Guild Wars 2 when in Russian. Frequent questions on the game

Last week, in China there were sensational photos of an incomprehensible monster, which simply flooded Chinese Internet. WEIBO (Chinese Analogue Twitter) has already more than 16 million mentions of these photos. According to the man who made them - he just rested with friends when he saw this, like Mojlum Monster, quite frightened him.

As you already, probably, in the course - Guild Wars 2 will soon come out in China. Initially, the output was planned at the end of 2013, but was postponed for 2014, since the excitement was so large that the developers had to take extra time for capacity building and additional polishing. Below you will find some cognitive information about the past beta tests, and [...]

Yesterday at the official forum, one of the Russian-speaking fans of the game asked whether the game would be translated into Russian. A response received from the coordinator's community "At the moment we have no plans for providing such a service" upset many. I decided to clarify this information and contacted Idan - Community by the European Region manager. He is in his [...]

In the next letter, ArenaNet, I could not resist and once again asked if there were any news about localization and whether it was planned at all. In response, I received the following: "With regard to the translation of the game into Russian - it will, but, I'm afraid, not in the near future. We will have detailed information about it at the beginning of the following [...]

In just two days, and for two weekends, we managed to collect more than four thousand signatures. A good result, but I ask you all not to stop there! The more signatures - the greater the chance! Many still do not know about the petition, so share a link with friends, spread it. You can sign a petition about localization here. [...]

The game is paid (B2P - bought and play), without a monthly fee. From 29.08.2015, the original part of the game available for free, but with in-game restrictions. List of restrictions can be found in the table below.

Comparison of account types

Free AccountMain Account Ore. Guild Wars 2. Heart of Thorns. Account
Cell characters
2 5 5 and more *
Cells bags 3 5 5
Profession Revenant.
Content and Heart Of Thorns Cards NotNotYes
Card and Content Central Tyria (main game) Only starting cards, while the character does not reach up to level 10

Lion's Arch is closed for each character up to 35 levels.

Mastery NotNotYes
In-game post Can only send confirmed friends

Can not send gold and objects

Yes (for accounts created after 8/28/15 required confirmation via SMS or application for sending gold and objects)
Access to the Guild
NotYes (for accounts created after 8/28/15 require confirmation via SMS or application to pick up something from the bank)
Personal chat (whisper)
Can send a message to one character once in 30 seconds, the restriction does not act on mutual friendsYesYes
Chat card
Chat detachment (Squad) YesYes
Group search
Opens for each character at 30YesYes
PvP Chat Chat commands always available

Chat in PVP Lobby is unlocked when 20 rank is reached in PVP

Emotions, chat cards and ordinary chat is not available on time matches

WVW. unlocked on the entire account when one character reaches 60 lvlaYesYes
Daily bonus for the entrance notYesYes
Gem Store. Inaccessible objects that can not use free accounts (for example, Skin Glader)YesYes
Currency exchange You can exchange crystals for gold, you can not exchange gold to crystals.YesYes
TRADING POST. You can sell and buy objects from a specific list.YesYes
Ability to write on the forum NotYesYes

To remove these restrictions, new players need to buy an add-on HEART OF THORNS

Where to buy game - Official website, Gamazavr shop
Where to register the key -, or in your account, if you already have a free version
How to register the key -
Where to download the client - in your personal account section download client
Personal Cabinet -
Game support -
Where is the most Russian-speaking players - Servers Seafarer's Rest, Desolation, Piken Square, Aurora Glade. In general, there is at all - pick yourself a guild and go to the server.

Frequent questions on the game

Will Guild Wars 2 come out in Russian?

At the moment, unfortunately, there is no detailed information about it.
Follow the news on this topic you can by tag "localization" -
Last comment about localization You can read in
If localization appears, the server will still be common with Europe. GW2 Localization is just the translation of the Game Customer. You can't buy the game again.

Donator's game?

Absolutely no. The game has an additional store for "crystals" that can be supposed for real currency. However, this store sells objects that do not affect balance, such as skins, costumes, mini, etc. Moreover, crystals can be purchased not only for real money, but also for gaming gold.

What platforms are available guild Wars 2?

Guild Wars 2 is available on PC and Mac.

What system requirements for Guild Wars 2?

Minimum system requirements:
Operating System - Windows XP Service Pack 2 or above
Processor - Intel Core 2 DUO 2.0 GHz, Core i3, AMD Athlon 64 x2 or better
Recreational memory - 2GB
Video Card - NVIDIA GeForce 7800, ATI Radeon X1800, Intel HD 3000 or Better (256 MB of Video Ram and Shader Model 3.0 or Better)
25 GB free hard disk space
Broadband Internet connection
Keyboard, mouse.

