Strategic Management: Types of Goals. Types of purpose

There have been cases when the existence of the goal saved the life of people when it would seem all lost ... but not a goal. We collected tried to collect examples of goals in a person's life. Read, save on bookmarks and return to reread and reflecting, revaluation.

The concept of purpose and its significance

There is a law of constant dynamics. It applies to all spheres of human vital activity. And on purpose. The goal is the result that a person seeks to get in the end at the end of all his actions. The implementation of one goal generates another. And if you have a prestigious work, a huge house in which a loving family is waiting for you, then this is not the limit of your dreams. Do not stop. Continue and achieve them no matter what. And the success you have already been able to achieve will help you in the implementation of the following ideas.

Objective and its types

Statement of life goals is the most important step towards success. It is not necessary to dwell on some one task and try to implement it. In theory there are several varieties of goals in life. Depending on the sphere of society, three categories are distinguished:

  1. Higher goals. They are focused on man and his environment. They are responsible for the development of personality and help to society.
  2. Basic goals. Aimed at self-realization of the personality and its relationship with other people.
  3. Providing goals. These include all material people, whether it is a car, a house or a trip to rest.

Based on these three categories, a person self-realizes and. In the event that at least one target category is absent, it will not be happy and successful. Therefore, it is so important to have several goals at the same time to develop in all directions.

Correctly formulate your goals. Clearly formulated goals in human life provide 60% of the success of their achievements. It is better to immediately designate the approximate time frame. Otherwise, the goal of your entire life can remain an unattainable dream.

How to position the goal

Each person faces difficulties to achieve its goals based on the inaccurate formulation. What are the goals in a person's life can be brought as an example?

  • Have an apartment, house, cottage.
  • Relax on the sea.
  • Get your family.
  • Provide parents to parents.

All the goals above are more or another are a man's dream. He wants it, perhaps from the bottom of his heart. But the question arises: when his goals are implemented and what does it do for this?

In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to put a clear and clear task. She must fit into one phrase. Visual example proper setting The following wording goals are the following wording:

  • Have an apartment in 30 years (house, cottage).
  • Lose weight by 10 kg by September.
  • Go to the sea in the first month of summer.
  • Create a happy and strong family.
  • Pick up parents to your home and provide them with good old age.

From the above purposes, it can be concluded that almost all of them have a certain time interval. Based on this, a person can plan his time to implement the conceived; Develop a daily action plan. And then he will see a complete picture of what needs to be done and take the goal in life to be achieved.

How faster reaching goals

The more energy you have, the faster you reach the goal. But the energy requires a special kind - mental. This energy that allows you to think, experience emotions and generally build your reality (you know that thoughts are material, right?). The problem of the middle man is that the mental sphere is greatly ridden. Than? Different negative emotions (fears, hatred, offense, jealousy, anxiety, etc.), psychological complexes, limiting beliefs, emotional injury and other mental trash. And this trash creates internal conflicts, contradictions that interfere with the achievement of the goal.

Getting rid of mental trash. You get rid of subconscious contradictions and increase the strength of thought. At the same time, the purity of thinking increases that, unambiguously, speeds up the realization of the goal. Liberation from such a cargo makes life happy and easier that in itself is main value For any person. The fastest tool for cleansing mental space is a turbo-horselik system. The advantage of this system is that it involves the subconscious resources that are usually idle. Those. The main work is performed by your subconscious in the background, while you are engaged in your affairs. And you only need to read the finished instructions. Simply, quickly and as practice shows (the most important thing) - efficiently. .

Top 100 Main Goals in Human Life

As an example, the following goals can be given in life, from the list of which each person will find the desired:

Personal goals

  1. Achieve certain success in their activities.
  2. Stop drinking alcohol; smoke cigarettes.
  3. Expand your circle of friends worldwide; Get friends.
  4. Send a few foreign languages in excellence.
  5. Stop drinking meat and meat products.
  6. Daily wake up at 6 am.
  7. Read at least one book per month.
  8. Go on travel around the world.
  9. Write a book.

