Subtle bodies and chakras in humans. Energy bodies

Nowadays, almost everyone already knows that a person consists not only of a physical body. In addition to him, a person has six more subtle bodies and on the human body - energy centers. The physical body is the densest and it exists in three-dimensional space. Next comes the etheric body, then the astral, then the mental, karmic, monad body and the atmic body of the absolute.

Interaction of chakras and human subtle bodies

All human bodies are interconnected and dependent on each other. Human health and fate are also interconnected and depend on his subtle bodies and chakras.

  • The etheric body looks like a physical body, going beyond its limits by 3-4 centimeters. It consists of ether and exists in four-dimensional space. It stores the information of a lifetime. When the etheric body is deformed.
  • The astral body also looks like a physical body, but goes beyond it already by 5-10 centimeters. It exists in the fifth-dimensional space and is responsible for our emotions, feelings and desires. With a large number of negative emotions, the deformation of this subtle body occurs and the Svadhisthana chakra is disturbed.
  • The mental body also has the shape of a physical body, going beyond it by 15-20 centimeters. It is located in six-dimensional space. The deformation of this body occurs with a large number of dark thoughts, and then the third chakra fails.
  • The karmic body is the fourth subtle human body, the body of cause and effect, which exists in seven-dimensional space.
  • The body of the monad goes half a meter beyond the contours of the physical body and is located in eight-dimensional space.
  • The body of the absolute. Thanks to this body, we have a connection with God. It goes beyond the contours of the physical body at a distance of a meter, is the cleanest and is located in ten-dimensional space.

The tasks of human subtle bodies and chakras

Subtle bodies are a collection of energies that are expressed in the forms, states, processes and relationships of a person.

The energy for the chakras is generated by the subtle etheric body of a person. It is realized in the chakras due to the physical, mental and astral body in such qualities as: abilities, attitudes, skills, etc. These qualities may not be revealed, but energy will still be generated. For example, in a person, the Muladhara chakra is the leading one in the etheric subtle body, and the abilities are manifested in another chakra - Anahata. This is due to problems in the area of ​​the heart and, therefore, all forces go to refine this chakra.

In each subtle body, such charms are manifested: Ajna, Vishudha, Anahata, Manipura, Svadhisthana and Muladhara. Through our etheric body, all other bodies receive energy. Etheric energy cannot be absorbed from other bodies. also in etheric body potential arises. Which finds its projections in other bodies.

The only meaning of human life is to perfect his immortal foundation. All other forms of activity are inherently meaningless Leo Tolstoy

It is known that our life is not limited only to the physical plane. Matter is densely concentrated energy in various forms. A person consists of a set of energies of various densities, the most dense is the physical body, there are also subtle energy sheaths: biofield, subtle bodies and chakras. There are many classifications explaining the structure of the chakras and the subtle body of a person, depending on the tradition in which this knowledge is considered the basis. It is difficult to say what is true and which belief system is the most correct. You can check the truth by getting a subtle experience, this can be a significant motivation on the path of yoga. We can say that the essence of understanding the structure of the subtle body is to understand the whole picture of the functioning of energy in relation to how a specific person and understanding the laws of the universe.

Each of the seven chakras corresponds to a certain color, sound (note), mantra. Mooladhara chakra corresponds to red, Svadhisthana chakra is orange, Manipura chakra is yellow, Anahata chakra is green, Vishudha chakra is blue, Ajna chakra is blue, Sahasrara chakra is purple. It is known that red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet are the colors of the spectrum, which are obtained by the decomposition of the original white light. The original white light is the energy generated by electromagnetic waves, and light is also considered as a stream of particles - photons. When white light is decomposed into its component parts, seven colors are obtained, each color corresponds to a certain wavelength, a certain vibration. This wavelength determines the properties of the color. An analogy can be drawn with the chakras: all chakras are a single component of the Universal Infinite Consciousness. The vibration of each chakra determines the level of a person's consciousness. With harmonious development, a person achieves union with the Infinite Consciousness, that is, he attains enlightenment. V ordinary life most often there is a person's obsession with some chakra or a constant movement of consciousness from one chakra to another under the influence of external circumstances. The goal of yoga according to Patanjali is to curb the mind. If you manage to curb the mind, then you manage to harmonize the flow of energies in the chakras, you can achieve Samadhi and other states of union with the absolute. These are the uniform harmonious laws of the Universe: all energies are part of one whole.

The predominance of energy in a certain chakra determines the belonging of a living being to one of the worlds of Samsara: Muladhara is the world of hell, Svadhisthana is the world of animals, Manipura is the world of hungry spirits, Anahata is the human world, Vishudha is the world of demigods (asuras), Ajna is the world of gods, Sahasrara - going beyond material existence. The predominance of energy in a certain chakra during life determines the further reincarnation of a living being. Therefore, it is important for a yoga practitioner to work with his energy and consciousness, which will allow him to reincarnate well in the future.

Let's consider the human chakra system in more detail. As we said earlier, each chakra is important element a single system, so the lower chakras are just as important as the higher ones. The lower chakras are the foundation, the foundation upon which the higher chakras rely. The negative manifestation of energy in a particular chakra is caused by the influence of the mode of ignorance (tamas) on it, and the chakras are also influenced by the mode of passion (rajas) and the mode of goodness (sattva). It is possible to use the tools of one chakra, but the level of consciousness and energy in this case can be located on another chakra. For example, a person uses the tools of the Manipura chakra - leadership and influence - but at the same time his consciousness is on the Ajna chakra, then he will be a spiritual leader. There may be a reverse movement of energy: a person can use the instrument of the Vishuddha chakra - a voice - but at the same time be conscious on the Svadhisthana chakra: he will sing songs about unhappy love and broadcast this energy into the world.

Muladhara chakra (mula - root, dhara - foundation) - root chakra, base, foundation, represented by a lotus with four petals, earth element, color - red, bija mantra - LAM, feeling - smell, location - tailbone. Patience is manifested in goodness through this chakra; in passion - anger, cruelty, inability for patience, aggression; in ignorance, inaction. The motivation to act on this chakra is the desire for survival. Family unions are strong, conditioned by habit and survival, unwillingness to change anything.

Svadhisthana chakra (your dwelling) - represented by a lotus with six petals, located four fingers below the navel, the element of water, color - orange, bija mantra - YOU, feeling - taste. It manifests itself in goodness through such traits as pleasantness, neatness, a sense of proportion, humility; in passion - a strong desire for something; in ignorance - the satisfaction of momentary desires. If a person strives for pleasures and pleasures, then he merges energy through the Svadhisthana chakra. The danger of such a drain of energy is that there is a possibility of reincarnation in the animal world. Unfortunately, in the modern world, the media directs efforts to ensure that the level of human consciousness is at the Svadhisthana chakra. Family unions of people with the level of consciousness of the Svadhisthana chakra are not strong, usually relationships with such people are characterized by temporary hobbies.

Manipura chakra (city of treasures, golden city) - represented by a lotus with ten petals, located in the navel, the element of fire, color - yellow, bija mantra - RAM, feeling - sight. A person, being under the influence of Manipura, strives for leadership and influence on people, as well as for material well-being. Altruism, self-giving, enthusiasm are manifested in goodness through Manipura; in passion - material and intellectual hoarding; in ignorance - insatiable hunger, greed. With the manifestation of excessive greed and prudence and the drainage of energy through Manipura, there is a possibility of reincarnating into the world of hungry ghosts. Family unions are strong and based on mutual benefit.

Anahata chakra (sound created without touching objects, inaudible melody, divine sound) - represented by a lotus with twelve petals, located in the region of the heart, the element of air, color - green, bija mantra - YAM, feeling - touch. People whose level of consciousness is at the Anahata chakra strive to love and give love, warm human relationships are important for them. Love, compassion is manifested in goodness through Anahata; in passion - jealousy; in ignorance - the desire to possess a loved one. Family unions are strong, they are based on sublime love. At the Anahata chakra, a person begins to look for a spiritual teacher, a striving for the divine nature appears. If the level of a person's consciousness is constantly on the Anahata chakra, then after death he reincarnates in the human world. Therefore, if it is not possible to reach higher states of consciousness, it is important to try so that consciousness and energy prevail on this chakra, then there is an opportunity in the next human incarnation to try to grow to higher levels of consciousness. If reincarnation takes place in the lower worlds, then there is no opportunity for self-development in them. Therefore, human birth is so precious, because in the human world there are optimal conditions conducive to development: in this world there is equal share of suffering and happiness, such a balance of suffering and happiness allows you to grow spiritually. If there is too much suffering, as in the lower worlds and the animal world, then there is no opportunity to engage in self-development, if there is little suffering, but a lot of pleasure, as in higher worlds, then the development also stops, while the living entity spends the previously accumulated tapas. Therefore, even the gods from the heavenly planets are jealous of the precious human birth.

