A healthy mind in a healthy body. Presentation on theme: "A healthy mind in a healthy body. "Do not speak rude words, only good gifts"

-(Slide 1) Look at the screen, read carefully "Health is the head of everything." What is this? (Proverb)

How do you understand this proverb?

When meeting, people usually say one good and kind word, what is that word? (Hello)

What does the person mean when he says it? (As if wishing health to another person)

Guys, what do you think, what are we going to talk about today? (About health)

-(Slide 2) The theme of our event is “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

We're talking about health today. Health is the most valuable thing that people have, which means that it must be protected. Both adults and children want to be healthy.

First we need to divide into three teams, 1 row - 1 team, 2 row - 2 team, 3 row - 3 team. Come up with a name for your team and choose a captain. Half a minute is given for discussion.

The discussion is over, we present our teams, 1st team, says the name of the team and commander, 2nd team, 3rd team.

Guys, what is health?

Now I will read out the phrases, what is health, 1 phrase for the first group, 2 for 2, 3 for 3, if you agree, then clap your hands, if you do not agree, be silent.

Health is beauty.

Health is bad habits.

Health is strength and intelligence.

Health is malnutrition.

Health is wealth.

Health must be protected.

Health is life.

Health is happiness and success.

Health is not hygiene

Today we will build a poster healthy lifestyle life, it lacks health components. To complete the components, you need to work in a group, each group has its own task and its own components. (Group 1 makes up the daily routine, group 2 - solves riddles and selects items that cannot be transferred, group 3 - classifies useful and harmful products)

The teams finish their work as a group.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Listen to Igor Maznin's poem "One of the difficult things" and say the first component of health.

One of the most difficult things...

Do not do twenty things at once

And whatever the hour - to be able to all the time

Have your own hour and time for everything:

And for fun, and for work,

For noise and jokes - five minutes,

And for fun - a sweet moment.

And a long hour - for reading books!

So, for health it is necessary to observe. (Daily regime)

Performance of group 1 (they read out the daily routine and stick it on a common poster).

They say that:

Dream - the best medicine.

Sleep is better than any wealth.

Get enough sleep - you will be younger. WHY?

Sleep is essential. Children need a lot of sleep to replenish the energy they have expended. Tired not only muscles, but many important organs(heart, lungs, liver), the brain especially needs rest. When we sleep, even the bones rest: thanks to this, they grow better. No wonder they say that children grow in their sleep. It is harmful if a person does not get enough sleep regularly.

I am sure that all guys want to grow up strong and healthy. And does it still need to be done? (Sports)

- Be healthy, strong, smart

Training will help us

Running, warm-up, exercise

And the playground!


Now we will talk about personal hygiene. Speech of the 2nd group (read out and pasted on a common poster).

Name the items of personal hygiene that cannot be transferred to another person? Why can't they be transferred?

There are items that can be transferred, there is an air ball, we will play now, it is not dangerous, provocatively and fun.

Listen carefully to the dispute and say, whose dispute is this, and what component of health does it reveal? Speech of the 3rd group (they read out the dispute, talk about useful and not useful products and stick it on a common poster).

What component of health does he reveal? (Proper nutrition)

Talk about useful and harmful products. Eat more fruits and vegetables, you will be healthy, a lot of healthy foods.

(slide) calcium

We have learned with you which foods are good for our health in order to be always healthy and beautiful. But do not forget to thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before eating.

And now let's play the game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.", We all get up, I will read out the statements, if you agree, then walk in place and say the words "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends" If you don't agree, keep quiet.

Who is a gang of cheerful

Walking to school every day? (It's me…)

Which of you, from the kids,

Walks dirty to the ears? (silent)

Who keeps the clothes

Does he put it under the bed? (silent)

Who goes to bed early

In dirty shoes on the bed? (silent)

Which of you does not walk gloomy,

Do you love sports and exercise? (It's me…)

I wake up early in the morning

Together with the sun ruddy. (It's me…)

I make my own bed

I quickly do ... CHARGING. (It's me…)

Look at our poster. Observing all these rules, everyone can be healthy, strong, beautiful and successful person.