Family goals

  1. To start a family.
  2. (-Oh).
  3. Get children and raise them properly.
  4. Provide children with good education.
  5. Mark copper, silver and golden wedding with a spouse (s).
  6. See grandchildren.
  7. Arrange holidays for the whole family.

Material goals

  1. Do not take cash in debt; on credit.
  2. Provide passive income.
  3. Open the contribution to the bank.
  4. Annually increase its accumulation.
  5. Saving savings in the piggy bank.
  6. Provide children with solid inheritance.
  7. Engage in charity. Where to begin .
  8. To buy a car.
  9. Build a house of your dreams.

Sports goals

Spiritual goals

  1. To strengthen your will.
  2. Examine books in world literature.
  3. Explore books on personal development.
  4. Master the course of psychology.
  5. Take a volunteer.
  6. Express sincere thanks.
  7. Implement all intended goals.
  8. Strengthen faith.
  9. Quest quality to others.

Creative goals

  1. Master the game on the guitar.
  2. Publish a book.
  3. Picture picture.
  4. Keep a blog or personal diary.
  5. Create something with your own hands.
  6. Open site.
  7. Be overcome the fear of the scene and the audience. How to embrace publicly -.
  8. Learn to dance.
  9. Master cooking courses.

Other goals

  1. Arrange the trip to parents abroad.
  2. Personally meet your idol.
  3. Live by one day.
  4. Organize flashmob.
  5. Get additional education.
  6. Forgive everyone for ever caught offense.
  7. Visit Sacred Earth.
  8. Expand the circle of their friends.
  9. Refuse to the Internet for a month.
  10. See the northern lights.
  11. Be overcome your fear.
  12. Make yourself new useful habits.

It does not matter at all, whether you select the goals from the already offered or come up with your own. The main thing is to act and not retreat before. As the famous German poet I.V. said. Goethe:

"Give a man a goal for which it costs to live, and he will be able to survive in any situation."


Any undertaking should have some goal.

To organize the process of choosing a mission and forming goals is a very important factor in the way to success. The target start in the organization's activities arises by no means because she needs to have landmarks not to die in a changing environment. First of all, the target start in the activities of the organization arises because the organization is the association of people pursuing certain goals.

People create organizations in order to solve their problems with them. This means that from the very beginning of the organization have a certain target orientation. People enter the organization in order to make a certain result due to this. And it also gives the organization a certain target orientation. Finally, people from the outside environment (buyers, the public, business partners, etc.) just like those who are owners of the organization or work in an organization, pursuing their own goals when interacting with the organization attach its existence of a certain focus and Thereby develop the target start in the activities of the organization.

To concretize the objectives of the organization use various methods. One of which is the "Tree of Goals."

The purpose of the work is to study the essence and value of the "target tree" in management.

tree Purpose Management Organizational

The concept of the organization's goals and their types

The development of the economic policy of the company involves the definition of the objectives of the company and the strategy of its development to the near and long-distance perspective, based on the assessment of the potential opportunities of the company and the provision of its respective resources.

The choice and actual definition of the goal, which represents the image of the future result, is carried out in the process of goal.

Goaling acts as a real integrator of various actions in specific system Goals, means and results. As the process of developing a goal of purpose, there is such a dynamic education, which involves the active functioning of all factors determining human behavior: needs, interests, incentives, motifs, etc.

The central point of departments is to determine the target through the means (implementation mechanism).

The objectives of the company define the concept of its development and the main directions of business activity.

Only by obtaining a definition through a specific remedy in the process of goal-setting, the goal acquires a complete form and becomes an effective factor in human activity. In the event that the goal is not taken from the outside and the subject itself is designed, the connection of these factors and the goals are extremely complex, it requires responsibility, creative relationships and initiatives.

The importance of determining the goals is related to the fact that they are:

  • - are the foundation of the management process as a whole - planning, organization, motivation, control;
  • - determine how to improve the effectiveness of the organization;
  • - underlie the adoption of any business solution;
  • - Serve leadership in the formation of concrete planned tasks.

