What amulets are suitable for twins. Magic protective talismans for twins

People born under the zodiac sign Gemini have an active and slightly explosive nature. In addition, they are distinguished by their inconsistency and originality. Since the sign refers to the air element, then, accordingly, the stones for it will have light colors with sparkling tints - light yellow and pale pink.

Universal stones

The main stone of Gemini is beryl, which belongs to crystalline minerals. It has a transparent glassy luster with a white and yellowish tint, in rare cases it can have a greenish tint.

Exists different kinds beryl, namely:

  1. Aquamarine.
  2. Emerald.
  3. Light green garnet.
  4. Noble beryl- a transparent mineral of golden yellow shades.

In addition to beryl, there are other gems that have a positive effect on Gemini, these are:

  1. - yellowish rock crystal.
  2. It has been known since ancient times, has a golden brown structure with glass tints.
  3. Emerald or Alexandrite considered an ideal talisman for Gemini born in May.
  4. Oriental pearls(cream or pink) suitable for June Gemini.

The following types of talismans are suitable for twin women:

  1. Agate. It is a powerful mineral that has a wide range magical properties. The presence of this stone will bring success in personal and professional affairs, and will also strengthen health.
  2. Nephritis. This mineral has high attractive qualities. First of all, it is able to heal from many diseases, its action is aimed at improving health. This type of stone for Gemini women is able not only to strengthen the immune system, but also to bring good luck and happiness.

For Gemini men, suitable stones include:

  1. Red coral.
  2. Amethyst.

Birth period and amulets

Which stone suits Gemini best? Many experts in the astrological field recommend choosing amulets for the decade of birth. Still, the Gemini zodiac sign has an active, unpredictable character, therefore, it is recommended to pick up stones that are ideal for a person.

First decade - May 21-31

May Gemini have the patronage of the planet Mercury. Those born at this particular time have amazing logic and intuition. In addition, they are simply inexhaustiblely generous, kind, reliable and practical. The following stones should be ideal for these people:

This stone has a variety of tones and tints. Beryl mascot stones are simply meant for Gemini with an intelligent mind. Beryl can be used by Gemini men. Travelers and sailors often take it with them on a hike.

This talisman is able to protect its owner from traumatic injuries, accidents. In addition, it is ideal for women. The stone is able to relieve many problems and diseases of the gynecological sphere. He can also eliminate colds. It is recommended to wear this talisman on a chain under your clothes.

Second decade - June 1-10

People who were born at this time have such qualities as assertiveness, sometimes even aggressiveness. This is due to the fact that they are under the auspices of Mars. The most suitable Gemini born during this period will be:

Third decade - June 11-21

People who were born during this period have a bright and positive character. They always radiate warmth, kindness, attract the attention of others. True, sometimes they can show manifestations of anger, anger. These unpleasant moments can be removed with stones such as:

If your acquaintance friend or girlfriend suddenly became interested in stones and astrology, then do not forget to advise, consider which stones are more suitable for her or him according to the sign of the zodiac. Many astrologers assure that the presence of such a stone will allow you to establish personal affairs, help in work, protect you from various unpleasant problems and strengthen your health.

Talismans play a very important role in the life of people who believe that with their help you can lure good luck to yourself, make positive traits more active. Gemini talismans should be chosen especially seriously, because in this sign opposites are combined, such as evil and good. In a matter of seconds, their mood can change from good to formidable or vice versa, and one gets the feeling that the person has been replaced.

The most important thing when choosing a charm is that it should please its owner.

This sign refers to, therefore, the character of its representatives contains sociability, lightness and the most pronounced quality, changeability. Therefore, the talisman of the zodiac sign Gemini should be light, airy. It will be most active if it is inherited from close relatives or donated.

Before you start wearing an amulet, it is imperative to cleanse it of negative energy. This can be done by holding it under cool running water, after which you should charge the talisman for Gemini with your energy.

It should be borne in mind that in no case should you transfer your amulet, since it will not bring any benefit to the one to whom you give it, it is charged with the energy of its owner and is able to help only him.


What is the most successful Gemini talisman? Mask. This is explained by the fact that the character of the people of this sign includes a whole range of different traits. They also really do not like monotony in everything, this is what the mask symbolizes.

It can be difficult for people around Gemini to adjust to their mood because it is constantly changing. The mask is able to save the representatives of this sign from themselves. Women can wear it as a pendant and men as a keychain.


