What is a lake and how to find Double Baikal. Lake Baikal - Legends, Natural Phenomena, Anomalies, Interesting Facts

Baikal has an elongated gray-shaped form. Its extreme dots lie between 51 ° 29 "(Art. Murino) and 55 ° 46" (the mouth of the kichera river) of the northern latitude and between 103 ° 44 "(st. Kultuk) and 109 ° 51" (Dagar Bay) East longitude.

The shortest line passing through the Lake Square and connecting the most remote points of its shores, i.e. The length of the lake, equal to 636 km, the largest width of Baikal, equal to 79.4 km, is located between Ust-Barguzin and ongoing the smallest, different 25 km, is located against the delta r. Selenga.

This square, with which the rivers is currently collecting water and bring them to Baikal, or the so-called hydrochloride area is 557,000 square meters. km *). It is distributed in relation to the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake itself very unevenly (see the map of the pool). Along the entire West Bank, the border of this area takes place just a few kilometers from the shore of the lake. It is limited to almost everywhere in the mountains of the mountains, prominent from the lake.

*) In Yu.M. Shokalsky, Lake Baikal Pool reaches 582,570 square meters. km. - approx. ed.

Directly to this watershed on the whole of the Northern Baikal, the Lena River Basin, and Lena itself originates 7 km from the shore of Baikal near the Cape Deaders. The largest spread of Baikal South and South-West from the lake in the Selenga River basin. The pool of this river, equal to 464,940 square meters. km, is 83.4% of the total Water collection of Baikal. The next size pool has a Barguzin river, the pool of which is 20,025 square meters. KM and is 3.5% of the total waterborne area of \u200b\u200bBaikal. All other things of Baikal's tributaries account for a catchment area at 72,035 square meters. km, equal to 13.1% of the overall water collection area of \u200b\u200bthe lake.

The Lake Baikal is located in the non-rigid hollow, bodied by mountain chains, Sayan's spurs, cut into a number of places with a relatively narrow valleys, on which his tributary lake flows into the lake.

In the south, along its eastern shores, almost all year round covered with snow-covered tops of the Hamar-Dabab Ridge with the highest heights up to 2000 m above sea level. This is just that chain of the mountains, which is visible to anyone passing along the shores of Baikal by rail. These mountains are especially clearly visible on the distance between Art. Baikal and Art. Cool. The Baikal Range is adjacent to the Western shores of the South Baikal. Its height almost all over the Kultuk to the Small Sea does not exceed 1300-1200 m above sea level, but these are stood on the very coast of Baikal.

Starting from the Small Sea and until the northern tip of the Western shores of Baikal, the Baikal Mountain Range stretches, gradually rising north of the cape from the Cape Kotelnikovsky. At this site, Mount Karpinsky reaches the greatest height of 2176 m, the mountain is blue - 2168 m, etc. Almost all over the top of the Baikal Range are covered with non-melting even among summer snow and in many places the traces of the glaciers descended from them are visible from them.

This ridge is crossed next to deeply embedded valleys, according to which mountain streams stretch. According to its painting, the eastern shores of the northern part of the lake are one of the most wonderful places on Baikal. To the eastern shores, ranging from the Chivirkuy Bay and the most northern tip of the lake, another ridge is suitable - Barguzinsky, reaching a significant height - up to 2700 m. This ridge, however, is at some distance from the shores, and directly to the latter adjoin the relatively low foothills, In places forming picturesque cliffs, and on the prevailing part of the coast, hollow drops down to the waters of the lake.

The interval of the eastern shore of the lake between Selegor and the Barguzin bay bayed by the Range of Ulan-Burgasy, having a height near Baikal 1400-1500 m.

The most sharply pronounced bending of the coastline of Baikal is the Holy Nose Peninsula, located between the two largest bays on Baikal - Barguzinsky and Chivirkuysky.

This peninsula in the form of a massive stone block, reaching a height of 1684 m, towers over Baikal, falling to the water with steep rocky cliffs. However, towards the mainland, it decreases more than a hollow and then goes into narrow and wetlands, merging with an extensive lowland adjacent to the valley of the p. Barguzin. There is no doubt that at the recent time of the peninsula holy nose was the island, and the waters of the Chivirkui and Barguzin bays were one extensive strait, subsequently filled with removal of r. Barguzin.

On Baikal there are 19 permanent islands, the largest of them - Olkhon. It has a length equal to 71.7 km, and an area of \u200b\u200b729.4 square meters. km. Olkhon Island, - separated from the continent of a strait of less than a kilometer width, bearing the name "Olkhon Gate", elongated in the North-Eastern direction, is a mountain range, with the most sublime point - the mong of the Iim, reaching a height of 1300 m and cool to the eastern shore. The northern part of the island of the Lesteist, and the southern is completely devoid of wood vegetation and is covered with meadows with traces, obviously, the widespread steppe vegetation here.

Olkhon's coast facing the small sea are subjected to very strong destruction by the surf. It is interesting both in its position and in painting, a group of Ushkanyy islands, which are against the Holy Nose Peninsula in the middle part of the lake. This group consists of four islands, of which a large ears island has an area of \u200b\u200b9.41 square meters. km, and the remaining three islands (thin, round and long) do not exceed half a square kilometer. The big ears island reaches a height of 150 m, and small - just a few meters above the middle water level of Baikal. All of them are rocks, with folded predominantly from limestone shores and covered with dense forest. These islands are strongly destroyed and, as it were, cut off the surf.

Not far is the time when small Ushkanyy Islands will disappear under the surface of the water of Baikal.

The rest of the islands on Baikal are located all near his shores, four of them - in the Chivirkuy Gulf (Bol. And Mal. Kyltyhei, Elena and Cabinities), six in the Malm Sea (Hubin, Zamugoy, Toynik, Tornaya, Hanza, Ioho, etc.) And the rest are in the immediate vicinity of the shores of other parts of Baikal, such as, for example, the focal, Boguchansky, Baklani (near the sandy bay), etc.

All islands have a total area of \u200b\u200b742.22 square meters. km, and most of them are large capes who separated from the continent under the influence of the destructive force of the surf. In addition, there are still a few low sandy islands on Baikal, which in high water are hidden at all under water and protrude above the surface only with low water standing. Such are the island elongated in the form of narrow strips separating the bay of failure from Baikal (Ceying, Sakhalin Islands), are the same islands separating from Open Baikal Angarsk Sorrow - the so-called bright. In addition, the type belongs to the islets separating from Open Baikal Oestoksky litter.

