Symptoms of animal allergies. Allergy to animal fur, causes, symptoms, treatment. Which animals do not cause allergies?

Allergies, which are considered a disease of the civilized world, can form in response to exposure to literally any factor. The number and range of allergens that modern medicine Today there are more than 450, increasing every year. An allergic reaction in itself already poses a problem for an allergy sufferer, but an allergy to animals sometimes turns into a real drama - because the question of separation from a pet arises.

An aggressive response from the immune system can be triggered by almost any type of animal - rabbits, dogs, guinea pigs, cats and even birds or fish. The most common animal allergy is an allergy to the fur of a cat or dog. In fact, the reaction is caused not by the fur itself, but by microscopic particles of the animal’s dermis, saliva or other components of vital activity. pet.

Which animals do not cause allergies?

Despite quite long history development, animal allergies have not yet been fully studied. Every five to seven years, doctors offer new treatment methods that are really effective at first, but after a few years the allergy transforms and attacks humanity again. In this sense, an allergy to animals is indicative. Previously, it was believed that an aggressive reaction could be provoked by animal fur; felinologists and dog handlers have actively taken up the development of hypoallergenic breeds of animals. The joy of allergy sufferers knew no bounds, but after a fairly short period it became clear that both hairless cats and dogs still provoke allergic reactions in their owners. Thus, it became obvious that it is not wool that is the culprit of the allergy, and it was found that the allergen is a specific microprotein contained in the saliva and skin particles of animals. Since neither a cat nor a dog can exist completely without skin, active efforts to breed animals sterile in terms of allergies have subsided a little. As doctors sometimes joke, the safest animals for an allergy sufferer are aquarium fish. Time also refutes this joke; over the past ten years, the number of allergic reactions to fish has tripled. Of course, the fish themselves are not guilty of anything; an allergic response from the immune system is provoked by food and special chemicals for aquarium water. Thus, neither the famous Sphynx (hairless cats) nor the “hairless” dogs - Chinese or Mexican Crested - can be absolutely safe for a person prone to allergies. The choice is not great - either not to get a pet at all, or try to overcome allergies in possible, effective ways.

How does an allergy to animals manifest?

  • Allergic runny nose - rhinitis.
  • Sneezing, characterized by repeated repetition - from 5 to 15 times in a row.
  • Skin itching - local or widespread.
  • Increased tearing and allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Swelling of the body, mainly the face or limbs.
  • Dry frequent cough, cough tremors can be multiple - from 10 to 20 times in a row.
  • Attacks of suffocation, asthma.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Hives.
  • Quincke's edema up to anaphylactic shock.

An allergy to animals can appear within a few minutes after direct contact between a person and an animal; the symptoms reach their apogee after 2-3 hours. For those who experience an allergy for the first time, a period of so-called sensitization (acquaintance) with the allergen begins; most often the signs appear in the following sequence:

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Urticaria (urticaria).
  • Itching at the site of contact with the allergen.
  • Hyperemia and swelling.

In sensitized allergy sufferers who already have “experience” of allergic reactions, the reaction occurs within 15-20 minutes and most often manifests itself in the form of respiratory symptoms - cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, bronchospasm. Asthma attacks can develop half an hour to an hour after contact with the animal.

An allergy to animals can manifest itself without direct contact with a pet; the allergen can be a high concentration of Fel d 1 or Can f 1 antigens in the room where the cat or dog is kept.

Which animal allergens are dangerous?

As sad as it may be, the craze for cats, the fanatical desire to photograph them and publish pictures of pets in all possible places in the photographs, may end, at least for allergy sufferers. The fact is that the most active and dangerous allergens are allergens from the cat family. Allergists have identified more than 10 aggressive antigens that cats secrete. The most “popular” and widespread is the allergoprotein (glycoprotein) Fel d 1, which is found in the skin epithelium of the animal, in sebaceous secretions, sweat, and urine. Almost everyone who is diagnosed with an allergy to animals has a developed immune response to this allergen in the form of aggressive IgE immunoglobulin. The cat allergen, Fel d 1, has a microscopic size and is easily transported in the airspace of the room, entering completely unnoticed into respiratory system person. It should be noted that cats are considered more allergenic than cats; they have much more aggressive glycoprotein. Neutered cats are the safest in terms of allergies. Cats also produce another allergen, which ranks second on the list of the most active animal antigens. This is a specific albumin - Fel d 2, secreted by the saliva of the animal; it is also found in the dander or blood serum of the cat.

Dogs secrete an antigen called Can f 1, less commonly Can f 2. These allergens are found in dander and skin particles of dogs.

Allergies to animals can be cross-linked, for example, an existing allergic reaction to cats is combined with intolerance to dogs, horses or tigers, leopards. As for wild predators, it is not difficult for an allergy sufferer to minimize contact with them. But dogs are less common; horses are much closer to humans. Are there animals that are absolutely safe in the allergic sense for humans?

