Folic acid will help to struggle with heart disease. The benefits of vitamins V. in the maximum amount of folic acid is contained in products

Vitamin B12 I. folic acid - Chemically various vitamins required for DNA biosynthesis. Their lack leads to a violation of this process, suppressing normal mitosis and to the abnormal maturation and functioning of the generated cells. These changes are especially noticeable in tissues whose cells are rapidly divided, for example, in the bone marrow and the gastrointestinal epitheliums, but all dividing cells are damaged to one degree or another. The main manifestation of vitamin B12 deficiency or folic acid is severe anemia, but pancytops are also possible (decrease in the formation of both erythrocytes and leukocytes and platelets) and violations by the gastrointestinal tract. With a deficiency of vitamin B12, but non-folic acid, neurological disorders may be observed (section "Clinical Pharmacology").

Anemia caused by a disadvantage of vitamin B12 or folic acid is characterized by certain changes in peripheral blood and bone marrow, which are called megaloblastic anemia. Since the main defect with these Avitaminos is a disruption of DNA synthesis, the cell division is suppressed with the preserved protein and RNA synthesis. This leads to the formation of large (macocytic) erythrocytes with a high RNA indicator: DNA. Such erythrocytes are anomalous and extremely sensitive to destructive impacts. For morphological research bone marrow marked an abundance of cells, increasing the number of abnormal erythrocyte predecessors (megaloblasts), but an extremely small number of cells that ripen to normal red blood cells. In Megaloblastic anemia, against the background of defects in the ripening processes of the nucleus and cell division, the ripening of the cytoplasm of bone marrow erythrocytes and hemoglobin synthesis are normally proceeding.

Theoretically, megaloblastic anemia may arise due to any disorder of DNA synthesis, in practice, almost all cases are associated with vitamin B12 deficiency or folic acid. The biochemical and physiological foundations of these violations are now well known, the mechanisms of development of these anemia can be described at the molecular level.

A. Vitamin B12. This vitamin consists of a porphyrine-like ring with a central cobalt atom associated with nucleotide. With a cobalt atom, various ligands can be born with covalent connections, forming different cobalamins. The person has active forms of vitamin. Deoxyadenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin are revealed. Cyanocobalamin and Hydroxy-Balamin (both are used in the clinic) and other cobalamins that are in food productscan turn into these active forms. The main source of vitamin B12- microbial synthesis; This vitamin is not synthesized by plants or animals. In food, vitamin B12, synthesized by microbes, is mainly in meat (especially liver), eggs and dairy products. Vitamin B12 is sometimes called an external factor in contrast to internal factorwhich secrets in the stomach.

B. Folic acid. Folic acid (pteroilglutamine acid) is a substance consisting of a pteridine heterocycle, p-aminobenzoic acid and glutamic acid. To the pestoile part of the molecule can be attached miscellaneous number Molecules of glutamic acid. At the same time, monoglutamats, diglutamates and triggetamates are formed. A fully oxidized pteridine ring of folic acid can be restored under the action of the dihydrofolatide enzyme with the formation of 7,8-dihydrofoliic acid (H2-folate), and then with the formation of a fully reduced 5,6,6.8-tet ragidrofolytic acid (H-folate). H4-folate can then form cofactors containing single-carbon fragments attached to the atom N 5 (5-CH3-H4-folate and 5-SNO-H4-Folate), atom N 10 (10-SNO-H4-Folate) or in both Positions (5.10-CH2-H4-Folate and 5.10-CH + \u003d H4-Folate). Cofactors do not change in various enzymatic reactions and perform an important biochemical function: give single-carbon fragments at different stages of oxidation. In most cases, n, -pholate is regenerated in these reactions and then can again be disposed of. In various plant and animal tissues there are different forms of folic acid; The richest sources of vitamin - yeast, liver, kidneys and green vegetables.


