People with unique abilities in sports. A boy who never sleeps. Gutta-reader - people "without bones"

We know that human capabilities are not limited, and in general it is. But some people are born with abilities who extend far beyond the usual: as if the human body decides to break the barriers established by nature. The existence of people with superconductances is direct evidence that the human body has the capabilities much more than we can imagine. Who are they - the result of evolution or isolated cases natural anomaly?

15. Magnet Man - Lew Tow Lin

I try not to call him magneto, after all, that cinema villain, and Luj Lin - a real man. But with an unrealistic ability to attract metal (and not only metallic) items. As if some force keeps them from the inside - despite the fact that each item can weigh up to 2 kg, and a total of a magnet man can keep 36 kg on himself. Scientists from the Malaysian Technological University came to the conclusion that the skin of Tau Lina has a certain unique property of the "clutch", which helps the subjects to "pin" to the body - as if under the influence magnetic field. What is the strangest - this ability is transmitted in the family of TOU Lina by inheritance, and three of his grandchildren can boast the same skill.

14. Supernatural memory - Daniel Tammem

People with phenomenal mathematical abilities and powerful memory are often found. They know how to solve complex mathematical equations faster than a computer or to reproduce some event of a ten-year prescription in memory up to a second. However, Daniel Tammet is the first one who described how his brain works.

For Daniela every number from 0 to 10,000 has its own image and distinctive characteristics, such as texture, shape, color and feeling. For example, the number 289 looks extremely ugly, the number 333 is much more attractive, and the number Pi is almost perfection. Daniel Asperger Syndrome, and its method allows him to memorize numbers and events with incredible accuracy. For example, it can reproduce the number of Pi up to 22514th after the comma, which he did as a demonstration in 2004. It took 5 hours and 9 minutes.

13. Eagle Troop - Veronica Seyder

In the cinema, we have repeatedly seen the heroes that they have a "supervision" and are able to see even a fly, which is in a kilometer from them. The famous eagle eye and legolars arrows - just from such. But in the real world, such a person exists, and this Veronica Seyer is a world champion to look at the smallest items at distant distances without using binoculars or any other optics. It has been proven that it is able to distinguish people from her at a distance of 1.6 km. Her eyesight 20 times sharper than vision ordinary person.

12. Sonar vision - Daniel Kish and Ben Underwood

Do you know how "see" bats? With the help of echolocation: they make special sounds, and then their auditory system captures the reflection of sounds from obstacles. Ben Underwood possessed the same ability: he used the sounds to "see", despite the fact that he has lost sight due to the retinoblastoma - eye cancer. It is not clear how, but he managed to develop an extraordinary ability to echolocation. Making a sharp click language, he "saw" the items are so good that it seriously improved the quality of his life. Unfortunately, Ben Underwood died in 2009 because of the recurrence of cancer. Ben was the most capable of disciples Daniel Kish. Daniel is blind, and also oriented in the world with echolocation (this is called "sonar vision"). He has it so good that he helps others blind, teaching them to "see" the world around the way he does.

11. Beast Caster - Kevin Richardson

Kevin is a zoologist -Bishwiper from South Africa, exploring animal behavior. He understands them so well that he literally accepted several lionic prides into his members and some packs of Gien. He eats, sleeps around and plays with these animals, as if they are his family. When communicating with wild animals, Kevin trusts intuition more than the book regulations. He is known for drawing with lions as highly developed creatures, showing them their respect and rests on a sense of community and family, instead of having to rigorous and train them.

But Kevin warns that his work is dangerous and does not advise anyone to follow its footsteps without appropriate training. He communicates and is friends only with animals that grew up in his eyes. And anyway, the beasts were scratched, biting and wounded many times ... although they never did it intentionally.

10. A person who sees music - Arthur Lintgen

Some second language is not able to learn, but the American doctor Arthur Lintgen can read in the language of records: according to the drawing of the groove and their color it determines which musical work is recorded there. But Arthur does not pretend to the title of superhero. He explains his ability to musical erudition and says that it applies only to classical music, ranging from Beethoven and later. Early works, according to him, are too similar in structure and it is difficult to recognize. And when he was given a record, on which Alis Cooper's album was recorded, Lintgen said that it looks like a random journey of sounds and looks like a tarabarshchina. Nevertheless, the ability of Arthur Lintgen is unique in its own way.

9. Man-computer - Shakuntala Devi

Shakuntala Devi (1929 - 2013) is a vivid proof that the human brain is capable of extraordinary things like incredibly complex and rapid arithmetic calculations. Somehow Professor of the University of Berkeley asked Shakuntal to calculate the cubic root of 61,629,875 and the seventh degree root from among 170 859 375. To the surprise of the professor, Shakuntala gave answers (395 and 15, respectively) literally after a few seconds. In 1977, at the University of Dallas, for 50 seconds, it was possible to extract the root of the 23rd degree from the number consisting of 201 signs! The university computer confirmed the correctness of the results shown, but it spent more than a minute.

