Proper installation and checking chip for the dog. How and why the chipping of dogs is performed? We learn all the details where the chip dog is sewn.

Pets on a walk are subject to various hazards: theft, random calf, loss. A simple procedure for the introduction of a chip in a veterinary clinic will help secure a pet from irrevocable loss. Chip is an electronic passport with data about the dog and its owners. It is because of the lack of the necessary information, the percentage of a happy returned pet home is low, and the situation often ends with a deplorable. Avoid bitter experience to caring owners will help pre-adopted measures.

And if chipping helps to return a pet home, then castration, sterilization and injection for cats from the festivation will not allow runoffs to the will.

Cat chipping - Prices

Typically, the cost of chipping cats in Moscow depends on a number of factors: the type of chip, brand-producer of the device, rendering additional services (For example, leaving a qualified vet to the house with all the necessary drugs and tools, which guarantees saving your time and the absence of stress for pet). On the procedure of chipping cats, the price in our clinic begins from 1100 rubles with the design of documents and registration of information in the database. To accurately calculate how much it costs chipping, call the single clinic number. Our manager will calculate the cost of the necessary drugs, the procedure itself and the possible departure of the doctor to the house.

Chipping Dogs - Prices

Even small dogs and puppies run away to the will, so the procedure is better not to postpone. Pricing for dogs in our clinic in Moscow begins from 1100 rubles, the cost of departure of a specialist in the Moscow region is 500 rubles. The type of chip for dogs is chosen based on the breed. "Baby" is recommended to introduce mini-microchips under the skin - it is important for animals, so they will not experience any discomfort. The chip size does not affect the cost of the procedure - mini-microchip will cost the same amount as standard chip.

The use of high-quality devices corresponding to international standards, and strict compliance with the rules for the operation ensure the absence of problems when entering the animal in the registry, and therefore - reliable protection of a pet.

Essence and features of chipping

Chipping is an uncomplicated procedure consisting in the introduction of a microchip in the injector in the area of \u200b\u200bthe withers (between the blades) of a dog or cat. The material of the chip is a biocompatible glass, inside which is a coil of inductance with the necessary information. Introduction Fast and painless - an injector needle has a diameter of a little large than a conventional syringe, and the chip capsule has a rice grain size, therefore anesthesia does not need for dogs and other animals. After the procedure, the place of chipping heals 5-7 days - it "overcomes" connective tissue, becoming part of the subcutaneous layer. The chip is under the skin, but does not bring a nurse of discomfort, it does not cause allergies, tumors, irritation. After chipping, no additional care is required.

Microchip is an animal "passport", consisting of a 15-digit number, which contains pet information, owner and other useful information: Vaccinations, features of animal, disease, photo, owner contacts, as well as the number of the chip manufacturers and the country code in which the pet is registered. "Passport" can not lose or damage, the procedure is carried out once in life. You can detect the chip using a "scanner" that determines its presence and reading information at a distance of up to 1 meter.

For animals, the unique code is assigned in a veterinary clinic or when the doctor's departure is departing immediately after the procedure. Activation of the device and registration of a fluffy friend in a single database is carried out within 5-10 minutes.

The advantage of the event is the lack of problems while traveling with animals. Chipping in order to depart abroad - a prerequisite for dogs (and for animals in general) when crossing the borders of the European Union and some island countries. It will not be superfluous in other states. In case of loss of animal, the likelihood of its return with the help of the chip is repeatedly increasing - your contacts are already listed in a single international database. A person who found the lost animal is enough to contact the nearest veterinary clinic. From there you will be reported that the pet is found and it can be transferred to the owner.

Why chipping - the best decision?

Chipping and GPS are often confused, but these are different technologies. Collars with GPS tracker are designed to track the location of the pet. But compared to chipping, this system is more whimping: it is more expensive, the GPS tracker must be regularly recharged, interruptions with the network, the small range of "visibility" is possible, the probability of breakage. Only when the chip is gone, the host can be confident in the serviceability of the device at any time.

Microchip cannot be traced "by satellite", as many think, but due to the availability, reliability and simplicity in the use of chipping - the best way Provide a calm of the owner, and for dogs, cats and other fluffy animals - safety.

Do not tighten with the visiting veterinarian - the well-being of pet depends on this!

Chipping dogs

The problem of animal identification is one of the most relevant. Therefore, it is not surprising that we are with you, the owners of our pets, periodically invent more and more new ways as you can identify your four-legged friend. So, dogs can make tattoos, put the stigma, hang tags, make hopes, or, at worst, for the absence of a more progressive identification method, at least with your phone number.

