Conspiracy to arouse feelings. Helping magic in love affairs. Personal contact conspiracy

Arousing a woman is an art. To do this correctly, you need to find the right balance between the manifestation of aggression and passivity. You need to know how to touch properly female body and understand what she wants and when she wants. If you want to find out how to turn up the fire and ignite a woman's passion, then follow the tips below.


It's all about the mood

  1. Create a romantic atmosphere. If you manage to create a romantic setting, your girlfriend will be ready for business even before the first kiss. You should make sure that the lighting, smells, and sounds in your lair are romantically set. Here's how to achieve it:

    • Turn on soft and romantic lighting. When you enter your apartment, the light should be dimmed in advance - so that she can see you in general plan but not bright enough that she suddenly felt uncomfortable. Light some candles.
    • Arm your apartment with sexy scents. If you know that a girl will come to you for dinner in the evening, then ventilate your room during the day. Some scented blends can freshen up a room. When your lady enters the room, light a few scented candles subtly.
    • Build your success with romantic music. A selection of the necessary melody will contribute to the conquest of the girl's heart with even greater success. Jazz can help her feel refined, while R&B can put her in a sexy mood. Whatever you choose, make sure you act discreetly and remain elegant.
  2. Enhance the sexiness of your home. Your home should be prepared for sexuality well in advance so that the mood remains lovable while avoiding all kinds of distractions. And here are a few things to buy about this:

    • Beverages. Stock up on red and white wines, as well as any other drinks your guest wants. Perhaps you will return from a date in a restaurant, where you have already sipped a little, and now that you are both in your apartment and it is nearing its climax, you need to refuel the right mood with a couple of sips of the right drink - just for every fireman.
    • And something to eat. If you need a little more time to warm up before heading to the bedroom, then fill your kitchen with the appropriate provisions: chocolates, strawberries, grapes and other berries that can stimulate not only the appetite of the stomach, but also other parts of the body. Avoid fatty foods which can cause gases. Gas is sometimes best kept with you.
    • Personal hygiene products. If you are going to perform a love "feat" tonight, then prepare a clean and fresh towel and soap for your girlfriend. After all, you do not want to scare off all the romance by mistakenly giving your towel soaked in physical evidence of successfully done physical exercise in the gym?
  3. My home is my fortress, and in this "business" too. Work hard to sexually equip your habitat so that the girl, without stepping a step, wants to quickly get into your bedroom. Drum roll ... and here's how to do it:

    • Keep everything clean. This, by the way, is the most important part when creating the mood you want. Hide your dirty clothes and linen well, clean up well everywhere, and also take Special attention beautifying your washroom. Your girlfriend needs to feel as comfortable as possible before she reaches a state of full "alert".
    • Be stylish. Your apartment does not require millions of dollars in investment in order to get a girlfriend. Get some classic wood or leather furniture, a couple of nice paintings and a good stereo system to show that you care about your surroundings. Eliminate socially inappropriate amount of photos with your ex-girlfriend and you.
    • Buy a sexy bed. Wash all bedding, wipe down the coffee table, fluff up the pillows. And also it's time to hide your mom's photos. Your partner needs to be comfortable enough in the web of your blankets and pillows before being ready for your body to invade.

Foreplay at the highest level

  1. Take care of its convenience. Once you have reached the right mood for yourself and your girlfriend, you should give her the opportunity to feel at home. If she is relaxed, then it will be much easier for her to get down to business. Here's how to do it:

    • Hang up her coat and let her take off her shoes. She will feel more relaxed after that.
    • Offer her a drink. You shouldn't force her to drink anything, but provide her with a glass of wine if she so wishes, and you should drink some wine with her, otherwise she may feel uncomfortable.
    • Give her a compliment. Let her feel good by telling her how much you like her, for example. Talk about how beautiful she looks, how good it is to spend time with her, or how much you enjoy her laugh.
  2. Touch her sexually. When your guest feels more relaxed, she will want to get closer to you. Do not hesitate - sit closer to her and begin to delicately touch her body, thereby giving rise to foreplay. And here's how to behave further:

    • Sit next to her with your feet touching each other. Wrap your arms around her. If she likes, then start flirting with her hair.
    • If she is wearing dangling earrings, then gently hold one of them in your hand while gently stroking her ear with your fingers.
    • Give your hands a little more freedom and even take her hands and start lapping her fingers if she allows.
    • Give her a sexy massage. Massage her shoulders, lower back, or even biceps. This way you will definitely get it on the right note.
  3. Kiss with passion. The kiss is the first big step you will take, and you must do everything right during this ritual of love if you want to move on to the next step. To become a kissing master, you need to find an irresistible kissing style.

