How to cope with life difficulties. How to survive a difficult period in life

In the article you will learn:

Hi friends! "There are always problems and everyone. Only some decide them. "©. Sometimes we easily experience some life situations or temporary difficulties, but even strong man Can knock out serious trouble from the gauge. Today I will share with you a few effective ways. On how to overcome difficulties in life - read further.

Who prepared for battle, he half won him

In order to effectively overcome the difficulty arising, you first need to get rid of all obstacles that you interfere with this. And the main enemy in this is our fear. There is a fear that burst and says that we are on the threshold of something new. And there is a destructive fear leading to depression. We are tritely afraid that we will not come out and life will change not the best for us.

That is, we are afraid of consequences. They have not come yet, but we are already afraid of them. This is the position of the victim. Therefore, instead of wringing and crying about fate or bad luck - you need to accept everything that happened. It happened and life continues.

To make it easier to do, you can use the following statements, thoughtforms:

  1. Write on paper all that bothers.
  2. Ending formulas to them that help to accept: "It will not always be", "It will pass", "I will overcome it", "So what?" etc.

For example:

  • I was abandoned by my wife, and I handle it!
  • I was fired. So what? New find!
  • I have no money, but it will not always!

Feel how it becomes easier? If the fear is too strong and you screw the scary pictures, then describe the most worst scenarios for you to develop events and accept yourself. Because you are concerned about the unknown, and now it is not, and you know how to plan your actions.

Health is not all, but everything is without health

Any difficulties with which it will be difficult to cope, require large energy costs. Therefore, it is important to prepare your body to them. Take care of your health, exclude everything out of your life that adversely affects:

  • Harmful meals Fat, fried, unnecessary salty food worsens the metabolism and prevents the production of necessary energy, especially in old age.
  • Non-sleeping can seriously affect mental condition, cause apathy, depressiveness. But do not resort in this case to sleeping pills. This is an extreme method and only by appointing a doctor. Better read that I suggest you for strong healthy sleep In the article "How to quickly sleep and sleep."
  • Excessive passion for computer games or TV. You need clear consciousness now, and not the departure from reality in toys and zomboyask.
  • Especially exclude alcohol. It will not help solve the problem, but on the contrary. In the changed state of consciousness, you can aggravate the situation.

For what more

Now, when you are in active physical and psychological form, ready to adequately perceive the real position of things. Namely, it is to understand that all your strength you spent on your emotions and on the struggle with the difficulties, losing sight of the main goals.

What do you want in the long run, five years old or ten? How do you see your life when all these troubles will be only past? Why do you really seek? Think about it if you used to be asked such questions or remember.

Lock on your main objectives and realize: what is happening with you now is only a task, another stage on the way to the goal. And what do with the tasks? They are solved. Remember how in school the teacher asked to solve examples from the textbook. They were light and sophisticated. Sometimes we were lazy to do or boring them, but more often interesting and curious.

Because it was something new. We Corpel, tired, but were looking for the right answer. So now. It is only necessary to sit and thoroughly think that we can take in these conditions.

How to overcome difficulties: time management lesson

And one of the most important law management laws says: if the task is complicated - break it into parts. Make a large amount of small. Our brain is so arranged that making something concrete and tangible from the global - we think more effectively.

The next step is planning. Carefully think about how you do, so that if you do not fully solve the task, then do it as much as possible. Evaluate which barriers may arise on your path, you must be prepared for different results.

Forget the failure - accept lesson

And immediately accept the fact that the result may not be the one you expect. And then you need to be putting new tasks. And this is normal. This too shall pass. It is useless to be angry with yourself and especially on others. Remove from this lesson.

If you had to overcome some difficulties in life, then once in the past you did so that they were created in the present. As Fain Ranevskaya said: "People themselves make problems themselves - no one forces them to choose boring professions, marry not on those people or buy uncomfortable shoes."

