Development of creative thinking by means of various types of creativity. Ways to develop creative thinking

Do you know what creative thinking is? This is a category of thinking that leads to an absolutely non-typical solution to the question (problem). If a person systematizes and analyzes standard information in a new way, then he or she thinks creatively. The earlier development begins creative thinking, the easier it is for a person to master new knowledge.

Features of the development of creative thinking

Given the rapid development technical progress, we can safely say that creative thinking and creativity are methods for solving any problems that are different from those programmed in a computer.

Technique always works according to installed program(algorithm), and looking for a classic way out of any situation.

Unconventional approach

A creative person knows how to break the established rules.

He needs a flexible non-standard mindset and the courage to be different from everyone else.

Most often, creative thinking goes against the generally known canons.

Ideas that seem crazy at first can lead to ingenious discoveries.

All famous personalities who have made a breakthrough in the world of science - I. Newton, I. Pavlov, M. Lomonosov and others - can boast of such thinking.

Formation of creative thinking

Creative development comes from proper education and training. It cannot be formed without knowledge of the surrounding world. At first, a person gets acquainted with the ordinary disposition of things, phenomena, and only then he can comprehend them in an extraordinary way, “rework” them.

Creative thinking traits:

  1. Examining an object with different sides taking into account its principles and values.
  2. The desire to create something new, something that did not exist before.
  3. The ability to quickly switch from one thought to another.
  4. Find several ways to solve the problem.

  1. Improvise, look for new ways to solve any everyday problems.
  2. Don't look back at existing traditions.
  3. Broaden your horizons, constantly learn something new. Have learned Spanish? Begin to master molecular cuisine, conduct chemical experiments, learn sign language.
  4. Travel. New impressions and acquaintances will be needed to develop creative thinking.
  5. Try to do better and more than others.

Methods for developing creative thinking

The human mind is unique, it is able to adapt to any life situations... In an emergency, the brain can quickly put together all the necessary situation and issue an extraordinary solution.

If the person in ordinary life solves problems for creative thinking, nothing will catch him by surprise. He is from anyone, even the most difficult situation, will find the right way out, which will also benefit.

Methods for the development of creative thinking are based on the fact that any person realizes only small part your potential, and you need to find ways to "turn on" all the capabilities of the brain.

There are 2 main methods for the development of creative thinking:


It is based on the concepts of generating ideas and their critical assessment.

The classic brainstorming session consists of 2 teams.

The first team must develop as many ways as possible to solve the issue, no matter how unrealistic and even silly they may seem at first glance.

The second one discusses, develops each proposal, and as a result must stop at any one solution.

Important Features of Brainstorming

  1. clear division of responsibilities;
  2. suggest maximum amount ways to resolve the issue;
  3. be able to develop the craziest ideas that have been proposed;
  4. be able to work in a team.


Examples of synectics

Synectics is based on the following techniques:

  1. association (search for similar processes, phenomena from a completely different sphere);
  2. poetic symbols, images;
  3. fantastic analogy. Why not suggest a solution based on the example of a fairytale character?

Both of these methods - "brainstorming" and synectics, should destroy the stereotypical perception of the world, and create a completely new, original type of thinking.

Development of creative thinking

Creative thinking is directly related to imagination.

A classic example of a well-developed imagination is children's tales. If a child begins to tell something fantastic, it means that his creative thinking is developing well.

The older a person gets, the more difficult it is for him to fantasize. The social stereotype says that an adult must be serious, strict, and not "fly in the clouds."

It is not right. After all, creative thinking is useful in any profession.

A person who lathers outside the box is able to offer bright ideas for business, make a new discovery in medicine, chemistry or military science, improve already created drugs, tools or equipment.

5 exercises to develop creative thinking

Selection of words

Choose as many nouns as possible that reflect the essence of the concept. For example, light - life, sun, growth, etc.

  • Fire;
  • evening;
  • water;
  • table;
  • child;
  • old age.

Find the maximum number of similar signs for completely different concepts:

  • well-earth;
  • cloud car;
  • steam locomotive tablet;
  • piano stroller;
  • alarm clock tree.


Think about what might happen if:

  • if it rains continuously for 3 days in a row;
  • pets will start talking to their owners;
  • apple juice will pour from the bathroom tap;
  • fairytale characters will walk along the street.

