Zodiac signs and gemstones corresponding to them. Selecting stones by date of birth

If you want to improve your life, select talisman stones based on your date of birth that can safely, quickly and effectively solve many problems.

In the article:

Rules for choosing amulets stones

There are several ways to decide on a talisman stone. The most common is selection. You can carry it out by the date or month of birth; this article will discuss this method. But first, some important tips.

The best talisman is one that is given as a gift. At the same time, the mineral needs time to get used to you and start working. The longest grinding period is for a diamond, which does not tolerate separation from its owner.

If you are going to buy an amulet, be sure to clean it and charge it after purchase. The talisman collected energy on the counter where people touched it. You can find out how to do it correctly from the relevant material on the website.

Each mineral has its own character. Wearing it indiscriminately can lead to unpleasant consequences: from changing your character for the worse to deteriorating your quality of life. Not everything goes together, so be careful.

Often a person does not like the stones that are suggested by selection by zodiac or date of birth. The best option– personal feelings. The main thing is that it evokes positive emotions.

Dangerous stones by date of birth

There are minerals that have a strong effect on owners. They can only be worn by those born during a certain period. Exceptions are rare.

Opal is suitable for those born at the end of September. For others, decorations can lead to melancholy and apathy.

Pearl Recommended for Pisces, other signs should follow certain rules. For example, Aquarius should not wear it during periods of sadness, so as not to aggravate the situation, and Scorpios should prefer black pearls. It threatens Virgos with the development of weak character. Absolutely not suitable for Leos and Aries.

Amber better . For those born under another constellation, it cannot become a talisman.

Amazonite Suitable for Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio, not recommended. He has a peculiar character and it is very difficult to please him. By-effect- laziness, which is difficult to fight.

Grenade it doesn't matter when you were born. He loves emotional, bright, proactive people. Negative effects- tendency to envy, dissatisfaction with life.

Sapphire does not tolerate harm to others, depriving them of joy, love, friendship. If you are not sure of the purity of your thoughts, choose another piece of jewelry, even if it is your amulet.

Wear hematite a person who cannot resist should not own desires. It provokes cruelty and rudeness.

Amulet by date of birth - day of the month

consider the date, day of the week and month of birth separately. Next list- to determine the talisman by date of birth.

  • 1, 10, 19, 28 - coral, opal, topaz, ruby.
  • 2, 11, 20, 29 - cat eye, jade, opal, pearl, tiger eye.
  • 3, 12, 21, 30 - amethyst, emerald, coral, topaz.
  • 4, 13, 22, 31 - aquamarine, diamond, garnet, opal, sapphire.
  • 5, 14, 23 - diamond, light sapphire, zircon.
  • 6, 15, 24 - aquamarine, beryl, emerald, green opal, peridot.
  • 7, 16, 25 - pearls, Moonstone, opal, tiger's eye.
  • 8, 17, 26 - lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire.
  • 9, 18, 27 - garnet, coral, ruby, red opal.

Talisman stones by date of birth - day of the week

The day of the week plays an equally important role in the selection of amulets:

  1. Monday- pearls, moonstone, opal, others white or having a light base.
  2. Tuesday- hematite, coral, lapis lazuli, ruby, sodalite, jasper, blue, red, dark minerals.
  3. Wednesday- aquamarine, turquoise, sapphire, blue topaz, and other heavenly shades.
  4. Thursday- amethyst, fluorite, charoite, other violet.
  5. Friday- emerald, malachite, jade, tourmaline, peridot, chrysoprase; green or having such inclusions.
  6. Saturday- smoky quartz, dark minerals.
  7. Sunday- topaz, carnelian, zircon, amber, and others of a warm golden color.

Amulet by month of birth

Options for choosing an amulet based on your month of birth for those who want to acquire a reliable and powerful amulet.

  1. January- pomegranate, hyacinth, cat's eye, turquoise.
  2. February- amethyst, pearls, hyacinth, hawk's eye, rock crystal.
  3. March- aquamarine, heliotrope, jasper, ruby, tourmaline.
  4. April- diamond, sapphire, agate, emerald.
  5. May- emerald, agate, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysoprase, tiger's eye.
  6. June- pearls, alexandrite, agate, turquoise, emerald, cat's eye, chalcedony, aquamarine.
  7. July- ruby, turquoise, carnelian, onyx, sardonyx, aventurine, chrysolite.
  8. August- peridot, alexandrite, sardonyx, topaz, carnelian, moonstone, ruby, citrine.
  9. September- sapphire, sardonyx, peridot, agate, smoky quartz.
  10. October- tourmaline, opal, aquamarine, beryl, lapis lazuli, garnet.
  11. November- topaz, pearls, coral, peridot.
  12. December- zircon, turquoise, heliotrope, ruby, chrysoprase, amethyst, agate.

Choosing amulets according to the season of birth

For those who are not satisfied with the distribution of talismans by month, we offer options by season.

