Determine the subject and faithful in the offer online. How to determine the grammatical foundation? Explanation of the discretion of the proposal, complex cases

The grammatical basis of the sentence (subject to both) is the most important syntax design that defines not only the structure of the sentence, but also its informational meaning. Moreover, without correct definition of the grammatical framework, it is impossible to competently solve punctuation problems, especially in complex proposals.

Pupils of the second stage of the secondary school (5 - 9 classes) are not always possible to properly and quickly find the grammatical foundation of the supply, because this syntax design is very diverse both in form and content. Consequently, problems arise and with a general analysis of the proposal, and with punctuation.

We note it right away that you can only fully identify the grammatical basis for the proposal to fully implement one of the most important principles of didactics, namely, the principle of the prospects for learning.

This means that, starting from elementary school, it is necessary to look far ahead and gradually acquaint children both with members of the proposal that make up its structure and with terminology.

The initial acquaintance of children with the main members of the sentence occurs even in elementary school (in grade 3). The simplest form of the grammatical basis of the proposal (subject to expressed by the noun, and the ledged - verb) is absorbed relatively easily and quickly. But the slightest deviation from this formula already causes difficulties and confusion both in understanding and in terminology.
Unfortunately, the culprits of this confusion sometimes there are teachers.

Here is an example:
The class works with a proposal "Children play in the school yard"
Teacher: Where to be subject to?
Pupil: Children.
Teacher: That's right. Where is the verb?

What did the teacher did? He grossly broke the classification system of completely different concepts. After all, the classification of speech parts is one, and the classification of members of the sentence is completely different. In no case cannot be confused by these things!

The teacher was supposed to ask: where is the fault?

In the system of teaching children in the Russian language in elementary school, an important place is occupied by an error-free understanding and ability to distinguish between the values \u200b\u200bof different parts of speech: the name of the noun, the name of the adjective, verb, pronoun, the pretext and adverbs.

If this mixing concepts "part of speech" and "sentence member" is not eradicated in elementary school, then on average, it is extremely difficult to make it.

Summing up children to understand the structure (construction) of the proposal, it is necessary to emphasize the attention that the word by a member of the proposal can be only as part of the proposal. This is first. And secondly, on the fact that members of the sentence (while we are talking only to the subject and the taught) can be expressed by any part of the speech ("made" from any part of speech).

It is very important that in elementary school children understood and firmly knew what to be subject to and what was the faithful that these main members of the sentence indicate and what questions answered. Children are especially difficult in search of the faithful if it answers questions "What is subject to?" Or "What is there (who is) to be?"

It is very useful already in 4 and 5 classes to conduct a written survey "What is subject to?" And "What is a faithful?", where students should not only give the exact definition of the main members of the sentence, but also to bring their own examples.

Special attention should be paid to the logical connection of the main members of the proposal among themselves, i.e. The ability to properly ask the question from subject to the lean and persistently to teach children to the full answer.

We work with a proposal "Children playing in the garden"

The student's response must be:
"In this proposal, the children says, this word is in the nominative case, it means that it is subject to, it is expressed by the name noun.

Children do? - play. This word denotes the action of the subject means, it is a surehead, it is expressed by the verb.

The course of the Russian language in the main school (grade 5) begins with syntax. That's right, because the children must first learn how to make a proposal correctly. In this initial course of syntax, students already study the ways of expressing the main members of the sentence and acquaint in detail the secondary members of the proposal. The concept and term "grammatical basis of the sentence" are familiar to them. Children are relatively easily found to be subject to, expressed by nouns, and a leakable, expressed by one verb. The retreat from this formula is already difficult.

The painstaking work begins, as a result, the guys should understand that the subject can be expressed not only by noun, but also by other parts of speech.

It is already advisable already in the 5th grade gradually to acquaint children with various types of faithful: a simple verbal, composite verbal, composite nominal, although this is a class 8 material. Practice shows that by the end of the first half of the year, the fifth-graders are already quite consciously distinguish between these types of faithful. True, at the first stage there is a confusion between the constituent verbal legend and homogeneous simple verbal faults.

Children confuse that both in that and in another case are two verbs. But quite soon everything becomes in its place. Again, it is useful to conduct written polls.
Thus, in the fifth grade, it was made for a distant perspective in understanding the structure of one of the main members of the grammatical basis of the proposal. Now it should be methodically (preferably at each lesson) to fix the structure of the facred, terminology and its understanding.
Already in grade 5, it is advisable to introduce the concepts of "single-main and two-part offers". Guys, these concepts are mastered quite easily and quickly. By the way, the textbook of the Russian language for grade 5 of the authors of Lviv and Nosov does. This is also a good thorough on the future. Ladyzhenskaya textbook introduces these concepts only in grade 8.

The syntax of a simple sentence is studied in detail in grade 8. But, if we do not prepare children in 5 - 7 classes to the perception and understanding of this complex section of the entire school course of the Russian language, to assimilate the punctuation of a simple proposal to the guys will be very difficult. That is why the concepts about the most difficult cases of expressions of the grammatical framework should be gradually introduced in 5 - 7 classes. This is reasonable and possible when studying various parts of speech. Just need to constantly remember this and select the didactic working material for the lesson, taking into account what role the part of speech is studied in the proposal.

