In what solution to keep plug-in jaws. How to store removable dentures. Features of storage of dentures

Previously, removable dentures had to be stored in water tanks so that the rubber base was not crackled under the influence of air. Modern prostheses of such shortcomings are deprived, because they are made from other materials and on other technologies. In order for the product for a long time and has not lost aesthetic look, it needs regular care with special means. What is this care and how to store dentures?

Features of using a removable prosthesis

No matter how perfect was the prosthesis, it must be removed regularly and cleaned. To sleep with him is uncomfortable, so at night he should be stored separately. For artificial teeth, it is necessary to care for no less carefully than yours, otherwise there is a unpleasant smell, stains and fall on the surface.

For this reason, every morning and before bedtime, the hygienic treatment of dental structures and the oral cavity is carried out.

Hygienic treatment of prostheses

Cleaning methodsDescriptionFrequency application

The product is thoroughly washed under the jet of water. It is advisable not to use water from under the tap, it is better to take a boiled, room temperature. It should be noted that such a measure does not provide absolute purityEvery time after meals

Thin hard bristles make it possible to remove not only the residues of food from the prosthesis, but also to remove the resulting flare. Wash off pasta boiled waterDaily in the morning and evening

Before soaking in the solution, the prosthesis is brushed and washed in water. This method allows you to remove bacteria from the surface and remove the remnants of the locking creamOnce a day (overnight)

Performed only by experts in the clinicAt least half a year

Proper storage of prostheses

You need to get used to the new prosthesis, and at first it gives discomfort, especially during sleep. The addictive happens faster with constant wearing a prosthesis, and therefore dentists do not recommend removing it overnight, especially since in a dream, many have a shift in the jaw bones of the articular heads. And yet, most people prefer to sleep without prosthesis, so that nothing bothered to a normal rest.

How to keep a denture shot? First of all, it needs to be cleaned very well with a brush and rinse in boiled water. Then a disinfecting solution is poured into the glass and the prosthesis is lowered there, where it remains until the morning. The product should be completely covered with a solution, otherwise microorganisms may remain on the particulars from the fluid. Twice use the same solution cannot be made of hygienic considerations.

Prostheses made from nylon and acrylic are resistant to a dry environment, and therefore they can be not placed on the night into the liquid. After cleaning, these products are enough to wrap in a clean wet towel or a napkin and leave in this form until the morning. The pharmacies sell and special hermetic containers for storing such products. To exclude deformation, it is impossible to use hot water to wash, the more leaving the prosthesis for a while. If there are metal elements in the design, it is impossible to be placed in chlorinated water. The metal darkens under the influence of chlorine, and the prosthesis will look not aesthetic.

The denture dropped should not be subject to mechanical loads, that is, it is impossible to put anything on it on top or stick into it too narrow. From this material changes the form, and wearing a prosthesis will cause only discomfort. In no case cannot be left overn for the night without cleaning and in the open form: this contributes to the reproduction of bacteria, the appearance of small deformations from the drying of the material and complicates the elimination of plates and other contaminants.

Disinfection of removable prostheses

Antiseptic solutions

The most convenient and affordable disinfection method is antiseptic fluids that can be bought in finished or do it yourself. Disinfectants for dental prostheses in pharmacies are sold, and they are produced in the form of a finished solution and in tablets. It should be noted that some antiseptics are not suitable for long-term soaking or daily use, but use them only in preventive purposes either as the prosthesis polluted. Usually grabs once a week.

To independently prepare a solution, you just need to pour warm water into a glass and put one tablet into it. Wait until it dissolve, there is no need, so the prosthesis is lowered into the glass immediately after the tablet. Of course, the prosthesis must be pre-cleaned paste and washed in clean water. For high-quality disinfection of three minutes, after this time, the product is removed from the solution and washed under running water. If the prosthetic is strongly polluted, it is recommended to take a brush, moisten it in the same solution and thoroughly rub the dental design. It is impossible to use the second and the solution, so that after processing the product, the remaining liquid is poured.

Important! Antiseptic solutions when entering the digestive tract causes hazardous allergic reactions, so after disinfection, the prosthesis must be rinsed with clean water. Also, it is impossible to allow liquid into the eyes - it causes irritation of the shells.

Video - Dental Prosthetic Solution

Ultrasound devices

Modern ultrasonic devices are used in the clinics for cleaning dentures, which make it possible to effectively remove not only contamination, but also 100% of microorganisms. Ultrasonic baths are now produced, calculated for personal use at home. How is cleaning? The device passes through water ultrasonic waves, as a result of which a plurality of microscopic vacuum bubbles are formed. They penetrate the smallest pores, split the flare, kill microorganisms, but it is absolutely harmless to the surface of the surface.

The cost of such a bath is quite high, but over time it pays off with the fact that it disappears the need to use antiseptic tools and special pastes for cleaning prostheses. In addition, it is convenient to use it, the procedure takes at a minimum of time and does not require additional flushing.

Video - Ultrasonic Sink CD-3900 for cleaning dentures

Caring for removable prostheses

How to clean

To clean the prosthesis requires a toothbrush with a soft bristle and a paste or low abrasive gel - from 0 to 25 units. Called a little paste on the brush and consistently treated each section of the prosthesis, special attention is paid to sites adjacent to the gums and side surfaces. It is impossible to put very much to the prosthesis, drop it, to avoid damage to the case. If stains appeared on artificial teeth, which are not reputable, should be treated with a solution or ultrasound, but scratching or rapidly rubbed the problem area cannot be scratched.

Care rules

In the morning, before inserting the prosthesis, you should clean my teeth and rinse the oral cavity. During the day each time after meals, the prosthesis should be removed and washed with water, provided that you do not use the locking cream. The presence of cream significantly facilitates the use of a prosthesis and the need to remove it during the day disappears. In this case, it is enough to raure your mouth with water after eating. In the evening, the design is removed, clean, disinfected. Be sure to perform hygienic treatment of your teeth and mouth, otherwise it is not to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

To get used to it faster, the first weeks two prosthesis is recommended to be removed only for cleaning, everything else should be in its place, despite tangible discomfort. In the future, it is undesirable to take breaks in carrying a dental structure more than 10-15 days, otherwise the discomfort from the exposure to the prosthesis on the gums will again resume. If for some reason the prosthesis was not used for more than a month, most likely, you will have to order a new one.

When processing the product, it should be regularly inspected for various damage. When cracking or other breakdowns, the prosthesis can already be used so as not to damage soft tissues in the mouth.