  • Winter- diamond, turquoise, labradorite, moonstone, sapphire, quartz, crystal. Everything is light, white, blue, blue - like winter nature.
  • Spring- amethyst, green diamond, emerald, peridot, topaz, chrysoberyl, spinel; others having bright shades of the first green.
  • Summer- garnet, opal, topaz, ruby, chrysoberyl, zircon, spinel. Talismans differ from spring ones in their depth of color and warmer shades.
  • Autumn- hyacinth, garnet, sapphire, topaz, yellowish oriental peridot. Born in autumn Red, blue and yellow stones are recommended.

Winter people a pendant will do snowflake, and the autumn zodiac signs - a red maple leaf. If you were born in the spring,

Since ancient times, precious stones have been given Special attention. Crystals were an indicator of status and served as talismans for the owner, protecting against misfortunes. Maybe these were prejudices, but astrologers have already proven that magical minerals really have the properties of improving health and protecting a person from negativity.

Stones according to zodiac signs

Whatever the gem, it has cosmic energy that saturates a person from the inside. This helps to overcome life difficulties, put your thoughts in order. The longer the crystal comes into contact with the skin of a man or woman, the greater the effect it has. It is important to know which gem you can trust with your energy so that everything does not turn into complications. Which zodiac sign is suitable for which stone?

Amethyst, agate, ruby, jasper, diamond, serpentine

Chrysoprase, chalcedony, emerald, aventurine, rose quartz, sapphire, sultanite, agate


Agate, alexandrite, beryl, topaz, carnelian, sapphire

Pearl, emerald, chrysoprase, moonstone, aquamarine, agate

Amber, topaz, peridot, garnet, onyx, opal, carnelian, demantoid

Jasper, jade, peridot, sapphire, carnelian, diamond, onyx, rock crystal, sultanite

Aquamarine, lapis lazuli, citrine, tourmaline, opal, amethyst, jade


Aquamarine, garnet, turquoise, beryl, alexandrite, malachite, black opal, tiger eye, serpentine

Turquoise, peridot, topaz, chalcedony, amethyst, emerald, blue quartz, sultanite

Green malachite, ruby, onyx, garnet, zircon, chalcedony

Amethyst, zircon, turquoise, lapis lazuli, jade, garnet

Amethyst, pearl, sapphire, opal, emerald, alexandrite

Semi-precious stones according to the horoscope

Natural crystals are used to make jewelry, interior items, in the industrial industry. Any gem is valuable. Having studied the properties of each in more detail, you can decide which stone is suitable for which zodiac sign and choose your own unique amulet:

  • Agate is a mineral whose origin is directly related to volcanic rocks (quartz, opal, chalcedony). Thanks to the unique winding patterns, multi-colored stripes you will be able to wear jewelry that is exclusive of its kind. Translated from Greek, this nugget means “prosperous.” Happy owners of the stone can be such zodiac signs as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Aries.
  • Amethyst is a quartz that can change its hue when it lacks light. The mineral contains an iron concentrate, thanks to which it acquires an extraordinary violet color palette and can be transparent or translucent. The stone is suitable for the following zodiac signs: Aries, Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces.
  • Coil. A stone with a color ranging from rich green to yellowish with dark veins, which resembles snake skin. In its original form rock opaque, has a fibrous base. Ornamental serpentinite is very popular today and corresponds to the energy of the zodiac signs Virgo, Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn.

Gems according to zodiac signs

It is known that jewelry is always spectacular, even in the twilight. If they bring not only aesthetic benefits, but also spiritual satisfaction, then crystals are truly priceless. By choosing natural stones according to the signs of the zodiac, you can protect yourself from various adversities, because gems have an unknown power, given to them from birth by nature itself:

  1. Sultanite (thanatarite, sultanite, diaspora) is an amazingly beautiful mineral, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Externally, the crystal is glass, but in the light it looks like a chameleon. According to its saturation, the stone can be crimson, yellow, lilac, pink, green. Which zodiac signs does the gem suit? Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Virgo, Taurus.
  2. Jasper is a precious stone that is well polished, durable, reliable and can serve its owner for decades. Stones for Pisces surprise with unique spots, stripes, green, blue, black, red shades. Jasper is also suitable for the zodiac signs Virgo, Aries, and is considered the main talisman in life.
  3. Emerald is green beryl. The color of the stone depends on the place of extraction, where the rock was combined with different metals that affect its color. The crystal can be juicy green, olive, or light green in tone. If you see natural bubbles, cracks, or inclusions of other types in the product, know that the jewelry will cost a little less than a pure emerald. This suitable stones Leo, Taurus, Cancer, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini.

