If you don't like the job. I don't like the new job. Causes of bad mood

All of us after receiving secondary, general, special or higher education we begin to earn money somewhere. Someone works in their specialty, someone is constantly changing their place of work, someone is trying to develop their own business, etc. But very often many people face such a problem: they do not like their work, are tired or even annoyed. And then they are confused. Labor productivity drops, every day it becomes unbearable to come to work and perform the same actions.

Dislike of one's own work is familiar to many people.

This problem arises among workers different spheres more often. But few people manage to solve it. To a large extent, this is due to the fear of leaving the comfort zone, with the fear of change and lack of confidence in oneself and one's strengths. This article will show you what to do if you don't like your job.

How to solve the problem

Perhaps someday, performing the same duties, staying up late at the workplace, constantly tired of routine tasks, you will understand: "I hate work!" Realizing this will either push you to make drastic changes in your life, or cause bad mood and stress. If you don't like your job, you always have two options: endure or leave. But it is very difficult for many people to make such a choice. They are afraid of losing their "home" place and finding a new job. Therefore, they continue to do the work that annoys them.

Human psychology is rather complex and individual, so the problem in each case must be solved separately. But here are some tips on what to do if your job bothers you:

  1. Identify any of the worst aspects of your job that might cause you to leave. It can be unpleasant colleagues, bad boss, inconvenient work schedule, insufficiently high salary, etc.
  2. Constructive business conversation with leaders can improve the situation. Explain what does not suit you. The boss can improve the working conditions. If the management refuses to meet you halfway, then this will be an incentive to find a better job.
  3. Try to treat work problems as small obstacles to achieving goals, getting what you want. Consider this an opportunity to improve yourself and develop personally and professionally.
  4. Don't be influenced by your colleagues. It happens that at first everything suited you in your work, but you constantly hear colleagues complain about the number of tasks, the size of the salary, the boss, etc. Watching this more and more often, you yourself begin to look for flaws in your work, getting a negative attitude.
  5. Before you decide to quit, think about all the good things in your current workplace: a kind boss, a friendly atmosphere, flexible work hours, insurance, extra bonuses, or whatever. If all this does not cover the shortcomings, and you are still unhappy with your work, then you should not hold on to it.
  6. If you are new to a business and you do not like new job, find an interesting hobby for yourself or start playing sports in your free time. This helps to distract from the hustle and bustle of the work, relieve stress and forget about troubles for a while. Further new position will interest you.

There is no need to endure what you disgust, and do what does not bring pleasure. If you don't like your job, then you need to quit it and look for a job you like.

You can work all your life in one place and achieve nothing, and then regret the missed opportunities. And you can take a chance, start everything with blank slate, change your life.

And in this case, the likelihood that you will build a good career, achieve all your goals and live for your pleasure is much higher. After all, if you do what you love, you want to develop and conquer new heights.

Why We Don't Like Our Job

As psychologists note, in most cases people suffer from an unloved occupation and do not want to go to work for the following reasons:

  • poor working conditions;
  • too strict boss;
  • malevolence of colleagues;
  • conflict situations;
  • the need to get up early and go to bed late.

But you should not immediately quit and look for a new place of employment. You need to think about everything, consult with loved ones and only then make a final decision. You can almost always find a way out of problem situations, resolve conflicts, improve relationships in the team and get the boss to improve working conditions. It should be understood that our work may not bring us pleasure for other reasons related to us personally.

Conflicts significantly reduce the attractiveness of work

Not understanding your needs and desires

There are times when a person is satisfied with his profession, working conditions and wages, but still does not receive moral and emotional satisfaction. Because of this, he is late for work, does not try, feels tired and exhausted, and after the end of the working day, his mood immediately rises and strength appears. And then the question arises: is the person really happy with everything? Sometimes we ourselves are not aware of what we need and what we want. It seems to us that a quiet, calm, light, routine work is suitable for us, but for some reason it will not bring us pleasure. Maybe we need a more active, diverse and promising business that will energize us, arouse our interest and desire to work. Until we try something new ourselves, we will not understand what we need.

Many people want to get the approval of those around them all the time. And when someone says what kind of work they need, they listen to that opinion.

As a result, misunderstanding own desires leads to the fact that, having received a new job, people cling to it. You should listen to your emotions, because if our work does not meet our needs, then the feeling of dissatisfaction is inevitable.

