Natural food feeding. What and how to feed spitza: diet useful products for spitz

Pomeranian Spitz is a small dog, who often has problems with a full digestion of food. Therefore, its feeding is not always a simple question.

What to feed the orange spitz and that it is impossible to give him? Read more in this article.

Feeding Puppy Pomeranian Spitz

Having touched the puppy at the breeder, at first it is better to feed it the same food that he received from birth. Translate to any other kid feed need gradually. Feed a puppy for up to 3 months you need 4-5 times a day very small portions. To the semi-annual age, the baby is fed three times a day and, starting from 7 months, translated on a two meal.

The volume of servings is gradually increasing. At first, a lot of dairy products included in the puppy diet: porridge is boiled on milk, cottage cheese and kefir are given. However, as they grow up, dairy products give it less and less frequently, gradually deriving them from the menu.

Puppy can be given to chew soft bones and cartilage (beef or lamb). It not only develops chewing apparatusIt helps to get rid of dairy teeth on time, but also allows the puppy to get additional minerals. Kashi is best cooking from buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. Fish need to be given without bones.

Useful puppies vegetable salads, fired by a spoon of sour cream or vegetable oil. You can give boiled vegetables.

Feeding Pomeranian Spitz by natural products: exemplary diet

Despite its toy sizes, Pomeranian Spitz is also a predator, and therefore his diet should consist of animal products. The daily rate of meat products is calculated from the accounting of 25 grams per 1 kg of the dog weight. Best if it is beef, veal or chicken.

Porridge and vegetables are needed to meat. Porridge is boiled from buckwheat and rice cereals. Sometimes Hercules is useful. A variety of vegetables can be given both in the raw form (salads with oil or sour cream) and boiled in the form of stew. In no case cannot spitzam give bones, both birds and any other animals.

Feeding a pomeranian spitz dry food

Choosing such a small and capricious dog dry food, you should be guided by several principles.

  1. First of all, it should be high-quality from a well-proven manufacturer.
  2. Secondly, the feed must be specialized, calculated on dogs of small breeds and correspond to the age of pet.

If an animal has some health problems, it is better to choose a special healing or preventive feed. So, in the event, it is better to prefer hypoallergenic food.

Such feed must advise veterinarian. Both puppies and adult dogs dwarf rocks Do not give biological food additives, mineral and vitamin feeding, especially without consultation with the veterinarian.

If the dry food is chosen correctly, then no feeding is needed at all, since everything is well balanced in a high-quality product. It is very important when feeding dry food permanent dog access to clean water.

Oranges are decorative miniature dogs. They eat a little, but can pick up and sort out food.
It is important to instill the right food culture from early childhood. Guided than feeding the Pomeranian Spitz at home, take into account the balance of the diet, the peculiarities of the health and age of the pet.

There is no consensus, how to feed the orange. There are 3 types of nutrition:

  1. Natural. It is considered the most close to the natural.
  2. Ready-made feeds. The most convenient and easy-to-ground method.
  3. Mixed. Some owners do not accept the mixing of dry feed and nature, but some of the breeders and veterinarians admit such a diet.

Feeding mode of puppies and adult dogs

The cverschpitsa is fed several times a day. The number of servings depends on the age of the dog. Consider how many times the puppy feed up to two months, in 3 months and older:

  • up to 2 months - 6 times;
  • up to 3 months - 5 times;
  • until six months - 3 - 4 times;
  • up to 8 months - 3 times;
  • adult oranges - twice a day.

In some cases, the frequency of feeding varies. So, patients, sedentary pomeranian spitzam and in the heat, the number of servings reduce or reduce their calorie content. And pregnant, nursing bits and in the cold season - increase.

Regardless of the type of Pomeranian Spitz, the main recommendations are adhered to:

  1. Clean distilled water should be permanent access. She is changed every day.
  2. Bowls put on the stands of the same height as the growth of the dog. Otherwise, the posture will be twisted.
  3. Finished feed and natural food can not be mixed. Either choose one way of nutrition, or is given at different times - in the morning "drying", in the evening - nature.
  4. The amount of food is determined by the weight of the cvers. So, on natural nutrition Orange requires 15 - 20 g meat. The amount of portion of the finished feed is specified by the manufacturer on the packaging. Usually it is 80 - 150 g per day.
  5. The meal temperature should be room. It is impossible to give hot or cold.
  6. Menu for Pomeranian Spitz make up separately. Feeding from the table will significantly reduce the life of the dog.
  7. On the natural menu, the cereals are boiled on the water. After mixed them with raw meat and the rest of the products. You can add broth to the portion for a bouillion.
  8. Petranets should ride at a time. If he eats reluctantly, food remains - calorie and the volume of portions are reduced. If the cverschpits quickly eats the proposed, and then licking a bowl for a long time - increase.
  9. Food should be fresh. If Pomeranian Spitz did not eat it in 15 minutes, the bowl is cleaned and do not feed until the next time.
  10. You can not jump from one type of power to another. The new diet is introduced gradually, within 2 - 3 weeks.

