Give the theory of traffic rules in the traffic police. What documents will be suitable for passing the exam. Tactics of the correct action on the exam

Ekaterina Svirkina

Journalist, adult learning specialist.

I want to get right. How to start preparation for theoretical exam?

  • Write down in a driving school if you have not done this yet. In Russia, the exam can only take those who received a document on the end of a driving school. Externally canceled the exam was canceled in 2013.
  • Carefully examine the regulations for the exam. It will consist of a test on the theory, exercises on the road and driving exam in the real road. For each part there are its own requirements.
  • Take the preparation of enough time. Over the first time it becomes more complicated, so the preparation is to start 3-6 months before the exam. Before writing to a driving school, you can explore traffic rules on your own books and applications, watch experienced drivers or watch video tutorials on YouTube.
  • Choose a convenient learning format. In many driving schools, the theory can be studied both in person and remotely via the Internet. On the internal exams and driving classes you will have to go personally. Therefore, when choosing a driving school, consider not only reviews and prices, but also the location of classes and autodromes. Be sure to explore the reviews about the instructors. A good instructor is a key successful preparation factor.
  • Download mobile app To study traffic rules. Before installing, be sure to make sure that its developers regularly update tickets. It is desirable that the program has a mode, imitating a real exam, the ability to solve offline tickets and detailed statistics.

How to quickly learn all 800 traffic rules?

Stage 1. Examine the PDD theory

Start with thoughtfully reading the rules on a specific topic. Pay attention to the terms, items, signs that are sent to the text.

When learn educational materials Or listen to the lecture, keep the key moments. Fix the terms, significant details, exceptions to the rules and non-standard situations. Also write down questions that you have arose to ask them to the teacher or search the answer on the Internet.

Stage 2. Explore the theory of traffic rules

When you studied the material, go to the development of questions. Tickets PDD Contain questions from all those, so you need to disassemble not tickets, but separate tasks. In the book with tickets there is a hint, which describes how the numbers of questions and themes relate. If you are preparing using the application or website, use the Studying Mode on themes.

If you doubt responsible or error, read comments on the question. Go from one topic to another sequentially. After each new topic, do not forget to repeat the questions of the previous ones.

Use this technique until you learn all the rules.

Stage 3. Check knowledge and correct errors

When you reviewed all questions, check what remained in. To do this, maintain a few tickets in a row or answer questions in the "Exam" mode if you use the application. Strive as less often mistaken.

You checked your knowledge and revealed weak sides? See what is the most difficult issues for you. We often admit the same errors. Perhaps you are often confused in signs? Then examine them again. Maybe you incorrectly read the question? Then concentrate on training attention.

Stage 4. Bring to automatism

Your goal is to answer a row to a few questions without mistakes. For this, the "Exam" or "Marathon" mode will be suitable in applications.

Do you prefer a book? Put the timer for 20 minutes and respond to questions in any order.

And how to avoid stupid mistakes in tests?

Often we admit mistakes not because we do not know the topic, but because of the inattention, excessive self-confidence or doubt. So as not to make mistakes:

  • Carefully learn the image and question. In tickets there are tasks with similar formulations similar or even the same images. Do not confuse them. Special attention Pay questions containing a "not" particle or the word "prohibited", "permitted."
  • Do not hurry to choose the first answer that you seemed correct. Read all options and one let's follow them.
  • If you use the hint, really read it, and not just check on the correct answer.
  • Learn, not tickets. Then, under any conditions you can find the right answer to the question.

How many times do I have to repeat all the tickets?

The main thing on the exam is attention, the speed and error of your answers. To fail, it is enough to allow more than one error in the subject or two errors in the exam. For each question, you stand out for a minute. The examination option is formed automatically from different tickets.

Your goal in preparing is to give at least three correct answers in a row for each of the 800 questions. At the same time you need to spend no more than a minute.

If you do not repeat the information, much of the memory will be erected. For example, after a break per day, 30% of the information remains in the head. Therefore, repeat tickets every day and be sure to the day of the exam. You need to finish the repetition no later than an hour before the test.

I learned all questions. How do I prepare for the driving exam?

Prepare psychologically

Most often, the disciples allow stupid mistakes because of the nerves and insecurity. Therefore, your main task is to learn to be calm at the helm under any circumstances.