Is there a paid subscription (monthly payment) in Guild Wars 2? How much is the game?

Not. As in the original Guild Wars, there is no monthly subscription. You just buy the game and play online without monthly payments. The official value of the game is from $ 50, depending on the type of publication. Box versions of the game in Russia are not sold yet.

Will there be updates? How often will they go out? What will be their price?

Supplements will be both paid and free. Most of the updates will be free. The exception will be really big updates, like Heart of Thorns.
Paid updates are not mandatory to continue the game. But until you buy an add-on, the new content will not be available to you. Nearest Pay Supplement - Heart Of Thorns

I found a place where they sell the game twice cheaper, is it safe to buy there?

Unsafe. With a high probability, the key will be blocked after a while - on informal resources, especially market type resources (, etc.) are often found keys purchased initially using stolen credit card data (the so-called Frogud). If such a key comes you, then with a large probability, your account will be sooner or later blocked. If you see the price highly reduced compared to the official site, it is worth thinking why it is so low - either the seller altruist and sells the keys to the loss or these are gray keys, when using your account can be in the end blocked.

Is solo possible game in Guild Wars 2?

Yes. You can develop your character to the maximum level, never joining the group if you want it. Most of the content will be made with a single passage, although the system will often work, the control complexity of the game depending on the number of players. This will allow players to pass the game as you want themselves.

At the same time, it is important for the MMO community to unite to overcome the problems. In Guild Wars 2 there will be events to solve which the forces of many players will need.

Will I be able to play my character from the original Guild Wars in Guild Wars 2?

Guild Wars 2 is an absolutely new game, with other professions and races, new technologies and an extended gameplay. It is simply impossible to directly use the character from the original Guild Wars.

However, your character from Guild Wars will be reserved so that you can use it in Guild Wars 2. Hall of Monuments in Guild Wars 2 recognizes the achievements of your characters from Guild Wars and gives you a unique awards so that you can boast of these achievements.

What advantages will give Hall of Monuments characters in Guild Wars 2?

Achievements and awards accumulated by all characters on your account of the original Guild Wars are celebrated in the Hall of Monuments, which is available in the Guild Wars: Eye of the North. The monuments standing in the hall give some points that you can spend on your character from Guild Wars 2, giving him exclusive titles, objects, mini-animals and animal companions. Use to find out which awards are unlocked and what items will be available when Guild Wars 2 will be released.

Since GW2 in Russia was planned to publish from the very beginning of development, many fans of the first part immediately sighed with relief, finally the continuation of the greatest game of recent times will be worthy and high-quality, equipped and fully Russified. Nevertheless, not everything turned out to be so simple, since the release date several times was in the end.

As you know, the preliminary beta testing of the new part will be held in the spring of 2012, Russia will naturally not be in the list of official beta testers, but the players should not worry about it, it is better to understand the details of the release of a new part of such a favorite TV series. First of all, the gameplay in Guild Wars 2 great emphasis makes it on the role-based component than it was in the first part. A large number of new professions and skills appear, each of which is unique and unique. The emphasis should be done on the development of the internal gaming qualities of the gamer so that in the future everything turned out how it is impossible.

Many character development methods and new types of weapons increase interest from the side and fans of the game, and ordinary users who have decided to find entertainment on the evening-other. Free registration in Guild Wars 2 will begin after the end of beta testing, approximately in the mid-end of the summer of 2012, for the remaining time developers plan to optimize inside the game balance, and correct various flaws, in large numbers of the world in the world's initial stage of creating a project .

You can play GW2 online, it will be not possible on the most powerful configuration, the maximum optimization of user system resources is promised, as a result of which each new stage will be more fascinating and more interesting, as well as perform numerous quests in the game, taking into partners of various characters. If we talk about Gameplay, then from the time of the first part of the cardinal changes, it is not necessary to wait, because the main concept will remain the developers untouched so far.

The Localization of Guild Wars 2 will be released in the very near future, providing everyone a unique opportunity to fully immerse itself into this amazing world in full Russian. Full and qualitative translation is planned, not only the text and visual, but also the sound component of this project. The output is scheduled for approximately at one time with the overall world release, but it is worth identifying certain corrections for the overall quality of translation.