Vitamin and mineral supplements are introduced on natural food. Excel Mobile Flex +, Beaphar Algolith, Beaphhar Irish Cal, Titran, POLIDEX POLIVIT CA +, ArtRoglikan, Polydex Berers 8 in1, have proven themselves.

On finished feed, the complexes are given only by the testimony of the doctor. Dry feed and canned food already contain synthetic additives.

How to make a natural menu

Daily diet Pomeranian spitz necessarily includes:

  • meat and sub-products - from 30% to 60%;
  • croes - from 20% to 40%;
  • vegetables and fruits - from 20% to 50%;
  • equal milk products - at least 20%.

What can be given from natural products

The menu of the dwarf and ordinary orange spitz make up the following main products:

What to pamper pet: delicacy for spitz

Sometimes you can pamper the orange spitz delicious. Pares usually give a walk or during training. You can treat a dog:

  • solid cheese;
  • purified nuts, seeds;
  • rye crackers;
  • special bones for dogs;
  • dried meat;
  • raisins.

"Forbidden" products: what can not be given

Some products can lead to poisoning, indiscriminate and allergies in a pet.

We will deal with what you can't feed the Pomeranian Spitz:

  • onions, garlic;
  • sausages;
  • spicy, sharp, smoked, salted;
  • any sweets are especially harmful chocolate;
  • fat meat - lamb, pork, fat;
  • bones - injury gums, stomach;
  • potatoes, especially raw;
  • milk - allowed only to puppies up to 3 months, in adult oranges causes diarrhea;
  • citrus, strawberry;
  • beans, soy, raw cabbage - provoke fermentation;
  • perlovka, millet and semolia cereal are too calories, poorly absorbed.

How to choose a finished feed

Good finished feed can not cost cheap. However, not always a high price or advertisement speak of quality.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition. Quality products must contain:

  1. Meat - at least 30%. Moreover, the type of meat should be marked, and their percentage of sub-products and their percentage.
  2. Vegetables and cereals - 30% - 40%. From cereals the best is considered Fig. Cheap fillers should be avoided - corn, soy.
  3. Vitamins and minerals. Be sure to be present potassium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins PP, A, D, E, C.
  4. Natural preservatives. Herbal oils and extracts.

High-quality feed should not contain:

  • cheap fillers - corn, soybeans;
  • dyes;
  • artificial stabilizers, thickeners.

It is worth being attentive if "meat or meat-containing products" is indicated on the package. Most likely, the manufacturer masks cheap ingredients: waste from scotch, skin, skin, horns, hoofs, feathers.

The best brands of dry feed for orange

Feeding orange dry food does not cause trouble. It is enough to choose a suitable brand.

Each manufacturer has a ruler for small breeds of dogs. It is divided into a few more subsection, taking into account:

  • age;
  • health status;
  • period of pregnancy or feeding;
  • lifestyle is active or low-modular.

The best is the so-called holisttic class feed. They are made only from natural, environmentally friendly products. They are published by companies: Acana, Chicken Sup, Golden Eagle, Innova, Felidae, Canidae, Orijen.

However, the holistic feed is not always easy to find on sale. In some regions, the supply is not established. Most likely, they will have to be specifically ordered.

A decent competitor "Holistic" - the feed of a super premium class. Its composition is not much inferior to the previous one.

The only thing - the ingredients are not considered environmentally friendly. It is also possible less than meat, and greater - croup, vegetables.

In the CIS countries, the following firms are considered the most popular and quality: Brit Care, Eukanuba, 1st Choice, Hills, Bosch, Monge, Almo Nature, Happy Dog, Hills, Proplan, Royal Canin, Bosh, Nutro Choice.

There is no perfect type of power and menu for Pomeranian Spitz. Natural and dry feed have their adherents and opponents. Than to feed only the owner, based on financial and temporary opportunities. In the first weeks of the life of the puppy in a new house adhere to the diet, which was in the nursery.

