Technology lesson on the topic in a confectioner workshop. (1 class). How does the master work? "(1 class) I. Preparatory stage

Sections: Technology

At the present stage of development of education, innovative forms becomes relevant to form professional competencies of students. One of the effective forms of formation of professional competencies is such a modern form as a master class.
The master class is an open pedagogical form that allows you to demonstrate new opportunities for the development of professionalism and creative abilities, both masters of production learning and a master class participants.
This pedagogical form is an effective admission to the transfer of professional experience of the Master of Production Learning, as the central link is a demonstration of the development of a certain content in the active role of all participants in the lesson.
In this paper, a model of master classes is proposed ( Appendix 1 )

The purpose of creativity is dedication,
Not noise, not success.
Shamefully, nothing knows
Becoming on the lips from everyone.


Master Class:New Year's traditions.

Goal: Creation of conditions for the formation of professional competencies on the design of mini-paintings by the leadership of the master class participants.


  • Expand knowledge, horizons of participants in the preparation and design of confectionery products with sugar icing.
  • Develop the main skills in the preparation and design of confectionery products, the creative potential of participants in a non-standard situation.
  • Promoting awareness of the value of confectionery art, upbringing aesthetic taste and feelings of harmony among participants in master classes.

Form of holding: Master Class.

Form of study: Practical.


Moilazzi, poster, drawings, balls, tables, mixers, cornetics, confectionery cups, scissors, dishes, knives, creams, spoons, stacks, cups.

Raw materials: Sand semi-finished, egg, sugar, lemon, essence, dyes, cocoa, confectionery sprinkle.


I. Preparatory stage:

2. Colleagues are invited, students to participate in the master class.
3. The demonstration table is drawn up.
4. The standard is manufactured.
5. 6 jobs are drawn up for cooking and design products.
6. Semi-finished products are made for cooking Christmas decorations.

II. Main part:

Stages, stage tasks

Activity Master P / O

The activities of the participants.

Methods used

1.Organizational stage:

b) content - readiness checks;
c) the conditions for conducting and obtaining a positive result are goodwill, collens and volitional orientation.
2.Motivational stage:
b) content setting the problem, message topic, objectives, form of an event, regulations, conditions;
c) the conditions for conducting and obtaining a positive result are to refer to the upcoming activities, remove the emotional stress.
3.Practical activities:
a) the task is to create conditions for the formation of skills in the preparation of Christmas decorations;
b) content - preparation of mini-paintings;

5.The final stage:

b) the content - the performance of participants, generalization and conclusions of the master;

Puts the problem

Creates an algorithm of work, shows the methods of preparation and design of products in iron, individual consulting.
Appendix 2. .

The master provides the Word to the participants of the master class, reports and draws conclusions about achieving the goals, gives a benevolent parting.

Work on the algorithm, preparation and design of products with sugar icing, mastering the main techniques in the design of confectionery products.

Emotional stimulation.

Information and prompting, development of a success situation, the development of the motivational sphere, emotional incentive.

III. Analytical stage

Master Class:Art of cake decoration with swans.

Goal: Creating conditions for the formation of professional competencies, in the design of the cake with swans, the participants of the master class.


  • Make a master class participants with various ways to prepare and decor cakes.
  • Develop the basic skills in the preparation and design of the cake with swans, the creative potential of the participants in a non-standard situation.

Form of holding: Master Class.

Form of study: Practical.

Methods: Information and prompting, verbal, problem, practical.

Logistical equipment: Natural cake standard, drawings, poster, balls, tables, mixers, confectionery bags with tips, cornetics, confectionery cups, scissors, gloves, dishes, knives, creams.

Raw materials: Biscuit semi-finished, cream cream, syrup, dyes, cocoa, custard p / f, confectionery sprinkle.

Location: Cabinet number 5, Laboratory of cooks.

I. Preparatory stage

1. A master class plan is being developed.

3. The natural replacement of the cake "Swans" is drawn up.
4. The laboratory for the master class is drawn up.

7. Preparation of the form of participants.

II. Main part

Stages, stage tasks

Activity Master P / O

The activities of the participants.