The key is a symbol for access to information that

Gemini jewelry should be small, delicate, such as a pendant, medallion, etc.

Positioning is very important for Gemini. People of this sign are very sociable, open-minded and inquisitive, love to be in the spotlight. And the key will allow you to find an approach to interlocutors, or vice versa, to protect them from ill-wishers. They say that with the help of the key, its carriers "close" their spiritual world from strangers. The talisman can be either silver or gold.

When choosing a talisman for a Gemini woman, it is recommended to wear a pendant in the form of a key on a chain. And men are offered to wrap it in a cloth that is not black and always have it with them. If difficult life moments or difficult situations arise, it is worth holding the key in your right hand and everything will be safely resolved.

With the help of such a talisman, fortune-telling can be carried out in order to find out the feelings of a beloved. It is necessary to hang this key on a string above the image of a loved one or simply by his name on a piece of paper. One side should be marked somehow and left overnight. The next morning, watch the result: if the key turned the other way, then the one on whom the fortune-telling was carried out has reciprocal feelings, and if the key has not changed the position, then he has no feelings for you.

Other talismans

  • Gemini are considered intellectuals, therefore for them objects in the form of a snake, hand or star have a magical character;
  • For this sign, Mercury is considered to be the patronizing planet. So they called the Roman god, who was famous for his speed in movement, dexterity, cunning. Therefore, any object that is able to receive, store and transmit information, as well as all objects associated with movement, can become a talisman. For example, a pen, a book, a flash drive, banknotes and even a car.
  • Gemini are good at working with papers, so items such as a diary, notebook, notebook, etc. can also become talismans.

The color of the amulet also has a certain meaning, for representatives of this sign it is recommended to give preference to cold shades:

  • Gray;
  • Blue;
  • Purple;
  • Blue;
  • Lilac;
  • Coffee;
  • Yellow.

If the interior at home or at work is done in these shades, then the work will be as productive as possible, and the rest will be a pleasure.

Often pentagrams are applied to amulets with symmetrical and radial arrangement of lines. Especially often this can be seen among those who are prone to the occult. Such amulets help to avoid rash mistakes and make their owner more successful and successful.

It is worth noting that when some elements are repeated in an object, there should be 3 or a multiple of 5, because these numbers are lucky for Gemini.

Animal talismans for Gemini

An elephant and a crow are best suited for Gemini. In order for these animals to help, it is not necessary to have them at home, it is enough to have figurines at home or small figurines that you can always have with you.

Plant talismans for Gemini


the tree is endowed with the ability to develop certain qualities in its owner: patience, scrupulousness and accuracy. But, despite this, the talisman tree does not allow its owner to get hung up on insignificant trifles and reveals to him the whole picture as a whole. Ash figurines and any other products made of this tree can serve as a talisman; they protect well from gossip, evil eyes and excessive interference.


Gemini often speak out too harshly, this plant helps smooth out conflict moments at work and in the family, this makes them diplomatic. In addition, such a talisman can help with health, as the work of the bronchi and lungs improves.


This plant is able to extinguish aggression, avoid negative emotions and generally soothes. If there is lavender in the house, then conflicts and quarrels come to naught. Such a talisman brings harmony and tranquility to women of the sign and relieves of envious thoughts and unnecessary ambitions.

Laurel tree

This is a talisman for the Gemini man, who is considered a symbol of prosperity, luck and success. It can protect you from unnecessary mistakes and all kinds of misfortunes. In addition, the laurel tree has a beneficial effect on health, and especially lymphatic system and the brain.

Indoor flowers

To attract good luck and to avoid many problems, representatives of the Gemini sign are recommended to keep the following types of flowers and plants in their home:

  • Honeysuckle;
  • Tulips;
  • Quinoa;
  • Jasmine;
  • Daffodils;
  • Buttercups;
  • Violets;
  • Daisies.

These plants have a good effect on health, fill the home with calmness, harmony, regularity, good mood and positive energy. And if there is an opportunity to grow your own amulet tree in the garden, then even a couple of seconds spent next to this tree dispose to the correct train of thought and calming the soul.


It is worth having a violet at home if you want to add more love and romance to your life. After the appearance of this flower, the person you should pay attention to will surely meet.