And if you carefully look at your life and your life, you will understand that this is good to you. Thanks to these situations learn and develop yourself. Because everything is interconnected in life. Want to live happily - develop, Realize yourself and your actions.

Man dies when joy ends in him

And then you will reveal the essence of the next method - rejoice in life. Being grateful for what you have. No, in no case read the sermon and I do not say content with something small, but to appreciate what you already have. Search positive sides, To see them and think about them.

Low salary? The lesson that will help you in the future - raise income, develop professionally. And the good is that you have to learn a lot of new things. Think about those accomplishments that you expect, and not about how it is difficult for you to secure yourself, pay for the apartment, etc.

When I moved to London, I was at first very difficult in someone else's country, away from relatives, from the usual lifestyle. But I coped! Because I did not regret myself, but went ahead and believed in the best! And I understood how the favorite person is important and how good it is next to me!

How to become better

I hope my ways to overcome difficulties will help you. Write in the comments, which helped you personally, and share your valuable experience! But that's not all. As you understood, there would be no difficulty and development. We would stand in place and drowned in our own swamp.

Therefore, I prepared a list of those qualities whose development is always useful. They will help you any arising tasks on your life path Click as nuts:

  1. Adequate expectations. Do not impose on people unjustified hopes. Trust is given over time, in the process of recognizing each other.
  2. Self-sufficiency. Learn independence and autonomy. Do not confuse with feminism. A man protects a woman and take care of her, but if circumstances change and the woman will have to stay alone - she will not disappear.
  3. A responsibility. Learn to answer for your actions, do not be afraid to do something new.
  4. Positive. Any contact will be able to establish a smiling cheerful manHe does not focus on failures and believes in the best.
  5. Patience. When I want everything immediately, it turns out a little and for a short time. But a chic result takes time and strength, it's here that the ability to suffer a little bit.

But the most important thing is the desire for self-development. If you are not sitting in place and strive to become better, stronger, smarter, you will always find the most best exit! You can quickly eliminate the disadvantages, adequately appreciate yourself, will be an interesting person for yourself and others.

Wish you all the best. Your joon!

One day, drooling gray in the evening, once again, lover of tears and drinking a brandy wineglass of Valerian, you decide that it can't continue to continue. And you want establish your life. Remembering the old grandmother's recipe for the fight against everyday troubles, you take a sheet of paper and write at the top: problems, after which you start pouring a soul into a sorrowful column:

Love: no and not foresee
Health: Once it was, now there is no
Work: while there is, but it seems soon there will be no
Appearance: On the garbage
Perspectives: nic
Nerves: neither to hell
Relaxation: Forgot what it is
Friends: disappeared in blue Dali

In this way, a disappointing result, you go to seek a coin to solve it: hang or walked ... Although it is necessary to find a way to establish your life.

There is a "black strip" in your life. It seems that problems fell on your head as a snowy avalanche, stunning, blinding and fighting hands and legs. But, unlike avalanche that kills his victims quickly and painlessly, trouble seems to have decided to take you to Izmor, slowly, but right. It's time to set one of the main questions of the Russian intelligentsia: "What to do?" How to keep yourself in a continuous, long-term stream of troubles and failures and how, taking yourself in hand, after all establish your life?

It is known that the salvation of drowning - the work of the hands of the drowning. This also applies to those who are sinking in the waves of everyday storms. Therefore, without postponing for a minute, start the rescue operation. Ten anti-crying events should not only keep you afloat, but also help to get safely to a quiet harbor. And you will understand them: establish your life - it's simple!