A. Vitamin B12. The American diet contains an average of 5-30 MKG vitamin B12 per day, of which 1-5 μg is usually absorbed. Significant amounts of vitamin are stored mainly in the liver (in an adult about 3000-5000 μg). Only trace quantities are lost with urine and feces. Since the normal needs in Vitamin B12 constitute only 2 μg per day, it will be necessary as much as 5 years, in the event of a vitamin B12 absorption, the body has spent all its reserves and megaloblastic anemia has developed. Vitamin B12 is absorbed in physiological quantities only in the presence of an internal factor. The internal factor is a glycoprotein with mol. m. Approximately 50,000, which is secreted by parietal cells of the gastric mucosa. In the complex with vitamin B12, released from food sources in the stomach and duodenalisticianIt is absorbed in the distal separator of the ceff in a highly specific receptor transport mechanism. The shortage of vitamin B12 in humans is most often due to its malabsorption due to the lack of an internal factor or violation of the specific absorption mechanism in the distal separation of the ceff.

After the absorption of vitamin B, associated with the plasma glycoprotem with TransCobalamin II, is transported throughout the body. Excess vitamin deposited in the liver. A significant allocation of vitamin B12 with urine occurs only in cases where it is parenterally administered in very large quantities that are superior to the binding ability of transkobalamines (50-100 μg).

B. Folic acid. The American diet contains an average of 500-700 μg of folate per day, of which, depending on metabolic needs, 50-200 μg is absorbed (pregnant women can absorb up to 300-400 μg per day). Typically, approximately 5-20 mg of folates is stored in the liver and other tissues. The folates are allocated with urine and feces, and also collapsed catabolically, that is, after stopping the reception, the level of acid in the blood is reduced. Since the reserves of vitamin in the body are low, and the need for it is high, 1-6 months after stopping the flow of folic acid into the body (depending on the patient's nutrition and the foliation rate of foliage), the deficiency of folic acid and megaloblastic anemia can develop.

Folic acid is easily and completely absorbed in the proximal separation of the intestine. However, food folates mainly consist of polyglutamant forms of 5-CH3-H4-Folate and only a very small amount of unchanged folate. Prior to absorption, everything, except for one glutamate residue of polyglutamates, should be hydrolyzed by the CC-L-L-glutamatransferase enzyme ("conjugase") within the development of the intestinal mucosa camp. Monoglutamat 5-CH3-n-folate then falls into bloodstone By active or passive transport and further applies throughout the body.


A. Vitamin B12. A person has two main enzyme reactions that require the presence of vitamin V. In one of them, deoxyadenosylcobalamin is a necessary cofactor for the transformation of methylmalonyl-soa in succinyl-soa enzyme methylmalonyl-soa. With a deficiency of vitamin BT2, the reaction does not undergo, and the substrate - methylmalonyl-soa accumulates as a result, anomalous fatty acids that are embedded in cell membranes are synthesized. It is believed that in the CNS, this violation leads to neurological manifestations Vitamin B. deficiency

Another enzymatic reaction for which Vitamin B2 is required is the transformation of 5-CH3-H4-folate in H4-folate and homocysteine \u200b\u200bto the methionine enzyme 5-CH3-H4-folate homocysteine-methyl-transferase. In this reaction, Kobalamin and methylcobalamin go into each other, and vitamin can be considered a true catalyst. With vitamin B12 deficiency, the transformation of the main food and stored 5-CH-N-Folate in the predecessor of the cofactors, ngfolate, cannot happen. As a result, 5-CH3-ng folate is accumulated and the shortage of the cofactors needed for the DNA synthesis is developed. This biochemical mechanism (the so-called "methylpholate trap") connects vitamin B12 and folic acid and explains why the megaloblastic anemia (but not neurological disorders) can be partially eliminated with folic acid with folic acid.

B. Folic acid. As mentioned, the main role of folates is the formation of the cofactors necessary for the transfer reactions of single-carbon fragments during the synthesis of nitrogenous DNA bases. Such a synthesis of Purinov de Novo includes two enzymatic reactions involving these cofactors. In them, 10-cell-n-folate and 5.10-CH + n-folate become single-carbon fragments donors so as to ultimately form the C2 and C8 of the purine heterocycle. In both of these reactions, the H-folate is regenerated again and can again take over a single carbon fragments and become a cofactor.