People born under the constellation Gemini are distinguished by a contradictory character and an extraordinary mindset. We are talking about the first sign of the air element, which combines, it would seem, completely incompatible personal qualities... Gemini are creative people who can find a way out of any situation. Many famous and successful personalities are representatives of this particular sign of the astrological pantheon. Duality manifests itself literally in everything: light on their feet and constantly doubting themselves; gifted and at the same time completely inconsistent in actions and deeds; intellectuals, but impulsive and touchy ... They really need special astrological amulets, because they achieve success only when they get rid of negative character traits and develop positive sides its multifaceted nature. Fortunately, there are many talismans for Gemini.

What is the peculiarity of the paraphernalia according to the astrological sign

Such a multifaceted Gemini is a real add-on for others.

Talismans and charms, chosen according to the astrological sign, will help the restless and changeable Gemini find balance and spiritual harmony. The main function of a magical assistant is to rid its wearer of those components of his character that hinder the full disclosure of his inner potential. The zodiac object of power gives its owner additional energy resources, enhances its positive aspects, and also performs protective functions. In addition, talismans by zodiac sign are selected and in accordance with personal goals. For example, to attract financial well-being, health, love, to get rid of bad habits or keep out of the evil eye.

Gemini mascot stones

Black is contraindicated in light and mobile Gemini.

Astrological talismans in the form of natural stones are able to empower, as well as protect from the negative influence of others. According to astrologers, these are the most effective and efficient sacral assistants. Since ancient times, people have used minerals as amulets and amulets. The main thing is to choose the right suitable talisman stone, Considering individual characteristics and needs.

For woman

For Gemini women, only natural minerals are suitable - precious or semi-precious stones. It is unacceptable to use monochromatic stones of cold tones, they will only harm the representatives of the sign. But the iridescent, multi-colored minerals are perfectly combined with the light, freedom-loving and versatile nature of the woman of this sign.

For a man

Natural minerals and stones are effective charms and sacred objects of power for Gemini men.

Onyx magic item can be placed near the bed

  • This is a very powerful talisman, so it is not recommended to use it all the time. Regular use of onyx helps to relieve emotional instability, nervousness and insomnia. This mineral gives its owner confidence in himself and hope for a brighter future, eliminates the flow of negative thoughts. Gemini should not choose black onyx.
  • Opal. White opal amulets are especially suitable for men whose activities are related to creativity. This mineral promotes the release of latent potential and the development of innate talents. Relieves anxiety and insecurity. Attracts success and prosperity.
  • Sapphire. Develops strong-willed qualities, endows with fearlessness, perseverance and wisdom. Promotes self-realization and the achievement of goals. Protects its owner from ill-wishers and helps to find reliable friends and allies. Responsible for the spiritual principle, teaches kindness.
  • Topaz. A magical assistant with topaz helps to achieve a harmonious state, neutralizes negative emotions and allows you to direct energy in the right direction. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps to get rid of insomnia.
  • Cornelian. This mineral warm shades will bring good luck to its owner. Best metal for the frame of the carnelian - gold. And also it can be used as a talisman against the evil eye and damage.
  • Amethyst. A talisman made of amethyst in combination with silver will become an ideal object of power for the too hot-tempered and fickle men of the air sign. It will help to conserve precious energy, as well as relieve depression and anxiety. Balances and motivates.
  • Agate. An effective talisman for married Gemini. Protects the owner and his family from material difficulties and slander, strengthens the relationship between spouses. And also agate promotes self-realization, bestows ambition and determination, improves memory and attention.

Talisman stones for women and men by date of birth

Only natural minerals have sacred properties

The astrological period of the sign of Gemini is subdivided into three decades, and each decade has its own planet. That is why all Gemini are such unique, unrepeatable personalities.

  • 1 decade (05.21–31.05)

The early Gemini are born under the tutelage of Mercury. These are both strategists and intuitions at the same time. Talismans in the form suitable stones develop strengths representatives of the air element: they will strengthen the spirit and willpower, contribute to the sharpening of intuitive and even extrasensory capabilities, the development of analytical thinking. The best choice for Gemini of the first decade is Moonstone, agate, yellow or red obsidian, rock crystal, as well as rich green minerals - jade, beryl, malachite, amazonite.

  • 2nd decade (01.06-10.06)

Militant Mars patronizes intermediate Gemini born in the second decade. The influence of the red planet explains the irresistible craving of representatives of this astrological period for universal recognition, a high position in society and power. Friendly and active Gemini of the second decade often turn out to be hypocrites, egoists and show unreasonable aggression. Tiger's eye, onyx and yellow pearls will help mitigate negative effects and enhance the positive aspects.