Lucky stones of the zodiac signs

In fact, each zodiac element can correspond to several stones at once. One will bring luck into a person’s life, the other will bring wisdom. You can select stones according to your zodiac sign based on your date of birth, which will help speed up the coupling of the energies of the wearer and the crystal. The impact of the gem also depends on the method of obtaining, the month or year of wearing the jewelry, and the area of ​​contact. Before purchasing a talisman, you need to study all the stones and zodiac signs. For example:

  • Diamond suits Aries. The stone gives self-confidence, serves as protection against inner rage, and helps to avoid life’s troubles. The power of the crystal doubles if the stone is given as a gift. True, the energy of a nugget can be crushing for the owner if the person’s intentions are unclean.
  • Taurus becomes wiser and more perspicacious when human energy matches the power of the emerald. The gem makes a person happy and lucky. When Taurus falls in love, the stone becomes more saturated in color. If you want your talisman to influence your destiny, carry it with you during the full moon.
  • Agate, alexandrite, topaz and beryl are suitable for Gemini. For example, the first talisman stone pacifies a wayward character, helping to get rid of internal shortcomings. In return, the mineral helps to reveal creative inclinations and bring your plans to completion. To maximize the influence of the crystal, women are recommended to wear agate earrings.
  • To reveal their talents, Cancer should wear pearls. This stone will help the zodiac sign get more positive emotions and luck. The mineral is a protection against the external negative environment and protects women from the mistake of falling in love with an unworthy man. When a person is sick, pearls may darken.
  • If Leo wants to develop his communication skills, he should pay attention to the chrysolite stone. The gem makes its owner softer, more inclined to communicate, and at the same time a strong, talented person who knows how to skillfully win the trust of people. If you dress peridot in gold, it can strengthen the spirit of its owner.
  • Stones suitable for Virgo: jade, jasper, chrysolite. For example, the last crystal is a talisman of happiness and attractiveness. It suppresses categoricalness, teaches you to dynamically conduct business, and develop intellectually. In order for a gem to properly saturate a person with energy, it is necessary to frame the stone in platinum or silver, but in no case in gold.
  • Opal is a talisman of fidelity and hope for Libra. When at the sign difficult period in life, this stone will help you feel inner harmony and remove apathy. If a person struggles with negative character traits, opal will become for him an amulet of success and unsurpassedness. True, people with upset nervous system It is not recommended to wear the mineral due to possible overexcitation.
  • For Scorpio girls looking for love and respect in a relationship with a partner, aquamarine is suitable. If you give a stone to your lover, the crystal will attract his energy to its own and merge with yours. Set in silver, the breed will provide more benefits and saturate the body with positive power.
  • Turquoise without a frame can give Sagittarius good luck in work, in their plans, and help suppress excessive carelessness. If the stone is blue, then the owner will be endowed with justice and nobility. The white mineral will protect the sign in risky actions, and the green one will secure the status successful person. The last color of the stone is not suitable for young guys who are still unsteady.
  • Ruby is the talisman of Capricorns. A person who gives this stone to a zodiac sign will bind himself forever with love and find happiness with his chosen one. True, the properties of the stone vary depending on the nature of the owner. If a person is evil, then the mineral will make her even more aggressive. Ruby will give good people a feeling of peace. If the amulet darkens, Capricorn is in danger.
  • The horoscope of stones foretells harmony for Aquarius with a mineral such as amethyst. The mystical characteristics of the crystal help the zodiac sign to realize its plans, develop intuitive abilities, and experience serenity. IN medicinal purposes Amethyst can be applied to the body to improve blood flow and normalize blood pressure.
  • Pearls suit Pisces. The stone protects the sign from the evil eye, gives longevity and prosperity. By the shine of the mineral, you can determine the state of health or mood of the owner. It has already been proven that after a person’s death, the talisman darkens and loses its former energy. Pearls should not be re-gifted, but rather left with their owner.

Unsuitable stones for diac signs

When choosing your stone, it is important to know which minerals should never be combined:

  1. It is not recommended to wear pearls with cat's eye, diamond and hessonite.
  2. Ruby with diamond, sapphire, hessonite, cat's eye together will negatively affect the character of its owner, suppressing the spirit and affecting health.
  3. Pearl stone and red coral are absolutely not suitable for emerald.
  4. Blue sapphire is the antipode to such minerals as ruby, red coral, and pearl.
  5. Cat's eye is generally a peculiar rock that does not perceive the energy of pearls and rubies.
  6. Yellow sapphire loves to be one and only for its owner, therefore it has the opposite pole with stones such as diamond, emerald.

You can choose a talisman yourself. This is not at all difficult to do. You don't even have to seek help from an astrologer. First, determine the zodiac sign opposite to yours. Using the zodiac circle, count the sixth position after your own element. For example, Aries - Libra, Taurus - Scorpio, etc. Stones from his list are harmful for you, the rest can be worn.

Video: talisman stones

This classification “Talisman stones according to the signs of the Zodiac” was compiled in 1912 at the congress of the Russian National Association of Jewelers. Later, the list was called “List of birth month stones according to Zodiac sign.”