For example, studying adjectives, it should be shown that this part of speech can be in the proposal and subject to ("patients gathered for a walk"), and the fault ("night light"); When studying numerals, we demonstrate that the numerals can perform the roles and the subject, and the faugible ("two sixth graders gathered ..."; "Twice two - four"), etc.

If we are in 5 - 7 classes at each lesson, we will conduct a syntactic and punctuation analysis of at least one sentence, we will prepare the guys to solve many problems of stylistics and punctuation in 8 and 9 classes.

It is in these classes that the guys face very complex designs of the grammatical basis of the sentence. They are mainly associated with an indefinite form of verb (infinitive).

The uncertain form of verb is most often in the proposal is the main part of the composite verb faith. ("Scientists have learned to distinguish ..."). In these cases, the infinitives answers questions: "What to do?", "What to do?" and enters the structure of the grammatical basis of the offer.
In general, an indefinite form of verb (infinitive) is a rather complex linguistic phenomenon that can perform a variety of different functions in the proposal. This, of course, makes it difficult to search for a grammatical basis.

The infinitive can perform the functions of the independently, and in the composition of the logically holistic phrase (feel - it means to live), (to love nature - the need of the soul). In the structure of a composite verb faith, the presence of an infinitive is necessarily as necessary and the presence of auxiliary verb. Moreover, the infinitive can perform the role not only of the main, but also auxiliary verb (I want to learn to fly.) Infinitives can enter into the structure of the composite name of the faucet (sister is going to work a dressmaker).

However, the infinitive may be in a sentence and a secondary member of the sentence: the circumstance of the goal ("we went to the store to buy ...") and the addition ("I asked a doctor to help"), i.e. Do not enter into the structure of the grammatical basis of the offer.
In the proposal, "we went to the store to buy ..." The grammatical basis "we went."

Infinitives to buy is the circumstance of the target, because it depends on the led and answers the question "went for what purpose?" In the proposal, "I asked a doctor to help ..." Infinitive is a supplement, because it depends on the led and answers the question "asked about what?"

Practical values \u200b\u200bfor punctuation Similar syntax structures, as a rule, do not have. But in GIA and in the exam there are tests precisely on distinguishing such species of grammatical foundations. So we have to teach children and this theoretical subtleties

A special difficulty is the grammatical foundations consisting only of verbs (learning - mind to sharpen). It seems that in these cases there is no need to hardly search for and leaning, it is enough to designate the grammatical foundation of the supply.

The ability to properly and quickly find the grammatical foundation of the offer is extremely necessary when studying various types of complex proposals. Without this ability, the guys do not understand and not to mask the punctuation of a complex proposal.
Problems begin already when studying single-maintenance proposals. The absence of one of the main members of the sentence often puts students to a dead end. They cannot find the boundaries of simple proposals in difficult, if one of the simple sentences is one-stop. Single delivery offers are studied in grade 8.

Here again, it is necessary to work for the future: to study single-maintenance proposals in the context of complex.

In general, there is no need to prove that the ability to unmistakably determine the grammatical foundation of the supply in all its forms is the most important condition for understanding the structure of any proposal and especially for its punctuation. This, as a rule, is devoted to the entire school year in grade 9. If we are methodically, with a support for practice in 5 - 7 classes, gradually prepare the guys to understand the syntactic structures studied in 8 and 9 classes, punctuation of simple and complex offers can be understood well.

You may have already been able to make sure that even the easiest punctuation signs (at the end of the offer) to put not so easily as it immediately seems Because it is necessary move into the meaning of the proposal and text. And even more difficult. work on punctuation In the middle of the sentence. Here you need to think from which blocks the proposal is where the boundaries of the blocks are, then in accordance with the rules to expose the punctuation marks. Do not scare! We will understand even with the most complex cases, we will help them understand and turn into simple!

Let's start, perhaps with main Blocks - Simple Proposals, which can be part of a complex. What makes a simple offer? His heart - grammatical basis, consisting, as a rule, from subjectand taken. Around the grammatical basis are located secondary sentences, isolated and notional; included in the group of the facid and to the group of subjects.

Grammatical basis because the basis is that it keeps all the offer.If you learn how to quickly find it, it will be easy to arrange the necessary signs of punctuation, which denote the boundary of simple proposals in the complex. How should you argue?

We define how much the basics in the sentence:

Is it difficult to find the grammatical basis of the offer? Sometimes very simple: subject to (who? Or what?), the fault (what does? What did you do?). But often there are cases more complicated.

Output: one basis is a simple sentence; Two or more foundations are complex.

Try to determine the grammatical basis of the following offers (Answers below).

1. Everything is clear to us, masters.
2. From the window Svetlitsy suddenly heard "Ku-ku"!
3. Your owner and MIL, and the hospital.
4. Everyone strives to fit with his proposal.
5. The village where we played in the summer was a charming corner.
6. Evening. Forest. Far Way.
7. Our city is decorated with a wonderful park.
8. The striving for victory will definitely win.

