The most common blood diseases. What are blood diseases. Classification of the diseases of the circulatory system

Blood diseases are a large and extremely dissimilar group of pathologies, the flow of which is accompanied by a disorder of the structure, functions or the number of blood cells (erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes) or by changing the properties of blood plasma.

general information

Blood is the most important liquid medium of the body. It continuously circulates on an extensive vessels network and performs a number of vital functions - protective, transport, respiratory and so on.

Blood consists of uniform elements (leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes), which are in the liquid fraction, called the plasma.

The production of blood cells in the body is engaged in blood formation organs, which include a spleen, bone red brain, lymphoid tissue, forkry gland.

Diseases of the blood system occur if the plasma properties change or pathological changes occur in blood cells.

Causes of blood diseases

Human blood diseases may occur under the influence of various etiological factors.

Thus, anemia can develop due to chronic or acute blood loss, enhanced decay of erythrocytes, impaired hemopower (blood building).

The causes of leukemia often lie in the violation of chromosomal composition. Lakes can also develop due to a long-term exposure to the body of adverse environmental factors, such as ionizing radiation, chemical mutagens (cytostatics, some immunosuppressants, and so on), chemotherapy.

Risk factors that may lead to the development of lymphoganulumosis are Epstein-Barra virus, HIV infection.

Classification of blood diseases

In the ICD-10 (this is a generally accepted classification of diseases) more than 90 titles are allocated for diseases of the blood system, so simplified classification is more common, according to which all blood pathology is divided into four main groups:

  • anemia - here include all pathological conditions, the flow of which is accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin levels;
  • hemoblastosis - tumor diseases of the blood system and lymph nodes;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis - pathologies associated with circulation disorders;
  • other blood diseases.

Each of these groups in turn is divided into many subgroups, depending on the causes of the disease, its clinical manifestations, and so on.

It should be remembered that many human blood diseases have similar symptoms that in some cases it makes it difficult to diagnose.

Blood Diseases: Symptoms

The clinical picture, accompanying blood disease, may be the most different, since symptoms largely depends on which cells are involved in the pathological process.

For example, with hemorrhagic vasculitis, the main symptom is increased bleeding, while under anemia there is a lack of oxygen tissues and so on.

Therefore, there are no single symptoms characteristic of all pathologies of blood, due to the fact that it is a very extensive formation of diseases, each of which is unique in its own way, with its own inherent clinical signs.

The following symptoms are found in the most common blood diseases:

Increased fatigue, reduced performance;

Unfortunate weakness;


Pain in the hypochondrium (right or left);

Decline in appetite;


Bleeding from mouth or nose;

Increased temperature that can be observed constantly;

Long healing bruises, bruises and abrasions;

Frequent infections and inflammatory diseases;

Bones pain (most often found at leukemia);

Perversion of smell and taste;

Skin itch.

This is a rather brief and far from a complete list of clinical signs of blood diseases, but it will help to navigate in the situation and seek timely for help from a specialist for diagnosing and course treatment.

Diagnosis of blood diseases

To identify various pathological conditions, quite simple blood tests are made designed to identify some extremely important indicators. To date, the following laboratory studies are most often held:

1. Common blood tests. The following indicators are determined:

  • the number of blood elements (platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes);
  • determination of the leukocyte formula (they consider the number of lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils);
  • the amount of hemoglobin;
  • studying erythrocytes (stainedness, sizes, shape, and so on).

2. Counting reticulocytes.

3. Charge counting.

4. Coagulogram. The following indicators are determined:

  • the amount of fibrinogen;
  • TV (thrombin time);
  • protombian index;
  • kaolin time;
  • Many and a number of others.

5. Determination of blood coagulation time.

6. Mielogram. This is the puncture of the bone marrow, followed by the manufacture of a smear and studying it under a microscope.

To detect increased lymph nodes during leukemias, lymphosarcomes, lymphogranulomatosis and a number of other diseases, radiation methods of diagnostics are used (x-ray bones, CT and chest radiography).

To identify the defeat of the blood formation organs, in particular the spleen, conduct scintigraphy.

When diagnosing anemia, the patient may need to conduct a liver ultrasound, FGDS colonoscopy, consultation of the gynecologist and a gastroenterologist.

Treatment of blood diseases

Modern medicine has accumulated tremendous experience in blood disease therapy and developed the principles for the treatment of most well-known pathologies.

If possible, the treatment of blood diseases begin with eliminating their causes and exclusion of risk factors. In addition, normalize the work of the internal organs and metabolic processes in the body, the deficit of trace elements and vitamins fill.

In some cases, the reception of hemostatics, corticosteroids, conducting hemocorrection (erythrocytoisheresis, plasmapheresis) is shown.

Quite often, patients with hematological diseases need blood transfusion.

For the treatment of hematoblastosis, radiotherapy, cytostatic therapy, stem cell transplantation and bone marrow is used.

