Elevated appetite. What does appetite depend on? Receive Lindaks

It is sometimes enough just to hear the knock knife and catch a delicious smell that goes out of the kitchen, and you begin to swallow the saliva. Application receptors and oral cavity are sent to the brain pulses, which (in turn) orders the stomach to highlight the juice required for digestion. And the process went. Is it possible to resist? What to fool out irrepressible hunger? Turning to specialists, we decided to bring the list of the most common provocateurs of appetite. After all, before overcome the enemy, you need to know him in the face. So, the appetite affects:

Stress. The classical statement that all diseases from the nerves, to the gagwesters and fat men are of the most direct attitude. As a rule, in response to strong excitement in our body, a large amount of adrenaline is distinguished, which inhibits the release of gastric juice and dramatically reduces the activity of the brainal center regulating appetite. If for any reason this system gives a failure and weakens, it happens exactly the opposite: the slightest excitement only excites the person with the already good appetite. And therefore, stress is unlimited in nutrition to subjects strictly contraindicated.

Seasonings and pickles.Among the provocateurs of appetite - horseradish, mustard, vinegar, mayonnaise, as well as popular "complex" seats from the hosts. Especially those in which the glutomatic sodium is included. Irritating the mucous membrane of the stomach, these and similar substances cause significant solo acid production, which contributes to an increase in appetite. Those who want to lose weight, the consumption of seasoning is better limited and even exclude. The same refers to aggravating desire to eat a herring, canned food, sour fruits and vegetable salads. It is better not to start the meal with them, but from the main dish and only then go to snacks.

Carbonated drinks.Carbon dioxide, which is part of these drinks, irritates the receptors of the stomach and the oral cavity and only displeasure our appetite. In addition, sweet soda is very calorie. In one jar can hide up to 8 saches of sugar. Therefore, the passion for such drinks is fraught with obesity and diabetes. In addition, carbon dioxide excites gastric secretion, increases the acidity of gastric juice, provokes meteorism and can even cause aggravation of gastritis.

Alcohol. Curly restaurants are not for nothing add to the branded and duty dishes a fairing of alcohol. After such a heating, any snack goes to a bang. The strongest provocateurs in this sense are beer and vermouth (bitterness increases appetite). If you have no weight with weight, drink these drinks is better in cold and small doses.

Night meals. It is no coincidence that all nutritionists of the world advise "dinner to give the enemy": on the one hand, in the evening all the processes (including digestive) are slowing down in our organism. What is eaten by the coming dream, the stone will fall in your stomach. And postpone about the reserve. On the other hand, a somatotropic hormone (growth hormone) is ejected with the onset of twilight into the blood, which stimulates appetite. That is why many of the people awake at this time appear feeling of hunger. Try to go to the kingdom of Morpheus no later than 23 hours.

Insomnia.French scientists claim: lack of sleep can lead to a set of unnecessary kilograms. The case is in two hormones regulating appetite and producing during sleep. It is Great, responsible for the feeling of hunger and burning fat, and leptin, which regulates the fat content in the body and reduces the appetite. The researchers found that in a person who goes in a row for two nights for four hours, the generation of Grethin increases by 28%, and leptin production decreases by 18%. That is, the lack of sleep increases the level of hormones affecting appetite, due to which we can get corrected.

Fatty food. Using fatty foods, we not only replenish our fat reserves, but also ... provoke an increase in appetite. Recent animal tests have shown that when fat falls into the body, a special enzyme is produced, activating hunger hormone.

Medicine. The provocateurs of appetite include some psychotropic substances (including antidepressants), insulin (feeling of hunger provokes a decrease in blood glucose content), neurotropic hypotensive drugs, anabolic steroids.

By the way

Sometimes elevated appetite is a consequence of the characteristics of our metabolism. It is worse than all those who work well the enzymes of lipoproteinlipase, splitting fats and sending them into the fatty depot. The greater this enzyme, than it is more active, the faster the recycled fat for tissues is postponed and the organism of the new portion of calories requires the faster.