If you coped with this work without errors, you can congratulate you! If the errors came across, do not be mistaken: they exist to cope with him and win them!

What mistakes could you wait here? Someone could lose the subject to be, somewhere did not appear, in some sentence instead of the supplement subsided, in some cases, the members of the proposals that do not have the slightest relation to each other are generally emphasized.

Is it really so scary? Of course not! But if you incorrectly find the grammatical basis, it is impossible to see the blocks correctly, respectively, it turns out that a simple proposal by mistake is taken for the complex, the number of parts is incorrectly determined in complex, and therefore the punctuation marks are located as they are pleased.

How to find this insidious grammar basis? You can first find the faeed, then subject to, you can, on the contrary, just remember a few tips:

1) In order to find to be subject to definitely set the fag dual question: who? what?Then you it is hardly confused by the supplement.

Try to do this, defining subject to the following sentences.

Previously, all the coast saw the captain.

Before the dress was decorated with flowers.

If you asked a double question from the fant, then they found subject to captain and flowers.

2) In order to find a faithful, try to ask questions: "What is happening? What is said about subject to? What is this subject (subject to)? What is he doing? (subject to) "

Schoolgirlit was beautiful.

On the street freshlyand windy.

Kids did not sit On the spot.

Wonderful the gamecatching!

3) From change of places of terms changes. This means, be careful to some sentences in determining the grammatical basis.

Green City(single-maintained call offer).

Green city (Two-part offer).

You have already seen what happens when in the sentence there is only subject to or only to be faithful (much more often). Such suggestions are called singular. Working with such offers, be careful!It is in them often the addition is masked under the meaning. Then come back to our first tip, put a double question- And everything will become understandable.

Try to find the grammatical basis in these proposals.

To me cold but.

His do not sleep.

To me i want smilefelt.

Many people will say that in these sentences there is a subject and lean, i.e. they are twisted. Then I can ask what is the subject? The answer may be - i, he. Then one more question: Where in these sentences words am I and he? They are not, there are other forms: me, to him.And this is already not subject to, and addition. If you put a question: Who? what?- Everything will fall into place. The correct answer is as follows: it single-maintenance offenses. There is no and cannot be subject to the faugible is allocated in italics.

We hope that you will now have fewer problems when determining the grammatical foundation of the offer!

Answers to the task.

1. Allunderstandably.
2. I heardKu-ku!
3. MastermIL, gostechamen..
4. Everyone likes to fit.
5. Villagewas Adorable corner; wewere playing.
6. Evening. Forest. Further way.
7. Decoratethe park. 8. Especiallywin.

Have questions? Do not know how to find the grammatical foundation?

Consider more such part of the grammatical basis as predicate. The easiest way as it may seem to determine simple verbal leaky. No wonder it is so called - simple. So find it is usually easier than all other types of faithful. Most often as such a fague we will find the verb in the zealing inclination.

The sun help. Childrenwake up and go to school.Begins new wonderful day.

These proposals are really easily determined simple verbal fags. However, there are moments for which you need to pay attention to the definition of such a faith. It can hetyro masked for a composite verbal.Try to remember several basic rules.

1. The leakage happens to the verb in any time (present, past and future):

The day after tomorrow I musti will read roman L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina".

My childwill learn easily.

You are certainyou will admire achievements of students of this school.

Do not embarrass that you are fabricated in suggestions udury to read, will learn, you will admire. Yes, there is a lean consists of two verbs,But it's just form of a real time. Compare with the forms of this and past time: I read, read; learns, studied; Admire, admired.

Today I i read

My childstudies easily.

You admire Achievements of students of this school.

Yesterday I was reading roman L. N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina".

My child studied easily.

You admired achievements of students of this school.

2. The fault happens the verb in any inclination (zealous, imperative and conditional).

Let me not confuse a particle that helps to form forms conditional and imperative(Let, let, let, come on, let's, yes). They do not turn the simple verbal legend to the lean composite, however, it makes it difficult to determine the type of fag.

You talked to her the whole truth (indicative).

You would tell to her the whole truth (conditional mood).

You tell me to her the whole truth (imperative mood). Lose she is will be happy.

3. Infinitive (the initial form of verb) can also act as a simple verbal fag.

I ride from the ice slide - and he is behind me.

we work And they rest.

4. Phraseologism is not divided into parts, but is one member of the sentence.

Nikita how the wind blew from the veranda.

Humanity gradually going crazy.

We now turn to consideration compound verbal fag. It can be allocated:

* Main component- verb in the initial form,

* Auxiliary component - most often verb, But maybe brief adjective or sacrament, adherent or nouting phrase, noun, phraseologism.

Composite faugments show a special tendency to disguise under other members of the sentence, it's not completely or even lost to be discovered. But we will deal with it! Look at some tips.

