I want to find peace of mind. Simple Methods for Finding Inner Peace in Any Situation

Probably, every person wants to always be calm and balanced, and experience only pleasant excitement, but not everyone succeeds.
To be honest, only a few people know how to feel this way, while the rest live like “on a swing”: first they rejoice, and then they get upset and worry - unfortunately, people experience the second state much more often.

What is mental balance, and how to learn to be in it all the time, if it doesn’t work out in any way?

What does mental balance mean?
Many people think that peace of mind is a utopia. Is it normal when a person does not experience negative emotions, does not worry about anything and does not worry? Probably, this happens only in a fairy tale, where everyone lives happily ever after. In fact, people forgot that the state peace of mind, harmony and happiness is perfectly normal, and life is beautiful in different manifestations, and not only when everything turns out “our way”.

As a result, in case of violations or complete absence of emotional health, physical health is seriously affected: there are not only nervous disorders– develop serious illness. If you lose your mental balance for a long time, you can “earn” peptic ulcer, skin problems, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and even oncology.
In order to learn to live without negative emotions, you need to understand and realize your goals and desires, without replacing them with anyone's opinions and judgments. People who know how to do this live in harmony with both the mind and the soul: their thoughts do not disagree with words, and words do not disagree with actions. Such people also understand those around them, and they know how to correctly perceive any situation, therefore they are usually respected by everyone - both at work and at home.
How to find and restore peace of mind
So can it be learned? You can learn everything if you have a desire, but many people, complaining about fate and circumstances, actually do not want to change anything in life: having got used to the negative, they find in it the only entertainment and a way to communicate - it is no secret that it is negative news that is discussed in many teams with great heat.
If you really want to find peace of mind and perceive the world with joy and inspiration, try to consider and use the methods that are described below. - Stop reacting to situations in the "usual" way, and start asking yourself: how am I creating this situation? That's right: we create any situations that "form" in our life ourselves, and then we cannot understand what is happening - we need to learn to see the cause-and-effect relationship. Most often, our thoughts work on the negative course of events - after all, the worst expectations are more habitual than the expectation of something good and positive.
- Look for opportunities in any trouble, and try to respond "inappropriately." For example, if your boss “broke off” at you, don’t be upset, but rejoice - at least smile and thank him (for a start, you can mentally) for reflecting your internal problems like a mirror.
By the way, thanks... The best way protect yourself from negativity and restore peace of mind. work out good habit every evening thank the Universe (God, Life) for the good things that happened to you during the day. If it seems to you that there was nothing good, remember the simple values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you have - love, family, parents, children, friendship: do not forget that not every person has all this.
- Constantly remind yourself that you are not in past or future problems, but in the present - "here and now." Every person at any moment of time has everything necessary to be free and happy, and this state continues as long as we do not allow past grievances or worst expectations to take possession of our consciousness. Look for the good in every moment of the present and the future will be even better.
- You should not be offended at all - it is harmful and dangerous: many practicing psychologists note that patients who carry grievances for a long time develop the most serious diseases. Including oncology. It is clear that there is no question of peace of mind here.
- Sincere laughter helps to forgive insults: if you can’t find something funny in the current situation, cheer yourself up. You can watch a funny movie or a fun concert, turn on fun music, dance or chat with friends. Of course, you should not discuss your grievances with them: it is better to look at yourself from the outside, and laugh at the problems together.
- If you feel like you can't handle "dirty" thoughts, learn how to replace them: use short positive affirmations, meditation or small prayers - for example, try replacing a negative thought with a wish for good to the whole world. This method is very important: after all, at one moment in time we can keep only one thought in our head, and we ourselves choose “what thoughts to think.”
- Learn to track your condition - be aware of what is happening to you "here and now", and soberly evaluate your emotions: if you get angry or offended, try to stop interacting with others at least for a short time.
- Try to help other people as soon as possible - it brings joy and peace. Only help those who really need it, and not those who want to make you a “hanger” for their problems and grievances.
- A great way to help restore peace of mind is regular exercise. fitness and walks: the brain is saturated with oxygen, and the level of “happy hormones” rises. If something oppresses you, you are anxious and worried, go to a fitness club or gym; if this is not possible, just run or take a walk in the park or at the stadium - wherever you can. Peace of mind is hardly possible without physical health and a person who does not know how to achieve balance cannot become completely healthy - he will always have disorders and diseases.
"Cheerful" posture - the path to peace of mind
Psychologists note that people who monitor their posture are much less prone to stress and anxiety. There is nothing complicated here: try to hunch over, lower your shoulders, head, and breathe heavily - in just a few minutes, life will seem difficult to you, and those around you will begin to annoy you. And, on the contrary, if you straighten your back, raise your head, smile and breathe evenly and calmly, your mood will immediately improve - you can check. Therefore, when you work while sitting, do not stoop and do not “squint” in a chair, keep your elbows on the table, and put your legs next to each other - the habit of throwing your legs over your legs does not contribute to balance. If you are standing or walking, distribute your body weight evenly on both legs, and do not slouch - keep your back straight. Try to consciously keep your posture for several days, and you will notice that there are fewer bad thoughts, and you want to smile more often.
All these methods are very simple, but they only work when we apply them, and not just know about them and continue to think about how we can achieve peace of mind and change our lives for the better.