8. Photographic memory - Stephen Wiltshire

If you have not seen the works of this artist, then you definitely should be done. Stephen is an autistist artist who can reproduce the most detailed landscape of any city, which he will bring to see from a height. It is only a brief flight on a helicopter over the city - and with the help of its photographic memory Stephen will create its panoramic image with stunning accuracy.

7. Ice man - Vim Hof

While ordinary people trying to climb Everest or Kilimanjaro, as follows, the Dutch Sorvigolov VIM Hof do such tricks in some shorts. An extremely frost-resistant Hof says that the tantric technique of meditation "Tummo" helps him to adjust the body temperature - a way to develop internal heat that use Tibetan yoga. Vim Hof \u200b\u200bis the absolute world champion in bathing in a bath, covered with pieces of ice. An ordinary person cannot be in such a bath for more than 15-20 minutes. Hoof record - almost two hours.

6. SuperSamurai - Isao Machia

The Japanese Master of Martial Art Euido owns the techniques of real samurai. He can predict the trajectory of the subject of the subject with such a frightening accuracy that it calmly destroys this item in half with his sword - and can do it at least every second. He is the fastest man with a sword not only in Japan, but also around the world. Machia knows how to split plastic bullets flying at a speed of 300 km / h. Looks like he really is a superhero.

5. Steel Jaws - Radhakrishnan Vel

It is impossible to imagine what force should a person be posted who can drag the composition of several cars, as Radhakrishnannan Vella, a native of Malaysia. For such strong teeth, it is called the "dental king". And it still incomprehensible - how can I drag the train weighing 260.8 tons per distance of 4.2 meters, sorry, teeth? The tooth king argues that when he was 14, a certain Indian guru taught it with the help of teeth to control all parts of the body.

4. A person who never sleeps - Thai Ngok

Have you ever tried to sleep longer than 48 hours? Unpleasant experience. Even one sleepless night very badly affects the well-being of an ordinary person, but with the Vietnamese peasant Tham Ngok is different. He does not sleep since 1973. He himself believes that the cause of the insomnia was then the fever suffered. All these years, this person is trying to fall asleep - with the help of drugs and even alcohol, but all to no avail. What is surprising - doctors do not find some deviations and serious diseases And they say that he has everything in order with his health.

3. Super Value - Din Carnases

There is an endurance of an ordinary person and there is an endurance of American Dina Carnases. Dean - Runner on long distances, Super Maragonal. And if it is in time to feed and water with water, he can run infinitely, literally to a pension. In other words, the level of its endurance is so high, and the energy is restored so quickly that it can run without ceasing. Among his achievements, there are, for example, such: running on the treadmill for 80 hours (560 km) and 50 marathons in 50 months in 50 days.

2. Steel stomach - Michelle Leothito

Frenchman Michel Leothito (1950 - 2007) possessed an irrepressible appetite in relation to completely inedible subjects. It is clear that with such abilities a straight road to pop artists. At his ideas "Mesia Eat" absorbed items from metal, glass, rubber and plastics, and even the indignant of the stomach was not tormented. And he is also known what disassembled and gradually ate (for two years) an entire aircraft. The walls of the stomach of Lotito were twice as thickness than should be, and his gastric juice Also worked unusually strongly and allowed him to digest everything.

1. Electrocellers - Raj Mohan Nair

Electricity is dangerous - everyone knows. The blow to the current of the force even in one tenth ampere may be fatal ... But not for Raja Mogen Naira. Through his body, you can skip the current by force to 10 amps and it will not harm it. The only side effect is a minute blinding. The story about how Raj Mohan discovered superconduble, tragic. When he was 7 years old, his mother died. It is not able to cope with the grief, the boy tried to end the life of suicide by climbing the pillar of the power line and climbing the bare wire. To his surprise, he stayed alive and realized that he had an outstanding ability. The resistance of its body electric current is 10 times higher than that of an ordinary person. Therefore, he can take the bare wires in the hands and depict an electrical chain.

In the modern world, information about the unusual abilities of people is no longer uncommon. Congenital gift and unique abilities - unicumes, develop and improve long-term workouts, special exercise, combining them with the knowledge of the world and ancient heritage.

Possessing telecision people have unlimited possibilities of clairvoyance and astral Travels. The uniqueness of such people is that they are able to influence material items without using their physical forces. The strength of thought they move objects.

The manifestation of telekinease are spiritual sessions of mediums.
Mediums are convinced that they are able to communicate with the dead people who collapsed in otherworld world. Very often such sessions are just a theatrical idea, nothing has nothing to do with the unique abilities of people.

Telepathy is a rare ability to communicate without words. Information is transmitted by the force of thought, the formation of certain semantic images. It is believed that having telepathic abilities, you can read the thoughts of people at a distance. Such opportunities human brain Sometimes scared. After all, it is difficult to hide the secret desires and thoughts from such a person. It is believed that a person who has the gift of telepathy, to reveal any secret is very simple. However, the gift of telepathy remains the biggest mystery for scientists, which people with superpowers are not in a hurry to disclose.