  • 3rd decade (11.06-21.06)

Later Gemini are influenced by the Sun. We are talking about bright, benevolent personalities who value loved ones. But the solar representatives of the Gemini sign are not devoid of negative traits. They are prone to frequent mood swings and can be easily pissed off or offended. Sapphire, tourmaline, emerald and topaz help to strengthen relationships with others, as well as smooth out character flaws.


Gemini is the most changeable and dynamic astrological sign. Climbing plants, as well as plants with small and narrow oblong leaves, are suitable for representatives of the air element. The so-called atmospheric plants, which do not need scrupulous care and are easily tolerated, will have a positive effect. Negative influence environment.

Asparagus are ideal companions for Gemini who really have magical properties... Plus, they can be grown at home.

Asparagus from the asparagus family will cheer you up and relieve melancholy

  • Asparagus is pinnate.

This variety of asparagus is suitable for the windy representatives of the air sign, who are prone to chaotic thinking and a hectic lifestyle. The feathery asparagus promotes calmness and prudence. Helps to tune in to a working mood, increases productivity. Relieves the room from the atmosphere of fuss. Such a plant can be placed near the workplace, especially if you work in the service sector and interact with a huge number of completely different people during the day.

  • Asparagus is dense-flowered.

Dense-flowered asparagus with drooping stems are the best choice for sedentary and suspicious Gemini. Such an astrological assistant will help you gain self-confidence, endow you with purposefulness, motivation and independence. In addition, the plant has a positive effect on thought processes, improves memory, relieves depressive mood and helps to concentrate on the really important things.

  • Asparagus is asparagus.

Asparagus asparagus is an ideal talisman for atypical Gemini who have lost their mobility and lightness, succumbed to apathy and are no longer interested in life. This vegetable assistant will relieve chronic fatigue and drowsiness, promote sociability and the development of oratorical qualities, and eliminate emotional stiffness.

Such a beautiful and completely unpretentious Tradescantia will definitely appeal to the representatives of the sign.

This plant will bring an atmosphere of joy and peace to the Gemini's home, neutralize envious people, and contribute to strengthening relationships between all family members. The representative of the astrological sign will give joy and hope, develop a sense of humor and a positive outlook. In addition, the flower will be a good helper for Gemini children if you put it in the children's room.

V Ancient Greece ivy was considered a sacred plant

Ivy is a completely unpretentious and hardy plant with powerful energy. This is a suitable natural talisman for weak-willed, dependent, emotionally unstable people. Ivy helps to get rid of bad habits, complexes, fears and doubts, and also has a beneficial effect on health in general.

The fern is common all over the globe.

This plant is able to clear the room of a fussy and disturbing atmosphere. It will also bring organization to the home. The fern is responsible for a sense of proportion, therefore, all Gemini, without exception, can use it as a talisman. He will teach overly active individuals to get excited, and he will endow the lazy with determination. Rationalists will become more empathetic, and overly sensitive natures will acquire rational qualities. Improves concentration and attention, eliminates idle talk and unnecessary thoughts.

And also suitable for Gemini:

  • chlorophytum,
  • decorative palms,
  • tillandsia,
  • orchids,
  • zebrina,
  • primrose.


A fig tree can also be planted at home

There are also natural talismans for Gemini among the trees. Personal amulets and charms can be made from suitable wood. And also a patron tree can be planted near the house or in the country.

  • Chestnut. Chestnut patronizes creative, extraordinary representatives of the sign. It will help direct energy in the right direction, contribute to the disclosure of innate talents. Eliminate anxiety and insecurity.
  • Ash. This tree attracts true love and helps to gain recognition from others. Eliminates talkativeness and exaggeration. Teaches patience and prudence.
  • Hornbeam. Helps to overcome fears and doubts, self-doubt. Gives wisdom and some solidity, promotes self-realization. Attracts mutual and deep feelings.
  • Elm. Patronizes people of advanced age. Helps to preserve youthfulness of soul and spontaneity, gives optimism. Elm is responsible for sensuality and spirituality. Relieves irritability.
  • Fig. Sharpens intuition and promotes the development of psychic abilities. Teaches you to listen to the opinions of others and not be afraid of difficulties.

Animal symbols by horoscope

In the legends of many peoples, crows are the personification of wisdom.

