When is it prescribed and what does a smear test in women show? Special examination of girls and adolescents by a gynecologist How to take a smear from girls

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A mandatory procedure when visiting a gynecologist is to take biological material to assess the state of the microflora and epithelial cells of the vagina, the inner mucous membrane of the uterus, endometrium, and cervical canal.

A gynecological smear, the study and decoding of which is carried out in laboratory conditions, is highly informative.

The analysis allows you to determine the hormonal level of the reproductive system, the amount and composition of vaginal discharge, the bacterial content of microflora in women, to prevent inflammatory processes, to identify developmental pathologies, the presence of neoplasms and infections that are sexually transmitted.

Diseases of the female reproductive system are dealt with by a specialized direction in medicine - gynecology.

There are many reasons for the treatment of patients: passing a medical examination for employment, pregnancy, pain or unpleasant cramping sensations in the lower abdomen, itching or burning, thrush, heavy menstruation or discharge of unknown origin.

A general smear or microscopy is performed during a routine examination or during pregnancy planning. The result is a study of the cervical and urethra, the vagina, in virgins - the rectum.

Papanicolaou analysis for cytology makes it possible to detect the papilloma virus, precancerous conditions of the epithelium, cervix in time. It is recommended to undergo the PAP test for all women with hereditary oncological diseases, persons over the age of 21.

The bacteriological method of research, bacterial culture in women, is recommended if there is a suspicion of the course of the inflammatory process, a violation of the microflora, which was caused by opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms.

PCR is carried out in the form of an analysis for infections transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Provides complete information about the bacterial composition of the internal microflora.

The effectiveness and reliability of the method is 98%.

Preparing for a smear test

Before prescribing an examination, the gynecologist or laboratory employee must warn the patient about how to properly take a smear for flora, what can and cannot be done before the procedure.

Preparation for a microscopic examination involves the abandonment of potent antibiotics 2 weeks before the expected analysis, a visit to the bathroom the day before. You should try not to go to the toilet 2 hours before the test.

It is better to diagnose not before, but during menstruation and in the first two days after.

To increase the sensitivity of the test, bacterial culture for microflora is carried out in the absence of treatment with antibacterial drugs and douching. Be sure to follow a special diet 2-3 days before bacteriological analysis: limit foods that provoke fermentation or intestinal upset.

Refrain from sexual intercourse with a partner and do not wash 24 hours before data collection.

3-5 days before the prescribed PCR diagnostics, it is prohibited to take any antibacterial and contraceptives. For 36 hours it is necessary to exclude sexual intercourse. It is advisable not to go to the shower a day before the PCR and on the eve of taking the test. The material is taken during menstruation and for 1-2 days after it ends.

How to take a smear from women

The technique of taking the material is usually carried out in the morning in the department of gynecology or directly in the laboratory itself. Taking vaginal secretions and areas for research is prescribed only for women who are sexually active. In girls, it is taken more carefully from the lateral fornix of the vagina in order to exclude damage to the hymen, and from the intestines, secretion.

All manipulations take place on the gynecological chair. At this time, the specialist introduces a special mirror, depending on the age and physiological characteristics of the patient. If the organs are not yet formed, size XS is used, girls will need a mirror S. After labor, examination instruments with a diameter of 25-30 mm, sizes M, L are used.

The collection of material is carried out with a spatula or spatula, a brush, applied to a glass slide or placed in a test tube for further transfer of the results to the laboratory.

Microflora smear: decoding

It is impossible to independently draw a conclusion about how good or bad the smear turned out without the appropriate knowledge. With the help of special symbols, it is very easy to decipher a microscopic examination of a smear. Depending on the localization of the biological material taken, they are distinguished: the vagina - "V", the cervix - "C" and the urethra - "U".

Gram-positive rods, "Gr. +" And the absence of coccal flora. The result is "++++". It is observed quite rarely, most often it is a consequence of intensive antibiotic therapy. Norm: "++", "+++" sticks, the number of cocci does not exceed "++".

Gram-negative bacteria of gonococcus - "Gn", vaginal Trichomonas - "Trich", yeast of the genus "Candida". Corresponds to diseases like gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and candidiasis.

The presence of key cells and Escherichia coli, if they are indicated in the composition of the microflora, indicates that the patient has bacterial vaginosis.

A smear on flora: the norm in women

Without exception, all patients, from the age of 14 to the onset of menopause, correspond to the same norm obtained as a result of laboratory microscopic examination.

