What diseases cause anemia? Prevention of disease. Iron deficiency anemia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Many people face various diseases of the blood system. Among them, the most common diagnosis is anemia. Every person should know what types of this insidious disease there are, for what reasons it occurs and how it manifests itself, so as not to trigger the disease, and at the first symptom, contact a qualified specialist for help.

Anemia is a disorder in the human body in which the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. People are accustomed to calling this disease “anemia,” but this name does not quite coincide with reality. If there is not enough iron in the blood, then the body lacks the substrate that is necessary to create red blood cells.

Iron is one of the components of hemoglobin. Heme is a substrate required by red blood cells to bind and transport oxygen throughout the body. Anemia provokes the formation of hypoxia in peripheral cells and the brain.


There are a fairly large number of reasons why anemia can develop. This disease occurs on its own very rarely. It mainly occurs due to dysfunction internal organs, which negatively affects the composition of the blood.

The main causes of the disease include:

  • Wrong diet. If a person’s diet includes a small amount or no products such as meat, liver, eggs, sea or river fish, spinach, beans, prunes, beets. Thus, the body does not receive important nutrients and, as a rule, the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the fact that the child takes all microelements from the mother’s body. Therefore, it is very important to replenish losses by consuming iron-containing foods and special vitamins;
  • Loss of blood in large quantities. This happens with various bleedings (hemorrhoids, nasal, uterine, kidney, stomach);
  • Chronic diseases. Pyelonephritis, cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia and other diseases that lead to severe depletion of the body, as a result of which the hemoglobin level decreases and anemia forms;
  • Poisoning. Anemia can occur if red blood cells are destroyed excessively. Basically, this phenomenon is caused by a hereditary factor, but its appearance can also provoke toxic poisoning. The cause of poisoning may be copper compounds, snake or bee venom, arsenic and lead;
  • Gastritis. This disease contributes to a decrease in acidity. Digestion of foods becomes worse, which leads to insufficient supply of microelements to the human body;
  • Various diets. In an effort to reset overweight, people limit their intake to 1,000 calories per day. The body receives a small amount of iron, about 6 mg, and daily norm not less than 15 mg;
  • Failure to absorb vitamin B12 and iron by the body. This happens due to Crohn's disease, HIV infection, surgical removal stomach, intestinal infection.

The body absorbs iron differently. If you consume animal products, the absorption of iron will be approximately 10-15%, and when eating plant origin– only 1%.

Types of anemia

Anemia can appear for completely different reasons, so in medicine this disease is divided according to accompanying symptoms, severity and pathogenesis. Let's take a closer look at each type.

The human body contains approximately 4–5 g of iron, more than half of which is contained in the hemoglobin component. The body is designed in such a way that it can store iron in organs such as the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Physiological losses of iron occur daily; it is excreted naturally through urine, feces, sweat, and menstruation. Therefore, a person’s menu must include foods that contain large amounts of iron.

Iron deficiency anemia occurs due to the fact that there is a small amount of iron in the body. Premature babies, infants in the first months after birth and pregnant women are most susceptible to this phenomenon. In addition, the disease can develop due to chronic blood loss and intestinal absorption disorders.

In these circumstances, a person experiences shortness of breath, headaches, tinnitus, constant fatigue, tachycardia, and drowsiness. The skin becomes dry and pale, hair and nails become brittle, and the need arises to consume chalk or inhale the smell of wet concrete.

When taking the test, as a result, you can see a reduced number of hemoglobin and red cells, a decrease in volume or an absolute absence of reticulocytes. In addition, the accumulation serum iron becomes smaller, and the red cells - red blood cells - begin to deform.

Aplastic anemia is a blood pathology transmitted to a child from parents, or acquired by a person for one reason or another. It affects bone marrow stem cells, which greatly inhibits hematopoiesis (the process of formation, development and maturation of blood cells). This kind of this disease is the most severe form of hematopoietic disorder, which requires long-term and serious therapy. Mortality is recorded in 80% of cases.

Comparison of normal bone marrow and changes in it in aplastic anemia under a microscope.

Fortunately, this form of the disease occurs in only 5 people out of 1,000,000 people, but its insidiousness lies in the fact that, as a rule, children and young people are exposed to it.

Often, this illness is associated with a side effect from treatment with certain medications. Its appearance is not related to either the dosage or the duration of treatment. Such drugs that can disrupt the hematopoiesis of the bone marrow include: antihistamines, sulfonamides, tetracycline antibiotics and gold preparations.

This pathology can be provoked ionizing radiation, which is used in x-ray examinations. Those most at risk are clinic workers who perform X-rays on patients and people treated with radio wave therapy.

In addition, the disease can arise due to toxic substances found in drugs used to treat oncological pathologies. Autoimmune diseases can also be the culprits, because the immune system directs efforts to eliminate both pathogenic agents and its own bone marrow cells.

People experiencing aplastic anemia feel general weakness, causeless fatigue, bleeding gums, intense and long periods. It may also be observed nose bleed, increased temperature, pale skin, decreased blood pressure.

Folate deficiency anemia

Folic acid is a vital substance that the body needs for normal functioning. It penetrates into it through the consumption of certain products of plant and animal origin. This acid accumulates in the human body, and if it is less than the required norm, folate deficiency anemia occurs.

Basically, this type of anemia occurs due to various diseases gastro- intestinal tract, since at the time of their exacerbation, beneficial substances are less absorbed by the small intestine. This phenomenon damages the lining of the small intestine and, as a result, the absorption of important substances may completely stop.

The symptoms of the disease are very general, which makes it very difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis, especially if this type of anemia occurs in mild form. Patients often experience general weakness, unreasonable fatigue, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness and tinnitus.

If such a disease is detected in a patient, the attending doctor, before starting drug therapy, will necessarily recommend reviewing his menu and making adjustments to it. In particular, add food with the presence of folic acid. These include greens, carrots, bran bread, grapefruits, eggs, honey, liver. Very often, after adjusting the diet, it is possible to overcome the disease without taking various medicines.

Sickle cell anemia

This pathology occurs when the structure of the hemoglobin protein is disrupted. It is characterized by the acquisition of an unusual crystalline structure - hemoglobin S. Red blood cells that have such a changed substance have a sickle shape, as a result of which this pathology is called sickle cell anemia.

Red blood cells with hemoglobin S are less stable and perform their transport function much more slowly. This stimulates increased damage to red blood cells, which significantly shortens their life cycle. Hemolysis also increases, and symptoms of chronic hypoxia appear.

This disease is inherited. Patients with heterozygous genetics, in addition to sickle-shaped bodies carrying hemoglobin S, also have normal red blood cells in the blood system, with hemoglobin A. Under such circumstances, the disease is little expressed, passes in a milder form, and often has no symptoms at all. But people with homozygous genetics have exclusively sickle-shaped bodies with hemoglobin S, then the disease is much more severe.

Such anemia is accompanied by jaundice, hemolytic crises due to oxygen deficiency, swelling of the extremities, purulent wounds on the legs, blurred vision, enlarged spleen.

Posthemorrhagic anemia

In medicine, this disease is distinguished into two types - acute and chronic. The acute form is formed as a result of intense and massive blood loss, while the chronic form is characterized by blood loss over a long period in small quantities.

Posthemorrhagic anemia is caused by excessive blood loss due to various injuries, surgical procedures, internal bleeding. In patients experiencing posthemorrhagic anemia, the pulse quickens, body temperature decreases, cold sweat appears, regular dizziness with loss of consciousness occurs, and blood pressure drops.

The severity of the symptoms of the disease is not always related to the amount of blood lost. In some cases, arterial pressure may decrease due to response to pain syndrome from an injury that caused bleeding. And also the general condition of the patient directly depends not only on the amount of blood lost, but also on the rate of bleeding.

When a person loses more than 500 ml of blood, his condition is considered serious and dangerous to health. Against the background of large blood loss, vascular insufficiency and oxygen starvation occur, as the body loses a significant number of red blood cells. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the disease can be fatal.

Diamond-Blackfan anemia

In Diamond-Blackfan anemia, the functioning of the bone marrow is impaired. Its main purpose is to produce new blood cells. This type of disease prevents the brain from producing the required volume of blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. As a result, a deficiency of red cells is formed, which manifests itself in babies during the first months of life.

