Chakras of man and their meaning! Detailed description of chakras. What the chakras are responsible for. Molandhara makes you survive

What is chakra?

The first question that arises from the reader when studying this topic is: "What is chakra?". I found out that the word with Sanskrit "chakra" means "Wheel, Circle". Chakras in the human body look like spheres emitting energy from which petals move - nearby plots of power companies.

Chakras of human body

In our body there are seven chakras. Each chakra has its own color, its value (belonging), its location in the human body, the name and sound for its discovery. Chakra can be opened with a special sound that you need to pronounce while in the trance. This is a little lower, and now we run through the names.

As I just said, there are 7 main chakras in the body. Here are their names: Mulladhara, Svadchistan, Manipura, Anahata, Vishudha, Ajna and Sakhasrara. Names are not easy. So you can break the tongue. Or inadvertently spell pronounce, resulting in something interesting.

The picture below shows the location of all seven chakras. They have seven rainbow colors.

Muldahara This is the first chakra, which is in the crotch area next to the genital organs or at the base of the spine. It has red.

Svadchistan This is the second chakra, which is located between the navel and the upper edge of the pubic bone. Mostly this place below the navel on the thickness of two or three fingers. This orange chakra.

Manipura It is the third chakra located in the field of solar plexus. It is yellow.

Anahata - Fourth chakra, located in the middle of the sternum. It has a pleasant green color.

Vishudha - Fifth chakra and it is located in the throat area. Bluish color.

Ajna Or the third eye is located in the area between the eyebrows or in the middle of the forehead. This chakra radiates blue.

Located in the Dark Area. Purple color.

Chakras of man and their meanings

We realized that the chakras of a person - seven, they have rainbow colors and are located next to each other. We also know that any chakra is a separate energy that is responsible for something specific. But for what exactly? What do these chakras mean? Let's all in order. Let's start the bottom up.

- This is the chakra of the earth. It is this chakra that binds us to her. It can be considered the foundation, basis, support. Persons are born here, all our fears and concerns are formed, the feeling of security to which we are so striving. To open this chakra, you need anxiety. It is all our fears block her stream.

This chakra is responsible for the ability to survive in this difficult world. Muldahara is an instinct of self-preservation. In a balanced state, this chakra is manifested in the form of your peace of mind, sense of security. If this chakra becomes unbalanced, the person faces physical problems: pain in the kidneys, adrenal glands, at the bottom of the back.

Chakra Muldahara emotionally manifests itself in the form of fear, anxiety, danger, insecurity, feelings that you are a victim. To achieve equilibrium of the work of this chakra, it is necessary. You need to realize one simple truth: you have everything you need to get the desired, and therefore you can be calm now right now. Realize it.

Responsible for receiving pleasure. It is because of its development, we all strive to feel good. Therefore, people love to have fun, having fun, want sex, feel the wealth of various positive emotional experiences.

In a balanced state of this chakra, a person enjoys the process of his actions, and not from the final result. In an unbalanced state, a person is experiencing anger, internal dissatisfaction because of which begins to look for new sources of pleasure. In physical terms, it is manifested in the form of diseases of the genital organs, pain in the lower abdomen. To achieve equilibrium, strive to enjoy the process, and not from the result. Find a hobby time.

Binds the remaining four spiritual chakras and two lower instinctive chakras. It is located in the field of solar plexus and has yellow. Manipura is a source of confidence, awareness of his strength. This area contains stereotypes, our life positions, values \u200b\u200band beliefs. This chakra is responsible for the ability to choose what we like to direct your will to achieve the desired one.

In a balanced condition, a person understands what he wants, understands his needs and aspirations, can focus on achieving the desired one. In an unbalanced state, a person begins to show such negative quality as always to be right, conflict with other people, is experiencing or debt, unwaregly, takes the role of the victim, always unhappy, feels helplessness.

To achieve equilibrium, it is necessary to define your true needs, clearly understand what you want. Need and. Openly declare your intentions, free from stereotypes and false imposed beliefs. Get rid of someone else's opinion, it will not feed your children.

It is also called heart chakra. She combines your soul and ego. When this chakra is awakened, you become one with the world. This chakra is responsible for love and other, harmonious state, opens the ability to compare.

In a balanced form, joy arises from the adoption of life and other people. Internal harmony appears with itself and the outside world. Unbalanced emotional manifestation: a broken heart, a manifestation of sentimentality, a plasticity, a lack of love for himself, deep dependence on someone's love. Heart disease, lungs, weakened immunity, violation of the system of blood circulation - all this negative physical manifestation. I am very pleased with the purchase, since now I have the best table among all my colleagues!

And to achieve a positive result, start and take care of other people. Praise yourself, stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself compliments, write down your progress. So you get rid of dependence in someone's love, will become a free person.

It has a heavenly blue color. This chakra is closely connected with the Swadhistan chakra, its sexual and creative energy, which is mandatory for the manifestation and development of creative abilities. This chakra calls us to and. Not just so chakru vishudhu called "Door of Freedom".

Vishudha is responsible for internal potential, self-expression, creative abilities. In a balanced state of this chakra, a person aware of its uniqueness, the true manifest "I", man is honest before himself. In an unbalanced state, a person shows incapacity for self-expiration, fighting for the right to be free and independent, dishonest in front of him, seeks to prove the wrongness of another position.

To achieve equilibrium, it is necessary to be honest before yourself and other people. Stop imitate other people, follow them by. Learn to express your opinion even when it contradicts the opinion of the majority. Lay the way to express yourself. It unlocks the chakra vishudhu.

It makes it possible to go beyond the everyday perception of everyday life, read information from the Universal Library. With the development of this chakra, a person becomes at the same time "Observer" and "Witness"When he is simultaneously involved and perfectly understands it.

This is a center of enlightenment and illumination, pure space energy. From the vibration of this chakra, a nymb is created above the head.

At the beginning of the article and said that the opening of the chakra uses a separate sound or mantra. Here is a list:

Lam - Molandhara;

You - Svadchistan;

Ram - manipura;

Yam - Anahata;

Syam - Vishudha;

Ksham - Ajna;

Om - Sakhasrara.

Below the video to your help for meditation.

That's all I wanted to tell you about the chakras of a person. In fact, the chakras has more, but the main only seven. If something is unclear to you, be sure to look at the cartoon fragment "Avatar"where the sage on the example of water explains what chakras are, and shows how to open them. View is required.

Chakras of man what chakra is, the value of chakras


Word chakratranslated from Sanskrit means "wheel", "Energy disk or whirl". These invisible plasma fields in the human body are vibrated with a given frequency, and thus handle energy.

The chakras function consists in converting vibration energy into a form suitable for human organism.

Chakras - Not physical objects. They are aspects of consciousness, in this they are similar to Aura. But the chakras differ greater than aura, density, although their density is less than the density of the physical body. Chakras interact with a physical body through the endocrine and nervous systems. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, as well as with the accumulation of nerves, called plexuses. Thus, each chakra is associated with a certain part of the body and determined by its function.

There are many chakras in the body. They are located everywhere. The most notable and most famous - seven major chakras located along the spinal column from the crotch to the top of the crotch. Each of them is associated with a certain smell, color, sound, precious stone, organ, mental features and karmic programs.

Chakra is the first chakra, located at the base of the spine, in the crotch area, in other words, at the bottom of the pelvic leave.

Molandhara Chakra leads the action of all air flows, pushes a seed from the men's childbearing organ and urine. In women - pushes a child from his climb during birth. This chakra is the corresponding bidge mantra LAM. This sound should be vibrated in the nose, the brain and the top of the skull. Its vibration helps to create a passage inside the channel to facilitate energy movement. This chakra manages the testicles, ovaries, all the glands of the crotches. Also runs the functions of smell, sexual entry, determines the physical structure of the body. This is a chakra of earthly power, which allows a person to connect with earth energies.

In the sleeping condition, Mulladhara Chakra is an instinctive nature of man, the center of passion and inertia. In the awesome - spiritual potential. This chakra connects man with the ground. Overall endurance and performance depends on its condition. Its incorrect work causes back pain, legs, excess weight, excessive thin, anemia. These are the consequences of the underdevelopment of the chakra.