Leukocytes. Providing protection of the body from penetrating viruses, bacteria and infections, they can be in the field of vision, but should not exceed the indicator in the vagina - 10, in the cervix - 30, urethra - 5.

Epithelium. A moderate amount of epithelial tissue is normal. A high number indicates possible inflammation, and too low indicates insufficient production of the hormone estrogen.

Slime. Little or no quantity is allowed. The maximum daily rate of secretion of the secretion of the glands of the cervical canal is 5 ml.

Gram-positive sticks, "Gr. +". Lactobacilli and Doderlein's bacilli must be present in large quantities. They are responsible for the body's immune response to foreign bodies. They should not be in the cervix and urethra.

"Gr.-", gram-negative, anaerobic bacilli are not detected.

Gonococci with the symbol "gn", Trichomonas, chlamydia, key and atypical cells, fungi, yeast, Candida are absent. If they are found in the results, the patient is assigned an additional examination for gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis, thrush.

Cleanliness smear

To avoid complications during gestation, pregnant women are advised to determine the degree of purity of a gynecological smear. Normally, in a healthy woman, the vaginal microflora is 95-98% Bacillus vaginalis or lactobacillus Doderlein's bacillus. They produce lactic acid, which helps maintain acidity levels.

Pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms are not able to survive in such conditions. But under the influence of various factors, such as sexual activity, menopause, menstrual cycle and decreased immunity, microflora indicators can change.

  • 1st degree the cleanliness of the vagina is normally pH 3.8-4.5. Wednesday is sour. Leukocytes and epithelial cells - no more than 10.
  • 2nd degree. Weakly acidic environment: pH = 4.5-5. There is a slight increase in gram-positive cocci, Candida fungi.
  • 3 degree. Pathogenic microorganisms are activated, mucus appears, epithelium indicators exceed the norm. Neutral acidity level, pH = 5-7. Leukocytes over 10. Mucus, key cells are present, gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms multiply in favorable microflora conditions.
  • On the last one, 4 degrees, the purity is low. The pH values ​​reach 7.5. Doderlein sticks are either absent altogether, or are found in a single quantity. The vagina is filled with pathogens.

Bacteriological examination

The diversity of the composition, in addition to the lactobacillus Doderlein's bacillus, which is an integral part of the microflora of the vagina of the examined woman, does not begin to be studied immediately. Sowing the collected biological material on a specially created favorable environment for its subsequent growth, development and reproduction takes time.

It is possible to assess the bacteriological inoculation of the flora through a microscope, provided that the number of representatives of microorganisms increases.

  • 0 grade. Observed during antibiotic treatment. The causative agent is absent.
  • Class I. No bacterial count or moderate growth.
  • Class II. The mixed nature of microflora. Up to 10 colonies of bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis or Mobiluncus, causative agents of gardnerellosis, are determined.
  • III class. There are about 100 colonies. Gardnerella and Mobiluncus live mainly in the microflora. Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis appear.
  • IV class. Lactobacilli are absent, immunity is weakened. The diagnosis of an acquired infectious disease is aerobic vaginitis.

Cytological examination

The likelihood of detecting areas of altered epithelium, papilloma virus and oncological neoplasms is quite high after 30 years, the onset of sexual activity.

The correct interpretation of the PAP test depends on the presence or absence of cancerous, atypical cells.

  • NILM. The clinical picture was normal, CBO. Leukocytes and bacteria are excreted in small quantities. Possible primary candidiasis or bacterial vaginosis. The epithelial layer is normal.
  • ASC-US. Found atypical areas in the epithelial tissue of unknown origin. Re-analysis is carried out after 6 months to search for chlamydia, dysplasia, human papillomavirus.
  • LSIL. To confirm a precancerous condition caused by atypical cells, a biopsy, colposcopy is prescribed. Weakly expressed signs of changes in the epithelium.
  • ASC-H. Pronounced lesion of squamous epithelium. 1% of patients are diagnosed with the initial stage of cervical cancer, the remaining 98-99% have grade 2-3 dysplasia.
  • HSIL. Concomitant symptoms preceding squamous epithelium and cervical cancer were found in more than 7% of the examined women. 2% have cancer.
  • AGC. Atypical condition of the glandular epithelium. Diagnosis: cervical or endometrial cancer, advanced form of dysplasia.
  • AIS. Squamous cell carcinoma, cervical cancer.

PCR analysis

The molecular biological method of PCR diagnostics is distinguished by high sensitivity and reliability of the data obtained. Thanks to the creation of earlier samples of the isolated and copied DNA segment, a comparison with the obtained biological material is made.