About 50% of patients with this disease experience physical abnormalities:

  • eyes set wide apart;
  • drooping eyelids;
  • wide, flat bridge of the nose;
  • small, low-set ears;
  • small lower jaw;
  • hole in the sky.

In addition to these abnormalities, they experience visual impairment, abnormal functioning of the kidneys and heart, and dilatation of the urethra in men.

A child born with Diamond-Blackfan anemia.

This syndrome is mainly treated with blood transfusions and corticosteroids. In this case, courses of treatment should be short with systematic breaks, in order to avoid the child becoming accustomed to hormones. Once adolescence ends, the need for corticosteroids disappears and hemoglobin levels return to normal.

In medicine, anemia is distinguished into three stages of severity. To establish it, the patient needs to take a blood test.

Why is anemia dangerous?

If anemia is not identified in a timely manner and measures to eliminate it are not taken, then it can greatly harm a person’s health. Any type of anemia increases the risk of oxygen starvation of internal organs, since they are deprived of a sufficient amount of not only oxygen, but also nutrients.

The most serious complication that anemia can lead to is hypoxic coma, which leads to death in more than half of the cases. In addition, a person with anemia is at risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies and respiratory failure. Women experience disturbances in their menstrual cycle, and children develop inattention, irritability and frequent illness.

Symptoms of anemia

The symptoms of anemia directly depend on the type of disease, stage and causes of the disease. But there are still general symptoms that are characteristic of all types of anemia. You should carefully monitor your condition and immediately make an appointment with a doctor if the following signs are noticed:

  • The blush disappeared from the face or became less noticeable. This can occur at the very beginning of the development of the disease;
  • Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • The skin became too dry, flabby and peeling appeared. This applies not only to the skin of the hands, which is often attributed to the influence of external factors;
  • Cracks began to appear in the corners of the mouth, which did not heal for more than 7 days;
  • Towards evening, the legs and face swell after habitual exercise;
  • The structure of the nail plate changed, the nails began to break, peel and grooves appeared;
  • The hair became dry, began to break and fall out (about the fact that anemia is one of the reasons severe loss hair, we discussed in this article);
  • Regular attacks of causeless headaches appeared;
  • Feeling constant fatigue, general malaise, loss of strength;
  • I began to feel dizzy even at rest.

Anemia during pregnancy

A growing child in the mother’s belly is not able to breathe and feed on its own; therefore, it takes all the useful elements required for its development from the female body.

Under normal circumstances, female body produces a large number of red blood cells. In order for oxygen to bind, it needs an additional supply of iron, which makes up hemoglobin. If a small amount of iron is ingested through the foods consumed, the production of red blood cells slows down significantly, which cannot affect the health of both mother and baby.

The disease often makes itself felt in the second trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that it is during this period that the need for iron increases significantly for the normal development of the fetus. If a woman does not take measures to eliminate anemia, she runs the risk of giving birth ahead of schedule, and during delivery there may be heavy bleeding, since this disease leads to impaired blood clotting.

For a child, this condition is dangerous due to intrauterine growth retardation, because he will not have enough oxygen and useful elements. In addition to all this, this disease greatly affects the well-being of a pregnant woman. Problems may also arise with lactation, since anemia significantly reduces the production of breast milk.

Scientists have found that during pregnancy and lactation, a woman’s body loses about 900 mg of iron. It takes a long time for its reserves to be restored.


When a patient comes to see a doctor, he first finds out what is bothering the person, how long the symptoms have been manifesting, and what measures have been taken to alleviate the condition. Then, when the anamnesis is completely collected, the patient is sent for a number of additional procedures:

  • General analysis blood. This is a mandatory test that is performed at every visit to the doctor. Under such circumstances, it is needed to determine the volume of hemoglobin in the blood system;
  • Complete blood test. It is carried out to determine the color indicator, which indicates how much hemoglobin is present in the red blood cell. This study provides insight into how bone marrow functions;
  • Blood chemistry. The amount of iron and various fractions of bilirubin is determined from the blood that is donated from a vein.

When a specialist receives the results of all studies, he refutes or confirms the diagnosis, determines its type, degree, cause, and prescribes the necessary treatment.

In the video you can see in more detail how the above studies are carried out.

Treatment of anemia

To achieve the desired effect, treatment must include complex therapy. If the disease is in initial degree, then taking medications is not necessary. It is enough to add foods high in iron, proteins and other foods to your menu. useful substances.

The doctor prescribes medications after determining the type of anemia, the stage of its progression and the reasons that led to this disease. First of all, you need to direct all efforts to eliminate the cause, very often after it disappears, the hemoglobin level returns to normal without additional medications.

If the doctor decides that medications necessary, then medications are prescribed that stimulate the bone marrow to quickly restore the amount of hemoglobin and the volume of red blood cells in the blood system. These are medications with a high iron content (Fenuls, Totetema, Sorbifer, Actiferrin) and vitamin preparations (vitamin B12, folic acid, B vitamin complexes).

Folk remedies in the fight against anemia

Pharmacies provide a huge variety medications to combat anemia. But some people prefer traditional medicine. The main rule of such treatment is strict adherence to the recipe and dosage. After 30 days, it is recommended to take a blood test, and if hemoglobin has not yet fully recovered, then continue treatment.

Let's look at the basic recipes of traditional medicine:

  1. Vegetable cocktail. Carrots, black radishes and beets are washed, peeled, grated on a fine grater and squeezed to extract juice. The resulting liquid is mixed in equal doses, poured into a saucepan and placed in the oven for 3 hours. Take a tablespoon daily for adults and a teaspoon for children.
  2. Wormwood. An effective remedy in the fight against anemia, but its disadvantage is that it is prohibited for children and pregnant women. To prepare it, take 100 g of wormwood and mix it with 1 liter of vodka. Leave for 3 weeks to infuse, take 5 drops on an empty stomach.
  3. Medicinal cocktail. To get rid of iron deficiency anemia Take a pomegranate, apple, carrot and lemon, squeeze out the juice from them and mix in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. 70 g of honey is added to the resulting liquid and placed in the refrigerator for 48 hours. Drink 2 spoons three times a day.
  4. Rose hip. 1 spoon of berries is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and infused for 8 hours. Drink three times a day as tea.
  5. Berry therapy. Blackcurrant, strawberry and rowan juice are mixed in equal doses. Take 125 ml twice a day.

Before starting such therapy, you should definitely consult with your doctor in order to avoid unpredictable consequences.

Prevention of anemia

Anemia, like any other disease, is easier to prevent than to treat; for this you need:

  • eat a healthy and balanced diet, eat foods rich in iron and other beneficial substances;
  • promptly treat acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • systematically visit medical sanatoriums;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • get rid of extra pounds;
  • avoid harmful working conditions.

Adhering to such simple rules, you can avoid not only the occurrence of anemia, but also many other diseases.

The first thing you need to do if you notice at least one of the above symptoms is to visit a doctor and get tested necessary tests. It should be remembered that anemia, like any disease, is much easier and faster to cure with initial stage development. Take care of your health.

Of greater interest to most people are deficiency anemias, which can occur in almost anyone. Therefore, we will dwell in more detail on this type of anemia.

Iron-deficiency anemia- causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The iron content in the human body is 4–5 g or 0.000065% of body weight. Of these, 58% of iron is part of hemoglobin. Iron can be deposited (stored in reserve) in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. At the same time, physiological losses of iron occur through feces, urine, sweat, menstruation and during breastfeeding, so it is necessary to include iron-containing foods in the diet.