Affect the appetite and ... the size of the stomach. Fans of eating, it is simply turned off (up to 10 liters and more!). A large stomach, as you know, requires the corresponding amount of food. It is possible to force it a little "tortime" only with incredible efforts. Or with a surgical surgery to reduce the volume of the stomach.

Perhaps soon to pacify the wolf appetite will help not only self-sucking and the refusal of favorite seasonings, but also ... Special medicine. Scottish scientists work to create such a fund. The miracle preparation contains a hormone, which is produced in one of the departments of the brain - hypothalamus. The first tests of the new drug on females of monkeys brought encouraging results: after receiving hormone, animals reduced food intake by about a third. There is a new medicine and another, a very pleasant "side" effect - it increases the sexual attraction in women, therefore, first of all, it will be for women suffering from obesity and a decrease in libido.

Personal opinion

Elena Temnikova and Olga Seriabkin:

E.T.:It is better to starve better for me than it fell. As for the countertility on appetite, I try not to combine. I know that otherwise I will feel bad.

OS: I like to eat delicious food. For me, it is a ritual: in addition to a pleasant communication with a friend or other delicious dinner. But if I know that I have a photo session, shooting or some other no less important event, then I hold myself in my hands, I do not allow too much at the table. Well, there are days when you can relax. The main thing is not for the night.

"AIF health" advises

In order not to provoke your insatiable stomach and reduce the release of digestive enzymes, turning food into subcutaneous fat deposits:

\u003e\u003e Eat more often and gradually.

\u003e\u003e Many often confuse thirst with hunger. If you played an appetite in out-urching time, drink a glass of water, and the desire to have a snack will disappear.

\u003e\u003e Do not eat in your place, on the go. Food, swallowed sweep, does not saturate. Stretch the pleasure, and you feel the full faster.

\u003e\u003e Try to take food at the same time. Such punctuality will teach your stomach to work, like a clock, highlighting gastric juice only when it really needs.

\u003e\u003e Taking food, try not to distract anything. Reading or looking at the TV screen, it is quite easy to lose control of what - and most importantly, how much - you eat.

\u003e\u003e Do not wear yourself with strict diets and starvation. Severe nutrition restrictions only break your appetite.

\u003e\u003e You can fool the feeling of hunger, having wiped the dill twig, cleaning the teeth before eating the teeth or ... By choosing the desired color gamut when designing the kitchen and dining room. So, blue, green and white colors reduce appetite, red - increases.

\u003e\u003e Do not abuse the overwhelming appetite of coffee, nicotine and sweets. Such a way to deal with appetite is a stick about two ends.

Reduce appetite is very easy! Find out what products, healing herbs and medicinal products will help you with this. And get 8 effective techniques to combat the attacks of evening zhora.

Food habits are a basic factor on which the harness of the figure of a healthy person depends. What is food habits? This is what a person feeds on how often he eats, and also by any kind of food is saturated. It is important to take into account psychological attachments. For example, if a person stretches to sweets in the stressful situation - it is likely to provoke the appearance of unnecessary kilograms.

The "lever" of food behavior is appetite. Moderate appetite is an indicator of health. And the unbridled appetite most often pushes a person to breakdowns, which entail the painful reproaches of conscience for eaten over the norm.

Psychology of overeating

How to reduce appetite in the evening

If you know such a problem as an aggravation of a feeling of hunger in the evening, then use such recommendations:

  1. Put right. Be sure to have breakfast (Morning meals must be the most dense) and dinner. For dinner, it is better to eat something protein: 250 g of boiled chicken fillet and two cucumbers, 200 g of shrimp and 200 g of baked vegetables (for example, zucchini + tomatoes), 250 g of cottage cheese (5-9% fat) and 1 grapefruit.
  2. If after dinner you still pulls to the refrigerator - drink green tea with lemon.
  3. Switch to some lesson: Make a manicure, beat the files on your computer, read the book.
  4. Come outdoors.
  5. Make yourself a "royal" bath: use aromatic oils, salt, foam, herbs. This, besides, will remove the tension after a hard day.
  6. Try to meditate.
  7. Make 30 squats and 30 repetition exercises for the press.
  8. Arrange the fitting of things in which I would like to get out: it is perfectly beaten appetite and motivates to continue the struggle for slimness.