Analysis for infections using PCR makes it possible in a short time to find the causative agent of the disease of the female genital organs by obtaining a positive or negative result.

Polymerase chain reaction facilitates the identification of chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, thrush, trichomoniasis, HPV, HIV, search for the causes of severe pregnancy and hormonal disorders.

The disadvantages of PCR are cases of false data with incorrect tests, possible mutation of the pathogen's DNA.

Before going to the antenatal clinic, it is useful to know how to take a smear from women. At the same time, the patient is in the gynecological chair. You can purchase a swab kit in advance from the pharmacy, which includes a chair pad, disposable sterile gloves, a speculum, and a probe brush. If you are taking such an analysis for the first time and you are scared, you can watch a video of how a smear is taken. There is nothing wrong with that, we assure you. The procedure is painless and is carried out in a matter of minutes, while the gynecologist inserts a special gynecological speculum into the vagina and with the help of a brush takes material from all possible foci of infection accumulation - this is the external opening of the urethra, the vagina and the cervix.

How to take a smear from a virgin

The procedure for taking a smear from a virgin is carried out according to the same principle as for women who have sex. However, a gynecological speculum is not used, and the doctor carefully takes material for a smear from the vagina through a hole in the hymen. There may be indications when it is necessary to take a swab for examination and from the urethra. Such a procedure for taking a smear from a virgin excludes damage to the hymen and is absolutely painless. They also take a smear from little girls.

How to take a smear from men

In men, a smear is taken from the urethra for bacteriological examination for inflammatory processes in the microflora of the urinary tract. The procedure is painless and the sample is taken by a urologist. A man needs to prepare himself for the procedure, for this:

  1. 6-7 days before the analysis, you should stop using antibiotics, or other strong drugs;
  2. 24 hours before taking a smear, exclude alcohol and any foods with its content;
  3. Exclude sexual intercourse 12 hours before the procedure;
  4. Do not go to the toilet a couple of hours before the test.

The procedure can only cause pain if the tissues of the urethra are damaged, if there is infection or inflammation. The urologist carefully inserts a sterile cotton swab into the man's urethra 2-4 cm deep, gently rotating it, and takes it out.

Survey of spouses

This refers to an examination for the presence of inflammation or infections. When smears are taken from a couple of spouses (sexual partners), the test results can be the same or different. This is not any indicator, since a man and a woman are different organisms with individual indicators of immunity. So, microorganisms in a woman's vagina can behave completely differently than in a man's urethra. Therefore, the clinical picture in each case is considered purely individually and the recommendations for treatment are also different.

Gynecological examination... The choice of the patient's position seems to be important. It is customary to distinguish between two main positions in the gynecological examination of children: first, when a girl or teenager lies horizontally on her back, her legs are bent only at the knee joints or extended; second, when a girl or teenager lies horizontally on her back, the hips are brought to the stomach and supported by someone from the medical staff. In this position, the vagina is shortened, and the cervix becomes more accessible for research and procedures. Leg holders should not be used with children. The gynecological chair KGD-1 is produced for them. Before the examination, it is necessary to empty the bowels and bladder.

A special, unlike a general examination by a gynecologist, is performed in the following order: examination of the abdomen and external genitals, including the hymen. The appearance of the hymen is assessed (annular, lunate, labial, fringed, lobed; in the form of a membrane without a hole, with one hole or with many holes; hymen in the form of a pulp, cone, "spiral", etc.), shape, the size and location of the hymenal opening (holes), as well as its thickness, elasticity, extensibility. It is difficult to distinguish the lobular form of the hymen with natural grooves from tears due to trauma that led to defloration.

In the latter case, cicatricial deformation of the hymen areas, its excessive extensibility, hyperpigmentation of the integument near the entrance to the vagina, and signs of inflammation are additionally found.

Following this, you can take smears for bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination from the vestibule of the vagina, urethra, paraurethral passages, excretory ducts of the large vestibular glands and from the rectum. If necessary, a smear is taken from the vaginal discharge for cytological examination.

To take smears, you can use various instruments: special children's glass catheters, pipettes, capillary tubes, grooved probes, spoons of various shapes and, finally, wooden sticks with tightly wound cotton wool. The method of obtaining a smear can also vary: from touching the mucous membrane to light scraping. It is allowed to obtain secretions with a pipette with a pear or a Brown syringe. The resulting secretions are applied to a glass slide. Slides with smears are marked accordingly. Dried and fixed smears can persist for a very long time; however, unfixed smears are well preserved.