Does not work? Try to find the cause. If you poorly understood the car's device, look at the lecture on this topic or ask the instructor's assistance. If the manner of communication or the behavior of the instructor scares you, ask him to behave differently or replace it. Do you need a clear plan of classes? Write it on a sheet of paper.

Watch out other drivers

Learn the roads and behavior of drivers. Try to evaluate who observes the rules, and who allows mistakes. Pay attention to signs and marking on the way home or to work.

If the traffic situation causes you a question or doubt, take a picture of it or just write down, and then check with the teacher.

Start ride

Stage 1. Introductory skills

The ability to use car controls - wheel, handle, pedals - the first thing you have to master. Your goal is not easy to try 1-2 times, but bring the skill to automatism to look at the road while driving, and not on the steering wheel or pedal.

You also have to master several techniques for braking, turning, rebuilding. First consider them in theory, and then work out in practice. If you can, start with a special simulator. After that, you need to work out the skill already behind the wheel.

Then learn how to evaluate the dimensions of the car and move along ordinary trajectories. Before sitting behind the wheel, draw the machine dimensions on the asphalt with the location of the chairs and the steering wheel. Stand at the driver's seat and look around.

It is better to start working out the skills of movement better on the motorway, an empty rustic track or a spacious platform, such as a desert parking of a hypermarket.

After that learn to see and respond timely to signs. road, markup and potentially dangerous objects: pedestrians, bumps, overtaking car, signs. In Europe and the United States, special films are popular (Hazard Perception Test), which help to work out the response skill dangerous situations. If you speak English, you can watch these videos on YouTube.

Stage 2. Basic driving skills

When you learned well to navigate in driving a car and remembered the main signs and markup, it's time to master the basic skills:

  • Rebuilding in a dense stream, overtaking, stop, turn. The maneuvering rules are described in detail in traffic rules. Before you start working out, re-read the rules. Find on the Internet ready-made rebuilding and reversal schemes. Try to fulfill each practice on a motor or desert roads. After that, put forward for more lively tracks.
  • Travel intersections. Ask the instructor to make a list of the most popular types of crossars in your city and explain the rules for their passage on paper. Only then proceed to practice. Separately disassemble the exam routes and the paths that you most often drive.
  • Parking. First do all major exercises and types of parking on the road. Then we work out first in the city on free parking, and then at the rush hour, when to find a place and parked hard.

Stage 3. Preparation for the exam

After mastering all skills, go to the development of examination tasks on the road and routes in the city. Pre-examine the table of penalty points. After that, ask the instructor to estimate the level of your driving. Correct all errors and try to pass the exam at the instructor again.

Stage 4. Additional training

If you have the opportunity or your curriculum provides for this, still work out:

  • Driving at high speed.
  • Emergency braking and contraloan driving.
  • Driving in the dark time.
  • Driving on wet and / or iced road.
  • Railway skills, as well as motorway movements.

Are there any general rules when preparing for the exam?

Sure. Here they are:

  • Do not seek to master everything at the same time. So you only extend the preparation period and complicate your life.
  • Do not be lazy to repeat the rules on the subject of the lesson. On any practical skill there is a theoretical explanation.
  • We work out each skill, consistently increasing the complexity: outside the conditions of the road; in the conditions of the city on a safe area; Under the conditions of active stream of machines.
  • Do not go to the next level of difficulty until you cope with the previous one.
  • Try not to just memorize the training route, but also disassemble different traffic situations with an instructor.
  • Do not shift on the instructor and do not arrange scenes. An annoyed or offended teacher will not teach anything.
  • Feel free to change the instructor, if you feel that they did not compare the characters.

IN modern conditions It is very difficult to do without a car. The driver's license and the presence of an "iron friend" give maximum opportunities thanks to more high-speed movement. Experienced instructors from professional driving schools are ready to help any beginner driver to master driving skills. For safe movement, it is not enough to have enough rights, you need to know the mass of subtleties, take into account many conditions and remember a large number of rules.

Russian conditions do not allow the motorist to relax. In our climate, when on the street rain, fog, snowfall, strong wind Or the ice, you should be as attentive as possible. Sharp drops Temperatures significantly complicate car management. The efficiency of the battery is reduced, the elasticity of the tires is harvested. For a safe movement on iced or wet and dirty roads, the driver must have initial skills of extreme driving, such as controlled driving, gas and braking on machines of different drive.