Svadchistan Chakra is located between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. This chakra interacts with lumbar and gradual plexuses. It also has the taste, digestion, protective reactions organism. Interacts with the liver, kidneys, lymphatic glands, and with lactic glands in women.

For this chakra there is a Bij-Mantra VAM.. Focus on the second chakra need to be pronounced when pronounced Bija Vam. The sounds of the flowing water enhance the effects of the VAM mantra, when this sound is pronounced correctly, it opens up any blocks in the lower parts of the body, giving the opportunity to move easily.

In the usual condition, this chakra is the center of the subconscious, where experiences and instinctive aspirations are stored. The awakening of her yogi transforms all depressed and forgotten. This chakra has an important impact on the reproductive and muscular system, also the selection systems and the activity of the spleen and bladder. It has a subtle relationship with sensations and emotions, pleasure and sexuality. It has orange.

The concentration on this chakra gives the ability to reflect the world as the moon reflects the sun. Overlook this chakra, a person acquires the ability to build and maintain energy to raise clean art and clean relationships with others, free from lust, greed, jealousy, envy, anger.

Manipura Chakra is in the field of solar plexus. Bija Mantra Chakras RAM.
Endocrine glands are connected with manipura, liver (boring her cells) with bubble, spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands.

The adrenal glands allocate adrenaline, which in turn has an effect on intracellular metabolic process. Also, adrenaline causes improved heart abbreviations, lowers the tone of smooth muscles gastrointestinal tract, affects the reduction of the muscles of the iris, improves eyesight and hearing.

The energy medium of the chakra corresponds to self-reflection and the level of the holistic reaction of the body on external stimuli, leading to the need to act synchronously positively or synchronously negatively.

It is here that the emotions are found and interact and interact life force man. People with the prevailing manipura chakra easily overcome difficulties, they like the struggle as the process itself. In this chakra lives inner fire, capable of warming the human body even in the strongest frosts. It includes green and light red colors. A person who works properly with this chakra has a long life and strong health. Develops strength to manage and organize.

Anahata Chakra is in the heart area. Turning to the spiritual heart through meditation, you appeal to your spiritual deity. Bija Mantra of this chakra - Yam. During the pronouncement of this mantra, it is necessary to concentrate its attention on the heart.

It is believed that Anahat Chakra is a center where our animal is connected (3 lower chakras) and spiritual (3 top chakras) start. Anahata Chakra or just our heart is a powerful transformer, which is in force to process any Energia in Energia of love and adoption.

People with the dominant influence of this chakra are distinguished by a high degree of self-control, kindness and openness. They are easily responded to requests for help, disinterested and elevated in love.

Violation of this chakra leads to sentimentality, high polhood, vanity, inconsistency, fanaticism.

This chakra has a green glow and completely depends on the harmonious work of all chakras of a person. Thanks to the continuous work on this chakra, the person masters his I, acquires wisdom and inner strength, balances the men's and female energy, gains control of feelings. A person who works correctly with Anahat Chakra towers over all circumstances and restrictions. In the presence of such a person, people acquire peace and joy. Such people are aware of their karma-fate. These people are unprincipled by God.

Anahat Chakra is associated with air and respiratory authorities. Love and compassion, creative power and ability to overcome their destiny depend on it. This chakra initially untouched sound, cotton of one palm, Zen. Also this chakra has a huge impact on the activities of thymus - the fork gland and immune systemss organism. It conjugates with the level of consciousness, which awakens the highest compassion, natural abilitiesOpens the opportunity to see the deep power of nature.

Vishudha Chakra is located in the throat area. Bija Mantra of this chakra HAM.

This is a creative beginning of a person - source figurative thinking. This state of mind allows logical analysis of events and its capabilities.

The concentration on the throat center gives cleanliness, clarity, a melodic voice, opens spiritual poetry, understanding of dreams, penetration into the mystery of the scriptures.

The one who opens this chakra can control the energy of feelings with the objects of feelings. It disappears many sensory restrictions, and its behavior no longer determine those templates and steriotypes that manage most people. Such a person can rise above the mental field, siest thoughts, destructive thoughtforms and low passions.

He is almost not disturbed by the excitement of mind. The intellect of such a person is partially illuminated by the Light of the Divine Vision and begins to leave the labyrinth of logic and superficial analysis.

A person who has not fully implemented aspirations and desires, characteristic of fifth chakra, is reincarnated according to their karma, as a teacher, a sage, a preacher or commentator of scriptures.

Vishuddha Chakra is associated with hearing, creativity, the search for truth and self-expression.

It is one of the main institutions of extrasensory perception and plays a renewable role in working with dreams. Expands consciousness.

It is conjugate with the activities of the right hemisphere of the brain and with the creative functions of the mind, opens the great gates to liberation.

Ajna Chakra is located in the field of interference, in the area where the pituitary is located. Bija Mantra relating to this chakra - AUM..

The practitioner on this chakra is fully aware of its divinity, and sees, in what state the divinity of others. He constantly resides in clear transparency, intuitive penetration, while having his own divinity, joy and fearlessness.

At this level, it is necessary to avoid attachments to mystical forces and supernatural abilities. This chakra is associated with the activities of consciousness, with an enlightened mind and awareness of everything. It is also called the third eye. In this chakra, there is a biocomputer self-program. From another position of the vision, this chakra has ninety-six petals. Half of these petals radiates yellow light, the other half emits violet and blue light. It is directly related to human intuition. It has the most important impact on the activities of the pituitary gland and endocrine, as well as immune systems, responsible for the balanced work of both hemispheres.

Ajna Chakra affects the awakening of clairvoyance and magnetism.

Meditative practices related to this chakra allow the meditating to exercise full control over their thoughts and pass through everything mental processesnot related to absolute consciousness.

Otherwise, its name is the third eye binds to clairvoyance and mental perception. Remember that only the practice makes it possible to achieve the highest results.

Sakhasrara Chakra is over a man's head, and is the energy center, which combines all opposites. It abolishes all the sounds and all colors and concludes all cognitive and volitional abilities, static and dynamic energies of the rest of the centers.

Upon reaching samadhi, the meditating does not lose consciousness, as in a dream, fainting or intoxication, only material consciousness disappears. He acquires a universal vision of the world, perceiving everything as an infinite diversity of divine phenomena, staying in a single self-driving substance. It is overflowed by divine love and divine compassion to all beings. In such a state, all opposition disappear, i.e. Matter - Spirit, transcendental - immanent, of course - infinite, past - present, etc. In this state there are no exceptions. There is everything and that's it all is absolute. This is the highest fullness, bliss and pleasure unity of individuality. This chakra rotates above his head, her petals emit a scattering purple light. This is the most spiritual of all spectrum colors. The condition of this chakra shows the degree of conscious human development.

This chakra also has an impact on the work. nervous system and a human skeleton, controlling the thyroid gland, is associated with the work of the oblong brain. The straight line is related to the level of superconscious, which works with the spirituality and the highest forces of the universe.

At that moment, when Kundalini's energy rises in Sakhasrara Chakra, the disclosure of the Higher Divine Consciousness. Practitioner Yogin feels a complete limitless connection with God.

If this chakra is the leading, such yogi accommodates wisdom and compassion, feeling the cause of human needs, understands the essence of the intentions driving by human actions. His wisdom and the power are indisputable and are not discussed.

In this chakra, the Lord Shiva himself is found with Divine Shakti. They merge in cosmic unity. From their merger, the divine nectar of Amrita is poured, inspiring and transforming the whole body. Enlightenment is in this chakra.

This is a white lotus, located in the middle of the Milk Ocean, the center of this lotus is the highest Ya. Thousands of petals of this lotus are located twenty levels of fifty petals in each. On each petal one letter Sanskrit, they all form a ring of letters, called Pancha-Chicha-Mala. In the airlock of this lotus there is a lunar area - Chandra-mandala, pouring into peach light. Arriving a glowing triangle within which the emptiness is the abode of transcendental bliss.

