A strong cough in an adult does not pass. Why long does the cough passes and what to do in order to recover faster? Wet expectorant cough for a long time does not pass in an adult

About 30 percent of the population suffers from different types of cough. This condition not only reduces performance, but also can completely change the lifestyle of a person, as insomnia arises, headaches and depression. Especially painful, he may appear as a complication after colds or other diseases. If the cough does not pass more than a month, then

it is necessary to be examined by the doctor, as this may be a symptom of asthma, cancer or heartbeats. In this case, it is impossible to cure, without eliminating his cause.

What are the causes of a protracted cough?

It is believed that a long non-passing cough is tormented mainly by smokers. It is impossible to get rid of it completely. But people who do not have this bad habit, sometimes suffer from a protracted cough.

1. Most often it remains after colds or viral diseases. With the right thing passes after a while.

2. One of the most common causes of a protracted cough - asthma. This disease is now found in every twentieth person. In this case, the cough is episodic or permanent. Sometimes he is the only symptom of the disease. It is necessary to treat it with asthma, because it can lead to suffocation.

3. Appears due to irritation of the throat with the discharge from the nose. In this case, it is intensified at night or in the morning.

4. For a long time, no passing cough may indicate a starting tuberculosis, lung cancer or pleut.

5. Sometimes a long cough occurs as an allergic reaction to various stimuli.

6. In some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, no longer passing cough is also possible. This occurs when rotavirus infection, reflux, dysbacteriosis or gliste invasion.

Treatment of protracted cough

First of all, you need to eliminate its causes and cure the main disease. But there are also special drugs for suppressing cough reflex, as well as various musolithic preparations. Modern drugs often have a comprehensive effect and treat different types of cough. The most effective is "bromgexine" and "ambroxol". They are produced not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of a syrup for children.

If it does not pass for a long time, you need to take medicines that dilute the sputum and helping its evacuation from the lungs, for example, the ADC. Additionally, it is recommended to use folk remedies.

Folk medicine funds from cough

The most famous are inhalations from the pine kidney pine, eucalyptus leaves or mint essential oil. It is also useful to warm up breasts and backs or campus boiled potatoes. When the cough does not pass for a long time after a cold, drinking the juice of currant or cabbage with sugar, decoction of lime color or apples with the core. Effective to quickly disappear wet juice lingonberry or

For a long time, no passing cough extends and leads to a decrease in performance. Therefore, it is necessary to be foreseen and treat it and caused its diseases.

Cough is a pathological, a protective reaction - it should not be. With acute diseases of the respiratory organs, he passes quickly. If the cough does not pass month and more, then this is most often regarded by experts as a symptom of chronic respiratory disease.

Why cough does not pass for a long time

Any cold feature is almost always accompanied by a cough. But it happens that the main symptoms are no longer manifested, and the cough does not pass for a month.

What could be a long cough? Most likely, a new infection affected by a cold penetrated into the body, affecting the respiratory tract.

With such microorganisms, the body copes quickly, but under the condition of normal immune status. Called with one disease, sometimes you have to go to the next, therefore, the cough does not pass a month in an adult or in a child for so long (see). Refine the pathogen to choose the appropriate antibacterial drug, additional research methods will help.

Among the common microorganisms can "attack" weakened organism:

  • mycoplasma;
  • pneumocists;
  • mushrooms;
  • koch stick (Tuberculosis pathogen)
  • mixed microflora and others.

The above causative agents enter the human body with air drip. This means that they can be infected with them where there is a cluster of people who are the source of these infections. The lack of full-fledged treatment will lead to the progression of these diseases. Therefore, if the month cough does not pass, immediately go to a specialist.

When the cough does not pass two months - this may indicate an allergy to which the bronchial tree of peculiar reactions in the form of bronchial asthma is reacting. Durable cough may be dry, wet, day, night, parole, etc.

Video in this article will tell about the cough in detail, as a symptom of various pathologies.

How to treat cough, which does not pass for a long time

What to do if the cough does not pass? The answer is only one - to go to a specialist who identify the cause, and then prescribe adequate treatment.

If the cause of cough is associated with bacterial infection and the temperature increases, antibiotics are prescribed. If, painful, provoking the attack of vomiting, anti-facasses are prescribed.

If, on the contrary, the cough is wet, then expectorant means are prescribed. If immunodeficiency is prescribed immunomodulators.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes their long time, alternating among himself. Treatment of chronic cough is not cheap. Not all dear price on expensive drugs are considered the best indicator of their quality.

Instead of expensive funds, you can choose their unmatched analogs, the name of which can be asked from a specialist. The instruction attached to drugs will help to navigate the choice of dosage, taking into account the age and the diagnosis.

Diseases in which long cough

What to do when coughing does not pass and symptoms indicating colds do not manifest?

Attention! Not always cough and wets testify to diseases of the lungs and bronchial trees.

Cardiac asthma - accompanies the lack of ventricles. With it, blood is stared in circles of blood circulation, the plasma of which heats through the alveoli, which is accompanied by the release of the foamy sputum of pink color. Together with the cough in patients, acricyanosis is observed, that is, the formation of certain skin sections.

What to do: cough does not pass and accompanied by blood release (see)? Perhaps a doctor may be encouraged by an oncological disease. The following symptoms will be able to confirm it: weight loss, loss of appetite, subfebrile temperature, etc. Refine lung cancer will help the analysis of sputum on atypical cells. The photo shows a spatter with lung cancer.

Blood streaks may appear with tuberculosis. The patient is long coughing, loses weight in weight, feels weakness. The diagnosis is confirmed on the X-ray, and the sputum is examined.

It is rare, but still, if the cough does not pass 2 months - this may indicate the glitstic invasion (see). Cough is associated with the life cycle of Askarid, which penetrate the body and before reaching a hawk state must pass through the blood respiratory system. At this time it seems that man is ill with bronchitis, and in fact, it is completely different pathology.

Cough can be purchased with the disease, if the person works for a long time on the production of dust. For example, asbestosis is a chronic lung disease, which occurs in persons for a long time inhaling fibers of asbestos.

In the result, they deeply penetrate the lung tissue and thicken the pleura. All this is accompanied by a chronic low-productive cough, which is worried about a long time.

For miners, such a disease is characterized as silicosis. It also as asbestosis is chronic and accompanied by a cough. In the abscess of the lung before its opening, the cough may be long and unproductive, but after opening the cough is accompanied by the abundance of purulent sputum sometimes with a complete mouth.

Chronic cough accompanies smokers with experience. Their bronons coated with soot, react a cough not only to the tobacco smoke, but also on the differences of the surrounding temperature, physical load, changing the position of the body, etc.

Now it is clear how to answer the question: if the cough does not pass in an adult what to do?

Do not wait when he will be held independently, but to contact a specialist (therapist), which can be sent to a consultation to other doctors (pulmonologist, allergist, cardiologist, immunologist, gastroenterologist, etc.). Since the cough is not always a separate innocuous symptom. Often, he testifies to the formidable pathology from other system bodies.