1. The auxiliary verb in the composite verbal fag has a certain meaning: beginning, continuation, end of action; Possibility, desire, evaluation of action.It may be words he began, stopped, could, he wanted, he knew, loved, was afraid, worried, fearedetc.

I want oK pass exams.

It Not afraid to experiment.

we beware buy subcase products.

2. In this case, the main component will be expressed by the initial form of verb ( infinitive), not another part of speech.


She isfixed actress (composite nominal leaky).

She is stated dancing (composite verbal led).

3. A brief adjective or sacrament, adherent or nouting phrase, noun, phraseological, sustainable combination can be auxiliary component. The value of the auxiliary component - possibility, desire, evaluation of action.

We always we are glad to help our students (brief adjective in the role of a bundle).

I forced to transfer classes the next day (Brief Communion in the role of a bundle).

It amateur playing teacher(name noun in the role of a bundle).

Hunter especially desire to track down handsome deer by all means(phraseologist as a ligament).

4. Both actions should make one object (subjectable). Think who makes actions, then you will not confuse simple and composite verbal faugables.

I asked grandma read to me a book. (The faithful simple verbal, because I asked me, and the grandmother will read).

Let's hope that these tips will help you with syntactic analysis of the sentence and determining the types of faithful.

Good luck in learning the Russian language!

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Subjectand predicateare in the closest almost "related" relations - grammaticaland semantic. The fagious because it is called that it says "affects" About subject. These members of the sentence carry the main meaning of any offer.

Are there problems in the "relationship" of the subject and facid? Of course exist. First of all, it concerns composite nominal fag. This type of fag How do you remember, consists of glagol-bundles(auxiliary component) and name portion. Most often in the role of verb ligaments we meet verb be. Correctly in the composite name, he is present in the past time: was, it was, were . For example: A distinctive feature of professor was His love for his subject.

In present time The verb bunch is almost always lowered and subject to remains with the name of the faithful. For example: Time is the best medicine.

Sometimes still we can meet verb be in present time. As a rule, it is a trait of scientific, book speech. For example: Predicatethere is one of the main members two supplies.

In the usual, spoken speech verb bunch besoots. Probably, it does not touch anyone to say something like "I am a high school student." But the verb bunch does not like to disappear without a trace, often he leaves his deputy. In the role of such a substituent we can see dash. The dash is placed between the subject and be sure, if the verb bunch is absent, But sometimes there are other words that can be "friendly" or "not to be friends" with a dash. Remember several tips.

Small Winter Rain - here suit disaster our time.

Be in love - So understand and forgive.

The main members of the sentence. Subject and predicate

The main members make up the grammatical foundation of the supply, without which the proposal cannot exist. However, the grammatical foundation can be one major member of the sentence. Such suggestions are called single-maintained (i.e., there is only one major member - to be or led).
In addition, proposals are divided into simple and complex. Simples have only one grammatical foundation. Complex proposals consist of several simple, union, allied words and (or) in meaning, and therefore have more than one grammatical basis.

Subject - The main member of the sentence denoting the subject and responsible for questions? What?, The action, condition or sign of which is usually disclosed by the legend.

Subject to be expressed by any part of speech.
1. Nouns in the nominative case: Income From stock rose by five percent.
2. pronoun in the nominative case: we Came to the conference.
3. Substative adjective: Sick caused a doctor.
4. Nutitive: Seven One is not waiting.
5. Infinitive verb: To study Always useful.

Subject to be pronounced and phrase, and phraseological turnover: Pacific Oceanspread out before us; His long tonguealways spoils the case.
The phrase may have different meaning:

  • quantitative: Thirty four employees wrote a vacation application; Both girlfriendslaughed; Several peoplestopped; Crowdgathered on the square;

  • selective: None of usi did not agree to go;

  • collective: Director with Secretariaattended the meeting;

  • temporary: Standing mid-July.

Predicate - This is the main member of the sentence that is associated with the subject and grammatically depends on it, denotes the action, a state, a sign inherent in the subject, answers questions: What does it make?, What will you do?, What? and etc.

The faugible is divided into simple and composite.
Easy faithful It is expressed in the verb in any form: On the table in the corner lay folders; Would you go to talk to me; I will solve these questions tomorrow.

Composite legend In turn, it is divided into two more subspecies: a composite verbal and composite nominal.

Composite verbal legend It consists of two parts: auxiliary verb in a hidden form, which expresses the grammatical value of the faded and binds it to the subject, and indefinite form of the verb, which expresses the main lexical value of the fag.
As auxiliary act:

  • glages, denoting the beginning, end and continuation of the action: I have already began to performnew task; Our department stops to strike;

  • modal verbs that designate desire, unwillingness, the possibility or impossibility of action: I i can executeyour order; I want to learnyour insight; I refuse to beboy on bliss!

  • verbs expressing emotional state: Everything they were afraid to argueboss; It loves to work;

  • frameological combinations: our company has an honor to cooperatewith such a famous concern.