Words with the letter

What is the maximum number of things with the letter K (Z, I, O) that are now in the same room with you?

Item Description

Stop your gaze on any object in the room. For example, on the table. Write 5 adjectives that match the subject (large, wood, comfortable, gray, smooth). Now write 5 adjectives that are completely inappropriate for the subject (sweet, blue, sad, lively, toy).

10 tasks to develop creative thinking

  1. Describe your job (family, girlfriend, favorite TV show) in 100 words.
  2. Take your favorite aphorism and write your own work based on it (it doesn't matter in poetry or prose).
  3. Write a short story (8-10 sentences) about an empty decanter.
  4. Come up with 20 reasons to learn sign language.
  5. List 5 things on which you do not mind spending the last 1000 rubles.
  6. Give written instructions to your beloved dog (parrot, cat) how to dance the rumba.
  7. You come home from work, the door of your house wide open. Name 20 (including the most incredible) reasons why this happened.

In modern society, a person's creativity and his ability to think creatively are highly appreciated by others. After all, such people know how to find a non-standard way out of situations, generate hundreds of ideas and can implement them.

The ability to think creatively makes a person successful, entrepreneurial, allows him to make good money on his ideas. How to achieve this level of development of creative thinking? Many people believe that creativity cannot be taught, that it is an innate ability. But this is not entirely true, creative thinking is in each of us on different stages, but someone continues to develop it, and someone leaves everything on the natural beginning. Therefore, let me bring to your attention ways to develop creative thinking.


Solving various puzzles is an excellent stimulation of creative thinking. These are not just problems with special formulas for solutions, puzzles require the inclusion of a person's mental potential. The difference between puzzles and tasks lies in mental work, solving problems requires knowledge, solving puzzles requires thinking. As a rule, tasks are not practical in life, while puzzles are taught to look for non-standard ways to solve a problem, thereby developing our creative thinking.

One of the most popular types of puzzles are "match puzzles". A figure is laid out from matches or mathematical example, and by rearranging several matches, you need to get final result... For example, when 8 + 6 = 9 + 6? We remove one match from the second six and get 8 + 6 = 9 + 5, which is the correct result.

The old bicycle puzzle is popular. This small iron figurine is created in the shape of a maze. The author is the American John R. Lynn, who first demonstrated the "bicycle" in 1898. Since then, the puzzle has changed a bit, but the essence remains the same - remove the ring from the bike and then put it back.

The Einstein Riddle is an old problem rumored by Albert Einstein himself during his childhood. Its meaning is as follows: people of different nationalities live in five houses, their houses are painted in different colors, each of the people smokes a certain type of cigarette, each has one pet and each drinks his favorite drink. After that, tips are given by which you need to determine who is raising the fish.

Albert himself believed that only two percent of people can solve this problem in their heads, and the rest only with the help of paper and pen. The task actually becomes much easier when solving it in the form of a table, but nevertheless requires concentration and increased attention.

Rubik's cube or "magic cube" is one of the most famous mechanical puzzles. Outwardly, it is a plastic cube, consisting of fifty-four small squares that can rotate in three axes. The essence of the puzzle is to assemble the cube so that all the edges are the same color.

Exercises to develop out-of-the-box thinking

For these exercises, several teams are usually assembled so that the spirit of competition stimulates the brain. Teams are given unusual situations that require them to incorporate creative thinking. For example, the parable about an elephant and an ant who tried to eat each other: first the elephant swallowed the ant, then the ant elephant, and so on. The question is, what is the final result of such a relationship? Simply put, who swallowed whom. Moreover, it is necessary to give a specific answer.

For a person with standard thinking, this task seems at least silly, how can an ant swallow an elephant? But if we abstract from external factors and think, it turns out that if an elephant swallows an ant, it will digest it. An ant, having swallowed an elephant, will stretch to an unrecognizable size and become, in fact, just an elephant's shell. Has your brain accepted this information calmly? This means that your thinking is able to overcome boundaries and look for a solution to a specific problem.


