Levamizol 75 is it possible to re-sample. General information about levamizole and application instructions. Side Effects and Contraindications for Man




Pharmachologic effect - antigelminth, immunomodulatory.
The anthelmint action is due to the blockade of succinate dehydrogenase, the suppression of the process of restoring the fumarant and, as a result, a violation of the energy exchange in helmintes. Causes membranes depolarization muscular cells Helmintes.
Paralized nematodes are removed from the body with a normal intestinal peristalsis within 24 hours after reception.
Especially active with respect to Ascaris Lumbricoides, Necator Americanus and Ancylostoma Duodenale.
Has a comprehensive effect on immune system: Increases the production of antibodies to various antigens, strengthens T-cell response, activating T-lymphocytes and stimulating their proliferation, increases the functions of monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils (their ability to chemotaxis, adhesion and phagocytosis).
When taking inside quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After receiving a single dose of 50 mg Cmax (0.13 μg / ml), it is reached after 1.5-2 hours. T1 / 2 - 3-4 hours.
The biotransformation in the liver is subjected to the formation of inactive metabolites, which are excreted mainly by the kidneys (70% for 3 days). T1 / 2 metabolites - 16 hours. About 5% are excreted in feces, and less than 0.2% unchanged; More than 95% is excreted by the kidneys, they are about 5% in unchanged form and 12% as glucuronide P-hydroxy-levamizol.

There are data on the possibility of using levamizol:
- after resection over the colon cancer (adjuvant therapy in combination with fluorouracyl), with malignant neoplasms of the bronchi, the mammary glands (after surgical, radiation or chemotherapeutic treatment), the state of remission during lymphogranulomatosis, in the intervals of cytostatic treatment of leukemia and lymphogranulumatosis;
- for immunotherapy in immuno-deficient states, immunospendent, incl. autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, recurrent aphodny stomatitis, Reiter's disease, Nevazightened forms of system red lupus - to maintain remissions achieved by other means);
- with chronic nonspecific diseases of the lungs, with chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, peptic disease Stomach I. duodenal gut - often recurring current;
- in infectious diseases (recurring simple herpes, sliming, warts, chronic active hepatitis B, persistent viral hepatitis, at which more than 3 months is determined by the surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus), recurring sinusitis.

Indications K.

Levamizol according to instructions as an anti-shine:
- noncatorosa;
- Ascaridose;
- Ankylosomidoz;
- trichostronhyloidosis;
- Stronggiloidoz.

As an immunomodulatory drug levamizol applied:
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- chronic active hepatitis B;
- Reiter's disease;
- persistent viral hepatitis;
- infectious diseases, including recurrent infections that are caused by the Varicella Zoster virus and Herpes Simplex type 1 and 2;
- Crohn's diseases;
- aphtheasian Stomatitis;
- malignant neoplasms of colon, bronchi, mammary glands.
According to Levamizol reviews is effective After radiation, surgical or chemotherapeutic treatment. Levamizol is also used in the intervals of the cytostatic treatment of leukemia of the state of remission during Hodgkin's disease.

Mode of application:

Tablets Levamizol
In medicine, with the treatment of helminthiasis, adults are used in a dose of 150 mg (1 tablet) once overnight, children - 2.5 mg / kg once overnight.
To obtain the immunomodulatory effect, levamizole is prescribed on one tablet 150 mg per day, at once or three receptions.
Reception is carried out 3 days of each week. The duration of treatment is individual, and its attending physician is installed.
Since the children are the main group of risk of infection with helminths, all manufacturers of this medicine produce two types of anthelmintic tablets containing levamizol. Tablets for children contain 50 mg active substanceWhile adult tablets contain 150 mg of levamizol.
For children under 6 years old, the recommended dose does not exceed 50 mg (tablets), and for children from 6 to 14 years old - from one to two tablets (50-100 mg).
Children's packages are most often produced with two tablets at 50mg, so that you can correctly pick up a dose of a specific baby taking into account its weight.