    • Be gentle. Kiss her gently, at first, without much effort on the part of the tongue. Parse your lips slightly and touch her tongue with the tip of your tongue. If she reciprocates, then move your tongue to the area of ​​her mouth, but do it slowly.
    • Leave her waiting for more. Take breaks from kissing by closing your eyes, stroking her hair, or beginning to kiss her shoulders or neck gently. You don't have to blindly kiss for hours, which can either get boring or both of you get tired.
    • The time has come to be more aggressive in your touch. Kissing her, bring your hands down to her waist, gently touching her breasts and thighs. But make sure she is comfortable with your movements.
  4. Start taking off your clothes. Once your kisses have become hot and passionate, then it's time to undress to continue the banquet. To set the tone for the subsequent hot sexual intercourse, you need to take off your clothes in a specific sequence. It is in this:

    • Take off your blouse first. Run your hands gently under her blouse and lift it over her head. If you see buttons on your way, then slowly undo each of them and passionately toss the blouse to the side.
    • Then take off your shirt. Do not take off all your belongings at once, which can scare your girlfriend away by making it seem very aggressive behavior... Do not hurry.
    • Once your outerwear is removed, continue kissing, then you should remove your bra. Keep track of the location of the clasp, which may be in the back or in the front, and try to be elegant in relation to removing the bra. You should not be awkward or joke about the fact that you have not had to do this for a long time, or how difficult it is to take off her bra, because all the excuses written above can only scare her away and indicate your inexperience.
    • Touch gently underwear girls. This will hint to her that it is time to remove this part of today's wardrobe. If she is wearing pants, then slowly pull them down, and if she is wearing a skirt, then gently pull it down along her legs.
    • Take off your pants too, eventually, or wait for the girl to do it herself, if she feels comfortable enough and untied.

Arsenal of correct movements directly in bed.

  1. Be open about your intention to have sex. Of course, and so it is understandable, after all, you both lie half-naked in shorts, but all the same - it is better to clarify, so that for sure, in order to avoid feelings of awkwardness or misunderstanding during the process itself. Here's the easiest way to do it:

    • Ask, "Are you ready?" or "Do you really want to?", be absolutely frank about wanting to move to a new level of relationship.
    • If she agrees, be prepared to use a condom. Show your dexterity and dexterity in donning the security item so as not to kill the romance.
  2. Horny your girlfriend as best you can before sex. Men come to the "ready" position faster than women. Even if you have invested a lot of time in foreplay, do not be too lazy to apply some more gentle patience before embarking on the act of love. Do it something like this:

    • Caress and kiss her body at the most sensitive points. Kiss her neck, shoulders, chest, belly, hips.
    • Tell her how much you like her or how much you are in awe of specific parts of her body.
    • Touch her genital area gently. You can tease her a little, then shift your hand's attention to other parts of her body, which will leave her in a state of wanting to continue. Once it's ready, start.
  3. Choose your sexy style. There are dozens of ways to get great sex, and once you get started, you need to get a deep sense of your partner in order to identify the most comfortable approach for her. Here are a few ways to get you started:

    • Try different positions. Start in a top position, then let her climb to the top if she so desires, or even try something extravagant. You should not use any tricks at the beginning, take a better minute to study each other, and then, having reached a unanimous decision, try aerobatics.
    • Observe which mood she likes best: gentle or aggressive. Try small bites different parts her body or any sensual touch so that if she reciprocates, then continue, if not, then change tactics to the opposite.
    • Play with greases. Greasiness is not for everyone, but if your guest likes it, then calmly continue talking to her insolently, which will lead to even more arousal on her part. If she doesn't smell like reciprocity, calm down your tone.
  4. Strong ending. Both partners should enjoy the love work done, so make sure your girlfriend is enjoying the activity before you finish. Check out a few points for a spectacular finale:

    • Remember that many women do not reach orgasm in sex, and therefore, if she does not reach the peak of pleasure, continue to fondle her until she reaches this.
    • After you're done, don't rush out of the room and into the shower like scalded. Stay and spend some time with the goal of petting your girlfriend.
    • Don't be upset. If your girlfriend doesn't get an orgasm, or if you step out of the race prematurely, don't be discouraged. This happens much more often than you think, and a calm attitude towards it will show that you are confident in your abilities - so, for the future.
  5. Leave her pleasure incomplete. After the bed transaction is complete, there are several ways to continue the love business with you, either later this evening or later this week. Here's how to put a comma in your relationship:

    • Invite her to go to the shower together after bedtime. If she is "for", then kiss her gently in the shower.
    • Do not become isolated after this. Give your girlfriend some moral freedom and space, but also let her know that you are exactly the same cool guy she kissed with a while ago.
    • Tell her that you had a good time with her, that you would like to repeat it again. When she leaves, show her off like a real gentleman. Put her in your jacket if the weather turns bad, give her a ride home or call a taxi for her and kiss her goodbye.
    • Play calm. Don't say, "When can we fuck next time?" Instead, express your enthusiasm for the night together and tell her that you will call her soon.
    • Make her look forward to her next meeting with you. Once she's gone, send her a somehow casual phone message reminding her of a hot night with you. Believe me, she will want to before you have time to recharge your candelabra with new candles.
  • Don't be lazy - share. Give your girlfriend at least as much love as she gives you. Focus on making her feel good.
  • If you reach a premature orgasm, don't act like an annoyed villain. Play around and apologize politely, but don't get hung up on it.


  • Use condoms to avoid STDs. You should always use a condom when sleeping with someone for the first time. Do not convince the girl that sex will be better without a condom - it is dangerous, and you can catch a serious virus from her.
  • Never force a woman to have sex with you. Let her make this decision for herself. She should never regret spending the night with you.

Sexual life is just as important for a couple as a sense of security, reliability, comfort in the house. Without passionate sleepless nights, a man and a woman simply become cohabitants living in the same apartment.

Sex is important for both health and psychological bonding. But if you sleep that night in a row, turning away from each other, and your husband does not even bother when you walk by in a short robe, it's time to sound the alarm.

1. Reassure your husband that sometimes you need to rest too.

Most often, a man does not show an inclination to play in bed due to fatigue at work. Arrange a SPA-day off for your beloved - prepare a fragrant bath for him, give him a massage, show your culinary talents. A bottle of good wine will not hurt either.

A relaxed and kind man will gladly accept his portion of caresses, and then he can take the initiative himself. The passion will be brighter if you add to the bath essential oils vanilla and cinnamon - natural aphrodisiacs. And in a romantic meal include seafood dishes - they are great to awaken desire.

2. To revive the senses, offer him something unusual.

Perhaps your man is just bored. You can go camping with tents. The new place, the absence of strangers and the clean heady air work wonders.

If there is no time for hiking, you can simply suggest taking a walk to a secluded place - an abandoned building, a high hill, a wild beach ... The main thing is to take a blanket with you.

3. If you are tired of waiting, start first.

Men are very turned on when a woman takes the initiative into her own hands. Flirt modestly with a man, or, conversely, lash out passionately at him. If a loved one is at work, he will be very excited by intimate text messages.

If you are sure that no one else will see you, you can send him a couple of interesting photos. And, of course, do not forget to prepare before the man comes home.

4. Nobody canceled the good old

This method saved the married life of more than one couple. A student and a stern teacher, a doctor and a shy patient, a sick and sexy nurse - who will you be this time?

The very process of choosing costumes and drawing up a plan of action is capable of fanning the fire of passion in earnest. Can you imagine what will happen when you start making your fantasies come true?

5. Get yourself in order.

Sometimes it is enough to look in the mirror. Who do you see there - a stunning beauty or a tired housewife? If the latter, it is not surprising that the man does not show interest in love games.

Get a trendy hairstyle.It will be great if you sign up for a fitness club or dance - this will tone your figure and give flexibility. And the most luxurious gift for a man will be a passionate striptease in your performance.

Sometimes people who love each other realize that passion suddenly passes. As a result, they start to get bored in the relationship and look for pleasure on the side. In some cases, there is a strong emotional bond between people, but for some reason, a note of passion is lacking. In such situations, a passion conspiracy is ideal, capable of causing a real spark between people to kindle, which will certainly turn into a fire.

