How long have you been taking antidepressants? The most common side effects of antidepressants. Which antidepressants do not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms?

Update: October 2018

Depression can be described as general emotional exhaustion. As a rule, this is due to the inability to solve an important task, from the point of view of a given person. When a person is suppressed by external circumstances and fails to adequately realize his desires and ambitions, the body may well respond with situational depression.

Another common type of depressive disorder is somatization depression. At the same time, mental discomfort results in diseases internal organs (peptic ulcer, hormonal disorders, cardiovascular problems).

Depression is also known due to fluctuations in the level of sex hormones (in menopause or after childbirth), as a result of prolonged stress, chronic or incurable disease, injury or disability.

In general, depression is irritability multiplied by weakness against the background low level own pleasure hormones (enkephalins and enedorphins) in the brain, which leads to dissatisfaction with oneself and the surrounding reality in the absence of the strength to change anything radically.

Possible workarounds include support from the environment, a specialist (psychiatrist or psychologist) and/or medication. If circumstances are favorable, this will help you choose new priorities in life and get rid of the very reason that led to your painful state of mind.

Medicines that treat depression are called antidepressants. Their use has made a real splash in psychiatry and has significantly improved the prognosis of patients with depression, and also significantly reduced the number of suicides due to depressive disorders.

Antidepressants without a prescription

Today, only the lazy do not treat depression. Psychologists with pedagogical education, coaches of all stripes, traditional healers and even hereditary witches. This whole heterogeneous company nevertheless reads something on the problem and understands that it is unlikely that it will be possible to cure real clinically significant depression simply by talking and laying on of hands.

And many who feel that they have begun to fall into a pit of depression, but are afraid to contact a psychiatrist, do not mind taking medications that could simply be bought without a prescription at the pharmacy. This is because the system psychiatric care In our country, everything is still more reminiscent of a light mixture of the army and the bazaar, because either immediately “registered” or for money!

We will immediately disappoint the audience with the message that today’s antidepressants are prescription drugs. If some commercial pharmacy, in violation of the rules, sells something without a prescription, then antidepressants will not become over-the-counter. They have a lot of serious side effects, so the advisability of taking them and individual selection of dosages should be carried out only by the attending physician.

Afobazol (270-320 rubles, 60 tablets) can be considered one of the mild antidepressants sold without a prescription.
Indications: for somatic diseases with adaptation disorders - irritable bowel syndrome, bronchial asthma, IHD, hypertension, arrhythmias. For anxiety, neurasthenia, oncological and dermatological conditions. diseases. For sleep disorders (), for PMS symptoms, neurocirculatory dystonia, alcoholic withdrawal syndrome, when quitting smoking to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
Contraindications: Increased individual sensitivity, children under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation.
Application: after meals, 10 mg 3 times a day, no more than 60 mg per day, course of treatment is 2-4 weeks, the course can be extended to 3 months.
Side effects: allergic reactions.

Unfortunately, just take some antidepressant and hope for quick release from depression is a hopeless matter. After all, depression and depression are different. On the same dosages of the same anti-depression medication, one patient achieves full clinical recovery, while another just begins to develop suicidal thoughts.

What are the best antidepressants to take?

Any sane person understands that it is better to be treated with those drugs prescribed by a specialist who understands this, is guided by treatment standards, information about the drug and his clinical experience in using the drug.

Turning your own precious body into a testing ground for antidepressants is, at a minimum, imprudent. If such a fixed idea has come to you, then it is better to find some Institute of Psychiatry, where programs for clinical trials of medications are regularly held (at least you will receive competent advice and free treatment).

In general, antidepressants are medications that elevate mood, improve overall mental well-being, and also cause emotional uplift without falling into euphoria or ecstasy.

Names of antidepressants

Antidepressants can be divided depending on their effect on inhibition processes. There are drugs with a calming, stimulating and balanced effect.

  • Sedatives: Amitriptyline, Pipofezin (Azafen), Mianserin (Lerivon), Doxepin.
  • Stimulants: Metralindole (Inkazan), Imipramine (Melipramine), Nortriptyline, Bupropion (Wellbutrin), Moclobemide (Aurorix), Fluoxetine (Prozac, Prodel, Profluzac, Fluval).
  • Balanced drugs: clomipramine (Anafranil), Maprotiline (Ludiomil), Tianeptine (Coaxil), Pyrazidol.

They are all divisible by seven large groups, each of which has its own indications and preferences for certain manifestations of depression.

Tricyclic antidepressants

These are first generation drugs. They interfere with the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin at the nerve synapse. Due to this, these mediators accumulate in the nerve connection and accelerate the transmission of the nerve impulse. These means include:

  • Amitriptyline, Doxepin, Imipramine
  • Desipramine, Trimipramine, Nortriptyline

Due to the fact that this group of drugs has quite a lot of side effects (dry mouth and mucous membranes, constipation, difficulty urinating, heart rhythm disturbances, hand tremors, blurred vision), they are used less and less often.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

  • Sertraline - Aleval, Asentra, Zoloft, Seralin, Stimuloton
  • Paroxetine - Paxil, Rexetine, Adepress, Plizil, Actaparoxetine
  • Fluoxetine - Prozac, Fluval, Prodel
  • Fluvoxamine - Fevarin
  • Citalopram - Oprah, Cipralex, Selectra

Such antidepressants are preferable for neurotic depression accompanied by fears, aggression, etc. The side effects of these medications are not extensive. The main one is nervous excitement. But large doses or overdose can lead to the accumulation of serotonin and serotonin syndrome.