Differential diagnosis of certain diseases that are accompanied by a long cougium:

Disease Chalk character
Chronical bronchitis scarce mucous (sometimes purulent) wet
Cardiac asthma Liquid, foamy pink wet
Bronchial asthma Outside the attack - the lack of sputum or scanty, transparent. During the attack - thick, vitreous. At the time of the permission of the attack - in the form of lungs.
Lungs' cancer MOCROT (sometimes purulent) with streaks or a big blood admixture
Pulmonary tuberculosis Mucous-purulent sputum sometimes with streaks of blood
Asbestosis Scale mucous membrane cough
Abscess light Purulent with an unpleasant smell of wet

With the frequent manifestation of many diseases of the respiratory organs is cough. In most cases, after the disease cured - the cough disappears. But sometimes a dry cough is not held for a long time in an adult, and it becomes an anxious symptom that may entail serious health with health.

This article will be aimed at clarifying the reasons why cough can last long, as well as advice on the diagnosis of possible diseases.

Cough which stayed for a long time

Cough is a reflex aimed at cleansing the respiratory tract from dust and sputum.

It happens two types:

  • - without wet wet, exhausts the body with long-term attacks and irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
  • - with a wet wet, is more productive, since during the removal of sputum, the body cures itself.

And dry and wet cough can suddenly grow into, which will not allow the body to fully recover after the only suffered disease.

Diseases and conditions that may cause a protracted cough

The most common reason why cough dry does not pass, consider the wrong diagnosis, and as a result, treatment that is not suitable in this case. It is not rarely the reason that the cough did not pass after a long time is self-treatment.

Many people walk with a cough to work, removes children in children's educational institutions, and they do not even think about the fact that they need a specialist help. Instead, they prefer to buy a syrup that advised a friend, or make several inhalations.

If the condition has improved a little, then such dangerous self-medication is also stopped. Nothing listed it is categorically impossible! Only a doctor knows how to diagnose the disease and what to choose the necessary drugs to improve the condition and complete recovery.


  • If after a cold does not pass dry cough, this suggests that the development of the disease has been delayed. Ideally, a dry cough appears during a cold in the first days of a sharp period of the disease, and after moving into the wet, the gradual extension of sputum begins, the bronchi is cleaned and the person goes on the amendment. If the dry cough is still lasting, and does not go to wet, this suggests that bronchoms cannot cope with the load, which means it is necessary to refer to the pulmonologist.
  • It happens that dry long does not pass. Faringite is a disease at which the mucous membrane of the pharynx is inflamed. The cough can wear a different character: to be dry, parotid, throat, tormenting only at night. Most often, cough does not pass because of errors in treatment, namely, the treatment from pharyngitis stops as soon as the cough disappears. And this is fundamentally incorrect, because the interrupted course will give complications in the form of re-returned cough attacks.
  • - Another reason why cough dry long does not pass. Most smokers may not even notice shakes, believing that there is nothing serious in this, and therefore it is not necessary to turn to the doctor. Nevertheless, such shakes may indicate chronic bronchitis, which developed in a consequence of the systematic effects of nicotine and other toxic substances contained in cigarettes. The launched chronic bronchitis in smokers over time spends emphysema, and after and to pulmonary failure.
  • - If you set yourself a question - why the dry cough does not pass, you may have become one of the many allergy owners. Allergic reactions to dust, wool, fluff, seasonal allergies on the flowering of various plants are very common. Dry cough, sneezing, itching in the nose - all these are symptoms that can accompany this disease.
  • If you are tormented by a dry non-negotiable cough and at this time you take any drugs, the greater is likely that the cough is the body's reaction caused by these drugs. In 30% of patients with cardiovascular diseases, dry cough occurs against the background of taking drugs to reduce blood pressure. After stopping the reception of the drug, cough passes independently.
  • Tuberculosis - It is necessary to think about this serious diagnosis if a short cough has not passed for a month (see). Koch's wand, which is the pathogen of this disease, is found in the body of almost every person, but due to the protective forces of immunity, the disease does not develop. With a sharp decrease in immunity, constant stress and nervous voltage, and tuberculosis can develop, as well as defective nutrition. The manifestations of tuberculosis is considered subfebrile body temperature and increased sweating at night, obsessive cumulating, which over time goes into a dry unproductive cough.

  • Glice Invasii - There are cases of ascariasis, in which the larvae moves along a small circulation of blood circulation and are delayed in bronchi, trachea or lungs. The larvae is annoyed by cough receptors and provoke a long dry cough.
  • Cough caused by professional harm. When the dry cough in an adult does not pass there is an occasion to think about working conditions. When working near toxic substances, household chemicals, dry cough can develop in coal mining mines, and in some cases even respiratory failure. The simplest solution to this problem is to change the place of work and consultation with the pulmonologist. After all, no matter how high salary, the price of your health is much higher.

What diseases are the cough duration:

Causes of cough Duration Additional symptoms
Selfie Up to 3 weeks
Allergy Up to a month or season Rubber, tear
Smoking From 1 month and longer
Pharyngitis 2-3 weeks Sore throat
ARVI 1-2 weeks
Glice Invasii 1-2 weeks until the larvae are in respiratory authorities
Tuberculosis More than 1 month Temperature, sweating
Professional harm From 1 week and longer

How to improve your well-being at dry cough?

If the dry cough does not pass for a long time, the main goal is to visit the doctor.

Note! Only a doctor will be able to verify whether the diagnosis is made true and the treatment is selected, adjust it if necessary and conduct diagnostics.

You may need to pass the blood tests or carry out x-ray of respiratory organs. The instruction on the passage of this procedure is pretty simple, you just need to take a certain position for several minutes and do not move until the device takes pictures.

Useful tips:

  1. The treatment of dry cough should be directed to the debit of sputum, i.e. So that he switched to the wet cough.
  2. Daily drink more than 2 liters of fluid - teas, frost, herbal infusions, mineral water. Alternatively, you can drink warm milk into which honey, figs, banana, and butter or mineral water are added. All these components soften cough, reduce the frequency of attacks and envelop the mucous membrane, protecting it from irritation.
  3. Include lightweight food rich in calories in your daily ration and reduce the use of oily and fried, in order not to overload the body that fights the disease.
  4. Conduct a course of inhalation. Inhalations can be done with potatoes, essential oils or medicinal herbs. In hot water, add a couple of droplets of essential oil, or pre-boiled herbs - a chamber, mint or eucalyptus will suit, and then lower the head over a container with water and inhale steam. It is advisable to cover your head together with a terry towel, so that useful substances from the pair fell only to the respiratory tract, and not dissipated around the room. Using the photo posted on the Internet you can find out how to do it.

Thanks to the posted video in this article, you can learn more about the possible methods of treatment, about the reasons why dry cough does not pass in an adult, and which minimal interventions can be applied before visiting the doctor.

With proper treatment, the cough must pass after 7-10 days. In the event that a person is repuading painful cough attacks of 2 weeks or even a month, it can be assumed that the disease has been delayed or acquired a chronic form. Perhaps the patient is treated incorrectly or the doctor set the wrong diagnosis. If the cough does not pass a month, what to do? In an adult, some serious illness or everything is fine with him?