Influence of chakras on the physical body

If the chakras are closed, there is little energy in them or, on the contrary, it is too much, a person has problems not only with health, but also in life.

As you already understood, most of the healthy oriental practices are used to restore the chakras, balancing vital energy In the body, the disclosure of it for energy and its conservation in it. The Chinese call this energy Qi, Hindus Prana.
When Qi proceeds freely, without stopping and not lost, but not bringing excessive to organ-man health!

This is the basis for the treatment of many physical diseases, as well as a way to change the consciousness, human life in best side, the way to discover the incredible energy potential.

Impact on chakras go through physical exercises (yoga, qigong, and other healing techniques), through meditation by words, mantras, imagination, prayer.

Many people do not even know about the existence of Chakras. But the fact that we do not see them - does not mean that they are not. Each individual owns an individual energy inherent only to him. Only independently can determine the level of energies.

No one can definitely answer the question if there are chakras. However, those who are engaged in the spiritual development of the personality affirmatively answer this question.

The meaning of the word "chakra"

Chakra is a kind of center in which energy channels intersect. They are distributed along the spinal line. At the same time, each is located at a certain point.

So that you can function and conjugate the world around it, we use our energy. In order to replenish energy, some channels are used, otherwise sources. Human chakras absorb energy, and can also skip it through yourself and give. They allow us to be filled with strength and feel in a certain way.

A lot depends on the degree of disclosure. All chakras are disclosed as much as the features are currently using the individual. However, their disclosure can and need to help. Chakras of man are extremely important for its activities. It is important to comply with the balance, and then their significance will be great for harmonious personality development. The value of the Chakra often goes to the background, but this is an extremely wrong solution. Knowledge and proper handling of them helps to customize the body on the desired wave of health, love and harmony with the world and with you.

Energy chakras in the human body and their location

Each of us has chakras. If someone does not believe in their existence - this does not mean that they are not at all. The one who is engaged in spiritual practice understands that their disclosure depends only on him. They need to help. The potential of their work and the impact on all organism systems depends on this. The work of the Chakra depends not only on its efforts, but also from external conditions. It may be stress, illness and other obstacles.

The location of the Chakre does not depend on people. It is individually, however, it is ordered. Each of us is seven.

  • Molandhara.
  • Svadchistan.
  • Manipura.
  • Anahata
  • Vishudha.
  • Ajna.
  • Sakhasrara.

The location of the Chakra on the human body is due to the place of intertwing of energy channels. Each of them perceives energy in its own way, being in a certain sensitive point. They are divided into the upper and lower. The highest chakra is located on the head, namely on the pattern. It bears the possibility of the feeling of energy. In the event that it is closed, unity is not felt with the world, the feeling of closedness and worthlessness comes.

Age when the functioning of the chakra begins

Each of them begins its activities at a certain age. Energy flows open at the same time. Each channel needs its time interval for disclosure from birth.

  • Molandhara. Begins its work from about 7 years.
  • Svadzhistan. From 14 years old.
  • Manipura. From 21 years old.
  • Anahata.s 28 years.

Energy and vibrations are disclosed gradually. If they help them disclose, their work and impact on the body will be the most positive as possible.

Chakra properties

The literal translation of the word chakra is "Circle". However, in comparison, they are more like a flower. It can be compressed in a bud, and can be opened. Their destination is revealed and strong. In this case, the individual will feel healthy and harmonious.

Each of them has certain properties. They are some energy centers in the body through which informational and energy flows are missing. Through them, the individual not only accepts and gives energy, but also communicates with the world and reality.

Chakras can be in two border states.

  • Absorb.
  • Allocate

These phases are constantly alternate. However, both are important for the existence of an energy field of each person.

Views and description of chakras

Since the chakras are some energy centers on the body, they can be divided into species. Each of them interacts in a certain way with electromagnetic field Earth and fills the energy. After saturation, the energy is distributed over the body and on the channels.

The first chakra is called Molandhara or otherwise Kundalini. Responsible for health, as well as for instincts, basics of survival, vital tone, self-preservation. Regulates the work of the legs, perineum, the ability to conceive. Located at the very end of the spinal column.

If the individual has a strong health, harmoniously develops and feels well - means that Molandhara is well disclosed and the most positively performs its work. If blocked - fatigue, depression, voltage is constantly present. At the same time, problems with legs, joints and genitals are possible.

The second chakra - Svadchistan. It is also called "sacral" because it is responsible for emotional condition, feelings, feelings. Svadkhistan is located just below the navel. Namely, 5 cm below it. It is also responsible for physical sensations, beauty, physical appeal, sexuality.

With harmonious work, it feels sexuality, relationships are well added to the opposite sex, and power and confidence feel. With incorrect work manifests itself low self-esteem and permanent feeling guilt. There may also pursue the diseases of the reproductive system and the presence of bad habits.

The energy of the Swadhistan chakras is drilled by the energy of the chakra of Molandhara. Therefore, Svadchistan has a greater potential. Creating it carries its roots from the continuation of the kind, from the desire and desection.

Third chakra - manipura. The name "Vital Chakra". It is located in the rib area. Responsible for individuality, self-consciousness, egocentrism, courage, dedication. In the case of harmonious development, it has a feeling of self-control, a full-fledged life, a constant aspiration for the improvement of personality, to personal growth. If it works incorrectly, aggression is manifested, dissatisfaction with life, as well as excessive power, workolism, desire to force and subjugate other people.

The fourth chakra is anakha. Otherwise, "cardiac". It is located between the breasts. Responsible for love relationship, harmony, joy, sympathy, compassion, gratitude. Her harmonious development allows you to feel freedom, love, care for loved ones, sociability, well-being. In case of closure, apathy, pity for my own personality, poor interests, some diseases.

Everyone needs to strive to uncover anakhat, since it is basic in harmonious development of the personality. Energy is perceived very gratefully and is distributed over the body with sufficient speed. A man with a developed Chakra Anahat is caring and loving.

Fifth chakra - Vishudha. Otherwise, "throat." She is responsible for creative skills, oratorical abilities. And also for the work of the respiratory organs and voice ligaments. In case of harmonious development, the individual will feel like a leader, it will be easily convinced of people will be open and sociable. In the event that it is not developed or closed, no one is felt, despondency, problems with self-expression appear, as well as uncertainty in the statement of their opinion.

It is also called a chakra of creativity, because it is responsible for creative development Personality. Among people with harmonious Vishudha are often found geniuses. The disclosure of it means the achievement of the highest point spiritual development.

Sixth Chakra - Ajna. Otherwise, it is called the chakra of the third eye. Is responsible for intuition wise solutions and awareness of our own being. Located at the point of the so-called "third eye", in the middle of the forehead. No in vain people for a long time They sought to find the "third eye". In the case of harmonious development, the individual has excellent intuition, it delicately feels the emotions and feelings of other people, can empathize and seeks to help others. In the case of closed chakras, headaches will be felt. Insomnia is also possible, problems with communication, increased anxiety.

The seventh chakra is called Sakhasrara. Located in the field area on the head. This is the upper chakra and is responsible for contacting the divine, with space, with the disclosure of its spiritual potential. And also it has a significant impact on the work of the brain.

In case of successful development, there is a connection with God, with other people, with the world around. If the chakra is blocked, he feels unnecessary, worthless and lost. In the case of consciousness, it can be a god-like creature.

Molandhara makes you survive

Our body is priceless for each of us. The person is designed by nature so that she tries to instinctively preserve his body and protects it from all kinds of trouble and diseases. Molandhara collects all natural human instincts and primitive skills. This is an instinct of self-preservation, the ability to dress, hide from the rain and bad weather, ways to protect. In addition, this chakra is responsible for the basic reproduction needs.

Mulladhara is considered the root, since it is most related to the Earth and the satisfaction of basic needs. In case Molandhara is well developed, you can have a connection with the Earth. The individual will feel the energy of the locality, drink to it and charge in certain places.

Ways to determine whether the chakra is harmonious.

