The smell of acetone after vomiting in a child. The smell of acetone from the mouth of the child: the reasons what to do, treat methods, prevention of relapses. Genetic predisposition to acetrony

The smell of acetone from his mouth in a child is a very disturbing symptom, the reasons for which it is necessary to establish and carry out appropriate treatment.

In trying to eliminate the unpleasant smell, many parents first try to increase the frequency of teeth cleaning procedures. But the symptom has persistence, so the increase in hygiene does not save the child from him.

In the list of common concomitant manifestations are the attacks of nausea and vomiting, dizziness, irritability of the child and weakness.

As soon as the parents were discovered acetone smell of their child's mouth, it is necessary not to lose time to consult a doctor.

Causes of unpleasant odor

The smell of acetone and solvent will certainly mean the failure of the process of metabolism and the performance of some organs.

The formation in the body of acetone is influenced by ketone bodies, the excessive amount of which appears against the background of the active splitting of fats. Fats, in turn, allocate acetone.

With active decay, the body is not able to quickly output the substance, and it settles in the lungs, kidneys. The fir splitting process is required to replenish energy in the body.

If a child has a normal metabolism, then the body is cleaving with glucose, but its disadvantage leads to dangerous consequences.

The most common reasons why the smell of acetone arises from the child's mouth, is endocrine disorders.


The smell of acetone in children is one of the signs of diabetes. The disease develops against the background of a serious insulin lack, which is involved in glucose processing.

Excessive glucose begins to accumulate in the composition of blood, as it is not capable of entering the cells without insulin.

The body, in turn, receives excessive intoxication due to the increased concentration of the harmful substance in the blood.

The main symptoms of diabetes in children are the following factors:

  1. Unresolute child apathy, lack of forces, lack of desire to play, increased federation.
  2. Stop in weight set or reduced it with normal nutrition.
  3. The child often asks to drink. The appearance of thirst repeatedly can appear even at night.
  4. The skin of the child becomes unusually dry, sometimes flakes.

It is necessary to seek medical help. The doctor will establish a disease and prescribes an important insulin therapy for normal life.

Diseases of the kidneys and liver

The acetone smell of the child in the child may appear due to serious disorders of the functionality of the kidneys or liver.

All toxins and decay products are derived from the body using a cleaning organ - liver and renal.

In case of violations in these organs, the removal of toxins from the body occurs in insufficient quantity.

Among the not derived toxins there are acetone, which is further manifested as the smell of mouth and in the urine of the child.

Hepatic insufficiency can also manifest themselves in the form of yellowing of the skin, eyeballs, pain in the right side, which gives to the lower back. When palpation, the organ is increased.

Hepatic disorders lead to the fact that the skin and urine can smell acetone. This symptom indicates the strong neglence of the disease and the need for urgent appeal to the doctor.

Endocrine diseases - thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is responsible for the normal state of the hormonal background of the person. Often there are cases when the authority stopped developing the required amount of hormones or vice versa, produces them too much.

If the child has an oppression of acetone, it may cause excessive production of thyroid hormone. Hyperthyroidism is accompanied by the following list of symptoms:

  1. Frequent presence of elevated body temperature.
  2. Feeling heat.
  3. The state of increased excitation.
  4. Or, on the contrary, excessive inhibition.
  5. Sometimes pain in the area is possible.
  6. When conducting a dough on acetone, the result is positive.

A deeply launched disease threatens a coma or fatal outcome. Timely appeal to the specialist allows you to apply individual hormonal therapy and adjust the hormonal background.

ENV viruses and infections

Sometimes parents notice that children seem to smell the solvent from the mouth. This symptom is a precursor of possible diseases of the nasopharynx or an ARVI joining.

During the period of the active phase of the disease, the child loses appetite, and the metabolism increases.

With a deficiency of glucose, the body begins to process fats, causing a large increase in ketones and acetone, thereby forming the smell of mouth.

In addition, there may be pain in the throat, a runny nose, an increase in temperature and weakness. The situation requires immediate access to a specialist.

The doctor will appoint a course of drug therapy and droppers for the removal of strong intoxication of the body.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Diseases of the digestive system are often accompanied by the presence of the smell of acetone from the mouth of the child. This is explained by the reinforced metabolic process, namely the rate of decomposition of proteins and fats.

A concomitant problem in children in diseases of the gastrointestinal diseases is rejected.