Hypnosis causes a physical or psychological effect. A person who has hypnotic abilities, without difficulty affects the consciousness of another person. This real strength has great opportunities. Therapeutic hypnosis is widely used, allowing to deliver people from psychosomatic diseases. Psychotherapists apply hypnosis for treatment nerve disorders. In the recent past, the unique phenomenon of Anatoly Kashpirovsky thundered. The new psychological direction created by them opened unique opportunities in the treatment of diseases.

Currently, psychics and predictors, sorcerers and magicians who use their psychic abilities. This human phenomenon has scientific justification. All that happens on Earth is interconnected into a single energy system. People who have the ability to feel the energy of living beings or the energy trail of the dead, called psychics.

Psychic abilities are laid at birth. They can be found in a small child or the appearance of a phenomenon is connected with some event. Many representatives of this unique group found phenomenal abilities after injury or stay in a state of clinical death. So, in the famous Bulgarian provincial Vanga, unique abilities appeared after the lambrane. The unique gift of clairvoyance allowed the famous insight to predict the fate of people and whole nations.

At all times, the phenomenon of clairvoyance was present. Nostradamus, Zhanna d'Ark, Leonardo da Vinci, Wang, Seraphim Sarovsky, Wolf Messing is a far part of people who had this gift.

The human mind has unlimited possibilities. The most prime confirmation is the paranormal abilities of people. The gift of foresight, the ability to see through the wall, move objects in the space of one strength of thought, clairvoyance and telecision - this list of paranormal phenomena can be continued by lizing the phenomenal abilities of people. Phenomenon modern Mirafrequent appearance People demonstrating unusual abilities that sometimes do not have a scientific explanation.

Incredible facts

We used to seeing superheroes or on TV screens, or in artistic literature.

But people with amazing abilities really exist in real life.

Below is a list of 10 most unusual of them.

Brain abilities of man

1. Incredible Brain - Daniel Tammet (Daniel Tammet)

Daniel is a gifted British man with a pronounced form of autism, which has unrealistic abilities for mathematical computing, incredible memory and ability to languages.

He appeared on the light with epilepsy. The vision of the numbers in the form of flowers or sensations is a well-studied shape of synesthesia, however, the mental perception of Daniel's numbers is unique. According to him, each number up to 10,000 has its own unique form, and it sees the results of counting in the form of landscapes, while feeling whether the number is simple or composite.

For example, the visual image of the number 289 Daniel described as "ugly", 333 - "especially attractive", the number Pi is "beautiful."

Tamemet not only orally describes its visions, but also creates works of art, especially he likes to write paintings by watercolor. One of his works - favorites is a picture "PI".

Daniel installed the European record for memorizing and transfer 22,514 after a communion among the pi only for five hours. Moreover, he speaks different languages, including English, French, Finnish, German, Spanish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Estonian, Icelandic, Welsh and Esperanto.

He always emphasizes that Estonian loves very much, because there are many vowels in it. At the moment, Tammemet creates his own language called "Manti" (Mänti). New Language The man is given very quickly. To prove it documented, Daniel was thrown challenge: he had to learn Icelandic in one week.

Seven days later he appeared on Icelandic television and was very nicely talked with a journalist, who after conversation with this unique man said that "this is not a man."

2. Boy with sonar vision - Ben Underwood (Ben Underwood)

Ben - blind boy whose eyes were removed in three years as a result cancer disease. However, no matter what he played basketball, ride a bike and lived quite normal life.

But how did you see bin? As the most common bat. They, as a rule, when moving, and during the hunt, make special sounds of one frequency, which, when colliding with a potential victim, sharply change the frequency to lower. Thus, mice use these sounds to navigate with echolocation. You can read about their sonar vision.

Ben also learned how to use echolocation for movement. In the absence of a dog - a guide, he didn't even need his hands, because he used the sound. At a certain point, after Dr. Ruben noticed, Ben became famous.

He spoke on the radio and in various television shows, he also lectured the same blind as he. Moreover, he did everything with pleasure, as he loved to help people.

Ben did a short sound click of the language that "bounced" from objects. Surprisingly, his ears allowed him to know where the object was. He is the only person in the world who has seen with the help of exclusively echolocation, like a dolphin or bat.

The boy was very capable, in his plans was the creation of video games for the blind, which he himself loved very much. Ben even made several sketches, moreover, according to his mom's stories, he wrote almost 20 heads of the science fiction novel.

Unfortunately, his dreams were not destined to come true, since Cancer still defeated this little man, and in 2009 at the age of 16 he died.

3. Gutta-reader boy - Daniel Browning Smith (Daniel Browning Smith)

The fivefold record holder Guinness Book Rubber Guy is the most flexible among living people, as well as the most famous acrobat.

Daniel learned to unscrew his body into incredible "knots" at the age of 4. Then he believed that everyone could, but soon realized that he has an incredible talent. At 18, he escapes from the house, joins the circus group and drives them to the world.

Today, Daniel earns in this way. He can do incredible things with his body, turning it in such a way that it becomes an incomprehensible mind, as it is possible.

It can fit in a very limited space by twisting the limb, it can crawl through a tennis racket and through the cover from the toilet, and he also knows how to move his heart in the chest. Specialists suggest that this ability was given a guy from birth, and he developed it to such scales.