What are the causes of a protracted cough

Cashchain attacks may arise due to irritation of the mucous membranes, larynx, throat, lungs. Thanks to this reflex, the respiratory tract is trying to cleanse the mucus, hazardous substances, alien bodies, dust. If a person is long and painfully cough, it is not difficult to guess why cough does not pass a month. Most likely, the patient is incorrectly treated or he ignores the problem, irresponsible refers to his health.

Causes of long cough:

  • poorly treated cold;
  • allergy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • stress;
  • oncological diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • cough smokers;
  • tuberculosis.

The main cause of a long cough is incorrect treatment of colds. Cough is dry or wet. Sukhoi appears at the very beginning of influenza, ARVI, acute bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheite or pharyngitis. The attacks cause painful spasms in the patient, but the wet is not allocated. As a result, the person rises pressure, problems with heartbeat, pain in the abdomen arise. Dry cough should be suppressed using anti-anti-tapes.

If the cough does not stop a week, unproductive attacks are pussying the patient for 7 or 10 days from the beginning of the disease, then, most likely, the mucus is too thick, independently she can not leave the respiratory tract. In this case, you need to take medications that dilute the sputum and accelerate its evacuation of the bronchi.

Important! Dry cough need to be turned into wet.

Wet cough occurs after dry or 3 days after the start of the disease. The attacks bring relief to the patient, every time the sputum is moving out of the bronchi. Beneficial medicines during this period are prohibited, the respiratory tract must be regularly cleaned. The patient needs to take musical and expectorant drugs.

If a dry or wet cough does not stop a month, we can say that the patient has a serious illness and he needs to turn to the pulmonologist. Probably, after transferring a cold, a person decreased immunity, as a result of which inflammation passed into a protracted, sluggish form.

The cause of prolonged cough can be the wrong diagnosis. If you do not establish in time, which specifically, the virus or bacterium caused bronchitis, pneumonia or influenza, then the antibiotics and other drugs may not benefit. Because of this, the mucus in the respiratory tract accumulates, does not leave for a long time, and the disease passes into a chronic form.

Another reason for the incessant cough attacks may be allergic. If human immunity is weakened, some food, as well as pollen of plants, animal wool provoke sneezing, tear, cough. Allergen, falling into the patient's body, causes nausea, and sometimes even vomiting. It is necessary to reveal it as quickly as possible and eliminate.

  1. Bronchial asthma is also characterized by frequent cough attacks. A person torments a dry cough, he has nothing to breathe. The disease occurs due to allergies for some substance, after exercise or at the moment of cold.
  2. It happens that a completely healthy person suddenly begins to coughing against the background of emotional overvoltage. Experiences, stress at work can lead to sudden attacks. In this case, you need to calm down, try not to take everything close to heart, seek help from a neurologist.
  3. When rake lung or throat, a person and the case cough, sometimes before vomiting. Often it looks like bronchitis. It is necessary to contact the hospital as quickly as possible and diagnose the disease. The earlier cancer detects, the more the person has a chance of recovery.
  4. The GTS problems can also lead to frequent cough attacks. If the patient has increased acidity, then the gastric juice falls into the esophagus and causes irritation. A man appears from a heartburn, he begins to cough.
  5. With heart failure in the lungs, blood flows. The patient suddenly begins to cough. In the horizontal position, the cough is enhanced. If a person sleeps half off at night, so as not to cough, he needs a Cardiologist consultation.
  6. Tobacco smoke, constantly falling into the lungs, is the cause of chronic non-infectious bronchitis. Pathogenic flora penetrates the respiratory system, secondary bacterial inflammation develops. Human appears for prolonged cough attacks.

People with low levels of immunity or living in bad sanitary conditions may occur tuberculosis. During the active stage of the disease, long-term cough attacks appear with sputum release. This state is very dangerous not only for the patient, but also for others. Man needs hospitalization. Treatment is carried out in a tuberculosis dispensary.

Important! If the cough does not stop the month, you need to consult a doctor and pass the examination. Alone to treat long-term coughing attacks is impractical. After all, if the cause is heart failure or tuberculosis, it makes no sense to make inhalations or soar legs.

Treatment of protracted cough in adults

The therapy of a long cough depends on its etiology. Only a doctor has the right to treat the patient. Initially, the specialist conducts a patient examination to establish the cause of the disease and the exact diagnosis. Each person prescribes individual medication treatment. It is impossible to deal with the disease independently, because due to ignorance, homemade methods can lead to severe consequences or even to death.

If the cause of the protracted disease is complications after ARZ, bronchitis, pneumonia, then, first of all, you need to drink as much warm fluid as possible to restore the water balance. It can be herbal teas based on sage, chamomile, plantain, primrose, as well as risks of rosehip, compotes from dried fruit.

Medicia treatment

Mulgarists and various expectorant means (Mukaltin, Dr. IOM, Gerbion) help to get rid of dry cough. They are prescribed if a dry cough does not go into wet. With the use of drugs, the mucus is diluted and the process of its evacuation from the lungs is accelerated. If the pathogen is installed, long-term cough attacks are treated with antiviral drugs, antibiotics, antifungal agents.

From a wet cough, a vegetable-based medication (pectacing, breast fee) or synthetic preparations (ACC, Bromgexin, Lazolyvan) helps well. Drugs contribute to rapid deliverance from sputum accumulated in respiratory tract. Antibiotics prescribed the patient:

  • penicillins (amoxiclav);
  • macrolides (azithromycin, clarithromycin);
  • cephalosporins (ceftriaxone).

The main thing is to get rid of not only from the symptom, but also from the cause of the disease.

Medical preparations are prescribed from prolonged cough that activate the immune system. These are medicinal products based on ginseng, Rhodiola Pink, Eleutherococcus. They are prescribed after antibacterial therapy.

Physiotherapy procedures help prolonged cough attacks:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • inhalation;
  • massage.

It is possible to carry out physiotherapy if a person has no high temperature and the disease is not in the stages of exacerbation. During this period, it is recommended to additionally put at home warming compresses, attend a Russian bath, taking coniferous or salt baths, to do therapeutic physical education.

If the cough attacks provoked allergies, then the patient should correctly identify the stimulus. Food allergy is treated primarily by the observance of the diet. A person must abandon smoked products, citrus, chocolate, oily food, shop sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish, carbonated water. When allergic to dust, it is necessary to make wet cleaning as often as possible. If the cause of the disease is animal wool, you can not keep in the apartment of cats or dogs.

Allergy Medicines:

  • Supratine;
  • Claritin;
  • Telfast;
  • Prednisolone.

Important! To find out the cause of cough, you need to consult a doctor. Based on analyzes, radiography, computed diagnostics, the patient establishes the diagnosis, select drugs. Treatment of tuberculosis, cough, asthma, cancer, heart failure is carried out according to individual schemes.