Methods used

1.Organizational stage:
a) the task is to prepare participants to the master class;

c) Conditions for obtaining a positive result - a friendly attitude to the upcoming activities.
2.Motivational stage:
a) the task is to motivate for upcoming activities;
b) the content -spotion of the problem, message topic, goals, forms of event, regulations, conditions;
c) the conditions for conducting and obtaining a positive result - send to the upcoming activities.
3.Practical activities:

c) Conditions for holding and obtaining a positive result - a comfortable environment, affiliate relationship, an emotional working attitude.
5.The final stage:
a) summarizing the master class, conclusions about achieving the goal;
b) the content - the performance of the participants, the generalization and conclusions of the Master P / O;
c) the conditions for holding and obtain a positive result - the atmosphere of goodwill.

Welcomes those present, participants asking to wear specials. Clothes and take their places.

Puts the problem
Reports the topic, goals, form of conduct, regulations, conditions for conducting.

Creates a technological scheme of work, showing the receptions of the cake, individual consulting.

The P / O master provides the word to the participants of the master class, reports and makes the conclusions about achieving the goals, gives a benevolent parting.

Dress Spec. Clothes are preparing for participation in the master class.

Listen, concentrate attention, configured on the upcoming activities.

Work on the design of the cake with swans, mastering the main techniques in the design of the cake.

Speakers, enter the dialogue, listen

Emotional stimulation.

Information and encouraging, development of the situation of success, the development of the motivational sphere.

Problem, verbal, practical.

Control, correction, emotional stimulation.

III. Analytical stage

1. Self-assessment of the event.
2. Conclusions (positive, negative)

Master Class:New Year's serpentine.

Goal: To introduce the participants of the master class with the cooking technology of cocktails.


  • Expand knowledge, horizons of participants in the preparation and design of cocktails.
  • Formation of basic knowledge and skills in the preparation and design of cocktails.
  • Promote awareness of the value of cook arts, education of aesthetic taste and feelings of harmony.

Form of holding: Master Class.

Form of study: Practical.

Methods: Information and prompting, verbal, problem, practical.

Logistical equipment: Decorated table for cocktails, presentation, drawings, balls, tables, blender, shaker, glasses, spanks, wine glasses, decanters, creamy, confectionery bags with tips, cornetics, cups, scissors, gloves, dishes, knives, creams, napkins, straws.

Raw materials: Martini, Pineapple Juice, Shevez, Vodka, Tomato Juice, Tabasco Sauce, Salt, Pepper, Ice Cream, Liqueur, Orange Juice, Milk, Cherry Syrup, Cream, Coconut Chips, Sugar Powder, Cream, Oil, Cheese, Greens, Canned Cherry Lemon, Apple, Orange, Kiwi, Grapes, Sugar, Confectionery Running.

Location: Cabinet №14.

I. Preparatory stage

1. A master class plan is being developed.
2. Colleagues and students are invited to participate in the master class.
3. The table is drawn up for cooking cocktails with students of group 35.
4. Prepare the equipment for the presentation.
5. Registration of the presentation.

II. The main stage

Stages, stage tasks

Activity Master P / O

The activities of the participants.

Methods used

1.Organizational stage:
a) the task is to prepare participants to the master class;
b) content - readiness checks;
2.Motivational stage:
a) the task is to motivate for upcoming activities;

3.Practical activities:
a) the task is to create conditions for the formation of knowledge and skills in the preparation of cocktails;
b) the content of the representation and preparation of various types of cocktails;
c) Conditions for conducting and receiving a positive result - a comfortable environment, tasting, emotional working attitude.
3.The final stage:
a) summarizing the master class, conclusions about achieving the goal;

c) Conditions for holding and obtaining a positive result - the atmosphere of benevolence and mutual understanding.

Welcomes those present, sets up for upcoming activities.

Puts the problem
Reports the topic, goals, form of conduct, regulations, conditions for conducting.

Creates an algorithm of work, showing methods for cooking various cocktails.
Appendix 3.

The P / O master provides the word to the participants of the master class, reports and draws conclusions about achieving the goals, gives a benevolent parting.

Prepare for participation in the master class.

Listen, concentrate attention, configured on the upcoming activities.

Acquaintance with the technology of cooking cocktails, tasting.

Speakers, enter the dialogue, listen

Emotional stimulation, verbal.

Information and prompting, verbal, development of the motivational sphere, emotional stimulation.

III. Analytical stage

1. Self-assessment of the event.
2. Conclusions (positive, negative)

Topic:Children's holiday for forty minutes.