Since the objectives are implemented in the plans, it is possible to formulate long-term, medium-term and short-term goals. In the long run, each enterprise allocates certain directions, with respect to which the management team formulates the goals. Despite the large variety of problems, the goals are most often formulated in the following areas:

  • - market position and client orientation are described by indicators such as market share, sales, share of individual products in total sales, market share in relation to competitors, customer service speed, etc.;
  • - financial indicators of the organization are reflected in terms of production costs, the amount of profits, profitability, liquidity, financial stability, capital structure, etc.;
  • - production is expressed in such indicators as productivity, equipment utilization factor, staff qualifications, etc.;
  • - Scientific and technical progress is characterized by the number of funds invested in development, automation production processes, diversification of products or services, implementation information technologies and etc.;
  • - the need and well-being of employees is characterized by their average wages, shareholders income, the amount of funds investigated on the social needs of employees, etc.;
  • - social role Organizations can be implemented by participation in municipal social programs, charity, support for progressive socio-political actions, etc.

In an organization with several departments and control levels, a hierarchy of goals is developing, which is a decomposition of a higher level goals in the lower level. The hierarchy of goals plays a very important role, as it establishes the structure of the organization and ensures the orientation of the activities of all units to achieve the objectives of the organization as a whole.

Objectives facing the organization can be classified as follows.

  • 1. By sources:
    • - external objectives that take into account the needs of a broader social community in which the organization operates;
    • - Internal objectives - the goals of the team itself, focusing on satisfying its needs. They are formed either as an equal, or as the coinciding part of the individual goals of its participants, which largely facilitates the management process.
  • 2. From the point of view of complexity:
    • - simple;
    • - Complex goals that in turn are broken on the scene.
  • 3. According to the degree of importance:
    • - strategic goals are focused on solving promising large-scale problems, qualitatively changing the appearance of the organization, for example, the occupation of a leading position in their field of activity;
    • - Tactical objectives reflect individual stages of achieving strategic, for example, overhaul. They are operational (the goals of the annual plan) and operational (current tasks).
  • 4. By the deadline:
    • - long-term goals (over five);
    • - medium-term (from year to five);
    • - short-term (up to one year). For short-term purposes, it is characterized much more than for long-term, detailing and concretization of the necessary actions, and by themselves they are undercaming on the way of selling long-term.
  • 5. By content:
    • - technological;
    • - economic;
    • - production;
    • - administrative;
    • - marketing;
    • - scientific and technical;
    • - Social.

Technological purposes include computerization, the introduction of flexible technologies, the construction of new production buildings.

An example of economic goals is to strengthen the financial sustainability of the organization, the increase in the profitability of work, an increase in the market value of share capital.

Production goals may consist in the release of a certain amount of goods and services, improving their quality, increasing production efficiency, reduced cost.

Administrative goals are assumed, for example, the achievement of high manageability by the organization, reliable interaction between employees, good discipline, coherence in work.

Marketing objectives are associated with the conquest of certain markets for sales, attracting new buyers, customers, extension life cycle goods and services, achievement of leadership in prices, etc.

Scientific and technical objectives are recorded on creating and implementing new product samples and improving existing, bringing them to the level of requirements of world standards.

Social objectives focus on the creation of favorable working and recreation workers (increasing their educational and qualifying levels, the elimination of heavy and manual labor, the establishment of social partnership relations in the organization, providing people with high-quality medical care, etc.).

  • 6. From the point of view of priority:
    • - the necessary goals, the achievement of which decisively affects the situation of the organization, division or a separate employee;
    • - desirable goals, the implementation of which allows to a certain extent to improve the state of affairs and create additional guarantees of stability;
    • - Possible goals, the achievement of which at the moment nothing changes.
  • 7. In the direction:
    • - on the final result, for example, the production of a certain amount of products;
    • - to carry out this or that activity, for example, advanced training;
    • - to achieve a certain state of the management facility - the reconstruction of the enterprise.
  • 8. In the form of an expression:
    • - goals characterized by quantitative indicators (for example, obtaining a certain amount of products);
    • - The goals described by qualitatively (for example, the achievement of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, which can not be measured).
  • 9. From the point of view of the features of the interaction:
    • - indifferent in relation to each other (indifferent);
    • - competing;
    • - complementary (complimentary);
    • - excluding each other (antagonistic);
    • - Coincident (identical).
  • 10. In terms of:
    • - mission;
    • - Corporate and specific goals.