In addition to the lesions of the gastrointestinal tract with infectious pathogens, there are the following reasons that are able to cause an octop of acetone from the child:

It is quite difficult to establish the cause of the cause, therefore it is impossible to waste time on self-treatment and you need to conduct certain stages of diagnosis.


The disease develops mainly in male children. A special feature is its exceptional ability to be inherited.

At the moment there are two types of acetonemia: acetonemic syndrome (manifests itself from the very birth of a child) and acetional crisis (manifests as a one-time attack).

If parents seemed that the child had a solvent smell like a solvent, it was necessary to immediately cause ambulance. The next manifestation of the ailment will be a long vomiting and diarrhea.

Independent measures to eliminate the disease will not lead to anything. At the moments of inactivity, time is lost on the salvation of the life of the baby.

  1. Put a baby with sweet drinks (compote, tea).
  2. At body temperature above 38 degrees give children's antipyretic.
  3. After the end of each attack of vomiting to serve a couple of spoons of ordinary drinking water with a period of 10 minutes.
  4. Stop feeding the child before the arrival of doctors.

Droppers are used as a treatment with a special solution for cleansing the body and removing the attack of intoxication.


There is no single standard for treating the smell of acetone from the child. An unpleasant smell has its reasons in each case, after finding out which the specialist individually appoints treatment.

  1. During the period of exacerbation of symptoms of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract into the diet for children should include easily visible nutrients. For example, buckwheat or oatmeal. It is possible to use a small amount of puree, cooked on water without oil.
  2. After the seizures of vomiting and diarrhea retreated, you can use dairy products, boiled meat and vegetable soup.
  3. At the stage of complete recovery, after the smell of acetone from the mouth disappeared, the child is allowed standard food. But it is necessary to adhere to the use of healthy food. Eliminate fatty, salty and smoked food from the diet.
  4. Each stage of the disease must contain abundant drink. As beverages, water, compote, alkaline water without gases, tea can be used.

Such tactics in nutrition makes it easier to facilitate the work affected by toxins. The fluid is required to stimulate the removal of harmful substances, eliminating dehydration during vomiting and diarrhea.

Children's doctor Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky recommends that it is necessary to adhere to the prevention measures that need to instill a child with the smell of acetone from the mouth.

Daily diet and daily life should include the following rules:

  1. Minimize the use of animal fats (butter creamy, eggs, dairy products).
  2. Have houses in the presence of test strips to determine the number of acetone.
  3. It is advisable to drink water slightly warmed to improve the suction rate of the liquid.
  4. In the case of regular attacks of acetonemia to acquire the drug Nicotinamide. This is a vitamin complex that is directed to the removal of intoxication and the elimination of harmful substances from the body.
  5. If the reasons for the fact that from the mouth smells acetone in diabetes, then some recommendations are not enough. A mandatory rate of hormonal therapist is required, which is prescribed an endocrinologist.

If a child at least once appeared the smell of acetone, it is necessary to take it into the street more often, control the moderation of physical activity.

Excessive mobility leads to energy flow and requires a certain amount of glucose.

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Nothing scares mom as incomprehensible changes in the body of the kid. That is, there are changes, the mother sees them, but can not explain. Hence the confusion and anxiety are taken. A lot of trouble is able to cause the smell of acetone from the mouth of the child. Terrible things come to mind. The fact that this may mean and how to help croche, the parents are told on the territory of Russia and the CIS, which enjoyed by an unspecified authority of Million Mommy Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky.

What it is?

The occurrence of the syndrome is due to the fact that in the blood of the child, the content of ketone bodies is significantly increased, which, in turn, are formed as a result of the decay of fat. During this complex process, acetone is allocated. It is excreted in urine, if there is at least a small deficit of fluid in the body, it enters the blood, annoying the stomach and intestines, aggressively acts on the brain. So acetional vomiting occurs - the state is dangerous and demanding immediate assistance.

The formation of acetone begins when the child has glycogen reserves in the liver. It is this substance that helps the body draw energy for vital activity. If the load is large (stress, illness, active physical activity), energy is consumed faster, glucose may not be enough. Then begin to split fats with the allocation of the "culprit" - acetone.

In adults, such a state rarely arises, since they are much richer glycogen stocks. Children with their even imperfect liver about such can only dream. Hence the frequency of development of syndromes in childhood.

In the risk group - kids of a thin body, suffering from neurosis and sleep disorders, fertile, excessively movable. They, according to the observations of doctors, it used to develop, they have higher mental and intellectual development indicators compared to peers.