Young specialists often develop dissatisfaction with the workplace. This is due to the fact that they do not understand what they are interested in doing. This is because they have no experience. And interest arises when we do something that causes us positive emotions. The more knowledge and experience we gain, the more chances we have to understand our interests and find a suitable job.

Fundamental unwillingness to work

In some cases, a person does not like his job, not because it is uninteresting or hard, but because he does not like and does not want to work at all. He considers this a punishment, and the mere thought of work duties causes him discontent and a feeling of protest. Such people are convinced that they do not need a job, and the need for it is a stereotype imposed from the outside. Therefore, they do not understand why they should give their strength and work in vain for someone else.

To get out of such a situation, a person needs to understand that by working, he will be able to receive money for his support. But you don't have to work under someone else's guidance. You can freelance, start your own business, etc. When a person begins to make decisions on his own and does what he wants, then the feeling of protest and dissatisfaction will pass.

Salary is a great incentive to work


Very often people are not happy with what they do, because they do it badly or not at all. But over time, they adapt and acquire the necessary skills, but the work is still not fun. In this case, the snag is the lack of confidence in their abilities and capabilities. This can arise due to failures, loss of qualifications and skills, due to a long break, lack of experience.

Sometimes, getting the job you dreamed of is hindered by various circumstances: lack of jobs, high competition, lack of experience, etc. Because of this, you feel helpless and find a job where you are accepted.

Agree without hesitation, believing that best offer you will not receive. You work out of desperation, so you don't get pleasure.

But there is also a way out of this situation. You need to compare expectations with reality, understand what resources you have, what you know and are able to, study the labor market, learn about offers, and find a job that will interest you. Don't feel like you can't do anything, and don't be afraid to learn new things. Work on your self-esteem, if you set yourself up for a positive result, then you will succeed.

Difficulty making decisions

When your job responsibilities require big decisions, it can be exhausting, anxious, anxious, and constantly afraid to make a mistake. From this work you begin to associate with something unpleasant, and from the very thought of it you start to worry. And when you decide to quit, a new dilemma arises: can I find a new job, do I have a chance to surpass the competition, do I have enough experience, etc.

Realizing that fear of the future, uncertainty and inaction only slows you down and hinders your development will help you become more decisive. If you let things go, it won't get better, the situation will only escalate and as a result you will hate your position. Think about alternative options and don't be afraid to take risks.

Risks are not always worth avoiding in life.


Many people don't like their job. It depends on various factors. To change your life and enjoy work, you need to improve yourself, try to change the situation in your favor, and act. Remember that your life is in your hands!

Don't like your new job at all? You ask yourself the question: "What to do?" - Look for another! Don't "hold on" to good wages if you don't enjoy what you are doing.

By the way…. Maybe you don't like the job itself, but the finances that pay for it? Talk to your boss about the promotion, or subtly hint that you are not happy with the salary. A smart and good boss will understand everything and make concessions if he thinks you are an excellent employee.

A “changed” life will have a positive impact on your new (unloved) job. Completely change your image, smile more often, be nice to the management representatives. See how comfortable you will be!

  • Ignore all the difficulties

Trust that you can handle them. Solve problems with care and humor. Then everything will work out for you! If there is no love for work, at least you will begin to feel sympathy for it.

  • Look for the positive aspects of your work.

Do not be surprised if you find very a large number of"Pluses". They will help you find meaning in your hated work! Your life will get better so quickly you won't even notice.

  • Turn off all your workaholism

This action is necessary so that you have free time for entertainment and travel. You don’t have to completely devote yourself to work for everything to be good, believe me!

  • Build a sea of ​​plans!

It will be great if this sea is included in your plans. Dream, dream, dream. Then you will have no desire to feel sad about "dissatisfaction" with work. You should think (at your leisure) about the "problem" seriously. Perhaps you are not satisfied with the position, team, or workplace... Change the unpleasant "factor" so that you don't have to change jobs unnecessarily.

  • Change of workplace environment

Make at least a minor, but noticeable rearrangement near your workplace. Buy something new for your office or table. Your eyes should sense the coming of the change! Your gaze will be “delighted” as soon as it sees that everything is already different.

  • It will be great if you make friends with someone

Finding friendly support is a huge plus. It will be easier and more interesting to work. Try not to be late for work so that everything works out in your favor. Earn a brilliant opinion about your person!

