Effect of sunlight on the human body. The influence of the sun on the emotional state of a person


The sun affects the climate of the Earth and all living organisms - this is indisputable. Everyone knows that in autumn, when the Earth's surface receives less solar heat and light, nature "falls asleep" - trees lose their leaves, animals reduce their activity, some even hibernate, waiting out the winter cold. In the spring, with the onset of warm weather, nature comes to life. Leaves appear on the trees again, animals wake up after hibernation. These are the annual seasonal changes in the conditions of the middle zone.

However, the circumpolar and polar regions of the planet receive much less solar heat and light, due to the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the ecliptic. For many millennia, in the polar regions, it has formed with characteristic sparse vegetation and not very diverse fauna, and in the polar regions, a permafrost zone has formed. The reason is the position of the Sun relative to the horizon. In the polar and circumpolar regions of the globe, the Sun is low above the horizon, and its rays seem to glide over the surface, slightly heating it at the same time.

On the contrary, in the equatorial regions of the planet, where the sun's rays fall almost vertically on the surface of the planet all year round, summer and winter temperatures differ slightly. Life abounds". Flora and fauna are varied and numerous.

Many probably know the expression: "Forests are the lungs of the Earth." It's right. Green leaves of plants contain grains of chlorophyll, with the help of which photosynthesis occurs. As a result, oxygen is released, which is so necessary for all living things. BUT possible reaction photosynthesis becomes only in the presence of sunlight.

Plants play an important role in the food supply for both humans and animals. For herbivores, they are the only source of food. Plants accumulate the energy of solar radiation, and then people and animals that feed on these plants receive it.

People use resources extracted from the bowels of the Earth - coal, oil, gas. All these are the remains of plants that grew on earth many millions of years ago. Now they give back the energy they once accumulated.

Many natural phenomena such as cloud formation, rain, snow, fog, etc. occur due to the water cycle. Solar heat greatly accelerates evaporation. Without a global process called the water cycle in nature, life on Earth would be impossible.

Thanks to the heat of the sun, the wind blows on the planet, ocean currents move huge masses of water, and waves form. The sun, like the moon, affects the tidal ocean processes.

The Earth's atmosphere is affected by the solar wind - a stream of gel-hydrogen plasma escaping from the solar corona. The solar wind is the cause of the northern lights and magnetic storms.

About the benefits of sunlight and sunbathing started talking about a hundred years ago. Sunbathing became fashionable and bikinis were born. The last decades have passed under the flag of fear of the sun's rays - they started talking about the fact that they cause skin cancer. And super-closed swimwear was born. But how are things really - how much solar radiation is good or bad for our health?

life-giving rays

The benefits of the sun have been discussed since ancient times. AT Ancient Rome and Hellas, it was believed that being in the sun strengthens the spirit and tempers health. Then for many centuries they forgot about it, until at the beginning of the twentieth century, sunbathing and long walks again began to be prescribed by doctors to sick and recovering people. And this is not surprising, since people, especially those living in a temperate climate, noted that their mood and well-being improves on sunny days and worsens in cloudy autumn.

The influence of sunlight on all living things is difficult to overestimate. And the fact is that the sun emits a whole spectrum of waves, ranging from color to invisible. Invisible rays include ultraviolet and infrared rays. We cannot see them, but we feel them in the form of heat. Invisible rays have a great influence on a living organism.

It is infrared rays that improve blood circulation in the body. And consequently. and contribute to the activation of all life processes, improved mood, a surge of vivacity and the appearance of energy. They help to get rid of apathy, depression, decline vitality. In addition, the infrared spectrum has a slight analgesic effect.

The ultraviolet rays account for 5% of the spectrum. But this is more than enough, because in large quantities they become deadly for life. The life-giving influence of ultraviolet radiation is manifested in various areas. It improves the functioning of the immune system, destroys pathogenic bacteria, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, and it is under its influence that the production of vitamin D in the body begins.

The sun emits several types of ultraviolet rays. They differ in wavelength and affect the body in different ways. There are rays A (UVA), B (UVB) and C (UFS). For life, the rays of C are deadly. They are delayed by the ozone layer of the Earth. That is why the thinning of the ozone layer is dangerous for people - as soon as the layer becomes thinner than a certain level, C rays begin to reach the surface of the earth and sunlight begins to influence a person no longer beneficially, but destructively. Rays A and B are very useful for humans, but mainly that part of the rays that has an average wavelength in the region of 297 nm. They stimulate the production of vitamin D, recovery processes in the body, improve well-being.