This syndrome is manifested by dizziness, trembling of the limbs, which can develop into convulsions, increased blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea, increased physical activity, and even mental disorders.

That is why popular and good antidepressants like fluoxetine (Prozac), which enterprising pharmacists sometimes sell without a prescription, when taken uncontrolled or in excess of doses, can lead a person from banal mood disorders to a convulsive attack with loss of consciousness, hypertensive crisis or cerebral hemorrhage, or even all the way to the point where the roof went crazy.

Selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

They work similarly to the drugs of the previous group. Milnacipran and venlafaxine are indicated for depression with obsessive states or phobias. Among the side effects they are characterized by: headache, drowsiness, anxiety.

Heterocyclic antidepressants

Heterocyclic antidepressants (with receptor action) are preferable in the elderly and when depression is combined with sleep disorders. Cause drowsiness, may increase appetite and promote weight gain.

  • Mianserin (Lerivon), Nefazodone
  • Mirtazapine (Remeron), Trazodone (Trittico)

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

Drugs of choice for depressive disorders with panic attacks, fear of open spaces, with psychosomatic manifestations (when depression provokes internal illnesses). They are divided into:

  • irreversible - Tranylcypromine, Phenelzine
  • reversible - Befol, Pyrazidol (Normazidol), Moclobemide (Aurorix)

Serotonin reuptake activators - new generation antidepressants

Able to overcome symptoms of depression in one week. They are effective for somatized depression with palpitations and headaches. They are also used for depression of an alcoholic nature or depression with psychosis due to disorders cerebral circulation. But these drugs can be addictive like opiates, they include: Tianeptine (Coaxil).

These strong antidepressants were no longer sold without prescriptions after many inexpensive high-seekers used them “for other purposes” for several years throughout the post-Soviet space. The result of such experiments was not only multiple inflammations and vein thrombosis, but also a shortening of life to 4 months from the start of systematic use.

Antidepressants of different groups

  • Buspirone (Spitomin), Nefazadone
  • Heptral (see)
  • Bupropion (Wellbutrin)

List of new generation antidepressants

The most popular drugs today are from the group of selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake blockers.

  • Sertraline(Sirlift, Zoloft, Stimuloton) is the “gold standard” in the treatment of depression today. Other drugs are compared with it in terms of effectiveness. Preferred in the treatment of depression combined with overeating, obsessive disorders and anxiety.
  • Venlafaxine(Venlaxor, Velaxin, Efevelon) - prescribed for depression against the background of more severe mental disorders(for example, schizophrenia).
  • Paroxetine(Paxil, Rexetine, Adepress, Sirestill, Plizil) - effective for mood disorders, melancholy and inhibited depression. It also relieves anxiety and suicidal tendencies. Treats personality disorders.
  • Opipramolbest option for somatized and alcoholic depression, as it inhibits vomiting, prevents convulsions, and stabilizes the autonomic nervous system.
  • Mild antidepressants- This is fluoxetine (Prozac), which is somewhat weaker, but milder than other serotonin uptake inhibitors.

Antidepressants and tranquilizers: difference between groups

In addition to antidepressants, tranquilizers are also used in the treatment of depression:

  • This group of drugs eliminates feelings of fear, emotional stress and anxiety.
  • At the same time, the medications do not impair memory and thinking.
  • Additionally, tranquilizers are able to prevent and remove convulsions, relax muscles, and normalize the functioning of the autonomic system. nervous system.
  • In medium doses, tranquilizers reduce arterial pressure, normalize heartbeat and blood circulation in the brain.

Thus, tranquilizers mainly differ from antidepressants by their opposite effect on the autonomic nervous system. Also, tranquilizers have the greatest effect on fear and anxiety, which can be eliminated even with a single dose, while antidepressants require a course of treatment. Tranquilizers are more likely to cause addiction and their withdrawal symptoms are more pronounced and severe.

The main side effect of the group is addiction. Drowsiness, muscle weakness, prolonged reaction time, unsteadiness of gait, speech disturbances, urinary incontinence, and weakened libido may also develop. In case of overdose, paralysis of the respiratory center and respiratory arrest may develop.

If tranquilizers are abruptly discontinued after taking them for a long time, a withdrawal syndrome may develop, manifested by sweating, tremors of the limbs, dizziness, sleep disturbances, intestinal dysfunction, headache, drowsiness, increased sensitivity to sounds and smells, tinnitus, disturbances in the perception of reality, and depression.