Animals and birds have long been considered carriers of a special energy. It is not easy for many authentic peoples and to this day there is such a concept as a totem animal. Each astrological sign is patronized by one or another representative of the fauna. Getting a live talisman is completely optional, and in some cases it is completely impossible. It is enough to use suitable figurines, figurines, images, accessories that will personify your totem.


It is good if a picture depicting an elephant is present in the Gemini's dwelling. This powerful animal symbolizes majesty and solidity. Such a talisman will give a feeling of peace and security, as well as endow with spiritual strength and physical health.

This quick-witted bird with extraordinary intellectual ability will facilitate fast and effective learning. It will also help to maintain interest in everything new and unknown in adulthood. In addition, an astrological talisman in the form of a raven sharpens intuition and reveals psychic capabilities. Protects from the evil eye and the machinations of envious people. Astrologers recommend making a homemade talisman from raven feathers, for example, a dream catcher. And hang it in your house.


The snake decoration will endow its owner with wisdom and patience. Will help you find a way out of difficult situation, and will also save you from gossip, confusing situations and love affairs.

Dragonflies, butterflies and hummingbirds

Winged creatures symbolize lightness and activity. Accessories, images or small figurines in the form of these representatives of the fauna will lure good luck and attract true love. They will also contribute to the disclosure of new talents and give a feeling of inner freedom and self-sufficiency.

Other astrological assistants

Almost any thing can become a sacred talisman for the sign of the zodiac. But there are also special objects of power, symbols that personify this or that astrological sign with all its characteristics. For the many-faced Gemini, objects symbolizing movement, the flow of information, lightness and versatility are suitable.

A paper airplane will bring good luck

Copper bell

A small brass bell will bring good luck when placed in the bedroom. You should not extract sounds from it yourself, at the right time the bell will ring itself. The soft sound of such a talisman will be a harbinger of good news, luck, healing. A dull sound will alert you of impending danger.

Airplane or angel

These symbols will be ideal magical assistants for the representatives of the air sign. It is not so important what materials they will be made of. The main thing is to hang them on a string or thread of a suitable color directly to the ceiling. A soaring angel and an airplane figurine will lure good luck into their master's house.


The mask symbolizes the contradictory nature of Gemini and has a harmonizing effect. The talisman in the form of a small mask will help get rid of internal contradictions and gain peace of mind... And also endows with wisdom and prudence.


Ideal amulet for public Gemini who like to be in the spotlight. Develops oratorical talents and helps to find an approach to absolutely to different people... Sharpens intuition and gives self-confidence. A small key made of silver or gold is recommended to be worn around the neck. And also the talisman can be carried in a pocket or bag, having previously wrapped it in a natural opaque fabric (any colors are acceptable except black).

Pocket mirror

A wonderful talisman against the evil eye and negative impact others. The compact mirrored silver frame should be carried with you at all times.


The feather goes well with the elements of Air, which governs Gemini. This symbol should be kept where it can be clearly seen. The pen image can even be placed on the computer desktop. Responsible for creativity and self-realization. Helps to achieve good results in professional activity and study.

Book, flash drive, car, banknotes

The book pendant is an excellent talisman for the inquisitive Gemini.

All items symbolizing the movement and exchange of information will have a beneficial effect on the representatives of the air sign. They will strengthen the strengths of their owner and smooth out negative character traits.


Favorable shades and colors should be used in makeup, wardrobe or interior design.

  • Yellow.
  • Shades of blue.
  • Green.
  • Shades of gray.
  • Brown.
  • Purple.


Classic precious metals are suitable for Gemini:

  • Gold.
  • Silver.

Slavic amulets by date of birth

Slavic astrological calendar modern Gemini belong to two palaces (periods) of the Svarog circle. Representatives of each palace have their own patron and special protective symbols.

In the photo, the amulet of the Elk's palace

  • Hall of the Elk (7.05-30.05).
  • Finist's Hall (30.06-21.06).

The twins born in the Elk palace are distinguished by their dedication and hard work. These are reliable comrades loving wives, husbands, parents and children. They are patronized by the ancient Russian deity of fertility and beauty, the foremother of many Slavic Gods- Lada. And the birch is the totem tree. The amulet for this sector of the Svarog circle can be made of wood (preferably from birch), and silver or copper amulets are also suitable for Gemini. The talisman of the Elk's palace will protect the owner from the machinations of ill-wishers, envy and the evil eye. Strengthens marital relations and endows with physical strength.