It is possible to talk about the occurrence of acetional vomit when the child appears strong nausea and vomiting, which can rather quickly lead to loss of liquid, impaired salt balance, in severe form - to the appearance of convulsion, pain in the abdomen, concomitant diarrhea and in case of disappointment of timely assistance - To death from dehydration.

The first "swallows" of the syndrome can be seen when the child is 2-3 years old, the most often crises can be repeated aged 6-8 years, and by 13 years, as a rule, all signs of the disease are completely disappeared, since the liver has already been formed and the body This age accumulates sufficient stock of glucose.

The reasons for the exacerbations of acetional syndrome are in a variety of factors, including incorrect meals, burdened heredity. If in the child the child had relatives with impaired metabolic disorders (with diabetes mellitus, biliary disease, Padagro), the risk of the status of the kid increases.

The doctor can accurately rely on laboratory tests of urine and blood.

Komarovsky about acetone in children

Acetional syndrome is not a disease, Komarovsky believes, but only an individual feature of the metabolism in a child. Parents should be made in detail what kind of processes occur in the children's body. Briefly they were described above.

The causes of the syndrome - the question is quite controversial, the doctor believes. Among the mains, he calls sugar diabetes, starvation, liver disease, violations in the activities of the pancreas and adrenal glands, transferred severe infectious diseases, as well as, oddly enough, concussion and brain trauma.

Release of Dr. Komarovsky's transfer on the topic "Acetone in children"

One heredity is not enough here, the doctor is sure. Much depends on the child himself, from the ability of his kidney to remove harmful substances, from the health of the liver, from the rate of exchange processes, in particular, how quickly the fats can decay.

The doctor emphasizes that panicing parents who discovered the smell of acetone from the mouth of the Chud is not worth it. However, it is impossible to leave it without attention, if necessary, mom and dad should be prepared to provide first aid.


The treatment of the syndrome should like the kids, since quite very tasty. The main means for eliminating the glucose deficit is a sweet drink, sweets. A child with acetional syndrome should receive them in sufficient quantities. Therefore, at first suspicions, as soon as the parents felt the smell of acetone from the child, it should be started to give him glucose. This may be a drug in tablets or in solution. The main thing is to drink it often - on a teaspoon every five minutes, if we are talking about the baby, on a tablespoon or two tablespoons at the same time intervals, if the child is already quite large.

It is advisable to put the child a cleaning enema with soda (a teaspoon of soda and a glass of warm water), and prepare the reserve "REGIDRON" in case you need to restore the water-salt balance.

If parents manage to intercept the initiative on time, then all will end. If the slightest delay was admitted, the onset of heavily manifestation of the syndrome is vomiting.

It is usually so intense with acetonemia that it is no longer possible to supply a child with sweet tea or compote. All he drank immediately turns out to be outside. Here Komarovsky recommends acting quickly. You should call a doctor, better "ambulance". To stop such vomiting in most cases, it is necessary to introduce a large amount of sweet liquid to the child with a dropper - pharmaceutical glucose.

In addition, the baby does not hinder the injection of the drug from vomiting (commonly used "Cerukal"). When the vomit reflex under the influence of medicines subsides, it is necessary to begin to actively steal a child with sweet water, tea with sugar, glucose. The main thing is to drink a truly abundant. It should be remembered, says Komarovsky that "Cerukal" and the drugs to him act on average for 2-3 hours. The parents have only this time to fully restore the loss of fluid and the stock of glucose, otherwise vomiting will begin again, and the child's condition will deteriorate.

It will be better if the heavy attack of the kid's syndrome will take place at home, but in the hospital.Self-medication, emphasizes Evgeny Olegovich, can hardly harm, so it will be better if the treatment will be under the control of specialists.

The crises of acetonemic syndrome are easier to propagate than to eliminate, says Evgeny Olegovich. Something to treat a state is not necessary, you should enter certain rules in the daily life of the family as a whole and the child in particular.

    In the diet of the child should be as few animal fats as possible. Ideally, they should not be at all. In other words, it is not necessary to give a baby butter, a large amount of meat, margarine, eggs, extremely careful need to give milk. Smoked, soda, pickles, pickled vegetables and seasonings are strictly prohibited. And smaller salt.