Causes of iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia occurs in the following cases:

  1. lack of iron in the body (premature babies, children under 1 year of age, pregnant women)
  2. increased need for iron (pregnancy, breastfeeding, periods of increased growth)
  3. disturbances in the absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract and its subsequent transportation
  4. chronic blood loss
Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia

Clinically, iron deficiency anemia is manifested by three main syndromes - hypoxic, sideropenic and anemic. What are these syndromes? How is each of them characterized? A syndrome is a stable set of symptoms. So, hypoxic syndrome is characterized by shortness of breath, headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, drowsiness and tachycardia; anemic syndrome is expressed in a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Sideropenic syndrome is directly related to a decrease in the amount of iron in the body and manifests itself as follows: impaired nutrition of the skin, nails, and hair - “alabaster” skin, dry and rough skin, brittle hair and nails. Then a perversion of taste and smell is added (the desire to eat chalk, inhale the smell of washed concrete floors, etc.). Complications from the gastrointestinal tract may occur - caries, dysphagia, decreased acidity of gastric juice, involuntary urination (in severe cases), sweating.

Diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia

In the blood, there is a decrease in hemoglobin content to 60 - 70 g/l, red blood cells to 1.5 - 2 T/l, and the number of reticulocytes is also reduced or completely absent. Red blood cells appear various forms and sizes. Serum iron concentration is below normal.

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia

The treatment of iron deficiency anemia is based on the principles of eliminating the cause of its occurrence - treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the introduction of a balanced diet. The diet should contain foods high in iron (liver, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, cereals, etc.). However, the main means of restoring the amount of iron in the body at the initial stage are medications gland. In most cases, such medications are prescribed in tablet form. In severe cases, intramuscular or intravenous injections are used. In the treatment of this anemia, for example, the following drugs are used: sorbifer, ferrum-lek, tardiferon, totema and others. The choice of various medicines, including combination ones, is very wide.

When choosing, you should consult your doctor. Usually, daily dose for the prevention and treatment of mild anemia is 50-60 mg of iron, for the treatment of anemia moderate severity– 100-120 mg of iron per day. Treatment of severe anemia is carried out in a hospital and iron supplements are used in the form of injections. Then they switch to tablet forms. Iron supplements cause darkening of the stool, but this is normal in this situation. If an iron supplement causes discomfort in the stomach, it must be replaced.

Iron refractory anemia causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Cause of iron refractory anemia

Iron refractory anemia is also called sideroblastic or sideroachristic. Iron-refractory anemia develops against the background of normal iron content in the blood serum and a lack of enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. That is, the main cause of iron-refractory anemia is a violation of the processes of “absorption” of iron.

Symptoms of iron-refractory anemia, what is hemosiderosis?

Iron-refractory anemia manifests itself as shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, fatigue, drowsiness, sleep disturbances and tachycardia. Due to the high iron content in the blood tissues, hemosiderosis Hemosiderosis is the deposition of iron in organs and tissues due to its excess. With hemosiderosis, heart failure develops. vascular system due to iron deposition in the heart muscle, diabetes, lung damage and an increase in the size of the liver and spleen. The skin takes on an earthy tint.

Diagnosis of iron-refractory anemia, what are sideroblasts?

The blood color index is reduced to 0.6 - 0.4, red blood cells of various shapes and sizes are present, the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells is below normal. There are changes in the bone marrow - cells appear - sideroblasts. Sideroblasts are cells that have a rim of iron around their nucleus. Normally, such cells in the bone marrow are 2.0–4.6%, and in iron-refractory anemia their number can reach up to 70%.

Treatment of iron-refractory anemia

To date, there is no treatment that could eliminate it completely. Possible use replacement therapy– infusion of red blood cells and blood substitutes.

B12 deficiency anemia, causes of the disease, diagnosis and treatment.

What is B12? Where is this vitamin found?

Firstly, what is B12? AT 12 is a vitamin that also has the name cyanocobalamin . Cyanocobalamin is found mainly in products of animal origin - meat, liver, kidneys, milk, eggs, cheese. The level of vitamin B12 must be constantly maintained by consuming appropriate foods, since its natural physiological loss occurs in feces and bile.

Causes of B12 deficiency anemia

So, B12 deficiency anemia is anemia that occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be caused by insufficient dietary intake or impaired absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Insufficient intake of cyanocobalamin from food is possible in strict vegetarians. Also, a deficiency of B12 can occur when the need for it increases in pregnant women, nursing mothers, and cancer patients. Failure to absorb vitamin B12, supplied with food in sufficient quantities, occurs in diseases of the stomach, small intestine (diverticula, worms) and treatment anticonvulsants or oral contraceptives.

Symptoms of B12 deficiency anemia

Symptoms of B12 deficiency anemia are characterized by disorders in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. So let's look at these two large groups symptoms:

  1. from the central nervous system. There is a decrease in reflexes, paresthesia (“goosebumps”), numbness of the limbs, a feeling of wobbly legs, gait disturbance, memory loss
  2. from the gastrointestinal tract. There is increased sensitivity to acidic foods, glossitis, difficulty swallowing, atrophy of the gastric mucosa, an increase in the size of the liver and spleen
Diagnosis of B12 deficiency anemia

In the blood system there is a transition to the megaloblastic type of hematopoiesis. This means that giant red blood cells with a shortened life span, brightly colored red blood cells without clearing in the center, pear-shaped and oval red blood cells with Jolly bodies and Cabot rings appear in the blood. Giant neutrophils also appear, the number of eosinophils (to the point of complete absence), basophils and the total number of leukocytes decreases. The concentration of bilirubin in the blood is increased, and therefore, slight yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes may occur.

Treatment of B12 deficiency anemia

First of all, it is necessary to cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and establish a balanced diet with sufficient vitamin B12. The use of a course of injections of vitamin B12 quickly normalizes hematopoiesis in the bone marrow, and then a constant, regular intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin B12 with food is necessary.

Folate deficiency anemia, causes, symptoms and treatment

Vitamin B9 – folic acid . It enters the body with food - beef and chicken liver, lettuce, spinach, asparagus, tomatoes, yeast, milk, meat. Vitamin B9 can accumulate in the liver. Thus, B9 - deficiency anemia occurs due to a lack of folic acid in the human body. Lack of folic acid is possible when children are fed goat's milk, during prolonged heat treatment of food, in vegetarians, or with insufficient or unbalanced nutrition. Also, folic acid deficiency is observed with an increased need for it in pregnant, lactating, premature children, adolescents, and cancer patients. Sun-deficiency anemia is caused by the presence of diseases such as chronic renal failure and liver disease. The occurrence of folic acid deficiency is also possible when the absorption of this vitamin is impaired, which occurs with alcoholism, intake oral contraceptives and B12 deficiency.

Symptoms of folate deficiency anemia

With folate deficiency anemia, the gastrointestinal tract suffers, and therefore the manifestations of this anemia are associated with disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. There is an increase in sensitivity to acidic foods, glossitis, difficulty swallowing, atrophy of the gastric mucosa, and an increase in the size of the liver and spleen.
The same changes occur in the blood system as with B12 deficiency anemia. This is a transition to the megaloblastic type of hematopoiesis, the appearance of giant neutrophils, a decrease in the number of eosinophils, basophils and the total number of leukocytes.

Treatment of folate deficiency anemia

To treat this type of anemia, folic acid tablets are used and the diet is normalized, which should include foods containing sufficient amounts of folic acid.

Hypoplastic anemia, causes, diagnosis, treatment

Hypoplastic anemia is characterized by a decrease in the content of all cells in the blood ( pancytopenia ). Pancytopenia is associated with the death of progenitor cells in the bone marrow.

Symptoms of hypoplastic anemia

Hypoplastic anemia can be hereditary or acquired, but all subtypes of this type anemias are characterized by the same manifestations. Consider these symptoms:

  1. Bleeding, bleeding gums, fragility of blood vessels, bruises on the skin, etc. These phenomena occur due to low platelet levels in the blood.
  2. Ulcerative-necrotic lesions of the mouth, pharynx, nose, skin. Attachment of infections. This occurs due to the low number of white blood cells in the blood.
  3. Dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, drowsiness, fatigue, fainting, sleep disturbances, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, etc.
  4. In a general blood test, a decrease in the content of all blood cells - red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets. In the bone marrow there is a picture of desolation, as the foci of hematopoiesis are replaced by adipose tissue.
Causes causing the development of hypoplastic anemia

What reasons can cause such bone marrow damage? Hereditary anemia, accordingly, are inherited, but acquired ones? All factors that can lead to the development of hypoplastic anemia are divided into exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal). The table shows the main exogenous and endogenous causes that can cause the development of hypoplastic anemia.