Rays A can theoretically cause burns and skin lesions. Rays B stimulate the production of melanin, which causes a tanned skin color, which is designed to protect against overheating of the skin and its damage. They also thicken the skin layer, making it less susceptible to burns. That is, the sun itself protects from itself - this mechanism has developed in humans in the process of evolution for a safe life under the rays of the star.

Useful properties of the sun

The sun strengthens bones and is involved in calcium metabolism: without sunlight, the production of vitamin D (calciferol), which we have already written about on our website, is problematic. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to impaired calcium metabolism and calcium absorption. And then, no matter how much cottage cheese we eat, calcium will still be washed out of the bones. Adults develop the infamous osteoporosis, brittle bones leading to fractures out of the blue, and children develop rickets. It is difficult to ensure the intake of a vitamin through food, because it is extremely small in them. You need sunbeams. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the dehydrocholesterol contained in the skin is converted into the right vitamin calciferol. In addition, it is also needed for the proper functioning of the adrenal glands, the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the pituitary gland, the immune system, and maintaining cholesterol balance.

The sun prolongs life: recently discovered another unique property of vitamin D. It prolongs life. It turned out that people with a low content of this vitamin are more likely to die. ahead of time- 26% higher according to the scientists of the A. Einstein College of Medicine in the USA. Vitamin deficiency provokes the development of hypertension and increases the tendency to be overweight.

The sun is good for asthmatics: according to the latest research conducted at Harvard, those people with asthma who had a lack of calciferol and who lived in latitudes with rare sunny days asthma attacks were more frequent and more severe. They also had more severe allergies. Empirically, humanity has understood the benefits of the sun for asthmatics for a long time - back in the last century, doctors recommended that.

The sun heals skin diseases: the condition of patients with various dermatitis improves in the summer. As a rule, acne, pimples and various inflammations on the skin disappear in the sun. In addition, cuts heal much easier in the summer. And all because ultraviolet rays have a bactericidal effect and kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. Especially good sunlight copes with lichen and other fungal skin lesions. Under the sun, fungi disappear, and healthy skin forms faster on the affected area. Similarly, the condition of patients with psoriasis improves.

The sun improves mood and improves tone: The sun's rays stimulate the production of serotonin and endorphins in the body. Endorphins are called the hormone of joy and happiness - they improve mood and increase tone. Studies have shown that residents of northern countries are more likely to suffer from depression than southerners. This is due to the lack of sunlight. Sun deficiency reduces mental and physical performance as a result of a decrease in tone. Serotonin is also called the happy hormone. But besides, it is needed for normal sexual arousal, protection from allergies and normal blood clotting.

The sun reduces pressure: everyone knows the recommendations for hypertensive patients not to be in the heat in the sun due to the fact that pressure can jump sharply. But scientists from Edinburgh argue the opposite - in their opinion, the sun, on the contrary, reduces pressure and reduces the risk of blood clots. And all because under the influence of sunlight in the human body begins the release of nitric oxide and its transformation into nitric oxide and nitrate. And these substances reduce blood pressure and prevent thrombosis. Therefore, being in the sun, . The apparent contradiction can be explained if we consider that sunlight is important at any time of the year and is quite available on cool days. And the sun is good for the heart and blood vessels during this period - when it is not hot and sunny.

The sun will save from sclerosis: Scientists have proven the beneficial effects of sunlight, and especially ultraviolet radiation, in this area. It was found that if a person in childhood was not deprived of sunbathing, then in adulthood he has a lower risk of developing multiple sclerosis than in children who grew up in conditions of sun deficiency.

The sun is on guard men's health: Frequent sun exposure reduces the risk of prostate cancer. And again, this effect is achieved due to the production of vitamin D under the action of the sun's rays. It blocks the spread of cancer cells and helps the growth of healthy cells.

The sun helps to lose weight: if you are in the sun in the morning, it is easier to fight excess weight and it is easier to maintain normal weight constantly without much effort.

Sun for diabetes The British found that sunlight lowers blood sugar, thereby protecting against the risk of diabetes.

The myth of modernity

The worst accusation ever thrown at the sun is that its rays cause skin cancer. This conclusion is based on observations made in the middle of the last century in the southern states of the United States.

More recently, this strong opinion about the harmfulness of the sun for the skin began to be attacked and questioned. New studies have not found a strong link between sun exposure and skin cancer rates. Moreover, scientists have revealed a strange thing - the percentage of skin cancer increases with the use of sunscreen from ultraviolet radiation. They compared data from those who did not use creams and those who used them regularly. And they came to the conclusion that the danger of the natural rays of the star is exaggerated. But artificial substitutes for the sun - ultraviolet lamps, solariums are just extremely harmful and can cause all the horrors that are attributed to the sun - it is artificially created ultraviolet radiation that penetrates deep into the skin, damages collagen fibers, cell DNA and promotes the growth of cancer cells.

