Sweating at night - causes in men, as a symptom of disease. Causes and treatment of excessive sweating in men Excessive sweating of the armpits in men

As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex suffer from increased sweating (hyperhidrosis), although sometimes this phenomenon is observed in women. This is explained by the active role of a man that has developed over the centuries, which nature has endowed him with, while simultaneously adapting the “cooling system” to these functions. male body. In addition, even our ancient ancestors had a strong smell of sweat to attract individuals of the opposite sex. The hair under the armpit and in the groin area is there precisely because of the enhancement of this effect, providing a dubious service to the modern man.

How does the disease manifest itself in men?

However, calling hyperhidrosis a disease in to the fullest is impossible, since in most cases it is caused by natural physiological reasons- this will be discussed below. In many cases, it makes more sense to talk about the individual characteristics of the organism.

Why are we even talking about increased sweating? The fact is that this condition sometimes causes moral and physical suffering for men. Hyperhidrosis is divided into two types:

  • general, in which the whole body sweats;
  • local, when individual areas of the body are moisturized - armpits, palms, feet, groin and perineum area, face, etc.

With general hyperhidrosis, the whole body sweats profusely

In both cases, the patient experiences considerable discomfort, this interferes with his normal adaptation to society. When shaking hands, he will be embarrassed by a wet palm; if he takes off his shoes, he will be worried that others will notice his wet socks. A person is afraid to raise his hand in public transport to grab the handrail, he is ashamed of a wet shirt sticking to his body, etc.

Hyperhidrosis of the armpit causes great discomfort both to the patient himself and to those around him.

Sexual relationships with a partner are also burdened by the fear of leaving a wet body print on the sheets in bed. All these circumstances - serious problem for a man, not to mention the unpleasant and sometimes very pungent odor that occurs due to the lightning-fast proliferation of bacteria in places where sweat accumulates. Shower and others hygiene procedures They can only slightly delay the appearance of such an odor, but do not protect the patient from it.

In some cases, based on the smell of sweat, you can draw preliminary conclusions about what ailments may provoke increased sweating. The smell of ammonia may indicate problems with the urinary system, while acetone may indicate the presence of diabetes. Sweat that smells like chlorine or vinegar may indicate problems with the liver, and strong bad smell sweaty feet may indicate the presence of candidiasis.

Causes of hyperhidrosis of the legs, palms, groin area or whole body

Sweating is an adaptive mechanism that helps cool the skin. If sweat stops being released, the body will constantly overheat. Normally, active sweat production occurs in cases where the body needs increased cooling:

  • at elevated ambient temperatures;
  • during physical activity;
  • with strong nervous excitement.

Active sweat production can occur during nervous excitement

Hyperhidrosis can also occur due to reasons that go beyond the usual norm:

  • due to various diseases- endocrine (hypoglycemia, diabetes, hyperthyroidism), infectious, both acute and chronic (influenza, malaria, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, mononucleosis, etc.);
  • as a result renal failure when excess fluid is removed through the skin, thus compensating for the functions of the urinary system;
  • at overweight body caused by metabolic disorders;
  • for autonomic disorders nervous system, resulting in increased nervous excitability;
  • during the period of taking the series medicines- antipyretic, hormonal, antiemetic, etc.;
  • during menopause;
  • by virtue of individual characteristics organism and hereditary factors.

Heavy sweating at night while sleeping

Often profuse sweating bothers a man at night, even if he is fast asleep. This may occur due to the fact that usually representatives of the stronger sex try everything negative emotions keep them inside, not allowing them to come out, considering this a manifestation of weakness unworthy of them. During a night's rest, the subconscious mind seeks to give vent to these emotions, forming nightmares, as a result of which the patient wakes up in a cold sweat.

When can you get rid of it yourself?

First of all, get your nerves in order.

Hyperhidrosis with increased anxiety

If increased sweating is associated with natural physiological functions body, you can try to reduce the intensity of sweating. For example, if a man suffers from nocturnal hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to reduce the level of anxiety using mild sedatives - “Persen”, “Barboval”, “Nevrin”, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure optimal temperature regime(18–20° C), do not eat at night, do not drink alcohol before bed and do not get carried away with watching action-packed films.

The same measures plus yoga classes with an instructor or at least home meditation are good for excessive sweating, which is caused by neurological disorders.