Treatment of animal allergies

First of all, let’s listen to the advice of “experienced” allergy sufferers who were able to find a compromise between their love for animals and an allergic reaction. The recommendations are as follows:

  • If possible, do not use carpets, heavy curtains and woolen bedspreads in the interior, in short, everything where allergens can concentrate.
  • Determine the area for your pet where he will live and try not to let him into other rooms and spaces.
  • Buy a good, high-quality air filter that will remove microscopic substances from the environment, including animal and household allergens. The filter must be dry, an ionizer that produces ozone is not suitable, it can only aggravate allergic reaction.
  • Carry out wet cleaning of the premises daily.
  • Wash your hands, face, and shower more often.

Concerning traditional methods treatments that involve an allergy to animals, then any allergist will tell you - getting rid of the animal is the main method of therapy. Indeed, classical allergy treatment begins with eliminating (removing) the allergen and eliminating contact with the allergen. Neither mopping the floors nor brushing or washing your pet daily will relieve you of severe allergies; this is a reality that must be accepted. Perhaps, having worked hard and cured the allergy, after a while you can try to have a pet again.

Among the methods that modern allergology offers, in addition to standard treatment with antihistamines, desensitization or immunotherapy is effective, when the human body is “trained” to adequately respond to an identified allergen. The treatment is long-term, requires patience, but is very effective.

If an allergy to animals brought drama to your home, and your pet had to be taken to good hands, dont be upset. Perhaps some turtle or lizard needs the love unclaimed by the distant cat. They have no fur at all, they feed mainly on plants, and they are still allergic to amphibians medical world not known.

It is important to know!

Treatment of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis involves the use of antiallergic drugs of various groups. The main drugs in the treatment of allergic rhinitis are antihistamines. Their therapeutic effect is associated with the blockade of histamine receptors on cellular structures different fabrics.

Allergy to animal fur is a problem that affects more than 10% of the world's population. Despite exacerbations accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, owners of cats and dogs are in no hurry to part with their pets. Advances in medicine make it possible to significantly reduce sensitivity even to such strong allergens as fur, dead skin particles, and animal saliva.

What signs indicate an allergy when interacting with pets? Are there hypoallergenic breeds of cats and dogs? What is the ASIT method to reduce body sensitization? The answers are in the article.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The skin glands of domestic animals produce specific proteins: Fel d 1 and 4, Can F1. Irritants are found not only on the skin and fur, but also in the urine and saliva of pets. Dried particles are easily transported through the air indoors and penetrate into Airways. For this reason, allergies occur not only with frequent contact with a cat or dog, but also with fairly rare contact with a pet.

When you sneeze or cough, microparticles of irritants again enter the air, settle on furniture, textile decor, beds, dry out, and then the cycle repeats. The less often the house is cleaned, the higher the risk of allergization of the body. It is no coincidence that owners who have given their cat into good hands often complain that allergy attacks still recur. This situation lasts up to six months until microscopic particles of irritants are removed from the apartment.

Negative reactions to specific animal proteins manifest themselves in different ways:

  • sudden attacks of sneezing, watery eyes, severe swelling are possible, itching, redness, and rash appear;
  • Often the disease occurs in a chronic form with mild symptoms and periodic exacerbations as the allergen accumulates in the body.

Allergy to animal fur, ICD code - 10, depends on the underlying disease under the influence of volatile allergens: allergic in nature - J45.0, allergic runny nose- J30.0, - H10.

In children

Children's bodies often react violently to volatile stimuli. Pet hair is no exception. Weak children are more susceptible to developing acute and chronic forms of the disease.

In case of a true allergy, doctors do not recommend keeping a cat or a dog at home: particles of dead epidermis, saliva, drops of urine, fur, and leftover food are still found in different parts of the house. Even the most ideal cleaning does not 100% prevent contact with irritant microparticles; as the allergen accumulates, negative symptoms still appear.

Important! If you suspect an intolerance to animal hair, parents should immediately show their child to a pediatrician and consult an allergist. Late response from adults often leads to running forms allergies, increases the risk of developing bronchial asthma. Among the acute reactions, giant urticaria with pronounced swelling of the tissues is dangerous, against the background of which suffocation can develop.

In adults

Intolerance to microparticles of saliva, dander, hair, and urine from pets in the absence of proper therapy in childhood persists for life. The higher the degree of sensitization of the body, the greater the likelihood negative reactions when there is a dog or cat in the house.

Specific proteins are especially dangerous for asthmatic patients. After interacting with an animal, it often develops; without timely help, suffocation is possible due to swelling of the larynx, palate, and tongue.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

Characteristic reactions to the penetration of microparticles of pet fur, saliva, and dander:

  • sneezing;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • nasal congestion;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • asthmatic attack.

Manifestations of allergies last from several hours to six months or more. In the absence of therapy, the disease becomes chronic; with increased sensitization of the body, attacks often become more severe and prolonged.

Allergy to cat fur

An acute immune response in humans is caused by a secretory protein of saliva (Fel d 4) and skin (Fel d 1). The habit of licking keeps your pet's coat in perfect condition, but microparticles of allergens remain everywhere.

Scientists have found that cats leave more of a special protein in their homes than cats. Feline urine also contains other proteins that cause negative reactions. The more carpets, upholstered furniture, and toys there are in an apartment, and the less often the owners remove household dust, the more allergens accumulate in the home.