Another important reaction for which folate is a synthesis of thymidyl acid (2-deoxy-thymidin monophosphate - DTMF), an important predecessor of DNA. In this reaction, the tympidisintytase enzyme catalyzes the transfer of single-carbon fragments of 5.10-CH2-H4-folate to the C5 of Pyrimidine 2-deoxyuridin monophosphate (DUMF) with the formation of DTMF. Unlike other enzymatic reactions with the participation of folate cofactors in this reaction, the cofactor is oxidized to H2 of the folate, and for each mol of the formed DTMF consumed mole n4 folate. In rapidly proliferating tissues, significant amounts of N4 folate are consumed in this reaction, and the permanent synthesis of DNA requires constant reduction of the pholate in N4 folate (this reaction is catalyzed by dihydropholate-hydroatase). The produced ngfolatt can then turn into a CH2-ngfolant cofactor using serine transgidromethalase, thus adjusting the synthesis of DTMF. A complex of reactions catalyzed by DTMF synthetase, dihydropholate-hydrotase and serine transgidromelase, is often referred to as the DTMF synthesis cycle.

To reduce the risk of stroke, thrombosis and heart disease, the elderly should increase the folic acid reception three times compared with existing standards.

For 3 years in Scotland, a study was conducted, participants in whose persons 65-75 years - at least 6 weeks were taken folic acid in various daily doses. Only among those who received maximum doses (400-600 μg) There was a decrease in the level of homocysteine \u200b\u200bplasma - a cardiovascular risk marker.

Professor Michael Golden, who headed the study, writes in Quarterly Journal of Medicine that folic acid reception allows you to improve health status, improve the quality of life and increase its duration, and significantly reduce health care costs.

His colleague, Dr Ross Taylor, from the medical school of the University of Aberdeen, said that in the UK, people over 50 are officially recommended to additionally take 200 μg / day of folic acid. About 300 μg of this substance arrives with food products to the body daily. "However, our study showed that the dose of folic acid must be 3 times higher to achieve normalization of the homocysteine \u200b\u200blevel and, therefore, minimize cardiovascular risk"Scientist says.

Since for most people there is no possibility to consume vegetables and fruits in volume capable of providing such a daily dose of folate, a folic acid should be added to food - first of all, in bakery products. Another version of solving the problem is the reception of tableted forms of folic acid.

Attention! At the same time, it is known that excess folic acid can cause persons with insufficiency of vitamin B12 irreversible defeat nervous system, not only more often occurring and easily anemia. Therefore, a joint reception of folic acid and vitamin B12 is desirable.

About the benefits of vitamins in

B vitamins B have wide spectrum Useful substanceswithout which the correct work of the human body is unthinkable. These substances are responsible for the normal functioning of the brain, the hormonal background, the correct metabolism and T d. The benefits of the vitamins of the group B for the human body and about food products in which you can find them and will be discussed in this review.

It is impossible to say that the group vitamins in were open in an instant. On the contrary, these are useful substances It was discovered in stages, for the first half of the 20th century. Often they were called differently. It gave rise to some confusion in the names of vitamins, which remained to the present day.

List of vitamins group B

Now officially called seven vitamins, which relate to the group V. These are the following utility substances:

  • B1 (thiamine);
  • B2 (riboflavin);
  • IN 3 ( a nicotinic acid);
  • B6 (pyridoxine);
  • B9 (folic acid);

What is the main role of vitamins in the group? All of them actively participate as coenzymes in the exchange of substances in cells. In addition, they activate the work of the brain cells, improve the transmission of nerve pulses, both inside the brain and the nervous system of peripheral character. Each of the vitamins of this group narrowly specialized, and is vital required substance For the healthy functioning of the human body.

Vitamin B1 - Activator of the normal functioning of the brain

Vitamin B1 maintains the normal functioning of the brain by activating the carbon metabolism. As a result of such activation in cells the best way Glucose is absorbed. And this substance is a source of energy. It is necessary in order to improve the rest of the exchange. Under the influence of vitamin B1, the mental human activity is activated, memory and indestination of thoughts appears. Vitamin B1 is represented by many products that man uses with pleasure in food. In particular, it can be found among such products as:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • whole grain products;
  • raisins;
  • brewer's yeast.