Dr. Einsleich (California) came to the conclusion that sunscreens reduce the skin's production of vitamin D. And this ultimately makes the skin and the body as a whole more vulnerable to the sun and ... contributes to the development of skin cancer. He reads that the rise in breast cancer in the US is recent times 17% associated with the craze for fighting the sun and sunscreen!

Studies have shown that the sun prevents the development of other types of cancer, including the reproductive and digestive systems.

Sun damage

In large doses, the sun can be harmful. The first and most famous negative consequence prolonged exposure to the sun - sunburn. People with fair skin get sunburned especially quickly. And they are also at risk of developing skin cancer under the influence of sunlight. And all because people with fair skin are less likely to produce melanin.

If the sun's rays are in excess, they begin to dry out the skin. As a result, premature wrinkles appear, caused by a violation of the production of collagen in the skin. This fact has both scientific and household confirmations. It is hard to dispute the fact that northerners look younger than southerners of the same age and have fewer wrinkles, especially fine ones.

The infrared rays of the sun cause in large numbers overheating of the body and in combination with ultraviolet radiation, the well-known sunstroke. Its manifestations are varied - from lightheadedness, dizziness and fever to loss of consciousness. Prolonged overheating can cause death.

A small number of people have hypersensitivity to the sun's rays - photosensitivity, which is manifested by rashes of the type of allergic. It can be triggered by the use of a number of ointments and creams, as well as medications.

Sunlight can cause retinal burns. Prolonged exposure to sunlight on the eye can provoke the development of cataracts. This can be avoided by using good quality sunglasses and not looking directly at the sun. By the way, bad sunglasses are more dangerous for the eyes than a complete lack of protection from the ultraviolet radiation of the sun. They incorrectly focus the rays and send them into the eye, causing burns and worsening vision.

Excessive solar radiation, on the contrary, can weaken immune system. That's why the northerners who went south, if they immediately actively begin to sunbathe on the sea for hours, herpes worsens in the first days or there are signs of a cold in general.

When is the best time to be in the sun?

Most best time for sunbathing - morning and evening, and to be precise, the periods from 6 to 11 am and from 4 pm to sunset. At the same time, in the morning the sun invigorates and tones the body, and in the evening it calms and pacifies. During the day, the sun can be too aggressive. It is during the daytime that solar radiation is too intense and can be harmful to health. This once again confirms that everything is a poison and everything is a medicine, and this depends on the dosage.

Being in the sun medicinal purposes called sunbathing or solar hardening. Accordingly, it is necessary to use the sun correctly. The first procedures should be short in time - about 10 minutes. Every day, you need to add a few minutes to this time until the figure of one and a half to two hours is reached. The hardening effect increases with active movement. It follows that when going to the sea, one must actively swim and play beach volleyball or walk along the coast in the mornings and evenings. But lying on the sand and sunbathing is far from being as useful as many people think. This causes rapid overheating of the body, heat or sunstroke, and skin burns.

Without the sun, life would be impossible. And its benefits to our health are simply invaluable. But, like any medicine, the sun must be able to use!

rays of the sun is a stream of radiation that has a different spectrum of action on our body. Before the onset of each summer, we think about how the sun is good for our health, as well as what harm we can get. But, despite everything, we rejoice at the onset of summer. The sun's rays cheer up, help get rid of depression. Consider all the pros and cons of solar exposure to human health.

Ultraviolet radiation

There are three classes of rays that have different effects on the body:

A-rays - have the smallest level of radiation, their harmful effect on human health is the lowest. But there are no barriers for such rays, they are able to penetrate very deeply into the skin layer and damage the structure of the epidermis, destroying collagen fibers. In this way, skin aging is accelerated.

B-rays - synthesize vitamin D, which is the main source of calciferol for humans. But these rays can pass through the atmosphere at the exact time from 10:00 to 16:00. The sun is very active during much of this time, so you should not be under its direct rays at this time, serious consequences can occur.

C-rays are the most serious radiation, capable of provoking even cancer. Nature took care of this, harmful rays are absorbed by the ozone layer, not reaching the Earth.

The positive effect of the sun on the body

Taking sunbaths, we strengthen the immune system, this is facilitated by the production of calciferol - vitamin D. It strengthens bone tissue, removes heavy metals from the body. With a lack of this vitamin in children, a disease can form - rickets, and in adults - osteoporosis. There is very little of this vitamin in the products, so we need the sun's rays.

Under the influence of the sun, serotonin is produced. It is rightfully considered the "hormone of happiness", it improves mood, participates in the process of blood clotting. The arrival of summer is always accompanied by a surge of positive emotions and good mood. For people with high blood pressure sunny days are a blessing. Because the rays of the sun, acting on the body, reduce pressure and warn against heart attacks.

