Before menstruation, weight increases reviews. Reasons for weight gain before and during menstruation. Natural causes of weight gain during menstruation

Problems of excess weight bother all women and girls. Often representatives of the fairer sex pay attention to the fact that body weight increases before menstruation. Why does weight increase during menstruation?

Women are interested in the fact: Why do I recruit from overweight, does mensis increase weight temporarily?” There are several reasons for this phenomenon.

Before the onset of menstrual flow, the level of progesterone and estrogen in a woman’s body increases. An increase in hormones entails many changes in the body.

Fluid retention

Failure of hormones provokes water retention in the body, in addition, it can cause constipation and disturbances in the functioning of the intestines. The rectum becomes very relaxed, which leads to constipation. After the end of menstruation, everything returns to normal. The intestines are cleansed excess liquid leaves the body.

Changing your diet

Once ovulation occurs, female body The level of progesterone increases greatly; before the start of the cycle, estrogen and progesterone descend to the very low level. Such indicators negatively affect a woman’s condition. They make her feel depressed. In an attempt to improve her mood, a woman begins to eat a lot. During this period, it is very difficult to establish control, so the mass increases.

Enlarged uterus

Why does weight gain occur before menstruation? The weight may increase due to the preparation of the uterus for fertilization of the egg. The uterus is preparing for possible pregnancy, the vessels grow, their inner layer thickens. Due to this, the volume of the uterus increases.

There is no need to worry about weight gain during menstruation; as soon as your period is over, the excess fluid will disappear. Bloating and constipation will also disappear.

Those girls who are unable to moderate their appetite even after menstruation should be careful. In such a situation, the mass is added more than normal, weight gain will not stop at two kilograms.

In order for the gained weight to go away completely after your period and not have an extra half a kilogram left, you need to follow some rules.

  1. Monitor your weight, control your weight daily, especially during menstruation.
  2. During periods of depression and bad mood, you should not overeat negative emotions.
  3. Review your diet and exclude from the menu all foods that are not beneficial.
  4. The best option for nutrition during menstruation is to create a menu for yourself that would include all the components necessary for the body.

How much does weight increase during menstruation? So many factors will depend on lifestyle.

How to avoid weight gain

If a woman watches her diet, then her weight before menstruation may increase by no more than one kilogram. This kilogram will go away as quickly and imperceptibly as it accumulated.

Most women experience a weight gain of around two kilograms. In order not to gain more and easily get rid of the extra pounds after your period, you must try to follow very current rules.

The main symptom of overeating is frequent weighing. You need to choose a specific day of your cycle and constantly record the results. When your weight stays the same every month, there is nothing to worry about. If you start to gain weight with each cycle, this is a reason to think about your diet.

Provokes overeating during menstruation, severe psychosis emotional condition women. During this period she is irritable and anxious. Women try to eat away their negative emotions. If she abuses this, then returning the weight to normal will be much more difficult.

You should try to distract yourself these days. You don’t need to concentrate entirely on your condition, spend more time on fresh air, walk. Do not go into the kitchen again unless absolutely necessary, so as not to give in to temptation. Menstruation is not a reason to become depressed and gain fat.

Food quality control

Girls are not able to stop weight gain before menstruation. It's natural physiological process, which is not controlled. For her part, a woman can maintain her body weight.

During menstruation, remove everything from your diet fatty foods, fried, salted. Do not use sauces and mayonnaise. Use should be kept to a minimum vegetable oil. You absolutely need to give up alcohol, baked goods and sweets.

It is very difficult to control your appetite during menstruation, since at this moment all the body's metabolic processes are actively working. The feeling of hunger varies depending on the period of the cycle. At the very beginning, a woman has a very strong appetite. IN next days it decreases, so it is necessary to make efforts to lose weight at the very beginning.