In some diseases of blood (myelolomicosis, autoimmune anemia) shows splenectomy (removal of the spleen). Treatment of hematological diseases is carried out in special medical centers.

Prevention of blood diseases

Blood diseases, symptoms and methods of treatment of which are described above, can be prevented. In order to reduce the likelihood of blood diseases to a minimum, the following recommendations must be followed:

In time to treat any acute diseases, prevent their transition to a chronic form;

It is necessary to eat, the body must receive the amounts of vitamins and trace elements every day;

If possible, prevent the development of stress;

Play sports, lead an active lifestyle;

To refuse from bad habits;

In a timely manner and fully immorted from gliste invasions (especially for children);

Do not overheat and not overcohell over measures;

If possible, minimize contact with harmful chemicals (pesticides, paints, lead salts, benzene, and so on);

Timely to treat states whose symptoms are bleeding;

Do not allow an excessive impact on the organism of ionizing radiation.

To prevent the development of blood diseases, it is very important to strengthen the immune defense of the body.

The best preparation for this is the transfer factor. This is an immunomodulator, which is capable of normalizing human immune defense in a short time.

The drug has a natural origin, so he has no contraindications and age limitations. Transfer Factor can even quiet even chest children and pregnant women.

The preparation includes special molecules, which contain all the body's entire immune memory. Finding inside our body, they practically instantly diagnose all impairment impairment and eliminate them, restoring immune protection.

Introducing immunity in order, you will make your body stronger, which will help him fight blood diseases and prevent their development.


Higher education:


Samara State Medical University (Samgm, Kmi)

Education Level - Specialist

Additional education:


Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Blood diseases are a combination of diseases that are caused by various reasons, have a different clinical picture and leakage. They are combined by disorders in the number, structure and activity of blood cells and plasma. Science hematology is engaged in blood diseases.

Varieties of pathologies

Classical blood diseases characterized by changing the number of blood elements are anemia and eritremia. Diseases associated with failures in the structure and operation of blood cells are classified with sickle cell anemia and lazy leukocyte syndrome. Pathology, simultaneously changing the amount, structure and functions of cell elements (hemoblatosis), are called blood cancer. A common disease with a change in plasma functions is myeloma disease.

Diseases of the blood system and blood disease - medical synonyms. The first term is more voluminous, since it includes not only diseases of blood cells and plasma, but also blood formation organs. At the sources of any hematological disease is failed in the work of one of these bodies. Blood in the human body is very labile, it reacts to all external factors. It provides a variety of biochemical, immune and metabolic processes.

When the disease is cured, blood parameters are rapidly normalized. If there is a blood disease, a special treatment is necessary, the purpose of which will bring all the indicators to the norm. To distinguish hematological diseases from other ailments, additional surveys must be carried out.

The main blood patterns are included in the ICD-10. It contains various types of anemia (iron deficiency, folio-defective) and leukemia (myeloblastic, promoelocyrtar). Blood diseases are lymphosarcomas, histocytosis, lymphogranulomatosis, hemorrhagic disease of newborns, deficiencies of the coagulation factor, disadvantages of plasma components, thrombaster.

This list consists of 100 different items and allows you to deal with which blood diseases are. Some blood patterns are not included in this list, as there are extremely rare diseases or various forms of a particular illness.

Principles of classification

All blood diseases in outpatient practice are conventionally divided into several extensive groups (on the basis of blood elements that have been subject to change):

  1. Anemia.
  2. Hemorrhagic diathesis or pathology of the homeostasis system.
  3. Hemoblastosis: blood tumors, bone marrow and lymph nodes.
  4. Other ailments.

Diseases of the blood system, which are included in these groups, are divided into subgroups. Types of anemia (for reasons for the appearance):

  • associated with impaired hemoglobin or the production of erythrocytes (aplastic, congenital);
  • caused by the accelerated decay of hemoglobin and erythrocytes (the defective structure of hemoglobin);
  • wrong blood loss (posthemorrhagic anemia).

The most common anemias are deficient, which are caused by the lack of substances that are essential to release hemoglobin and erythrocytes of blood formation. 2 prevalence position occupy severe chronic diseases of the circulatory system.

What is hemoblastosis?

Hemoblastosis is cancer blood formation, originating in the blood formation and lymph nodes. They are divided into 2 extensive groups:

  1. Lymphoma.

The leukemia causes primary damage to the blood formation organs (bone marrow) and the appearance of a significant number of pathogens (blasts) in the blood composition. Lymphomas lead to lesions of lymphoid tissues, disruption of the structure and activity of lymphocytes. At the same time, the occurrence of malignant knots and bone marrow damage. Lakehouses are divided into sharp (lymphoblastic T- or B-cell) and chronic (lymphoproliferative, monocytoproliferative).

All types of acute and chronic leukemia arise due to the pathological development of cells. This happens in the bone marrow at different stages. The acute form of leukemia is malignant, so it is worse than therapy and often has an unfavorable forecast.