In case of an allergic reaction to cat fur, characteristic signs appear:

  • nasal congestion and itching, causing sneezing (many people mistakenly believe that they have a cold);
  • hacking cough;
  • active lacrimation;
  • skin redness, itching;
  • swelling in the face area, eyelids;
  • labored breathing;
  • varying degrees of severity, up to;
  • the likelihood of an asthma attack with a true allergy.

On a note! Specific proteins that cause acute immune reactions are produced by glands in all members of the cat family. That's why some especially sensitive people feel mild or more noticeable signs of allergies in a zoo, near an enclosure with tigers, leopards or lions.

Dog hair intolerance

Scientists believe that a special protein of four-legged friends is less aggressive than that of cats, but with a genetic predisposition to an immune response to an irritant, negative signs also appear.

Short-haired dog breeds are more dangerous for allergy sufferers than long-haired ones. Reason - high content specific protein Can F1 on the pet's skin.

When communicating with the owner, four-legged friends tend to lick the person and actively wag their tail. The dog runs around the apartment, climbs onto the sofa, leaves saliva on the rug, furniture, and floor. With the accumulation of dust, an abundance of textile decor, and fleecy carpets, allergens remain for a long time on interior items and in secluded corners of the home.

Characteristic features:

  • attacks of sneezing (up to five or more times in a row);
  • nasopharyngeal congestion;
  • no sputum, sore throat, wheezing;
  • , redness of the conjunctiva;
  • itching occurs less frequently than with intolerance to specific proteins of the cat’s body;
  • difficulty breathing due to mucus accumulation.

Hypoallergenic pet breeds

Is this true or a myth? Are “hairless” cats and dogs really less likely to cause allergic reactions in people with increased body sensitization?

It is not entirely true to say that some breeds are safe for allergy sufferers: specific proteins are produced by the body of any type of pet. When interacting with “hairless” cats, the risk of allergies is lower; dogs without hair, on the contrary, more often cause acute reactions: protein directly from the skin enters the respiratory tract, onto the skin, eyes, and nose of the owner.


Basic methods:

  • conversation with children and adults, clarification of the clinical picture;
  • comparison of test results with;
  • provocative tests.

How to treat: effective methods and general rules

Variety of negative signs - characteristic feature allergic reaction to the fur of cats and dogs. Volatile irritants affect the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasopharynx, respiratory tract, saliva gets on the skin, negative symptoms affect many parts of the body. For this reason, an integrated approach to therapy is important.

Drug therapy

Effective drugs:

  • . Adults are prescribed anti-allergy tablets, children - syrups and drops for oral administration, taking into account age. , and others. In case of acute reactions you will need;
  • non-hormonal for treating rash areas. The drugs reduce itching, redness, and swelling. , Ketocin, Dermadrin, Protopic, Wundehil, Epidel;
  • hormonal in case of acute reaction, pronounced allergic inflammation. Two types are suitable for children: Advantan and Elokom. Hormonal agents for adults: Flucort, Triderm, Gistan N, Fluorocort, Triamcinolone;
  • decongestant compounds. With pronounced swelling of the mucous membranes, nasopharynx, skin the drugs Sudafed, Allegra-D are prescribed;
  • to remove the allergen from the body. , White coal, Smecta, Enterumin, Sorbex, Polyphepan, Multisorb;
  • nasal drops and sprays for allergies. Nasonex, Beconase, Cromoglin;
  • solutions for rinsing the nose. Aqua-Maris, Physiomer, Dolphin, Marimer, Allergol;
  • eye drops for allergies. , Histimed, Cromohexal, Allergodil, Optikrom, ;
  • . The drug reduces sensitization of the body, restores calcium levels, strengthens vascular wall. A course of treatment for six months reduces the risk of allergic reactions to all types of irritants.

ASIT therapy method

The introduction of small doses of an allergen into the patient’s body over several months, two to three years or more - effective solution to reduce sensitization of the body. Immunotherapy is a long, painstaking process that requires adherence to recommendations and regular attendance at procedures.

In most cases, after a certain period, the body no longer perceives fur, urine, saliva, or animal dander as an irritant; allergic reactions practically do not occur when being in the same room with a dog or cat. Sometimes the body's sensitization disappears. allowed from five years of age.

Folk remedies and recipes

Useful compositions made from natural ingredients reduce the body's sensitivity, improve metabolic processes, have a positive effect on digestion. Products for external use alleviate the condition, reduce redness and swelling. All home remedies can be taken orally and applied to the skin only with the permission of an allergist.

Proven herbal remedies:

  • (externally and internally);
  • aloe juice to treat itchy areas;
  • chamomile decoction for baths and oral administration;
  • infusion of celery root in cold water;
  • nettle decoction for active cleansing of the body;
  • Mint tea;
  • a decoction of burdock and elecampane roots;
  • Calamus root powder for oral use;
  • tea from viburnum branches;
  • medicinal baths with a decoction of chamomile, sage, string, yarrow, oak bark;
  • healing solution based on mountain balsam;
  • celery juice.

If you are allergic to animal fur, it is important to undergo an examination to clarify the degree of sensitization of the body. Asthmatic patients need to be especially attentive to the penetration of volatile allergens. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes treatment. For true allergies positive result gives the ASIT method. If the effectiveness of therapy is low, you will have to give your pet to good people to maintain health.