External factors Internal factors
Physical – radiation, high-frequency currents, vibration Genetic – mutations due to unknown causes
Mechanical – injuries Endocrine – diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the ovaries, in which their function is enhanced
Chemical – industrial poisons, some medicines Systemic connective tissue diseases – systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis
Biological – viruses, mainly the herpes group, fungi, intracellular bacteria Malnutrition - lack of substances necessary for hematopoiesis

Principles of treatment of hypoplastic anemia

Treatment of hypoplastic anemia is strictly within the competence of the hematologist. Can be applied various methods stimulation of hematopoiesis, or bone marrow transplantation.

So, we have looked at all the main types of anemia. Of course, there are many more of them, but we cannot comprehend the immensity. If any signs of anemia appear, you should consult a doctor promptly. And regularly take a blood test for hemoglobin levels.

Constant overwork, stress, rare walks and poor nutrition negatively affect women's health.

The symptoms of many diseases are mistaken for ordinary fatigue and they do not go to see a doctor. Anemia is a pathology that can easily be confused with overwork.

Let's talk about the symptoms and external signs, treatment, nutrition, consequences of iron deficiency and other types of anemia in adult women, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in elderly women over 50 years of age.


The development of the disease is determined in the blood.

– red protein, which is found in red blood cells. He perform the most important function– delivers oxygen to internal organs, ensuring their functioning.

Anemia occurs when blood loss or failures in the formation of red blood cells. Most often, anemia occurs in children and adult women of reproductive age.

In medicine, there are 6 types of anemia:

  • deficient (most often lack of iron or B12);
  • posthemorrhagic;
  • hypoplastic;
  • hemolytic;
  • folate deficiency;
  • B12 deficiency.

All types have common symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • pallor;
  • weakness;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • decreased performance;
  • cardiopalmus.

Hemoglobin in the blood decreases in all manifestations of anemia, but a decrease in the number of red blood cells does not always occur.

Anemia is not an independent disease. This is the result of pathological processes circulatory system. It is necessary to undergo tests so that the doctor determines its type and prescribes treatment.

Severity, blood counts


Causes of the development of the disease in women of reproductive age and menopause:

You need to know how anemia manifests itself in women, because the symptoms differ depending on the type of pathology. Their diversity is reflected in the table:

Types of anemia Symptoms and signs Peculiarities
Posthemorrhagic Pale skin, cold sweat, low body temperature, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, distortion of taste, craving for any odors or, conversely, their aversion, brittle hair and nails, dry skin, digestive disordersIt can be acute when there is a large loss of blood and chronic when the body systematically loses a small amount of it.
Iron deficiency There is difficulty breathing, migraines, tinnitus, drowsiness, loss of appetite, bleeding gums, muscle weakness; external manifestations– peeling of the skin, separation and deformation of the nail plates, pale face, bruises under the eyes. In rare cases, it can lead to faintingPathology occurs when there is iron deficiency in the body. This is the most common type of anemia. Most often it occurs during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Hypoplastic Ulcers appear in the nose, mouth, on the skin, fainting, the skin is easily injuredCharacterized by cell death in the bone marrow
Hemolytic Jaundice, enlarged liver, spleen, dark urine and feces, chillsOccurs due to the release of a large amount into the blood. May be hereditary or acquired. Appears due to a violation of the synthesis of red blood cells - their destruction occurs faster than new ones are formed
B12 deficiency Poor memory, impaired coordination of movements, numbness of the limbs, increased acidity in the stomach, difficulty swallowing, yellowish skin toneAssociated with a lack of vitamin B12 in the body
Folate deficiency The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is impairedOccurs when there is a lack of folic acid in a woman’s diet or poor absorption of this vitamin

Diagnostic methods, tests

If you feel unwell, you should consult a therapist. A general blood test will also help identify pathology.

The most common anemia associated with. If there is a suspicion of another type, an examination of the gastrointestinal tract may be required, to which your attending physician will refer you.

A blood test will show any deviations from the norm. In the presence of anemia, red blood cells in the blood will be smaller in size and less colored than in a healthy person.

The doctor will check your pulse and measure your blood pressure, will assess the condition of the skin. After examination and evaluation of tests, treatment is prescribed.

The “Live Healthy!” program will tell you what anemia is and how to treat it:

Why it is dangerous: consequences and complications

What does anemia lead to and what is dangerous for a woman? Possible consequences and complications caused by anemia:

  1. Decreased immunity. It is more difficult for the body to fight viruses. As a result, the woman often gets sick.
  2. Sleep disorders. Sleepless nights have a bad effect on well-being and performance.
  3. Mucous membranes become susceptible and vulnerable, which leads to inflammation and infections.
  4. Women are more susceptible to stress, become distracted and vulnerable.
  5. Leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Prolonged anemia leads to edema and liver disease.
  7. The process of absorption of nutrients is disrupted, which leads to gastrointestinal diseases.
  8. Anemia occurs oxygen starvation. This is harmful to the brain.
  9. Takes away beauty– the skin becomes sluggish, dry, hair becomes brittle, dull, nails peel.
  10. In severe cases anemia leads to fainting, fever,.

How and what to treat: iron supplements, vitamins

For mild forms of anemia, it is enough to review the diet: include foods rich in iron and B vitamins.

If diet is not enough, a specialist will prescribe medications to replenish the deficiency of necessary substances.

There is no need to self-medicate - this can make you feel worse. In cases where therapy does not produce results, the doctor prescribes medications containing hormones.

The age of the woman suffering from anemia is taken into account. If the disease is associated with menopause, when consultation with a therapist, gynecologist, or endocrinologist is necessary.

Rules for taking iron supplements for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in women:

  • taking tablets is more effective than intramuscular injections, since iron is better absorbed if it passes through the intestinal tract;
  • the optimal dose of pure iron is 80-160 mg - exceeding the dose is unacceptable;
  • taking it in tablet form is more effective than taking it in liquid form;
  • preparations contain divalent or trivalent iron: in the first case, vitamin C promotes good absorption, in the second - amino acids;
  • use drugs coated with a protective coating that will protect the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach from irritation.

The drugs Sorbifer Durules and Tardiferon are prescribed for ferrous iron. They are consumed twice a day, 30 minutes before meals, with a glass of water.

Ferric iron preparations– Ferrum Lek, Biofer – used during or after meals.

Injections are prescribed to patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with large blood losses.

For complex forms of anemia- posthemorrhagic, hemolytic, hypoplastic - are prescribed:

  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • anabolic steroid;
  • androgens;
  • cytostatics;
  • erythropoietin preparations.

Uncontrolled treatment is unacceptable. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor based on the results of a blood test and diagnostics by specialists.

To ensure that iron supplements are absorbed faster, vitamins are prescribed:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin B6;
  • folic acid.

In rare cases, the cause of anemia is lack of copper or zinc.

Taken together with vitamins mineral complexes(your doctor will tell you their names) helps relieve the symptoms of anemia in women, helps to cope faster oxygen starvation.

At posthemorrhagic anemia transfusion of blood or blood substitutes. Prescribe iron and vitamins until full recovery hemoglobin.

Folk remedies

At alarming symptoms You cannot self-medicate, because... anemia can be a sign of serious illness, including malignant tumors.

Folk remedies relieve symptoms, increase hemoglobin levels in the blood, but with some forms of anemia home treatment will not give results.

If anemia is associated with a lack of iron, natural formulations will provide a positive effect without side effects for the body.

Traditional methods of treatment:

  • strawberry infusion. A handful of dry berries needs to be filled with 200 ml boiled water, close the lid and leave for 3-4 hours. Use the infusion once a day;
  • garlic will help overcome weakness due to anemia. A tincture is made from it. To prepare, pour 300 g of peeled garlic with a 96% alcohol solution and place the mixture in a bottle. Leave the resulting mixture for 3 weeks. Take 3 times a day, 20 drops dissolved in 100 ml of milk;
  • Rose hips are rich in vitamin C, therefore, for anemia it is useful to drink a decoction of its fruits. This will help the iron deficiency medications be absorbed. 2 tsp. The fruits should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and the decoction should be drunk after meals 3 times a day;
  • oat groats. A decoction is prepared from it. To do this, take 1 liter of water and a glass of cereal. Boil the mixture until the consistency of liquid jelly. The resulting broth is filtered through cheesecloth, 2 cups of milk, 4 tsp. honey, boil. The decoction should be consumed during the day in 2-3 doses.

