks (piperazine, levamizol, ivermectin, niclozamide, albendazole) and anti-sabase funds (