  • Fall in love!

You won't think about how much you hate work. Thoughts will be occupied by the “conqueror of your heart”. Let romance solve all your problems and allow you to see the world with different eyes!

  • Get married

How are these two concepts ("marriage" and "work") combined? If you are the wife of a loved one, you will become much happier, and any work will bring you joy and satisfaction.

Finding another job

If you do decide to "get rid" of work, then do it not right away. You need time to find another suitable place and not sit without financial reserves while searching. Write a resume, check it and send it to various (all kinds) sites. Try to check the box every day. Very soon you will find a ton of suggestions in it.

Now the moment has come when you will have big choice vacancies. The only drawback is that you have to choose the time after work and travel to various interviews.

It so happens that a person finds “the job of his dreams,” and then realizes that he was wrong in his choice. Then you will have to "hang" at the chosen job for at least a couple of months in order to get at least a decent entry in the work book.

Highly a good option - a combination of beloved and unloved work... One of them can be official, and the second - as a part-time job. It will be hard. But if you are confident in your abilities, then you can overcome everything.

Take a mini - vacation at your own expense. You must spend some time outside of work! Imagine being banned from working at all. Take advantage of this "ban". Relax, "break away" at your pleasure.

The story of my choice of work

When I didn't like my new job. This is how I did it ...

Was with me difficult period in life. I faced the same difficult situation. Immediately after graduation, she got a job at a school (as a primary school teacher). I hated my salary, but the work itself gave me an "indescribable thrill." Then I got married. I had to urgently change jobs, as my husband earned very little.

I got a job not in my specialty (in a store). The first thing I didn't like about my new job was the team. Everyone envied me with "black" envy. They could not hide this feeling. I had a cool figure, I looked ten years younger than my age, I managed to fall in love with all the men (who worked with us)….

When the girls found out that I was married…. Hell has begun! They constantly did some nasty things so that they would call me more and more often to the director, discuss me behind my back. It is very offensive and unpleasant to listen to a terrible lie about yourself.

I could not stand such a “heat of passion”. She left. I no longer wanted to get big money. I was ready to run back (to school). Unfortunately, my story did not end like good fairy tales. For about three years I did not work at all. I realized and understood that we need money. However, I had a kind of "stupor", I was seized by a state of wild depression. For a while it seemed that I would never go out to any other new job.

Thanks to my beloved spouse, I was able to pull myself together. He found a perfect way out. We opened an individual entrepreneur and started selling various beautiful things. I felt like a real person! How nice it was that the world needed me! How glad I was that no one envied me.

A year later, I got a job, leaving our business to my husband. Everything went like clockwork. We were able to buy all the essentials. Then they thought about the child. We were born beautiful and healthy baby... Having become parents, we realized that children are the greatest happiness! And money is just the necessary pieces of paper for normal living.

I wish everyone to start a family. Because only family and relatives replace any wealth for a person. If, of course, a person is able to appreciate human happiness.

Do you know what is. ... ...

Do not miss -

Take a break -

Surely, everyone is familiar with the situation when the daily routine is so annoying that more and more often there are thoughts about cardinal changes in life. And first of all, it concerns the hateful place of work, which is perceived as hard labor. What if every morning brings only negativity and you don't want to go to your work post at all? How do you find a field of work where you can combine decent reward and complete satisfaction?

I don't like work - what to do

If you decide to ask your friends and acquaintances about whether they like their work, then, you will understand - you are far from alone in the desire to change something in your life. Many perceive this as a duty that has to be performed only for money, which leads to constant stress and professional burnout. Perhaps some tips can help you do correct solution and improve the situation:

  • The first step is a gap analysis. Think about what annoys you the most - unpleasant colleagues, annoying clients, or paperwork? This understanding will be a defining moment on the road to change.
  • Constructive and most reasoned dialogue with the management in this case is necessary, because it is the conversation that can help get rid of the shortcomings in your work. During the conversation, try not to blame anyone and be prepared to accept new powers and responsibilities.
  • Try to change the approach to the problems that arise in the process of work, perceive them as a kind of challenge. Criticism from bosses and misunderstandings with colleagues sometimes become a powerful incentive, an opportunity for self-improvement and looking for new areas of activity.
  • Engage in an interesting activity or find a hobby in your free time from work, your favorite activity will be an outlet and help relieve stress.
  • A good alternative would be physical exercise and sports, which not only distract from negative thoughts, but also bring the spirit and body into good shape, give a positive charge of energy.
  • Pay attention to the people around you. If colleagues constantly express dissatisfaction with the volume of work and low salaries, the general mood will involuntarily pass on to you. Do not let yourself be influenced, do not agree to fulfill other people's responsibilities and assignments.
  • Think about the pleasant moments associated with your current place of work - good experience, decent salary, invaluable knowledge.