1. Problems - in line!

One of the main signs of the "black strip" is an acute lack of time syndrome. Typically, problems alternate with the periods of calm and carelessness, but now they are thrown on you with all the scope, not giving sigh. It seems that their countless quantity, and you never cope with them. It's time to remember the old Russian proverb: the eyes are afraid, and their hands do. And so that the eyes are not afraid, do this. All cases of cutting in the column in chronological order: What you need to do for. Do not forget to specify the deadline for execution. Then take a sheet of clean paper and fasten it over the list using two stationery clips so that only the first line can be seen from under the white sheet. Having a list on the wall. Now, making a case, you strike it out of the list and shift a white sheet down. Thus, you will not forget anything, the upcoming affairs will not scare you, and in your eyes there will be a list of victories, giving optimism and confirming that things are going, despite anything. Already one of this list will undoubtedly help adjust life.

2. Sleep - Magic Leak

Insomnia - fresh satellite "Black Stripe". We go to bed, but anxiety does not give you to fall asleep, restless thoughts climb into the head, and now for the third hour of the night, and you will all be told without sleep on hot sheets, and in the morning you get up with a sore head, completely broken. The darkness is thickened around you and thicker than from the evening ... Remember: nothing inhibits and does not weaken the organism as a lack of sleep. Weakness, irritability, the depressed mood may not be symptoms of the impending depression, and the result of regular lack of sleep. Do not let insomnia weaken you from the rear! Cool bedroom, warm blanket, low pillow and complete silence - simple recipe good night. If necessary, the use of soft sleeping pills. Remember: the more you sleep - the faster the time goes, the sooner the "black strip" will end, the more painless you will survive it, and possibly life will work out itself.

3. Do not give up!

Do not give up a panic and affected spirits! When everything is not laid, there is a huge temptation to smell on your hand, say: "Everything disappeared! I can not do anything!" - and swim downstream, with humility expecting the final catastrophe. The most interesting thing is that catastrophistic predictions, as a rule, come true: Holding the hands and ceasing to take at least something for his salvation, you, of course, will go to the bottom with a pleasant feeling of our right. But why do you need such a right thing? .. Bring to the end, do everything possible and impossible to establish your lifePersening will bring you a victory. It is easy to die - it's hard to stay alive.

4. Protect defense

Feel yourself precipitated fortress. Be careful and prudent, forget the usual carelessness, do not be afraid to reinforce it. Find out the "Phone of Trust" in his city. If you never even use their services, you will at least know that you have in stock and this option is in the most extreme case. Show high attention to your health: the body in a state of stress is subject to infections, can exacerbate chronic diseases. Do not percade, follow the power mode, walk more on foot, take vitamins, carefully follow the teeth. The stress weakens attention, accidents happen from inattentive; Going out of the house, check whether the electrical appliances are turned off, be careful on the roadway when you move the street and when you lead the car.

5. Take their own

Solna enjoy the minutes of the clutch. When another trouble is behind, and all the painful care of this day is completed, sit comfortably, and better Lagge, relax, close your eyes and tell yourself: "At that moment I'm calm and happy, I'm warm, I'm fed, I have nothing hurts, around me Silence, and now I can not worry about anything. What will happen next - I do not know. But this instant is entirely belonging to me. And life will begin to adjust. Now I have everything in order, and nothing can shake my bliss at this moment. "

6. Humor - severe weapons of weak

Look at the situation with humor, and for this, look at yourself from the side. Think: After all, any humor in some way is built on other people's troubles. Remember the classic examples: what is good in getting a cake to a physiognomy - however, everyone laughs ... And a drunk hippolyte in the winter coat and in the hat under the shower ("Oh! Warring went! ..") - Well he was in TU unforgettable New Year's Eve? .. How much did the seeds of Gorbunkkov seed for your laughter suffered ("stumbled, fell. I woke up - gypsum"), and the brave General Ivolgin uttered his famous "Well, you, damn, give!" Not at all from joy ... Try to look at your life from the side as a comedy of morals, retell the unpleasant events of the day as if we compose Faketon. Bitter mixer is better than bitter tears.