  • With constant sensation of danger there is a chakra imbalance.
  • With loss of place of residence, lack of drinking and food, a person cannot think about anything else. This means that Molandhara will be non-harmonic.
  • Muladhara makes a person think only about basic needs. In case they are executed - this chakra will be balanced.

Muladhara makes a person take care of his primary needs, to fulfill them and comply with at least minimal rules for ensuring their safety, herbal overhead and feed. This is a basic chakra, without harmony of which a person will not think about other needs, such as spiritual development, personal growth and others.

Svadkhishthan teaches pleasure

Svaadhishthana is the second chakra. She is responsible for the desire of a person to be loved, attractive. Responsible for feelings owned by a person. It may be in equilibrium only if the Mulaphara is balanced. Since the hungry will not think about the soul, no about love. He will only look for me for food and try to satisfy its basic needs.

Svadkhishthana can easily lose their balance, if you constantly look for new pleasures, be insatiable in love, and also strive to move the borders from love to lust.

It is necessary to take it very carefully, because it is also necessary to be able to manage pleasures. With the harmony of Svadhishthana, the individual feels satisfied with any process, whether it is cooking, bothering it, or a sense of a partner with sexual contact.

Manipura gives power

Manipura - Third Chakra. It is responsible for the power of will, morality, composure and exposure of man. Responsible for the adoption by the individual decisions. It is very easy to distinguish the disharmonious development of this chakra. If it is not possible to give a clear answer to the question, or not be able to refuse, it means that the manipura in the imbalance.

Well-developed manipoura helps to be protected from negative influence external world. Being protected by this chakra feels self-confidence. Negatively affects her constant chase for adrenaline. People who seek to get on new tops, jump with a parachute, climb into the roof, in general, those who are looking for and trying to get an adrenaline emission, negatively affects their third chakra.


Anger very often enters our lives. He carries an imbalance not only physical health man, but also his spiritual personality. Permanent feeling of helplessness manages a person and causes a storm of negative emotions in it. It is necessary to look for balance in yourself and look for balance, as it is very important for the harmonious development of the person.

Anahata will ask you to love

Anahata - Cardiac Chakra. Responsible for the ability to love, on a feeling of harmony and unity with the outside world and with me. Provided if you can find a balance, you can gain harmony in the spiritual and material spheres of life.

Love is limitless, it does not require recoil and contemplation. Love allows you to merge from the universe and getting all the most valuable and good from it. Harmonious anahat allows you to be happy and teaches to rejoice even to small things.


When you feel love and consider it the highest value, you put at the head of the corner, the world becomes light and favorable. No need to look for protection and shelter, there will be no closure and despondency. The open chakra of love helps to find peace in any conditions. Love helps to be yourself, to be independent and be able to give.

Sentimental people did not reveal their anahata. They must look for the balance and balancing their chakra of love. These people are not protected from an imbalance, they should learn to disclose their chakra in order to avoid many heart problems.

When a person gets in his life some tests in feelings, relationships, it is endowed with the ability to balance his green chakra. The one that turns the attempts of love to the primary needs is to act on the permanent search for truth in this direction.

Vishuddha says create

Vishuddha - blue. She is responsible for creative abilities. People who can disclose creativity in any circumstances have a harmonious chakra. Stagnation of energy in this area carries anxiety, anxiety and anger.

When you get insight, you get a stream of creative energy. It should be sent to the right direction, then the chakra of the universe will help him gain a balance and peace.

Creativity is always with us. It is worth letting it into our lives. All that a person sees and hears in his head, can be realized through creativity. Thus, the Vishuddha will balancing. Space illuminates a person and gives it the ability to creatively think, generate new ideas and incarnate them.


Each individual should listen to the call of his heart. You should not induce the instructions and advice of friends and relatives, if the inner voice is categorically against this. It often happens that parents make a child enter a medical university when he dreams of being an artist. In such a case, the chakra of creativity will be destroyed and introduce a person to delusion, thereby causing an imbalance in all its systems.

It should not be obeyed by sanity and guided only by reason. Often, our intuition suggests how to do it right, the main thing is to correctly recognize its influence. The universe will never leave a man in trouble, she directs him on right way, pointing it to signs.

Ajna knows that there is magic

Ajna works with spiritual will. She claims her at the level of being. The main task is to make a person believe in higher strength. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it may turn out a completely reverse result. All our desires are implemented precisely thanks to Ajna. She directs our energy to the right direction and transforms it into mentality.

Programs that people themselves put are not always positive. We often configure yourself against yourself the same. We put our goals, but we do not see their achievements, thereby provoking Ajna to close.

Absolutely unconsciously there is a vision using the "third eye". Everyone uses them, but not all realize it. Having reached the vision through the "third eye", you can influence real events. Therefore, you need to carefully treat your desires and dreams.

Sakhasrara - Pure Spirituality

Movement to enlightenment should be gradual. People who have undergone new knowledge too quickly, revealed their energy, often fall into psychiatric hospitals. Everything has its time. It is necessary to listen to the inner voice, follow its intuition.

When perfection is achieved and the seventh chakra reveals, a person hears God within himself, he lets him in his mind, in his actions and thoughts. He combines with him. Before reaching the development of Sakhasrara, it is necessary to balance all previous chakras. It is considered crown. Without it, it will not work full harmony.

All decision we adopted affect our fate. Therefore, for the development and balance, you need to do not only meditate and spiritual practices, but also to force yourself to control the processes occurring in life, to be able to properly organize in space and time, to be in harmony with you and the outside world.

How to understand that chakras are closed

Most people who do not practice meditating and the right approach to understanding certain things, energy channels are in a closed state. It is necessary to own certain skills to recognize whether it is closed at the moment. Not all people own these knowledge.

People fully immersed in their problems firmly tighten the nodes. Channels are closed and it becomes more difficult to open them. Every year, with each incorrect adopted decisionThe person more and more complicates itself the process of disclosing his channels.

Closed Chakra Molandhara

Muladhara is closed both in women and men. In our body, it is at the crotch level. Therefore, people suffering from diseases of the reproductive system, urinary and disease, often have a closed Molandhara.

If a person feels straight, strong, full of vital energy and tone, most likely, its lower chakra is open and harmonious.

Closed Chakra Svadhistan

People who feel desirable, loved ones who can enjoy and give it to their partner, have a developed Swadhistan.

Those who experience a permanent need for copulation, on the verge of reality, who cannot control their sexual fantasies and often binds them with reality, as well as those who feel sexually defective, unequivocally have a closed Swadhistan.

Closed chakra manipura

Manipura is located at the level of solar plexus. One who knows the desire well and represents how to achieve their goals, often has a harmonious manipura. When it is disclosed, a person feels like a full-fledged member of society, can take independent solutions And controls its emotions.

Closed Chakra Anahata

Cardiac anahat is responsible for love. If a person loves his friends, relatives, feels a spiritual connection with them, and is also ready to put up with the lack of others, most likely has a harmonious anahata. Otherwise, it will not be able to take another person as it is, it will strive to correct the shortcomings of others, despite their own, insult and offend their loved ones.

Closed Chakra Vishudha

Head Vishudha responds not only for speaking abilities, but also for the ability to properly serve his thoughts and express their words. If a person knows how to put and achieve the goals, easily controls the processes to achieve harmony and happiness, it has an open Vishudha. Otherwise, when he lost the ability to perform their tasks, he feels closed, does not want to communicate with anyone, it has closed channels.

Closed Chakra Ajna

Ajna is at the "third eye" level. She calls for a person to reveal his creative potential, becoming the one who is in fact it is. Ajna helps to put and achieve realistic goals. In the event that a person is ready to take validity and copes with questions and tasks of the Universe, its Ajna is disclosed. Otherwise, he will not be able to fully manage his will, will increasingly obey the desires of other people, will not be able to answer the affirmative "no".

Closed Chakra Sakhasrara

The corona Sakhasrara is on the people of the person, otherwise, on the painter. In case of feeling a single whole since the universe, with God, with the world, a person has a revealed Sakhasrara. This is the highest connection with all divine. Knowledge is not given to everyone. For its disclosure, it is necessary to satisfy all your needs for the disclosure of other chakras.