A good way to develop creative thinking is to look for associations. For example, open any book, close your eyes and point your finger in two words. Then take a pen and clear sheet to record your thoughts. Write down any associations that come to mind. Compare words, look for their points of contact, analyze. You can even come up with a reason for the connection of these two words yourself, just let your imagination run wild.

For example, what do a pen and a shampoo have in common? Bubble! After diluting the shampoo with water, we can get an excellent solution for soap bubbles, and part of the handle will become a tube.

Remember: Creativity is about juxtaposing things. A person does not discover something new, he reproduces his experience, his vision of the environment.


With the help of creativity, a person actively promotes his thinking. Draw more, transfer to paper what you see and feel. There is also an exercise in this regard, for it you need to draw six crosses horizontally and vertically. After that, you need to turn the crosses into sketches, the more interesting and unusual they are, the better.

There are many tests that explain the meaning of the drawings, try analyzing your creation. What does your subconscious want to say? After all, knowing yourself is also the development of thinking, a non-standard understanding of things.


From French, "burime" is translated as a poem with given rhymes. That is, a person is given a rhyme that cannot be rearranged and changed. It is necessary to link it with meaningful text. For example, "winter at home". You can think of the following couplet:

Winter has come again

Houses were covered with snow.

Such rhymes develop creative thinking well, make you think about a bunch of rhymes. Sometimes, to complicate the task, several rhymes are given and time is limited.

Brainstorming and synectics

Working in a group is always a serious impetus for creative development, especially when working on one problem. To do this, in many companies, employees often gather for a “brainstorming session” in order to put forward as many ideas as possible to resolve the issue. Of the many proposals, one will certainly turn out to be suitable, so the problem will be solved.

Synectics originated from brainstorming, but is seen as more professional activity... It helps to solve a problem through situation modeling, metaphors and analogies. For example, the tanks faced the problem of overcoming the ditch, their size is not enough for the crossing. Analogy: ants, when faced with the problem of crossing, form a "living bridge", holding on to each other. According to this model, they came up with a mount between the tanks, so that, under the weight of comrades, the tank could hover in the air before overcoming the ditch.

Idea trap

Our brains are designed in such a way that the solution of some questions comes to our minds when we watch TV, drive in a car, or try to fall asleep. Therefore, always keep a notebook with a pen close to you, where all ideas can be recorded. When you watch a movie, drive home or wake up, you can calmly analyze the ideas recorded in time and therefore unforgotten.

Tip: Buy a separate notebook for your thoughts, as individual pieces of paper can be lost, and excellent solutions to important problems can remain on them.

The development of creative thinking is a fascinating and long process, regular training will allow your ideas to be born more and more often. Developed thinking will help you realize yourself in any specialty, such employees are highly valued by their superiors and quickly move up the career ladder. Do not stand still, thoughts come to thinking people !

We have already considered the past articles, and today we will talk about such an important concept as "Creative thinking".
We often hear the phrase: "Creative idea, I am sure of its success." The question arises, what are the creative ideas, where do they come from, and how to develop the ability to think creatively?

Creative thinking is a necessity for a businessman who wants to create a promising, interesting project, stand out among many similar companies, and become unique and recognizable. But not only in business, creative thinking will be useful. V Everyday life, in personal relationships, in your career - everywhere try to think outside the box, because this will allow you to open up new opportunities, to follow roads unknown to villages.
Today we will tell you about several exercises, the daily execution of which will help you to look at what is happening more creatively. There is nothing difficult in these exercises, everything is elementary, and in time you will spend no more than 15 minutes a day.
To be honest, we try not to write about things that we have never tried ourselves. All these tips have been tried in practice, and after a few weeks the results were noticeable. New ideas, interesting solutions, not a standard vision of a way out of this situation.

The first method of developing creative thinking: play shape-shifters

Our first tip is called "flip-flops." When you are walking down the street, or driving in transport, try to read the advertisement, signs, and the names of the shops, I will put them in advance. For example, pizzeria "Naples", and you read "Lopaen". It will be hard at first, but the brain also needs to be trained. A few days and you will be able to read without much effort. short words, then longer, then phrases, and eventually long sentences.
What is it for? First of all, you train the brain, let it know that there is more than one way of seeing a situation, there are alternatives, and these alternatives need to be noticed. When a problem arises and you need to find a way out of it, your thinking will no longer resist non-standard, incomprehensible solutions.