7. Live present

Do not remember the past. Do not think about the future. Live in a narrow horizon of today. Past troubles are powerless, they can only hit you with your own hands. Why pour water on the mills of their enemies? Forget the insults and lesions - and you will become invulnerable. Do not harm the Russian Academy of Sciences, showing the will, do not remember what no longer return. You should not scare yourself the phantoms of the coming troubles - the future is only one thing, and you have a whole hundred of misfortunes, most of which will not happen. Solve problems as they are received to life has improved. Deciding - Forget.

8. Go towards danger

Unpleasant, but necessary do not delay. If the decision is made, long fluctuations only exterge your soul. If scary - you need to meet danger, then not so scary. Delay only worsen the situation. Unpleasant conversation, surgery, care from work or from the family - all this needs to be done without hesitation. Think of all options. Choose the one that seems right to you. Acceptance of responsibility. And make a decisive step.

9. Helping others, help yourself

The only way to escape yourself is to save others. Find those who are worse than you: Believe me, such will always be! It does not have to be people - all nature It needs compassion and effective assistance. Helping those who are weaker, firstly, you save from the false and demoralizing feeling that you are the most unhappy creature in the world, and secondly - you are convinced of our strength and the ability to do something positive, because you always solve any problems Lighter than your own! Do not be thickened with small good deeds, let it be completely tiny. Avenger the evil of all over the world who gets up to you: Help your neighbor, helping the distant. Their gratitude will be an unexpected joy, a ray of light in a thickening around the darkness.

10. Everything will be held

Remember: everything passes. It will take place and this "black strip" in your life. This thought should not leave you for a minute. Everything passes, everything will pass, the morning will come, the sun looks like. When it comes to the worst - it begins to change for the better. And in order to satisfy the strict theory of probabilities, life will give you, for balancing the "black stripes", wide, complete happiness and good luck, "light band". You can do it establish your life. You just need to wait!

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If something bad happens, people are often hiding from their experiences and are waiting for everything to work out. it normal reaction I wish more happiness and less pain. But if negative experiences continue for a long timeIn an attempt to hide from them, we stop living.

This is what needs to be done so as not to experience bad times in emotional bomb shelter, and get a maximum benefit from them.

1. Perceive the negative as an opportunity for growth

Any negative experience can teach you a lot if it is correct to perceive it. Can give push to search more suitable for your profession. Parting with a close person will help free the place for new quality relationships.

The disease will tell you what you do wrong: do not follow health, work too much, not leaving time for yourself and family, too worry. Often after the illness, people change their look at many things, begin to take care of themselves, spend more time with loved ones.

Any trouble is your teacher. But you can understand the lesson, only if you openly experience your experience.

2. Do not hide, live your life entirely

In trying to escape from despair, people often hide behind meaningless classes: Drink, watch TV, stick on the Internet and social networksPlaying B. computer games - Do anything, just not to think about problems and do not experience pain.

Such a strategy helps, but only for a while. The emotions do not disappear anywhere: the next morning with a hangover or after an eaten ice cream bucket, they flooded with you with a new force.

Do not hide from your feelings. On the contrary, open them and survive them in full. It will not kill you, but heal.

It would seem that the more we concentrate in our state, the brighter we feel pain. However, research MindFulness Meditation Trump Placebo in Pain Reduction showed that it is not. People practicing realization meditation, 44% suffered less from pain than all other participants in the experiment.

Concentrate on your condition. Not in external circumstances, namely, what is happening in you inside. What are you experiencing: Fear, longing, hopelessness, despair? Expand this feeling, accommodate it completely, feel different shades. Imagine that you need to describe your in detail emotional conditionwithout missing any details.

3. Love your experience

When you stop hiding from negative, revealed our emotions and learned lessons, the next step is to love your experience.

Every moment, filled with pain and sadness, at the same time full of beauty. Every person who grieves you, at the same time gives you an invaluable lesson. Love every minute of your experience and everyone, thanks to who you get it.

Rejoice bad times As an opportunity for growth, perceive them as an invitation to become better.

When trouble is run out, you will become a little stronger and wiser than were.