Working with chakras for lazy

It is easy enough to activate your energy. For this, it is not necessary to deal with long and serious spiritual practices. It is worth only to make a little effort. It is necessary to surround yourself with symbolic objects, believe in their ability to influence reality.

This technique is ideal for those who do not like to strain themselves with difficult tasks. Each person is able to absorb energy not only from cosmic, but even from items.


To open the channel that seems most closed and in the imbalance, it is necessary to wear things that match the color with the same chakra. Also for the study of meditations you can cook things in the color of it.


In the apartment you can arrange objects associated with chakras. So, for example, for the disclosure of cardiac, steam figurines, images with hearts, symbols of love and harmony with the world are perfectly suitable. It can be paintings, figurines, sculptures, even a kitchen inventory. The main thing is faith in their work.


Each chakra has its own symbolic stone. It coincides with it in color scheme and has similar energy.

  • Molandhara - Jasper.
  • Svadchistan - Chermanic.
  • Manipura - Tiger Eye.
  • Anahata - Malachite.
  • Vishudha - Aquamarine.
  • Ajna - Amethyst.
  • Sakhasrara - Mountain Crystal.

If physical body Refuses to take a stone, means that this center works unsatisfactory and should be disclosed.

Sacred images

It can be pictures on the body of henna, some characters and images of animals or other patterns. They allow you to tune in to the desired way, harmonize a person in its direction. You can draw them both independently and professionals or just ask for acquaintances. There are stencils for applying such drawings. Professionals can draw it from hand, they own proper technicians and knowledge about the best arrangement of such images.


Proper nutrition contributes to the disclosure and harmonization of human chakras. Ideal for our chakras adhere to vegetarian food, as it does not block the energy channels of excessive animal energy.


To achieve an ideal equilibrium state, it is best to use special candles or aromatic sticks. The human living space is filled with aroma, and with him and positive energy that he carries. Each channel is best revealed thanks to a certain type of fragrance.

In other words, a person can use a certain fragrance to strengthen its energy.


This attribute also applies to interior objects, and to aromatherapy, but the candles used to disclose the Chakras are often taken out into a separate category. They have not only fragrance, but also a fire that also carries a certain energy.

The flame fills the house and the soul of the person with the feeling of freedom, harmony and well-being. It also positively affects well-being and globility.


Music instantly helps tune in to the desired way. Often, meditation includes relaxing music, or nature music. It can be monotonous music, classic, or simply rain sounds, waterfall noise, foliage rustling and other sounds.

Mantras created by monks also help a person to enter the trance. During singing, the monks often use tambourine, ritual shamanic bowls and other attributes that create a specific sound that helps enter the meditative state.

Opening chakras with meditation and practices

Work on disclosure can be made using different techniques. Most people use meditations and spiritual practices. These include pranayama. They allow you to disclose everything energy centers in turn or together. Meditations do not require special skills, however, with basic concepts it will be necessary to meet.

Meditation for chakras should be carried out in a quiet and relaxing atmosphere. You can include a quiet relaxing monotonous music that allows a person to quickly enter the transit state. It is also desirable to surround yourself with incense, they have a favorable to work with chakras.

How to open chakras yourself with pranayam

It can be opened both independently and with professional support. At home a person can perform special breathing exercisespracticing yogams. These exercises make it possible to achieve perfect possession of their body. The most popular and simple- square pranium. Sitting in the lotus position and following special breathing exercises.

The sensations may be different, but usually they converge to certain reactions. If these reactions undergo changes, then meditation is carried out correctly. Usually these sensations in each energy center are reduced to a feeling of heat and pleasant ripples. If these sensations come, it means that work with chakras is carried out correctly.

Opening chakras using Yant

Yantra is a special geometric symbol. They help to open chakram. Yantras are used by practitioners in meditations.

Yantra can be easily found on sale or even on the Internet. They can be printed in good quality and they will help configure meditation. And you can simply open on your phone or tablet and enjoy their image for some time.

Well combined yantras with respiratory gymnastics. Yantra helps not only get rid of problems and blocks in our body, but also positively affects certain energy points.

Each Yantra affects a certain area. But there is a single universal Yantra, which allows you to work with all energy channels. It is called Sri Yantra. The image uses all the colors of the human chakra. Contemplating Sri Yantru, a person helps to improve and harmonize the work of all his chakras.

How to reveal chakras work on yourself

It is not necessary to spend hours for meditation and contemplate yantras. You can strengthen work on yourself, in which case its chakras will work more harmoniously.

Each chakra should be worked out not one day. Usually go to work on one chakra is about seven days. It follows from the bottom - Molandhara. It should be carefully listened to himself and its feelings.

Our thoughts are material, and this means that we should pay much attention to thoughts. No need to block positive energy, and with a negative it is best to fight or bypass the side.

How to unlock chakras meditation

The most basic and simple method of unlocking energy channels is meditation. To learn to meditate correctly, it is not necessary to take lessons from well-known practitioners. It is enough to penetrate the very idea of \u200b\u200bmeditation, then everything will be held in the desired key.

First of all, it is necessary to learn to relax correctly and disconnect your consciousness from thoughts. This is the main condition, without which meditation will not be considered passed.

Each person constantly leads to himself mentally a discussion. We are discussing, ask yourself questions, answer them. Of course, no one hears it, but it happens constantly in our head. When meditating, it is necessary to completely disable your thoughts. Leave them for all time meditation. Fully turn off your consciousness and tune in to the desired wave.

When meditations, you need to learn to visualize your desires. It is very important, since our thoughts are materialized precisely by visualization.

When there is a desire to eliminate any problem, a person should send a stream of positive energy into the chakra, which is responsible for a particular problem. If the energy of a person is missing, it should be obtained from somewhere. It can be found in beautiful interior items, flavors, nature, communication with loved ones. A believer can get a sufficient amount of energy in the church.

Some practitioners people mentally communicate with their chakras, thereby allowing them to reveal. This is quite common and effective practice. Avoid denials and negative words.

Asana for opening chakras

One who has been doing yoga for a long time knows what Asana is. But for beginners, this word is unknown. Asana is a certain position in yoga. There are universal asians, but there are also asans that correspond to the disclosure of all seven chakras.

When performing such Asan, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules. You always need to start with the bottom chakra. Next climb up.

Of course, for the disclosure of the chakra, it is not necessary to perform these seven Asan. You can combine and combine them with universal asanas. The main thing is to strictly follow the rules and during the execution of the exercise release the negative.

Cleaning chakras Alone: \u200b\u200ba selection of methods

Professionals are engaged in direct cleaning hands. They know certain techniques, with which it is impossible to harm. But every person can try to independently clean the chakras.

When cleaning with your hands, you need to send hands to the area of \u200b\u200bthe blocked chakras and then mentally collect the negative, throwing it into the ground.

You can clean the channels and with runes. This method is much easier cleaning Hands because it does not require practical skills. There is a special, so-called, ruffy becoming. With it, you can clean.

Becoming can be glued to the required region with adhesive plane or adhesive tape. You can draw it on the body with a handle or henna.

If the chakras are badly blocked, then when applying the runes, a person will feel unpleasant sensations. Next, after purification, well-being will improve significantly.

Chakra Restoration

Restoring each channel must if a person feels that it is blocked or works disharmoniously. It is necessary to relax, tune in to the correct breathing and positive thought flow. It is mentally that the body is surrounded by a kind of cocoon or egg having two excavations from above and below.

Present a mental beam, which is included in your cocoon and penetrating the body through the legs below. Feel warm in every chakra.

The energy of this beam will rise up, giving the heat of each chakra to the top. Energy should not meet on its way obstacles. It should spread through the body, warming all its organs. All negative will be washed away with this healing beam.

How to use chakras in everyday life

Each chakra has a certain impact on the work of human systems. They are responsible for the work of the internal organs, and for the spiritual state of a person. It should be remembered that it is necessary to work with chakras, starting from the bottom - Molandhara. Gradually moving up, reaching up to the top - Sakhasrara.