In the future, it will be easier to control the process and monitor your diet. No need to eat these days junk food. The diet should include foods rich in long carbohydrates. These products include vegetables and grains. It is useful to eat bananas, watermelon, seeds, nuts and dried apricots during menstruation. You need to give up sweets and starchy foods, reduce your protein intake: eggs, fish, sausage, meat.

Physical activity

To stabilize weight during menstruation, it is very important not only to follow a diet, but also to exercise. Many women are unable to fully exercise their bodies due to feeling unwell. But light charging will only be beneficial. This could be dancing or swimming. Exercise will not only tone the body, but also relieve psychological stress.

In addition, according to experts, light exercise can reduce appetite. During exercise, the level of catecholamine - adrenaline - increases in the body; this hormone promotes the breakdown of fats. Muscles in the process of work send impulses to the higher nervous system, thereby increasing its tone and eliminating depression. And when a person is busy with business and he has great mood, then there is no desire or time to overeat.


When controlling your weight, you should not forget that you need to get enough vitamins and minerals.

During menstruation, a woman loses about 100 ml of blood. This is almost half a glass. Together with the blood, the body loses 30 mg of iron. Not all women tolerate this well. For most, this causes a lot of discomfort. During this period, women begin to worry about weakness, drowsiness, and loss of strength. Many are watching. If you do not give your body proper nutrition during this period, your health may worsen.

As a result, women begin to suffer from anemia. Feeling weak, they will eat actively, leaning on sweets and starchy foods. Although in this situation it is necessary to give preference to products with high content gland. These include brewer's yeast, bran, liver, seaweed. You can take iron in vitamins.

If weight increases due to hormonal imbalance, then treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist. A woman needs to undergo tests to determine the exact cause of her illness. The choice of drugs and their dosage is always strictly individual. Reception hormonal drugs without a doctor's prescription is prohibited, as it can cause complications.

Particular attention should be paid to situations where weight is gained, but does not decrease after the end of the cycle. This may be a symptom of the development of a serious illness. And the disease may not be associated with the female reproductive system.

Many people confuse pregnancy with weight gain before menstruation. The gain of kilograms during pregnancy begins to appear only in the second trimester.

Dependence of menstruation on age

Girls cope with extra pounds the easiest way. The younger the body, the more clearly it works. When all metabolic processes are normal, there is no sharp jump in hormones, and, therefore, there is no need to be afraid of strong weight gain.

As you age, your body's estrogen levels drop during menstruation. As the hormone drops, the body begins to require the accumulation of fatty tissue. Appetite increases, and so does weight. Middle-aged women are more likely to experience hormonal imbalances, and the menstrual cycle aggravates the situation. The mass begins to increase more actively, but the decrease is more difficult.

Menstruation can bring us not only general malaise and discomfort, but also a couple of extra pounds. There is no need to worry about their addition. The right measures will help you easily get rid of them after the end of the cycle.

Almost all women notice weight gain during menstruation reproductive age. Similar changes are observed in the female body for a number of reasons: due to hormonal disorder, slowdown of metabolism, occurrence of PMS, retention of water in the body. To prevent the formation of extra pounds, you need to know why weight increases before menstruation.

There is a relationship between periods and weight. In the second phase of the cycle, body weight may increase by a couple of kilograms. Your weight before your period may change due to several reasons. One of them is, or PMS, which makes a woman irritable and thirsty. To normalize her emotional state, she begins to eat sweet and high-calorie foods, which promote the production of dopamine in the brain. But an improvement in mood is observed only at the time of eating such food. Therefore, before menstruation, weight will increase while the woman tries to normalize her condition with the help of such products.

The next reason for weight gain during menstruation are age-related changes. Young girls have a faster metabolism. With age, this process slows down, and extra pounds accumulate more actively. At the same time, it is difficult to get rid of the weight gained during menstruation. If a woman does not learn to control her appetite, her weight will increase monthly and will soon become significant.

When PMS and pain occur, many women refuse any physical activity and spend most time in a static position. At the same time, calories are not wasted, but weight grows.