Newbies very often feel the fear of driving around the city. Special skills require megalopolises. Driving in Moscow, for example, is complicated by a huge number of traffic jams and the presence of streets with a prohibited movement. Now even in the smallest cities, the number of vehicles increases every day, and the width of the streets remains the same. In such conditions, the future driver wonders "how to pass driving around the city", because almost every minute there is a risk of collision. To avoid such situations, the dimensions of the car should feel good. The driver must understand where the contours of the machine ends, in order to prevent the body to touch the bodies.

Training in a driving school

Learn to master the driving skills to the machine will help properly selected driving school. Driving to which they will teach, will give you not only security. But many pleasant minutes spent behind the wheel. How to pass driving, how to read signs, which means road marking, the instructors will be taught everything.

In order to fully master the art, it is necessary to carefully take the choice of driving school. The reviews of those who have already passed training have been very important in this matter and successfully passed the exams. The most reliable way to choose a good driving school will follow the recommendations of friends and acquaintances. They will truly tell about all the advantages of learning in a school. It is now difficult to find a person, surrounded by which they would not be familiar with the rights. They will tell you what school it is better to choose.

According to the rules modern learning, In a driving school you will have two instructors. The teacher in theory will traine the rules of the road, takes off on simulators. Instructor for practical training He will teach truly driving a car. The correctly chosen instructor will not only make me learn and firmly remember the traffic rules, but also tells a lot of secrets, which then repel you on the road. How to pass the city in the traffic police, to answer the tickets to the tickets - all this will tell the instructor.

But not an instructor and not driving school are the main for the driver. The Holy Scriptures that need to know even in a dream is the rules of driving. Knowledge of rules and ability to apply them in practice - the holy duty of any driver. Rules for road participants should be firmly seeded in the head and "bounce from teeth." For a person who likes to drive a car, learn the rules will not be difficult. Teach them, disassemble the situations on the roads can be a fascinating occupation.

Driving exams

According to the law, before receiving the driver's certificate, it is necessary to undergo training courses in a driving school who has passed accreditation in the traffic police. Citizens of any age can be admitted to learning, but for the exams - only persons who have reached the age of 16 years have passed medical checkup. In the process of studying in a driving school, you will receive theoretical and practical knowledge to manage the car and by heart learn driving rules. The duty of driving school is to prepare a future driver for the passage of preliminary and key tests for checking the level of preparation.

Candidates who successfully surrendered a preliminary internal exam in a driving school are allowed to pass the exams in the traffic police. His goal is to make sure that the candidate for drivers is ready for the passage of tests, knows all the rules for road users, reads well road signs, oriented in road markings. The examination of the driving school fully complies with the passage exam in the traffic police and is carried out in three stages: theory, autodrome (playground) and city. Only the successful delivery of the internal exam is the basis for admission to other tests.

The examination of the traffic police is held in three stages: theoretical exam and practice that is divided into tests by a car and movement through the streets of cities. The theory exam is carried out in the management building in the offices equipped with computers. The successful passage of the first stage allows you to go to the delivery of the site, where the driver is checked to the level of ownership by various elements: parking, riding with obstacles, etc. The next stage of the exam will be the city. Here the inspector checks the level of knowledge of traffic rules, the ability to apply them in practice and the degree of driver focus on roads at the time of the car movement.

Theoretical exam

The examination of driving theory is the first and easiest stage of testing. According to the law, persons over 16 years old (in accordance with the category) are allowed to pass the theoretical exam in the traffic police (in accordance with the category), which have not been restricted for the health status. Independent training For the exam is prohibited. For the passage of examination tests, the driver's candidate is obliged to appear to the traffic police department at the appointed time, have a passport, a certificate of medical examination, a document on training in driving courses and a receipt of payment of state duty.

Theoretical exam is in the equipped classes. On the successful delivery One attempt is given. In the exam rules there are 20 tickets of 4 questions in each. Total 800 questions. Each candidate for drivers randomly gets one ticket. The future driver must answer all the tickets of the ticket. 2 Errors made in responses are considered the basis for passing into the next round. More than two errors made in responses are considered a negative result.

The rules established that the term of the successful exam does not exceed six months. During this time, the future driver must pass the remaining stages. If this period does not pass the site and the "city", the candidate for drivers will have to undergo all the tests again. Survey the exam future driver may be in the traffic police department at the place of actual stay, and not at the place of registration, as was previously taken.