Supernatural human abilities

4. Mr. "Email All" - Michel Lotito (Michel Lotito)

Michel Leothito, born in 1950, is a French artist, glorified by the fact that he can eat inadequate products. He is also known under the nickname "Mr" Email All "."

In the speeches of Leothito "take part" Metals, glass, rubber, as well as holistic items, such as bicycles, televisions, tables, etc., which he disassets into small details, cuts and eats.

The most large achievement of Michel is the use of aircraft. In order to eat a plane of Michel, it took about 2 years: he did it from 1978 to 1980. He began to eat unusual things while as a child, and publicly began to perform since 1966.

Lotito does not often suffer from the consequences of its strange diet, even if it consumes metals that are considered to be poisonous. As a rule, it eats about 1 kilogram of material per day, by drinking all this with mineral oil and a significant amount of water.

Apparently, it has a stomach and intestines, the walls of which, at least twice as thick as possible, and its digestive acids are so powerful that the metal food is capable of digesting.

5. Dental King (Rathakrishnan Velu)

On August 30, 2007, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Independence Day of Malaysia Ratakrishnican Velu (Rathakrishnan Velu) or Raja Gigi, as the locals called him, broke his own world record for towing trains with his teeth.

This time under the supervision of Rajes i was able to move the train weighing 297.1 tons to a distance of 2.8 meters. He did it on the old railway station of Kuala Lumpur, holding a train in the literal sense of teeth.

Raja Gigi found out about his incredible abilities from the Indian Guru at the age of 14.

People with unusual abilities

6. Man - Magnet - Lew Thow Lin

Luj Tou Lin, a 70-year-old pensioner from Malaysia, at one time was the hero of all the news feeds after he dragged the car more than 20 meters using an iron chain, the second edge of which was "tied" to the metal plate on his stomach.

Malazian talks about not so long ago discovered this ability - to attract the magnet to its skin iron items, while creating the steady clutch. Now he added to his "repertoire" also a car.

A man tells how after reading the article about the family in Taiwan, which has such a force, decided to try something similar on himself. To his surprise, Lew noticed that iron items laid on the stomach do not fall, but moreover, they are reliably cling to the skin.

Since this feature is present in three of his sons, as well as two grandchildren, he believes that it is hereditary.

7. A person who is not sleeping - Tai Ngok (Thai NGOC)

The 64-year-old pensioner Tai Ngok says that after in 1973 he fell down fever, he could not sleep at night and recalculated countless sheep during more than 11,700 sleepless nights.

"I don't know if insomnia affected my health or not, but I still can do agriculture Along with the rest, "says NGOs.

His words confirm the other residents of the commune, and NGOs himself, being the most oldest resident, can carry two bags of 50 kg more than 4 km. His wife says that before Tai slept well, now even alcohol does not help him sleep.

More recently, NGOs held a complete medical examination, which turned out to be that all organs in men operate accordingly, its age, With the exception of a minor reduction in the liver function.

Currently, NGOs lives on his farm in 5 hectares at the foot of the mountain, engaged in agriculture, and also carries for pigs and chickens. His six children live in their home in the city community-Commune Ke Trange.

NGOs often operates on a farm or guarding it from thieves at night, telling about how he used three months of sleepless nights to escape two large pond for fish breeding.

People with outstanding abilities

8. King torture - Tim Cridland (Tim Cridland)

Tim Cridland does not feel pain as everyone else people. He will hit every person, having done his terrible trick for piercing his hands through, while not blinking and eye. Now he shows his unique abilities to the audience throughout America.

Scientific tests have shown that Tim can tolerate much more strong pain Compared to an ordinary person. Cridland explains this by the fact that with the help of the victory of the mind over matter, he is able to pour his body through almost anywhere.

However, before doing this, he thoroughly studied the anatomy of a person, because the piercing of the artery may be fatal.

9. The best friend of Lviv - Kevin Richardson (Kevin Richardson)

Animal behavior researcher Kevin Richardson talks about what he relies on the instinct in order to conquer confidence and build a special connection with large cats. He can spend the night, calmly curled up with the eagle near them, not afraid of being attacked.

His magic works not only in relation to Lviv, it concerns other animals, such as cheetahs, leopards, and even hyenas, which will turn off aggression when communicating with it. Lions are his pets. It is surprising to watch how he plays with them, cares about those who have a teeth are so sharp that it can easily eat steel, not to mention the bones of a person.

It is incredibly dangerous, but Kevin does not stop, because he is too fascinated by his work.

10. Man - "Docked" - Claudio Pinto (Claudio Pinto)

Claudio Pinto can stick his eyes for 4 cm, or approximately 95 percent of orbits. To go to the global record, Claudio passed through a fairly large number of different tests, doctors, in turn, say that they never saw a person who could push the eyeball from the eye into the eyeball.

"This is a rather simple way to earn money, I can protrude my eyes for 4 cm, this is a gift from God, I feel happy," says Pinto.