Benzodiazepine derivatives Heterocyclic drugs
Removes all types of anxiety, is effective for sleep disorders, panic attacks, fears, obsessive states.
  • Bromazepam
  • Pexotan
  • Diazepam (apaurin, relium)
  • Chlordiazepaxide (Elenium)
  • Nitrazepam
  • Mezepam
  • Clonazepam
  • Alprozolam (Xanax)
  • Zopiclone (Imovan)
These are new tranquilizers. The most popular is buspirone, which combines the properties of a tranquilizer and an antidepressant. The mechanism of its action is based on the normalization of serotonin transmission. Buspirone perfectly calms, neutralizes anxiety, and has an anticonvulsant effect. Does not cause lethargy and weakness, does not impair memory, memorization and thinking. Can be combined with alcohol and is not addictive.
  • Ivadal
  • Zoligdem
  • Buspirone (Spitomin)
Triazolebenzodiazepine drugs Glycerol analogues– Equanil (Meprobomat)
Diphenylmethane analogues— Hydroxyzine (Atarax), Benactizine (Amizil)
Used for depression in combination with anxiety:
  • Midazolam (Dormikum)

Overview of herbal antidepressants (without a prescription)

Antidepressants often include herbal sedatives, which are not antidepressants at all:

  • Preparations of Valerian, Melissa, Peppermint, Motherwort
  • Combined tablets - Novopassit, Persen, Tenoten - These are sedatives that will not help with depression.

The only medicinal plant with antidepressant properties is perforatum and drugs based on it, which are prescribed for mild depressive conditions.

There is one thing: to eliminate the manifestations of depression, synthetic drugs, which are tens of times more effective than St. John's wort, have to be taken in courses of several months. Therefore, St. John's wort will have to be brewed, infused in kilograms, and consumed in liters, which, naturally, is inconvenient and impractical, although it can somewhat distract from sad thoughts about the frailty of all things during depression.

The pharmacological industry offers St. John's wort in tablet form without a prescription as a mild antidepressant (nootropic) for psychovegetative disorders, neurotic reactions, mild depressive states - these are Deprim, Neuroplant, Doppelhertz nervotonic, Negrustin, Gelarium. Since the active substance in the drugs is the same, there are contraindications, side effects, interaction with others medicines these drugs are similar.


Ingredients: dry standardized extract of St. John's wort.
It has a pronounced sedative effect, since the active substances of St. John's wort - pseudohypericin, hypericin, hyperforin and flavonoids - have a positive effect on functional state CNS and autonomic nervous system. Increases physical activity, improves mood, normalizes sleep.
Indications: sensitivity to weather changes, mild depression, anxiety states,
Contraindications: severe depression, tablets are contraindicated for children under 6 years of age, capsules for children under 12 years of age, increased sensitivity- allergic reactions to St. John's wort and the components of the drug, the effect of the drug on the fetus - there are no reliable studies, therefore it is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.
Dosage: from 6 to 12 years only under the supervision of a doctor, 1-2 tablets in the morning and evening, adults: 1 capsule or tablet 1 r/day or 3 r/day, possibly 2 tablets 2 times a day. The effect occurs after 2 weeks of use; you cannot take a double dose if you miss a dose.
Side effects: constipation, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, feeling tired, itchy skin, redness of the skin, photosensitivity - simultaneous use of the drug and sunbathing can lead to (see). Tetracyclines, thiazide diuretics, sulfonamides, quinolones, and piroxicam especially enhance photosensitivity.
Overdose: weakness, drowsiness, side effects increase.
Special instructions: the drug should be prescribed with caution concomitantly with other antidepressants, oral contraceptives(see), not prescribed simultaneously with cardiac glycosides, cyclosporine, theophylline, indinavir, reserpine. Enhances the effect of analgesics, general anesthesia. During use, you should avoid drinking alcohol, exposure to the sun and other ultraviolet radiation. If there is no improvement after a month of taking it, stop taking it and consult a doctor.


20 tab. 200 rub.

Ingredients: dry extract of St. John's wort herb, ascorbic acid.
Indications and contraindications similar to the drug Deprim. In addition, Neuroplan is strictly contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with increased photosensitivity; it is prescribed with caution when diabetes mellitus.
Dosage: It is better to take before meals, do not chew, but take 1 tablet whole with water. 2-3 times a day, and if there is no effect within several weeks of use, the drug is discontinued and treatment is adjusted.
Side effects: indigestion, skin allergic reactions, psycho-emotional stress, apathy, .
Concomitant use with other drugs: reduces the concentration of hormonal contraceptives and increases the risk of occurrence. When taken simultaneously with antidepressants, the likelihood of side effects increases - unreasonable fear, anxiety, vomiting, nausea, as well as a decrease in the effect of amitriptyline, midazolam, nortriptyline. When taken with drugs that increase photosensitivity, the risk of photosensitivity increases. Neuroplant reduces the therapeutic effect of indinavir and other HIV protease inhibitors, drugs used to treat cancer that inhibit cell growth.

Doppelhertz neurotonic

250 ml. 320-350 rub.

