Respiratory techniques and psychological assistance

Are you in a state of stress? If you know a couple of breathing exercises, you will not be discussed. In fact, the correct breathing in all respects has a positive effect on health, so breathing exercises - Important part of a diet for healthy skin.

Breathing exercises are necessary for skin health. Proper breathing enhances blood flow and lymphs to the skin, returning the skin of a healthy color. Proper breathing contributes to the flow of oxygen and nutrients In the skin, which speeds up healing wounds and cell renewal. Moreover, proper breathing reduces the likelihood of skin rash caused by stress. Having mastered this chapter, you including learn to breathe correctly during sports, which will help you to do longer (remember that to maintain skin health, you need to sweat daily).

Nutrients from food reach to the skin last. Proper breathing improves digestion and suction of nutrients, which will help more essential fatty acids and antioxidants reach your largest organ - leather.

Insoid and exhalations directly affect lymphatic systemresponsible for skin health, immunity and resistance to disease.

Reaction to stress

Stress extremely negatively affects nervous system. If you are in a state of chronic stress or always breathe superficially, the stress hormone cortisol begins to be produced. The high level of cortisol contributes to premature aging and reduces the body's ability to deal with bacteria and viruses. Stress also interferes with the production of "beautiful" prostaglandins. Not surprisingly, because of nervous tension You look, and feel older than your years.

Respiratory exercises are simply necessary if you suffer from anxiety or depression. According to the principles of traditional chinese medicineThe accumulated emotions and thoughts can be released during a long and deep breathing. Many doctors and psychiatrists now prescribe breathing exercises to their patients as a component of treatment.


Q: Doctor said I breathe superficially. What does this mean and how to get rid of it?

A: Surface breathing, in which the upper part of the chest is involved and only partially light, has become a problem. modern man. According to the well-known instructor on the technique of Sophie Gabriel, the author of the book "Breath for life", the surface breathing may be caused by the inability to cope with anxiety and stress, muscle tension, seating, sickness, disease, injury and smoking. Even a bad posture, when you are sitting at the computer (or this book), can reduce the quality of breathing and lead to chronic surface breathing.

In order to change your breath, you need to watch it constantly. Correct the posture and align a few simple breathing exercises from this chapter. Engage in breathing exercises daily to achieve better results. However, it is important to note that one deep breathing will noticeably not improve your health: it is respiratory techniques And the quality of breathing will have the effect.

Cases from medical practice

Zb-year-old woman with easy obesity, permanent feeling Anxiety, an unhealthy face and hostility towards physical exercises to me for help. Her breathing was noticeable: on the breath of shoulders rose, and she breathed the top of the chest very superficially. I recommended that she daily perform breathing exercises, as well as contact them at the moments of special anxiety. She noted that breathing exercises really helped her cope with anxiety, she was able to leave the house more often and began to even engage exercise. Three weeks later, she stopped feeling fatigue after the exercises and recorded the team on netball. After 6 weeks, she lost 9 kg, the color of the face improved and became more even.

Learn about breathing more

I used to be more difficult for everyone in the group to keep the balance (in yoga there are many poses to preserve the balance of the body). Even the sixty-year-old women could stand on one leg, raising the second up, as if elegant statues, and I could not. I had to keep my leg (which was necessary to raise up) so low that she touched the earth. Only so I could avoid fall. After I started applying a throat breathing, my balance improved significantly.

Gabriel says that the balance is improved due to the fact that the throat breathing involves a diaphragm, one of the strongest muscles of the organism, whose task is to maintain body balance and strengthening the body (press and back). Gorld breathing allows you to make a deeper breath (without much effort), which quickly gives you energy and strengthens stamina.

Before I read the book Sophie, everything was different. For many years I have heard that breathing exercises are useful, help relax, etc. Several times I tried to breathe deeper and thought: "So what?" Sometimes after deep breaths, I started dizziness, and I thought that feeling bad after breathing exercises normally.