Sweaty armpits

To reduce physiological hyperhidrosis, you can use antiperspirant deodorants with increased content aluminum, which will help reduce the amount of sweat produced in the armpits. However, antiperspirants should be treated with caution - these cosmetical tools block the excretion of sweat due to narrowing or complete blockage of the sweat ducts, which can cause swelling, local irritation of the skin and allergies. In addition, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures twice a day.

In addition to physical discomfort, the problem also causes psychological troubles.

Wet feet and palms

You can reduce foot sweating with the help of special foot deodorants and medications freely sold in pharmacies - “Formagel”, Teymurov’s paste, “Borozin”. These products have a deodorizing, anti-inflammatory and antimycotic effect.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor foot hygiene, wash your feet with neutral soap in the morning and before bed, wear shoes made of natural materials so that your feet can breathe, change insoles more often, use cotton socks and wash them daily.

To reduce sweating of the palms, you can use medical antiperspirants intended for this part of the body, as well as cosmetic powders with aluminum salts.

General hyperhidrosis

First of all, careful body hygiene is necessary here - a contrast shower twice a day, followed by local funds in places of the most intense sweating - armpits, feet, groin, etc. For intimate area There are special antiperspirants.

With hyperhidrosis, careful body hygiene is necessary

In addition, you need to follow simple rules:

  • try to dress according to the weather and even a little lighter than the season requires, avoiding overheating of the body;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • exclude or limit the use of spices (curry, garlic, cumin), black coffee, strong tea, Coca-Cola.
  • keep body weight under control;
  • control the amount of liquid you drink;
  • give preference to loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics.

When to contact a specialist

If increased sweating is accompanied additional symptoms- increased temperature, itching, rash, swelling, strong odor of sweat, etc., you should consult a specialist. There is no doctor who would specialize exclusively in this problem, so start with a visit to a therapist, and he will decide where, if necessary, you will need to be referred - to an endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, neurologist, surgeon, etc.

Diagnosis of hyperhidrosis

Diagnosis of increased sweating is aimed at identifying the cause that provokes hyperhidrosis. The doctor will first of all take into account the patient’s story about his condition, pay attention to the nature of the sweat secreted, its smell and assess the condition of those body systems that can influence the manifestation of pathology. For this purpose the necessary lab tests, as well as other examination methods to assess the condition of organs, for example, ultrasound.

Treatment methods

Depending on the cause of the disease, it can be used as conservative therapy, and surgical methods of treatment.

Don’t take existing illnesses to extremes

Conservative therapy

If a disease is identified that results in increased sweating, treatment will be aimed at eliminating it. In cases where hyperhidrosis is not accompanied by another disease, the following methods can be used to treat it:

  • psychotherapy;
  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy.

With the help of psychotherapy and hypnosis in particular, it is possible to develop in the patient the ability to control his emotions, which in some cases completely helps to solve the problem of profuse sweating.

Sedatives are used for drug therapy varying degrees effects, if necessary, tranquilizers, as well as belladonna preparations, which reduce the excitability of the sympathetic nervous system, which regulates the function of the sweat glands. If menopause is the cause of increased sweating, hormone replacement therapy is used.

Physiotherapy has a whole arsenal of treatments that can help reduce hyperhidrosis. Among these methods:

  • therapeutic baths - pine, pearl, salt;
  • souls - circular, contrasting;
  • electrosleep;
  • electrophoresis with drugs, which allows you to cause local dehydration (anhidrosis) of the problem area of ​​the body;
  • iontophoresis - blocking the sweat glands using weak electric current discharges.

Carrying out electrophoresis with drugs gives a stable effect in combination with drug treatment

Combination of all methods conservative treatment can give good effect, saving the patient from excessive sweating for several months, but if we talk about a radical solution to the problem, then only surgery can do it.


Before proceeding with the analysis of surgical methods, it should be emphasized that such treatments are associated with a certain risk to the patient’s health, and therefore such treatment should be decided only if other methods have proven ineffective.


The main method of surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis is sympathectomy - an operation performed on the sympathetic trunk, in which complete or partial destruction of a segment of the autonomic nervous system occurs. Sympathectomy can be thoracic or cervical.

The operation has a good lasting effect, but has certain contraindications - pleurisy, tuberculosis, emphysema, cardiovascular pathologies. Surgical intervention can be performed either traditionally or endoscopically.

Liposuction of the axillary area

This operation is used to surgery hyperhidrosis in armpit, thus eliminating sweating in a certain area of ​​the body.

