Visiting the dentist. Preventative visit to the dentist. Free dental consultation includes

Don't forget to go to the dentist regularly. Even if nothing hurts, or only hurts a little, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have problems with your teeth.

To get started, just call the phone and the administrator of the dental clinic will answer you. She can answer some of your questions, for example: advise on prices for professional dental cleaning, treatment, extraction, prosthetics, implantation, orthodontics and other types of dental services. Explain why implantation in the long term turns out to be cheaper than prosthetics; why they don’t always remove a tooth during gumboil, but treat it after a certain surgical intervention; if there is no money or time for orthodontic treatment, and your teeth are crooked, how can you create a Hollywood smile for less money and minimal time; how can you get rid of the falling pullers and install stationary bridges; and much, much more.

If you know what your problem is, then ask about possible solutions to it. But, as a rule, we don’t know what we have exactly: it just hurts, or something like that. There is no need to panic; in good clinics they try to preserve teeth, not remove them. We can always delete it!!! A tooth is not a sparrow,...or is it about something else...well, it doesn’t matter!
If the administrator told you about the pricing procedure, briefly about your problem, and you want to know in more detail, then feel free to ask to be scheduled for a consultation or treatment with a doctor. She will also tell you how to get to the clinic by public transport.
When you arrive at the clinic, remember that in the right dentistry, when the doctor begins treatment, the patient is first offered a hygienic cleaning. This procedure removes deposits and plaque on the teeth. This must be done MANDATORY! To make it clear to you why, remember, when you were renovating your apartment, the master removed old wallpaper from the walls, peeling paint, old tiles... only after that he began to do the repairs himself. So it is here. In addition, this is prevention various diseases teeth and gums. If cleaning is not done, the gums may bleed (bite an apple and look, if there are traces of blood, run to the dentist quickly!) If this is not treated, then over time the teeth will begin to loosen and fall out. In general, I warned you, draw your own conclusions.
If you still need to remove the tooth, do not panic, there are several options for solving this problem:
1. remove and leave as is, i.e. hole between teeth;
2. remove and replace with prosthetics;
3. remove and install the implant.
All of these options have both positive and negative aspects. So, in the first case, if you leave everything as it is, over time (not very much, I don’t hope), bone will leave your jaw in the area of ​​the tooth extraction. This process will continue to increase, the gums on adjacent teeth will begin to recede, and the necks of adjacent teeth will become exposed. This all looks HORRIBLE! It will take a lot of time and money to fix this. In the second case, in order to put a prosthesis on a missing tooth, you will need to kill two adjacent teeth, grind them down and install a crown. Everyone is happy, everyone is laughing. If this structure is properly made and installed, then it will last from 5 to 15 years, and what then, think about it! But the teeth are a pity! In addition, dead teeth are fragile, they can simply break one day, then the next tooth will be involved in the process, and so on. Someday they may end - hello removable dentures! Well - no, don't!!! The third option at first glance is the scariest, but take a closer look. Yes, an implant costs a lot of money... Yes, an operation... But it turns out that tooth extraction and implant installation can be done at the same time, i.e. for one visit. What a time saver!!! No need to sharpen adjacent teeth, they are alive and well. What a savings on teeth!!! At correct installation implant, it will last in the bone for 25-35 years, or maybe more, only after 10 years change the crown. What a money saver!!! It turned out that everything was not as scary as it seemed at first glance, but quite the opposite!!! But it’s up to you to draw conclusions.
The most important thing is not to be afraid. Remember, you need to go to the dentist, even if nothing bothers you, twice a year, and then everything will be fine!!!

What could be more pleasant than a beautiful smile? Of course, when you have healthy teeth, it’s nice to smile and look at those who have healthy and beautiful teeth. But in order for your smile to make you happy, and not have to cover your mouth while laughing, you should work on it constantly.

Visiting the dentist

It is necessary to visit the dentist for preventive care 2 times a year. This is only for examination if nothing bothers you, but if there are any problems, then you should not delay treatment, otherwise it will be too late. So do not forget to see a doctor when the carious process begins; it will not have time to spread deeply in six months. And you will be able to save the tooth, and pulpitis, periodontitis and others will not occur inflammatory diseases facial tissues, gums and other lesions of the jaw.

It is very important to know, because the sooner the doctor detects a problem with you, the more painlessly and efficiently he will eliminate all the problems. And one more thing, early detection of caries can be cured, avoiding instrumental intervention, with the help of calcium or fluoride.