Ingredients: Elixir Doppelhertz Nervotonic - liquid extract of St. John's wort, as well as cherry liqueur concentrate and liqueur wine.
Indications and contraindications Deprim and Neuroplant are similar. Additionally: Doppelhertz Nervotonic should be taken with caution for brain diseases, liver diseases, traumatic brain injuries, and alcoholism.
Side effects: rarely allergic reactions, in people with fair skin with a tendency to photosensitivity - photosensitivity reactions.
Application: 3 times a day, 20 ml. after eating for 1.5 -2 months, if there is no effect, you should consult a doctor.
Special instructions: Like other drugs with St. John's wort extract, interactions with other drugs should be taken into account when taken simultaneously. The drug contains 18 vol.% ethanol, that is, when taking the recommended dose, 2.8 g of ethanol enters the body, so driving Vehicle and you should refrain from working with other mechanisms that require quick psychomotor reactions (driving a car, working as a dispatcher, working with moving mechanisms, etc.)


Negrustin capsules - dry extract of St. John's wort herb

Negrustin solution - liquid extract of St. John's wort herb

Indications, contraindications and side effects similar to other St. John's wort preparations.
Dosage: children over 12 years of age and adults, 1 capsule 1-2 times a day or 3 times a day, 1 ml. solution, course of therapy 6-8 weeks, possibly repeat courses. Capsules should be taken during meals with liquid; the solution can also be taken diluted or undiluted during meals.
Special instructions: Like other drugs with active substance St. John's wort extract should be used with caution when used together with the drugs listed above. Negrustin solution contains sorbitol and delivers 121 mg of it at each dose. The drug is also prescribed with caution to persons with fructose intolerance. Negrustin, with the simultaneous use of alcohol or tranquilizers, affects a person’s psychophysical abilities (driving vehicles and working with other mechanisms).


Dragee Gelarium Hypericum is a dry extract of St. John's wort herb.

Indications, contraindications, side effects, interactions with other drugs is similar to all drugs with St. John's wort.

Application: 1 tablet 3 times a day over 12 years of age and adults, for a course of at least 4 weeks, during meals, with water.

Special instructions: the break between taking the above drugs (if taken simultaneously) should be at least 2 weeks; in case of diabetes mellitus, it should be taken into account that single dose contains less than 0.03 XE.

Herbal medicines with St. John's wort are widely available in pharmacy chains, the price is 20 filter bags or 50 grams. dry matter 40-50 rub.

It has long been known that antidepressants are far from safe means. Treatment of depression is still carried out by trial and error, and it is the patients who pay for the progress of science. As is often the case with medications, much depends on the individual sensitivity of the patient.

For some people, certain types of antidepressants cause serious side effects, while for others these drugs are almost completely harmless. The worst thing is when antidepressants not only do not treat depression, but actually make it worse.

Scientists have studied various antidepressants well. Side effects, according to statistics, occur in about 40% of people taking this type of medication. The two most unpleasant of them - weight gain and libido disorder - are difficult for people to experience and often serve as a reason for refusing treatment.

Other common negative side effects of antidepressants include:

  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • muscle weakness;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • headache;
  • daytime sleepiness.

Mechanism of action on the body

It is generally accepted that antidepressants work by increasing levels in the brain of a special group of chemical substances called neurotransmitters. According to modern science, depression is caused precisely by a lack of these substances. Certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, may improve emotional condition humans, although this process has not yet been fully studied. Increasing levels of neurotransmitters can also prevent pain signals from reaching the brain. Therefore, some antidepressants are quite effective pain relievers.

They don’t help, what should I do?

To treat depression, your doctor may initially prescribe the lowest dosage possible. Typically, the beneficial effects of the drugs are felt two to three weeks after starting treatment. It is important not to stop taking antidepressants, even if the patient does not yet receive relief; Each person has their own “antidepressive” threshold.

But if after using the medications there is no improvement in the condition within four weeks, it is recommended to consult your doctor. He will either suggest increasing the dose or trying alternative medications. The course of treatment usually lasts about six months, although if the depression is chronic, it can last up to two years.

Not all patients benefit from antidepressants. According to Professor of the University of Groningen V. Nolen, in order for there to be one case of actual cure, seven patients must be treated.

Although properly selected antidepressants can often reduce the symptoms of depression, they do not affect the causes of its occurrence. Therefore, they are usually used in combination with therapy to treat severe depression or other conditions caused by emotional disorders.

Is it worth buying cheap drugs?

The cheapest medications for treating depression are tricyclic antidepressants (for example, amitriptyline). This is the oldest type of antidepressants, a good practical basis has been accumulated for them, and their effect on the body has been more or less studied. However, tricyclic antidepressants are rarely prescribed due to the number of side effects on the body, usually when a person with severe depression does not respond to other types of drugs or to treat other conditions, such as bipolar disorder.

Side effects may include:

  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • muscle weakness;
  • swelling, etc.

If any of these negative consequences of taking medications occur, it is not necessary to stop taking antidepressants altogether. Side effects occur with a specific drug; they may not occur with another drug. It is important to choose the right treatment option under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects from antidepressants: how to deal with them

The reason for the large number of side effects from taking antidepressants is explained by the fact that doctors themselves still poorly understand how exactly antidepressants and depression itself affect the brain. Sometimes treatment with antidepressants can be compared to shooting sparrows from a cannon, especially if the patient has mild or moderate depression. Prolonged impact on incredibly complex, good balanced system strong chemicals will inevitably cause side effects varying degrees gravity. Typically, the side effects of antidepressants are quite mild and tend to decrease as treatment continues as the body becomes accustomed to the effects of the medication.