Correspondence of stones to the signs of the Zodiac (1912)

Aries (date of birth March 21 - April 19) : Diamond is undoubtedly the main birthstone for this fire sign. Amazonite, purple amethyst, rock crystal, beryl of all colors are also Aries stones. Blue turquoise is a wonderful talisman for signs of spring. Aries can also wear garnet and pearls, coral and all types of quartz, flint jewelry and hematite. Labradorite sparkling with blue flashes of light, blue lapis lazuli, green jade, striped onyxes are also mascot stones of this zodiac sign. Aries is also suitable for obsidian and pink rhodonite, ruby ​​and sardonyx, selenite and carnelian, serpentinite (the ancient name for serpentine), hawk's eye (a type of tiger's eye), peridot, chrysoprase, amber, jasper, preferably green or red.

Taurus(date of birth April 20 - May 20) : Ruby and sapphire are the main stones of this zodiac sign. Agate and aventurine, amazonite and beryl are also talisman stones. Blue turquoise is very favorable for Taurus. Bull's eye (a type of tiger's eye), black jet, green emerald, rose quartz, white cacholong, white coral will also protect and help representatives of this sign. The energy of such stones as flint and lapis lazuli, onyx and rhodonite is beneficial. Green malachite and jade, silky selenite, orange carnelian carnelian, tiger's eye are Taurus stones, the list also includes topaz, chrysoprase, zircon, blue spar, jasper.

Twins(date of birth May 21 - June 20) : Ideal talisman stones are emerald, sapphire and alexandrite. Good properties Gemini has agate and purple amethyst, beryls of all colors, blue turquoise, and rock crystal. Growing up in sea ​​water pearls and coral are also Gemini stones. Flint and green jade, pink rhodonite and orange carnelian stone, selenite and tiger's eye are very favorable for those born under this sign of the zodiac circle. Also suitable for Gemini are topaz, green uvarovite garnet, fluorite (violet and greenish), chrysoprase and peridot, golden citrine and jasper of any color and texture.

Cancer(date of birth June 21 - July 22) : Very good talismans for this sign are aquamarine, emerald, ruby, amethyst and peridot. For those born under the sign of Cancer, agate and aventurine, adularia (moonstone) and amazonite, belomorite (moonstone), beryl of all colors are suitable. Blue and greenish turquoise, like no other stone, suits the spirit water element this zodiac sign. Cancers can also wear heliotrope, jet, sea and freshwater pearls, corals, light cat's eye, morion (black smoky quartz), hematite, jade, obsidian (all types), onyx, noble opal. Pink rhodonite, orange carnelian are suitable as a talisman , hawk's eye (a type of tiger's eye), blue topaz and chrysoprase.

a lion(date of birth July 23 - August 22) : The talismans of this bright fire sign are emerald, opal, ruby, peridot, and amber. Iridescent aventurine, beryls of all colors, bull's eye (a type of tiger's eye), yellow heliodor, rock crystal, heliotrope and hyacinth will also protect and help those born under the sign of Cancer. Garnets are suitable for them, especially green demantiode, citrine, rhodonite, jade, carnelian, topaz, chrysoprase, jasper, flint, onyx, zircon,

Virgo(date of birth August 23 - September 22) : Diamond, emerald, sapphire, noble opal, rock crystal are ideal for Virgo. Agates, light beryls, blue and greenish turquoise, and all types of garnets will have a very beneficial effect and help on these people. Rhodonite, selenite, flint and corals, especially red, are suitable for Virgos. Iridescent cat's eye and tiger's eye, sparkling blue labradorite, green jade and sunny orange carnelian, peridot, onyx, chrysoprase, golden citrine, multi-colored jasper are also good talismans for Virgo.

Scales(date of birth September 23 - October 22) : Diamond, amethyst, emerald, rock crystal, tourmaline (especially pink tourmaline rubellite), and agates are very suitable for representatives of this sign. Good amulets-talismans include green demantoid garnet, smoky and rose quartz, white cacholong opal, multi-colored corals, yellow flint, and lapis lazuli. Libra can also wear jewelry made of malachite, morion, selenite, jade, turquoise, jet, rhodonite, olivine, and carnelian. Jewelry made from a hawk's eye, green uvarovite garnet, lilac fluorite, chrysolite and chrysoprase, zircon and citrine, multi-colored jasper are also suitable for this sign.

Scorpion (date of birth October 23 - November 21) : Good amulets and talismans for Scorpios are sapphire, ruby, agate, adularia and belomorite (types of moonstone), bloodstone hematite, aquamarine, alexandrite. Amethyst, amazonite, multi-colored beryl, and jet will also have a good effect. Blue and greenish turquoise, white coral, cat's eye, translucent green chrysoprase are very good for this water sign. Scorpios also need to wear jewelry made from garnet, smoky quartz, morion, malachite, opal, selenite, carnelian, serpentinite (serpentine), topaz, multi-colored tourmaline, jasper and labradorite.

Sagittarius(date of birth November 22 - December 21) : The main mascot stones for Sagittarius are amethyst, turquoise, emerald, sapphire, chrysolite, chrysoprase. People born under this zodiac sign will have a beneficial effect on hyacinth, garnets, especially green demantoid garnet, blue quartz and flint, light corals, lapis lazuli, and labradorite. Iridescent selenite and orange carnelian, tiger's eye and hawk's eye (a type of tiger's eye), obsidian, onyx, topaz, beryl, jasper and amber are also good talismans and amulets for this zodiac sign.

