Is it possible to change your body? Why do we need a changed physical body in Subtle Mi. Keeping a food diary

About the physical body

1. V.: Why do people become ugly, old, and ugly as they age?

A: The body becomes ugly not only with age, but in general, because it does not sound in unison with its Divine essence. Tuning into resonance with the essence gives a state of sublimity, i.e. the human condition consonant with the Divine. In this case, even in old age the body will be beautiful.

2. V.: What are the advantages of wellness over drug therapy?

A: 1. Medicines are expensive.

2. All medications, without exception, have side effects.

3. For some diseases, medications must be used throughout life, because It is impossible to recover from an illness without changing your lifestyle with their help (diabetes, etc.)

4. Getting used to a medicine leads to a decrease in its effectiveness, and to achieve an effect, an increasingly larger dose is required over time.

3. V.: How to get rid of a serious illness very quickly?

A: To quickly get rid of a disease, you need to be a Magician and purposefully work on the disease. First of all, you need to find the cause of the disease, which will stop its development. Then you need to draw up a recovery program in stages. When drawing up a program, turn to the Divine Powers. And follow this program day after day, increasing your Individual strength.

4. V.: How to restore a lost organ to the physical body?

ABOUT.: Firstly, in order to restore a lost organ, it is necessary to work for the Planet so much that it gives permission and energy for the transformation of the physical body. The earth is the mistress of physical bodies.

Secondly, as a rule, the energy matrix of the lost organ remains, but it is necessary to process the karmic reasons that caused its loss; it may even be necessary to harmonize the karma of the Family by serving the Earth.

After this, changes begin in the body. At the same time, the genetic matrix of the organism itself will begin to change. Divine energies will penetrate into the genes, which will restore organs and create a physically invulnerable body.

5. V.: How to quickly rebuild your body?

A: Prana is needed to rebuild the body. To gain prana, you need to go outside every morning and inhale prana for 5-6 heartbeats for 15 minutes. Then perform smooth Tai Chi movements, absorbing solar orgones.

Walk in the evening, inhaling the twilight Power. Drinking water throughout the day is a bioactive soup, a living thing. Do it regularly physical exercise.

6. V.: How does physical exercise affect the world?

A: Any physical, including health, exercises without observing ethics are meaningless. Diseases of the body are a way for nature to limit the activities of egoists. The desire to become stronger for egoistic self-affirmation most often manifests itself as a method of self-destruction (for example, among athletes).

Hand-to-hand combat, based on aggression, brings disharmony into the foundations of Existence. All movements originated from the creative dances of Shiva - the World Spirit.

7. V.:How does a word affect the body?

A: Words are connected with the world of sensations, just as the world of sensations is connected with words. The main words in our vocabulary should be those that can awaken and activate physical and creative forces, i.e. words leading to sources of strength.

8. V.: How do negative words affect the body?

A: You need to speak only creative words, because words with the opposite sign reduce a person’s will, deform the physical body and the surrounding space.

9. V.: What does pain in the body mean?

A: Pain in the body is caused by structures that require transformation.

10. V.: How do gossip and criticism affect the physical body?

A: Gossip and criticism damage the ears and kidneys of the one who deals with it.

11. V.: How are personality traits expressed in the body?

ABOUT.: Personal qualities materialize in the body in the form of improperly functioning organs and tissues.

12. IN.: How does Personality in a man’s body affect the body?

A: Personality blocks his heart and head, therefore, when a man is faced with the choice: “To prove himself a man or not” and he begins to think about it, he already takes the side of his feminine Personality, paying for this choice with his life force.

13. V.: I did push-ups once and did it many times without feeling tired. Realizing this situation, I got scared and fell. Why did this happen?

A: When a person goes beyond stereotypes to the level of his energy body, he can perform unlimited loads, but the personality begins to dissolve and is frightened by this situation. Our capabilities are directly proportional to our Heart power. For a physical body in physical space, everything is possible!

14. V.: How to deal with gluttony?

A: Monitor the state of gluttony, starting with appetite. If there is a wave of appetite, then wait 10-15 minutes, drink water, and then make a decision - to eat or not to eat.

15. V.: What is hunger?

A: The feeling of hunger is the desire of vampires, fixed by their channels in the body, to nourish themselves through food.