What to eat: nutrition and diet

A proper diet plays an important role in the treatment of pathology. Beef will help restore strength: This meat is a record holder for the content of nutrients during oxygen starvation.

It is necessary to introduce protein-rich foods into your diet:

The porridges included in the menu for iron deficiency anemia in women, especially buckwheat, apples, honey, and dried fruits, will help raise hemoglobin levels.

But it’s better to avoid fatty foods and processed foods. They will only bring harm.

Coffee lovers need to limit the number of cups they drink per day, because it flushes vitamins and minerals from the body.

If a woman has problems with gastrointestinal tract, your doctor may prescribe a diet that excludes certain foods.

Course duration

The treatment regimen depends on age. Women of reproductive age most often develop anemia during pregnancy and lactation.

During the period, in old age the doctor studies the manifestations of anemia in detail, since it is often associated with specific diseases.

The duration of treatment depends on the form and severity of anemia and age. Older women require more time for treatment.

Age-related changes slow down metabolic processes in the body, so it is difficult to cope with the disease.

After 60 years, most have a whole bunch of concomitant diseases , which complicates the positive dynamics of therapy.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

When a pregnant woman registers at the clinic, she is prescribed a series of tests. If detected reduced level hemoglobin, to the expectant mother Prescribe iron supplements and diet.

Timely correction and therapy helps to avoid complications in the second half of pregnancy.

Oxygen starvation affects not only the woman’s condition, but also the development of the fetus and placenta. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations.

Even mild anemia in women increases the risk of fetal hypoxia leading to disturbances in the development of the baby’s nervous system. Pathology can cause weak labor.

If a woman loses a lot of blood during childbirth, she is given a transfusion. Then hemoglobin can be raised quickly. Iron injections are less effective.

To avoid anemia while breastfeeding, a woman should eat regularly and properly. Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, they give you a list of products necessary for consumption during lactation.

In situations where it is necessary to increase hemoglobin, iron-containing drugs are prescribed. Do not exceed the dosage installed by a specialist, in order to avoid irreversible consequences in infants.

Prevention measures

The main factors that reduce the risk of anemia are:- healthy eating, regular walks fresh air. Compliance with preventive measures is especially important for women with heavy, prolonged menstruation.

Taking vitamins from food plays an important role. Doctors recommend eating 500 g of vegetables and fruits daily. This reduces the risk of anemia and other diseases.

At risk are pregnant women and donors. For prevention, they are often prescribed iron supplements and vitamin complexes.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of anemia will relieve unpleasant symptoms. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations, reconsider your diet.

Then you can defeat anemia and continue to enjoy life.

Human blood in its composition is a mixture of plasma (liquid base) and elementary solid particles represented by platelets, leukocytes and erythrocytes. In turn, platelets are responsible for coagulation, leukocytes maintain normal immunity, and red blood cells are oxygen carriers.

If for some reason the blood level () decreases, then this pathology is called anemia or anemia. General symptoms diseases manifest themselves in the form of pallor, weakness, dizziness, etc. As a result of anemia, an acute lack of oxygen begins in the tissues of our body.

Anemia is more often detected in women than in men. This pathology can occur against the background of any diseases, or develop as an independent disease.

Causes and general signs of anemia

Quite a few factors can provoke anemia. One of the most common reasons Anemia is rightfully considered a lack of folic acid, or vitamin B12. Anemia also develops due to heavy bleeding during menstruation or against the background of certain cancer diseases. Anemia often occurs due to a deficiency of substances that are responsible for the production of hemoglobin, as well as disruptions in the formation of red blood cells. Inherited diseases and exposure to toxic substances can also cause the development of anemia.

The most common symptoms experienced by those suffering from anemia are:

  • Yellowish, flaky, cold to the touch and pale skin.
  • Weakness, fatigue, drowsiness and dizziness, in severe cases accompanied by fainting.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Yellowish tint to the whites of the eyes.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Weakened muscle tone.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Enlargement of the spleen.
  • Changed stool color.
  • Sticky, cold sweat.
  • Vomiting, nausea.
  • Tingling in legs and arms.
  • Hair begins to fall out and nails break.
  • Frequent headaches.

Video: What is anemia and which parts of the body are affected?


In general, the classification of anemia is based on three groups:

  1. Posthemorrhagic anemia, i.e. anemia caused by severe.
  2. Anemia formed due to disturbances in the process of blood formation, as well as pathologies in the synthesis of RNA and DNA - megaloblastic, iron deficiency, folate deficiency, B-12 deficiency, hypoplastic, aplastic, Fanconi anemia and other types.
  3. Hemolytic anemias, i.e. anemia resulting from increased red blood cell destruction (autoimmune hemolytic anemia, sickle cell anemia, etc.).

In addition, anemia is divided into several degrees of severity, which depend on the hemoglobin content. This:

  • Severe degree - when there is less hemoglobin in the blood than 70 hl.
  • Average – 70-90 g/l.
  • Mild – more than 90 g/l (1st degree anemia).

Posthemorrhagic anemia

These types of anemia can be chronic or acute. Chronic, as a rule, is a consequence of repeated blood loss, for example, due to wounds and injuries, heavy menstruation, stomach ulcers, or cancer, etc. The acute form of posthemorrhagic anemia develops due to a single but significant blood loss.

At the same time, the clinical picture of acute posthemorrhagic anemia is represented by a significant deterioration in the patient’s general condition, associated with: rapid heartbeat, flashing “midges”, weakness, shortness of breath, tinnitus, dizziness, etc. The skin color becomes significantly paler, sometimes with a yellowish tint. The patient's general body temperature is reduced, the eye pupils are dilated.

An interesting fact is that a blood test performed within 2-3 hours after blood loss (in the acute form of posthemorrhagic anemia) shows normal levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Their rates begin to decline later. It is worth noting that the blood clots much faster.

The most in an effective way treatment of posthemorrhagic anemia is considered. After which the doctor, as a rule, prescribes the patient to take antianemic drugs and a protein-enriched diet.

If the form is chronic, then, as a rule, the patient does not notice any special changes in the condition. Usually there is some pallor, dizziness when standing up suddenly and weakness. In the initial stages normal composition blood is provided by the bone marrow. Over time, it no longer copes with this function and develops hypochromic anemia. This is anemia, in which it is at a low level, which indicates a low hemoglobin content in red blood cells. The patient's nails begin to break and hair falls out.

At chronic form posthemorrhagic anemia, it becomes difficult for the iron to be absorbed in the body, which leads to significant disturbances associated with the formation of hemoglobin. The maximum effectiveness of treatment is achieved by neutralizing the source of blood loss.

In addition, iron supplements are prescribed. The most popular and effective medications for anemia in this case are: Ferroplex, Ferrum Lek, Conferon, Ferrocal, Feromide, etc. Treatment with iron-containing drugs proceeds quite for a long time. Doctors advise reconsidering the diet - it should be based on foods enriched with animal protein (meat, liver) and containing a lot of iron (buckwheat, apples, pomegranate).

Anemia developing against the background of blood formation disorders

Iron deficiency anemia

As a rule, iron deficiency anemia (IDA) develops due to a lack of an element such as iron in the body. This may be facilitated by various disorders associated with the absorption of iron, or the food consumed is poor in this element (for example, in those on a strict and long-term diet). IDA is also common in donors and people suffering from hormonal disorders.

In addition to the above, IDA can occur due to prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding or cancer. Quite often, this anemia is diagnosed in pregnant women, since their needs for this element increase significantly during pregnancy. In general, IDA is most often found in children and women.