There was a time when I could not sleep for hours. An accidental incident, an unfortunate event, a conversation that did not (as I would like) ended in a way that unsettled me for a long time. Obsession with thoughts and constant digestion of what was, reliably sucked my attention and deprived me of vital energy. The next morning I felt not cheerful and well-rested, but mortally tired and overwhelmed.

I realized that I was simply living in a negative “emotional cocoon” into which, to be completely honest, I had immersed myself. In the end, no one forced me to experience unpleasant and difficult experiences. I did it myself. Let it be unconscious.

So I started looking for a way out.

A static system is the most vulnerable

The main discovery lay on the surface.

We are not so much slaves of our own addictions and habits as slaves of stability. The older we get, the less we want something to really change in life. Especially not the way we want it to change. We crave stability and peace. Firmness and immutability. The inviolability of the established order of life. To always be constantly good, blessed and curly.

But that doesn't happen.

The world around us does not exist according to the laws that we invent for it. The world around us exists according to the laws of dialectics. And dialectics provides for the constancy and immutability of only one thing - conflicts and contradictions.

An attempt to escape from conflicts is an attempt to escape from reality or escapism. Reality will still impose them on you, but not on yours, but on your field. I learned the hard way what it is to be silent when you need to speak, what it is to push away from problems when you need to solve them, what it is to sit and blink your eyes when you need to act. As a result, sooner or later I lost.

Then I realized that an attempt to ignore the world around you, being in your illusions, does not lead to peace of mind, but, on the contrary, gives rise to a bunch of situations that lead to discomfort.

I had a friend whose constant dream was to get everyone behind him. But for some reason, it always turned out that someone cared about him anyway. Miracles and more.

State of dynamic balance

One of my teachers of life was a children's toy "Roly-Vstanka". She showed me that there is such a state in which no matter how life beats you, no matter how it pushes you, you will always return to the position that you occupy. In other words, you always keep the inner balance, despite the ongoing changes and external influences.

This state is called dynamic equilibrium.

In practice, this means that nothing, no external event or circumstance is not able to unsettle you and knock you off your intended goal. On the contrary, you turn any troubles to your advantage. Have you been severely criticized? Instead of becoming discouraged, you use the facts you have learned to work intensively on yourself and reach a new level. Got fired? You do not give up and do not complain about fate, but remember your forgotten talents and create a profitable business on them.

But all this is simply a consequence of the fact that you adequately perceive reality and react flexibly to it. There are no ineffective rules and limiting frames in your head, but there is a holistic perception of the world and the ability to see what is usually hidden from the eyes of other people.

Development strategy

The path to finding inner peace and peace of mind, that is, the state of dynamic balance, is the path of practice. It's constantly increasing degree of personal maturity. And this is exactly what the vast majority of people involved in "self-development" strive to avoid like fire. Because it’s very cool and fun to do something pleasant, comfortable and interesting (for example, meditation or reading books) and think that you are “developing”.

And it is very unpleasant to look deep into yourself and realize that you and only you are the only reason for the events taking place in your life - in business, in relationships, in the prevailing circumstances. Realizing this is sometimes very painful and unpleasant. It is so unpleasant that the cunning and dodgy mind begins to invent various "serious and valid" reasons in order not to do real work on oneself. To just not see the true state of things.

The husband left the woman. Went to another. He left because he was walking and because he got bored. These reasons are not hidden. They were on the surface. It was enough to take a closer look, compare some facts and signs to see them. And when you see it, take appropriate action. But what happened, happened. And she can correct/improve the situation only by realizing the processes by virtue of which she ended up in it.