You may have previously tried breathing exercises before, but did not notice the positive effect, so they abandoned them. If it is so, I want to tell you that correctly performed breathing exercises help you feel amazing. Of course, you need time to learn how to perform them correctly, but as soon as it happens, you want to return to breathing exercises again and again.

All you need to do is keep track of how you breathe along the way to the bus stop or sitting at the desk.

If you notice fatigue or voltage, check your posture and perform a pair of breathing exercises. They will help you feel more energetic and relaxed at the same time, and I hope you love them just like me.


There are many ways to improve the quality of breathing, and in this chapter we will look at the abdominal breathing at which the diaphragm is involved. The diaphragm is a thin muscle that is horizontally located between the lungs and the abdominal cavity, as if an inverted plate. This muscle is responsible for expanding the lungs during breathing. However, the diaphragm may lose the flexibility, if it is possible to systematically breathe incorrectly. Hard diaphragm makes it difficult to breathe, so sports or singing can be a real test. The athletes and singers the diaphragm is very strong.

Exercise 1: Name

Stand in front of the mirror and relax your shoulders. Inhales slowly and deeply, then slowly exhale. Do it several times and watch your body moves.

    Are the shoulders on the breath? If so, then hard or slightly?

    Is the upper part of the chest progressing during the inhalation? If so, then hard or slightly?

    Does the shoulders and neck do not look tense?

    Do you strain a special abdominal area, not allowing the belly to move?

    What does your posture look like? (Look in the mirror again.)

    Make a deep breath through the nose: Is it heard how the air goes through it?

    Take a deep breath again and look in the mirror: Do your nostrils move?

If you responded positively to some of these questions, it means that your breathing is most likely superficial.

According to Sophie Gabriel, during the breathing shoulders should not move and should remain relaxed.

Exercise 2: Lie to your nose

One of the exercises described by Gabriel presupposes a loud inhalation of air through the nose. Imagine that you sniff a bouquet of flowers, just loudly and deeply inhale its fragrance. Then exhale loudly. How do you feel after that? Do you have a feeling of nasal congestion?

With surface breathing, you create a voltage at the top of the body. The air does a little, and the energy is small produced (you can feel sleepy without an explanatory reason). Gabriel says that such a "sniffing" of air should try to avoid: "For such breathing, there is never needed, unless you want to feel the smell of fresh coffee, pie or flowers."

Gornish breathing technique

"Gorld Breath" is an unofficial name for the next exercise. The throat literally does not participate in breathing, but this is the place where the sensations focus. It is important to understand the technique of a throat breathing before you familiarize yourself with other breathing exercises, especially those in which the diaphragm is involved. You will begin to understand which throat muscles use during breathing exercises.

Gorld breathing can be practiced during meditation and sports. During physical Loads This exercise allows you to quickly and without tension fill the light air, which will provide you with a tide of energy. Meditation without proper breathing can leave a sense of tension, but a throat breathing and a good posture during meditation will help you relax.

The feeling of a throat breathing appears when you make the right deep breath.

Exercise 3:Prepare for throat breath

For the first time, this exercise is desirable to perform in a quiet setting, breathing and exhausted. This breathing exercise will then be performed with a closed mouth, breaths and exhalations will pass through the nose, but the feeling of breathing will remain in the throat.

Sit in a chair or lie on your back and relax your shoulders. Make three slow and deep breaths and let yourself relax on every exhale. Let the chest rises. Relax! Relax! Relax!

Even people, superficially familiar with Indian practices, will call the meaning of the word "Prana" - vital energy. But Sanskrit is meaningful and symbolized, the narrowing meaning of the word is simply "breathing." "Yama" means "stop", action, subject to consciousness control. Thus, the yogic practice of pranayama is breathing under control.