It is impossible to correct such a design to correct the breakdown of such a design, so you only need to handle a specialist. It is also impossible to try to correct the prosthesis on your own if pain sensations appear when using it.

Video - how to store dentures removable

Article author: Sergeyna Daria Sergeevna (|) - Dentist's dentist therapist, orthodontist. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of anomalies of teeth development, improper bite. Also install braces and plates.

Use most people of our planet. They are very comfortable and functional in the absence of a large amount of teeth. However, this type of dental devices is not customary to advertise. Patients are trying to hide the fact of the lack of a large number of their teeth and practically do not talk about removable prostheses. In this article, we will try to answer the most common questions of patients, for example, to shoot dentures for the night?

Before considering whether the dentures should be removed on the night, we will study them from the dental device. Prostheses are used in the absence of one or more teeth. The installation of dentures is very important in the health of the oral cavity. The fact is that the absence of even one tooth will immediately lead to the movement of the rest. And this in turn threatens the fallout of the remaining.

Removable prostheses are made by casting from. The use of such a material makes it possible for a long time to maintain strength, color, density and shape of the product. In addition to the denthesum, artificial teeth are produced, which differ in size and color. Thanks to such versatility, during prosthetics, you can immediately choose the need for the patient a set of teeth.

The late setting of prostheses leads to the following problems:

  • Expands and becomes very noticeable periodontal gap.
  • The tooth antagonist shifts.
  • A periodontal pocket is formed.
  • The bone is atrophy.
  • Aproximal caries appears on the teeth.

Especially not to neglect the lack of side cutters. Such a loss with time will lead to problems with digestive organs.

Note that the installation of removable prostheses is the cheapest way to restore the chewing function.

Types of removable prostheses

The following types of removable prostheses are known in dental practice:

  1. BEGEAL MODELS. Such prostheses are performed from metal, ceramics, zirconium and plastics. Support is made of metal, plastic housing and other materials listed. The most important advantage of the design is that the load during chewing is distributed evenly between the jaw, gums and other teeth. Depending on the type of fixation, the global models are: with lock mounts, with a telescopic crown, with hooks-clamps. This type of prosthetic is used for temporary and partial absence of teeth. Frequently used when moving teeth and periodontosis.
  2. Telescopic products. These prostheses are made of metal, the product is covered with acrylic or ceramics. The product is attached on the principle of a telescope. The support cutters themselves are well shut down. They are further put on cone-shaped systems. Secondary parts are fixed on the cones.
  3. Immediat-prostheses. These fixtures are used with the loss of only one tooth. Mostly, the immediat-prosthesis performs only aesthetic function, closing the free space. These devices are temporarily installed, immediately after removal or before the constant prosthesis. The design of such prostheses has an interesting attachment resembling shape.

The choice of the type of prostheses depends on several criteria:

  • First criterion: the number of missing teeth. In the absence of several teeth, it is preferable to implant implant.
  • The second criterion: what final result is expected. To restore the correct chewing function, it is best to apply.
  • Third criterion: As far as the system used should be comfortable. Removable designs must be removed overnight. This fact must be taken into account.
  • Fourth criterion: What financial opportunities the patient has. The most inexpensive option is removable plastic models.

Full prostheses are used if the patient has the absence of a set of teeth on one or both at the same time on both jaws. One plate fills the loss of immediately all the teeth.

If there is no one or more teeth in the dentition, which is used partial prostheses. Basically, they are installed with the loss of chewing teeth and during the defect of the entire dentition.

Stage addiction

As with any external introduction, it is necessary to get used to the installation of prostheses. At the initial stage, strong discomfort will be felt. It may arise unwanted diction problems and taste will change. Against this background, the patient is important to show psychological resistance.

Very unwanted phenomena are strong vomit urge and abundant salivament.

Oddly enough, but to constant prostheses, a person gets used to faster than removable. The entire period of adaptation depends on the listed factors:

  • Product size.
  • Fixation method.
  • Degree of fixation.
  • The body's reaction to the introduction of a foreign body.
  • On the nature of the impact.

There are cases that. In this situation, it is definitely necessary to visit the dentist, otherwise a strong inflammatory process will begin.

In order for the addictive process to be easier, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Monitor the purity of teeth and prostheses.
  • Clean the installed structures using a dental thread.
  • Regularly hold the gum massage.
  • In case of rubbing gums, use.

Shoot for night dentures

Modern prostheses are not necessarily removed from the mouth for sleep time. The most important thing will learn how to remove them correctly, wear and stored. To properly perform the procedure, you can practice moving in front of the mirror. In the future, the hands will achieve automatism and you will perform manipulations with prosthesis professionally quickly and right.

It is necessary to remove prostheses if:

  • It feels an unpleasant burning mucous membrane.
  • It feels strong dry mouth.
  • On the body and in the mouth there are rashes or other ugly manifestations.

To avoid negative cases with prostheses, the following recommendations must be performed:

  1. For the best, in the first days after installation, it is better to shoot them.
  2. Be sure to continue to carry out a hygienic procedure. That is, the prosthesis must be thoroughly cleaned from the residues of food, rinse and return back to the oral cavity or leave overnight in the prepared container.
  3. The following number of hygienic procedures is recommended. Minimum number: once a day before bedtime. Maximum number: every time after meals.
  4. It is allowed to leave the prosthesis in the oral oily per night after the hygienic procedure.
  5. If the patient wants to relax from the prosthesis, then it is better to just take it off for the night.
  6. It is impossible to patient with festers to eat adhesive products. It is also necessary to exclude too hard food. Such products can cause a device in disrepair.
  7. Throughout the time of addiction (couple weeks) you need to eat well-crushed food. At the same time, portions should be small. After the end of the addiction process, you can go to normal nutrition.
  8. The prosthesis can be corrected. This is especially important if the sneakers rubs the gum and causes strong inconvenience.

Storage at night

Previously, it existed that the prostheses necessarily need to be stored in a glass with water. This is not true. Yes, the wet environment is important for the device. But only at the initial stage of socks, which lasts about several months. The fact is that fresh plastic can be in the air to purchase a marble view due to the process of passing monomers. The aquatic environment eliminates such a defect. The same wet environment is in the oral cavity. Therefore, it is enough just to constantly wear a prosthesis and, if you wish to take off for the night.

Modern prostheses can be stored in a box specially designed for these purposes. The product can be wrapped in a cotton cloth.