    After the crisis, the child needs to be used to eat on any of his requirement, since the body of the kid must restore the glycogenic reserve faster. It is necessary to eat a child at least 5-6 times a day. The total duration of the diet is about a month. Komarovsky recommends that it gives him porridge on the water, potato mashed potatoes baked apples, compote from dried fruits, raisins in pure form, low-fat meat in small quantities, fresh fruits and vegetables, vegetable broths and soup. If the child is asking to eat more often, the so-called light carbohydrates can be given to him between meals - banana, manna bash on the water.

  • In the home first aid kit, where the child lives "with acetone" should be special pharmacy test strips on the definition of ketone bodies in the urine. While divering the child another portion of glucose, you can make such an analysis at home. The result will be evaluated visually: the test shows "+/-" - the child's condition is characterized as a light severity, the amount of ketone bodies does not exceed 0.5 mmol per liter. If the test shows "+", the amount of ketone tel is about 1.5 mmol per liter. This is also a slight condition, the child can be treated at home. A strip that will show "++" suggests that in the urine about 4 mmol of ketone bodies per liter. This is a state of moderate severity. It is advisable to go with the child to the doctor. "+++" on the test - disaster signal! This means that the child is in serious condition, the number of ketone bodies is more than 10 mmol per liter. Need urgent hospitalization.

    Giving a child abundant drink, parents need to know that the fluid will be absorbed faster if it is not cold, but has a temperature similar to the body temperature of the kid.

    For the prevention of repeated attacks, Komarovsky advises to buy in a pharmacy and give a child according to the instructions of the Vitamin Preparation "Nicotinamide" (main vitamin PP), as it effectively participates in the regulation of glucose exchange.

    The described treatment regimen, emphasizes Komarovsky, relevant for most types of acetional syndrome, with the exception of a state caused by diabetes. In this case, there is no serious illness of glucose deficiency as such, there is a different problem - it is not absorbed by the body. Treat such "acetone" follows a different scheme, and this should do this gendocrinologist.

  • A child who at least once suffered a acetional crisis, you need to spend more time in the fresh air, a lot of walking, play sports. However, parents necessarily need to control the physical exertion of their Chad. They should not be excessive, it is impossible to allow the child to go to train or walk on an empty stomach. Energy release will require glucose, and if it is not enough, the attack may repeat.

  • Nasty smell
  • Dr. Komarovsky
  • The smell of acetone

The main source of energy for the body is glucose. Less effective substances are animal cells. If glucose is lacking in the body, fats are absorbed, which can adversely affect well-being. Displays negative components through the kidneys and respiratory system.

That is why the smell of acetone appears from the child's mouth. Negative impact on the body is due to unbalanced nutrition. Children need to give more glucose compared to adults.


With elevated acetone in children, it is necessary to observe a strict diet so that there is no relapses. High preservative products are strictly prohibited. You should refuse:carbonated drinks, legumes, roasted and fatty food, chips, various sauces, mustard and sour cream, cauliflower.

Diet follows Observe two or three weeks. It is necessary to feed the kid with vegetable soups, potato mashed potatoes, porridge. A week later, the child can be prepared boiled or baked diet meat. And in two weeks it is allowed to give him some greens and vegetables.

The children's body is too weak to prevent overload, all products should be given gradually.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about the emergence of acetone smell in children?

According to Komarovsky, acetional syndrome is not a disease, and just a kind of feature of metabolism The child has. Call the exact cause of the syndrome is quite difficult, the doctor believes. The main objectives include: diabetes, starvation, violation of normal liver work, suffered complex infectious diseases, head injuries.

The doctor argues that heredity is an additional reason. The development of acetone syndrome affects the condition of the child. Parents should watch the baby, carefully examine the symptoms.

With any disease, it is easier to perform prophylactic measures than then to be treated to emerge, says Evgeny Olegovich. Apply medicines at once at the first signs of acetional syndrome should not - It can harm the child. We should enter some rules in the daily life of the family and the child in particular.

In the kid's diet, the number of animal fats should be minimal. It is best to exclude them from the food at all. Simple words, it is recommended to abandon the creamy oil, meat in large quantities, margarine, eggs. The carbonated drinks, smoked, sharp seasonings, salting are strictly prohibited.

Portions must be small. With any need, the baby needs to be frozen, so glucose in the body will be rapidly normal. Eating a child should not less than 5-6 times per day. The diet lasts for almost a month.

The doctor advises to prepare various porridge on the water, potato mashed potatoes, apples. Raw fruits are prohibitedThey can only eat in baked form. It is necessary to give a child more dried fruits, raisins. In the diet should include vegetables, low-fat meat.