Folk remedies

At home, you can treat a long cough by folk remedies. If after a cold does not pass attacks and no temperature, you can make steam inhalations. To do this, in a saucepan with water brew medicinal herbs (sage, plantain, St. John's wort, a mother-and-stepmother) or simply add a spoonful of soda to boiling water and breathe a ferry for about 10 minutes.

  1. If coughing without sputum, you can make compresses from a steady cabbage leaf, lubricated with honey or put mustard pieces, banks.
  2. It helps to bring the stagnant mucus massage.
  3. You can go to the bath, warm the wet steam lung. At the same time, the cold shower should be avoided, because the dumping with cold water can lead to bronchospasm.

Recipe from protracted cough attacks

These ingredients will be required:

  • radish - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Fresh radish need to be washed, cut into two parts. In each to make a spoon deepening, sprinkle with sugar and pour meto. Flowing juice takes 1 tsp. Every 3 hours.

The cause of a long cough can be untreated cold illness or diseases of the heart, lungs, gasts. It is possible to establish the cause only by examining and analyzes.

Bronchas can even react even to the smallest stimuli, causing the bouts of a long cough, which need to harm. Sometimes the respiratory system does not resist the disease at all. In this case, there is a stagnation of the mucus that needs to be ignited and output. Treatment appoints a doctor based on the diagnosis established by him. It is unacceptable to engage in the self-treatment of a long cough.

Cough is a natural reflex that helps purify the respiratory tract. During the disease, this reflex is necessary, but if an adult and after recovery, the cough does not pass for a long time, then this is true of concern.

Cough more than 2 weeks

If the cough after ARZ or bronchitis does not pass more than 2 weeks, this means that the inflammatory process continues in the body. The reason for this residual phenomenon can be the addition of secondary infection.

The patient whose immunity was weakened by respiratory infection, it can easily become infected. The cause of infection can be their own conditionally pathogenic microflora, which in a healthy person is suppressed by immunity.

The reason for frequent cough attacks can be an associated secondary external infection, arising against the background of weakened immunity, for example:

  • bacteria streptococci, staphylococci;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia;
  • candida fungi;
  • tuberculosis wand.

Without visible reasons, the attacks of dry cough jolts during allergies may occur. An allergic cough reflex is caused by the presence of allergen, the duration of this phenomenon depends on the concentration of allergen, the reactivity of the immune system.

The allergic cough flows in adults without a temperature, which distinguishes it from a cold, long does not pass, and, if they treat it yourself, make inhalation of herbs, is very dangerous. Self-treatment can cause a powerful allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock, swelling of quinque.

Cough for more than a month

With the cough, which is laid for more than a month, a visit to the doctor must be accomplished, and in the very near future. Of course, long-term cough attacks most often cause diseases of the respiratory system.

However, quite often such attacks are caused by allergic sensitization of the body, impaired heart, lung, nervous system.

Cough reflex with lung diseases

The reasons explaining why the adult does not take place the cough attacks, the following respiratory disabilities may be:

  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • COPD;
  • bronchitis smokers;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma.

Especially obsessive dry cough is noted at bronchial asthma. In 50% of patients, this disease begins under the age of 10 years. But about a third of asthmatics, the disease manifests after 40 years.

And if such a cough in an adult does not pass more than a month and not to treat it right, but to do tinctures on popular recipes, drink brazers, then the patient will only worse, which can manifest themselves.

Bronchial asthma often has infectious-allergic origin, with allergens protruding various flowering plants. Not knowing the causes of the appearance of asthma, self-medication can provoke a heavy attack.

Possible reasons

The causes of the appearance of cough in an adult, which does not pass more than 3-4 weeks, can be:

For a long time, much more than 2-3 months does not pass in adult cough caused by work in harmful production, and it needs to be treated with expectorant drugs. It is necessary that permanent dry unproductive swing passed into a wet cough.

Along with the mocroseth of the lungs, small dust is excreted, scoring light workers of agriculture, workers of the coal, construction, metallurgical industry. In case of professional dust bronchitis, inhalation with soda, expectorant of natural origin, such as thermopsis, alta, licorice.

It is more difficult to cope with the attacks caused by the work in the chemical industry, the household service. Allergic cough, which arises from the employees of the nail service, hairdressers, is treated with antihistamine drugs or a variety of specialty.

Neurogenic cough reflex

The cause of the attacks may not be organic illness of the respiratory system, but neurosis. The painful attacks caused by the formation of a persistent cough reflex with the involvement of the cortex of the brain arise in children, and in adults.

Such attacks appear with increased nervous voltage caused by anxiety, waiting, excitement. The first thing to do with a neurogenic cough, which does not pass in adult more than two weeks, is to give a patient soothing, switch attention to reduce the nervous voltage.

The reasons for this phenomenon are in the peculiarities of the psyche of a person. Treatment of attacks should be carried out with the participation of the psychotherapist. A feature of the manifestation of the reflex is the weakening and even stopping the attack when the patient is confident that they do not observe.

Cardiac and pulmonary failure

The work of the heart and the lungs is interconnected. The decrease in the lung function causes oxygen starvation of all organs, worsens the contractile ability of the heart, leads to a stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circle of blood circulation.

With heart pathology to cough join:

  • comfortable, rapid breathing;
  • sonya painting of brushes (acricyanosis).

On the pulmonary failure caused by stagnation of blood in a small circle of blood circulation, indicate:

  • the visible vestion of the veins on the neck is a positive venous pulse;
  • skin sinusiness, mucous membranes.

Read the heart cough.

ENT disease

Chronic inflammation of ENT organs is also able to cause a long non-stop cough, such diseases include:

  • sinusitis - sinusitis, etmoit;
  • adenoiditis.

Adenoid cough caused by increased pharynten almond, occurs in adulthood rarely. Nevertheless, if the cough does not pass in an adult for more than a month, it may have to do adenotomy, which will improve the outflow of mucus from the hymic meloders and will save from the attacks.

Oncological diseases

Calling a long cough may be oncological diseases of the larynx, trachea or lungs, whose signs serve:

  • increased lymph nodes of the neck;
  • special shape of fingers, resembling an appearance drum sticks;
  • a sharp weight loss that is not associated with a diet.

Cough during cancer dry, bothering the patient and in daytime, and at night. The cough attacks are not necessarily strong, but if they do not pass 2-3 months, the reason for this can be cancer, and this disease is diagnosed today not only in the elderly, but also in adults just over 40 years old.


For the prevention of chronic cough, you need to treat sharp respiratory infections under the control of the doctor, do not engage in self-medication. It is useful for strengthening the lungs to order the body, strengthen the immune system, perform breathing exercises in the fresh air.

How to perform respiratory gymnastics, what to do with cough, which does not pass more than 2 weeks, you can additionally find out in the article "Respiratory Gymnastics".

Perhaps you will be interested:

In an adult dry cough without temperature - reasons;

Why pain in the chest with cough arises;

Anti-tech drugs.

If a person has sobbed a viral disease or a conventional cold, a cough for a long time can be preserved as residual phenomena. The patient, it seems to have already recovered, but periodically, often at night, it is tormented by an approached shaking.