Morning starts in the evening

Morning starts in the evening - another one interesting way development of creative thinking. We all know that reading books is good for the development of mental abilities. By the way, not the information itself, but the reading process. And in order to develop creative thinking, you need to read creatively. Try to start reading the book from the end, and even from the bottom up. It turns out that all events will go from the climax to the beginning.
What is it for? Thinking creatively is thinking outside the box. As you read the book from the end, you get used to the fact that there are absolutely incredible solutions. It would seem that everything should be completely different (after all, we are accustomed to established norms), but in fact there are other options. When you read it backwards, you think the same way. For the brain, this type of thinking is not ordinary, but it will quickly accept it, and will happily use it in everyday life.

There is something that is not

But this exercise is one of the most beloved. When you go to work, school or somewhere else, that is time to think. Try to spend it usefully, practice creative thinking. The essence this method is that you have to come up with something that does not exist. Think of some kind of animal (for example, Leopandyr), then describe it, how it looks, where it lives, what it does, what it eats. If it's hard with animals, then you can dream up over female and male names... Come up with ones that do not exist in nature.
What is it for? It is very often difficult to invent something that I haven’t come across before. Our brain tries to use already well-known images, names, functions of objects. But you need to rebuild, teach him to abstract from all this, to concentrate on more interesting, little-known facts.


In childhood, when we drew something unusual, fantasized, creative, we called such a picture "kalyaki-malyaki". For adults, for the development of creative thinking, it is also useful to make a little chat. Take a piece of paper, draw something unusual, give it a name, think about where this object can be used, what properties it has. Believe me, this process is incredibly addictive. In general, creativity, and especially drawing, develops your out-of-the-box thinking very well, helps to break out of the standard world.

Yes, no, probably

The essence of the next exercise is to come up with phrases with words that have the opposite meaning. For example, hard fluff, a tall dwarf, a square ball, cold boiling water, and the like.
What is it for? Thus, you learn to perceive reality in a non-standard way, to go beyond the ordinary. We all understand that a dwarf cannot be tall, but creative thinking is about coming up with something unusual, non-standard, something that will be interesting to many.

Words are not what they seem

Take any word and imagine it is an acronym. And now try to decipher each letter, and even so that everything logically develops into a sentence. For example, the word "summer". We decipher: Light Raccoon Tramples Sawdust. The essence is clear. It will be difficult at first, but over time the brain will get used to such games and will do everything automatically.

Common unusual

We use dozens of objects every day, and have become accustomed to the fact that they perform a specific function. But this is not enough, you need to think creatively, develop in yourself unusual abilities... Imagine something mundane, like a chair, and then think of 10 ways to use it. But immediately discard the standard types of sit, stand, throw. Think big, don't dwell on one thing. The train of thought can be as follows: the chair is made of parts, which means you can disassemble it, from the resulting you can make something new, what? For example, a stand, and if you remove the back, there will be a small table. And also it is wooden, then you can make a fire.
In general, the idea is clear, then get creative. Thus, you will learn to see the unusual in ordinary things, you will be able to find non-standard applications for what you use on a daily basis.

Stimulate the flow of thoughts

A creative idea never just comes up. Of course, there is a meager chance of insight, but, as a rule, thoughts need to be stimulated to achieve the maximum effect. This is not so difficult to learn. Always come up with associations. Take a word, think about what you associate it with, and so on. Take this activity no more than 5 minutes a day. And the moment you need a creative idea, the brain will be ready to give out a number of associations, come up with something new, not ordinary, not standard.

Edible and non-edible

This way of developing creative thinking is also good. Take a piece of paper. Divide it into two columns. Write any noun on top. In the right column, list 10 properties that work for the written word, and on the left that do not.
For example, let's take the word "shoes". On the right we write - beautiful, shiny, leather, etc., and on the left - sweet, thick, high-calorie and a dozen more unusual characteristics.

Your own director

And the last exercise that can develop creative thinking is that every time you see something interesting, then imagine that it is a picture. Your task will be to name the painting.
For example, you see a young couple kissing on the street. Such a picture can be called "The Emotion of the Cosmic Self". It is very important that the name is not standard, such as "kiss" or "love".