Vitamin B2 - Antioxidant

Vitamin B2 is a direct participant in metabolism. In particular, it concerns protein and fat. In addition, Vitamin B2 restores the function various systems Human organism, starting with nervous and ending cardiovascular. The participation of vitamin B2 in the activities of the cardiovascular system is due to its action in blood formation. Additionally, Vitamin B2 is an assistant good condition. skin Pokrov and eye. If the body lacks vitamin B2, then this may cause a violation exchange processes in the brain and anemia. The kids can slow down growth and cracks concentrated in the corners of the mouth. In addition, frequent inflammation of mucous membranes is recorded. In an adult daily need for vitamin B2 - 2 MGA. Vitamin B2 is contained in many products. These are like:

  • beef liver;
  • bananas;
  • eggs.

Vitamin B3 - restores the hormonal background and is the energy

Vitamin B3 or Nicotine Acid is the most active supporter Redox reaction, helps to extract the energy component of food eaten by man. It is designed to improve the carbon process, and it causes a decrease in blood cholesterol indicators, takes part in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes, contributes to the expansion blood vessels. If the human body lacks vitamin B3, this leads to depressive states, as well as poor mood. For men, the daily need for vitamin B3 is a dose of 28 mg, for women -0 16 mg. For pregnant women ladies - 18 mg. Vitamin B3 products, this is:

  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • muscles;
  • milk;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

Vitamin B5 - metabolic controller

Vitamin B5 plays one of the main roles in the metabolism process. In particular, it applies to fat metabolism. IN large quantities Vitamin B5 can be found in the adrenal cortex, and it stimulates the creation of corticosteroid hormones. The need for an adult in the named vitamin is 10 mg within 24 hours. Vitamin B5 is contained in products such as:

  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • fish caviar;
  • kidney;
  • peas;
  • yeast.

B5 Increased quantities needed to people who suffer allergies, neuralgias, as well as for kidney disease.

Vitamin B6 - Natural Bioenergy

In the human body, vitamin B6 is transformed into substances such as pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. But from this Vitamin did not lose its magic qualities. All named substances are active participants in the protein metabolism and take part in the synthesis of amino acids. It is impossible to forget about the synthesis of neurotransmitters, substances, with which the nerve impulses are transmitted. This vitamin contributes to a decrease in blood cholesterol and stimulates physical activity, increasing the vital tone. Increases the level of functioning nervous and immune system organism. Adult dose of vitamin B6 - 2 mg. From among those products that are rich in vitamin B6, you can allocate:

Vitamin B9 - Defender from congenital development defects

Folic acid plays a crucial role in heredity, as it is an active participant in the formation of nucleic acids - DNA and RNA. The need for this vitamin increases during pregnancy women. Typically, folic acid is prescribed ladies that are in this position. It protects the fetus from development defects. Active participant in blood formation processes. It is an anti-paraming factor. The need for vitamin B9 per day - 0.2 mg. When pregnancy, the dose is somewhat increased - up to 0.6 mg. Vitamin B6 is a mandatory component of such products as:

  • greens;
  • cabbage;
  • lentil;
  • liver;
  • citrus.

Vitamin B12 - the main in the process of blood formation

Vitamin B12 is the main participant in the blood formation process, exercising hemoglobin synthesis. In addition, this substance stimulates the formation of amino acids and nucleic acids, contributes to a decrease in cholesterol in the blood, treats certain varieties of human nervous system disorders. The need for vitamin-called per day in an adult is 2 mg, for women in a pregnancy state - 3 mg. Vitamin B12 is not as common as its counterparts. It is contained only in meat (beef) and beef liver, milk, seafood and eggs.

Anemia due to the deficiency of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 is a disease that can be cured by changing the diet. Anemia should not be neglected, since blood functioning is always a signal of serious violations in the work of the body.

Neurological disorders arising from the deficiency of vitamin B12 are, first of all, in the emergence of the seizures of the limbs and the weakening of the muscles of the legs, memory disorders and the concentration of attention, irritability and emotional lability.

Sometimes the first symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are measured from nerve demyelination spinal cord and brain cortex. These include: peripheral neuropathy, arthrosis chains of the spinal cord, demelination of the gray matter of the brain.

To avoid vitamin B12 deficiency, it is necessary to take care that the animal protein is present in the diet. The best source of vitamins of group B are sprouts, yellow and green vegetables, beer yeast, nuts, almonds, coarse flour, peas, cabbage, lentils, dark rice, calf liver, beans, pounds and sesame.

Anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency, iron and folic acid negatively affects the functioning of the body, so it is worth preventing it by using a varied diet rich in these nutrient substances.