German Spitz is a rather unpretentious breed, but still these animals need a properly composed diet. Feed puppy spitza can either natural food or finished dry food

- this is ancient breed Dogs. The standard was adopted by the FCI organization in 1957.

The peculiarity of the breed is internal growth varieties with special color requirements:

  • Keeshond or Wolfspitz is considered the largest. In the withers, such dogs achieve 55 cm. Only one color is allowed - zonar-gray.
  • Large spitz or grossshpits. The maximum growth of these dogs is 50 cm. Permissible colors: black, white, brown.
  • Middle Spitz or Mittelshpits. The maximum growth is 38 cm. Allowed by the standard of the colors: zonar-gray, black, white, brown, orange, etc.
  • Small spitz or beinspitz. Top Growth Border - 29 cm. The colors are identical to the Mittelspitz.
  • Miniature Spitz or Pearranets. The maximum growth of these animals is 22 cm. The colors are completely identical to the Mittelspits.

All varieties of German spitz have a square body format. The wool in such dogs is quite tough, and soft and thick undercoat does not give a hedgehog hair tightly to the body.

INTERESTING! German spitts are magnificent companions. They are binding to the family, calling the owners about foreign people. Any spitts, regardless of size, are well to train.

Most often are the smallest. There are several in-resistant types: "Lysius", "Baby Dollazh" and "Bear". The first type is considered standard. The appearance of the orange "chanterelles" fully meets the requirements of the specification of the breed: an elongated face, an almond-shaped form, lower jaw narrow.

Oranges of the "bearish" type have a wider and slightly indiscriminate fruit, rounded head, round and closely planted eyes. Because of the thick wool on the cheeks, the effect of "chubby cheeks" is created.

Intermediate is the type "Baby Doll". The length of the face in such dogs is shorter than that of "Lisichek", but a little longer than that of the "bear". Oranges of this type in Russia are rare.

Choosing a place and dishes

When choosing a place and for a pet, you need to consider the following:

  • Animal size. The volume of the bowl is different: from 200 ml to 2-3 liters. Little orange there is enough a small plate with low sidelights (up to 300 ml), and a large keeshonda will need a more roomy tank (up to 2 liters).
  • Growth and size of the dog. Large animals better choose bowls equipped with a stand. For small spa (up to 35 cm in the withers), the dishes are suitable for the floor or on the rug.
  • Length of the muzzle. The spitty muffin is long enough, so a deep plate is suitable for them.
  • Location of plates. Dog's bowls can not be put in the aisle. The best place For spitz plates - a quiet shaded corner in the kitchen or dining room. Also, the bowls are better not to position near the bright or not washing wallpaper, since during meals a pet can leave stains on the walls.

Animal bowls are made from different material. A more durable is the dishes made of stainless steel. She is well clean even in very hot water, it does not fight when falling, but has a small weight, so the dog can move it from place to place.

Plastic bowls are also strong enough, they can not be broken, but a pet can easily span such a plate. If Spitz is inclined to gnaw items, you should not leave it such a dishes, since he can inadvertently swallow a sharp piece of plastic.

The most heavy - bowls of ceramics. They are stable, perfectly clean and with neat operation will serve for a long time. However, such dishes have a minus - they are quite fragile and cannot withstand falling from height. Replacement requires even a bowl that has small chips or cracks on the surface.

REFERENCE! Separate attention requires an arrangement of a corner where the food spitz will take. The walls around the bowl better plastic panels. Plates put on a wide tray or rug that protects the floor from food, which Spitz can pull out of the bowl.

See also: The whole truth about the electronic collar for dog training

Than feed spitz puppies

Dog breeders use three types of feeding pets.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

  • Natural diet. The main advantage of this type of feeding is the ability to make a balanced and diverse menu. Such a diet can be adjusted for the needs of a particular dog. Another plus - the owner knows exactly what foods uses his pet. The disadvantage of this type of power include the need to include additional vitamin supplements in the diet. Also, the natural menu requires time for cooking.
  • Finished feed. Such a product is fully balanced and satisfies almost all the needs of the Spitz organism. Supliki is still stored for a long time, do not require cooking time. With this type of power, the animal should receive a strict norm of the feed, it is calculated by the weight of the pet. For spitts, the diet of the class is not lower than super premium, otherwise diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can develop.
  • Mixed diet. This type of nutrition of veterinarians and breeders are categorically not recommended, since when mixing finished feed and natural products are broken exchange processes In the body of Spitz. The oversupply of the protein with additional feeding of a pet with meat or fermented milk products leads to the development of liver and kidney disease.