The mission creates an idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization, its purpose; social responsibility to society and its employees; preferences, values, beliefs, principles, culture; The most attractive areas of activity. All this ensures the harmony of interaction between the organization with the internal and external environment, helps to determine the positions and interests against different social groups. The mission reflects the basis of the formulation of specific goals - general and specific, developing strategies, distribution of resources at various organizational levels. It focuses on the current activities of the managers. Thus, the mission formulates the direction of the organization's movement, taking into account the internal and external conditions. It is formed and honed over the years, rarely changes.

The formulation of the mission is influenced by such factors as: historical traditions, competitive advantages and threats, the existing potential of the organization, the opinion of partners, the authorities, the views of the highest leadership. For example, in the famous Japanese company "Matsushita", the mission includes the following points: growth due to mutual benefit for firm and consumers; Obtaining profit by serving society; fair competition in the market; mutual benefit for firm, suppliers and partners; Participation in the management of all employees.

Based on the mission, general goals are formulated (usually 4-6), which reflect the most important areas of the organization as a whole and may be integral and functional. The first are connected, for example, with achieving its stability, ensuring the necessary level of profitability, profits, sales, exit to foreign markets, etc. Second - with separate specific parties to the organization of the organization: finances, marketing, personnel work. They are tasks for relevant services.

Specific objectives are developed in each division (strategic, economic unit) and determine the main directions of its activities in the light of the implementation of their common goals. Usually they are covered by the average and short-term periods And be sure to be expressed in quantitative indicators, constituting the basis of plans.

Since specific goals reflect the interests of independent units, they inevitably enter certain contradictions with common. In this regard, there is a need for their mutual linkage in the interests of reaching a maximum of corporate results.

The process of forming goals, depending on the characteristics of the organization, it can occur both centrally and decentralized. In the first case, their single orientation is provided within the organization, but then for lower levels The goal management is imposed, which can cause the resistance of the performers. In the second case, these problems are removed, but there are difficulties associated with the coordination of goals, the direction of them in a single bed.

IN modern conditions Mission and corporate goals are often formed in a joint dialogue higher managers, heads of departments, management consultants.

Based on the organization's formed purposes, the organization's development strategy is selected.

§ 2. Types of goals

Objectives facing the organization can be classified as follows.

1. By sources:

  • external goals that take into account the needs of a broader social community within which the organization operates;
  • internal objectives - the goals of the team itself, focusing on satisfying its needs. They are formed either as an equal, or as the coinciding part of the individual goals of its participants, which largely facilitates the management process.

2. From the point of view of complexity:

  • simple;
  • complex targets that in turn are broken on the scenes.

3. By degree of importance:

  • strategic objectives are focused on solving promising large-scale problems, qualitatively changing the appearance of the organization, for example, the occupation of a leading position in their field of activity;
  • tactical objectives reflect individual stages of achieving strategic, for example, overhaul. They are operational (the objectives of the annual plan) and operational (Current tasks).

4. By time:

  • long-term goals (over five);
  • medium-term (from year to five);
  • short-term (up to one year). For short-term purposes, it is characterized much more than for long-term, detailing and concretization of the necessary actions, and by themselves they are undercaming on the way of selling long-term.
  • technological;
  • economic;
  • production;
  • administrative;
  • marketing;
  • scientific and technical;
  • social.

Technological purposes include computerization, the introduction of flexible technologies, the construction of new production buildings.

An example of economic goals is to strengthen the financial sustainability of the organization, the increase in the profitability of work, an increase in the market value of share capital.

Production goals may consist in the release of a certain amount of goods and services, improving their quality, increasing production efficiency, reduced cost.

Administrative goals are assumed, for example, the achievement of high manageability by the organization, reliable interaction between employees, good discipline, coherence in work.