As a result, the night rest is disturbed. In addition, the throat and lad can be constantly annoyed, which provokes the emergence of more complex diseases.

Possible reasons

Many factors can be distinguished, due to which a person coughs long. Sometimes it takes a lot of time. If a person coughs more than a month, and there are no symptoms of the disease, it becomes more difficult to find out the cause.

If you do not pay the problem of the necessary attention, complications may develop in the form of chronic bronchitis, pulmonary diseases. It is better to quickly determine the reasons why cough lasts long and proceed with treatment.

The main reasons for prolonged cough in adults:

  • appears due to smoking;
  • manifestation of reaction to stimulus, allergen;
  • symptom, which is associated with the peculiarities of the profession;
  • chronic cough (read how to treat a child);
  • infectious diseases.

Safe cough is a residual phenomenon after a cold. It disappears after a couple of weeks and does not lead to complications. If 30 days have passed, and the cough has not yet passed, you need to go to the doctor.

If the cause was an allergic reaction, then the cough differs in an approached character. A lot of mucus is distinguished, which contributes to the appearance of cough. With allergy, the casing continues to two months. It is not necessary to wait long in such a situation and postpone the campaign to the doctor, because similar symptoms are manifested with tuberculosis.

Cough that appears due to constant smoking, is a common problem in smokers. Tobacco smoking causes strong lung irritation. Harmful substances (resins, nicotine) are accumulated in lungs and bronchops in the form of thick, dense lumps.

Cough is the result of the body's protective reaction to the stimulus. With its lungs are a bit cleaned. The smoker can cough all his life.

The cause of a long cough can become harmful substances that a person breathes daily at work. But this fact concerns not only harmful production, but also work with tissues, wood and metal.

When such materials are processed, the workers inhale small particles that reach the lungs are accumulated in them. As a result, a person appears not passing cough. Over time, it acquires a chronic nature with the negative impact of the working environment.

The symptom of passing may continue weekly due to the exacerbation of chronic diseases: heart failure, inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, etc.

In children

To clarify the causes of the children's cough, the child should be shown to the pediatrician. The doctor must listen carefully to listen to the child, does he have difficult diseases. In addition to inspection, it is necessary to hand over a general blood test. Among the main reasons for prolonged cough in children allocate:

  • infectious diseases;
  • allergy;
  • response of the respiratory tract to the cold;
  • objects of foreign origin in respiratory bodies;
  • effect of irritants of the external environment (exhaust gases, smoke from cigarettes, dust);
  • causes of mental nature (stress, nervousness).

If the cause of cough was infection, then timely treatment will give quick results and the attack will pass.

In the event of allergic reactions in children, it is necessary to find out what is an irritant and eliminate all contacts with it.

If the child behaves too actively on the street in frosty or windy weather and quickly breathes, crumpled from the hyperreactivity of breathing.

Little children are all drained into the mouth. The end of the subject in the respiratory organs can cause coughing attacks.

Children have an immature nervous system. Against the background of strong oveuse or disorder, the child may be coughed.

If the cough does not pass 1-3 months in an adult

If the symptom continues to disturb the long period of time (from two weeks to a month), then the development of such diseases is possible: tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis and other diseases.


What if the caddling does not pass a month? If you are worried about long cough, which does not pass throughout four weeks, you need to pass the survey, determine the disease and listen to the symptoms.

The doctor will examine the throat, listening to the lungs. It will not be superfluous to pass tests to confirm the diagnosis.

To quickly get rid of a long cough, you need to use a large amount of fluid, there are many fruits, make inhalation, take drugs that the doctor appointed.

Cough for a month without a temperature does not disappear during smoking, as it complicates the process of recovery.

If the symptom does not disappear 3 months in an adult after transferred colds, such reasons are possible:

  • the person has a weakened immunity;
  • external factors interfere with recovery: smoking, dried with heating devices air indoors, alcohol consumption, dehydration of the body due to the low use of water and liquid;
  • after the suffered disease, another infection can be joined, which leads to the development of pneumonia or bronchitis;
  • in the worst case, a long-term attack may be the cause of the development of malignant respiratory tumors.

Before you treat cough, which does not take up to 3 months, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence. If these are the residual effects of ARZ or ARVI, it is worth using food rich in vitamins, make inhalations or ask the attending physician to prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures.

Long pidey can be due to heart disease. For an accurate diagnosis, you must contact the cardiologist.

With pneumonia, there is an improvement in the state of the patient for several days, then the temperature rises and a strong attack with the feelings of chest pain begins. Diagnose disease will help the pulmonary x-ray.

2 months

Why does the cough not pass for 2 months? Moving, durability of more than 3 weeks, can be called chronic. The cause of such cough can be a runny nose.

The mucus flows on the nasopharynx and provokes cough. If the patient did not treat the symptom throughout the entire time, then it will be harder to get rid of it.

The most common reason for a long non-passing cough is asthma. With asthma, symptoms are manifested:

  • severe shortness of breath;
  • feeling of lagging in the thoracic department;
  • swashing with wheezing.

Read how to treat a strong cough with wheezing in an adult.

What can I do

It is forbidden to engage in self-medication and postpone the campaign to the doctor. It is impossible to take a medicine without an accurate course and the appointed dosage. It is also forbidden to visit physiotics with high temperatures. It is not necessary to go out on the street at the moment of a strong frost, rain and snow so as not to aggravate the disease.


If a person is worried about cough for several weeks, then without deposctions, you need to ask for help from a specialist. It is best not to run the problem to avoid the emergence of complications. After establishing the cause of a long cough, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor and follow their health.

If the cough does not pass, there is a possibility of re-entering the body of pathogenic microorganisms against the background of weakened immunity after the respiratory disease. Developing as a residual phenomenon, a symptom can disturb a person during recovery. During this time, lungs and bronchi are completely cleaned from the accumulated mocry. If the cough syndrome does not pass 2 weeks, there is a reason for re-accessing the doctor. An unpleasant actions often testifies to serious pathology in the body. What should be done if the cough does not pass long, telling the attending physician after individual advice.

Features of the incessant cough

A long cough without temperature is an involuntary reflex that occurs in response to the action of a certain stimulus. The development of such an unpleasant symptom is often alarms that an infection has a bacterial, viral or allergic nature in the body. For a long time, the cough is also due to the fact that a foreign object or substance fell in the way of breathing.

When the bronchi is cleaned with a mucus containing a pathogen agent in its composition. Getting rid of the accumulated mocroid, the symptom stops, but not long. Such a condition indicates a wet cough syndrome when the body is already on the way to recovery. It's much worse when it does not work out. In this case, dry cough in an adult or child is developing. It is quite problematic to get rid of it. Often, it is delayed for a long period of time, for which the body is significantly weakened and depleted.

Why does not adult and child cough passes? The incessant cough often signals the development of complications after the underlying disease or due to the addition of secondary infection. In the first case, the causes of such an unpleasant symptom are developing as a result of not a cured fully respiratory disease, as well as due to illiterate assigned therapy. In the second - the causes of the disease can signal the pathogenic agents in the body against the background of the imminent immunity after the suffered disease.