Injection Solution 10% Levamizol
A solution for injection of 10% levamizole is used in veterinary practice for the treatment of gelminyons of large and small cattle, birds, as well as small pets - dogs, cats, ferrets, rodents, etc.
Levamizol is injected intramuscularly (the goats are shown subcutaneous administration).
Cattle - 7.5 ml per 100 kg, however, no more than 23 ml per head.
Small cattle - 0.75 ml by 10 kg, however, no more than 4.5 ml on the head.
Pigs - 0.75 ml per 10 kg.
If the mass of the animal exceeds 150 kg, then 3.5 ml of solution is introduced into each additional 50 kg. If it is necessary to introduce more than 15 ml, the injections are performed in two or three places.
Before carrying out the degelmintion of the entire herd, the cure for a trial is introduced by several animals, observed for them 3-5 days, and in the absence of side effects and successful conclusion of helminths apply on other animals.

Levamizol 8.
He is Vetoquinol. Veterinarian, produced in powder white colorwell soluble in water.
Used for treatment gliste invasions in large and petty cattle, poultry. Dosage: ruminant animals and pigs - 7.5 mg of active substance per kilogram weight. Powder is mixed with feed or drink.
Chickens and waterfowl - from 20 to 40 mg of active ingredient on kg of live masses.
The powder is thoroughly mixed with food and issued in the evening feeding.
In case of strong infection, it is used three days in a row half a smaller doses, daily.

Levamizol 7.5.
The medicine is injected intramuscularly (goats - subcutaneously) without a pre-hungry diet. Dosage - 1 ml of solution (7.5 mg of active substance) by 10 kg of mass, but a cattle is not more than 30 ml, pigs - no more than 20 ml, goats and dogs - no more than 4.5 ml at a time.
If it is necessary to raise more than 15 ml at once, then there are several injections in different parts of the body.
Before massive use, a batch of drugs are tested by 5-10 control animals, and only after that apply on all the livestock.

Side effects:

People with increased individual sensitivity to Levamizol May be observed:
- nausea;
- diarrhea (diarrhea);
- stomach ache;
- Vomiting, ulcers may form in the oral cavity.
In rare cases, pancreatitis can develop.

With prolonged use of medication in sensitive persons may appear:
- change of odors;
- cramps, headaches;
- fatigue;
- increase body temperature;
- sleep disturbance, ataxia;
- possible disorders of the blood formula;
- rash on the skin;
- disorders of kidney functions;
- uterine bleeding.
In animals with high sensitivity to the medicine Excited, vomiting, frequent defecation and urination, ataxia are observed. These symptoms are undergoing without additional therapy.


People have contraindications to the appointment of levamizol is:
- liver or renal failure;
- low blood formation in the red bone marrow;
- cerebrovascular insufficiency (violation of blood circulation of the brain, which is often found in the elderly);
- acute form leukemia;
- Increased sensitivity to levamizol.

Levamizol do not apply Children under the age of 3 years.
Long-term use of levamizol is not recommended if, after its approach, a sharp decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood occurred.
You can not use animals with infectious diseases, stress, together with phosphorodorganic insecticides, as well as pregnant females in the last three weeks of pregnancy.
During levamizol reception alcohol strictly contraindicated.
With the joint use of this substance with alcohol, antabidity syndrome develops.
This is a syndrome, similar to that that causes alcoholics to treat alcohol dependence - Antabus. It is associated with a sharp increase in the reaction of alcohol intolerance in the patient's body.

other medicinal

Levamizol not applied together with fat soluble substances, such as chloroform, tetrachloromethane, ether, tetrachloroethylene.
This medicine enhances the toxicity of these substances.
It cannot be used in conjunction with any substances that cause a decrease in blood leukocytes.
Levamizol enhances the effect of indirect anticoagulants.
If it is used in conjunction with myelotoxic drugs (so called substances that suppress the growth of myeloid blood cells that provide cellular immunity), enhances their toxicity for blood cells.

Combined with amphotericin in increases the risk of kidney damage and the development of bronchospasm. In combination with busulfan, it increases the risk of venoclusive liver disease, when the liver veul is blocked and its blood circulation is disturbed.
In combination with doxorubicin, pegaspargaz and penicillamin enhances their toxicity and side effects, and also increases the likelihood of complications.
A joint reception is not recommended with Pyrantel due to the possibility of toxic phenomena and overdose (cumulative effect).
Enhances the effect of phenytoin.
Enhances the toxicity for the liver of fluorouracil, and in conjunction with chlorochin increases the frequency of the appearance of the aplasia of the bone marrow and skin lesions.