Between the main meals, the child specialists recommend giving banana, manna porridge on the water. They contain light carbohydrates. The kid must necessarily drink a lot of water. It should be heated to the body temperature of the child.

In an adult, the causes of the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth can be completely different. If you are worried about such a problem, see.

Glucose gives the body energy. If it is not enough, fats are used to improve the performance of all systems, whose components can affect negatively to the state. Toxins begin. Children smells acetone from mouth. To solve this problem, you will have to change the diet.

The appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth of the child is a significant base for an emergency inspection from a specialist. Adults need to show special attention, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Acetone in the body

There is only one way to hit acetone into the blood of a child. It is considered an element of partial decay of fatty and protein elements. For this reason, poisonous substances called ketones accumulate in cells. Acetone belongs to their varieties.

Initially, the oxidation of ketones is carried out almost to the marking of harmless substances, after which they come out of the body with urine and through the lungs. If, in comparison with the output amount, the growth of poisonous components is much higher, they do not best affect the system of the body, including the full work of the brain.

The reasons for the fact that the child has a set of acetone

Halitosis is often accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Medicine examines this unpleasant phenomenon in Latin Word - Halitoz. If a child (incl. Infant and teenager) smells of mouth acetone, is a characteristic signal of acetional syndrome.

Often, the problem is accompanied by a similar fragrance of urine, nausea and the occurrence of vomiting with increasing body temperature.

The disease of acethemia is perceived by many doctors as a rather serious illness, the child drops the appetite, since the operation of metabolism increases.

This contributes to an increase in the number of ketone cells, which makes it possible to understand well-being in the following signals:

  • the child smells from mouth acetone and the impotence and muscle lethargy appears;
  • pale coloring skin surface, and the occurrence of blue eye circles;
  • a sharp rise of body temperature, and it can rise above 38 degrees;
  • parched pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intestinal tract;
  • the emergence of vomit urges immediately after eating food;
  • breathing with the smell of acetone.

Glucose is recognized as a key source of energy supply of body cells. Next, by formation, there are fat tissue. With a lack of glucose, cells switched on fats. For this reason, the body gradually accumulates not only acetone, but also other toxic substances. In more detail, the reasons, from which the child smells from mouth acetone, are indicated in the table below:

The origin of the disease Nature of the disease
Unbalanced nutritionViolation of the Rules of Food Reception dumps the body over the measure. The admission of a minor volume of glucose causes protein and fat to split, increasing the percentage of acetone content.

The children's body needs increased glucose.

DiabetesDeals are associated with a violation of carbohydrate exchange. A small insulin percentage is difficult to cope with the desired amount of glucose, which is why it gradually accumulates.

The brain is lacking glucose, therefore translates the body to the enhanced mode of operation, thereby forming many ketone bodies. The child is constantly experiencing a feeling of thirst, and stripped urination. Even when the patient has a squeezed appetite, he still loses weight in weight.

AcetonemiaWhen strong acetone smell manifested itself only once, we can talk about acetomonic crisis. If the syndrome exhibits itself systematically, it indicates acetional syndrome.
InfectionThe child's body suffers from dehydration. The risk of occurrence of illness increases with long diseases and poor meal. Boys are predominantly exposed.
Nervous arthritis diathesisOften the disease is manifested in girls. Due to the weak work of the liver, blood cells gradually accumulate ketone elements and urinary acid.
Diseases of thyroidIron is responsible for the volume of hormones. For any dysfunction, hormones are born in a double number, which accelerates the splitting of protein and fat substances.
Problems with liver and kidneyIn the body, these two organs are necessary for filtration, eliminating the body from everything that is not necessary. If their functioning is not stable, the substances begin to accumulate.
ENT diseases, etc.The occurrence of the characteristic odor in viral infections and LOR-omens appears due to an increase in the speed of metabolism, lowering appetite. As a result, the accelerated processing of proteins and fats occurs, and an increase in the percentage of ketone tel.


Urine analysis for the content of acetone.

The initial inspection of the child is engaged in a pediatrician. He gives the direction for analyzes such a plan:

  • general analyzes of urine, feces and blood;
  • the analysis of urine and blood per percentage of glucose, pH, β-hydroxybutirate, electrolytes, phosphates, creatinine and dimthyl ketone.

The corresponding diagnosis is raised if the inspection shows a high percentage of blood glucose content along with abnormal ketones and acidosis. Often, the lack of bicarbonate, potassium and phosphate is found.