Capricorn (date of birth December 22 - January 19) : For representatives of this Earth sign, alexandrite and agate, amethyst and turquoise, ruby, olivine (peridot), and red garnet are suitable as talismans and amulets. Representatives of this sign are also suitable for pink tourmaline (rubellite), cat's eye, malachite, morion, jade, coral, obsidian, opal (regular and noble), onyx, smoky quartz (rauchtopaz), light beryl, hawk's eye and tiger's eye, chrysoprase, carnelian, zircon, jasper of any color and color.

Aquarius(date of birth January 20 - February 19) : The mascot stones of this sign are aquamarine, amethyst, emerald, sapphire, turquoise, hyacinth, agate, garnets, green demantoid and uvarovite garnets are especially suitable. You can wear pearls and rose quartz, flint and coral, lapis lazuli and beryl, jade and obsidian in jewelry. Aquarius is also suitable for opal (noble and ordinary, as well as cacholong), orange carnelian, hawk's eye (a type of tiger's eye), fluorite and chrysoprase, rock crystal, citrine, landscape jasper.

Fish (date of birth February 20 - March 20) : This water sign can wear jewelry with alexandrite, aquamarine, sapphire, adularia and belomorite (both called moonstone), amethyst, opal (noble opal, common opal, cacholong) and peridot. For Pisces, good talismans are amazonite, beryl, turquoise of any color, jet, green demantoid garnet, sea and river pearls and corals, lapis lazuli, morion, jade, hawk's eye and tiger's eye, carnelian, chrysoprase, spinel and euclase.

Correspondence of stones to the months of the year

January- pomegranate, hyacinth; February- amethyst, hyacinth; March- jasper, amethyst; April- sapphire, jasper; May— malachite, agate, emerald, sapphire; June - emerald, sapphire; July— onyx, emerald; August- carnelian, sardonyx; September - chrysolite, sapphire; October- beryl, aquamarine, chrysolite; November- topaz, beryl; December- ruby, topaz.

Classification of stones according to connections with planets (Eliaphas Levi, 19th century)

Sun: chrysolite, diamond, hyacinth, aventurine, ruby, heliotrope, chrysoprase; Moon: opal, adularia, aquamarine, beryl, pearl, coral; Mercury: golden topaz, emerald, cornelian, agate Venus: light sapphire, agate, pearl; Mars: ruby, hematite, jasper, diamond, garnet; Jupiter: turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli; Saturn: onyx, amethyst, dark topaz; Neptune: amethyst, adularia, rock crystal.

Any natural stone, even the most inconspicuous one, will be dear to us if it is a gift from a loved one or is associated with some special events, incidents, or signs. On this occasion I remember interesting story from the life of poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. With my main love- future husband Sergei Efron - she met in Koktebel, on the seashore. Young Marina wandered along the edge of the waves, trying to find the one that brought good luck. Not far from her, a young man was sorting out pebbles in the sand. Marina had an idea: if he finds a carnelian and gives it to her, she will marry him. And so it happened...

The role of natural gems in human life

Why are they remarkable, besides, of course, their jewelry significance? gems? According to the zodiac sign, everyone can choose suitable specimens for themselves. In this case, the minerals in to the fullest will reveal their natural strengths, improving the energy of those who wear them, helping them improve health, develop certain personal qualities, receive information from subtle world. All semi-precious stones (according to the zodiac sign, turquoise suits some, chrysolite suits others, etc.) were formed in the bowels of the Earth for many centuries, passing through almost all periods of formation and development with it. Therefore, their influence on the well-being and even the fate of people is really very powerful. Properly selected gems provide invaluable support to their owners. And vice versa, bought at random, they will cause a lot of trouble to those who purchased them. And most importantly: esotericists and occultists claim that old semi-precious stones that have been in use for several centuries, donated according to the zodiac sign or simply inherited, are capable of changing not only physical body man, his inner, peace of mind, but even karma. By the way, this also applies to precious stones. And, perhaps, to an even greater extent! After all, their influence is stronger precisely because of their greater value.

Aries Stones

True, afford to buy sapphires clean water, natural emeralds, natural rubies and diamonds cannot do everything. And you need to handle them carefully, because each such gem can bring not only a lot of joy, but also just as much trouble. But buying semi-precious stones according to your zodiac sign is much easier, especially since their choice is quite wide. However, in our article we will talk in detail about both. And let's start with Aries. Traditionally for men and women born under this constellation are suitable for those minerals that personify the original purity of the surrounding world. Therefore, if you manipulate them for selfish or other unseemly purposes, the stones will begin to “sick,” fade, and lose their beauty and pristine strength.