And what is he healthy man? (Handsome, round-shouldered, slender, strong, thick, dexterous, strong, pale, clumsy, hardy, ruddy, fit, stately, strong-willed, disciplined). 6 healthy parameters. Bang

Guys, remember the theme of our event “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. We have sorted out how to be a healthy person, and what a healthy mind means. It is true that if a person is physically healthy, then he will be successful in studies, other activities, he has a positive mood, he is sociable, disciplined, active, self-confident, this is a strong-willed person. After all, if a person is healthy, then his soul is calm and comfortable.

Summary of the GCD on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle "In a healthy body - a healthy mind"
Golovanova T.V.
Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​health as the most main value for a person.
Tasks: Educational: to consolidate children's knowledge about what a person needs for health, to form an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, to activate children's vocabulary;
Developing: to develop cognitive and motor activity, attention, logical thinking, memory, auditory perception, imagination;
Educators: to cultivate interest in a healthy lifestyle and a desire to take care of their own health.
Preliminary work: reviewing a children's encyclopedia, talking about health, reading fiction, guessing riddles, learning physical minutes, the game "Wishes".
Equipment and material: projector, presentation (slides with pictures, white and red traces cut out of paper, balloons with painted grimaces (germs, a box with hygiene items (soap, comb, handkerchief, toothbrush, envelope with a letter, pictures with image different products, sheet A3 with the inscription "USEFUL", glue stick, pictures of the sun and clouds according to the number of children.
GCD progress
- Guys, let's join hands, look at each other, smile and mentally send a wish to each other. What did you wish? (answers from several children)
- And I wished you all health, because this is the most important thing for a person.
- Guys, today, when I was going to you, I met one Fairy, who gave you this box and said that the most valuable thing for a person is here. What do you think is there? (children's answers)
- Let's get a look?
(get soap out of the box, toothbrush, comb, handkerchief)
- What are these guys? What is it for? (children's answers)
- You guessed what kind of Fairy it is? Where she lives? (Fairy of Hygiene, lives in the country of Health)
- Look, there's another envelope with a letter. (the teacher reads the letter)
Dear Guys!
I invite you to my country of Health! The path to the country is not close, and you will meet dangers. To overcome them, you need to complete tasks and then you will find yourself in my country of Health, vigor and joy!
- Let's go to the country of Health? (Yes)
(children approach the path of red and white footprints)
- What do you think, who could leave red footprints? (illness, cold, fever)
- Right. These traces were left by the Cold. And so that a person does not get infected, does not get sick, what should be done? (harden, do exercises, perform hygiene procedures)
- We do not want to get sick, then what traces will we follow? (on white)
(children follow white tracks, slide No. 1 appears on the screen - the Kingdom of the Common Cold. Three balls with painted grimaces hang around - microbes)
Where are we guys? (children's answers) We are in the realm of the Cold. To defeat the microbes, you will need to complete tasks. Do you agree?
Then 1 task - to solve riddles.
(after the children guess the riddle, the answer slides No. 2-No. 8 appears on the screen)
The air cuts deftly, deftly,
Stick on the right, stick on the left
Well, there is a rope between them.
It's long. (jump rope) - slide number 2
He happens to be basketball
Volleyball and football.
They play with him in the yard,
It's interesting to play with him. (ball) - slide number 3
Two wheeled vehicle
Does not smoke, does not eat gasoline.
There are wheels, there is a brake
You can sit on the saddle
But it doesn't have a motor.
This is ... (bike) - slide number 4
Play in the yard in the morning
The kids played.
Shouts: “puck!”, “Stick!”, “Hit!” -
So there is a game... (Hockey) - slide number 5
To learn it
We need a pool. (swimming) - slide number 6
Who spins the sports projectile,
He will be very slim soon. (hoop) - slide number 7
Legs and muscles are constantly in motion -
It's not just a person walking.
Such are the fast movements
We call short -. (running) - slide number 8
- Well done. All riddles solved. We have dealt with one microbe. (pop the balloon)
- What else should I do to not get sick? (children's answers)
(slide number 9 appears on the screen - children do exercises)
- In order not to get sick, you need to do exercises, breathe fresh air.
- Let's do some exercises.
Don't be lazy my friend
Get on the charger!
Hands to the sides, forward
Right, left turn.
Hands down, on the belt, up
We run away from everyone.
Leaning right, left
We all do it well.
Jump, jump, run
We want to be healthy!
(after charging, the balloon bursts)
- And we coped with this microbe. See what needs to be done to defeat the last microbe.
(slide number 10 appears on the screen - healthy foods)
- That's right, there are healthy foods rich in vitamins. Vitamins strengthen our immunity. Immunity is the body's defense against germs and disease.
- Let's strengthen your immunity. To do this, you need to choose from all products only useful for the body.
(children choose pictures and stick them on a poster with the inscription "USEFUL". After completing the task, the third balloon bursts)
- Guys, we defeated the Cold and its guards - microbes.
(on the screen, slide No. 11 - the country of Health and the Fairy of Hygiene)
- Look, where are we? Yes, this is the country of Health and we are welcomed by the Hygiene Fairy. She is glad to see you and wants to play with you, and at the same time check whether you know the rules of a healthy lifestyle well. Do you agree? She will give you advice. If the advice is useful, then you clap your hands, if the advice is about what is unhealthy, then you stomp your feet.
1. Wake up early in the morning
And wash your face with water
2. Eat more oranges
Drink delicious carrot juice
3. If you want to be slim,
Gotta love sweets
4. Porridge - delicious food
This is helpful for us...
5. Green onions sometimes, are children useful to us?
6. Is dirty water sometimes good for us in a puddle?
7. Never get sick, do you need to temper yourself?
8. To be cheerful, not to get tired
You have to lie on the couch.
9. So as not to catch a cold, not to get sick,
We need to stay at home.
10. So that health is in order -
Do exercises in the morning.
- Well done boys! You coped with all the tasks and the Hygiene Fairy invites you to stay in her country of health, vivacity and joy! After all, when a person is healthy, he is happy and joyful to live. Do you agree? (Yes)
Outcome. Guys, did you enjoy our trip? What do you remember the most? (children's answers) Who was fun and interested, take the sun - a symbol of joy and health, and who was bored, uninteresting - a cloud.