Considering the fact that Research of influence is not a course of pregnancyAnd there are facts of teratogenic effects of large doses of levamizol on the fetus of laboratory animals (tests were carried out on rats and rabbits), the use of this fund during pregnancy is undesirable.
In the event that the use of the drug is necessary, it should be held on the appointment of a doctor, under its direct control, with blood tests every three weeks.


Symptoms: Fatal outcomes have been reported: at a 3-year-old child - at a dose of 15 mg / kg and an adult - at a dose of 32 mg / kg.
Treatment: Washing the stomach (if after receiving it has passed some time), symptomatic and supporting therapy.

1 ml of solution for injection of levamizol 10% Contains:
- active ingredient: levamizol hydrochloride - 100 mg;
- auxiliary substances: sodium metabisulfite, trilon b, methylhydroxybenzoate, propyl hydroxibenzoate, sodium citrate, lemon acid, water d / and.

Levamizol 75.

Name (lat.)

Composition and form of release

Injection solution, in 1 ml of which contains 75 mg of levamizol hydrochloride and auxiliary components. It is a transparent, colorless liquid with a characteristic smell. 50 ml bottles.

Pharmacological properties


Prescribe a large and finely horned cattle in dictiolation, hemchroom, bunutomosis, esophagostomomosis, nematodomia, ostertagiosis, habertiosis, cooperation, strondhyloidosis; Pigs - with ascarisosis, esophagostomomosis, strondhyloidosis, tricocephalosis, metastrongilee; Dogs - with toxocamia and toxascaridosis, noncination and anconditions.

Doses and method of application

The drug is introduced without prior hungry diet and laxatives once, subcutaneously, (large cattle can be intramuscularly) at a dose of 7.5 mg / kg of the mass of the animal (according to the active substance), which corresponds to 1 ml of solution by 10 kg of body weight of the animal. A cattle into one head is introduced by no more than 30 ml; Pigs - no more than 20 ml; Sheeps, goats and dogs - no more than 4.5 ml per animal. In case the volume of the injected solution is more than 15 ml, it should be administered to an animal in 2 - 3 places. Before mass degelmintion, each batch of the drug is predefined on a small group (5 - 10 heads) of animals. In the absence within 2 - 3 days of complications, it is handled all the livestock.

Side effects

With an increased individual sensitivity to levamizol, some animals have excited, savory amplification (in vomiting dogs), the increase in defecation and urination, ataxia. Specified symptoms True, as a rule, spontaneously without the use of therapeutic agents.


Not subject to degelmintion weakened, exhausted and patients infectious diseases Animals, as well as females in the last third of the pregnancy. Levamizol 75 should not be used simultaneously, as well as within 10 days before and after the use of phosphauses, pyrantel, martelle and leftomycetin.

special instructions

Slaughter animals on meat is allowed 7 days after degelminting. In the case of forced slaughter of animals of the previously established period, the meat can be used in a carnivorous animal feed or for the production of meat-bone flour. Milk from levamizol animals is prohibited to use for food purposes within 48 hours after degelminting. It can be used for feeding animals.

Storage conditions

List B. in a dark place at a temperature of from 5 to 25 ° C. Shelf life - 2 years.

One of the potent drugs for treating from is levamizol. It is used in the treatment of not only people, but also animals and domestic birds. Active substance The drug is levamizol hydrochloride. Its dosage in preparations may differ.

The medicine blocks nerve nodes, which completely paralyzes the muscles of nematodes. They can not attach to human organs. Temmatodes paralyzed with levamisol are removed from the intestine naturally.

Medicinal composition

The preparations include an active ingredient of levamizol hydrochloride, as well as dyes and flavors (povenesses, starch, talc, sucrose).

One tablet contains 0.05 or 0.15 g, and the injection fluid is a 10% solution of chloride levamizol.