Lymphomas are Hodgkinski (lymphogranulomatosis) and non-Khodgkinskiy. The first can proceed in different ways, having their manifestations and testimony for treatment. Varieties of non-Khodgkinsky Lymph:

  • follicular;
  • diffuse;
  • peripheral.

Hemorrhagic diathesis lead to blood clotting disorders. These blood diseases, the list of which is very long, often provoke bleeding. These pathologies include:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • thrombocytopathy;
  • files of KININ-CALLIPRINE SYSTEM (Fletcher and Williams Defects);
  • acquired and hereditary coagulopathy.

Symptomatics of pathologies

Blood diseases and blood-forming organs have very different symptoms. It depends on the involvement of cells into pathological changes. Anemias are manifested by symptoms of oxygen deficiency in the body, and hemorrhagic vasculites cause bleeding. In this regard, there is no common clinical picture for all diseases.

Condemally allocate manifestations of blood diseases and blood formation organs, which in one way or another inherent to them all. Most of such diseases cause overall weakness, increased fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, tachycardia, appetite problems. There is a stable increase in body temperature, long inflammation, itching, failures in feeling taste and smell, pain in the bones, subcutaneous hemorrhages, bleeding of mucous membranes of different organs, pain in the liver, reduced operation. When the mentioned signs of blood illness, a person needs to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

A steady set of symptoms is associated with the occurrence of various syndromes (anemic, hemorrhagic). Such symptoms in adults and children occur in various blood diseases. In the anemic diseases of blood symptoms are as follows:

  • pale skin and mucous membranes;
  • drying or overvolving skin;
  • bleeding;
  • dizziness;
  • problems with gait;
  • prostration;
  • tachycardia.

Laboratory diagnostics

To determine blood disease and hematopoietic system, special laboratory studies are carried out. The overall blood test allows determining the number of leukocytes, red blood cells and platelets. The parameters of the EE, the leukocyte formula, the amount of hemoglobin are calculated. The parameters of the erythrocytes are being studied. To diagnose such diseases, the amount of reticulocytes, platelets are calculated.

Among other studies there is a sample of the pinch, the duration of bleeding on Duka is calculated. Informative in this case will be a coagulogram with the clarification of the parameters of the fibrinogen, the prothrombin index, etc. In the laboratory, the concentration of coagulation factors determine. Often you have to resort to the puncture of the bone marrow.

Diseases of the hematopoietic system include infectious pathology (mononucleosis). Sometimes the infectious diseases of blood mistakenly refer its reaction to the appearance of infection in other organs and systems of the body.

With a simple sore throat, certain changes begins as an adequate reaction to the inflammatory process. This state of affairs is absolutely normal and does not indicate blood pathology. Sometimes people are classified as infectious blood diseases in its composition, which are caused by the virus in the body.

Detection of chronic processes

Under the name of chronic blood pathology, mistakenly imply long changes to its parameters that are caused by other factors. Such a phenomenon can be provoked by the beginning of a disease that does not associated with blood. Hereditary blood diseases in outpatient practice are spread less widely. They start from birth and are a large group of diseases.

Behind the title blood diseases often lies the likelihood of leukemia. Doctors put such a diagnosis when blood tests show its significant deviations from the norm. This diagnosis is not entirely correct, since any blood pathology is systemic. The specialist can only formulate suspicion of a certain pathology. In the course of autoimmune disorders, human immunity eliminates its blood tales: autoimmune hemolytic anemia, medicinal hemolysis, autoimmune neutropenia.

Sources of problems and their treatment

The causes of blood diseases are very different, sometimes they cannot be determined. Often the occurrence of the disease can be caused by a deficit of certain substances, immune disorders. It is impossible to allocate generalized causes of blood pathologies. Universal methods of blood disease therapy is also not provided. They are selected individually for each disease species.

In itself, oncological blood diseases are manifested in different ways and have a fairly large number of symptoms, which can also indicate conventional diseases. That is why it is necessary to know how the blood cancer acts on the human body to diagnose it in time, and later cure. Today we learn how to determine blood cancer and much more.

What is blood cancer?

Typically, this is a combination of various pathologies, which is why there is a complete oppression of the blood formation system, and as a result, healthy bone marrow cells are replaced with patients. At the same time, the replacement can be almost all cells. Cancers in the blood usually divide and multiply, thereby replacing healthy cells.

There are both chronic blood cancer and acute leukemia, usually a malignant neoplasm in the blood has different varieties in the type of destruction of certain groups of cells in the blood. Also, the aggressiveness of the cancer itself and the speed of its distribution depends.

Chronic leukemia

Usually the disease is subjected to the modification of leukocytes, during mutation they become grainy. The disease itself proceeds quite slowly. Later, as a result of the replacement of leukocyte patients, the function of the blood formation is broken.