Why does an allergy to pet fur develop and how to treat the disease? Useful tips specialist in the following video:

An allergy is a hypertrophied immune reaction of the human body to an external or internal irritant (allergen). The role of the latter can be played by: plant pollen, medicines, food, dust, etc.

Allergens include not only fur, but also skin particles, saliva, fluff, excrement, feathers, etc. Most often, the body's response occurs upon contact with pets - cats, dogs.

The risk group includes people who have lesions in their bodies chronic infection, patients with metabolic and hormonal disorders, those who take antibiotics and immunosuppressants for a long time (drugs that suppress the body's defenses).

An allergic reaction can develop through direct contact with one or another animal, while cleaning the premises, when feeding the pet, etc.

The following factors may contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • weakened functions of the body's defenses (as a result of illness, while taking medicines, against the background of natural age-related changes or endocrine disorders);
  • individual intolerance to the stimulus.

An allergy to animals in an adult manifests itself in acute (rash, cough, runny nose, excessive lacrimation) and chronic forms (can develop into bronchial asthma).

How does the reaction manifest itself?

The main symptoms of an allergy to animals:

  • swelling of the mucous membrane, congestion, copious discharge from the nose;
  • lacrimation, rhinitis;
  • skin problems - hyperemia, itching, various rashes (urticaria), isolated red spots or scattered over the body;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, bronchospasm;
  • redness of the eyes.

If the allergen enters the body with food (most often it is wool), dyspeptic symptoms may occur - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. These symptoms are often accompanied by dizziness, a slight increase in body temperature, and sometimes fever.

An extremely severe form of an allergic reaction to animals in children - anaphylactic shock - signals its development by swelling of the nasopharynx, soft palate, difficulty breathing, and even suffocation. This pathological condition requires immediate medical care.

In addition, with constant contact with an allergen, a serious disease such as bronchial asthma can develop. Its course is accompanied by coughing attacks, runny nose, profuse lacrimation, and in severe cases, suffocation. In the absence of timely measures taken, the patient’s condition worsens, asthma develops into chronic form and is difficult to correct with medication.

Allergy to pets manifests itself most quickly - its first signs appear just a few minutes after contact with a pet.

Diagnosis and treatment

To identify the allergen and confirm the diagnosis, the doctor interviews the patient and takes an anamnesis. The patient must undergo several tests: general analysis blood and undergo an allergy test (so-called prick tests). According to the results comprehensive examination the allergist prescribes treatment and gives appropriate preventive recommendations.

How to deal with and what to do with an allergic reaction to animal fur in children and adults? If present exclusively skin manifestations, you can use local non-steroidal ointments (Bepanten, Glutamol, La-Cri) or hormonal compounds (Dermovate, Sinaflan, Elakom, Lorinden) - they are applied to hyperemic or rash areas of the skin.

If the body’s immune reaction to allergens has affected, among other things, the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to take a systemic antihistamine - for example, Suprastin, Zodak, Diazolin, etc. These drugs will cope with the first symptoms of allergies in 15-20 minutes. Vasoconstrictor drops will help relieve nasal swelling and make breathing easier.

New generation tablets for animal allergies in children and adults:

  • Peritol (Cyproheptadine).
  • Fenistil.
  • Clemastine.
  • Zyrtec.
  • Claritin.
  • Telfast.
  • Xizal.

The drug itself and its dosage should be selected only by a doctor, based on the characteristics of the body, the patient’s age, as well as the form, stage, and severity of the allergic reaction.

If signs of allergy are found in a newborn baby:

  • it is necessary to immediately isolate it from the pet;
  • rinse your eyes thoroughly, wash your hands, wash your face with running water;
  • if possible, give a tablet of a weak antihistamine (Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratadine), if there is a rash, use Bepanten or Hydrocortisone ointment;
  • bronchospasm, rapidly spreading urticaria throughout the body, swelling, coughing with a high risk of suffocation - a reason to immediately call an ambulance.

If allergy symptoms occur in a baby, parents should not self-medicate, but immediately seek help from a doctor. The specialist will select nasal and eye drops and prescribe the appropriate one antihistamine, enterosorbents (for allergy symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract) and local remedies (to eliminate skin allergic manifestations).

Animals that do not cause allergies

Which animal can you envy if you have an allergy? Fish, turtles, chameleons, lizards and other reptiles are suitable for such people. You can also give preference to chinchillas (the leader among hypoallergenic pets), decorative rats, guinea pigs, and hamsters.

Among cats there are also quite safe “specimens” - sphinxes, Cornish rexes.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds:

  • Irish Water Spaniel;
  • bichon frize;
  • Chinese Crested;
  • soft coated wheaten terrier, etc.

Preventive actions

Immunotherapy, a set of measures aimed at “accustoming” the allergic person’s body to a particular irritant, will help prevent a recurrence of animal allergies. So, over time, the protective system gets used to the pet’s fur, saliva, and skin particles. Accordingly, allergy symptoms do not arise upon further contact with the animal.

Allergy injections. For this purpose, the patient is injected subcutaneously (once a week) with a portion of the allergen. As a result, the body “learns” to produce antibodies to the irritant, defensive reaction with subsequent contacts with the allergen it disappears.