Rules for feeding "Natural"

The basis natural ration Spites are meat. It is better to choose non-fat varieties: veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken (in the absence of allergies). During the day, the pet eats meat in the amount of 50-60% of the entire daily rate. This product can be offered by spitz in a cheese or wedge, but it is pre-waited for it for a long time.

Two or three times a week, meat can be replaced by offal, but with them a puppy not familiar to 3 months. Spitz with pleasure eating scar, light, liver, kidneys (pre-exposed in cold water), trachea, piccal meat, etc.
Fish kids start giving from 3-4 months. For spitts, marine varieties are suitable. From the fillet necessarily remove all the bones so that the small pet is not suppressed. This product is given to the animal every 7 days, completely replacing them with meat.

Spitz necessarily give fermented dairy products (up to 30% of the daily norm). During the period of active growth (from 2 to 6-7 months), the pet daily feed the curd. This product is rich in calcium. This substance is involved in the formation of bone and cartilage tissues. Also up to 5 times a week, the pet is offered kefir, ryazhenka, prostroprious, natural yogurts.

Carbohydrates Spitz gets from porridge. Their number should not exceed 15% of day norm. Porridge are boiled on water or low-fat broth. From the croup fit: sin, long-grain or brown rice, oatmeal (2-3 times a week).

Fats Pet gets from egg yolks. Spitchee love boiled quail eggsThey feed them 1-2 times a week in an amount of 2-3 pieces. Instead, you can offer a pet half chicken egg.

INTERESTING! In the ration necessarily include vegetables: zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, some cauliflower. These products can be given spitza both in cheese and thermally processed form. From fruit dog give apples, plums or apricots without bones, pears.

Dry Spit Feed

Dry feed are divided into classes:

  • Holistic (Acana, Barking Heads, Go! Etc.). Such feed is considered elite. The holistic contains up to 70% of the high-quality animal protein obtained from meat, and not by-products. Many rations do not contain cereals, instead of them, fruits and vegetables (potatoes, butt, apples, etc.) are as sources of carbohydrates. Holding feed is enriched with probiotics, mineral and vitamin additives of high quality.
  • Super premium (Belcando, 1st Choice, Arden Grange, etc.). Such diet contains up to 30-40% of protein of animal origin. For the manufacture of feed class SuperPremium use meat. Carbohydrates are represented by croups that are perfectly absorbed by the Spitz organism (Mais, Fig, etc.). It also includes vegetables, fruits, berries that enrich food with vitamins. Super premium rations do not contain flavors and harmful dye dogs.
  • Premium (Proplan, Probalance, Purina One, etc.). The quality of these rations is inferior to the holistrics and feed of the super premium class. Animal protein can be represented not only with meat, but also by subproducts. Part of proteins has plant origin. Grass are represented by corn, wheat and their derivatives. In the feed premium also contain vitamins and minerals, but their number is noticeably less. Some rations may contain flavors.
  • Economy (Pedigree, meal, Darling, Chappi, etc.). These diet have low quality. The main component is cereals and their products. Sources of animal proteins may be sub-products and waste of meat processing plants. The minimum amount of vitaminized additives is included. Many rations (Darling, Chappi, etc.) contain dyes and flavors.

See also: How and what to feed the puppy Rottweiler: menu by age

As the main diet of German spa, you can use only the feed classes of the holistic or super premium, especially for small puppies.

Approximate menu by age

Little oranges and other German spitts are moving to new house in 2-3 months. By this time, the pet is already accustomed to eat "adult" food and tolerates it quite well from the mother. The number of food meals depends on the age of the baby. Consider an approximate menu by age consisting of natural products.

Up to the month

Until the month of kids are at the breeder and feed on Mother's milk. For the first time, puppies show another food at the age of 3 weeks. As the first dust for the German (including Pomeranian) spitts use soft curds or riginal cargo meat.

The first dust can be started with a semi-liquid buckwheat cereal welded with the addition of milk. On a day, only one kind of food give puppies, while the portions should be very small. If the toddler's stomachs digest a new product well, its number increases in the next feeding.

1 month

At the age of 1, the month of small spips are fed to 6 times a day. During this period, they are still with their mother and feed on it with milk, but at the same time consume a lot of solid foods (up to 50-70% of the daily rate).

In a month, the kid receives about 40 grams of meat, 20 grams of vegetables and fruits, 30 g of fermented milk products. You can also include a few cereals in the evita diet (up to 20 gr in finished form).