"Is it natural? Why teach yourself to breathe some kind of special way, everyone knows how it is from birth, but would not know if it would not live! ". It is so, but few breathe correctly: see how many young people are choking, having swallowed the stairs of just on the fifth floor! And rare, "crushed" breath of people experiencing strong stress? And the sudden feeling of "lack of air" in a closed space? And the ugly and unhealthy habit breathe mouth?

If you do your breath, this will not be. Driving them, you manage your vital power And energy! Proper breathing leads to a good binding of the brain with oxygen, you will start more clearer to think and make yourself feel. Yes, and the conscious control over their body has never harmed anyone.

Most practices breathe through the nose. The main thing is that we will use:

  • inhale
  • breathing retention immediately after inhale,
  • exhalation. Delay after exhalation.

Try some pranayma exercises for beginners.


Vradjana is performed with normal walking, you can try during any walk or a leisurely path somewhere, and even in the store. Just do not breathe near the ridden and dusty highways!

Inhale deeply, slowly, in rhythm with his step. Four steps - inhale, and then without delay, it is desirable to stretch it on six, so that it is truly complete. If hard - distribute inhale and exhale to the steps "equally". It will take about 10 days - and the result will surprise you.

Surya Bhedana

Surya Bhedan will help if you experience easy sensationsRelated with heat generation: freeze when others are not cold, you are experiencing chills from stress. It improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, increases blood pressure, cleanses the nasopharynk, well soothes and trains the CNS.

It is necessary to breathe calmly and measured, breathing only into the right nostril, and exhale in the left. Introg the finger "not necessary" nostril. After the breath for a second, he hold his breath for a second, closing the right nostril, but without opening the left. Breathe deep, completely filling the light air. 8-10 cycles.


Sitali will help those who have increased swelling - constantly wet palms and feet, problem skin. This exercise makes blood more "active." By the way, it helps not suffer from heat in a hot climate - Sitali Pranayama is also called "cooling breathing".

Acceptance of convenient asana (posture for meditation) or just sit comfortably. Sleep your lips with a tube, drowning the tongue away. Make as much exhaust as possible, and then deeply, fully inhale your mouth. Filling the lungs, keep your breath - ideally for 8 seconds. Calmly exhale through the nose. Repeat 4-8 times, but do not care.


Urges (from Sanskr. "Fresh" - victory) - a comfortable exercise, standing standing, sitting, when walking. To begin with, you will be able to breathe calmly and smoothly. Lightly inspired, slightly straining the throat, so that the sound of your breath reminded the sound "sa" - deep, to the most ribs, before the diaphragm.

Zamri for a moment or two and gradually exhaled with the sound "sa". Do not strain excessive - no cough, wild grimaces on the face raised to the ears of shoulders, crowded heads, stone shoulders!

Urges, performed correctly, helps with heart disease, saves from insomnia and nervous tension - it stimulates the central energy channel of the person (sushium). Even after those simple exercise You will feel how your breathing has increased. Do not suppress him - you need to work correctly, increasing its quality.

Envelope the skull!

It is so - "Enlightenment" or even "radiance" of the skull - the name of the practice of Capalabhati is translated from Sanskrit. It is necessary for cleansing all paths of prana in the head.

This technique uses "on a complete coil" the power of the exhalation. The breaths should be smooth, calm, deep, and air emissions are sharp. This practice has many positive health effects:

  • the brain activity increases, the concentration of attention is improved;
  • there is a breathing training and cardiovascular systems, the vital lung volume increases;
  • due to the active development of erythrocytes, blood supply to tissues and organs improves, hematological indicators are improved;
  • from the cells of the body are harmful gases (carbon dioxide);
  • anxiety is significantly reduced, which leads to a general recovery. This practice is still called "fiery breathing", which burns all the rubbish in the body.

Consider on the example of this technique, how to use breathing in yoga for weight loss.

  • You need to sit down or on the floor - on the heels or in Padmasuan, if you can - or on the chair. Spin with straps, but do not strain. Palm put down on your knees, relax as much as possible shoulder girdle And the belly - he will be our main "acting person."
  • Carefully, slowly exhale through the nose, feeling how the lungs are empty. Simultaneously with exhale draw the belly inside. Now just relax it - the lungs will automatically begin to fill with air again.
  • History stomach with effort (as if "run away") - exhale! Relax - inhale. Repeat. Moving the abdominal muscles need sharply! Control this process, pay attention to to breathe not to breasts! Make 10 times.

Soon it will turn out completely naturally. On the day, do 3-5 such "goals". Over time, you can increase the number of repetitions up to 20 times.

Stone for the rhythm of breathing and so that there is no excessive voltage. After completing the exercise, do not jump at once, sitting calmly a minute or two, equalize ordinary breathing.

In addition, the work of the abdominal muscles makes them elastic, this technique:

  • regulates the metabolism;
  • has an activating impact on the work of the liver - the main filter in our body;
  • reduces the feeling of hunger;
  • increases stress resistance (in the fight against overweight it is important: Many people are "stuck" negative emotions).

The abdominal muscles unusual for training can sobat - this is normal, they will soon get used to the loads. But if you feel a sharp deterioration in the state - stop the exercise until you come to normal. Most likely it happened from overvoltage.

Look at the photo of Pranayama and pay attention to the bodies and faces of practitioners: they are absolutely not "clamped", they do nothing through strength. You do not put the Olympic record, but you are engaged in yoga, not "RVI Pup" - it is better to meditate on it!

Jala Neti.

The nose plays the main role in breathing practices - yoga even believe that breathing the mouth as unnaturally, as is the nose - and therefore he must be ready for them. Namely - clean from mucus.

No correct breathing is impossible with the nose, tightly clogged by a well-known green substance. To help clean it will help the procedure "Jala-Neti" - so beautifully called the usual, but very effective washing of the nose with salted water.

There are special chairs for this purpose "Nati-Pot" - they are sold in specialized stores. But you can use the chairs "Aqua-Maris" from the pharmacy, and the usual little brewing.

You will need 1 liter (on a scored nose - more) boiled or drinking bottled water. Reline boiling water to body temperature and add salt - 1 teaspoon by 0.5 liters of water.

Tilt over the sink, left nostrils up, and slowly pour into it a solution from the nose of the chain. Purpose: Water should lean through the right nostril. If it falls into the mouth or your ears lays out - most likely, you need to "adjust" the tilt of the head.

At first, the water, washing the nasal passages, will drip and then flows from the "bottom" nostril. Gradually, seek the water fluently proceeded in both directions. Soon this practice will take time no more than the cleaning of the teeth, and the nose will become clean! In the future, everyday - if the nose is not clogged - it is not necessary to practice it. Once a week, for prevention.

During the washing, do not pull the water with your nose - and after not messing around! Having finished the practice, for a minute, they do fast sharp outflows with the help of the abdominal muscles, as you already know how - the excess water will be removed, see the nasal sinuses.

Jala Neti helps:

  • from rhinitis, sinusitis, hymorites;
  • eye diseases and ears;
  • for prophylaxis cold illness in the autumn-winter period;
  • from half ancient (allergic runny nose);
  • in cases where you have had harmful substances - dust, paint, varnish and other poisonous evaporation.

About results

So, breathing practices are the path to cleansing and rehabilitation of the whole organism, they can be called complex yogaherapy.

The initial exercises and the elementary procedure of Jala-Nety are available to absolutely any, almost do not take time, and the benefits of them are a whole head of health.

Strive in performance. It may except too lazy. But it is only worth starting - and you will notice that the habit of regular practices heals and from it!

Photo of pranayama

Did you think about how to breathe? In life, we use less than half the volume of their lungs, breathe air superficially and rapidly. Such an incorrect approach violates the life of the body and provokes the emergence of many ailments: from insomnia to atherosclerosis.

The more often we inhale the air, the less oxygen absorbs the body. Without breathing delays, carbon dioxide cannot accumulate in the blood and tissue cells. And this important element supports exchange processes, Participates in the synthesis of amino acids, soothes the nervous system, expands the vessels, excites the breathing center and causes it to work in optimal mode.

What is dangerous wrong breathing?

Student superficial respiration contributes to the development of hypertension, asthma, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and other diseases. In an effort to fill out redundant loss carbon dioxideThe body includes a protective system. As a result, overvoltage arises, which leads to an increase in the secretion of mucus, raising cholesterol, narrowing blood vessels, spasms of Bronchi vessels and smooth muscles of all organs.

How to normalize the respiratory process?

Blood enrichment with carbon dioxide contributes to sleep on the abdomen, starvation, water treatments, hardening, sports loads and special breathing practices. It is also important to avoid stress, overeating, receiving medicinal preparations, alcohol, smoking and overheating, that is, lead healthy image Life.

What is the benefit of respiratory gymnastics?

  • Prevention of bronchial diseases (bronchial asthma, obstructive, chronic bronchitis).
  • Massage of internal organs, improving the intestinal peristals and strengthening of the abdominal muscles.
  • Concentration of attention and increase in intellectual activity.
  • Reducing fatigue, struggle with stress and.
  • Tide of energy, vigor and excellent well-being.
  • Young elastic skin and even discharge extra kilograms.

Five general rules for performing respiratory gymnastics

  1. Start from the easiest, gradually increasing the load.
  2. Training on fresh air (or in a well-ventilated room) and in comfortable clothing.
  3. Do not get distracted during class. Concentration is important to achieve maximum effect.
  4. Breathe does not hurry. Premature breathing contribute to the greatest saturation of the organism.
  5. Do exercises with pleasure. When unpleasant symptoms appear, stop training. Consult with a specialist regarding the reduction in the load or increase the pause between approaches. The only permissible discomfort is a lung dizziness.

Types of respiratory gymnastics

Practice yogis

Many centuries ago yoga discovered the relationship of breathing with emotional, physical and mental development man. Thanks to special exercises, chakras and perception channels open. Respiratory gymnastics has a beneficial effect on internal organsYou have an equilibrium and harmony. Yoga call their pranay system. During the exercise, it is necessary to breathe only through the nose.

Pranayama is the ability to consciously control the breath and control the energy of the body using breathing and exhalations.

Capalabhati - Breathing Belly

Sit in a comfortable posture with a straight back. Close your eyes and concentrate attention on interbra. On the breath inflated the stomach: relax abdominal wallAnd the air itself will go into the lungs. On the exhalation, tighten the stomach to the spine, the movement must be active. Chest and upper lung departments do not participate in the process. Start with 36 respiratory cycles. When you get used, bring up to 108.

Nadi Shodhana - Breathing through the left and right nostril

Cover the right nostril with a thumb, and do uniform inhale and exhale through the left. Follow five cycles (inhale and exhale are considered one cycle), then change the nostril. Take a breath and exhale through two nostrils - also five cycles. Practice five days and go to the next technique.

Inhale and exhale the left nozzles, then close it and breathe breathe through the right. Change your fingers covering the alternate left and right nostril. Perform 10 respiratory cycles.

Gymnastics Strelnoye

This gymnastics is designed as a way to restore a singing voice. However, the practice has shown that the method of A. N. Strelnikova, based on gas exchange, is able to naturally and effectively reconcile the entire body. In the exercises, not only the respiratory system, but also a diaphragm, head, neck, the abdominal press is involved.

The principle of breathing is a quick breath of nose every second during exercise. Inhale is needed actively, tensely, noisy and through the nose (at the same time the nostrils should be closed). Exhalation is imperceptible, he comes by himself. The rowing system includes many exercises, three of them are three.

Exercise "Ladoshka"

Stand up, bend hands in the elbows and direct your palms from ourselves. Squeeze your hands in the fists, while making harsh and noisy breaths. After completing the series of eight breaths, relax and repeat the exercise - only 20 cycles.

Exercise "Ravers"

Put the legs a little already widths, hands at the belt level, palm are compressed in fists. On the breath sharply lower his hands, breaking the fists and spread the fingers. Try S. maximum power strain brushes and shoulders. Make eight episodes eight times.

Exercise "Pump"

Leave your feet in the same position. Inhales noisily, slowly lean and pull out your hands to the floor, without touching it. Then you smoothly go back to the original position, as if you work the pump. Make eight episodes eight times.

Butyko method

According to K. P. Buteyko (Soviet scientist, physiologist, doctor-clinician, philosopher medicine, candidate medical Sciences), The cause of disease development is in alveolar hyperventilation. With deep breaths, the amount of oxygen obtained does not increase, and the amount of carbon dioxide decreases.

As confirmation of this theory stands interesting fact: The volume of lung patients with bronchial asthma is 10-15 liters, healthy man - 5 liters.

Purpose of this respiratory gymnastics - get rid of hyperventilation of lungs, which, in turn, helps to cope with such diseases as bronchial asthma, allergic, asthmatic bronchitis, angina, diabetes, and so on. The Buteyko system includes artificial surface breathing, delays, slowdowns and breathing difficulties up to the use of corsets.

Starting stage training

Measure the control pause - the gap from the calm exhalation to the desire to breathe (so that I did not want to breathe your mouth). Norm - from 60 seconds. Measure the pulse frequency, the norm is less than 60.

Sit on the chair, straighten your back and look a little above the eye line. Relax a diaphragm, starting to breathe so small so that the feeling of the lack of air appears in the breast. In such a state, you need to be within 10-15 minutes.

The meaning of the exercise according to the method of Buteyko is to gradually reduce the depth of breathing and minimize it. For 5 minutes, reduce the volume of the inhalation, and then measure the control pause. Train only on the hungry stomach, breathe your nose and silently.


This is a method of combating overweight, diryabe leather And wrinkles, designed by Greer Childers. Its indisputable advantage is the lack of restrictions on age. The principle of bodyflex consists in combining aerobic breathing and stretching. As a result, the body is saturated with oxygen, which burns fat, and the muscles are strained, becoming elastic. Start mastering gymnastics with five-step breathing.

Five-stage breathing

Imagine that you are going to sit on the chair: Make ahead, leaning my hands on your feet, slightly bent in the knees, buttocks retain back. Palms put about 2-3 centimeters above the knees.

  1. Exhalation. Squeeze your lips into the tube, slowly and evenly release all the air without a residue.
  2. Inhale. Without opening the mouth, breathe quickly and sharply through the nose, trying to fill the light air to the failure. Inhale should be noisy.
  3. Exhalation. Raise your head up 45 degrees. Move your lips, as if smearing lipstick. Exhale from the diaphragm with the power of all air through the mouth. Must get a sound similar to "groin".
  4. Pause. Hold your breath, tilt your head forward and pull the stomach within 8-10 seconds. Try to get a wave. Imagine that the stomach and other organs abdominal cavity Literally placed under the rib.
  5. Relax, breathe and release the abdominal press muscles.

Muller system

Danish gymnast Jørgen Peter Müller (Jørgen Peter Müller) calls for deep and rhythmic breathing without pauses: do not delay the breath, do not make short breaths and exhale. The purpose of its exercises is healthy skin, respiratory endurance and a good muscular tone.

The system consists of 60 respiratory movements performed simultaneously with ten exercises (one exercise - 6 inhales and exhalations). We recommend starting with easy complexity. Perform the first top of the exercise slowly six times. Breathe chest And through the nose.

5 exercises to strengthen the muscular corset

Exercise number 1. Source position: Hands on the belt, feet near, back straight. Alternately lift and lower the straight feet forward, to the sides and back (one leg on the breath, the other - in exhalation).

Exercise number 2. Put the steps at a short step. On the breath, you swing back (with your head), feed the tailhead, bend the arms compressed in your arms in the elbows and brushes. On the exhale, lean down, straighten your hands and try to touch by half. The knees do not bend.

Exercise number 3. Communicate and do not raise your heels. On the breath tilt the body to the left, while simultaneously translating the hemathed right hand over his head. Make exhale and return to its original position. Repeat the movement to the right side.

Exercise number 4. Divide the feet at the maximum distance from each other. Heels are turned out, hands freely hang on the sides. Turn the housing: Right shoulder - back, left hip - forward, and vice versa.

Exercise number 5. Put your feet on the width of the shoulders. On the breath slowly raise your hands in front of you. Make deep squats on exhalation. Straighten and lower your hands.


No matter how much the benefits of respiratory gymnastics should be done carefully. Before starting any lessons, consult your doctor. Gradually go to an increase in loads to avoid unpleasant symptoms of hyperventilation of lungs.

Respiratory exercises are contraindicated to people after operations and with some diseases. Restrictions are strong hypertension, high degree of myopia, suffered by heart attack, glaucoma in acute stage Diseases against the background of hyperthermia, ARVI, decompensated cardiovascular and endocrine pathologies.

Surprisingly, the fact: the natural process of inhalation and exhalation can change your life strongly. Correctly selected breathing technique is able to strengthen health and provide. The main thing is the desire to learn and competent approach.

Proper breathing helps to relax, calm down and relieve stress, cleans his head from stupid and negative thoughts. Instead of answering the rudeness to rudeness or stupidity for stupidity (or shouting on a naughty child), it is better to stop, breathe deeply, count about myself up to 10 and ... silent.

Vritti itself or "equal breathing"

How to perform?Sit in a convenient posture, the back should be straight. Start inhaling four accounts and exhale also four. To increase the natural breathing resistance, perform it through the nose. More advanced can go to 6-8 accounts, which increases attention, soothes the nervous system and reduces stress.

You can practice such breathing anywhere and at any time, but it is best to do it before bedtime. Something like a kind of lamb count, helping working or problems that did not give rest during the day.

Difficulty level:for beginners.

Abdominal breathing technique

How to perform?Make a deep breath through the nose, the expansion of the diaphragm (not breast) gives the necessary air pressure to stretch the lungs. If you want to feel a tangible down arterial pressure and reduce the pulse frequency, you need to perform from 6 to 10 deep breaths within 10 minutes every day. Earn at least 6 weeks, and you will still feel the positive consequences of this technique for a long time.

When is it best to perform?Before the exam or any stressful situation. The only but. In such situations, a person is very poorly controlling his breathing, so you have to practice a little.

Difficulty level:for beginners.

Nadi Shodhana or "Alternative Breath through Nostrils"

How to perform?This technique gives a feeling of balance and. Sit at a convenient meditative posture for you, big finger right hand Press the right nostril and take a deep breath through the left. At the peak of inhale close the left nostril unnamed finger And exhale through the right. Then do the same on the contrary: with inhale through the right and exhalation through the left nostril.

When little time or need to quickly focus. Just do not think to do it before bedtime, because this technique works as well as a cup of coffee.

Difficulty level:middle.

Capalabhati or "shining breath of skull"

How to perform?Ready to light your day? Then try Capalabhati. Make one long and long breath and dramatically exhale. In this exhalation you need to use the abdomen. That is, you dramatically cut the muscles of the abdominal nose and thereby make a sharp exhale. Perform 10 breaths in a comfortable pace: inhale exhale for 1-2 seconds. Inhale is done exclusively through the nose.