In addition, to prevent recurrent attacks, allergy sufferers Everyday life You should follow a few simple rules:

  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap after each contact with an animal;
  • the pet's sleeping place and litter tray should be cleaned only with gloves and using disinfectant detergents;
  • It is not recommended to let the animal into the bedroom (especially the children's room) - it is better to limit the space where pet can play;
  • special filters help clean the indoor air from dust, hair, skin particles and other potential irritants; allergy sufferers should definitely acquire such devices;
  • Your pet should be shown to the veterinarian regularly (at least once every six months) - the doctor will conduct an examination, give the necessary vaccinations, and give recommendations on feeding and caring for the animal;
  • pets should not come into contact with the child’s things and toys;
  • the room in which the animal lives should be ventilated several times a day - particles of epithelium, hair, and characteristic odor present in the air can quickly provoke an allergic reaction;
  • It is better to cover armchairs, sofas, pillows with special protective covers (they need to be washed as often as possible);
  • Carpet runners should be replaced with rubber or plastic mats - they get dirty less, do not accumulate wool and other dirt, and are easy to wash and clean.

Only timely treatment measures taken and proper prevention will help avoid relapses and unpleasant complications of allergies to animals - such as bronchial asthma and such acute form immune reaction to an allergen such as anaphylactic shock.

Select the section Allergic diseases Symptoms and manifestations of allergies Diagnosis of allergies Treatment of allergies Pregnant and lactating Children and allergies Hypoallergenic life Allergy calendar

The cause may be cats, dogs, parrots, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits and many other pets.

Usually this pathology is associated with wool, but the true allergen is a protein secreted by the animal's body.

For example, it is caused mainly by protein Fel d1, produced by salivary and sebaceous glands beast. Of course, when a cat licks its lips, it leaves this substance on its fur.

Irritants are also present:

  • on feathers and down;
  • in dandruff;
  • waste products (urine, saliva, etc.).

Animal food, litter, toys and pet cosmetics can also provoke an allergic reaction.

Causes of allergies and risk factors

  1. Pet allergies are more likely to affect people who suffer from other types of allergic reactions, such as to pollen or dust.
  2. Heredity also influences the risk of developing hypersensitivity, i.e. if your parents suffered from this problem, then the likelihood of it developing in you increases significantly.
  3. The likelihood of allergies to pets is high in people suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Those at risk are those whose professional activity associated with animals: veterinarians, circus performers, dog handlers, groomers, etc.

About cross allergies

It is important to remember that if you are allergic to one type of animal, for example, cats, there is a possibility of cross-allergy to other types of animals.

There is no seasonal animal allergy, but the reaction may worsen in the spring and fall.

Fungal allergens in animal fur, their types

In addition to allergies to wool, there are reactions to animal dander due to the presence of fungal disease skin. Here are the most common types of fungus and the symptoms of their presence in an animal:

  • Microsporum. Manifested by severe skin itching. The pet's skin peels, the hairs in the affected areas become brittle. Due to the fact that the pet is constantly itching, scratches are visible on the skin.
  • Trichophytosis. Hair falls out from the affected areas, and the skin itself is covered with an itchy purulent crust. Bald patches remain even after the animal has recovered, due to damage to the follicles.
  • Favus (scab). This type of fungus especially often affects dogs and poultry. Areas damaged by the fungus become bald and become covered with a grayish crust.

Different types of fungus manifest themselves in different ways, but the danger of a sick animal to others, and especially to allergy sufferers, is very high. Firstly, such a pet is an active distributor of fungal spores, which in itself is a strong allergen. Secondly, allergies can be triggered by falling animal hair and pieces of epidermis that come off when scratching the skin.

Komarovsky about animal allergies in children

In the video you will find Dr. Komarovsky's opinion about animals in the house and the problems associated with them.

How does an allergy to animals manifest?

Photo: Hives on the skin after contact with a cat

Symptoms depend on how the allergen entered the human body and on individual characteristics allergic. It is possible that only one group of symptoms may appear, a combination of several or all at once.

Allergies to animals occur in children much more often than in adults and are more severe. But the disease can develop at any age.

As a rule, the reaction appears a few minutes after contact with the animal. Symptoms progress and become maximum after 2-3 hours.

Respiratory symptoms

One common pet allergy symptom is allergic asthma. Children are most susceptible to this disease, but in some cases adults are also affected. This is often how an allergy to cats manifests itself. Main features allergic asthma are:

  • suffocation;
  • difficulty breathing, accompanied by a characteristic whistle;
  • cough and wheezing;
  • chest pain;
  • dyspnea.

To others respiratory symptoms should be attributed allergic rhinitis:

  • nasal congestion;
  • profuse rhinorrhea with watery, colorless mucus;
  • repeated sneezing;
  • itching in the nose and nasopharynx.

Can animal allergies turn into asthma?

Severe allergies to animal fur (and not only!) can become more complicated bronchial asthma, if no measures are taken. Avoiding contact with allergens, taking antiallergic medications, and frequent wet cleaning of the house - all this makes it possible to avoid asthma.