Goal: Creating conditions for the formation of professional competencies in the design of the children's cake of the participants of the master class.


  • Systematize professional knowledge and skills in the preparation and design of the "Yozh" cake.
  • Develop the basic skills in the preparation and design of the cake.
  • Promote the development of the creative potential of the workshop participants in a non-standard situation.
  • Educating love for a chosen profession.

Form of holding: Master Class.

Form of study: Practical.

Methods: Information and prompting, verbal, visual, problem, practical.

Logistical equipment: Decorated children's table, poster. Drawings, balls, tables, mixers, pastry bags with tips, cornetics, confectionery cups, scissors, gloves, dishes, knives, creams.

Raw materials: Biscuit semi-finished, cream cream, dyes, cocoa, colored sugar, confectionery sprinkle.

Location: Cabinet number 5, Laboratory of cooks.

I. Preparatory stage

1. A master class plan is being developed.
2. Colleagues are invited to participate in the master class.
3. The children's table with students of the group 15 is drawn up.
4. It is manufactured by the "Cake Yozh" products.
5. 5 jobs are drawn up for cooking cakes.
6. Semi-finished products for cooking cakes are made.
7. Preparation of the form of participants.

II. The main stage

Stages, stage tasks


The activities of the participants.

Methods used

1.Organizational stage:
a) the task is to prepare participants to the master class;
b) content - readiness checks;
c) the conditions for conducting and obtaining a positive result are goodwill, collens and volitional orientation.
2.Motivational stage:
a) the task is to motivate for upcoming activities;
b) content -Postanovka problem, message topic, objectives, forms of event, regulations, conditions;
c) the conditions for conducting and obtaining a positive result are to use for upcoming activities.
3.Practical activities:
a) the task is to create conditions for the formation of skills in the preparation of the cake;
b) content - preparation of cakes;
c) Conditions for holding and obtaining a positive result - a comfortable environment, affiliate relationship, an emotional working attitude.
5.The final stage:
a) summarizing the master class, conclusions about achieving the goal;
b) the content is the performance of participants, generalization and conclusions of the teacher;
c) Conditions for holding and obtaining a positive result - the atmosphere of benevolence and mutual understanding.

Welcomes those present, participants asking to wear specials. Clothes and take their places.

Puts the problem
Reports the topic, goals, form of conduct, regulations, conditions for conducting.

Creates an algorithm of work, shows the methods of cooking a children's cake "Yozh", individually advises.

Master P / O provides the word to the participants of the master class, communicates and draws conclusions about the achievement of the goals set, gives a benevolent parting.

Dress Spec. Clothes are preparing for participation in the master class.

Listen, concentrate attention, configured on the upcoming activities.

They work according to the algorithm, the preparation of a children's cake, draw up a children's cake, seize the main techniques in the design of confectionery products.

Speakers, enter the dialogue, listen

Emotional stimulation, practical, verbal ..

Information and prompting, development of the situation of success, verbal, development of the motivational sphere, emotional incentives.
Problem, verbal, practical.

Control, correction, verbal, emotional stimulation.