It can be brought back to normal if, after the end of menstrual flow, you do exercises that help you lose excess fat mass.

Hormonal imbalance in the body can lead to weight gain. Some women suffer on the face, legs, and abdomen. The reason for this manifestation of PMS is the production of an increased amount of aldosterone, which leads to a failure water-salt metabolism.

The “progesterone + water” mechanism

One of the main reasons for weight gain before menstruation is water retention in the body. It is important to know how many days before menstruation the weight begins to increase. This process is activated in the second phase of the cycle due to the production of a large volume of progesterone, responsible for preparing the girl for pregnancy. This hormone contributes not only to the retention of fluid in the body, but also to the deposition of fatty elements in the subcutaneous layer, which is why weight increases during menstruation.

Most often, during this period, women gain 1.5–2 kilograms. This change is considered normal, and if a woman does not eat a lot of sweets during this period, the weight gain will go away after menstruation.

Progesterone produced before menstruation also contributes to weight gain indirectly. An increase in the level of this hormone in the body leads to the fact that the immune system begins to gradually weaken. This process explains the frequent exacerbations of chronic diseases in women just before critical days. Some developed pathologies affect hormonal levels.

Read more about what happens with in a separate article on our website.

With severe hormonal imbalance metabolic processes in the body slow down, which is why the woman begins to gain weight. In some cases, if hormonal changes are not stabilized, weight increases to a critical level.

If the hormonal background has changed slightly, premenstrual syndrome may occur: the production of estrogen and serotonin decreases, the woman becomes irritable, and she develops a craving for sweet and high-calorie foods. In this case, how much weight will increase during menstruation will depend only on the strength of the craving for poor nutrition. Most often, due to this addiction, 1.5–3 kilograms are added to the initial body weight.

Treatment and preventive measures

In order not to gain weight before your period, you need to change your lifestyle during this period. Dietary restrictions and physical activity will help you cope with extra pounds. If a woman has problems with willpower or well-being, she can, on the recommendation of a doctor, take medications.

To avoid gaining weight before menstruation, a woman needs to watch what she eats. During this period you should refuse:

  • from coffee;
  • smoked products;
  • salty food;
  • sodas and energy drinks;
  • spicy dishes;
  • spices;
  • chocolate and other sweets.

This limitation is due to the fact that the listed products contribute to fluid retention in the body, which causes edema. Failure of water-salt balance leads to deterioration of digestive function: flatulence and constipation occur.

To prevent such consequences, during menstruation you should give preference to the following foods:

  • low-fat yogurt;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables, with the exception of legumes and white cabbage;
  • cottage cheese mixed with cinnamon-honey dressing;
  • porridges made from whole grain cereals containing a large number of fiber.

Desserts made with yogurt and cottage cheese will help regulate your appetite before your period and at the same time prevent the appearance of extra pounds. It is recommended to use unsweetened fruits and berries as additional ingredients. If a woman experiences severe premenstrual syndrome, it is recommended to drink sedatives, chamomile, tea, infusions of lemon balm, and valerian.

Although many women experience discomfort during their periods, During this period, you cannot completely give up physical activity. Heavy activities that require muscle tension should be replaced by light workouts or moderate activity. During menstruation, weight can be adjusted by walking in the fresh air, meditation, and yoga.

Drug therapy

Medications can help cope with weight gain during menstruation:

  1. Vitamin complexes, which include vitamins C, A, E, B, as well as zinc (Cyclovita, Cyclodinone, Supradin, Time Factor).
  2. Contraceptives. Regular use can reduce the likelihood of gaining extra pounds during menstruation. Only a gynecologist should select such drugs.
  3. Diuretic medications. They can help cope with the accumulation of fluid in the body. However, they can only be used in the absence of renal pathologies.

Before using any drug, you should consult a doctor.