If the prostheses are still removed overnight, it is recommended to perform the following care actions:

  1. The design is thoroughly washed with boiled water. Flowing water for cleansing dental devices is not suitable. It has pathogenic microbes.
  2. For cleaning, liquid with antiseptic effect and brush are necessarily used.
  3. To store the device is not placed in water, but in a special solution. The liquid used helps not only kill the bacteria accumulated over the whole day, but also remove the remnant cream from the surface for fixing.
  4. Once a year, professional cleaning of dental devices should be made, which is carried out in clinics.

If you do not conduct the above-described care measures, then the following unpleasant phenomena will arise:

  • From prostheses will proceed an unpleasant odor.
  • Erosions and ulcers will appear on the mucous.
  • Caries is formed on the native teeth.
  • Taste sensations will not correspond to reality.
  • On the gums will begin a serious inflammatory process, which over time will lead to periodontitis.
  • Under time, the prosthesis will lose its initial aesthetic species (the product will darken, spots and dented stone will appear on it).

Specialists of the dental clinic can return the initial type of product. With the help of the product again acquire shine and well-groomed.


I know about the prosthesis for a long time. Grandmother and grandfather wear them for long enough. At the same time, the grandfather does not remove them at all. He does not experience unpleasant feelings from socks. Every evening, as it should be, conducts a thorough cleansing procedure. It did not work out to protect the natural teeth, now monitors artificial. And the grandmother puts on removable prostheses only during meals. She explains this to those in them to be uncomfortable. In the free from socks, grandmother, in the old manner, puts them into a jar with water. After reading your article, I will definitely bring it to it that you can store prostheses in dry form.

My aunt stores prostheses in a special dry container. Before putting them inside, it brushes them with a brush and paste, then rinsing with a special solution. After it wraps the prostheses in the handkerchief and puts into the container. She said that she was told about such a storage method in the clinic, where prostheses were installed.

I learned from special sources that prostheses need to be stored as follows: First, clean the food and bacteria from the accumulated residues and bacteria (cleaning only the brush with a soft puff bristle), then rinse with boiled water and put into the solution purchased in the pharmacy. In such a form, prostheses are stored with me all at night. In the morning I put them again. For storage, I use a specially purchased container. The capacity is so comfortable that it is easily placed in my handbag. At the same time, the pillion liquid from the container is not poured. So I can easily endure your own dentures.

Used sources:

  • "Orthopedic treatment with non-removable prostheses" (Rosenshtyl S.F.)
  • National Library Of Medicine (USA)
  • Chalifoux, Paul R. (2015). "Acrylic and Other Resins: Provisional Restorations". Acrylic and Other Resins: Provisional Restorations - Esthetic Dentistry

Modern achievements of dentistry are striking by their methods. Today, a person who for one or another has lost his teeth, does not have discomfort - aesthetic or physical, because it can replace them with prostheses. Removable dentures can be made from different materials, they are various forms and bends. Modern prostheses are very comfortable in wearing - they are easy to fix and shoot. However, that the prosthesis lasts you longer, it is necessary to take care of it as thoroughly as behind your own teeth.

How to store dentures at night

This question concerns many owners of dentures. Since childhood, we remember that our grandmothers and grandfathers lowered prostheses into a glass of water. Modern designs are made of materials that are not cracking from oxygen and can be stored without fluid. However, before starting to use the prosthesis on their own, you need to make sure the dentist is that your prosthesis is not afraid to remain without water. Otherwise, it can be stored in any antiseptic fluid. In pharmacies you can find special compositions that need to be diluted with water (about one spoon on a glass of water). The prosthesis is placed in this solution, not only to provide a wet environment, but also to disinfect the solid surface of the structure. If there is no special antiseptic at hand, you can lower the prosthesis in boiled water. This will help you in walking conditions. In no case do not use water from under the tap for storage, it contains a lot of chlorine, which corps the surface of the product.

If your prosthesis is not afraid of dryness, it can be stored in a special case. However, remember that the storage capacity of the prostheses must be cleaned regularly - microbes can also accumulate on its walls. Also, the prosthesis can be kept at night in simple cotton fabric, but it also needs to be erased or change to fresh. In general, many dentures are completely optional to remove for the night. If you are comfortable, you can sleep right in them.

How to clean dentures

So that the prosthesis served for a long time and was not the cause of the development of inflammation on the gums, it is necessary to correctly care for it. Cleaning the prosthesis is one of the main conditions for its careful storage.

  1. Twice a day, the prosthesis, as well as your own teeth, you need to clean from the dental plaque. To do this, the prosthesis must be previously removed. For cleaning of dentures, a special toothpaste is used, the composition of which gently cleans from microbes and germs the material of the structure. For prostheses there is a special brush with thin and long bristles, which are designed for deep cleaner of the gums for the gum. After cleaning the prosthesis, do not forget to clean your teeth (if any). To do this, use a separate brush.
  2. After each meal and any snack you need to rinse the prostheses with clean water. To do this, it is better to use bottled or boiled water, and not a flow. In addition, it contains chlorine, it can be infected with bacteria that, after close contact, can lead to gum inflammation (especially in the presence of small open wounds).
  3. Once a week, the prosthesis need to be mashed in an antiseptic solution (even if you are not used to remove the prosthesis for the night). It usually prescribes a doctor depending on the material of the structure. Similar drugs can be easily bought in a pharmacy. They are sold in the form of a liquid solution or a hip pill. To grip the prosthesis in the antiseptics should no less than 3-4 hours. After soaking, be sure to pass the prosthesis to the brush to remove all softening particles of the plaque.
  4. Even if you follow all the recommendations and make regular cleaning of prostheses, once every six months you need to attract the design to the dentist. Professional equipment will help you make deep and thorough cleaning, which will extend the service life of the prosthesis.
  5. Sometimes in the absence of proper care, the prosthesis can darken, and many owners are wondering - is it possible to whiten the prosthesis? In no case cannot use whitening toothpastes, since there are many abrasive particles in them, which simply scratch the surface of the prosthesis. The prosthesis is much softer tooth enamel, so it is impossible to clean it in ordinary pasta. For deep cleaning, you can use an ultrasonic sink, which will make rid of microorganisms on the surface of the prosthesis and significantly bleach it.

If you wear dental removable prostheses, use fixing gels, creams and pastes. Many of them contain antibacterial components in their composition, which suppress the development of microorganisms in the zone of contact with the prosthesis and gums. In addition, such clamps facilitate the process of addictive to the prosthesis.