2 months

Eats up to 5 times a day. The diet remains the same, only the size of the portions increases:

  • meat up to 60 grams;
  • cereals up to 30 grams;
  • vegetables up to 30 grams;
  • acid milk products up to 30-40 gr.

3 months

Spitz acquainted with fish. It is offered to the baby only in boiled form. Also in the diet will include quail boiled eggs.

The number of daily foods is increasing:

Meat and fish - up to 80 grams;
cereals - up to 40 grams;
Vegetables and fruits - up to 40 grams;
Acid milk products - up to 50 gr.

REFERENCE! The amount of feedings in 3 months is reduced to four.

4-6 months

At the age of 4-6 months, the spitz puppy begins to change the teeth. During this period, the gums at the kid are sick and itch, he can start spoiling the surrounding items or furniture. You can offer a pet sugar bone or moslines with pieces of meat, which puppy will be happy to gnaw.

The topic of the article is how to feed the German spies entering into a small group of rocks: medium, small and miniature. We will also talk about how to contain these decorative dogs And how to care for them. General recommendations described below are suitable for all the hosts small groupSince there is no difference in feeding, keeping and maintaining between them.

It is impossible to bring German Spitz to the house if the premises are not prepared for pet residence. Dog need your own place. It should be in a secluded corner, where the movement of households will not interfere with rest and sleep. Places near the batteries or in drafts will not fit, - Spitz can catch a cold, or it will deteriorate wool and leather. To the puppy is not lonely, it is necessary to choose that room where you most often have, such as a bedroom.

As a "crib" for Spitz, a special basket or a house will be suitable. Pomagazines present a wide selection of similar beds of different colors and shapes. When choosing a suitable model, give preference to natural materials: cotton, flax, felt. They do not cause allergies and are not electrified. To maintain cleanliness, additionally purchase a mattress and several covers that you will change as contamination.

The size of the place to relax depends on the magnitude of your spitz. At the same time, the dog should be able to hide, twist and stretch out in full growth. Exemplary data for standard beds are shown in the table:

Determine the width of "Cots", measuring the dog sleeping on the side from the tips of the paws to the withers.

Safety above all

It doesn't matter, the owner of which German spitz you are: medium, small or miniature. In any case, these decorative dogs are able to shove their curious nose anywhere. If you do not take care of its security in the house in advance, the pet can suffer: stuck, stir, fall, injured, poison. To avoid an accident, you need to do the following:

  • remove all sticking wires, unstable and minor items, chemical substances, trash bin;
  • close the slots under the armchairs, sofas, cabinets;
  • overlap the access to the balcony;
  • to cover slippery places on the floor carpets.

Spitz to protect the troubles will also help the aviary, especially if you plan to leave the house regularly. It can be bought in a pet store or make it yourself. In the second case, keep in mind that the design should be a height of at least 80 centimeters and in a two-three area square meters. In the manufacture of the enclosure you need to use non-toxic and durable materials - Metal grid or tree. There should be no off-site or sharp detail, otherwise the dog can scatter.

If the spitza likes to live in the aviary, or you like to keep it there, it does not mean that the puppy must be in it constantly. Without space, energetic games and communicating with you, the dog may have problems, both mental and physical plan. Release pets to run around the house as often as possible.

Dishes, toys, tray

While the spitz is small, he still can not move around the house. Therefore, next to the laying you need to install two bowls: for water and food. They are recommended to raise the oilcloth or a disposable napkin - it will facilitate cleaning. If there is a carpet cover, it is better to remove it. When the dog is quite strengthened in order to get to the place of feeding, install the bowls there.

Also next to the bed, put the toilet. For German Spitz, it is advisable to buy a tray where to put newspapers, disposable diapers or a special filler. Any lining should be changed daily for clean. For males, you can buy a tray with a column.

I will love playful spitz if you beat him with toys: balls, rope, rings. They not only diversify the life of the dog, but also distract it from your shoes, wallpapers and furniture. Choose toys from high-quality latex. If the dog can gnaw a piece, then it will be released in a natural way.

Spitz can also be pleased with edible toys from offal or lived for long storage. However, if the kid is grieving an edible thing to a small size, you need to throw it out, otherwise the puppy risks to be styled.

Do not buy several dozen toys, two-three enough. Like children, dogs they rapidly bother, so you give a new toy from time to time, cleaning the old one, especially if she is broken. Old toys in good condition can be given again on two weeks, and Spitz will be delighted with them as new.