16. V.: What is the physical body for a person?

A: The physical body is God’s gift, the subject and object of development and improvement, materialized emotional power.

17. V.: What is the physical body for us?

O.: For ordinary people the body acts as a biorobot. For us, the body is a magical creature, whose every movement affects not only itself, but also the world around us. The energy matrix of the body is also projected into the future. By changing this matrix, a person changes his future.

18. V.: What needs to be done to change the physical body?

A: To change the structures of the physical body, you need to reveal the structure of the connection.

19. V.: How can you quickly change and spiritualize your body?

A: Revitalization and spiritualization of your body and the surrounding world occurs with the help of energies flowing through the Structure of the Connection. For its optimal functioning it is necessary to remove consumerism.

20. V.: How is the physical body separated from Divine energies?

A: If you schematically imagine the structure of a person in physical space, you can see the following layers:

The protective layer is represented by a shell of non-humanoid energies, which is inscribed in the subconscious. She was educated by her parents. This layer is closer to the physical body.

A layer of one’s own opinion, where the “I” dominates and opinions that separate the body from the outside world. Opinions are built on the qualities of egoism. A person focused on his own opinion, wherever he looks, he sees only himself. If there is an actual opinion, then there is no Divine fire inside, which means that a person does not develop and improve, but remains in the illusion of a stormy and active life.

The third shell is behavioral stereotypes. They are projected outwards. They look like strings, tugging on which causes appropriate reactions. Stereotypes are based on one's own opinion.

21. V.: How to make the body immortal?

A: Imbue it with the energies of your immortal Spirit and Soul.

A: If at the level of the physical body a person tunes Perception to Immortality and Omnipotence, then the body will acquire these qualities.

22. V.: How does the Idea that a person embodies affect the state of his physical body?

A: The more global the Idea, the more powerful the energy, the more body structures are captured and the more energy is attracted to implementation. At the same time, the processes occurring outside are more actively felt, the physical body changes more actively towards the Divine side.

23. V.: What primarily determines the state of the physical body?

A: The state of a person’s physical body primarily depends on the Idea that a person embodies, the goal, the sphere of his human interests and the realization of his Divine destiny.

24. V.: Sometimes I get asked questions, for example, why I don’t eat meat, etc., but advertising on television, in the press, in stores really pushes such food. It’s difficult to prove, but what to do?

A: You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Be yourself and don't be like the herd that thinks, talks, eats, dresses and behaves like they show on TV. But always know clearly why you are doing this or that, and be able to clearly convey to your interlocutor your view of your own life, which gives you a feeling of freedom and joy.

25. V.: How to develop body flexibility without having either theoretical or practical knowledge?

A: Go and learn from someone who has already developed the flexibility of his physical body.

26. V.: I have been going to school for 5 years now, and I have not yet gotten rid of all my illnesses. Why?

A: Every person from the moment of birth is allocated a very certain amount of vital force. The genetic structure of the physical body initially has a not entirely human configuration. Her shortcomings are getting worse genetic diseases, unresolved problems, etc.

The physical structures of the body are built before the age of 25, and from the age of 25 a person begins to actively spend his vitality, which is accompanied by illnesses, injuries, and inharmonious situations.

As you develop, you gain Strength, and your body directs it to the weakest places, patching up the holes as best it can. You may have had to endure accidents, social upheavals, etc. You avoided all this, but some sores in your body remained. Your body believes that they are not as dangerous as something else... It is necessary to spend so much energy so that it is enough to restore the physical body and neutralize the negative energies accumulated over the years.

27. V.: Why do people's appearance become so deformed in old age?

A: In physical space, the egoistic Personality is built from energies opposite sex carrier. As a result, men have a feminine will, and women have a masculine will. Both of them, with age, become like their own parody of the opposite sex.

28. IN.: What is body shape?

A: Form is the movement of two flows: the upper one from space - Spirit and the lower one from the earth - Matter. The closer to the body, the denser the flows become. Attention located and fixed at key points of the body holds the shape of the crystal. If attention is removed from the key points, the form will dissolve and information about it will remain only in the information space of the forms.

Vladimir and Anna. Based on materials from conversations with the Family of Light in April and May 2011.