Forms of release

Drug levamizol produced:

As an immunomodulator, levamizol is used to treat ordinary herpes, viral hepatitis, lesions respiratory tract. It should be noted that the drug does not replace antibiotics, but strengthens the immune system.

The drug is a basic means acting with a rather long application. The application formula depends on what kind of purpose is used.

The effect of its application will be visible after three months. Reception is carried out daily. In case of individual purpose, it is possible to receive three days a week.

In gelminths, take the drug in evening hoursAfter eating, drinking water, juice or milk. It is not necessary to swallow the tablet entirely, without burning. You can take a medicine, dissolving it pre-in the glass of water. The dose of the drug is adjusted depending on the age of the patient. Reception is carried out once. Reception is possible in a year.
With toxoplasmosis, take levamizol for 3 days. After a week, take repeat.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to make a blood test and further during treatment once every 3 weeks to hand over blood, as it is possible to increase the temperature, chills. Observe caution in the reception in diseases of the liver.

  • patient or weakened;
  • females recent weeks pregnancy;
  • in infectious diseases.

Adverse reactions

Using levamizol as an immunostimulator for comprehensive treatment Different diseases, it is necessary to carefully select doses of admission, since when the dose from the activator of the protective properties of the body is exceeded, it begins to act as an immunosuppressive drug, suppressing the protective properties of the body.

Since the drug has an imune-proof effect, the high probability of side effects is associated with the body's allergic reactions.

When combined with other drugs, for example, with fluororal, side effects are pronounced brighter.
The appearance of side effects of such as nausea, a metal taste in the mouth and diarrhea, the loss of taste, is not excluded. headache, lack of sleep, nervousness, general weakness. Perhaps kidney damage, urine delay, the appearance of allergic rash. In rare cases, there is an increase in cholesterol.

Usually, the symptoms are manifested for a short time after taking the drug and weakly expressed.

Side effects In the treatment of animals include:

  1. Vomiting.
  2. Excitation.
  3. Allergic reactions.

All after a short time disappear independently, without requiring the use of additional drugs.

In addition, there is a veterinary version of Levamizol - medicinal substance In the form of a transparent fluid used for injection animal injection. The drug is called levamizol 75, it is intended exclusively for veterinary medicine (horned livestock and pigs). Another version of the drug is most often assigned to small pets, on the basis of the same active component - levamizol 10.

How does the drug act?

The use of levamizol from worms does not require adjustments to the diet or reception of laxatives.

Injecting the drug, there is its ambulance absorption in the body. The maximum content of levamizol hydrochloride in the plasma of blood and tissues of the patient is observed within 60 minutes after injection. The drug works in the body at least 7 hours.

Indications for use

Instructions for use

In the treatment of helminthiasis in humans, the drug is applied according to the following scheme:

  • Adults of 150 mg or one pill levamizol once before bedtime.
  • Children 2.5 μg also for the night.

I would like to note that despite the effectiveness of the drug with respect to glisted invasions, levamizol for human degelmination is extremely rare. This can be explained by its increased toxic influence on the body.

Application in veterinary medicine

Application of levamizol 10 is justified for degelmination in small pets - cats, ferrets, dogs, plus cattle. The drug is injected intramuscularly, the exception is the goats - they need to be administered subcutaneously.
The diagram of the use of the drug will show in the form of a table.

If the weight of the animal is more than 150 kg, then an additionally for every 50 kg of mass is asked 3.5 ml of injection mortar. When you need to enter a animal more than 15 ml of the drug, it is impossible to do this at all - several injections are performed simultaneously, but in different parts of the body to increase the absorption of the anthelmint agent. If it is necessary to carry out the deugelmintization of the entire livestock livestock, it is necessary to trial to introduce the drug to several animals and observe their reaction. In the absence of unwanted phenomena and the effectiveness of the drug (the result is estimated visually - the fact of removal of helminths), levamizol is used for other animals.

Levamizol 75 is also used to treat animals. The scheme of application of this type of preparation is reflected in the table.

If the injection contains more than 15 ml of the drug, it is recommended to make it in various parts of the animal body.

Before using the drug levamizol 75 massively for large livestock livestock, it is necessary to test it on 5 animals to make sure of the drug portability and its effectiveness.