How much and how we eat depends on appetite. He may be weak or brutal, the main thing is that he is. If the appetite is strong, it is impossible to repay the effort of will. It is necessary to investigate the reasons for increased appetite. Maybe this hormonal storms in the body or the lack of some hormones and the predominance of others? Maybe this is food with elevated contents causing appetite?

If a person eats enough, then he decreases the level of endorphin hormones in the body - the so-called joy hormones. And then the person does not want to work, arrange a personal life, to achieve something. It becomes irritable and aggressive.

Consequences of long starvation

If fasting lasted more than 1 day, a man or a woman (or a child) can spin the head, there is weakness in the muscles, it cannot perform permanent everyday tasks. The activity of the brain is broken, simple tasks become inaccessible, a person can faint in the inappropriate place and at the most inappropriate time (for example, when awarded the Award "Man of the Year").

The person begins to lose weight dramatically and look badly, his skin is no longer soft and smooth, but rough and in the wound. His nails break, in the hair, they shake and fall out. The teeth will also not be healthy for a long time: they crumble and fall out.

All this ends with rebirth personality. It is no more interesting for a person what he is doing, all his thoughts takes food and control over kilograms, it is not even interesting to communicate with him. The memory will deteriorate, attention is scattered, a person becomes plax and boring. In general, with aesthetic moral appearance you can say goodbye. That's what periodic malnutrition.

Endogenous food

Endogenous food means internal. A person goes on him as soon as the body does not get food from the outside or gets too little. And then we get the exhaustion process: the reserves of subcutaneous fatty tissue are consumed, then muscle mass leaves. A person looks a flabby, not well-groomed and it adds to him.

When the body "eats" their own muscles and fats, he can live on. But after all, the internal reserves of food are limited. Therefore, soon in the tissues of the body, the processes of destruction begin to actively undergo. And all, writing disappeared, on the horizon of death. Because it can not always eat the body with their own muscles and fat. To live, need food. And if this food appears, a person remains in the world of living.

The mechanism of appetite occurrence

There are at least three chains that serve to saturate: appetite, eating delicious (or tasteless) dishes and operation of the digestive tract. As soon as you have a desire to eat, salivary glands begin to work more actively. Therefore, people invented the expression "Slobs flow". This means that the stomach and intestines are ready for feeding food and her digestion. As well as disposal.

But if we actively moved, the body will also tell us about it with the help of the feeling of satiety, belching, it is impossible to look for food to eat - these are reflex reactions of the body for overeating. This body will signal us: "Leave those buns alone - I can not look at them, I can not even chew."

You should always pay attention to what you especially want to eat. Sour or salty or, on the contrary, sweet. This ingredient, it means that there is not enough in your body - it needs to be filled, it will protect you from diseases. And you do not need to force yourself to eat that food from which you get bad - this means that in the body the overaction of those or other substances that are contained in this product. The body is the best tip and assistant in the menu selection.

If a person began to want to eat after a prolonged period of influenza or colds - it is a reliable testimony that he recovers. Because the functions of a good appetite are also to provide a man or a woman with sufficient quality of life. Appetite comforts a person in Mount, increases pleasure in joy and gives reliable protection against disease at any age.

The role of appetite

It is not yet revealed by science to the end. But it is estimated that the appetite can regulate the work of all human body systems, to improve its emotional, physical and psychological state, and also contribute to social contacts. This means that you need to obey your appetite: if you are healthy, eat then and what you want and refuse mandatory meals, if it does not go to your soul.