Vishuddha chakra (purification) - represented by a lotus with sixteen petals, located in the throat, color - blue, element of ether, bija mantra - HAM. On this chakra, creative energy grows, self-expression is observed through creativity or display social problems in creativity. When the level of consciousness is at the Vishuddha chakra, the ability to digest the poison of any problem appears. A person realizes the problem, but he does not give up, and he seeks to find a solution. If any negative enters the consciousness, it is able to overcome it, since there is no emotional view of the situation, as it was on the Anahata chakra, but there is logic and common sense. The Vishuddha chakra is characterized by compassion - the ability to put oneself in the place of another being and help him with concrete actions in solving a problem. The quality of compassion is manifested through Vishuddha in goodness, in passion manifests the achievement of the goal at any cost, in ignorance - the struggle for the sake of struggle. The Vishuddha chakra center is associated with speech, a person can be a good speaker. One of distinctive features Vishuddhi is the presence of perfectionism, that is, the desire to do everything perfectly, which sometimes leads away from the main goal, for the sake of which the action was started. At the Vishuddha chakra, detachment from family relations, people basically unite as associates.

Ajna chakra (imperious order) - represented by a lotus with two large petals, each large petal contains 48 small, 96 petals in total, located in the area between the eyebrows. This chakra is also called the "third eye", the color is blue, the element of Light, the bija mantra is OM. In goodness, the Ajna chakra manifests itself through the creation of something spiritual; in passion - through the creation of material projects; in ignorance - through the creation of that which brings negativity and destruction. At this level of consciousness, intelligence, the ability for deep analysis, understanding of the essence develops. The transition to this level of consciousness occurs due to the accumulation of wisdom. Creators and creators are at this level. With the help of his creativity, a person tries to raise others to his level of consciousness. There is a possibility that siddhis (mystical perfections) will appear, their appearance is a test on the spiritual path, it is important not to dwell on them, but to move on. The ability to see the non-dual essence of things appears. Family unions are formed by like-minded people walking together towards a spiritual goal, spiritual unions. This level of consciousness is characterized by the absence of mutual affection, which people with the level of consciousness of the Anahata chakra have.

Sahasrara chakra (thousand-petaled) - represented by a lotus with a thousand petals, located in the region of the crown of the head - connected with the pineal gland, color - purple, the element of Purusha (creator), bija mantra - OM. The level of consciousness of the Sahasrara chakra means to be beyond the material mind, it is transcendental consciousness. Sahasrara chakra is the seat of consciousness. The ability to see at all levels appears, divine understanding of everything, omniscience, understanding of universal processes in spiritual unity, a state outside of time, outside of space. When the level of consciousness is on the Sahasrara chakra, the ability for superconsciousness is acquired, the realization of the highest fullness of life takes place. The state of consciousness on the Sahasrara chakra can be called a state of inner wise calm. Sahasrara chakra also means attaining the state of Samadhi. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali describe several stages of Samadhi: savitarka, nirvitarka, savichara, nirvichara, ananda and asmita. All these are names for very subtle vibrations that take place before the highest samadhi - nirvikalpa, in this state there is a complete cessation of the functions of the mind, the samskaras burn out entirely, and the yogi is freed from the chain of rebirths. When the mind, intellect, will, ego and chitta (mind stuff) in the transcendental state completely merge in Brahman, this state is called Nirvikalpa-samadhi.

Let's talk about human bodies: physical and subtle bodies. The physical body is called Sthula Sharira (not Atman). The physical body is associated with Annamaya Koshei(Anna is the essence of the earth, maya is composed of, kosha is the shell). We can say that the physical body consists of products that were produced by the earth, feeds on the products of the earth and after death merges with the earth.

The subtle body is called Sukshma Sharira , it is the body of the mind and vitality, is connected with the physical body, makes it alive. The subtle body is not destroyed after death, but passes into a new incarnation. Sukshma Sharira is associated with three koshas: Pranamaya koshas, ​​Manomaya koshas and Vijnanamaya koshas.

The causal body is called Karana Sharira , this is a body in which consciousness returns to its origins, karma is recorded in it, it contains the reasons for all human actions, it contains all human qualities in an embryonic state. What is written in the causal body manifests itself in the subtle body. The causal body is associated with the Anandamaya kosha.

Now let's take a closer look at the shell - koshi. We have an understanding with which bodies they are connected.

Annamaya kosha associated with the physical body, but not the physical body. At the time of death, when the physical body disintegrates, the Annamaya kosha remains unchanged and, together with the soul, leaves the body to be reincarnated later. The constitution depends on Annamaya kosha, and in the next birth it will be determined by the previous state of Annamaya kosha.

Pranamaya kosha consists of prana, it permeates the entire physical body, the physical manifestation is breathing. Pranamaya kosha consists of five winds - vayu: apana-vayu, which is responsible for the excretory processes; samana-vayu, responsible for the digestive processes; prana-vayu, which is responsible for breathing; udana-vayu, responsible for thought processes; vyana-vayu surrounds the pranic body, helps all the winds to work harmoniously. Working with the winds occurs during the practice of pranayama. The task of pranayama is to turn the apana-vayu up, prana-vayu - down, to connect them in the samana-vayu region, in this way the influence on the Kundalini energy, which should rise along the Sushumna, will take place. When the Kundalini energy rises through Sushumna, a subtle experience arises. In this case, the channels must be cleaned and prepared by preliminary practices. Pranamaya kosha is purified by calm breathing. If you manage to raise energy, and not drain it on the lower chakras, then spiritual growth occurs.

Manomaya kosha is the mental sheath or sheath of the mind. Manomaya kosha conveys the experience gained in the external world of Vijnanamaya kosha - the intuitive shell. To harmonize the mental shell, it is necessary to observe Yama and Niyama, engage in self-education, and recitation of mantras. It is important to understand that the mind is different from the mind: the mind takes its experience from the senses, the mind takes experience from the higher consciousness.

Vijnanamaya kosha - the astral shell, the intuitive shell, the shell of the mind, the shell of wisdom, which takes information from the Universal consciousness, therefore, the ability to think ahead arises, the ability to understand the essence. For the development of Vijnanamaya kosha, it is necessary to practice pratyahara, dharana, dhyana.

Anandamaya kosha - a transcendental shell, this is a state in which the Atman experiences eternal bliss, an ideal state of peace, comfort, stability and carefree nature. In it in to the fullest the essence of human values ​​is comprehended. For the development and transformation of Anandamaya kosha, Samadhi should be practiced.

Which practical use maybe knowledge about chakras and subtle bodies? First of all, the realization that not only the external, manifested can determine our life, but also subtle bodies and energies. It would be more correct to say that subtle bodies and energies determine our embodiment and our life in physical body... We know that karma is recorded in the causal body, and our subtle vibrations in a particular chakra determine the level of consciousness. The task of a yoga practitioner is to curb your mind and raise the level of your consciousness. Knowing the peculiarities of the manifestation of subtle energies in bodies and chakras, you can correct your behavior, work through your energies and thus grow. For a yoga teacher, knowledge about chakras and subtle bodies will help to read information about the state of his students through their manifestations in behavior, if you carefully observe these manifestations, you can understand from which chakras problems come, and thus correct the practice of yoga, which does not end on the mat , but passes into life.

Today it is not a secret or news to anyone that along with physiological systems, the human body is also equipped with an energy system. It is even broader than the systems of the physical body, since it includes the subtle human bodies, of which there are only seven. The energy system determines the vitality of a person, how he feels in this world.

The human energy system consists of channels - nadia and centers - chakras (Fig. 2) According to the teachings of yogis, it is believed that in the human body there are seven energy centers - chakras. Each chakra is responsible for certain kind energy, which means for the manifestation of certain human qualities and the health of certain systems and organs.

Each person has a subtle system that regulates his emotional, intellectual, psychological and spiritual state. This energy system, also called the human subtle body, includes seven main energy centers - chakras.

7 subtle bodies

Consider the description of the chakras and the subtle body of a person. Chakras are energy centers associated with nerve plexus sites. Chakra means "wheel" in Sanskrit. Each chakra is responsible for the development of certain qualities in a person and is not realized by most people.

Chakras not only affect the subtle bodies, the psychological and spiritual state of a person, but are also responsible for the normal functioning of vital organs. Physical, mental and emotional problems can be the result of an imbalance in one or more chakras.