People have always been interested in what lies outside the usual
perceptions, what is not available for the majority. However, together S.
interest was also fear due to the lack of reliable information and

Recently, paranormal or unusual abilities of people became
subject of social and scientific research, philistine robes and
newspaper publications. What is this ability? How do they come from?

Despite the fact that the human body has already been well studied by doctors and scientists, yet ...

There are riddles that are not found to our understanding.

A lot of amazing cases that have occurred with ordinary
people and published in the press. Some events simply can not
explain with the help of modern science.

So, perhaps, the most famous case happened when Mom walked with
with his little son and distracted. The child ran out on the road, and got
under the car. Seeing this picture, the mother of the kid rushed to his aid and
raised the car. It is this case in our time most often
describes scientists as evidence that the human body
it has hidden abilities.

Another pretty famous case occurred during the war. W.
the pilot due to the bolt in the mechanism swapped the steering.
Under the fear of death, the pilot began to pull the handle and miraculously
fix the plane. After landing the mechanics carefully examined
management, and found a cut bolt. As a result of the examination,
It turned out that in order to cut such a bolt would need
effort 500 kilogram.

One man walked through the forest and accidentally stumbled upon sleeping
bear. With fear, he grabbed the log, lying next to and rushed to run in
side of the nearby village. When the danger passed, he threw on
earth log, haughtily and looked around him. It turned out to be a huge trunk
the tree, which he was then unable to drag off the road. Male is not even
I was able to explain myself - why he grabbed it in a log.

But such incredible stories happened not only when it comes to its own salvation.

There is another case. When the child fell out from the window of the 7th floor, his
mother managed to grab one hand, and the other herself kept for the brick
carnishes, with only two fingers - index and average.
She kept so before the arrival of the rescuers, which then laughed with difficulty
her fingers.

70 summer woman 13 kilometers carried on his 40 year old back
the son who has fallen into an accident is never stopping and not dropping it on

Some researchers argue that a person uses its
abilities only by 10%. And this applies both to the body and to the brain.

Amazing ability demonstrated a doctor Hynnotologist Vul - he
he possessed the ability to inspire at a distance. Will sent a letter to
mail in which his handwriting was written the word: "Sleep!" If before
this patient has already been at the reception of this doctor, then upon receipt of the letter
he immediately immersed in sleep.

A striking ability possessed a pop artist from France Michel
Lotito - He can eat everything that he sees. When he was still a child he
"Ate" the TV, and from 15 years began to entertain people for money,
running rubber, glass and metal. For the fact that Michel ate a plane (though
on his eating went about 2 years), he was brought to the book of records
Guinness. Biologist K. Richardson can spend in a cage with lions,
night. For unknown reasons, Lions take Richardson for their own. Tai
NGO from Vietnam since 1973 does not sleep at all - it started after
as he fell fever.

Phenomenon Monica Tekhada

Similar inexplicable phenomena in our world many. Astonishing
the phenomenon of scientists demonstrates Monica Tekhad from Spain. Under her
a gaze Even metal objects are bent.

There are no focuss here. In a glass walled vessel, scientists were placed
steel wire. However, Monica did not bother to be a firm thread in
The form of a dinosaur with a closed mouth. Devices during this process
fixed the increase in the body temperature of the girl and the decrease in its blood
Pressure. This combination leads doctors to a dead end. Wherein
the electroencephalograph showed a biotok characteristic for sleeping man. W.
Monica has another gift - it can diagnose diseases.

In the state of New Jersey on the outskirts of Trenton in the 40s, 90-year-old lived
old man named Al Herpin. There was no fucked in his shack, no bed
In all his life, Al Kherpin never slept. The old man who lived to such
age, survived doctors who were examined. Appetite and health
Al Kherpina were good, mental abilities average. Sure,
after day work, he was tired, but could not sleep. The old man just sat in
Chair and read, until he felt rested. After
restoring physical forces, he again was accepted for work. Explain
chronic insomnia of his patient, doctors could not, as not
could explain the source of his longevity.

There is a case that occurred in the same Russian village. There
lived old sick woman named Matrena. She heard badly, not
i saw and almost did not go. Once at night, her house caught fire. All village
escaped to fire. What was the surprise of people when they saw
how this old woman climbs through a high fence. And in her hands she
hold a large chest, which later could not raise several men.
Where are the boundaries of human capabilities? And are they at all?

In Mexico City at the Olympic Games in 1968, athlete named Robert
Baimon was able to jump almost 9 meters. Of course, it seems impossible,
However, Robert's record was broken. And the record that was installed in 500
year BC Ancient Greece, looks completely fantastic -
Athlete Faila then jumped almost 17 meters long.

In New York in 1935, the child was born absolutely normal.
However, he lived only 26 days. After opening, it turned out that a child
there was no brain. Although it is known that even the most insignificant
damage to the cortex of the brain can lead to death.

The fact that in the world there are people living with outsiders in
the body does not surprise anyone now. But here is the case that happened in
one of the hospitals of New York seems just incredible. In hospital
a man turned with a light malaise. Doctors conducted a survey and
they found more than 250 items in his body. Only keys in the patient's body
It turned out 26 pieces. About where there are so many objects in his body
did not tell.