Side Effects and Contraindications for Man

According to the instructions for use, the drug levamizol has the following restrictions in use:

  • children's age up to 6 years;
  • hypersensitivity to levamisol hydrochloride and additional drug components;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • circulatory disorder in the brain;
  • acute leukemia;
  • in women during menstruation (the drug is able to strengthen uterine bleeding);
  • pregnancy and lactation.

By-effects of the drug are:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • pain and spasms in the stomach;
  • skin rashes;
  • hyperthermia, heat, chills;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • ulcerative defects on the mucous membrane;
  • pancreatitis.

Levamizol for future and nursing mothers

According to the instructions, adequate studies regarding the influence of the active substance of the drug on pregnant women were not conducted. Clinical experiments were carried out only on pregnant animals - rabbits and rats. They showed that levamizol in extremely permissible dosages (180 mg per kg of animal weight) does not negative impact On the developing fruit, which could cause morphological pathologies and coarse developmental abnormalities. But the introduction of an animal greater dose led to the development of embryotoxic effect.

As for the period breastfeeding, information about the fact that the drug is able to penetrate into maternal milk Women do not exist. However, studies have proven that drug particles are found in cows milk. Therefore, during lactation, it is better to pay attention to more gentle-tapping-analogs or temporarily cancel the natural feeding and transfer the child to artificial nutritionIf the mother requires degelism.

Cautions and restrictions for animals

It is forbidden to prescribe the drug with animals that are weakened, sick or are on the verge of exhaustion. It is also impossible to carry out treatment for pregnant females and tribal representatives in the process of challenges to prevent the birth of a sick offspring.

With increased sensitivity to the drug or in its overdose, animals are in the stage of euphoria, they have strengthened the separation of saliva, the movements and defecation are rapidly coordinated.

These symptoms take place without foreign interference and the use of any medicament.

Before the taste of animals, levamizole is introduced in 7 days. With massive animals, during degelmination, meat and meat products can not have a person - they are transmitted by carnivorous animal species. Milk can only be consumed in two days after the end of therapy.

Before the treatment of the entire livestock livestock, at least five animals are chosen for the test. They introduced the drug according to the scheme recommended in the table. If there is no complications during the degelmination process, the drug is used for the entire livestock.

Analogs and the cost of the drug

If the intolerance of the main component or other auxiliary components of the drug occurred, it must be replaced by means of having the same current component or a similar mechanism of action.

Structural analogs of levamizol:

  • Levhotetrazol;
  • Nibutan;
  • Tinidazole;

  • Casidol;
  • Levazole;
  • Levioripol;
  • Diaphra.

These analogues have the same structural structure, so the list of readings and contraindications will be the same. Any of drugs must appoint a specialist.

Luvamizol also has non-structural analogues:

Vermoks. The current component is furnacesol. Like levamizol, he has wide spectrum Actions, moreover, according to the mechanism of action, these drugs are very similar. Vermoks is appointed for the treatment of children from two years in a dose, identical to adult patients.

Nezozol. The current component is albendazole. The drug is another efficient anthelmintic agent that has a similar mechanism of action with levamizol. Despite the identity of drugs, the choice of the necessary analogue should be engaged in the attending physician.

These are the main analogs of the drug, possessing a similar mechanism of action with levamizol.

The price of levamizol in pills is on average 100 rubles. The drug for injection injection with animals has the price of 60 rubles per 100 ml of the drug. Its possible analogs are purchased in veterinary locations. The cost of levamizol in Ukraine ranges from 11 to 22 hryvnia.

Instructions for the use of drug levamizol 75 for animal degelminting
(Organization - Manufacturer: Nita-Farm CJSC, Saratov)

I. General information
Name medicinal preparation Levamizol 75 (Levamizol 75).
International non-proprietary name: Levamizol.

Dosage form: Injection solution.
Levamizol 75 in 1 ml as a active substance contains levamizol hydrochloride (in terms of levamizol base) - 75 mg, and as auxiliary substances: sodium bisulfite - 2.5 mg, sodium citrate - 7.0 mg, chlorheton - 5.0 mg, sodium EDTA - 0.2 mg, citric acid - to pH 3.2-4.2 and water for injection - up to 1 ml.
By appearance The drug is a transparent colorless liquid.