Bays and bays, so important for sludge small ships, represent a relatively rare phenomenon on Baikal, besides, they are distributed along the coast very unevenly.

The largest bays, Chivirkuisk and Barguzinsky, about which we have already mentioned above, are formed by an outstanding from the lake by the Holy Nose. Almost the bay is the so-called small sea, separated from the open Baikal Olkhon Island and the bay of failure, north of the Selenga delta.

The painting of his beautiful sand and grandmother on the western bank of the South Baikal is famous. Further, a kind of group of bays or rather the lagoon, wearing the name "Sorts" on Baikal, are its former bays separated from the open lake. These are the Embassy and the Oestoksky litter, separated from Baikal with narrow strips of sushi, washed by the action of the surf, such is the Angarsk Sory in the very northern and rankatuy in the depths of the Chivirkuy Bay. All of them are separated from Baikal with narrow strips of nanos, in the form of sandy braids, in high water sometimes hiding under the surface of the lake.

If you do not consider these nanos, large bays, then all the other bends of its shores are strongly dependent on the direction of the coastline of Baikal, since the toasts of its coast depends on whether the shore is directed along or across the dominant direction of the mountain ranges. , Factory shores.

Those areas of the Baikal coast, which are directed across the main direction of the mountain ranges that limit it with a basin are characterized by significant stencil, such as, for example, Olkhon Gates or the southern bank of the Barguzinsky Bay. The same sections of the coast, which in their direction coincide with the direction of the mountain ranges that limit the Baikal's brand in the area are characterized, on the contrary, an exceptional straightforward, violated only by secondary accumulations of coastal applications or the erosion action of the surf. Such is the entire section of the West Bank of Baikal from the mouth of the river. Sarma to Kotelnikovsky Cape, such a plot bounding from the West of the Holy Nose Peninsula, and many others.

In many areas, Baikal Coast is perfectly straight for many kilometers, with almost sheer cliffs, many meters high, with a lot of meters ruling. Particularly characteristic of this regard is the site between Sosnovka and the entrance to the Chivirkisk Bay on the eastern shore of the Middle Baikal or a plot from Onguren to Cocheriksky Cape on the West Bank of Middle Baikal.

On the distribution of depths or the Relief of the Baikal bottom can be divided into three main depths. The first of them - South, occupies the entire South Baikal to the place of failure. Selenga. The greatest depth of this depression is 1473 m, the average depth of 810 m. The southern Baikal depth is characterized by an extremely steep slope of the bottom near the Western and South-Western shores and relatively gentle bias from the opposite slopes.

Lakey deposits at the bottom of the southern depression did not fully smooth the features of the initial relief, at the bottom of which there is a number of lubbin and irregularities, adjacent to the Trans-Baikal shore and elongated in the northeast direction. These underwater ridges are especially sharply pronounced in part of the depression adjacent to the delta r. Selenga, and hide under her nanos. One of these groats is issued so much that forms for the middle of the Baikal width on the line between p. Hussy and p. Embassy shallow water, on which depths of 94 m discovered, and the depths on this shallow water are not yet sufficiently investigated and cannot be guessed for noting there and even smaller depths. This shallow water is, in all likelihood, the residue marked here on the ancient maps of the island of the column, part of the Baikal destroyed by the waters, is part of the desired surface.

On the jumper separating the southern deep baikal depression from its middle depression, the depth does not exceed 428 m and at its base, this jumper reflects the structure of the indigenous bottom. In favor of this view, there is a longitudinal ridge, stretched out in front of Delta Selenga, far extending both in the south-western and northeast direction and known to the locals called "Magn". In his jumper adjacent to Seleng, this jumper is gradually significantly modified by the details of Selenga.

East of the Griev sent to the northeast, approximately against the Delta of the Selenga delta, which is called the name, there is a deepening of the bottom, reaching 400 m and called the "Puchin". With this underfloor, the legend is associated with that in this place in the bottom of Baikal there is a hole through which Baikal is connected not to the lake with the plague, not that with the North Polar Sea. The emergence of this legend contributed to the fact that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe depressions there is a local whirlpool, well-observed in the quiet days, when all sorts of surfaces on the surface of items receive a rotational movement. This whirlpool, which creates the impression that the water is drawn into the hole being available at the bottom, as our studies have shown, caused a meeting of the currents of two directions, which are mixed with surface layers of water to a depth of about 25 m.

The average deepthic Wpadina Baikal takes the entire space between the jumper against Selenga and the line connecting the northern tip of Olkhon Island through the island of the Islands with Cape Vulkan on the Eastern Baikal coast. This depression contains the greatest depths of Baikal, reaching 1741 m. This depth is located at a distance of 10 km against Cape Uvan on Olhon. The average depth of the depression reaches 803 m. The area occupied by the depths of over 1500 m, not occurring in the two other deep deposits of Baikal, is equal to 2098 square meters. km. Especially the cool drop has a bottom near the eastern shores of Olkhon Island, as well as east of the Ushkanyih islands, where in some areas the bottom angle of the slope reaches the magnitude of over 80 °.

Adjacent to the eastern shore of the depressions of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom, and the depth of 100 m in some places are here a few kilometers from the coast.

A very difficult relief of the bottom has a Barguzin bay, which is part of the middle depression. The underwater ridge is divided into two depressions. In the holy nose adjacent to the southern headboard, a part of the bay of depths of over 1300 m, which are far away in the northern part of it. The relief of the entire eastern part of the bay is under the influence of the removal of r. Barguzina, covering the root relief of the bottom of a powerful layer of nanos.

Wpadina Middle Baikal is separated from the northern depression by the underwater ridge, an open station in 1932 and called academic.

This ridge, on which depths do not exceed 400 m, stretches from the northern tip of Olkhon Island on the island's Ushlana and further less sharply pronounced to the north to the caulkan cavice. Thus, the most ushkani island are only serving over the surface with the northern part of the academic ridge. This ridge has a slopes, very cool descending into the southeast towards the depression of the Middle Baikal, and the hollow to the north-west to the North Wpadin, i.e. Saves the same features as the profiles of Olkhon Island and the Big Ushka Island.

