Attention deficit disorder in children. Signs of attention deficit as a pathological syndrome of mental development in children

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological and behavioral disorder characterized by impaired attention processes, impulsivity and hyperactivity. As a rule, the first symptoms appear in childhood. It depends on the timely diagnosis of the disorder. Thus, it is often possible to prevent further development manifestations of the syndrome and get rid of its main symptoms even before adolescence.

ADHD symptoms in children

The causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may lie in neglect of parental education, genetics, chronic diseases, and difficult pregnancy of the mother. However, regardless of what triggered the diagnosis of ADHD, the manifestations are usually similar.

The syndrome itself comes in three types:

  1. The first is classic, or mixed.
  2. The second type of ADHD is manifested exclusively by hyperactivity - hyperdynamic.
  3. The third represents a violation of attention processes.

Symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are most often diagnosed in children when they are three or four years old or when they enter school. Below is a list of symptoms that are observed at different ages in children.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children: characteristic features
Age Symptoms
4 years A child with ADHD is constantly active at 4 years old. He can run and jump without having any particular purpose or engaging in any kind of play. He reacts poorly to comments and may even show aggression. The baby does not calm down when asked. You may also notice absent-mindedness and inattention. It is worth noting the constant movements of the arms or legs, even when the child is sitting.
5 years There is practically no reaction to instructions. A child with ADHD at 5 years old refuses to follow the rules of the game. Also, such children often begin to answer questions or comments before the adult finishes the sentence. The games are mostly active. Such a baby simply cannot sit still. He will constantly chat, tell something. It will be more difficult to get him to draw, decorate, etc. That is, if a child has ADHD, he will not be interested in games that require concentration and perseverance.
6 years An ADHD child at 6 years old will constantly throw toys around and forget where he put them. He is sloppy and hard to get him to put things in one place. He is also restless and inattentive. At this age, it can also give the impression of being ill-mannered. After all, he shows disobedience and can talk to his parents. The baby can interfere in other people's conversations and prevent the interlocutor from speaking.
7 years Symptoms may worsen as you enter school. At this age, attention deficit disorder can be recognized by refusal to obey the teacher, or by extreme restlessness in class. Such children will have to repeat it twice, not because they did not understand something, but because of inattention. Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity may manifest itself as an inability to concentrate on tasks. Children with this diagnosis cannot long time concentrate on completing the task at hand, so they often leave it unfinished. ADHD at 7 years old significantly interferes with a successful start educational activities, the baby takes much longer to adapt to the new environment.
8 years With ADHD at 8 years of age, the manifestations remain the same, but are more painful for the child himself. After all, being in a team, he is unable to match the level of success of other students. It is worth noting the preservation of intellectual abilities corresponding to age standards. There may also be problems communicating with peers due to the inability to interact normally with them. Playing together becomes difficult, since the baby often does not want to play according to the established rules, or reacts too violently to a remark or his own loss.
9 years The manifestation of attention deficit disorder is already more pronounced. noticeably lower than that of peers. The child is unable to organize his own work, so constant parental supervision may be required. Also, at this age, he is almost unable to listen to the teacher during a lesson for a long time. He will be constantly distracted by other stimuli. As a rule, children with ADHD at the age of 9 do not have time to solve the problem in the allotted time, or abandon it altogether.

However, it is quite difficult to independently recognize the presence of a disorder. As a rule, parents panic and begin treatment for a child who is simply poorly brought up. In order not to make a mistake and to promptly determine the presence of ADHD in your child, you must definitely contact a specialist who knows the neuropsychology of the diagnosis. He will help you decide what to do if your child has attention deficit disorder and prescribe a course of treatment.

The doctor makes a diagnosis solely in accordance with the criteria generally accepted by the medical community. So , attention deficit disorder according to ICD – 10 ( International classification diseases of the tenth revision) has the following symptoms, which were previously described above:

  • hyperactivity;
  • inattention;
  • impulsiveness.

So, without a clearly defined set of symptoms, making a diagnosis is impossible.