  • Megacarocyte leukemia. The stem cell is modified, multiple pathologies appear in the bone marrow. Subsequently, sick cells appear, which are very quickly divided and fill blood only. The number of platelets increases.
  • Chronic myelolomicosis.The most interesting thing is that the disease is more sick. The process begins after mutation of bone marrow cells.
  • Chronic lympholoicosis.This disease is a little breathtoma at first. Leukocytes accumulate in organ tissues, and there are a lot of them.
  • Chronic monocystary leukemia. This form does not increase the number of leukocytes, but the number of monocytes increases.

Acute leukemia

In general, there is already an increase in the number of blood cells, while they grow very quickly and are rapidly divided. This type of cancer is developing faster due to which acute leukemia is considered a more severe form for the patient.


  • Lymphoblastic leukemia. This oncoabolicity is more common in children from 1 to 6 years. In this case, lymphocytes are replaced with patients. Accompanied by severe intoxication and falling immunity.
  • Eritroeeloblastic leukemia. In the bone marrow, the increased growth rate of erythroblasts and normoblasts begins. The amount of red cells increases.
  • Myeloblastic leukemia. Usually there is a breakdown at the level of DNA blood cells. As a result, patients with cells completely displacing healthy. At the same time, the deficit of any of the main: leukocytes, platelets, red blood cells.
  • Megakarobyoblastic leukemia. Fast increase in the bone marrow of megakaryoblasts and undifferentiated blasts. In particular, strikes children with Down syndrome.
  • Monoblastic leukemia. During this disease, the temperature is constantly increasing and the general intoxication of the body in a patient with blood cancer occurs.

Causes of blood cancer

As you probably know, blood consists of several basic cells that perform their function. Erythrocytes deliver oxygen to the tissues of the whole organism, platelets allow you to clog wounds and cracks, and leukocytes protect our body from antibodies and alien organisms.

Cells are born in the bone marrow, and in the early stages are more susceptible to the external factor. Any cell can turn into a cancer, which will later be infinitely sharing and multiply. In this case, these cells have another structure and do not perform their function 100%.

The exact factors for which cell mutation can occur, scientists are not yet known, but there are some suspicions:

  • Radiation and radiation background in cities.
  • Ecology
  • Chemical substances.
  • Wrong course of medicinal substances and preparations.
  • Poor food.
  • Heavy diseases, such as HIV.
  • Obesity.
  • Smoking and alcohol.

Why is cancer dangerous?Cancer cells initially begin to mutate in the bone marrow, they are infinitely divided and taking the nutrients in healthy cells, plus highlighting a large number of life products.

When it becomes too much, these cells are already beginning to spread over blood into all the tissues of the body. Blood cancer usually comes from two diagnoses: leukemia and lymphosarcoma. But the correct scientific name is still - "hemoblastosis" that is, the tumor arose as a result of mutation of hematopoietic cells.

Hemoblastozes that appear in the bone marrow are called leukemia. Previously, it was also called leukemia or blond - this is when a large amount of immature leukocytes appear in the blood.

If the tumor originated outside the bone marrow, then it is called hematosarcoma. There is also a rarely lymphocytium disease - this is when the tumor affects mature lymphocytes. Blood cancer or hemablastosis has a poor course due to the fact that cancer cells can affect any organ, and at the same time, with any form, the defeat falls on the bone marrow.

After metastases begin, and malignant cells are applied to different types of fabric, they later behave differently, and because of this, the treatment itself deteriorates. The fact is that each such cell perceives treatment in its own way and can respond differently to chemotherapy.

What is the difference between malignant blood cancer from benign? In fact, benign tumors do not apply to other organs and the disease itself proceeds without symptoms. Malignant cells grow very quickly and metastasize faster.

Symptoms of blood cancer

Consider the very first signs of blood cancer:

  • Headache dizziness
  • Pains in the bones and breaking in the joints
  • Aversion to food and smells
  • The temperature rises without certain signs and diseases.
  • Total weakness and fast fatigue.
  • Frequent infectious diseases.

The first symptoms of blood cancer may also point to other diseases, because of which the patient is rarely drawn at this stage to the doctor and loses a lot of time. Later, other symptoms may appear on which native and relatives pay attention to:

  • Pallor
  • Yellow skin.
  • Drowsiness
  • Irritability
  • Bleedings that do not stop for a long time.

In some cases, lymph nodes of the liver and spleen can greatly increase, because of which the belly is inflated in the amount, there is a strong feeling of bloating. At the later stages there are rash on the skin, in the mucous membranes in the mouth begin to bleed.

When damaged lymph nodes, you will see solid sealing, but without painful symptoms. At the same time, you need to immediately consult a doctor and make ultrasound of the desired zones.

NOTE! An increase in liver spleen can be due to other infectious diseases, so you need to carry out an additional examination.