III. Analytical stage

1. Self-assessment of the event.
2. Conclusions (positive, negative)

The lesson of the technology of integrated application of knowledge and skills in grade 1 (based on the working program on auth. E. A. Lutseva and T. P. Zueva, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the GEF NOO, in the framework of the educational system "Initial School of the XXI Century") . Name of the program section: Plasticine Workshop.
The subject of the lesson: in a confectioner workshop. How does the master work?
Objective: to acquaint children with the profession of pastryer cook;
Tasks: 1) To form a product manufacturing skill with a support for drawings and signatures to them, the use of technological methods of manual processing of materials; 2) expand the horizons and the vocabulary of children; 3) teach children to flash food from plasticine, betray the product a finished look; 4) develop the eye meter, fine motor skills, the skill of the ability to observe, compare, exercise creative initiative; 5) to bring up a respectful attitude towards people of labor, interest in the work of the confectioner.
Planned results: Personal: Ability to explain their feelings and feelings from the perception of the results of the work of man-master's work; The need for creative activity and the implementation of their own designs. Regulatory: act according to plan; monitor the process and results of activities; Make the necessary adjustments. Cognitive: understand the learning tasks of the lesson and strive to fulfill them; find and allocate the necessary information from texts and illustrations; distinguish a new one from the already known. Communicative: to build a connected statement on the proposed topic; Stand up on the position of another student or object, leading the simplest arguments.
Forms and methods of work at the lesson:; Individual, front, practical work, independent work, verbal methods, partially search, visual, work with a book. Equipment: Confectioner illustration, "Cake", "Confectionery", wall-mounted board for hanging illustrative material, tutorial, plasticine, stack, lining board, rod for hands, oilcloth on table, "costumes" (scarves, aprons), computer , multimedia projector, for reflection - envelopes with flowers.
During the classes
I. Momatization of training activities.
- Guys, look at your jobs. Pay attention to the materials and tools.
- What material lies on your table? (plasticine). What tools? (Stacks).
- What kind of work is waiting for us? (Improke).
II. Totalization of knowledge. - What materials did we meet in the past lesson? (dough and plasticine).
- What kind of common property do they have? (Plasticity) - What tool did you use when working with plasticine?
- What kind of reception we met? (receiving racking flavors).
- What secrets got acquainted? (Slide number 1)
- Let's make an offer from the letters that you blinded on the past lesson from plasticine. After reading the result: "All professions are needed, all professions are important!" (Conversation about the importance of different professions). (Slide number 2).
III. Formerly perception and assimilation of the new theoretical educational material. - Guys, today an amazing person came to visit the lesson to visit the lesson (on the board. Condryer illustration).
- Look at our guest, you already guessed, who is it? How did you know?
- Right. According to his tools and clothing. This is a confectioner.
- Condira has special clothes. It is a bathrobe, apron, a cap or a cake.
- What do you think, why do special clothes put on? (Children put forward assumptions).
- That's right, so as not to be swap your clothes and so that the villi does not get into the food.
- What does pastier do at work? (children's responses). Well done!
Niche pies, and knitting, and horns. Here I have a gift: I am confectioner - culinary. (Slide number 3)
- What else can bake a pastry? Guess the puzzles of "Confectioner" (Slide No. 4)
On the holiday, I will come to everyone
I am big and sweet.
There are nuts in me, cream,
Cream, chocolates. (Cake).
Maybe it is sandy,
And sometimes with cream.
Sometimes happens with juicy
Appetizing jam.
And meringues happens - crumb,
And in the glaze of the peel
Maybe it is potatoes,
Only not at all puree (cake).
Carved, twisted
With starting, puff.
Tasty - just arrangement!
What's this? - This is ... (cookies).
- Do you want to become fun pastry? Everyone was supposed to suit a pastryer? (The teacher proposes to formulate theme of the lesson and the learning task).
"We need to meet the confidence profession and learn how to cook like him."
"I want to tell you about this profession, and you will help me in this."
- The professional profession is very complicated, and at the same time very interesting, creative and ... delicious. Each of you, probably, was in a cafe or bought delicious cakes and cakes in the store. As beautifully they are decorated: both flower, and mushrooms, and various balls, and hearts. How many are sold in stores of different types of cookies and gingerbread. It all cooked pastry! Confectioner is not only a good baker, but he is a little and artist. Why? Because the cake or cupcake most often decorate with cream, icing, etc.
- And confectioners bake tasty pies. Let's play with you in the game. I will call the product, and you call filling
"Name correctly" (with the ball)
From the drain - the creamy of apples - the applesis of pears - Hires Honey - Honeymoon - Blueberry - Blueberoism of Raspberries - Malinovyazis Cherry - Cherry Tube - Strawberry - Well done.
- Of course, confectioner is a big master of his business. But he has helpers - it is working tools that help to do, bake, and decorate cakes and cakes.
- What form can have a cupcake or cookies? With what can you give a cake or biscuit, the original form, for example, birds? (Confectioner uses special molds).
- And now, guys, let us learn to make pastries. We will sculpt the cakes from plasticine. It is impossible to eat them, but they can be played with them in the "cafe" and in the "store".
IV. Organization of the workplace
1. Repetition of safety rules when working with plasticine.
- What rules of safe work with plasticine do you know? (Children recall safety regulations when working with plasticine)
- Work on the linke or on a skid.
- Take to work the desired color of plasticine.
- Defencing with a stack of the desired amount of plasticine.
- Sogray a piece of plasticine with warm hands so that it becomes soft.
- At the end of the work well, the hands of the hand with a dry soft cloth and only then with a soap wash them.
2. Checking the presence and location of the tools.
- Remember our rules: those objects that usually take the right hand is convenient to put on the right. Those items that take your left hand is to put on the left. The lining board is lying in front of you. (Children check the readiness of jobs to the lesson).
V. Analysis of the technological sequence of manufacturing the product 1. Analysis of product samples (tutorial C.24 -25) (the teacher organizes the planning of the upcoming work with the support on the graphical instruction.
- Consider the product we will do in this lesson (textbook, p.24)
- How is the plasticine cupcake? What details consist of these products? (Big detail - the basis of the product and small details - decorations.) (Slide number 5)
- What do you think it is possible to say that the item is part of the product?
- What is the form of his details?
- How to connect small parts with the basis? Do you need to glue them? (No need to glue, sticky plasticine and keeps all parts of the product itself.)
- What is the form of the details of the foundation and decoration?
- How to make such a figured base detail? (Children answer questions set). Well done!
- We will work according to the instruction card, she will suggest a job. Open the tutorial on C.25. (Slide number 6)
- Remember: The whole process of making a cake or any other product is called technology.
VI. Protective work (creative use and the mining of knowledge in the new situation).
Students independently perform the task - to make a cake from plasticine using an instruction card. (A teacher watches work, if necessary, assists in fulfilling the task).
Fizkulminutka. Fingering gymnastics
Dough with handles remember. - compress and squeeze your fingers. Sweet cake bake. - Get palms. Main with a lubricent jam, - circular movements with fingers in the palm of palm. And the top is sweet cream. - Circular movements with your fingers over the palm. And coconut crumbling - a raw "crumb" with fingers of both hands. We sprinkle a little cake. And then the tea brewing, the fingers "shrent", circular movements of the brushes of both hands. Invite a friend to visit! - Palm up, compress and squeeze your fingers.
Perform gymnastics, repeating the movements for the teacher.
Continuing practical work.
Consolidation of knowledge and ways of action.
VII. Organization of the exhibition of finished works. Runflexia.
- Guys, you are real pastry. What beautiful pastries did!
- What is the name of a person who bakes cakes and cakes? - What clothes does he wear, having come to work? - What tools does he use in his work? Well done!
- And let's estimate your work at the lesson. You have paper flowers in different colors on the table (red, yellow, green). Choose a suitable flower:
- If you are satisfied with your work, then take a green flower.
- If not quite satisfied, take the yellow flower.
- If it is completely unhappy, then take a red flower.
- Look, our guest, like you, worked in the confectionery workshop. But did not have time to decorate a cake that baked. Let's decorate the pastry cake selected colors.
VIII.ITOD lesson
- You have worked well today! Let's give jobs in order (cleaning jobs). The lesson is over!
List of sources used:
1.Lotseva E.A. Technology. Grade 1: studies. For general education organizations / E.A. Lutseva, T. P. Zueva. - 2nd ed. -M. : Enlightenment, 2014.
2. Lutseva E.A. Technology. 1-4 classes. Program / E.A. Lutseva. - M.: Enlightenment, 2014.