The sun heals pimples, acne, wounds, cuts faster, as it has an antibacterial effect. Moderate exposure to the sun definitely has a positive effect on health and plus a beautiful tan.

What harm does the sun's rays do to a person

When exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, we can get burned or sunstroke. This is accompanied by redness of the skin, nausea and fever. White-skinned people are especially at risk.

Ultraviolet radiation can have a destructive effect on the skin during long-term sunbathing. Premature aging of the skin is possible, fine wrinkles appear. There is also a risk of dangerous diseases to prevent which you should sunbathe in a certain period of time. Be sure to use sunscreen for your skin.

Statistics confirm that people living in northern areas look younger than southerners. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause retinal burns. Therefore, you should take care of your eyes, especially if you are on the coast, sunglasses should be your constant companion.

Taking sunbaths the right way

1. In order not to harm your health, you should choose the right time for sunbathing. This is the morning time from 6 am to 11 am and after 4 pm before sunset.

2. Without headgear and sunglasses don't even go out into the sun. Moreover, glasses must be chosen carefully and only in optics stores, because poor-quality glasses focus the rays incorrectly and you can worsen your vision. And it is advisable to select a headdress in light shades.

3. Under the direct rays of the sun should not be more than an hour, otherwise you will harm your body.

4. Need to use sun protection for the body before and after tanning.

5. When sunbathing, do not forget to drink enough water.

6. Some foods will help you get a beautiful even tan - these are apricots, carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, melons and others. These vegetables and fruits contain substances that protect the skin from harmful rays ultraviolet and burns, maintain water balance in the body.

It is simply impossible to live on earth without the sun. Its health benefits are invaluable. Learn how to properly use this gift of nature, and you will be healthy and happy.


  • Sunbathing: we spend the summer with benefit, the portal is not boring to lose weight Diets.ru
  • The whole truth about tanning: harm or benefit? , beauty portal MyCharm.ru

Sunlight consists of three types of radiation:

1.UV radiation (280-400nm)

Penetrates into tissues by 1 mm, but has the greatest and most powerful effect on the human body. This influence can be both positive and negative (everything is determined by the UV dose). Under its influence, the body produces a huge amount of biologically active substances(histamine, serotonin, etc.). I would like to note that it is thanks to this spectrum of sunlight that we can admire a beautiful tan!

2. Visible radiation (400-760 nm)

These are the seven colors of the rainbow. It mainly acts on the retina of the eye and later on the central nervous system.

3.Infrared (760-2800nm)

It mainly has a thermal effect. Infrared rays penetrate the tissues by 2-3 centimeters and have a very active effect on blood vessels. Vessels, in turn, expand and blood circulation in the skin and subcutaneous fat increases. Thanks to this process, redox processes are activated.

These are the complex processes that occur in the body (primarily in the skin) when we just bask on the beach under the sun.

What are the positive and negative effects solar radiation?

The sun's rays provide light and warmth, improve a person's general well-being and stimulate blood circulation. Under the influence of sunlight, biologically active compounds are formed in the skin, which stimulate the autonomic nervous system, enhance the recovery processes in damaged tissues, the protective properties of blood cells, improve the growth of hair, nails, bone tissue, reduce the sensitivity of the body to the effects of toxic substances.

The vitamin-forming effect of UV radiation is primarily associated with its effect on the synthesis of vitamin D (calciferol). The presence of this vitamin is necessary to maintain a constant level of calcium in the blood. With a lack of calcium in the blood, it is “washed out” of the bone tissue, leading to its thinning (osteoporosis). Children may develop a well-known disease - rickets, which later leads to severe skeletal deformities and other adverse consequences.

Ultraviolet radiation also has a disinfecting (bactericidal) effect, the strongest in the range of 180-280 nm. This irradiation has a detrimental effect on most types of pathogenic bacteria, on many viruses and fungi, and therefore is widely used for air disinfection in operating rooms and other hospital premises, as well as in medical practice. The sun also relieves stress and improves mood.

However, a number of other effects arising from exposure to excessive UV radiation on the human body, which can lead to a number of serious structural and functional damage to the skin. As you know, these damages can be divided into:

- acute, caused by a large dose of radiation received in a short time (for example, sunburn or acute photodermatosis) : high doses of ultraviolet radiation are detrimental to most cells of the epidermis, and the surviving cells are damaged. AT best case sunburn causes redness of the skin, called erythema. It appears shortly after insolation and reaches its maximum intensity between 8 and 24 hours. In this case, the effects disappear within a few days. However, severe sunburn can leave painful blisters and patches on the skin. white color, the new skin in place of which is deprived of protection and is more sensitive to damage from ultraviolet radiation.