Manifestations from the eyes

Photo: Manifestation of allergies on the mucous membrane of the eyes

All symptoms that occur in a person can be combined with the term - allergic conjunctivitis:

  • redness of the eyes;
  • intense itching in the eyes;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • sensation of sand or foreign object;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • temporary slight decrease in vision (blurred).

Skin manifestations

Allergies to animal fur also appear on the skin.

The most common is “urticaria,” which is characterized by the appearance of itchy blisters. In rare severe cases of urticaria, a person may experience chills, a rise in body temperature, nausea and headache.

Photo: Rash on hands after contact with guinea pig

The important thing is that blisters appear immediately after exposure to the allergen and disappear within 1-2 hours after stopping contact with the allergen.

Also often with allergies, especially in newborns, atopic or allergic dermatitis . Its signs are:

  • skin redness;
  • itching and peeling;
  • swelling;
  • dry, sore skin.

This disease is dangerous because 40-80% of children who suffered from atopic dermatitis in childhood develop respiratory allergic phenomena at an older age. In adults, this disease can develop into allergic asthma, hay fever, eczema and neurodermatitis.

Allergies to animals in infants can be temporary and may go away within a year. In any case, it is better to keep pets away from children and prevent close contact.

Digestive system symptoms

Damage to the gastrointestinal tract due to allergies occurs as a result Allergens entering the body with food. The most common symptoms are digestive system can be seen in children under three years of age. These include:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

In addition, it may develop oral allergy syndrome, manifested by swelling of the oral mucosa, itching and sore throat.

Systemic disorders

The development of systemic disorders is caused by a large dose of the allergen and occurs quite rarely. However, there are cases where such a serious complication has developed with an allergy to animals, such as anaphylactic shock. Its main manifestations include:

Photo: One of the strong systemic reactions is angioedema
  • rapid breathing and heart rate;
  • a sharp decrease in pressure;
  • bronchospasm;
  • loss of balance and dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • pallor;
  • loss of consciousness.

In addition, the development of Quincke's edema is possible:

  • dense swelling of the mucous membranes and subcutaneous tissue in the area of ​​the eyes, nose, mouth, lips;
  • labored breathing;
  • blue skin.

If you notice signs of a systemic reaction, you should seek medical help immediately.

Treatment of animal allergies

At the first signs of an allergy, you should consult an allergist who can accurately determine the cause of the disease. This pathology is “calculated” using blood tests and skin tests. In addition, a general urine test may be prescribed, biochemical analysis blood, immunogram.

The doctor must also conduct a survey, the questions of which must be answered as accurately and honestly as possible, since this will also help in making a diagnosis.

Are animal allergies fatal?

Allergy symptoms such as rhinitis, cough, itchy skin, of course, are not fatal. But anaphylaxis and angioedema are conditions that, in the absence of qualified medical care, can be fatal.


Used to treat allergies the following groups drugs:

  • antihistamines;
  • corticosteroids;
  • enterosorbents;
  • mast cell stabilizers.

Drugs are selected depending on the symptoms.

Antihistamines help relieve symptoms of the disease (itching, sneezing, runny nose). For children 7-12 years old they are often prescribed in the form of syrups.

The most effective, but unsafe means for self-medication are corticosteroids. However, to avoid severe side effects they should be used only after consultation with a specialist.

Treatment allergic conjunctivitis should be comprehensive:

  • Antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Claritin, Tavegil). Good effect gives complex remedy- Sulfadex.
  • Eye drops (Krom-Allerg, Alomid, Hi-Krom) are also prescribed.
  • In severe cases, use corticosteroid eye ointments.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many recipes to combat allergies. The question of how effective they are is debatable, and each person decides for himself whether to follow “grandmother’s” advice or not.

One way or another, all recipes from the section symptomatic therapy. So, if there is skin irritation, you can use decoctions medicinal herbs- chamomile, string, sage, mint, yarrow.

One of the most popular methods is violet treatment. It is used as local remedy and for oral administration (both independently and as part of a mixture - violet, string and nightshade).

It is proposed to treat animal allergies with birch buds, zabrus (part of a honeycomb), mumiyo and many other means.

Does Noni Juice Help Treat Animal Allergies?

Noni is a tropical fruit native to southern and southeast Asia. It is successfully used to treat many diseases. In particular, noni juice has a good anti-inflammatory effect and improves immunity. Thanks to this property, the juice is good aid treatment, in addition to antihistamines and other traditional medicines.

Allergy prevention

Animals should not lie on the bed of an allergic person.

First of all, if an allergy to an animal is confirmed by a doctor, you should think about the possibility of relocating your pet.

If this is possible, then, in addition to the “relocation” itself, it is necessary to replace or thoroughly clean (preferably in dry cleaning conditions) all rugs, carpets, blankets, pillows, curtains, bed sheets, because animal fur, saliva and dander may still be there for a long time. After thorough cleaning, there will be no allergen left in the apartment.

However, most often people are not ready to say goodbye to their pet. In this case, it is necessary to minimize contact with the irritant protein:

  • thanks to daily wet cleaning you can get rid of dust (which can also be an allergen) and hair;
  • use special air filters;
  • the bedroom should be ventilated daily before going to bed;
  • there is no need to let the animal onto an unmade bed; it is necessary to close the bedroom door at night;
  • After contact with your pet, you must wash your hands thoroughly, do not let him near your face, and do not kiss him;
  • It’s worth asking another family member to clean the animal’s cage or toilet.