With minimal side effects

The most common type of antidepressant is selective inhibitors serotonin reuptake. The reason is that they cause the least side effects. In addition, their overdose very rarely leads to serious consequences.

These include drugs with active substances:

  • fluoxetine (Prozac, Fontex, Sarafem);
  • paroxetine (Rexetine, Aropax);
  • citalopram (Cipramil, Sepram, Cytahexal);
  • escitalopram (Selectra, Lexapro);
  • sertraline (Zoloft, Sirlift, Asentra);
  • fluvoxamine (Fevarin, Luvox, Deprevox).

Another group of antidepressants that are well tolerated by patients are selective norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors. So far, scientists only know one thing active substance this group is bupropion (drugs: Wellbutrin, Zyban).

The frequency and severity of side effects from antidepressants depend on the individual sensitivity of the patient - the same medicine can be extremely difficult for one person to tolerate, while not causing any problems for another. Many side effects disappear after the first week of treatment, while others may force your doctor to prescribe a different drug.

Possible side effects when taking antidepressants may include the following:

  • Drowsiness.
  • Nausea.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Insomnia.
  • Anxiety, excitement, restlessness.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, constipation or diarrhea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Headache.
  • Blurred vision.


It is a direct consequence of starting to take the medication and, as the patient’s body gets used to the antidepressant, goes away on its own.

If the condition causes increased inconvenience, the following methods can be used:

  • Take the antidepressant on a full stomach, while eating in smaller quantities, but more often than usual.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, but try to avoid carbonated drinks.

If none of the above helps and you feel nauseous all the time, you can try taking some medicine to relieve nausea (here you should consult a doctor).

Weight gain while taking antidepressants can occur at the most various reasons. This may be due to fluid retention in the body, lack of physical activity, or a consequence good appetite if the antidepressant has started to work.

If a patient is concerned about weight gain, the following measures can be taken:

  • Eat less sweets (this also includes drinks with a high sugar content).
  • Preferably eaten low calorie foods, such as vegetables and fruits, try to avoid foods with saturated fats.
  • It is advisable to lead food diary, in which to record the quantity and composition of what was eaten.

Whenever possible, as depression allows, it is recommended to physical exercise- even 10 minutes a day will help you feel better.

Fatigue, drowsiness

Most often occurs in the first week after the prescription of the medicine.

You can fight it using the following methods:

  • Set aside time to sleep in the middle of the day.
  • Increase physical activity, such as walking.
  • Take an antidepressant at night.
  • It is recommended to refrain from driving a car or performing work that requires increased concentration.


If you have insomnia, you can try the following:

  • Take an antidepressant in the morning.
  • Avoid caffeinated products, especially at night.
  • It is recommended to increase physical activity, but move the timing of exercise or walking/running several hours before bedtime.

If insomnia continues, you can ask your doctor to reduce the dose or prescribe a sedative or sleeping pill.

Dry mouth

A common side effect when taking antidepressants. You can fight it in the following ways:

  • Drink water or suck on ice cubes frequently.
  • Avoid foods that cause dehydration, such as caffeinated drinks, alcohol, smoking.
  • Try to breathe through your nose and not through your mouth.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day and visit your dentist regularly - dry mouth can cause cavities to form.
  • Use a moisturizing mouth spray.


It happens that antidepressants interfere with normal functioning digestive tract and cause constipation.

To alleviate this condition, you can try the following methods:

  • To drink a lot of water.
  • There are foods high in fiber, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, bran, and whole grain bread.
  • Take dietary fiber supplements.
  • Increase physical activity.

Sex life

Antidepressants have a negative effect on sex life humans - cause a decrease in desire and make it difficult to achieve orgasm. Others may cause problems getting or maintaining an erection.

If the patient is in a regular sexual relationship, it is recommended to plan sexual activity based on the time of taking the medicine, shifting it to the time before taking the dose.

You can also consult with your partner and increase the time of foreplay before actually starting sexual intercourse.

Finally, you can simply ask your doctor to prescribe a different medicine.

In the West, as you know, antidepressants are quite widespread. After the release of the film of the same name, even such a definition appeared - “the Prozac generation” (this is the name of one of the popular antidepressants - Sputnik).

Belarusians treat these drugs with caution. Sputnik correspondent Valeria Berekchiyan talked with specialists from the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health and found out whether one should be afraid of antidepressants, who should take them and when, and how not to miss it and not induce depression.

Last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that depression is the leading cause of disability in the world: according to their estimates, more than 300 million people suffer from it.

Symptoms of depression and why Belarusians (don’t) find it in themselves

Depression is considered a stable condition bad mood(at least two weeks), which may be accompanied by apathy, low activity, inability to have fun or be interested in something. Often, people who are faced with it find it difficult to concentrate and start a new business, their sleep and appetite are worse, sexual desire and self-esteem are reduced, and there is a feeling of guilt.

“Self-diagnosis” of depression is not uncommon. According to Irina Khvostova, deputy medical director of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health, there are several reasons.

Firstly, it is really common: the risk of experiencing depression during your lifetime reaches 12% in men and up to 30% in women. Secondly, modern people Information on this topic is available, including professional information.