Approximately these chakras and subtle bodies are located (correlated with the physical area of ​​the body) as follows: Sahasrara (in the upper part of the head, in the crown of the head), Ajna (at the level of the middle of the forehead where the optic nerves cross), Vishuddha, or Vishuddi ( at the level of the jugular cavity at the base of the neck), Anahata (at the level of the heart), Manipura, or Nabi (at the site of the solar plexus), Svadisthana (at the level of the appendix, palm-width below the navel), Muladhara (at the base of the spine from its outer side) ...

Chakra Muladhara

This first chakra is located at the base of the spine. The element of this chakra is the Earth, and the qualities are spontaneity, wisdom, purity. This energy center is also the seat of the Kundalini energy. The symbol of this chakra is a lotus with four petals.

Muladhara is associated with the endocrine glands and adrenal glands. She is the source of our vitality and wellness. Muladhara is also responsible for the functioning of the genitals, skin, skeleton and circulatory system.

Chakra Svadhisthana

Svadhisthana is the second chakra, which is located below the navel, about the width of the palm. Its element - Fire, and qualities - the ability to create and acquire knowledge, is the center of influences, feelings, sexuality. Its symbol is a lotus with six petals.

This chakra in the subtle body is associated with the endocrine glands, ovaries and testes. She is the source of the etheric body and the area of ​​accumulation of prana. In addition, she is responsible for the functioning of the genitals and excretory system.

Chakra Manipura

Manipura - the third chakra, located at the level of the solar plexus. Its qualities are the level of well-being, business success, relationships with partners. The element of this chakra is Water. Its symbol is a ten-petal lotus.

The chakra is associated with the adrenal glands, spleen, pancreas. She is the source of the astral body, the center of the human ego. Manipura controls digestion and controls virtually all of the internal organs below the diaphragm.

Chakra Anahata

Anahata is the fourth chakra, which is located at the level of the heart, its element is Fire. Qualities normal work chakras: fearlessness, a sense of confidence, on physical level- strong immunity. Its symbol is a lotus with twelve petals.

The relationship of the subtle body and chakra: Anahata is associated with the endocrine glands and thymus... Chakra Anahata is the source of the mental body, the center of the energy of love. It controls the circulatory and respiratory systems.

Chakra Vishuddha

Vishuddha is the fifth chakra. Located at the base of the neck, in the jugular cavity. Its element is air. Qualities of good chakra work: expressive speech, musicality, objectivity, easy adaptability to new surroundings. Its symbol is a lotus with sixteen petals.

In the subtle body, Vishuddha is connected with the endocrine glands, the thyroid and parathyroid glands. It is the source of the spiritual body, the center of expression and purification. Responsible for the throat and vocal cords.

Chakra Ajna

Ajna - the sixth chakra, is located in the middle of the forehead, that is, this is the famous "third eye". Its element is light. The qualities of the free work of the chakra: the ability for higher forms of thinking, the feeling of connection with the Cosmos, the feeling of "seeing" the hidden. Its symbol is a lotus with two petals.

Ajna is associated with the endocrine glands, pineal gland and pituitary gland. This is the source of the cosmic body, the center of intelligence. It controls the functioning of the eyes and nose, the endocrine and nervous systems, as well as the lower part of the brain.

Chakra Sahasrara

Sahasrara is the seventh chakra, located in the crown of the head. It does not have an obvious element, since it directly connects a person with the energies of the Universe. This area is the location of the positive energy pole in the human body - Vishnu. The symbol of the seventh chakra is a lotus with a thousand petals.

The relationship of the subtle body and chakra: Sahasrara controls the work of the brain and all other chakras.


Yoga believes that the human spine connects the two energy poles of his body: the skull (crown) is the positive pole, and the last, lower vertebra is the negative pole. The tension between them determines life.

The space around the last vertebra, that is, the coccyx area, is considered the seat of the goddess Kundalini. She is a sleeping snake coiled into a ring. The task of the yogi is to wake up the sleeping snake and make it rise with all the accumulated energy to the positive pole, that is, to the crown of the head, to the Sahasrara region.

Ascending, the Kundalini energy passes through seven energy centers - chakras, which are a kind of accumulators vital energy, that is, prana.

V modern man most of these centers are virtually dormant. Yoga exercises - asanas and pranayama - contribute to their activation.

The rise of Kundalini energy up the spine means both physiological and spiritual development. As the life energy reaches each new chakra, your sense of life changes.

How to determine the state of energy health

To determine your energetic health, you can take a short test. The maximum number of points that you can score by answering a question is indicated in parentheses.

  • You don't feel tired. (5 points) What does this mean besides the feeling of ordinary physical fatigue? This means that you do not say to yourself: "I cannot do this", "I am not able to." You don't catch cold. You are ready to solve problems one by one, enjoying new skills and achievements.
  • You have a good appetite. (5 points) This means that any natural product creates a sense of pleasure. You taste good and get pleasure from a portion of rice, and from an apple, and from fresh salad, and from ordinary bread.
  • You sleep well and deeply. (5 points) If four or six hours of sleep is enough for you, then you have a wonderful, deep sleep in which the body is completely resting. With a good sleep, you fall asleep for three to four minutes and wake up at the time that you yourself appointed.
  • You have a good memory (5 points). Everything is clear here, this is the ability to remember everything that happens to you. Moreover, this ability increases with age.
  • You are in a good mood. (10 points) You are free from anger. Every new day makes you happy: people, nature, circumstances. You bring joy with you.
  • Speed ​​of thought and action (10 points). You quickly and easily find answers to your questions. You make decisions swiftly and act without hesitation.

If you have scored more than 20 points, you have a positive energy balance. However, in order to gain an optimal level of health and constant energy tone, you need to score more than 30 points.

TO pushy information about subtle (energy) bodies.

The first subtle body is e firn, or the energy body of a person. This body is an exact replica of the physical body. It exactly repeats its silhouette, going beyond its limits by 3-5 cm. This subtle body has the same structure as the physical body, including its organs and parts. It consists of a special kind of matter called ether. The etheric body forms the so-called energy matrix of the human body, which corresponds to the organs of our physical body. Distortions that arise in the human energy body first lead to functional disorders, and then to organ diseases or problems in a certain area of ​​life (more on this later in a brief description of the meaning of the chakras and their correspondence to certain areas of life). People with abilities feel the distortions of the energy body with their hands, and make corrections into it. In the case of correct action, following the correction of the energy body, the healing of the physical organ takes place. Since the etheric body completely repeats the physical, it is sometimes called the etheric double of a person.

The astral body is a body through which a person produces an emotional - sensory perception of reality and a response to it. The astral body can be conditionally combined into two levels. The first level is responsible for emotions and feelings; rage, anger, fear, lust, grief, joy, sadness, enthusiasm, etc. The second level is responsible for states that may include several (often conflicting) feelings or emotions - this is love , friendship, happiness, hate. Emotions and feelings can be called a colored world: here is the spring (light green, salad) color of calm, and the red color of activity, and the green color of self-confidence. During strong emotional outbursts (for example, a quarrel), people spend a large number of energies of the etheric body. Such outbursts weaken him, which subsequently affects the physical body and human health: if such emotional manifestations become systematic, this leads to a weakening of the etheric body and ultimately manifests itself in one or another chronic disease of the physical body.

The third human body was named mental body... This body is in charge of all the mental and intellectual ways of perceiving the world and displaying it (speech, language, logical and rational thinking). The mental body goes beyond the physical body by 10-20 cm and generally repeats its contours. It consists of even more subtle energy - energy mental plane... The mental body has a bright yellow color that emanates from the head of the person and spreads to the whole body. When one thinks intensely, the mental body expands and becomes brighter. The mental body also contains clots of energies that reflect our beliefs and persistent thoughts.

The fourth human body belongs to its immortal component and passes from life to life of a person in the course of his reincarnation. This is the so-called causal, or karmic body- the body of the soul, which contains the reasons for all human actions and information about the possible future actions of a person. Clairvoyants see the karmic body as a cloud of multi-colored clots of subtle energy protruding 20-30 cm beyond the physical body.

The fifth human body has various names. Someone calls it like intuitive(or budchial)
body is an energy body that concentrates the highest unconscious processes in itself. This body is the matrix by which our etheric (first) body is built. If we have a failure in the etheric body, then it is restored exactly according to the template, which is our fifth body.