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Until recently, the number of MMORPG in Russian was extremely limited. In essence, players who do not know English, but intensely burned in large online role-players, there was only one choice - " Sphere", Despite the support of the Russian language, today is already morally outdated. The situation began to change when Akella Online released completely Russified Everquest 2.. The players have a choice.

But in Russian Everquest 2, the game occurs on Russian servers, where the people, unfortunately, are not much as on international servers. In addition, most gamers, even those who do not know English want to feel in the most thick of events, and this, again, perhaps only at international venues.

"Buka" acted in its own way - did not open its own server for Guild Wars, and launched all Russian-speaking gamers to the world arena. We add up to us a lot of questions about the translation of GW, so we immediately explain how localization works.

To begin with the most frequent question: Do I need to buy a box? If you have already bought a DVD box before (i.e., the English version from "Buki"), it is not necessary to re-pay. When you start the game, you automatically download a patch (if you are constantly playing, it has long been downloaded), and the settings menu will appear the choice of Russian. Activate the option and start playing the Russian version of the game.

Now - as for the translation. Bukovs did not move the names of their own (the names of monsters, weapons, locations), leaving them in English. Having played two weeks in localization, we found both the pros and cons of this approach. Consider them separately.


Those who previously played in GW will not have to be incredibly lit into translated names. That is, if there is a Ball Hammer in the game, then in all versions of the game Ball Hammer, and not some "hammer with a ball embodious." Since at the time of localization, the Russian-speaking community GW has about 20,000 people, this moment is very important.

Those who previously did not play GW will easier play international servers. They will immediately memorize the English-speaking names of objects, after which they can correctly call them when communicating with Western players. This is especially important during bargaining. At the initial stages of the game, good things are very difficult to knock out from monsters on tasks, they can only be bought from merchants (real people, not gaming characters). Of course, most English-speaking merchants. Even with elementary knowledge of English, you can communicate with them. Having written, albeit with the errors, something like " I WANT TO BAY FEATHERED LONGBOW FOR 1 GLD»You will get the desired bow, because his name you know from localization.

For those who do not know English, a similar incomplete translation is a great way to start slowly to learn foreign mats. All quests, dialogues and other you will understand, because they are translated, but the names of locations and a habar, if it is completely incomprehensible, look in the dictionary.


The english text in Russian looks, of course, not perfect. You get used to this, but not immediately.

Often these most inclusions are facing each other. That is, it turns out that there is a Russian text, then one game term is in English, then another (do not forget that the names of objects and locations may consist of several words). As a result, a person who does not know English is difficult to disassemble what was meant. We give a simple example. Description of the Location Great Northern Wall contains the following offer: "... until Searing Northern Gate was an important diplomatic entrance to the greeting of visiting dignitaries ..." In this case, it is meant that before the coming Charr in Askalon (Searing is just there is a battle between people and Charr, when Mages Charr wrapped on the Great Northern Wall and the surroundings of fire and sulfur) Northern Gates were a bandwidth for diplomats. However, due to the fact that the two terms - Searing and Northern Gate - stand in each other, who does not know English can decide that Searing Northern Gate is a single concept. The meaning of the phrase in this case is lost. There are not many similar incidents, but they are.

That's it. In our opinion, the advantages of this approach outweigh the disadvantages. The ability to gradually memorize the English-speaking terms will prepare gamers that do not know English, to the game in the unlocated MMORPG, and this is expensive.

The rest of the localization is performed at a very good level. The texts are translated literaryly (although small flashes, of course, there are), stupid and funny names and definitions are not found, in the in-game chat can be communicated in Russian. The plot line has been translated very precisely. There are no voice recordings, only subtitles, but, again, it does not interfere. In general, it turned out a peculiar intermediate (with justified elements of English), but very high-quality localization, which, without a conscience, can be recommended by players or not knowing English at all, or those who know it is not enough to delve into the plot peripetia.

And in conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to what an important point. In Russia, more and more localized MMORPG begins to appear. And not ababy what the best. Everquest 2., Guild Wars., EVE Online. (translates the company " Neville"). On the one hand, it is wonderful, and on the other hand, it seriously undermines the positions of the preparing for the release of domestic MMORPG. After all, now the players who do not know English is not at all necessary to wait for the release of Russian online role-playing, which, we will not crush the soul, they may not be good, but they do not die with the pillars of the genre. Such a stick about the two ends, a domestic developer sweeping in the forehead.

In other words, if a year ago, the Orthodox MMORPG could collect a good audience due to the features of the domestic market, where many gamers really want to play, but do not know the language at all, now this focus will not pass. In the domestic market, the localization of world hits can now rule the Localization Ball.