Everything every intelligent person should know. Myths about our body. Everyone needs to know

We search the Web for interesting materials and share the best of them with you. One of the users of the popular Quora website asked the question: What should everyone know about life? Former police officer and priest Justin Freeman gave an overly specific answer to this not-too-specific question.

1. Remember - no one cares about you. And if not, you don't have to worry about it. Have you bought a new car? Nobody cares. Yes, for a couple of weeks you will be asked questions, but not because someone cares about your life, but out of idle curiosity. And in three weeks, for everyone around you, your new car will merge with an endless stream of the same - crawling in a traffic jam outside their window. Your new means of transportation will not excite them any more than you - other people's cars. Have you bought a new trinket? New wardrobe? Dined at a fancy restaurant? Going on vacation to Bali? Nobody cares. Try to make sure that your happiness does not depend on the opinions of others, because they have no opinion. And if it suddenly appears, it will be either envy or hatred.

2. However, some people are an exception. A person may appear in your life who does not care. True, he will still be interested in you, not your things, but since he will appreciate you, he will become interested in what interests you. And now, when you talk about all sorts of nonsense, they will look you in the eye, catch every word, and you will know that you are not alone.

3. Life should be spent with such people. To be friends with them, and to marry - also with them. Work with them and relax with them. No matter how much energy you have, you will not turn the person who does not care about you into the one who is interested in you.

4. Money are very cheap. I mean, there are a lot of them - there are trillions of dollars circulating around the world, and their value is mostly invented by us. Be generous and don't try to subdue your whole life to the urge to grab small piece from this huge heap. One of my acquaintances really wanted to save at least 100 thousand dollars - and for this purpose he worked and in many respects denied himself. In the end, he saved up the coveted amount, but almost immediately after that he died of cancer. I have no doubt his wife's new husband appreciated his efforts.

5. Money are very expensive. Sometimes it is not easy to get the right amount, as well as predicting financial troubles. So behave wisely. Try not to take out a loan secured by assets that can become cheaper, and never go into debt to amuse your pride (see rule number 1). In our time, debt has become the norm, but you should not thoughtlessly take it as an attribute of adulthood - debt usually means a lack of balance and, in some sense, a loss of control. Avoiding education debt is difficult, but it’s not a given - my wife and I spent a total of ten years in college, and didn’t owe a cent by the time we graduated. If you have to take out a loan for an education, at least make sure that this is an investment and not a net liability. Otherwise, it is impossible without tears to look at people who are incurring tens of thousands of dollars in debt for the sake of some general humanitarian education simply because they do not know what they want from life. If you don't know what to do, go to Europe for a month - spend less and learn more.

9. We simultaneously need others - and we can do without them. Man is a social animal, and regardless of the theory of anthropogenesis in which you believe, it is difficult to deny - "we" are always more than "me". Nevertheless, the meaning of life is not to "find your soul mate" - this idea was sold to you by Disney cartoons. All this nonsense about the fact that you just need to believe and never stop searching is just a deception, at least arithmetically. Build your life, and if you meet a person whom you want to include in it - believe me, you will understand this.

10. Always give more than is expected of you.

List of required knowledge


Time is a tremendous value for any person. Unfortunately, in school and higher educational institutions we are not taught this, so we have to rely only on self-development. In the process of which it is possible to learn how to properly distribute it so that it works for you. After all, those people who have learned to manage it have become successful. They have escaped from the daily routine, have established a workflow and at the same time have time to rest.

In life, it is important to appreciate every moment, because time flows irrevocably, and the inability to dispose of it manifests itself in the form of unfulfilled needs and desires. Tell me, after spending minutes of your life on aimless TV watching, what do you get? If nothing useful and resourceful, then I recommend reading my article. It describes in detail how to allocate effectively every minute to reach your goals and reach your potential.


What else should I understand modern man? And how to use money correctly. It is thanks to this skill that it is possible to accumulate a fortune, or at least reach the desired financial level. Have you heard stories that when a poor person won a million in the lottery, for example, after a year or two he again became a beggar? And all because he does not know how to handle money.

If you have read the article, then you are aware that almost all of them were in great need in childhood. Starved and sometimes slept on the floor without a bed. They managed to achieve tremendous success, occupying a leading position in the list of the richest people in the world. Thanks to the fact that they had information about what to do with money, where to invest and how to keep what they earned.

3. health

In order to fulfill your needs, develop and advance in life, it is important to know how to maintain your health. In order not to spend the accumulated capital and free time on treatment, but to use all your capabilities in order to prevent the development of any diseases, to keep the body in good shape, to save and increase the flow of energy.

Unfortunately, most often it happens that the value of health is noticed by people only when they are faced with some physiological difficulties and limitations. Therefore, a modern person is simply obliged to know how to maintain their health, in addition to a healthy lifestyle, taking various vitamin complexes and playing sports, it is also important to pass on time medical examinations to be aware of the state of your body.


Also for overall development is a very important, but at the same time very complex and capacious point - the psychology of communication, which is also not taught at school. I already said in the article “What are human communication skills and why are they vital” that we are social beings. Without communication, they simply could not survive. Especially in modern world, when the ability to formulate your point of view, to be clear, interesting and active is the key to success and advancement.

Whatever area of ​​life we ​​pay attention to, there are always relationships with other people, and the functionality of this area depends on the quality of their construction.

5 self-awareness

Self-awareness is also important, because in order to set goals and achieve success, build collegial or, for example, family relationships, and in general to live qualitatively - it is important to develop awareness in oneself. To understand why and what exactly I am doing, what I am and how I react to different situations.

And if a person understands himself, has information about his resources, capabilities and limitations, he will better understand other people and how to deal with them. Recognize their intentions, and, for example, lies.


That's all, dear reader! I talked about the main stages of development of modern man. They will help improve the quality of life, fill it with pleasure and achievements. Develop, take care of yourself and remember that you should never stop there. The acquisition of knowledge is an ongoing process that should accompany us every day, regardless of the level of education and lifestyle.

Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. New articles will help you on the path of your self-development. See you soon.

Century of development modern technologies removes a number of routine duties from our shoulders. Come to the rescue smart cars... What must know modern man so as not to turn into a helpless lazy person? After all, in the absence independent decisions in certain life situations, makes each of us dependent on modern mechanisms.

20 things a modern person should know

Smart gadgets, computers, microwaves, washing machines... let's pretend that all of this has disappeared. Consider what knowledge and skills a modern person should have:

  1. Making decisions.
  2. Creative thinking.
  3. Analytical mind.
  4. Communication skills.
  5. Fast adaptability.
  6. Self-education.
  7. Memory development.
  8. Healthy way life.
  9. Organization.
  10. Self-development.
  11. Be able to make a fire.
  12. Know the basics of geography.
  13. Use the map and compass.
  14. Provide first aid.
  15. Choose quality food.
  16. Be able to cook food.
  17. Use a hammer and an ax.
  18. Fix things.
  19. Be able to sew.
  20. To swim.

As you can see, the list consists of two parts.

First part - necessary skills for personal development, the second is elementary vital skills. Let's consider each item in more detail.

Skills for the development of human personality

Developing the following principles will help distinguish successful person from an ordinary individual.

  • Making decisions ... From the correctness of the decision that a person chooses in one or another life situation, its future depends. An important aspect- the decision must not only be made, but also implemented.
  • Creative thinking. Such qualities as ingenuity and the ability to find new options for solving old problems will force a person to break their ingrained stereotypes.
  • Analytical mind. Ability to use logic in a comprehensive analysis of specific information. With the development of an analytical mindset, a person is able to find the best option solving the problem.
  • Communication skills ... Art effective communication a person with other individuals in society. Good communication skills allow you to successfully interact with the world and be understood by the people around you.
  • Fast adaptability. Adaptation of a person to the established criteria and requirements of a separate group (for example, a school, a work collective). Thanks to quick adaptability, a person easily enters a new team and is adequately oriented in a new group.
  • Self-education. Self-education allows you to get relevant knowledge that a person needs for further personal development. Helps to increase intelligence and social circle.
  • Memory development ... A good memory allows you to achieve success in any field of activity. This quality is especially relevant in our information time, associated with huge flows of information.
  • Healthy lifestyle. It is impossible to achieve success in life without good health... A healthy lifestyle is not only about regular physical exercise in the morning, but also proper nutrition, regular sleep and body hygiene support.
  • Organization. This point includes self-discipline, organization of the day and the ability to complete everything planned in advance. An organized person can efficiently distribute his energies and get excellent results in the end.
  • Self-development. Continuous development is the basis for the success of any person. By improving his skills, a person increases his intellectual potential, personal culture, will and mental capabilities.

Life skills.

Vital skills will help both Everyday life so in non-standard situation:

  • The ability to make a fire ... The light and warmth of the fire will help a tourist who has lost his way in the forest to save his life.
  • Know the basics of geography. People will think you are ignorant if you do not know about what is outside your country.
  • Use the map and compass. Once in an unknown area, these items will help you find the right path.
  • Provide first aid. In order to treat an abrasion or put a tourniquet on your arm, you do not need to have a medical degree.
  • Choose quality food. These skills will not only help when choosing mushrooms and berries in the forest, but also come in handy when visiting a local supermarket.
  • To cook. Not knowing how to cook simple dishes, for example scrambled eggs, sooner or later you will find yourself in a funny situation.
  • Use a hammer and an ax. You don't have to be a carpenter to hammer in a nail. Every man should have a basic command of these simple tools.
  • Fix things. The cost of repairing items is at least 30% of the cost of the item itself. If you can do something yourself, you do not have to pay money to the master.
  • Be able to sew. Allows the family to save money on modeling studios.
  • To swim. The surface of our planet is more than 70% water. Agree - this is a weighty argument in order to learn to swim.

Elementary things.

These things should be known not only by an adult, but also by a student. primary grades schools. In life there are different situations when the company is talking about elementary things, and you do not understand this issue. For example:

  • One kilometer is 0.62 miles.
  • IN solar system 8 planets (there were 9, but since 2006 Pluto is not considered a planet).
  • There are 6 continents on earth.
  • The cheetah is the fastest animal.
  • There are 251 countries in the world.
  • The Sahara is the largest desert.

Comic and interesting facts.

Information can be interesting not only from a scientific point of view, but also contain fun facts:

Here are some of them:

  • When eating celery, a person spends more calories than receives energy from this product.
  • For about six months, an ordinary city dweller spends under a red traffic light.
  • If no cola was added to the cola, its color would be green.
  • Money is made from cotton, not paper.
  • An adult laughs an average of 15 times a day, Small child- more than 300.

Now you know exactly what a modern person should know. Of course, this is not the whole list. In order to become an erudite and interesting person for those around you, you need to read more than one hundred books and popular science articles.

Video about the knowledge of modern man

1. Flowers that can be presented to a man:

chrysanthemums, roses, carnations, delphiniums, orchids, bamboo, calla lilies, lilies, anthuriums, gladioli, tulips, irises, gerberas, plumeria, heliconia, daisies, sunflowers.

Don't forget about colors when giving flowers to men. The following colors are welcomed in colors: purple, burgundy, white, blue, green.

Cases when it is customary to give flowers to a man:

1) The premiere of the film;
2) Concert premiere;
3) Book publishing;
4) Article publication;
5) Serious discovery;
6) Birthday;
7) Award presentation;
8) Sports record.

It is believed that it is better for the boss to give calla lilies of green or emerald color. It is better to give the composition of the composition to professional florists.

2. Handshake

It is not customary to shake hands with women, but if she extends her hand first, you should shake it, but not as firmly as men. But your handshake should not be weaker than the women, or she thinks you are weak.

The oldest gives his hand first, the teacher or mentor - the student, the boss - the subordinate. You should not change the rules of the game, although there are no castes in our society, you can cause rejection and misunderstanding among others.

When shaking hands, it is worth looking into the eyes and smiling a little as a sign of friendly disposition.

3. According to the rules of etiquette, the bowl of soup should be tilted away from you while eating!

Some sources write that you can not tilt at all.

4. Men should ALWAYS get up when a lady leaves the table!

5. There is nothing wrong when a husband calls his wife "bunny", and she is his "bunny".

However, these petting nicknames are not meant for prying ears!
When not alone, it is better to call each other by name.

6. Sometimes it is very pleasant to drink a drink through a straw.

But in such cases, one should not suck it out to the last drop, since a piercing gurgle will introduce some dissonance into the general conversation.

7. Here are the main modern rules of etiquette in a restaurant:

A) Cut large pieces into smaller ones;
b) When the dish is eaten with your hands, you do not need to hunch over and invade your neighbor's space with your elbows;
c) You cannot blow on hot food, you need to wait until it cools down;
d) When eating with your hands, it is better to bite off a little;
e) Use a napkin and do not lick your fingers;
f) Always blot your mouth with a tissue;
g) Never wipe your mouth with your hand or speak with a full mouth;
h) Even if everyone around is eating with their hands, it is quite acceptable to eat with a fork and knife;
i) You should never put your phone on the table.

8. Chew chewing gum in public and during conversation is considered vulgar!

The habit of chewing gum exposes us precisely of ignorance of the rules of decency!

9. The height of bad manners is considered during a conversation to be distracted by your watch, mobile phone or a notebook.

Even if you are tired and bored, do not show it!

10. On the stairs:

If a man and a woman find themselves on the stairs, then when going up, the man must leave the woman behind him, and when going down, the opposite is necessary for the woman to be in front. But if the stairs are too narrow, steep or dark, then the man must go ahead of the woman.

A woman walking up the stairs must choose the side with the railing. She may not leave the railing if she meets a man on the way, even if this is contrary to the rules of right-hand traffic.

A man, being on the stairs, should make way for women, the elderly and children at the railing.

If a man climbs the stairs, holding the woman by the arm, then he should move his body just enough to provide sufficient support for the woman, but at the same time not move impetuously and not pull her forward, the man should behave in the same way when going down the stairs with the woman.

Our ancestors thought that the world stands on four elephants, and those on a turtle. But today you can hardly afford such a level of knowledge about the world without being branded as an uneducated person. the site has prepared answers to questions that everyone should know.

Why is the sky blue?

When Sun rays come through the atmosphere, they encounter peculiar barriers in the air - molecules and dust particles. The blue sky is most often due to the fact that the air scatters more light with a short wavelength. This is the wavelength of this color.

Why do women live longer than men?

As scientists from the University of Uppsala have found, this is due to the fact that men lose Y chromosomes in white blood cells with age (they are absent in women).

Why does hair get electrified?

It's all about static electricity. The objects around us, interacting, receive an electric charge. The same happens with hair. The more often they rub against each other, the more they become electrified.

Why is driving on the left in England?

The British have been driving on the left side of the road since the 18th century. There are two versions of why this happened. The first is Roman. According to her, in Ancient rome there was left-hand traffic. Due to the fact that in 45 AD they conquered the British Isles, the way of travel on the roads may have changed. The second is the sea, on the basis of which the ships had to bypass other ships on the left side.

Where does the rainbow come from?

Multi-colored stripes appear in the sky after rain. The drops act as prisms and break the light.

Why does hair turn gray?

According to research by scientists from Medical Center University of New York, the cause of gray hair is a lack of Wnt protein. But soon people will be able to avoid and prevent graying. This will be possible if the Wnt protein is genetically altered.

The vocabulary of an educated person:

Authentic- valid, genuine.

Eclecticism- mixing, combining dissimilar styles, ideas, views. Most often used to describe clothing and interior design.

Assimilation- fusion of language, culture and national identity of the two peoples.

Profanation- distortion of something by abusive treatment or attitude.

Frustration- the depressed state of a person. It is caused by failure and lack of faith in oneself.

Crushed- one that contains something illegal, forbidden.

Euphemism- a neutral word that is used in speech to replace words and expressions found to be rude or obscene.

Fable- the content of a literary work and the events depicted in it.

A priori- knowledge gained independently of experience and study of facts.

Ephemeral- something fleeting, temporary or ghostly.