No less striking case occurred with 12-year-old Russian
a boy who appealed to the hospital of one small town with
complaints about dizziness and weakness. When examining, doctors have discovered in
heart region bullet wound. It is not known how the boy got a similar
Wound, and most importantly - as survived after that. X-ray installed
that bullet is in the solar artery. Boy urgently sent to
Moscow, where the bullet and removed from the body. She made incredible
traveling in the body - struck the lung and got into the heart pushing it into
AORT. On the vessel bullet moved until he fell into the sunny

The famous psychiatrist and neuropathologist Cesare Lombroso possessed quite
solid reputation in the scientific world. In his book "And what after death"
he told the case that occurred with a 14-year-old girl. She blinded but
at the same time, she had absolutely new and striking ability.

Dr. Lombrozo conducted studies as a result of which
it turned out that the girl sees the left ear and nose. In order to exclude
the slightest opportunity to participate eye girl when conducting an experiment
doctors closed them with a bandage so that peeping completely
excluded. However, despite taken measures, girl with ease
i read with the blindfolded eyes and blinked the colors.

When a bright light flashed next to the urine of the ear, she blinked, and when
the doctor wanted to bring his finger to the tip of her nose, she bounced off his cries,
what he wants to blind her. There was a striking movement of organs
the feelings touched upon not only vision. When the experimenter is subcame
The solution of ammonia alcohol to the nose of the girl, she did not respond. But how
Only he raised the solution to the chin, she jerked against pain. She is
threw smells of chin.

I must say that some people know how to fully control
the ability of their body. These include first
indian yogis. Probably the most striking ability of yogis is
The fact that they can stop the beat of their own hearts. Yoga can
introduce yourself to the state of "death" - the work of the heart and breathing slow down,
And other processes of vital activity stop.

Yogi can be long enough in such a state. So what are the same
forces are hidden in man? Based on the foregoing, you can assume
that the possibilities of the human body are endless. Need only
learn to control them.

Diamond tears

Woman named Hanuma, living in Africa, got a nickname
"Diamond" with their unusual abilities to cry diamonds. Since childhood
Hanuma did not cry. The first time it happened at nine years, when a girl
The first time cleaned the bow. What was the surprise of parents of the girl,
when solid crystals began to fall out of her eye instead of tears.

Dad girl was a jeweler and subjected to small crystals without difficulty
i defined that they are real diamonds. Parents decided to hold
In secret, the unusual abilities of Hanuma and dad used crystals
daughters for manufacture jewelryused by large
demand. One of the clients suspected the wrong and passed a diamond on
expertise, as a result of which it turned out that the stone had
organic. The girl became famous for the whole world. But
scientist never managed to reveal the secret of diamond tears.

Man - Loda

Not sensitive to any cold A resident of Holland Vim Hof. Thanks
with its unusual abilities of the Dutchman conquered the mountain peaks in one
underwear, walked for a long time in ice water and performed a lot
similar feats.

Doctors conducted organism surveys amazing man, but
research results did not show any deviations from the norm in
wim's body after cold procedures. Unusual abilities of the Dutchman
allow him to feel comfortable in those conditions that for
any other person will be fatal.

"Eternal Engine"

Baby, named Ret Lamb, who is three years old, not yet in life
slept. He is awake around the clock. Parents of retort of course, not delighted
from such abilities of the Son, but most of all they were disturbed by the issue of health
Baby. However, as shown repeated medical examinations,
no sleep does not affect the health of the Reta, the boy is absolutely

Recent studies cleared a little picture. It turned out that the brain
and nervous system an amazing child arranged in a special way
thanks to which the boy does not need a dream, his brain rests during

Man - Reptile

Stories are known cases when people had the ability to replace their
skin covering To the new, just as reptiles do. Born B.
1851 in the state of Missouri S. Basquirk has already started changing the skin as a child.
The most amazing thing that happened is always one day - June 27th.
The skin began to be rude, and then fell off in big pieces. From hand and with
she peelled legs like gloves or socks.

After old skin falls from him, it was possible in her place
watch young pink and gentle skin, like the one that they have
newborn babies. For several years, Mr. Basquirk collected
"Leather" collection.

Glowing patient

Anna Monary suffered from Asthma, in 1934 she became like
luminescent lamp. During the illness from her breast, bluish
glow. This phenomenon lasted a few weeks and was documented
doctors. Sometimes the color of the glow changed to red and green. Explanations
no one could give this phenomenon.

One psychiatrist suggested that "the phenomenon is caused by electrical and
magnetic organisms that have received enough development
In the body of this woman and therefore empty shine, "in other words,
one way to say: "I don't know." Another doctor suggested the theory
electromagnetic radiation, linking it with certain chemical
components in the skin sick, which was close to fashionable
then the theory of bioluminescence.

Dr. Protest, who made a spare application regarding
his observations over Signoroia Monary, suggested that her weak
health together with starvation and piousness increased the number
blood sulphides. Human blood emits rays in ultraviolet
range, and sulphides can be forced to luminescent ultraviolet
irradiation - this explains the radiance coming from the breast of Signora Monary
("Timec", May 5, 1934).