Other methods

To combat weight gain during menstruation, you can use folk recipes:

  1. Take 3 tablespoons of calendula and lemon balm flowers, mix and pour half a liter of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 10 hours. It is necessary to take the infusion for 7–14 days in the second phase of the cycle, 0.5 cups twice a day. This remedy normalizes metabolism, which helps reduce the activity of gaining excess weight before menstruation.
  2. 100 grams of a mixture prepared from the same volume of cornflower, chamomile, and valerian flowers are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. The liquid is infused for 12 days, and then taken 3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day for a week. This infusion helps the body cope with stress more easily, makes PMS less pronounced, which is why a woman’s craving for sweets decreases. It also has a moderate diuretic effect, which eliminates the risk of edema or fluid retention in the body.
  3. Crushed calamus root, doused with alcohol in a ratio of 1:20, is infused for 20 days. Take 1 tablespoon before meals. It improves metabolism, which results in the formation of less fat tissue. It is worth considering that calamus root can increase appetite, so you can use the tincture only before meals. At the same time, you should eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. This will allow you to reach saturation with a small amount.

Usage folk recipes during and before the onset of menstruation should be carried out only after consulting a doctor in the absence of contraindications to taking the selected infusion. During treatment, it is necessary to observe dietary restrictions and not forget about physical activity. With this approach, a woman will not suffer from the appearance of extra pounds in the second phase menstrual cycle.

On the eve of menstruation, a woman’s body experiences hormonal changes, affecting metabolic processes, mood, water balance. A decrease in estrogen levels leads to a decrease in the secretion of the happiness hormone serotonin. Therefore, before menstruation in girls Bad mood, they become irritable. Sweets, which cause excess weight, help improve your psycho-emotional state.

Why does weight increase during menstruation, what is the reason for this and how much weight can be gained? In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, progesterone production increases. After ovulation, a woman’s body prepares to bear a child, so the sex hormone promotes the deposition of fats in the subcutaneous layer and causes fluid retention. As a result, the weight before menstruation increases by 1.5–2 kg.

Another cause of overhydration is an increase in the level of aldosterone; this hormone causes a disturbance in water-salt metabolism. Women may experience swelling of the legs, face, bags under the eyes, and an enlarged stomach. An increase in progesterone levels leads to weakening immune system. It often gets worse before your period starts. chronic diseases, the body's resistance to viruses and infections decreases. Changes in hormonal levels cause the development premenstrual syndrome.

Women are more susceptible to edema:

  • with excess body weight;
  • suffering from diseases of the urinary system;
  • in the premenopausal period;
  • suffering from blood pressure disorders.

Swelling during PMS is caused by a violation of the water-salt balance. The excretion of sodium and chlorine ions in the urine increases. Urinating less frequently than usual. Additionally, women are concerned headache, myalgia, body aches, flatulence, the temperature may rise before menstruation.

Premenstrual syndrome

There are several types of PMS, characterized by certain clinical manifestations. In 45% of women of reproductive age, an edematous form of premenstrual syndrome is diagnosed. The pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • swelling of the body;
  • itchy skin;
  • flatulence;
  • increased sensitivity to odors, nausea;
  • swelling, tenderness of the mammary glands;
  • joint pain;
  • sleep disorders;
  • gaining excess weight.

The edematous form of PMS ranks third in prevalence. Most often, the syndrome occurs in young girls, and women of a more mature age and women in the premenopausal period are less susceptible to pathology.

The vast majority of patients experience negative diuresis before menstruation, characterized by fluid retention of up to 500–700 ml. The condition is characterized by severe swelling of the hands, feet, face, and eyelids. In some cases, urination is not impaired, but fluid is redistributed in the body, which leads to the development of swelling.

Psycho-emotional state

Why do you gain weight before your period and constantly crave sweets? One of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome is irritability, changeable mood, a tendency to depression, and apathy. The melanostimulating hormone of the middle lobe of the pituitary gland is responsible for mood, increased appetite, and thirst; the neurotransmitter is released in greater quantities than usual before menstruation.