Composite nimble leaf From the verb ligament expressing the grammatical value of the faded, and the nominal part, which expresses the main lexical meaning of the fag. And the bunch can be missed.
As a bundle protruding:

  • verbs to be, there is: I was very pleased;

  • verbs that are not expressing independent meanings: Alesha it seemed pale;

  • verbs expressing the significance of movement, state, activity: we returned home tired.
As a nominal part can be:
  • nouns Nouns in Maldly or Certificate: Goodworking there is the main thing condition success;

  • adjective names: Tuchi purchased transparent;

  • numbered names: Us there were four;

  • pronoun: Andrei Nikolaevich was here own;

  • communion: This meeting there was an unforeseen ;

  • independent phrase: Predicate is the main member of the sentence.

Secondary sentences

Definition - A secondary member of a sentence that answers questions: What?, Whose?, Which?, Indicates a sign of the subject.
Definition can be expressed:
1) adjective, communion, pronoun, and ordinal numerical, phrase with the leading word adjective or communion, then it is called coordinated, since in this case it is consistent with the nouns in childbirth and the case. Examples:

  • Smallkley ringing Voices of birds;

  • We noticed the broken head approaching cars;

  • Under fourth Our company included the number;

  • Its Nosha does not pull.
2) a noun, comparative degree of adjective, by some attractive pronsections, infinitive, phrase, then it is called an inconsistent definition, since it is associated with a defined word only in meaning. Examples:
  • At the monument (what? Who?) Pushkin still found lovers; On his table lay a magazine (what?) with photos; Water (what?) from the was cold;

  • Children (what?) oldersent to the water river;

  • Eyes (whose?) his (her, of them) were sad;

  • The head gave a sign (what?) silest.

Addition - This is a secondary member of the sentence that answers the questions of the indirect case of the noun, refers to the subject, object and action instrument.
Supplement can be expressed by any part of speech: Get enough (what?) book (SUB) from the shelf; We were asked (what?) keep quiet(inf. Ch.); Invited (who?) her (places) for dinner and etc.
Supplement can be direct and indirect.
A direct addition is always used without an excuse and is expressed by the forms of vinitive and genitive case with the verb: Kommersant accepted (what?) decision; Today you (Who?) Will not?
Indirect is used in the form of any indirect case with an excuse or without.

Circumstance - This is a secondary member of the sentence that answers questions: How?, When?, Where?, Where?, Why?, Why?, To what extent?, Denotes the time, place, cause and method of action of the subject, i.e. circumstances which makes an action.
The circumstance can be expressed by nouns, adorption, adhere, infinitive, etc.: Read (when?) after lunch; The boss spoke (how?) very fast; Ground, (How?) Singing a tired clerk at the table.

In addition, there are parts of the proposal that are not members of the sentence. These are circulation, introductory words and designs. They are allocated with commas, but do not affect the connection of proposals in the text.

- This is a syntax unit containing thought and consisting of one or more words. Using a proposal, you can express thoughts and feelings, order, request, etc. For example: Morning. The sun rises due to the horizon. Take a window! What a wonderful morning!

Offer is minimal statement unit . In the proposals of the word are related to the syntactic bonds. Consequently, the sentences can be defined as chains of syntactically related words . Due to this, even in the text without punctuation signs (for example, in the monuments of ancient Russian writing), you can guess where one sentence ends and another begins.

Distinctive features of the proposal:
  1. Offer is a statement about something in the form of a message, a question or motivation.
  2. Offer - the main unit of communication.
  3. The offer has an intonational and semantic completeness.
  4. The offer has a definite structure (structure). Its core is a grammatical basis.
  5. The offer has a lexical and grammatical meaning.

Lexical meaning Offers is its specific content. Winter outlined snowy and frosty.

Grammar meanings Suggestions are the total value of the suggestions of the same structure, disturbed from their specific content. She went on an excursion (face and his action). Travelers frozen and tired (face and his condition).

In meaning and intonation Offers are narratives (contain a message) questionative (contain a question), exclamation (pronounced with a strong feeling, with exclamation), watching (prompted to action), for example: Golden Moscow is better. Are you funny? And what stars! Make the sword above! (By I. Shmelev)

According to the presence of secondary members both monastery and double-part offers may be non-proliferated (No secondary member) and common (There are secondary members), for example: I'm sleeping (Simple dialing unpropered predict.). On the glasses ice ramp (Simple double-width predicted.)

By the presence or partial absence of membership members Offers can be full and incomplete , eg: In the cold hall, mysteriously dorms Yolk a (full offer). Glass - Kopeika (incomplete off., Released worth it ). (By I. Shmelev)

Grammatical (predicative) basis

Suggestions are grammar baseconsisting of a faithful or one of them. For example: Frost. White beauty birch. I'm afraid. Stands over Moscow Rainbow. (By I. Shmelev)

Grammatical foundation may include as both main member Suggestions and one of them - subject or failed. Stars are blurred and goes out. Night. Frost. (I. Nikitin)

On the structure of the grammatical basis Simple proposals are divided into twisted (with two main members) and single-delivery (with one main member): Ridge pipes in Sakes. It smells with grazing floors, mastic, tree. So frost! (By I. Shmelev)

By the number of grammatical foundations Offers are divided by simple (one grammatical basis) and sophisticated (Two or more foundations associated with each other in meaning, intonation and with the help of lexical means). For example: Our Christmas is suitable from afar (Simple location). Under the icon, the priests sing, and the huge deacon screams so scary that it shudders in his chest (Difficult range). (By I. Shmelev)

Subject and predicate

Subject - The main member of the sentence, which is associated with the faugible and answers the questions of the nominative case who? or what?