  • Professions of artisans
Tasks lesson
  • Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main features of the technological process of a number of handicraft professions (main technological operations);
  • Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of "profession";
  • To bring up respect for the work of people of different professions, the professions of relatives and loved ones;
  • Teach, observe, compare, arguing, to generalize, draw conclusions;
  • Stimulate the development of artistic and design and technological abilities of students when performing practical work.
What did you find out about artisans on the past lesson?
  • Craftsmen engaged in one thing in cities usually lived nearby. The crafts gradually developed and became more complicated. The masters began to unite and create separate workshops. Settlements of masters engaged in one craft were called Sloboda. Every craftsworn sought to make his job better than others. Those who had particularly beautiful products were called masters. The master is the highest praise in the profession.
Cities today
  • Today, there are no more Slobod in the cities as the place of settlement of artisans, and such a large amount of artisans, as before, not left. What do you think, why?
  • Where today in cities sew clothes, make shoes, make cars, bake bread?
  • at factories and factories
How did an ancient craft masters worked?
  • Consider illustration on page 15
  • What workshop is depicted on this page?
  • Forge.
  • Who works in this workshop?
  • Blacksmiths.
  • What product make masters?
  • Horseshoe.
Horseshoe manufacturing path
  • 4. Cool
  • 2. Process the product
  • 3. Purify form
  • 1. Mock metal
What tools and adaptations used blacksmiths?
  • forceps
  • hammer and anvil
  • poker
Working with a textbook
  • Consider carefully pictures on page 16 - 17.
  • What professions are people depicted in drawings?
  • What materials do artisans perform products?
  • What instruments and fixtures do they use?
  • Why do you need tools? When working with what material is needed tool scissors?
  • What kind of craft name caused difficulty? How did you ever guess how this craft is called?
Tell us about the profession of your parents
  • - Does anyone from the parents' ancient "profession?
  • - Is your mother's home bake bread?
  • - How does mom prepare your favorite dish?
  • - If the mother prepares very tasty, is it possible to call it a craftswoman?
  • - What sequence is cleaning in the house?
Practical work
  • Confectionery is baked for tea: pastries, pies, cakes.
  • Now you are confectioner. Cook plasticine. Equip the workplace for laying plasticine.
  • Cupcakes to tea
Consider confectionery drawings Working with a textbook
  • Consider drawings on page 18. What form are confectionery? What color are they? How can you decorate a cupcake?
  • Recalling your cake. Use the prompt (if possible).
  • Cutting table.
  • Play a birthday.
  • Say good wishes to each other.
Verification work
  • Can a person live without nature and her wealth? Why?
  • Who are called artisans? How did artisans appear?
  • Call three crafts. What do these masters do artisans?