The sixth body, received the name of the celestial body. They also call it body spiritual... It extends 60-80 cm beyond our physical body. Clairvoyants see it as multi-colored rays of flame emanating from the physical body of a person. At the level of this body, a person experiences high spiritual feelings.

Seventh ( higher "I" or the absolute body, nirvana, etc.)) The names of this body are different. It goes to a distance of 80-100 cm outside the physical body. In people with high energy, it can be even more. Outwardly, it looks like a golden egg that contains all the previous human bodies.
The outer surface of the egg has a protective film 1-2 centimeters thick. This film is strong, elastic and prevents the penetration of external influences on a person. This body provides a connection with the Higher Mind, receives from it the information necessary for a person and transfers the necessary information there. This body stores the program of a person's life.

Energy nexus of subtle bodies is such that each subsequent one is governing for the previous one. The shape of subtle bodies can be disturbed and a failure in the synchronization of the work of energy centers can occur. The negative emotions that a person is exposed to, if they pass into a stable state, can attract similar vibrations, and then a whole network of damages is created in the form of existence in the human aura of aural entities, in the etheric body of etheric entities, which lead to numerous psychic (explicit, hidden and borderline) disorders and psychopathic diseases.

Damage to thin bodies can occur in humans, starting from the uterine (prenatal) period. At the cellular level, all negative sensations and the accompanying background and vibrations are recorded, which subsequently creates damage to the subtle bodies. These records throughout the entire temporary living space are stored in the subconscious of a person. Anger, rage, irritation, chronic anger, habitual negative emotions, negative thoughts, resentment, pride, violence and many other manifestations of human cowardice.

It also stores a database of damages that came from past incarnations of a person, which in the future can lead to karmic diseases. Damages are formations in the aura of vortex structures that create peculiar tumors on thin bodies and very often cause tumors in the physical body.

Damage to subtle bodies eventually leads to damage to the physical body, forming similar vortex energy structures in it. Turbulence of energy flows can exist either long time, or minutes - it all depends on the action of the reason that gave rise to them. Being in a certain human habitat, they can move, feeding on the energy of the center that passes over their habitat.

The structure of a person is seven bodies, of which the densest is (the physical body) is a frame on which, like nesting dolls, six other bodies are strung: etheric (energy), astral (emotions), intuitive (mental), causal (karmic), containing experience past reincarnations, mental (thoughts), spiritual (self)

The human body is a system, all its organs have information and energy connections, which are the etheric (energy body). If the energy circulates correctly and the energy balance is maintained, then the organs will not get sick, since they feed on that vital energy, and good energy nutrition enables the organs to remain healthy.

Energy centers (chakras) are the energy link of the etheric body.

Astral, intuitive, casual, mental, spiritual - subtle bodies. Aura is the totality of all subtle bodies. Each subtle body has its own functional purpose, its own form and structure. There are structural connections between subtle bodies. In addition, each subtle body has its own biorhythm of work, synchronized by the biorhythms of the rest of the subtle bodies. The etheric body through its energy centers (chakras) supplies the main building material (vibrations) for the life of all other subtle bodies. The etheric body plays a leading role in maintaining human health.

The connection of the main chakras with the subtle bodies and organs in the physical body, as well as the influence of each chakra on the physical and mental state of the human body with the balance and imbalance of energy in the chakras, is of fundamental importance. Disruption of energy in one or several chakras leads at the beginning to very serious functional diseases, and then to organic and mental disorders.

Each person from birth has an energy double, also called an energy double. In fact, the double is a store of energy that can be automatically used by the body in extreme situations. However, in ordinary life, the energy of the twin is not available to us. In order to learn how to purposefully use the advantages that the awareness of managing our take gives us, we need to be properly aware of it. And to begin with, at least learn to perceive it and realize that the double really exists. Unconscious and not purposefully developed double, so until the end of a person's life arrives in a kind of "rudimentary" form. The conscious "pumping" of the double with energies of a certain kind serves as a guarantee that the aura around the organic body will have a great opportunity to restore integrity in case of any deformations. At a certain level spiritual development the aura of a person becomes one with the aura of a double.


Subtle bodies make up a single energy structure, therefore the state of each of them is a key factor that determines the state of the human being as a whole. The energetic interconnection of "subtle" bodies is such that each subsequent body is governing for the previous one: the body of the Soul governs the mental body, the mental body governs the astral, the astral - the etheric, the etheric - the physical. The subtle bodies can be damaged, as well as the etheric and physical bodies. The shape of the subtle bodies, the structure may be disturbed, and a failure in the synchronization of the work of all bodies may occur. The negative emotions that a person is exposed to, if they pass into a stable state, can attract similar vibrations from the Cosmos, and then a whole network of damage is created in the form of the existence of aural entities in the human aura, in the etheric body - etheric entities that lead to numerous psychic (explicit , latent and borderline) disorders and psychosomatic diseases.

Damage to the thin bodies can occur in humans, starting from the perinatal (uterine) period. Already at the cellular level, there is a record of all negative sensations and the background accompanying them (physical pain, words of others, soundtrack, etc.), which subsequently create damage to the subtle bodies. These records on the track of the entire temporary living space are stored in the subconscious of a person. It also stores a databank of damage that came from past incarnations of a person, which in the future can lead to karmic diseases. The lesions are formations in the aura of a vortex structure, which creates a kind of tumors on thin bodies and, very often, are the cause of tumors in the physical body.

Damage to subtle bodies can lead to damage to the etheric and physical body, forming vortex structures in them, similar to vortex structures in subtle bodies. The presence of vortex structures (turbulent flows in the etheric-physical body) causes the creation of etheric structural formations (usually protein), the so-called etheric entities, which have a program of behavior and are, as it were, intelligent beings. They live in the body, mainly in a liquid medium: blood, lymph, urine, bile, sweat, cerebrospinal fluid, vitreous eye tissue, intercellular fluid, etc. And arising due to the turbulence of energy flows, they can exist either for a long time or minutes - it all depends on the duration of the action of the cause that gave rise to them. Being in a certain habitat, they can settle and create a traffic jam.

The reasons for the emergence of ethereal entities and energy congestion: negative emotions that create turbulence in the flow of energy; toxins in the body, causing uneven energy flows ;, scars, adhesions; artificially created biofield distortions caused by wearing metal bracelets, wooden, shell jewelry, sometimes rings - gold and silver and other jewelry that are incompatible with a given person. Field distortions can be created by synthetic clothing and footwear, artificial spectra of radiation, for example, from fluorescent lamps, pipelines, etc.

The following reasons contribute to the appearance of aural entities: anger, rage, irritation, chronic anger, habitual negative emotions, negative thoughts, pride, excessive desire for material goods, sexual thoughts, sexual intemperance, weak self-esteem, vanity, spiritual laziness, excessive thinking, thirst for money , spiritualism, contact with spirits, smoking, passion for films about murder, violence. A particularly dangerous period, which enhances the possibility of entities appearing in the aura, is the full moon.

There are seven major energy centers

(seven human chakras) - chakra system (human chakras):

  • the first chakra muladhara - chakra 1 (lower chakra, kundalini chakra);
  • the second chakra svadhisthana - chakra 2 (sex chakra, coccyx chakra, sacral chakra, sexuality and attractiveness chakra);
  • the third chakra manipura - chakra 3 (navel chakra, solar plexus chakra, vitality chakra, vital energy chakra, will chakra, character chakra, vitality chakra);
  • the fourth chakra anahata - chakra 4 (heart chakra, chakra of love, chakra of feelings);
  • the fifth chakra vishudha - chakra 5 (throat chakra, information chakra, speech chakra, hearing chakra);
  • the sixth chakra ajna - chakra 6 (eyebrow chakra, frontal chakra, occipital chakra, clairvoyance chakra, third eye);
  • the seventh chakra sahasrara - chakra 7 (upper chakra, crown chakra, main chakra, main chakra);

Chakras are located not in the dense physical body of a person, but in the subtle energy body.

Each chakra is associated with certain organs to which it adjoins, therefore, if the chakras are damaged, the corresponding organs become sick.

Energy is accumulated in the chakras.

The work of the chakras creates an energy shell - a kind of cocoon.

If the shell is strong and shining brightly, then the person is healthy.

In a healthy state, each chakra is a small vortex of energy.

If the chakra is affected, then it dims and closes.

With chakras, a person involuntarily influences other people and with them perceives any influence from the outside.

Often, "dirt" is formed from our emotions. If a person is angry, then the chakras are blocked. For example,

first chakrablocked by fear,

second chakrablocked in moments of irritation and anger;

third -from dissatisfaction in everything and from suppression of neighbors;

fourth -due to strong affection and aggressiveness;

fifth -due to envy, arrogance and guilt;

sixth -because of pride and unforgiveness.