In addition, during treatment, the patient needs to review his diet and exclude salty and spicy foods, canned food, chocolate, citrus fruits, fish, coffee, raw milk and other products that can cause allergies or worsen their course.

People who ride horses should know that horse allergies are possible. Therefore, if symptoms of hypersensitivity appear, you should abandon this sport.

Special wipes for animals

One of the ways to prevent allergies to pets is to carefully maintain pet hygiene. But sometimes it happens that a pet (cats are especially guilty of this) does not favor water treatments.

Anti-allergy wipes for animals are an excellent compromise option. They clean and deodorize cat hair, moisturize the animal's skin. This product is suitable for all breeds of cats: both short-haired and “fluffy”.

They also produce sanitary napkins for dogs and pet rodents.

Special anti-allergenic products for washing animals

Help neutralize the effects of pet allergens on the human body.

What to do if you are allergic to animals? As they write on many Internet resources, get a hypoallergenic pet. But this is a false statement, because Any animal can cause allergies.

That is why, before getting a pet, it is worth undergoing an examination by a specialist, especially if there are other allergic diseases, as well as for children.

So animals, no causing allergies- it is a myth. But which pets provoke it least often and therefore can allergy sufferers have them?

  1. A turtle can be an excellent option for an allergy sufferer. On the one hand, she has no fur, no saliva, no sweat and is very easy to care for. On the other hand, even these animals can provoke allergic reactions. They develop after contact with animal feces (for example, during cleaning), as well as as a result of scratches and abrasions. In addition, it is worth remembering that turtles often carry salmonellosis, and after playing with them, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. There is a misconception that they are suitable for allergy sufferers. hairless cats - sphinxes. And although they do cause allergies less often due to the fact that the protein is not carried around the apartment with the fur, these cats are still not hypoallergenic. To prevent unwanted reactions caused by cat sweat, the animal must be washed frequently.
  3. Such cute animals as chinchillas are also quite hypoallergenic, because they have neither sebaceous nor sweat glands. Therefore, a chinchilla is an almost ideal option for allergy sufferers. “Practically” because it is very rare, but the reaction to chinchillas occurs
  4. Not a bad option and hairless guinea pigs.
  5. Bichon Frize dogs may also be suitable for people with allergies. Despite the fact that their fur is thick and dense, they shed very little of it. But the Yorkshire Terrier, contrary to popular belief, can cause allergies with the same probability as dogs of other breeds.

I want a pet, but I have allergies, what should I do?

If you really want to have a pet, use the recommendations.

It is no secret to anyone, including child psychologists, that pets (and here we can mention a dog and a cat, a parrot, fish, a turtle, a hamster) have a very good influence on the education process.

The child gains invaluable skills in caring for creatures that are obviously weaker and in need of protection. Besides, funny Games with pets the most in the best possible way affect the child's psyche.

However, for Lately One very unfavorable disease, namely animal allergies, is becoming more and more common in children. Allergy has different ways manifestations, and it can always be confused with another disease. Therefore, parents are obliged to monitor the condition of their child very carefully.

Allergies to animals in children manifest themselves in the following symptoms:

  • stuffy nose, excessive nasal discharge, sneezing;
  • redness of the eyes, itching, lacrimation;
  • difficulty breathing (shortness of breath, suffocation);
  • the appearance of wheezing, wheezing in the lungs, barking dry cough;
  • skin itching, redness on the skin, rash, swelling.

Urgently see an allergist

If you think that you are faced with a disease such as an allergy to wool in children, then consult an allergist as soon as possible. He will help you by prescribing a special diagnosis aimed at identifying the allergen that caused the disease. After all, an allergen does not have to be an animal; it can be any other irritant. Below are the main types of diagnosis for some allergic reactions.

  • Skin tests

Typically, studies are carried out on the skin of the forearm. The selected area of ​​skin is treated with alcohol, small scratches or punctures are made (no more than 1 mm in depth), and then a drop of the allergen is applied to the damaged skin. If, after some time, swelling or redness develops at the site where the test was taken, then an allergy to the allergen that was applied is assumed.

  • Studies of specific Ig E antibodies.

IN in this case Blood taken from a vein from a patient is analyzed. The information obtained as a result of such analyzes is in some way similar to the information obtained from the results of applying an allergen to the skin.

  • Provocative testing.

This type of research can only be carried out in a special allergy hospital and only according to strict medical indications, namely when previous tests have failed to identify the allergen. This study is dangerous because the allergen is injected directly into the nose or under the tongue, or directly into the bronchi, and then only the body's response is analyzed. This “direct” method can cause a very strong allergic reaction, which is why it is used only in the presence of an experienced doctor who is ready to provide medical assistance.

  • Elimination tests.

Elimination, in another way, is removal. Those. This is a method when the patient is completely isolated from the suspected allergen. The most simple example elimination test is an elimination diet prescribed for food allergies. The suspected allergen is removed from the patient's daily diet. If after 2 weeks the patient’s condition improves, it means that the allergen has been found.

