The child vomits bile - causes, symptoms and treatment. What to do if the child vomits bile If the child is unwell and vomits bile

Yesterday we went to the cafe with the whole family. It seems that they did not order anything spicy and greasy. At night, a 5-year-old child started vomiting bile without fever and without diarrhea. Just vomits periodically with yellow slurry. There are minor pains in the abdomen. Can't eat or drink anything. Lies almost all day. The tongue is also coated all over with yellow. Tell me what it could be. Is it dangerous for health and what can we do to help our son without doctors.

Rimma Ivankovskaya, Petrozavodsk


Don't panic right away. - This is a protective mechanism that allows the body to quickly evacuate toxins and substances harmful to it from the stomach cavity. In your case, most likely, there was a baby. This could be facilitated by outdoor games after eating or emotional shock after visiting a crowded place. It is also likely that after eating, the child went to sleep on his left side or on his tummy. If there are no signs of general weakness, liquid stool and an increase in body temperature, then, most likely, vomiting is not infectious.

In any case, you should consult a doctor. If you continue to vomit and repeat more than once every 2 hours, then for medical care it is better to apply immediately. If vomiting is not repeated and does not increase over time, then you can try to help the baby at home. To do this, first soothe the stomach lining. To do this, dilute 1 sachet of smecta in half a glass of boiled water and let the baby drink completely. After that, lay the child on his right side and ask him to lie quietly for half an hour. In the meantime, dilute a bag of rehydron in 1 liter of warm boiled water and let the child drink 1/4 - 1/2 cup every 30 minutes. This tool will help restore the water electrolyte balance. To improve liver function, it can be recommended to take 1 tablet of Karsil 3 times a day for 14 days after an attack. This drug is completely plant origin. It stimulates the liver and restores its cells.

Pay attention to diet and nutrition. Eliminate all fatty and fried foods. Within 1 month after the attack, you should not give your child carbonated drinks, chocolate and canned juices. This can provoke repeated reflux, which will end in vomiting of bile. Be sure to visit a gastroenterologist. Your child may need more serious medical attention.

Gastroenterologist Luneva A.S.

It is believed that sudden appearance in a child with such pathological symptoms as vomiting with bile without fever, is one of the signs of toxic damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which has arisen under the influence of internal or external factors environment. In addition, it is not excluded that the baby has congenital or acquired diseases of the liver and the gallbladder itself, which provoke constant or periodic nausea. During normal operation digestive system bile plays an important role in the digestion and breakdown of fats that enter the human body with food. The appearance of an excess amount of bile in the stomach is always the first signal about the health problems of the child, which must be urgently eliminated with the help of therapeutic effects.

Considering physiological feature structure and work of the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract of young children, emit a large amount causal factors, the presence of which directly or indirectly, but affects the appearance yellow vomit The child has. They may be as follows:

  • food poisoning resulting from the use of low-quality food products, the constituent components of which have no biological value, or the temperature regime of their storage has been violated;
  • indigestion due to overeating, saturation of the diet with dishes with a high concentration of animal fats;
  • metabolic disorder when most of proteins, carbohydrates and fats are simply not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract due to its painful condition, the presence of secondary pathologies of the liver and gallbladder;
  • disorder of the central nervous system(is a congenital neurological disease, the course of which is associated with the receipt of chaotic signals from the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for the stable production of bile and the regulation of muscles that contract at the time of the formation of the gag reflex);
  • inflammatory processes in the tissues of the pancreas, which in turn provokes a deficiency of digestive enzymes responsible for the function of cooking food;
  • intestinal obstruction when the food entering the stomach is digested, moves into the duodenum, but is not able to overcome the large intestine (the brain cannot understand why food stagnates and continues to send a signal about the production of bile, although its excess is already beginning to have a toxic effect on the child's body and induce vomiting)
  • hit foreign body into the cavity of the stomach or intestines, which caused the blocking of the functionality of these organs with a gradual deterioration in the child's well-being;
  • inflammatory processes of the stomach, intestines, duodenum, which do not allow other organs of the gastrointestinal tract to stably digest food and provoke a malfunction of the entire system;
  • acute or chronic cholecystitis, covering both the walls of the gallbladder themselves and its individual ducts.