Falcon, or Finist, personifies masculinity and valor. The just and wise deity Vyshen controls the representatives of this sector of the astrological circle of the Slavs. The patron tree is cherry. The Gemini in the palace of Finist has developed spirituality, sharpened intuition, and often they possess psychic abilities... These people achieve tremendous success both in science and in the field of spiritual practice. A special talisman will help to reveal innate talents and direct energy in the right direction. It will save you from unkind thoughts and evil deeds, endow you with wisdom and kindness.

How to make a talisman yourself

Do not use synthetic materials for the mascot

An astrological talisman, made with your own hands, will become the best magical helpers for representatives of any zodiac sign... After all, the purchased amulet requires special cleaning and customization. And a homemade object of power is charged with your energy already in the process of its manufacture.

Suitable materials for Gemini are birch and cherry, silver and gold, as well as patron minerals. But in general, you can use any available means. The main thing is that they must be natural. Correctly selected colors and shades will bring additional benefits.

In order for a homemade amulet to start working for you, it is important to sincerely believe in its magical properties.


The air element will cleanse the talisman

Activation of a personal power item is an energetic process between the talisman and its owner. In order for the talisman to start its work, it must be filled by their own desires, intentions, thoughts. Hold him in your hands, mentally or aloud talk to him and thank him for his help and support.

At the moment of activation, it is very important to be in good mood and calm mood. Nothing should distract you, and strangers should not be around. It is best to customize the talisman in the evening or at night.

How to wear correctly

Signet rings and rings can boast

Talismans in the form of accessories and jewelry should be worn on oneself, closer to the body. It is desirable that they be hidden from prying eyes. Do not show them to others, let them touch or admire them. An exception will be rings and rings with natural minerals. These are strong magical assistants who are not afraid of outside influence.

Giving and giving, as well as just throwing away the astrological talisman, is also impossible. But inherited amulets, on the contrary, are even more effective and powerful. Rinse them thoroughly in fresh water before use.

Astrological talismans for Gemini require an attentive and careful attitude. These are sacred items exclusively for you. If you comply with all the necessary conditions, the zodiac talisman will help fulfill your desires, attract wealth, health and love, and also protect from adversity.

According to astrologers, stones should be chosen and worn in accordance with the constellations of the zodiac. What kind of Gemini stone and what effect does it have on the mood and well-being of the owner? There are 2 types of stones in nature - crystals and minerals. The first ones affect the human body with a high frequency of vibrations and are able to restore its energy, heal. Radiation of minerals, in addition to strengthening health, promotes mental comfort and harmony. In order for a stone to have a positive effect, it must be chosen correctly.

According to astrologers, stones should be chosen and worn in accordance with the constellations of the zodiac.

Gemini is the most fickle and unpredictable of the zodiac signs. Element - Air. The sun is in this sign from May 21 to June 21. For everyone born during this period, agate, alexandrite, beryl, citrine and carnelian will bring good luck as a Gemini talisman. They help prevent conflicts, develop the patience that Gemini lacks, pacify their vanity. Agate helps, especially the weak and sickly people. It is considered the stone of longevity. Any agate decoration is suitable for those who grow plants, since it has long been known as a talisman of fertility. Rings with him are recommended to be worn on left hand and the stone yellow color not worth wearing until 40 years old. Astrologers believe that all black talismans are contraindicated for this sign, and the best stone for Gemini is alexandrite. He helps to survive adversity, develops qualities strong man makes people friendly. At night, the alexandrite jewelry should be removed.

Talismans for May Gemini

To determine more accurately which stones are suitable for Gemini, it is necessary to take into account the successive influence of Jupiter, Mars and the Sun, which affects the personality in different ways, and hence the need for one or another energy support. You should choose a stone by date of birth more specifically.

Those born from May 21 to May 31 have an equally developed intuitive and analytical thinking. The mineral rock crystal for this zodiac sign is a stimulant of intellectual activity. They are generous and practical at the same time. They are in harmony with the moonstone (selenite), which allows not to be sprayed, not to be thrown from side to side, directing to one target. V family relationships it helps to maintain faithfulness. Most often, the moonstone is framed in silver. The ring is worn on ring finger left hand. Selenite jewelry is worn during the waxing moon, its influence is strongest on the new moon. On the waning moon, the stone takes energy from its owner.

For May Gemini, green mascot stones are suitable. Mineral jade improves condition nervous system, but it cannot be worn constantly, as it attracts loneliness, intolerable by this sign. The amazonite talisman promotes the manifestation of sincerity and heals the body.