Open lesson on extracurricular activities on the topic:

"In a healthy body healthy mind"

Main goals:

1) give the concept of a healthy person;

2) understand the impact of various factors on human health;

3) show dependency physical health from spiritual.

4) to instill in students feelings of love, kindness, the desire for health conservation and the right way life.

5) to form a desire to do good in life, to give joy to people, to think about their actions.


Computer, multimedia projector, cards with the image of the daily routine, cards with the names of parts of the body and human organs

During the classes:

  1. Introduction by the teacher.

Guys, please look at the topic of today's lesson and tell me what we will talk about today.

- Guys, does everyone want to be healthy? And what does it mean: HEALTHY PERSON? (Children's answers.)

- A healthy person is one whose whole body works harmoniously,

in a single rhythm, and in fact there are a lot of different organs in it.

What does harmoniously mean? Let's take a look at our body.

2. "Finish the tale."

The teacher reads the beginning of A. Rastsvetnikova's tale "Commonwealth". The kids continue it.


Once quarreled parts of the human body. Everyone believed that he was the most important and most needed.

The first hands shouted:

R: We won't work.

Work for yourself if you want!

Legs joined in:

N: - And we will not go

And wear you!

G: - Think how scared! -

their eyes told them so. -

Try at least once

Avoid prying eyes

W: We won't listen! -

ears said. -

We constantly strain our ears

and day-to-day we do not know the rest

R: I can live without worries!exclaimed the mouth.

- I also know how to be:

I won't eat, I won't drink!

Zh: - Hooray, from today there will be a rest for me!

stomach screamed with joy.

Then the head said in turn:

G: - I'm afraid of this discord,

He won't lead us to good

but I need to think about myself

Let my brain rest a little!

Finally quarreling, everyone fell silent. And now the hands stopped working, the legs do not walk along the road, the ears do not strain to hear, the fire is extinguished in the eyes, the mouth does not chew food, the stomach rests, and the head does not think ...

- Guys, think about how this story ended? (Children's answers.)

That's right, the person gets sick.

3. Game moment.

Game "Human Health"

What should you do to be healthy?(Children's answers.)

Need to lead a healthy lifestyle

What does a healthy lifestyle mean?

Observe the daily routine;


Do not have bad habits;

Keep your body clean

Eat properly.

4. Talk about facts that affect health.

Let's remember everything we knowabout proper nutrition.

Products are useful and harmful.

What products are called useful?

These are the products

that benefit the body

What foods are considered harmful?

These are the foods that harm our body.

And now let's play a game called "Useful or harmful?"

Before you are leaflets that depict useful and harmful products. Please take a red pencil and cross out the foods that you think are harmful.