What is it best for?This technique perfectly helps wake up and raises the mood. A kind of "espresso". Since the abdominal part of the abdomen is involved at Capalabhati, the body is heated and the brain is activated.

Difficulty level:tall.

Progressive relaxation

How to perform?To remove the stress from the head to the spots, close your eyes and focus on the tension and relaxation of each muscle group of your body for 1-3 seconds. Start from the fingers of the legs, climb through your knees, hips, back, chest, hands, neck, jaw and eyes. During this you must slowly breathe deeply. Inhale through the nose, delay your breath on 5 accounts and during this reduce the muscles. Then exhale through the mouth and relax.

When does it work best?It is better to do it in the place where you can easily lie down. If the breath's delay causes you, keep not 5 accounts, and 2-3.

Difficulty level:for beginners.

Managed visualization

How to perform?This technique needs to be performed with a trainer or therapist. Well, or at least under the melody, which will become your guide. Begin to breathe deeply, focusing on nice sensations and images to oust negative thoughts. Mentally send yourself to the place where you are pleasant and calm.

When does it work best?You can practice this breathing technique everywhere where you can calmly close your eyes and not fear for your life, health and work.

Difficulty level:middle.

Permanent loads at work and problems in everyday life Sooner or later lead to stress, which in turn causes blood circulation violation of blood circulation, strokes, diseases of the heart, various kinds of addictions and other diseases. Nobody is insured against stress, and if he finds at the most inopportune moment, it is necessary to react as quickly as possible. In this situation, you can take advantage of breathing techniques that will help quickly doubt stress and, as a result, reduce the risks that it is for health.

Respiratory technique Sam-Vritti (uniform breathing)

This respiratory technique is the simplest out of four, but does not become less effective. The principle of such breathing is extremely simple: do inhale (through the nose), having counted to ourselves to four, then do the exhale - also on the account four and through the nose. When you master such breathing, you can increase the account that inhale and exhale, up to six or eight - depending on how comfortable you are.

Such a respiratory technique will help not only quickly calm down in a stressful situation, it also greatly relaxes the mind and body when necessary - for example, before bedtime.

Respiratory technique "Abdominal breathing"

To apply this respiratory equipment, you will need to put one palm on the chest, and the other is on the stomach. Make a deep breath through the nose and feel how your diaphragm rises to ensure enough space to get air into the lungs. 6-8 deep breaths and exhalations are quite enough to calm down. The effect will occur in about 10 minutes.

This respiratory technique can also be applied immediately before any stress activity - for example, before the exam or business meeting.

Kapalabhati respiratory technician ("Cherep Enlightenment")

To perform this respiratory machinery, you need to make a slow deep breath, followed by a quick exhalation with an effort in which the lower part of the abdomen should be involved.

When you "enter in a rut" of this technique, try to increase the tempo - instead of one cycle inhale-exhalation, do ten.

Such breathing will become a great start of the day - it helps the body will warm up and perfectly begrit in the morning, allowing you to tune in a productive day and recharge your batteries for the accomplishment of feats.

Respiratory Technique "Nadi Shondhan" (alternated breathing)

It is believed that this respiratory technique unites both "sides" of the brain, as a result of which a person manages to gain peace of mind and a general balance. To perform such equipment, it is necessary to hold one nostril with a thumb, and then take a deep breath through an open nostril. At the "peak" inhale close the open nostril with any finger. Now remove thumb With closed nostrils to make exhale through it. Repeat the process alternately covering the nostrils.

In addition to giving strength in stressful situations, such a respiratory technique will allow the most concentrate on the task. From the part, this process does not look very attractive, but such breathing is really effectively. It will allow you to achieve the balance that you need to remove stress.

Of course, respiratory techniques are far from the only method of dealing with stress, but they will help restore calm and balance in just ten minutes, which is very important in the critical situation. To teach the body to resist stress will also help regular exercises, proper nutrition, a sufficient amount of water and, of course, the ability to relax correctly.