Seventh chakra -the "thousand petals" chakra is blocked due to doubt in God. It integrates all the chakras in itself. In most cases, "dirt" appears from hostile evil eyes, love spells and damage.

  • Chakra 1 (first chakra muladhara) located between the genitals and the anus. The Muladhara Chakra is an extremely powerful energy source called Kundalini energy. In the School of the Witch Doctor, the muladhara chakra is activated, but not used. In this, the School of the Healer differs from the schools of Yoga and many others, where great importance is attached to the activation and use of the first chakra. At the endocrine level, the mooladhara chakra is associated with the work of the adrenal glands.
  • Chakra 2 (second chakra svadhisthana) located just above the base of the spine, at the level of the coccyx. Svadhisthana chakra regulates the replenishment of energy deficit in diseases of the genital organs, and is also responsible for work immune system and the general vitality of a person. Svadhisthana chakra is associated with the ovaries and testicles - the glands of the endocrine system.
  • Chakra 3 (third chakra manipura) located on the spinal column at the level of the navel. Manipura chakra regulates the energy supply of the digestive system (liver, spleen, stomach, intestines), as well as the kidneys. The manipura chakra is associated with the pancreas.
  • Chakra 4 (fourth chakra anahata) located along the spinal column, at chest level. Anahata chakra provides all circulatory systems with Reiki energy, restoring and strengthening the work of the heart. The Anahata chakra is associated with the thymus (thymus) gland, which is also called the thymus.

  • Chakra 5 (fifth chakra vishuddha) located along the vertebral column, in the region of a large vertebra at the base of the neck (the so-called "bison tubercle"). Vishuddha chakra regulates the energy balance of the respiratory system (nose, throat, lungs) and the skin. Vishuddha corresponds to the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
  • Chakra 6 (sixth chakra ajna) located in the middle of the forehead. Ajna helps restore balance in the nervous system, in the work of the brain and spinal cord, and also plays a major role in the transmission of energy at a distance, i.e. in a non-contact way. Ajna chakra is associated with the work of the pituitary gland - a gland that activates the activity of other endocrine glands.
  • Chakra 7 (seventh chakra sahasrara) located at the top of the head. Sahasrara receives and distributes the flow of vital energy in the brain and organs of the head. Through the sahasrara, the disturbed energy balance in the lymphatic system is restored, in skeletal system, Sahasrara helps with pain in joints and muscles, and is also indirectly related to the work of other chakras, helping and stimulating their activity throughout the human body. The Sahasrara chakra is associated with the pineal gland.


the end of the spine, between the anus and the genitals, the perineal region
Keywords: vitality, strength, endurance
Element: Earth
Energy: Energy of the earth
Controlled sense organ: smell
Psychological aspects: safety, caution, patience, vigilance, selfishness, self-defense, struggle
Physical aspects: adrenal gland, skeleton, spine, spinal cord, kidneys, rectum
Functional Expressions: motor function, endurance, physical vitality, inner strength, love of life through a strengthened body
The effect of working with chakra: strengthening of immunity, vigor, endurance, determination, optimism, return of taste for life


Physical projection: 4-6 cm below the navel, the level of the pubic bone
Keywords: attractiveness, material creativity
Element: Water
Energy: the energy of life
Controlled sense organ: taste
Psychological aspects: passion, self-esteem, fear, power, aggressiveness, contempt, selfishness, prudence
Physical aspects: digestive organs, intestines, genitourinary system
Functional Expressions: sexual energy, desire for destruction, heightened taste perception
The effect of working with chakra: moral growth, the ability to transform greed, lust, anger, envy and jealousy, allows you to succeed in business


Physical projection: 5-7 cm above the navel, solar plexus
Keywords: will, perseverance, strength, determination
Element: Fire
Energy: moral
Controlled sense organ: vision
Psychological aspects: self-expression, self-affirmation, courage, emotionality, inspiration, deceit, fear
Physical aspects: stomach, pancreas, exocrine glands, liver, solar plexus
Functional Expressions: coordination of movements, perception of one's own body, assertiveness in achieving self-satisfaction
The effect of working with chakra: increasing vitality and getting rid of many diseases, gaining longevity and good health, development of managerial and organizational skills, improved control over speech and the ability to clearly express one's thoughts, to influence people with words


Physical projection: center of chest
Keywords: love, kindness, compassion, harmony
Element: Air
Energy: love
Controlled sense organ: organs of touch
Psychological aspects: duty, responsibility, empathy, hope, faith, love for one's neighbor, indecision
Physical aspects: cardiovascular system, circulatory system, lungs, thyroid gland, mammary glands
Functional Expressions: love and care for yourself and others, the sensitivity of touch through the motor skills of nerves, the ability to get what you want
The effect of working with chakra: control over feelings and emotions, gaining power over oneself, wisdom and inner strength, overcoming obstacles and difficulties, gaining confidence, the ability to harmonize the environment, gaining power over one's "I", balancing the male and female energy, establishment of harmony of intention and action, development of creative inspiration


Physical projection: base of the neck, thymus
Keywords: creativity, harmony, calmness, self-realization
Element: Ether
Energy: creation
Controlled sense organ: hearing
Psychological aspects: emotions, inspiration, creativity, sociability, emotional and spiritual activity
Physical aspects: spinal cord, throat, neck, esophagus, heart, lungs
Functional Expressions: breathing, sighing and uttering a sound, swallowing, represents creativity of all kinds, the last zone related to time and space
The effect of working with chakra: calmness, purity, clarity, melodic voice, ability for spiritual poetry, prophetic gift


Physical projection: center of the brain, pineal gland
Keywords: wisdom, will
Element: Light
Energy: active mind, intuition
Controlled feeling: intuition
Psychological aspects: mind, will, reason, logic, empathy, inspiration, direction, analysis, fantasy
Physical aspects: brain, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, head, nervous system
Functional Expressions: the ability to create visions (creative imagination) and understand the meaning (responsibility) of one's capabilities, understanding concepts, clairvoyance, is responsible for the sixth sense (instinct)
The effect of working with chakra: understanding of the essence of things, wisdom, will, clairvoyant abilities, the ability to know the past, present and future is acquired, the severity of past births is burned in the process of working with the sixth energy center


Physical projection: top of the head, crown
Keywords: cosmic consciousness, superconsciousness, unity
Element: Light
Energy: will, consciousness, creativity
Controlled feeling: collective consciousness
Psychological aspects: spirituality, wisdom, enlightenment, self-realization, selflessness, integrity
Physical aspects: brain, pineal gland, skin, reproduction, hormonal balance
Functional Expressions: higher abstract philosophical thinking, superconsciousness, pure intuition, combines the concepts of rational reason ( geometric figures mental body), the transformation of thought into energy through the activation of the brain
The effect of working with chakra: the acquisition of the ability to superconsciousness, an all-unifying vision of the world, the realization of higher aspirations, perfect peace, cosmic consciousness, connection with our spiritual "I", the realization of the highest fullness of life


In cosmoenergy practice, special attention is paid to the correct operation of the main energy centers or chakras- until their energy is properly restored, healing is impossible. To meet in our time a person with fully functioning energy centers - all the colors of the rainbow in the aura - is really a great rarity. Violations found in energy centers are different and only a seeing specialist can thoroughly understand them. The chakra can be lacking energy or pumping over, it can be broken, blocked by a binding, or it can be fed by the neighboring one. Disturbances in the work of energy centers are clearly associated with the psychology of the individual and his social behavior, these aspects are also worked out with the correct restoration of the energy center

First chakra

The root is responsible for the work of the excretory part of the intestine, legs, joints, coccyx, immunity, rectum, as well as this chakra of vital energy. In life, this is the energy of the family, clan. It carries the knowledge that each of us is connected with each other, we are all representatives of one spiritual society. Concepts such as honor, loyalty, justice, family or collective ties, the ability to manipulate physical energy in order to survive are the energy of the first chakra. Until the energy of the first center works at the proper level, it makes no sense to talk about human health. The truth of the first chakra is "All are one."

Second chakra

in the physical body is responsible for the functioning of the genitals, appendicitis, bladder, pelvis, tailbone, large intestine. In life, he is responsible for relationships with people, allows us to realize ourselves as a person. This is the energy of self-sufficiency, the survival instinct. It symbolizes that all relationships are trials sent down to us from above. They help us understand our strengths and weaknesses. This will become easier to understand if we learn to respect everyone and everything. The truth of the second chakra is respect each other.