It also happens the other way around: patients often do not notice their illness; then contacting a doctor should be initiated by people close to them. People with mild and moderate depression often turn to a psychotherapist, but this practice is not very popular among Belarusians, experts say.

“Sometimes they don’t go to the doctor because of the “masked” course of depression. Typical symptoms may appear slightly or be absent altogether, sometimes the symptoms of a physical illness come to the fore - pain in the heart, a feeling of lack of air, discomfort/pain in the digestive tract or functional intestinal disorders. People turn to different specialists, undergo numerous examinations. And only when treatment does not give the desired result, they are referred to a specialist in the field of mental health," said Lyubov Karnitskaya, deputy director for the medical part of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health.

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In some cases, hospital treatment is required. In the mentioned Republican Scientific and Practical Center, specialized departments have been created for such patients: here various specialists experienced in the field of neurotic disorders work with them, and research is conducted to solve the problem comprehensively.

“There is no need to be afraid of antidepressants, but there is no need to drink without reason”

Antidepressants are taken so that the symptoms of depression subside or disappear altogether, and the patient affected by it again feels a sense of well-being. In other words, their task is to return a person to normal life. According to Irina Khvostova, you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of antidepressants.

“Modern antidepressants are quite safe; they do not cause addiction. But it is necessary to remember that antidepressants are not candy, and they have contraindications and side effects. Only a doctor will be able to correctly correlate the expected benefits of prescribing the drug and possible Negative consequences its reception,” the specialist believes.

But there is no need to accept them for a minor reason: according to Lyubov Karnitskaya, sometimes people get by psychological help even in cases of severe oppression.

"One of our patients - a young woman - suffered death loved one, and soon - surgery due to suspected malignant tumor; After discharge, due to long rehabilitation, I received a certificate of incapacity for work. Mood and physical activity decreased, thoughts of imminent death appeared, pessimism towards life and people, a depressed state, a desire to hide and not communicate with anyone,” Karnitskaya recalled.

While waiting for the biopsy results, the woman stressed herself out, prepared herself for a worse outcome, felt more and more depressed, and then became withdrawn. In the end, my sister insisted: we need to go to a psychotherapist.

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“A psychocorrectional conversation was held, and when the woman received results about the benign quality of the formation and a favorable prognosis, she mental condition It improved quite quickly and no antidepressant was required,” said the doctor.

Side effects of antidepressants, according to Irina Khvostova, are rare. However, it is worth knowing that among them are restlessness, increased anxiety or, conversely, excessive calmness, sleep disturbance, nausea; and in some cases, weight gain and sexual dysfunction. The idea that antidepressants reduce performance is a myth, she said.

“Apathy and decreased activity are symptoms of depression; a person taking an antidepressant may at some point come to the erroneous conclusion that the decrease in his performance is a consequence of taking an antidepressant,” says the doctor.

Sometimes to return to normal life, the patient only needs to find and eradicate the “source of troubles” - that which provokes negative thoughts and bad mood.

“A young woman complained of low mood for several months, anxiety, uncertainty about the future, lack of pleasure from her favorite job. From a conversation with a specialist, it became known about a chronic psychologically traumatic situation in the family - groundless jealousy of a partner, constant conflicts,” shared Lyubov Karnitskaya.

The patient had to break up with the man. And after a course of psychotherapy, her condition improved even without the prescription of antidepressants.

Who needs to take antidepressants and can you start taking them yourself?

Khvostova categorically does not recommend starting treatment on your own.

“This is not the case when the reason for taking medication can be a positive review from a neighbor or a friend from social networks. To choose the right antidepressant, professional knowledge and experience is needed,” she shared.

In addition, these pills do not work instantly: their effect is noticeable only in the third or fourth week of routine use. correct dosage, which can also only be selected by a doctor.

Antidepressants are recommended in several cases. When psychotherapy does not help, and the symptoms of depression (for example, disturbances in appetite and sleep) are so severe that they simply do not allow the person to lead normal life activities.

“They are also prescribed if a person has already struggled with such a problem with the help of antidepressants and in cases where there is a high risk of committing suicide,” Khvostova explained.

Another case from practice - a 55-year-old woman experienced her husband’s infidelity. Her mood dropped, the patient stopped taking care of herself, lay in bed and was not at all interested in those around her, and lost her appetite. She lost a lot of weight.

“I began to express thoughts about my unwillingness to live. I categorically refused to consult a doctor (formally agreed to meet with him after much persuasion from the children). The severity of the symptoms of depression and the presence of suicidal thoughts required the prescription of an antidepressant,” said Karnitskaya.

Why is the use of antidepressants so widespread in the West? I have often heard that taking them has almost become the norm even when overworked.

"This is most likely a misconception: people may simply mention that they are taking these medications without going into detail. real reasons treatment (most often only the doctor knows the depth of the problem). Do not forget that in Western culture it is customary not to “cry into your vest”, but to look successful and prosperous, even when experiencing depression. However, antidepressants around the world are prescribed only if there is a need for this medical indications", said the specialist.