Liposuction of the axillary region is usually performed in obese patients, destroying the sympathetic muscles passing through the subcutaneous fat. nerve endings. The use of a laser or ultrasound for this purpose significantly reduces the traumatic nature of the operation, but the patient is not immune from the formation of edema and hematomas. In addition, the sensitivity of the armpit is reduced.

Much less commonly used is a more radical method of excision of the skin under the arm, which leaves behind a noticeable scar.

Curettage of the axillary area

The procedure may not be 100% effective

Curettage (scraping) of the armpit allows, in addition to destroying nerve endings, to remove sweat glands. The procedure is carried out through a skin puncture under local anesthesia and the effect of it lasts for several years, but over time, the sympathetic endings are partially or completely restored and increased sweating may resume.

Ultrasound destruction of sweat glands

During the procedure, performed on an outpatient basis, the sweat glands are destroyed through a small puncture in the skin. This operation gives a good lasting effect.

Botox injection

Botox gets rid of sweat for a short time

IN Lately It has become popular to treat hyperhidrosis with Botox, which is used to inject the area of ​​increased sweating. This drug is able to block sympathetic nerve endings for up to six months, which significantly reduces sweat secretion.

Traditional medicine

Baths will not only reduce sweating, but also smooth out rough skin on the feet

To reduce sweating of the feet and palms, it is advisable to take baths with natural ingredients:

  1. Potassium permanganate. It is enough to keep your palms or feet daily in a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate, then wipe thoroughly and treat with powder (talcum powder).
  2. Birch leaves. Brew half a glass of dry crushed birch leaves with a liter of boiling water and let it brew and cool, then use it for a bath three times a week until the effect is obtained.
  3. Vinegar. Take 3 tablespoons of vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar) per liter of water - the bath is ready. Repeat the procedure daily for at least two weeks. To enhance the effect, you can add half a teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of vinegar, wait until it stops hissing, then add a pinch of borax diluted in a small amount of water and 30 g of glycerin - lubricate your hands and feet with this mixture after the bath.
  4. Oak bark. Brew 1 tablespoon of crushed bark with a liter of boiling water, cool, strain and add 2 teaspoons of vinegar. Oak bark can also be combined with St. John's wort.
  5. Salt. This is a very simple recipe. To prepare such a bath, just dissolve a tablespoon of regular table salt in a liter of water and hold your hands or feet in it for 10–15 minutes.

In addition, you can treat areas that sweat a lot apple cider vinegar, diluted in half with water, tincture of strong tea, a slice of lemon or boric acid powder. For hyperhidrosis of the groin area boric acid cannot be used.

For general hyperhidrosis, you can take baths with essential oils- mint, pine needles, eucalyptus.

Besides, ethnoscience offers a whole range of sedatives that will help get rid of hyperhidrosis that has developed due to nervous excitement - valerian, motherwort, peony, etc.

Is it possible to insure against relapse?

As mentioned above, hyperhidrosis can only be completely cured surgical methods. However, it should be understood that in some cases, sweating may return after such treatment. The patient may be advised to emphasize good body hygiene with simultaneous use conservative methods therapy that will help neutralize negative effect hyperhidrosis.

What is hyperhidrosis and how to deal with it (video)

Sweating is normal physiological reaction the body, allowing you to regulate body temperature and prevent the body from overheating. But if hyperhidrosis is pathological, it must be treated, and for this you need to consult a specialist.

Increased sweating in men is often observed, causing discomfort and discomfort. Heavy sweating a man's entire body can be caused stressful situations, overheating of the body or more serious disorders in the body. It is especially worth paying attention to excessive sweating during sleep, which often signals violations of certain body systems. Therefore, excessive sweating in men requires timely consultation with a doctor.

Men are prone to increased sweating, but this phenomenon should also be eliminated, because... it brings discomfort to everyday life.

Causes and factors that provoke increased sweating in men

Excessive sweating in men is referred to in medicine as hyperhidrosis, which occurs due to various reasons. All sources of excessive sweating are divided into several groups. The main ones are given by T. Bateneva in his work “Maintenance of the active man’s body”:

  • Household:
    • disturbed temperature in the room - more than 23 degrees;
    • incorrectly selected or unnatural clothing;
    • ignoring hygiene rules;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • disturbed dietary food with a predominance of fatty and fried foods.
  • Physiological:
    • excessive body weight, leading to endocrine pathologies;
    • andropause, characterized by a decrease in testosterone production;
    • profuse sweating during exercise;
    • stress and emotional overload, which provoke increased sweat production;
    • predisposition to the development of hyperhidrosis.
  • Diseases of various systems:
    • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
    • diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2;
    • pheochromocytoma and other neoplasms of a malignant and benign nature;
    • Cushing's syndrome;
    • Parkinson's disease;
    • neurosyphilis;
    • tuberculosis;
    • HIV infection;
    • malarial lesion;
    • mycosis of different localization.