Now let's check.

Well done guys, you correctly identified harmful products. Now let's keep playing. What is good to eat for breakfast? We keep an eye on products.

Now let's talk about sport. Why do we play sports?

You have already said that everything works smoothly in a healthy person. So I want to see how you will answer questions not with your tongue, but with your body. We got up.

How do we say with the help of the head: "Yes, yes, yes."

How do we say with our head: “No, no, no.”

How do we use our shoulders and arms to say, "I don't know."

How do we say with the help of the hand: "Well, well, well."

How do we express delight with our hands at a concert?

As with the help of your legs you demand to buy something: “I want, I want, I want.”

Here we are and before hygiene . Let's play rhymes.

Game "Rhymes"

To be healthy, strong,
My face and hands... (soap)

Water gurgles in the tap:
“Wash yours cleaner……” (faces)
-Gnawing steel pipes,
If you are clean………. (teeth)
-will soon turn into claws
Uncut ...... (nails).

I sweated in the bath for an hour -
It became light, clean ...... .. (body).

Now I want to check if you forgot why we need personal hygiene items?

Let's play a game: "What is friends with what?" Let's check.

Let's remember somebad habits.

Why are they harmful?

Since childhood, people have been telling everyone
That tobacco is deadly ……… (poison).

We talked a lot and about the daily routine . Let's remember him.

And now the guys will work in pairs. Here are 4 proverbs, which are cut into two parts. Lay out the first parts of the proverbs in a column. And now, select the second part for each proverb.

5. Acquaintance with new material.

Creation of a problem situation.

Guys, with a healthy body, we figured it out. But what is healthy mind? Healthy soul?

You know, it happens that a boy or a girl leads a healthy lifestyle, but no one wants to be friends with them. Why do you think?

  • That's right, guys, a healthy mind is
  • Kindness
  • Friendship
  • Love
  • Respect
  • Responsiveness


Therefore they say:

“Kindness is to the soul what health is to the body”


So it is important to have not only a healthy body, but also a healthy mind, a healthy soul.

6. Reflection.

At the end of our lesson, I want to see if you remember everything?

All good fellows. You have worked very well today.

Thank you for this activity.

7. The result of the lesson.

Health and soul are inseparable.

Do not spit, do not give up on them.

And mistakes are sometimes irreparable -

There is only a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Integrated Healthy Lifestyle

Target - creation of conditions for active collective leisure of children from the orphanage


  1. To form in children an understanding of health as the basic value of human life;
  2. To expand and systematize the knowledge of pupils about the need for a healthy lifestyle;
  3. Develop cognitive and creative abilities of pupils;
  4. Strengthen friendship and a sense of camaraderie, promote the rallying of the children's team;
  5. Promote a healthy lifestyle;

Two teams of pupils from 8 to 15 years old take part in the game..

Equipment: visual material, task cards, a music center with song discs, a computer for slide presentation, sports equipment: sleds, skis, clubs, balls ...

Celebrity posters:

“Health is something that we value little, but for which we pay the most.” D.S. Likhachev “Caring for the health of the younger generation is one of the priority tasks of the state. Healthy children are the future of our great country. It is they who will become the successors of the cultural heritage of their ancestors, will apply the available forces to strengthen the power and prosperity of Russia.” Vladimir Putin

“Sport is fun. It promotes the development of harmony of mind and strength, calls for a fair fight, helps to develop nobility. Pierre de Coubertin.

“A healthy child is a successful child” (L.S. Vygotsky)

“Health is not given for free, you have to fight for it”, “Take care of your health from a young age!” (Proverb.)

Location:training room, sports ground of the orphanage

Form of work: group

Working methods: verbal, visual, gaming, practical, method of analysis and stimulation educational process, exercise method, creating a situation of success.

Lesson progress

(Showing a presentation on the achievements of pupils)

Good afternoon dear guys. I am glad to welcome you to the educational game"In a healthy body healthy mind".

Sports people - they are so beautiful.

They have so much energy, vivacity, strength.

Do you want to be just like them?

Only sports will help you in this!

Health will increase, success will add.

He will save you from boredom, idleness.

Believe in yourself and achieve heights.

What you dreamed about, only sport will give you.