Instead, a woman runs to fortune-tellers, sorceresses, attends women's trainings, “cleanses karma” and does other easy, pleasant and interesting things. The husband even returns. For a while. But then he gets bored again, and he again goes into the night in search of adventure. And this may continue for a long time.

Real personal growth can't be replaced by simulation. No way.


I stubbornly searched for the root of anxiety, the source of all and sundry worries, anxieties and worries. And he couldn't find it. Until I realized that my current personality (and its overseer) didn't really want to look for it. For this root is a frank, impudent and shameless lie to oneself. Believe me, deceiving yourself by creating illusions and simulacra is one of the favorite activities of our limited mind.

Can you stop lying to yourself?

But then you will have to face in full the amount of truth about yourself, about people, about life that you did not want, could not and did not want to see. And after that, you will no longer be able to live as you used to before. This is a one way ticket. The choice is serious and not everyone is ready to make it. This is the lot for real strong people. Or those who want to be.

After that, you will have a completely different life. Outwardly, nothing will change. At least right away. But your perception will become as pure as you want it to be. You will see the world in a completely different way, completely different from what you see it now. Ready to embark on this exciting and challenging journey? Start by sending requests for a free consultation.

I'm sure you deserve a better life! Calm, happy and harmonious.

In the life of every person there are moments when it is necessary to relax, find peace in the soul, put thoughts in order. And then a person wonders how to find peace of mind? The answer is very simple and we will cover it in our article. Should not be taken important decisions hastily. Peace of mind has a beneficial effect on human health in general.

Benefits in a state of calm

This is the state of mind in which there are no internal contradictions and conflicts, and the perception of external objects around you is equally balanced.

Thanks to calmness, a person is able to:

How does peace manifest itself in everyday life?

Discussions. A calm person is able to defend his thoughts and position without hurrying, without getting lost and without getting excited.

Situations of a household type. A calm person is able to drown out an incipient quarrel between relatives, relatives or friends.

Situations are extreme. In the most difficult situations increase the chances of salvation such qualities of a calm person as rationality of actions and clarity of mind.

scientific experiments. After a series of failures only calm person(scientist) will come to the intended goal, being sure that he is right.

Family upbringing. Only a family in which there are no quarrels and loud screams can raise a calm child.

Diplomacy. For a diplomatic person, calmness helps to perform rational actions and restrain their emotions.

So, let's conclude what is peace:

  1. This is the ability to maintain sobriety of mind and clarity of mind in any life situations;
  2. This is the ability to act rationally in spite of one's emotions;
  3. This is the strength of character and self-control of a person, which will help in any situation to achieve the desired result and success;
  4. This is a complete power of attorney to the surrounding world and life;
  5. This is friendliness to people and goodwill to the world around.

How to practice peace of mind

In practice, many adhere to the following set of exercises necessary to achieve peace of mind:

  1. You need to sit on a chair and completely relax all parts of the body;
  2. Take a few minutes to create pleasant memories in your life;
  3. Slowly and calmly repeat the words with which you associate peace and harmony of the soul;
  4. Let your breath bring you into a state of complete calmness.

What is mental balance and how to achieve it

Peace of mind, according to many people, is a utopia. But for the majority, it is quite normal to receive both positive and negative emotions. Of course, positive emotions should dominate. And in order to experience less negativity, you need to be aware and understand your goals and desires, while not paying attention to the opinions of the people around you. Those people who have learned this live in harmony with the soul and mind, and their actions and actions do not contradict what they said.

To overcome negative emotions, one must adhere to the following rules in life:

Reasons why you can lose your peace of mind

In fact, there are many reasons in the world due to which you can lose peace of mind and balance. But let's highlight the most important ones:

  1. Fear. The fear of some event that should happen in the future often disturbs us and our peace of mind. All these events that are not connected with the present moment disturb us in advance, we suffer and worry about them. And this happens until this event occurs and we see the result.
  2. Guilt in front of any person. Guilt, at its core, is an inner voice that reproaches us from the inside because we didn’t do something or just offended someone. The feeling that we experience is very burdensome to our thoughts. The most unpleasant thing in such situations is that we do not know how to atone for our sin and seem to be in a state of expectation of some kind of miracle.
  3. The burden of circumstances. In this concept lies the fact that we undertook to do some business, but subsequently we cannot do it due to some circumstances. Having made a promise, we simply cannot keep it.
  4. . Very often a person loses his calmness due to the fact that someone offended him. Injured self-esteem constantly reminds us of this factor and does not allow us to calm down on our own for quite a long time.
  5. Aggression and anger. These factors also have a depressing effect on the balance of the soul.