If the causes of heavy sweating in men lie in diseases, then the patient will also experience other symptoms.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating in men manifests itself in at different ages and varies symptomatically. Hyperhidrosis can occur during the day or bother you during sleep. Some men sweat a lot in their armpits, while others sweat in their head, legs, chest or other parts of the body. Taking into account several criteria, hyperhidrosis in men is divided into several types, shown in the table.

Classification View Peculiarities
According to distribution on the skin Generalized Most of the body becomes wet and cold
Blue discoloration of the lower and upper extremities
Secondary infection by fungi and bacteria
Unpleasant odor of sweat caused by decomposition products
Local Axillary Man suffers from sweat under his arms
Palmar Excessive sweating of the palms
Plantar Increased sweat production in the feet
Craniofacial Sweating of the head, face and neck
Perineal Unreasonable sweating of the groin area
Due to the occurrence Primary Adolescent boys and young men suffer from sweating due to genetic predisposition
Secondary Associated with different pathological conditions, more often observed in adult men

What to do if you are sweating?

Before treating male hyperhidrosis, the root cause of the disease should be found out.

After finding out the cause of increased sweating in men, you need to undergo complex treatment. Dermatocosmetologists recommend reducing bouts of sweating with medications or traditional medicines. The guy must follow the rules of hygiene and use high-quality hygiene products throughout the entire course of treatment and after it.


In men, excessive sweating is eliminated by pharmaceuticals, which the doctor prescribes for each patient individually. If the head or other parts of the body sweat a lot, then medications are prescribed, including formaldehyde, belladonna and sedatives. The medication prescribed depends on the severity of the problem and its cause. Medicines used in the treatment of excessive sweating in men are available in the form of ointments, gels, tablets or capsules and are accompanied by detailed instructions for use. The following ointments help with excessive sweating:

  • "Formidron";
  • Teymurova pasta;
  • "Formagel".

Tablet medications for excessive sweating include:

  • "Bellaspon";
  • "Belloid".

A drug with a sedative effect will reduce a man’s mental stress and eliminate sweating. They are prescribed by a doctor if sweating is caused by constant stress, depressed, unstable emotional state. Self-prescription is not recommended medicinal preparations, since such treatment will not help get rid of the problem, but can also aggravate it.

Skin care

To eliminate odor and excess moisture due to hyperhidrosis, use talc, pads, antiperspirants or deodorants.

To avoid excessive sweating in men, it is important to follow general rules care skin. A man should use cosmetics that do not irritate the skin and not only eliminate the smell of sweat, but also reduce its amount. Among such products, cosmetologists highlight:

  • Antiperspirants. These drugs are more often used for sweating in the armpit. They contain triclosan and farnesol, which fight secretions.
  • Deodorants. Therapeutic deodorants eliminate frequent sweating and fight bacteria.
  • Cosmetic talc. Similar in effect to antiperspirant. Such powders are also used if there is severe sweating of the feet in men.
  • Special linings. They stick to inner side clothes and absorb moisture.

This phenomenon is quite common and many men are susceptible to this problem. The most innocuous reason may be heat air. But sometimes excessive sweating is a symptom of serious disorders in the body.

Nature has it that men sweat much more than women. This is a normal phenomenon and does not require contacting a specialist. But excessive sweat production is the norm only when there is a reason for it. These include high temperature, humidity, physical activity and emotional shock. This is how the body reacts to external stimuli. The only thing that should cause alarm is the fact that sweat appears for no apparent reason.

Each person's sweat glands work differently. Some men sweat more, others less. Physical and psychological discomfort is caused only by increased sweating, which appears for no reason.

Excessive sweating is accompanied by an unpleasant, repulsive odor. The skin may experience itching, irritation and a rash, popularly called “prickly heat”.

Important! Increased sweat production is not a death sentence. You can get rid of this problem using traditional or folk medicine.