At the same time, the main malicious microorganisms are:

  1. Viruses.
  2. Bacteria (for example, pneumocists, tuberculosis bacteria).
  3. Fungi (candidate, chlamydia).

Often, a long cough in adults testifies to the emergence of an allergic disease, the source of development of which is the most diverse pathogens:

  • wool, saliva or dandruff domestic and wild animals;
  • dust pliers;
  • bird Feather (Pooh);
  • pollen flowering plants (indoor and garden);
  • food;
  • artificial fabric materials;
  • household and decorative cosmetics, etc.

The situation is significantly complicated if the organism gets from two to several pathogens. In this case, the symptom is able to delay for a long time, while the treatment lasts much longer than the usual. How to treat a tightening cough in case of allergies, will tell the doctor based on the results of the diagnostic measures.

Test: Does your lifestyle lifestyle provokes?

0 of 20 tasks ended


Since almost all of we live in cities with a very favorable for health conditions, and in addition to this, we have a wrong lifestyle, this topic is very relevant at the moment. We commit many actions or vice versa - inactive, without thinking about the consequences for their body. Our life in breathing, without him we will not live and a few minutes. This test will determine if your lifestyle can provoke the lung disease, as well as help to think about your health of the respiratory system and correct your errors.

The test is loaded ...

Time is over

  • You keep the right way of life

    You are an active person who cares and thinks about his respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo surveys in time, support your immunity, it is very important, do not transfer, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overloads. Try to minimize contact with patients with people, do not forget about the means of protection (mask, washing hands and face, cleaning the respiratory tract).

  • It is time to think about what you do something wrong ...

    You are in the risk group, it is worth thinking about your lifestyle and start studying yourself. Physical education is required, and even better to start playing sports, choose the sport that most like most, and turn it into a hobby (dancing, bicycles walking, gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu on time, they can lead to complications on the lungs. Be sure to work with your immunity, stop, as often as possible are in nature and fresh air. Do not forget to pass the planned annual surveys, treat the diseases of the lungs at the initial stages are much simpler than in the launched form. Avoid emotional and physical overloads, smoking or contact with smokers if possible, exclude either minimize.

  • It's time to be alarming!

    You are completely irresponsible treat your health, thereby destroying the work of your lungs and bronchi, please them! If you want to live for a long time, you need to drastically change your entire attitude to the body. First of all, pass the survey in such specialists as the therapist and the pulmonologist, you need to take radical measures otherwise everything can end bad for you. Perform all the recommendations of the doctors, dramatically change your life, it is possible to change the work or even place of residence, absolutely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and give contact with people who have such pernicious minimum habits, stop, strengthen your immunity, how can Comething more often. Avoid emotional and physical overloads. Fully exclude all aggressive funds from everyday circulation, replace natural, natural tools. Do not forget to make houses wet cleaning and venting out the room.

  1. With the answer
  2. With a marker

    Task 1 of 20

    Is your lifestyle connected with heavy physical exertion?

    • Yes, daily
    • Sometimes
    • Seasonally (eg garden)
  1. Task 2 of 20

    How often do you pass the survey of the lungs (eg. Fluurogram)?

    • I don't even remember when the last time passed
    • Annually, mandatory
    • Once a couple of years
  2. Task 3 of 20

    Do you do sports?

    • Yes, professionally and regularly
    • In the past it was
    • Yes, amateur
  3. Task 4 of 20

    • When pain
    • Sometimes
  4. Task 5 of 20

    Do you treat ORZ, ORVI, flu and other inflammatory or infectious diseases?

    • Yes, a doctor
    • No, itself passes after a while
    • Yes, I am self-medication
    • Only if it's very bad
  5. Task 6 of 20

    Do you carefully observe personal hygiene (shower, hands before meals and after walking, etc.)?

    • Yes, constantly my hands
    • No, I do not follow this at all
    • I try, but sometimes forget
  6. Task 7 of 20

    Do you care about your immunity?

    • Only with the disease
    • Difficult to answer
  7. Task 8 of 20

    Do you have relatives or family members with serious lung diseases (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia)?

    • Yes, parents
    • Yes, close relatives
    • I can not say for sure
  8. Task 9 of 20

    Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment (gas, smoke, chemical emissions of enterprises)?

    • Yes, I live constantly
    • Yes, I work in such conditions
    • Previously lived or worked
  9. Task 10 of 20

    Do you use your household sources of strong smells (aromasters, incense, etc.)?

    • Often
    • Seldom
    • Almost daily
  10. Task 11 of 20

    Do you have heart disease?

    • Yes, chronic
    • Rarely but happens
    • There are doubts, you need a survey
  11. Task 12 of 20

    How often are you indoors with damp or dyed conditions, mold?

    • Constantly
    • Not lying
    • Previously located
    • Rarely but happens
  12. Task 13 of 20

    Do you often do ORZ, ODS?

    • Constantly pain
    • Rarely, no more than 1 time a year
    • Often, more than 2 times in the year
    • Never sick or once in the five-year plan
  13. Task 14 of 20

    Do you have or someone from someone from relatives of diabetes?

    • Yes, I have
    • Difficult to answer
    • Yes, near relatives
  14. Task 15 of 20

    Do you have allergic diseases?

    • Yes, one
    • Not sure, you need to examine
    • Yes, even a few
  15. Task 16 of 20

    What is the way of life you lead?

    • Sedentary
    • Active, constantly in motion
    • Low-living
  16. Task 17 of 20

    Does anyone in your family smoke?

    • It happens sometimes
    • Previously smoke
  17. Task 18 of 20

    Do you smoke?

    • Yes, smoking regularly
    • No and never smoked (a)
    • Rarely but happens
    • Previously smoked (a), but threw (a)
  18. Task 19 of 20

    Do you have in the house the air cleaning instruments?

    • Yes, constantly changing filters
    • Yes, sometimes we use
    • Yes, but do not follow the devices
  19. Task 20 of 20

    Do you often use household chemicals (cleaning products, aerosols, etc.)?

    • Often
    • Rarely
    • Constantly work such
    • I do not use at all

Symptom varieties

A long-lasting cough in an adult is a symptom of any pathology. Its main manifestations protrudes the regular character of casuals throughout the day, as well as an attack of a protracted cough with a mucus.

What are the manifestation of a protracted cough in an adult? Pathology therapy depends on the species of symptom.

By character, two main types of cough reflexes are distinguished:

  1. Long dry cough.
  2. Wet cough.

Dry cough syndrome, in turn, is divided into the duration of the following types:

  • acute (non-commissioned cough for more than one week);
  • protracted (can not pass for a long time - no more than);
  • subacute (a strong cough, which does not pass by no time for 1-2 months);
  • chronic (tightening cough in adults and children, ongoing over 2 months).

To cure a tightening cough in an adult is much more difficult than sharply flowing symptom. That is why experts are not recommended to postpone the treatment of the disease.

If you make diagnostics in time and start pathology therapy, you can get rid of the protracted cough in the shortest possible time.

Dry cough

Often develops in the first day of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), as well as during recovery. A long cough is reduced by a smooth muscle bronchi, caused by strong irritation of the nasopharynx mucosa, bronchial pathways or trachea.

Dry cough does not pass for a long time in an adult for a variety of reasons. He begins to disturb the man immediately after infection in the bronchopal pathways. In the first day, the patient has a hole in the throat, which leads to ceremonies. A few days later, the patient begins to expectors, which indicates a speedy recovery. However, this is not always happening. If the cough does not pass on the trachea for a long time, there may be a long dry cough, which is not expectorated.

If the dry cough does not pass a few days after the start of the respiratory disease, as well as after recovery, it acquires a protracted character.

As a result, an excessively protracted symptom organism significantly weakens, which increases the risk of re-attaching the infection.

The treatment of a protracted cough in adults and children should be paid to special attention. The therapy of the pathological process is to use musolithic drugs. The action of their main components contributes to the speedy production of the wet.

Moist cough

The wet cough is characterized by the disorder of sputum from bronchi in the development of the pathology of the bronchology system. In the process of cleaning, the body is trying to cleanse from the accumulated mucus in the nasopharynk, as well as bronchial paths. Wet cough just allows you to bring a huge amount of sputum. This process is called expectorant. Little children are very problematic to fuse due to the fact that viscous mucus makes breathing and can stick in the throat.

Wet, incessant cough is most often observed as a result of a launched flow of a cold or infectious disease.

By color and consistency of mucus, the nature of the pathological process can be identified:

  1. The transparent mucus of ordinary consistency signals the colds.
  2. Long-term cough brown often indicates the development of pneumonia - infectious inflammation of the lungs.
  3. Transparent wet cough thick (but not ordinary) consistency in most cases is a consequence of the development of bronchial asthma.
  4. An expectorant cough of an unpleasant sharp odor in a combination with the experience of purulent contents from bronchi can signaling the progression of tuberculosis, an abscess of light or bronchitis of chronic form.

Often there are situations when, during recovery from an infectious disease, there is a wet cough without temperature in an adult or child. The incessant cough is perhaps the consequence of the removal of the residual mucus from the bronchi, when the disease has practically passed, while the symptom still worries a person due to the drainage of the mucus on the rear wall of the nasopharynx.

Treat the protracted cough is possible with the help of special expectorant and antibiotic drugs. In the latter case, potent drugs are prescribed when attaching an infection of a bacterial type.

Cough that does not pass week

If the cough does not stop a week, this process should not deliver a special concern. With properly prescribed treatment, approximately so much time is necessary for complete recovery from the respiratory disease. In the infectious pathology of the bronchology system, it may be necessary to take some time (usually a few days) to get rid of bronchial pathways from residual phenomena.

When the cough does not pass about a week or two, it is worth re-applying to the doctor. In this case, probably the development of complications or the addition of secondary infection.

Why does not cough passes for two weeks or a little more?

The main provoking factors of such a phenomenon are experts:

  1. Disease of a cold or infectious nature.
  2. Increase allergic reaction.
  3. Reducing the stress resistance of the body.

The above reasons are capable of leading the symptom progression, regardless of whether the wet cough is either dry.

How to cure a tightening cough if it does not pass for a long time?

In this case, therapy will be assigned depending on the underlying disease:

  • with a constant symptom caused by a cold illness, special antiviral drugs are prescribed to the patient, and in addition, plant-based remedies with an expectorant effect. According to the indications, immunomodulatory medicines can be accepted;
  • when the cough does not pass in an adult attacking nature, and the body temperature rises to febrile indicators, there is a risk of inflammation of the lungs or sharp bronchitis. How to treat a tightening cough, the doctor will solve, but antibiotics will perform the main group of drug drugs - potent drugs aimed at the destruction of the bacterial pathogen pathology;
  • when not a passing manifestation of bronchial asthma acts long cough, anti-allergic agents come to the rescue. They allow you to stop the body's reaction to the external or inner stimulus.

In some cases, the reason why the long dry cough does not pass about a few weeks, is the fact that the foreign object hit the respiratory organs.

The main recommendation in such a situation is also to appeal to the doctor. As a rule, it is not necessary to treat a long cough. This is due to the fact that after removing the foreign object from the bronchial paths, the symptom itself passes.

Cough does not pass month

Why can the cough be disturbed by a person for a month? Cough with sputum does not pass a month as a result of severe infectious diseases. At the same time, the symptom is often accompanied by other clinical manifestations of the pathology of the bronchology system.

The main ones are:

  1. Increased sweating.
  2. The swelling of the upper and lower extremities.
  3. Feeling of nausea, vomiting.
  4. A sharp decline in body weight.
  5. The discharge of the mucus is transparent or with an admixture of blood.
  6. Complete or partial loss of appetite.
  7. Breathing disorder, both during exercise, and at rest.
  8. Increase body temperature to febrile indicators.
  9. Deterioration of the overall condition (lethargy, irritability, weakness).
  10. In the chest, the patient feels pain, etc.

What if the cough does not pass throughout the month?

Wet cough may indicate the following serious pathologies:

  • chronic pulmonary disease (for example, tuberculosis);
  • malignant neoplasm (for example, sarcoidosis or lung cancer);
  • breakthrough of the henkens (in this case, the wet cough is particularly often worried about the man at night);
  • disease caused by work in harmful production;
  • inflammation of pleura, bronchi or lungs in chronic form;
  • chronization of nasopharynx pathologies (for example, sinusitis);
  • severe heart work disorders;
  • asthma bronchial type.

When there is no dry cough about a month, there is a risk of developing a chronic form of serious damage to the bronchopulmonary field (for example, chronic tracheite).

Also lasting a long dry cough is developed due to abuse of smoking over a large time interval.

What if there is no cough for a long time? The treatment of a protracted cough depends on the nature of the main disease. If the cough syndrome does not pass long, medicines aimed at the destruction of pathology pathogen are prescribed to the patient.

When the cough does not pass more than a month, there is a possibility of developing cardiac, pulmonary, gastric insufficiency, as well as neoplasms of malignant nature in the pulmonary area. It does not pass a wet or dry cough for more than a month, because of the immunodeficiency, tuberculosis or asthma bronchial. Adult tightening cough - what to treat it? In addition to the main group of medicines, the patient prescribe the reception of immunomodulating agents that increase the protective forces of the body.

The incessant cough is the reason for the immediate appeal to the doctor. Self-treatment can only aggravate the pathological process and lead to the development of a serious complication.

Test: What drug from cough is suitable for you better?

0 of 6 tasks ended


A test that will determine which drug from cough is suitable for you more.

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Time is over

  • Syrups:

    Broncholitin syrup - perfectly suitable for the treatment of dry cough in children (average value in pharmacy 100 rubles)
    Paxeldin syrup - is analogous to the above fund, but in another price category (average cost in pharmacy 250 rubles)


    Stopatssin - excellent and inexpensive cough pills for children (average price in pharmacy 110 rubles)
    Synecode - Excellent Tablets from dry cough for children (average price in pharmacies 200 rubles)
    Golden - Also very good pills for the treatment of cough (the average price in pharmacies 250 rubles)
    We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the article on the choice of cough tablets for children.