Diagnosis of blood cancer

How to recognize blood cancer in the early stages? Typically, this disease is determined by the first. Later they make the brain puncture - a rather painful operation - with the help of a thick needle puzzled pelvic bone and take a sample of bone marrow.

Later, these analyzes are sent to the laboratory, where they look at the cells under the microscope and then they say the result. In addition to all, you can make an analysis to oncomarkers. In general, doctors spend as much surveys as possible, even after detecting the tumor itself.

But why? - The fact is that leukemia has a lot of varieties and each disease has its own character and more sensitive to those or other types of treatment - this is why you need to know what the patient is sick to understand the doctor, how to treat blood cancer.

Blood cancer stage

Usually, the separation at the stage allows the doctor to determine the size of the tumor, the degree of its damage, as well as the presence of metastasis and the effect on remote fabrics and organs.

1 Stage

First, as a result of the failure of the immune system itself, mutant cells appear in the body, which have a different appearance and structure and are constantly divided. On this phase, cancer is quite easy and is rapidly treated.

2 Stage

The cells themselves begin to be knocked out into the flocks and form tumor bunches. At the same time, treatment is even more efficient. Metastasation has not yet begun.

3 Stage

Cancer cells become so much that they first affect lymphatic fabrics, and then they spread over blood to all organs. Metastases are common all over the body.

4 Stage

Metastases began to affect other organs deeply. The effectiveness of chemotherapy is several times reduced due to the fact that the remaining tumors begin to respond differently to the same chemical reagent. Pathology in women can spread to genitals, uterus and dairy glands.

How is blood cancer treated?

In order to deal with this ailment usually use chemotherapy. With the help of the needle, chemical reagents are introduced into the blood, which are directed directly to cancer cells. It is clear that other cells suffer, resulting in: hair loss, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, liquid chair, decreased immunity and anemia.

The problem of this therapy is that of course the reagents themselves are aimed at destroying only cancer cells, but they are very similar to our relatives. And later, they can mutate and change their properties, because of what any reagent simply ceases to act. As a result, more toxic substances are used, which already adversely affect the organism itself.

The malignant blood disease is a very nasty disease, and in comparison with other tumors, it is very fast, therefore, if it is not diagnosed on time and not treated, then the patient urges for 5 months.

There is another rather dangerous method of treatment when there is a bone marrow transplantation. At the same time, before that, with the help of chemotherapy, a completely bone marrow of the patient is destroyed to completely exterminate cancer cells.

NOTE! Dear readers, remember that no healers and signs will be able to help you cure this ailment, and since it develops very quickly, then you will definitely need to consult a doctor in time. At the same time, you can use: vitamins, chamomile grains, yarrow, sea buckthorn oil - they have the properties of the anti-inflammatory effect and help stop the blood in the case of anything. Do not use folk remedies: tinctures of the mumor, Boligol, cleanliness and other means with sending substances. You must understand that in this case the body has a very weakened effect of a patient, and this can just finish it.

Credit blood cancer or not?

Is it possible to cure blood cancer? It all depends on the degree and stage of cancer, as well as from the species itself. With acute leukemia, the disease is usually very aggressive and fast - doctors need more chemotherapy courses, so in this case the forecast is more sad. For chronic leukemia, everything is much more worse, as the disease spreads and develops not so quickly.

Blood cancer in children

In fact, this disease is quite often found in small patients from 1 to 5 years. This is mainly due to irradiation, which is obtained by the mother during pregnancy, as well as with a genetic violation within a child.

At the same time, the disease proceeds as well as adults, with all accompanying symptoms. The difference is that kids are much more susceptible to recovery - this is due to the fact that the regeneration of cells and tissues in kids at a much higher level than adults.

Blood diseases are affected by cellular elements of blood, such as platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes, or liquid part, i.e. Plasma.

Let's see what kind of illness and analyze a variety of symptoms, which each of them is manifested.

Features of blood diseases

When we talk about diseases of blood, then we mean specific disorders that affect one or more blood elements.

Blood Diseases cell elements may affect, i.e. erythrocytes, platelets and other blood cells and its plasma.

Some blood diseases have a genetic origin, others relate to the number of cancer diseases, are third associated with a deficit of certain substances. In any case, they can rush people of any category and age, from small children to the elderly.

Classification of hematological diseases

Blood pathology can be classified depending on the development time of development, from the forecast for the life of the patient, on the type of pathology and the individual reaction to therapy, on the type of injured blood elements.

In addition to this, blood disease is divided depending on the reasons:

Symptomatology of blood diseases differs depending on the injured blood component.

In case of diseases of red blood cellsThe symptoms are often associated with oxygen deficiency and hemoglobin:

In case of diseases of white blood cells Among the symptoms are marked:

  • increased lymph nodes and spleen

Thrombocyt pathologies may manifest:

  • the appearance of spots on leather, similar to bruises, or unfortunate bleeding, when the number of platelets is becoming too low
  • the formation of blood clots and clots when the number of platelets is excessively

In the presence of plasma pathologies may manifest:

  • child coagulation difficulties
  • bleeding

The most frequent blood pathology

Let us now try to list the most common blood diseases. For convenience, dividing diseases depending on the type of blood fraction.