Quite often a newborn baby vomits yellow liquid, after the cessation of lactation with mother's milk, which receives the first complementary foods with artificial mixtures or pre-prepared mashed products, according to the age limit of the baby.

What to do if a child vomits with bile without fever?

If a small child has an admixture of green bile in the vomit without signs of violation temperature regime You must remain calm and not panic. It is also strictly prohibited to self-treatment child, since it is initially necessary to establish the cause of the pathology. You need to call an ambulance and wait for the arrival of the pediatrician on duty.

  1. Put the child on its side so that in the event of another attack of vomiting, the secreted masses freely go beyond the oral cavity. This will prevent any liquid from entering the Airways. If a similar problem arose in a baby who is not yet able to hold his head on his own, then in this case he should be held in his arms slightly tilted forward.
  2. After each case of bile secretion, it is imperative to clean the child's mouth. Older children can rinse themselves oral cavity.
  3. Stop feeding the baby during bouts of gag reflex. The only exceptions are children who are in infancy, when the need for mother's milk very high and literally painted by the clock.
  4. Give the child a drink clean water room temperature, slightly salted. This is necessary to restore the acid-salt balance, disturbed as a result of vomiting. It is best to drink in fractional portions of 100-150 grams every 5-10 minutes.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can determine what kind of pathology is present in the baby's digestive system, provoking pathological condition bout of vomiting.

Based on this, a decision is made on the hospitalization of the child in the inpatient department of pediatric therapy, or assistance will be provided at home upon the arrival of an ambulance. It is important to remember that even if a child vomits bile without fever, this does not mean that during internal organ missing inflammatory process.

Prevention of vomiting of bile

In order to minimize the chances of the baby developing this kind of symptomatology. Parents need to adhere to the following simple, but very effective rules aimed at preventing pathological changes in the gallbladder and the appearance of attacks of vomiting of bile without signs of temperature:

  • properly organize the child's diet, avoid overeating or long breaks between meals;
  • firmly attach the baby to the chest so that there is sufficient fixation of his lips with the surface of the nipple (this will not allow him to swallow air, the presence of which causes indigestion);
  • control the amount of food eaten;
  • if the child is older, then it is necessary to saturate his diet with foods that are moderately fat;
  • water the baby only purified or boiled water, preventing even the slightest possibility of infective microorganisms entering along with the raw liquid.

It is also very important to ensure that the child goes to the toilet regularly, constipation does not occur, as stool capable of toxic effect on the baby's body and provoke intoxication with vomiting of bile masses. Especially if there were cases of hereditary transmission of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the family.

What to do if a child vomits bile, and why does this happen? Nausea is the body's signal that some of its systems are not working properly. This condition is often combined with abdominal pain, fever, bitter taste in the mouth and general weakness. Vomiting of bile in a child is accompanied by the release of yellow or green gastric contents. Do not consider this symptom safe, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What causes this condition?

Before applying any medications, parents should find out the reason why the child vomits bile. The main among them are pathologies of the gallbladder. With inflammation, impaired patency of the ducts or the formation of calculi, this organ cannot function normally. If bile is thrown into the stomach, nausea occurs first, after which the child begins to vomit. In intestinal infections, the release of undigested food to the outside is a kind of defense mechanism preventing the spread of bacteria in the body. Repeated attacks lead to the reflux of new portions of bile, which worsens the child's condition.

Children vomit bile and viral hepatitis. These diseases are damage to the liver cells, due to which the production of liver enzymes is disrupted. In this case, there may be diarrhea and pain in the right hypochondrium. Bouts of vomiting that occur in the morning may indicate overeating. In newborns, a similar symptom occurs with pylorospasm or blockage of the intestine. The main reason leading to the reflux of bile into the stomach is the early introduction of complementary foods and the transfer of the child to the common table. The development of the digestive system is completed by the age of 7, so children preschool age not all foods that his parents eat are suitable. If during bouts of vomiting there is no temperature, we can talk about the beginning inflammation of the appendix.