A small percentage of the population have the ability to react very sharply to ultraviolet radiation. Even minimum dose enough ultraviolet radiation to run them allergic reactions leading to fast and strong sunburn. Photosensitivity is often associated with the use of certain medications, including some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, tranquilizers, oral antidiabetics, antibiotics, and antidepressants. Some food and cosmetic products, such as perfumes or soaps, may also contain ingredients that increase UV sensitivity.

- delayed, caused by prolonged exposure to moderate (suberythemic) doses (for example, such damage includes photoaging, skin neoplasms, some photodermatitis).

With the above information, we are armed, and therefore warned! The main task: to properly use the gifts of nature for your own good!

What are the rules for a healthy tan?

In temperate latitudes, the preventive effect of solar radiation is achieved after 10-15 minutes of open solar irradiation, or in sunny day in a shady place after 20-30 minutes! The best time to sunbathe is in the morning. The fact is that in the morning the level of the infrared component of solar radiation and its excess thermal effect are much lower. Plus, it's cleaner in the morning. atmospheric air, the content of positively acting air ions is higher (especially near water surfaces), and during these hours, without overheating, you can spend more time in nature than in the middle of the day. In any case, a light hat and good sunglasses are required attributes sun exposure.

To get the maximum healing effect, it is necessary to observe gradualness and regularity when sunbathing. Even with very dosed and gradual sunbathing, problems can arise due to the fact that different parts of the body react differently to sunlight. abdomen area, shoulder girdle and lower backs can quickly “burn” - and at the same time, the skin of the arms and legs does not have time to warm up yet. One way out of this situation is the use of sunscreen.

Children under three years of age should not be exposed to direct sunlight. In children's skin, there are still not enough cells that form the pigment - melanin, and the stratum corneum of the epidermis is almost two times thinner than in adults; thus, ultraviolet rays penetrate deeper into the skin, causing burns and increasing the risk of skin cancer.

If you have sensitive skin you can sunbathe in the shade. About 65% of UV rays will still reach your skin and you will get a soft tan. Remember that even clothing cannot fully protect us. Dry cotton allows 10% UVB and 20% UVA to pass through, and even more if it is wet. Remember that water only reflects 5% of the sun's rays (sand reflects 20%). After swimming, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe the skin; every little drop of water can act like a magnifying glass, intensifying the action of the sun and causing a more severe burn.

Protecting yourself from the sun's rays is not very difficult. To do this, it is not at all necessary to spend your whole life in the shade. .

Several simple rules:

Don't stay in the sun too much for a long time;

Avoid hours of maximum solar activity (from 11 to 17);

use a sufficient amount of fluid to prevent dehydration;

use antioxidants during maximum sun exposure;

Regularly apply sunscreen to the skin.

Have a good healthy and beautiful tan!

Tatiana Kuptsova, dermatologist

Zalyotov Fedor

Research work for the city NPC.



  1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….3
  1. The sun is the most familiar star, the source of life on Earth.……………4
  1. The sun and human health.
  1. Conclusion……………………………………………………..…………..9
  1. Literature………………………………………………..……………….10
  1. Applications……………………………………………………..………...11


The sun is a coin, - the miser grumbled.

No, frying pan! - the glutton cried out.

No, loaf, - the baker said.

Compass, - said the sailor with conviction.

The sun is a star, the astronomer announced.

Good heart, - the dreamer decided.

A. Eskova, 3rd grade, Zarechny

The sun is the most familiar astronomical object to all people; a source of light and heat that gives us life, and a source of ultraviolet radiation.The distance between our planet and the Sun, mass and orbit Earth, the very type of star - the Sun - created harmonic prerequisites for the emergence and development of life on Earth. The “breathing” of the Sun (the process of spot formation) is associated with life on Earth. Living organisms transform the energy of the Sun and live due to this.The influence of the Sun affects the operation of various radio systems, power networks, wire lines in the Arctic, and the intensity of the electric current. The energy of the Sun is enough to cause auroras and magnetic storms. The influence of solar activity on man was established back in the 1920s by A. L. Chizhevsky. Scientists have noticed that the deterioration of the condition of sick people is maximally manifested either immediately after a solar flare, or with the onset of a magnetic storm. And they came to the conclusion that the level of solar activity in the year of birth of a child significantly affects its constitutional features. According to the principle of the law of analogy, "as above, so below", the human body is the Universe in the infinity of space. We live in the solar system, and its center is the sun. According to the law, there is also a center in our body, and this center is the heart. We were interested in the question of how these two centers are connected, how the sun affects not only a person's health, but also his mood. That's why topic our research -"Influence of the Sun on emotional condition person."