Attention deficit disorder: reviews from parents

The disorder can manifest itself in different ways and cause a lot of trouble. However, the syndrome is not a death sentence. The experience of many mothers whose children live with a diagnosis of ADHD successfully cope with this problem. Below are reviews from parents of children with the disorder.

Peculiarities of raising ADHD children: parents' experience
Positive Negative

We simply adore our baby precisely because he is so unusual and active. Other children seem boring and lethargic to me. Therefore, do not torment your child, and treat him with warmth! In addition, now there are ways to correct and help such children.


I can’t even force my child to clean up his toys. He is constantly capricious and does not listen. I can't imagine how he will behave when he goes to school.


“...I don’t see anything that couldn’t be overcome modern methods treatment... We are trying to raise our son, without emphasizing that he is somehow different. And I recommend it to everyone.”


My son went to school last year. Doesn't always keep up with the program. But if you monitor the completion of tasks, then he copes with them perfectly even without help. So I don’t share the panic of other parents. Yes, he is different from others. But this is not a sentence.


Do not give up! Everything will work out if you are consistent and persistent. Plus, always be on your child's side. Hug and kiss your daughter more often. For children with ADHD, your warmth is very important.

You can better get acquainted with the reviews on the websites and

If you notice signs of distress, do not rush to panic. The future of your baby depends on the correctness of your actions. Contact a specialist, get diagnosed and follow your doctor's recommendations. Then you can successfully get rid of more ADHD symptoms.

Provide support to your child. You need to understand that his behavior is not a consequence of bad character, but a disease. Therefore, be patient and be as attentive as possible to your child. This is what will ensure his success in recovery and normal adaptation to new conditions at school or a new team.

Attention deficit disorder in children (Video)

A child's behavior often makes parents worry. But this is not about ordinary licentiousness or disobedience, as it seems at first glance to outsiders. In some cases, everything is much more complicated and serious. Such behavioral characteristics can be provoked by a special state of the nervous system. In medicine, it is called hyperactivity disorder and is usually paired with attention deficit disorder. Shortened form? ADHD.

Hyperactive children cause parents a lot of worries

What does it mean?

Literally, the prefix “hyper” means “excessively.” It’s difficult for a child to play with the same toys for a long time, and even a few minutes. The baby cannot remain still for more than 10 seconds.

Is there a shortage? This is an insufficient level of concentration and ability to concentrate in a child, which affects constant excitement and rapid change of objects of interest.

Now every parent who reads the meaning of the terms will think: “My child is very restless, asks questions all the time, and can’t sit still. Maybe there’s something wrong with him and you need to see a doctor immediately?”

Definition of hyperactivity

In fact, children should be in constant motion, because they learn about the world and themselves in it. But sometimes it is difficult for a child to complete assigned tasks, calm down in time, and even just stop. And here it is necessary to think about the reasons.

Is deviation from the norm a problem?

First of all, we emphasize that we use the word “norm” conditionally. It implies a set of fixed skills of typical behavior. However, any deviations from the prescribed parameters should not be perceived as the end of the world. It is very important for parents not to despair, but to understand the situation and help the child.

Main task? identify the baby’s peculiarities in a timely manner, do not miss the moment and learn to properly manage the situation.

Early detection of hyperactivity syndrome

As practice shows, before school age a child’s characteristics are rarely identified, although symptoms are present almost from birth, as they are genetically determined. Teachers are now paying more attention to specifics. And some manifestations are noticeable even before 3 years, in particular:

  • a child under one year of age moves his arms and legs without stopping during the waking period;
  • it is difficult for a child to play with one toy even for a short period of time;
  • the baby is extremely emotional, easily becomes hysterical, it is difficult for him to calm down, stop crying, yelling, etc.;
  • It seems that he does not respond to comments at all.

What parents should pay attention to

Lack of attentiveness is a sign of ADHD

Psychological disorders associated with insufficient attention and hyperactivity include three categories:

  1. Direct inattention.
  2. Increased activity.
  3. Unusual impulsiveness.

Each category has a number behavioral characteristics. Problems are predominantly identified in a comprehensive manner. Therefore, it is important to understand that you cannot focus only on one condition. In order to establish a diagnosis, there must be matches in at least three positions.