Now there is no need to be afraid of dentists, as there was before. Since treatment methods have greatly improved, and no severe pain, which means there should be no fear. Doctors have a good choice anesthetics, but if you are allergic to a drug such as novocaine, you must warn your doctor.

If you are in very poor health and have chronic diseases such as diseases gastrointestinal tract, problems with the heart, kidneys, or any other hormonal abnormalities. Or you have a high risk of developing caries, in these cases it should be much more often, once every 2 or 3 months.

When a doctor, if necessary, removes a permanent tooth, he performs dentures. For those who do not know what a prosthesis is, we will explain. A denture is a structure that replaces a missing tooth. There are also dentures for the loss of temporary teeth; in this option, the denture will not make it possible to take the place of the missing tooth. The teeth will not expand, but will grow evenly and beautifully. And it will be made in such a way that it will interfere with the growth of all other teeth.

Is there dental prevention?

In addition to dental treatment, dentists can carry out preventive measures that will help preserve teeth and keep gums healthy:

  • Polishes and cleans teeth, removing stains and plaque.
  • Creates applications of fluoride and calcium preparations.
  • So, if necessary, he can prescribe treatment with tablets or vitamins.
  • An X-ray of your gums and teeth can also be done.
  • Seals dental fissures.
  • It can also teach you how to properly care for your teeth and gums.
  • He can also tell you how to eat right.
  • With the help of special dyes, he will check the quality of teeth cleaning.

If you have problems with your bite, you will need to consult a special orthodontist. The doctor will thoroughly examine your problems with teeth and bite and prescribe a special orthodontic device. They are made from special materials plastic and metal. To recover from malocclusion, you will need a lot of time and patience. This is a very difficult process, but it is worth it.

You will need to come to the doctor within a strictly specified time frame. After all, the success of treatment depends not only on a competent specialist, but also on how the patient complies with the conditions of treatment. The patient must take care of the treatment device and maintain good oral hygiene. To make cleaning the devices easier, there are special brushes that clean everything very thoroughly.

Dentist during pregnancy

Should you visit the dentist during pregnancy? Is it worth it, will it harm your baby? Many similar questions concern the expectant mother. Dentistry for pregnant women is what should be important to women during this period.

When a woman is pregnant, all her strength, vitamins, go to more developed than the child. And naturally she has little left for herself. And it happens that a woman does not eat well, is malnourished necessary vitamins, then all this leads to a deficiency of vitamins such as protein, mineral salts and many microelements, which can pose a threat to proper development child.

In this case, the woman’s body begins to work in such a way that it sucks out all the necessary microelements and vitamins from the body of the expectant mother. For example, from teeth and bones, and they all go to the fetus. But toxicosis interferes with microelements in the body of the mother and child, as the absorption capacity of the gastrointestinal tract decreases.

This occurs especially in the first half of pregnancy. Since the body begins to rebuild itself during this period. In such children, in women who suffered from toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy, one can most often encounter delayed teething, as well as abnormal tooth growth.

In pregnant women, hormonal levels change, which contributes to mineral deficiency. This means that the gums may begin to bleed, and caries appears on the teeth and around fillings. Infections and even chronic ones can appear; they are the ones that have a bad effect on the development of the child, and this can happen throughout pregnancy, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Babies develop the rudiments of teeth while they are still in the womb, which means you need to pay attention to your nutrition. So that the child grows good strong teeth.

There are several other reasons that can affect a baby’s future teeth. This could be a gynecological pathology, not long gaps between births, since the woman’s body may not have had time to fully recover. Doctors call it too much water or polyhydramnios. There is a threat of termination of pregnancy and there may be some injuries received by the mother during pregnancy. They can also influence viral diseases, taking antibiotic tablets especially, possible parental smoking or working with harmful factors.

So remember what you need to do to ensure your baby has strong teeth. Mom should eat healthy food, be attentive to her health, and carefully eliminate all infections in the body. And it is very important to undergo dental treatment even before pregnancy, or as soon as possible. The doctor will eliminate all your possible problems, infections, will prescribe correct treatment How to avoid micronutrient deficiencies throughout pregnancy.

There are some special considerations when treating teeth for pregnant women.

  • , since the placenta is stronger and does not allow medicines to the fruit.
  • Treatment is carried out special drugs, which will not harm the baby too much
  • It is not advisable to take dental x-rays during pregnancy.
  • And enamel strengthening and teeth cleaning can be done in any trimester of pregnancy.

So, when you are pregnant, do not be afraid of dentists, but rather be friends with them, and recommend the dentist to all your pregnant friends.