There is an opinion that excessive sweating of the head in men is an absolutely normal phenomenon, but this is not entirely true. Exposure to high temperatures is primarily accompanied by the appearance of beads of sweat on the face and other parts of the body, which is normal reaction organism. But causeless sweating can no longer be called the norm.

In medicine, there is a concept called hyperhidrosis. Distinctive feature Such a disease is an increased production of sweat by the body when normal conditions environment. Research has shown that the reasons for the occurrence of this disease may be different. These include:

  • increased body weight, which disrupts the heat exchange process in the body;
  • dysfunction endocrine system that appear when there is a malfunction thyroid gland;
  • nervous disorders due to stress and increased fatigue;
  • skin diseases, allergies;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Important to remember! If excessive sweating appears for no reason, this is a serious sign indicating an existing malfunction in the body.

Hyperhidrosis appears from various factors and is divided into two types:

  • primary – when excessive sweating does not appear from an existing disease;
  • secondary – if excessive sweating occurs as a result of a malfunction in the body.

Drops of sweat may appear all over the body or in specific areas. You should pay attention to the events leading up to this. If no visible reasons no, it means there is some kind of disease that manifests itself in this way.

It is not possible to understand the causes of this disease on your own. We are not talking about increased sweating that occurs after overheating or excessive physical activity. In this case, everything is obvious. But what to do if your head sweats for no apparent reason? There is only one way out - immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe everything necessary tests. This is necessary to identify the cause of increased sweating and will help to begin treatment of the problem in a timely manner.

Hyperhidrosis is often accompanied by headache and weakness. Most often, these symptoms appear during sleep, physical activity and nervous shock.

Lack of timely medical intervention threatens psychological discomfort. Constant worries will lead to stress, which is not in the best possible way will affect the psycho-emotional state.

A flush of sweat may be accompanied by weakness and painful sensations. This warning sign. It indicates an existing internal infection or a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Remember! Excessive sweating in itself is not dangerous. It does not harm the body.


Excessive sweating is one of the symptoms of a number of diseases. This means that therapy should be aimed at eradicating the cause of the appearance of this symptom. After the doctor has decided on the diagnosis, he must draw up a treatment plan, prescribing the necessary medications to the patient.

Treatment happens:

  • using traditional methods, for example, infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • by using balanced nutrition which will help normalize metabolic processes in organism;
  • aimed at eliminating problems of the thyroid gland, heart, blood vessels;
  • focused on eliminating nervous disorders, stress.

The listed methods cannot always help men in the fight against excessive sweating of the head. Then the doctor can resort to surgical methods:

  1. The nerve ganglion is tightened during a simple operation, after which the patient will never again be subject to excessive sweating. It is carried out using an endoscope and leaves no visible marks on the body.
  2. The second method involves a similar operation, only it is carried out without the use of a special device. An incision is made into soft tissue and muscle. After it, the patient’s recovery process is more difficult.

Remember! These are radical methods, which are advisable to use only if no other methods help get rid of the problem. Any surgery- this is a risk, and it must be justified.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a large number of recipes that will help cope with this disease. Let's look at the most effective of them:

  1. 1-2 tbsp. l. Brew dried sage with a glass of boiling water and cover with a lid. The decoction should steep for 24 hours. Take half a glass every morning until hyperhidrosis completely disappears.
  2. 1 tsp. soda dissolves in a glass warm water. Taken on an empty stomach every day. This method will help you quickly cope with increased sweat production.
  3. Mix 2 teaspoons of table vinegar and honey in equal proportions. It should be taken twice a day, half an hour before meals. The existing problem will be resolved soon.

Men who suffer from excessive sweating of the head should carry paper napkins or handkerchiefs with them. This will help quickly remove sweat from your face and neck. And there is no need to delay contacting a doctor. It is better to deal with the problem at an early stage, without waiting for serious consequences.

Having such an illness, you should not isolate yourself with thoughts that there is no way out. You need to contact a specialist. It will help you find the cause excessive sweating and get rid of it. After this, the complexes that were associated with excessive sweating will also disappear. Confidence in yourself and your attractiveness will reappear.

Nocturnal hyperhidrosis is increased sweating in men, women and children exclusively at night. This definition does not apply to people who sweat due to natural causes such as high room temperature, too warm blanket or pajamas.

Excessive night sweats can be described as production large quantity sweat, which does not depend on external factors. If, after waking up, your clothes and bed are soaked with sweat, most likely the problem lies in nocturnal hyperhidrosis.