However, these methods do not provide a complete picture of the disease. The doctor will make a more precise diagnosis after reviewing the results of all tests, conducting a survey and examination, and diagnosing the response to treatment.

The most common type of allergy is animal allergy in children. Substances and biological products such as saliva, dander, wool and feathers, urine, and animal excrement have high allergenic activity. This type of allergy has several types of manifestations.

The most common allergy to cats is in children. This type of allergy has the following symptoms: runny nose (allergic rhinitis) and conjunctivitis, and cases of bronchial asthma are not uncommon. All of these symptoms can be dangerous.

Now it is clear to us how allergies to cats manifest themselves in children. But how to deal with it? Firstly, direct contact with the animal must be kept to a minimum. The pet must be brushed, and this procedure, along with washing, should be repeated at least once a week. You also need to remove from the room any objects that can accumulate dust (for example, carpets). This should be done to reduce the amount of tiny fur and skin particles in the air. The very treatment of allergic manifestations can only be prescribed by a specialist doctor.

To reduce discomfort for conjunctivitis, which, by the way, signals that the child is allergic to a dog, children are prescribed cold compresses and “artificial” tears. If this is not enough, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and antiallergic medications in the form of drops or tablets.

These drugs are also used in the fight against allergic rhinitis. Along with medications, another quite effective way treatment - specific immunotherapy with allergens. The essence this method consists of the following: an increasingly concentrated allergen solution is injected into the skin of an allergy patient for several weeks in a row. Thus, the body learns over and over again to produce an “antidote” to the injected allergen.

Bronchial asthma – a death sentence or a challenge?

Compared to some other manifestations of allergies, bronchial asthma is a more severe disease that requires daily treatment under constant medical supervision.

There are several groups medical supplies for the treatment of asthma, among them symptomatic and basic ones are distinguished. Symptomatic drugs restore bronchial patency and relieve bronchospasms.

This group also includes the so-called “emergency drugs”, which are designed to quickly relieve asthma attacks. They are used only when absolutely necessary. As for basic drugs, they are aimed at suppressing inflammatory process in the bronchi. They do not have an immediate effect and can be used for a long time, because... bronchial asthma is accompanied chronic inflammation in bronchi requiring long-term treatment.

It is also worth remembering about non-drug methods of combating bronchial asthma, which, when used together with medicines, give best results. TO non-drug methods relate:

  • Breathing exercises, specially designed breathing methods and breathing simulators.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Climatic therapy (for example, speleotherapy, a method of treatment in salt mines).
  • Various types of reflexology (electropuncture, acupuncture, acupressure and so on.).

How to reduce allergies?

It should be noted that, although almost all doctors unanimously say that a child with an allergy to animals should avoid contact with our smaller brothers at all costs, this rule should not be strictly followed. To deprive a child of the joy of communicating with his beloved friends means causing him severe mental pain.

So what to do in a situation when you are faced with an allergy to animals in children, but cannot imagine life without a pet?

In families with children, cats and dogs are most often found as pets. There is one interesting fact: In a family where one or more dogs live, children are rarely allergic to dogs. On the contrary, children who come into contact with animals get sick colds much less often than their peers. The answer is simple: in the apartment where the dog lives, there is increased level endotoxins. These are natural pathogens that constantly stimulate immune system, which then leads to a decrease in the occurrence of dog allergies in children.

If, nevertheless, an allergy to dogs occurs in children, then you need to start using a special shampoo for the dog and change daily diet pet nutrition. In an absolutely healthy animal with good metabolism, the presence of allergens in the secretion will be minimal.

With cats the situation is more complicated. Cats are carriers of the strongest and most aggressive allergens, which they spread throughout their habitat. This is why children are much more likely to be allergic to cats than to dogs.

In addition, such allergies are much more painful, and measures to prevent them have a weaker effect. If the cat is removed from the room for a while and the room is thoroughly washed, then only after 3-4 months the amount of cat allergens will decrease to a level that will be safe for health.

Now there are a lot of cat washing products on the market that can help reduce the amount of allergens in the animal's fur. However, these remedies will only be effective if the manifestations of allergies to cats in children are weak. One way to prevent children from becoming allergic to cats in your family is to have your pet neutered. After this procedure, the cat’s body begins to produce slightly less allergens.

If, after analyzing all the pros and cons, you have decided to purchase or have been raising a furry pet for a long time, but you do not want to increase the risk of allergies to animals in your children, then follow the following instructions:

  • When your kitten or puppy reaches eight months of age, have your kitten or puppy neutered.
  • Always use special hygiene products for animal care (for example, instead of sand or scraps of paper - cat litter).
  • Make it a rule to clean your living space quite often. As for wet cleaning, at least every other day.
  • Never allow your pet to sleep with children. Teach children to wash their hands with soap after each interaction with pets.
  • Always pay attention to the animal's fur and take good care of it, because fur is the strongest allergen. Constantly, once a week, comb your furry pet, but do not do this at home.
  • The animal needs to be washed once a month.

By fulfilling these not very complicated requirements, you can significantly reduce the risk that allergies will manifest themselves in children or other members of your household. There is no need to deprive your child of the joy of communicating with his four-legged furry friends, because any child always dreams of having a cheerful, devoted and true friend!

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