Methods of expressions subject to:
  1. Nalificant name in the nominal case or other part of speech used in the meaning name of the noun. Meaning sky (SUB) continued to rely. Our fallen (prob) - as hour.
  2. Property in the nominative case. You blooming lonely, and I do not return these dreams of gold, this faith in the deep (A. block).
  3. Infinitive. Work It was not difficult, and most importantly - fun (P. Pavlenko).
  4. Phraseologism. Skillful fingers There were this wizard (P. Bazhov).
  5. An indivisible phrase. We are with a comrades We left before sunrise (M. Sholokhov).

Predicate - The main member of the sentence, which is associated with the questions subject and answers what does the subject do? what happens to him? What is he? What is he? who is he?Dissolved Grove Golden (S. Yesenin).

In a sentence, as a unit of associated speech, all words differ in functions and are divided into basic and minor. The main members express the key table of statements and are its grammatical basis. Without them, the proposal does not make sense and cannot exist.


1. In order to allocate grammatical foundation all offers , It is necessary to detect and emphasize its main members. These include the subject and lean.

2. Subject to - what is reported in the proposal. It is invariably standing in its original form (nominative case or infinitive) and, as usual, answers questions: "Who?", "What?". It is expressed by approximately all parts of speech, if they act in the meaning of the noun in the nominal case. Name nouns: "What?" True does not invariably lies on the surface. Pronoun: "Who?" I am not a follower of sharp action. Adclusive or commander: "Who?" The full hungry does not understand; "Who?" Vacationers expected a bus. Nutigatory: "Who?" Three was responsible for cleaning the territory. Infinitive (uncertain form of verb): Sing is her passion. Any word that matters a noun in the nominal case: "What?" Ohhi and ahi came from the street. Phraseologism: "Who?" From Mala to the largest went out in the field. Compound title: "What?" The Milky Way stretches through a wide band. Syntaxically solid phrases: "Who?" My grandmother and my grandmother went home.

3. The faugible indicates that it is reported to the subject, and answers the questions: "What does?", "What is he?", "What happens to him?" etc. Depending on the expression method, the leakable may be simple verbal; component name; Composite verb and difficult.

4. Primitive verbal faithful is expressed by the verb in the form of one of the chances: the letter "What did you do?" It came in a timely manner. The combined nominal fag consists of 2 parts (ligament and nominal part): He "What did it do?" There was a builder ("was the builder" - a legend). The combined verbal is composed of a bundle and infinitive: children "What did you do?" Stop quarrel. A difficult faugible is a combination of elements of an composite nominal and composite verbal fag: my brother is invariably "what did you do?" I wanted to work as a lawyer. the last part offers ("I wanted to work by a lawyer") is a difficult taent, since only all the words generally give competent information about the subject.

5. To determine the grammatical foundation, read the proposal entirely and determine the primitive or difficult, consisting of 2 and more primitive. If the proposal refers to the first form, then it will have one grammatical basis, and if the second is somewhat. It depends on the number of primitive offers included in the composition of difficult. Let's say: we fell out, because Lil shower. "We fell out" and "Lil Shore" - the grammatical foundations of complex offers .

6. Discover the proposal to be. To do this, ask questions "Who?", "What?" And determine the word or phrase, which answers them. After that, from the found to be detected, ask questions "What does?", "What is he?" And detect the lean.

7. If there is only one of the main members, then this is a single offer. Please note that it is not necessary to contact the context for its understanding and interpretation. In Russian, there are five species of single-part proposals: called (with subject) "hot July day"; Definite-own, indefinite-own, generalized and impersonal (with a taught). "Take the case." "You are asked." "Reasonable person recognize immediately." "Darker".

8. When syntaxially, the subject is emphasized with one line, and the failed one.

In the lessons of the Russian language, schoolchildren are obliged to master not only the skills of a competent letter, but also knowing the design of the proposal, allocate its members. To do this, it is necessary to learn to allocate basic and secondary members. How to detect to be in the proposal? What are its main signs?


1. Previously, everyone, you are obliged to know that all members of the sentence are divided into two groups: basic and secondary. Strong members are subject to both. They form the grammatical basis of the sentence. For that, in order to detect the subject, try to put a question for the word. It answers the question of a nominative case ("Who?" Or "What?"). Say, in the sentence "Spring will come soon" to the question "What?" The word "Spring" is responsible. It is about it that it is stated in the proposal. Please note that the main member of the sentence is subject to, the one that means about whom about what is said in the proposal. These words are traditionally expressed by the form of a nominative case.