All people from time to time are faced with difficulties, even those who, by general conviction, everything is given easy. How do all people cope with this? Why not quit everything and not escape on Goa? We will help you to change your look at such things, introduce some skills and strategies, and also teach what should be done to adequately meet difficulties.


Part 1

Attitude to the problem

    Please accept the fact that you are faced with difficulties. Many people disappear from difficulties. They convince themselves that the problem is not important either that it is not at all. It is important for you to understand this, because the very first step to solving the problem is to recognize that the problem exists.

    • This is not easy. To admit to the existence of the problem with which you will have to understand may be scary. If you are afraid of what this problem can turn into for you, remember: before that you have repeatedly come across difficulties, and you managed to get out of all difficult situations. There is no reason to think that this time will be different.
  1. Act. Whatever the problem bothered you, you need to start something to do with it as soon as possible. Every moment of inactivity is that; the same action. Without making anything, you still influence something, and it is hardly helps you in solving the problem. Problems have a property to quickly increase in quantity, if they do not deal with them. The sooner you begin to do something, the easier it will be to cope with difficulties.

    Rate the situation. So, you are ready to take up the solution to the problem. Excellent! It is best to start with the assessment of the situation. What do you really know about what is happening? Are you sure that you all understand? It is necessary to struggle not only with the consequences. It is possible that you do not know the main cause of the problem, therefore it is important to carefully analyze everything that happens.

    • This usually means that you will need to talk to people who are somehow related to your problem. Do you have difficulty in school? Talk to the teacher. At work? Discuss a question with the boss or colleague. In a relationship? Talk to your partner. Health problems? Meet your doctor. You know what to do in each of these situations.
    • It may be useful to make a list. Most often, difficulties are not expressed in one task or problem, but consist of a variety of elements. Make a list of all tasks and subtasks and describe what you need to do to solve all problems.
  2. Rate your resources. Now that you know what you have to fight, you need to think about which tools and resources you will need. What resources will be the most important, depends on the problem itself, however, you need to consider much. Think about your own strengths, About people who can help you and about physical resources (for example, about money). It must be remembered about their weaknesses. This will allow you to plan all for the future so that you can compensate weak sides Or at least be prepared for complications in these areas. Soberly evaluate both good, and bad in the current situation, because one only unfounded optimism does not help here.

    • For example, you have difficulties in marriage. What do you need in order to solve the problem? You know how to talk about your feelings, and it is good, because this quality is necessary in order to come to agreement. You have an example of parents who were able to stay together, despite the major quarrels, and they can advise you. You also know that you rarely change your habits, so you need to remember that here should be especially careful.
  3. Collect more information. You know all the circumstances of the situation, and you know what resources you have, so now you can start looking for the necessary information. Learn more about the problem from which you encountered. Talk to people who passed through the same thing. The more information, examples of other people and output options from the situation you will have, the easier it will be to make your decisions. It will also remind you that you are not alone.

    • On the Internet you can find a large number of Information on any problems. Just use the search engine.
    • For example, you have problems at work. You are assigned a meeting with the manual, and you are afraid that your performance indicators turned out to be below average. Look in the Internet the criteria for assessing the quality of employees of employees. You will learn everything about this process and can understand how the rest they coped with it. You can also find out what you should do to stay on your office if something in the assessment of your work will be unsatisfactory.
  4. Think about all the features. When a person is nervous, he sees only a few ways out of complex situation. You may seem that you have only two options: do anyway. However, it is most often turned out to be an incorrect vision of a situation that can harm you and negatively affect decision-making. Try to find new ways out of the situation in addition to obvious. It is possible that you will be able to find a compromise solution that will benefit you in the long run, even if it is not at all suitable for current conditions.