Creativity is an important factor contributing to success in many areas of life. Therefore, the desire to learn as much as possible about the development of creativity looks logical and natural. In the previous article, we have already analyzed the properties of this unique psychological quality, so this one will be devoted directly to the development of creative thinking.

Directly linked life experience, the level of knowledge, the way of life of a person, with his interpersonal relationships. Expanding your horizons - becoming more reading, traveling, communicating with interesting people- you are taking a big step towards developing the creativity of your thinking. After all, a creative solution is, in fact, the result of the interweaving of various knowledge.

If you have a small stock of knowledge or they are very superficial, or even worse - if all your knowledge base is concentrated in only one area, then the chances of generating creative thoughts and making creative decisions , due to the insignificant amount of starting material, they are very small. So collect knowledge, emotions and impressions.

Creativity is not a single ability - it is a combination of personality traits and features of her intellect. Therefore, in order to develop creative thinking, you need to:

  • Perceive yourself as a creative and versatile person;
  • Be an independent person and be able to resist external demands;
  • Be able to challenge other people's assumptions, as well as have the willingness and desire to act in a "What if ?!"
  • Be inquisitive, receptive, open-minded, ready for something new;
  • To be energetic person easy to lift;
  • Have discernment and observation;
  • Be able to combine the incompatible;
  • Be able to present your ideas and thoughts, convince a person;
  • Have a sense of humor and playfulness ...

From this list, the first "must" should be highlighted. There is an interesting opinion - The only thing that distinguishes a “creative” person from a “non-creative” one is that the “creative” is convinced that he is. Therefore, everything that he does, he does with this very thought. Think about it!

A few words about independence. Develop creativity and become creative easier for a person independent, because his opinions and decisions rarely succumb to other people's influence and destructive criticism. Consequently, there are fewer restrictions and more space and freedom for action.

Psychology understands creativity as special creative abilities, and creativity in all its manifestations is based on imagination. Hence the important part development of creative abilities- development of imagination.

Psychologists who analyzed the components of creativity came to the conclusion that for development of creative thinking also an important component is intuition (intuitive understanding). Read - " How to develop intuition».

Communicate with creative and creative people who have achieved some success, try to spend as much time with them as possible, if possible, be sure to watch how they work. They don't have to be people of art, because creative person can be found in any profession.

Feel free to experiment. Our strict rules, the framework in which we put ourselves (how to behave and think), lead us to the fact that we reject good ideas who could contribute to development of creativity ... Fearing becoming a target of ridicule, we monitor our behavior for correctness and acceptability. Experiment and don't be afraid to sound funny!

An important moment that will get you off the ground development of creativity of thinking, is a call to action. Do not wait for the right moment to try to create something original, interesting and amazing, do not think that you are not ready. Start to create and already in the process of work you will understand that you long years so lacked.

Developing creativity, for the sake of training, set yourself tasks, the solution of which will give you nothing.

The process of developing creativity can start by borrowing someone else's idea from people working in your field. Don't mistake this for plagiarism. It's about development, about how learn something new, new trends and tendencies, and pass them through the prism of their own perception.

How creativity is born

A creative thought sometimes comes suddenly through insight, but basically it is born by the method of orienting the mind to the search for ideas. That is, to begin with, we determine what ideas we need (area of ​​application), then we focus on them and begin to develop (arrange a brainstorming session), then, after one or several worthy ideas come to mind, their fixation and comprehensive development follows ( grinding). Ask and where is the advice on the development of creative thinking? A significant increase in creativity just gives the ability to develop, catch and fix suddenly flashed thoughts and ideas.

In order to develop creativity and make this process easier and more understandable, you need to follow the rules:

  • When taking on an assignment or starting to develop an idea, be extremely focused (on initial stages development of creativity, this is especially necessary), without being distracted by anything else, concentrate your attention on any one idea or subject.
  • Whether you need to create a new original product or a creative approach is needed to solve a problem, your mind must be plastic and flexible. Learn to think outside the box, switch from one train of thought to another. Build unexpected combinations, play all sorts of options, mix ideas, consider the situation from all sides. To explore more and more new possibilities, make the most unthinkable assumptions.

Develop creativity the next article will help - " Exercises for creativity».