If you started to wear a prosthesis, you need to reconsider your diet. On the one hand, it is necessary to exclude too solid and viscous products that can be stuck between the gums and design. And on the other hand, receiving only soft food does not give the desired load on the gums and the bone part of the jaw. You must eliminate solid products - crackers, lollipops, nuts. In addition, you need to abandon Irisok, fresh white bread, viscous porridges and other dishes that can penetrate the prosthesis. The meat must be well fluent in order to be comfortable to chew. However, do not hurry to move on soft and crushed food. We need regularly vegetables and fruits, pre-cut into small pieces. So far, give up carrots, but apples and pears are quite suitable.

The acrylic prosthesis needs more thorough and intense cleaning, since the surface of its material is porous. In the smallest pores, the remains of food and microbes accumulate. Over time, Acryl becomes scroop, which further contributes to the development of bacteria. If you do not care about the acrylic prosthesis with due carefully, after a while it appears an unpleasant smell. Nylon is more practical - its surface is smooth and smooth. However, it is not recommended to be brushed - only with special cleaning means. In addition, the nylon prosthesis cannot be lowered in hot water. Unlike acrylic, the nylon does not cling to the gums as a suction cup, because it is not able to fit so tightly. Therefore, with the complete absence of teeth on the upper jaw, it is recommended to put an acrylic prosthesis.

But plastic teeth are considered to be the most comfortable and effective in chewing. By cons of such prostheses, their size can be attributed - they are sufficiently massive and occupy a lot of space in the mouth. In addition, the plastic prosthesis partially overlaps the sky and part of the taste receptors. In the care, the plastic prosthesis is not capricious - if it is regularly and properly brushing, it can serve until five years.

The prosthesis is a real salvation for those who have not saved their teeth. With the help of a prosthesis, you can easily eat, smile, talk and laugh. A competently selected prosthesis with proper care will serve you at least five years. Store and clean the prostheses correctly!

Video: Dental prosthetic care

Modern prosthetics allows you to restore the functionality of the jaws in the most difficult situations. Removable designs are associated with a glass of water, in which they keep them most of the patients. Is it correct? Yes, since even modern products can not be suspended, because of this, they lose their properties. How to store dentures at night so that they serve for a long time?

The consequences of improper care

High-quality care significantly increases the service life of the prosthesis.

High-quality and systematic care for the removable construction extends its operating life and a patient will be removed from unpleasant consequences:

  • between the product and mucosa, particles of food, dead cells of the epithelium, raid, which gradually provoke the occurrence of unpleasant peeling odor from the oral cavity,
  • the infection that actively develops between the crude prosthetic and the mucous membrane gradually provokes the development of inflammatory processes (Gingivitis develops), which is accompanied by bleeding, edema, redness and sensation of general discomfort,
  • pathogenic microorganisms are rapidly multiplied and can contribute to the development of the carious process,
  • in the mouth appears a persistent unpleasant flavor,
  • the material loses its original color and aesthetic appeal.

The above unpleasant consequences can be avoided if it is properly organized for the construction of the design, including at night, when it is outside the oral cavity. Storage of dentures - an important point to which should be taken seriously.

Where and how to store the product at night?

For storage, use a special container.

Previously, removable prostheses were made of rubber, which dried in the air and gave cracks. For this reason, the dentures were accounted for at night to put into a glass with water. Modern designs are made from high-quality materials that are not spoiled in the case of outdoor stay, but also require special care.

During the adaptation period, dentists recommend not to remove it at night sleep, to get used to the presence of a foreign body in the mouth. If in the subsequent patient wants to sleep without a prosthesis, it must be placed in a container with a disinfectant solution. It can be a special container or any other clean capacity.

The wet environment helps the design to maintain its original shape. If you use a disinfecting solution, during the night it destroys all the infection on the design, dissolves the residues of food and fall. In the morning you put on perfectly pure prosthesis without strangers and bacteria.

Design Storage Container

For storage of removable products, there are special containers that possess the mass advantages:

  • in the container, you can pour a special disinfecting liquid to clean the design,
  • it is convenient to carry it with you, take travel and business trips,
  • included there is a special holder, with the help of which you can remove the prosthesis of the liquid, without wetting the hands,
  • the container is made of polypropylene, this material used in the manufacture of medical devices.

Care products

There is a large selection of prosthetic care products.

For high-quality cleaning design from food residues, plaque, bacteria There are a wide selection of special means:

  • prosthetic care brush that needs to be changed every month with regular use,
  • ershik,
  • non-abrasive paste (abrasive particles scratch the material of the product, which leads to its wear, the appearance of unpleasant odor, penetration into it infections),
  • soluble tablets for the preparation of a disinfectant solution,
  • the irrigator perfectly cleans both native teeth and hard-to-reach places of construction where the raid accumulates,
  • floss.

If there is no possibility to purchase a special container and a disinfecting solution, you can store the structure in conventional water. The main condition is to contain it clean and not to displace the material.

How to store dentures

Unfortunately, not all people who wear dentures know how to contact them. Many, in the old manner, believe that the adaptations should be put into the container with water overnight. However, modern designs are not cracking and do not dry under the influence of oxygen. Today it will be discussed how to store removable dentures at home correctly. Our grandfathers and grandmothers and truth placed their own dentures into fluid overnight. The properties of innovative products are such that they can be removed anywhere and lower such products.

How to store removable dentures at night

Proper storage depends on which materials are made of fixtures. On functionality and aesthetic appeal can be forgotten if you do not provide proper care and storage.

The main rule of care: refer to artificial devices is necessary as well as their own living teeth. Do not forget about the oral hygiene, which is held twice a day.

How to clean removable designs:

  • Rinse the prosthesis under boiled water after each meal and snack;
  • Use the brush with the toothpaste, effectively removing the residue of food and fall. This should be done when you are rinse the device;

Dental prostheses, just like the teeth, it is necessary to clean, otherwise pathogenic microorganisms will begin to accumulate on their surface.

Flushing ordinary water

Although it is the easiest and most affordable method, but not the most effective. It is not worth stopping on it. The procedure is important after taking food to eliminate the excess food in the intervals between the teeth.

From time to time it is necessary to carry out more complex manipulations. Use boiled water. Chlorine contained in water may adversely affect the color of the product.

Use of solutions

Once every seven days it is necessary to place the product in special antiseptic fluids for several hours. So you can get rid of malicious bacteria, food residues and adhesive substances. The product is sold in pharmacies. It can be special soluble pills.

Solutions are suitable even for people with very sensitive soft tissues. Even all the efforts of dentists will not help when a person suffers from an allergic reaction.

Treatment of prosthetic specialist

Other funds will be helped here, which are cleaned by ultrasound.

Cleaning with a brush

The brush must be seamless with soft bristles. It is necessary to clean the cleaning with a microabrasive tool by rotational movements, affecting the entire surface of the teeth.