Our game will consist of three stages. First, we will go on an exciting journey through the stations. Then we will show our physical preparation: dexterity, endurance, speed of movements and, of course, the desire to win. And on final stage we will reveal our creative potential, realize our extraordinary fantasies and inner impulses. Indeed, in order to stay healthy, you need not only to play sports and strengthen your body, but also to have theoretical and practical knowledge that will help you avoid serious illnesses Take care not only of yourself, but also of the people around you. And let the upcoming game be held under the motto:“Alone we are nobody, but together we are POWER!”

- In order for you to compete, you need to get everyone together. Name your team and let us know. (Representation of commands.)

We want to hear the motto, since you have gathered at the game.

- I wish everyone to win and strengthen health.

First stage - passing stations.

Here's where you should try.

Knowledge, speed and results are evaluated,

I invite the teams to start.

We already know all the stages and we begin the lesson.

1 station "Answer"

(Participants take turns answering questions from the facilitator.)

Two snub-nosed girlfriends are not far behind each other:

Both run side by side, both songs sing,

Both tapes on the snow are left on the run.(Skis.)

In order not to freeze on a winter day, it’s not too lazy to take you with you. Woolen two sisters. What is your name? …(Mittens.)

Frost will not overtake us:

We ski...(Cross.)

Me and my friend

We come here every day.

Lights are shining here

And the skates clink on the ice.(Ice rink.)

Thaw. Then frost.

Only the top of the snow is frozen.

Ice crust us

Holds firmly. This …(Inst.)

Himself without arms, without legs, but he knows how to draw.(Freezing.)

Though not a turnip, but round. And black, not resin.

She loves to play hockey.(Washer.)

We are happy to overtake each other.

You look, my friend, do not fall!

They are good, light, fast ....(Skates.)

I'm going to the winter forest to see the land of wonders,

In the morning I got up on skis and called my friends with me.

And the speedboat takes me to the forest ....(Ski track.)

Like a soldier without a gun

There is no hockey player without ...(Sticks.)

Hanging over the stands

This much needed shield.

He will show every goal -

You can see the score from all sides.(Scoreboard.)

Walks deftly with a wheel,

Performs somersaults.

And also a cascade of jumps.

Who is this? Find out.(Gymnast.)

The player grabs the ball, throws it high ...

Here is where the beauty is:

Dexterity, accuracy, speed.(Basketball.)

Not boots, not boots

But they are also worn by legs.

We run in them in winter

Morning to school

Day - home. (Felt boots.)

How lucky -

How much snow has fallen!

We leave early

We ride on…(Sled.)

Colored umbrellas in the sky

Like flowers in the forest

And on the slings they hung

Well done -……. (Paratroopers.)

You are this athlete

I could name it right now!

And he's an excellent skier.

And he's a good shooter!(Biathlete)

Train on the "pear",

And then they “dry” in the ring!!(Boxers.)

2 station "OBSNNYAYKA"

"People's Wisdom"(The host reads proverbs and aphorisms about health, and the teams take turns explaining them.)

  1. Appetite runs away from the sick, and rolls towards the healthy.
  2. Sick as a child.
  3. The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous.
  4. Even a fly will kill him with its wing.
  5. You will be healthy - you will get everything.
  6. If you want to be healthy - temper yourself.
  7. Smoking is injurious to health.
  8. An old disease is difficult to treat.
  9. Health is more valuable than money.
  10. Cleanliness is the key to health.

- Guys, so what do you need to do to always stay healthy and energetic?

3 station "SOOBRAZHAIKA"

(There are photographs on the tables, one way or another related to sports. From the proposed letters, each team needs to make up the correct name and place it under the photo. The team that completes the task first wins.)Basketball Darts Golf Tennis Gymnastics Rally Boxing Football Swimming Fencing Hockey Bodybuilding Billiards Chess Running Bowling Cycling Baseball

4 station "DUMAYKA"

I suggest you solve the secret code. Before you is an encrypted proverb, consisting only of numbers. Each number indicates one of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Whoever completes the task first will receive maximum amount points.

(He who is friends with health never grieve.)

The second stage is sports.

The Olympic Games in Sochi are waiting for all athletes soon. Why are we worse? Come on guys, run ahead. The reward of the strongest will soon find.