Delicious and useful food

From what you feed Spitz will depend on his health, quality wool, condition internal organs and teeth. So as not to break digestive system Dogs, first of time you need to give her that food she went to the breeder. If desired, in two or three weeks, it is possible to begin to gradually translate the pet for your choice of food: natural or finished (dry feed).

However, it is not enough easy to buy products or finished feeds and feed spitz. Need to know certain rules Selection of food, ways to prepare, storage. You also need to know what you can feed the dog, and from what is better to refuse. All this and many other things are told in the article "What to feed Pomeran Spites."

Necessary prevention

You will be able to protect the health of German Spitz and strengthen his immunity if you will timely make him vaccinations from hepatitis, Parvovirus, Chumki, Enitita, Adenovirus. Without them, the dog can not be released outside, the more exporting the city. Yes, and to exhibitions or competitions will not allow it.

Vaccination (vaccination) is an introduction to the organism of an animal weakened or killed pathogens of a certain illness. Do not worry if after vaccinating Spitz became sluggish, began to abandon meals or his temperature rose. Similar medical events are not harmful to the body. The dog transfers the disease in easy formBut eventually produced immunity to possible infection.

All subsequent vaccinations should be done by one and the drug. The NOBIVAC PUPPY complex vaccine is widespread. If the breeder has already made Spitz by vaccinating, find out what exactly he used (there should be a mark in the supply), and choose the same thing. For your convenience, we indicated vaccination schemes in the table:

Repeat vaccination is necessary once a year, at the same time, plus-minus a week. Cheering vaccination can be done in a year. Before vaccination, always check the temperature temperature. The norm is considered to be 37.5-39 degrees. If dog heat, Began diarrhea, there is a rash on the skin, from the eye, ears, the nose flows purulent discharge, Or you observe other deviations from a normal state, most likely, it fell ill. In this case, the vaccination must be postponed to its full recovery, and Spitz show the veterinarian.

Two weeks before vaccination, make spitza to degelmintion (run of worms). Anti-chain preparation: "Gelmimax", "Dirofen" or "Azinox", use two days in a row, according to the instructions. For a week, treat the dog from fleas and ticks. To this end, such drugs like "Bars" or "Effitiks" will art perfectly cope.

Fresh air and physical exertion

German Spitz is an extremely playful and active animal. In order for the dog to feel good, she needs to nine her inexhaustible energy somewhere. Of course, periodic home games contribute to the splash of accumulated forces. But what could be better walk on the fresh airWhere a pet will have not only plenty of space for games and running, but also the opportunity to explore new lands.

Regular walks favorably affect Spitz health: Sunny ultraviolet contributes to its proper development, physical exercise Stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the muscles. Yes, and the mental state of the pet will be normal, thanks to games with you and your family, communicating with brethren on special venues for decorative dogs. Seats walking large dogs Better to avoid, - Spitz love them to do.

The baby can go outside two weeks after the first vaccination (see above), otherwise it risks picked up an infection from stray dogs, cats, small rodents.

At the first trips, wait no more than 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time to two hours. For walks, you need to choose good weather, without rain, wind or snow. If the spitz blows, or it will burst, it can pick up otitis or cold. In severe heat, too, stay at home. Overheating threatens with dehydration, and the scorching sun - blow.

Hygiene - Health Pledge

Behind the appearance of German spitz need to be careful: to clean the ears, eyes, processing the claws, care for the wool, combing the deadly fur and freeing from the chatins, bathe, draw. The complex listed procedures is called Grooming. Read more in the article "Grocering German Spites."

Regular inspections and hygienic procedures allow not only to maintain tidy appearance dogs, but also timely notice the first signs of manifestation of the disease: from skin dermatitis before inflammation own sinks. Spitz, the care of which is carried out regularly, and looks good, and feels great.

Good teeth, bad teeth

The owner may encounter dental problems in a pet. This is especially true of the owners of miniature spitts. Dog's teeth need constant care. Otherwise, a raid is formed on them, which gradually turns into a dent stone. He, in turn, accumulates malicious bacteria, provoking inflammation of both gums and oral cavity generally. As a result, even young spitz can lose his main weapon.

Before changing the teeth, which begins in three or four months and ends at six to seven months, you must regularly inspect the dental spitz tooth system. When making a plaque and for the prevention, you can give a dog to gnaw special bones for cleaning teeth or edible toys. You can find them in retaucheca or specialized stores.