It is not necessary to pressed much to the device. If the soft component is damaged, the need for recovery may appear. It is best to use children's pasta. That is what your dentist will advise you.

Do not forget to clean your tongue and cheeks from the accumulated plaque. If you neglect the procedure, an unpleasant fragrance will appear in the mouth. Very well rinse with water teeth after cleaning. Boldly wear the prosthesis again.

Cleaning professionals

Even if all the hygienic principles are met, once every six months, the artificial prosthesis should be given to professionals. For cleaning purposes, the same device is applied as with ultrasound removal of stone. With it, it is possible to spectacularly clean the most hard-to-reach zones. The dentist places the product into a special composition for disinfection. It is very useful to polish the surface of the teeth. Manipulation does not take more than an hour.

Do I need to take off the dentures on the night

This question is very often asked patients. Store structures are necessary for all the rules at any time of the day. At night, as you already understood, modern removable devices are not removed, since in systematic use, a person gets used to them much faster.

If you prefer to sleep without a prosthesis, then it needs to be removed and well clean, carefully folded into a special savings box. A simple glass of disinfectant is suitable.

To constantly maintain your correct shape, most devices must remain wet. If the design is removed for a long period of time, then it is placed in a container with boiling water or into a special fluid, which is intended for soaking the dentiform. Is on sale in a pharmacy.

Denture container

No need to put the prosthesis with metal parts into a chlorinated liquid. It will contribute to their darkening.

Keep in mind that the prosthesis can be damaged if you allow it to dry.

How to wear removable dentures

A person must learn independently and correctly set the prosthesis in the oral cavity. It is easy to perform while being in front of the mirror. The first time after the installation will be unusual and at night it is better not to remove the product so that the product adaptation occurred during sleep. Do you have to remove the dentures for the night in the future? This is done at the request of the client, but the dentists recommend to remove the prosthesis for the resumption of trophic processes in tissues and restore the qualities of the main material.

If some discomfort arose, the client needs to immediately visit the dental clinic. With the appearance of pain, a person can take a design for a while, but before a visit to the Dentist should wear it again so that the damaged zone is visible. Only a specialist has the right to adjust the prosthesis.

A person can use any food, except for very solid and viscous. It is advisable to start with soft and not viscous food. It is very useful to eat pieces of apples and pears. They have the necessary stiffness to train the chewing function and cannot cause injury of mucous membranes.

To get used to the prosthesis and not to break your speech, it is very important for the first time a lot and quickly talk. Read patters, newspapers, magazines.

Whitening of dentures

This manipulation is required if you during the long-term neglected leaving for devices. Such an attitude always entails the darkening of the product.

Specialists are not recommended to carry out whitening with special whitening pastes. These funds have increased abrasion, the design surface is not adapted for such procedures. The use of abrasive substances will cause serious harm to the design.

Whiten prostheses should only be whiten from specialists

If your prosthesis darkened, it is worth attributed to professionals. At home, you can purchase special cleaning tablets for this purpose. Buy an ultrasound washing for careful cleaning and disinfection.

Professional cleansing can be carried out using special ultrasound containers. In such baths, you not only successfully get rid of the plaque, but also be able to return its original shade and aesthetic appeal.

Never use folk methods for whitening devices. They are able to destroy even durable tooth enamel. Materials can suffer greatly at the same time.

Patients who encountered prosthetics are asked the following question - how to store removable dentures in principle and especially at night? After all, everyone saw how older people put such structures into a glass with water near the bed. Is such storage and how to care for modern prostheses?

Previously, such structures were made of rubber and so that they did not dry, it was necessary to put them into the water when removing them. Modern materials have completely different properties, therefore it is necessary to relate to them in a different way.

Features of care

The most important factor that affects the storage and care of the prosthesis is from what material they are made. For example, nylon or acrylic removable structures can not be placed in water or solution. It is enough to do once a week for antiseptic additional processing.

If there are metal parts on the prosthesis, it cannot be lowered into a tank with chlorinated water, because they will quickly darken, and will have an unsightly look.

So that the prosthesis lasts longer it needs not only to store correctly, but also carefully care for it. Doctors recommend carrying out the following manipulations:

  • After receiving food, the plug-in structures are desirable to remove and rinse with boiled water. This regular procedure will help to avoid too early darkening of artificial materials, and will not give to spread with bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • In the morning and in the evening you need to clean the prosthesis with a special brush and toothpaste. Particularly soft bristles are selected, and the doctor can recommend using children without abrasive or aggressive chemical components.
  • Periodically, once a week, it is better to place a prosthesis in a special solution for antiseptic processing. Due to this, additional fixing substances are thoroughly washed.
  • Every six months it is necessary to bring a design to the doctor. In the dental office it can be thoroughly cleaned with the help of professional agents and devices, and also corrected if necessary. Long use of a prosthesis without professional care contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

How to store dentures at night?

It is believed that modern fixtures are quite comfortable for round-the-clock use. In the process of adaptation, doctors are not recommended to leave the jaw without prostheses so that it is rapidly accustomed to a certain impact.

Separately store the insertion elements is permissible only when the patient is fully used to them and wants to recover the mucous surface at night.

Remember that from the effects of direct sunlight, boiling water, aggressive chemical compositions and a close light lamp design can change the shape or spoil.

Where to store removable prostheses?

If you decide to remove them for the night, it is better to put in a special container for storing prostheses. It is believed that in the container it is hidden from excess dust and bacteria. But you can simply wrap a prosthesis into a clean soft fabric.

So that in the morning when using it was not an unpleasant feeling of dryness, you can slightly rinse it in front of the fixation.

If there are no metal parts on the design, then the prosthesis in a glass with water can be placed on the night. The main thing is that the fluid is clean, without unnecessary impurities and not hot.

In what solution?

The solution is acquired in a pharmacy in a finished form or buy soluble tablets. Such means are hypoallergenic and do not cause reactions in sensitive patients. They are specially invented for high-quality care of designs at home.

Video: Dental prosthetic solution with your own hands.

It was difficult to get used to the prosthesis first. At night, the doctor recommended not to remove it. When I finally got used to the plug-in jaw, I decided to rest at night from the extra voltage. I use a special container for storage, it protects the prosthesis from dust and different bacteria.

I have long been using prosthesis. And even though the doctor said that it was not necessary to put in water or a solution for the night, I am more pleasant when the design is wet in the morning. Therefore, I am usually holding it in a glass with boiled water and in the morning sensation when using normal, there is no excess dryness.