How to find peace of mind in the above circumstances.

  1. Very often we are taken away from reality by such factors as resentment, guilt or fear. We constantly worry about those situations that should be or have already been, but you just need to learn to live in the present moment and be content with what you have in the present.
  2. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone perceives it adequately. Having made a mistake, you need to learn admit your guilt and deal with it appropriately and not torment yourself because of this for a long time.
  3. Learn to say "no" immediately if you realize that you cannot do what you have been asked to do. By refusing right away, you will not give a person hope and will not be tormented by the fact that you cannot fulfill your promise.
  4. Learn to forgive an offense immediately, and do not wait for the moment when the offender asks you for forgiveness. This may not happen at all, and your peace of mind will be lost for a long time.
  5. Everyone experiences negative emotions. But you should be able to release them in time. Just do not show your anger and irritation in public. This can also lead to negative consequences and you will spoil the peace of mind not only of your own, but also of the people around you.

The peace of mind of modern man is a very unstable substance. In our age of information saturation, the acceleration of the pace of life and constant daily stress, it is almost impossible to maintain inner balance and harmony.

Man is a part of nature and his natural internal rhythm coincides with the slow and sedate rhythm of nature. And here is the pace modern city- like a fast train. A person who is constantly in this accelerated mode has the feeling that life is rushing, he himself is running, and behind him a steam locomotive rushing at full speed is catching up with him. Isn't this a stressful situation? Long-term stay in such a state leads to a complete imbalance of all vital systems of the body, hence the disease, and depression, and a sense of the meaninglessness of existence. Let's try to coordinate our natural rhythm with the natural one. There are a few simple exercises for this.

Listen to the tree grow

When going out for a picnic with friends in the summer, find 15 minutes of solitude among the hustle and bustle. Lie down on the grass and listen to the ground. What will you hear? Grasses sway in the wind, creating a unique whisper, the singing of cicadas, the wind in the branches of trees, the voices of birds. Try to hear how the grass grows, how the flowers reach for the sun. Breathe in the scents of the forest and watch as the air enters your nostrils, passes through your throat, and fills your lungs. Don't chase away an ant that decides to run over your hand - focus on touching its paws. In all these sounds, sensations, the rhythm of nature lives, which cannot be found among the bustle of the city. Absorb it into your body for as long as you can. It's okay if you fall asleep - it will only mean that you have found what you were looking for - your body has entered the rhythm of nature's life.

Slow down, horses!

Learn to look for the possibility of uniting with nature in your Everyday life. This will help you avoid the accumulation of fatigue, defuse stress. Learn to relax. Find 10-15 minutes during the working day to sit comfortably in a chair, close your eyes, and listen to the beat of blood in your temples, the rhythm of your own heart. Imagine in front of you in these moments the sea, mountains or forest, think about the singing of birds, remember the murmur of a stream. Your soul requires daily care, just like your body. After all, you find time to brush your teeth, wash your face, eat, you also need to find time to take care of your inner harmony. Forbid yourself to rush and fuss, live calmly, measuredly. Try to even speak a little slower than you did before.

Cleanse your thoughts

During life, a person acquires a lot of negative emotions that are deposited in his soul as unnecessary thoughts and feelings: fear, hatred, resentment, bitterness, insecurity, guilt - all this does not allow him to find inner peace and harmony. Free yourself from unnecessary burden, even the very intention to get rid of these unnecessary feelings will bring you relief.

Liberation from unnecessary thoughts does not yet mean a complete victory over them, because "a holy place is never empty." Consciousness cannot be empty, which means that it is necessary to populate it with positive emotions, sensations, feelings, attitudes. Life-affirming ideas will take the place of negativity, and as soon as bad thoughts will try to come back and populate your soul, they will stumble upon new residents. It is possible that the exiles will try to regain their former positions, do not give them such a chance, and they will eventually capitulate, and you will be able to enjoy spiritual harmony.

Positive attitudes

Start looking for life-affirming ideas. Write down affirmations that inspire positive mood, repeat them to yourself every day - slowly and confidently pronouncing each word. We habitually attach little importance to words, but meanwhile, they have amazing hypnotic properties. Even if you don't believe it, just do an experiment: say to yourself "I'm happy" several times a day, and you will definitely feel happy. You can enhance the effect of words by imagining the corresponding visual image or video sequence.