Marketing goals are associated with the conquest of certain markets for sales, the involvement of new buyers, customers, the extension of the life cycle of goods and services, the achievement of leadership in prices, etc.

Scientific and technical objectives are recorded on creating and implementing new product samples and improving existing, bringing them to the level of requirements of world standards.

Social objectives focus on the creation of favorable working and recreation workers (increasing their educational and qualifying levels, the elimination of heavy and manual labor, the establishment of social partnership relations in the organization, providing people with high-quality medical care, etc.).

6. From the point of view of priority:

  • the necessary goals, the achievement of which decisively affects the situation of the organization, division or individual employee;
  • desirable goals, the implementation of which allows to a certain extent to improve the state of affairs and create additional guarantees of stability;
  • possible goals, the achievement of which currently does not change anything.

7. Directions:

  • to the end result, for example, the release of a certain amount of products;
  • to carry out this or that activity, for example, advanced training;
  • the achievement of a certain state of the management facility is the reconstruction of the enterprise.

8. At the form of an expression:

  • goals characterized by quantitative indicators (for example, obtaining a certain amount of products);
  • the objectives described by qualitatively (for example, the achievement of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, which can not be measured).

9. From the point of view of the features of interaction:

  • indifferent in relation to each other (indifferent);
  • competing;
  • complementary (complimentary);
  • excluding each other (antagonistic);
  • coincident (identical).

10. By level:

  • mission;
  • corporate and specific goals.

Mission Creates an idea about the organization, its purpose; social responsibility to society and its employees; preferences, values, beliefs, principles, culture; The most attractive areas of activity. All this ensures harmony of interaction between the Organization with the internal and external environment, helps to determine the positions and interests in respect of different social groups. The missions reflect the basis of the formulation of specific goals - general and specific, developing strategies, distribution of resources on various organizational

levels. It focuses on the current activities of the managers. Thus, the mission formulates the direction of the organization's movement, taking into account the internal and external conditions. It is formed and honed over the years, rarely changes.

The formulation of the mission is influenced by such factors as: historical traditions, competitive advantages and threats, the existing potential of the organization, the opinion of partners, authorities, the views of the highest leadership. For example, in the famous Japanese company "Matsushita", the following points include the following points: growth due to mutual benefit for company and consumers; Obtaining profit by serving society; fair competition in the market; mutual benefit for firm, suppliers and partners; Participation in the management of all employees.

Based on the mission formulated common goals (Usually 4-6), which reflect the most important areas of the organization as a whole and may be integral and functional. The first are connected, for example, with achieving its stability, ensuring the necessary level of profitability, profits, sales, exit to foreign markets, etc. Second - with separate specific parties to the organization of the organization: finances, marketing, personnel work. They are tasks for relevant services.

Specific goals Developed in each division (strategic, economic unit) and determine the main directions of its activities in the light of the implementation of their common goals. Usually they encompass the average and short-term periods and are necessarily expressed in quantitative indicators, constituting the basis of plans.

Since specific goals reflect the interests of independent units, they inevitably enter certain contradictions with common. In this regard, there is a need for their mutual linkage in the interests of reaching a maximum of corporate results.

The process of forming goals, depending on the characteristics of the organization, it can occur both centrally and decentralized. In the first case, their single orientation is ensured within the organization, but then for the lower levels of target management turns out to be imposed on, which can cause the resistance of the performers. In the second case, these problems are removed, but there are difficulties associated with the coordination of goals, the direction of them in a single bed.

In modern conditions, the mission and corporate goals are often formed in the joint dialogue of the highest managers, managers of divisions, management consultants.

Constant changes in the external and internal environment of the organization lead to the fact that goals have to be corrected or revised. Some organizations do this as such changes are accumulated; others - depending on the specific situation; Third - systematically, based on tracking trends, without waiting for serious shocks.

Most often, when adjusting, the tactics "Flipping" of one goal to another applies. For example, a long-term goal is first developed, and on the basis of it - short-term. When the latter is reached, taking into account the accumulated changes, a new long-term goal is developed, and on its basis - the next short-term.