When treated correctly and respectfully, they will help you cope with complexes, behave naturally with strangers, spiritually cleanse yourself, and protect yourself from injury. What precious and semi-precious stones should Aries wear according to their zodiac sign? First of all, many astrologers believe, these are rubies. It is the red yachts, as precious corundums have long been called in Rus', that control the passions raging in the fiery blood of Aries. harmoniously combined with one’s own makes it possible to pacify its excess and balance outbursts. in his treatise “Astromineralogy” states that Aries is also very useful for such precious and semi-precious stones according to the zodiac sign, such as agate onyx, in a silver frame, worn on the middle finger, hematite (bloodstone), and garnet. And - the king of all minerals - diamond!

Taurus Stones

Constellation Taurus - personification vitality and energy. This is the first earthly sign in the zodiac, and in it, like in Aries, passions, feelings, and emotions are boiling, which are poorly controlled. In addition, he is responsible for financial situation. Therefore, Taurus minerals can be used as talismans to attract wealth by other zodiac signs. And the stones will help!

Taurus himself should seek support from garnets. They enable their owners to look attractive in the eyes of others, realize their plans and support financial well-being. In addition, it would be nice to decorate the middle finger with amazonite or cacholong, which attract money. Zodiac signs and stones related to Taurus can acquire the same. They are very beautiful: Amazonite - bluish-green or bluish-gray, with white veins - is somewhat reminiscent of turquoise, giving strength to family ties. But it is known that Taurus are excellent family men! And cacholong is a type of opal, similar to promoting health and especially indicated for women in an “interesting” position.

Gemini Stones

Gemini is the first air sign, the personification of easy, unburdensome friendships or, more precisely, friendly connections. And the transfer of information, the simultaneous assimilation of various knowledge. Its semi-precious stones for zodiac signs can also be very useful. The properties of stones are to be talismans for strengthening friendship, predicting the future, and good luck in trading matters. This is fluorite, bischofite, gaolite and even the familiar rock salt! The Geminis themselves need to wear carnelian in silver on their ring finger, which protects against external negativity, rock crystal and clear quartz, which allow their owners to avoid many troubles.

Cancer Stones

Cancer is the first watermark, a symbol of religiosity, family, motherhood, connection with home, roots, homeland, with the mysterious, mysterious night world. If we remember the universal precious ones, “crayfish” promote fertility, having many children and will serve well those parents who want to leave behind numerous offspring. Or, conversely, they cannot conceive or give birth to a baby. In general, Cancer stones provide significant assistance to everyone who wants to achieve maximum fulfillment in the home, family or at work. social sphere. The natural intuition of the sign is developed by the emerald, which also supports its rather vulnerable health. In addition, hematite will also come in handy, always in silver. Plus chrysoprase, spinel, agate and other moonstones. They normalize the water-salt balance of the body, causing a surge of strength, mental and physical activity.

Leo Stones

Leo is the shine of the Sun, it is even light and warmth, the highest creative potential, authority, royalty. And these are “solar” precious or semi-precious stones. According to the signs of the zodiac, emeralds, topazes, lapis lazuli, aquamarines, and hyacinths are scattered to one degree or another quite generously. But it is in Leo that they fully realize the energy of creativity and, under the rays of daylight, reveal their stunning beauty. The main stone of the sign is diamond, the king of all minerals. Health, charm, charisma, external and internal brilliance - Leos receive all this a hundredfold if they wear jewelry with diamonds or acquire a diamond as a talisman. Rubies, garnets, and pyropes are also welcome - they should be worn on the chest.

Virgo Stones

Virgo is a sign with the strongest intellectual potential. People born under this constellation are eternal workers of thought, rationalists, doubters in everything, breaking everything down into atoms and putting it on shelves, wanting to get to the very essence of everything. stones, suitable for Virgos, absorb excess human energy, protecting many hotheads from rash and obviously illegal actions. In addition, they develop spirituality, sociality, and mercy in a person. These are yellow topaz, onyx, jasper of different colors.

Libra Stones

Libra is the embodiment of harmony, high ethics, the need for emotional communication, love, and sincere human relationships. The sign is responsible for the fundamental structure of the world, partnership. Libra stones help people find peace, reconcile enemies, and speedily resolve litigation. These include tourmalines, which are responsible for health, giving stability and well-being, as well as amethysts and lapis lazuli, which support personal and family relationships.

From Scorpio to Pisces

Scorpio is one of the most mysterious and mysterious signs. He is like a snail, all in himself, secretive, strong-willed... He is an intellectual with passions raging inside, with external dispassion. His stone is aquamarine. It activates the protective powers of the sign, helps to deal with ill-wishers and one’s own illusions. And bloodstone (hematite) is a mineral of magicians, sorcerers, and occultists.

The eternal wanderer of the zodiacal expanses, Sagittarius, is in constant spiritual search, comprehension of new knowledge, creation and presentation philosophical teachings. Sapphire, turquoise (in gold), pyrope and other gems give Sagittarius themselves and other signs optimism and cheerfulness, help them comprehend the granite of science, instill high ideals, and protect travelers.