    • If you are difficult to re-evaluate the situation and find an alternative solution, the easiest way will be to talk to someone close. Consume. If you have no one, think about your main goal (about what you want to achieve). On the way to goal there is a problem. Now think about the main function of the target. Is there another way to achieve this goal? It can help you find another way to solve the problem.
  5. Communicate, communicate, communicate. If your problem is somehow connected with other people, the bulk of the issues can be solved using conversations. Very often problems arise only because we do not know how to speak with others as they should be able to.

    • Suppose you have problems in relationships. It will be best to talk with a partner. Be frank, speaking of your feelings and desires, and ask the partner about the same approach. If a person does not talk to you, this is to some extent and will be the answer to your question.
    • You may have problems with learning. Discuss them with a teacher or school psychologist. Whatever the problem is, these people should have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to correct the situation. You may seem to be angry, will condemn you or only worsen, but most likely everything will be different. It is unlikely that you will tell them something that will surprise them, because these people have a fairly extensive experience in solving problems, and they will certainly have something to tell you.
  6. Look for a mentor. When looking out of the difficult situation, the spiritual mentor will be able to change your eyes at the root. It may be a person, a site, a book that would help you with advice in your particular situation. Appeal to the mentor will allow you to perceive everything that happens with optimism and change your attitude to

    • For example, if something is not laid in relationships with a friend, consult my sister. Most likely, she came across similar problems in the past, so she will be able to give you advice. She will also be glad to support you and calm down.
    • Communication on the forum is suitable, so do not worry if you feel bad to communicate with people in real life.
  7. Look for a way out until you find it. An important principle of solving problems is to continue attempts and not surrender. It is necessary to show perseverance, because without it you will often endure defeat. We do not recommend applying the same approach once at one time - rather, you need to look for new ways to overcome difficulties. All problems are solved; All situations can be corrected for the better if you are open to all opportunities.

    • Often, the decision is becoming inevitable. Suppose you have found chronic disease. It makes no sense to fight the disease to completely get rid of it, because this is not the case when perseverance will lead to the desired one. The solution to the problem is to find the same people as you, and in communicating with them, so that you can understand what is important to you, and learn how to appreciate the good thing that is in your life.

    Part 2

    Change attitude to the problem
    1. Understand what and it will pass. Before you a big problem, and now you need something to do with it. How do you cope? How do you feel in these conditions? It is important to understand that time goes, and everything changes. Always. Only the sun is not changing, which every morning gets up over the horizon. With whatever you encounter and no matter how terrible it seems that everything is happening, it is important not to forget that you will not always experience because of this. Your problem will not remain with you forever. Your life will change, and you will find a way to live in a new way. Continue to repeat yourself what it will pass.

      • Suppose you left you a guy with whom you met with the youth itself. You will be very bad and it will seem that you will never feel joy again and never find a person you will love as much. You can decide that you can never meet anyone. But there will be time, you will have fun at the party, and then the door will open and your magic prince will enter. He will be cheerful, charming, and he will think that you are the most charming creation on Earth. It will definitely happen. You just need to gain patience and wait.
    2. Remind yourself about the good thing you have. When something unpleasant occurs or when we are experiencing stress, we forget about the wonderful things that we have in life. How bad would it be, the world is amazing and beautiful. Think about what you have. Do what you like, as much as possible and tell people who love you about how important they are for you. It will not only help you not lose your head in difficult times, but will allow you to find a way to cope with difficulties.

      • People sometimes it is difficult to see good. Do not let it happen to you. You do not have a second half? But there are friends and family. No friends and relatives? But there is the opportunity to make friends and get a new experience in life. There are always opportunities that are waiting when you come and use them.
    3. Head to adapt to the circumstances. Whatever you have to face, the ability to adapt to help you get out. Imagine that you are a tree that fell into the river. You can try to go against the current, but so you will fight the stream and stumble on all the stones on the way. If you swim downstream by changing the direction along with the stream, you will get to a relaxing place.