In order to successfully pass the exam on the road and driving in the city, try to dress as convenient as possible. Girls in no case are not recommended to wear high-heeled shoes, the shoes are better picking up on a thin sole to feel better to feel the pedals. Upper clothes (bulk down jackets, sheepskins, jackets) it is better to remove - it should not shove movement. It is extremely recommended to take any psychotropic soothing drugs before exam. Best of all before testing to sleep well to feel in excellent shape. Before passing the rules of the road, you do not need to feverly repeat examing tickets, It is necessary to resolutely drive away from yourself the thoughts that the exam is very complex, and therefore many do not give it the first time. If you are really well prepared, be sure to do all the tasks on "excellent."

Autodrome, or playground

Persons who have successfully tested on the theoretical part of the exam are allowed to the Exam on the Autodoma. The exam on the site is designed to identify the test level of the car, the skills of performing various elements. At the second stage, candidates must appear at the appointed time, have a passport with them. The inspector takes the exam for each subject in turn, offering it to perform three elements of five. What kind of tasks will take a candidate, chooses an inspector. Before "passing" driving on a road, consider its elements:

  • Exam "Snake": you need to spend a zigzag machine between the beacons, did not bore any of them and without leaving the borders.
  • Exam "Parallel Parking": The future driver must park the car into a parallel row, scoring the car between the front and rear vehicle;
  • Oleakada or slide: you need to enter the elevation, stop the stop and move, without allowing you to roll back. At the same time, it is impossible to allow the car to stall.
  • Boxing or garage: you need to put the car on the "covered parking" face forward.
  • Turn in a limited space: you need to expand the machine for one hundred and eighty degrees in three receptions.

It is necessary to take into account that practical exams divided into two stages are estimated by an inspector as one test. The total amount of erroneous scores made on the exam may not exceed five. Each Error of the Future Driver has its own amount of penalty points. When the total amount of points reached five, the exam stops, the candidate is assessed as not the exam.

Exam "City"

Future drivers are considered to be admitted to the practical examination "Driving around the city", successfully passed two previous tests. How to pass the "city" in the traffic police, when the theory and platform have already been commissioned? To pass the test on the exam, you need to appear at the designated place within the prescribed period. Have a passport or other document capable of certifying the identity. The inspector accepting the exam sits on the passenger seat, the driving instructor is sitting behind. The route by which the driver will behave car, chooses a traffic police representative.

The purpose of the last stage is to check the level of preparedness to practical driving on the settlements. The inspector sends the driver along the route, offering him to turn, turn around, stop and re-touched. At the same time, he closely monitors how the driver reads signs, disassembled in the road markup, monitors traffic lights and pedestrians. Each driver error is taken into account, free points are accrued for it. The amount of penalty points is above five - the exam is not counted.

With a literate passage of the route, if the driver did not allow gross violations, the entire elements that the inspector demanded that the exam was considered to be alleged. Award driver will be a driver's license that gives the right to control a car of a particular category. Obtaining driver's licenses occurs in the management of the traffic police in the working hours. Making certificates and data on a new driver in the registry can usually leave up to several working days.

Penalty points

To assess the level of driver preparation during the exam, the inspector uses an approved system of penalty points. Driving around the city is not the easiest stage in the examination block. Errors allowed by drivers are estimated at 1, 3 or 5 points and correspond to the level of risk of accomplished action. 5 points Candidate of drivers receives a gross violation of the established rules of the road. To know how to pass the "city" in the traffic police and not dial maximum amount Points, consider more such types of errors.

Rude violations of traffic rules that are estimated at 5 points are considered to be situations that have a threat to health and life to the participants of the movement. Hazardous actions such as departure to the oncoming, non-compliance with the advantages, interference with the rest of the vehicles, the movement on the red light, departure to the railway tracks at the moment when it is prohibited and other gross violations lead to honeycomb situations. The assumption of such errors is prohibited at the exam in the exam. One such emboss is enough to stop the exam and not count the result.

Violations middle severityEstimated in three points, do not threaten the lives and health of drivers and pedestrians, but create significant interference to move other transport. Such violations include leaving the overwhelmed intersection, violation of the rules of stopping, ignoring turn signals, failure to comply with the requirements of marking or road signs, not exposed an emergency sign, not included alarm in cases where it is necessary.

Small disorders in one point are those that will not make much harm to road participants, but in case of danger, they could help avoid trouble. This is an unsuccessful belt, incorrect turning signal, movement not at the flow rate and other minor errors.