Diseases of red blood cells (red blood cells)

"The main" disease of the red blood cells is called anemia and is characterized by a decrease in the number of circulating erythrocytes due to the reduction of production or acceleration of destruction.

Among anemia are most famous:

  • Sickle-cell anemia: This is genetically hereditary pathology and is characterized by a change in the physical form of red blood cells, which acquire a sickle form and which are easily breaking.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia: This is a type of anemia caused by iron deficiency due to nutritional problems or innate reasons. Iron is not correctly absorbed or entered in insufficient quantities, therefore, red blood cells and hemoglobin are not formed properly.
  • Pernicious anemia: due to vitamin B12 deficiency due to poor nutrition or deficiency of the internal factor required to assimage this vitamin. Due to the lack of vitamin B12, red blood cells are not ripened properly.
  • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia: Combines several autoimmune diseases in which the immune system attacks and destroys red blood cells. The reason is often unknown, but may be a consequence of another disease, such as lymphoma, or provoked by drugs.
  • Aplastic anemia: The disease is characterized by bone marrow inability to properly produce red blood cells and other blood cells. The exact cause of pathology is unknown, but it is assumed that this is due to the interaction of genetic factors and environmental factors.
  • Secondary anemia of chronic diseases: This type of anemia appears in patients suffering from chronic diseases, such as renal failure. Since in this case the factor is not necessary for the correct synthesis and ripening of erythrocytes.
  • Thalassemia: This is a hereditary disease associated with the Mutation of the gene, which determines the development of chronic anemia and that is potentially fatal for the patient.
  • Healthy and spheroralosis: This is a genetically hereditary disease in which the formation of the proteins of the erythrocyte membrane is violated. This means that red blood cells can be easily destroyed and, as a result, anemia develops and the spleen increases.
  • G6DP deficiency: also known as phavism, it is a hereditary disease of genetic nature, in which the enzyme of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is not synthesized. This determines the occurrence of hemolytic crises (that is, the sudden destruction of red blood cells), as an answer to different reasons, for example, after receiving some food, including legumes.

Among other blood diseases are not classified as anemia, but which affect red blood cells, we have:

The diseases of white blood cells are mainly tumor pathology, which determines the changes in the number of cells of the immune system (mainly leukocytosis, i.e. increase in the number of white blood cells).

Among such blood diseases, we have:

  • Meloma: The tumor characteristic of the elderly and which amazes the cells of the immune system. There are various types of myeloma, but, in most cases, it is manifested by common bone pain and the presence of anemia.
  • Leukemia: This is an oncological pathology that leads to hyperproduction of blood cells, in particular, cells of the immune system. There are various types (myeloid, acute, chronic, lymphoid) and amazes predominantly young people and children, although he can manifest itself in adults. In some cases, it has a genetic origin, but is not hereditary, in other cases it can be determined by the impact of environmental factors.
  • Lymphoma: Cancer, which affects the cell lines B and T of the immune system. There are two main types, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (the most common form) and Hodgkin lymphoma, its development is associated with the influence of infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases.

Among other neonochemical pathologies that are affected by white blood cells, we can mention:

Pathologies that affect platelets and lead to the appearance of blood coagulation defects, since these cells are involved in blood coagulation processes.

We have among such diseases:

  • Thrombocytopenic purple: This is a disease at which a decrease in the number of platelets is observed as a result of autoimmune processes that destroy blood platelets. There is an increase in the coagulation time of blood and blood clots. The reason is still clearly not defined, but noted the influence of temporary states, such as pregnancy, and genetic factors.
  • Basic thrombocytemia: In this case, the bone marrow produces an excessive amount of platelets. The reason is also not completely clear, as pathology is very rare. Leads to excessive formation of clots, which can lead to obstruction of arteries and veins, cause stroke or heart attack.
  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purple: This is an autoimmune pathology, in which we observe a decrease in the number of platelets (thrombocytopenia). The reasons today are unknown, and pathology is manifested by heavy bleeding.
  • Thromboedhenia Glasma: This is a pathology, in which platelets lose the ability to aggregation among themselves and interacting with fibrinogen to form blood clot. This is a rare disease caused by the absence or deficiency of a special protein on the surface of platelets. Causes frequent bleeding.