    Inhalipt - excellent and inexpensive cough spray for children (average price in pharmacy 60 rubles)
    Faringosept - also a very good cough spray (the average price in the pharmacy 110 rubles)

  • Syrups and drops:

    Stoptussin syrup - perfectly suitable for the treatment of dry cough in adolescents and adults (average cost in pharmacy 150 rubles)
    Synecode drops - just as an excellent means, but in another price category (average cost in the pharmacy 350 rubles)
    We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the article on the selection of the syrup from cough.


    Mukaltin - excellent and inexpensive cough pills (average price in the pharmacy 50 rubles)
    Synecode - this excellent drug is also sold in the form of tablets (average price in pharmacies 150 rubles)
    Saltan - Also very good pills for the treatment of cough (the average price in pharmacies 200 rubles)
    We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the article on the choice of cough tablets.


    Inhalipt - excellent and inexpensive cough spray (average price in the pharmacy 60 rubles)
    Hxoral - also a very good cough spray (average price in a pharmacy 170 rubles)
    Tanut Verde - a magnificent drug in the form of spray, in a high price category (average price in pharmacies 300 rubles)

  1. With the answer
  2. With a marker

    Task 1 of 6

    Specify your age (your child's age)

    • From 6 to 12 years
    • From 12 to 18 years
    • More than 18.
  1. Task 2 of 6

    • Up to 100 rubles
    • From 100 to 200 rubles
    • Over 200 rubles
  2. Task 3 of 6

    In what form do you prefer to take a drug from cough?

    • Pills
    • Syrup
    • Spray
  3. Task 4 of 6

    What type of cough bothers you?

    • Wet
    • Dry
    • Barking
  4. Task 6 of 6

    Do you prefer whose production?

    • Domestic
    • Overseas

Cough is a natural reflex that helps purify the respiratory tract. During the disease, this reflex is necessary, but if an adult and after recovery, the cough does not pass for a long time, then this is true of concern.

If the cough after ARZ or bronchitis does not pass more than 2 weeks, this means that the inflammatory process continues in the body. The reason for this residual phenomenon can be the addition of secondary infection.

The patient whose immunity was weakened by respiratory infection, it can easily become infected. The cause of infection can be their own conditionally pathogenic microflora, which in a healthy person is suppressed by immunity.

The reason for frequent cough attacks can be an associated secondary external infection, arising against the background of weakened immunity, for example:

  • bacteria streptococci, staphylococci;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia;
  • candida fungi;
  • tuberculosis wand.

Without visible reasons, the attacks of dry cough jolts during allergies may occur. An allergic cough reflex is caused by the presence of allergen, the duration of this phenomenon depends on the concentration of allergen, the reactivity of the immune system.

The allergic cough flows in adults without a temperature, which distinguishes it from a cold, long does not pass, and, if they treat it yourself, make inhalation of herbs, is very dangerous. Self-treatment can cause a powerful allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock, swelling of quinque.

Cough for more than a month

With the cough, which is laid for more than a month, a visit to the doctor must be accomplished, and in the very near future. Of course, long-term cough attacks most often cause diseases of the respiratory system.

However, quite often such attacks are caused by allergic sensitization of the body, impaired heart, lung, nervous system.

Cough reflex with lung diseases

The reasons explaining why the adult does not take place the cough attacks, the following respiratory disabilities may be:

  • COPD;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;

Especially obsessive dry cough is noted at bronchial asthma. In 50% of patients, this disease begins under the age of 10 years. But about a third of asthmatics, the disease manifests after 40 years.

And if such a cough in an adult does not pass more than a month and not to treat it right, but to do tinctures on popular recipes, drink brazers, then the patient will only worse, which can manifest themselves.

Bronchial asthma often has infectious-allergic origin, with allergens protruding various flowering plants. Not knowing the causes of the appearance of asthma, self-medication can provoke a heavy attack.

Possible reasons

The causes of the appearance of cough in an adult, which does not pass more than 3-4 weeks, can be:

For a long time, much more than 2-3 months does not pass in adult cough caused by work in harmful production, and it is necessary to treat it. It is necessary that permanent dry unproductive swing passed into a wet cough.

Along with the mocroseth of the lungs, small dust is excreted, scoring light workers of agriculture, workers of the coal, construction, metallurgical industry. With professional dust bronchitis, expectorant of natural origin, such as thermopsis, alta, licorice.

It is more difficult to cope with the attacks caused by the work in the chemical industry, the household service. which arises from the workers of the nail service, hairdressers, is treated with antihistamine drugs or a variety of specialty.

Neurogenic cough reflex

The cause of the attacks may not be organic illness of the respiratory system, but neurosis. The painful attacks caused by the formation of a persistent cough reflex with the involvement of the cortex of the brain arise in children, and in adults.

Such attacks appear with increased nervous voltage caused by anxiety, waiting, excitement. The first thing to do with a neurogenic cough, which does not pass in adult more than two weeks, is to give a patient soothing, switch attention to reduce the nervous voltage.

The reasons for this phenomenon are in the peculiarities of the psyche of a person. Treatment of attacks should be carried out with the participation of the psychotherapist. A feature of the manifestation of the reflex is the weakening and even stopping the attack when the patient is confident that they do not observe.

Cardiac and pulmonary failure

The work of the heart and the lungs is interconnected. The decrease in the lung function causes oxygen starvation of all organs, worsens the contractile ability of the heart, leads to a stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circle of blood circulation.

With heart pathology to cough join:

  • comfortable, rapid breathing;
  • sonya painting of brushes (acricyanosis).

On the pulmonary failure caused by stagnation of blood in a small circle of blood circulation, indicate:

  • the visible vestion of the veins on the neck is a positive venous pulse;
  • skin sinusiness, mucous membranes.

Read the heart cough.

ENT disease

Chronic inflammation of ENT organs is also able to cause a long non-stop cough, such diseases include:

  • – , ;

Adenoid cough caused by increased pharynten almond, occurs in adulthood rarely. Nevertheless, if the cough does not pass in an adult for more than a month, it may have to do adenotomy, which will improve the outflow of mucus from the hymic meloders and will save from the attacks.

Oncological diseases

Calling a long cough may be oncological diseases of the larynx, trachea or lungs, whose signs serve:

  • increased lymph nodes of the neck;
  • special shape of fingers, resembling an appearance drum sticks;
  • a sharp weight loss that is not associated with a diet.

Cough with overcoabouts dry, worried about the patient and in daytime, and. The cough attacks are not necessarily strong, but if they do not pass 2-3 months, the reason for this can be cancer, and this disease is diagnosed today not only in the elderly, but also in adults just over 40 years old.


For the prevention of chronic cough, you need to treat sharp respiratory infections under the control of the doctor, do not engage in self-medication. It is useful for strengthening the lungs to order the body, strengthen the immune system, perform breathing exercises in the fresh air.

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