Development of creative thinking in children. Development of creative abilities in children. Educational games. Educational games for children's parties. Exercises to develop creative thinking.

V modern psychology the tasks covered in this section are usually called divergent, and the thinking they activate is called divergent thinking.

The specificity of divergent problems is that there can be not one, but several or even many correct answers to one posed question. Naturally, it is the divergent type of thinking that is usually qualified as creative. This kind of thinking is closely related to imagination.

Divergent-type tasks are rarely used in traditional school teaching. Orthodox education usually does not aim to develop a person's skills. thinking outside the box, in connection with which divergent tasks acquire special value: for creative activity in any area, divergent thinking is required first of all.

Let us consider as an example some types of problems commonly used in the practice of working with children.

Take plastic, wooden (or make your own cardboard) multi-colored geometric shapes and invite your child to compose as many different stylized images as possible (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Examples of images that can be folded from simple geometric shapes

The next task is in many ways similar to the previous one: from paper cones, cylinders and other elements, try to glue as many figures of people and animals as possible. Examples of this task are shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Design and create paper figures of people and animals

We'll stock up on old illustrated magazines and bright scraps of fabric. Together with your child, cut out various shapes from the illustrations and pieces of fabric in the magazines. Now we will glue the resulting figures on a sheet of cardboard and get a collage. Examples are shown in Fig. 3. All this is creative work, but the main task sounds like this: "Find as many analogies with real objects as possible." The collage can be rotated as desired.

Rice. 3. Examples of collages from different materials

Psychologist J. Guilford proposed a very interesting and therefore very popular problem: to find as many of the most diverse, original applications of a well-known subject as possible. You can use brick, chalk, newspaper and much more as such an item.

This task usually takes five to six minutes to complete. During the analysis of the results, all answers are taken into account, except for those that do not correspond to the task, are repeated or may be considered ridiculous. This task can be offered to both the older preschooler and the adult.

Evaluated in in this case productivity and originality of thinking. The more ideas, the more unusual among them, the more points the participant gets.

Another task: choose adjectives and nouns that contain the concepts of light and darkness (heat and cold, spring and winter, morning and evening, etc.). Here are some examples of answers.

Light - bright, affectionate, lively;
Sun - ...
morning - ...
lamp - ...
bonfire - ...
candle - ...

Darkness - closed, nocturnal;
night - ...
evening - ...
cave - ...

Find as many as possible common features for dissimilar items.

Well - parquet;
log - box;
cloud - door;
doll - snow.

Divergent tasks include tasks to find the causes of events. There are several situations that require determining the causes of their occurrence:

1. In the morning Dima woke up earlier than usual.
2. The sun has not yet gone beyond the horizon, but it has already become dark.
3. The dog sitting at the feet of the owner growled menacingly at the little kitten.

Another version of the above task: think up and tell what happened for each of the heroes.

The child must understand emotional condition each of the boys and tell what happened to them.

The third option for the assignment: think about what might happen if ...

"... it will rain without stopping."
"... people will learn to fly like birds."
"... the dogs will start talking in a human voice."
"... all fairy tale characters will come to life."
"... orange juice will pour out of the tap."

It's good if the child was able to come up with an interesting answer to each of the proposed phrases.

Another type of tasks for the development of creative thinking in children: inventing stories, stories or fairy tales using a given set of words, for example:

Traffic light, boy, sled.

The second variant of this type of tasks: look at the drawings and come up with a fairy tale in which all these characters would participate.

The next type of tasks is "Mystery Clouds". The child needs to determine what the clouds depicted in the drawings (ink spots) look like. It's good if he can see at least one character in each cloud.

Another variation of this assignment is to try to draw something interesting using these shapes.

Another exercise: draw and color the sorceresses so that one becomes good and the other evil.

Divergent, creative problems can be developed from any material. Good assignment this type can be the creation of various shapes from the parts of a building constructor. After all, it is possible to build not only palaces, bridges and other architectural structures from the parts of a building designer. Let's try to look at the building constructor from the other side. Its parts are suitable, for example, for the manufacture of technical models of a steamer, steam locomotive, car, airplane. They can be used to make schematic images of animals and people, and even volumetric subject compositions. Let's give examples possible solutions(fig. 4).