But the appetite needs to be controlled. That is why you should immediately contact the endocrinologist, if the appetite is too small or very large, and constantly. Strong appetite differences - from acute desire there are a lot of unwillingness to look for food - they should also alert and force to consult a doctor.

Biological bases of appetite

There are biological foundations of appetite according to the degree of attractiveness of individual types of food. People enjoy the specific food properties of the products of their qualities, such as sweetness and fatness or sour or bitter taste. In the process of human evolution, the preference of these properties can cause people to consume products that have special energy, for example, the nutritional value of carbohydrates, the energy value of fats is known.

Consequently, the importance of these qualities for survival is almost certainly preserved until today. Scientists recognize that in most cultures there are highly valued food habits based on products that are either sweet and fat or sour and bitter. And sometimes a combination and those and others - when the appetite can be particularly intense.

How do these genetic signs show themselves based on the pleasant qualities of products in brain processes? The appeal of food is the mediated signals "Awards yourself for something" on the way to the brain. These are the ways to promote various pleasures can be artificially stimulated by drugs and food.

Studies of appetite mechanisms

With the help of drug research, it was found that neurochemical transmitters are involved in the reward process, these transmitters include dopamine substances, opioids, cannabinoids are molecules with their specific receptors. Studies also empirically showed that the brain areas that serve as the strongest pleasure can be stimulated by food.

This means that the food deficit, which is evidenced by the low body weight, can overlapping the so-called remuneration systems in order to increase the enjoyment of products. In practice, this will mean that people who have lost a significant mass of the body will exercise increased interest in some pleasant products for them, ignoring others. This will mean that their appetite will increase at the sight of some favorite products, and at the sight of unloved - decrease.

This can be viewed as a useful biological mechanism when the appetite can be increased or reduced through a long-known phenomenon at which the appetite perceives an external stimulus as pleasant or not, depending on the inner stimuli. This concept is based on the biological concept of pleasure.

High degree of appetite

However, another mechanism also works. This mechanism is based on the recognition that some people, rapidly gaining weight and obese, have features that encourage them to get a high degree of pleasure from food. Consequently, products with potent sensory properties are attractive objects for such people. And then an increase in the pleasantness of the eaten can lead to excessive consumption and increased weight.

There is a clear evidence that in women suffering from obesity, the rate on sweet and fatty food is very high, they use a significant amount of it.

Other studies have shown that people with obesity make their preferences only greasy food and with pleasure react to the taste of fat. After eating, people with obesity eat that food that they are more pleasant than that. Which they qualify as tasteless. Therefore, the cake, which is considered delicious, is eaten again and again, and useful, not tasteful carrots ignored. Due to such biological properties of appetite, obesity tightly seizes people into their paws, they are difficult for them to get out. Especially considering the abundance of products with pleasure-stimulating properties.

Appetite and the problem of choice

The activity of appetite depends on the properties of products. Science found products that are capable of increasing appetite and extinguish it. Given these features, a person can control his appetite.

For many people, food is a cheap form of pleasure available every day. Sounds involves reducing people's readiness to consume products. The question arises whether it is possible for the food industry, increase the taste quality of food products, without weakening the feeling of satiety and vice versa. Balance between taste and satiety should be observed, this is the essence of the interaction between hunger and saturation in the process of meals. That is - control over appetite.

Why in one people to be saturated, grabs a very small amount of food, while others do not know in food by keeping, becoming slaves of their stomach? For many years, physiology scientists keep searching for answering these questions. Moreover, these studies have not only theoretical interest, but also a tempting perspective of the use of the results obtained in biology, medicine, agriculture.

The feeling of saturation is related, as you know, with the satisfaction of the body's needs in food. But according to his own experience, everyone knows that the feeling of satiety is more than just the severity in the stomach from the eaten. Studies show that man and animals finish the food long before its suction from the digestive tract fills the deficit of energy, which caused hunger. So what still happens in the body when we sit down to the table and begin to eat?

