Strategic personnel management of the organization. Theoretical foundations of strategic personnel management


Chelyabinsk branch

Department of "Organization Management"


IN THE DISCIPLINE "Human Resources Management"

ON THE TOPIC “Human Resources Management Strategy of the Organization”

Completed by: stud. gr. M-501/08

Egorova D.V.

Checked by: Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor

Goryaynova N.M.

Chelyabinsk 2012


Chapter I. Theoretical basis of the organization's personnel management strategy

1 The essence, goals and objectives of personnel management

2 The essence and methods of the organization’s personnel management strategy

3 HR strategy

Chapter II. Analysis of an organization's personnel management strategy using the example of the enterprise Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm LLC.

1 general characteristics LLC "Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm"

2 Analysis of personnel policy and personnel potential


List of used literature



Human resources are one of the key types of resources in any organizational process. Careful exploration of the capabilities of these resources is an important part of the analysis.

All human resources that an organization possesses are the personnel of the organization, who are employees of the organization. Also, partners who are involved in the implementation of certain projects, experts who can be involved in conducting research, developing a strategy, implementing specific activities, etc.

The workforce component consists of the factors that influence the current position of the workforce to accomplish the objectives of the organization. Questions such as skill level, retraining opportunities, expected level wages and the average age of potential workers are very important for the organization’s activities, because It is the staff who implement the company's strategy. In this regard, it is very important to provide the company with good specialists who will raise the company to the proper level.

The desire of potential employees to work in a particular organization is important. Analysis of the labor market is aimed at identifying potential opportunities and providing the organization with the personnel necessary to solve the assigned tasks.

Organization of effective personnel activities is the essence of personnel management. People are an important resource for most organizations. Decisions regarding a company's future strategy are made by people, and the strategies themselves are also implemented by people. The success or failure of the chosen strategy depends not only on decisions made in the past, but also on how these decisions are currently implemented by the organization's personnel. Therefore, for the company’s activities, it is important how and why a person does what is necessary to implement the strategy, as well as the compliance of the tasks assigned to the staff.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the importance of personnel management, the impact of personnel on the strategy of the enterprise; conduct research on human resource management strategy based on the company Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm LLC.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were formulated:

Describe the functions of this enterprise; identify the problems of this organization, indicate ways to solve them and develop proposals for improving the personnel management system, as well as propose methods of motivating employees;

Explain the need for personnel management;

Consider personnel management in the company Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm LLC;

Suggest ways to create effective personnel management in an organization.

In this work, in the second chapter, I will analyze the company's personnel policy, consider the reasons why a personnel strategy is necessary and propose a personnel policy for a specific company.

Chapter I. Theoretical basis of the organization's personnel management strategy

.1 Essence, goals and objectives of personnel management

Personnel management is a specific type of management activity, the object of which is a team of workers - personnel. Human resource management also means targeted influence on a person as a bearer of the ability to work in order to obtain greater results from his activities. Personnel management or personnel management as separate species management begins to stand out in the second half of the twentieth century, which is due to the following reasons:

· increasing complexity of management processes within the organization;

· increased competition and increased role of the human factor;

· increasing requirements for personnel qualifications and personal qualities;

· professionalization of management.

The goals of enterprise personnel management are:

· increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions;

· increasing production and labor efficiency, in particular, achieving maximum profits;

· ensuring high social efficiency of the team’s functioning. (5, p. 5)

Successful achievement of the set goals requires solving the following tasks:

· meeting the enterprise's needs for labor and the necessary volumes of required qualifications;

· achieving a reasonable relationship between the organizational and technical structure of production potential and the structure of labor potential;

· full and effective use of the potential of the employee and the production team as a whole;

· providing conditions for highly productive work, a high level of organization, motivation, self-discipline, developing employee habits of interaction and cooperation;

· securing an employee at the enterprise, forming a stable team as a condition for recoupment of funds spent on labor (attraction, personnel development);

· ensuring the realization of the desires, needs and interests of employees regarding the content of work, working conditions, type of employment, opportunities for professional qualifications and job advancement, etc.;

· coordination of production and social objectives (balancing the interests of the enterprise and the interests of workers, economic and social efficiency);

· increasing the efficiency of personnel management, achieving management goals while reducing labor costs.

Main components of the personnel management system

Formation of personnel policy based on strategic planning and determination of organizational goals.

Personnel planning: determination of qualitative and quantitative personnel needs.

Staffing and adaptation of new employees. This includes searching and attracting candidates, selecting the best candidates, and adapting new employees.

Training and development of employees. These are areas of activity such as training, retraining, staff development, forming a reserve and working with it, and career planning.

Assessment and control: assessment of performance indicators, control of labor and performance discipline, monitoring the status of all areas of work with personnel.

Activating the potential of human resources is the creation in the organization of such working conditions, such an organizational culture, such a system of material and moral incentives for work that contributed to the loyalty and commitment of employees to their organization.

Personnel records management - documents related to the conclusion and termination of an employment contract; HR records documents; documents on labor and wages; documents regulating the activities of personnel; documents reflecting internal relations.

Personnel management is a function of line managers and HR specialists, which is captured in the concept of “double responsibility”. It is necessary to distinguish between the function of personnel management and the work of personnel management performed by a special service. The function of personnel management is carried out in any organization. The HR function is mandatory, but it can be performed in different ways. A significant part of personnel work is carried out by managers and line management employees. The smaller the organization, the more of the work on personnel management falls on the shoulders of the latter. In large organizations, personnel work is carried out mainly by special services that advise managers of all ranks, develop a unified personnel policy and solve some of its problems. In any case, all managers must have an understanding of human resources management in order to participate in the work themselves and effectively interact with human resource management services. Errors in personnel management give rise to staff turnover, overstaffing, and an unfavorable psychological climate. (5, p. 8)

.2 The essence and methods of the organization’s personnel management strategy

The personnel management strategy is a priority direction for the formation of a competitive, highly professional, responsible and cohesive workforce that contributes to the achievement of long-term goals and implementation overall strategy organizations. This is a system of methods and means of personnel management, used for a certain time in order to implement personnel policy.

· as a rule, its long-term nature, which is explained by the focus on developing and changing psychological attitudes, motivation, personnel structure, the entire personnel management system or its individual elements, and such changes, as a rule, require a long time;

· connection with the strategy of the organization as a whole, taking into account numerous factors of the external and internal environment, since their change entails a change or adjustment of the organization’s strategy and requires timely changes in the structure and number of personnel, their skills and qualifications, management style and methods.

The relationship between personnel management strategy and organizational strategy

Most leading executives argue that HR strategy is an integral part of the overall strategy of the organization. However, in practice there are different options for their interaction.

The most common is the idea of ​​human resource management strategy as a dependent derivative of the strategy of the organization as a whole. In such a situation, personnel management employees must adapt to the actions of the organization's leaders, subordinate to the interests of the overall strategy.

The overall strategy of the organization and the HR strategy are developed and developed as a single whole, which means the involvement of HR specialists in solving strategic problems at the corporate level. This is facilitated by their high competence, and, therefore, the ability to independently solve problems related to personnel, from the point of view of the development perspective of the entire organization.

Based on the known levels of development of an organization's strategy (corporate, business, functional, operational), we will clarify that the personnel management strategy as a functional strategy can be developed at two levels:

· for the organization as a whole in accordance with its overall strategy - as a functional strategy at the corporate, organization-wide level;

· for individual areas of activity (business) of a multi-profile, diversified company - as a functional strategy for each area of ​​business, corresponding to the goals of this area.

In the context of strategic management, qualitative changes are taking place in the field of work with personnel. They lie in the fact that within the framework of traditional areas of personnel work, all higher value acquire strategic aspects. Combining with strategic technologies, such specific areas of work with personnel as personnel demand planning, selection, business assessment, training and others act as components of the personnel management strategy, acquire a new quality and a single target orientation, consonance with the goals and strategic objectives of the organization.

· labor conditions and protection, personnel safety precautions;

· forms and methods of regulating labor relations;

· methods for resolving industrial and social conflicts;

· establishing norms and principles of ethical relationships in a team, developing a code business ethics;

· employment policy in the organization, including analysis of the labor market, system of recruitment and use of personnel, establishment of work and rest schedules;

· career guidance and adaptation of personnel;

· measures to increase human resources capacity and make better use of it;

· improving methods for forecasting and planning personnel requirements based on studying new requirements for employees and jobs;

· development of new professional qualification requirements for personnel based on systematic analysis and design of work performed in various positions and workplaces;

· new methods and forms of selection, business assessment and certification of personnel;

· development of a concept for personnel development, including new forms and methods of training, business career planning and professional advancement, formation personnel reserve in order to carry out these activities ahead of time in relation to the timing of the need for them;

· improving the mechanism for managing staff labor motivation;

· development of new systems and forms of remuneration, material and non-material incentives for workers;

· development of new and use of existing measures social development organizations;

· improving information support for all personnel work within the framework of the chosen strategy;

· measures to improve the entire personnel management system or its individual subsystems and elements (organizational structure, functions, management process, etc.), etc.

In each specific case, the personnel management strategy may not cover everything, but only its individual components, and the set of these components will be different depending on the goals and strategy of the organization, the goals and strategy of personnel management. (8, p.126)

If one of the tools (for example, personnel selection or compensation system) turns out to be unsuccessful, the implementation of the strategy as a whole may be in jeopardy.

The process of developing and implementing strategy is continuous, which is reflected in the close relationship between solving strategic problems, both for the long term and for the medium and short term, that is, solving them in the conditions of strategic, tactical and operational management. Such specification of the personnel management strategy and bringing it to strategic objectives and individual actions are embodied in a strategic plan - a document containing specific tasks and measures to implement the strategy, the timing of their implementation and responsible executors for each task, the amount of necessary resources (financial, material, information, etc.).

The development of a personnel management strategy is carried out on the basis of an in-depth systematic analysis of external and internal environmental factors, as a result of which a holistic concept for the development of personnel and the organization as a whole can be presented in accordance with its strategy. The external environment includes the macro environment and the immediate environment of the organization, which have a directed impact and contacts with the personnel management system. (8, p. 158)

As part of strategic personnel management, when analyzing the internal environment, it is important to identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual areas of personnel management and the personnel management system as a whole. To solve this problem, methods and techniques well known in strategic management are used, such as the SWOT method, matrices of opportunities, threats, environmental profiling, etc.

After compiling a specific list of the organization's weaknesses and strengths in the field of personnel, as well as threats and opportunities, the stage of establishing connections between them follows. To establish these connections, a SWOT matrix is ​​compiled.

When developing a personnel management strategy, the achieved, existing level in all of these areas should be taken into account, and taking into account the analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization and the factors influencing their change, as well as taking into account the strategy of the organization as a whole, the level the achievement of which will allow implement the organization's strategy.

At the same time, the task of developing the necessary personnel management strategy can be so difficult due to the lack of financial, material, intellectual resources, and the level of professionalism of managers and specialists that there will be a need to set priorities for selecting the necessary areas and components of the personnel management strategy. Therefore, the criteria for choosing a strategy may be the volume of resources allocated for its implementation, time constraints, the availability of sufficient professional qualifications of personnel, and some others. In general, the choice of strategy is based on strengths and the development of activities that enhance the organization's capabilities in a competitive environment through advantages in the personnel area.(2, p.47)

1.3 HR strategy

A personnel management strategy is a priority, qualitatively defined direction of action developed by the organization’s management that is necessary to achieve long-term goals of creating a highly professional, responsible and cohesive team and taking into account the strategic objectives of the organization and its resource capabilities.

The strategy allows us to link numerous aspects of personnel management in order to optimize their impact on employees, primarily on their work motivation and qualifications.

The main features of the HR strategy are:

its long-term nature, which is explained by the focus on developing and changing psychological attitudes, motivation, personnel structure, the entire personnel management system or its individual elements, and such changes, as a rule, require a long time;

connection with the strategy of the organization as a whole, taking into account numerous factors of the external and internal environment, since their change entails a change or adjustment of the organization’s strategy and requires timely changes in the structure and number of personnel, their skills and qualifications, management style and methods. (14, p. 107)

Human resource management strategy as a functional strategy can be developed at two levels:

for the organization as a whole in accordance with its overall strategy - as a functional strategy at the corporate, organization-wide level;

for individual areas of activity (business) of a multi-profile, diversified company - as a functional strategy for each area of ​​business, corresponding to the goals of this area (for example, if a large electrical company is engaged in the production of aircraft engines, military electronics, electrical equipment, plastics, lighting devices, then a personnel management strategy is developed for each area of ​​production, since they have differences in personnel structure, qualification and professional training requirements, training methods and other issues).

In the context of strategic management, qualitative changes are taking place in the field of work with personnel. They lie in the fact that within the framework of traditional areas of personnel work, strategic aspects are becoming increasingly important. Combining with strategic technologies, such specific areas of work with personnel as personnel demand planning, selection, business assessment, training and others act as components of the personnel management strategy, acquire a new quality and a single target orientation, consonance with the goals and strategic objectives of the organization .

The components of the personnel management strategy are:

labor conditions and protection, personnel safety precautions;

forms and methods of regulating labor relations;

methods for resolving industrial and social conflicts;

establishing norms and principles of ethical relationships in the team, developing a code of business ethics;

employment policy in the organization, including analysis of the labor market, system of recruitment and use of personnel, establishment of work and rest schedules;

career guidance and adaptation of personnel;

measures to increase human resources capacity and make better use of it;

improving methods for forecasting and planning personnel requirements based on studying new requirements for employees and jobs;

development of new professional qualification requirements for personnel based on systematic analysis and design of work performed in various positions and workplaces;

new methods and forms of selection, business assessment and certification of personnel;

development of a concept for personnel development, including new forms and methods of training, business career planning and professional advancement, formation of a personnel reserve in order to carry out these activities ahead of time in relation to the timing of the need for them;

improving the mechanism for managing staff labor motivation;

development of new systems and forms of remuneration, material and non-material incentives for workers:

measures to improve the resolution of legal issues of labor relations and economic activities;

development of new and use of existing measures for the social development of the organization;

improving information support for all personnel work within the framework of the chosen strategy;

measures to improve the entire personnel management system or its individual subsystems and elements (organizational structure, functions, management process, etc.), etc. (16)

In each specific case, the personnel management strategy may not cover everything, but only its individual components, and the set of these components will be different depending on the goals and strategy of the organization, the goals and strategy of personnel management.

The personnel strategy should contribute to: strengthening the organization’s capabilities (in the personnel field) to resist competitors in the relevant market, to effectively use its strengths in the external environment; expanding the organization’s competitive advantages by creating conditions for the development and effective use of labor potential, the formation of qualified, competent personnel; full disclosure of the staff’s abilities for creative, innovative development, in order to achieve both the goals of the organization and the personal goals of employees.

The development of a personnel management strategy is carried out on the basis of an in-depth systematic analysis of external and internal environmental factors, as a result of which a holistic concept for the development of personnel and the organization as a whole can be presented in accordance with its strategy. The external environment includes the macro environment and the immediate environment of the organization, which have a directed impact and contacts with the personnel management system.

Thus, a personnel management strategy can cover various aspects of an organization’s personnel management: improving the personnel structure (by age, categories, profession, qualifications, etc.); optimization of the number of personnel, taking into account its dynamics; increasing the efficiency of personnel costs, including wages, benefits, training costs and other cash expenses; personnel development (adaptation, training, career advancement); measures of social protection, guarantees, social security (pension, medical, social insurance, social compensation, socio-cultural and welfare services, etc.); development of organizational culture (norms, traditions, rules of behavior in a team, etc.); improvement of the organization’s personnel management system (composition and content of functions, organizational structure, personnel, information support, etc.), etc.

At the same time, the task of developing the necessary personnel management strategy can be so difficult due to the lack of financial, material, intellectual resources, and the level of professionalism of managers and specialists that there will be a need to set priorities for selecting the necessary areas and components of the personnel management strategy. Therefore, the criteria for choosing a strategy may be the volume of resources allocated for its implementation, time constraints, the availability of sufficient professional qualifications of personnel, and some others. In general, the choice of strategy is based on strengths and the development of activities that enhance the organization's capabilities in a competitive environment through personnel advantages. (14, p. 78)

Personnel policy is the basis for the formation of a personnel management strategy.

Personnel policy is a system of principles and norms (which must be understood and formulated in a certain way) that bring human resources into line with the company's strategy.

Personnel policy is a system of measures aimed at changing personnel, developed taking into account:

a) the chosen development strategy;

b) forecasting and planning horizon;

c) the expected quantitative and qualitative discrepancy between personnel and the need for it.

The goal of personnel policy is to achieve the highest final results of the enterprise. The objectives of personnel policy are revealed in the directions of its implementation:

· organizational and staffing policy - planning the need for labor resources, forming the structure and staff of the organization;

· information policy - creation and support of a system for the movement of personnel information;

· financial policy - the formation of principles for the distribution of funds, ensuring an effective system of labor incentives;

· personnel development policy - providing development programs, career guidance and adaptation of employees, planning individual promotion, forming teams, professional training and advanced training.

Analyzing the existing personnel policies in specific organizations, we can identify two reasons for their grouping.

The first reason may be related to the level of awareness of the rules and norms that underlie personnel activities and, associated with this level, the direct influence of the management apparatus on the personnel situation in the organization. On this basis, the following types of personnel policies can be distinguished:

) passive personnel policy. Management does not have an action program for personnel, and personnel work is reduced to eliminating negative consequences. Such an organization is characterized by the lack of a forecast of personnel needs, means of assessing labor and personnel, diagnosing the personnel situation, etc.;

)reactive personnel policy. The management of the enterprise monitors the symptoms of a negative state in working with personnel, the causes and situation of the crisis: the emergence of conflicts, lack of qualified labor, lack of motivation to work. Human resources services have the means to diagnose the existing situation and provide adequate emergency assistance;

) preventive personnel policy. Management has reasonable forecasts for the development of the personnel situation. Organizational development programs contain short-term and medium-term forecasts of personnel requirements, and formulate tasks for personnel development;

) active personnel policy. Management has not only a forecast, but also the means to influence the situation, and the personnel service is able to develop anti-crisis personnel programs, conduct constant monitoring of the situation and adjust the implementation of programs in accordance with the parameters of external and internal situations. But the mechanisms that management can use in analyzing the situation lead to the fact that the grounds for forecasts and programs can be both rational (conscious) and irrational (hard to be algorithmized and described).

The second basis for differentiating personnel policies may be a fundamental focus on internal personnel or external personnel, the degree of openness to the external environment when forming personnel. On this basis, two types of personnel policies are traditionally distinguished - open and closed.

An open personnel policy is characterized by the fact that the organization is transparent to potential employees at any level; you can come and start working both from the lowest position and from a position at the senior management level. The organization is ready to hire any specialist if he has the appropriate qualifications, without taking into account work experience in this or related organizations. This type of personnel policy is characteristic of modern telecommunications companies or automobile concerns, which are ready to “buy” people for any job level, regardless of whether they have previously worked in similar organizations. This type of personnel policy may be adequate for new organizations that are pursuing an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid access to the leading positions in their industry.

A closed personnel policy is characterized by the fact that the organization focuses on the inclusion of new personnel only from the lowest official level, and replacement occurs only from among the organization’s employees. This type of personnel policy is typical for companies focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere, creating a special spirit of involvement, and also, possibly, operating in conditions of a shortage of human resources.

Based on forecasting and planning horizons, the following are distinguished:

· operational personnel policy (up to 1 month);

· short-term personnel policy (from 1 month to 1 year);

· medium-term personnel policy (from 1 year to 5 years);

· long-term personnel policy (more than 5 years). (12, p.97)

Personnel policy in an organization can be implemented in the following areas:

forecasting the creation of new jobs taking into account the introduction of new technologies;

development of a personnel development program in order to solve both current and future tasks of the organization based on improving the system of training and job transfer of employees;

development of motivational mechanisms to increase interest and satisfaction with work;

creation of modern systems for recruitment and selection of personnel;

carrying out marketing activities in the personnel industry;

formation of the concept of remuneration and moral incentives for workers;

ensuring equal opportunities for effective work, its safety and normal conditions;

determination of basic requirements for personnel within the enterprise development forecast;

formation of new personnel structures and development of procedures for personnel management mechanisms;

improving the moral and psychological climate in the team, involving ordinary workers in enterprise management. (12, p. 105)

Foreign experience shows that in modern conditions Each employee is of particular importance; the influence of the quality of his work on final results the entire enterprise, in connection with which moral and material incentives, social guarantees should be the main aspect of the personnel policy that is carried out in organizations. The payment of bonuses and the system of employee participation in profit distribution should ensure a high level of their interest in the final results of the organization's activities. In order to actively manage personnel, it is necessary to ensure constant exchange of information between different levels of management on personnel issues. Personnel policy is carried out at all levels of management: senior management, line managers and the personnel management service.

English specialist in the field of personnel management D. Grest believes that the personnel policy of an organization should ensure:

organizational integration - senior management and line managers accept a developed and well-coordinated human resource management strategy as “their own” and implement it in their operational work, closely interacting with functional services;

a high level of responsibility of all employees, which is understood as both identification with the basic values ​​of the organization and persistent, inductive implementation of certain goals in practical work;

functionality - the variability of functional tasks, which provides for the abandonment of the traditional, strict distinction between different types of work, as well as the use of various forms of labor contracts (full-time, part-time and hourly employment);

structure - adaptation to continuous learning, organizational changes, flexibility of organizational personnel potential, high quality of work and its results, working conditions (work environment, work content, worker satisfaction). (8, p. 56)

Classification of personnel management strategy

It should be remembered that the personnel management strategy is closely related to the overall strategy of the organization. In turn, the organization's strategy changes depending on the stage of the life cycle that the company overcomes. There are 4 such stages: 1) birth; 2) growth; 3) maturity; 4) decline. They correspond to the following strategies: entrepreneurial, dynamic growth, profitability, liquidation.

An entrepreneurial strategy is aimed at finding: a product that can find its market, sources of investment, ways to raise funds, and new personnel. The main task of the company is to gain a foothold in the market. The most popular areas and activities of the HR strategy:

development general principles strategies. The goals of the personnel management strategy are determined, and a personnel action plan is created. A personnel service is being formed (organizational structure, recruitment of employees). Personnel records management is organized;

planning of personnel requirements. An organizational structure, staffing schedule, job descriptions, and a labor incentive system are being developed. Criteria for selecting candidates for positions are being formed;

attraction, selection and evaluation of personnel. The least expensive sources of attracting personnel are selected.

The dynamic growth strategy is implemented in conditions when the organization is growing, more and more new clients are appearing, and therefore the strategy is focused on expanding and creating the image of the company.

The most important areas of strategy:

· attraction, selection and evaluation of personnel. Active work is underway to attract professionals. The capabilities of recruitment agencies are used;

· personnel adaptation. All hired employees must quickly and cost-effectively adopt the corporate culture. Corporate culture is a complex set of assumptions accepted without evidence by all members of a particular organization and setting the general framework of behavior accepted by most of the organization;

· personnel incentives and career advancement system. We are actively developing and revising the regulations on bonuses depending on contribution and length of service. In-house training programs are conducted.

The profitability strategy is aimed at obtaining the maximum possible return from the market niche already occupied by the enterprise. The main directions of the HR strategy for this stage are:

staff development and retraining. To identify reserves for the use of personnel, assessment procedures are regularly carried out - certification of personnel and workplaces. Staff training continues, both in-house and with the assistance of external sources of information;

personnel incentives and career advancement system. Career plans for specific employees are being developed and the company's personnel reserve is being formed. The volume of incentive payments is increasing;

personnel cost management. Work distribution systems are being reviewed and improved. Personnel costs are redistributed, the costs of attracting personnel are minimized and the costs of encouraging existing employees are increased. The goal is to achieve the maximum possible interest of personnel in work and labor productivity with a stable level of personnel costs.

The liquidation strategy is implemented at the stage of decline in the organization - customers leave, production volumes decrease, and all the company’s costs are reduced to a minimum. Thus, the strategy focuses on savings and dramatic changes that can strengthen the organization again. Main directions and activities of the personnel management strategy:

personnel cost management. Costs are being reduced, primarily through additional social payments. Regulatory documents are being created on the personnel aspect of the liquidation of an enterprise;

planning the enterprise's personnel needs, taking into account the existing staffing. The number of employees is being optimized. Each employee is considered from the point of view of his need for the organization. An individual motivation strategy is created for valuable employees;

release of employees of the organization. Establishing contacts with employment firms. Consulting staff on issues vocational guidance, training and employment programs. Use of part-time schemes;

adaptation of personnel to new conditions. Work is being carried out to resolve conflicts, which are especially aggravated during this period, it turns out psychological help employees.

There are also several other classifications of personnel management strategies according to certain criteria.

By way of responding to environmental changes:

· internal strategy - the personnel management system responds by adapting to changes in the organization and environment;

· external - the human resource management system attempts to change the environment so that it better matches the capabilities of the system and the organization as a whole.

Depending on environmental conditions:

· determined by the dynamism of the external environment and the strategies of competitors;

· determined by changes in technology, organizational structure of the enterprise;

· determined by the financial and economic state of the enterprise (bankruptcy situation);

· determined by the level of market relations in the internal and external relations of the enterprise (personnel marketing strategy).

Depending on the strategy base:

· strategy based on the resources the company has;

· a strategy based on the conditions in which the company operates;

· strategy driven by ambition.

Depending on the development and formalization mechanism:

· intuitive (low degree of formalization of the process, individual management style);

· classical (high degree of formalization of the process, participatory management style);

· spontaneous (low degree of formalization of the process, participatory management style).

Depending on the goals and means:

· investment strategy - greater flexibility and adaptability of employees, assigned functions are broad and not clearly formulated; employee initiative is limited by a high level of directive control and a widespread reporting system; · incentive strategy - maintaining a minimum number of personnel with clearly regulated narrow powers, a strict relationship between the efforts made to work and the level of payment;

· engagement strategy - a significant proportion of highly qualified employees, constant development and stimulation of creativity and initiative, work in teams based on self-control, high dedication of employees to the organization.

Depending on the guidelines of the corporate strategy:

· innovative - characterized by the presence of staff with a penchant for innovation and the ability to implement innovations in all areas of the organization’s activities;

· a strategy focused on quality improvement - involves the active involvement of personnel in solving these problems, for example, through the organization of “quality circles”;

· production cost reduction strategy - aimed at optimizing the number of personnel, involves encouraging savings in production costs.

Depending on the object:

· decentralized - taking into account the specific operating conditions of large multi-industry companies, the divisions of which operate in different natural, climatic and economic conditions;

· centralized - for small, highly specialized organizations with a homogeneous staff.

Selecting and implementing a HR strategy

Having considered the main types of personnel management strategies, we will formulate the main factors that determine the choice of a specific type. These include:

· organization management strategy;

· existing organizational structure;

· status of the organization;

· number of employees;

· the period for which the forecast is made;

· level of qualifications of managers of the organization as a whole and personnel management services.

Implementing a human resources strategy is an important stage in the strategic management process. For its success, the management of the organization must follow the following rules:

goals, strategies, and tasks for personnel management must be carefully and timely communicated to all employees of the organization in order to achieve on their part not only an understanding of what the organization and the personnel management service are doing, but also informal involvement in the process of implementing strategies, in particular developing employee obligations to the organization to implement the strategy;

The general management of the organization and the heads of the personnel management service must not only ensure the timely receipt of all resources necessary for implementation (material, office equipment, equipment, financial, etc.), but also have a plan for implementing the strategy in the form of targets for the state and development of labor potential and record achieving every goal.

The goal of the strategy implementation process is to ensure the coordinated development and implementation of strategic plans for the structural divisions of the organization as a whole and the personnel management system.

During the implementation of the strategy, 3 tasks are solved:

First, priority is established among administrative tasks (general management tasks), so that their relative importance corresponds to the personnel management strategy that the organization and strategic personnel management system will implement.

Secondly, a correspondence is established between the chosen personnel management strategy and intra-organizational processes, processes within the personnel management system itself. So that the organization's activities are focused on the implementation of the chosen strategy.

Thirdly, this is the choice of the leadership style of the organization as a whole and in individual divisions that is necessary and appropriate to the personnel management strategy.

The tools for implementing the personnel management strategy are personnel planning, personnel development plans, incl. his training and career advancement, solving social problems, motivation and reward.

Management of the implementation of the personnel management strategy is entrusted to the deputy head of the organization for personnel. But it must rely on the active support of middle managers.

The implementation of a personnel management strategy includes two stages: implementation of the strategy and strategic control over its implementation and coordination of all actions based on the results of control.

The implementation stage includes:

development of a plan for implementing a personnel management strategy;

development of strategic plans for departments of the personnel management system as a whole;

intensification of start-up activities for the implementation of the strategy.

The purpose of the strategic control stage is to determine the compliance or difference between the implemented personnel management strategy and the state of the external and internal environment; outline directions for changes in strategic planning, selection of alternative strategies. (10, p. 64)

Chapter II. Analysis of an organization's personnel management strategy using the example of the enterprise Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm LLC.

.1 General characteristics of Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm LLC

General information about the company

Limited Liability Company "Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm" is located at four production sites: the first - in the village. Roshchino, Sosnovsky district, the second - in the village. Butaki (Shershnevskoye branch), third - village. Novobaturino, Etkul district (Etkul branch), fourth - village. Peschanoye (Peschanoe branch).

Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm LLC operates in accordance with the Charter, approved by the decision of the Founder of Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm JSC No. 31 dated February 26, 2008.

The main direction of production activities of Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm LLC is:

production of all types of agricultural products: raising broilers, ducks, pigs, young cattle, horses, animals and other species of animals and birds;

purchase, processing and sale of meat of all types of animals and poultry, feed, feed additives, grain, other agricultural products of organizations and individuals, etc.

From the history

On May 10, 1977, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 360 on the construction of the Promyshlennaya poultry farm for 10 million broiler chickens. Subsequently, the Sosnovsky District Executive Committee allocated a land plot of 366.8 hectares for the construction of a poultry farm.

In March 1978, 10 months after the decision was made, the “first peg” was driven 25 km from the city center of Chelyabinsk. Here, in the trailer, the directorate of the poultry farm under construction was located.

The first director, inspirer and organizer of the construction of the poultry farm was Boris Efimovich Sokovtsev, who previously worked as deputy director of the Ptitseprom trust.

The commissioning of the new poultry farm's capacities was planned with three start-up complexes. The scale of future production - more than 14 thousand tons of meat in live weight - seemed incredible to many. The first launch complex for 3 million broilers was commissioned in December 1981.

The second launch complex for 4.3 million broilers was commissioned in 1983. The last, third launch complex for 2.72 million broilers was commissioned in 1983.

In 1981, the formation of the poultry farm team began. The first chief specialists of the poultry farm were: Svetlana Ivanovna Pysina (chief livestock specialist), Vadim Ivanovich Vatropin (chief veterinarian), Gerald Vladimirovich Pauli (chief engineer), Alexander Veniaminovich Sychev (chief power engineer), Tamara Vladimirovna Popova (chief economist), Nikolai Petrovich Bazhenov ( Chief Accountant).

The first products were produced in 1981. Thanks to the competent work of Boris Efimovich, in the future there was only a progressive increase in production. In 1982, 2536 tons were already produced, in 1983 - 5365 tons, in 1984 - 7628 tons.

In April 1985, a site was selected for the construction of premises for the maintenance of large cattle, construction of a pig farm has begun. All this was brought to life: premises were built, livestock was purchased, livestock and pig breeding staff was staffed, a stable and a fur farm were built.

In August 1992, after the company was bought out on a competitive basis from the state, the poultry farm workers became shareholders of the Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm JSC. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Lezhnev was unanimously elected as the first president of the joint-stock company. Due to changes in the policy of our state, the poultry farm, like most agricultural enterprises in Russia, went through difficult times. They tried to find various ways out to prevent the poultry farm from going bankrupt. A commercial service was created and outbound trading was organized in order to have “real money” without delays in transfers. The management structure also changed: 43 independent divisions were created from a large enterprise. However, having proven its ineffectiveness, in May 1993 the independent activities of the divisions were suspended and the bank accounts were frozen. The enterprise became united again.

On December 1995, in the prime of his life, the life of the first president of the poultry farm was tragically cut short. Mikhail Aleksandrovich led the enterprise for 10 years.

After his death, the situation at the poultry farm became even more complicated. Debts grew like a snowball, and as a result, in September 1997, production was actually stopped.

Most of the team was sent on forced leave without pay. Production workshops and equipment were mothballed.

In April 1998, by decision of the arbitration court, external management was introduced at the factory - an attempt was made to restore production. On May 18, 1998, a young specialist, Sergei Mikhailovich Sergeev, began working as an external manager.

Sergei Mikhailovich developed an economic model for the development of the enterprise, drew up a five-year plan for the resumption and development of production, which provided not only for reaching the design capacity, but also for organizing production in excess of the design capacity based on updating equipment and production.

Thanks to the collaboration between the external manager and the team general director, managed to maintain production and prevent creditors from taking it piece by piece. The merit of Sergey Mikhailovich Sergeev lies precisely in the fact that he was aimed not just at paying off debts to creditors, but also at restoring production. Subsequently, this policy fully justified itself, and by 2003 the external manager managed to completely remove the production from bankruptcy proceedings and pay off creditors in full. Preserving the enterprise as a complex with such joint creative work subsequently made it possible to complete all the assigned tasks.

In April 2000, with the arrival of Pyotr Aleksandrovich Podgornov as general director at the poultry farm, the situation changed dramatically - the poultry farm found a second life. The regional administration allocated 65 million rubles of interest-free loan on a repayable basis for the development of production. A global modernization of equipment was carried out. Modernization affected almost all areas of the enterprise.

Thanks to the support of the governor and the regional government, the professionalism of Pyotr Alexandrovich, as well as a well-selected team of specialists, in just four years the enterprise was able to reach its current heights and become one of the top five largest poultry farms in Russia.

Having secured the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and opened a credit line for the implementation of an investment project of 1.5 billion rubles in Sberbank of Russia, the Ravis company continues to modernize production within the framework of the Federal program to increase production volumes of domestic poultry products.

Today, almost every second carcass purchased in the Chelyabinsk region carries well famous name"Ravis." At the moment, more than 200 types of products that meet the highest standards are produced under the Ravis brand. Along with traditional products such as poultry carcasses, semi-finished products and offal, the company produces sausages and smoked delicacies, culinary semi-finished products, as well as unique Halal products. In addition to poultry meat, today “Ravis” is actively engaged in the cultivation of grain and vegetable crops, and also having mastered the subject of activity of “Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm” LLC:

a) production of all types of agricultural products, raising broilers, pigs, young cattle, horses, animals and other species of animals and birds;

b) purchase, processing and sale of meat of all types of animals and poultry, feed and feed additives, grain and other agricultural products of organizations and individuals;

c) cultivating the land and growing all types of crops;

d) intermediary and commercial activities;

e) carrying out foreign economic activity and cooperation with foreign companies. Main types of products:

a) hatching egg;

b) commercial egg;

c) broiler chicken poultry meat;

d) semi-finished products (breast, thigh, drumstick, quarter, leg, etc.);

e) sausages (sausages, ham, boiled sausages, etc.);

f) smoked poultry meat (breast, carcass, wings, etc.);

g) delicacies made from pork meat (neck, carbonated meat, baked boiled pork, etc.), produces milk, beef and pork.

Company composition

Limited Liability Company "Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm" is a legal entity and organizes its activities on the basis of the charter and current legislation. Legal address of the enterprise: 456513 Chelyabinsk region, Sosnovsky district, Roshchino village; tel. (351-44) 54-1-68; tel/fax (351-44) 45-3-65; Email: [email protected].

RAVIS - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm LLC is an integrated vertical agricultural holding specializing in the growing and processing of poultry meat. Today, the agricultural holding unites 10 divisions: “Ravis - Sosnovskaya poultry farm”, Shershnevsky first-order breeding farm, Etkul first- and second-order breeding farm, “Peschanoe” department and six regional agricultural enterprises specializing in raising cattle, pigs and growing grain and vegetable crops.

Sosnovskaya poultry farm "Ravis" is the main division of the agricultural holding, providing a large share of the products produced. The enterprise is located in the Sosnovsky district (Roshchino village), 15 km from Chelyabinsk, founded in 1981.) In addition, the enterprise has a subsidiary farm where pigs are raised.

Shershnevsky and Etkul breeding breeders are engaged in the production of breeding and broiler eggs, fully meeting the needs of the Company. Also, part of the eggs is supplied to other poultry farms. Currently, these divisions are transitioning to a new, more productive meat cross - “Smena 7”.

The goal of the enterprise is to produce as many high-quality meat products as possible to meet the needs of the average consumer and become a high-tech enterprise

Objectives of the enterprise:

1. Increasing production volumes by fully utilizing equipment, stimulating and developing working personnel.

Expanding the sales network to attract more consumers.

Infrastructure development: auxiliary workshops serving the main ones.

Innovative development of the enterprise (production of new types of meat products, constant reconstruction of workshops with the replacement of technological equipment with more modern ones).

Improving the qualitative and quantitative composition of the company’s personnel;

Quality control at all stages of the production process and transition to international quality standards.

Reducing production costs through effective control over the movement and use of all enterprise resources.

Today, the Ravis agricultural holding also includes six agricultural enterprises in the region (Zaozernoe LLC, Karsinskoye LLC, Uyskoye LLC, Belonosovskoye LLC, Krasnoe Pole LLC, Zarya LLC). Thanks to the activities of these enterprises, “Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm” partially provides itself with feed and almost completely with raw materials (pork, beef) for the needs of the developing sausage shop.

The most important element when considering the activities of an enterprise is the management structure.

The management structure of an organization is an ordered set of independent management bodies, located in a certain mutual connection and subordination, and united by communication channels.

The management structure is a set of services and individual management employees, a certain order of their subordination and interconnection. It is fixed in the management structure diagrams, a certain order of their subordination and interconnection.

Ravis - Sosnovskaya Poultry Farm LLC has a linear-functional management structure. The line manager, represented by the general director, assumes full power. When developing specific issues and preparing appropriate decisions, programs, plans, he is assisted by a special apparatus consisting of functional divisions. They implement their decisions either through the director, or (within the limits of their powers) directly through the relevant heads of executive services.

The organizational management structure is presented graphically in Appendix A.

This management structure allows for more in-depth preparation of decisions and plans related to the specialization of employees; frees the director from in-depth analysis of problems; makes it possible to attract consultants and experts.

But at the same time, such a structure also has its drawbacks. Such as the lack of close relationships and interaction at the horizontal level between production units; there is insufficiently clear responsibility, since the person preparing the decision, as a rule, does not participate in its implementation.

2.2 Analysis of personnel policy and personnel potential

The main principle of personnel policy is effective work, and everyone’s personal contribution to the common cause should be adequately assessed.

Investing in the future, the company pays great attention to attracting and supporting young personnel. Today's students will come to work at the factory tomorrow, and they will invest their knowledge in the prosperity of production. To attract young people, the company has developed a “Labor Summer” program to work with high school students and students. During the summer, more than 150 boys and girls work annually in production workshops. Their average monthly salary is more than 5,000 rubles. The children can really provide themselves with everything they need for school. It has also become a good tradition to celebrate “Children’s Day” and the end of the “Labor Summer”.

Today, students from various universities in the region work in mechanized teams in the fields and workshops of the enterprise. There is also the opportunity to undergo paid practical training at the enterprise and in the future get a chance to return as specialists.

The poultry farm has developed and operates a system of education and on-the-job training through mentoring, followed by certification and permission to work independently. A structural unit “Reserve” has been created for young specialists with higher and secondary education, where they study production and undergo training before working independently.

Upon returning from military service to the enterprise, the employer guarantees the employee the provision of a workplace with the payment of a one-time benefit in the amount of 5,000 rubles. For the period of maternity leave up to 1.5 years, women receive a food basket worth 500 rubles. per month.

Each parent employee of the enterprise is paid a bonus for the birth of a child in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

Upon marriage, if both work at a poultry farm, the newlyweds receive a loan in the amount of 60,000 rubles, which is repaid, according to the regulations, after five years.

In the field of personnel management, Ravis LLC solves the following tasks:

creating a working environment based on openness and mutual respect and promoting the development of the abilities of each employee;

development of a personnel motivation system that allows each employee to count on career growth and remuneration corresponding to his professional level and personal contribution to the company;

social protection of employees;

providing employees with training and professional development opportunities.

The goal of the personnel policy of Ravis LLC is a reasonable combination of renewal and retention processes, maintaining the optimal numerical and qualitative composition of personnel in their professional and social development, capable of ensuring high-level problem solving, safety of life and health of citizens.

Thanks to the whole range of measures in the field of personnel policy, Ravis LLC has virtually no problems with recruiting personnel. The system, based on the use of an internal personnel reserve, which is also regularly replenished from among certified employees, allows, if necessary, to quickly fill vacancies for managerial positions and specialist positions.

The volume and timeliness of all work, the efficiency of using equipment, machines, mechanisms and, as a consequence, the volume of production depend on the enterprise's supply of labor resources and the efficiency of their use.

Table 1. The enterprise's workforce (in people)

Total employees - 387,146 Agricultural production 125,745 Permanent workers 96,560 Seasonal and temporary workers 29,185 Employees 98,302 Managers 35,287 Specialists 63,015 Workers in auxiliary production and crafts 79,542 Trade and public catering workers 83,557

Personnel turnover is characterized by the number of workers who quit by at will or dismissed for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline. The ratio of this quantity to the average number allows us to determine its relative level.

Those dismissed at their own request 12374

Dismissed for absenteeism and other violations 9269

Temporary and seasonal workers 29185

Calculation of staff turnover

TK=(P(t.k) / P(s.s)) *100%

29185=357961 - permanent employees

TK= ((12374+9269)/357961)*100%=6.046%

Turnover =6.046%

For an organization like Ravis LLC, such a turnover rate is normal. This is due good conditions labor and decent wages. Low staff turnover has a positive effect on the work of the enterprise and allows for the formation of a team, which invariably entails an increase in production indicators and work efficiency.

The use of this indicator has great importance when studying social, demographic, professional and other characteristics of turnover. The objectives of personnel policy must be realized through the development of specific areas of activity that form the basis of personnel work. Personnel policy is designed to link and harmonize numerous aspects of personnel management, which can be divided into three main groups: formation, use and development of enterprise personnel, characterized by various methods, means and implementation criteria:

a) personnel formation is the initial task of personnel management, during which the foundation of the enterprise’s personnel potential and the prospects for its further expansion are laid. The main objective of this block of measures is to provide the production process with personnel in the required quantity and quality, taking into account that both the shortage and excess of labor in the enterprise negatively affect the labor behavior of personnel. The following main activities for personnel formation are identified: planning of personnel requirements, analysis and description of the workplace, recruitment and selection of personnel, conclusion of employment contracts, initial professional and socio-psychological adaptation of personnel, release of personnel;

b) the use of personnel reflects the main task of personnel work. The activities of this block are aimed at creating conditions for increasing the labor productivity of the formed personnel: certification and placement of personnel, improving the moral and psychological climate, motivating personnel, ensuring rational working conditions, permission labor disputes;

c) personnel development is an urgent task of personnel policy in order to slow down the processes of physical and moral wear and tear and increase the labor value of personnel. Changing technological, social, and economic conditions impose new demands on the quality of human resources, therefore, the efficiency of using available personnel in the absence of measures aimed at its development decreases due to a decrease in its labor potential. To maintain physical and mental health and keep personnel in working condition, enterprises can organize psychological relief teams designed to conduct psychotherapy and relaxation sessions, which is especially important in stressful situations; health centers, including a gym, swimming pool, sauna, etc. To develop professional and personal qualities, a large number of measures are used: training, retraining, advanced training of personnel, adaptation of workers to changing socio-economic conditions, participation of workers in management enterprise.

A wisely chosen personnel policy and a rationally organized personnel management system are necessary conditions for the effective operation of an enterprise.

Analysis by gender of workers (Appendix B)

Men - 179043

Women - 208103.

As can be seen from the gender indicators, there are not much more women working at the enterprise than men.

By level of education (Appendix B)

Higher education - 126048 people

Secondary-specialized-193567 people

The average total is 67531 people.

By age: (Appendix D)

25 - 113009 people

45 - 188780 people

60 -79451 people

Over 60 - 5906 people.

As can be seen from the indicators, the proportion of young workers in the total number of young workers is high; as a rule, these are young people without work experience; they require special attention; this point must be taken into account when analyzing the adaptation management system.

By work experience: (Appendix sheet D)

3 years - 84927 people

5 years - 123065 people

More than 5 years -179154 people.

The indicators show that the company mainly employs permanent employees who are satisfied with working conditions and wages, and they value their work. The majority of employees have more than 5 years of work experience.

In general, we can confidently say that the company’s personnel policy occupies an important place in the organization’s policy. It is thoughtful and strategically focused. Employees have confidence in the future, which already stimulates them to work more fruitfully.

Every organization has certain problems and shortcomings. Problems in this company include:

Increasing working hours. Reason: large amount of labor.

But there are ways to eliminate these shortcomings:

The organization needs to hire temporary and seasonal workers in the future to reduce workload.

To achieve the goal, the organization should pay attention to personnel and conduct audits of human resources more often.

the number of employees, determined according to various accounting criteria - total number, number by department, by location, by qualifications, by job rank in the hierarchical structure, by age, by length of service, by gender;

employee costs - usually measured by wages;

organizational structure and the place of employees in it;

recruitment and selection procedures, the effectiveness of these procedures;

quality and effectiveness of training and development programs;

level of motivation and morale of employees;

characteristics of the employee or characteristics of industrial relations between the administration and employees;

monitoring (surveillance) of the effectiveness of existing HR policies and control processes.

The company employs 387,146 people, different in job rank in the hierarchical structure, age, length of service, and gender. Such a “diluted” team provides an opportunity for professional growth for younger employees and those lower in rank in the hierarchical structure.

An audit of human resources to identify gaps can identify those employees or groups that are critical to strategic success. These are the people thanks to whose activities the organization achieved success in the past and around whom the current structures of the company are concentrated. The team includes experienced employees who have worked for the company for many years. They pass on their experience to younger ones. So, for example, a 50-year-old technician who has worked at the company for about 10 years teaches a younger employee who recently came to work. Since the company mainly employs personnel with more than 5 years of work experience, such employees can teach a lot to young employees who have recently come to work.

When developing a personnel management strategy, bonus systems and labor incentive methods are used. They are moving in two main directions: creating premium systems that ensure high quality products (and not increased production); providing a variety of benefits that meet the needs of Ravis LLC employees and their lifestyle. Such benefits do not stimulate the growth of labor productivity, but help attract more qualified personnel to the organization and retain them.

Workers need to strive to eliminate monotonous work by stimulating the creative approach and level of consciousness of each employee when performing their production duties. This approach brings positive results, the work becomes more interesting.

An audit of human resources will provide a lot of information to the administration of the enterprise. Knowing the capabilities of individuals and groups in the context of their relationships, skills and abilities, as well as understanding the nature of the relationships between them, is an important step in the preparation and development of strategy.

Personnel management must be accompanied by savings. This assumes that all expenses made by the organization on personnel training and their motivation should lead to an increase in its benefits and income. Expenditures should bring the organization closer to its goals. If a firm's total personnel costs exceed the benefits it creates, the organization is better off not using this personnel management strategy at all.

To avoid staff turnover, staff must be provided with the necessary working conditions: this is not only modern equipment, but also a cozy environment in the workplace.

In general, we can say that the company has a correct personnel management policy. This is evidenced by a small percentage of staff turnover, staff indicators about work experience and staff satisfaction with work and, of course, an important, friendly work environment.


management personnel strategy personnel

Human resources and organizational culture are important parts of strategic analysis. Understanding these company performance factors is a vital part of internal analysis. The state of an organization's human resources can be assessed through their audit - a tool that has its limitations, especially in terms of assessing intangible values ​​(the degree of job satisfaction, employee morale and motivation). The configuration of human resources is the main determining factor of its culture. The formation of personnel policy is based on an analysis of the personnel structure, the efficiency of using personnel technologies and working hours, and forecasts for the development of production and employment.

The main task of human resource management is to ensure compliance between employees and the operations they perform, which affects work results, employee satisfaction with their work and employee turnover.

It is believed that the company's management should have information about what kind of people work for it and what professional skills they have. This is essential information for the formation and implementation of corporate strategy. A great strategy may be meaningless if employees are not skilled enough to execute it.

Strategic managers are beginning to realize that they need to be more flexible in their use of people in order for human resources to become a company's strength because people can be the implementers of the firm's intended goals.

List of used literature

1. Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel management: Textbook. for universities - M.: UNITI, 2006

Bannikova L.N. Personnel management: textbook. - Ekaterinburg: USTU-UPI, 2009

Banko N.A., Kartashov B.A., Yashin N.S. Personnel Management. Part I: Study Guide. - Volgograd: VolgSTU, 2006

Bychkova A.V. Personnel management: Textbook. - Penza: Penz Publishing House. state University, 2005

Vasiliev Yu.V. Control theory. 2nd ed., add. textbook / Yu.V. Vasilyeva, N.V. Parakhina, L.I. Ushvitsky. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006

Gordienko Yu.F., Obukhov D.V., Samygin S.I. Personnel Management. 2nd ed. textbook / Yu.F. Gordienkov, D.V. Obukhov, S.I. Samygin. - series " Higher education" - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2004

Durakova I.B., Rodin O.A., Taltynov S.M. The theory of personnel management: traditional and new approaches to planning, personnel training and the formation of personnel services: Textbook. - Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 2005.

Durakova I.B., Rodin O.A., Taltynov S.M. Theory of personnel management: Textbook. Issue 3. - Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 2004.

Egorshin A.P. Motivation for work. - textbook Benefit / A.P. Egorshin. - N. Novgorod: NIMB. 2003

Ivanov L.B., Murashkin N.V., Tyukina O.N. and others. Fundamentals of management: the concept of cybernetics and general management issues. - Pskov: PGPI, 2000

Karyakin A.M. Personnel management: Textbook. - Ivanovo: Ivan. state energy University, 2005

Karyakin A.M., Grubov E.O. Fundamentals of personnel management: Methodological manual. - Ivanovo: Ivan. state energy University, 2003

Kibanov A.Ya. Organizational personnel management: textbook, 3rd edition. - M.: INFRA-M, 2005

Lapygin Yu.N. Strategic management: textbook manual - M.: INFRA-M, 2007

Internet materials #"justify">.#"justify">. Samygin S.I., Stolyarenko L.D. Personnel Management. textbook / S.I. Samygin, L.D. Stolyarenko. - Rostov-on-Don, 2001

Shekin S.V. Personnel management in a modern organization: educational and practical guide. 4th edition, revised and expanded / S.V. Shekin - Business School "Intel-Synthesis, 2000

Shekshnya S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization: 4th ed. textbook / S.V. Shekshnya - M.: UNITY, 2000

Shibalkin Yu.A. Fundamentals of personnel management: A textbook for distance learning students. - M.: MGIU, 2000

Appendix A

Appendix B

Analysis of personnel composition by gender: men 179,043 women 208,103 Total employees 387,146

Appendix B

Analysis of personnel composition by level of educationHigher 126048Secondary vocational193567Secondary general67531Total employees 387146

Appendix D

Appendix D

Analysis of personnel composition by work experience 1-3 years 849273-5 years 123065 More than 5 years 179154 Total employees 387146


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State educational institution

higher professional education

"Far Eastern State Humanitarian University"


Specialty 061100 “Organization Management”

Specialization 080507.65 “Management of enterprise competitiveness »


"Strategic HR Management"

4th year students of group 1742

Scientific director


An organization's policy, as a rule, refers to a system of rules according to which people within the organization act. The most important component of an organization's strategically oriented policy is personnel management, which determines the philosophy and principles implemented by management in relation to human resources. The goal of personnel management is to ensure an optimal balance between the processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel in accordance with the needs of the organization itself, the requirements of current legislation and the state of the labor market.

The term “personnel management” can have a broad and narrow interpretation.

In a broad sense, this is a system of conscious and defined rules and regulations that bring human resources into line with the long-term strategy of the company.

In a narrow sense, this is a set of specific rules, wishes and restrictions (often unconscious), implemented both in the process of direct interactions between employees and in the relationship between employees and the organization as a whole. This explains the relevance of this course work.

In any large organization that has several different structural divisions and several levels of management, a hierarchy of goals and objectives develops, which is a decomposition of higher-level goals into higher-level goals and objectives. low level. The hierarchy of goals in an organization establishes its structure and ensures that the activities of all divisions of the organization are oriented toward achieving top-level goals. Since all organizations are systems composed of interdependent elements, if one unit or person is not performing adequately, task interdependence can cause conflict.

This leads to one of the main tasks when developing an enterprise strategy - personnel planning in order to enrich the labor and production development of the enterprise's employees.

The object of the study is the process of strategic personnel management.

Subject – existing system HR management strategies in LLC "".

The goal is to consider the theoretical foundations of strategic personnel management and, on the basis of this, develop a personnel management strategy in the organization.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

Describe theoretical and practical approaches to building a personnel management system in an organization;

Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of the personnel management process in LLC "";

Structurally, the work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.

The first chapter of the work is devoted to the consideration of theoretical aspects of strategic personnel management in an organization.

The second chapter provides a brief description of the activities of LLC "" and analyzes the organizational structure of personnel management.

To reveal the research topic, the works of domestic specialists in the field of developing enterprise personnel management strategies N.P. Belyatsky, V.V. Buzyrev, M.I. Bukhalkov and others were widely used as a theoretical basis for the study.

§ 1.1 Strategic management of an organization as an initial prerequisite for strategic management of its personnel.

Understanding the strategic personnel management of an organization is impossible without defining the term “strategic management of an organization” in general. Moreover, the strategic management of an organization is a prerequisite for the strategic management of its personnel.

The need for strategic management in Russian conditions is explained by the following reasons.

First, over the past ten years the environment in which domestic organizations operate has changed radically. The unstable economic situation of many organizations is associated with the lack of deep economic knowledge, management skills and experience in competitive conditions among most managers, and the need to adapt the organization to constantly changing environmental conditions.

Secondly, the departure from centralized planning, privatization and the entire course of economic transformations in Russia require from managers the ability to foresight, formulate a strategy, determine advantages and competitive advantages, eliminate strategic threats and dangers, i.e. the use of all strategic management tools.

Thirdly, the application of ideas and principles of strategic management, the need for changes in the management system are relevant not only for large companies, with which the emergence of strategic management was associated, but also for medium and even small enterprises.

Strategic management is the management of an organization that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, responds flexibly to challenges from the external environment, carries out timely changes in the organization that allow it to achieve competitive advantages, focusing its activities on the needs of customers, which together makes it possible organizations to survive in the long term while achieving their goals.

In other words, strategic management is a process that covers the actions of organizational leaders to develop, implement and correct strategy.

The main principles of strategic management are:

· long-term perspectives being assessed and decisions being made;

· the focus of management influences on changing the potential of the management object (production, services, technology, personnel, etc.) and creating opportunities for more effective implementation of this potential;

· priority consideration when developing and making management decisions of the state and possible changes external environment;

· alternative choice of management decisions depending on the state of the internal and external environment of the organization;

· constant monitoring of the state and dynamics of the external environment and timely introduction of changes to management decisions.

The strategic management process includes 5 interconnected stages. They logically follow from one another. At the same time, there is a stable feedback and reverse influence of each stage on all the others.

1. Analysis of the external and internal environment. This is the initial stage of strategic management, since it serves as the basis for determining the mission and goals of the organization, as well as for developing a strategy of behavior in the surrounding competitive environment, allowing to implement the mission and achieve goals.

2. Determination of the mission (purpose) of the organization, strategic goals and tasks for their implementation.

3. Formulation and selection of strategy to achieve intended goals and performance results.

4. Effective implementation of strategies, implementation of the planned strategic plan.

5. Assessment and control over the progress of the implemented strategy, adjustment of areas of activity and methods of its implementation.

Strategic personnel management is based on the same principles and foundations as the strategic management of the entire organization as a whole, since it is an integral part of it.

§ 1.2 Concept and main characteristics of strategic personnel management.

Strategic personnel management is the management of the formation of an organization’s competitive labor potential, taking into account current and upcoming changes in its external and internal environment, allowing the organization to survive, develop and achieve its goals in the long term. [13 p.202]

The goal of strategic personnel management is to ensure the formation of the organization’s labor potential in a coordinated and adequate manner to the state of the external and internal environment for the coming long period.

The competitive labor potential of an organization should be understood as the ability of its employees to withstand competition in comparison with employees (and their labor potential) of similar organizations. Competitiveness is ensured through a high level of professionalism and competence, personal qualities, innovative and motivational potential of employees.

Strategic personnel management allows you to solve the following tasks:

1. Providing the organization with the necessary labor potential in accordance with its strategy.

2. Formation of the internal environment of the organization in such a way that the intra-organizational culture, value orientations, priorities in needs create conditions and stimulate the reproduction and implementation of labor potential and strategic management itself.

3. Based on the settings of strategic management and the final products of activity formed by it, it is possible to solve problems associated with functional organizational structures of management, including personnel management. Strategic management methods allow you to develop and maintain flexibility in organizational structures.

4. The ability to resolve contradictions in matters of centralization-decentralization of personnel management. One of the foundations of strategic management is the delimitation of powers and tasks both in terms of their strategic nature and the hierarchical level of their execution. The application of the principles of strategic management in personnel management means the concentration of strategic issues in personnel management services and the delegation of part of the operational and tactical powers to the functional and production divisions of the organization.

The subject of strategic personnel management is the organization’s personnel management service and the senior line and functional managers involved in their activities.

The object of strategic personnel management is the total labor potential of the organization, the dynamics of its development, structures and target relationships, personnel policies, as well as technologies and management methods based on the principles of strategic management, personnel management and strategic personnel management.

The elements of the personnel management strategy are:

The purpose of the organization's activities;

Organization planning system;

Senior management relations;

Organizational structure of personnel management services;

Criteria for the effectiveness of the personnel management system;

Restrictions on the functioning of the system (financial, time,

material, age, social);

Availability, completeness and validity of the information used;

Education of managers (all levels of management);

Relationship with the external environment.

Personnel selection, including planning of labor flows;

Qualification assessment;

Remuneration or, in a broader sense, reimbursement of labor costs in the form of wages, profit sharing, sale of shares, etc.

Staff development.

What determines the need to apply the principles of strategic management in personnel management?

Since the end result of strategic management as a whole is to strengthen the potential (which includes production, innovation, resource, and human components) to achieve the organization’s goals in the future, an important place in the process of strategic management is given to personnel and, in particular, to increasing the level of their competence.

The competence of an organization's personnel is a set of knowledge, skills, experience, knowledge of work methods and techniques that are sufficient to effectively perform job duties.

Competence should be distinguished from competence, which is a characteristic of a position and represents a set of powers (rights and responsibilities) that a certain body and officials have or should have in accordance with laws, regulations, charters, and regulations.

Competency management is the process of comparing an organization's needs with available resources and selecting forms of influence to bring them into line. Here, the need is understood as the necessary quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel, determined in accordance with the chosen development strategy of the organization. Resources mean the company's employees with achieved levels of competence, desires, motivations, and aspirations. The result of comparing the needs and resources of the organization may be reshuffles, movements, recruitment, training, etc.

However, the ability to perform professional duties alone is not enough to achieve the goals of the organization, since no matter how qualified an employee is, his productivity also depends on the desire to work or motivation to work. Only a combination of strong work motivation and professional skill ensures the achievement of results.

In the context of strategic management, the role of the personnel management service in constantly increasing the competence of employees increases significantly.

However, strategic personnel management technologies have not yet been sufficiently developed, which is one of the reasons for the emergence of problems in the personnel management system.

Human resources of organizations, unlike other types of resources (material, financial, information), are characterized by a long-term nature of use and the possibility of transformation in the process of managing them. They are subject to some types of wear and tear, so they need to be restored and reproduced.

The ineffectiveness of applying the principles of operational-tactical management in personnel management within the framework of strategic management of an organization is precisely due to the fact that it does not take into account the above-mentioned features and characteristics of personnel as an object of strategic management.

The use of personnel as a resource is characterized by the fact that its reproduction is carried out after a certain period of its activity, determined by “wear and tear”; its acquisition and maintenance in working order require large capital investments. It follows from this that the use and reproduction of personnel is of an investment nature, since personnel is the object of capital investment. But investment of funds can only be made from a position of strategic expediency.

In strategic personnel management, the “substantive” characteristics of personnel (knowledge, skills, abilities, social status, norms of behavior and values, professional qualification, hierarchical and demographic structures). These characteristics, of which he is the bearer, express, from a long-term perspective, the potential of the organization’s personnel. In addition, the object of strategic management is also personnel management technologies (technologies for realizing labor potential, personnel reproduction and development). Together they form the labor potential of the organization.

The application of strategic management methods becomes real practice in managing the labor potential of enterprises. Examples are companies such as IBM, Otropon, Toyota, Carco, which use strategic personnel planning methods, the basis of which is a thoughtful, market-based strategy.

The management of human resources services becomes a full member of the general management of enterprises and participates in the development of corporate strategies. A special place is given to the assessment and formation of human resources, its professional growth and development, increasing creative and organizational activity.

Assessing the activities of organizations that have the opportunity to use advanced methods of personnel management, we can distinguish three established types of organizations.

1st type. They deal comprehensively with strategic planning issues and apply elements of strategic personnel management. This is a small part of widely diversified financial and industrial associations and enterprises with great financial and organizational capabilities and a developed regional network.

2nd type. Use methods of strategic personnel planning. These are organizations with a stable financial position, stable technologies and a diversified product. They can be quite compact in size and have an average number of staff.

3rd type. Delegate functional tasks of a strategic nature to the personnel management service. Develop personnel development strategies and focus on them in their activities. These include medium and large enterprises various organizational forms, regional ramifications, diversification of technologies and products.

Strategic personnel management can proceed effectively only within the framework of a strategic personnel management system. It means an ordered and purposeful set of interconnected and interdependent subjects, objects and means of strategic personnel management, interacting in the process of implementing the “strategic personnel management” function. The main working tool of such a system is the personnel management strategy.

Thus, the strategic personnel management system ensures the creation of structures, information channels, and most importantly, the formation of a personnel management strategy, its implementation and control over this process.

From the definition of strategic personnel management it follows that it is aimed at developing the competitive labor potential of the organization in order to implement the personnel management strategy. Based on this, all functions of the personnel management system can be grouped into the following three areas: providing the organization with labor potential; development of labor potential; realization of labor potential.

Strategic personnel management is dual in nature. On the one hand, it is one of the functional areas within the strategic management of the organization (along with marketing, investments, etc.), on the other hand, it is implemented through specific personnel management functions aimed at implementing the personnel management strategy, and from this point of view it is functional subsystem of the personnel management system.

§ 1.3 The organization’s personnel management strategy and its implementation.

A personnel management strategy is a priority, qualitatively defined direction of action developed by the organization’s management that is necessary to achieve long-term goals of creating a highly professional, responsible and cohesive team and taking into account the strategic objectives of the organization and its resource capabilities.

The strategy allows us to link numerous aspects of personnel management in order to optimize their impact on employees, primarily on their work motivation and qualifications.

The main features of the HR strategy are:

· its long-term nature, which is explained by the focus on developing and changing psychological attitudes, motivation, personnel structure, the entire personnel management system or its individual elements, and such changes, as a rule, require a long time;

Connection with the strategy of the organization as a whole, taking into account numerous factors of the external and internal environment, since their change entails a change or adjustment of the organization’s strategy and requires timely changes in the structure and number of personnel, their skills and qualifications, management style and methods.

Most leading executives argue that HR strategy is an integral part of the overall strategy of the organization. However, in practice there are different options for their interaction.

1. The most common is the idea of ​​human resource management strategy as a dependent derivative of the strategy of the organization as a whole. In such a situation, personnel management employees must adapt to the actions of the organization's leaders, subordinate to the interests of the overall strategy.

2. The overall strategy of the organization and the HR strategy are developed and developed as a single whole, which means the involvement of HR specialists in solving strategic problems at the corporate level. This is facilitated by their high competence, and therefore the ability to independently solve problems related to personnel, from the point of view of the development perspective of the entire organization.

Human resource management strategy as a functional strategy can be developed at two levels:

· for the organization as a whole in accordance with its overall strategy - as a functional strategy at the corporate, organization-wide level;

· for individual areas of activity (business) of a multidisciplinary, diversified company - as a functional strategy for each area of ​​business, corresponding to the goals of this area (for example, if a large electrical company is engaged in the production of aircraft engines, military electronics, electrical equipment, plastics, lighting devices, then a personnel management strategy is developed for each area of ​​production, since they have differences in personnel structure, qualification and professional training requirements, training methods and other issues).

In the context of strategic management, qualitative changes are taking place in the field of work with personnel. They lie in the fact that within the framework of traditional areas of personnel work, strategic aspects are becoming increasingly important. Combining with strategic technologies, such specific areas of work with personnel as personnel requirements planning, selection, business assessment, training, etc., act as components of the personnel management strategy, acquire a new quality and a single target orientation, consonance with goals and strategic objectives organizations.

The components of the personnel management strategy are:

Labor conditions and safety, personnel safety;

Forms and methods of regulating labor relations;

Methods for resolving industrial and social conflicts;

Establishing norms and principles of ethical relationships in the team, developing a code of business ethics;

Employment policy in the organization, including analysis of the labor market, system of recruitment and use of personnel, establishment of work and rest schedules;

Career guidance and adaptation of personnel;

Measures to build human resources and improve

its use;

Improving methods for forecasting and planning personnel requirements based on studying new requirements for employees and jobs;

Development of new professional qualification requirements for personnel based on systematic analysis and design of work performed in various positions and workplaces;

New methods and forms of selection, business assessment and certification of personnel;

Development of a concept for personnel development, including new forms and methods of training, business career planning and professional advancement, formation of a personnel reserve in order to carry out these activities ahead of time in relation to the timing of the need for them;

Improving the mechanism for managing staff labor motivation;

Development of new systems and forms of remuneration, material and non-material incentives for workers;

Measures to improve the resolution of legal issues of labor relations and economic activities;

Development of new and use of existing measures for the social development of the organization;

Improving information support for all personnel work within the framework of the chosen strategy;

Measures to improve the entire personnel management system or its individual subsystems and elements (organizational structure, functions, management process, etc.), etc.

In each specific case, the personnel management strategy may not cover everything, but only its individual components, and the set of these components will be different depending on the goals and strategy of the organization, the goals and strategy of personnel management.

Implementing a human resources strategy is an important stage in the strategic management process. For its success, the management of the organization must follow the following rules:

· Goals, strategies, tasks for personnel management must be carefully and timely communicated to all employees of the organization in order to achieve on their part not only an understanding of what the organization and the personnel management service are doing, but also informal involvement in the process of implementing strategies, including in particular, developing employees’ obligations to the organization to implement the strategy;

· The general management of the organization and the heads of the personnel management service must not only ensure the timely receipt of all resources necessary for implementation (material, office equipment, equipment, financial, etc.), but also have a plan for implementing the strategy in the form of targets for the state and development of labor potential and record the achievement of each goal.

The goal of the strategy implementation process is to ensure the coordinated development and implementation of strategic plans for the structural divisions of the organization as a whole and the personnel management system.

During the implementation of the strategy, 3 tasks are solved:

First, priority is established among administrative tasks (general management tasks), so that their relative importance corresponds to the personnel management strategy that the organization and strategic personnel management system will implement.

Secondly, a correspondence is established between the chosen personnel management strategy and intra-organizational processes, processes within the personnel management system itself. So that the organization's activities are focused on the implementation of the chosen strategy.

Thirdly, this is the choice of the leadership style of the organization as a whole and in individual divisions that is necessary and appropriate to the personnel management strategy.

The tools for implementing the personnel management strategy are personnel planning, personnel development plans, incl. his training and career advancement, solving social problems, motivation and reward.

Management of the implementation of the personnel management strategy is entrusted to the deputy head of the organization for personnel. But it must rely on the active support of middle managers.

The implementation of a personnel management strategy includes two stages: implementation of the strategy and strategic control over its implementation and coordination of all actions based on the results of control.

The implementation stage includes:

· development of a plan for implementing a personnel management strategy;

· development of strategic plans for departments of the personnel management system as a whole;

· activation of start-up activities for the implementation of the strategy.

The purpose of the strategic control stage is to determine the compliance or difference between the implemented personnel management strategy and the state of the external and internal environment; outline directions for changes in strategic planning and selection of alternative strategies.

To support the effective operation of an enterprise's personnel management service, it is necessary to improve the organizational structure of the service itself. It must have divisions that would ensure the solution of all the tasks assigned to it.

The HR strategy should make it possible to prepare employees to achieve the global goals of the organization. Therefore, the role of HR managers in the development of strategic decisions of organizations is sharply increasing.

With a significant diversity of views and approaches to making strategic decisions, published research does not yet answer the question of the superiority and recommended scope of application of a particular methodology. Although more and more attention is being paid to “teaching strategy”.

On the other hand, the latter is poorly formalized and can hardly be “fitted” into a structured model of strategic planning. The contextual nature of the training model with its “competencies” and “dynamic abilities” significantly reduces the possibility of its practical application in conditions where “personnel decide everything.”

At the same time, the ideas of both the mainly scientific community and practitioners about the strategic directions of work with personnel are also ambiguous and mostly have a “routine” idea of ​​​​promising and more important areas of work with personnel.

In conclusion, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Strategic personnel management is the management of the formation of the competitive labor potential of an organization, taking into account current and upcoming changes in its external and internal environment, allowing the organization to survive, develop and achieve its goals in the long term.

2. The goal of strategic personnel management in an organization is to ensure the formation of the organization’s labor potential for a long period, coordinated and adequate to the state of the external and internal environment.

3. The subject of strategic personnel management is the personnel management service of the organization and the senior line and functional managers involved in their activities; the object of strategic personnel management is the total labor potential of the organization, the dynamics of its development, structures and target relationships, personnel policy, as well as technologies and management methods , based on the principles of strategic personnel management.

4. Strategic personnel management of an organization is based on the strategic management of the entire organization; in addition, there is an inverse relationship.

5. In Russian organizations, strategic personnel management technologies are not yet sufficiently developed, which is one of the reasons for the emergence of problems in the personnel management system.

6. In domestic science there is also little information, research, and literature devoted to the problems of strategic personnel management of an organization.

§ 2.1 Brief description of the activities of LLC "".

Limited Liability Company "" (abbreviated name LLC ""), operates in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and was created by decision No. 1 of the founders on the creation of the Company on the basis of the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” dated 02/08/1998. and the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation. The constituent documents are brought into compliance with Federal law dated February 8, 1998 “On Limited Liability Companies,” which came into force on March 1, 1998. The authorized capital corresponds to the amount determined by the above law.

An enterprise is a legal entity - a commercial organization, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of sizes determined by the constituent documents, created for the purpose of making a profit. Legal address of LLC "": Khabarovsk, lane. Available, 3, office 1

The Company has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts; has separate property in its ownership and is liable for its obligations with all the property belonging to it, can make transactions in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, act as a plaintiff or defendant in court or arbitration court. Thus, LLC "" is an independent economic entity operating on the basis of full economic accounting, self-financing and self-sufficiency.

The property of the company consists of fixed assets and working capital, as well as other property. The financial resources of an enterprise are formed from profits from its activities.

Labor relations are regulated by current labor legislation. Employees are hired and dismissed by the director in accordance with the staffing schedule.

LLC "" is a commercial company. The main activity is the retail sale of motor fuel, including gasoline and diesel fuel through gas stations, which also includes a set of activities for working with suppliers of petroleum products and with manufacturing plants located in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The main current and future task of the organization is to create a network of gas stations in various regions, as well as in hard-to-reach populated areas, with special attention paid to the quality of sold motor fuel (gasoline and diesel fuel), which directly affects the company’s image and the number of customers, respectively, on sales volumes, while the quality of petroleum products to be sold is confirmed by quality certificates for a specific batch of petroleum products, depending on the type fuel and complies with those established by Gosstandart. Particular attention is paid to the selection of suppliers, in terms of determining the possibilities of supplying certain volumes of petroleum products, the quality of petroleum products, which is verified through laboratory tests, as well as a number of other factors characterizing a particular supplier.

When working with manufacturing plants, special attention is paid to the list of proposed manufacturers. From the whole variety, the best ones are selected from the point of view of reliability.

The company's employees are provided with safe working conditions, a remuneration system is in place in compliance with the guarantees established by the current legislation of Russia and the terms of the collective agreement. Wages represent compensation for the labor contribution of employees to the activities of the enterprise. In this regard, the main function of wages is defined as motivating workers to work efficiently. The objectives of the remuneration system in LLC "" are to differentiate wages, which, on the one hand, motivates employees to work efficiently, and on the other hand, must be economically justified according to the value of the results of their work.

The most important prerequisite for establishing basic remuneration is its evaluation. Labor assessment is necessary to establish objective differences between individual jobs in order to formulate their qualification characteristics and determine a fair form of remuneration for each specific type of work. It is believed that it is not the absolute level of pay, but the ratios of pay for different types of work that have a decisive influence on labor morale and productivity.

The first step in creating an effective incentive mechanism is considered by the company's management to be a clear description of the employee's job functions. Their analysis is based on an inventory of the requirements of the workplace and the labor process, the abilities and potential capabilities of the employee himself, on the job interview, including his own assessments and expectations. The description of job functions is drawn up by the immediate supervisor with the participation of the performer. The received document is approved by the certification commission with representatives of personnel services and becomes the basis for subsequent certifications, establishing remuneration, and making decisions on promotion or revision of job functions.

§ 2.2 Features of the personnel management system in LLC ""

The core of any organization is the people working in it who need to be managed. The personnel management system is very versatile and multifaceted. It includes all aspects of employee interaction with the organization.

Personnel management of an organization is a purposeful activity of the organization's management, managers and specialists of departments of the personnel management system. It includes the development of a concept and strategy for personnel policy, principles and methods of personnel management.

Figure 2.1 System of characteristics for personnel classification at LLC "".

LLC "" uses both external and internal sources of recruitment. But greater emphasis is still placed on internal sources. Workers from redundant positions are transferred to naturally vacant positions (retirement, dismissal), they are given internships, and they are trained. This is much more profitable than creating an entire department for selecting and hiring personnel. Since the cost of selection is determined by the cost of working time of employees involved in the selection, the cost of external resources, as well as the amount of losses from the employee’s absence from the workplace.

Managing the number and composition of employees is the most responsible link in common system functions of personnel management of a trading enterprise.

The main goal of managing the number and composition of personnel is to optimize the cost of human labor to perform the main types of work associated with the activities of a trading enterprise, and to ensure that the necessary jobs are filled with workers of the relevant professions, specialties and skill levels. The implementation of this personnel management function should be linked to the greatest extent with the overall strategy of trade management, because The labor potential generated at the enterprise will ensure the implementation of all strategic goals and directions of its activities.

Management of the number and composition of personnel covers a number of sequentially performed stages of work, graphically presented in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 Stages of implementation of the functions of managing the number and composition of personnel at LLC "".

External sources are random applicants who independently apply for work, which are entered into a file cabinet, as well as institutes and universities.

Before making a decision to hire a candidate, he goes through the following selection stages:

Preliminary conversation with the immediate supervisor and head of the service;

Filling out the application form;

Checking the track record;

Mandatory medical examination;


Personnel adaptation is carried out in the form of mentoring. When applying for a job or transferring to another place, an on-the-job internship is mandatory for everyone. The order appoints a person responsible for the internship, who receives an additional payment in the amount of 25% of the intern’s official salary.

The internship period cannot be less than two weeks. Usually its duration is one month; for young specialists, by decision of the head of the service, the internship can be longer.

During the internship, the newcomer is introduced to governing documents, job descriptions, instructions for reserving equipment, actions in special cases, occupational health, safety, fire safety requirements, and operational and technical documentation of the equipment to be serviced.

At the end of the internship, the commission evaluates the intern’s knowledge acquired during the internship and issues an order for admission to independent work.

The person responsible for the internship, acting as a mentor, is usually the site manager. This is done in order to eliminate a formal approach to mentoring.

The advantages of adaptation for the learner are as follows:

Help and support throughout the internship process;

Better understanding of the comprehensive activities of the organization;

Development of personal qualities (self-confidence, self-esteem, especially as one’s professional level and abilities increase);

Development of skills and abilities through the assimilation of other people's experience;

Acceleration of career development (quick adaptation and entry into the profession stimulates career development);

Reducing the likelihood of conflicts (the mentor helps to understand the intricacies of work and relationships in the team);

Decline psychological stress(a feeling of security appears).

Mentor purchases:

Active participation in the development of your team;

Increased personal satisfaction due to successful performance of functions;

Personal self-development (gaining new knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of performing one’s functions).

Acquisitions of the organization:

More trained personnel;

Increasing the cultural level of the organization;

More effective training of management personnel;

Formation of a positive attitude towards learning;

Reducing the time required to adapt a new employee.

In general, we can talk about the effectiveness of employee adaptation. In a short time he masters the equipment and management documentation. The instructions describe the algorithms of actions in non-standard situations(power outages, emergencies) and are always at the workplace, in accordance with the requirements of the governing documents. All this allows the employee to quickly integrate into the production process.

Advanced training and industrial training of personnel.

The cost policy for improving the qualifications of workers is determined by the objective need to maintain a workforce of the required quantity and quality.

Upskilling is a key tool through which workers develop as technology improves.

Based on requests from supervisors, a professional development plan for the year is drawn up, and expenses are reflected in this plan.

Of great importance in increasing the efficiency of personnel management in LLC "" is the conduct of technical training (industrial training) in the workplace. The standards establish 8 hours of technical training per person per month. Technical training is planned and conducted by facility managers. During technical training, governing documents, job descriptions, occupational health and safety instructions, and material parts are studied.

Staff motivation.

The modern level of production cannot develop without effective motivational systems for personnel, which must be constantly improved under the influence of economic and political conditions. Therefore, LLC "" has to independently search for the most suitable and effective methods of organizing and encouraging labor.

In LLC "" the legal act regulating labor, socio-economic and professional relations between employees and the employer is the "Collective Agreement", which affects all aspects of employee incentives, both material and non-material.

The main section of the “Collective Agreement” is the remuneration system.

The remuneration system is understood as a method of calculating the amount of remuneration to be paid to employees in accordance with their labor costs or labor results.

The ranks assigned to workers, as well as specific official salaries established for employees, are indicated in contracts, agreements or orders for the organization. These documents, along with documents on the actual use of working time (working time sheets, etc.), provide the basis for the accountant to calculate the employee’s remuneration.

The remuneration system, forms of material incentives, salaries (tariff rates), as well as labor standards are established by the administration of LLC "" in the relevant annexes to the collective agreement, which are an integral part of it.

The structure of remuneration for employees of the enterprise, compensating for their labor contribution, includes the following components:

Basic payment at tariff rates and salaries, which is established on the basis of tariff agreements, taking into account severity, content, responsibility, working conditions, market conditions and other factors;

Allowances and bonuses for labor productivity;

Social benefits, including a number of voluntary services of the enterprise (payment for transport, advanced training, medical services, kindergartens, life insurance, etc.).

Methods of stimulating the work of personnel operating at LLC "":

Financial and monetary incentives:

1. LLC "" operates time-bonus wage system.

2. The following types of surcharges are established:

For the performance of duties of temporarily absent employees due to illness, student leave, pregnancy and childbirth, child care, at least 10% of the official salary of the person being replaced;

For work in the evening in the amount of 20% of the hourly tariff rate for each hour of work;

For employees carrying out internships for specialists upon hiring in the amount of 25% of the intern's salary for the period of training of specialists;

Workers carrying out Maintenance and repair of equipment with an extended service life of up to 15% (by decision of the technical council);

Employees bearing financial responsibility up to 20% of their official salary.

3. The enterprise pays:

Financial assistance in connection with the death of loved ones and assistance in organizing funerals;

A one-time benefit to employees retiring due to age, depending on their length of service.

Compensation for costs associated with travel for employees of remote sites who come for technical training and other events;

Monthly benefit for women who went on maternity leave from 12 weeks in the amount of the average monthly salary until going on maternity leave;

Monthly child benefit in the amount of three minimum wages in the Russian Federation for women on parental leave to care for a child under 3 years of age.

Non-material incentives:

1. Opportunities for advanced training are provided.

2. Organization of rest rooms and meals.

Analysis of the motivation system showed that the management of the enterprise should pay attention to the bonus system, wages, working conditions of employees (repair of premises, comfort in the workplace, equipping workplaces with the necessary tools), catering. Partial bonuses (64% of employees in the service who directly carry out maintenance receive bonuses) are also not the best solution. This creates a tense environment in the team and significantly reduces the level of labor productivity.

Personel assessment.

LLC "" conducts personnel assessment in the form of certification.

Personnel certification is carried out on the basis of the “Regulations on the procedure for certification of LLC employees”.

Based on the results of the certification, the commission can make a decision on the compliance (non-compliance) of the employee with the position held, on the suitability of the position held, subject to improvement of work and implementation of the recommendations of the commission with re-certification, on promotion to a higher position. The decision of the certification commission is recorded in the certification sheet, which is stored in personal file employee. An employee who has passed the certification is issued a certificate in the established form.

§ 2.3 Identification of possible problems in the process of the organization’s activities

List of organizational strengths

1. The presence of regular customers leads to the presence of regular orders;

2. The quality of the work performed leads to an increase in the volume of orders for certain services;

3. High technological level of production contributes to the quality of services provided;

4. Compliance of the services provided with standards contributes to an increase in the volume of consumer orders;

5. A wide range of activities leads to an increase in the volume of orders and payment of salaries without delays.

List of weaknesses of the organization

1. The lack of highly qualified workers leads to a large number of refusals to fulfill certain orders;

2. A small management team leads to a lack of proper control over the implementation of specific work and the actions of personnel;

3. Absence marketing research, affects the lack of conquest of new markets for the provision of services.

External threats:

1. Low purchasing power of the majority of the population, which can lead to a decrease in demand;

2. The worsening demographic situation leads to a decrease in clients;

3. An insufficiently thought-out policy in the field of introducing new technologies can lead to the loss of the opportunity to master new segments of the service provision market.

Possibilities of the external environment

1. Competition in its minor manifestations entails the implicit setting of prices for the provision of services;

2. A promising and rapidly developing sector of the economy, which makes it possible to develop new market segments;

3. High and stable demand leads to a possible increase in prices for the provision of services;

4. Growth in business activity leads to the attraction of new clients;

5. The growth in the welfare of certain categories of the population entails an increase in the number of regular customers;

6. The use of new technologies improves the quality of work.

An enterprise can operate successfully only if there is a rational management system. The existing management system must undergo changes in some areas. To do this, it is necessary to resolve some issues:

Lack of quality service delivery due to lack of staff motivation;

Not a perfect personnel management system, due to the lack of direct and proper control over personnel;

Lack of highly qualified workers (low quality of work);

Lack of a marketing department (not a significant drawback due to the lack of a clear competitive environment);

The identified problematic issues in the organization’s activities must be summarized in a decision matrix, which will be presented in the next chapter.

All identified shortcomings are relevant when a company operates in the service provision market, but from the identified shortcomings we can identify the main problem, which has a great impact on the organization’s activities in the service provision market. This problem is the lack of staff motivation.

§ 3.1 Creation of a personnel service

From the analysis of the management system, it is clear that the enterprise does not have a personnel department and this entails many problems in the activities of the enterprise. First of all, there are problems with personnel and their retraining.

So, in my opinion, it is necessary to create a personnel department at LLC "" that could develop and implement personnel policies, retrain and improve the qualifications of employees.

At OOO "" the personnel service will have to solve a number of problems:

Forecasting, determining the current and future needs for personnel and sources of its satisfaction, clarifying the need for training specialists in direct relations with educational institutions, developing and implementing measures to form a workforce;

Planning and regulation of professional, qualified personnel growth, processes of their release and redistribution;

Organizational and methodological support for professional, economic studies, training and retraining of personnel, planning this work taking into account the needs of production, sending workers to various educational institutions and for internships at leading enterprises and organizations, training primary managers in advanced methods and forms of working with personnel;

Studying the professional, business and moral qualities of employees on the basis of certification, the widespread use of psychological and social research, developing recommendations for the rational use of personnel in accordance with their abilities and inclinations;

Organization of work on the vocational guidance of youth, adaptation of young specialists and workers at enterprises, development of mentoring, study of the causes of staff turnover, dynamics of changes in the workforce, development of measures to stabilize and improve its social and demographic structure;

Ensuring the effective use of all forms of material and moral incentives for workers in accordance with their work activities and taking into account public opinion, studying the influence of incentives on increasing the labor and social activity of workers, strengthening the moral and psychological climate in the team, etc.

Effective personnel management is impossible without the active and constant participation of the organization's top management in defining personnel management tasks arising from the organization's goals, modeling production behavior, creating and implementing personnel management systems, and assessing their effectiveness. Since people are the most important organizational resource, the leader of an organization must devote the bulk of his time to managing people. Unfortunately, this does not happen in all modern organizations, especially at the lower levels of the hierarchy - at the level of workshops, brigades, groups. This significantly reduces the efficiency of personnel management in the organization as a whole, since managers are the most important tool implementation of personnel management methods, and insufficient attention on their part to these issues is transformed into low quality personnel management.

LLC "" can achieve a higher degree of participation of managers in personnel management through:

Effective communication, including explanation of the need and benefits of line managers’ participation in personnel management in the language of numbers, costs, profits, productivity, etc., understandable to the latter. Unfortunately, quite often HR specialists do not understand the specifics of the organization well enough and cannot explain themselves in the language familiar to managers;

Involving managers to participate in forms of work with personnel that are “attractive” to them - conducting interviews with candidates, professional training sessions, and managing individual projects. This will allow them to gain experience of direct participation in the development and application of personnel management methods and will provide the opportunity to form a more objective idea of ​​personnel management in general;

Special training in personnel management, which allows you to form an understanding of this function of organizational management that corresponds to today, and develop practical skills in working with personnel.

§ 3.2 Personnel assessment system in the organization.

Having studied the personnel management system in LLC "" it can be noted that there is a need to improve the personnel assessment system.

Organizations exist to achieve their goals. The degree to which these goals are achieved shows how effectively the organization operates, i.e. how effectively it uses the resources at its disposal, and the effectiveness of the organization as a whole consists of the effectiveness of the use of each of the organizational resources, including each employee.

Naturally, employees of an organization perform their production duties differently - any organization has its leaders, outsiders and middle peasants. To carry out this differentiation, it is necessary to have a unified system for regularly assessing the effectiveness of each employee in performing his or her job functions. Such a system increases the efficiency of personnel management of the organization through:

Positive impact on employee motivation. Feedback has a beneficial effect on employee motivation, allowing them to adjust their behavior in the workplace and achieve increased productivity;

Vocational training planning. Personnel assessment makes it possible to identify shortcomings in the qualification level of each employee and provide measures to correct them;

Planning professional development and career. Employee assessment reveals their weak and strong professional qualities, which allows you to prepare individual development plans and effectively plan your career;

Making decisions on remuneration, promotion, dismissal. Regular and systematic evaluation of employees provides the organization's management with the opportunity to make informed decisions on salary increases (rewarding the best employees also has a motivating effect on their colleagues), promotion or dismissal. In the latter case, the presence of documented information about the systematic unsatisfactory performance of his job duties by a dismissed employee greatly facilitates the organization’s position in the event of litigation.

The above-mentioned benefits received by an organization using a personnel assessment system are most fully realized with the objectivity of the assessment, the openness of its criteria, strict confidentiality of the results, and the active participation of the employee. Compliance with these principles is achieved through:

The universality of the assessment system. The HR department develops a unified evaluation system for the entire organization and ensures that this system is uniformly understood and applied across all departments;

Establishing evaluation standards and norms. To do this, the organization needs to determine what determines success when working in a given position, i.e. highlight critical factors. For this purpose, the method of job analysis is used, which consists of a thorough study of the functions performed by an employee occupying a certain position and identifying among them the most important ones from the point of view of achieving the goals set for him;

Selecting assessment methods. To effectively evaluate an employee's performance, it is necessary to have assessments that are easy to use, reliable, and accurately measure critical factors. Both quantitative indicators (time, productivity, costs, etc.) and qualitative characteristics given by the person performing the assessment - “good”, “bad”, “above average”, etc. can be used as assessments. It is natural that quantitative estimates preferable both in terms of their accuracy and objectivity in relation to the employee being evaluated. However, in real life it is not always possible to use quantitative assessments for many positions, so organizations are often forced to use subjective assessments.

It is very difficult to create an assessment system that is equally balanced in terms of accuracy, objectivity, simplicity and understandability, therefore today there are several personnel assessment systems, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the most common is, of course, the system of periodic personnel assessment.

§ 3.3 Improving motivation at the LLC "" enterprise.

The results of the analysis showed that the most important factor in the personnel motivation system is the remuneration system; it was also revealed that the existing remuneration system does not meet the objectives stated by the management of the enterprise.

Consequently, achieving the goals set for the payment system and, in general, the company in this situation and with this approach is problematic, and the results indicate the ineffectiveness of the system.

Management uses the concept of remuneration based on results (piecework wages) in the remuneration system.

However, for more efficient functioning of the enterprise, the result must be understood as the final result of the enterprise’s activities - profit, which allows taking into account wages taking into account the contribution of each employee based on the developed system.

The connection between payment and the efficiency of the entire system makes sense, however, it is necessary to clearly interpret the concepts of result and the ratio of the contribution of each employee to the final result of the enterprise.

It is advisable to use functional differentiation when there are several subsystems of remuneration for each functional area: supply, production, management.

The payment principle “Fixed component + Variable component” constitutes the general approach, including the fixed component is formed according to a unified corporate approach. While the salary component variable is formed on the basis of indicators that ensure the relationship between the results of the activities of an employee of a given function and the enterprise as a whole. For example, for production departments such criteria will be: product quality, production time for competitive and market-demanded products; for consulting departments - the quality and volume of services provided.

The remuneration system involves two components: constant and variable.

The constant component is paid regardless of the success of the enterprise based on the employee’s performance of his functional duties.

For the purpose of differentiation in remuneration, it makes sense to use the following approach in determining the constant component:

determine the qualification levels of workers within their position with a differentiated rate from 1 (tariff rate) to 2 with an interval of 0.25, thus there will be five job levels: 1; 1.25; 1.5; 1.75; 2.

It is proposed to conduct annual certification based on the following indicators:

1. Qualification

2. Professional experience

3. Work experience


5. Mastering a related profession

8. Working conditions.

For each indicator a score is given from 0 to 2 and determined average, which allows you to determine the employee’s qualification level for the next year. This approach allows us to mutually connect the professional skill of the employee, his attitude to work, the complexity of the work and working conditions, which will contribute not only to the employee’s vertical career, but also his desire to work more effectively in this position, since a more conscientious attitude and increased qualifications are a plus “ loyalty to the company" will provide him with an increase in the constant component of income.

The variable component can be formed as follows:

1) The basic share is established based on the employee’s qualification level, however, it is not linked to the tariff rate and is a point of correlation between overfulfillment or failure to fulfill one’s job qualification responsibilities;

2) The system of bonus shares or bonuses must be linked to the achievement of economic effect in the employee’s activities. It is proposed to adopt a system of monthly bonuses (criteria) as a basis and establish the following criteria for accrual of shares or bonuses;

a) a rationalization proposal that influenced the reduction of costs or increase in profits;

b) prevention of emergency situations that could lead to increased costs;

c) saving effort and money (involvement of positions, saving materials and energy while maintaining quality and quantity), psychological climate in the team.

The system of penalties or bonuses should be linked to both economic, direct losses, and indirect ones:

Not going to work

Violation of technology

Breakdown of mechanisms and tools

Violation of discipline

Violation of the principles of organizational culture.

3) The range of bonus and penalty shares should be in the interval (02), which will allow stimulating workers with a high basic share.

4) When determining the share of profit for the formation of the variable component of the salary, it is advisable that it should be at least 30% of the salary.

Thus, the wage system will look like this:

ZP = P (KDU) + P/,

where, P is a constant component;

KDU - salary at the rate;

P/ - variable component;

ZP - salary;

P/P/ ratio - 70% / 30%.

The calculated indicators are comparable in amount to the costs at the maximum indicators of the wage fund, which does not contradict the approaches of the corporation's management regarding the company's planned maximum ability to pay its employees. At the same time, a radically different approach to the formation of wages is used.

The purpose of the sentence is to show that rational approach to the formation of a wage system, based on the proposed concept and the need for mandatory payment of wages to employees, is acceptable and economically justified, i.e. can be implemented at the lowest cost for management in order to create a basis for improving and developing the proposed approach.

The transition to market relations, the priority of product quality issues and ensuring its competitiveness have increased the importance of a creative attitude to work and high professionalism. This encourages us to look for new forms of management, develop the potential abilities of personnel, and ensure their motivation for the work process. Human resource management is one of the most important areas in an organization’s activities and is considered the main criterion for its economic success.

Any organization functions as an integral organism or system. Any system cannot exist separately from other systems similar to it, but at the same time it cannot be left without internal management. If internal control is lost, all established relationships and processes will be broken or damaged and the system will cease to exist. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to such a section of management as working with personnel.

In this paper, an analysis of the current personnel management system in LLC "" is carried out and ways to improve its efficiency are proposed.

The essence of personnel management in LLC "" lies in the fact that people are considered as the company's competitive wealth, which must be deployed, developed, and motivated along with other resources in order to achieve its strategic goals.

The effective functioning of LLC "" presupposes awareness by all employees (and not just management) of the goals and values ​​of the organization and their participation in the development of the organization's policies.

The company takes the problem of personnel selection very seriously, especially since the number of required specialists is not large, because working personnel are in no hurry to leave the enterprise. Each department head and specialist knows his job and knows how to solve problems “offline.” Of course, not everything is perfect when working with personnel; There are still many shortcomings and unresolved problems, but the very formulation, strategy and tactics of working with personnel in the spirit of the times are fully consistent with market relations.

In modern conditions, serious changes are taking place in the labor market, which require appropriate adjustments in such areas as attitude towards employees, policies for attracting them, retention and motivation.

Personnel management is turning into a powerful tool for professional work with it. Making human resource management a special function helps the organization achieve its goals and contributes to increased competitiveness and efficiency.

Having considered the theoretical foundations of strategic personnel management, we developed a strategy for personnel management in the organization.

When completing the course work, the assigned tasks were completed:

Characteristics of theoretical and practical approaches to building a personnel management system in an organization;

Analysis of the effectiveness of the personnel management process in LLC "";

In such a situation, when the capabilities of modern personnel management are significantly expanding, the employees themselves are changing. Along with the increasing level of professionalism, they begin to be more selective in their choice of place of work. There is a desire for greater self-expression, advanced training, and predictable professional and career growth. Taking these trends into account and correct use their is the main task of the enterprise personnel management system.

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20. Popov, S.A. Strategic management./ S.A. Popov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2000. - 264 p.

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The personnel management strategy is a priority direction for the formation of a competitive, highly professional, responsible and cohesive workforce that contributes to the achievement of long-term goals and the implementation of the overall strategy of the organization. This is a means, a way to achieve the goals of the organization and the personnel management system through the formation and development of competitive advantages in the field of personnel.

The strategy allows us to link numerous aspects of personnel management in order to optimize their impact on employees, primarily on their work motivation and qualifications.

The main features of the HR strategy are:

Its long-term nature is explained by its focus on developing and changing psychological attitudes, motivation, personnel structure, and the entire management system.

Rice. 4.6. Diagram of the organizational structure of the strategic personnel management system based on the organization’s personnel management service

change by personnel or its individual elements, and such changes, as a rule, require a long time:

Connection with the strategy of the organization as a whole, taking into account numerous factors of the external and internal environment, since their change entails a change or adjustment of the organization’s strategy and requires timely changes in the structure and number of personnel, their skills and qualifications, management style and methods.

Most leading executives argue that HR strategy is an integral part of the overall strategy of the organization. However, in practice there are different options for their interaction.

1. The most common is the idea of ​​human resource management strategy as a dependent derivative of the strategy of the organization as a whole. In such a situation, personnel management employees must adapt to the actions of the organization's leaders, subordinate to the interests of the overall strategy.

2. The overall strategy of the organization and the HR strategy are developed and developed as a single whole, which means the involvement of HR specialists in solving strategic problems at the corporate level. This is facilitated by their high competence, and therefore the ability to independently solve problems related to personnel, from the point of view of the development perspective of the entire organization.

The relationship between the organization's strategy and the choice of personnel management strategy can be shown in the following example.

The strategy of an organization that produces products in a certain product market and seeks to increase its share in this market is to reduce production costs and, consequently, to reduce the price of products. At the same time, in the field of personnel management, there are several options for achieving possible savings. One of them is to conduct a thorough analysis of potential areas of savings and make choices, for example: streamlining the labor process, identifying and reducing redundant, unnecessary, and repetitive labor operations. This will be the personnel strategy. Moreover, the implementation of this strategy can also be carried out according to several options. On the one hand, analysis and identification of unnecessary operations can be carried out by specialists in the field of organization and labor economics, working at the enterprise or attracted from outside, and on the other hand, which is preferable today, such an analysis can be carried out by interested workers themselves, united in project teams or quality circles and are essentially experts on problems in their own workplaces. The solution to such specific strategic tasks should be reflected in the strategic plan.

Human resource management strategy as a functional strategy can be developed at two levels:

For the organization as a whole, in accordance with its overall strategy - as a functional strategy at the corporate, organization-wide level;

For individual areas of activity (business) of a multidisciplinary, diversified company - as a functional strategy for each area of ​​business, corresponding to the goals of this area (for example, if a large electrical company is engaged in the production of aircraft engines, military electronics, electrical equipment, plastics, lighting devices, then a personnel management strategy is developed for each area of ​​production, since they have differences in personnel structure, qualification and professional training requirements, training methods and other issues).

In the context of strategic management, qualitative changes are taking place in the field of work with personnel. They lie in the fact that within the framework of traditional areas of personnel work, strategic aspects are becoming increasingly important. Combining with strategic technologies, such specific areas of work with personnel as personnel demand planning, selection, business assessment, training and others act as components of the personnel management strategy, acquire a new quality and a single target orientation, consonance with the goals and strategic objectives of the organization .

The components of the personnel management strategy are:

Labor conditions and safety, personnel safety;

Forms and methods of regulating labor relations;

Methods for resolving industrial and social conflicts;

Establishing norms and principles of ethical relationships in the team, developing a code of business ethics;

Employment policy in the organization, including analysis of the labor market, system of recruitment and use of personnel, establishment of work and rest schedules;

Career guidance and adaptation of personnel;

Measures to increase human resources and make better use of them;

Improving methods for forecasting and planning personnel requirements based on studying new requirements for employees and jobs;

Development of new professional qualification requirements for personnel based on systematic analysis and design of work performed in various positions and workplaces;

New methods and forms of selection, business assessment and certification of personnel;

Development of a concept for personnel development, including new forms and methods of training, business career planning and professional advancement, formation of a personnel reserve in order to carry out these activities ahead of time in relation to the timing of the need for them;

Improving the mechanism for managing staff labor motivation;

Development of new systems and forms of remuneration, material and non-material incentives for workers;

Measures to improve the resolution of legal issues of labor relations and economic activities;

Development of new and use of existing measures for the social development of the organization;

Improving information support for all personnel work within the framework of the chosen strategy;

Measures to improve the entire personnel management system or its individual subsystems and elements (organizational structure, functions, management process, etc.), etc.

In each specific case, the personnel management strategy may not cover everything, but only its individual components, and the set of these components will be different depending on the goals and strategy of the organization, the goals and strategy of personnel management.

For example, industrial enterprise has developed the following personnel strategy: hire qualified engineers to long term and assign them to do R&D. To achieve this, it is not enough to take appropriate measures only to attract personnel and search the necessary specialists of this professional qualification group in the external labor market. It is important to set before these specialists a set of tasks that corresponds to their potential level and requires an independent approach to solving them; provide an opportunity for engineers to maintain and improve their level of qualifications: attend seminars, meetings, have professional literature at their disposal, and gain additional experience through rotation within the enterprise. No less important is the incentive system, which should be so attractive that specialists do not leave at the first opportunity for another company.

From this example it is clear that it is necessary to combine various components to implement a personnel management strategy (this is the selection and attraction of personnel, the distribution of tasks and work, development and promotion activities); create a single combination of personnel management tools that corresponds to a specific strategy. If one of these tools (for example, recruitment or compensation system) fails, the implementation of the strategy as a whole may be in jeopardy.

Another example. If the organization’s personnel management strategy is to increase the qualification potential in the team, i.e. the degree of mastery of professions and compliance with the requirements of positions and jobs, then its implementation requires the interaction of the following components: employment policy in the organization: hiring workers taking into account their qualification potential; offering forms of labor relations designed for long-term employment for the long-term use of existing and future acquired qualifications; administrative management of personnel: involving employees in identifying and solving emerging problems; regularly conducting developmental conversations with employees in order to obtain feedback; organization of work: regular change of tasks in order to acquire a wider range of skills; distribution among employees of types of activities that require constant improvement of their qualifications; personnel training and development: systematically involving employees in training and advanced training activities at various stages of their careers: incentives: rewards for successful training and advanced training.

One more example. The company has developed a business strategy focused on low prices and high volume production to reduce production costs. The labor and personnel strategy is aimed at increasing labor productivity by 10%. The components of the strategy are: recruitment (recruitment is aimed at improving the quality of testing candidates to identify the most motivated and qualified among them); information support (the system of information exchange between employees of the enterprise must be improved in order to increase the productivity of their work); motivation of personnel (when determining remuneration and bonuses, take into account the intensity of work and the final results of the activities of each employee).

It has already been indicated that a personnel management strategy can be either subordinate to the strategy of the organization as a whole, or combined with it, representing a single whole. But in both cases, the HR strategy is focused on a specific type of corporate or business strategy (business strategy). The relationship between the organization's strategy and personnel management strategy (with its components) is shown in Table. 4.4.

Table 4.4. The relationship between organizational strategy and personnel management strategy

Type of organization strategy

HR strategy

Components of HR strategy

Entrepreneurial strategy.

They accept projects with a high degree of financial risk and a minimum number of actions.

Resource satisfaction of all customer requirements.

The focus is on the rapid implementation of immediate measures, even without appropriate elaboration.

Searching for and attracting innovative workers, proactive, cooperative, long-term oriented, willing to take risks, and not afraid of responsibility.

It is important that key employees do not change

Selection and placement of personnel: finding people who can take risks and get things done.

Remuneration: on a competitive basis, impartial, as far as possible, satisfying the employee’s tastes.

Assessment: Results-based, not too harsh.

Personal development: informal, mentor-oriented.

Travel planning: in the center - interest ootrdomüw.

Selection of a workplace that matches the interests of the employee.

Dynamic growth strategy.

The degree of risk is lower.

Constantly benchmarking current goals and building the foundation for the future.

Organizational policies and procedures are written down because they are necessary both for stricter control and as a basis further development organizations.

Employees must be organizationally embedded, flexible in changing environments, problem-oriented, and work closely with others.

Selection and placement of personnel: searching for flexible and loyal people who are able to take risks.

Rewards: fair and impartial.

Grade; based on clearly defined criteria.

Personal development: emphasis on qualitative growth in the level and field of activity.

Transfer planning: takes into account today's real opportunities and various forms of career advancement.

Profitability strategy.

The focus is on maintaining existing profit levels.

The effort requiring financial investment is modest, and even the termination of hiring is possible.

The management system is well developed, and there is an extensive system of various types of procedural rules.

Focuses on quantity and efficiency criteria in the area of ​​personnel;

terms - short-term;

results - with a relatively low level of risk and a minimal level of organizational commitment of employees.

Selection and placement of personnel: extremely strict.

Rewards: Based on merit, seniority, and internal organizational perceptions of fairness.

Assessment: narrow, results-oriented, carefully thought out.

Personal development: emphasis on competence in the field of assigned tasks, experts in a narrow field.

Liquidation strategy.

Sale of assets, elimination of the possibility of losses in the future, reduction of employees - as far as possible.

Little or no attention is being paid to trying to save the business as profits are expected to fall further.

Focuses on the need for workers for a short time, narrow orientation, without great commitment to the organization.

Recruitment is unlikely due to staff reductions.

Pay: Merit-based, slowly increasing, no additional incentives.

Evaluation: strict, formal, based on management criteria.

Development, training: limited, based on business needs.

Promotions: Those who have the required skills have the opportunity to advance.

Circulation strategy (cyclical).

The main thing is to save the enterprise.

Measures to reduce costs and personnel are carried out with the aim of surviving in the short term and achieving stability in the long term.

The morale of the staff is quite depressing.

Employees must be flexible in the face of change, focus on big goals and long-term prospects.

Diversely developed employees are required.

Payment: system of incentives and merit testing.

Rating: based on results.

Training: great opportunities, but careful selection of applicants.

Promotion: various forms.

Compiled by: Ivantsevich J., Lobanov A.A. Human resources management. - M., 1993. P. 33.

The process of developing and implementing a strategy is continuous, which is reflected in the close relationship between solving strategic problems both for the long term and for the medium and short term, i.e. their solutions in the conditions of strategic, tactical and operational management. Such specification of the personnel management strategy and bringing it to strategic objectives and individual actions is embodied in a strategic plan - a document containing specific tasks and measures to implement the strategy, the timing of their implementation and responsible executors for each task, the amount of necessary resources (financial, material, information and etc.).

The tasks of some components of the personnel management strategy in the conditions of strategic, tactical and operational management are presented in Table. 4.5.

The personnel strategy should contribute to: strengthening the organization’s capabilities (in the personnel field) to resist competitors in the relevant market, to effectively use its strengths in the external environment; expanding the organization’s competitive advantages by creating conditions for the development and effective use of labor potential, the formation of qualified, competent personnel; full disclosure of staff’s abilities for creative, innovative development, to achieve both the goals of the organization and the personal goals of employees.

The development of a personnel management strategy is carried out on the basis of an in-depth systematic analysis of external and internal environmental factors, as a result of which a holistic concept for the development of personnel and the organization as a whole can be presented in accordance with its strategy. The external environment includes the macro environment and the immediate environment of the organization, which have a directed impact and contacts with the personnel management system. The factors by which the external and internal environment is analyzed to develop a personnel management strategy are presented in Table. 4.6.

As a result of analyzing the external and internal environment using the SWOT method, the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in the field of personnel management are identified, as well as the opportunities that the external environment provides and threats that should be avoided.

Identifying strengths and weaknesses reflects the organization's self-assessment and allows it to compare itself with its main competitors in the labor market and, possibly, in the sales market. The assessment can be carried out based on individual indicators and functions of personnel management using the so-called competitive profile (Table 4.7). The assessment of individual indicators is carried out by the method of comparative analysis, and of management functions - by the expert method.

Table 4.5. Objectives of the main components of the personnel management strategy in the conditions of strategic, technical and operational management

Period and type of management

Components of HR strategy

Selection and placement of personnel

Remuneration (salary and bonuses)

Personel assessment

Staff development

Planning for career advancement

Strategic (long term)

Determine the characteristics of workers. required by the organization for the long term. Predict changes in internal and external conditions

Determine how you will be paid work force during the period under review, taking into account expected external conditions. Link these decisions to your long-term business strategy opportunities

Determine what exactly needs to be assessed for the long term. Use various means of assessing the future. Give a preliminary assessment of your potential and its dynamics

Assess the ability of existing personnel to undergo the necessary restructuring and work in new conditions in the future. Create a system for forecasting changes in the organization

Build a long-term system that provides the combination of flexibility and stability needed. Link it to your overall business strategy

Tactical (medium term)

Select personnel selection criteria. Develop a labor market action plan

Develop a five-year plan for the development of the employee compensation system. Work on the issues of creating a system of benefits and bonuses

Create a reasonable system of assessments of current conditions and their future development

Develop a general personnel development management program. Develop measures to encourage employees’ self-development. Work on issues of organizational development

Determine the stages of employee promotion. Link individual aspirations of employees with the objectives of the organization

Operational (short term)

Create a staffing schedule. Develop a recruitment plan. Develop a worker movement plan

Develop a remuneration system. Develop a bonus system

Create an annual employee evaluation system. Create a daily control system

Develop a system of advanced training and training for employees

Ensure the selection of suitable employees for individual jobs. Plan upcoming personnel moves

Table 4.6. External and internal environmental factors influencing the development of a personnel management strategy



External environment: macro environment

International factors (military tension, scientific activity, etc.).

Political factors (political stability, activity of social and trade union movements, criminal situation in the country).

Economic factors (trends in changes in economic relations, average annual inflation rates, structure of distribution of income of the population, tax indicators).

Socio-demographic factors (life expectancy of the population, standard of living, fertility and mortality, infant mortality as a percentage of the birth rate, population structure by indicators, migration, etc.).

Legal (regulation in the field of labor and social security).


Natural and climatic.

Scientific and technical.


Immediate environment

Local labor market, its structure and dynamics.

Personnel policies of competitors.

Market infrastructure (the degree to which the organization's resource needs are met and the state of market structures).

Monitoring environment(quality of the external environment).

Healthcare (capital-labor ratio, qualifications, etc.).

Science and education (level of education of the population, novelty of scientific developments, etc.).

Culture (the degree to which the population’s needs for cultural and similar objects are met).



Transport and communications.

Suburban and agriculture.

Construction and housing and communal services.

Household supplies

Internal environment

Principles, methods, management style.

Human resources potential of the organization.

Personnel structure.

Staff turnover and absenteeism.

Level of personnel rotation.

Structure of personnel knowledge and skills.

Workload of workers.

Labor productivity.

Social protection measures.

Organization finances.

Level of organization of production and labor.

Prospects for the development of technology and technology in the organization.

Organizational culture.

Level of development of the personnel management system, etc.

Table 4.7. Comparison of competitive profile (based on strengths and weaknesses) for strategic human resource management


□ - position of the organization;

● - competitor's position.

The strengths and weaknesses of an organization in the area of ​​personnel, as well as threats and opportunities, determine the conditions for the successful existence of the organization. Therefore, within the framework of strategic personnel management, when analyzing the internal environment, it is important to identify what strengths and weaknesses individual employees have.

areas of personnel management and the personnel management system as a whole.

To solve this problem, methods and techniques known in strategic management are used, such as the SWOT method. matrices of opportunities, threats, environmental profiling, etc.

After compiling a specific list of the organization's weaknesses and strengths in the field of personnel, as well as threats and opportunities, the stage of establishing connections between them follows. For this purpose, the 5N)T matrix proposed by Thompson and Strickland is compiled (Fig. 4.7). On the left, two blocks stand out: strengths and weaknesses, into which all aspects of the organization’s personnel management identified during the preliminary analysis fit accordingly. At the top of the matrix, two blocks are also highlighted, which contain opportunities and threats in the field of personnel management that are important for a particular organization. At the intersection of these blocks, four fields are formed:

Field I - strengths and threats;

Field II - strengths and opportunities;

Field III - weaknesses and opportunities;

Field IV - weaknesses and threats.

The task of the HR specialist is to use these fields to consider all possible pairwise combinations and highlight those that should be taken into account when developing a HR strategy.

In particular, for those pairs selected from Field II, a strategy should be developed to leverage the organization's HR strengths in order to capitalize on opportunities that exist in the external environment. For pairs in Field I, the strategy should involve using the organization's strengths in the personnel area to eliminate threats from the external environment. For those couples who find themselves in field III, the personnel strategy should be structured in such a way that, due to the emerging opportunities in the external environment, an attempt is made to overcome existing weaknesses in the personnel field. And for couples in field IV, the personnel management strategy should be one that would allow the organization to get rid of weaknesses in the personnel area and try to prevent the threat looming over it emanating from the external environment.

So, if the organization’s personnel are distinguished by a high level of qualifications and the presence of innovative potential, and at the same time, on a district scale, the city’s social system is deteriorating.

Rice. 4.7. Thompson-Strickland matrix used to analyze personnel strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

provision (field I), the personnel management strategy should be aimed at finding additional financial and other sources and taking measures to preserve and develop the social infrastructure of the organization, strengthen and expand types social assistance and support for its employees in order to maintain their numbers and potential, and avoid the outflow of specialists to other areas and regions.

Or, for example, if the organization does not sufficiently finance activities in the field of personnel management aimed at the development and training of its employees, but the organization has an advantageous location, and therefore the ability to attract more candidates for vacant positions and, accordingly, selecting the best of them (field III), then when developing a personnel management strategy, organizational leaders must provide additional allocation funds, in particular for training, and other measures for personnel development in order to attract and retain in the organization the most qualified workers from among applicants for vacant positions.

The characteristics of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the personnel area will be individual for each organization depending on the specific situation in which it finds itself. Therefore, when choosing a personnel management strategy, it is necessary to consider all possible pairwise combinations using the SWOT matrix and highlight those that will be the most favorable and must be taken into account when developing the strategy.

Thus, a personnel management strategy can cover various aspects of an organization’s personnel management: improving the personnel structure (by age, categories, profession, qualifications, etc.); optimization of the number of personnel, taking into account its dynamics; increasing the efficiency of personnel costs, including wages, benefits, training costs and other cash expenses; personnel development (adaptation, training, career advancement); measures of social protection, guarantees, social security (pension, medical, social insurance, social compensation, socio-cultural and welfare support, etc.); development of organizational culture (norms, traditions, rules of behavior in a team, etc.); improvement of the organization’s personnel management system (composition and content of functions, organizational structure, personnel, information support, etc.), etc.

When developing a personnel management strategy, the achieved, existing level in all these areas must be taken into account and, taking into account the analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization and the factors influencing their change, as well as taking into account the strategy of the organization as a whole, the level the achievement of which will allow the implementation of organization strategy.

At the same time, the task of developing the necessary personnel management strategy can be so difficult due to the lack of financial, material, intellectual resources, and the level of professionalism of managers and specialists that there will be a need to set priorities for selecting the necessary areas and components of the personnel management strategy. Therefore, the criteria for choosing a strategy may be the volume of resources allocated for its implementation, time constraints, the availability of sufficient professional qualifications of personnel, and some others. In general, the choice of strategy is based on strengths and the development of activities that enhance the organization's capabilities in a competitive environment through personnel advantages.

Human resource management (HR) is one of the main activities that has a significant impact on the competitiveness and efficiency of any organization.

The market economy dictates the need to change personnel policies. To obtain the greatest profit, an important component when working with personnel is to determine the correct personnel management strategy, based on a combination of the goals of a particular employee and the strategic plans of the company as a whole.

Goals and objectives

Human resource management strategy means the creation of a responsible, professional, competitive team capable of fulfilling the company’s long-term plans and fully realizing its strategic goals.

The strategy includes a set of means and methods for managing the company's employees, is used over a certain period of time and is aimed at implementing personnel policy.

To provide the correct guidance in choosing strategic HR management decisions, you need to answer the following questions. Firstly, at what rate should personnel develop in order to fulfill the overall development strategy of the company? And secondly, what steps need to be taken to ensure that the team is able to fulfill the new tasks?

Interrelation of strategies

Human resource management strategy may depend on the main strategy of the organization, as well as be an element of it. In any case, it is completely business-oriented, and the type of strategic goals of personnel management depends on the type of corporate strategy of the company. Let's consider the most significant types of personnel management strategies.


Its main task is the rapid implementation of planned plans, even if they are not sufficiently developed. There is a high level of financial risk, projects are developed with a minimum number of steps.

In this case, the organization’s personnel management strategy is to select proactive and creative employees with innovative data. Team members must be mobile and quickly adapt to new operating conditions, at the same time they are ready to take risks and take responsibility, and are able to bring all started projects to their logical conclusion.

At the same time, it is advisable that the composition of leading specialists does not undergo significant changes. Material incentives are provided on a commercial basis, focusing on the needs of the employee. Performance assessment is carried out individually, without strict measures, taking into account the employee’s contribution.

Dynamic growth

This company strategy is based on a systematic comparison of current tasks and long-term plans in order to form a reliable basis for future activities. The degree of risk with this form of management is not as high as in the previous case. The main tasks and methods of implementing the personnel management strategy are recorded for monitoring and conducting detailed analysis, used to adjust the company's business plans.

The personnel management strategy involves the selection and staffing of the most flexible employees who quickly adapt to changes and at the same time know how to take risks. They must interact with the rest of the team and be able to identify problems in the organization’s business.

The staff must be clearly recorded in the organizational structure. Fair remuneration for work is provided. At the same time, the performance assessment is based on pre-agreed clear criteria. The strategy provides for various options for career advancement.


The main emphasis of the company is to preserve accumulated profits and maintain them at a sufficient level. Therefore, most often there is no provision for staff expansion, and the financial costs of hiring employees are minimal.

This strategy is followed by companies with a developed management structure, which have developed and operate a system of regulatory documents.

In this case, the staff management strategy is focused on increasing the effectiveness of personnel, their competence while maintaining the number of personnel, as well as obtaining maximum effect with a minimum level of risk. Very strict employee selection criteria are used. The amount of remuneration depends on merit, as well as on intra-organizational incentive criteria.


Due to the expected drop in performance, practically no attention is paid to the activities of employees; no one is trying to save the organization. It is planned to reduce personnel, sell assets and mitigate possible losses.

The personnel management strategy is aimed at meeting the need for specialists for a short period of time, with a narrow range of activities and is based on production needs. Payment, as a rule, does not provide any incentives; the criteria are based on management assessments.


The main task is to save the enterprise, survive in the near future and prepare the basis for future stable activities. With this form, the company’s costs are reduced, including financing staffing.

The personnel policy is aimed at carefully selecting candidates and retaining flexible employees who are ready to change, focused on long-term prospects and global challenges. Personnel are required to have diverse knowledge and skills. Payment is based on the results obtained. Personnel promotions are possible.

Stages of strategic management

Strategic personnel management includes several stages: analysis, selection of a specific direction, and implementation of intended goals.


The stage is characterized by the establishment of strategic factors and their assessment. The direction of analysis includes not only the internal environment of the company, external circumstances are also considered.

External environment - the macro environment and environment of the company with which interaction is carried out. The macro environment includes legal, political, social, economic, scientific, technical, environmental factors, as well as international circumstances. The immediate environment consists of market infrastructure, personnel policies of competing firms, the labor market, household supplies and other components.

When considering the internal environment, data on the management methods and models used are taken into account, financial condition organization, prospects for improving technological processes, staff capabilities, theoretical knowledge and professional competence of employees, their performance and workload, applied social protection measures, the quality of the personnel management system and the production process.

Based on the results of the analysis, the strengths and vulnerable areas of the enterprise’s work in the field of personnel management are established, and threats to the external environment that must be avoided are identified.

It is important to establish what strengths and weaknesses specific areas of personnel management have, as well as the system as a whole. For this purpose, common options in strategic management are used: matrices of opportunities, threats, and a method for compiling an environmental profile (SWOT).

Self-assessment of the organization, based on identifying weak and strong areas, allows you to compare personnel work with the main competing companies and take these results into account when drawing up a further action plan.

An experienced HR worker must assess all the strengths and weaknesses, identify potential and threats, compare connections and highlight combinations that in any case should be taken into account when developing a personnel management strategy.

Choosing a direction

After careful collection and analysis of information, a personnel management strategy is formed, after studying which the best model is selected. To successfully implement the assigned tasks, the main goals and mission of the company are formulated.


The implementation process begins immediately after the strategy is fully and clearly defined. It is executed through medium- and short-term plans, which are reflected in various programs and procedures for the company's current activities.

Documentation of the personnel management strategy is reflected in the strategic plan, which takes into account a specific list of activities and tasks, deadlines and responsible executors within each specific topic, and the amount of resources, including information, material and financial.

Strategy Basics

When preparing a human resource management strategy, it must be remembered that human resources must be considered at the core of improving management practices and programs.

In this case, different methods of its formation can be used: top-down (management - general long-term development policy - strategy and plan of a certain structural unit of the company), or bottom-up (divisions - plan and growth prospects - merger into a single company plan).

Current issues of HR management strategy are:

Depending on the situation, the HR strategy may include only some of the issues, and their combination will differ, since it is determined by the plans and objectives of the company.

HR strategy - this is a priority, qualitatively defined direction of action developed by the organization's management, a specific set of basic principles, rules and goals for working with personnel necessary to achieve long-term goals of creating a highly professional, responsible and cohesive team and taking into account the strategic objectives of the organization and its resource capabilities, as well as the type of personnel politicians.

The strategy allows us to link numerous aspects of personnel management in order to optimize their impact on employees, primarily on their work motivation and qualifications.

The main features of the HR strategy are:

  • - its long-term nature, which is explained by the focus on developing and changing psychological attitudes, motivation, personnel structure, the entire personnel management system or its elements;
  • - connection with the strategy of the organization as a whole, taking into account numerous factors of the external and internal environment, since their change entails a change or adjustment of the organization’s strategy and requires timely changes in the structure and number of personnel, their skills and qualifications, management style and methods.

Rice. 6.

Most leading executives argue that HR strategy is an integral part of the overall strategy of the organization. However, in practice there are different options for their interaction.

  • 1. The most common is the idea of ​​human resource management strategy as a dependent derivative of the strategy of the organization as a whole. In such a situation, personnel management employees must adapt to the actions of the organization's leaders, subordinate to the interests of the overall strategy.
  • 2. The overall strategy of the organization and the HR strategy are developed and developed as a single whole, which means the involvement of HR specialists in solving strategic problems at the corporate level. This is facilitated by their high competence, and therefore the ability to independently solve problems related to personnel, from the point of view of the development perspective of the entire organization.

The HR strategy involves:

  • - determining the goals of personnel management, i.e. when making decisions in the field of personnel management, both economic aspects (the adopted personnel management strategy) and the needs and interests of employees (decent wages, satisfactory working conditions, opportunities for developing and realizing the abilities of employees, etc.) must be taken into account;
  • - formation of ideology and principles of personnel work, i.e. the ideology of personnel work must be reflected in the form of a document and implemented in daily work by all heads of structural divisions of the organization, starting with the head of the organization. This document should represent a set of ethical standards, which can be updated as the organization develops and the external conditions of personnel work change;
  • - determining the conditions for ensuring a balance between the economic and social efficiency of the use of labor resources in the organization - the use of personnel to achieve the goals of the organization’s business activities and the implementation of a system of measures aimed at meeting the socio-economic needs of the organization’s employees.

The personnel management strategy depends on the personnel policy strategy.

Currently, there are three concepts of personnel policy strategy.

  • 1. The personnel management strategy is determined by the organization's strategy. Personnel management performs a service function, which is to provide and maintain the performance of the personnel necessary for the organization.
  • 2. Human resource management strategy is a central independent function. Employees employed in the organization are considered as independent resources, with the help of which, depending on their quality and abilities, it is possible to solve various problems that arise in the conditions market economy. In this case, the personnel policy strategy depends on existing or potential human resources.
  • 3. The third concept is a synthesis of the previous two. The organization's strategy is compared with existing and potential human resources, and compliance with the directions of the personnel policy strategy is determined. As a result of such a comparison, the strategy of the entire organization or personnel policy can be changed.

Depending on the adopted concept of the personnel management strategy, the specific place and role of the personnel management service in the overall management system of the organization is determined, which are largely determined by the position of the first head of the organization in relation to the personnel service.

Therefore, in foreign practice, the following pattern is observed: personnel management services begin their activities as staff units with purely advisory functions, and then, as personnel potential develops and its influence on work results becomes more and more obvious, the personnel service is endowed with managerial powers and begins to directly participate in the management of the organization.

In foreign practice, several such options stand out. Structural location of the personnel service depends on the degree of development and characteristics of the organization.

Option 1: The personnel service is structurally subordinate to the head of administration (Fig. 7). The main premise of this option is to concentrate all central coordinating services in one functional subsystem. The performance of tasks by the personnel function is considered within its role as a headquarters unit. Corresponds to the first strategic concept.

Rice. 7.

Option 2: The personnel management service as a headquarters department is structurally subordinate to the general management of the organization (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8.

The advantage of the second option is proximity to all areas of the organization's leadership. This structure is most appropriate for small organizations at the initial stages of their development, when management has not yet clearly defined the status of the personnel service. However, with this option, the danger of multiple subordination to conflicting instructions should be eliminated. Corresponds to the company's growing attention to personnel policy issues.

Option 3: The personnel service as a headquarters body is structurally subordinate to senior management (Fig. 9). This option is most acceptable at the initial stages of an organization’s development, when the first manager is trying to raise the status and role of the personnel service in this way, although the hierarchical Level of deputy managers is not yet ready to perceive the personnel department as a unit equivalent to the second Level of management (second, third concept).

Rice. 9.

Option 4: The personnel management service is organizationally included in the management of the organization. This option can be considered as the most typical for sufficiently developed companies, highlighting the sphere of personnel management as an equivalent management subsystem among other management subsystems (second concept).

Rice. 3.10.

IN last years In the practice of Western companies, a functional area of ​​management is distinguished, called “Controlling”. This area of ​​management concentrates the bodies that perform the function of coordinating the development of the organization, as well as general functions management. In some companies, the personnel service falls under the scope of “Controlling”.

Rice. 3.11. Typical structure of "Controlling" with the possible inclusion of a personnel service

The relationship between the organization's strategy and the choice of personnel management strategy can be shown in the following example.

The strategy of an organization that produces products in a certain product market and seeks to increase its share in this market is to reduce production costs and, consequently, to reduce the price of products. At the same time, in the field of personnel management, there are several options for achieving possible savings. One of them is to conduct a thorough analysis of potential areas of savings and make choices, for example: streamlining the labor process, identifying and reducing redundant, unnecessary, and repetitive labor operations. This will be the personnel strategy.

Rice. 12.

Moreover, the implementation of this strategy can also be carried out according to several options. On the one hand, analysis and identification of unnecessary operations can be carried out by specialists in the field of organization and labor economics, working at the enterprise or attracted from outside, and on the other hand, which is preferable today, such analysis can be carried out by interested employees themselves, united in project groups or quality circles and are essentially experts on problems in their own workplaces. The solution to such specific strategic tasks should be reflected in the strategic plan.

Human resource management strategy as a functional strategy can be developed at two levels:

for the organization as a whole in accordance with its overall strategy - as a functional strategy at the corporate, organization-wide level;

for individual areas of activity (business) of a multi-profile, diversified company - as a functional strategy for each area of ​​business, corresponding to the goals of this area (for example, if a large electrical company is engaged in the production of aircraft engines, military electronics, electrical equipment, plastics, lighting devices, then a personnel management strategy is developed for each area of ​​production, since they have differences in personnel structure, qualification and professional training requirements, training methods and other issues).

In the context of strategic management, qualitative changes are taking place in the field of work with personnel. They lie in the fact that within the framework of traditional areas of personnel work, strategic aspects are becoming increasingly important. Combining with strategic technologies, such specific areas of work with personnel as personnel demand planning, selection, business assessment, training and others act as components of the personnel management strategy, acquire a new quality and a single target orientation, consonance with the goals and strategic objectives of the organization .

Researchers, both foreign and Western, agree on the strategically significant areas of personnel management, the systematization of which is given in Table. 3.1.

From the point of view of influence on the personnel development strategy, three components of the enterprise strategy seem especially important: quality of products (services, works); innovation policy; technical and technological strategy in terms of factors related to changes in core production technology that contribute to increased competitiveness. The successful implementation of these elements of the global strategy is related to the qualification level of personnel and determines the set of future requirements for personnel. It is obvious that the strategy for developing the innovative potential of personnel is determined by the features of the complex strategy of the enterprise:

  • ? strategic goals determine long-term personnel development planning;
  • ? the formation of a general development strategy allows for assessment, analysis and selection of the necessary system of influences on personnel;
  • ? the enterprise strategy determines production goals and objectives, on the basis of which personnel are assessed to determine qualifications, production skills, abilities and potential;
  • ? The enterprise development strategy establishes the dynamics of requirements for personnel, business qualities, as well as work characteristics that are dictated by a specific position (education, age, work experience).

Table 3.1 Developed based on M. Armstrong. Human resource management practice. - M.: Peter, 2004. - 824 p. - pp. 53-54. - Composition of functions by areas of activity of the personnel management system

Overall HR strategy

HR Strategy Area - Common Elements

Providing resources

Development of the Czech Republic


Improve performance

recruitment of employees based on the level of competence; assessment centers

competency-based training; assessment centers

introduce pay based on competency level

Expand your skills base

identify the professional skills development needs of new employees

analyze professional skills;

targeted professional learning in areas of identified needs; officially register professional skills

introduce pay based on skill level

Ensure competence development and career opportunities

develop structures and competency profiles; determine competency levels and potential through performance management processes

performance management and personal development plans as a basis for identifying and meeting training needs;

extensive connections for career development and horizontal development paths;

determine career ladders in groups of positions, in terms of level of competence

develop structures of broad relationships or job groups from a competency level perspective, taking into account the competency requirements for various roles within and outside job groups;

establish payment systems for “horizontal” career development

Ensure professional relevance

a positive psychological contract based on a commitment to identify and develop skills applicable to other areas;

freedom to expand job responsibilities, the ability to move to new roles

identify professional skills development needs while planning personal development;

programs to develop skills applicable in other areas

broad relationship or job group structures that define the level of competence for roles or job groups as a basis for identifying training needs

Strengthen commitment

analyze the characteristics of loyal employees;

apply sophisticated selection methods to identify loyal candidates who can form a commitment to the organization in the future;

define and communicate the organization's core values

based on an analysis of the characteristics of loyal employees, disseminate information about those practices that promote understanding and acceptance of the key values ​​of the organization and encourage behavior focused on these values

consolidating patterns of behavior focused on the organization’s values ​​through rewards for supporting these values

Increase your motivation level

analyze the characteristics of well-motivated employees and conduct personnel selection interviews to obtain information about the likelihood that candidates will be highly motivated

provide training opportunities to reinforce the characteristics of highly motivated employees

Apply performance management processes as a basis for providing non-financial rewards linked to development and growth opportunities

At the same time, on modern stage development of HRM systems, it is possible to approach the definition of a comprehensive strategy of the organization based on the existing characteristics of the human capital that the company has, and the determination of strategic goals based on the possibilities of its maximum implementation.

The development of a set of requirements for personnel is mandatory and a necessary condition formation of a strategy for innovative development of enterprise personnel. In general, the choice of strategy is based on strengths and the development of activities that enhance the organization's capabilities in a competitive environment through personnel advantages. The structure of HR activities that have a strategic focus is given in Table. 3.2.

As part of developing a human resource management strategy, a company should answer the following key questions.

  • 1. What are the quality requirements for a company’s human resources capable of supporting strategic change programs?
  • 2. How should the strategy be supported by human resource development programs?
  • 3. What performance indicators can describe the process of strategy implementation?

Finding answers to these questions involves going through the basic steps of creating a strategic HR Aksenova E.A. Strategic assessment. Moscow, Aspect-Press, 2008. 352 p. - P. 70..

Step 1. Determining the organization's development strategy, which involves analyzing scenarios for the development of the company and the environment, identifying ways to achieve strategic goals, and creating a change program.

Step 2. Designing the organization’s competencies necessary to achieve the established goals and required competencies of personnel in different areas and levels of activity.

Step 3. Formation of a system of goals in the field of creating human resources for the organization’s activities in the future.

Step 4. Design and initiation of personnel programs and projects aimed at intensifying the processes of formation of priority desired parameters of human capital.

Step 5. Formation of HR architecture, i.e. structures of services capable of implementing personnel programs and projects, as well as basic processes for ensuring the functioning of the human resource.

Step 6. Development of a set of performance indicators for goals, projects and programs, creation of regulations for measuring KPI.

Step 7. Creation of a holistic personnel monitoring system, including the following types of monitoring:

goals in the field of work with personnel (creating a system of constant comparison of current and future goals of the organization with a system of goals and objectives in the field of work with personnel, checking the achievability of goals, as well as the adequacy of strategies and approaches);

personnel processes as areas of qualitative and quantitative changes that identify the emergence of a new essence of human capital (changes in communication processes, professionalization, organizational values, etc.);

results achieved as a result of the implementation of programs and projects, the launch of processes;

efficiency of costs that were incurred to achieve goals, and comparing them with planned or average costs for the industry, region, type of company.

It is necessary to program the human resource parameters that will be needed in the future; design the processes of human capital formation to achieve them; control how much HR processes transform human resources in the required direction; assess how effective the company's human resource expenditures are. The structure of activities for developing an HRM strategy is shown in Fig. 3.2.

Human Development Strategies companies. Several types of strategy can be distinguished, depending on the processes under consideration.

Selection and placement of personnel can be implemented based on the following strategic choices.

"Create" - a strategy that allows you to form the organization’s personnel based on its capabilities of attracting, promoting, placing and developing personnel; Such a strategy creates in working employees the necessary professional skills that ensure sufficient efficiency of their activities.

"Buy" - a strategy that involves attracting external labor resources of exactly the quality required at each hierarchical level of the organization.

Grade also suggests the possibility of alternative solutions.

"Result-oriented evaluation system." What is considered important is that the candidate for the position (or the current employee) meets a predetermined set of indicators for the relevant activity. Conditions and factors that improve or worsen its performance do not matter.

"Process-oriented evaluation system." Circumstances that are part of the process of achieving the desired results are identified and taken into account.

Development - is implemented in the following ways.

"Intensive (informal)" development programs - deep, consistent and constant training and maintenance at the proper level of skills and knowledge required for effective work. Focused, high-quality approach.

"Extensive (formal)" development programs - broad, vague training programs. General, mass, costly approach -

Reward system is built on the basis of the following strategic alternatives.

"Position-oriented compensation system" - remuneration is dictated by the nature of the work performed as such. Jobs can be ranked in a specific way depending on their place in the organization's hierarchy, which entails the corresponding amount of remuneration.

"Compensation system aimed at individual results and effective activities in the organization" - little emphasis is placed on hierarchical structure. Remuneration systems are built on highly differentiated or even personalized assessment of performance.

Quarry management assumes with specialization - focus on the formation of competencies that strictly correspond to the requirements of work at the current level or take into account the company’s development plans; or p professionalization - focus on the broad development of competencies, a system of goals and a range of careers focused on the advanced development of competencies, taking into account the development scenarios of the company and the environment. HR management controlling communication

Communications in the organization can be built on integration - supports broad communications in the company, is focused on building horizontal connections and expanding the range of issues on which interaction takes place, focused on inclusion large number external agents and integration into professional networks, or autonomization ~ focused on localization and minimizing contacts within the organization.

Based on the results of the stage, the company must decide on the choice of fundamental strategies in the field of working with the product, market, finance, and human resources.

After designing, clarifying the company's goals, describing scenario options and fundamental strategies that can be used, it is necessary to analyze the skills that should ensure the organization's success in achieving the stated goals in the proposed development scenarios. To do this, it is necessary to clarify the problems that the organization will face in each scenario and the skills that it must master in order to cope with these problems. These company skills are called company competencies, the specification of which is a mandatory step in justifying strategic decisions in the field of personnel management.

Competence of the organization - a set of interrelated skills, abilities and technologies of an organization that provides an effective solution to a certain class of problems (types of situations). The types of organization competencies are considered as follows.

  • 1.Standard competence - a set of abilities that allow you to solve problems common to a given market. Since all market participants must have standard competencies, its absence leads to a very rapid exit of the company from the market.
  • 2. Key competency - a set of abilities that allow you to solve special problems that are not typical for most market participants. The presence of key competencies makes the company a market leader and makes it very stable in the face of tougher competition.

Key competency criteria:

  • - relevance to consumers(consumers are willing to pay for it; it creates most of the consumer’s perceived value);
  • - uniqueness(difficulty in reaching other companies);
  • - room for improvement(when new market requirements appear, the competence can be used after a certain modification);
  • - cooperation(competence can result from the unique interaction of a number of partners, organizations and consumers...);
  • - competence based on knowledge(and not the result of a unique set of circumstances).
  • 3. Leading competence - these are advantages in solving problems (situations) that will become an area of ​​competition in the future as competition intensifies. Provides leadership for the company in the future. The presence of prerequisites that, with appropriate work, can lead to the creation of a unique selling proposition and provide the company with primacy and entry into a new segment of the market, product, or technology.

Critical success factors can also contribute to achieving company goals. Critical success factor (CSF)- one or more reasons due to which an industry leader achieves a high position. Examples of KFU:

  • - unique personnel composition - human resources;
  • - unique location - geographical factor;
  • - brand image - advertising factor;
  • - a unique invention protected by a patent - an intellectual factor;
  • - unique equipment - technological factor.

In a competitive environment, companies strive to protect their critical success factor in order to maintain a competitive advantage.

If competence is the result of a company's purposeful improvement efforts, then the key success factor is, as a rule, a coincidence.

In each specific case, the personnel management strategy may not cover everything, but only its individual components, and the set of these components will be different depending on the goals and strategy of the organization, the goals and strategy of personnel management.