Sweets and high-calorie foods promote the production of dopamine in the brain; these hormones stimulate pleasure receptors, thereby improving mood. For this reason, before your period you really want something tasty. But the positive effect of food appears only during the period of its consumption, after which the bad mood returns. As a result, women may constantly eat candy or other confectionery products.

Excess carbohydrates are stored in the form of subcutaneous fat and contribute to excess weight gain. For PMS and during menstruation physical activity decreases, calories are not consumed.

Irritability, tearfulness and aggressiveness are especially pronounced in girls suffering from the neuropsychic form of PMS. The pathology occurs in women of average reproductive age 30–35 years.

Age-related changes

Why does weight gain before menstruation, is this related to the woman’s age? In a young body, metabolism occurs faster, and the extra pounds gained go away faster. As we get older, estrogen levels drop, requiring more fat mass. The fairer sex's appetite increases, it is possible to gain weight, and it is quite difficult to lose extra pounds.

The subcompensated form of premenstrual syndrome progresses over the years, and the symptoms of the pathology worsen. In women of late reproductive age, manifestations of the edematous form of PMS predominate, which is accompanied by the formation of edema and fluid retention in the body. This leads to the fact that the weight before the onset of menstruation increases to 2 kg. The water-salt balance is normalized by the end of critical days, excess liquid is removed and the scales show the same numbers.

At the decompensated stage PMS symptoms increase over the years and persist during menstruation, some manifestations can be observed even after cessation bloody discharge. Edema is more persistent, in some cases diuretics are required. With the onset of menopause, the signs of premenstrual syndrome disappear.

Reducing physical activity

Does weight increase during menstruation and why does this happen? Pain syndrome, PMS causes women to spend more time lying down. Any physical activity causes discomfort. This condition is usually accompanied by irritability and increased appetite, craving for sweets.

Unspent calories turn into fat tissue, women gain excess weight. With an active lifestyle, you can lose excess pounds after the end of your critical days and return to your usual rhythm. But with age, metabolism slows down, and it becomes harder to fight fat deposits.

How to prevent excess weight gain

To avoid the appearance of excess volume in the waist and hips before menstruation, it is recommended to refrain from consuming:

  • coffee;
  • carbonated and energy drinks;
  • salty and spicy foods;
  • spices;
  • smoked meats

These products contribute to the retention of excess fluid in the body and cause edema.

Violation of the water-salt balance negatively affects work digestive system, flatulence occurs, and constipation may bother you. To normalize intestinal motility, it is necessary to add daily diet more fresh fruits and vegetables (with the exception of cabbage and legumes). Whole grain porridges are rich in plant fiber: if you cook them for breakfast, the body is provided with energy for the whole day, and fat cells do not accumulate.

It is also necessary to combat overeating. It is better to replace chocolate with fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt with berries, cottage cheese with cinnamon and honey. Delicious desserts will satisfy your sweet tooth and will not negative influence on the figure.

You cannot completely give up physical activity during and before your period. If the menstrual cycle is irregular, critical days are painful, then active sports should be replaced with walks in the fresh air, visiting the pool. Yoga and meditation help you relax.

It is useful for women with increased irritability at the onset of PMS to take sedatives, drink teas with chamomile, valerian, lemon balm. For normalization bowel work You can also use decoctions of medicinal herbs.

A slight weight gain before menstruation is physiological norm and may be caused by fluid retention, increased appetite, or decreased physical activity. Menu adjustments and moderate exercise help prevent the appearance of extra pounds and maintain a slim figure.

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    There are days in a woman's life when it seems like the whole world is against us! The arrow of the scales moves at a brisk trot to the right, your favorite skirt, loose just yesterday, doesn’t meet at the waist, but you can’t do it physical exercise No. Yes, and thoughts work to the side: what something delicious to eat! What's happening to you? The whole secret is monthly cycle women, on which weight, metabolism, appetite, and physical activity depend. Let's tell you whyweight before period increases, and how to survive this period.

    The first phase is menstruation.

    Nutrition and lifestyle.