The proverb “like attracts like” and the energy of the second chakra makes us understand that we attract to ourselves precisely those relationships that can teach us to know ourselves. The purpose of this energy is to learn to interact consciously with other people, i.e. stay with those who contribute to our growth, and let go of those relationships that can give us nothing.

There is nothing accidental, even before the birth of any relationship, we have already opened the door for them with the help of the energy we generate. Until we try to subjugate others and do not remember that these people are mirrors reflecting our qualities to us, we will be at enmity with ourselves. Learn to forgive and let go of the past, for habit is a hell that people cling to, hoping to stop the changing course of life. Everything flows, everything changes, and tomorrow bears an amendment for today. Fears hinder progress, being under the pressure of our own fears, we are not able to act rationally - this is a source of negative thoughts and actions, and only your belief in yourself can change life for the better. Believe in love and respect, and the energy of love will attract the same attitude towards you. Particular attention should be paid to the relationship between a man and a woman. Remember that each of us has both energies, and health and destiny depend on whether they are in harmony.

Woman denying male role in his life, makes diseases of the reproductive organs, up to their removal. A man who believes that the amount of money is directly related to the amount of sexual energy becomes impotent if it is lost. By the way, this is typical for both sides - the lack of money turns into a lack of energy. The easier our attitude to money is, the more likely we will control their energy and direct it into our lives as needed, taking away the status of a leader from money, making them work for us. In this life, we must respect the laws of payment and debt, and that is all that is required of us. Money for us, work for us, not us for them. But back to the relationship. This is the most difficult area in life, the very presence of a partner tempts us to blame him for our actions and choices. There are truths that will help you understand yourself and in relationships:

1. We choose our partners ourselves.

2. No one forces us to maintain unpleasant relationships. Nobody but ourselves. In all cases, dysfunctional unions show us areas in which we do not love ourselves.

3. Your personal relationship exists for you personally, not for your partner or other people.

4. All that we can see in a partner is ourselves.

5. We cannot hurt other people, and other people cannot hurt us. You can only hurt yourself. The truth is that people who live in a lie in relation to a partner, in the name of good and peace, do not want to enter into real relationships with normal partners, because they are afraid of losing control of the situation, or face their fear of loneliness. Telling ourselves that we are afraid of causing our partner suffering is deceiving ourselves, this is just an excuse we use to hide the truth. We hurt ourselves by making unreasonable demands on other people. Lying destroys intimacy. Love requires complete openness, we lie, because we are afraid of loss and loneliness, but by doing so we build a wall of alienation. Lying only prolongs unnecessary relationships.

6. The best thing we can do for our partner is to love ourselves.

7. Love always strives for even greater love, but always awakens what is opposite to it. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to avoid our own inner fears from the past, without processing which, we will repeat them again, until we take wisdom from the situation. By raising our love to absolute, we are doomed to lose it.

8. Marriage is not permanent. Sooner or later we achieve happiness in love life, not because we find the perfect partner, but because we find ourselves. In love there is such happiness and intimacy that are available only to people who have entrusted each other with their fears and weaknesses. Open your soul to your partner, if as a result he decides to leave you, it just means that you are not suitable for each other.

Third chakra

Now let's talk about work third chakra who is responsible for the work gastrointestinal tract and internal organs. This is the center of our personal strength, self-affirmation, self-esteem, material relationships.

The absolutization of benefits leads to their absence and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Constant humiliation of oneself, a feeling of guilt, not self-love leads to suffering. Allow yourself to live at the level that you occupy, without looking back, do not stop, only movement leads to development. The amount of money is not a measure of happiness, it is said: "Do not envy, do not steal, do not covet someone else's", "Do not judge, but you will not be judged", "With what measure you measure, this will be measured to you."

Fourth chakra

responsible for the work of cardio-vascular system and lungs. This is the energy of love and trust. The energy of love is pure power. Loving yourself means taking care of yourself well enough to be able to forgive people. Letting go of our grievances, we learn free love, and not like an offended child who loves for something, fearing to lose the object of our love. It's not forgiveness that destroys ourselves. Everything inside and outside of us runs on the fuel of our heart. Look into your heart to see if there are any prison cells, and if there are any, free all the prisoners, even if it is yourself. Letting them go, this will only make your relationship stronger. Let go of fears, guilt, resentments by asking forgiveness from those you have offended, forgiving those who have offended you. Divine love energy works wonders when it is free.

Forgiveness allows you to actually heal any mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical wound your imagination has inflicted on you. By forgiving, you are paving your way to health and happiness. Forgiveness is the greatest healer.

Fifth chakra .

Communication, relationship, choice - throat, thyroid gland, mouth, teeth, esophagus, bronchi. The need to free our spirit from past fears and negative events, from feelings of guilt, is stronger than the need for silence. The first reaction to an unforgiven, unspoken offense is a runny nose (in the absence of hypothermia). Resentment is aggravated - a runny nose turns into acute respiratory infections, etc. Then our body gives us 7 days to heal. One day for each chakra so that we can realize our mistakes. If we learn the lesson of life and make the right choice, the situation will not happen again. Yes, changing the usual content of life, even when it is very sad, is very difficult. But no matter how frightening the changes are, expecting that by standing still, we will achieve what we want - we doom ourselves to even greater suffering. The only way to find a sense of inner well-being is to dive into the maelstrom of change in order to emerge refreshed. Realizing change is the ability to let go of the old and embrace the new, remembering that everything ends and begins in due time.

Strive to get rid of any thoughts that lead you to a state of anger or self-pity, and from thoughts that shift the blame for everything that happens to you to others. Take all situations as messages and learn to read them, live today, not yesterday and tomorrow. Learn to deal with your own fears. And yet, always a shift towards awareness leads to a period of loneliness, which is required for a person to become accustomed to a new level of truth. And then there will always be new meetings of a higher level.


In the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth chakras, development becomes transpersonal. Man comprehends subtle spaces ever deeper. It is there that the trouble lies in wait. Developing New Age spirituality deepens the concept of a higher God somewhere above, neglecting the practical spirituality of the feminine Earth. The heavenly chakras rely on the earthly chakras, since the branches of a tree cannot exist without its roots. The gifts of the higher chakras are extremely practical, they are already manifested in this world. There is nothing otherworldly about them. This truth has been recognized by all great spiritual teachers. Saying that “the Kingdom of God is at hand,” Christ meant inseparability, the unity of Heaven and Earth.
We are familiar with the problems of earthly chakras both from personal experience and from psychotherapy. We've all faced fear, shame, outbursts, sex, desires, and a desire for security. In the heavenly chakras, we enter less familiar territory. The properties of these chakras are difficult to comprehend with the mind. In some cases, the difference between the two is reduced to the strength of this or that phenomenon... This is how motherly love is different from love for her husband. Although the husband and children are equally close, their feelings for them are different. The same applies to spiritual lessons and the properties of the higher chakras.
Investigating the spheres of action of the celestial chakras, we were able to determine the qualities associated with each of these centers. The main characteristic of the sixth chakra is going beyond death, the seventh is power over time, the eighth is invisibility, and the ninth is the ability to keep a secret.

Element: Pure light

Colour: blue-violet

Bodily aspects: brain, eyes, nervous system

Instinct: search for truth

Psychological aspects: reason and logic, rationality, empathy, depression, stress diseases, detachment