To diagnose megaloblastic anemia due to the deficiency of vitamin B12, it is necessary to conduct a study of blood. Morphology with anemia with vitamin B12 deficiency contains enlarged erythrocytes and their excessive color. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to perform the bone marrow biopsy, which is needed to eliminate other possible causes anemia.

In determining the diagnosis of anemia with a vitamin B12 deficiency also helps to identify elevated bilirubin values \u200b\u200bin the blood and a reduced number of platelets and leukocytes. Under malignant anemia, a decrease in the absorption of vitamin B12 is noted without the Castle factor and the correct assimilation after the introduction of this factor.

In diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency helps advanced test Schilling. It allows you to distinguish whether the cause of the absorption deficiency is the deficit of the Castle factor or impaired absorption of vitamin in the intestine.

Treatment of anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency is to supply vitamin in the form of injections intravenously at a dose of 1000 μg 1 time per day for 10 to 14 days, and then, after changing laboratory indicators, 100-200 μg 1 time per week before the end of life .

The first results of treatment can be observed in a week of treatment - in peripheral blood, the number of reticulocytes, hemoglobin increases, is improved by hematocrit. The normalization of peripheral blood parameters occurs approximately after 2 months of treatment.

In case of removal of the stomach or after resection thin gut Vitamin B12 is prescribed prophylactically at a dose of 100 μg intramuscularly 1 time per month.

Anemia with folic acid deficiency

Folic acid deficiency or vitamin B4, leads to nausea, diarrhea and inflammation of the language. Folic acid - This is an extremely important element for pregnant women, babies and ripening girls. It is worth noting that the level of folic acid in the body affects hormonal drugs and the use of large doses of vitamin C.

This kind of anemia causes a disruption of DNA synthesis. Folic acid is necessary for the proper operation of red blood cells. Its absence is particularly dangerous during pregnancy, as this may damage the nervous system of the fetus.

The reasons anemia with folic acid deficiency:

  • suction impairment syndrome;
  • lack of folic acid in the diet;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • period of increased demand: pregnancy, breastfeeding, oncological diseases;
  • reception some medicinal preparations, for example, methotrexates, antiepileptic preparations (for example, phenytoin) and anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Anemia caused by folic acid deficiency can be prevented by enriching a diet with a large number of vegetables and fruits, as well as alcohol refusal.

A woman who plans pregnancy should take prophylactically nutritional supplements with vitamin B4 2 months before conception and in the period of tooling the child.

20.10.06 19:03

Folic acid (vitamin Sun) stimulates erythropoes (erythrocyte production in easier). Appointed usually under anemia (mainly megaloblastic), often prescribed during pregnancy.
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) also actually participates in blood formation (it affects the ripening of erythrocytes), and, accordingly, it is also used for anemia, though with several other (iron deficients, B12 deficient, etc.).

20.10.06 19:44 Re: Tell me who knows .....