Anna Monary

The proposed theory did not explain the strange periodicity or
localization of bluish outbreaks, and soon confused researchers
finally missed.

Book Gould and Paul "Anomalies and Curishes in Medicine" for 1937
describes the case with a woman suffering from breast cancer. Outgoing
From the patient's chest area, the light was sufficient to see
dial clocks that were at a distance of several feet ...

In the book Harerend Carrington "Death: its reasons and related
phenomena "There is a mention of a child who deceased from the indentation of the stomach. After
death body boy began to emit bluish radiance and
spread warmly. Attempts to pay this shine did not lead to anything,
but soon it ceased in itself. When the body was raised from the bed,
it was found that the sheet under it is burned ... the only case
lights of light with a practically healthy person (not counting, of course,
saints) described in the magazine "English Mechanic" of September 24, 1869:

"One American, goes to bed, discovered the glow of the upper part
the fourth finger of her right leg. When she grasped his leg, glow
increased and some unknown force spread his fingers on it. From
the legs proceeded by stench, and both light emission and the smell not
stopped even when the leg was immersed in pelvis with water. Even
soap could not repay or reduce the glow. It lasted this phenomenon three
a quarter of an hour, and watched his husband of this woman. "

The church refers to the phenomenon of "People-Svetlykov" approvingly. Dad
Benedict XIV wrote: "... It should be recognized as a fact - the availability of natural
flame that sometimes becomes visible around human head, I.
It also looks like the truth that sometimes from the whole body of a person can
fire, however, not like a bonfire, rushing up, but rather in
the form of sparks flying in all directions. "

People - Lightning

The organism of an ordinary person is able to generate in small
quantities, but not accumulate electricity. However, there are people
the unusual abilities of which are that they can
accumulate electricity in yourself, and at a convenient case, drop it on
surrounding objects.

So, for example, an article in 1953 was published in the journal "Predicts"
year in which he told about the baby hit the electric shock
doctors. For another whole day, he kept tension in himself and was
dangerous for others.

But it happens that unusual abilities wake up in people only with
age. Chinese worker in 1988 began to notice in his body
some changes, but could not understand what it is, as long as it is inappropriate
I did not hit my colleague with current, filled with its discharge from the legs.

Reef Mukharians - one of those people who were able to survive after the lightning strike.

Back in 1965, I hit the reef fireballand he miraculously stayed
alive. Over time, he began to see strange dreams, which soon began
to come true - he began to wake up extrasensory abilities.

When he completely recovered from the disease, he was seriously ill
friend. Doctors did not know what to do, and only bred with their hands, and it was then
Reef decided to take advantage of its new features. Literally
two weeks a friend was firmly on his feet.

Live magnet

There are people who have magnetism. The most amazing case
manifestations of magnetic abilities - the case of american french
McKinsty His body attracted to the ground. Especially strong magnetism
show himself in the morning. Francha had to move very quickly,
without stops, because his body stuck to the ground, stopped by
a couple of seconds, and then, without help, a man could no longer
continue movements.

Often people do not realize that they have some unusual
abilities. A resident of Germany Eric Tsur Strinberg discovered
magnetic abilities of their body after watching TV shows,
In which they talked about the magnetism of Russians, Natalia Petrasova.

For the sake of interest, German was put to the chest spoon and that "stuck" to
woman. Then Erica hanged almost all cutlery to
make sure there is an unusual ability.

Unusual abilities still have to solve

Many scientists agree that this kind of ability
potentially laid in each person, but they are manifested only in
extreme situations or after heavy life shocks. Example
This hypothesis is the predictor of Vanga, which losing sight
gained the ability to foresee the future, real people and their
of the past.

Also the famous German clairvoyant Wolf Messing became the owner
his unusual abilities after staying for a long time in
condition of clinical death. It happened when Messing was
eleven years.

Many cases are known when people coming out of clinical death,
gained the ability to read thoughts, talking to the previously unknowns
or even dead languages. An amazing case happened with
polyman Gregory Popov. Engaged in the repair of the aircraft
Grigory heard behind himself some rustle, turning around, he saw
the polar bear is one of the most dangerous predators. The pilot did not have time
nothing to understand how it was already on a two-meter height - on the wing
aircraft. He climbed there with one jump.

1. Autist from Great Britain Daniel Tammet (Daniel Tammet) is hardly saying,
does not distinguish between the left and right, it does not know how to insert the plug into the outlet,
but at the same time it is easily in the mind of the most complex mathematical calculations.

"I represent the numbers in the form of visual images. They have a color, structure, form, - tells Tammet. - Numerical sequences appear in my consciousness as landscapes. Like pictures. In my head as if the universe arises with its fourth dimension. "

Daniel knows the number of 22514 numbers after the comma among the PI, and speaks for eleven languages: English, French, Finnish, German, Estonian, Spanish, Romanian, Icelandsk (learned for 7 days), Lithuanian (gives him her preference), Welsh And in the language of Esperanto.