Often, nausea is accompanied by neurological disorders: deterioration of the blood circulation of the brain, psycho-emotional overload, psychosomatic diseases. Gastric contents with bile impurities are excreted in acute kidney failure and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

How to help the baby?

If the child vomited bile, parents should try to find the cause of the attack. Do not panic, you should remember what the child ate in the near future and whether he got into stressful situations. First aid begins with gastric lavage. For this, the baby is given several glasses. warm water and press on the root of the tongue. After emptying the stomach, you need to take Smecta or Activated carbon. The child is laid on a bed with a raised headboard, turning his head to the side. At elevated body temperature, antipyretics are used. You can not leave the patient unattended or try to wash the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate. Do not take any action if the patient is unconscious. Feeding a child immediately after an attack of vomiting is also not recommended.

With a single exit of the contents of the stomach specific treatment not required. The condition improves on its own. However, if vomiting recurs, you should contact your pediatrician and be examined. Diagnostic procedures allow you to establish the cause of this unpleasant symptom and choose the most effective scheme treatment. The basis of drug therapy are choleretic drugs. No less effective are herbal teas based on mint, angelica or immortelle. Additionally, it is recommended to follow a special diet that excludes fatty, fried and spicy foods, tomatoes and sour fruits.

Vomiting is a symptom of many diseases. Sometimes the regurgitated mass contains an admixture of bile. If this occurs in children, then they must be examined. The medical facility will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis to find out why the child is vomiting bile. Before the doctor arrives, the parents should give him first aid - it is important to know what not to do in this situation.

This can happen to a child of any age. An admixture of bile in the vomit is indicated by yellow, green or yellow-green discharge and a bitter taste in the mouth. It is impossible to establish at home the exact cause of its appearance - this is done using laboratory and hardware diagnostic methods.

It is a manifestation of such diseases:

  • pathologies of the biliary system;
  • intestinal infection;
  • poisoning;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • overeating;
  • pylorospasm;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • appendicitis;
  • diseases of the neurological sphere (poor blood circulation in the brain, acute emotional disorder, );
  • inflammation of the tissues of the pharynx, root of the tongue and pharynx.

The main reason for throwing the secret into the stomach is, as well as the abnormal structure gallbladder, . Each disease has features of treatment, its methods are selected according to the age of the child.

Vomiting with bile in infants

This category includes children under the age of 1 year. In them, an attack of vomiting can provoke improper attachment to the breast. If the baby sucks milk and at the same time swallows air, then he can vomit soon after eating. A repeated attack is often accompanied by the release of bile along with the gastric mass.

The cause of vomiting in infants who are on artificial feeding:

  • constant overeating (portion above the norm);
  • untimely introduction of complementary foods.

Nausea can also appear due to pathologies.

See a doctor immediately if the baby's stomach is hard, there is bleeding, vomiting "spouts", the temperature has risen, there is no defecation.

This is a sign of diseases that are treated with surgical methods.

Causes of vomiting with an admixture of bile in a child from one year old and adolescents

The enzyme system in children continues to develop until the age of 7, so they are recommended to gradually introduce food from a common family table into the diet so as not to provoke a disruption in the gastrointestinal tract. The main factors provoking the appearance of vomiting in young children: fatty food, poisoning or acquired pathologies.

The reason for the release of bile with vomit in adolescents:

  • side effects of drugs (tetracycline antibiotics);
  • diseases;
  • excessive consumption of fast food;
  • food, drug, alcohol poisoning;
  • chemical intoxication.

The parent must observe the condition of the child and carry out the necessary medical measures. If there is no tendency to feel better within 6-12 hours, they call an ambulance and undergo therapy in a hospital.