Since childhood, I remembered the grandmother kept the jaw in a glass with water near the bed. When she lived to such age, it turned out that today it is not necessary. The doctor explained to me that there are metal fasteners on the prosthesis, and they are afraid of water, so you have to keep it in a special container.

I often leave home and on trips it turned out to be conveniently stored a prosthesis in a special container. He is small, does not occupy a lot of space and no one can guess what he is needed for. It's my little secret. And I buy solutions in the form of tablets that are easy to use, and they are also invisible to the surrounding look.

Additional questions

Is it possible to store dentures without water?

Given that modern designs are made of acrylic and nylon, then water for storage is not needed. This material does not dry and not deform. Therefore, they are left overnight in a special container without liquid or wrapped in a soft tissue.

Features of care - how to store removable dentures

Features of dentures

All orthopedic dental structures can be divided into two types: removable and non-removable. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, removable prosthetics is the most optimal in terms of the cost of services and materials. But the unloaded products are reliable and look more aesthetic.

Dental prosthesis in a glass with water

Features of storage of dentures

So that the prosthesis will serve as long as possible, it is necessary to know some of its storage rules:

  1. After taking food, the plug-in design is removed and rinsed with boiled water. This procedure should be performed regularly to prevent early dental money darkening and do not give the bacteria to multiply in the oral cavity.
  2. In the morning and in the evening, clean the prosthesis with the help of a special brush and toothpaste. Choose a brush with a soft bristle, and the paste use a nursery, as it does not contain aggressive chemical and abrasive components.
  3. Once a week, the prosthesis is placed in an antiseptic solution. It will make it possible to wash off all microbes, and also contributes to the acquisition of additional fixing substances.
  4. Once every six months spend professional cleaning in the office at the dentist. There the doctor uses special tools and devices, and can also hold adjustments if necessary.

With long-term use, the prosthesis without professional care occurs the cluster of pathogenic microflora.

How to store removable dentures at night

Do I need to shoot at night

Modern dental structures are not necessarily removed overnight, since when they regularly use their addictiveness occurs much faster. In addition, during sleep, the joint heads of the jaw bones often occurs. But if necessary, the prosthesis can be removed for the night. Just clean it, and then put in a special storage capacity with a disinfectant solution.

Dental prosthesis in a glass with a special pill tablet.

Container for storing removable dentures

Modern constructions from acrylic and nylon must be stored in a dry form. To do this, use a special case, which is hermetically closed with a lid. Thanks to the reservoir, hygienic conditions are created so that during the storage of a protester, dust did not accumulate, there were no mechanical influences and contact with bacteria. In such a container, the dental structures may be in a disinfectant solution or boiled water.

You can not put the prosthesis in hot water, as it will lead to its deformation.

Solutions for storing dentures

You can purchase a special solution in the finished form or as a powder, tablets, liquid concentrate. They are sold at the pharmacy. Due to this storage, antibacterial protection is ensured, remnants of the fixing agent from the product are removed. Leave the design in the solution at night.

When using a concentrated solution, do not keep the prosthesis in it for more than 15 minutes. This time is enough to remove all bacteria and softening the formed bypass.

How to remove the prosthesis

If you need to remove artificial teeth, then the following conditions have to be followed:

  1. Immediately after removing the design, it is cleaned that there is no plaque and food parties.
  2. If the prosthesis is removed on short time, it is wrapped in a cotton napkin and put it in a special container. A disinfecting solution is suitable for storage.
  3. If storage is to have a long, then the design is in the container with a solution or boiled water.

How to care for removable dentures independently

Tablets for cleansing dentures

There are special pills in pharmacies to dissolve in water. To prepare a solution to take 100 ml of water and lower the tablet there. Place the prosthesis for 15 minutes, and then rinse it with water. Conduct similar events every day.

Tablets for cleaning dentures Dentipur

Due to this method, it is possible to eliminate bacteria from the surface of the prosthesis and clean it as carefully as possible. The composition of such drugs contain oxidizing agents. They form small bubbles that clean the surface. These pills remain the most popular:

Purification of dentures to the toothbrush and paste

The cleaning process with these objects is characterized by mechanical effect on the prosthesis. Due to this, the method is very effective. With it, you can stop the flight. Use better paste with fluorine connections. It will not only be cleaned, but also create protection of the oral cavity from pathogenic microflora.

Also worth choosing a special brush. Its head must be equipped with a bristle of two types. On one of her parts, the hairs should be more rigid. The main task of such a brush in cleaning the design from the outside. It is best enough to be in the form of a zigzag. Soft bristle cleans the inside of the prosthesis. In shape it should be convex.

Cleaning a prosthesis with a special brush

The cleaning process occurs as follows:

  1. Remove the prosthesis from the mouth, to handle it paste with the brush.
  2. For 15 minutes perform thorough cleaning.
  3. Combine pasta with circular motions and proceed to cleaning. For a minute, cleared the prosthesis as intense as possible. Next to slip it with clean water.
  4. Conduct such events 2 times a day. It is best to do it after meals.

While cleaning the prosthesis it is put on a clean terry napkin. So you can protect the fragile design from falling.

Express foam

This drug is used in the case when you need to quickly and quality remove contamination and bacteria from the surface of the prosthesis. But apply express foam only in a tandem with a soft nylon toothbrush.

Ultrasonic cleaning of prostheses

In order to care for the prosthesis as efficient, it is necessary to use an ultrasonic bath. It is great for cleansing from tartar, pigment plaque and smell. In addition, it copes with bacteria by 100%. Thanks to this method, you can refuse to buy chemicals, and also do not rub the design to a toothbrush.

It is worth an ultrasonic bath approximately 2800 rubles. You can use the instrument for contactless cleaning and disinfection of the items of various purposes.

Ultrasonic Bath for Dental Prostheses

Caring for non-removable dentures at home

Selection of toothbrush and toothpaste

Cleans the dentures you need the same way as your own teeth, using a paste and brush. In this case, the brush must perform motion. They are carried out from gums to the edge of the tooth. Thus, you can delete all the harmful microorganisms, the fall and the remains of food.

It is important that the zone has been cleaned qualitatively with which the gums contact with the prosthesis. It is at this place that the raid accumulates.

Single-row intersuban brush

This device is used to clean large intersubolic gaps in people with healthy teeth and those who wear orthopedic structures. The range of intersubolic brushes is quite wide, they all differ not only by the manufacturer, but also the other parameters:

  • material, thick, length and rigidity of the bristles;
  • long, shape and diameter of the nozzle;
  • the material used for the manufacture of the handle;
  • form of the handle itself.