    During menstruation, any diet is strictly prohibited. The level of progesterone in the blood during this period decreases and a large amount of prostaglandins begins to be produced - substances that irritate the uterine mucosa and provoke its detachment (menstruation itself). At the same time, the level of estrogen in the blood drops sharply. Note that this female hormone directly involved in the production of the happiness hormone, serotonin. It is logical that during this period women in best case scenario The mood drops, in the worst case, a real depressive state sets in. Naturally. The body compensates for the lack of serotonin through cravings for sweets, which is not the best best images affects the figure. Weight during menstruation growing.

    What to do?

    You won't do anything about the physiological need for carbohydrates. However, you can replace harmful carbohydrates with healthy ones: vegetables, fruits, cereals, honey. Refrain from tea, coffee, chocolate, strong broths, because they enhance the effect of prostaglandins on the body, and you will crave sweets even more. Also, under the influence of these derivatives of the body weight increases. If you really want chocolate, eat a couple of slices, no more.

    What's my weight to you?

    Menstruation is a time when it is better to hide the scales away. A change in hormonal levels leads to the accumulation of fluid in the body and an immediate weight gain of several kilograms. Remember, weight gain comes from fluid, not fat. There is no need to be upset, after 5-7 days the metabolism will normalize again, and excess water will leave the body. Just follow the golden rule: don't weigh yourself during your period!

    Physical activity.

    The first days of the cycle (approximately 7 days) any physical activity is very difficult. If you have painful periods, avoid sports altogether. But you shouldn’t lie flat on your bed all week: many experts advise walking during this period. In a horizontal position, the tone of the uterus changes, which can increase pain; weak physical activity (walking) brings the tone back to normal, which reduces pain.

    If you can get out of bed, go for a walk in the nearest park. Half an hour - an hour at a walking pace - and you will not only saturate the body with oxygen, but relieve painful sensations in the area of ​​the uterus. By the way, before menstruation It is also recommended to increase the walking time.

    The second stage of the cycle is ovulation.

    Nutrition and weight.

    During ovulation, the body works according to a program for the possible occurrence of pregnancy. The body intensively produces male sex hormones - androgens. With a changed hormonal background, metabolism increases to the maximum, so any diets during this period are very effective. But you shouldn’t overdo it with limiting your calorie intake. During menstruation, the body experiences blood loss, and the diet will only increase the lack of iron, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia. To avoid problems, eat a balanced diet and include iron-rich foods in your diet - liver, buckwheat, apples, eggs, spinach.

    Body mass.

    The weighing results during this period are more pleasing than ever. After the end of the menstrual period, the hormonal background changes, and all excess fluid is eliminated from the body. Weight is stabilizing.

    Physical activity.

    It is laid down by nature. That during the period of ovulation a woman becomes resilient. She is resistant to stress, stays in good mood, active. It is for this reason that on days 12–14 of the cycle (plus two days before and after), any physical activity is easy. During this period, the body can withstand heavy and unusual loads without consequences, so this is the ideal time to start practicing a new sport.

    Egg destruction phase

    Weight fluctuations.

    If pregnancy does not occur during ovulation, the egg dies. This means that if in the first phase of the cycle the body is tuned to creation, in the second phase the body is tuned to destruction. Therefore, the period between 15 and 20 days of the cycle is considered ideal for losing weight.

    Arrange fasting days, start a diet, switch to proper nutrition. But remember that a week before your period starts, you may feel extremely hungry. Its nature lies in an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates the release of corpus luteum from the ovary and maximizing its level before menstruation. This hormone directly affects weight and appetite.

    During this period, the effectiveness of any diet will tend to zero, and a weight plateau will occur. You shouldn’t torture yourself in vain; the weight before your period won’t go away anyway. Avoid simple carbohydrates ( flour products and sweets) and switch to complex (wholemeal bread, wholemeal cereals) and proteins. This way you can stay slim without dieting.

    What about weight?