In everyday life, the chakras are very important for people. They help feel confident, full of strength and healthy. If they are not visible - this does not mean that they do not exist. Not many think about the fact that with chakras you need to work. But this is true. It is necessary to harmonize the work of their chakras, in which case the body and the soul will answer only positive emotions.

Figure 1. Human chakras their value, disclosure, cleaning and location

You thought about what the chakras of a person are, why are they needed, where are they and how to clean them? Let's deal with a simple language.

I think that the article should begin with the question of whether there are human chakras? After all, we do not see them and most people do not feel them. So, there is reason to believe that they do not exist?

Definitely no. There are a lot of such things in the world that a person to with regret (although there is no, here it will fit fortunately) does not see and does not feel. These include not only some kind of mystical things, but even simple radio waves, the existence of which today no one disperses.

If you return to about 500 years ago and tell about today's technologies, then it would most likely plunge people in shock. Someone would call you crazy, someone would simply never believed. For example, take the phone. Today we can talk on the phone and do not even think about how it happens. But before it was something impossible. How? How can you conduct a dialogue on any distance at any distance?

For some people, human chakras represent something on the phone's semblance for our distant ancestors. I hope that the time will come and people realize that the chakras really exist. Let we not see them, but this does not mean that they are not.

Each of us has its own energy. And no one knows your energy better than you yourself. We cannot unambiguously say: "Chakras really exist", however, this term determines the inner sensations of many people who engaged in spiritual development. For them, chakras exist. Why would a simple person who does not engage in spiritual growth, deny their existence?

What is chakras?

Chakras are psycho-energy centers of a person who represent the place of intersection of the channels, according to which human vital energy flows. Also they are called rotating rebounds of energies passing along our spine.

As you should already be known from a person's energy article to exist and interact with the world around us, we need energy. As stated in the above article, one of is the food. It helps us resume fabrics and "build" our body. But this is clearly not enough. There is an opinion that we receive only 20% of energy for existence. Where to take the rest of 80%?

We will throw some others and immediately say that it is the chakras that help a person to absorb the energy from the outside world necessary for the body.

Chakras can remind us the receiver and the transmitter of the energy that surrounds us. They work with an electromagnetic field and turn it into energy that fills us with vitality.

We are surrounded by chaos of various energy. Thanks to the chakram, a person gets from this chaos what he needed. As far as these chakras are revealed, you can get so much energy. In addition, how to get, chakras are also designed and give energy into the energy world around us.

If we speak a simpler language, then with the help of the chakra, the man "eats" energy from the environment and gets rid of unnecessary. Unnecessary human energy can be used for other purposes. For example, it absorbs animals, plants and objects that have an extremely low vitality rate (surrounding items). In addition, the energy that comes out of the chakre of one person can move to another.

Understanding the work of chakras can be an indispensable tool for you in the knowledge of your inner world. Realizing the chakras system, you can easily cope with the problems that arise in your life.

Human chakras their meaning

Do you need them at all? What is the value of the chakra of a person? Let's start with the fact that if a person had ceased to work all the chakras at the same time, he would die. After all, human chakras are energy centers, and their meaning is quite obvious. Without energy, a person will not be able to live.

For bad work One or more chakras, a man feels a shortage of anything in his life (hereinafter, we will consider for what each of the chakras is responsible).

Full and harmonious work of all chakras brings a man a great pleasure in life. Life becomes complete, saturated and joyful.

Chakras on the human body

Some of you may wonder: "Is there any chakra on my body?" Or "Do I have all the chakras?". Definitely yes. Chakras on the body of a person are present absolutely from everyone. The difference consists only of how they function. Even a concrete person, they can work differently, depending on the period of life.

Some people were lucky to see chakras (or this happened due to long workouts). They describe them as shining vortices in the form of circles that are concentrated at the point on the human body. The faster this whirlwind works, the more energy can "process".

How Chakras work

In total, man has seven chakras. Each of the chakra works in its frequency range.

Figure 2. Frequency spectrum. As can be seen, the colors of the spectrum correspond to the colors of the chakra

We will not deepen into how a person transfers energy and information with the help of Chakras, but only let's say that this happens with the help of electro-magnetic waves. For a more detailed consideration of this issue, it is necessary to contact one of the sections of physics, namely electro-magnetic fields and waves.

As we have said, chakras can carry both energy and information. The lower chakras (1-3) operate mainly with energy, and the upper (6 and 7) more with information. The average chakras are a certain balance between energy and information.

As you already know, the chakras are designed both for absorption and for the output of energy. It follows from this that they can be in one of these states, but not at the same time, but alternating.

What are the chakras responsible for

Each chakra is responsible for its aspect of life. In one book I was caught good example about that. Imagine that our spine is an elevator, and chakras on our body are floors. Lifting up the lower chakra up, we can observe life in a more beautiful presentation. Agree that the view from the first floor is more boring than from the seventh.

Chakras are responsible for ensuring that your life has been filled with energy. And this, in turn, defines the joy, health and well-being in life.

When restricting the work of one of the chakras, you can feel a painful condition, the decline of the forces, the feeling of discomfort. When blocking all chakras, physical death may occur.

The first chakra of Molandhara (root chakra)

Figure 3. The first chakra of Molandhara.

Color: red. Crystals: Ruby, grenade, obsidian. Location: The base of the spine.

The first chakra is called Moldhara (sometimes it is also called root chakra or lower chakra). She binds the body of a person with the ground. Chakra Molandhara is responsible for the fact that a person needs first to survive: food, water, heat, shelter, protection, clothing. The continuation of the kind also applies here.

In order for this chakra to be in a healthy condition, you need to find such a place in nature, where you would feel good. One people like mountains, other blooming gardens, someone like big canyons, and someone lake and forest. There are such people who feel good only in the city. In short, you need to communicate with nature that you like.

If a person cannot provide himself with essentials (food, water, housing, clothing, etc.), he will immediately feel the influence of the chakra of Muladhara. This person simply cannot concentrate anything else anything else. Including he will not be able to engage in other chakras. The solution to this problem is obvious: it is necessary to balance this desire for survival.

Schadhistan Chakra Second Chakra (Sexy Chakra / Sacral Chakra / Flat Chakra)

Figure 4. The second chakra of Svadchistan.

Color classification: Orange crystal: carnelian, amber location: pelvis area

Chakra Svadkhistan is responsible for how much you are satisfied in life. If the first chakra is limited to survival, then here you should enjoy some kind of process.

Svadchistan craves as much pleasure and pleasure as possible. You can easily get used to this way of life: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, etc. But you should not allow your second chakra to absorb all your energy.

The problem is that at the time of pleasure you "lose your head." All you need to do is be aware of every moment of pleasure. If you have noticed that you are not all good with the second chakra, but you will not be taken anything, then the search for pleasures in life will never end and will not lead to anything.

There is an easy way to find out that the Swadhistan chakra is not at a balanced state. Pay attention to your attractiveness. If you consider yourself from nature attractive and you do not need other methods to improve your appearance, then most likely you have everything in order with the second chakra. Also pay attention not to feeling jealousy and envy. They are signals to the wrong work of Svadkhistan and if you do not work well the first chakra, these feelings will be intensified.

Third chakra manipura (solar plexus)

Figure 5. Third chakra manipura.

Color: Yellow Crystal: Amber, Yellow Tourmaline, Citrine and Topaz. Location: Solar plexus

Chakra Manipura is responsible for the power and self-confidence, for self-control and self-discipline. One of the most important properties of this chakra is the ability to choose. She helps you to say "yes," when you agree, and "no" when they disagree with something.

Thanks to the good work of this chakra, you can not succumb to the influence of other people and act at your discretion, which gives us an important thing in life - freedom.

When we talked about the previous two chakras, they found out that for the first it would be enough just to survive in this world, for the second - enjoy, for the third it is important that the person constantly develops his discipline and self-control.