The northern deepthic Baikal depth is all space located north of the academic ridge and includes the small sea. This catch has the greatest depth of only 988 m, the average depth of it is 564 m. The northern collar is characterized by the exceptional level of relief of the bottom with a gradual increase in depths from the southern end of the Small Sea to the Kotelnikovsky Cape region. In the northern cavity near the Western coast, the bottom is more cool descended in depth than near the eastern shores where there are significant shallow water.

Most of the surface of the Baikal bottom at depths of over 100 m are covered with powerful deposits of il, which mainly consists of an innumerable amount of shells, dead and falling on the bottom of algae, having lived in the upper layers of water. Only on a few places, like an academic ridge, the bottom of Baikal consists of indigenous rocks, there are also areas of the bottom, where at high depths you can find the cyclines and pebbles, obviously, these are flooded beds of ancient rivers, not covered with byal sediments due to bottom currents.

As for the small depths of Baikal, many consist of extensive areas, especially adjacent to delta rivers, from sand or sand mixed with sludge. Even closer to the shores, the bottom is covered mainly by stones and more or less large pebbles. Only in a few sections of the bottom to the coasts are composed of sand. Such areas are of great importance as convenient for non-aqueous fishing.

Not always, however, Baikal had those characteristic features of the bottom of the bottom and the form of his outlines that he currently possessed. There is a reason to assert the opposite, namely, that Baikal in its modern form was formed, from a geological point of view, relatively recently - at the end of the tertiary or even at the beginning of the so-called, quaternary time. By this time, according to modern views of the geologists, the formation of large depths of Baikal, as well as the formation of those mountain chains that focus the lake. About what was a reservoir that was on the site of Baikal to this time, there is little information.

Apparently, it was a complex system of lakes, interconnected by the straits and held a more extensive territory rather than modern Baikal. There is a reason to assume that this multi-seater extended in Transbaikalia, Mongolia and possibly Manchuria and North China.

Thus, Baikal in its modern state is to a certain extent to the remnant of water bodies, which occupied the once extensive area and repeatedly undergoing significant changes. As it could affect the composition of the animal and the vegetation world of Baikal, we will consider below, in the appropriate chapter.

During the ice age, when the powerful glaciers covered large spaces in some areas of Siberia, there were no continuous glaciation in the region, and the glaciers went down to the shores of Baikal only in separate places. The races of the stones and sand brought by glaciers and the names of the Maine, in Northern Baikal, in many places go down from the adjacent mountains to the Baikal himself, but it can be argued that this ice never covered the surface of the Baikal.

Moraine, which remained after the glacial period, had a significant impact on the formation of the shores of Northern Baikal. Some of the Masses in the north of Baikal are complicated from the northern Baikal, as, for example, Cape Bolloze. On the eastern coast of Northern Baikal, where many capes are also stacked from the norcelas, they were subjected to strong destruction by the approach. Smaller boulders and loose material were blurred by excitement, and large boulders, preserved in the area in the form of a dangerous shipping of pitfalls, are the remnants of the former Maores in these places and indicate their much more distribution in the past than this takes place now.

Regarding how it was formed in the modern form of his Baikal, the Baikal with its huge depths, various assumptions were expressed geologists.

For the eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth century, geologists believed that Baikal is a deep failure in the earth's crust that occurred as a result of a large catastrophe that had a place in this field of continent. I.D. Cherka significantly changed these ideas. He believed Baikal was not a failure, but a very ancient reservoir, preserved since the Silurian Sea and gradually deepened due to the slow and smooth bending of the earth's crust.

Later acad. V.A. Obruchev returned to the old ideas about the failure and explains the formation of modern Baikal depths by sedimentation of the bottom of Grabena, which this lake is. This sediment was taking place simultaneously with a lifting, which formed the mountainous country on the Baikal coast, and continues, apparently, and today.

There are other geologists that also associate Baikal's education with a consolidated lift of the Baikal film and settlement - the collapse of the central part of this campaign, but the time of this raising, in their opinion, refers to the second half of the Quaternary period, i.e. By the time of the existence of a primitive person.

Finally, according to the latest view of E.V. Pavlovsky, Baikal depressions and their ranges are so-called synclinals and anticillanes, complicated by discharges and developed gradually during many geological eras, against the background of a general archway raising of the ridge.

Finally, according to the views of N.V. Dumutrushko, Baikal presents a complex system of three Kotlovin. South of them arose during the upper Yura, the average - in the tertiary time, north - on the border of tertiary and quaternary time. The hollows and the surrounding ridges are boulders that were broken by the Baikalia during the last era of the property. The fallen boulders turned into a brand, rising - to the ridges. We have a number of evidence that the formation of the Baikal basin continues today, and that the bottom of the brand continues to descend, and its edges in the form of limiting, the Baikal depressions of the mountain ranges rose.

Signs of lowering the shore, sat down. Ust-Barguzin in 1932. Photo G.Yu. Vereshchagin

The lowering of the Baikal shores in places are especially clearly manifested, where the basin continues outside of its coast, as, for example, to the west of the site between Kultuch and Slyudyanka, in the Barguzin Gulf, in the area between Rivers Kixer and Upper Angara, as well as far outstanding within Basins Baikal Delta r. Selenga. All these places are not only observed the features of the coastline, speaking the gradual immersion of the shore under the level of the lake, but there are also confirming these historical facts. So the village of Ust-Barguzin has changed its place twice twice, moving away from the shore of Baikal, as the water of the lake flood the place of its former location. In a half-hearted state, this village is and is currently. A similar phenomenon is observed in the village located in the mouth of the r. Kichera (Nizhneangsk), where once was the center of the entire area, and now only a small number of houses remained. In the village of Selenga, the locality is expressed in the fact that there is a gradual fearing of the Lugov Delta and the transformation into a swamp of once formerly dry missions and even fields.