As a result, the organization develops a certain system of goals, as well as the mechanism of its continuous update. At its framework, the goal is ordered and balanced. The system of goals can be represented in several ways.

1. Clay "Tree of goals", From the "trunk" of which corresponding to the organization's mission, several large "branches" departs, symbolizing the corporate goals, which are further branched to smaller corresponding to the specific, and the "crown" of such a tree can branch up to infinity (Fig. 20.1).

Thus, most goals are simultaneously and a means of achievement for others. The disadvantage of the "Tree Tree" is a significant schematics and hierarchy.

2. As hierarchy goals In which the highest level goals are more important and broad on the coverage and time of existence than the lowest level. At the same time, the sequence of their implementation, in contrast to the previous case, this circumstance does not affect.

3. By ranking on such grounds as a contribution to the implementation of the organization's mission; the possibility of achieving for a given period in the conditions of limited resources; the magnitude of the benefit that can be obtained in the process of their implementation; The number of accelerated problems and the like.

Objectives are ranked, for example, by multiplying the importance determined on the basis of expert assessments to organize each of them (in points) and their contribution to the final result (as a percentage or in the fractions of a unit), and then the location in descending order of the obtained values.

On the basis of the objectives, the organization formulates the tasks that must be solved during their achievement. A task - This is a combination of requirements for action in a specific situation. It is implemented as a series of works, work or part of it, which must be made in advance in the established method within the agreed period.

The tasks are more specific and necessarily possess quantitative, spatial and temporal characteristics. So, if the goal of the enterprise can be formulated as "achieving in the near future of the leading position in the market of products in the near future, the task should sound much more definitely:" Conquering by December 31 of the next year 40% of the market A, 30% of the products of products b and 25% market products in ".

Tasks also contain restrictions those. Enumeration of actions from which it is necessary to refrain, for example, from a violation of antitrust laws. In addition, compared with the objectives of the problem are largely individualized and personalized, include elements that allow them to be attractive to performers.

If the mission and goals are formed by managers and consultants, then the tasks on their basis are planners.

Objectives are a specific condition of the individual characteristics of the organization, the achievement of which is desirable for it and to achieve its activities. Objectives, in contrast to missions, express separate specific areas of the organization.

The importance of determining the goals is related to the fact that they are:

Are the foundation for the management process as a whole: planning, organization, motivation, control;

Determine ways to improve the efficiency of the organization;

Underlie the adoption of any business solution;

Serve leadership for the formation of specific planned indicators.

The objectives of the organization differ from the strategic installation in that they are much more specific in content and are often given in value terms. These may include the desired levels of revenue or profits, growth rates, dividends or estimated stock values. However, there may be targets and non-financial equivalent, for example, the degree of personnel satisfaction from work. The process of achieving such goals is challenged.

Goals are traditionally considered as a formal expression of expectations of shares or other owners. They can also represent the expectations of other people interested in the success of the organization, such as workers, buyers, suppliers, etc. The objectives of the organization are usually formulated by the meeting of shareholders, members of the Board or President ( cEO) Companies.

Objectives facing the organization can be classified as follows.

1. By sources : External goals (taking into account the needs of a wider social community, within which the organization operates); internal objects - Objectives of the team itself, focusing on satisfying his needs.

2. From the point of view of complexity: simple; Complex goals.

3. According to the degree of importance: strategic(are focused on solving promising large-scale problems, qualitatively changing the appearance of the organization, for example, the occupation of a leading position in their field of activity; tacticalobjectives reflect individual stages of achieving strategic, for example, overhaul. They are operational (the goals of the annual plan) and operational (current tasks).

4. By the deadline: long-term goals (over five years); medium-term (from year to five years); short-term (up to one year). For short-term purposes, it is characterized by much higher education and concretization of the necessary actions, and by themselves they are undercaming on the way of selling long-term.