Conspiracy on a candle to kindle a fire in the soul of a loved one

Such a rite is considered safe and belongs to white magic, in contrast to a love spell or suckers. He does not have negative consequences and is not able to bind a person to himself, against his will. It is enough just to make a ritual so that it helps people to feel their former passion and restore harmonious relationship or translate friendship into something more. To perform the ceremony, you will need:

  • red candle:
  • a photo of a loved one;
  • White tablecloth.

Wait until evening, wash, and then spread a light, clean tablecloth on the table. Put a photo of your beloved on it, just note that this should be a fresh shot, in which the eyes are clearly visible. Light a scarlet candle, and then read the prayer "Our Father". After that, you need to say the magic words:

“You, candle, burn, give your hot flame. As your fire ignites, so let the heart of my beloved (name) also ignite. Let the flame of love burn hot, but it never goes out. My word is strong, my thoughts are solid. Let the servant of God (name) pass on me with passion! Amen".

After that, carefully look at the fire of the candle, imagining how your beloved flares up like a flame, and his feelings all rush to you. After 10 minutes, you can extinguish the candle and wrap it along with a photograph of the desired object in a white tablecloth. Then you need to hide all these things away so that no one can find them. Remember that it is important to make such a conspiracy for a man's passion on the growing moon and, of course, in no case tell anyone about him. Since the ritual is short-lived, you can repeat it whenever you feel that you are lacking passion from a loved one.

Salt conspiracy to stir up passionate feelings

This wonderful ritual will certainly suit everyone who long time trying to translate friendship into a closer relationship. In addition, it will come in handy and married couples, in which love still glimmers, but banal addiction has deprived of all passion. Such a conspiracy on strong passion will restore relationships and give intimate intimacy brighter colors.

To perform the ceremony, you must wait for the growing moon, and then prepare the salt. Having poured it into a metal bowl, you need to read these words three times:

“I pick up the salt, speak to my husband (name). Let him not sleep or eat without me, he thinks and dreams of how he hugs and kisses. Let the servant of God (name) burn with passion for me. He has my concoction with salt - not gorge on me, the servant of God (name), look and not get enough of it. What I didn’t say, I didn’t finish, let the angels finish it! Amen".

After that, you need to cook your husband's favorite dish and add salt there. This rite belongs to white magic, so it can be performed regularly without fear of punishment from higher powers. Every time the passion seems to wane, it is enough to induce it by adding a little salt to the food. After that, the husband will want you again and burn with the desire that he is only capable of.

Conspiracy on strings, so that there is passion between the couple

There are times when a man not only loses passion for his beloved, but also begins to look at the "strona". Over the years, even the most beautiful wives change outwardly, and most husbands simply grow cold towards them. Intimate life becomes rare, and men begin to "hunt" for other ladies. To avoid such a situation, there is a passion conspiracy that will help ignite the fire of love that has gone into the past over the years.

Love spell to kindle passion

Husband's love conspiracy

Sexual binding or love spell wine WORKS !!! After the passion of the registry office wedding.

To do this, you need to buy threads white... You can do this in advance, but the ceremony must be carried out in one of the women's days: Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. The prepared threads need to be threaded into the needle and the pillow, on which your beloved usually sleeps, in your hands. Make seven stitches in it by reading these words as you sew:

“I'm stitching the pillow, stitching it to myself with the thread of a dear one. As the pillow is strong, so my dear loves me deeply and does not look at anyone else. So that the dear only missed me, he loved and desired me alone. Let all the girls seem bad, and I always, like a pava, so that only one servant of God (name) sees me, and does not want and does not want others! Key, lock, tongue. Amen!".

After that, quietly place the pillow on the bed and make sure that only your beloved sleeps on it. Never give this thing to anyone and, of course, do not tell that you had a conspiracy for strong passion. After such a ceremony, the man will not think about the girls on the side, but will want to spend time with you more often and will wish you with all the fire that is in it.

Rite of passage for the water so that the man burns with the fire of desire

This ritual is simple yet powerful. To perform the ceremony, you will need pure water from a spring or bottled. It needs to be kept in a dark place for seven days, and then taken out and poured into a small saucepan. Next, you need to put it on the fire, and while stirring, read the following words:

“You, water, are cold, and my husband (name) is cold. But you fire up, fill with warmth. As you get warmer, so my husband (name) warms up, gets hot, gravitates towards me with fire. Filled with passion, filled with desire. Let him love and want me! May it be so!".