However, as you yourself understand, all the above methods are far from ideal, moreover, stigma, tattoo - all this is very painful procedures that may cause a tangible Pet pain. Yes, and only one stamp or tattoo determine, whose dog is, in case it, and find out where you can find its owner - it is simply impossible, unlike chipping. A, about what is such a chip, as the chip procedure occurs, how much it costs, and what information can be "sewing" in this way - I am ready to tell you our publication.

Animal electronic identification

So looks like microchip

Chipping, or the electronic identification of the animal implies subcutaneous introduction to it a special electronic microchip, which contains its unique number. The chip is introduced into the neck area, does not interfere with the animal and remains with it throughout his life. It is a sterile capsule, which has rice grain sizes made from a biocompatible with alive glass tissues. Therefore, to worry about the fact that the chip does not take care or cause allergies in an animal - it is not worth it. That will not happen. The microchip itself is applied 15-digit code, which is also made in all documents of the animal and is registered in the international base. In order to consider information from the chip, you just need to use the scanner.

Why do you need chipping dogs

Today, chipping dogs or how to call this procedure correctly - the electronic identification of animals is the most relevant way to identify the dog. AND, according to the provisions of the European Parliament of 05/26/2003 - all animals that cross the borders of European countries must be chipped. And if before, the stigma could still pass, as a way to identify your pet, then from 3.07.2011, the dogs must be chipped differently, entry into the territory of another state, even if all the documents of the animal are in perfect order, it will be impossible.

However, chipiring is needed not only to those dogs that will travel along with their owners (you can read about the features of such a joint travel). Even if you do not go anywhere, in a way, how to make chipping, you once again declare your rights to the dog. And if you have a pet rare breed, and it is kidnapped, and later you will meet him at the dog's exhibition - if you have it chipped, you can easily prove your rights to him.

Even in the case of a complete loss of documents on the animal, if the dog has a chip - all this information can be easily restored.

Therefore, from which side, do not come to this issue whether it is necessary to chip the dog or not - the answer is only one. Of course.

Advantages of chipping dogs

As you understand microchip is a kind of animal electronic passport Which, unlike paper documents (we wrote about them for a long time on the pages of our site) - always with a dog. With this chip, you can easily establish a link between the pet itself, and the documents issued on it. And, in the event that yours will fall into animal shelters - you will definitely contact you, since the information that you will be included in the database.

If you go abroad - customs control with microchip in the neck of the dog will be much easier and faster. You also insure yourself from a possible substitution of an animal, and now accounting in the veterinary clinic and in the cynological service will be kept without any problems.

Chip or stigma

If you are a supporter of a classic approach and do not trust any electronic innovations, and you continue to think that stigma is the most effective method Animal identification - recognize your mistake. Today, this is not the case. Yes, and to be fully objective, put the stamp dog, regardless of its age, breed, size - means to expose animals to strong stress and pain. In addition, the marking procedure is often deformed in the area where the stamp is put, skin Covers. And, the adhesive itself over the years dirty, hides under the coat, and it becomes quite difficult to identify the animal. Whereas chipping is a fast and painless procedure, during which there is no need to use anesthesia. An animal does not feel pain or discomfort. And, such a microchip - he remains with your dog for all her life, and it is impossible to damage it or losing, as the microchip is growing with the subcutaneous layer.

To fake such an identification option is simply impossible. The removal of the microchip or its replacement will inevitably leave the trace on the body of the animal.

The results of reading information from micercippa are always as accurate as possible.

Where you can chip your dog

This is the procedure for chipping

The chipping procedure can be carried out in any veterinary clinic, which provides such services. In the same place, as a rule, you can also purchase such a microchip. However, before you imagine your dog - do not be lazy to make sure that it corresponds to strict international requirements and standards, and chip is a worker, and "sees" the scanner. Such scanners, as a rule, are available veterinary clinics, however, if suddenly it happens that the scanner will not be - you will have to find it and check the chip. As a tip

such scanners should also have customs officials and in a cynological club - a person you can contact for checking your microchip.

What to pay attention to when mapping

A microchip, which will be bred by your dog, will not mean anything if his 15-digit number is not included in the registry and to the microchip media database, and it must comply with the ISO 11784 standard or ISO 11785 standard. It is also very important that the data about you, as about the owner of the dog, your address and contact phone number, in this database. Then, in case the animal is lost and will be found to someone - you can contact you, in order to return to you "Loss".

After the procedure of chipping, you will need to go to electronic base Animal-ID and check - if information about your dog appeared there or not. In case there is no information, or an error is made in it - fix the inaccuracy of the "hot" tracks will be much easier than a few months after a similar procedure.