5. By content: technological (computerization, introduction of flexible technologies, construction of new production buildings); economic(Strengthening the financial sustainability of the organization, the increase in the profitability of the work, an increase in the market value of the share capital.); production (production of a certain amount of goods and services, improving their quality, increasing production efficiency, reduced cost.); administrative (Achieving high manageability by the organization, reliable interaction between employees, good discipline, coherence in work.); marketing(associated with the conquest of certain markets for sales, the involvement of new buyers, customers, the extension of the life cycle of goods and services, the achievement of leadership in prices, etc.); scientific and technical (creating and implementing new product samples and improving existing, bringing them to the level of requirements of world standards.); social(orient to the creation of favorable working and recreation workers).

6. From the point of view of priority: necessary(the achievement of which decisively affects the situation of the organization, division or a separate employee); desirable goals (the implementation of which allows to a certain extent to improve the state of affairs and create additional guarantees of stability); possible goals(The achievement of which at the moment does not change anything).

7. In the direction: on the final result (production of a certain amount of products); to carry out this or that activities (advanced training); to achieve a certain state of the management facility (reconstruction of the enterprise).

8. In the form of an expression: Objectives characterized by quantitative indicators (for example, obtaining a certain amount of products); The objectives described by qualitatively (for example, the achievement of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, which can not be measured).

9. From the point of view of interaction features: indifferent to each other (indifferent); competing; complementary (complimentary); excluding each other (antagonistic); Coincident (identical).

10. In terms of: Mission; Corporate and specific goals.

Objectives facing the Organization can be classified:

1. By sources: external goals that take into account the needs of social community, in which the organization operates; Internal goals are the objectives of the Organization, focusing on the satisfaction of its needs.

From the point of view of complexity: simple; Complex targets that in turn are broken on the scenes.

3. According to the degree of importance: strategic goals are focused on solving promising large-scale problems, qualitatively changing the appearance of the organization (the occupation of a leading position in its field of activity); Tactical objectives reflect certain stages of achieving strategic (overhaul ultimately pursues the goal of bringing equipment to regulatory performance). Tactical goals are operational (the objectives of the annual plan) and operational (current tasks).

4. By the term: long-term goals (over five); medium-term (from year to five); Short-term (up to one year). For short-term purposes, it is characterized much more than for long-term, detailing and concretization of the necessary actions, and by themselves they are undercaming on the way of selling long-term.

The technological purposes in the electric power industry include computerization of electricity metering, the introduction of polycasting plants for the production of electricity, installation of energy-saving equipment.

Examples of economic goals are the strengthening of the financial sustainability of the organization, the increase in the profitability of the work, an increase in the market value of share capital.

Production goals may consist of an increase in the release of a certain amount of goods and services, improving their quality, increasing production efficiency, reduce costs.

Administrative goals suggest, for example, the achievement of high manageability by the organization, reliable interaction between employees, good discipline, coherence in the work.

Marketing goals are associated with the conquest of certain markets for sales, the involvement of new buyers, customers, the extension of the life cycle of goods and services, the achievement of leadership in prices, etc.

Scientific and technical objectives are recorded on creating and implementing new product samples and improving existing, bringing them to the level of requirements of world standards.

Social objectives focus on the creation of favorable conditions of workers (raising the wage level, increasing their educational and qualifying level, the establishment of social partnership relations, providing people with high-quality medical care, etc.).

6. From the point of view of priority: the necessary goals, the achievement of which is decisive to the situation of the organization, divisions or individual workers; The desired goals, the implementation of which makes it possible to improve the state of affairs and create additional guarantees of stability.

7. In the direction: on the end result, such as the release of a certain amount of products; to carry out a particular activity, such as advanced training; The achievement of a certain state of the management facility is the reconstruction of the enterprise.

8. In the form of an expression: goals characterized by quantitative indicators (for example, a production of a certain amount of products); The objectives described by qualitatively (for example, the achievement of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, which can not be measured).

9. From the point of view of interaction features: indifferent to each other (indifferent); competing; complementary (complimentary); excluding each other (antagonistic); Coincident (identical).