Eating after visiting the dentist

Sticking in the corners of the mouth after visiting the dentist

Yes, it happens that you went to the doctor for treatment or examination. And after some time you find that there are pockets in the corners of your mouth. Most likely, you did not end up with a competent specialist, where hygiene rules were poorly observed. And a streptococcal or fungal virus was brought to you. Apparently, during treatment there was an injury to the corners of the mouth, and if hygiene was not observed, infection could easily get there. So, when going to the doctor, pay attention to the sterilization of instruments; if you have stones cleaned, this should be done with ultrasound, but in no case mechanically.

It is very important to remain calm during treatment and not to jerk your head to avoid injury. And ask your doctor to rinse your mouth with a special solution. All this will help you protect yourself from unpleasant viruses, herpes, stomatitis and seizures.

If this doctor observes all precautions, then he is competent and good specialist. And you can recommend the dentist to all your friends and acquaintances.

But if you are still infected with this virus, immediately contact your doctor or dermatologist. They will spend complex treatment. The therapist will examine you completely and prescribe a good course of treatment for you. A dermatologist will help you get rid of externally expressed manifestations.

So don’t forget to go to the dentists on time and take care of your teeth, because this is your sign of health and success in life. After all, a beautiful smile is always nice.

How often do you need to visit the Dentist?!

Healthy teeth are an important component of quality of life. A beautiful and snow-white smile helps to find mutual language with others, express your feelings and emotions. In order for it to remain so, it is important to undergo examination by a doctor at least twice a year: it will help to identify problems at the stage of their occurrence and begin treatment when it will bring maximum benefit and require a minimum of sacrifices.

To support on high level dental health, it is important to find “your” dentist, whose professionalism you can 100% trust. This can sometimes be difficult to do: government institutions we are often greeted with gloomy faces and a complete lack of desire to help, in private - with a sweet smile aimed at “pulling out” maximum quantity money.

Modern dentistry is not what our imagination often imagines it to be. By contacting the Granate Clinic in Kyiv ( or other modern medical institutions with a good reputation, you will understand that its main features are:

The presence of effective anesthetics to make all procedures absolutely painless;
usage the latest materials, making it possible to easily and without huge costs restore the lost color, shape and function of teeth;
the use of advanced technologies to minimize time and money spent on treatment;
individual approach and high efficiency, which will be appreciated by even the most demanding patients.

Dentists advise undergoing a preventive examination at least twice a year, during which ailments will be identified in the early stages of development. Timely therapeutic measures will help avoid serious problems in the future: the need for root removal, tooth loss, prosthetics, etc.

bleeding gums;
the appearance of “pockets” between the tooth and gum where food gets in;
appearance unpleasant odor from mouth;
discomfort when chewing;
sudden changes in diet.

Modern dentistry allows you to quickly and effectively cope with various ailments. Use of anesthetics and latest technologies reduces discomfort, money and time costs to a minimum. Don't be afraid of dentists: preventive examinations will help prevent possible problems and stop the development of illnesses at the initial stage.

How often should you visit the dentist? Probably, many people have thought about this; on the website you will find the answer to any question about dentistry from professionals. Only here will they provide full list dental services for all family members.

Unfortunately, according to most people, you should visit the dentist only when you have problems with your teeth. This stereotype has been formed since Soviet times, when dentists’ offices had old, terrible equipment and dental treatment was accompanied by agony. In modern dental offices this is no longer the case and the latest technologies are used here.

How often should you visit the dentist for preventative purposes?

Experts recommend visiting your dentist for a dental health checkup twice a year, even if nothing is bothering you. The dentist will check the condition of everything oral cavity, teeth, gums, tongue. Also, a specialist will be able to identify incipient dental diseases, evaluate the effectiveness and correctness of teeth brushing, and provide services for professional teeth cleaning and tartar removal.

More often, you should seek help from a dentist if you have diseases such as:

  • Periodontal disease;
  • Caries;
  • Pathologies of blood supply to bone and soft tissue of the mouth.

In such cases, you should contact your dentist for help every two to three months.

Also, more frequent visits to the dentist are recommended for people who have genetic predisposition to dental diseases, diabetics, smokers and alcohol drinkers. You should take into account the fact that if you visit a doctor extremely rarely, this can result in serious problems for the body as a result of the appearance of various diseases. Thanks to a scheduled visit to the dentist, you can avoid the onset of many dental diseases and keep your teeth always in excellent condition. It is important to understand that even if you carefully adhere to all the rules of dental hygiene, this may not be enough to prevent a number of dental problems. pathological processes oral cavity. For women, do not forget that during pregnancy you should definitely visit the dentist. Indeed, during this period, many women have the problem of calcium deficiency in the body and other minerals, which leads to increased destruction teeth. Treatment is possible in any trimester.