Antidepressants are sold in Belarus only with a doctor's prescription. When used correctly, their effectiveness is undeniable, but their use can cause side effects, and sometimes quite pronounced ones. Therefore, their use is possible in our country only under the supervision of a doctor. But getting to him is not so difficult - just make an appointment with a psychotherapist at your place of residence or contact a psychological help service.

It has become quite common among people, especially residents of large cities. This is largely due to the fast pace of life, along with a disturbed environment and constant stress. Some try to treat depression through alcoholic beverages. But this approach, of course, is fundamentally wrong. The problem cannot be solved this way, but gradually turning into an alcoholic is quite possible. Depression is a disease and should be treated with medications, such as antidepressants. We will consider the side effects of these drugs in the article.

Antidepressants and the mechanism of their effect on the body

Currently, pharmacies sell a variety of antidepressants that belong to different categories. medicinal substances. But the effect on the body of most of them is the same and is always aimed at changing the amount in the brain tissue of some chemical elements, which are called neurotransmitters. Their deficiency leads to all sorts of mental disorders and nervous activity, in particular, this causes the development of depression.

Like any medicine, antidepressants also have side effects. More on this below.

The effect of such drugs is that they increase the content of neurotransmitters in the brain or make cells more susceptible to these elements. It is customary to prescribe any antidepressants sufficiently long courses. This is directly related to the fact that they do not show their effect immediately. Most often, the positive effect of using such a drug begins to develop only a few weeks after the start of its use. In situations where the effect of the drug is required to manifest itself faster, doctors prescribe it by injection. According to reviews, antidepressants are considered very effective medications. Their use reliably eliminates such manifestations of depression as a feeling of hopelessness along with loss of interest in life, apathy, sadness, anxiety and melancholy. But do not forget about the side effects of antidepressants.

Antidepressants don't help, what should I do?

You can often hear that there is no point in taking these medications because they are ineffective. But most often, the lack of results lies in the fact that people purchase antidepressants in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, and, consequently, without consulting a specialist. In this situation, the medicine may simply not be suitable for the person or he may be taking it in the wrong dosage. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the required treatment.

In addition, do not forget that in order to get results from therapy, they should be taken for a long time, at least three months. Are there antidepressants without side effects? Many patients are concerned about this issue.

Is it worth buying cheap drugs?

Patients often refuse treatment with antidepressants because of their high price. True, in pharmacies you can almost always buy cheaper analogues that will not be inferior to the main product in terms of effectiveness, quality or safety. Cheap antidepressants, according to patient reviews, affect the body no worse than their analogues, which are significantly more expensive. But if you still have doubts, you can always consult your doctor about choosing a medicine.

How long should treatment last?

As a rule, doctors prescribe long-term courses of antidepressants, which range from several months to one year. You cannot refuse treatment on your own until you complete the course recommended by your doctor.

Side effects from antidepressants are much more common in women. In addition to the main reactions, their interest in sex most often decreases, it is also difficult to achieve orgasm, and lubrication decreases (vaginal dryness appears).

Some drugs, in addition to relieving the symptoms of depression, also have psychostimulating properties. Due to their use, patients often have problems falling asleep. But even in this situation, it is impossible to refuse subsequent treatment. It is advisable to contact your doctor with a request to change the treatment regimen. For example, your doctor may recommend taking the required medications at lunch and in the morning.

Side effects

Reception of any medical supplies, including antidepressants, can lead to side effects. Drugs in this group, according to reviews, can often cause a slight feeling of nausea along with problems falling asleep. It is extremely rare that they lead to disturbances in sexual life. As practice shows, all of the above side effects are observed in the first few days of admission, and then go away on their own, without requiring any additional treatment. The attending physician usually recommends antidepressants with a minimum of side effects.

Most modern medications for treating depression have little or no interaction with other medications taken. medical supplies. But if a person buys antidepressants without a prescription and takes any other drugs, including dietary supplements, then it is absolutely important to consult with a specialist about the safety of taking them together.

Side effects of the antidepressant "Fluoxetine" are: large quantities. The drug is also known as Prozac. It is important to note that it can be highly addictive. Fluoxetine has an extremely negative effect on the central nervous system. With prolonged uncontrolled use, this leads to:

  • dizziness and headaches;
  • nightmares;
  • euphoria;
  • anxiety;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • neuroses;
  • thinking disorder;
  • loss of coordination of movements;
  • attention disorders;
  • lethargy.

In addition, there is a risk of drug overdose.

IN to the fullest completely eliminate any complications even during use psychotropic drugs, which have a gentle effect, is impossible. The greatest likelihood of side effects resulting from the use of antidepressants occurs among patients suffering from somatic diseases, in addition, in elderly people who have increased sensitivity to psychotropic drugs.

The most common side effects of tricyclic antidepressants include anticholinergic disorders along with dysfunction of the nervous system. Plus, disruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels may occur; in addition, sometimes complications occur in the hematopoietic organs, as well as metabolic and endocrine changes associated with weight gain and allergic reactions.