Driver's license categories

To fully understand all the participants in the road and before passing driving in the traffic police, you should familiarize yourself with the existing categories driver's license. Categories assigned to the driver give the right to manage individual types of vehicles. As you know, the driver is not only the one who drives the car. There are also mopeds, motorcycles, cars, passenger vehicles, as well as trucks of varying degrees of lifting capacity on our roads.

Classification categories are carried out by dividing letters english alphabet: M, a, b, c and d, as well as TM and TB. In this case, the categories A, B, C and D have their subcategories, dividing transport to groups by engine volume, carrying capacity, the presence of trailers and the number of passenger seats.

The driver's certificate form indicates the category, the driver of which is the driver. In order to increase the number of categories, the driver must undergo retraining courses in a driving school and pass the exam. Self-preparation when passing exams is prohibited. It is worth noting that, according to innovations, the driver who passed the exam on a car with an automatic transmission box has the right to control only on machines with automatic transmission.

Detailed translation of driver's categories is in open access. Anyone will easily find information about which category is required for driving a vehicle. For all types of categories, there is one strict rule: everyone who gets behind the wheel is obliged to speak to know all traffic rules and monitor their changes. Failure to comply with the rules of PDD entails administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the articles of the Codes of Russian legislation.

How to pass correctly driving

And now the time of examinations. Behind the long hours of the theory, endless training sessions, theoretical solution of tasks, long driving hours in the city with accompanying flight analysis. It would seem that everything is studied, considered and bred. It remains only to pass exams. Whatever the subject was not prepared, he is in the soul asking "how to pass a driving exam." For any person, exam tests are stress. Situation when it is required to mobilize all domestic reserves and show best result, causes excitement even at the most balanced person.

As experienced inspectors say, the rules for road participants were written by blood. Each is not a thoughtless set of phrases, it is real life situationwhich can happen in your life. In order to be ready for the exam, you need to be in every question, imagine yourself in this place and understand why it is necessary to act just like that, and not otherwise. When you understand the essence of each question, you will be much easier to understand and remember the correctness of actions.

In addition to the absolutely confident knowledge of the rules and ability to apply them on the roads, it is worth paying for a separate attention. internal state. Excessive nervousness, fear and uncertainty can serve a bad service in the exam. Many drivers in front of the exam take a light soothing in order to hover the storm of emotions inside. No need to be afraid of the inspector. He needs only that you confidently calmly fulfill all his orders. To be confident in our own power, the driving of the car will become even a pleasant process. Sometimes there are cunning examiners who may ask you to stay in the wrong place, but the solid knowledge of the rules will not allow you to make a mistake.

How many times can you pass driving

As you know, passing exams in the traffic police is divided into three stages: theory, autodrome and city. If I did not pass first, you will not be allowed to the next step. If failed the theory, it will be possible to recall the exam in no earlier than in a week. If it was not possible to hand over the theory three times in a row, the following test will become available only in a month. When the candidate for drivers passed the theory, he was given half a year to pass the car and the city. If it fails, all the tests will have to start first. So that the process is not delayed, after passing the theory and the site should be focused on how to pass the "city" in the traffic police.

Theoretically, the number of times when the exam can be revised is not limited to the traffic police, but for each attempt will have to pay state duty. Thus, the state seeks to increase the motivation of candidates for drivers and make them refer to learning. IN Russian Federation The driver's licenses of the established sample are issued. The term of rights is 10 years, after which their action ends.


Getting a driver's license today becomes not a luxury, but a necessity. The rapid pace of life makes it accelerate. Big cities, wide streets, huge junctions and six-band crossroads make it take to acquire a car. Driving in Moscow, where road strips are constantly updated, requires a maximum of attention from the driver. Despite the fact that cities are filled with vehicles, the ranks of drivers are replenished every day. Learn the road rules, treat the driver carefully, do not forget about a high level of responsibility, because driving a car is an action with increased danger.

Driving license - a document that many dreams about, because it allows you to move on the roads with the convenience and comfort of your own car. But in order to get the very "crust", you need to make an effort. As practice shows, not everyone cope with the question of passing exams in the traffic police. In this regard, there are problems with how to go to the right from the first time.

What is necessary for

Many citizens independently try to learn to ride a car, considering that training in a driving school, as well as the passing of the exam in the traffic police is a waste of time. However, it is from the presence of management skills and it is worth starting a conversation about why it was invented that the very certificate that does not give rest and excites the mind of the question of how to pass the right exam, as well as how not to get into a serious accident.