Target: Find out how the Sun affects the mood of a person.

Tasks: 1. Get acquainted with the scientific literature about the Sun.

2. Find information about the influence of the Sun on a person.

3. Find out by questioning how the Sun affects the mood of adults and children.

4. Present the results of the study to classmates.

Hypothesis: We assumed that on clear sunny days, people's mood improves, their working capacity and creative activity increase.

Practical significance:The materials of the work can be used in conducting lessons of the world around, class hours and conversations with students primary school, parent meetings.

The Sun is the most familiar star, the source of life on Earth.

The sun is a massive hot ball of gas. Inside it, the splitting of hydrogen atoms is constantly taking place, its processing into helium. This process is called nuclear reaction synthesis. This releases a huge amount of energy. The surface temperature of the Sun is about 6,000 degrees, the temperature of the core is 14 million degrees. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is almost 150 million km. Its light propagates at a speed of 300,000 km/sec. and reach us in 8 minutes. The solar diameter is 109 times the diameter of the Earth (like a watermelon and a watermelon seed). The mass of the Sun is almost 333,400 times the mass of the Earth and 750 times the mass of all the planets in the solar system and their satellites.(Attachment 1)

The sun contains a huge amount of energy. Only about one half of a billionth of the energy reaches the Earth. But it is thanks to her that the water cycle occurs on our planet, the winds blow, life has developed and is developing. The significance of the Sun for life on Earth has been understood by man since ancient times. Vasmer's etymological dictionary says that the words "sun" and "heart" have common origins. The Slavs worshiped the God of the Sun Dazhbog, the Romans - the God of the Sun Helios and Apollo ... The rulers, in order to magnify their power, inspired people that they were descended from the God of the Sun. People noticed that the wealth of the harvest depends on sunlight and heat, and reflected this in fairy tales, riddles, proverbs and sayings. folk wisdom says: “The sun will warm - everything will be in time”, “The sun will rise - so the morning will come”, “The sun shines on the good and the evil”, “Run away from the sun - you can’t see the light”, “The spring sun resurrects the earth” ...

Sun and human health.

The sun is the greatest

what human eyes can see.

R. Davydov

The sun is not only the central luminary of the solar system, but also a particular manifestation of cosmic universal light. The manifestation of solar activity has a strong influence on a person. The human body is a kind of Universe in the infinity of the Cosmos. The universe of the human body (from molecules to organ systems) is arranged as harmoniously as ours. solar system. "The sun is the heart of the system, just as the human heart is the sun of the body." The sun, with each revolution, contracts as rhythmically as the human heart. The phenomenon of spot formation is similar to the correct and healthy pulsation of the heart. The rhythmic work of the Sun and the work of human hearts are connected in a certain way (for example, a sunbeam reaches the Earth in 8 minutes, arterial blood reaches the brain after the contraction of the heart in 0.8 seconds).

How does the activity of the Sun affect the centers of the higher nervous apparatus of man - directly or indirectly? Directly on the organ of mental activity, or with the participation of such factors as famine, which arose as a result of a drought and caused a war, or the high cost of products, which prompted the people to revolt, etc.? The study of this issue showed that the indirect factor, although often accompanied, is not at all necessary. Indeed, the same number of concentrations historical events in each century and their simultaneity in many parts of the Earth suggests that these phenomena are caused by neither some local natural cause, but by some forces that strictly-periodically affect humanity, regardless of what area of ​​the globe it inhabits. What is striking here is precisely this simultaneity of mass disturbances or even disturbances throughout the entire globe. Therefore, it is necessary to conclude that the perturbing forces act everywhere at the same absolute time. The electrical energy of the Sun is that external natural factor that influences the course of the historical process. Now let us turn to the consideration of the dependence that exists between the human body and the various fluctuations of the space surrounding it. It should be remembered that this dependence between animate and inanimate nature is extremely strong, although subtle to the point of elusiveness ... It is known that electrical action sunlight on the atmosphere causes a series of chemical transformations in it. The ultraviolet rays of sunlight produce a chemical action. They convert the oxygen molecule (O 2 ) into an ozone molecule (O 3 ). Behind the change chemical composition air inevitably follows a violation of normal functions in the body and a change in the flow chemical reactions in some of the most important organs.

Studies have shown that the number of accidents and injuries in transport increases during solar storms, which affect the central nervous system (lethargy, slowness appear, intelligence deteriorates, and the likelihood of making wrong decisions increases).(Annex 2) During extreme space situations, the energy of the child also suffers. There may be sleep disturbance, anxiety, tearfulness, loss of appetite, fever, possibly increased excitability, impaired attention (hence the slow completion of school work), there may be conflict situations. During this period, a sensitive attitude towards the child of parents and teachers is especially urgent.