Glands: pituitary

Sources: enlightenment, self-awareness

Negative manifestations: delusions, neuroses, inadequacy, seizures
Sixth chakra, "third Eye", located in the center of the forehead. In Indian tradition, she was considered the third eye of Shiva, who bestows knowledge of non-dualism and perfect truth. In Sanskrit, this center is called ajna , "Unlimited power"... In this chakra we gain the understanding that we are inseparable from God. We express the divine with ourselves and see it in others. In the presence of a person who has reached this stage, there is a deep calmness. At the level of the second chakra, masculine and feminine meet outside the body; in the sixth chakra they merge within. Man recognizes himself as an eternal entity temporarily dwelling in this body. The one whose sixth chakra has awakened realizes that the real self must drop identification with bodily or mental experiences. One must rise above the body and mind, but joyfully accept them in the field of consciousness. By observing your own mind, you can go into transpersonal states.
Thoughts should be monitored with curiosity, but without involvement. When you go beyond the mind, doubts disappear, and desires and impulses cease to be the main driving forces. A person is transferred to the world of knowledge, accessible to perception, but not verbal description. The point is not that it goes beyond the capabilities of language, it is just that there are only experiences. Shamans say that you will not enter this kingdom by chance, it is found only by the one who seeks. This state is like two lovers who finally merge in a long kiss. What about perception when there is no one who perceives? As soon as a word is uttered, the meaning escapes. It is like waking up from a dream: as soon as you begin to realize that you had a dream, the memory forgets the dream.
In case of malfunction of the sixth chakra, a person confuses information with knowledge... He thinks he has learned great spiritual truths when in reality he has only a handful of facts at his disposal. Shamans know how to make rain without even knowing that water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Chronic chakra malfunction third eye reflected in spiritual materialism. Such people often exercise tremendous power and influence in the world, not recognizing their responsibility for what is happening. In our world, ruled by the press with its sensational cults, the energies of the sixth chakra are constantly distorted, which leads to spiritual ignorance and inflated conceit.
The search for knowledge often brings the exact opposite - it distracts us from real encounters with the Spirit. Shaman is a person who has achieved self-awareness... Inner awakening lets him see the ways of the Spirit... Buddha was not a Buddhist, and Christ was a Christian. The first sat under a sacred banyan tree until he attained enlightenment. The second went into the desert for forty days. The sixth chakra enables us to achieve self-awakening... We discard ponchos, rattles and feathers, and other external signs - and then the very mystery of life will fill us with awe and superstitious horror.
Open third Eye lets the shaman know who he really is. This vision brings him knowledge of the past and the future, allows him to see possible options development of destiny... According to some legends, the one who awakens this chakra is able to gain physical immortality. All his desires come true, and if the same mental image is supported by several seeing , they can carry out their plans on a planetary scale... This tradition has been preserved by the indigenous peoples for a long time. The elders of the Hopi tribe and the council of Inca medicine men sit down for joint meditation, in order to jointly create a mental image of the world that they would like to leave to their descendants.


Element: Clean energy

Colour: purple

Bodily aspects: pineal gland, skin, brain, hormonal balance

Instinct: universal ethics

Psychological aspects: disinterestedness, integrity, wisdom

Glands: pineal gland

Sources: transcendence, enlightenment

Negative manifestations: psychoses, degradation, cynicism
The first chakra connects us to the Earth, and the crown chakra takes us to Heaven. The luminous threads of this center are drawn to the stars and determine our destiny. The earth protects us, feeds us vitality and heaven pushes towards the sublime. Seeds only sprout when they are immersed in fertile, dark and moist soil, but they continue to grow thanks to the sun's rays. Germinating, all plants are drawn to the sky. Our spiritual life originates in the first chakra due to the connection with the Earth, but later through the crown of the head, the heavenly light penetrates into our body, feeding the entire chakra system. In Sanskrit, this chakra is called sahasrara , "emptiness"... People who have received the gifts of this center no longer need a material body. Having learned to move in time and space, they become one with Heaven and Earth.

Lesson of the seventh chakra - power over time... Leaving the framework of linear, causal time, we free ourselves from the tyrannical clutches of the past. Today is no longer a consequence of past events; we experience freedom from cause and effect. We stand with one foot in everyday life, and the other in the spiritual world; then it becomes clear that they have common ground... Thanks to the sixth chakra, the healer gains knowledge about the past and the future; developing the seventh chakra, he begins influence these events... He can change what happened in the past and help the patient change the future - for example, choose the option in which the patient is cured of the disease and lives a full-blooded life.

The seventh chakra brings liberation to the shaman from desires, hopes and regrets. In the upper reaches of the Madro de Dios River, near the border of Peru and Brazil, lives a healer, a master of work with ayahuasca - a drink that, if used correctly, allows you to be transported to the afterlife for a while. This old man rarely says something, he does not need words. During ceremonies, he whistles and sings songs about the river and medicinal herbs; at the same time, you feel a complete affinity with the surrounding jungle.

You become inseparable from the river, crickets and cicadas - all this turns into notes that are born in one flute. The seventh chakra allows us to understand that life is a tangled web of luminous threads, and each of us is one of its fibers, but at the same time the whole network as a whole.

The negative expression of the seventh chakra is spiritual degradation pretending to be enlightenment. Although in order to experience the transcendental, one really has to rise above the ego, for some reason it is believed that any unselfish state is transcendental. The belief that getting rid of the ego naturally means gaining the Spirit is far from the truth. Many unselfish states manifest themselves at many different levels. For example, an infant does not distinguish himself from the world around him. In psychotherapy, the lack of clear boundaries of one's own personality is considered a disease. The egos of people with severe mental disorders (schizophrenia) are so fragmented that such people behave inappropriately. In traditional cultures, elaborate initiation rites require the student to build a solid foundation of self-perception before dismembering his ego.
In our society, where everyone strives for instant gratification of needs, spiritual seekers often dream of a giant leap across the levels of the lower chakras. Some are attracted by promises of exotic experiences, others are simply impatient and do not fully understand that for serious work it is necessary to cleanse the lower chakras as well. Sometimes even some mentors do not complete this process and themselves do not realize that it is necessary. Such people believe that any level of development achieved means enlightenment; they openly deny the possibility of moving on. This form of spiritual delusion is gaining tremendous proportions today.
Those who have mastered the seventh chakra gain extraordinary abilities, including access to ancient memories stored in the collective unconscious of humanity. Another gift of the seventh chakra is the ability to shape-shift. Shamans understand that they are no different from stones, plants and earth. People who have mastered the gifts of this chakra understand that rivers of life flow outside of form and formlessness, outside of being and non-existent... They know that infinity is independent of time and external form.


Element: Soul

Colour: gold

Bodily aspects: body structure

Instinct: search for transcendental

Psychological aspects: No

Glands: No

Sources: lack of time

Negative manifestations: prone to illness, chilling horror

It is located above the head; the awakened eighth chakra shines with a radiant sun within the Luminous Energy Field. When a person shifts consciousness to the eighth chakra, he instantly gains access to memory of ancestors... He gains knowledge that he has never received from personal experience. He may recall, for example, sitting on the prairie by the fire, next to grazing bison, or praying in stone temples under the snow-capped peaks. The teachings of all shamans who lived before are revealed to him. Their voices become his voice, the ancient teachers continue to live in him. The eighth chakra is associated with archetypes, primordial symbols and the memory of the collective unconscious.
Information fields of the eighth chakra serve as the basis for building a material body. This chakra is like a carpenter who makes a chair (material organism) and then burns it in a fireplace. The carpenter does not feel a sense of loss, because he knows that he can easily make a new chair. The eighth chakra is not affected by the death of the body. If the imprint of the disease is captured in it, it becomes something like a flaw in the drawings, as it is reflected in each new "chair".
The eighth chakra brings sensation unity not only with all Creation (this feeling arises already at the level of the seventh chakra), but also with himself The creator... The Creator is indescribable, it cannot be grasped in any way accessible to sensory perception. Meetings with the Creator usually became a topic for the scriptures. The Christian can talk about it as a merger with an angel, saint, or Christ. A Buddhist will talk about union with Buddha, and a shaman will talk about merging with our luminary, the Sun. We unite with the Creator and perceive the archetypal images of the divine existing in his kingdom. These are images of God that our ancestors painted and carved in stone for hundreds of millennia.
The negative manifestation of this chakra is the icy, cosmic horror experienced by those who are stuck between the worlds of spirit and matter. Not alive, not dead, they fall into the world of nightmares, but they cannot wake up. On the spiritual plane, this is purgatory - what Buddhists call the worlds bardo . In this area, disembodied entities linger, chained to certain people or places on earth. People who have experienced an involuntary and, therefore, unbalanced awakening of the eighth chakra can also find themselves there. Some of them end up in hospitals for the mentally ill, others suffer quietly at home, and still others join bizarre pseudo-mystical movements.
The characteristic property of the eighth chakra is invisibility... In this center, we begin to be aware of the Observer (in Buddhism they call him "the witness") - the unchanging Self that exists from the very beginning of our spiritual journey. Now, moving away from reason, one can contemplate reason with all the dramas and mistakes inherent in it. The observer watches how our life unfolds; he understands that all the words we use to describe ourselves are just words. Everything that we, in our opinion, know about ourselves is not the real I. The observer knows that everything seen and felt is unreal. He is interested in the root of this secret, and not in its outward manifestations. The observer perceives what is impossible to perceive, since it cannot be turned into an object of perception. The observer is invisible, and it is also impossible to perceive.
Invisibility is achieved by eliminating all projections of the self and by practicing stillness. Sooner or later, the Observer begins to comprehend his own source - the Spirit, or the ninth chakra.