Bimanual vaginal-abdominal examination in children, as a rule, is not used, but is replaced by rectal-abdominal examination.

When examining younger girls (up to 6 years old), the rectal examination should be performed with the little finger and only in extreme cases with the index finger. In exceptional cases, a combined rectal-vaginal examination is allowed (if a tumor of the vagina or cervix is ​​suspected, as well as when fuzzy data are obtained as a result of rectal examination). In these cases, the vaginal examination is performed very carefully, with one finger, always with the consent of the parents and in the presence of a third person.

In the gynecological clinic of LPMI, when examining girls, practically vaginal examination is not used, but it is successfully replaced by rectal-abdominal examination, complementing the examination of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix using special children's mirrors. In children under 4 years of age, bimanual (rectal-abdominal-wall) examination is often performed under inhalation anesthesia, which contributes to good relaxation of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and perineum.

Additional types of special research... Examination of the vagina in children is performed using the endoscopy method.

Vaginoscopy. Examination of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix using various lighting systems is referred to as "vaginoscopy".

In the early stages, attempts were made to use ear and nasal speculums for vaginoscopy. However, their use was not widely used. In the future, for this purpose, the urethroscope was successfully used. The most widespread is a dry viewing urethroscope of the Valentin urethroscope type, which makes it possible to relatively easily examine the deep parts of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix. No less widespread are children's mirrors with and without clip-on illuminators: when the light source is a frontal reflector.

Recently, for the production of vaginoscopy in children, children's mirrors equipped with modern illuminators have been very successfully used. It should be emphasized that any endoscopic device should be used with great care, since inept and careless manipulation can lead to trauma to the girl's genitals.

Sounding. This method is often used to examine the vagina in children. In some cases, it is advisable to use a combined rectal and vaginal examination using a probe. Such a combined study gives good results, for example, in cases where a foreign body needs to be detected and removed from the vagina.

Test puncture. In children, a test puncture has to be resorted to not in the area of ​​the posterior fornix of the vagina, as is done in adult women, but in the area of ​​ginatresia (with atresia of the hymen or vaginal atresia). In such situations, a test puncture is performed if a hematocolpos is suspected or to establish the presence or absence of a vaginal cavity.

Colpocytological examination... In children, colpocytological research is quite widely used to judge the hormonal function of the ovaries and in the presence of indications for oncocytological or endocrinecytological research. For the latter, smears are taken from the lateral fornix (for oncocytological - from the external uterine pharynx and posterior fornix).

Swabbing technique... The ideal site from which material for a smear is taken during endocrine cytological examination is the lateral fornix of the vagina at the place of its transition to the anterior wall. A smear is taken without forcing with the help of half a wooden spatula (for older girls), a children's probe, a thick cotton swab on a wooden stick, a mild Volkmann spoon that was ground off, and a pipette. It is dried and, after staining with one of the polychrome methods, is examined under a light microscope. A number of institutions prefer to stain smears with acridine orange (1: 40,000) for fluorescence microscopy.

If it is not possible to take smears from the vagina (colpitis, hymen atresia, its small opening), then they can be prepared from a morning urine centrifugate; you can also take a swab from the inside of your cheek.

Age dynamics of the colpocytological picture... In the first week of life, intermediate cells predominate, surface cells make up about 10%. Later, from the 7th day of life to 7-8 years of age, only basal and parabasal cells are observed, which indicates a low proliferative activity of the vaginal epithelium due to low estrogen saturation. In the prepubertal period (from 8-9 years), intermediate cells appear, and surface cells can already account for 50%.

In puberty, the proportion of highly differentiated cells of the vaginal wall gradually increases; in accordance with the phases of the menstrual cycle, it is possible in dynamics to detect signs of an increasing estrogenic effect, replaced by progesterone.

In case of violation of hormone production, disorder of menstrual function, deviations in the processes of puberty, the colpocytological method of research carries a lot of diagnostic information. With a deviation from the norm, colpocytological pictures can be very diverse.

Basal temperature measurement... In adolescent girls, it is often necessary to measure basal temperature, which, during the ovulatory cycle, rises by 0.4-0.6 ° C in the second (progesterone) phase. A slight (less than 0.4 °) increase in basal temperature indicates the inferiority of the corpus luteum. A monotonous curve indicates the absence of biphasicity, that is, the absence of ovulation, and the more the temperature curve approaches the 37-degree mark, the more likely this indicates a low estrogen saturation.