There are quite a few symptoms of iron deficiency anemia and they are often similar to the symptoms of other anemias:

  1. Firstly, the skin. It becomes dull, pale, flaky and dry (usually on the hands and face).
  2. Secondly, nails. They become brittle, dull, soft and begin to exfoliate.
  3. Thirdly, hair. In people with IDA, they become brittle, split, begin to fall out rapidly and grow slowly.
  4. Fourthly, teeth. One of the characteristic signs of iron deficiency anemia is tooth staining and caries. The enamel on the teeth becomes rough, and the teeth themselves lose their former shine.
  5. Often a sign of anemia is a disease, for example, atrophic gastritis, functional disorders of the intestines, genitourinary tract, etc.
  6. Patients with IDA suffer from taste and olfactory perversion. This manifests itself in the desire to eat clay, chalk, sand. Often such patients suddenly begin to like the smell of varnish, paint, acetone, gasoline, exhaust gases, etc.
  7. Iron deficiency anemia also affects general condition. It is accompanied by frequent pain in the head, rapid heartbeat, weakness, flashing “midges,” dizziness, and drowsiness.

A blood test for IDA shows a serious drop in hemoglobin. The level of red blood cells is also reduced, but to a lesser extent, since the anemia is hypochromic in nature (the color index tends to decrease). The iron content in the blood serum drops significantly. Siderocytes completely disappear from the peripheral blood.

Medicines for iron deficiency anemia

Treatment is based on taking iron-containing medications, both tablets and injections. Most often, the doctor prescribes iron supplements from the list below:

  • Ferrum-lek;
  • Ferrocal;
  • Ferkoven;
  • Ferramide;
  • Ferroplex;
  • Ferbitol;
  • Gemostimulin;
  • Imperon;
  • Conference, etc.

Diet for anemia

In addition to medications, doctors advise adhering to a certain diet associated with limiting flour, dairy and fatty foods. Healthy foods include buckwheat, potatoes, garlic, herbs, liver, meat, rose hips, currants, etc.

This anemia most often develops during pregnancy. Patients with IDA benefit from both forest and mountain air and physical exercise. It is advisable to drink mineral water from Zheleznovodsk, Marcial and Uzhgorod springs. We should not forget about prevention in the autumn-spring periods, when the body is especially weakened. During these periods, a diet for anemia rich in iron-containing foods will be useful (see above and in the figure on the right).

Video: iron deficiency anemia - causes and treatment

Aplastic and hypoplastic anemia

These anemias are a complex of pathologies characterized by functional bone marrow failure. Aplastic anemia differs from hypoplastic anemia in that hematopoiesis is more depressed.

Most often, the occurrence of hypoplastic anemia is caused by radiation, certain infections, Negative influence chemicals or drugs, or heredity. All possible forms of hypo- and aplastic anemia have a gradual development.

These anemias are manifested by fever, sore throat, sepsis, excess weight, pallor, and gum, pinpoint capillary hemorrhages on the mucous membranes and skin, and a burning sensation in the mouth. Often the disease is accompanied by complications of an infectious nature, for example, an abscess after an injection, pneumonia, etc.). The liver also often suffers - it usually becomes larger.

Iron metabolism in the body is disrupted, and the amount of iron in the blood is increased. There are much fewer leukocytes in the blood, as well as hemoglobin, but young forms of red blood cells are completely absent. Bloody impurities are often present in stool and urine.

In severe cases, aplastic anemia (like hypoplastic anemia) can be fatal. Treatment will give good results only if it is timely. It is carried out only in a hospital and implies increased hygiene care behind oral cavity And skin. This involves repeated blood transfusions, antibiotic therapy, taking vitamins and hormones, and also, preferably, adequate nutrition for anemia. Sometimes doctors resort to bone marrow transplantation (transfusion) (this is possible if there is a donor compatible with the HLA system, which requires special selection).

Fanconi anemia

This is a fairly rare type of congenital anemia associated with chromosomal abnormalities and defects in stem cells. Occurs preferentially in boys. In newborns, this pathology is usually not observed. It is characterized by symptomatic manifestations at 4-10 years of age in the form of bleeding and hemorrhages.

In the bone marrow, an increase in adipose tissue is observed, while cellularity is reduced, and hematopoiesis is suppressed. Studies show that in children with Fanconi anemia, red blood cells live ≈ 3 times less than normal.

The appearance of a patient with this anemia is characterized by abnormal pigmentation, short stature, underdevelopment of the skull or skeleton, clubfoot. Often these symptoms are complemented mental retardation, strabismus, deafness, underdevelopment of the genital organs, kidneys, .

Blood tests show changes similar to aplastic anemia, only they are much less pronounced. Urinalysis in most patients shows high content it contains amino acids.

Fanconi anemia is a special case of aplastic anemia with impaired formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow

Patients with Fanconi anemia, according to studies, have a high predisposition to acute leukemia.

At its core , Fanconi anemia is a severe form of aplastic anemia described above. Treatment consists of removing the spleen, followed by the use of antilymphocyte globulin. Immunosuppressants and androgens are also used. But most effective treatment Bone marrow transplantation has proven itself (donors are the patient’s sister or brother or strangers who match the HLA phenotype).

This pathology has not yet been sufficiently studied. Although, despite its congenital nature, this anemia does not manifest itself in infants. If the disease is diagnosed late, then such patients do not live more than 5 years. Death occurs due to hemorrhages in the stomach or brain.

Megaloblastic anemias

These anemias are both hereditary and acquired. They are characterized by the presence of megaloblasts in the bone marrow. These are nucleated cells that are the precursors of red blood cells and contain non-condensed chromatin (in such a cell there is a young nucleus, but the cytoplasm surrounding it is already old).

Both B-12 deficiency and folate deficiency anemia are subtypes of megaloblastic anemia. Sometimes mixed B-12 folate deficiency anemia is even diagnosed, but it is quite rare.

B-12 deficiency anemia

B-12 deficiency anemia develops due to a lack of vitamin B-12. This microelement is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, and it is also needed by the bone marrow for the formation and growth of red blood cells in it. B-12 is directly involved in the synthesis of RNA and DNA, which is why the process of formation and development of red blood cells is disrupted when there is a shortage of it.

For hallmark there is some unsteadiness in gait. The disease is also accompanied by heart pain, swelling of the limbs, weakness, decreased performance, pale jaundice and puffiness of the face, tinnitus, burning and itching on the tongue.

Typically, B-12 deficiency occurs due to impaired absorption. People with atrophy of the gastric mucosa, chronic enteritis, and celiac disease are more susceptible to this. B-12 deficiency can be a consequence of pancreatitis. It often occurs in vegetarians and older people.

This anemia is also called pernicious anemia. The disease develops very slowly, usually turning into a chronic relapsing form.

Treatment is carried out using parenteral vitamin B-12 (daily intramuscular injections). A diet enriched with B-12-containing foods is also indicated: liver, eggs, dairy products, meat, cheese, kidneys.

Folate deficiency anemia

Folate deficiency anemia is acute lack of folic acid in the body. She, too (like B-12) is actively involved in the formation of red blood cells. Folic acid is delivered to our body through food (meat, spinach, etc.), but when these products are thermally processed, it loses its activity.

This anemia often occurs in children fed goat's milk or powdered milk, and in pregnant women. In this case, the disease is accompanied by dizziness and weakness, shortness of breath and fatigue. The skin becomes dry and acquires a pale yellowish-lemon tint. The patient may often feel chills and fever.

Changes in the blood are identical to B-12 deficiency anemia. As a rule, hemoglobin remains normal, and sometimes even increased. The blood contains macrocytes - these are red blood cells that have an increased size. Folate deficiency anemia is generally characterized by a reduced number of all blood cells with an increase in their size. This is hyperchromic anemia with a fairly high color index. Blood biochemistry shows that it is slightly elevated.

Folate deficiency anemia is treated with folic acid medications in tablet form. In addition, the patient’s diet should be adjusted (leafy vegetables, liver, and more fruits are preferred).

Separately, it should be noted that B-12 and folate deficiency anemia are types of macrocytic anemia - this is a pathology characterized by an increase in the size of red blood cells due to an acute lack of B-12 or folic acid.

Hemolytic anemia

All varieties of these anemias are caused by excessive destruction of red blood cells. Normally, the lifespan of red blood cells is ≈120 days. When a person develops antibodies against his own red blood cells, a sharp destruction of red blood cells begins, i.e. the life of red blood cells becomes significantly shorter (≈13 days). Hemoglobin in the blood begins to break down, which is why the patient develops jaundice against the background of hemolytic anemia.