Element: Spirit

Colour: translucent white light

Bodily aspects: No

Instinct: liberation

Psychological aspects: No

Glands: No

Sources: Infinity

Negative manifestations: No

The ninth chakra rests in heart of the universe... It stretches across all boundless space and connects with the eighth chakra with a luminous thread. The shaman is able to travel along this cord and feel the vast expanses of Creation. I call this center chakra for lack of a better term. In fact, it is abode of the Spirit... The center exists outside the individual soul, which binds us to the space-time continuum and the idea of ​​salvation (they are associated with the eighth chakra). It is the spirit that permeates everything in the universe. The observer comprehends what is all observed.
The ninth chakra is I, which was never born and will never die. It precedes time and never plunges into its flow. It precedes space and existed even before the universe was embodied in reality. It is the I who never left the Garden of Eden.
Characteristic feature the ninth chakra is the ability to keep a secret, to hide it even from oneself. The secret lies in the fact that incredibly long ago that Incomprehensible Power, which we call God, rested in Its abode among the unmanifest Nothing and decided to perceive Itself. Twelve billion years ago, It manifested itself as a singularity, from which all the matter of the Universe later formed. The incomprehensible Power continued to comprehend Itself through all forms of living things - grasshoppers, whales, planets and moons. Since the Incomprehensible Power was omnipresent and omniscient, each of Her manifestations also possessed these qualities. Thus, She had to keep the secret of Her nature even from Herself - only in this way She could comprehend Herself in tens of thousands of her forms.
When this center awakens, a person hears a deep rumbling laugh, echoing through the mountains and dissolving into the sky.

mental state in case of chakra malfunction.

FIRST CHAKRA... Physical and mental asthenia, weakness, increased fatigue, lethargy, chronic fatigue syndrome, decreased tone, anxiety, fear. There is irritable weakness, psychasthenia (mental asthenia). It is difficult for a person to perform even the usual physical and mental operations. He is easily annoyed, "snaps" on any occasion. In the morning, he may feel overwhelmed or tired of inadequately performed work. Depression can occur with poor functioning of other chakras, but unambiguously, in case of disturbances in the 1st chakra, asthenic, less often dysphoric manifestations will prevail. In case of violations in the 3rd chakra - volitional decline. In case of violations in the 4th chakra - an emotional deficit.
EMOTIONS (from Latin - shake, excite) - experiences by the person himself of his attitude to objective reality and to himself, satisfaction or dissatisfaction with his own actions.

ANXIETY is an affect that manifests itself in the EXPECTATION of an unfavorable development of events, of an UNDEFINED danger. Differs in INFINITY. The cause of the alarm is NOT RECOGNIZED. Experiences of internal tension, excitement are characteristic. A SEARCH for the alarm source is in progress.
DISPHORIA (from Greek - annoyance, irritation, discontent) - dreary-spiteful, gloomy, gloomy, painful mood with elements of fear. Distinguish STENIC DISPHORIA (with violations in the 3rd chakra) with a predominance of aggression and anger and ASTENIC (with violations in the 1st chakra) DYSFORIA with a predominance of melancholy and fear with a desire for solitude.

THIRD CHAKRA... Emotional and volitional decline is noted. A person does not get tired, there is, at least, a pronounced feeling of weakness, but, nevertheless, he does not want to do anything, although he can (in case of violations in the 1st chakra, he wants to, but cannot or can hardly). Overall activity is significantly reduced, relationships with colleagues and work partners are disrupted. Depression from mild to severe forms with ideas of self-accusation, self-flagellation, with suicidal thoughts and attempts is often noted. Intellectual abilities are preserved, but due to a reduced will to use them in full, it is not possible. Initiative, purposefulness is lost, lethargy and drowsiness increase. Decreases interest in everything. Discontent, grumbling, distrustfulness, suspicion appear. Food, alcohol can be “the only joy”. The ability to concentrate, attentiveness decreases. Absent-mindedness, increased distractibility, inertia, and difficulty in switching attention appear. Pathological drives may appear, such as kleptomania (impulsive desire to steal), dromomania (desire for vagrancy, homelessness), pyromania (impulsive fire), suicide (constant desire to commit suicide, more typical for violations of the 4th chakra) ... The food instinct may be disturbed, both in the direction of its strengthening - bulimia, polydipsia, and in the direction of weakening - anorexia. Less often, perverted options are noted - eating inedible substances. Disorders of the instinct of self-preservation are noted in the form of a decrease defense reactions(its weakening) or strengthening (distrust, fear, avoidance). May appear obsessions- actions, drives, rituals.

OBBSESSIVE CONDITIONS - repeated emergence of certain contents (thoughts, doubts, fears, anxieties, memories, ideas) in the patient's mind, accompanied by a painful feeling of compulsion.
OBSESSIVE ACTIONS are meaningless, unnecessary actions, such as frequent hand washing, shifting objects, and speaking harsh and obscene words.
RITUAL - an obsessive action for the purpose of protection ("if you manage to do this and that, then trouble will not happen").
OBSTRUCTIVE ATTRACTIONS - the desire, contrary to common sense, to commit a meaningless or dangerous action. Hypochondriacal features may appear, thoughts of having a heavy, incurable disease, egocentrism, fixation on one's own feelings, boredom, boredom, stubbornness, stinginess, coexisting with generosity, conscientiousness, guilt, sensitivity to criticism with distorted self-criticism. There is often a low pain threshold and low pain tolerance (tolerance).

FOURTH CHAKRA... In case of violations in the 1st chakra, people are worried, afraid of the present. With disturbances in the 4th chakra, anxiety and fear are more related to the future. People with such a disorder are not warm enough, responsive, are not capable of empathy, compassion, empathy. They are selfish (in case of violations in the 3rd chakra, egocentrism prevails), callous and in almost all cases do not agree with this, and describe themselves as "kind", "fluffy". The ability to rejoice is reduced, anger, rage, anger, aggression, longing, sadness are often noted. Panic attacks appear. Envy and vindictiveness prevail. There is a tendency towards gossip, slander, "struggle for justice", which in all cases implies its complete righteousness and the desire to punish only other people. Movements can be sluggish, stingy, thoughts are directed more into the past. Feeling of depression, heaviness in the heart, a tendency to self-delusion in unpleasant events with a tendency both to excessive self-accusation and to blame others.

FIFTH CHAKRA... Various speech disorders. This is primarily an increase or decrease in loudness, a change in speech modulations. In addition, there are other speech disorders:

APHASIA (in Greek "phasis" -speech) - systemic disorder different types speech arising as a result of damage to the cerebral cortex. Aphasia can be:
- AMNESTIC (the names and names of objects are forgotten);
- MOTOR (active speech is disturbed, both oral and written);
- SENSOR (the understanding of the meaning and meaning of words is broken);
- SEMANTIC (understanding of complex phrases and sentences is broken).

ALALIA (in Greek "lalia" -speech) - a defect or lack of speech while maintaining intelligence and hearing.
BRADIFASIA - slowing down of speech.
LOGORRAYA ("speech diarrhea") - verbosity, polyphony up to the unrestrained speech.

MUTISM (Latin "mutus" - dumb) - "dumbness" due to violation of the will (3rd chakra). The addressed speech is understood. The ability to speak is retained, but there are no answers to questions, as well as spontaneous speech.

STUNNING - difficulty in speech, a violation of its smoothness in the form of a convulsive disorder of the coordination of a speech act.
DYSARTRY - blurry, stumbling, stumbling speech. Articulation disorders.

LOGOCLONY - spastic multiple repetition of individual syllables.
In the presence of ES on the 5th chakra, the following are also possible: special kind stopping personality development at the juvenile early adolescent stage. It differs primarily in emotional characterological characteristics, instability of mood, poorly controlled drives, lack of conscious and targeted activity, as well as superficial, immature judgments. Often combined with PHYSICAL INFANTILISM.

Pseudo-Dementia is one of the variants of a hysterical reaction, usually arising subacutely and characterized by symptoms of PACE-SPEAKING, MIMO ACTION, a picture of an imaginary decrease in the level of intellectual activity. Patients are foolish, goggle senselessly, cannot answer an elementary question, and then, unexpectedly, correctly perform more complex tasks.

MARASM (in Greek "maras-mos" - exhaustion, extinction) - exhaustion, withering of the body with a gradual fading of all its functions and atrophy of organs and systems. The concept is close to cachexia. Speech disorders, untidiness with urine and feces are constantly observed. Appetite is increased up to bulimia, oral and grasping automatisms, violent laughter and crying are observed. The most common forms:
- alimentary;
- mental (complete disintegration of the psyche, loss of speech, self-service skills);
- senile.