How to change jobs

Before you put your letter of resignation in front of your superiors and post your resume, read the following information to help reduce the risk. negative consequences to a minimum:

How to find a job you like

Soul work is an activity that, above all, brings joy, pleasure and satisfaction on all counts. It will not bother you to get up in the morning, because there is something new and interesting ahead that will allow you to keep your mood at a high level throughout the day. However, not everyone is so lucky, many people long years tormented by the answer, how to find a job to their liking.

How to find your calling

For most, it becomes a serious problem to find themselves in life, being already in adulthood, they think about who they want to be and what their true vocation is.

  • Most definitely, you have a certain ability or inclination for some kind of activity. Perhaps you just forgot what you were fond of before. Take the time and make a list of all the hobbies that you enjoyed. If there are several of them, choose the one that is closer.
  • Think about what excites you most in life, this can become a vocation and a link between pleasure and professional activity.
  • We are what we read. A few points of favorite authors and works will reveal you in a new way.
  • Often what we dream of in childhood is a true reflection of the personality. No matter how fabulous children's dreams are, they can be fully translated into reality, interpreted in their own way.
  • Decide what you are interested in learning and what to learn. Do not stop until you have studied these topics thoroughly.
  • Throw away all fears, insecurities and prejudices, they prevent us from achieving what we want.
  • On the path to happiness, free up time for the most important things by giving up secondary things.

Question to the psychologist:

Hello! My name is Marina, I am 22 years old, not married, no children. In 2015, I graduated from the university with a bachelor's degree, immediately entered the master's program and am studying at it to the present (there is still a year left). At the beginning of 2016, she began looking for a job (she had not worked before) in order to have her own money and move from her parents (with a young man), as well as for experience. In May, I managed to find a job with a good schedule, not stressful (administrator), and immediately I received a job offer for the state. service at a maternity rate. I immediately quit my job as an administrator (although I did not manage to work there a day, but managed to sign an agreement) and got a job in the civil service, as my parents insisted, they say, such a good chance fell out, a wonderful experience, opportunities, etc. Although initially at the interview I didn't really like the area in which I should work. And now I work for the state. service for a month and just hate this job. I don’t like the schedule (I’m not doing anything), the salary is minimal and I absolutely don’t understand anything in this work, absolutely! And everyone is demanding something from me, waiting ... I would have run away long ago, but I don’t want to upset my parents (now they are proud of me and don’t even want to hear about my problems), I don’t want to let my boss down, because he treats me well , took without experience, and besides, he agreed to let me go to study, he also teaches me quietly ... Well, I don’t want to let myself down, because in the future I planned to enter the state. service, only in a completely different area. With experience, there would be more chances to get a job, and the salary would be higher (premium for seniority). So I rush about, I do not know what to do, to work here, but I have no strength, I almost roar every morning, I come home for anything I am no longer capable of, only Friday pleases ... I all hope for some miracle that I will be reduced or that the girl I am replacing will be released from the decree (although she has not yet given birth). Thoughts warm me that I’ll quit for another week, I’m looking at vacancies at work, but nothing interesting turns up ... It’s a shame that I’m still young, but already so tired of work and exhausted ... I want to work, I’ve even got a big salary so far not so interesting, I just want the work to be fun (or at least just like it). What can be done in this situation: endure to the end (and remain with spoiled nerves and health) or leave and look for a new job (without any prospects and remorse on the part of the parents) without even knowing what I want? I can't imagine ..

The question is answered by psychologist Kondaurova Ksenia Vadimovna.

Hello dear Marina. You already know, deep down, what is the best way for you to act. Emotions are the language with which our psyche, our nature communicates with us. And your emotions indicate that this work is unbearable for the real you. The question is why you can't do what you want.