2. A young man from Sacramento (California) - Ben Underwood (Ben Underwood) - Born absolutely healthy childbut his eyes were removed surgically Because of the retinal cancer at a three-year-old. However, Ben continued to live a full-fledged life of a gloomy man.

At the same time, he never had no guide dog, no cane; He does not help herself, even if moved in an unfamiliar room. Instead, Ben uses his language, making clicks whose sound is reflected from nearby objects.

Studies of doctors have shown that the boy's hearing did not exacerbate as compensation for vision loss - he has a rumor of an ordinary average person - simply Ben's brain learned to translate sounds into visual information, which makes a young person look like bat mouse Or Dolphin - it is able to capture echo, and on the basis of this echo identify the exact location of objects.

3. Daniel Smith (Daniel Smith) - a gutta-first man from the USA, which is a five-time record holder Guinness, began to unscrew his body at a four-year-old age, believing that he does not do anything special. But soon Daniel realized how talent possesses, and at 18 he ran away from the house with a circus troupe.

Since then, the "rubber man" took part in many circus and acrobatic ideas, basketball and baseball matches, was a guest on most well-known television shows and programs. Among them: Men in Black 2, HBO "S Carnivale, CSI: NY, and others.

The most flexible person from all of the living things now exerted with his body incredible things: he does not work through the hole in the tennis racket and through the toilet seat, and also knows how to turn into incredible components and compositions, and move the heart on the chest. Doctors believe that incredible flexibility was given to Daniell since birth, but he himself brought it to the maximum possible limit.

4. Frenchman Michael Lotito (Michel Lotito), born in 1950, opened his amazing abilities At 9 years old - to death scared the parents, he ate a TV. C 16, he began to entertain people for money, pumping metal, glass, rubber. Interestingly, the body of Leotito never showed any side EffectsEven when the eaten contained poisonous substances.

Usually, the object is disassembled into parts, cut into pieces, and the lessitis swallows them, drinking water. In the Guinness Book of Records, omnivorous Michael, who received the nickname "Monsieur, eat it all," he fell for the fact that he ate it for half a two years - from 1978 to 1980, - by using an aircraft kilogram in a day.

The latter x-ray showed that there were still a piece of metal in the body of the organism. And he did not die only because the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as the average person.

5. Radhakrishnan Velu (Rathakrishnan Velu), known as the "Tooth King", also has a rare ability. This Malaysian is practiced in tugging vehicles.

On August 30, 2007, on the eve of the 50th day of Independence of Malaysia, this man broke his own record, pulling the train with his own teeth.

This time the train consisted of 6 wagons and weighed 297 tons. Harricrishnan managed to drag the composition by 2.8 meters.

6. Liv Tou Lin is a magnet man. In her 70 years, the compatriot Harkrishnana Velo managed to drag the car using an iron chain attached to the iron plate on his stomach.

The ability to attract Metal Items Liv Tau Lin considers hereditary, since 3 of his son and 2 grandson are endowed with the same amazing and incredible gift.

Scientists in the meantime are trying to no avail to explain this phenomenon: there is no magnetic field around the Malaysian, and it is all right with the skin.

7. Tai Ngok (Thai NGOC), 64-year-old Vietnamese, forgot what a dream is, after in 1973 he fell fever.

"I don't know how insomnia affects health affects," he says, "but I am quite well and I can keep the farm not worse than others." The proof of NGOs mentions that every day wears two 50-kilogram bags with fertilizers a few kilometers from the house.

And during the medical examination, doctors did not find any diseases from Vietnamese, except for minor abnormalities in the liver.

8. Tim Cridland (Tim Cridland) is a person who does not experience pain. Even at the School "King of Torture" hit classmates when, without blinking the eye, he sicked up his hands with needles and painlessly kept any heat and cold.

And today Tim demonstrates terrifying things to the numerous public throughout America. To do this, he had to study anatomy for a long time. After all, when the admiring eyes of the audience look at you, safety is above all.

Scientific research It was shown that Tim has a much higher pain limit than an average person. Otherwise he does not differ from ordinary people. Including - the degree of damage applied by pinches with pins, as well as the chance of death in these damage.

9. Kevin Richardson (Kevin Richardson), relying on instinct, friendly with the Feline family, not only home, and predatory. Without the slightest fear for her life, Kevin can spend the night with lions.

Cheetahs and leopards, capable of breaking a person in a fraction, take a biologist for their own. Even unpredictable hyenas are so accustomed to Kevin that the female of the hyena, for example, allows him to take the hands of the newborn young.

"I rely on intuition, weighing your chances when communicating with animals. I never approach the beast, if I feel that something is wrong, "Richardson says. - I do not use sticks, whips or chains, only patience. It is dangerous, but for me it is a passion, not work. "

10. Claudio Pinto (Claudio Pinto) from the city of Belo Horizonte is known as a person with stacked eyes, because he is able to staring at 4cm, that is, 95% of the eye orbits.

Pinto passed the set medical examinationsAnd doctors say that they have never seen a man before, which is able to do it with eyes.

"It is pretty easy way make money. I can draw my eyes on a 4 centimeter - this is a gift from God, and I feel happy, "says Claudio.