    During this period, you can safely step on the scale, because your weight remains normal. However, at the end of the cycle, many women experience increased sweating, swelling of the mammary glands. Before menstruation, the belly increases in size and inflates. An increase of one to one and a half kilograms may be observed. Reduce the amount of salt and water if you are prone to swelling. Introduce diuretic teas into your diet (linden, raspberry, hibiscus, birch bud tea). It’s great to eat raspberries, apples, and watermelons during this period.

    Physical activity.

    At this time, physical activity is easy and effective. The hormonal background is stable and the woman is full of strength. Physical exercise It gets more and more difficult towards the end of the cycle with changes in hormonal levels. During this period, you should not force yourself to play sports, as this can cause headaches, increased blood pressure, and swelling.

    As we see, periods and weight closely connected. Body weight is subject to the laws of nature and the natural physiological cycle dictates to a woman what her weight should be. Adapt to your cycle, then losing weight will be most effective.

    What nonsense! I exercise all the time during my period! And I do. And I pump up my abs. Stuff for lazy asses.

    After your period is not always the answer. Nonsense.

    If you do sports during your period, maybe hello. Muscles grow, they weigh more and retain water. This is where the weight increases.

    Each person has a unique physiology. I have a plumb line during my period. And then - weight gain. So everything is individual.

    Well, it’s not just physiology, there’s also nutrition involved. At the end of your period, you can overdo it with salt at night and there will also be no plumb line, since salt retains water. Or, in the middle of the cycle, you can arrange a weekly binge for yourself - then no cycle will give you a plumb line.

    What I mean is that if anyone who is losing weight is perplexed by unexpected weight gain, even with maximum effort and observing the daily calorie intake, don’t be upset. Maybe it's the cycle that's to blame.

    Everything is exactly right! My weight depends on my cycle!

    My critical days pass painfully, so I don’t tolerate any physical activity well. A week before the onset of menstruation, I feel hungry, my emotional state changes: I become whiny, irritable, and there is a change in mood. During menstruation, “hot flashes” are common (when the normal state is abruptly replaced by rolling weakness). These days I try to drive even without special need. This is how I get “sausage” a week before and during my period!

    During my period my belly feels like I’m six months pregnant. My little son asks - are you going to give me a brother?

    I’ve never really watched my weight, but this time, within a week or so, the weight crept up. I weighed 46-46.5 kilograms and weighed, and then, shortly before my period, it started: then 47.5, then 47.9, and then, oh horror! 48 kilograms, or 48.2 and even 48.4. I eat as always, nothing fatty, salty, smoked, I cook for myself in a double boiler, I didn’t have any gluttons, but I did indulge in sweets, but not that much. And suddenly almost half a centner!

    Just wait, your period will pass, and we'll see.

    I’m waiting impatiently and with a little fear, what if it’s not my period that’s to blame, maybe I really did eat too much! Then I'll die from frustration.

    Oh, I'm waiting too! This happiness gave me as much as 3 kilograms. Although I think it’s not menstruation, but halva, marshmallows, chocolate. Although my husband says... That I like you better this way. And in general, get better. And I'm afraid!

    Here’s the answer: a week before her period, a woman’s body accumulates water and resources in case of pregnancy.

    I am always amazed that the day before my period I gain as much as 3 kilograms. But at the end of menstruation it returns to normal and becomes the same. Although I pay little attention to weight when losing weight, I look at volume, skin tone, and muscle hardness.

    I also go by weight gain. If your weight suddenly jumps up, tomorrow you need to get the white ones with wings.

    Yesterday on the home channel I watched a program about weight loss - Family size in my opinion, and so the nutritionist said that during menstruation a woman gains up to 6 kilos, since the uterus enlarges like in the 3-4th month of pregnancy, plus there are all sorts of PMS, mood swings , naturally, breakdowns and gluttons. In short, it’s better to forget about scales during your period.