Cause bad mood a person lies, first of all, in the complete absence of the sun. The less light hits the skin, the more depressed the person feels. Cloudy weather, dirt on the streets, gloomy faces of passers-by - all this actively provokes despondency and boredom. The problem is so serious that it has already reached the 1st place in the world among the causes of absence from work among adults. Scientists have already dubbed this sadness of ours the "Plague of the 21st century."

At the same time, scientists believe that normal solar radiation has a positive effect on immunity, heart activity, appetite and mood. It is well established that under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is produced, which promotes the processing of calcium. There is no sun - and the bones become brittle, the teeth crumble, the hair falls out, the nails exfoliate, the skin peels off. It is believed that 15 minutes spent in the sun a day is sufficient to benefit the human body.

The sun stimulates the production of "pleasure hormones", which is why sunlight is considered to be the best natural antidepressant. Its positive influence also extends to the sphere of interpersonal relationships: if the cold encourages us to "close", then the sun, on the contrary, "opens" us in relation to the outside world and others. That is why in the summer it is easier for us to make new contacts and make new friends. The energy of happiness comes from the Sun. Our research clearly shows this.(Annexes 3, 4) The survey of children clearly demonstrates the direct dependence of mood and successful activity on the presence of warm and sunny weather, which disposes each child to joyful communication, the desire to be a winner, the feeling of being loved and loving himself. A survey of adults showed that their mood depends on several factors. But the Sun and solar energy occupy an important and significant place among other factors that can help an adult "open up" to the fullest.

In astrology, the Sun is the most important factor in the characterization of spiritual life. The sun shows how much we can "shine" - both literally and figuratively."God is light." “In every atom,” Shabistari (Persia, 13th century, Sufi poet) said, “there is the blazing light of a thousand suns.” This energy first of all goes to our heart center, and then to other chakras.The life force beats in our heart, gives us an impetus to growth and development, brings energy to the organs and systems of our body.We, like the Sun, also radiate energy. What is an aura? This is the human energy field. This is our heat, smells, electricity, chemistry, vibration of the heart and cells, our words, thoughts and beliefs. This is the light of our soul, passed through our consciousness. And the purer and higher the consciousness, the brighter and brighter our aura. Big Light Aura - a big heart. It is said that the head of the saints is surrounded by a golden halo, which can be seen even with the naked eye. And by the color of our aura, you can determine how healthy we are in spirit and, consequently, in body.We always have free will. We can, for example, use our heart center energy to be naturally kind, loving, and generous, but we can also use it to be selfish and greedy.The darker our aura is, the more illnesses and problems we have in fate. Why does the aura darken? Where does our astral dirt come from? From our insults, despondency, anger, dirty thoughts, wishing someone bad, deceit, fear ....
Mental purity also depends on the Sun, because both the Sun and the mind are of a fiery nature. The sun gives strength to the mind for activity. In a person who has weak contact with the Sun, the mind works sluggishly, it is difficult for him to think, and vice versa. Good deeds will lead to the fact that we will see the world and all people very beautiful and happy. When the mood is bad, everyone seems bad. Why does one person smile at people and another get mad at them? The teacher put a deuce - bad, put a five - immediately became good. Everything is perceived through the lens of the mind. The teacher, as she was, remained so.

The sun makes you successful. If you do not do what is necessary in time, there will be no good result. The sun increases vitality, gives a feeling of happiness, supports and inspires a person. Anyone who wakes up early in the morning gets a charge of vivacity. Getting up late leads to depression, we become unhappy. If a person does not eat on time, he loses strength, and toxins accumulate in his body. Eating at the right time replenishes energy. Thus, the Sun controls our life activity..

AT medically The sun is responsible for the heart, brain, spine, bones, vocal cords, vision. Usually people who have a bad connection with the Sun have poor eyesight, they have problems with blood circulation, a sick heart, high blood pressure, weak bones, they suffer from epilepsy, headaches and baldness. Such people are characterized by low vitality, increased irritability, their appendicitis proceeds in a severe form.(Annex 5)

Feelings live in the heart. “You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes, only the heart is vigilant.” (A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince") As in the sun we see everything brighter and clearer, so the heart tells us and shows us where we have "weak points". You have to learn to listen and listen to your heart. The heart is the only organ in the body that fills the blood with information unknown to us. The brain can analyze and calculate everything, but only the heart is able to anticipate and know for sure in advance. The heart both feels and knows. “Straight-knowledge is the kindled fire of the heart,” say the sages. The cult of Light is the cult of the Heart. The sun - a natural source of light - spreads light directly and in all directions. Do you want to be " sunny man"- learn to shine for everyone - to be natural. Sunlight has no color, yet "white light" is made up of all the colors of the rainbow. The light of the Sun has contained everything and generously bestows on everyone, without choosing. Combine everything - you will become the Sun! We know that in the dark even a small light looks big, but in bright light even darkness seems smaller. In great tension - freeing ourselves from the fear of being non-standard - we give birth to our own light. The more independence, originality and creativity, the brighter the aura. Be bright - and there will be less bad!