But the most accurate is the lowering of the part of the coast in the area r. Selenga in December 1861, which led to the formation of the bay of failure. Then disappeared under the waters of Baikal, the northern part of the delta r. Selenga, the so-called Tsagagan steppe with all Buryat uluses, haymen and other land, with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 190 square meters. km. This was preceded by an earthquake, while a strong vertical blow was felt, from which the soil on the steppe sweated by the fights and sand, clay and water were thrown out of the resulting wide cracks. The steppe was filled with water that was taking fountains, a height of more than two meters. And the next day, the water of Baikal flooded all the lowered space to the borogogo steppe. According to eyewitnesses, the water went from the lake as if the wall. At the point of the steppe, the bay of failure is spread with depths of up to three meters.

The secondary redistribution of the nanos along the shores leads to a variety of changes in the nature of the Baikal coastline, of which we indicate only the most important. Thus, the accumulation of these nansos in the bays and other bends of the shore leads to gradual straightening and the formation of shallow, hollow-goes down to the edge of the shores of shores isolated from sand or small pebbles, which are usually good non-aqueous tones.

Moving the nanos along the shores leads to other phenomena: so, located near the coast of the island gradually launching to the shore by forming them connecting them with the shore of the jumper from the bridges. The largest of such jumpers on Baikal connects, as already noted, the saint nose with the continent, turning it into the peninsula. Typical, isolated from the nanos, lintels are observed on some of the small sea capes, like Kurminsky, who was also once an island and only secondally, the nanos, haraided. In the same way, some of the capes in the Chivirkuy bay, for example, Cape of Monakhs, Cape Katun, etc.

The coming coastal shaft near the mouth r. Yaksakan (Eastern Coast of Northern Baikal). Photo L.N. Tulina

Moving the nanos along the coast leads to an extinguition from the lake of his bays. This process is caused by education on the Baikal of its so-called sowing. Once it was just the bends of the shore - bay. Aside of these bays along the coast, there was under the influence of the prevailing direction of the surf, the movement of the nanos, which, reaching the bay, was delayed at its bottom in the direction, which is a continuation of the overall direction of the coast in the area. Thus arose narrow, stretched in the form of a strip of sandy islands, which the litter gradually separated from Baikal. In some cases, such jumpers have already led to an almost complete rejection of the bays from the lake, as, for example, the Embassy Sor. In other cases, this process is not completed, as, for example, Sorrow is source, or it just begins that there is a failure in the bay.

In the cases prevailing on Baikal, coastal misses are poorly accumulated near his shores, and as a result of this, the most shores are subjected to the destructive action of the surf. Some segregate sections literally as a binding. To the height of 5 or more, the rocks were destroyed, representing cliffs with an uneven, nosed surface, and in many places the niche and caves were knocked out in the rocks.

Particularly strong destruction on the coast converted towards the small sea about. Olkhon and, in particular, on the seasons of this shore, as well as on the capes of the Olkhon Gate.

The surf can lead to the full destruction of the islands, as if to trim them with water riva. It is in this state that is very close to complete destruction, there are small Ushkanya Islands, of which the long island is currently the width of just a few meters.

Fully cut by the bikal, apparently, is the island of the pillars, once formed in the middle of the Baikal between the holo-minded and ambassador and labeled on the old maps, and now the trace of it is preserved only in the form of Meli in this place.

The surf leads to the statement of capes from the continent and turning them into the island. It is observed in the Malm Sea, where the islands of Hanrans and Edors arose in this way.

Hasive strength excitement, causing a strong surf, as well as the turbidity of the lake, in which this excitement is repeated very often, causes the extremely strong influence of the surf on the shore and leads both their destruction and the movement of the shore sectors and the formation of the lake. Baikal is a classic place to study the work of the lake over its shores, not far even as evaluated in this regard to properly.

Baikal is not only the largest, but also the most mysterious and mysterious lake of the planet. With its appearance, but there is no time of 35 million years, many legends and legends are connected. As soon as it is not called - pearl of Siberia, mighty water, big fire, sea. Where is Lake Baikal? The oldest reservoir is abolished in the southern part of Eastern Siberia.


The length of the lake located at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level is 636 kilometers, and the coastline has stretched almost 2,000 kilometers. Its part of it is the reserves and parks under the protection of the state. Baikal width, because of its unusual shape in the form of a crescent, reaches 81 km in the central part and 27 km in a narrow place.

The northwestern part of the huge reservoir is located in the Irkutsk region, southeast - in Buryatia. Assessing the depth of Baikal, which occupies the first place in the world, experts call the figure of 1640 meters with an admissible error of 2%. The second in depth is the lake of Tangani in the African continent, which loses the leader of the whole two hundred meters. More than three hundred rivers and streams replenish the supply of fresh water in the lake, the good half of the total brings Selenga. But only one, hangar follows from it. On the lake twenty-two islands, the largest of them - Olkhon.

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Why Baikal is called Baikal

According to ancient legend, the oldest lake on the planet appeared as a result of the volcanic eruption. But about the origin of his name, researchers argue so far. Assumptions several:

  • Bai-Kul - translated from Turkic means "rich lake";
  • Baigal - from the Mongolian "rich fire";
  • Baigal Dalai - on the same Mongolian means "big lake";
  • Beihai - in Chinese means "North Sea";
  • Baigal Nuur - Buryat name;
  • Lama - so called Lake Evenki.

It is believed that the first landlords appeared here in the seventeenth century were called Baikal by Evenk's name. Later, by going to the Buryat name, softened the letter "g", giving the name the existing look.

Water Lake Baikal

The purity of the lake water is striking imagination. Its transparency is 40 meters, and saturation with oxygen and a unique composition, weakly mineralized and close to distilled water, make it extraordinarily healing.

At the time of flowering algae, transparency slightly decreases, but remains quite high. Huge interest among tourists is observing the immersion of a coin abandoned in the water, which is visible for quite a long time. To visit the famous Lake - the dream of almost every Russian. Where is Lake Baikal, it is already known, but what is the weather dominated there?


If you see where Baikal is on the map of Russia, it can be noted that it is only 70 kilometers from Irkutsk. However, it is ramparted that the climate is there and there is the same. Normal for these places is sharply continental, it is significantly softened in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake with an abundance of water and dense forests. The air temperature on Baikal in the winter is warmer, and in the summer is almost 10 degrees. In addition, rainy weather here can be considered a rarity. A minor evaporation of water does not contribute to the formation of clouds, and their congratulations coming from the mountains are heated and dissipated.

Sometimes, of course, you can get under the rain, but the number of sunny days on Olkhon Island, for example, much more than in the Riga seaside or in the Caucasian Abastumani. Pretty cold Baikal water warms up in summer to 16-17 degrees, but only close to the shore. At the depth of water, the water temperature in the summer is only 4-5 degrees. The period from 15th of June to the 15th of August is considered the most successful for a trip to Baikal - heat and sunny.

Fauna and Flora

The vegetable and animal world of Baikal is unique. The lake serves as a reliable shelter for almost three thousand species of animals and thousands of plants, many of them are found only here. And this despite the fact that, as scientists suggest, more than 20% of living organisms living in it, from the surface to maximum depths, are still unknown by science. Harius, Sig, Timen, Ostr, Omul, Lenok, Golomanka - not a complete list of fish species inhabiting the lake. In total, they are about sixty, which turns fishing on the reservoir in an extremely fascinating and efficient occupation. So far, hot disputes are going on, as Baikal's Baikal got comfortably here - a purely marine mammal. It is assumed that she fell here in the distant times of the glacial period, moving from the Ice Ocean on the hangar and Yenisei. Dozens of thousands of animals now live here.

How to get to Baikal?

Resting on the lake is interesting and attractive all year round, each season has its own positive parties. Many at first slightly scares a long journey, but learning how to get to Baikal, they resolutely gather on the road. Every day, Flights to Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk are sent from Moscow airports "Vnukovo" and Domodedovo. The time in flight is almost the same - until the first destination, the liner flies six hours, to the second one twenty minutes less. The Irkutya Airport is located in six kilometers from the center.

The road on the railway will take a little longer, distance 5192 km The train Moscow - Irkutsk will overcome for 3 and a half days. However, magnificent landscapes and decent service will help brighten up time. From the regional center to get to Baikal is easy - route taxis and buses go from the central bus station, from the train station - electric trains and trains, from the pier "rocket" in the summer you can go on a yacht or motor ship. A small distance of 70 kilometers will not seem too long and boring.


At the source of Angara is the oldest Baikal village of Listvyanka, which is about three hundred years. Previously, the locals were produced by hunting and, now there is a fairly developed tourist infrastructure with comfortable hotels, houses, cozy restaurants and entertainment facilities, saunas and baths with Baikal water. From this settlement begins to get acquainted with the edge, the Museum of the Lake is located here in the Russian Federation. It is invariably attended by domestic and foreign tourists, getting acquainted with the history of the famous reservoir, its flora and fauna, the results of numerous scientific research.

The village contains many attractions that you should visit:

  • "Mini-zoo" with bears and foxes,
  • nerpinarium
  • picture gallery,
  • Stone shaman
  • observatory.

The dive centers functioning in the village offer tourists an unforgettable action - immersion in transparent water of the unique Lake Baikal to a depth of three to forty meters. This is possible at any time of the year, as the water temperature in the places of dive sites from 3 to 12 degrees. In the summer, many water excursions leave from Listvyanki - in the nearby village of large cats, to the sandy bay, to the port of Baikal. You can take advantage of the possibility of ride along the water stroit of Baikal yourself, on the rental boat.

Seasonal rest

The flow of tourists to Baikal does not weaken, and it grows every year. If you see where the Lake Baikal is located on the map of Russia, it is clearly seen that it is located in the cozy environment of the mountain ranges and forests. The unique beauty of the local places is beautiful at any time of the year.

In winter, lovers of treated fishing, skiing and traveling on Burahs and cycling races along the fader of the reservoir are driving here. The majestic awakening from the winter hook and the challenge of Baikal from the ice captivity will be able to see those who came here in the late spring. At this time, not a lot of tourists and you can easily enjoy unity with nature. In the spring, you can even meet the closer inhabitants of the Baikal Lena and Barguzinsky nature reserves, which go to the water. Mute and the violet of paints closely suitable for lake of forests. However, the end of October and November are characterized by an intense weather and a possible dissolve.

Interesting and mysterious sights of Baikal

  • Shaman-stone - according to legend possesses miraculous power. The owner of the hangary Ama Sagan Neuon died here, magical shamanist rites were held and the criminals for repentance were left overn for the night and recognizing their guilt.
  • Cape Hoea on Olkhon Island - petrified Buryat woman, punished for his envy. Many legends are associated with a cape. In winter, the real delight causes a visit to the grottoes located here, exquisitely decorated with transparent icicles.
  • The rock shaman, located on Cape Burkhan - from granite, quartz and snow-white marble. The cross-cutting cave located in it was the center of the cult worship of Buryat, who considered it the place of residence of the owner of Baikal. The entrance was closed for ordinary mortals, and women went around the cliff of the Fa Dear. In the cave, which caused the sacred trepidation among the local population, various rituals and rituals were carried out. The pagan priests were filmed here family curses, got rid of the ailments and predicted the future, falling into the trance.

What city is Baikal

Firmly solving the closest and travel to Baikal, the potential tourist begins to develop the route and is asked to a completely explained question - where is the lake

  • Babushkino;
  • Listha;
  • Big cats;
  • Pankovka;
  • Nizhneangarsk;
  • Baikalsk;
  • Severobaykalsk and many others.

You can stay with a tent in campsite, use the services of an excellent equipped tourist base, rent a room in a cozy house at the locals. And also, if all family members are completely independent and are not afraid of hiking difficulties, you can go back to the backpacks and a tent, stopping for the night and rest in the most picturesque places of Baikal. Such a vacation will certainly become the most memorable and significant event in family life.

On the world map, the Baikal "comma" right in the center of Eurasia. Whether "smiles" by the curiosity of man, whether it means a secret, inexpensive. So there is - the special aura of these places opens immediately, and never let go. Asia, East, was intertwined here, the European civilization was wedged, but the inadequate places here are still more than oblivious.

Geographical position and history of the origin of the lake

To the question where Lake Baikal is located, is the most frequent answer - in Siberia. The lake of tectonic origin lies in the rift cavity - like, for example, the Dead Sea. On the map of Russia, the Irkutsk region and Buryatia divides fresh reservoir. The length from the north in the southwest direction is almost 640 km, relatively narrow in width - from 25 to 80 km.

In the pictures from the satellite, the thickness of water is visible - this is the maximum depth of 1637 meters: on the map Hemispheres of the planet only 6 lakes deeper and a half kilometers, and Baikal firsts.

Curious! The versions of the origin of the name of the lake a lot, advantages - in expressions consonant with the current pronunciation:
Beihai (Kit.) - North Sea;
Baikol (Turk.) - Rich lake;
Baigal Dalai (Mong.) - Rich Flame.

Road to the lake

Airports and railway stations are located in Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude. The regularity of flights and expressings is high, prices for any budget due to the active development of the tourist cluster. Depending on which city starts in the city - to shores from 70 to 140 km, regular buses run around the clock.

Features and riddles of Baikal


Geologists cannot determine the accurate age of the reservoir. Amazing location: Baikal lies like in a stone vessel, and it makes it difficult to diagnose - there is no bottom soil for archaeologists and biologists. So 30 million years or "only" 150 thousand? No answer.

Dark rings

For many years, the lake surface has been spontaneously covered by huge rings of diameters several km. Observers notice this every spring on the map from the satellite. Researchers from the Academy of Sciences of Russia nominated a hypothesis that the bottom water rises with gases. But Ufologists insist on extraterrestrial origin of this geometry.

Deep space

For a new heavy duty telescope in the late 20s, unexpected location was chosen: Baikal, bottom pillow. It turned out, through water astrophysics is easier to catch signals from space. Mystery gave rise to faith in the existence of a deep port for aliens - after winter, the tracks of "active" flights pop up with famous "rings".

Baikal Stonehenge.

Fancy manual structures are located in the hard-to-reach area of \u200b\u200bthe Baikal Lena Reserve. At the cape, a stone fence of 333 meters long was built into the long century. Inside the pyramids of flat plates are composed. Eyewitnesses are recognized: there are no burials there, but the energy is incredible. However, neophytes get here almost unreal.

Underwater riddles

In the large depths of Lake, Baikal are looking for secrets and treasies, the coordinates are scrupulously calculated: Baikal is historically associated with the Supreme Ruler of Kolchak and missing tons of the golden stock. Suddenly hidden at the bottom? .. The Great Director of J. Cameron was equipped with a whole expedition to the bottom of Baikal. What discoveries did - and remained a secret.

Living water

Environmentalists extolish the lifeful composition of the lake cocktail. Despite the active industrial intervention, the purity of the lake is unique: mineralized, saturated with oxygen. Even under meter ice, bottom stones are clearly visible. Recipes are known - handbag and sponges are coping. Use these properties in cities - task.

Plant and animal world of Lake Baikal

Flora Baikal

None in any region there is still no such unique combination of natural climatic zones. All over the perimeter of the Siberian Sea, the wondrous variety of vegetation is from arctic to subtropical species. There are hundreds of rarest shrubs, coniferous, bloom Rhododendrons and Edelweissy. Favorites are considered:

Real forest - Live "fossils" are preserved at Olhon since the time of Paleolithic.

Oaks and Grabs - Groves in the south-eastern shore as if oasis in the center of Siberia.

Blue spruce - An unusual decorative shade creates a wax "cover" of the needles, which region of origin of the species is unknown.

Fauna Baikal

The water area and the shores of Baikal are famous for biodiversity. Scientists are surprised - what land is rich: more than 1,500 species are the oldest deep infusories, insect sites, fish, feathers. Abundant coastal zones in the feed chose predators and herbivores: bears, wolverines, deer. There is a fresh sea and their legendary inhabitants:

- Forest animal lives in kents across the east coast along the Barguzinsky ridge. Omnivorous, due to the value of the fur was on the verge of disappearance, while on a physical map the area did not become the first in Russia the reserve - already with a 100-year history.

- Baikal seal, is guarded by the state. Versions are many, as a marine mammal hit the continent in a fresh lake. Some are confident that from the Arctic on Yenisei and Anga, others believe in more exotic versions. Good-natured usachi weighing up to 170 kg standing by hordes of tourists.

- Fish from the Sigov family, is considered corporate delicacy, weighs from 0.5 kg to 5 kg. Field mining is underway.

Curious! Baikal Episircraft Hurizers - Glind Claimers Working Millions: Successfully coped with biothasions. But the chemical drains of the new time threaten this population and the ecosystem of the lake.

Attractions Baikal

Lake Baikal on the world map - in itself the object of attraction. There are still alive pagan myths - and every cape, the bay, the rocks they are sheaven. The legends of the Golden Horde are the legends of the first Russian immigrants and the old Buddhist datsans as the source of wisdom. Hundreds of natural and historical monuments. First of all, it is worth looking:

Krugobaikal railway - built as part of the Transsib; Now 89 km along the shore, through tunnels and stone galleries with amazing views.

Shaman"Cape Huzhir's Cape - the ridge of the sacred mountain crashes into the water: rites peak up to thousands of years, and there are 13 ritual sirge in the sign of continuity, they were prominent.

Cave of Dream - How many km long, not considered exactly - but it is the deepest, with golden stalactites impresses with a fabulous view and the special musicality of sounds.

Olkhon - Island in the midst of water stroit, with the Yelannik of prehistoric times and deafening beauty panoramas.

Taltse - Etnodevnya-Museum of the Road of the Indigenous Population of Baikalia: Authentic and impressive.

The largest natural reservoir of freshwater water is located in Russia, on the territory of Eastern Siberia. Its shores and water belong to the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia.

It is preferable to get to Baikal from Irkutsk - many types of transport and only 70 km to the lake. Ulan-Ude is much further, and the message options are much smaller.

The climatic zone in which Baikal is a moderate belt, however, due to an amazing and unique form, the relief of the bottom and the coastline, the deepest lake of the planet is divided into three separate parts - southern, middle and north. Moreover, each of these zones has its own natural-climatic features, for each characteristic of the unique flora and.

The beauty of Baikal, the special energy of this place, a unique flora and fauna, as well as the opportunity to engage in diving, hunting, fishing, photographer, etc., attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.

The length of the Baikal from the north to the south is almost 600 km, and the maximum depth of the reservoir is 1620 m. This is the deepest lake on the planet Earth.

You can get to the lake in two main ways: by plane or railway. Air transport can be departed from almost any major airport of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Vladivostok, etc.) and a direct flight or with a transfer to arrive at Irkutsk or Ulan-Ude.

Similarly, with railway transport: almost from any corner of Russia, regardless of the significance and size of the city or village, you can directly or on the crossbar to get to the administrative centers of the Irkutsk region or the Republic of Buryatia.

It is noteworthy that in Africa there is a twin brother of Baikal - Lake Tanganyik. It also differs in the uniqueness of the ecosystem, has a similar shape with the Siberian counterclaim, only its semicircle is deposited in the opposite direction.

The distance from Moscow to Irkutsk by rail is almost 5,200 km. The high-speed train overcomes it for 3.5-4 days.

Both Ulan-Ude, and Irkutsk are located a few tent of kilometers from Baikal, and from these cities you can reach the lake by taxi, electric trains and trains, on a taxi or bus. In the summer of Irkutsk, from the pier "rocket", yachts and boats go to the lake.

What is it - Lake Baikal? Where is? Surely, many travelers asked this question, trying to refresh their school knowledge in memory. Baikal is considered the most basic freshwater reservoir on the planet. By age, depth and reserves of drinking water, he simply has no competitors.
So, Baikal! He is folded about the legends as a lake Grozny and angry. The famous reservoir is awarded with different epithets: "Blue Oco Siberia", "Sacred Dar of Nature", "World Source of Drinking Water".

Baikal. Where is the lake?

The lake is located in the south of Eastern Siberia. This is on the border and Buryatia in the Asian continent. Now remembered where is Lake Baikal? The photo of the famous lake will help everyone to present the Siberian beauty of the reservoir. Scientists recorded the area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface of Baikal - 31,722 square kilometers. This figure can be equated to the Square of Belgium or the Netherlands. The width of the mysterious reservoir reaches 79 kilometers. The length of Baikal is 620 kilometers. A bird's eye view of the lake has a kind of giant crescent. Baikal is the deepest lake. According to research data, its maximum depth is 1642 meters.

No one would definitely answer the question about where the name of Baikal came from. This topic was devoted to many scientific works and literary publications. But no scientist was able to imagine the manual proof regarding at least one theoretical guessed.

Where Baikal is located, there are beliefs and legends. In the past, peoples living near Baikal were called the lake in their own way: "Big reservoir" or "rich water". If we take into account the age of the reservoir, then, according to research data, Baikal formed more than 20 million years ago.

Usually the lakes of the glacial period live about 15 thousand years, and then gradually disappear from the face of the Earth. However, Baikal does not submit any signs of aging. Judging by the research of recent years, Geophysics put forward the assumption that Baikal may well be an emerging ocean.


Butt Baikal is recognized as the cleanest storage of drinking water on the planet. The lake is incredibly pure and rich in oxygen. Experts believe that this water is close to distilled in its properties. Previously, Baikal water was used to treat. In Lake Baikal there is a huge variety of living forms. This is a fish: famous Omul, Siga, a family of Okune and Salo. Whom of the animal world can still be found in the terrain where Oz. Baikal?

On the coast live Baikal seals, shouting seagulls. Sometimes there are brown bears that came out of forest arrays. Scientists have about 847 species of representatives of the animal world and approximately 133 species of various plants in the nature of Baikal.

Thanks to this diversity, an increasing number of tourists goes to this amazing place to breathe a sip of fresh Baikal oxygen. Every year, the Lake Baikal is intensive infrastructure development. It encourages everyone here, attend the proposed recreation area many times.

Where to stay on Baikal? Various hotels, sanatoriums, tour operators are provided to the attention of holidaymakers. All conditions are created in order for the traveler to correct his physical and spiritual health. For many years they are famous for their healing properties Thermal and mud sources of hot, snake, huckles.

All the named natural sources are a great help to a person in the treatment of blood circulation, nervous system and skin diseases. The most popular source is a snake bay. Despite the lowoblasticity, the number of coming here is always growing.

Baikal is able to tear off the person from the usual civilization, messenger with landscapes and fill the life-giving energy! Of course, having arrived at Baikal once, it is impossible to study the entire local culture and to start use the services of conductors or plan a pre-excursion.

Think on what you will travel: on a bicycle, car or quad bike? And if you are a wonderful rider, then the horse is an excellent companion for such travel. If there is a question about what time of the year is cheaper to relax on Baikal, then you should go in September. It was during this period that the price of sanatoriums and the services of tour operators are significantly reduced.

Baikal. Where is the place that is able to cause excitement from the male part of the population? This is a fishing zone! Such entertainment causes delight of all fans of exciting classes. On the territory of Baikal there is a great opportunity to allow everyone to show his fishing skills. The most sought-after places for this are the Chivyrsky Bay, the Small Sea, the bay of failure and the Lake Baikal itself.

In these water zones, a truly abundance of fish, but her catch - a lesson is not simple. Some tourists even have to resort to the services of instructors. But nothing terrible!

It is worth practicing - and you will be with a catch! Most likely, friends, looking at the photo on this topic, ask: "Where are you?" Sorry, you probably give a proud answer: "How where? Lake Baikal!"

Winter fishing has its advantages. It is not less fascinating than in the warm season: fewer people, therefore - calm and sensation of freedom.

Rest on the famous Lake Baikal is quite diverse. If you are a dream about bathing, summer fishing and other entertainment in the hot season, it is more expedient to go to rest in July-August. At the beginning of summer, Lake Baikal is still cold, and water is not enough. And in the northern part of the reservoir even there are floating floors. The end of August may overshadow the pastime of travelers with gusty winds. Water in this period is mixed, and its temperature decreases. But for those travelers who are looking for privacy in nature, autumn is a wonderful time of the year. The local coastal vegetation is painted in bright colors, forcing the tourist to keep this beauty in the photo.

Where to relax on Baikal?

If you know what we are waiting for this journey, it will be easier to decide on the resting place. Those who prefer the thick of the masses, the rumble of different music and the roar of the aquatic motorcycle, are suitable for the West Bank of Olkhon Island, the Bay of Sandy, the coast of the Small Sea, the coast from the village of Baikal to the city of Severobaykalsk, the Krugobaican Railway.

Cruise on the Bag-Baikal Railway - a win-win version of an interesting holiday. Usually the excursion lasts 2 days by train. In this trip, the guide will tell you traveling about the famous places of Lake Baikal. Short stops are provided in remarkable places. Therefore, to contemplate nature in these parts can be plenty.

Places where Baikal is located is offered to every wishing comfort of tourist bases and sanatoriums of the South Baikal (Utulik, Electra, Angara and others). It should save resting from questions about where to live on Baikal. The Small Sea is located a bit solitary, and accommodation here is possible in the yurt on affordable rates. Olkhon Island is in an infavailable place. You can only get to it on foot or water. This is an excellent recreation area for those who are tired of urban noise and bustle.

You can diversify your pastime at the deepest reservoir by taking part in a cruise on a boat or yacht. In this way, you can visit the wild shores of Baikal. Known group excursion routes. They are notable for the fact that vacationers can visit the most unusual corners of the Baikal.

If a tourist has a desire to use rest in order to restore physical health, it can resort to hot springs in the north of the lake. Active travelers with excitement will perceive hiking and horseback transitions, as well as exciting alloys on mountain rivers. Winter leisure lovers can organize walks on the Baikal ice rink, ride in snowmobile or dog sledding. For fans of skiing from December to May months, the tourist base of Mount Solomina is actively operating.

Rest on Baikal Savior

On Baikal? And How? Vacation savage - the most freedom-loving. For those who love adventures, Lake Baikal is a real find! The most suitable place for such a time is considered sandy bay. Only here the real tourist feels an absolute separation from civilization - no connection, roads.

Only the yachts of private traders and the ship "Barguzin" go here, going from the pier of Irkutsk. For vacationers, small houses or tents are provided. In this island, pristine nature. She is such a mounted that literally the tricks of tourists, forcing them to return here again and again.

The services of savage travelers are a tourist center that can offer interesting excursions. Where to relax on the Baikal savage? Magnificent Olkhon Island is ready to take a wanderer! He can charm every person with harmony of his forests and steppes. Olkhon is an unforgettable fishing and a lot of positive emotions.

Mysterious cliff

This island is interesting as a place of shamans. There are opinions that there is a grave of Genghis Khan. Some locals and in our time worship spirits. Old-timers can tell a lot to travelers about the mysterious shaman-rock.

She is a highlight of Lake Baikal. The researchers of this area claim that in ancient times, Buryats brought a huge number of sacrifices to the rock. There are many legends on this topic. One of them says that that at the Cape Shaman-Rocks inhabit the Einsky -Hyan Islands. Until now, local residents are due respect to this place.

Among the tourists there is a little bolt, ready to approach the Shaman Mountain. According to beliefs, this place is endowed with a special energy force. The photos are left for the memory of the pickets of the drawings of the shaman bubbo, carved on the rock with ancient people. Unfortunately, these images are partially destroyed due to human hand interference in an attempt to get marble.

Sights of Irkutsk

In those places where Lake Baikal is located, the city of Irkutsk is the most unexplored and undervalued tourists in the world. Many Russians have vague ideas about this place of rest. It's a pity!

Foreign tourists with undisguised interest inspect Irkutsk sights. After all, it is a storehouse of natural and man-made works. The connoisseurs of architecture will gladly visit the crossed church.

After all, its structure is unique: the fence of the temple and the crosses are made according to the old sample of blacksmithing works. Another famous sight of Irkutsk is the Architectural and Ethnographic Museum "Taltsey". It is located in the open air and keeps real masterpieces of architecture!

Tourists who come here can become witnesses of Orthodox holidays: in winter - Christmas and Maslenitsa, in the summer - Trinity. In winter, the inhabitants of Irkutsk are building snow towns, ride with ice slides on cow skins! Agree that this forgotten rest can deliver this pleasure to each traveler.

After such festivities, you can enjoy hot dishes from the original Russian cuisine by hot dishes: hot pancakes, meat glyash, Siberian dumplings! Along with this, each wishes can enjoy Japanese and Chinese dishes in cafes, bars and restaurants at reasonable prices.

Extreme rest

So you came to Baikal! Where is the place that the drive will give the drive? What else will conquer this famous area of \u200b\u200bresting? Baikal is able to provide a traveler an extreme view of recreation that can cause a special splash of emotions and adrenaline. This is especially promoted by a dynamic alloy on the mountain rivers of the territory of Baikal. Remarkable such water travel in that after such a campaign indifferent to this view, the tourist no longer remains.

At least one day to see the wild nature of the Siberian Taiga, molting along a turbulent river with a group of comrades. Memories of the euphoria of such a hike will accompany many years. So, remember that mountain rivers start their origin in the top of the mountain. River layers of water from there rush down - on plateau and plains. Due to sharp drops of heights, the flow rate of the mountain rivers is from 25 to 30 kilometers per hour. The number of obstacles occurring on the flow path (rocks, waterfalls) determine the category of the complexity of the water alloy.

The first category includes calm water, to the sixth - obstacles with waterfalls and thresholds reaching up to 15 meters. Conquer such mountain rivers tourists can be on rafts. This is the most popular ship for such an extreme view. It represents an inflatable boat. Its bottom contains holes for the drain of water that fell inside the boat.

From ordinary inflatable boats, raft is characterized by the fact that its design is enhanced by a durable shell, special fasteners for traveler legs and two-layer cylinders. Raft is used in the passage of water obstacles 1-5 of the complexity category.

To obtain more acute emotions during the passage of river thresholds, tourists use catamaran. These are two inflatable cylinders from very durable material, which are interconnected by an aluminum partition. Catamaran on water is well stable and gives stronger sensations than Raft.

More accurate actions are needed to control the catamaran. Usually it accommodates 2-4 people. On such an adaptation, the passage of water obstacles from 1 to 6 category of complexity is possible.

If you ask the question of where to visit Baikal, then you should make a campaign to the top of Munka Munka - Sardyk. Such a journey can become unforgettable, as this place is considered the highest point of Eastern Siberia. The tourists who achieved the snow-white vertex will open stunning views of the lakes frozen under the ice. This moment will seem just incredible! The best time to enjoy such beauty - April and May.

Tourists who have repeatedly visited Baikal, noted that, most likely, the newcomer will change this journey. The mystery of this Siberian places can affect the subtle mental strings of a person, awakening the feeling of novelty and harmony in it.