    You just once again confirmed my suspicions that the sharp jump in weight by a couple of kilograms a week before my period is connected with them. You just calmed me down, otherwise I was worried. Now I’m waiting for my period to end and see what’s going on with my weight. Although I haven't seen this before.

    I'm really shocked!

    Oh me too weight before period grows by an average of 3-4 kilograms. I don’t even weigh myself at this time so as not to get upset.

    How does your weight change depending on your cycle? Was the article useful to you?

    You can comment and discuss what you read on our

    During menstruation, many women face problems such as weight gain and bloating, constipation and swelling. Why does weight increase during menstruation and what can be done about all this - we’ll talk about this further.

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    Causes of weight gain before and during the menstrual cycle

    Experts, first of all, see the root causes that provoke an increase in the weight category, increasing weight, in changes in hormonal levels, determined by the course of the cycle. Next, let's look in more detail at how exactly menstruation affects weight gain:

    • The changes themselves that occur in the body provoke abnormal fluid retention - often women experience problems with going to the toilet, constipation, and swelling. This is one of the root causes that provokes weight gain before and during menstruation.

    After the critical days pass, the weight often returns to its previous parameters.

    • Often these most critical days provoke a woman’s uncontrollable appetite - this normal reaction, preparatory stage to a possible pregnancy. In most cases, this is a consequence of ovulation and changes in estrogen levels.
    • Progesterone - after ovulation occurs, the level of this hormone increases. It is the fluctuations of both of these hormones that provoke uncontrolled appetite before and during menstrual periods.

    In addition to hormonal changes in the body, the level of body weight before and on the dates of critical days can be influenced by such factors as:

    • diet and metabolic processes occurring in the body;
    • a woman’s genetic predisposition to excessive weight gain;
    • how flexible the rhythm of her life is.

    But for the most part, it is the hormonal background that determines fluctuations in kilograms and their excessive gain during critical days. This is how the body prepares for the future maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg, conception and gestation, and compensates for the loss of fluid and blood, vital macro and microelements.

    How much weight can you gain during your period?

    If we talk about how many kilograms a woman can gain during menstruation - in this regard, gynecologists and nutritionists unanimously claim that in most cases these indicators are due to genetic predisposition, so fight with medication or strict diets there is no point with this root cause.

    From birth, the female body is initially predisposed to gain weight before menstruation, accompanied by all the accompanying symptoms.

    Therefore, answering the question - how much a woman can gain during this interesting period, a kilogram or as many as three depends solely on the characteristics of the body itself and heredity.

    However, it should not be considered genetic predisposition- the only reason for weight gain before menstruation. Thus, the increase in body weight itself is determined by the amount of food and liquid consumed - that is why it is so important to deviate from the usual diet the day before. As experts note, a few days before the onset of menstruation and during the period of bleeding, a woman’s bleeding may change. taste preferences, which affect the volume of food consumed and dishes.

    As nutritionists note, we have products at our disposal that, when consumed, can not only satisfy the feeling of hunger, but also control kilograms on critical days and bring more benefits to the body. Regarding the rules of nutrition and body weight control during and before critical days, nutritionists highlight the following basic principles:

    In a relationship harmful products that should be excluded from the diet - such are all products and dishes containing caffeine, as well as baked goods and sugar, confectionery and simple carbohydrates, alcohol and fast food, soda and fatty, fried foods.

    All these products negatively affect the body not only during menstruation, but throughout the menstrual cycle.

    To counterbalance harmful foods during menstruation, it is best to introduce beans and buckwheat, brown rice and nuts in small quantities, as well as soy and potatoes, apples and pomegranates. It is recommended to introduce hard varieties of pasta and whole grain bread - the main thing is not to exceed the norm in this case at the rate of 3-4 grams per kilogram of a person’s weight. For everything else, it’s worth coordinating your diet with a nutritionist and gynecologist. They will help you compile and select proper diet nutrition, frequency of meals and volumes of prepared meals consumed at a time.

    The video provides a more complete answer to why weight increases before menstruation: