Stones in Feng Shui: choosing, arranging. Magic stones for the home according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching that studies natural energy flows and their impact on human life. It is based on the principles of interaction of five basic elements - Water, Earth, Wood, Fire and Metal. The art of Feng Shui teaches us to change a situation for the better by transforming the surrounding space.

Minerals, as a source of positive energy, play an important role in Feng Shui. According to Chinese teaching, special zones are allocated in an apartment (house), which are arranged in a special way. Each zone of such a house should facilitate the free circulation of energy flow, filling those who live in this house or apartment with new positive emotions. By placing the energy of the stone in certain places in the apartment, according to the cardinal directions, we attract good luck to the desired area of ​​our life.

As an activator for each zone of an apartment (house), you can use stone figurines, individual stones, and geodes.

The main element wealth zones (southeast direction in the apartment) are pyrite and marble. They bring stability to the financial world. Therefore, Feng Shui advises having a golden pyrite crystal in this area, reminiscent of a piece of metal, as well as a marble vase or marble figurine. It is good to place a citrine druse in the money zone.

TO glory zone (in the south) Crystals belonging to the element of Fire are well suited. These can be rubies, garnet, carnelian, red jasper. Also suitable here are amethyst crystals, heliotrope, and hematite. Here you can place a pointed crystal, druses, pyramids or triangular figures of stone, placed with a sharp angle upward, as well as stone trees.

Rose quartz is very good for marriage zones (in the southwest). Its pink rays attract love. It is good to place pink tourmaline in this zone, which also carries gentle vibrations of love, and a rock crystal druse will promote intuitive communication. Usually garnet, selenite and jade are also placed here.

In the center of the apartment For general harmonization of life, it is recommended to place amethyst. Its violet rays cleanse us and our home from negative energy. To improve health, jasper can be placed here. Adularia, selenite and fluorite in the center of the apartment will help soften situations; they very gently remove negative energy.

In the zone of knowledge and wisdom (in the northeast) aquamarine, amethyst, beryl, rock crystal, dolomite, jasper are placed. These stones will contribute to successful studies and rapid acquisition of new knowledge. Stone figurines of a turtle and a snake are also placed here.

In the friend zone (in the northwest) a piece of malachite is very useful. Its green energy will activate the energy of the zone, which will increase the flow of friends into your home.

To activate career zones and success in business, adularia, rock crystal, fluorite, and calcite crystals are placed in the north of the apartment.

Also, to activate positive energy, stones can be used as amulets. Below is a small list of stones and their properties that will help you choose the right jewelry for every day:

Amethyst- Provides protection and balance during periods of transition. Increases wisdom and helps you act and think at a higher level;

Aventurine- brings good luck in education, helps to achieve desired goals at work (career growth);

Green emerald- this stone is called the “crystal of abundance.” It enhances prosperity, patience. According to Feng Shui, it is appropriate to place these stones in the East, Southeast and South;

Nephritis- this stone inspires the mind, helps in choice right decisions. Brings money luck and abundance;

Rose quartz- also known as the “stone of love”, rose quartz relieves sexual and emotional problems in relationships between partners, clears negative feelings such as anger, resentment and jealousy;

Serpentine- This stone is usually used to protect travelers from any invisible danger.

Blue sapphire- also called "blessing stone". Brings hope, faith and joy.

Citrine- brings financial growth and increased income. You can carry the crystal in a purse or wallet, citrine has the ability to bring wealth to its owner;

Amber- used to protect health.

Some tips on how to choose the right stone:

To choose a stone for yourself, you first need to listen to your inner feelings that come when you see a particular stone or a product made of stones. If you have mixed feelings, use the tips below.

  1. Try to choose a bright sparkling stone rather than a small and dull one. Do not use stones with cracks or broken edges - they are considered to bring bad luck. If you damage a stone while you are already at home, replace it with another one. If chips or cracks are quite natural and you like them, then there is nothing wrong with that, but in this case The stone carries the positive energy you need.
  2. Use only the stone you like. You should feel a special connection with the stone. If you don’t feel any feelings when you see even a very beautiful stone, don’t take it.
  3. The stone should be shaped like a circle or square. These shapes are suitable for everyone. Only people whose elements are Fire and Earth (identify your element) can benefit from triangular stones symbolizing Fire - that is, pyramids can be used.
  4. Choose a strong stone - the stronger it is, the greater the supply of favorable energy it has.
  5. Choose a medium sized stone. Stones that are too large can destroy with their energy, and stones that are too small do not have sufficient strength.

Minerals in feng shui are aggregators of strong energy flows. Find out how you can use them to attract wealth, love and good luck into your home. Psychic Natalya Pravdina told us what the shape of the stones should be and where to store them correctly.

The power of stones in Feng Shui is determined by the energy of the soil, which is considered the most powerful of the five primary elements. The Spirit of the Earth, embodied in stone, can have a powerful influence on a person’s life and make it successful and stable. Psychic Natalya Pravdina told about the secrets of this magic.

How to properly use stones in feng shui

There are several ways to use the power of stones in Feng Shui. If you are the owner of a private house, then to attract wealth and good luck you need to dig several stone boulders in front of the house or make a rock garden.

For those living in an apartment, it is recommended to put several small pieces of any rock in a flower pot - these can be fragments of boulders or gems, depending on personal taste. When placed in the southwestern direction, they will attract love into the house, in the northeastern direction - money, in the center of the apartment - they will have a beneficial effect on all areas of life.

Round or ovoid rock fragments are especially effective. These elements ward off negativity and concentrate energy flows of abundance and fertility around themselves. Stones in the house activate the Earth element and make it work to achieve your goals.

Turning stones into a protective talisman according to Feng Shui

If you purchased gems or gems according to Feng Shui, it is recommended to carry out a ritual of cleaning and charging with positive information. First, soak them in salted water for 5-10 minutes. Dry thoroughly with a towel and place on the windowsill on the sunny side. In a day, the mineral will show its strength and turn into a talisman stone.

When choosing a future amulet, you should listen to the advice of experts who remind you of the meaning of the stones:

  • Amethyst will give the owner the strength to harmonize personal relationships with others.
  • Quartz will help restore health and survive failures in love.
  • Jade strengthens the immune system and vitality, and also brings good luck in new endeavors.
  • Tiger's eye provides protection against damage and the evil eye.
  • Carnelian will ward off the machinations of enemies, and aventurine will help you gain self-confidence and receive additional finances.

The power of stones in the teachings of Feng Shui has been time-tested and many have felt their positive power. Nature itself took care of creating natural and effective amulets, which we just have to use wisely. Be healthy, happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.08.2015 00:50

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Our home is our fortress. A place where we will never call random people, and where loved ones are always welcome. According to ancient Chinese knowledge, Feng Shui, our home is divided into several “thematic” zones, and each of them has a special energy. In ancient times, they believed that if you strengthen it with the help of natural stones, you can attract any benefits into your life: love, prosperity, protection from damage... Modern experts nod their heads in agreement for good reason - there is such a science as crystal therapy.

Natural minerals are capable of accumulating both destructive and creative energy, and our task is to distinguish and select the latter. With its help, we learn how to properly zoning a house in this article!


The hallway is the “gate” of the house, a meeting place for all the energies that are allowed into your apartment - both with the “plus” and “minus” signs. Moreover, if all household members do not even think about bad things, guests can bring negative vibrations. That is why it is believed that powerful amulets should be placed in the hallway. Among them are obsidian, quartz, and rock crystal. In the absence of all of the above, you can turn to transparent stones that allow light to pass through.

Obsidian or quartz is placed opposite the entrance to the house - so that the stone is the first to “greet” arriving guests and neutralize any negativity. Of course, no one demands from you any sophisticated interior design in terms of organically incorporating natural stones into the decor of the apartment, and it is not necessary to place pebbles near the door. Obsidian, a stone of unusual color (or, to be more precise, volcanic glass) is used to make gift figurines, decorative boxes, and beads that can be hung above the door. Quartz is also suitable in any form and of any variety: pink, amethyst, and citrine, as well as jasper, carnelian and aventurine.


Living room - from the word “guests”: the spirit of the holiday, friendly gatherings and Have a good mood should not leave this apartment area for a long time. The energy of the living room is active, creative, unlike the bathroom, which will be discussed below.

Stones located in this zone “work” to activate vitality family members, attracting wealth, material opportunities.

Products made from rock crystal and transparent stones purify the aura of the room and improve relationships between those who are in it. If there is often a wall of misunderstanding among household members or if there is no end in sight to quarrels, try to correct the current energy in the living room with the help of aventurine and - especially - rose quartz, which nipping all types of aggression in the bud.

Jewelry or crafts made from citrine will help you get rid of the “poor man’s psychology” stuck in your head and set yourself up for permanent financial success in business.

Products with amethyst inspire love of life and faith in the best, even if one gives up. And yet, in plain sight, in front of guests, amethyst should not be kept for a long time - “communicate” with it only at special moments, when it is necessary to make adjustments in the biofield of the living room, and at other times keep it in a jewelry box.

If necessary to improve financial situation families, the living room should have interior items made of malachite, emerald, jade, marble, pyrite and the same rock crystal. In addition, wealth is “lured” by jewelry made of precious metals - gold and silver.


Kitchen = hearth. The place is sacred in a sense: it is believed that with food we receive energy for life, and also, by gathering at the table with the whole family, we strengthen family ties. The warmth of these meetings, as well as the increased energy of household members, is supported by minerals of all shades of the sun yellow color. Among them, yellow calcite and carnelian are mainly distinguished. Knowledgeable people say that both stones in some mysterious way even help better digestion of food! The main thing is that “kitchen” minerals should be round in shape - without sharp protrusions and piercing corners.

Lapis lazuli, blue like the July sky, is also, oddly enough, listed as an assistant in the kitchen, but its “work” tasks are different. Vases, figurines, and maybe even salt and pepper shakers made of lapis lazuli are utensils for those who would like to curb their appetite. It is believed that the energy of the mineral is aimed at restoring balance in the body, as well as appealing to the mind, rather than self-indulgence.


The children's room is the center of the child's universe, especially before adolescence. Try to surround it with the right “planets” 😊

Citrine will help stimulate interest in learning, knowledge of the world, discoveries and experiments. It is said that this mineral also helps improve memory and speech skills.

Fluorite and other stones of blue color, as well as beryl, develop systematic thinking, increases the ability to analyze, helps to concentrate and not be distracted from studies. One “but”: stones should not be placed in a child’s room by force, only with the permission of its owner.

It is customary to keep products made of rose quartz near the crib of the little ones - its positive vibrations are directed, as they say knowledgeable people, and to maintain the health of the baby.


This location should be kept under seven seals for casual guests - you should not take them to the bedroom even for a sightseeing tour of the house if you do not want the joint energy of the spouses to undergo negative changes. It is also not recommended to store too many stones in the bedroom: there is a high risk of distorting the “calm” biofield of the room intended for relaxation.

If you suffer from insomnia or nightmares, you can take a closer look at the Labrador. This unusually colored stone should be placed in a visible place, but not near the head of the bed.

If it is necessary to eliminate the coldness between spouses, to increase mutual interest and attraction, stones of all shades of the most passionate color - red - can be placed on the bedside table. In the “love zone” there can be jewelry with rubies, garnets, carnelian, jasper in warm colors.

Mineral stones play a huge role in Feng Shui. Thanks to the correct placement of stones relative to the cardinal directions, we attract fortune into our lives in certain areas of life. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching that describes energy flows and their influence on our lives. This worldview is based on the interaction of 5 basic elements - Earth, Water, Wood, Fire and Metal. Thanks to the transformation of the surrounding space according to Feng Shui, we have the opportunity to change the world around us.

Where and what stones should be placed according to Feng Shui

To improve health and harmony in life, it is recommended to place marble, rock crystal, uvarovite, and yamsha in the center of the apartment. You can also use stone balls, druses, figurines of turtles or cranes.

For financial well-being, it is necessary to place petrified wood, rock crystal, pyrite, emerald, malachite, jade, and marble in the southeastern part of the apartment. Figurines of turtles, fish, bulls, sailing ships, sculptures of the god of wealth Hottei, and frogs will also have the desired effect.

For improvement personal life And family relations in the southwest of your home you need to place tourmaline, rock crystal, selenite, garnet, rose quartz, marble, jade, charoite. Paired figurines of ducks, pigeons, geese, cranes, dolphins and herons, as well as candlesticks, images of flowers, red and pink hearts will also be good for attracting success in the above-mentioned areas.

To find friends or patrons, place Feng Shui stones such as white jade, calcite, fluorite, pyrite, rock crystal or items made of silver, bronze or gold in the northwest. Also good are images or figurines of dolphins, various icons and autumn landscapes.

For success at work, you need to place fluorite, rock crystal, calcite or adularia in the north. Stone fountains and figurines of stone turtles and other aquatic inhabitants will also have a good effect.

To gain fame, success and recognition, rock crystal, carnelian, ruby, heliotrope, garnet, amethyst, malachite and hematite should be located in the south. Stone pyramids, figurines of horses, an eagle, a rooster or pointed crystals will also not interfere.

Stones in the interior of a house are used not only to decorate the room, but also to attract bioenergy into the home. After all, the internal energy of crystals is so great that it would be unreasonable not to use it. How to use Feng Shui crystals, what stones in the interior will attract good luck, what energy crystals have, how to place them in an apartment and office - you will get answers to these and many other questions on this page.

In the philosophy of feng shui (or feng shui), there is a statement that proper organization surrounding space allows you to achieve internal harmony. In addition, it is the creation of a favorable environment that helps a person to reveal his talents, opens up new opportunities for him and brings good luck into his life. According to Feng Shui, crystals play a huge role in creating a harmonious environment. They smooth out fast flows of energy, creating smooth curves in them, which have a very beneficial effect on the energy climate of the house.

In order for feng shui stones to begin to bring benefits, it is important to correctly place them in the interior space of the house.

Life energy crystals in the home

Vital energy qi enters the house through the main door and windows. If the exit from the room is located directly opposite the window, the chi moves too quickly along this energy corridor and its flows can become dangerous for anyone who gets in their way. A crystal in the interior of the house, located on the windowsill, helps to separate one torrent to somewhat calmer ones, and thanks to the reflections on the edges of the crystals, these flows are directed not straight through the room, but along the walls, filling the space with beneficial qi.

Feng Shui crystals vital energy belong to the elements of the Earth (the Chinese tradition, unlike the Western one, identifies five primary elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water). This is the most stable and most powerful of the primary elements. It is completely conflict-free and is often used to relieve tension when other elements are in conflict. For example, a stone in the kitchen interior or at least a glass imitation of a crystal, a crystal vase or a glass board is placed between the stove and the sink so that these two primary elements do not fill the room with negative energy.

The center of the living room is of great importance in the practice of Feng Shui. This is the “heart” of the house, and the health of the entire organism depends on its condition.

In places where negative energy is concentrated, crystals will help repel “poisonous arrows” and disperse unfavorable sha-qi. The most dangerous in terms of loss of qi energy, and with it money, are utility rooms. If the bathroom or restroom is located directly opposite the entrance, a crystal or quartz ball should be hung on the door of these rooms. It will prevent energy from leaving the house.

Look at the photo of stones in the interior of the house to attract vital energy:

Inner crystal energy for positive energy in the home

Since the internal energy of a crystal is capable of accumulating positive energy in the home, in Feng Shui they are used to activate various areas of life. Depending on the location of the stones in the interior of the room, they change their influence, but it always remains beneficial.

Crystals placed in the north of the home attract good luck in one's career. They enhance the leadership qualities of a person (primarily the owner of the house), help him gain the attention of others, make him more courageous and at the same time help him accept right decisions. In order for career advancement to be effective, it is recommended to use blue and dark purple stones for the interior; however, transparent crystals like quartz or even glass pyramids are also suitable!

In the northwestern part of the house you should hang a crystal bell or a raw crystal with pendants.

Crystals in the northwest create favorable circumstances for travel, help you avoid problems along the way and return home safely. If you need the patronage of a high-ranking person, place crystals along with his portrait in the northwestern part of the house, and luck will smile on you! This sector is activated by transparent and gray crystals.

If you are going to stimulate relationships with a crystal in the southwest sector, do not forget one thing important rule: All talismans in this part of the house must be paired!

In the western sector, the crystal will strengthen your connection with your children. You can protect them by placing a clear crystal in this part of the house.

In the southwest, it is recommended to use crystals of delicate shades, primarily rose quartz. Crystals in this sector will attract mutual feelings, increase your chances of meeting each other, and strengthen relationships in a married couple.

The southern sector brings glory. Crystals for this trend are suitable in aggressive, rich red tones, such as ruby ​​and garnet.

Crystals in the southeast bring material benefits, success and wealth. Green stones, such as emerald, and blue ones, such as sapphire, are suitable here. Green crystals are associated with plants, and increased income is associated with plant growth. Blue crystals symbolize the element of water, which nourishes the tree and helps it rush upward.

The Northeast is an ideal direction for crystals if someone in the family is studying or is preparing to undergo serious tests of erudition. Crystals in this part of the house help to concentrate, promote the acquisition of knowledge, and stimulate thinking.

Crystals concentrate and amplify energy, so they will provide benefits wherever you place them. However, be careful about the shape of the crystal: its sharp peaks should not be directed towards you. workplace or a bed! The safest and most beneficial form would be a ball or an egg.

Which Feng Shui stones are suitable for home and office interiors?

In order to prevent Negative influence environment and bring good luck into the house, several simple and effective rituals have been developed in Feng Shui.

Protecting your home from adversity. It's not always possible to find perfect place for the home, especially if you follow the strict rules of Feng Shui. To protect your home from the adverse influence of the environment (highway roads, wild river, adjacent to a hospital or other government building), three crystals are buried in front of the house. They are laid out in a triangle, with the apex pointing away from the house. These crystals will protect the owners from harmful external influences.

To gain recognition. Many mascots are not allowed to be used in the office. ethical rules and practical considerations: what will others think? However, crystals are quite a worthy object and desktop decoration, so you should not miss the opportunity to attract good luck in the business sphere with their help.

If you don't know which stones are suitable for your office, simply take any six crystals and place them in the right corner of your desk. This arrangement will help you express yourself and achieve recognition.

Do not point the tops of the crystals at the bed: this will interfere with a relaxing holiday. Place them horizontally, with their tops facing the headboard.

Defence from bad thoughts and bad dreams. In a dream, we are all vulnerable; at this time a person is defenseless against the influence of any negativity. In order not to be exposed to sha-qi at night, an arrow of four single-pointed transparent crystals should be placed under the bed. The arrow itself should be directed towards the head.

Tree of happiness made of natural stones and its photo

The tradition of making trees from natural stones came to us from the Chinese art of living in harmony with the world - Feng Shui. Initially, the requirements for such a talisman were quite strict: its leaves were made from Chinese magic coins, of which there had to be a hundred. They were tied into branches of ten, forming the same number of paths to prosperity. However, science, even such an ancient one, does not stand still. At the intersection of Chinese and Tibetan traditions, an interesting custom was born: creating trees with leaves from crystals and stones to attract good luck, wealth and prosperity.

Depending on what minerals the leaves of the tree of happiness are made from natural stones, you attract good luck in different areas life.

For harmony in the family, bring a tree with amethyst leaves into your home.

If you lack romance in your life, choose a tree with rose quartz leaves.

To cope with difficult times, survive losses, overcome stress, take a tree with leaves made of clear quartz.

A tree with jade leaves awakens high feelings, makes a person nobler and more merciful.

Leaves from the tiger's eye promise protection to the house from troubles, the evil eye and natural disasters.

To bring joy and fresh feelings into life, find a tree with aventurine leaves. It won't be easy, but the rewards will be worth the cost!

A tree with carnelian leaves will soften negative emotions, will help you cope with anger, control yourself and approach the situation from a position of reason.

Look above at other photos: trees made of natural stone look like real works of art!