The laboratory symptom of such anemia is increased bilirubin, the presence of hemoglobin in the urine, etc.

Hereditary varieties occupy a significant place among such anemias. They are the consequences of many defects in the formation of red blood cells at the genetic level. Acquired varieties of hemolytic anemia develop against the background of certain factors that have a destructive effect on red blood cells (mechanical effects, various poisons, antibodies, etc.).

Sickle cell anemia

One of the most common hereditary hemolytic anemias is sickle cell anemia. This disease involves the presence of abnormal hemoglobin in red blood cells. This pathology most often affects African Americans, but it also occurs in fair-skinned people.

The presence of sickle-shaped red blood cells in the blood, which is characteristic of this pathology, usually does not threaten its carrier. But if both mother and father have this pathological hemoglobin in their blood, then their children risk being born with a severe form of sickle cell anemia, which is why such anemia is dangerous.

photo: blood for hemolytic anemia. Red blood cells are irregularly shaped

This type of anemia is accompanied by rheumatic pain, weakness, pain in the abdomen and head, drowsiness, swelling of the legs, hands and feet. A medical examination reveals pallor of the mucous membranes and skin, an enlarged spleen and liver. People with this pathology are characterized by a thin physique, high growth and a curved spine.

A blood test shows a moderate or severe degree of anemia, and the color indicator will be normal.

This pathology is a serious disease. The majority of patients die, as a rule, before reaching the age of ten, due to some kind of infection (usually tuberculosis) or internal hemorrhage.

Treatment of this anemia is symptomatic. Although it is considered chronic anemia, children can easily tolerate low levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin. That is why they rarely receive blood transfusions (more often in cases of aplastic or hemolytic crisis). All kinds of infections should be avoided, especially for children.

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

Among acquired varieties, autoimmune hemolytic anemia is more common. It involves the influence of antibodies formed in the patient’s body. This type occurs, as a rule, in chronic cirrhosis and hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, acute leukemia, or chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

There are chronic and also acute form autoimmune hemolytic anemia. The chronic form proceeds practically without characteristic symptoms. In the acute form, the patient suffers from jaundice, shortness of breath, weakness, fever, and rapid heartbeat. Feces due to the excessive content of stercobilin they have a dark brown tint.

Although rare, it is possible to encounter autoimmune anemia with complete cold antibodies, which is characteristic of older people. Cold in such cases acts as a provoking factor, leading to swelling and blue discoloration of the fingers, face, and feet. Often autoimmune anemia of this type is accompanied by Raynaud's syndrome, which, unfortunately, can result in gangrene of the fingers. In addition, in patients with cold autoimmune anemia it is impossible to determine using traditional methods.

Treatment is carried out using glucocorticoid hormones. An important role in treatment is played by its duration and correct dosage drugs. Also in treatment, doctors use cytostatic drugs, perform plasmapheresis, and, if necessary, splenectomy.

Video: anemia in the program “Live Healthy!”

It should be remembered that many types of anemia, if treated incorrectly, can have severe consequences for the body, even fatal outcome. Therefore, there is no need to self-medicate. The diagnosis must be made by a qualified doctor, as well as effective and correct treatment must be prescribed!

When the number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells in the blood decreases, a person develops anemia. This condition accompanies many chronic diseases, while the symptoms of the disease appear gradually. The acute form of the disease usually develops with blood loss and has a pronounced clinical picture.

The disease occurs in 10% of people, more often in young women and older people. It is accompanied by weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, and disruption of the functioning of internal organs. Treatment for this pathology depends on its cause, so accurate diagnosis is very important.

What is anemia

A disease accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells is called anemia. The definition of what anemia is and a description of this disease were given in ancient times. The severity of the disease depends on the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen. Depending on its quantity, 4 degrees of the disease are distinguished:

  • light (91 – 100 g/l);
  • medium (89 – 70 g/l);
  • heavy (69 – 40 g/l);
  • very heavy (less than 40 g/l).

Pathology in children occurs with late introduction of complementary foods or insufficient nutrition, as well as due to many other possible reasons. If infant If this disease is diagnosed, this condition must be corrected, because the lack of oxygen has a bad effect on the baby’s development.

Classification of the disease

The pathogenetic classification of anemia is based on the mechanism of their development. Thus, posthemorrhagic forms (acute and chronic) caused by blood loss are distinguished. There are pathologies caused by impaired formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells (iron deficiency, associated with a lack of B12 and folic acid and hypoplastic), as well as increased destruction blood elements (hemolytic).

Definition of morphological variant:

  • hypochromic: there is too little hemoglobin in red blood cells, for example, with iron deficiency syndrome;
  • normochromic: aplastic, with chronic diseases, etc.;
  • hyperchromic: B12- and folate-deficient.

The degree of severity is divided into mild (hemoglobin more than 90 g/l), moderate (70 - 90 g/l) and severe (less than 70 g/l).

Blood pathology in newborns is more often physiological or occurs due to Rh conflict.

Iron-deficiency anemia

The most common form of hemoglobin deficiency is iron deficiency anemia. Its occurrence is associated with iron deficiency in the body. This trace element is part of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Many people have signs of IDA, but they do not know about their disease for many years.

The causes of the disease in young women are heavy menstruation or multiple pregnancies, as well as uterine fibroids. Symptoms of the disease appear in people with chronic diseases intestines, adherents of various diets, as well as vegetarians with an unbalanced diet. In children, the disease is often associated with iron deficiency during rapid growth.

If a disease is detected, it is necessary to change your diet and start taking iron supplements. The diet for iron deficiency includes red meat, nuts, dried fruits, leafy greens, and vitamin C, which is found, for example, in citrus fruits.

Treatment of this pathology involves eliminating its cause and taking iron supplements in the form of tablets. Injections are prescribed less frequently, since iron is better absorbed through the digestive organs.

Hemolytic anemia

The term "Anaemia" translated means "lack of blood, or anemia." Hemolytic anemia associated with the destruction of the blood cells themselves. This disease has two main forms. The autoimmune hemolytic form occurs when the spleen engulfs and destroys normal red blood cells. It is caused by a disease immune system when the body’s own cells are perceived as foreign. As a result of an autoimmune reaction, red blood cells are destroyed.

This pathology can be acquired under the influence of infections, tumors, side effects medicines.

In sickle cell form, the bone marrow produces initially defective red blood cells, which are quickly destroyed. As a result of the disease, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases.

In fetuses and infants, pathology occurs during pregnancy, during which an Rh conflict occurs - contact between the Rh-negative blood of the mother and the Rh-positive blood of the fetus. In children, the cause of the hemolytic form of the disease is a viral infection.

Clinical characteristics: pallor, weakness, fever, dizziness. Descriptions of signs of the disease include darkening of the urine, yellowing of the skin and sclera, enlargement of the liver and spleen, and changes in blood tests. Treatment includes blood transfusions, corticosteroids, immunoglobulin, and surgery.

Aplastic anemia

What is aplastic anemia? This rare disease blood, in which the bone marrow stops producing blood cells. Pathology often occurs suddenly. It is often severe and can lead to poor outcomes if left untreated.

Characteristic signs accompanying the development of the aplastic form of the disease - pallor, weakness, bleeding and hemorrhages, frequent infectious diseases. One of the causes of the disease is panmyelophthisis, that is, the replacement of bone marrow with fatty and connective tissue. It occurs under the influence of toxins, but is often idiopathic, that is, its cause cannot be found.

Hypochromic anemia

Hypochromia is a decrease in hemoglobin content in red blood cells. The disease is often accompanied by a decrease total number red blood cells Hypochromic anemia is most often a type of iron deficiency or caused by thalassemia. However, its causes may also include:

  • vitamin B6 deficiency;
  • infections;
  • lead or drug poisoning;
  • bleeding from a stomach ulcer or hemorrhoids;
  • pregnancy;
  • congenital disorders.