It is impossible to completely get rid of this problem unless its exact cause is identified and eliminated.

Although night sweats are harmless in most cases, they can cause some discomfort. Most often, this condition is only a symptom of another disease. Because of the similarities between night sweats and sudden hot flashes, it can sometimes be difficult to tell whether the sweats are a problem on their own or are occurring as a result of another medical condition.

Cold sweat

Hormonal imbalance

Availability hormonal disorders, especially hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid hormone activity), carcinoid syndrome and pheochromocytoma can lead to increased sweating in men, women and children.

Neurological diseases

Certain neurological problems and conditions, such as “autonomic dysreflexia, post-traumatic syringomyelia, stroke and autonomic neuropathy, can cause excessive sweating and lead to night sweats.”

Other Possible Causes

In addition to what has already been described, there are other, less probable reasons male sweating at night. Among them:

  • Stroke and post-traumatic syringomyelia (cystic neoplasm that develops on spinal cord and filled with liquid)
  • Numbness in legs and arms
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD
  • Substance abuse
  • Sleep disturbances such as difficulty breathing at night, especially in people with sleep apnea
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Excess weight
  • Large or very warm blanket
  • Eating too spicy food before bed
  • The air temperature in the room where you sleep is too high
  • Active exercises before bed
  • Poor air conditioning in warm weather
  • The heater thermostat is set too high
  • "Drinking hot drinks before bed"
  • Excessive caffeine consumption

In men over 50 years of age

In 50-year-old men, night sweats may be associated with “male menopause” (andropause). In addition, any other condition we described above can cause excessive night sweats in men over 50 years of age. For example, sweating and weight loss in men in this category can be caused by any of the types of cancer such as lymphoma, lung cancer and others, or diabetes.

Treatment in mature and elderly men will be similar to other age categories, unless sweating is caused by andropause.

In men over 40 years of age

In men over 40 years of age, night sweats are caused by the same reasons described above. With the exception of andropause, which begins at about 50 years of age.

The symptoms that come along with excessive sweating at night can help with diagnosis and treatment.

Sweating without fever

Night sweats may naturally be accompanied by shivering, chills, or fever, especially if there is an infection or cancer diseases. By raising the temperature, the body increases its resistance and prevents pathogenic microorganisms from multiplying in the presence of a bacterial or viral infection.

However, it is possible that sweating will occur on its own, without being accompanied by a fever, since it is not a disease, but the body's reaction to a specific problem that is not caused by an infection.

How serious is the diagnosis of nocturnal hyperhidrosis?

As you can see, there are many causes of night sweats in men, some of them quite serious. Therefore, if this condition recurs and persists for a certain time, it is worth visiting a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. To do this, a specialist will study your medical history and prescribe tests.

Very severe night sweats in men

In fact, almost always when a man pays attention to this problem, it is very pronounced. From all of the above, it is logical to conclude that the causes of extremely severe night sweats in men include the following:

  • Lymphoma
  • Hangover syndrome
  • Andropause ("male menopause")
  • Taking certain medications
  • Neurological problems
  • Stress
  • Diabetes


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis in order to understand what exactly leads to excessive sweating. Based on this, it is assigned correct tactics treatment, since each disease requires specific therapy.

Treatments for the main causes of night sweats are summarized below:

  • At bacterial infection Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to help get rid of bacteria that cause excessive sweating during sleep.
  • Cancer. Treatment includes various methods, such as chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, hormonal and drug therapy, stem cell transplantation, and immunotherapy. Unfortunately, if treatment is the cause of sweating during sleep, it is difficult to influence it, since cancer therapy is more important.
  • Alcohol and drugs. To get rid of night sweats in in this case will have to deal with alcohol and drug addiction. Qualified medical specialists will help you with this.
  • Diabetes. Patients with diabetes should monitor their insulin and blood sugar levels, especially before bed. It will be useful to use continuous monitoring glucose.
  • Medicines. If sweating is caused by taking certain medications, you should consult your doctor. He will help you choose alternative remedies without such side effects.
  • Andropause. There are many various means, which will alleviate the symptoms of “male menopause”.
  • Other treatments: To treat excessive sweating, you can try Botox injections, antidepressants, drugs that block the activity of the nervous system, and others.
  • If increased sweat production occurs only in the armpits, you can remove the sweat glands. You can also try treatment electric shock(only not for pregnant women and those who have a pacemaker).
  • Anticholinergic drugs. Try using these medications as they help reduce sweat production at night.
  • Apply antiperspirants on the armpits, legs, arms, hairline, chest, groin, chest and other areas that are subject to increased sweating.
  • Relaxation therapy– If you wake up with severe night sweats, try relaxation breathing therapy or exercises.