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
In 1926, the biologist V. Effrem found a special disease in pregnant women - macrocytic anemia. It was the time of intensive search and discoveries in the vitigiousness. Food factors were given great importance. Efremov, absolutely accurately assumed the presence of a "factor against anemia" in the liver preparations, gave patients with the liver of animals and received a healing effect.
In 1932. english doctor Wils, who worked for a long time in India, drew attention to the fact that some Indian women, patients with macrocytic anemia, which, as two drops of water, was similar to the disease described by Efremov (huge erythrocytes in the blood with a total reduced quantity), could not be cured using purified Liver extract. But these women were completely cured with crude liver extract. Thus, it became clear that in the process of purification, some very important medical component of the hepatic extract was destroyed. This component was soon obtained and became known as the Wils factor. Later, he was renamed Vitamin "M", and in 1941 it was established that such a factor contains the leaves of spinach and parsley - the next name appeared - folic acid (from Latin "Folium", which means "sheet").
The main sources of folic acid are bean, salad, spinach, cabbage, green onions, green pea, beans, soybean, beets, carrots, tomatoes, coarse flour and bakery products from this flour, buckwheat and oatmeal, millet, yeast. From animal products of origin rich in folic acid Liver, kidney, cottage cheese, cheese, caviar, egg yolk.
Daily need
In the liver of a person, as a rule, there are some folacine reserves that can protect against foliage failure for 3-6 months. The need for an adult in vitamin B9 - 400 μg / day, pregnant and lactating women - 400-600 μg; Children of the first year of life - 40-60 μg. For normal composition Intestine microflora The body can synthesize folic acid yourself.
Vitamin B9 and bleeding
Together with vitamin B12, folic acid takes part in the regulation of blood formation processes. It participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin, therefore it is indispensable in the production of red blood cells. Thus, folic acid warns the development of megaloblastic hyperchromic anemia.
Vitamin B9 and pregnancy
Vitamin B9 as a coenzyme is involved in various enzyme reactions, plays an important role in the exchange of amino acids, the biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases - components of nucleic acids containing hereditary information. Folic acid is necessary for normal cell division in the body: growth processes, "repair" and replacing 70 trillion cells of our body, including for normal production of red and white blood cells.
At the beginning of the nineties of the last century, scientists concluded that folic acid is necessary for the proper formation of all vital bodies and systems of the future child. In addition, pregnant women who receive vitamin B 9 decreases the risk of complications - miscarriage, the birth of a premature child, postpartum bleeding. And it determines the importance of vitamin B9 during pregnancy.
Vitamin B9 and digestion
One of the problems of most people is the low acidity of the gastric juice, in which we lose weapons against microbes, because the stomach is not only food processing, but also a barrier for bacteria. With reduced acidity of the gastric juice, the processing and assimction of proteins is reduced. This leads, on the one hand, to the deficiency of a protein in the body, on the other, to the clasp of the organism due to the non-accelerated food.
Many people could solve this problem by consuming a little more folic acid, which normalizes appetite, stimulating, while production of hydrochloric acid In the stomach.
Folic acid increases the choline content and, thereby, has a positive effect on the intestinal and liver functions.
Vitamin B9 and nervous system
Folic acid is actively involved in raising our mood through ensuring effective methionine protein metabolism. At the same time, the nerve pathogens serotonin and noreproynalin are synthesized. Serotonin soothes the brain and the nervous system, accompanying us into the world of bright thoughts and dreams. Noranedrenalin charges us with optimism for the whole day, allows us to solve all problems with enthusiasm. Folic acid provides synthesis of both substances in the brain and regulates the processes of excitation and braking of the nervous system.
The lack of vitamin B9 inhibits the blood formation process. The absence of it is caused special view anemia; The digestive system is affected.
rapid fatigue, weakness;
bad memory;
Large doses of folic acid sometimes cause dyspepsia in children, an increase in excitability. Long-term use of large doses of folic acid (more than 3 months, in daily dose Not more than 200 μg, for adults and children from 4 years old) is not recommended due to the possibility of a decrease in blood concentration of vitamin B12.
Folic acid contributes to normal blood formation: timely maturation of erythrocytes and hemoglobin synthesis. Improves the course of pregnancy is necessary for the formation of vital organs; regulates digestion processes; Strengthens the nervous system, creating a wonderful mood.

Behind the scenes

20.10.06 19:48 Re: Tell me who knows .....