The disease in adults and children has similar symptoms: weakness, pallor, palpitations, shortness of breath, headache, depression, desire to eat inedible objects (chalk, paper, paints). A severe degree is accompanied by oxygen starvation of the body and degeneration of internal organs and the brain.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of blood tests, which reveal a decrease in CP of less than 0.8. What is CPU (color index)? This is the average hemoglobin content in a red blood cell. Treatment depends on the cause of the disease.

Sickle cell anemia

What is sickle cell disease, or sickle form of the disease: it is an inherited hematological disease. Its pathogenesis is associated with a violation of the shape of red blood cells: they take on a crescent shape, lose elasticity and stick together. Getting into the capillaries, they cause the formation of microthrombi.

Sickle cell anemia is an autosomal recessive condition. It appears in a child of two parents who either have this form or are carriers of the pathological gene. The etiology (cause) of genetic changes is unknown. Prevention – genetic consultation, fetal and newborn screening. Treatment is a bone marrow transplant, most effective in adolescents.

Pernicious anemia

B12 deficiency is an autoimmune disease caused by a lack of this vitamin in the body. Pernicious anemia Previously considered a malignant disorder, it is now highly treatable. This chronic pathology is caused by a decrease in the concentration of intrinsic factor necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12 in the stomach. In addition, it is caused by a lack of vitamin in food or an increased need for it, for example, during pregnancy. A typical sign of the disease, determined by a blood test, is very large red blood cells (macrocytosis).


Anemia is a condition with a reduced content of blood cells and hemoglobin. All types of disease are associated with three pathological processes:

  • blood loss;
  • decreased red blood cell production;
  • excessive destruction of red blood cells.

The causes of the disease vary depending on its mechanism.

Types associated with blood loss:

  • after bleeding or surgery;
  • for hemophilia;
  • for chronic bleeding (stomach ulcer, intestinal cancer, hemorrhoids, uterine fibroids and others).

A lack of red blood cell synthesis appears in the following conditions:

  • aplastic form of the disease;
  • effects of viruses, drugs or toxins;
  • neonatal period;
  • iron deficiency.

Lesions caused by excessive breakdown of red blood cells:

Therapy includes drug treatment appropriate to the mechanism of the disease, and, if necessary, blood transfusions and bone marrow transplants. It is important to choose the right diet for anemia, which should provide the necessary nutrients.


A general blood test in case of illness reveals a lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. This indicates a poor supply of oxygen to tissues. Pathology can cause symptoms common to the entire group of diseases, as well as symptoms specific to each form. It worsens the course of any other diseases.

A mild degree may not cause clinical signs. The chronic form of any degree can be asymptomatic, as the body adapts to a constant lack of oxygen. Signs of anemia in women are less pronounced than in men, since they are better adapted to regular blood loss.

General signs:

  • fatigue, weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes.

The main signs of the acute form, for example, with bleeding:

  • pressing or squeezing pain behind the sternum;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • rapid pulse;
  • cold clammy sweat.

For each form of the disease there are specific signs that will affect the doctor’s diagnosis process. However, it is often possible to recognize individual variants of the disease only after additional diagnostics.


Doctors can easily detect signs of pathology by performing simple blood tests. They determine a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and/or red blood cells. The severity of the disease is determined by the severity of this decrease.

The consequences of the disease can be very severe, especially in children. They lag behind in growth and development. In adults, in the chronic form, dystrophy of internal organs develops.

Accurate diagnosis of anemia is carried out on the basis of special laboratory tests. For each type of disease, characteristic diagnostically important syndromes appear (microcytic hypochromic pathology, hemolysis, pancytopenia, and others).

Clarification plays an important role hereditary factors And visual inspection patient. The doctor finds out the rate of development of the disease, chronic diseases, medication use, changes in the color of stool or urine, and signs of alcoholism. During examination, he pays attention to the color of the skin and mucous membranes, the size of the liver and spleen, and heart murmurs. Since pathology is often only a manifestation of another disease, the patient may be prescribed FGDS, colonoscopy and other research methods.

Basic laboratory research:

  • blood test to determine the level of red blood cells, hemoglobin, CP, platelets, leukocytes, hematocrit and reticulocytes;
  • stool blood test;
  • peripheral blood smear to evaluate the appearance of red blood cells;
  • level of serum iron, transferrin, ferritin, folic acid, vitamin B12;
  • bilirubin level to assess the intensity of hemolysis;
  • liver and kidney function indicators;
  • bone marrow biopsy to assess the effectiveness of hematopoiesis.


The main signs of anemia develop when pronounced degree severity of the disease and often depend on the form of the disease.

The main symptoms of anemia are listed in the “Signs of the disease” section. In addition, biochemical varieties of the disease may be accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • changes in stool color, including black or tarry stools, which indicates gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • rapid pulse;
  • low blood pressure;
  • shortness of breath associated with a lack of oxygen in the blood;
  • pale, cold, or jaundiced skin;
  • heart murmurs;
  • enlarged spleen.

In children, the disease is accompanied by irritability, poor appetite and growth, sudden rises in temperature, a tendency to infectious diseases. Symptoms of the disease in women, in addition to the above, include loss of shine, brittle and dry hair, brittle nails, and perversion of taste.

If you suspect anemia, you should consult a doctor. In most cases, the disease is successfully treated and health is fully restored.


Anemia is treated differently depending on the cause and severity. If the disease is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms, the doctor first determines the factors that caused its development. Most often, the disease is associated with iron deficiency. After the cause of the “iron” form is found, it is eliminated. Iron supplements for the disease are effective only for this form of pathology. It is better to take them in tablet form.

If problems are associated with acute bleeding, the patient should be immediately hospitalized and given blood products while eliminating the cause of blood loss (for example, an acute gastric ulcer). Blood transfusions may also be needed for other forms caused by, for example, toxic effect chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment.

The main drugs in the treatment of the disease:

  • medications containing iron - they should be taken during pregnancy and with microcytic iron deficiency;
  • folate deficiency form of the disease is treated with folic acid-based products;
  • for moderate to severe hyperchromic B12 deficiency, regular injections of this vitamin are indicated;
  • erythropoietin is a drug prescribed for chronic renal failure syndrome.

How to treat anemia if it is caused by a genetic disorder, such as sickle cell? It is necessary to follow a diet high in vitamins and folic acid. Specific drugs are not prescribed. In children, bone marrow transplantation is indicated.

With the macrocytic hemolytic form of the disease, it is often necessary to remove the spleen, in which excessive destruction of red blood cells occurs.

Common and effective method Treatment of the aplastic form of the disease is bone marrow transplantation.

Symptoms and treatment of the pathology vary depending on its causes. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a hematologist.

In adults, it is necessary to exclude the effects of alcohol and occupational toxic factors. If necessary, surgical treatment of stomach ulcers, uterine fibroids and other diseases that cause this disease is carried out.

Treatment at home includes nutritional features:

  • soups with meat and fish broth, seafood, liver, cheese, fermented milk products, plant foods, pasta, bread, legumes are allowed;
  • fats, sweets, mayonnaise and ketchup, lard and butter, canned food, smoked foods, alcohol, chocolate are limited.

Meals should be nutritious and regular. It matches dietary table №11.

Some traditional methods anemia treatment: reception natural honey with radish juice, aloe juice, rose hip decoction and others. These remedies are only auxiliary in nature; they cannot cure the disease.

Disease prevention

To prevent the development of the disease in infants, it is recommended breast-feeding for at least 4 months after birth. If infant is on artificial feeding, it is necessary to ensure that the mixture contains enough iron. Prevention of anemia in children consists of a nutritious diet rich in animal proteins and vitamins.

All girls and women before menopause are recommended to undergo regular medical checkup and get blood tests, especially if you have heavy menstrual bleeding. Iron and folic acid deficiency can occur during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women are prescribed special vitamins.

The primary acute form of the disease is often associated with bleeding from peptic ulcer disease. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your health and prevent the serious consequences of chronic diseases.

The origin of some pathologies is associated with household and industrial intoxications. At the same time, the body constantly experiences a lack of oxygen, which causes irreversible degenerative changes in the internal organs. Alcohol abuse should be avoided. If necessary, diet and medications are prescribed. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, the prognosis for most types of anemia is favorable.

Video about anemia