1 task: Left bank, right bank. There is a crossing in front of you. We take the children on a sleigh, collect them on the island, and then we all run back together.(Sledging)

2 task: It's great that there are frosty days. And skating rinks are poured everywhere for the kids. We took the club in hand, we strive forward.It's just like real hockey.(driving the ball with a hockey stick)

3 task: I ran on skis and I hit the target with a snowball. I want to achieve a lot. I have more to strive for.(Snowball hitting a bucket)

4 task: The twenty-first loves the age of those who appreciate fast running.We ask the participants of the relaydo not lose boots and boots.(Running relay.)

(It is necessary not only to run, but also to bring a word related to winter time of the year:skis, skates, ice rink, puck, hockey stick, sled, sticks, boots, ice, snow, slide, ball, racket, shuttlecock, boat, bike, jump ropes, rollers, swimsuit, pool, shorts, beach, frost, hoop, dumbbells, ring, gloves, bars, disk, spear, cap, sun.

The third stage is creative.

Burime essay. You have 1 minute for this task. Who can do it faster. For example: "whistle - east"(I looked back to the east - I hear the referee's whistle).And here are the rhymes for burime:

  1. Track - mass
  2. Ball - key
  3. Skiing - moving

    Healthy lifestyle class

    "In a healthy body healthy mind".

      Organizational moment.
      - Guys, today we will talk about our health, about a healthy lifestyle.
      life, we will hold competitions in the class.

    2. Conversation on the topic.
    Do you think you are in good health?
    Look at each other and say what a healthy person looks like.
    3. Help yourself.
    What do you think needs to be done to improve or
    to keep healthy?
    All of the things you listed are part of a healthy
    Compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle strengthens health and educates the will and character of a person. An ancient Chinese proverb says: "A wise person prevents diseases, not cures them."

    Stretching the lower back, we will not be in a hurry.
    Turn right, turn left, look at your neighbor. (Torso twists to the side.)
    To become even smarter, we twist our neck a little.
    One and two, one and two, dizzy! (Rotation of the head to the sides.)
    For starters, we only turn our heads. (Head rotation.) We also rotate the body. Of course we can do this! (Turns of the body to the right and left.)
    And now we sit down! We are well aware of:
    We need to strengthen our legs! One two three four five! (Squats.) We have squats, the whole class squats!
    One two three four five! We need to stretch our legs! (Squats.) Finally, they stretched up and bent to the sides. (Pull up and to the side.)
    They blushed from the warm-up and sat down at their desks again. (Children sit at their desks.)

    Team competitions.
    - Read the writing on the blackboard:
    "In a healthy body healthy mind"

    Now you will prove it with your knowledge.
    1. Representation of commands.
    1) We are almost already athletes
    Every day is sure
    We start with physical exercises,
    We don't play hide-and-seek with a dream.
    2) We are clean, no doubt.
    Need to wash
    Morning, evening and afternoon -
    Before every meal
    After sleep and before sleep.

    2. 1st station "Sportivnaya".
    - Record as much as possible more titles sports starting with the letter "K"
    "G", "F".

    3. 2nd station "Lost and Found".
    - Our letters decided to fool around. They ran across the board. And before
    several words could be formed from them. warning - words
    sports or sports items are hidden here.
    H, F, K, O, M, S, U, B, N, R, I, I, L, I, S, A.

    4. 3rd station "Zagadkino".
    - Guess the riddles, what organs or parts of the body are we talking about?
    (Teams are given riddles in turn. If no one from the team
    If you guess correctly, the turn moves to the next team.)
    Brother and brother live across the path,
    But they do not see each other, (eyes)
    He is always at work when we speak.
    And rests when we are silent, (language)
    3) Between two saints
    I am alone in the middle (nose).

    4) One says
    Two are looking
    Two listen (tongue, eyes, ears).
    5) Red doors in my cave,
    White animals sit at the door.
    And meat, and bread - all my booty -
    I gladly give to the white beasts. (Lips, teeth.)
    6) Two are walking
    Two are carrying.
    One speaks (Legs, hands, mouth)

    5. 4th station "Competition of captains".
    - And now it's time to fight the captains.
    What time of day should you recharge?
    Finish: "Our faithful friends sun, air and...
    What "invisibles" do we remove from the skin when we wash?
    (The captains write down the answers on the board, then they are checked for correctness)

    6. 5-station "Art".
    -Now let's see how you can artistically (through drawing,
    poem, song) show your knowledge about health and sports.

    VII. Summing up the results of the competition.
    Thank you all for your attention
    For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
    For the excitement of competition
    Ensuring success.