Specific signs of attention problems

The following circumstances indicate attention deficit disorder in children:

  • difficulty focusing on details, individual objects, pictures;
  • difficulties with gaming activities;
  • elementary tasks remain unfulfilled, for example, “Bring it!”, “Tell me!”, “Do it in half an hour,” etc.;
  • unwillingness to put in any effort and fulfill responsibilities;
  • poor self-organization in Everyday life: the child is constantly late, does not have time to do anything, loses his things;
  • during a group conversation or conversation, it seems that he is not listening at all;
  • a long process of memorization, but instant distraction by foreign objects;
  • quick switch to another occupation;
  • loss of interest in previous hobbies and interests.

Hyperactivity conditions

There is an acceptable number of signs to determine the normal development of a child, but it should not exceed three of the following characteristics:

Definition of impulsivity

Even one of the following characteristics is a cause for concern:

  • the child answers questions prematurely;
  • unable to wait his turn in games or other situations;
  • interferes in other people's conversations.

Other characteristics

Impulsivity and excessive emotionality are a sign of ADHD

Violations are observed not only in psychological characteristics, but also in medical, physiological, emotional. Closer to 5 years of age, a child may exhibit symptoms of the following nature:

  • general state emotional sphere: constant anxiety, stuttering, difficulty formulating speech clearly and correctly, lack of good sleep and rest;
  • violation motor functions: motor and vocal tics. The child involuntarily makes sounds, waves his arms or legs;
  • Physiological conditions and concomitant medical conditions: constant allergic reactions, intestinal and urinary disorders, epileptic manifestations.

Causes of hyperactivity

What to do?

After a diagnosis of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder is made, parents reach a dead end and ask the question: “What will happen now? How to behave? How to help and treat a child correctly?

Indeed, the problem requires increased attention and considerable effort on the part of both close relatives, educators, teachers, and the entire environment of the child. Therefore, you need to be patient and have a qualified approach to education.

Changes in the brain of a hyperactive child

Modern medicine uses many options for managing diagnosis. But they all must be used in combination. In order of importance, they include:

  1. Psychological home help to kid.
  2. Treatment medications and folk remedies.
  3. Nutrition and diet.

Behavioral therapy

Eliminating hyperactivity in a child, first of all, involves creating a special atmosphere in the family. Only close people can really help a child and teach him to control himself. If your relatives do not have specific teaching skills, you can seek recommendations from a qualified psychologist.

Advice for parents - what to do

To improve behavior, psychologists advise:

  1. Create a comfortable atmosphere in the family. The child should not hear insults or curses.
  2. Emotional stress in a child has a bad effect on his psychological state. Therefore, he should always feel the love and attention of his parents.
  3. Find the positive aspects of studying, in every way help your child behave well at home, in kindergarten and then at school.
  4. At the slightest feeling of fatigue, the baby must be given the opportunity to rest, relax, and then he can begin classes or studies again.
  5. Tell educators, school psychologists and teachers about the problem. Together they will contribute to further adaptation in society.

How to treat attention deficit disorder in children

The child is treated by psychologists and neurologists. They prescribe drugs that can increase or change the functioning of the corresponding areas of the brain. It is only important to find a truly competent specialist and trust him.

The following medications are usually prescribed:

Nutrition and Diet Issues

Children diagnosed with ADHD are advised to follow a special diet. Because doctors believe that some foods and drinks aggravate the condition of young patients.

The right diet- the basis ADHD treatment
  • Almost completely eliminate the consumption of sugar and sweets;
  • Avoid artificial flavors, sweeteners, dyes and unnatural fat-containing ingredients (sweets, baked goods, sausages, etc.);
  • Eat more whole grains and bran;
  • Consume as much natural food as possible, home-cooked dishes;
  • Diversify your child’s vegetable and fruit menu, fill it with cabbage different varieties, carrots, apples, citrus fruits, apricots, nuts, etc. All food should be beautiful and healthy, without harmful synthetic additives.

Children have a strong emotional connection with their parents. Therefore, the correct behavior of those closest to you and relatives plays an important role in managing the diagnosis of ADHD.

Adhere to the following rules:

Does the problem go away with time?

With the right approach and treatment, manifestations of hyperactivity and attention deficit in a child decrease over time and become almost invisible by adolescence.

Possible consequences ADHD

However, it should be understood that the diagnosis cannot completely disappear. It will go into a hidden form or transform, occasionally reminding itself of a quick change of mood, depression or the inability to do one thing. Therefore, the main task of parents and teachers is to teach the child to independently control his emotions and behavior, to use willpower and determination.

Remember! Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder really need to constantly feel love and affection. They may not always be attentive themselves, but they really want other people to treat them with understanding and attentiveness.

Patience, support and diligence can change the attitude towards special and unique members of society!

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Over the past decade, the number of diseases commonly called hyperactivity, or scientifically called attention deficit disorder in children, has increased. How to understand: the baby is sick or pedagogically neglected?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - medical diagnosis, is defined as a developmental neurobehavioral disorder. Characterized by difficulty concentrating, excessive motor activity, disregard for accepted social norms, aggressiveness, and inability to control emotions.

The first signs appear in preschool childhood, however, according to the American Psychiatric Association, diagnosis is permitted only from the age of twelve. According to a 2006 study, 3–5% of the American population, including adults, have the disease.

A treatment for the neurological cause of the disorder has not been found. In 30% of children, symptoms disappear with age, or children adapt to them. In case of maladjustment, a decrease in intellectual abilities and perception of information is observed. There are methods for correcting behavioral deviations.

Since the 70s of the last century, there have been debates regarding the reality of this disease. A bunch of public figures, politicians, doctors and parents consider it a fiction. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has confirmed an increase in misdiagnosis and has recommended more research into methods for recognizing ADHD.

The disorder is divided into 3 types:

  1. Attention deficit itself (ADHD - AD). Difficulty concentrating and remembering.
  2. Hyperactivity and impulsivity (ADHD - HI, ADHD - G). Motor disinhibition, restlessness, and thoughtlessness of actions are observed.
  3. Mixed type (ADHD - C). A combination of three signs.

Symptoms of the disease

Children who do not have this disease are often called hyperactive. The reason lies in the fact that signs of the disorder in small manifestations are characteristic of childhood: restlessness, difficulty concentrating with poor motivation, haste. And with a lack of education, they tend to worsen. This may be due to medical or parental error.

According to the 2007 guidelines for diagnosing ADHD:

  • Diagnostics of behavior must take place in at least two environments (school – home – circle) of a child of senior school age;
  • Long-term observation is necessary to determine the persistence of symptoms (at least six months);
  • If the child’s development lags behind his peers;
  • Behavioral disorders are accompanied by learning and communication difficulties.

Main signs of the disease


  • It is difficult for a child to maintain attention on a task, to engage in activities that require long-term concentration, and is easily distracted.
  • Often tries to avoid completing assignments that involve lengthy mental work (helping with housework, school homework).
  • It is difficult to independently organize the implementation of some activity.
  • Often loses necessary things, absent-minded.
  • Cannot concentrate on details.

Impulsivity is insufficient control of actions when following instructions. Important symptom accompanying attention deficit in children:

  • Quick reaction to the implementation of a task while ignoring or underestimating accompanying instructions.
  • Inability to foresee the bad consequences of one's actions or circumstances.
  • The desire to impress others (especially peers) with actions that are dangerous to their health and life (frequent poisoning, injuries).


  • Motor disinhibition. Constantly jumps around, fidgets in his chair, spins around.
  • It is difficult for the child to sit in one place when necessary. During lessons he runs around the classroom.
  • He plays loudly and is talkative.