Taking an aspirate. In recent years, more and more often the practice of taking aspirate from the uterine cavity for cytological examination. Due to the easy patency of the cervical canal in girls, the aspirate from the uterine cavity is taken with a Brown syringe without dilating the cervical canal.

Functional diagnostic methods... Basal temperature measurement and colpocytological studies are widespread in children. They are mainly used to judge the nature of the menstrual cycle (one- or two-phase cycle).

Diagnostic curettage of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity... This type of intervention (in girls) should only be done in exceptional cases. It should never be forgotten that scraping the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity can cause severe neurotrophic injury to this organ, therefore, in children and adolescents, it should be used only if there are very serious indications (the impossibility of stopping life-threatening juvenile bleeding by conservative methods; suspicion of a malignant process, etc.) . P.).

Trial gluttony... Trial gluttony as a diagnostic method is indicated when a malignant tumor of the ovary is suspected.

X-ray examination... X-ray examination is of particular importance in children. Along with clinical and laboratory studies, it is advisable to carry out various X-ray studies to identify (or exclude) a number of pathological conditions of the genital organs. Often used (for diagnostic purposes) the following X-ray methods for examining children: gas X-ray pelviography, hysterography, vaginography, X-ray of the adrenal glands in conditions of pneumoretroperitoneum.

Due to the fact that X-ray examination in children has a number of features, a description of these methods is given in more detail.

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Microscopy of a smear in a woman is a study of biomaterial (discharge, scraping) using a microscope under magnification with preliminary staining of the material. Microscopic examination is an important part of the diagnosis of genitourinary infections, since its results can be used to assess the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary organs, the degree of its severity and reliably accurately determine a number of STD pathogens.

Taking a smear for infections in women is carried out in a manipulation room on a gynecological chair or a medical couch. The doctor inserts a gynecological speculum (disposable plastic or sterile metal) into the patient's vagina and takes material (secretions) from all suspected foci of infection using a disposable probe.

Usually a smear in women is taken from three points - from the external opening of the urethra, vagina and cervix. A disposable spatula is a plastic stick with an extended end, with which, making smears, the gynecologist evenly distributes the material taken over a special clean glass slide, assigning special letter designations to smears from different areas:

Microscopic examination of a smear from the cervical canal and vaginal discharge in women is a necessary method in the screening and diagnosis of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital tract (cervicitis, vaginitis). It allows you to assess the degree of the inflammatory process (leukocyte reaction) and the state of the microflora, as well as to identify the elements of the fungi of the genus Candida, Trichomonas, intracellular gram-negative diplococci.

Taking a smear from a virgin

For virgin girls, a smear is taken in the same way as for women who are sexually active. The main difference between taking a smear from a girl who is not sexually active is that a gynecological mirror is not used; taking material for a smear from the vagina is carried out through a hole in the hymen. Perhaps, according to indications, taking a smear for examination and from the urethra. The procedure for taking a smear from a virgin by the doctor of our clinic is absolutely painless, damage to the hymen is excluded. In the same way, a smear is taken from the smallest patients.


  • Study of flora during preventive examinations, clinical examination, pregnancy management, before gynecological operations;
  • Comprehensive diagnosis of the causes of pathological vaginal discharge, symptoms of vaginitis, cervicitis;
  • Diagnostics of the bacterial vaginosis;
  • Monitoring the healing of vaginitis, cervicitis, vaginosis.


After taking a smear, the resulting material is dried and sent for smear microscopy to a medical laboratory. Then the so-called staining of smears with special dyes is performed, and then - microscopic examination of the taken smears under a microscope. Different parts of cells and bacteria are stained in different colors, which makes it possible to assess the composition of discharge from the urethra, vagina and cervix. With a correctly carried out smear taking, the pictures of these smears differ from each other in their cellular composition and the conditions of existence for pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms.

A urogenital smear is a painless procedure for a healthy woman to take, which can cause only mild discomfort. Pain accompanying taking a smear indicates disorders that can occur with various inflammatory diseases, or due to genital infections. The stronger the pain during the smear, the more the tissue is damaged.

It should be noted that a couple of spouses (sexual partners) after visiting a gynecologist and urologist and passing smears for flora later always compare their results. In principle, these strokes cannot be exactly the same. A man and a woman are completely different organisms with individual characteristics and immunity. The conditions for microorganisms in a man's urethra and a woman's vagina are completely different. The difference in conditions contributes to the different manifestations of the clinical picture of the infection.