What are the ways to alleviate the condition of the child

There is simple methods that need to be done first. First, the child is washed and given water at room temperature to rinse in the mouth. In the process of these manipulations, you need to calm the baby. Then he is laid on his side in bed so that rib cage was above the pelvis. Then they measure the temperature and ask about general well-being, clarify what else hurts, and also try to find possible cause vomiting.

If the baby continues to feel sick, then you can let him drink up to 750 ml of boiled chilled water. A large number of fluid will cause re-vomiting. Together with the released mass, the stomach will be cleansed, which will facilitate the general condition.

Should I call a doctor if my child vomits bile

The younger the baby, the higher the threat to his life. In addition, any treatment of a child without medical advice can aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is imperative to call an ambulance and show the baby to the pediatrician to find out real reason vomiting with bile. The sooner it is examined, the sooner treatment will begin, choosing the right methods of therapy.

You can not postpone calling a doctor in such circumstances:

  • a child under 5 years old;
  • complains about sharp pain in a stomach;
  • increased overall body temperature;
  • vomiting is repeated many times;
  • diarrhea appeared.

You can urgently not go to the doctor only in the case when the baby vomited once, no accompanying signs disease, and the attack did not recur. But in the near future you need to contact a gastroenterologist for an unscheduled examination. This will help prevent the development of diseases of the biliary system, digestive organs and gastrointestinal tract.

First aid for a child with vomiting with bile

Should be taken right away necessary measures to alleviate the condition of the child and call a doctor. Then the baby is provided with physical rest. Until the doctor arrives, sick children are not fed anything. An exception is made only for babies under one year old - they are allowed to drink breast milk.

What medicines are allowed to be given:

  • Regidron and others saline solutions preventing dehydration;
  • Phosphalugel, Talcid, Maalox, other antacids for regulating acidity in the stomach;
  • Ftalazol, Smecta, Enterofuril, similar enterosorbents;
  • Nurofen or No-shpa for pain relief;
  • antipyretics (according to age), if the temperature exceeds + 38 C.

In a hospital setting, the child may be treated with other drugs. Usually prescribed symptomatic and antibiotic therapy.

When medicines are given:

  • antacids are taken when vomiting yellow color, which is accompanied by heartburn, a taste of bitterness, nausea;
  • enterosorbents are needed to cleanse the intestines of toxins and stop diarrhea if the color of the feces has become green or greenish;
  • antispasmodics help with abdominal pain due to spasm.

Other medicines are given to the child only as prescribed by the doctor. In addition, it should be drunk in small portions (1–3 tsp at a time) of unsweetened tea, boiled water. Eating is allowed after 6-7 hours after the attack.

What not to do to a child with vomiting with bile

It is forbidden to give analgesics and antibiotics without finding out true reason nausea. Bye ambulance rides, the child must be supervised by an adult. First of all, this applies to children under the age of three months, so that in case of repeated vomiting, they have time to turn the baby on its side and prevent food masses from entering the respiratory tract.

What not to do:

  • keep the child in a horizontal position;
  • try gastric lavage if the patient is unconscious;
  • give antiemetic drugs, potassium permanganate solution;
  • feed plentifully;
  • delay calling the doctor.

A common cause of vomiting is an intestinal infection. If you carry out a gastric lavage and do cleansing enemas, then the bacteria will spread throughout digestive tract. For each pathology, there are certain methods of treatment that only doctors select for children.


Vomiting of bile in a child is associated with serious reasons. Need to examine the organs abdominal cavity with the help of ultrasound. Such diagnostics are absolutely harmless for children of any age and will help to detect the possible development of diseases in the early stages.

Attacks of vomiting with eruption of bile in a child indicate a violation of the functioning of the body. Arise like defensive reaction for infection or inflammation. The reasons are diseases of the digestive tract, food or chemical intoxication.


Often bile appears due to poisoning or pathologies of the digestive tract:

  • gallbladder disease;
  • attack of acute appendicitis;
  • thrombosis of intestinal vessels;
  • brain diseases;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • congenital pathologies of the digestive tract.