2. The names of nouns (each), pronouns, communion, numeral and even uncertain form of verb can be subject to. So, in the proposal, "live home to serve" the word "live" will be subject to. It is an unspecified form of verb. With the attention that in this sentence between the main members is a dash. This happens, among other things, and when the subject is also expressed by an uncertain form of verb. In the proposal, "we canceled canceled" by the main member of the proposal responsible for the question "Who?" is the pronoun "we".

3. In a proposal in which there is a verb to be detected easier. They are the word denoting the one who makes the action. Tell us: "The children gladly rushed towards the river." You see that it has a verb "rushed". Formed by who makes it action. This word will be subject to. Incidentally, the word "children" answers the question of the nominative case, indicates who makes the action and is the main member in this sentence, namely subject to.

4. Subject to be the indivisible combination of words. Let's say, in the sentence, "a man with a child flooded on the river", the phrase "man with a child" is subject to the phrase. It is used in the form of a plural. Incidentally, it will be not one word, about phrase. It allows you to say that the action does not make one, but two faces.

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From the school program, there is a presenter that impersonal is called single proposals in which it is indicated or a state that arises and existing independently from the state carrier or the manufacturer of the action.

Impersonal offers Dyzhe is colorful, short. We have a significant meaning in the dialogs of artistic works. Often are used in colloquial speech. In the text it is often of this kind offers Mi expressed states of nature, the environment, human well-being, his mental and physical condition. Impersonal offers Mi is easier to formulate the impiency, the inevitability of actions, denial. Also, according to Ditmar Rosentyl, these syntactic structures are inherent in the shade of inertness, passivity. According to the words of a different linguist, Alexander Peshkovsky, with supporting impersonal proposals is allowed to express: - ease of action. Such a design helps the author to show that the action takes place in itself, without a person's efforts ("Sewing free ..."); - The state with whom a person himself cannot cope ("she was not sitting on the spot"); - suddenness of the act. When people themselves are not waiting for such actions from themselves ("I go to them ...", "Brykin himself affected them"); - time when the action is performed in itself, against the freedom of man. Some reasons, occasionally obscure (select and impersonal form of expression), stop it, forced to do this in a different way ("You can't tell me?" Tanya asked. "Yes, I didn't say anything," he answered She "); - the work of the memory, its clarification and other features of the body (" Suddenly the head earned at some clear. I remembered: I was driving on the faded field. "); - Heart processes related to the activities of the imagination (" Now it dreams: to get sick Two, three "); - the hope of a person in anything that does not have grounds. Man believes, because Wants, so that it was fulfilled ("I believed that spring would be early"); - the work of the thought committed independently from whether a person wants to think about it or not ("And he also thought that now everything would go differently") In order, the general value of impersonal proposals is a statement of an independent action (sign), not correlated with the leader.

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When dealing with sentences first you need to detect it foundation . Thus, the design of the phrase becomes disturbed, and also often both where and how to make punctuation marks. Incidentally, anyone who wants to write competently, is desirable to be able to determine this foundation .


1. Determine what is a grammatical basis. The most of each it is represented by the subject, expressing the object or the subject of the action, and the legend describing the action. Such sentences are referred to as 2 combined. The single-main base becomes in the event that it does not have one of the 2 elements.

2. Discover the proposal to be. It should mean something about anything about anything. It should also answer the question "Who?" Either "What?". Subject to be expressed by different parts of speech. More often, each is a noun, standing in the nominative case. Also, a pronoun can be subject to, not only personal, but also an indefinite, questioning or negative. It should also stand in the nominative case. If a believed subject is part of the inseparable phrase, say, "Ural Mountains", then each phrase becomes part of the foundation of the proposal.

3. Highlight in the analyzed phrase the lean. It must designate the action done to either above it. Each of each given member of the sentence is pronounced by the legend, there are also ungalled adjectives about this role. The fague must be coordinated with the number, respect to the person.

4. When performing a written task, emphasize the one, and the failed - two features.

5. When you find several subjects and fagged, analyze the design of the sentence. If you see in front of yourself two and more independent in the semantic plan of the combination of suggestions, it is a difficult proposal with a writing or subordination link. In the case when several of the persons belong to one subject to and on the contrary, in front of you a primitive offer with an extended basis. However, such repeating elements are still obliged to be connected by the Union "and" or separated by commas.

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The grammatical basis of the sentence is called its united structural part, which a substantial degree determines the sense of each phrase. The grammatical foundation in linguistics is often referred to as the predicative core. Often, the term "predicative basis" is also found. This grammatical phenomenon exists in many languages.


1. Determine whether the phrase that you need to disassemble is a proposal. Part of the phrases in Russian are at the same time proposals, and statements, but there are also those who are allowed to attribute only to the 2nd category. In the first case, the phrase is allowed to allocate members of the sentence or determine their syntactic positions. As usual, statements consisting of several words are suggestions.

2. Detect subject to. This member of the sentence denotes the object that is described in the phrase itself. It is commitable to grammatically, it answers the identity of the nominative case. However, it can be expressed and another part of speech, which in this case will execute the function of the noun. We will define the current object, let it even be expressed not at all the usual part of speech or a noun is not in the nominative case. For example, in the offer "Vkontakte" invites you to register "" VKontakte will be subject to. At the same time, in the proposal, the "VKontakte" public network invites you to register »The word" network "will be more closely.