      Find the meaning in your life. If you have a goal or just something important, it will be easier for you to fight difficulties. You will have to strive for what to want and what to hope for. There are many ways to achieve this. You can come up with a goal (for example, you want to buy a house in five years); You can get carried away by religion and start seeing your destination in it; You can become a volunteer and help others. Select what will be effective in your case.

      • If you do not see any meaning, the search for this point may be difficult. As in the case of others life situations, it is best to try. As soon as you find your lesson, you will feel it. Just be open to all the possibilities and do not closure to yourself.
    4. Challenge a challenge. The ability to manage stress requires experience. You will be much easier to solve problems if you do it regularly. If you always hide from life and avoid difficulties, you will never know what you are capable of. Allow difficulties to happen. Go to the risks associated with big benefits. You will realize that you can do much more than you think.

      • This process is similar to cycling: you need to understand how to ride on it, and it is possible that you will do a couple of cones in the process, but every attempt will teach you to keep your equilibrium. If every time you fell from a bike, you would postpone training for a couple of years, you would never have learned to ride.
    5. Be grateful for difficulties. Faced with the difficulties, thank the fate of them. Each problem will help you better understand yourself. Each new character character will become part of you, and this person will be a terrific person. You are beautiful and unique, and it is difficulties that made you so. You may be hard now, but remember that even if you are upset and worried about something, all these problems will make you stronger.

    6. Believe in yourself. In a collision with difficulties, it is important not to lose faith in yourself. If you doubt yourself, you will be defeated. You will take not right solutions. But you need the right decisions! The disappearance of faith in itself can also significantly affect the lesson you will extract from the situation. Or you believe in yourself and try to make positive conclusions from the situation, or you do not believe in yourself and consider everything that happens to negative experiences, because you perceive it as a failure for my part. What do you like more?

      • Sometimes life turns out to be so cruel that we do not want to believe in yourself. But do not let what is happening to suppress your morale. You are stronger! Look at how much you have already done. You can adequately cope with the problem. Believe in yourself, proud of yourself, do not give up and do not forget about how wonderful you are.
    • Realize that, most likely, you are not a reason for a certain negative situation (for example, death or loss of work).
    • Understand that not all negative situations are directed at you (or only on you). Causes can be the most different, and they all lead to problems. Do not decide too much, arguing why something went so, and not otherwise.


    • If you need help with the actions described above, contact a psychologist or a close friend, a colleague or any other person to whom you trust. Make sure to do progress and go true.

Life live - not the field go. On its way, you will come across losses, loss of loved ones and friends, experience physical and emotional pain. However, if you change your way of thoughts, be ready to change, develop positive setting and realize the importance of relationships with people, then you are not only live Life, but be able to achieve success.


Take a change

    Take the inevitability of change. There is nothing more permanent than change. Seasons, weather, trends, technologies - Continue the list of ourselves. Everything is continuously changing. It is important to understand that there is nothing eternal. If you are coming complex times, they are not forever. On the other hand, if your life is now beautiful, then learn to rejoice at this, but remember that the testing will also come to replace joy.

    Expectations should be real. If your expectations are overestimated and unreal, then the result will always be upset you. If you drive yourself into a rigid framework, you will not have a place to grow and change. Reasonable expectations allow you to increase self-esteem and prepare for what the coming day is preparing.

    Learn from your own experience. Empirical experience is acquired through actions, research and discoveries. Read students lecture and they will certainly forget her. Actively explain to them the subject and they can remember it. But if you make them participate and get the experience of interaction with this subject, they will be able to learn. In education, students participate in empirical study with the following six steps. They can also be used in everyday life.

    • Experiencing / Study - In this case, this step means "to live" and accumulate experience.
    • Discussion / Reflection - discuss your reactions and observations of specific events in life with friends or psychologist, record them in a diary. Think about what happened, and that you could find out.
    • Thinking / analysis - determine what important contained such life experience. What problems did you encounter? How did you decide them? What repetitive motives were present?
    • Generalization - Find the connection between the experiences and events to identify the trends. You must realize all the observed principles of real life.
    • Application - decide how to apply the experience gained in similar or other situations.
  1. Live hereby. No need to constantly think about the future and looped at the past so as not to miss the moment.

    Refer negative thoughts. Optimism requires you to change your thoughts. To think positively, you need to identify a negative internal dialogue.

    Burn with useless thoughts. Negative beliefs deprive you of hope. After examining them under the microscope, you will realize that such thoughts are not very rational. Specify the following questions out loud for each negative thought from your list:

    • How sensible to believe in this belief? The future is impossible to predict, so no one can argue that there will always be one.
    • Do you have confirmation of the falsity of such thoughts? Have you already loved someone in the past?
    • Do you have confirmation of the truthful of such thoughts? Again, the future is a mystery.
    • What is the worst outcome of such a "negative" development of events? You will remain alone.
    • What is positive with such a "negative" development of events? You can learn to love yourself and follow call hearts.
  2. Positive judgments. Affirmative judgments are positive and useful statements that describe the target and repeated in order to crash into the subconscious. Take your folded sheet of paper and on the right, write down the judgments that turn every negative and limiting thought into positive, transforming beliefs. Regularly repeat these allegations.

    • "My life is terrible" turns into the following: "I have now difficult periodBut the tests will make me stronger. "
    • "I will always be one" becoming "now I am lonely, but it will not always be."
  3. Learn to be grateful. The ability to be grateful will help you develop a positive look at life. Notice good, do not dwell on the bad. Grateful people feel better, have a healthy psyche, a high level of empathy and low level aggression high self-esteemBetter sleep and more often have friends. Show appreciation as follows:

    • Record your gratitude. Start your gratitude diary.
    • Speak people about how you appreciate them.
    • Meditate and pay attention to the spirit of appreciation.
  4. Change your worldview. Sometimes we are covered by a wave of vital crises. She does not give a look at the situation objectively and find an acceptable solution. Instead, the dramatic aspect of events is overlapping us. Try to make an effort and get your life to an extraneous look.

    • Imagine that the events taking place with you occur with your employee or a close friend. What would you advise him in this situation? Do you have negative thoughts or overestimated expectations on this?

Build relations with people

  1. Surround yourself with positive people. This will allow you to always be on a positive wave. More importantly, despite any life tests, the decisive support for such people will become your support and hope. Communication with optimists increases the chances to live a happy and successful life.

    • Look for people who have a positive effect on you. Such people know how to be grateful and try to find joy in every day.
    • Stop relationships or give away from people with negative influence on you. Such people are fixated on issues and difficulties. They rarely smile and laugh, and their mood can be transmitted to others.
  2. Develop spirituality. If you believe in the existence of the cause for your life, the highest plan, then spiritual development will help you in difficult times.

  3. Help others. Proximity to people can carry positive consequences for all sides if it is based on mercy. Helping others, we are becoming deeper satisfied with your life, we develop purposefulness, strengthen faith in our own strength, reduce stress and improve the mood.

    • Do not know how to help others? Here are some ideas: offer your neighbors to sit with their child so that they can go on a date; Teach the nephew to play on musical instrument; Offer your assistance in the dining room for homeless; Donate your toys to children from the shelter.
  4. Feel free to seek help. Cope life difficulties It's easier when you know how to ask and take help. If you seek help to others, you will strengthen the connection with these people and help them feel your own utility. We often believe that the request for help makes us weak. We also often underestimate the desire for others to come to the rescue.

    • Think, in what cases you would not prevent help.
    • Remember cases from the past when friends offered you their help.
    • Match these two points. For example, if one friend loves to engage in baking, then you can ask her to help in organizing a party. Surely she will be reeling such a request.
    • Finally speak straight. Requests for help often remain unnoticed if they express them too vaguely. For example, your chances of getting the help is much higher, if you ask you, "you could not dispublish children to workout on Saturdays?" Instead of wording "you could not sometimes help me with children?"