The root teeth of Spitz need regular cleaning. Three to four times a week will be enough. For this procedure, get in the pet store toothbrush From artificial bristles, flexible sponge or special silicone attack made in the form of a brush. A wonderful alternative is a sterile bandage that needs to be wounded on a finger. It not only cleaner the teeth, but also polishes their surface.

Also need toothpaste Or powder for dogs. Human pastes or powders will not fit, - in their compositions include substances harmful to the dog organism.

As for the very shift of the teeth to speed up the process and reduce the spitzie discomfort, during the whole period let him nibble with carrots, an apple or a brain bone. If the process is delayed, it is advisable to refer to the dentist veterinarian. Only he can remove dairy teeth that interfere with the appearance of indigenous. If this is not done, the risk of bite, deformation or injury to the jaws will appear.

Interpole hygiene

Hygiene external genital organs takes not the last place in caring for spitches. Allocations tend to accumulate on wool and source nasty smell. In addition, they create a nutrient medium for malicious bacteria and fungi, which often leads to problems with the quality of wool or the status of the skin of the dog.

As a rule, spitchers independently care for intimate placesEspecially clean in this matter bitch. Any lazy or inexperienced puppy can be learned to care for themselves, lubricating the genital organs daily or butter. A pleasant smell will force Spitz to unlock a treat. Gradually, you teach it to cleanliness.

The owners of the bitches will have to wash them after the end of the estrus, since the smell of discharge can remain on the wool for a long time and attract males. Swimming will help to avoid such problems. Pregnant Suc Spitz need to beware daily, especially in the second month of pregnancy, because because of the increased abdomen they can not always reach the genitals.

Cares require and driving bitch. They need to walk in a jumpsuit closing the belly. If you are not a fan of clothes for dogs, then after each walk, remove the dirt from the nipples of the dog with a weak solution of manganese. Otherwise, she can start mastitis - inflammation of the mammary glands.

Spitz is a breed of dogs with a long dense fur, pointed by a muzzle and ears hooked up the top of the tail. They are often called dwarf. The most common varieties of this breed are German and Pomeranian Spitz. So that the pet is cheerful and cheerful, had healthy teeth, silky wool, did not suffer from digestive disorder, and also did not score excess weightHe needs proper balanced nutrition.

Features of metabolism

Spitz differs with excellent appetite, therefore inclined to overweight. Considering its miniature sizes, even the extra 200-300 g can harm cardiovascular system, Create an excessive burden on the joints and cause shortness of breath.

In dogs of this breed, the accelerated metabolism. Glucose, which is a source of energy, with such metabolism begins to quickly leave blood into the cells. If the animal has not eaten for a long time, the symptoms of hypoglycemia develop.

It is necessary to weigh a pet more often and mark weight in the calendar. If the gain will be too noticeable, the dog is planted on a diet.

Punching puppy for months

Up to 1.5 months, Spitz usually feeds Mother's milk, after which it is translated into ordinary food. During this period, the puppy may have problems with digestion. They pass very quickly, if you know how to feed it correctly:

Age Ration Number of feedings per day
1-2 months old
  • liquid milk porridge;
  • meat minced meat with vegetables and porridge;
  • cottage cheese with the addition of a small amount of sour cream
2-3 months
  • dairy products, and the porridge is already boiled more thick;
  • eggs and cottage cheese in a ratio of 1: 1 2 times a week;
  • porridge with minced meat, chicken meat
3-5 months
  • cottage cheese, kefir, low-fat sour cream, rippy, yogurt;
  • chopped with small cubes meat;
  • grated carrots, beet;
  • rice, buckwheat porridge;
  • boiled marine fish;
  • pumpkin, zucchini;
  • pear, apple, apricot;
  • greens
5-12 months
  • pieces of meat and sub-products;
  • buckwheat, rice porridge;
  • zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots;
  • prostokvash, yogurt, cottage cheese;

If the puppy is reluctant to a bowl, refuses eating or cares only "delicious pieces", then you need to reduce the amount of feeding or to cut portions. A bowl with unseasoned food needs to be removed until the next meal. After a year, the amount of feedings is 1-2 times a day.

Sleeping - Machine Husky and Spitz: Description and Features of the content

Feeding by natural products

Feed adult spitz best natural products, this option is chosen by the owners who are responsible about the health of their pet. Having preferred "natural booth", you should pay special attention For freshness of products. Porridge stored in the refrigerator no longer than 3 days.