Influenced by Mars

Zodiac sign Gemini characterizes people born from June 1 to June 10, as energetic and quick-witted, but aggressive and too straightforward. Beryl, topaz and agate are suitable for them. Gems for Gemini, emerald, aquamarine, heliodor are the most famous varieties of beryl. Beautiful gems will help to bring the work started to the end, muffle violent emotions. Emerald creative people essential for inspiration, he is the master of wisdom and philosophy. Heliodor is a stone of the sun and celebration, relieves of melancholy, cheers up, is an amulet for happy love... It is very suitable for those whose work is related to communication. With the beryl amulet, colds, fatigue and stress in Gemini will go away faster. Aquamarine protects from lies, symbolizes a peaceful attitude towards others. It is best to wear beryls as an amulet on a chain under clothes.

The zodiac sign Gemini is best suited for good luck talismans made of chrysoprase, since this stone helps mobile people. You should not wear it for those who often have fits of anger and rage. The more transparent the stone, the more valuable it is. Those who are engaged in trade, conduct their own business, chrysoprase can protect against material losses or financial scams. Chrysoprase bracelets are good as amulets. Since ancient times, it was believed that this semiprecious stone protects from the evil eye, and in combination with silver doubles these properties. If chrysoprase is in a dark place for a long time, it may lose its strength. It must be worn constantly, these stones are suitable for any sign of the zodiac.

If the birthday is in the third decade

Those born from June 11 to June 21 are better able to cope with their emotions than other Gemini, but they are not alien to bouts of anger. Emerald, topaz, tourmaline, yellow sapphires help to curb the heat. The tiger's eye resists jealousy and suspicion. He can open Gemini's eyes to many incomprehensible situations. Loves the tiger's eye silver frames. Pearls are very important for Gemini (except black). Too frank and talkative, he protects from ill-wishers. Magical astrology warns that only family people can wear pearls.

It keeps the relationship of spouses clean, and brings peace and tranquility to couples who live together for a long time. Pearls have the greatest positive effect on self-confident people.

Amber helps Gemini develop intuition, correctly assess the state of affairs. Amber is irreplaceable for those who are building a career. Amber products must be taken to business meetings... The tourmaline talisman protects Gemini from gossip and the evil eye, gives a sense of peace and clears the mind. This magic stone used for concentration of attention during meditation. You need to frame it in gold. To make the life of the fickle Gemini more measured, present him with a yellow sapphire amulet. He brings humility, helps make friends for many years. When choosing a stone, carefully examine it, since the influence of a sapphire with defects on a person can be extremely negative.

Gemini gems (video)

For women and men

Gemini can be suspicious and jealous. Women of this sign need more time to sleep and rest, as they are very active. Citrine gives them a positive boost emotional state... Stones for Gemini women should be bright sunny shades: amber, cat's and tiger's eyes. The blue amulet is excluded. For women in business, citrine is a good choice for attracting profits and curbing excitement. It is better to wear it in a pendant. Gemini women should wear jewelry with malachite only to restore energy, infrequently. In magical astrology, tourmaline is considered a companion of love and hope, so a girl, according to the sign of Gemini, needs a stone talisman from it if she is looking for happiness in family relationships. For a woman and her health, heliodor is indispensable. It prevents the appearance of gynecological problems, pregnancy is easier with it.

Which stone is right for Gemini men? Agate gives men confidence in their abilities, even makes them eloquent. A stone of light shades helps to find compromises, awakens good feelings. Yellow and red obsidians help to hone the sharpness of thought, to gather - this is sometimes difficult for impatient Gemini. It is useful for them to sort out a rosary made of yellow volcanic glass. Mineral malachite will share energy and protect you from the evil eye. If a man wants to start a family, but cannot cope with frivolity and carelessness, it will be useful for him to wear rauchtopaz, which warns against temptations. Therefore, smoky quartz is often presented to a man according to the zodiac sign Gemini for a wedding as a family talisman.

For the stone to have an impact, it can be worn as jewelry, hold in hand, pocket or purse. It is believed that if you put rhinestone under your pillow, you will be able to get rid of insomnia or a nightmare, since the mineral has a calming effect on the human psyche. The influence of any stone increases if you wear clothing that matches it in color. The most powerful are ancient jewelry, passed down from generation to generation, they protect the family from troubles.