If the child smells from mouth acetone, the pediatrician necessarily gives an appointment for blood test, which detects the percentage of thyroid hormone content, and the presence of antibodies.

If there are suspicions for the presence of hyperthyroidism, the instrumental diagnosis is additionally carried out. For this purpose, ultrasound of the thyroid houses are used or x-ray. Inspection of the ultrasound of the kidneys, liver and pancreatic gland is practiced less often.

Treatment of acetone odor and the reasons for its occurrence

Well, if parents turn to a specialist at once, as the child will begin to smell acetone from mouth. In this case, the therapeutic course of treatment is directed to two key areas:

  • supply blood cells glucose;
  • retone output rate.

The fluid is given on one teaspoon every 5 minutes to avoid the manifestation of the secondary vomit reflex. The drink is necessarily given at night. It is desirable to alternate tea with non-carbonated mineral water or decoction of rice. In case of severe the course of the disease, glucose is injected into the blood intravenously through the dropper.

It is impossible to force the child to eat food against his desire. If he himself asks to eat, it is possible to start with bread, cookies, baked apples, lightweight soup or puree cooked from various vegetables. To avoid dehydration, adults are obliged to give the child the required amount of water.

If an increased percentage of acetone is detected, the following medicines are used in therapy:

  • - suck poisons and remove them from blood;
  • - renews the acid-base level;
  • - Just like "Attoxil", it makes it difficult to absorb toxic substances through the intestinal scanner.

Immediately after providing first aid and stop the acute period of the disease, the baby gives the drug "Steymol." It supplies the body with energy and improves the overall state. Not bad restores the work of the liver "Betargin". When dysfunction of the pancreas, "Creon" is appointed by the doctors. Its components improve digestion and give the child a cheerfulness.

Preventive measures

Be sure to regularly visit the dentist with the child as prevention!

Mock the smell of acetone fresheners and toothpastes are undesirableotherwise in the future you will have to fight serious diseases. Well, if the family visits the dentist once every six months, as it is a habit of early years.

The first preventive activities start in early childhood in the form of high-quality teeth cleaning. Adults must teach the child to brush the teeth for a long time, and at least two times a day in the morning and evening, and after each meal, it is good to rinse with a simple water.

Formation of habits should be carried out immediately after the appearance of the first teeth. Up to 7 years old, mother must be near, and make sure that the child is high quality and long cleared his teeth and space between them.

Many fruits, berries and vegetables are coping with the mechanical purification of the oral cavity from various types of bacteria. As for mint chewing gum and sweet, they dry the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth, which is an ideal atmosphere for the growth of pathogenic organisms. So that dryness has not been manifested in the process of sports training and when stressful circumstances occur, the child should drink fluid.

If the child is still too small, the cleansing of the teeth is happening with the help of special brushes that adults are put on their finger, and cleans themselves.


Diet is an important component of treatment with an increased acetone in the body.

With an increased level of acetone in childhood, the child must observe a certain power mode, since it helps to avoid the manifestation of relapses. First of all, doctors prohibit consuming canned food, and recommend to completely exclude the following products from the menu:

  • legumes;
  • carbonated water;
  • fat, fried, smoked and sharp products;
  • meat semi-finished products;
  • sour cream, mustard and various sauces;
  • crisps;
  • cauliflower.

Dietary food must be observed for 2-3 weeks. It is desirable to feed the baby mashed potatoes on the basis of potatoes, first dishes based on vegetables and rice porridge. After 7 days, crackers and meat of non-fat varieties are gradually introduced into the menu. Dishes are boiled or baked.

After about 14 days, raw vegetables, parsley, dill and other greens are added to the diet. The new food in the menu is introduced gradually to eliminate the body overload.

Popular questions

The pronounced smell of acetone from the mouth of the child signals the presence of the disease. Usually the smell generates the parents of the feeling of fear, and a lot of questions.

Why can acetone smell like a baby?

The appearance of the smell in an infant child can talk about the availability of problems with the functioning of the pancreas, since this disease is closely related to the acetional crisis. It is desirable to seek advice from a specialist as soon as possible. First you need to visit the pediatrician and endocrinologist. These specialists will definitely advise on the percentage of blood sugar and the presence of other nuances.

The pediatrician will definitely direct the baby to surrender urine and blood to a thorough inspection in the laboratory. If necessary, feces are taken and an ultrasound is appointed.

What if smells like after vomiting?

Deals Indicates imbalance in metabolism and acetronomical crisis. This state is manifested even before the occurrence of vomiting. Initially, the child disappears the appetite, while he has increased fatigue.