If the person is not equalized by the third chakra of the manipura, then energy conflicts can often occur in his life, in which it allegedly, it receives some part of life energy. Such a person can call the energy vampire. On the contrary, when we see that a person can concentrate and achieve the desired goal, and then take a break and enjoy the result, this is talking about a developed 3 chakra.

If a person is engaged in life not what he likes, then, most likely, you can see how the chakra of the manipura works incorrectly. After all, he obeys the will of another person and does not make something that requires his own heart.

Fourth Anahata Chakra (Cardiac Chakra)

Figure 6. Fourth Anahat Chakra.

Green colour. Crystal: Avenue, Pink Quartz. Location: Heart

The fourth chakra Anahat is responsible for being love in your life. Love in your heart is one of the most important goals in human life.

Chakra Anahata is the middle chakra on the human body, which separates the three lower chakras, from the three tops. This is the first energy center of a person who is directed not to personal energy, and attempting to erase the line between people in the world and feel the unity of nature.

The heart is the place that binds your ego and your spiritual life. In addition, according to some assumptions, it is also a place where the soul of man lives.

Are you ready to take care of other people without requiring anything from them? If so, then, most likely, you understand what love is.

If you sometimes come to the moments when you, feeling complete harmony, begin to make good actions, then this can be called the first awakening of the fourth chakra of love.

Causeing the state of harmony, joy, love to others, you thus attract more and more people who call such states.

If the fourth chakra is unbalanced, then you will be difficult to refuse to another person and you will begin to indulge the requirements of others that it will not always be better for you. You can pursue the feeling of guilt and shame, which cannot be attributed to positive feelings.

To move up to the level above from the third chakra, you will need a lot of time and effort. You will need to develop love for life and realize that the world is tripled as one whole.

Fifth Chakra Vishuddha (throat chakra)

Figure 7. Fifth Chakra Vishuddha.

Color: Heavenly Blue Crystal: Celegen, Aquamarine, Chrysoprase Location: Neck

The fifth chakra Vishuddha is responsible for your creative abilities. Each person laid a certain creative gift, talent. However, not all people open it for themselves and, accordingly, do not fully enjoy.

The developed and balanced Chakra Vishuddha allows a person to behave creatively. Classes with music, drawing, dancing becomes affordable thanks to this particular power center. Performing creative work, a person feels inspiration and joy from his occupation.

In addition, a person enjoys its fifth chakra at the time of solving any tasks. Sometimes the solution comes to your head spontaneously. Such moments are called insignia.

If the opening and normal functioning of the fifth center suggests that a person realized his uniqueness and uniqueness, comprehended his knowledge of the world around and led them to his truth, that is, the reverse side. The impassableness of the center can be noted when a person is deliberately trying to resist someone else's opinion. If someone makes a look at certain things, then such a person will definitely say: "No, you're not right. I'm right."

Also, the situation in which a person cannot express his opinion can speak about the violation of the work of the Chakra Vishuddha, because it believes that it is not correct or not interesting.

Sixth Chakra Ajna (Chakra Third Eye)

Figure 8. Sixth chakra Ajna.

Color: Blue Crystals: Fluoritis, Indigo Tourmaline Location: forehead, point over the bridge

The sixth chakra Ajna is responsible for your fantasy and imaginary world. Her awakening occurs when you strive to understand the secrets of the world and the meaning of life. Chakra Ajna is responsible for being inspired in your life and grace, which will allow you to get away from the reality of everyday life.

In order to put in order the sixth chakra, you will need creative discipline and spiritual maturity.

The right job of Chakra Ajna brings to your life harmony and pleasure. In addition, this chakra affects human intuition. Trusting her, you will notice that you no longer need to make efforts in order to accomplish something conceived in life. It may seem for you that all situations are adjusted for you and you appear at the right time in right place. To do this, you will have to go through a complex and painstaking path of work on yourself.

If you have lost or still did not find the meaning of life, then you should concentrate on the sixth chakre of Face. You can use runes or tarot cards to get answers. In life you will be given enough opportunities. The main thing is that you yourself want to use them.

The effect of "third eye" or distortion of reality can be obtained by alcohol and drugs. But this feeling will be false. However, these states show how the sixth chakra works.

Seventh Chakra Sakhasrara (corona chakra)

Figure 9. Seventh Chakra Sakhasrara.

Color classification: Purple or white crystal: transparent quartz location: top point head

The seventh chakra of Sakhasrara is responsible for compounds with the deity, disclosure of spiritual potential, insight. The author of one of the books about the chakras of a person suggested that people who are now in a psychiatric hospital come to this level of consciousness (not all of course). But they are not associated with lower chakras, so they can live in their reality, which differs from ours.

People who have completely passed the path of development from the lower chakras to the upper chakra Sakhasrara begin to live under the leadership of God, while drawing energy from an infinitely source.

Fully achieve the equilibrium level of the sixth chakra, people are not given. And if it is given, then only a little. However, sometimes a person can feel the short-term influence of this chakra. After such an influence, priorities and views on life are changing.

To live, realize and work on 7 Chakra means to live with faith and serve God. For most people, abandon the safety and most expensive in life is a huge sacrifice. But this is only at first glance. Reaching the consciousness of the highest chakra, you will get a lot more in life than had before it.

CHAKR location on human body

Figure 10. The location of the chakra on the example of the skeleton

Each chakra is a small rotating cone (with a diameter of about 3-5 centimeters)

Figure 11. Chakra has a view of a rotating cone

Colors chakra

All 7 chakras have a different color that corresponds to the colors of the rainbow (red orange yellow green blue blue purple).

Figure 12. Meditation Chakras

Working with chakras can pass through meditation. The main thing is that it should be understood here that a person can experience any of the seven chakras for a moment. But without meditation you will not be able to keep it for a moment. You need to gain a solid connection between all chakras, and this can help work with chakras in the form of meditation. Remember that just to know about chakras is not enough, they need to experience and feel.

The first thing you have to work with chakras is to develop the ability to feel them and realize the impact on your life.

To work with chakras you need a mental balance. Perhaps this is the most important requirement to begin to realize and move through the chakras system.


Chakras - human energy centers in the form of small cones that supply energy for humans and get rid of unnecessary. Chakras are extremely important for a person, because it is through them that we get the bulk of energy that in turn needed to us for existence.

Bad work of one of the chakras can lead to diseases and undesirable consequences for a person. Since the energy is primary, and the physical body is based on the similarity of the energy, with the help of the recovery of the chakra, you can treat various diseases.

Description of the main and expanded set of human chakras. Communication of diseases with them, table.

Everything around us is energy. Yes, and we ourselves are worn out of it. Therefore, the world is in a state of energy exchange every second.

It is believed that the chakra of a person is more than 80,000. Those who are interested in esoteric, know really about seven.

It so happened that this science attracted a lot of false teachers who confuse people with a sense, bothering them energetically. Then the recent things are not soldered, dreams are not realized, life as a whole passes without positive change.

Let's talk without immersion in the depths of esoteric on the topic of human chakra, their quantities, values.

What is chakras in humans: concept

human chakra icons and their color

Chakra translated from Sanskrit - Wheel. This is a nervous energy assembly located in a particular place of the body or outside it for generating energy.

A person has a central channel. And all chakras are located in the center of the body. That is, not on the spine, and not on the skin.

Most chakras paired. They radiate, that is, they are involved together, for example, Sakhasrara with Svadhisthankhan, Ajni with Mladjar, bones, knees and feet.

When you in the process of meditation do something on the upper chakras, there is a set to the bottom, and vice versa. Since the upper part of the human body personifies consciousness, and the bottom - the subconsciousness, it comes out that your desires / thoughts and there, and there are the same.

The main chakras of a person for beginners: location on the human body, value, color, for what is responsible

Picture with the inscription "Where are the chakras of a person?"

Different schools of yoga and esoteric knowledge are united that a person has 7 main chakras. There is differences in the accuracy of some of them.

Consider the interpretation that subjectively corresponds to reality.