As for the scanners for reading, unfortunately, universal models that absolutely all chips would read - not yet. Therefore, it is very important to give preference to standard microchips. But, even in this case, there is a possibility that European chips will not be read by American scanners, and vice versa.

On the portal the veterinary clinics of Moscow collected, in which there is a service to chip domestic animals. In convenient comparison, tables are presented prices for chipping and other popular services. Reviews of the owners of fluffy patients of veterinarians will be useful.

Today, many animal owners pay attention to chipping - receiving an electronic passport of a pet that guarantees the opportunity to find it at any time. On the microchip, the veterinarians will be able to determine and find the owner, thanks to which the lost pet can always go home. Chipping cats and dogs refers to advanced and promising technology that applies the most complicated chips in which the necessary information about the animal is stored.

Why can animal chipping?

With the help of the procedure performed, the owner will always be able to detect a pet with a loss. Why is it so popular? Despite the presence of other methods, such as staging, chipping dogs and cats has the greatest number of advantages. For example, in contrast to the stigma, the chip is impossible to erase, fake, it is not deformed due to different skin lesions and does not overgrow wool. This procedure is used in the following cases:

  • TO mandatory conditions To participate in exhibitions, the presence of a microchip with a pedigree number is.
  • When conducting research, the chips help to quickly and accurately identify all animals.
  • In natural organizations, chipping wild animals allows you to track their migration.
  • In veterinary clinics, if patients have microchips, you can create the most simple and convenient accounting systems.
  • Chipping dogs and cats allows you to eliminate the substitution of elite animals while traveling or at exhibitions.

Fast and simple procedure allows owners to avoid many unpleasant problems. After the available cost of the procedure quickly pays off thanks to the benefits.

How does pet chipping in Moscow?

This is a fast, safe and very simple procedure that does not at all threaten your pet health. The installed microchip does not develop allergic reaction, he does not affect exchange processes in organism. Thanks to small sizes, the chip does not spoil at all appearance Pet, which is very important for elite breeds involved in exhibitions.

Chipping cats and dogs involves carrying out the processing of wool and skin in the microchip administration zone (on the withers). A special device is entered under the skin that allows you to install it. By pushing the chip piston under the skin, it takes place. After removal of the instrument, it is necessary to process the place of its input with a disinfecting solution, migrating small capillaries.

Due to the absence of restrictions on age, it is possible to hold both chipping puppies and kittens and chipping adult dogs and cats. After the introduction of the chip, its number and animal data is entered into a special database. All information is transmitted to the Central Information Center.

What is included in the electronic identification system?

Chipping is not only the installation of the chip on the knee of the animal. This is a serious system, including three parts: microchip itself, scanning device and database.

  • The chip has a diameter of 2 mm and a length of 13 mm. It is concluded in a special capsule from a bioconcal compatible with alive fabrics in the body. Supplied with a disposable syringe, it is implanted subcutaneously.
  • The scanner allows you to monitor the correctness of the introduction and determine the number of the already installed chip. Thus, the veterinarian will be able to determine the owner of the pet and get basic information about him.
  • The database depending on the direction of application may have various formsHowever, the main information about the animal is always present. In the future, you can make filtering data by different parameters, for example, by type (cat or dog), identification date, etc. For the clinic it is convenient for the fact that you can accurately systematize patient information.

Where to make chipping dogs and cats in Moscow?

Many veterinary clinics of Moscow are ready to offer their customers input chip pet. Our portal contains detailed information on where you can cip the cat or dog. Convenient map, the availability of phones and addresses is specifically designed to provide the most comfortable for the visitors of the search portal of the veterinary clinic. Specified in the tables of chipping will help determine the most suitable option.

What? What for? Why?


We would like to tell a little about. Until now, many pet owners do not know what it is. Although this technology (RFID) originated in the 80s of the last century. And since that time, it was used in many branches of human activity: logistics, engineering, security systems and other industries, where accurate object identification is needed.

The first use of anti-identification systems of animals was started in the 90s 20th century in the Netherlands. At the moment, it can be assumed that more than a billion animals are already chipped and this figure from year to year is only increasing.

Of course, the first microchips were quite expensive and cost more than $ 100 per piece, but now, when developing technology, the price of the microchip can vary from 3 to 7 dollars a piece, which makes chipping cats and dogs available absolutely for all owners.

Why do you need chipping animals?

Chipping provides an electronic passport of an animal where data can be contained not only about the pet itself, but its owner, as well as many other useful information: vaccinations, features of the animal, the history of illness, photography, and other. Note that this passport unable to lose, and the procedure is done once in a lifetime Pet.