Non-dangerous factors leading to vomiting are psychological overload due to stress and eating excessively fatty and spicy foods. Leads to eruption one or more times, without deterioration general condition child.


With various pathologies, it is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  • With infections, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, the temperature rises, you should immediately call a doctor.
  • When, in addition to vomiting of bile, there is headache, involuntary tension of the muscles of the back of the head, as well as fever - this indicates the presence of meningitis, also do not hesitate, call an ambulance.
  • The combination of vomiting with diarrhea indicates an intestinal infection. Temperature rise is possible. In the case of repeated eruptions of the contents of the stomach, as well as bowel movements, the cause is a rotavirus infection.

Diseases are distinguished by such features:

  1. Pathologies of central, cerebral origin. They are characterized by headache and minor vomiting, independent of the time and amount eaten, which is not preceded by nausea. After the eruption of the contents of the stomach, there is no relief.
  2. Diseases of the stomach. Present pain in the stomach, bilious vomiting appears after eating and improves well-being. In the presence of gastritis in chronic form, the child's symptoms appear in the morning.
  3. Digestive disorders. The erupted masses consist of undigested food mixed with bile.
  4. Gastric ulcer. The presence of pathology is indicated by severe bilious vomiting, which has a sour smell and internal bleeding.
  5. Pancreatitis. It is characterized by repeated, debilitating vomiting, after which there is no relief. There are pains in the abdomen.


If a child experiences repeated vomiting, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. This symptom indicates intoxication or pathology of the digestive tract.

First aid

Before the ambulance arrives or visits the hospital, you must:

  • do not feed the child;
  • give plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration: water with soda or Regidron solution;
  • drinking should be frequent and in small portions to prevent distension of the stomach and vomiting;
  • in the presence of elevated temperature give the child an antipyretic.

Medical therapy

When seizures are not caused by serious pathologies requiring emergency care, for cupping doctors use the following medicines:

Prokinetics that improve the functions of the digestive system:

  • Domperidone - 1 tablet 10 mg 3 times a day;
  • Motilak - 1 tablet 10 mg 3 per day;
  • Motilium - 1 tablet 10 mg 3 times a day;
  • Cerucal - from 3 to 14 years 0.1 mg of metoclopramide per 1 kg 3-4 times a day, in 1 ampoule 10 mg.

Receptor blockers used for vomiting from motion sickness:

  • Aviamarin - 1-2 tablets of 50 mg every 5-6 hours, not more than 150 mg;
  • Dramina - 1-2 tablets of 50 mg 2-3 times a day.

  • Drotaverine - up to 6 years, 10-20 mg, 1 / 4-1 / 2 tablets, from 6 to 12 years, 20 mg, 1 / 2 tablets 1-2 times a day;
  • No-shpa - for children 6-12 years old maximum dose per day 80 mg, divided into 2 doses, over 12 years old - 160 mg for 2-4 doses.

  • Persen - for children over 12 years old, 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day, maximum 12 tablets.
  • Valerian - over 12 years old, 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals for a course of 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Fitosedan - 2 tbsp. l. collection pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals for 10-14 days.

Folk remedies

In children, treatment can be folk methods, with the approval of the attending physician. Application traditional means does not apply to very young children.

  • 1 teaspoon of dried dill seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes. Next, strain the mixture and drink with nausea or after severe vomiting 1 teaspoon every 15 minutes.
  • Boil 1 tablespoon of peppermint leaves in 200 ml of water and infuse for 2 hours. 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • Grind and squeeze juice from potatoes. Take 1 teaspoon before meals to eliminate nausea.
  • Mix 1 glass of freshly squeezed apple juice with 1 tablespoon of honey and stir. The finished product is taken half a glass 4 times a day to relieve nausea.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed dry rose hips with a glass of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Then pour the mixture into a thermos, leave for half an hour. 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.


Diet food is prescribed. Meals are taken frequently and in small portions. Eliminate from the diet.