Levamizol 75 is produced by packaged at 20, 50 and 100 ml in glass vials corresponding to the capacity, sealed with rubber plugs, fortified aluminum caps.

Store levamizol 75 in a closed packaging of the manufacturer, in a dry, protected from light, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of from 5 ° C to 25 ° C.
The shelf life of the drug when complying with the conditions for storing 2 years from the date of production.
It is prohibited to use levamizol 75 after the expiration date.
Levamizol 75 should be stored in places inaccessible to children.
The unused drug is disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.

III. Order application
Levamizol 75 is used for degelminting:

  • cattle, sheep and goats with dictiolation, hemchoz, bunutomosis, esophagostomomosis, nematodomia, ostertagiosis, habertiosis, cooperation and strondhyloidosis;
  • pigs during ascarisosis, esophagostomomosis, strondhyloidosis, tricocephalosis, chinese and metastrongilee;
  • dogs with toxocarosis, toxascaridosis, noncination and anconditions.

Contraindication to the use of levamizol 75 is the individual elevated sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug. It is forbidden to use a drug with a pregnancy cow in the last third of pregnancy, sheepskas, goats, sows and bitches to the second half of pregnancy. The drug should not be used weakened, exhausted and patient infectious diseases of animals.

The drug is introduced without a pre-hungry diet and the use of laxatives once, subcutaneously (large and finely horned cattle can be intramuscularly) at a dose of 7.5 mg of the active substance per 1 kg of the animal mass, which corresponds to 1.0 ml of levamizol 75 per 10 kg of animal mass.

The maximum introduced dose of the drug should not exceed:

  • for cattle - 30 ml;
  • for pigs - 20 ml;
  • for sheep- 4.5 ml.

The maximum volume of the drug for administration in one place should not exceed 20 ml for cattle - 20 ml, pigs - 10 ml, sheep and calves - 5 ml, dogs - 2.5 ml.
Before mass treatments, each episode of the drug is predefined on a small group of animals (5-10 goals), which are monitored within 3 days. In the absence of complications, the drug apply all the livestock.

In case of overdose, nausea can be observed, vomiting (in pigs and dogs), colic, diarrhea, reinforcement of savory, allergic reactions (skin itching, urticaria).
These symptoms take place, as a rule, spontaneously without the use of therapeutic agents.

The features of the action during the first use of the drug and without cancellation it is not established.

The drug is applied once.

When applying levamizol 75 in accordance with this manual of side effects and complications in animals, as a rule, is not observed. With an increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and the appearance allergic reactions Its use stop and prescribed an animal antihistamines and means of symptomatic therapy.

Levamizol 75 should not be applied together, as well as within 10 days before and 10 days after the use of phosphorodorganic drugs, as well as pyrantel, martelle and leftomycetin.

Slaughter animals on the meat is allowed no earlier than 7 days after levamizol 75.
With a forced slaughter of the previously established period, the meat can be used in fodder fur animals.
Milk of dairy animals is prohibited to use for food purposes for 3 days after using levamizol 75, such milk after boiling can be used for feeding animals.

IV. Personal prevention measures
When working with levamizol 75 should be observed general rules Personal hygiene and safety techniques provided for drug use. During work, it is prohibited to smoke, drink and eat. At the end of the work of the hand should be washed warm water With soap.
In case of accidental contact of the drug with leather or mucous membranes, they must be rinsed with plenty of water. People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should be avoided direct contact with levamizol 75. In the event of allergic reactions or a random product fall into the human body, immediately contact the medical institution (with you to have an instruction on the use of the drug or label).

Empty drug bottles are disposed of with household waste.

Organization - Manufacturer: Nita Farm CJSC; 410010, Saratov st. Osipova, 1.
The instruction was developed by Nita Farm CJSC, 410010, Saratov, Ul, Osipova, d. 1.

The statement of levamizol 75 approved by Rosselkhoznadzor, approved by Rosselkhoznadzor on April 3, 2007, is loss with the statement of this instruction.