ADHD symptoms appear in older adults preschool age. The child is restless, makes many aimless movements, and unceremoniously interrupts adults. It’s difficult to get your little one to prepare for school. Having sat down to study under my mother’s pressure, he is constantly distracted.

School-age children have problems mastering material due to their low ability to concentrate. Academic performance is below average, difficulties in relationships with peers. Conducting a lesson in a classroom with a child with attention deficit disorder is difficult. He constantly distracts others, spins around, interrupts the teacher, and is in a hurry to complete the task. Books and notebooks are forgotten in class. Despite the disinhibited behavior, junior schoolchildren do not show aggression.

Adolescence changes symptoms. External impulsiveness turns into internal anxiety and fussiness. The inability to independently plan time and organize activities leads to irresponsibility. Poor academic performance and problems communicating with classmates affect self-esteem, which leads to depression and short temper. The desire to occupy a significant position among peers can push one to take thoughtless risks, often resulting in injuries and bruises.

If the teenager does not outgrow the disease, it progresses into adulthood. Emotional instability and irritability persist. Chronic lack of punctuality, forgetfulness, inability to complete initiatives, and high sensitivity to criticism make him a bad employee. Low self-esteem hinders the realization of potential. People suffering from this disease often find an outlet in various addictions: alcohol, drugs. If you don’t engage in self-development, you risk finding yourself at the bottom of your life.

Causes of pathology

Experts have not yet clearly established the triggering factors for ADHD. Presumable ones are:

  • Genetic background. It is assumed that the disorder is congenital and is associated with a malfunction of the central nervous system. This is what scientists see as the neurological root of the disease.
  • Deteriorating ecology. Air poisoning from exhaust gases, water pollution from harmful household chemicals.
  • Features of the course of pregnancy. Infectious and chronic diseases mothers, drinking alcohol, smoking.
  • Complications during labor: long, rapid, stimulation labor activity, intoxication by anesthesia, entanglement of the umbilical cord of the fetus.
  • Diseases in the first year of life, accompanied by high temperature, and taking strong medications.

Diagnostic methods

The medical community has been debating for half a century about effective ways ADHD recognition. Scientists at Canada's McMaster University have confirmed that there are currently no special tests or medical equipment, which directly diagnoses ADHD. In addition, the criteria for diagnosing the disease have changed during the existence of the diagnosis and differ in different countries.

American psychiatrists use two scales: Connors and Yale-Brown, which ask parents or teachers to evaluate the child’s behavior according to parameters characteristic of the disorder: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. However, experts who criticize the methods of diagnosis argue that the assessment of behavior on these scales is too biased, and the diagnostic criteria are so vague that it is possible to diagnose ADHD to anyone healthy child with “uncomfortable” behavior.

To avoid medical errors, consultation with several specialists is necessary, including a pediatrician, psychologist and pediatric neurologist. Additional medical examinations: MRI of the brain, Doppler sonography, EEG, which will be the basis for a psychiatrist’s diagnosis of ADHD.

Treatment of the disease

To correct attention deficit in children, an integrated approach is required, including the eradication of neuropsychological and behavioral problems. Taking into account the characteristics and type of ADHD of the child, a personal rehabilitation program is selected. With timely consultation with a specialist and treatment, it is possible to reduce the symptoms of ADHD until recovery.

Drug therapy

It should be noted that the prescription of pharmacological correction is acceptable in cases where restoration of cognitive functions cannot be achieved with non-drug treatment.

Adoption medicines to improve brain function in children with attention deficit disorder is a fairly common practice in the United States. Medicines are divided into several groups:

  1. Psychostimulants (Ritalin (methylphenidate), Amphetamine, Dexamphetamine). They have a powerful stimulating effect on the central nervous system: improve concentration, reduce manifestations of impulsivity. In the United States, Ritalin is commonly used to treat ADHD, although there is no evidence of effectiveness. Many experts consider it controversial, since long-term use of Ritalin leads to the development of psychosis, paranoid and schizophrenic tendencies (visual and auditory hallucinations, aggressiveness), and is addictive. An Australian study involving 2868 families and lasting 20 years showed the ineffectiveness of psychostimulant treatment for ADHD. In a number of countries, including Russia, methylphenidate (Ritalin) is prohibited.
  2. Antidepressants: Imipramine, Thioridazine, Desipramine. Significantly improve attention, reduce hyperactivity, but give side effects on physical health with long-term use.
  3. Nootropic drugs (Nootropil, Cerebrolysin, Piracetam). Neurometabolic stimulants that affect the cerebral cortex and enhance cognitive processes. They are considered low-risk psychopharmacological drugs, but can cause complications. Widely used in post-Soviet countries.

A significant disadvantage of drug therapy for ADHD is the short-term results of treatment: the child’s condition improves only while taking the drug and has no effect on recovery at all. The use of psychostimulants by adolescents with attention deficit disorder develops a tendency to take drugs.

Non-pharmacological therapy

ADHD can be treated without the use of medications. There are two non-drug methods for correcting the neurological side of the disorder:

  1. Neuropsychological approach. Claims that certain physical exercise influence the functioning of the cortical structures of the brain, activate, fill with energy mental processes. Based on the teachings of A.R. Luria on the “neuropsychological developmental loop”. This support for children with attention deficit helps to develop self-control, arbitrariness, and increase learning efficiency.
  2. Syndromic method. Restoring damaged birth injuries cervical spine spine, which normalizes blood supply to the brain.

In addition to the treatment methods described above, experts recommend:

  • Yoga classes, meditation. Helps you relax, reduces impulsivity, improves blood supply to the whole body, including the brain.
  • Special diet. Elimination of sugar, allergens, caffeine.

Behavior correction for ADHD consists of the following methods:

Cognitive psychotherapy is the most effective treatment, used in the correction of mental disorders (neuroses, phobias, depression). Helps children with attention deficit problems who have problems communicating with peers successfully socialize. Impulsivity coupled with a lack of interaction skills leads to rejection, which exacerbates isolation.

Therapy includes personal and group sessions. Communication skills training helps develop the following communication abilities: the ability to build relationships, resolve conflicts, understand others, and control negative emotions. To successfully master the skills, you must attend at least 20 classes in a group consisting of 6–8 people. Personal cognitive behavioral therapy breaks up ineffective patterns of action and thinking. Helps children with attention deficit to reinforce the desired behavior.

  • Family psychotherapy. Must be present in the treatment of ADHD in children. Spent with the whole family. Parents face their feelings of guilt for a “not that kind” child and learn to react correctly in life’s circumstances.

For attention deficit disorder in children, treatment must involve doctors, parents and teachers. The greatest burden falls on the family, whose members must have a good knowledge of the characteristics and methods of treating ADHD, and create conditions at home that are conducive to the child’s recovery:

  • Love. Show tenderness and care. The baby needs to feel the support of loved ones.

Important! The feeling of pity is a bad ally. Do not free the student from various household chores, fueling his “special” status. He will begin to feel sorry for himself, which will negatively affect the dynamics of treatment.

Together, we can correct the child’s behavior and help him recover.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a disorder of neurological and behavioral development in children; the course of this disease is chronic. As a rule, the first symptoms of this disease appear in late preschool and school age. Many ADHD symptoms are not “specific” to of this disease, and to one degree or another can manifest themselves in absolutely all children. Children with ADHD primarily have difficulty concentrating, increased motor activity (hyperactivity), and exhibit impulsive behavior (almost uncontrollable).

Reasons for development

ADHD is persistent and chronic syndrome, the cure for which is modern medicine No. It is believed that children can outgrow this syndrome, or adapt to its manifestations in adulthood.

In the 1970s, there was much controversy about ADHD among medical professionals, educators, parents, and politicians. Some said that this disease does not exist at all, others argued that ADHD is transmitted genetically, and there is physiological basis to manifest this condition. A number of scientists prove the influence of climate conditions on the development of ADHD.

There is reason to believe that acute or chronic intoxication (drinking alcohol, smoking, narcotic substances) during pregnancy and breastfeeding may subsequently have an impact on the manifestation of ADHD in children. Preeclampsia, toxicosis, eclampsia during childbirth, premature birth, delay intrauterine development fruit, C-section, protracted labor, late breastfeeding, artificial feeding from birth and prematurity are also risk factors for the development of this syndrome.

Traumatic brain injuries and previous infectious diseases may influence the development of hyperactivity in children. With hyperactivity, the neurophysiology of the brain is disrupted; in such children, a deficiency of dopamine and norepinephrine is found.


It is customary to distinguish three types of ADHD: the case with attention deficit, the case with child hyperactivity and impulsivity, and the mixed type.

According to statistics from American scientists, this disorder is observed on average in 3-5% of American children; most often, signs of this disease appear in boys. Many signs of ADHD in children are not always detected. The first symptoms of hyperactivity manifest themselves in kindergarten and primary school schools. Psychologists should observe children in lessons at school, and how they behave at home and on the street.

Children with ADHD are not only inattentive, they are also very impulsive. They lack behavioral control in response to any demands. Such children quickly and independently react to any situation that arises, without waiting for instructions and recommendations from parents and other adults. Such children do not correctly evaluate teachers’ requirements and assignments. Children with hyperactivity cannot correctly assess the results of their actions, and what destructive or bad influence they can provide. Such children are very capricious, they lack a sense of fear, and expose themselves to unnecessary risks in order to show themselves off in front of their peers. Children with hyperactivity very often get injured, poisoned, and damage other people's property.


According to international criteria, a diagnosis of ADHD can be given to children if they have the corresponding symptoms no earlier than 12 years of age (according to foreign publications, this diagnosis is also valid at the age of six). Signs of ADHD must appear in different settings and situations. To make a diagnosis of ADHD, six main symptoms (from the list below) must be present, and if signs of the disease persist beyond the age of 17, 5 symptoms are sufficient. Signs of the disease must appear consistently for six months or more. There is a certain gradation of symptoms. Inattention syndrome and hyperactivity disorder have their own symptoms, and they are considered separately.


Increased activity in children with ADHD

Hyperactivity in children with ADHD manifests itself always and everywhere.

ADHD behavior can be “unbearable” for parents, teachers, and other family members. Most often, it is the parents who are blamed for the poor upbringing of their child. It is very difficult for parents themselves to deal with such children, and they constantly feel a sense of shame for the behavior of their son or daughter. Constant comments at school about the hyperactivity of a daughter or son, on the street - from neighbors and friends.

Having a child diagnosed with ADHD does not mean that the parents did not raise him well and did not teach him how to behave correctly. Parents of such children must understand that ADHD is a disease that requires proper treatment. Parents and the internal situation in the family will help a boy or girl get rid of increased hyperactivity, become more attentive, do better at school, and subsequently adapt to adult life. Every little person must discover their inner potential.

Children are in great need of parental attention and care. In the world modern technologies and if they have money, parents can buy their child any toy, the most modern phone, tablet and computer. But no modern “toys” will give your baby warmth. Parents must not only feed and clothe their children, they must devote all their free time to them.

Very often, parents get tired of their children with hyperactivity and try to shift all the worries about upbringing to grandparents, but this is not a way out of the current situation. difficult situation. Parents of such “special” children should contact a psychologist and solve this problem together with teachers and medical workers. The sooner parents realize the seriousness of ADHD, and the sooner they turn to specialists, the better the prognosis for curing this disease.

Parents should arm themselves with knowledge about this disease. There is a lot of literature on this topic. Only in close cooperation with a doctor and teacher can one achieve good results in the treatment of this disease. ADHD is not a “label” and you shouldn’t be afraid of the word. You need to talk to the teachers at school about the behavior of your beloved child, discuss all the problems with them, and make sure that the teachers understand what is happening to their boy or girl.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological and behavioral developmental disorder that is most pronounced in childhood. Typical symptoms of ADHD include difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, and uncontrollable impulsivity. Neurologists consider this disorder as a chronic and spontaneous syndrome, for which no effective treatment has yet been found.

Attention deficit disorder in children is usually determined only in late preschool or school age, since to make a diagnosis, the child’s behavior must be assessed in at least two types of settings (for example, at home and in the classroom). Most often, this disorder is observed in boys.

Signs of attention deficit in children

The behavioral characteristics of a child suffering from ADHD are usually divided into the following categories:

  1. Symptoms of inattention. Such children are forgetful, easily distracted, and have difficulty concentrating. They have problems completing tasks, organizing, and following rules. It seems that the child does not listen when something is said to him. Due to inattention, he often makes mistakes and loses his school supplies and other personal items;
  2. Symptoms of hyperactivity. The baby seems impatient, overly sociable, fussy, he cannot sit still for a long time. In the classroom, such children tend to run away at the wrong moment. Speaking figuratively, the child is constantly in motion, as if wound up;
  3. Symptoms of impulsivity. During school lessons, such students shout out the answer before the teacher finishes his question, constantly interrupt when others answer, and cannot wait for their turn. If a child wants something, he must get it instantly; no amount of persuasion to wait will help.

Related disorders

Often, attention deficit in children leads to the following problems:

  • Difficulties in learning. Children with ADHD are unable to fully process certain types information. Some find it difficult to understand information presented visually, while others do not perceive data aurally. Because of this, the child may have problems in the process of studying school subjects;
  • Depression. The kid builds a wall between himself and the world around him, most of the time he is sad. Children with attention deficit disorder usually have low self-esteem and show little interest in life. Some may sleep or eat much more or less than they should;
  • Fears. Such children are often haunted by anxious thoughts, as a result of which they become fearful and vulnerable. However, it is necessary to understand that fears and depression at a young age are not always associated with attention deficit in children - these phenomena can have a completely different origin.

Why does attention deficit disorder develop in children?

Experts still cannot give a definite answer to this question. At the same time, doctors believe that the occurrence of ADHD symptoms can be caused by a whole range of factors. Here is an example of some of them:

  • Attention deficit in children tends to be inherited, which indicates the genetic nature of this disorder;
  • There is reason to believe that smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy, premature birth and prematurity also increase the child's risk of developing ADHD;
  • A prerequisite for the occurrence of the disorder may be injuries and infectious diseases of the brain suffered in early childhood.

The mechanism for the development of attention deficit is based on a lack of certain chemical substances(norepinephrine and dopamine) in certain areas of the brain. This information once again confirms the fact that ADHD is a disease that requires serious diagnosis and proper treatment.

How to deal with attention deficit

Despite the widespread belief that attention deficit in children cannot be treated, the child’s behavior can be corrected. The task of parents in such a situation is to help their child realize his potential. Treatment may combine educational methods, behavioral therapy, and medication. So what needs to be done to overcome the problem?

  1. Inform the environment. People with whom your child regularly interacts should be aware that he suffers from ADHD. There is no need to be afraid to tell the teacher about the disorder, this will make it easier for him to find the right approach to your child;
  2. Correct behavior. The child usually ignores others and behaves badly, but you are able to explain to him how to perceive what is happening correctly. This requires numerous and lengthy sessions with a child psychologist. Behavioral correction helps the child learn to act in accordance with his knowledge, instead of instinctively reacting to an impulse he felt;
  3. Develop self-control skills. Try to understand what throws your baby out of balance. He may begin to behave badly if he is forced to share toys or do chores. Find time to work with your child every day and show them how to properly respond to resentment and anger. This will help him learn to control himself;
  4. Consolidate success. Children with ADHD are unable to learn from past events. Achievements can be consolidated using feedback positive reaction. If the child has completed the task, reward him. This can help him remember the correct pattern of behavior for a long time;
  5. Use medications. Attention deficit disorder in children can be treated with medications that regulate the levels of chemicals in the brain. Certain sedatives help the baby concentrate and facilitate the learning process. To achieve good result, drug therapy is combined with behavioral therapy.