Capricorn is the “correct” sign, ensuring that rules and traditions are observed, and always doing everything “according to the law.” It corresponds to rauch topaz with its unique aura, and chrysoprase, guaranteeing success in professional field. And Aquarius and Pisces own the stones starting with “a”: amethyst and alexandrite, which strengthen the connection with providence and give people the gift of foresight. As well as aquamarine, peridot and chrysoprase.

Since ancient times, people have learned to make amulets, talismans and amulets from minerals that bring good luck and protect against misfortunes.

Nature fascinates with its beauty, generously bestowing with outlandish gifts. One of the most luxurious gifts are precious and semi-precious stones. A scattering of gems from the bowels of the earth surprises with its splendor and magical power. Therefore, since ancient times, people have learned to make amulets, talismans and amulets from minerals that bring good luck and protect against misfortunes. The choice of a magical assistant cannot be random. The sages believed that God himself arranged semi-precious and precious stones according to the signs of the Zodiac; man cannot disrupt the established order with them. Apparently, for this reason, we tend to seek protection from gems, using their natural power to attract well-being, improve health, and unlock creative and professional potential.

How to choose a talisman

When the energy of a person and a stone coincides, new facets open up and miracles happen. The talisman protects the owner in every possible way, attracts goodness and good luck. For an amulet or amulet to really work, it must fit the horoscope; this is the most effective and centuries-tested criterion for choosing a talisman stone.

For an amulet or amulet to really work, it must match the horoscope

There are many criteria for choosing amulets. There are many subtleties: a person’s age, gender, date and even the exact time of birth. The most effective method for selecting a talisman stone is a table of minerals belonging to the zodiac sign. An incorrectly chosen amulet may not only not help, but also cause trouble. When choosing precious or semi-precious stones as magical protectors, you should know the characteristics of the mineral, and also adhere to some rules:

  • Catching sensations. Esotericists believe that an incorrectly selected gem will make itself felt. A person may feel discomfort, lack of energy connection with him.
  • Do not buy jewelry with stones from pawn shops.

A pawn shop can often sell stolen items, which can lead to disaster.

You should not buy jewelry with stones in pawn shops: stolen items will bring bad luck

The best talisman is one made with your own hands or the hands of a loved one, as well as jewelry passed down by inheritance.

Jewelry is inherent in absorbing the positive energy of the family, becoming a powerful amulet for a person.

  • When buying or receiving talisman stones as a gift, you should carefully inspect them for cracks, chips, dark spots, foreign inclusions. Such stones can harbor negative energy.

Having chosen a talisman, you should not decorate yourself with “mismatched” gems at the same time; stones, by their nature, can “conflict” with each other. You should also not acquire a cobblestone, because a talisman is a miniature, elegant, often hidden from prying eyes, object that has magical, medicinal properties. Often people are faced with the fact that a crack suddenly appears on a stone without the slightest intervention. This may mean that the talisman took the “blow” upon itself, protecting the owner. You need to know how to choose jewelry inlaid with gems. Innate taste and knowledge will help with this. The science that studies the interaction of precious semi-precious stones and signs of the Zodiac originated in ancient times, however, the correspondence table is still used today. Jewelers, when creating collections of jewelry in the form of amulets and amulets, are accustomed to using a description of the stone, its properties and location to the signs of the Zodiac.

Zodiac signs and gemstones

Ornamental stones are often used to make your own collections of hand made jewelry. Craftswomen should know that amulets can only have power if the material is natural. Only natural stones according to the signs of the Zodiac will become powerful amulets, enhancing best sides and protecting from negativity. Artificial gems have no power, but only perform a decorative function.

Only natural stones according to the signs of the Zodiac will become powerful amulets, enhancing the best aspects and protecting against negativity

To choose jewelry for yourself or as a gift to a loved one, you should know exactly which stones are suitable for your zodiac signs. Everything is decided by the fusion of two energies - natural and human. The temperament of the owner of the amulet, his strengths and weaknesses are also important. I exist different kinds precious gems. To “hit the bull’s eye”, you need to navigate the basics of a difficult science, understanding the essence of the meanings of stones according to the signs of the Zodiac.


Active, energetic, honest, courageous, but often aggressive, straightforward. The sign is patronized by such a precious stone as a diamond. It gives Aries calmness and prudence, helps them find compromises, and cools down their “hot heads.” Magic talismans that are suitable for Aries are garnet, emerald, ruby, lunar amethyst. Features of choice:

What stones should Aries avoid? Malachite, opal, peridot, aventurine are gems that are not suitable for the zodiac sign.


Soft and simple-minded natures, admirers of beauty and harmony in everything, idealists. It is not easy for such people to choose gifts, but they will be able to appreciate jewelry inlaid with precious stones.

What gemstones protect Taurus? Sapphire, opal, emerald are the main stones of the Zodiac. Turquoise will be an ideal talisman for women, and black agate will help men realize themselves in the professional field.

For Taurus women, turquoise will be the ideal talisman

Taurus are secretive and often lack sociability. Sardonyx will help correct the situation by presenting the owner with the gift of eloquence. What stones can the Taurus sign choose for itself? It is best to choose by decade:

Ruby, pearls and amber are energetically incompatible with Taurus.