It is this document and indicates that a person knows how to ride, knows the rules of roads and pedestrian zones.

A little story ...

The very first driver's license appeared in Paris back in 1893. Then those who wanted them to get, did not think seriously how to learn theoretical exam, but were looking for a decision on how to pass on the right driving. It is the ability to ride on your own car and was required to demonstrate that it was legally driving in the city.

In our country, driver's licenses appeared 7 years later. To obtain them, it was necessary to demonstrate the ability to manage their own means, as well as prove the knowledge of the geography of their city. At the same time, in some places, certificates were not taken, which were obtained in another settlement. The data changed only in the 70s. Today, to obtain a driver's license, it is necessary to know not geography, but the rules of the road, to study that are necessary in specialized schools. But such training does not always allow you to get right after the first exam. What should be done how to pass?

Car license. Step One: Choose a driving school

To obtain a driver's license, certain skills are needed that will initially help pass the exam. As far as the exam will be successful, depends on many factors, first of all from the choice of driving school. Many specialists on the question of how to pass on the right from the first time answer: do not save on a specialized place of study. After all, it is from the surveyed skills that not only the amount of funds that you will spend on the repair of the car, but also the safety of your own life.

Before choosing, be sure to monitor the schools that are available in your city or district. Better to ride advice knowledgeable peoplewho are trained or managed to get a driver's license, and you need to ask those who did not torment the question of how to go to the right from the first time. In the event that there is no such thing among friends or for some reason you have no one to contact, you can independently monitor some schools.

What do you pay attention to

Be sure to pay attention to everything. This applies to both essential indicators and various nuances. This is the availability of resolving documents, competent teachers, the percentage of students who were successfully able to pass on the rights, cars. In the event that you are offered to learn at very old cars, refuse. There were cases when when managing a training car, the springs on the seat in the literal sense of the word left circles on the back of the student. Naturally, a woman could not study in such conditions, demanding a car shift with an instructor. Unfortunately, there are also such driving schools, with such vehicles. Be careful.

By choosing several "candidates", be sure to train and look at the conditions in which classes will be held. Modern driving schools not only have excellent audiences with modern computers, but also are able to offer their customers a number. additional services. One of these is an advisory service for choosing its own car, for example.

Preparing documents

So, when the driving school is selected, it is worth thinking about the preparation necessary documents. First of all, take care of the medical reference. No matter how funny, but it is it that causes some problems. First of all, get it. Next, the set of documents is pretty standard:

  1. A certification document is a passport or something else.
  2. Photo, if necessary.
  3. Receipts on payment of duties.


The theory is very important in the learning process, because it will come in handy in the future when driving your own car. And learn it really needed. It is very important to competently approach the issue of learning. It is not worth just to join those terms that are presented in the book, as well as the right answers. The rules must be understood, yes, it is clear to understand them. Many girls have a question about how to pass on the right and whether it is necessary to study the theory to independently. Necessarily. Modern students Driving schools have some advantages in this matter. Having personal computers, smartphones and other communicative means, you can teach the theory anywhere, even in public transport. According to psychologists, the delivery of driving from the first time does directly depends on whether the initial exam will be commissioned.

Road traffic rules have a mass of terms that need to be learned, and with an accuracy of the word. In many forums, those who are disciples of driving schools invent different expressions for fast memorization. For example: "Zone without a lawn", etc. Take advantage of such information, it will help to help.


If the theoretical exam is passed, it is worth collecting and tune in to pass the exam on the site. Performing certain exercises requires collens, and even when there is a number of instructor.

The main thing is that all manipulations in training are performed on the machine. It must be forgotten that the exam is going, it is better to imagine that this is your own car and it is its integrity depends on your well-coordinated actions. In the worst case, "Machine Machine" can turn off at the most inopportune moment - and then you will have to go on reducing.

Departure to the city

The most exciting stage of the exam, because he is the latest and most responsible. We will have to collect all the will in the fist and go to the city, where experienced drivers will be both at the same time, and those who need to use a pedestrian crossing. The complexity lies in the fact that in the city it is necessary to apply not only the ability to control the vehicle, but also theoretical knowledge. At the same time with the examiner, you do not know where to go to pass the test.