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Vitamin B12 and folic acid cannot be present in a single organism. In the history of the opening of two of these vitamins, there is a connection with the studies of such a disease as pernicious anemia. In the treatment of this disease, vitamin B12 and folic acid so much enhance each other's actions that one without the other cannot fully work in the body.
Vitamin B12 is found only in food of animal origin, and the greatest quantities - in offal (liver, kidneys and heart), as well as in oysters. In fairly significant quantities, it is contained in dry low-fat milk, cheese, egg yolk, as well as in sea products (crabs, salmon, sardines, tuna, lobster, scallops, cambal). The average number of vitamin is found in beef meat, chicken.
Daily need
Vitamin B12 is vitamin with high activity, so that the amounts necessary to prevent hypovitaminosis are not measured in milligrams, but in micrograms. For adults you need 3 μg per day, for children and adolescents - 0.3 - 1 μg. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the need for vitamin doubles, and even increases four times, and reaches a day-level 2.6 - 4 μg. Usually stocks of vitamin B12 in the liver is quite enough to protect against the development of avitaminosis for 1 to 2 years.
Vitamin B12 and bone-muscular system
Recently, data is obtained that vitamin B12 is of great importance for the formation of bones. The growth of bones can occur only when in Osteoblasts (cells from which bones are created) there is a sufficient stock of vitamin B12. This is especially important for children during the actual growth.
It is also relevant for women in menopacteric periodwhich occurs a hormonally determined loss of bone mass - osteoporosis.
Vitamin B12 affects muscle growth, since it is involved in the processes of protein exchange and amino acid synthesis. It activates the energy exchange in the body. It is important that it supports livelihood nerve cells The spinal cord, through which the centralized control of the muscles of the body occurs.
Vitamin B12 and blood formation
Of great importance is the ability of vitamin B12 to adjust the processes of blood formation, which is associated with its participation in the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases, nucleic acids, accumulation in the erythrocytes of sulfur-containing compounds. This ensures the division and ripening of erythrocytes, which means that Vitamin B12 warns the development of anemia. Therefore, cyanocobalamin is very important for a growing children's body.
Since, due to physiological features related to menstrual cycleWomen loses monthly some amount of blood, their body is at risk of anemia. And here Vitamin B12 is guarding the health of women.
Vitamin B12 and nervous system
Vitamin B12 is involved in the construction of protein and fat structures of a protective myelin layer. One of the main tasks of vitamin B12 is the production of methionine, which affects mental activity, forms positive emotions. Vitamin B12, folic acid and methionine (as well as vitamin C) form a kind working Groupwhich specializes mainly at the work of the brain and the whole nervous system. These "Three Musketeers" metabolism participate in the development of so-called monoamines - the stimulants of the nervous system, which are produced only from one amino acid and determine the state of our psyche. Vitamin B12 and folic acid contribute to the generation of choline, to maintain have a good mood And countering everyday stress.
Vitamin B12 and metabolism
Vitamin B12 is involved in the development of carnitine, the so-called quasivitamin. This substance cares molecules in the blood and transports them in mitochondria - "power plants" of cells where they are oxidized by giving energy to the entire body. Without carnitine, the content of decay products in the blood increases, as fat remains non-processed. Vitamin B12 normalizes (in combination with folic acid and vitamin B6) methionine and choline exchange, has a beneficial effect on the liver, preventing her fat rebirth.
Vitamin B12 and Cardiovascular System
Vitamin B12 in the complex with Vitamins B1, B6, B9 and ascorbic acid participates in disease prevention of cardio-vascular system - reduces blood cholesterol levels.
Since in old age there is a special risk of anemia, and this, as a result, provokes heart failure, Vitamin B12 is particularly relevant for the elderly.
With insufficient consumption of vitamin B12, anemia arises, the coherent work of the nervous system is disturbed.
The first signs of lack of vitamin B12:
increased fatigue, dizziness;
psycho-emotional instability;
numbness of the limbs.
Recommendations for application
It is recommended in conjunction with vitamin B12 the use of folic acid.
Vitamin B12 is necessary for productive blood formation in the bone marrow, contributes to the transformation of folic acid into the folina; regulates the operation of the central and peripheral nervous system; stimulates the growth of bones; Warns fat rebirth of the liver.

Obtaining a proper amount of vitamins is an important part of your overall health condition, and vitamin B12 Folic Acid It is a vitamin that has special advantages for several systems in the body. If you are interested in how you can get more folic acid in your life, then read my product list (at the moment I prepare this list for you) containing vitamin B12. It does not take much time, and you can make sure that this vitamin is enough in your body.


Protects against defined species cancec. Vitamin B12 prevents the occurrence of cancer, and also helps to treat it if it is already there. For example, such types of cancer as cancer, light, breast and colon cancer.

Also protects against heart disease in general, cardiovascular diseases All types, so you definitely worth spending time to make sure your vitamin B12 level is in proper norm.

As studies have shown the deficit of this vitamin, leads diseases of the cardiovascular system as a whole, and there is a consequence of a lot of disease. Since the heart is one of the most important life organs, it is very important that we take care of it, and, although, of course, only one particular vitamin will make a miracle, but it can help in an integrated approach.

Vitamin B12 Folic Acid helps prevent Alzheimer's disease, so it is specifically attributed to assist in treatment, as well as to prevent Alzheimer's disease. If you have my dear, there is a family story of Alzheimer's disease or you are concerned that it may arise in old age, this is a great idea to start eating more products that contain enough of this vitamin. Try not to use multivitamins in general or synthetic vitaminsSince all natural (organic) is the best for the body and mind.