But the most important thingif your pet is lost (even abroad), then the probability of returning it multi-time Increases.

Since 2002, the importation of an animal to the European Union and other countries (as a rule island) without microchip is impossible! And from the end of 2015 and in Kazakhstan, animal chipping is necessarily.

Also in some regions of Russia, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory acknowledged animal chipping was introduced.

Why do you need chipping cats?

Among the many cat owners there is an opinion, since the animal is at home, it is not necessary to chip it. We can assure you that cats run away at least than dogs, especially often by the countryside, during walks or trips.

Homemade cats are less adapted to "street life", and therefore it is very important to return the animal to the usual situation as quickly as possible, otherwise the animal may die. IN this case Use of microchip as identification - necessary. If you decide to buy microchips for cats, then for you there are always special mini microchips.

Chipping kittens can be done in the first month of life, provided that the animal does not ill. It is also desirable to produce a procedure. before vaccination against rabies.

Why do you need to chipping dogs?

Practical all dogs spend some time on a walk, come different situations: A leash was broken, the animal was fascinated by something outsider, and most often something was frightened, therefore, as a rule, dogs run away.

My home dog can be unmistakably recognized even after several days spent on the street, so many animal lovers are trying to return the dog, using either public services, or try to remove the loss in the veterinary clinic or nursery, where in turn can scan the microchip and find where the animal is registered And as soon as possible to return it to the owner.

It is very important that in the Animalface database it is possible to see the vaccinations made, thereby giving information about current vaccinations.

Our recommendation chipping puppies and dogs beforeIf you are looking for your pet chips for dogs, then in our presence of high-quality German chips. Would you like additional protection against loss for your pet? Use electronic NFC keychains.

The microchip can be put on a puppy in the first month of his life, the procedure should be carried out before vaccination and only a healthy animal.

Why make animal data into the database?

Information about the animal must be registered in the database! Otherwise, the meaning of chipping is lost. It is important to understand that the microchip itself (in most cases) contains only unique fifteen digit code.

In turn, additional data is attached in the database to this unique code: an animal, owner, organization and others. Thereby allowing, in case of loss or crossing the boundary, to fully identify the animal using, only the Internet.

The main elements of the electronic identification system

In order to understand how animals chipping, we will look at what parts this system is:

  • Database, for example, Animalface.

All elements of this system form a unified model of electronic animal identification. Next, we will look at each of the components of this system in more detail.

Chips and NFC labels for dogs, cats and other animals

Microchip - It is a microcircuit that contains information that can be read by the scanner. Microchips for cats and dogs can be divided into the following types:

  • In terms of memory;
  • In frequency (134.2 and 125 kHz, other frequencies are also used);
  • Data recording capabilities;
  • Case material (glass, ceramics or other materials).

The size of the microchip is very small (2 mm by 12 mm) for the presentation of this size, we can take the grains from rice. Also at the moment there are mini microchips, the dimensions of which are even less and amount to 1.4 per 8 mm. With all the variety of characteristics, animal microchips are designed according to international ISO standards (11784/11785).

So what information is contained in the microchip? Repeat once again in the microchip itself contains only Individual set of numbers (unique code). Prettyly rarely meet microchips for dogs and cats, which contain additional memory, in which it is possible to record information about the animal and the owner. But to scan such microchips requires a special scanner. And therefore, as a rule, all data is stored in the database.

What code is stored in microchip? This is 15 digits, consider the example of chip 643093400076000:

  • 643 - country code. In our case, this is the code of Russia. If the code is different from "643" or is "900", then this chip is most likely imported to Russia "gray" way, and we would not recommend them for use;
  • 0 - separator between codes;
  • 934 - manufacturer codeIn our case, this is a Tierchip Dasmann, which is registered in the ICAR system (The International Committee for Animal Recording). According to this code, you can find out that the manufacturer made chips if you are told that the chip German or Russian, and on the ICAR code, the manufacturer from China, which means the Chinese microchip capsule itself.
  • 00076000 - Unique chip code The remaining 8 digits.

Microchips are implanted under the skin of the animal using a special syringe, in the needle of which is located microchip. This procedure is absolutely safe and painless, comparable to vaccination.

It is also worth noting that this technology does not stand still, and some manufacturers offer microchips and NFC labels, which allows not only special scanners as scanning devices, but also mobile devices With support technology NFC. Near Field Communication).

NFC labels can act as the main identification method, and as an additional together with the microchip. So in the near future, we will completely refuse to use traditional animal labels, such as collars, will sufficiently bring the smartphone to the animal to get all the information.