We often talk about ascension in his changed body. Indeed, in the process of the Transition, such an opportunity is open to many.
But a question may arise: why do we need a modified physical body in the 5th dimension? After all, we have our own subtle bodies!
Well, what can you answer here?...This formulation of the question is a process of activity of the three-dimensional human mind. But we are trying to think multidimensionally! And if so, let's try to look at everything through the eyes of a multidimensional Being.
Let's remember that our physical body is also energy, but very dense. Having created the Earth as a particle of the Universe, we first lived on it in rarefied (light) bodies. Then, out of necessity, we gradually densified our bodies to their present state. But this does not make them cease to be a type of energy, just very dense energy. Returning back from the dense world to the world of subtle energies, we have the right, and now such an opportunity exists for many, take this body (this energy) with you, modifying it, giving it subtle-material properties.
And now we move on to the question - why is this necessary? After all, we have our own subtle bodies.........
First, let's compare the departure of the Soul Home without a physical body (1) and the Ascension of the Soul in a changed physical body (2).
(1) In the first case, both the structure of the Soul and the duplicate of the mind are connected to the subtle bodies. The entity retains the personality characteristics brought from last incarnation. Then comes the reunification of the entire enormous Essence.
(2) In the second case, ascension with a changed body; more It is not the mind (as a product of the brain) that prevails, but consciousness—with a large amount of Universal knowledge.
When (during life on Earth) a person is connected to the Higher Consciousness, he is constantly in a state of bliss and love (and this process can occur long before Ascension). Therefore, the mind is no longer duplicated (during Ascension), since all information is present and leaves with the entire being during ascension.
Intelligence has such a person properties of the Supreme, because for the most part man lives in a different dimension. Earthly human problems do not bother him; he works on a global scale, for the benefit of the universe.
(1) The soul, in the first case, goes beyond the vital shell before the death of the physical body.
(2) In the second option, The soul continues to work without preparation for the outcome and without encapsulation. The physical body is transformed into a “light” one, without tight physical connections between molecules. It becomes close in structure to subtle bodies, but capable of maintaining a physical visible plan.
The changed body easily transforms into subtle bodies, releasing a huge amount of Light, with the necessary transition to a higher level.
The entire set of bodies goes upward easily, to reunite with the MerKaBa and its Essence.

(1) In the first option, time is required for analysis and liberation from the earthly attachments of the incarnation.
(2) In the second option, analysis takes place before ascension.
The beauty of the ascended body is that this base (the changed body) allows you to descend into a lower dimension and there become visible in order to perform certain works. At the same time, it naturally remains structurally “light” and requires neither water nor food. It returns back to a higher dimension - easily!
So, we understand that there are certain actions in our three-dimensional world that, from the Subtle Plane, can only be performed in a modified ascension body. After all, the fifth-dimensional world of subtle energies cannot perform all actions. Especially on the physical planes.
Our Guides and other Beings from the Family of Light, located in higher dimensions, find it difficult to stay in our three-dimensional world; they require a lot of energy to concentrate. And, more often than not, our Mentors remain invisible to most people, although some people have learned to feel them.
Now I would like to say a few words about our work with the three-dimensional world from the 4th dimension.
In the 4th dimension (compared to the 3rd), people do not have much difference in the structure of their physical bodies. But there is a significant difference in the work subtle bodies and consciousness.
The task of many of us is to be visible and tangible here and now. What cannot be done with subtle materials, we will do with physical hands. And also in the 4th dimension the strength of subtle bodies increases. This creates a new powerful creature of a new generation, while in the dense world.
"Physics" is saved as is on the 4th globe. In other words, in the 4th dimension the body retains the properties inherent to it. And all subtle bodies are strengthened, consciousness is strengthened, the brain is fully involved (and not 5%). This allows for full communication with the Subtle World without separation from the physical. This is already a world of interaction full of subtle energies with the physical world.
Some Light workers voluntarily (consciously) do not go to ascension, but work from the 4th dimension, often from the “border zone” of the 3rd-4th dimensions with people and the surrounding world of the 3rd dimension. The work is varied, a lot of spiritual work, co-creative work, educational work.
In order to move from the vibrational spectrum of “invisibility” for the world of the 3rd dimension to the state of “visibility,” a mental command is enough. This process is controlled through thought, in both directions.
In conclusion, I want to return to the main topic of the article - about our work from the 5th dimension, using our future changed body for this.
There is enough work in the 5th dimension for everyone! This includes working with globes of the 3rd and 4th dimensions of the Earth and people on them; work in other dense worlds and much more.