10. In terms of: Mission; civilization; Specific goals.

The mission creates the surrounding idea of \u200b\u200bthe destination; social responsibility to society and its employees; preferences, values, principles, culture; The most attractive areas of activity. All this ensures harmony of interaction between the organization with the inner and foreign environment, helps to determine the positions and interests in respect of different social groups. Concrete goals are reflected in the missions - general and specific, developing strategies, allocation of resources at various organizational levels. The mission focuses on the current activities of the managers. Thus, the mission gives the direction of the organization's movement, taking into account the internal and external conditions. It is formed and honed over the years, rarely changes. The mission is formulated with strategic planning.

Factors are influenced by the formulation of the mission: historical traditions, competitive advantages and threats, the existing potential of the organization, the opinion of partners, authorities, the views of the highest leadership. Based on the mission, general goals are determined (usually 4-6), which reflect the most important areas of the organization as a whole and can be integral and functional. The first are connected, for example, with the achievement of its stability, ensuring the necessary level of profitability, profits, sales, exit to foreign markets, etc.; Second - with separate specific parties to the work of the organization: finance, marketing, personnel work, and are also tasks for relevant units.

Specific objectives are developed in each division and determine the main directions of its activities in the light of the implementation of their common goals.

Usually they cover the medium and short-term periods and are necessarily expressed in quantitative indicators, constituting the basis of the plans.

Since specific goals reflect the interests of independent units, they inevitably enter certain contradictions with common. In this regard, there is a need for their mutual linkage in the interests of reaching a maximum of corporate results.

The process of forming goals, depending on the characteristics of the organization, it can occur both centrally and decentralized. In the first case, their single orientation is ensured within the organization, but then for the lower levels of target management turns out to be imposed on, which can cause the resistance of the performers. In the second case, these problems are removed, but there are difficulties associated with the coordination of goals, the direction of them in a single bed.

Constant changes in the external and internal environment of the organization lead to the fact that goals have to be corrected or revised. Some organizations do this as changes are accumulated; Dru

gIE - depending on the specific situation systematically, based on tracking trends.

As a result, the organization develops a certain system of purposes, as well as the mechanism of its continuous update. At its framework, the goal is ordered and balanced. The system of goals can be represented in several ways:

1. The "Tree Tree", from the "trunk" of which, the corresponding mission of the organization, departs several major "branches", symbolizing the corporate goals, in the future branching into smaller, corresponding to the specific, and the "crown" of such a tree can branch as much as you like (rice . 8.1).

Mission 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.2.1 1.2.2. 1.2.3

Fig. 8.1. "Tree of goals" organization: RJ - corporate goals; I I - specific goals

2. Hierarchy of goals in which the highest level objectives are more important and wide on the coverage and time of existence than the lower levels.

3. Ranking on such grounds as contribution to the implementation of the organization's mission; the possibility of achieving for a given period in the conditions of limited resources; The magnitude of the benefit obtained in the process of their implementation; The number of accelerated problems and the like.

Objectives are ranked on the basis of expert assessments of the degree of importance for organizing each of them and their contribution to the final result.

On the basis of the objectives, the organization formulates the tasks that must be solved during their achievement.

The task is a set of requirements for action in a specific situation, is implemented as a series of works, work or its part that must be performed in advance in the established method within the agreed period.

The tasks are more specific and necessarily possess quantitative, spatial and temporal characteristics. So, if the purpose of the power supply organization can be formulated as an increase in electricity leave, the task should sound more determined

lainally, for example, an increase in electricity leave in 2005 by the population by 7%, etc. According to other groups of consumers.

Tasks also contain limitations, i.e. Enumeration of actions from which it is necessary to refrain, for example, from a violation of antitrust laws. In addition, compared with the objectives of the problem are largely individualized and personalized, include elements that allow them to be attractive to performers.

If the mission and goals are formed by managers and consultants, then the tasks on their basis are planners and specialists.

If the activity is fully or partially leading to the achievement of the goals set, it is considered effective from a managerial point of view. The degree of efficiency is determined how much it was possible to achieve these goals.

In addition to the effectiveness aimed at achieving goals, are characterized by profitability and efficiency. The first is to get a certain positive result, for example, profits; The second shows how much the unit accounted for costs. The greater the result of them exceeds, the more economical activity.