And one of the main reasons is the obligations that you have imposed on yourself. Obligations to the future Marina, to the boss who took you without experience and teaches (did you ask him to do this?) And to your parents (you like that they are proud of you and don't want to disappoint). You all owe something. But what about you yourself?

I see your dilemma not in "stay and endure or go into the unknown", but in "live in the present or endure for the sake of a possible bright future."

Just realize, Marina, that you are now living your only life, your wonderful young years. Are you ready to just rip this segment out of your life for the sake of the future? And are you sure that the future that you see is worthy of it? If a person chooses to "endure", he must clearly understand why and for what, so as not to fall into despondency and depression. And you, judging by your reaction to your work, are not so captured by the prospects that they compensate you for the discomfort of the present.

You hope that a "miracle" will happen and you will be able to avoid the choice, and the responsibility for this choice.

You stay in this job not only because of obligations. You are afraid of the future that awaits you if you voluntarily leave your job. And it's not just about the condemnation of the parents. The fact is that you will be left alone with the unknown and the space of options. And this job, no matter how tedious it is, still gives you a sense of confidence and reliability.

You are studying for a master's degree. You voluntarily and independently decided to enter this specialty, do you like it? Do you clearly understand what you want to do in the future? Do you know yourself well?

I ask these questions because the state. service - state. service is, regardless of the industry. The principle is roughly the same. Are you absolutely sure that the work for which you are determined, for the sake of which you tolerate the hated current job, will bring you less negative emotions?

The old duty station, in which we worked for quite a long time, did not promise us any career growth. And so we finally decided to leave it and found a new one that, at first glance, suits in many ways - and get to it faster, and there is a career prospect, and the office is more comfortable ... And everything seems to be good, and all at first pleases. However, some time passes, and for some reason we begin to miss our previous service. And suddenly we catch ourselves on the fact that the prospect of a career no longer brings joy and does not want to go to this job, but suddenly, for some unknown reason, we want to abandon the implementation of our plans. But these plans were cherished for many years. What's going on? How to get used to a new job, because there is no point in losing it?

In fact, this is a very common condition when changing jobs. After all, joining a new team and getting along with the environment, we experience a lot of pretty strong experiences. As a result, our psyche and emotional world are depleted and ask for rest. And the rest for them seems to be the former place of work, where everything is familiar and familiar. And there is no need to strain when getting used to the new order. In other words, new work and stress are inseparable. Even she at first causes delight, after a while a trivial depression begins, which will pass over time. Therefore, you should not panic, trying to return to the old place. You need to approach your state rationally and just wait, little by little trying to join the new team. What is the best way to do this?

How to adapt to a new job

First, before choosing new girlfriends or friends among colleagues, you need to study your employees and determine which of them in the team is the leader and who is the follower. Of course, start good relationship only with the leaders will it be wrong - any of those who are now lagging may well later break out into the vanguard. However, one should not closely communicate only with those who are in the shadows - this can greatly harm further promotion.

As for girlfriends, they are usually chosen according to personal preferences. It is necessary to communicate with all colleagues, however, at the same time, you should not trust everyone too much: some of them may well turn out to be, to put it mildly, not a very decent person. And, as a result, over-trusting him can turn bad.

Secondly, in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts in a new place, you should reconsider your habits associated with the previous place of work. Any new job implies new traditions of behavior and new orders. In order to successfully join a new team, you must observe them.

Thirdly, do not talk too much about your the same place work and praise it. For most employees, this will cause bewilderment: if everything was very good, why did we leave it? And the full confidence of these employees will be lost. Better to let them evaluate us according to our merits in a new place.

Fourthly, do not hesitate to ask others about how best to fulfill certain of your duties. This will save you from mistakes in your work and help you get closer to the team faster. Business, however, should be dealt with as they come - blockages in work are not needed either by us or by the authorities. Firstly, they are exhausting, and secondly, in the rubble it is very easy to miss something or make a mistake. And we need psychological comfort, which so far is not at all facilitated by the fear of a new job and the fear of doing something wrong.

Speaking of fear, by the way. In no case should you be afraid of losing your new job. This interferes with the calmness and self-confidence that are so necessary for career growth. In addition, the team will definitely feel this fear. And this can turn into disdain from both employees and bosses.

These tips are pretty simple, but how often we neglect them! But they are time-tested. So let's try to comply with them, and all our expectations from a new job will certainly come true.