Natural remedies and methods

Apart from the above-mentioned treatments, you may also want to consider some traditional methods fight sweating. Among them:

Herb Black cohosh

This plant is one of the best medicinal herbs for the treatment of night sweats. Often recommended for women who have menopausal hot flashes, but may also help anyone with a sweating problem. This is because it helps lower body temperature, thereby reducing excessive sweating at night in men. You should not use it if you have liver disease.


This is a substance that is made from onion peel, may help reduce chronic night sweats, especially among cancer patients, as it affects cancer cells.

Avoid things that make you sweat

When describing the causes of increased sweating, the use of foods such as spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, and others was mentioned. By excluding them from your diet, you can solve the problem of excessive sweating.

Set the thermostat to a lower temperature

To avoid excessive sweating while sleeping, you can lower the thermostat on your heating system or space heater by a few degrees.

Air conditioner

Having an air conditioner is another way to combat sweating as it will keep air circulating and help prevent overheating.

Lifestyle and clothing

Shower daily, change often underwear, make sure to keep your feet clean and dry. This will help avoid overheating and, therefore, excessive sweating. It is also recommended to use bedding made from natural, breathable materials.

Also, take time to exercise daily, control your weight, and avoid spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and drugs. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Most men suffer from sweat, but there are some who suffer from sweat the most, so it is very important to know why excessive sweating occurs in men - causes, treatment. Sweating is one of many natural physiological processes that occur in the body, its main function is to protect the body from possible overheating, also to maintain normal temperature bodies.

Excessive sweating in men may occur against the background of physical activity, with strong excitement, or in hot weather. Pathological excessive sweating in men is called hyperhidrosis. With this disease, excessive sweating is possible with minimal excitement, and sometimes it appears for no apparent reason.

It is worth noting that hyperhidrosis causes great moral and physical discomfort to a person; in some cases, this disease can lead to serious social problems. There are several types of excessive sweating:

Primary sweating it is implied in the case when its causes cannot be discovered;
Secondary sweating acts as the main symptom of a certain disease, and in treatment of this disease this symptom may disappear.

Causes of heavy sweating

Sweating is one of the symptoms infectious diseases, which include pneumonia, malaria, tuberculosis, also endocrine diseases(thyroid diseases, diabetes), nervous diseases.
Obesity also contributes to excessive sweating, usually on hot days.
Excessive sweating in men is caused by increased level nervous excitability.
Kidney diseases, as a result of which the processes of formation and filtration of urine are disrupted due to which the body is forced to secrete excess water through its sweat glands.
Excessive sweating is influenced by hereditary predisposition.
Hyperhidrosis can be caused by taking medications (this includes those medications that contain insulin, pilocarpine, acetylsalicylic acid).

How to get rid of excessive sweating?

Initially, it is worth figuring out whether sweating is a pathology. During a long stay in a hot room or climate where humidity and temperature are high, sweating is normal, especially if a man is engaged in physical labor. In the case when increased sweating is accompanied by other symptoms, such as headache, elevated temperature, abdominal pain, cough, you must immediately consult a doctor to help get rid of excessive sweating.

Recommendations for men suffering from excessive sweating

Everyone can try to cope with hyperhidrosis on their own, or at least reduce the unpleasant manifestation.

Everyone, without exception, must maintain hygiene, and in case of excessive sweating, it must be given Special attention. Be sure to take a shower several times a day. It is recommended to use antibacterial, deodorizing soaps when washing; it is also useful to use body scrubs. Problem areas should be washed with tar soap.

It is necessary to apply antiperspirants containing substances that block sweating, but deodorants will only help get rid of excessive sweating if applied to clean skin. Cold and hot shower useful for men who experience increased sweating due to nervous excitability.

Clothing, and in particular underwear, must be selected from natural materials; the use of synthetic tight-fitting underwear is not allowed. Shoes must be made of genuine leather and of the appropriate size.

Excessive sweating in men- treatment with folk remedies, as a rule, involves the use of lotions, baths, compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs, which have an astringent, tanning effect.