Special rinsers

The use of disinfecting antiseptics for rinsing the oral cavity will eliminate harmful microbes and food residues. After such treatment, the surface of the prosthetic surfaces is sterile, and the pathogenic microflora leaves it for a long time, and then it can no longer attach.

The most effective are such drugs:

Features of departure depending on the material of dentures

From silicone

Silicone prostheses need careful care. For their cleaning, the dishwasher or liquid soap is suitable. There are no abrasives in these drugs, while they cope with bacteria perfectly.

Before the departure to lift prostheses and put in antiseptic solution. Make sure that the design does not save and did not contact with hot water, otherwise it will cause the deformation.

This material is very easy to scratch, so when cleaning only pastes without abrasive and soft brushes are applied. Since acrylic absorbs foreign odors and can be painted from food and beverages, then disinfection to pay special attention. Prostheses soak in special fluids, such as FittyDent.

Cleansing tablets Fittydent

Metal ceramics

Cleaning such structures should be held in the morning and in the evening, as well as after each meal. For the night of prosthesis, remove, wipe dry and storing until the morning, but you can omit them into a special solution.


Plastic prostheses rinse after eating, clean toothpaste and keep in disinfecting solutions. The ideal option is their regular cleansing after each meal. If such an opportunity is absent, then careful cleaning is carried out 2 times a day. For removal of plaque in hard-to-reach places, rams and dental filaments are used.

The flare is eliminated by washing with water, using a brush with special paste. The manipulation of the prosthesis in an antiseptic solution ends. Plastic construction to carry 2 times a year for professional cleaning to the dentist for removing stones and other deposits.


The cleaning of dentures is a necessary procedure that allows you to extend the life of the structure and its appearance. In addition, regular prosthetic care will prevent bacteria accumulation in the oral cavity and the development of the inflammatory process. Just choose for this high-quality and effective means, and for each design they are their own.

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How to store a prosthesis?

Temporary dental structures, also referred to as dentures, replace "native" teeth after their removal, dropping out. Many patients believe that if the design is artificial, she does not need a serious care. On the contrary, dentures, especially temporary, require even more thorough care and storage. Otherwise, the risk of developing the disease of the oral cavity appears. In the article we will talk about how to store removable dental prostheses and how to care for them to avoid problems and extend the life of the product.

Prosthesis care features

Before talking about how to properly store removable dentures, it is important to clearly understand how to care for such products. Artificial dental design, even made of expensive materials, over time loses its appearance and comes in disrepair.

The most common change that occurs with the prostheses, but does not interfere with their operation (with the exception of the psychological component), is the darkening or yellowing of artificial enamel. The appearance of aesthetic defect contributes to bad habits (especially smoking) and food used (containing dyes).

If we talk about more serious defects that are reflected on the operation of the structure, they include:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the prosthesis structures - chips, cracks.
  2. Damage or wear of the fastening mechanism - in such cases the prosthesis is poorly fixed, dangles or even falls.

To avoid similar problems and delay the color change, it is important to know how to properly store dentures and care for them. First, consider the most important rules for care for artificial design.

Important! Any dental structures, regardless of what they are made, require careful circulation in the process of cleaning. You should not use brushes with rigid bristles (only soft), do not apply a lot of power in the cleaning process. Try not to drop the product, carry it out of your mouth and insert the most carefully.

How to store dentures at night?

How to store dentures at night? This question interests many. But first of all it is important to understand that not every patient, with the established temporary dental prosthesis, doctors recommend removing it before bedtime. It is not recommended to do this while an adaptation period is going on, which often lasts up to 2-3 weeks, but in some cases it may occupy a month or more. At this time, a person gets used to the foreign body in the oral cavity.

Initially, patients feel discomfort associated with new, unusual sensations. The constant use of the design, even at night, speeds up the process of addiction, the structure of the oral cavity is adapted faster. This is explained by the fact that while the person sleeps, he is at rest, does not compress his jaw, eliminating an excessive load on the gum. An exception in this case is only people suffering from bruxism. Compressing the jaws in a dream is not only accompanied by an increased load, but also gradually damages the design.

There is an controversial opinion of this hypothesis. Some orthodontic doctors oppose the patient to remove the product before bedtime even during the adaptation period. It is argued by cases when discomfort in the oral cavity forced the sleeping to provide involuntary attempts to get rid of the design. Hypothetically, in this case, the likelihood of choking is created if the product falls into the throat and block the supply of oxygen.

The first statement is more logical, therefore the adaptation period lasts the product is better to leave constantly in the mouth. However, as it is addicted to the exploited orthodontic apparatus, it should be removed periodically. Regarding how to store removable dentures at night, observe a number of recommendations:

  1. Before going to bed, it is important to systematically comply with all the mentioned recommendations for observance of hygiene. Remove the orthodontic apparatus in the bath, thoroughly wash with water, clean.
  2. At night, the product should be stored in a specially designated container. To do this, it is worth purchasing a special container, but so far there is no one, a clean cup or a glass is suitable, from which you will not drink (pre-boil the container).
  3. Storage of dentures at night obliges a person to use special solutions with a disinfecting effect. Pour fluid into the selected container to eliminate the drying of the product and getting harmful bacteria. Make sure that the liquid completely covers the design.
  4. Use a disinfecting solution twice is prohibited. Over time, he loses its properties and simply pollutes.
  5. In the morning the prosthesis is recommended to rinse from the residual residues. And also to rinse the oral cavity with an antiseptic, before putting on the structure.

Important! In the question of how to properly store dentures, removing them overnight, the first stage is important, which includes cleaning the design. To eliminate damage and deformation of the design, do not wash it in hot water. The perfect option is cool water.

How to keep prostheses?

If for some reason the need to pull the prosthesis during the day, and not at night, recommendations on how to store dentures remain unchanged. But it is also worth understanding that there are nuances with respect to different designs.

Especially thorough care is required for products from plastics. They are very popular due to low prices, but due to the porous structure of plastic, the bacterial flora is very much, quickly changes the color. Plastic structures are most susceptible to destruction. For these reasons, it is important to handle them take care of them, regularly clean and use disinfectants. The same applies to products made of acrylic and nylon.

Constructions made of metal or comprising metal components to the base are poorly reacting to chlorine, they are rapidly darker from it. Therefore, it is recommended to be cleaned in distilled or boiled water, and disinfectants are selected so that there is no chemical element in their composition.

The best and most unpretentious material for the manufacture of dental structures is ceramics. He is relatively unpretentious, care for him is easier, but on the question of how to store a dental denture, even in this case, follow the recommendations described earlier.

Important! After the hygiene procedures and before put on the prosthesis, check that there are no foreign objects, plates, etc. Even a small Syrinka is able to deliver discomfort when wearing, grasp the gums.

How to choose a storage container?

Regarding how to properly store dentures at night, the ideal solution is to purchase a special container. This product from medical polymeric materials has a shape of a small box. The internal finish of the container repeats the shape of the dental design. Some containers are equipped with a grid for the convenience of pulling off the prosthesis.

The main advantages of these tanks are:

  • saving disinfectant solution;
  • the safety of the product - damage minimized;
  • duration of construction operation - the effect of external factors is eliminated;
  • ease of transportation - the box is small and closed hermetically.

Storage of dental removable prostheses to some extent depends on the choice of container. Do not pay attention to its appearance, all of them are practically identical. When choosing, follow these characteristics:

  1. The quality of plastic, from which the container is made - choose smooth and dense plastic.
  2. Form of interior decoration - make sure that it repeats the shape of your prosthesis, it has been proportionate. Too small capacity, as is overly large, contribute to the damage to the design and disinfection disorders.
  3. The presence of a mesh is an optional parameter, but it facilitates operation. The mesh allows you to get a prosthesis with one movement, while all the disinfecting fluid remains in the case and does not spill.

What solution to keep?

In the question of how to store dentures at home, the choice of a disinfectant solution is the simplest solution. All these liquids have hypoallergenic qualities, which eliminates the negative reactions of the body. Only their taste and manufacturer can differ, all properties are also identical. Such fluids are sold in pharmacies, it remains only to find the desired volume and price.

Removable dentures are used with a complete or partial loss of teeth, in the latter case it is especially true of the loss of chewing teeth. Removable prostheses can be used even in case of loss of one chewing tooth. The arsenal of modern dentistry has technologies for the manufacture of removable prostheses, which have extraordinary convenience, high wear resistance and aesthetic properties. Burous and unsightly removable prostheses that our grandfathers and grandparents were left in a glass with water, forever went into the past. Full removable lamellar prostheses are used with the complete absence of teeth on one or both jaws. Their task is to fill the absence of all teeth. Partial removable prostheses are used in the absence of single teeth or teeth group in the dental row. This type of prosthetic is used in the loss of major chewing teeth and in defects of dental rows of high length. They can also be used as a temporary prosthesis or in the absence of one tooth. Plastic partial prostheses are used to restore lost dentition fragments and are the most simple and affordable.

Immediat-prosthesis can be used as a temporary design, which is superimposed on the jaw immediately after removing the teeth or in preparation for prosthetics with a constant prosthesis.

Burel prostheses (from him. "Bugel" - arc) can be used in almost all cases associated with the achievement of teeth, both complete and partial. Burel prosthesis is the most reliable, expensive and comfortable design. Its main differences is that the chewing load is distributed evenly between the gum surface of the jaw and preserved teeth, unlike partial prostheses, where the entire load falls on the gum. In the manufacture of such prosthesis, accurate calculation and modeling of all the elements of the prosthesis are performed. Burel prosthesis is used in periodontal and elevated teeth mobility.

Removable segments are one-sided prostheses used in the loss of a row of chewing teeth on one side of the jaw.

Conditionally removable prostheses are usually used with a loss of one chewing tooth. Such a prosthesis can be fixed on adjacent support teeth with metal paws. Supporting elements of such a prosthesis can be glued to the teeth or fix with the help of light-cured cements. Such a patient's prosthesis is not needed, so it is called conditionally removable.

Modern dentures are made of dental acrylic plastics by injection molding, hot and cold polymerization compression. The use of such plastics allows the prosthesis for a very long time to maintain its properties - shape, color, density and durability. Artificial teeth that are used in the manufacture of such prostheses are manufactured in the form of ready-made sets that differ in color shades, form, sizes. This allows you to choose exactly the set of teeth who wishes the patient.

Modern removable prostheses are in different ways are fixed in the mouth. Can be fixed using clamps - metal hooks, which "hold" support teeth for extreme to defect. The clammers are made of stainless steel or noble metals with high spring properties. Thanks to such properties, the clummer reliably holds the prosthesis in the mouth. The clummers are fixed at the very base of the tooth and are not visible with a laugh and conversation. This type of fastening can be used in partially lamellar prostheses.

Removable prostheses can be fixed using attachments - locks consisting of two elements. One of these elements is inside an artificial tooth or the base of the prosthesis, and the other - on the closed crown of the supporting tooth or in the root of the tooth. This option compared to the clamps has a number of advantages - higher reliability and aesthetic properties.

Removable prostheses need periodic cleaning, as they lie on the grooming surface of the jaw and create poorly washed zones. It is also necessary to periodically take prostheses after meals for cleaning surfaces. After that, you need to rinse your mouth well and return the prosthesis in place. It is optimally cleaning prostheses every day, at least - before bedtime, and as a maximum - after each meal.

Can I leave a removable prosthesis for the night? After the evening hygienic procedures for cleaning the prosthesis and the oral cavity, this is quite acceptable. Here it all depends on the desire of the propesther's owner to leave it in the oral cavity at night or, on the contrary, relax from his presence. Many dentists recommend in the first weeks after prosthetics leave the removable prosthesis in the mouth at night for a better addiction.

Patients with removable prostheses are not recommended to use viscous and adhesive products, such as iris, chewing gum and the like. These products can stick to the prosthesis and contribute to its breakdown. At first, you should not use solid food. About some special diet is not here, but in the first weeks after prosthetics, it is necessary to make well-chopped food in small portions. To train the chewing skill, you can use fruit slices sliced \u200b\u200b- they are sufficiently hard, but not solid enough to break the prosthesis.

If the removable prosthetic causes uncomfortable sensations in the oral cavity or rubs the gum, you need to contact your dentist to correct it.

Previously, when the base of the removable prosthesis was made of rubber, put them for the night in a glass with water it was absolutely necessary, since the rubber in the air could crack and lose the form. When plastic prostheses appeared, they also began to put into a glass with water for the night - apparently, according to old memory, although the plastic air is not terrible. Then there were publications that the water in the glass is a favorable medium for breeding bacteria, and prostheses must be kept dry.

How to be with modern removable prostheses? Some dentists recommend that in the first months the prosthesis is constantly in a wet environment - in the mouth or in a glass with water at night. They explain this by the fact that wet conditions contribute to the final formation and consolidation of the properties of the prosthesis.