This water must be added to the tea for the spouse, and then make sure that he drinks everything to the bottom. Passion on the part of a man is guaranteed and a pleasant pastime awaits you. To return the sensations and repeat them again, it is enough to carry out the ceremony again, waiting for the growing moon. And, of course, the main condition remains - not to tell anyone anything about the ritual! Let this be your little family secret, allowing you to evoke the flame of feelings in your husband.

The conspiracy for sex is very popular in our time. We can say that among all love rites, this one is the most frequently used.

This ritual allows you to transfer with the person you like to new stage relationships, or rather, in bed.

Of course, it is better not to use magic unless absolutely necessary, but, for example, she can refresh the relationship between spouses.

Awaken sexual passion

This magic is not an ordinary magical rite, it has much more in it: it allows you to awaken sexual attraction in a particular person.

The main purpose of this rite is to incite passion and awaken libido, not forced submission. There will be no good from the second.

The main advantages of a sex rite are:

  • A quick effect that occurs literally a couple of hours after the ceremony.
  • The ceremony does not carry anything complicated, the execution does not require expensive components or referral to specialists, it can be easily done at home, on your own.
  • The validity period also differs in a wide range, the rite can be valid from an hour to a year or more. It all depends on the personal preference of the customer.
  • This ritual has a positive effect on intimacy. Sex will be filled with bright and enchanting moments.

There is one BUT: a conspiracy will not work on a man who dislikes a woman. Everything should be by mutual agreement. The ceremony helps the object to gain a strong desire, which the customer, in turn, can use.

The ritual is perfect for both newly minted couples and those who already long time is in marriage, and passion in intimate relationships has cooled down. In this case, a conspiracy on the bed will bring something new and colorful into the intimate life of the spouses. Everything will pass as on the first wedding night.

The secret of rituals to stir up passion

For a ceremony to stir up passion between spouses, you only need church candle... Before going to bed, you need to light it up and put it at the head of the matrimonial bed, after which 7 times pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

Conspiracy "For sex" on a candle

“I kindle, kindle the passion inside the servants of God (your names). I awaken sexuality and sensuality. Let passion intoxicate and intoxicate, but dominate over reason. So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, the lips dry, And the hands reach out to the servant of God (name). So that I become for him the biggest dream, the most strong desire... Amen!"
I will meet so that I understand my prospects. My heart skips and worries. Sympathy has arisen and is multiplying. Do not let me be lost in agony. Bring (name of beloved) on a date. I will pray to you for this. My God, my Wizardas. I will praise you, greet you. Do not let me miss my chances. Hantaa upar. "

You need to repeat the ceremony 3 times, after that, leave everything without touching, and tune in to an erotic night.

This rite is only talked about positive reviews: it has a short-term effect and does not harm any of the couple - neither the performer nor the one at whom it is directed.

The most effective of all conspiracies is considered a salt ritual.

It can work even if there hasn't been intimacy between people yet. To implement this rite, you need a photograph of a man, a little salt, and seven drops of water. When choosing a picture, it is advisable to give preference to a photo where a man is depicted alone, and there are no interfering objects such as glasses, hats. In our century social networks it is not difficult to get such a photo.

It is required to take a deep bowl filled with water and throw salt into it, pronouncing the text of the conspiracy.

Conspiracy "For sex" on salt

“As salt is saturated with water, as water gives itself up without a trace, So my beloved, God's servant (name) will desire me, God's servant (name), May he not rest until he takes all of me. Amen!"
wedding candle and bell ringing at the wedding hour. That order is valid to this day. The souls of the Slave (name) and the Slave (name) go to each other, in an eternal circle, forever and ever, in endless love. I crown with a strong word, I protect with a molded deed. I fasten with all white magic. Amen!"

Repeat the above three times, and upon completion pour the remaining salt evenly over the image. You need to leave the photo in this position until the wish is fulfilled.

In addition, there are rituals that can push an indecisive man to take action, for example, a rite of passionate sex.