In the question of how to pass on the right from the first time, nothing should interfere with the delivery. This concerns sedatives. Remember, you go to the road, not only the fate of your driver's license depends on you, but also the security of others. You must be assembled, rosary in action and have a clear head. Medical preparations Capably reducing the reaction, attentiveness and cause some drowsiness, that when the exam is completely nothing. It is better to use sedative after the test is delivered.

On the eve of the day "X", it is necessary to relax well and sleep so that the mood is at a height. So condition will give confidence and collens.

In the event that you are a beautiful sex representative, there is no need to strive all around, including the examiner, with its unprecedented sexuality. This applies to clothes and shoes. The stud here is inappropriate. The main thing is to wear comfortable things that will not affect freedom of movements. Experts are recommended to wear exactly the clothes in which the training took place.

It is necessary to have only the most necessary, and these are documents. Be sure to turn off your mobile device. He will not only distract you, but can also annoy the examiner. Before renting again, refresh the rules of the road. It will benefit.

Having settled in the car, try to calm down and not worry. Everything is worried, you are no exception. Even the examiner who will be with you next to, be worried, albeit less than you.


Now it's time to show everything that you were taught in a driving school. Translate the gearbox to neutral and start the car. Be sure to not forget before this to be fastened. It would seem a trifle. But precisely because of this, many do not pass driving. Now that you have convinced that the engine earned, you can shoot a car with a hand brake. Next, turn on the left turn, are convinced of the absence of cars and start moving in order to pass on the rights to the traffic police.

It's time to include attentiveness. Do not slowly move, carefully looking for signs and evaluate the whole road situation. Listen to the instructions of the inspector.

Frequent errors

Before you ask how much you can take the right to take care of learning the main errors that allow the exam when passing the exam:

  1. Over speed.
  2. Creating interference to another vehicle.
  3. Incorrect execution of reversal and turn.
  4. A solid line was crossed.
  5. There was no pedestrian.


In general, in order not to have arisen about how to get right, it does not matter at all, whether you are interested in how to pass the rights to a motorcycle or another vehicle. It is necessary to prepare, and thoroughly and thoroughly. All the skills that you will receive in a driving school will help not only pass the exam, but also ensure safety on the road both you and other road users.

This car is no longer a luxury, but a means of movement. Today he is just necessary. But before you get behind the wheel, you need to get a special permission to this, as they speak in the people - "rights". And for this you need to pass the exam in the traffic police: a city, an autodrome and theory.

Theoretical part, as a rule, does not cause problems. Here it is enough just to learn all the tickets and then without mistakes to pass the test. Rules are simple and easy to remember.

Usually the question arises "how to pass driving in the traffic police." Some problems begin with an autodrome. Here the main thing is not to worry and correctly perform exercises. There can be no surprises here, since the playground does not change, there are no pedestrians and traffic lights.

But the main problemWith which almost all students face, how to pass the city in the traffic police. Yes, and the first time. At first glance it seems that it is unreal. everything's possible. And, if you know some subtleties, rules and tricks, you will pass without any problems!

How to pass the city in the traffic police

Special wish! Do not take any soothing drugs before the exam. First, you do not know how they can act on you. Secondly, such tablets slow down the reaction and thought processes, and on the exam must respond quickly in any situation. So it is better to take it, than "peel"!

What to do when you got behind the wheel?

  1. Adjust the seat so that you are comfortable. You should easily reach all pedals.
  2. Furize.
  3. Remove the car S.
  4. Now it's time to start moving. Do not forget to turn on the left turn. Be sure to look at the left mirror. If no interference is, we are going, if there is - we skip. Once the movement began, turn off the turn.
  5. Traffic. We are calm, we look into the mirrors, on signs and marking, we observe traffic rules and listen to the commands of the receiving.

How to pass the city in the traffic police from the first time? Show the inspector that you can and, most importantly, are not afraid to ride. Switch the transmissions. If you can get to the fourth. If you fell into a plug or stopped at a slope, start moving from the handbrake. It will add to you pluses.

Highlights that interfere with passing

There are some of the most common errors:

  • violation of the rules for performing reversal;
  • intersection of a solid line;
  • did not miss a pedestrian;
  • did not give way to other vehicles.


The last, final stage - stop. Be careful and choose the right place to stay in order to stop (follow the markup and signs). We reduce the speed, turn on the right turn, stop, then turn off the rotation, raise the handbrake and remove the safety belt. When the inspector says that you have passed, sign in the document, rejoice and run to celebrate!