The menu is made up of the following ingredients:

Product Benefit Share in the diet Application
Turkey, veal, lambBasic sources of protein and animal fats30–60% The meat is cut by large pieces so that Spitz spin them and coached the jaw. Give it in the raw form, pre-shrouded with boiling water or withstanding a day in freezer. You can add chicken, but some pets are allergic for it
Stomach, Language, Scar, HeartSource of protein and multiple vitamins and enzymes40% They are also chopped into pieces and fogged in raw form. Useful and chicken liver, but it needs to be given in small quantities, as it provokes diarrhea
Buckwheat, riceSources of carbohydrates20–40% They are dried on the water, the salt is put in small quantities or not add at all. For a variety you can offer Hercules, oatmeal, corn or wheat porridge
Pumpkin, zucchini, spinach, beets, carrots, stewed or sauerkrautSources of vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates20–50% Vegetables should be raw or steamed
Persimmon, melon, banana, apricot, pear, appleSources of vitaminsAs a treatGive in raw
Kefir, natural yogurts, cottage cheese, prostrochySources of protein, fats, small amounts of minerals and vitaminsAs a treatThe fatty products should be no more than 10%. They should be given separately from the main feeding
Egg - quail or chickenSource of vitamins and proteinGive 1-2 times a weekThey are best boiled or used to prepare an omelet. Raw give only yolk
Sunflower, Olive, Linen OilSource of essential amino acids1 tbsp. l. For one portionIt is used to refuel natural meals.
Green onions, dill, parsleySources of vitaminsAs a treatGreen cut and add to meat with porridge
A fishSource proteinAs a treatIt is advisable to give sea or oceanic. Sharp bones need to be removed, and fish - scream with boiling water
Seafood - crabs, shrimps, mussels, squid, sea cabbageSource of protein, iodine, vitaminsAs a treatGive most often in winter

You can sometimes pour orange spitty something delicious. For example:

  • solid cheese;
  • raisin;
  • dried meat;
  • special bones for dogs;
  • rye crackers;
  • purified seeds, nuts.

Do not forget about vitamin additives to food.

Unhealthy food

Some products feed the German, Pomeranian spitz is categorically prohibited, as they can lead to indispensable, allergies and even poisoning. It is impossible to dogs of this breed the following food:

  • Chocolate. Contains substances that can cause serious poisoning.
  • Tubular bones of rabbit and chicken. When the dog begins to nibble them, they split into sharp plates and can damage the intestines or stomach.
  • Sausages, boiled sausage. This is a slower poison, as they contain an agitator, giving these products a delicious gentle pink color. The dog organism on such a component reacts to liver disorders.
  • Garlic, onions. Irritating substances contained in their juice negatively affect the walls of the intestine and the stomach and provoke the formation of an ulcer.
  • Smoked, spices, fatty and fried foods. Harm that they apply the body of the dog is practically irreparable.
  • Pork. For spitz, it is very fatty meat, since it is precisely fat leads to a violation of the liver and becomes the cause of urinary tract diseases. Also, pork may contain a trichinelosis pathogel, dangerous for dogs.
  • Raw protein. Worsens the state of the wool.

It is forbidden to feed spitz in potatoes, exotic fruits and vegetables.

Dry food

Dry food is easy to use. It can be kept in a bowl during the day, while it will not deteriorate. Such a product is often taken on the trip so as not to expose the animal with hunger. Choosing dry food, you need to pay attention to its composition. Quality products contains:

  • Meat - no less than 30%. On the package there should be a type of meat, which offalities were used and their percentage ratio.
  • Grass and vegetables - 30-40%. The best creek is considered fig. It is necessary to avoid feed containing cheap fillers - soy, corn.
  • Vitamins and minerals. The product must necessarily contain potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, iodine, vitamins PP, A, D, E, C.
  • Natural preservatives. Extracts and herbal oils.

In high-quality feed, there should be no dyes, thickeners, artificial stabilizers. Products should be avoided, on the packaging of which meat or meat-containing products are indicated. Usually under this manufacturer disguises such cheap ingredients like hoofs, horns, skin, skin, waste from scotch, feathers.

The best is the Food Holistic Class. They are made exclusively from natural and environmentally friendly products. They produce their companies Innova, Orijen, Chicken Sup, etc. But such a product is difficult to find on sale. His decent competitor is a Super Premium Class Food, the composition of which is almost not inferior to the previous one. The only drawback is that its components are not environmentally friendly. They also contain less meat and more croup and vegetables. Popular firms - Nutro Choice, Royal Canin, Happy Dog, etc.