Conspiracy "For passionate sex"

“There is an oak on the Buyan island beyond the okyan sea, the oak is a thousand years old. The oak tree has a thousand and one branches that do not bend from the wind, do not burst from the rain.
So let the servant of God (name) ninety-nine lived and one lived not to bend from the ninth body, from the woman's gaze, from malicious intent, from an enviable thought.
Amen. If pure gold is silver, if only the servant of God Ivan, the baby, Klavdin's son, would be pure, forever and ever. Amen. Kohl is clean egg, if only a smooth and clean slave God's baby, get away from the sparrow and scab, all the accursed bainya scum, all the bainya vereda, no scabies, now forever and ever. Amen."

And if the relationship with your beloved is just beginning and it will not come to intimacy, you can speed up this process. Seeing your beloved, quietly walk behind him and read the conspiracy in his back.

Conspiracy "For sex"

"How your leg stumbles over your leg,
So zealous heart will beat
So that you, the servant of God (name) suffer about me, think day and night,
I dreamed of a bed with me.
Wanted to be with me, God's slave (your name)
He hugged, kissed and pressed me to his chest.
And without me he missed and suffered.
He was in trouble day and night, but he did not know peace.
May it be so."
ranks, nor inferior ranks,
Neither the first nor the last.
Twelve disciples of Christ
May they help my meeting.

You will surely like the result.

The rite is a mystery

After the desired passionate night has taken place, there is no doubt that it will be repeated more than once, one call or SMS will be enough, as everything will happen according to the written script. Initially, a man must independently make contact, if this did not happen, all that remains is to wait. It takes everyone to wait different time: it is enough for someone to wait an hour or two, but for someone a month is not enough. It all depends on the true attitude of a man towards you.

You should not tell anyone about the ceremony, even the closest relatives or friends cannot know this, otherwise the action automatically weakens, and sometimes it may not give any result at all.

People who perform the rite of conspiracy for sex, out of revenge or simply out of curiosity, can pay dearly for such an act. Before doing magic, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and eventually decide whether you need it or not.

In this article:

A conspiracy or ritual for passion is a special form of love spell, which, however, does not evoke love, but is aimed exclusively at kindling passion in a person's heart. This ritual can also be used to bring the spark back to spouses and save the marriage.

Speaking about love spells, you must always remember the moral side of this issue. Of course, many will say that any love spell is bad and sinful, but in reality everything is much more complicated.

If you want to take your husband away from the family, then you are not doing the best thing and must be prepared for possible negative consequences.

But if the purpose of the love spell is only to attract the attention of the beloved, in order to independently seek his love and honestly build relationships, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with him.

How to carry out the ceremony correctly

Rituals are not tied to a specific time of day. They can be performed at any time, during the day and in the evening, if this is not required by a certain rite. Conspiracies can be read at home, while it is advisable to stand by the window and look at the sun or moon.

The words must be pronounced loudly and clearly, with self-confidence and with the belief that the ritual will give the desired result.

Conspiracy upon contact with an object

This magical rite is suitable if you want to arouse passion in unfamiliar person, for example, on a first date or at a casual meeting. Step back a little from the purpose of the ritual and read in a whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“I, the servant of God (name), dream of your kiss, the servant of God (name). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to own you, servant of God (name). Our meeting was not accidental, we were destined for each other by fate. I want to give you pleasure, and so that you give pleasure to me. You cannot refuse my gaze, my touch, my lips. I will beckon you, I will fill your heart with passion. You will be mine, servant of God (name), you will tell me "yes" when I myself wish it. May it come true that said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rite of lust

“I, the servant of God (name), kindle the fire of passion in the lower abdomen of the servant of God (name). I will raise the passion into your heart, into your head. Let thoughts about me drunk you, let them intoxicate, let thoughts dominate and command you.

Passion will burn in your body, the servant of God (name) will torment you. Your legs and hands will tremble, your lips will dry over me, you will reach out to me, go to me, look for me. You can't extinguish the passion in your body, you can't forget about me.

There is no way you can get rid of thoughts of me. Only I can satisfy your thirst and hunger, only I know how to satisfy your passion. Everything is on me, the servant of God (name) for you, the servant of God (name) converges, everything is done on me. You want my body, you want it so that it darkens in your eyes.

I am your dream, I am your desire... We will be with you in the heat of passion. We will experience lust and lust. Burn, fire, in the heart of the servant of God (name), burn it to the very bones. "