To become a "sunny person" it is necessary, getting rid of negative traits character, develop the following qualities:

  1. The warmth of the heart is like a constant hearth.
  2. Naturalness.
  3. Independence.
  4. A responsibility.
  5. Openness to knowledge and people.
  6. Decisiveness, optimism, purposefulness.
  7. Firmness, willpower, enthusiasm, sincerity, nobility, self-discipline, generosity, humanity, generosity, dedication, activity, self-esteem, creativity.


The sun is hidden in everyone!

You just need to wake up in time

Not afraid that it will not be enough

Universal in the heart of fire.

V. Soloukhin

Thus, as a result of our research, we found confirmation of our hypothesis that emotional and physical state a person depends on the intensity of sunlight. In addition, we concluded that a lot depends on the person himself, his attitude to the world around him.

Here are a few simple steps to keep the sun's energy in place:

  1. Try to repeat to yourself a couple of times that “the Sun is always there!” Yes, now it is behind the clouds, but it is definitely there! So warm, bright, friendly, yours!
  2. Light brighter lamps, let it become light inside your home and inside you.
  3. If you have a favorite music - turn it on! And, putting your room in order, imagine that you are cleaning your inner space too, sweeping sadness-powerlessness out of your soul.
  4. Communicate more with other, joyful people.
  5. In the evening, before going to bed, once again organize the most bright lighting. Then the charge of light will help not to be sad on a cloudy morning.

To make happiness smile a little -
Try not to scare him.
If the sun turned away from us -
You have to turn towards the sun.
Don't put on a sour face
It might hurt you
Smile! And straighten your back!
How long can you walk stooped?
If you cherish sad thoughts -
What's good? Never mind.
And responsibility needs to be bolder
Take on yourself.
Conquering your fears in part,
Do not always submit to fate.
Wish those around you happiness
And it will smile at you!

The sun will immediately notice you

It appreciates smiles and laughter.
The sun shines equally on everyone

But it warms, it happens, not everyone.
Don't let the autumn mood

Take you in full account.
If you come to the temple on Sunday -

You will be the sun, you are registered!Rimma, Tel Aviv

Completed by: Fedor Zalyotov, 2nd grade student,

MOU "School No. 222"

Scientific adviser:

Saznova Tatyana Evgenievna


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  5. Kaurov E. Man, the Sun and Magnetic Storms.//Astronomy. RAN, 2000.
  6. Kosidovsky, Zenon. When the Sun was God. Publisher: Children's literature. M., 1970.
  7. Koronovsky N.V. Magnetic field of the geological past of the earth.//SOZH, 1996.
  8. Miroshnichenko L.I. Earth echo of solar storms: M., Thought, 1976.
  9. Ascension paths. Materials of international social-scientific conferences (1993, 1994). Moscow, International Center of the Roerichs, 1995.
  10. Ian Reediam, Wil Tyrion. Mini encyclopedia. Space. M., 2001.
  11. Stulpinene Irena. Physics in the language of the heart: Application to the course of high school physics for spiritual and moral education. - Riga: Parks advertising, 2006..
  12. Shirokova E. Captured by solar storms//Kamchatka time 2001.
  13. Chizhevsky A. L. Terrestrial echo of solar storms. M., Thought, 1976.
  14. Internet resources


Attachment 1

sun and planets

Annex 2

The degree of solar flare activity.

The number of solar flares per month.

Annex 3


  1. What influences a person's life the most? - Earth - Moon - Sun
  2. Which factor makes the mood improve faster? - Tasty food- Warm sunny weather - Good day at work / Good grade
  3. What time of day do you feel best? - Early morning - Noon - Late evening

    Diagram 1

    Diagram 2

    Diagram 3

    Diagram 4

    Diagram 5

    Appendix 5

    The type of appearance of a person who has weak contact with the Sun:

    - frail build; - weak skeletal system; - stoop; - light, but not yellow, sparse hair; - small eyes.

    Type of appearance of a person with great solar power:

    rounded face; - large physique; - wide, high forehead; - strong skeletal system; - golden or dark hair; - big eyes usually gray or Brown color; - dark skin color.