After painful sensations appear in the field of navel and other trouble. Adults need to call a doctor to the house, and before the expert's arrival, we gradually disappear by a child with a liquid.

What does Komarovsky speak about the smell of acetone from the mouth of children?

Dr. Komarovsky does not think that the smell of acetone is too dangerous for the child. He encourages parents, regard the syndrome as a characteristic feature of the work of the children's body. The main thing is that adults are well represented what processes are moving in a children's body at the time of the exacerbation of the syndrome.

As for the causes of the occurrence, the question here is quite controversial. As the main, Komarovsky highlights sugar diabetes, problems with the kidneys, liver and pancreas, infectious processes and cranopy and brain injuries.

There are a number of diseases in which one of the first symptoms in the child appears an unpleasant smell of acetone from the mouth. Heavy breathing with a chemical shade testifies to serious failures in the work of the body. What parents should pay attention first to reveal the reasons for the emergence of stupid breathing in a child, and which diagnoses expect from doctors - consider in more detail in this material.

Causes of acetone galitosis in children

Why does the smell of acetone occur? The formation of acetone occurs with the defective exchange of proteins and fats (ketosis) In the body, namely, the decay of ketone bodies. The cause of the decay is the glucose deficiency necessary to us for energy. During the deficit period, the body launches the burning stock process, by the side effect of which is the formation of ketones, also referred to as ketone bodies. In turn, insulin deficiency exacerbates the situation in that the ketones are not output from the body in a normal order - this process slows down. The smell of acetone from the mouth in the child and the adult becomes the result of the same process - toxic ketone poisoning which are derived from the body through the respiratory organs and the urinary system. If you get into the blood, acetone aggressively affects the gastrointestinal organs and the brain. After that, small patients often observed the so-called acetional vomot as well as temperature. In this case, immediately apply to a medical institution for qualified help.


Consider some possible reasons for the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth On the example of diseases with which you have to face in such cases:

  • Infectious foci in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Fasting, malnutrition, food poisoning or dehydration;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Acute respiratory viral infection, deviations in the work of the ENT organs, dental problems;
  • Disorders of filtration organs - kidneys or liver;
  • Acetonemic syndrome;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Heredity is a predisposition to some diseases.

To understand how to identify the reason for the deviation in the work of the body, you should pay attention to some of the characteristic signs of the development of one or another disease.

Diseases of ENT organs, ORVI or dentistry

The smell of acetone from his mouth can appear before the sharp respiratory viral infection appears. This symptom also cause inflammatory or infectious diseases of the nasopharynx. Drying the tissue of the oral cavity, as well as malnutrition, also provoke the development of accelerated ketosis.

  • Increased temperature;
  • Obstruction of the respiratory tract;
  • Sore throat;
  • Rubble.

Dental problems can also cause a light smell of acetone from the child.

In this case, the problem will help to solve the treatment recommended by a pediatrician, Laura or a children's dentist.

Acetional syndrome

One of the most common reasons for the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth in children is the development Acetional crisis which can be caused by violations in the work of the body as a result of the overaction of ketone bodies in the blood. The symptoms of this syndrome are diagnosed about 7% of children aged 1 to 13 years.

The development of the syndrome is affected by the child's heredity : The kid is subject to the development of this state, if there are people in the family suffering gout, diabetes or bile sickness .

What other factors increase the development rate of unpleasant syndrome : High child activity; acute illness or period of rehabilitation after it; stress; malnutrition. Regardless of which it is the main alert, the reason for the development of a painful state is that the splitting of fats is accelerated, and with it and the production of toxic ketone bodies.

Symptoms of the disease, in addition to the smell of acetone from the mouth:

  • Weakness, lethargy, malaise;
  • Bad appetite;
  • Pale skin, dark circles under the eyes;
  • Headaches;
  • Temperature 37-39 ° C;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Convulsions;
  • Stomach ache.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to ignore these signs, as well as self-medication. In the presence of these symptoms in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor.


The smell of acetone from the mouth in children can sometimes appear while reducing insulin levels in the blood and violations of carbohydrate metabolism. At the moment when the organism is observed a surplus of sugar, the child begins the development of the following symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis, in addition to the smell of acetone from the mouth:

  • Dry mouth, severe thirst;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Sharp weight loss;
  • Nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting;
  • Total weakness.

If the child's heredity also points to the possible appearance of this disease, it is impossible to postpone the treatment for later.