For a long time it was believed that the teams that sign about food saturation were transmitted from the gastrointestinal tract to the brain on nervous fibers. In the late 50s, a well-known Soviet physiologist, now Academician A. M. Corner, found that saturation is caused, in addition, and certain substances that are emitted during food from the intestine in blood. The existence of some specific regulators, "responsible" for the emergence of a feeling of satiety, has confirmed further research. So, American scientists found out that if you take the blood from the filled animals and introduce it hungry, then the meal of those decreased almost twice. It remained to find substances regulating the complex processes of food saturation.

The most likely candidates for this role were considered to be produced by the peptide organism, primarily cholecystokinin, synthesized in the intestine and entering blood during meals. The fact that this peptide has the ability to drastically reduce the need for food in animals, was found only in the early 70s. Prior to this, the cholecystokinin function in the body was connected mainly with a reduction in the gallbladder and the stimulation of the secretion of the pancreas (from here, by the way, the name was: "Hole" - bile, "KISTIS" - bubble, "kinema" - movement).

Country aid kit

In the country aid kit, the antipyretic and painful drugs for children must be located, the means from allergies, external use antiseptics ("Zelenka", hydrogen peroxide), activated carbon, vasoconductive drops for the nose, as well as a bandage, leucoplasty, wool and a thermometer.

If the appetite accurately corresponded to the feeling of the head, then the children were experiencing weight, probably would not be in nature. Each child would eat exactly as much as necessary. What is really caused appetite?

Appetite is not always associated with a feeling of hunger. In the most general form, the scheme looks like this - the blood receives a signal from an empty digestive tract that it has not received power, and comes to the brain "Hungry". Then the food center in the brain begins to signal: "It's time!". If we listen and fulfill the request, then the blood saturated with the necessary substances gives a report than and soothes the food center. This is the work of appetite. Moreover, the appetite is unlike hunger - he knows exactly what he wants a look or salty, an apple or banana. And what is the most interesting as soon as the food falls into the mouth, the stomach on some kind of inner channels will know what it consists of and what juices he needs to be allocated. And hunger does not give fantashes on the topic of dishes, because the body needs any meal. When a child eats something because it is delicious, it looks good and pleasantly smelling, it works his appetite. But when a person wants to eat, because this requires his stomach, then in this case the hunger is triggered. This is the main difference between hunger and appetite.

It is important, because overeating is not connected with a feeling of hunger, but just with appetite. But the appetite is needed if there is no appetite, the child ceases to eat, although the body can continue to experience the need for food. This happens in some diseases.

The feeling of hunger is one of the first senses that the child has just been born. At this time, he has no preferences in food, actually, and the choice is also small - Mamino milk or a mixture. Appetite appears already later, and while doctors with scientists are still fighting over the mystery, which manages the appetite, while it is clear that this is a complex process.

Bad appetite always shows that there is little oxygen in the blood to absorb food. But it is known that the appetite disappears immediately after saturation. However, the experiments showed that not only the full stomach gives the brain a signal to stop. Hormones, which are produced in the intestines, also give the brain the signal to stop eating food. Other signals report the presence of nutrients and their concentrations in the blood, about the number of absorbed food and the degree of filling the stomach. All of them are registered in the hypothalamus.

The researchers found out that there are two areas responsible for saturation in the hypothalamus. The first controls the actual meal, the second controls the sense of saturation. These two areas together are called appeal.

And, perhaps, one of the reasons for excess weight in children is that the appeal too late tells the brain that it is time to finish me.

In many psychological studies, it is shown that sometimes children begin to eat a lot of pisses insecurity or eaten from boredom and nervous stress. Teenagers begin to make raids on the fridge in the middle of the night, and it does not happen because they want to quench the feeling of hunger. They are more likely to get emotional satisfaction from the food absorption process to eliminate the lack of emotions in other areas. Teach the child to look for a balance between appetite and hunger, and then he will always have a taste for life.