With Love, Vladimir and Anna.

With this auto-training you can change your body and make yourself more beautiful! How? You will learn about this in this article! Read carefully so as not to miss important information!

Your body is an embodied thought, a consciousness that you have instilled in yourself. When your thoughts about your self-image change, your body changes too. Consciousness models the body from the matter of thoughts with the help of conscious or unconscious self-suggestion.

Thought and auto-training¹ are a force capable of changing, transforming and modifying almost everything in a person...

Why do we get sick?

Failure and disharmony in the physical body is called illness, and conflict in the mind is called mental illness. The causes of these and other diseases lie in our minds, in negative thoughts that poison our body.

When you are worried about what is happening, a strong anxiety arises in your mind. It disrupts the harmonious and measured flow of all currents vital energy. As a result, the work of all energy channels is disrupted: more vital energy passes through some channels, and less through others. Thus, the entire system comes out of equilibrium.

Mental disharmony can be the cause of any physical disease, and to cure it, the cause must be eliminated.

Through the process of auto-training and self-hypnosis, you can recover from almost all diseases.

Why are negative thoughts dangerous?

Every negative thought that appears in your mind has a destructive effect on every cell of your body and contributes to the occurrence of diseases. All negative thoughts are harbingers of disease and messengers of death.

How to become a long-liver?

A person lives long if he is calm and harmonious. Internal balance and positive thinking are the key to health and longevity. To achieve internal harmony, auto-training is necessary. Right thoughts are great mood, success in business and life in general.

How to become beautiful?

In reality, the causes of all illness and suffering lie in perverted intellectual and emotional states. You can restore mental harmony and change your body with the help of autogenic training and self-hypnosis.

Positive thinking, conscious control of thoughts and spoken words, communication with positive people and auto-training will very soon change your life for the better. When normal course energy flows will be restored, the entire body will be cleansed, you will feel much healthier.

The cleaner a person becomes on the inside, the more beautiful he becomes on the outside. And it's not even about facial features. Beauty radiates from within, such a person becomes magnetically attractive to others, although his appearance may be very ordinary.

How to strengthen the cardiovascular system?

Every positive thought strengthens activity of cardio-vascular system, improves performance digestive system and helps normalize the activity of all endocrine glands.

What is inner harmony?

Satisfaction characterizes a state of internal harmony. When your thoughts don't wander from object to object when you experience inner peace and you are in a state of joy, when you feel happy, and the world around you seems beautiful and wonderful - it means you are on the right path.

It is satisfaction real life and is the foundation on which it is built good health, inner beauty, excellent mood, and, as a result, success in all matters.

Positive thoughts are the main source of good mood.

The more often you consciously stop the negative flow within yourself, the more often you replace negative thoughts with the exact opposite, the easier it will be for you to see positive aspects in a variety of situations.

How can a thought manifest itself?

Thought can manifest itself as physical reality. Real action is, first of all, a repeatedly thought through thought. Each thought is a certain vibration, and the denser it becomes (the more often it comes to mind), the faster its embodiment manifests itself in the outside world.

How to change your body with auto training?

1. Take 10 minutes of time for yourself: sit down and think about how you want to change your body. Maybe you want to lose weight or, conversely, gain it, maybe you want to have a more toned figure.

2. Describe on paper the image in which you would like to see yourself. Now make up appropriate positive statements that reflect one aspect or another of your changes. For example, if you want to lose weight, write the following statement: “I am doing everything I can to become thinner and more attractive. I feed the right food, doing sports. I lose 1 kilogram per week until my weight stops at 55 kilograms (substitute your own value)"

There are 3 rules to remember when working with statements:

1. All affirmations must be written in a positive form (without the particle NOT)

2. Positive statements should be formulated in the present tense.

3. Your statements must be real to you! If you are sincerely confident that you can lose 10 kilograms in 3 days, write this number, but if you doubt that you can lose a kilogram in a week, write the number that you think is possible for yourself.

And most importantly - your thoughts!

The main thing is that your brain can believe that the changes are real. As soon as you achieve the first results, things will go faster. You will see that you are capable of change and believe in yourself. When this happens, you can not only easily lose 10 kilograms in 3 days, but also completely change your appearance.

It's all about your thoughts - your ability to believe in change. You need to work with affirmations before going to bed, when you already feel like you are falling asleep, and when waking up, while you are not yet fully awake. It's also good to say your affirmations throughout the day - the more often the better. You can record them on a voice recorder and listen to them from time to time.

Try it: very soon you will be able to change your body and feel much better, healthier and younger. You will begin to radiate inner beauty, which will soon manifest itself in the physical world.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Autogenic training (autotraining) is a psychotherapeutic technique aimed at restoring the dynamic balance of the homeostatic mechanisms of the human body, disturbed as a result of stress (

Our physical body of the Aryans of the 5th race was created 12,000 years ago carbon only because it could simultaneously withstand two types of Energies - Light and Darkness, for this was the essence of the Experiment of Duality, which was introduced on our planet during the time of the Atlanteans of the 4th race 13 000 years ago.

But, as they found out almost immediately, their flint bodies were quickly destroyed by such an energy drop, because all its cells were crystallized to preserve within themselves the Energy of either Light or Darkness, which people used to materialize something, that is, people 4 races mastered magic working with external and internal Energies. And for this, a person must have a lot of Energy so that it can become visible from its concentration, where every cell of a person will glow with the Energy that he owns.

And although, unlike the flint body, the carbon body was not durable, it was strong, therefore it could easily pass through all types of Energies that a person owned as a Personality. Even if he possessed a large amount of Energy only for a short time sufficient for concentration before starting spiritual work. Therefore, soon the people of our 5th race began to move away from magic, because it became harder and harder for them to work with Energies. Now we have a chance to return to what was lost, because the Experiment of Duality was completed in 2012, and this allows us to work with Energies again, but our carbon body is no longer suitable for this, because due to its density it cannot retain high Energies vibrations, as a flint body can do.

The cells of the carbon body could not store a huge amount of Energy in themselves because they had a different structure that could store only a minimal supply of Energy and could easily change its polarity from minus to plus and back with virtually no harm to the body itself. That is why a person so easily moves from one state of mind to the other - from anger (negative) to joy (positive).

As everyone knows, our physical body consists of bones, veins, muscle mass, blood vessels, blood and something else. All this changes its carbon composition to silicon, so that each cell of the body crystallizes and can retain the Energy of the Soul, which is now increasing from Energies coming from outside, but for now this Energy is only passed through a person, so he is often de-energized, because he already has his own wasted on something there, but the new has not yet been absorbed, because the carbon structure of the cells does not allow the body to quickly adapt to new Energies.

Now the planet is receiving a lot of Light Energies, which allow cells to regenerate, but all this does not happen in the usual mode of their renewal, which occurs every 3 days, but the very structure of the cells changes, that is, they mutate, as is written in some articles . And this happens due to the concentration of Energies in a person, where their accumulation is already the Soul of a person, and not his Personality, although it is precisely due to the desire of a person’s Personality for internal and external changes that the transformation of his physical body occurs.

The main thing for a person now is to be in Calm and without emotional outbursts, because such an energetic contrast can destroy newly changed cells, because they are no longer adapted for energy fluctuations. Therefore, it is best to stay at home for at least a day at the moments of adaptation to new Energies that provoked the transformation of his cells. Such isolation from extraneous Energies is necessary so that the Personality Energies do not have the opportunity to energetically fluctuate during this important point stabilization of new transformed cells, where strong joy or strong frustration will destroy these new transformed cells, because they have just begun to transform from carbon to silicon, and silicon cannot withstand energy changes because it is sensitive to them. And it doesn’t matter that these new transformed cells are only an intermediate stage between carbon cells and silicon cells, but they can no longer carry both the Energy of Light and Darkness. It should be noted that the incoming new Energies of Light are fixed precisely in the Energies of a person’s Soul, and not in the Energies of his Personality, which provokes internal changes.

There are certain Energies inside a person that do not change under any circumstances, that is, they do not change their polarization regardless of the fact that the person has entered emotional condition the opposite of these basic Energies. These basic Energies belong to the Soul, and fluctuate from plus to minus the Energy of the Personality. All human protection is built precisely on the basic Energies of the Soul, and not on the changeable Energies of the Personality. It is the Energies of the Soul that attract similar Energies to themselves, for they are the most stable in a person. Therefore, the entire transformation of cells is focused on what the Human Soul could absorb from the Energies of Light coming to the planet.

In addition, an increase in Energies in the Soul restores its Energy Code, which was destroyed by the Dark Ones over the past millennia, so that a person’s Memory of the Past would be erased and he would forget his Origins. And on physical level this Code is expressed in a change in human DNA, where now another one is added to the 12th spiral - 13, about which there were also articles.

But for many, this is still a long way off, because a sharp transition from one state of cells to another can cause the destruction of the physical body, therefore, between carbon cells and silicon cells there will be an intermediate option, so that a cell can sometimes contain, albeit temporarily, two types of Energies, if there will be a need for this, that is, when a person has an emotional outburst. It is after the intermediate transformation of cells from carbon to silicon is completed that the final transformation of cells into silicon will begin and the 13th helix of DNA will be completed, restoring the true Code of the Soul of each person, where his Memory of the Past will return to him and he will remember what was once forgotten - That...

The intermediate stage of cell transformation between carbon and silicon is similar to the stage of crystallization of water from its liquid to solid state. That is, water at this stage can no longer be called a liquid, but it has not yet crystallized to the state of ice. It will be the same here. The physical body, even in the intermediate stage of transformation, can no longer be called carbon, because the process of changing its cells into silicon has already begun...

Imagine a cell that suddenly decided to become Light, but for this it must change, that is, change its structure in order to adapt to the Energies of Light. And so she began to change... Neighboring cells on all sides around her, seeing that this cell is improving by increasing its level, also begin to change so that they themselves glow, like their neighbor. And so I went chain reaction, which depends on the Energies of Light coming from outside, on the basis of which the transformation of these cells takes place.

In this connection, in the human body there are cells with initial stage transformation with the finite, and there are also cells that inhibit their development and welcome it. Therefore, the transformation of the entire physical body occurs differently in different places of the body, that is, somewhere faster, and somewhere slower. And this, in turn, affects the process of human Ascension, where some will quickly undergo the transformation of their cells from carbon to silicon and Ascend, others will need, for example, their whole life in order to complete the intermediate process of transformation, which is why it is said in the Messages that complete changes in physical People’s bodies will pass through only two generations, because many deliberately slow down their individual evolution - the Ascension.

This is the transformation of a body from carbon to silicon - Light-bearing or... Dark-bearing (I don’t know how this word is spelled correctly). If a person chooses for himself the Path of development on the side of the Forces of Darkness, then his Energies will be the Energies of Darkness, which means his body will be a carrier of Darkness and it will glow with Darkness, not Light. And since our planet is now becoming a Stronghold for the Forces of Light, then everyone who chooses the side of the Forces of Darkness will be transported to the Worlds of Darkness on other planets, where they will be comfortable living in the corresponding Energies of Darkness.

This does not apply to those people who live in the low vibrations of the Dark Energies of the 3rd Dimension, for the Energies of Darkness are high vibrations already 4 Dimensions, where a person does NOT live in vices due to sins, but deliberately uses their Dark Energies in his spiritual work. For example, to manipulate people by playing on their vices. Such a person, who has chosen the side of Darkness, also Ascends to the 5th Dimension, because his transformation of cells from carbon to silicon takes place in the same way as everyone else, because thereby he increases his vibrations, which is important for life in the 5th Dimension, even if not our new one The world is Maldena, but on another planet. But the important thing here is that in the Future he will use his Energy of Darkness for destruction, and not for creation, as it would have been if he had chosen his development through the Path of Light.

I will only add to what has been said that the Forces of Darkness Now need Light Souls who have just chosen the Path of their development through Darkness, so that WHILE on their Light Energies of creation they - the Forces of Darkness - can restore or rebuild their Dark Worlds, for from the Energies of Darkness their Worlds were destroyed and are destroyed...

Eating less or dieting is not the only way to change the way you feel and look. Self-care is not only proper nutrition, it is also attention to the body at all levels from physical to psychological. Here are some tips to help you lead healthy image life and not dieting.

Keep a food diary

If you want to lose weight, you can start writing down everything you eat to help you become more conscious of what you eat. Use a paper notepad or a special application on your phone. For people who suffer from acne or digestive problems, tracking their diet can help them understand what could be a potential cause. Plus, it helps you take a closer look at your diet. A food diary is great for helping you control your weight without harming your health. The point is not to restrict yourself, but to consciously choose foods and eat what is good for your body.

Eat with other people, not with gadgets

Take a break from the screen - both your mind and body will thank you for it. When you're distracted from eating by what's happening on the screen, you may eat more. Research has shown that people who don't pay attention to what they eat are more likely to want to snack later. In addition, eating in the company of other people is beneficial - this has been proven by research. It was found that single people eat fewer vegetables than those who live in marriages or simply with other people in the house.

Use a roller

Recovery after training has great value, sometimes it can be even more important than the training itself. A massage roller is not universal remedy for all problems, however, it has been proven to increase range of motion, increase flexibility and help manage muscle pain.

Eat more slowly

Try to do everything as slowly as possible. Enjoy all the flavors and rich textures of your food. By being mindful, you will feel full faster and allow your body to properly absorb and process all the nutrients.

Get enough sleep

You should definitely try to get the recommended amount of sleep - seven to nine hours. Yes, if you are studying or working, it may not be easy, but try your best to achieve it. If you don't get enough sleep, all the benefits healthy diet may be neutralized, and your emotional well-being will suffer. Stop browsing before bed social media and give yourself maximum time to rest.

Drink more water

Hydration is extremely important, and you've probably heard about it before. Water makes up sixty percent of your body weight. It is very important to get enough water - for men this is thirteen cups, and for women nine. This has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, muscles and overall well-being.

Eat more vegetables

Eating vegetables is a great way to reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and protect yourself from developing certain types of cancer. In addition, vegetables contain many vitamins and nutrients, which are not found in other products. Try not to cut your diet, but to enrich it - start your meals with vegetables, and then move on to starchy carbohydrates and lean protein.

Visit a therapist

If you visit a psychotherapist, not only your psychological state improves, but also your physical state. If you don't express your feelings and constantly suppress them, the body reacts negatively. In addition, many people develop ulcers or headache when the body reacts to stress or psychological problems. Try to discuss your emotions with a therapist without putting unnecessary stress on your body.

Do strength training, stretching, or just take a walk

Many people sit at a desk all day, so it's important to move as much as possible in your free time. You don't have to go to Gym, there are many other ways to train your muscles. Go for a walk, do some exercise at home, or just stretch on the grass. Even minimal exercise is better than no movement at all. There are a huge number of benefits to working out. If you need motivation, remember that exercise strengthens your bones, increases your energy levels, and can even improve your sex life.

Use sunscreen

This advice may sound trivial, but it is really important for your well-being. Be sure to use sunscreen in the summer months, and don't forget about it in the winter - try to protect your body as much as possible. Remember that skin cancer is a real problem, so you need to take care of yourself.

Take your lunch with you

Bringing food with you makes it easier to maintain a healthy diet. This works in the same way as keeping a food diary - you do it more consciously. In addition, this way you decide for yourself what you will eat, and neither the queues nor the prices in the cafe will affect you.

Stop eating when you feel full

Learn to listen to your hunger, this will help you eat intuitively. A poor relationship with food causes you to ignore the feeling of fullness and overeat. Some people eat out of boredom, reward themselves with food, or simply chew mechanically. Be more mindful and it will help you feel full faster.

Eat fruit, don't drink

Juicing may seem like an easy and convenient way to consume fruits and vegetables, but it is not. In fact, drinking juice will not make you healthier. Juice cleanses are all the rage, but eating this way strips your body of all beneficial properties these products. Plus, it wastes more food - you would never eat as much whole fruit as you drink in juice form. When making a drink from fruit, the fiber and fat that the body needs to absorb vitamins are lost. As a result, fruit juice is simply sweet water.


Meditation helps a person remain calm and collected. It has been proven that it affects not only the body, but also the brain. You can lower your blood pressure, manage anxiety, and strengthen your cognitive abilities.

Go to the sauna

Treat yourself to a spa day and be sure to check out the sauna. It can help reduce stress and improve heart health, and it's proven to have similar benefits to the body as exercise.

Measure your portions

Precise portion control will help you eat as much as your body needs. There are foods that are too high in calories, making them easy to overeat. Portion control is the solution!