Blood plasma diseases

Plasma pathologies include all those diseases that are caused by a systemic condition or disadvantage of substances present in the blood, for example:

  • Hemophilia: Genetic hereditary pathology associated with X-chromosome, which causes frequent bleeding due to the lack of one of the coagulation factors that are usually present in the blood plasma: Factor 8. (with type a hemophilia) or factor 9. (with hemophilia type B). The consequence of this is the inability of blood to coal properly, therefore even a small surface wound can lead to fatal bleeding.
  • Willebrand disease: This is a pathology associated with the shortage of Willebrand factor, which is manifested by bleeding and the inability of blood to turn correctly. There is in three different forms. This is a genetic disease caused by a change at the chromosome level 12.
  • Common intravascular coagulation: This is a very dangerous disease and often fatal, as it causes the formation of blood clots in various vessels leading to ischemic damage to organs and tissues. Develops due to the mass activation of blood coagulation factors due to various causes, such as poisoning, tumors and infection.
  • Autoimmune diseases: Such as rheumatoid arthritis and red lupus, which is due to the presence of antibodies against blood cells in the blood plasma, in the first case, or against various organs and tissues, and in the second case.
  • Blood infection: striking predominantly elderly people and people with weakened immunity. This condition characterized by the infectious process in the blood, which then applies to all organs and tissues. Bacteria in this case are localized at the level of blood plasma, as a result, infection becomes systemic.

Regular medical examinations are very important for early detection of blood diseases and victories even over the most aggressive!

Lakeezes - malignant pathology affecting the circulatory system. Its primary focus of localization - bone marrow fabrics.

The disease does not have age limitations, but more than 90% of the identified cases, affects adults affects adults. In the past few years, the statistics of diseased leukemia are steadily growing.

Pathology can flow both in acute and have a chronic outline. In the first case, its clinical manifestations will be more pronounced, in the second - symptoms are extremely blurred and not always the disease can be diagnosed on time.

The acute form of leukemia is characteristic of persons of old years, while the chronic manifestation of blood oncology amazes people of young and middle age. It is in this situation that it is extremely important to closely monitor the slightest manifestations of the disease.

First symptoms

In the overwhelming majority of patients with this diagnosis in the initial stages of its progression, the process proceeds in different ways. The intensity of manifestations is determined by the state of the immune forces of the body and the general physical health of a person.

This symptom is considered one of the most nonspecific and therefore almost always up to a certain point is ignored. This condition is very close to the manifestations of a cold at that stage, when it still does not hurt, but a person understands that something is wrong with him.

Muscle weakness, drowsiness, lethargy appears. Often, this "set" is accompanied by the swelling of the mucous membrane, headache, eye tear, characteristic of viral diseases.

The patient begins to take anti-infinite funds, by virtue of its orientation, they give some result, eliminating physical discomfort, which, indefinitely, blurs symptoms, and a person continues to not notice a serious threat.


Leukemia, especially his myeloid form, provoke a tendency to bleeding, the appearance of hematomas, bruises, even with a minor mechanical effect, which should not be normal.

The phenomenon is considered to be a consequence of the violation of the cellular structure of platelets, in which blood tales lose natural coagulation. During such a state, the number of erythrocytes reaches an extremely low level. So there is anemia. It is because of her that skin covers become pale of the usual, which directly indicates serious problems with blood formation.


One of the main early signs of the development of malignant blood abnormalities. This is especially true in cases where, due to physiological and anatomical features, a person was previously not inclined to sweat.

The phenomenon occurs spontaneously, it is not amenable to correction. Basically, it happens at night during sleep. Such sweating in oncological practice is interpreted as profuse and is the result of the affecting processes of the central nervous system.

Patients with leukemia Fragments of tissues - the cause of infiltration of external epithelial covers and glands producing sweat secrecy.

Increased lymph nodes

For the damaging effect of progressive pathology, submandibular, clavical, axillary and inguinal nodal connections are falling, that is, those their zones where skin folds are available. At the same time, they are quite simple to detect.

Since leukocytes affected by cancer, they actively accumulate and develop further in lymph nodes, their increase is the inevitable process. Anomalous fabrics gradually fill immature forms, and the nodes are multiplied in diameter.

They are characterized by an elastic and mild inner content, while the mechanical pressing on the tumor is accompanied by pain of varying degrees of intensity, which may not be avoided by a person and requires consultation from the profile specialist.

If the lymph node is more than 2 cm, this is not the norm, but most likely developing oncological pathology.

Enlargement of liver and spleen

It is worth noting that these signs are quite specific and may have a completely different background. It is important to understand the border states of increasing these bodies in order to adequately judge the possible risks of the manifestation of oncology.

As for the liver, its increase is not too pronounced and critical. Large sizes with such a diagnosis, it almost never reaches. Selezenka somewhat dominates this plan - it begins to actively grow already at the initial stages of the course of the alend and gradually spreads to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe left zone of the peritoneum.

At the same time, the authority changes its structure - it becomes dense in the center, and softer on the edges. Discomfort and painful sensations does not cause it difficult to the diagnosis of this anomaly, especially in patients with overweight.