Morozova Natalia Gavrilovna
Dentist-therapist, highest qualification category

Since ancient times, a guarantee of a successful device in personal and public life there was an attractive, disarming smile.

The first thing people pay attention to when meeting you is your smile. If it is restrained or covered with a palm, then this is already alarming. A beautiful smile has always attracted and will attract the gaze of others. How to preserve it and how to bring it to perfection?

This is only possible through the joint efforts of patients and dentists.

“You need to visit the dentist once every six months” - this recommendation can be heard quite often. But is it really necessary to visit? dental clinic so often?

How often do we postpone a visit to the dentist for an indefinite period of time, citing the fact that now there is no time for dental treatment, it does not allow family budget, not before now, sometime later. And we remember the need to visit the dentist only when toothache haunts us.

In order to be absolutely calm about the health of your teeth, you need to visit the dentist not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes. During a preventive visit to the dental office, the doctor usually examines the oral cavity and, if necessary, conducts diagnostic radiography. Then, based on the results of the examination, he gives specific recommendations for dental care and draws up a plan of treatment measures, if they are already necessary. The dentist will suggest that you remove plaque and plaque from your teeth. Treatments may be prescribed to strengthen tooth enamel.

Don't be under the illusion that brushing your teeth twice a day is enough to keep your mouth healthy. General state body, presence of disorders metabolic processes, can lead to gradual destruction of tooth tissue. A person may not notice the onset of early tooth decay until obvious symptoms appear, such as increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods. Caries is sometimes hidden. At a certain moment, the enamel above such a cavity breaks and a person has a feeling of immediate tooth destruction: there was healthy tooth and suddenly everything collapsed. Only a dentist can detect hidden caries using special medical equipment.

If the dentist’s appointment is postponed indefinitely, then a simple carious process will lead to the development of complicated caries - pulpitis or periodontitis. Pulpitis or inflammation of the nerve will entail the removal of the latter, after which the tooth becomes “dead,” inelastic, and dry. The walls of such teeth easily break off and later, as a rule, the teeth require prosthetic crowns.

Periodontitis is the most dangerous complication carious process. In this case, the inflammatory process spreads around the tips of the roots of the teeth into the bone surrounding the tooth.

It should be noted that in most cases, periodontitis is asymptomatic, while microorganisms root canal They are already doing their “dirty” business. Hence the first conclusion: if you know that you have clearly unhealthy teeth (partially destroyed; roots of long-decayed teeth; teeth discolored; teeth that periodically cause a feeling of discomfort), you should not postpone a visit to the dentist.

What is the insidiousness of periodontitis? Self-healing never happens.

Sometimes with a common cold, when the immune system weakens, inflammatory process intensifies and it is not always possible to eliminate it with therapeutic methods. This often leads to tooth extraction.

It must be remembered that any carious cavity is a source of infection that multiplies throughout the body. Advanced caries is often the real reason sore throat, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, inflammation genitourinary system(nephritis and cystitis). There are known cases of the development of sepsis (blood poisoning) from one carious tooth. Possible fatalities.

Timely diagnosis at an early stage of caries allows for quick and painless treatment teeth. A healthy oral cavity is the key to a healthy stomach, heart and other internal organs. Bad teeth, being a source of infection, can cause some diseases and aggravate others. For example, common diseases - arthritis, endocarditis, functional disorders of the eyes, ears and nose, hypertension, the appearance of toxic elements in the blood. Serious problems with the functioning of the kidneys, heart, stomach, and intestines can also occur if you do not take care of your teeth. This is due to the fact that when microbes and their toxins enter the bloodstream, they cause or maintain chronic diseases. Therefore, competent doctors of various specialties, before taking on the treatment of diseases in their field, recommend that patients first visit a dentist.

Based on all of the above, we can draw only one conclusion: it is necessary to treat teeth.

When you contact our Dental Center, you will be treated by highly qualified specialists, true professionals in their field, who will quickly prevent a problem if it just begins to appear, using modern diagnostic equipment. In cases where the defect is already present, experienced doctors will be able to eliminate any deficiency with the help of modern tools, materials and high-tech equipment.

After a visit to us, you get healthy teeth, gums, fresh breath and a beautiful smile, and also get rid of many problems associated with the presence of lesions chronic infection. Thus, you cleanse your body, making it healthier and younger.

Visit the dentist on time! I wish you health and a beautiful smile!