A smear for women (for flora, PCR, for bacterial cultures with the selection of antibiotics) is taken in our clinic every day, from 10-00.


Swabs for infections in women are one of the most common diagnostic methods in gynecology. This analysis is completely safe and painless for the patient and very informative for the gynecologist. On its basis, two main tests can be carried out: the study of the microbial flora and the determination of the degree of cleanliness of the vagina.


During the initial examination of a woman in a consultation or a paid clinic, there are several common methods of laboratory research of the material obtained. Usually at an appointment or during a medical examination, these are three types of smears for genital infections:

  1. bacteriological culture,
  2. PCR diagnostics and
  3. microscopy (so-called "smear on flora").

In this material, we will consider the last method of laboratory diagnostics, i.e. a simple "smear for infection", which is most often taken by women and girls at the reception and examination by a gynecologist for initial diagnosis. Also, below we will separately dwell on the question of whether a smear is taken from virgins and, if so, how.

You can take a smear for infections from the following places:

How to prepare

  • 1-2 days before visiting a doctor for testing, refrain from sexual intercourse;
  • Before taking a smear for genital infections, it is recommended not to urinate for 2 hours.
  • On the eve of the analysis, it is recommended to conduct a provocation. The simplest and most reliable method is considered to be alimentary provocation (alcohol, salty, spicy).
  • If possible, it is advisable for girls to take a smear for STDs before or after menstruation.

How is a smear taken for infections

Taking a smear for infections is carried out by a doctor in an examination room on a gynecological chair. The gynecologist inserts a special medical instrument into the woman's vagina, the so-called "mirror", and takes material (secretions) from all suspected foci of infection using a disposable spatula - probe. A disposable probe is a plastic stick with an extended end, with which, making smears, the gynecologist evenly distributes the material taken over a special clean glass slide.

The minimum sampling is carried out from three points - from the external opening of the urethra, vagina and cervix.

Taking a smear from virgins

Taking a smear from a girl or a virgin girl by a gynecologist is carried out in the same way as in women who are sexually active. The main difference in the sampling of material from girls who are not sexually active is that a gynecological mirror is not used, the collection of secretions for a smear for infections from the vagina is carried out through a hole in the hymen. Possible sampling from the urethra or rectum. The procedure for taking smears from a virgin in our doctor is absolutely painless, damage to the hymen is excluded. In the same way, this analysis is taken from the smallest patients.

A good smear result for infections (i.e., non-detection) cannot be considered absolutely reliable, especially in the presence of certain complaints. This is explained by a number of objective points that affect its result. In situations where there are signs of inflammation, but its cause is not clear based on the results of ordinary smears for infections, gynecologists can resort to additional methods - PCR diagnostics, bacterial culture.

Why smear results for infections are not enough to accurately diagnose STDs:

  • Viral, chlamydial, mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections are practically not detected in the urogenital smear for infection. Viruses, chlamydia, ureaplasma, and mycoplasma are very small microorganisms that are difficult to see under a microscope during normal smear analysis. To diagnose these infections, there are other, more informative methods (PCR smear, ELISA diagnostics).
  • A detected fungus in a smear for infection is a sure symptom of thrush. But candidiasis can be a concomitant disease that develops against the background of a more serious sexually transmitted infection (STI).
  • Elevated leukocytes on microscopy of a smear for infection may be the result of a misdiagnosis, if pus accidentally gets into a smear when taking pus. Leukocytosis will prevent the laboratory doctor from "seeing" the causative agent of STDs.
  • In many cases, a vaginal smear for an infection reveals the infection, but not the "nature" (of the causative agent) of this infection, and, equally important, with the help of a smear it is not possible to find out the sensitivity of these pathogens to certain antibiotics. This problem can be solved by carrying out bacteriological culture.


If you need specialist help, we invite you to visit our center. At the initial consultation, the doctor determines the range of issues that need to be resolved, according to the indications, conducts the necessary research and draws up an individual treatment plan. In addition to the generally accepted methods of treating gynecological diseases (medication, medicinal, etc.), according to indications, additional, time-tested and long-term practice, effective methods of conservative treatment are used.


Study Analysis type Price
Infection smear microscopy 450
On "hidden infections" PCR 450
For bacterial seeding (dysbiosis) sowing 1 750
At HPV WRC 16/18 PCR 550
Microflora + antibiotic sensitivity sowing 1 750
To gardnerella PCR 450
For thrush (candidiasis) PCR 450
Smear taking (genitals, urethra, rectum, throat) 1 localization 350