How to track an animal on the GPS satellite

Many animal owners think that by putting an animal microchip, you can track a location using a satellite or phone - this is delusion. Microchip is a passive device that has no battery or GPS transmitter. Therefore, track the animal on the satellite using a chip - it is impossible! In the event of a disappearance of the animal, the owner remains only to wait for the other, the pet will find and take into an organization where there is a scanner who consider the number of microchip. Next will contact either with a database where the animal is registered, or with an organization where identification was made or directly with the owner. The chain of actions is satisfied with complex, but plus the microchip cannot be lost, that is, the probability of returning satisfied is great.

Another way to track the animal is to use NFC labels. Pluses compared to the chip that for this you do not need to lead to the clinic or another organization to read the chip, but you can scan the label on the spot with the phone, and call the owner. Also when scanning the label, the owner will receive a notice with the location of the animal! And another plus compared to the GPS tracker, the fact that the label does not have a battery, but as a result it works unlimited time.

If you want to constantly receive information about the location of your pet, you will definitely help only the GPS tracker. Just he transmits information through a satellite and on the phone you can determine the location of the animal. But there are also cons, the device is quite cumbersome, in comparison with the chip or NFC label. The tracker must be constantly charged if the battery sees tracking the animal will not be possible. Also, for the operation of this device, the presence of a steady signal cellular network and GPS satellite.

Scanning device

Next, we consider the following part of the electronic identification system. This is a scanning device or scanner for chips. With it, the microchip data is read by means of an electromagnetic signal, which is absolutely harmless to animals. After that, the data is displayed on the scanner display and can be saved in memory (if available). The information may be transmitted to a personal computer for further processing.

Usually scanners are needed only for veterinary organizations and ordinary animal owners they are completely nothing. It should also be noted that links with the development of the electronic identification system of animals prices for scanners decreased significantly from 1,000 to 300 dollars and even cheaper, and some models can already buy less than 150 dollars.

The introduction of dog chipping made it possible to solve a lot of problems. What just did not take at different times the owners of animals to distinguish their favorites:

  • branded hot iron
  • made punctures and cuts of ears
  • tattooed tattoos
  • produced scarring, ringing, wool color

Today it is not necessary to torment the dog to provide it with a passport and take care of security. Most experienced veterinarians advise the owners to choose chip technology.

The first means of electronic identification of animals appeared in America in the 1980s, these were visible microchips. These devices were innovative, ensured the efficient and safe identification of pets.

Chipping large animals

For large animals, today use "FDX-B" or "HDX" technology. Chips are large and designed to send a fairly strong signal. The use of this technology makes it possible to significantly increase the distance from the scanner to the microchip when reading.

Chipping small dogs

For small pets used "FDX-B" microchip. When sending a signal from the FDX-B reader, the connection between the microchip and the reader is continuous. This method Provides accurate and fast reading.

How is the process of chipping a dog

Dog chipping procedure

An electronic chip is implanted into the Plot under the idol of the dog, the dimensions of which do not exceed the rice grains. This carrier contains detailed information about the animal, the state of its health conducted by vaccinations, as well as the person's passport data, which brought the dog to chipping.

Chip's lusion can be performed in any large veterinary hospital. The procedure takes just a few minutes. The dog makes an injection containing in addition to the liquid solution of the microchip itself, which is concluded in the capsule from the biostople. An animal after the procedure for two days cannot be washed and scrolled. On restless pets it is better to wear a protective collar.

Thus, in just five minutes, the dog becomes the owner of its own electronic passport, which will be with it throughout life. Together with chip dog is assigned electronic numberConsisting of 15 digits, the country code, clinics, where they completed this mini operation are encrypted.

All information is in a single database of pets, and the owner is issued by an identification card. Information from the map and the chip is read instantly with the help of a special scanner.

Is it necessary to chipping a dog

Without a chip import the animal to the countries of the European Union is prohibited

Card issued with chip is legal document. Considering it, you can prove that a specific dog belongs to you. If you kidnapped the dog or made it a substitution, the court will consider your application only when you prove that the animal belongs to you.

However, it is much more important that chipping significantly facilitates the search for the escaped pet. People who are found on the "Loss" street appeal, as a rule, in the nursery. There is a dog be sure to scan, check for chip.

It is worth noting that from May 2003, animals transmit to the territory of the European Union only in the presence of electronic documents.

The benefits and harm to chipping for the dog

The chip will not harm the animal at all and does not cause him discomfort. The procedure itself is no longer painful. The chip that is implanted under the skin cannot be lost, you cannot erase information from it. In addition, this "document" cut, fake or change it is impossible.