People born under this sign are unique in that they can successfully do several things at the same time. To replenish lost strength, they need talismans-stones. For the fair sex, the ideal “helper” would be a radiant emerald or a magical moonstone. Men should choose alexandrite as an amulet. He will show them the shortest path to achieving their goal, calm them down and create harmony.

Gemini men should choose alexandrite as an amulet, which will indicate the shortest path to achieving their goal

Eat important nuance: Before going to bed, it is better for a Gemini man to remove alexandrite. Another stone energetically associated with this sign is beryl. Such a talisman can be given to a careerist man.

Beryl is suitable for Gemini careerists

But citrine is suitable for those with an analytical mind, it will help develop oratory talent and increase communication skills. There are several special amulets for young Gemini girls:

All representatives of this sign, without exception, should definitely refuse to wear onyx, black opal, ruby ​​and diamond.


Cancers are sensitive, have a rich imagination, but are very vulnerable, irritable and inert. All shortcomings and weaknesses will be helped by correctly selected stones according to your zodiac sign. Each decade has its own gems:

The most powerful female talisman for Cancer will be earrings with heliotrope. Beautiful decoration with magical properties will help in resolution difficult situations and achieving family well-being.

The most powerful female talisman for Cancer will be earrings with heliotrope


Leos are full of energy and generosity. They strive for glory, honor, and are somewhat selfish, as befits royalty.

To achieve success, Leos need to develop tact and prudence, avoiding haste and excessive excitement. Enhance positive sides, talisman stones will help reduce the activity of negative traits.

There are several tips for choosing:

Representatives of the royal sign, beginners new way personal life or quarry, heliodor is irreplaceable; it is called the stone of the first step.


Prone to criticism, overly pragmatic Virgos need magical helpers. The importance of stones for Virgos is difficult to overestimate, because they help to reveal such natural qualities as rationality and consistency, and to develop a range of interests. The best minerals for Virgos:

  • emerald - will help maintain harmony family relations;
  • jade - develops the gift of justice, gives sharpness of mind;
  • sapphire is a talisman that dispels melancholy.

For doubting, insecure Virgo men, lapis lazuli will be an excellent talisman, and to avoid losses in financially Jasper will help. Virgos should avoid stones such as ruby, tourmaline, and obsidian.


Peace-loving and friendly Libra often lacks self-confidence and the ability to face facts. Amethyst, quartz or diamond will help develop these qualities. The choice of talisman should be made based on the date of birth:

Libra women need to be given diamonds. This is a symbol of strength, purity and reliability, because these are the traits that representatives of this sign should develop.

Libra women should be given diamonds that represent purity and strength.


Scorpios are prone to conflicts; they should develop the ability to forgive and be able to find compromises. It is especially important for a Scorpio woman to acquire a talisman. It should be a crystal with a transparent structure such as jasper, tiger's eye and serpentine. The main talisman for Scorpio women is opal. It will enhance natural attractiveness and create a strong shield around its owner, preventing energy depletion.

Opal will enhance the natural attractiveness of a Scorpio woman

The following stones are suitable for men:

Among Scorpios there are often people with psychic abilities. Alexandrite will help develop them.


These people strive to learn something new, they are authoritative and smart. Sagittarius should develop tact and self-discipline. Talisman stones for representatives of this sign are divided into male and female:


People born under the sign of Capricorn are persistent, patient, and can reach unprecedented heights. Talisman stones will help them achieve success.

Onyx is the main patron of the sign, a talisman against sudden death. He will teach you to read the thoughts of your opponents and bring respect from the team. This is a natural indicator: if the gem changes color, this is a signal of danger.

Onyx is the main patron of Capricorns, a talisman against sudden death

Other talisman stones:

Forbidden stones for Capricorns are citrine, emerald and pearls.


The sign has virtually no flaws. These are originals and altruists, daredevils and strategists. TO weaknesses character can be attributed to abstraction, sometimes arrogance. The main keeper of peace and good luck for Aquarius is amethyst. It protects the family hearth, health and success of its owner. Other patrons of the sign are:

Ruby, carnelian and bloody jasper are considered unfavorable for Aquarius.


Impulsive, sympathetic and sacrificial, Pisces often need protection. The amulets for this sign will be stones, whose properties will help suppress character flaws and weaken Negative influence. Favorable Gems:

The danger for Pisces comes from energetic, active minerals with a thick dark color.

The only exception is jet, which will protect you from dark dreams. You should also avoid jewelry with jasper, serpentine, lapis lazuli and hematite.

Stones with dark colors are usually not suitable for Pisces, but jet will protect you from dark dreams

In order for a gemstone to become a friend, helper and protector, intuition is important when choosing a talisman. But no less important is the meaning of the gem and the interpretation of its properties. This is what determines the influence of natural energy on humans. The main rule for zodiac signs is to take care of the chosen talisman, amulet or amulet when putting it on, think only about the good, and believe in its natural power.