Basic symptoms

As the disease progressing, the symptoms of its flow becomes brighter. At this stage it is extremely important to pay attention to the secondary signs of leukemia, since the late treatment for medical help is the main cause of death in adults from the malignant pathology.


Blood leukemia in adults, regardless of its shape, violates normal platelet production processes that directly determine the quality of blood coagulation. As the illness progressing, this condition is aggravated, as a result of which fibrin bunches capable of stopping bleeding, simply do not have time to form.

In such a state, even shallow cuts, scratches are very dangerous. And nasal bleeding is fraught with serious blood losses.

In women, against the background of the disease, abundant menstruation, cycles and spontaneous uterine bleeding are characteristic.


Bruises and bruises appear suddenly, and their nature of the occurrence is not a mechanical injury to the affected fabric fragment. This is the specificity of the feature, and the inexplicability of their appearance is the result of a low platelet content in blood plasma and caused by this, low blood coagulation.

Bloodstocks may appear in any part of the patient's body, but their prevailing amount falls on the upper and lower limbs.

Sustav pain

The pain in the joints is distinguished by various degrees of intensity and is a consequence of a large concentration of patient cells in the brain, in particular in areas where their maximum density concentrates - in the zone of the sternum and the pelvic bone in the site of the ileum.

As the leukemia stage increases in an adult, cancer cells germinate into the brain fluid, fall into nerve endings and cause local pain.

Chronic fever

Chronic increase in the temperature indicators of the patient's body Many are associated with internal inflammatory processes, however, if this phenomenon does not have explicit symptoms, the malignant oncological lesions of organs can be suspected with a large proportion of probability.

A chaotic growth in the number of leukocytes will inevitably cause biochemical processes with the release of components that activate the activity of the hypothalamus, which, in turn, is responsible for increasing the temperature of the patient's body.

Frequent infectious diseases

Chronic cough, nasal congestion, acquire almost regular character, especially in the acute form of the disease in adults.

The reason for this phenomenon is the low functional ability of leukocytes, carrying responsibility for cell immunodeling. The organism affected by leukemia can no longer be qualitatively and quickly struggling with the pathogens of viral and cold infections penetrating from the environment, and the disease becomes regular.

In this state, the patient disrupts the microflora, which further reduces susceptibility to ORVI and colds.

Permanent malaise

The constant feeling of fatigue and physical weakness even after a fully rest associated with this state feeling of indifference and depression, directly are a consequence of the drop in the level of red blood cells.This process arises lightning and also rapidly progresses.

Often, on the background of this, the appetite is reduced, a person begins to lose weight of the body, since the tumor transformation of cancer blood cells adult organism requires large energy resources. As a result, the patient becomes weak and exhausted.

Distinctive symptoms by types

Clinical manifestations of leukemia in an adult may differ slightly and have more non-standard manifestations depending on the type of disease. In addition to the general signs of characteristic pathology, the following specific symptoms of the development of blood tumor processes were revealed.

Chronic myeloblastic leukemia

Manifestations of myeloblastic oncology in the chronic stage of flow in addition to general signs of disease, fraught:

  • rapid heartbeat or opposite, slowed down heart rhythm;
  • fungal lesions of the oral cavity - stomatitis, angina;
  • renal failure - manifests itself, starting at 3 stages of the course of the alend;

Chronic lymphoblastic leukemia

Belongs to the group of non-kinderical manifestations of lymphoma, the main cause of which is a genetic factor. Against the background of the disease develop:

  • strong impairment of immune function - entails a sharp deterioration in the state of health and dysfunction of a number of essential systems and divisions of the body's life;
  • pathology of the urogenital sphere - cystitis, urethritis is most often diagnosed, and only in the process of their therapy, the true cause of their appearance is obtained;
  • next to suppuration - purulent masses accumulate in the field of subcutaneous fatty fiber;
  • long lesions - Often it is they who lead to death on the background of the main diagnosis - leukemia;
  • shingles - It takes hard, quickly affects large fabric areas, often goes into mucous fragments.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

The course of the disease accompany the following distinctive features:

  • pronounced intoxication of the organism - manifests itself in various kinds of viral, bacterial infections and inflammatory processes;
  • vomiting reflex - accompanied by uncontrolled flow. A large number of blood fragments are present in the composition of the vomit;
  • violation of respiratory function, and as a result, the development of heart failure.

Acute myeloblastic leukemia

The disease, in contrast to other types of leukemia, in patients in an adult state develops extremely rapidly and already at the stage of the formation of the tumor can be characterized by the accompanying type of cancer, symptoms:

  • sharp, more than 10% of the total body weight, weight loss - Slimming occurs very quickly, patient after a couple of months spontaneously loses the fat weight;
  • abdominal pain - caused by the growth of parenchymal departments;
  • degte-shaped feces - their reason - bleeding gasts;
  • high intracranial pressure - There is due to edema of the optic nerve and acute headaches.

Information and informative video about the symptoms of the disease:

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