Vow of silence

A well-known way to find peace of mind is the daily practice of silence. Just be silent for 20-30 minutes every day. Don't read, don't listen, don't look, don't think. Get rid of everything that can distract you: thoughts, images, sounds. Just be quiet. Focus on silence. At first, it will be simply unbearable, your own thoughts will pester you and images will flicker. Nevertheless, you do not give up trying to immerse yourself in an absolute vacuum, gradually you will be able to master this technique.

Find purpose

A person cannot feel the fullness of being if he is not interested in living, if he is forced to do something that his soul does not lie to. Find peace of mind, find an outlet for yourself in life - an interesting activity that will fill your life with meaning. An exciting business that you can devote yourself to, can decorate your life in indescribable shades of joy. Become a personality of a new format, do not allow yourself to sit back, get tired of idleness, complain about life. Become the creator of your own life, the creator of your flowery life path.

I have one small question for you. Can you now remember the last time you were in a state of complete peace and tranquility? If yes, congratulations! Firstly, with the fact that in principle this state is familiar to you. And secondly, with the fact that since you were able to remember when it was, it means that it happened not so long ago.

But you know, I'm more than sure that the vast majority of people in modern world They no longer remember what it is - inner peace. But this is the NORMAL state in which a person should stay most time if he wants to be healthy, happy and successful in life!

Inner peace - what is it?

State inner peace characterized by several features. Firstly, it is the absence of dissatisfaction with the world, with oneself, with life. If you have any claims, you will not be able to be calm - a feeling of discontent will not give. I read in some success books the advice of the authors not to be satisfied with yourself and life. Like, if you are happy with everything, it means that you have stopped in your development. In my opinion, this is a very superficial approach, without relying on knowledge of the basic Laws of the Universe. It seems to be believed that discontent will spur your desire to become better and you will begin to more actively fight for your place in the sun. Yes, if you want to FIGHT, then this method will suit you. But if you want to enjoy life, enjoy your stay in this world, doing what brings you joy, then remove discontent from the palette of your emotions. Replace it for everything that happens to you. But what about the incentive to develop? It will help us here. When you clearly see and understand where you are going, why certain events happen to you, why they happen to you, etc., you do not need any additional artificial incentives. You don't need to "whack" yourself with something. You are consciously creating your life. So, first of all, we remove the discontent. And we go further.

Another very insidious thing that deprives us of inner peace is haste! Modern people so accustomed to hurry that it seems as if they are in a hurry to live their lives as quickly as possible! And if earlier, a few decades ago, haste was a short-term state (you are late, you are in a hurry), now it has become a permanent part of the lives of many people. And most importantly, that she penetrated into the worldview of man. And what kind of inner peace can we talk about if you feel like a timer is ticking inside of you?!

Low, dependence on, self-doubt, etc. - all these negative states do not add inner peace to you. A person, crushed by all this, is in a state of permanent stress, constant tension. Naturally, such a state leads to illness, depression, and so on.

How to find inner peace

Well, yes, I wrote you so much here about what does not allow us to find inner peace, that you, probably, it already seems to be something unrealistic and unrealistic. I will not assure you that finding inner peace is easier than ever. No, if you are used to constantly living in a “bare wire” state, then you will have to work on yourself in order to accustom yourself to the fact that you can perceive life and yourself in it differently.

But in fact, you can find inner peace if you have one and only, but the most good habit, which only can be! Habit TRUST the universe! It is TRUST that gives us inner peace. By trusting the Universe, you agree that it takes care of you, that it arranges the events of your life in the way that is best for you. So it turns out that by trusting the Universe, we remove all obstacles on the way to our inner peace. Anxiety, haste, uncertainty, etc. do not make sense if you know for sure that EVERYTHING that happens to you leads only to the best. You accept any event in your life and do not worry whether it will lead to the best or not. For the better, only for the better!

By the way, inner peace does not mean that you should be able to "relaxation", as some suggest, believing that inner peace is when everything "does not care". Not at all! You can be focused, active, striving towards the Goal. But at the same time, you are at peace with yourself! There is no throwing in your soul, and your mind is engaged in solving the task with pleasure and productively. So, let's not confuse the concepts of "Calm" and "Spread out in a puddle." :))

Well, my friends, I hope that this article will help you take one more step towards understanding yourself and the world around you. And to happiness.

For quite a long time, I taught myself to say when I have events that I perceive at that moment as undesirable: “All the same, everything will be the way it is best for me!”. And you know, that's exactly what happens! I give you this phrase! Enjoy and make your life better and better!

Your Catherine :)

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