Topic: In a confirmer workshop. How does the master work? The concept of "technology". Confector profession. Making pasta, plasticine cookies.

Goal: Acquaintance of children with difficulty chef - confectioner

Tasks :

    introduce children with objects and technique necessary for work

    expand the horizons and vocabulary of children

    rail interest in the work of the cook - confectioner.

    teach children sculpted from plasticine, betray the product

    develop: feeling of shape, proportion, eye meter, fine motor skills, fantasy, creativity.


Illustration "Cook-confectioner", musical accompaniment, tutorial. Plasticine, stacks, lining board, rod for hands, oilcloth on table, instruction card. For reflection - envelopes with flowers, illustration "Cake".

Expected Result

Planned educational resources:

Personal : The ability to explain your feelings and feelings from the perception of the results of the work of man-master; The need for creative activity and the implementation of their own designs.

Subject : Learn with the help of a teacher to perform practical work with a support on an instruction card, sample.

MetaPermet :

Regulatory : act according to plan; monitor the process and results of activities; Make the necessary adjustments.Cognitive : understand the learning tasks of the lesson and strive to fulfill them; find and allocate the necessary information from texts and illustrations; distinguish a new one from the already known.Communicative : build a connected statement out of 5-6 proposals on the proposed topic; Stand up on the position of another student or object, leading the simplest arguments.

During the classes.

Guys today, an amazing person came to visit the lesson, with a wonderful profession. (on the board Cook-confectioner (illustration))

Look at our guest, you already guessed who it is?

How did you know?

Right. According to his tools and clothing. This is a cook culinary.

And what does cook cooking work?

Well done!

Napping pies,
And knitting, and horns.
Here I have a gift:
Iconfectioner - Culinary.

What do you think we will talk about today, and what kind of work will we use in the lesson?

Listen to the teachers, answer questions raised. .

1. Actualization of knowledge.

Guys look at their jobs. Pay attention to the materials and tools.

What material lies on your table? (Plasticine) What tools? (Stacks)

What kind of work is waiting for us? (Impox)

How do you think it is possible to make cakes from plasticine?

2. The work on the lesson.

1.Bested on the subject of the lesson.

Do you want to become fun pastry?

To do this, we need to get acquainted with the profession of cook - confectioner and learn how to cook like it.

Let me tell you about this profession, and you will help me in this.

The professional confectioner is very complicated, and at the same time very interesting, creative and ... delicious. Each of you, probably, was in a cafe, or bought a delicious cake and cakes in the store. As beautifully they are decorated: both flower, and mushrooms, and various balls, and hearts. How many are sold in stores of different types of cookies and gingerbread. It all prepared a cook - confectioner!

Cook - confectioner has special clothes. It is a bathrobe, apron, a cap or a cake.

What do you think, why dress special clothes?

That's right, so as not to stain your clothes, and so that the villi, the hair did not get into the food.

Of course cook - confectioner is a big master of your business. But he has helpers - it is working tools that help to do, bake, and decorate cakes and cakes.

And even confectioners bake tasty pies. Let's play with you in the game. I will call the product, and you call filling

"Name correctly" ( with a ball)

From blueberries - blueberry

From raspberry - raspberry

From Cherry - Cherry

Strawberry - strawberry

From draining - plum

From apples - apple

From pears - pear

From honey - honey

From potatoes - potato

Meat - meat

Mushrooms are mushroom.

Well done.

Make a task and promotion .

2.Practic work

And now, guys, let me learn to make pastries. We will sculpt the cakes from plasticine. It is impossible to eat them, but it can be played with them, in the "cafe" and to the "store".

And what rules of safe work with plasticine do you know?

Safety regulations when working with plasticine

    Work on the linsel or on a skid.

    Take to work the desired color of plasticine.

    Response with a stack of the desired amount of plasticine.

    Sogray a piece of plasticine with warm hands so that it becomes soft.

    Upon completion of the work well, the hands of the hand with a dry soft cloth and only then with a wash with soap.

Answer questions.

Formulate safety regulations when working with plasticine.


- Before work, let's dismiss fingers.

Fingering gymnastics

Dough with handles remember. -squeeze and squeeze your fingers.
Sweet cake bake. -
get palms.
Main Lasure Jam, -
circular movements with fingers on the palm .
And the top, sweet cream.
circular movements with fingers in the palm of palm.
And coconut crumb -
raw "crumb" with fingers of both hands.
We sprinkle a little cake.
And then brew tea, -
fingers "Shoptuyu", circular movements with tastes of both hands.
Invite a friend to visit! -
palm up, compress and squeeze your fingers.

Perform gymnastics, repeating the movements for the teacher.

3) continuation of practical work.

Independent creativity.

Remember our rule: those objects that usually take the right hand are convenient to put on the right. Those items that take your left hand is to put on the left. The lining board is lying in front of you.

Check the location of the items.

1. Analysis of product samples (tutorial p.24 -25)

What details consist of these products? (Big detail of the basics and small details of the decoration.)

How to connect small parts with the basis? Do you need to glue them? (No need to glue, sticky plasticine and keeps all parts of the product itself.)

What is the form of the details of the basis and decoration?

How to make such a figured base detail?

Well done!

We will work according to the instruction card, she will suggest a job.

Open the tutorial on C.25. (instruction card)

Cleaning jobs.

Total lesson

"Profection Profession" - the demand for confectioner specialists is stable and sustainable. Masters of "Sweet Craft" are in demand in restaurants, cafes and confectionery. The main thing is not to be afraid! It is difficult to reliably establish the time of the confectionery craft. The professional confectioner is in demand at all times. According to the system of Holland, the confectioner profession refers to realistic type.

"Profession Cook" - a reception based on basic general education. The old Russian proverb says: "Good chef is a doctor." Indeed, a cook, like a doctor, can not be indifferent. Otherwise, why go to cook? " Culinary art is acquired by a person for many years of study and practice. Cook, confectioner -.

"Profession Cook-confectioner" - delicious food always leaves positive memories, good emotions. Position characterized by honor and confidence of the king. At the courtyard of Richard, 1000 cooks worked. The meaning of my profession. Who is such a cook. Gigia's daughter was considered a patronage of health science. Cooking as science arose in Russia only at the end of the 18th century.

"Cook Confectioner" - a cook profession, a pastryer can be compared with real art, where large creative potential, the accuracy of the jeweler and artistic taste is required. Cool clocks - entertaining hours of communication in groups number 25, 37. Dozens of new restaurants and cafes, festivals and culinary skill competitions allow young professionals to develop professionally.

"Baker" - Profession Baker. Bread was invented by the Egyptians. Related professions. People who have loved bread. Packaging. Pacar craft. Programming. Forming and proofing. The machine kneads the dough. The dough "fits". History of the profession Baker. Sorting. Personal qualities. The word "baker". General characteristics of the profession.

"Production training of cooks" is managing the work of the Master of Industrial Training. 3. training. Recommendations on the procedure for conducting a final instruction: a collection of typical training and planning documentation on the qualification of the cook 3 category. Recommendations on the methodology for holding the current briefing: familiarization with the company of catering, instructing on labor protection and fire safety.