Infection of the gastrointestinal tract

There are situations where the smell of acetone from the child in the child is caused by acute intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the stomach. Sometimes a painful condition is caused by too fatty food, which gives a small child. These violations in the work of the GCT entail the accumulation of toxic ketones. Another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant smell of acetone from the mouth of the child are helminths.

Symptoms of diseases, in addition to the smell of acetone from mouth:

  • Cutting abdominal pains;
  • Liquid chair;
  • Bloating;
  • Gases without ordinary smell;
  • Bad sleep;
  • Irritability.

With the slightest suspicion of these diseases, parents need to urgently contact the pediatrician.

Liver or kidney disease

Since these organs are responsible for filtering substances entering the body, they accumulate a large proportion of waste. Any diseases of the kidneys or liver aggravate the position that the purification process is broken, and harmful substances are spilled in organs, instead of displaying in normal mode. The presence of chronic diseases in infants or an adult child, like jade, hepatitis, cirrhosis, Also interferes with natural toxins output processes. Therefore, harmful substances with an unpleasant smell, among which both acetone fall through the respiratory organs in the mouth.

Symptoms of diseases, in addition to the smell of acetone from mouth:

  • Sharp smell of acetone emanating from the skin of the child or present in its urine;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • General weakness;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Painful sensations under the right edge or in the lower back area;
  • Yellow skin shade.

These symptoms require immediate medical intervention.


The diseases of the thyroid gland can also signal about their appearance using an unpleasant acetone respiration in an older baby or child. Hyperthyroidism forcesses the excessive amount of iodized thyroid hormones, which leads to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the children's body. This, in turn, provokes the appearance of stupid breathing. In these cases noted the smell of acetone in the child is from the mouth at temperatures , as well as hyperactivity, or inhibition, often observed Stressful condition . Timely drug treatment helps to fight with this ailment.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Many parents are interested in the opinion of the popular Children's doctor Evgenia Komarovsky on the presence of acetone in the breath and the urine of the child.

This is what Komarovsky speaks about the smell of acetone from the mouth of a child:

Medical therapy and power mode

What if the child is the smell of acetone from his mouth? Most qualified professionals will immediately appeal to medical care, since diseases causing this bright symptom, quite a lot, and calculate it "on the eye" is possible only in sufficiently severe cases when the child's body signals a multitude of other symptoms. At the same time, self-treatment or treatment of improper illness can aggravate the health of the infants or the baby of the older age.

How to understand that the disease progresses:

  • dry mouth, cracked lips;
  • vomiting even from water;
  • painful skin color;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness.

After several of these symptoms manifested, the child needs to be urgently showed a doctor.

Important: The ailments that caused the smell of acetone in the child from the mouth can provoke the absence of appetite in the kid. In this situation, it is impossible to force it. In cases where the child is asked to eat, you should boil the light soup, puree from vegetables, bake apples.


First of all, the hospital will hold the necessary surveys that will help to identify the exact reason for the appearance of the smell of acetone from the child and other symptoms accompanying it. The next step is the saturation of the children's body with glucose necessary for the proper removal of toxins. Next will follow the stage of emergency removal of ketone bodies.

After that, the baby can prescribe a dropper with glucose, antispasmodics in the presence of pain in the abdomen, as well as, if necessary, antiwest drugs. Children in this situation need to drink plenty of water.

The standard set of drugs necessary to remove toxic substances, as well as improved water balance in the rapid organism:

  • Recider;
  • Attoxyl;
  • Smacks.

Another part of drug treatment will be aimed at eliminating the root causes provoking the allocation of excessive amounts of ketone bodies, and then the smell of acetone from the mouth.


Depending on the detected disease, a small patient will register a strict power mode, which will have to be observed from two weeks to several months.

Make up the menu can be from the following products:

  • easily digestible vegetables that do not cause the hard work of the gastrointestinal organs;
  • dietary meat and fish;
  • non-fat dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • all cultures besides legumes;
  • crackers and gallery cookies;
  • baked fruits.

Exclude from the diet of a child with the smell of acetone from mouth you need these products:

  • semi-finished products, fast food, sausages and meat offal, mustard and any sauces;
  • carbonated water;
  • citrus fruits and bananas, cabbage, spinach, legumes;
  • fatty milk food, like sour cream, milk;
  • fried dishes.

All these measures are directed not only to eliminate the unpleasant smell of mouth, but also to eliminate the cause of the appearance of unpleasant breathing.