  • Sakhasrara is located on the painter. Responsible for ideas.
  • Ajna is located in the center of the forehead. Responsible for the volitional potential.
  • Vishudha is a point in the middle of the neck. The Gorl Center is responsible for communication.
  • Anahata - Breast Center. Responsible for love for people.
  • Manipura is located on 2-3 fingers below the navel. Responsible for generic plans, relatives.
  • Svadhisthana is located in the center of Lobka. Sexy chakra.
  • Molandhara - Point on Copchik. Responsible for survival, physical strength, foot fortress.

Figure below the listing of the main chakras of a person with the designation of their color and description.

Table with a description of the location of the chakra of a person, their colors

All 40 human chakras: location on the human body, value, for what is responsible

Scheme of the human body and head with the designation of the location of more than 30 chakras

In fact, the number of chakras in humans exceeds 40. However, different schools and approaches give a little excellent knowledge in this matter. Some focus on the upper chakras, others - partly complement the well-known seven.

Read more about chakras with their names and descriptions below.

  • Zorya Chakra.
    It is located at the top and bottom of the body - on 4 fingers above the head, just below the middle of the hips.
    Dead go up, and the living go down through this point.
  • Chakra settings on stones, other planets, asteroids. It is double, has a similar point on the legs.
  • Chakra connect to mushrooms, mkham, lichens, their disputes. Double chakra, the second is located on the legs.
  • Chakra connect to the world of insects. Reflection and on the legs.
  • Dinkel Chakra also has a reflection in the middle of the thigh.
    It is on finger above brahmola.
    It turns on through a mixture with mercury, dinosaurs, reptiles. It is responsible for the resonant work of both hemispheres of the brain on the sun-galactic frequency.
  • Chakra for connecting to migratory birds.
  • Brahmil.
    Located 4 fingers above Sakhasrara.
    When this chakra is very developed, the structure of a human skull is changing. It forms a bump, bone outgrowth. A number of nations recognize a person with a similar feature on the head of the "holy".
  • Sahasrara, or a thousand-depleted lotus.
    Her place on the theme.
    It turns on by concentrating on Brahmola or after the complete shutdown of the lower consciousness.
    Responsible for the development of super-assessment, the ability to penetrate and get into space worlds.
  • Protondonade.
    Located on the finger below the previous chakra. This includes a soul. Chakra is tightly connected with umbilical umbilical.
    Considering to tune in to your first one, to return to the pure source of its origin, the person is able to adjust the flawed years of the years, as well as become a long-liver.
  • Tsarycha.
    The level of the head of the forehead, where the hair begins - the point of its location.
    Balans the work of both hemispheres of the brain. Responsible for social power, the will of the system.
    The esotericity of the chakra lies in the fact that people working with her consider themselves to be "lords of the world."
  • Ajna.
    Place of position - Center of the forehead. She creates a personal swollen mental, which a person enjoys in an ordinary life to realize his destination, develop his karma.
  • Misery.
    Located between eyebrows. Includes animal mode, human combat potential.
    Enhances the radiation of the Ajna Center, as well as physical strength, if a person knows how to connect to the egregor of his individual totem animal, bacteria.
  • Ebiges.
    Located at eye level. This is the point of physical birth and death of a person.
    Responsible for personal destiny, karma.
  • The middle of the nose is a connection to lizards, pecketers, dinosales, snakes, turtles.
    Need to treat diseases, for example, varicose extension veins.
  • Nose tip - plug to Neanderthal plan. Especially brightly works in the winds of alcoholics.
  • Amber Plan is a jaw zone, mouth.
    Controlled by the Neanderthal Plan.
  • Karma Chakra.
    The place is its location - in the oral cavity between the tongue and nab. Responsible for physiology, health.
    This point binds mental with Astral.
  • Azhvira.
    It is in the middle at the top of the neck. Related to Venus. This includes viruses.
    Powerfully works in stressful situations. Responsible for acts of spontaneous unconscious thinking. S. own sinks man with people with people.
  • Vishudha.
    Located in the center of the neck. Harmonizes the work of the Astra and Mental, if a person can activate it correctly.
  • Selma.
    The point is at the level of the clavish excavation, at the base of the neck.
    It feeds the energy from the first time, if a person knows how to enable it consciously.
  • Zvertra, or thymus, or animata animat.
    It is located in the immune system of man, his love for animals, dead ancestors. Responsible for the health, human resource.
  • 2 chakras - one over the heart, the second is symmetrically on the right. They are responsible for love for the animal world.
  • Right astral heart.
  • Anahata is located in the center of the chest.
    Responsible for love for people concrete person, normal work Hearts.
    Reveals with relaxation, making the right to live all living beings.
  • Suridian.
    Located in the center of solar plexus. This is a person's personal astral, his egregor.
  • 2 Chakras One under the Head, the second symmetrically right - responsible for the love of birds flying to the world.
  • Astrapore - a point between the solar plexus and the navel.
    Responsible for the connection to the first positions.
  • Manipura is on 2-3 fingers below the navel.
    Responsible for contact with the family, father and mother.
  • Svadhisthana - point in the center of the pubis.
    This is the sexy center of man.
  • Molandhara is located at the level of the tailbone.
    Responsible for survival, physical force.
  • Linghanha is slightly higher than the middle of the hip. Commonxual chakra of all mankind.
  • Chakra at the level of the middle of the hips is connections to the general speculating reptile energy.
  • Ham-chakra is located at the knee level.
    Responsible for the volitional potential, the resilience.
  • Radjeja is at the level of ankle.
    Responsible for an unidentified creative stream.
  • Chakra at the stop level is responsible for the connection to the Earth's kernel.

Location and title of human chakras in different schools, Example 1

Location and names of human chakras in different schools, example 2

Location and names of human chakras in different schools, example 3

Location and name of human chakras in different schools, Example 4

Chakras and Diseases: Table

Anatomical human body diagram with the designation of chakras and zones of their influence on internal organs

Ideally, all chakras in humans should work harmoniously. However B. real life Practically each of us has breakdowns and deviations.

Understanding the connection with the internal organs and the chakras areas, you can assume the causes of certain diseases in yourself, close.

Below add a table for clarity.

Two tables of interconnection of diseases with human chakras

Chakra Interaction Men and Women

Male and Women's Interaction Scheme at the level of their chakras

Most esoteric and sites with similar subjects argue that chakras in men and women work in different ways:

  • rotate in different directions
  • have a big or smaller force, energy
  • alone give energy, and others only take

Thanks to this order of things form harmonious relations between man and woman. Thus, the second feeds the first sexual energy and cardiac, and the first second - from the other chakras.

  • Note that the chakras in the form of disks work in holy personalities. In the rest - they are more like balls of different diameters.
  • The second point - ideally, all chakras should work without binding to sexual sign.
  • The third - when docking, a man and women should work on each other all the chakras in the ideal case.
    At a minimum - sexual, cardiac and ajun.
    Although there are pairs and docking only one chakra. Then they either shortly together, or become on the path of development in a pair.

Physical sense of chakra

The girl meditates on the shore of the reservoir to feel his chakras

To feel the chakras at the body physics level, consider a number of source parameters:

  • degree of ownership of the body
  • recognition level of its signals
  • the state of your health
  • muscular tone
  • body cleanliness, in other words no slags

Concentrating on one or another chakra you can feel:

  • pressure
  • cold
  • heat
  • mural
  • numbness
  • pulsation
  • vibration

Frequent cases when a person feels his nervous knots brighter or weaker.

Sometimes instead of the location point of a particular chakra, the person pulls away either straight / backward, up / down. This testifies to the skews in the movement of energies, the occurrence of diseases in the future.

So, we got acquainted with the basic chakles of a person, their characteristics and zones of influence on the work of the internal organs. And also briefly reviewed the extended list of chakras. Detected nuances of interaction of nerve knots in a pair between a man and a woman. I got acquainted with the physical sensations of the chakra in the body.

Believe in all this or not - to solve you. Always use the logic and critical assessment of information about esoteric knowledge. So you save your energy and calm of loved ones.

Video: 40 chakras of man - where are they located and how to work with them?