3. Determine the leakage. It denotes the action of the verbs to be filed and answers. Remember that the legend does not invariably be expressed by the verb. The verbal faithful may be simple or composite. In the second case, both verbs are included in the grammar basis, that is, standing in individual form and in infinitive. The combination of the subject and fabricated and is a predicative core.

4. One of the main members of the proposal may be absent. At the same time, the statement remains a proposal if it is allowed to determine the position of the missing member of the sentence. Occasionally this is permitted to find out only by context. For example, the participants of the dialogue can discuss someone's actions and respond to each other's questions in one word. The interlocutors are clear about whom they are talking about, they can only call the actions of the subject. In this case, the grammatical base is, but it consists of one member of the sentence. Let's say if the interlocutors talked before public networks, then one of them can ask a question that is preferable. The result of "VKontakte" is a proposal, from what is subject to and is meant to be faithful.

In some cases, some of the grammatical core are syncret members of the sentence. They are grammatically connected with the subject, and with the faees and can be at the same time to be subject to and, say, the circumstance.

Helpful advice
Be extremely attentive in cases where phraseological cycles are found in the proposal. Subject to be expressed by such a cycle, and then in a grammatical basis there will be no two words, but several, and they are unthinkable to divide them.

The grammatical analysis of proposals is given a large number of time in the lessons of the Russian language, it will certainly be included in the final control program. Schoolchildren need to be able to correctly define the grammatical foundation of the supply, tea in case of an error. All task will be considered unfulfilled.

You will need

  • -sentence;
  • -Linear;
  • -pencil.


1. Easily examine the offer. Remember that the definition of the grammatical foundation is the first stage with which its review begins. In any sentence there is a basis! In most cases, it consists of a subject and faithful, but can only be represented by one of them. Such proposals are referred to as compound and single-maintained, respectively. In difficult proposals, there are often two grammatical foundations or more than.

2. Discover in the comprehensive offer to be subject to and emphasize it. In order not to confuse to be supplemented, it should be remembered that the "Who is subject to questions? what?". It can be expressed as nouns or pronouncing in the nominative case and other parts of speech: adjective, numerical, verb. In case the pronoun in the proposal is in a different case, then with a major probability it will be a supplement. Subject to consist of one or several words and is emphasized when analyzing one horizontal line. More hotly. (Subject to this proposal there is no, faithful - hot). Walls decorated beautiful paintings. (Pictures are subject to decorated, leapped). The strongest of the children rapidly ran to the finish. (The strongest of children - to be, came running - lean).

3. Discover the leakage and emphasize it. To do this, ask questions from the subject "What does? What is he? ". It is most often expressed by the verb, but, as in the case of subject to, other parts of speech can be used: noun, adjective, adverb. The verbal leakage can be represented by one or several words. When parsing, it is emphasized by two parallel horizontal lines. Pupils did not find a notebook. (Pupils are subject to, not detected). Mental game chess. (Chess - subject, the game is a failed). Hummer. (The offer consists of one faith). I need to go out on the next stop. (Combined legend - comes off)

Tip 7: How to determine the grammatical basis of the offer

In order to realize the grammatical design of the sentence, you need to detect it before everyone. To do this, use the methods developed by linguists. Upon understanding the basis of the proposal, you will be able to say, it is true to arrange punctuation marks.


1. Find out what is a grammatical basis. These are the main members of the sentence - to be both faithful, which traditionally and make up a core sentence. In some cases, proposals may contain only subject to either only to be sure, as well as several words that perform identical functions of the main members of the sentence.

2. Detect subject to. More often, it is expressed by nouns or pronoun. In this case, it certainly stands in the nominative case and answers the question "Who?" Either "What?". In a rare case, the role of an object or a subject of action in the proposal plays a numerical or even whole phrase. If you see in the proposal name your own in the nominative case, it is extremely apparently that it will be subject to.

3. Determine the leakable in the sentence. It denotes the action of the subject, the one that is subject to. In most proposals, the leakage is a verb coordinated with a treaty. Also, this member of the sentence can be expressed by the verb phrases, exclusive adjectives and even nouns. The verb must answer the question "Who does?" Or "what does?", grammatically coordinated with the first part of the foundation of the offer.

4. Notify the foundation in the proposal. Subject to emphasize with one constant horizontal feature, and the fault is two.

5. If there are several to be traded, specify the grammatical design of the sentence. If all subject to and the taled agreed with each other grammatically and in meaning, then this indicates a primitive offer. On the contrary, if they are independent and have an independent meaning, then you are sentences with two or more fundamentals, between which there is a writing or a supervisory connection.

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Be careful if there are words to "be" in the sentence, "seem". By emphasizing them, it is easy to make a mistake and skip another part of the tame.

Helpful advice
The words "allowed", "needed", "impossible", "you need" are included in the combined legend.