Vitamin B12 and his connection with health and happiness

Increases energy. If you are often tightened lying, or standing, or sitting, it may turn out that you do not get enough vitamin B12. Along with other vitamins of the group B, B12 is known for its ability to keep you alert and helps to be attentive. That is why some energy drinks include this vitamin, as the ingredient. But I always recommend using only organic products that contain this vitamin than getting it from artificial sources. Fortunately, there is no shortage of this vitamin today.

Reduces depression. Many vitamins, and including vitamin DThey help with depression, and vitamin B12 also does not remain aside. Therefore, it is very important that you are convinced, then your body gets all vitamins at an optimal level. You can find out with the help of a doctor. Thus, you will know exactly what vitamins you need more, and what less to keep your body in excellent condition.

Promotes metabolism. One of the main features of vitamin B12 is that it plays an active role in the metabolism of proteins, which are so necessary in several areas of the body. You may not notice these advantages, if you have a good level B12 in the body. Also be careful because very often, we can not see visible signs depletion of our body without this vitamin, and only a few years later, when we get up to critical pointOur body begins to show failures, and immediately in several places, this is the weight, it is stress, it is insomnia, it is illness, and sluggish skin, etc.

All organism

Good for a healthy brain. In addition to the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, Vitamin B12 folic acid also provides food for the brain, and helps prevent "brain compression". Also, this vitamin helps you feel less morally tired.

Good for digestive system . Vitamin B12 helps the digestive system to function properly, and you yourself can make sure that you are a slope to constipation and sluggish digestion, then you lack vitamin B12. Also, with this state of the digestive system, the total toxicity of the body occurs. Therefore, you just need to eat products that contain a high amount of fibers, as well as those that contain the correct combination of vitamins.

Promotes healthy skin. Vitamin B12 Folic Acid has excellent skin benefits, helping to restore skin cells and keep the skin young many more years. The proper combination of vitamins can help in many problems, ranging from dryness and redness of acne and other defects.

Makes hair healthy. Vitamin B12 is often added to hair products, due to its ability to give a shine and a healthy view of the hair. But, it is better that you start meeting the needs of your body through the organic products you eat. Thus, your hair will grow naturally. Try to use more organic eggs, chicken, and various fresh seafood, and thus your body will have a higher level of vitamin B12, and there will be no need to buy expensive hair products.

Good for nails. In addition to the fact that this vitamin is good for skin and hair, you can also notice the improvement in the health of your nails. This will especially be noticeable if your body is already exhausted without folic acid. If you do not have exhaustion, you will not notice any difference. But if you complained that your nails look bad, or that they are not strong enough, you can take advantage of the check, use a sufficient amount of B12 folic acid and after watching your nails will be adopted.

Heart health

Helps with cholesterol. Helping save your cholesterol low level. Vitamin B12 Folic acid is able to reduce your drug need, which is called cholesterol. If your doctor told you that you have little of this nutrient, then ask that he gave you a list of products that contain an additional amount of B12 for you. If he did not do it, I have full list Products that contain vitamin B12.

Helps maintain healthy blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the most common diseases in the world. Therefore, most often people resort to different pills, instead of cleaning and establishing their food, many believe that it is very difficult and requires the power of will. But, if you set the level of B12 folic acid, then your body will begin to regulate blood pressure at the physiological level, that is, it will occur naturally, because your body will have what he needs.

Helps prevent infarction

Helping to keep your arteries pure from excess cholesterol, vitamin B12 Folic acid will help you avoid stroke. If your family has its own stroke history, then this vitamin you should not miss. It also contains general benefits for the entire cardiovascular system, so it's great for the overall health of the heart. Review your food, eat more products that are rich in vitamin B12, and also do not neglect other vitality important vitaminslike D, A and C.

The best way to find out is whether your body of vitamins is enough, is the 2nd weekly cleansing of the body, after that, at least a month to use a healthy balanced food, which is rich in nutrients. And it is not so difficult, as it seems you just have to start replacing some products with others, useful. And so you gradually learn how to eat right, and cook healthy food.

Do not get enough vitamin B12? You can experience symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Soon there will be a continuation ...