Side effects and complications from antidepressants usually manifest themselves in initial stages intake in the first couple of weeks. They sometimes persist for one month of therapy, after which they undergo reverse development. Against the background of persistent and at the same time excessively pronounced disorders, it is advisable to reduce the dose, and if particularly necessary, complete cessation and refusal of therapy is required. So, among the main side effects that can develop while using antidepressants, patients most often experience the following conditions:

  • The appearance of nausea.
  • Feeling of dry mouth.
  • Decreased or complete absence of appetite.
  • Presence of vomiting.
  • Development of diarrhea or constipation.
  • Frequent dizziness.
  • Insomnia along with headaches.
  • Increased feelings of anxiety.
  • The appearance of nervousness along with a feeling of internal tension.

Under the supervision of a doctor, it is possible to choose an antidepressant without side effects for your body.


Many people are very wary of being treated with antidepressants, as they believe that these drugs can deprive them of all human emotions, thereby turning them into soulless robots. In fact, this is completely true. According to reviews, antidepressants minimize feelings of fear, melancholy, and anxiety. They have absolutely no effect on any other emotions.

Another equally common myth about antidepressants is that once a person starts treatment with these drugs, they will have to continue using them for the rest of their life. In fact, antidepressants do not cause any physical addiction, much less mental dependence. It’s just that for treatment to be effective, it is necessary to prescribe them to patients in long courses.

Antidepressants with minimal side effects

Available for purchase without a prescription, they have minimal side effects:

  • Tetracyclic group - "Maprotiline" ("Ladiomil").
  • Tricyclic group - "Paxil" ("Adepress", "Plizil", "Sirestill", "Plizil").
  • Selective inhibitors - "Prozac" ("Prodel", "Fluoxetine", "Profluzac").
  • If you need to give up long-term bad habits, for example, smoking - "Zyban" ("NoSmoke", "Wellbutrin").
  • Herbal preparations - "Persen", "Deprim", "Novo-Passit".

Antidepressants and exercise

Against the background of sports training, the human body begins to intensively produce joy hormones, which are scientifically called endorphins. They do an excellent job of reducing the severity of depression, improving mood. For this reason, regular exercise is ideally combined with antidepressant therapy, reducing the duration of courses and reducing the dosage of drugs used.

Thus, if you have minor depression, it is best to go to the pool or gym instead of buying antidepressants from a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. This way, a person will not only be able to improve his condition without the use of medications, but it will also bring many benefits to the entire body as a whole.

Completion of antidepressant therapy

If a person has started a course of treatment with antidepressants, they should never stop it on their own without the doctor’s permission. This is because any withdrawal from antidepressants must be done slowly and gradually. Against the backdrop of a sharp refusal of further therapy, depressive symptoms will almost immediately return again. In addition, symptoms may become even stronger than they were before starting treatment. That is why the withdrawal of antidepressants should occur strictly according to the specified scheme, which was recommended by the attending physician.

Now let's find out what people think about using antidepressants ordinary people who were treated with these drugs.

Feedback on the side effects of antidepressants

People have different opinions about antidepressants, but in general they are satisfied with the effect that can be achieved by taking them. In particular, it is reported that taking these medicines in fact, it helps to change your life for the better when depression sets in and it begins to seem that everything is so bad that you don’t even want to live.

Almost all comments that people leave on the Internet about certain antidepressants are accompanied by words and phrases such as “helps,” “saves,” “manages to get out,” and so on.

There is a wide variety of information about the speed of obtaining results. Thus, some write that they were able to notice the effect after the first few days of use, while others report the results obtained only after one month.

Among dissatisfied reviews, there is often a statement that antidepressant withdrawal syndrome is extremely difficult for patients. On this basis, apathy and depression overcome a person in full. In addition, they talk about the appearance of uncontrollable anger. Therefore, many people say that they feel even worse than before taking the medications. As part of the commentary on such reviews, it should be recalled that antidepressants, with the least side effects, are not a toy at all, and should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

It’s not uncommon for people to talk about such a side effect as insomnia. On top of that, for some, taking pills is accompanied by a decrease in libido. Some say that they did not tolerate the course of treatment in general, and also that antidepressants increase blood pressure.

People are also dissatisfied with the fact that they have to take such pills for too long in order to achieve and maintain a positive effect. Quite often there are complaints about the cost of antidepressants, which for some drugs can reach up to two thousand rubles per package.

So, in conclusion, let’s name the main advantages that people who have used antidepressants talk about:

  • Medicines change life for the better, helping to get out of difficult situations.
  • Eliminate feelings of depression, tearfulness, anxiety, irritability and so on.

The following disadvantages are given as disadvantages:

  • High price.
  • Development of side effects. Most often it is insomnia and decreased libido.
  • The need for long-term use.
  • Some experience worsening depression.
  • Withdrawal syndrome.

Thus, today antidepressants are a good solution in case of depression. In most reviews of antidepressants and side effects, people report their effectiveness. But it is extremely important to undergo treatment with these medications only in accordance with medical recommendations, since otherwise, self-therapy can only worsen your condition.

The side effects are largely similar. But the main difference is that the former are addictive, while the latter are not.

I am writing this text from three positions. From the position of a therapist who sometimes suggests that clients add medication to therapeutic care. From the position of a person who had both experience of overcoming a depressive episode using psychotherapy alone, and experience of taking antidepressants along with therapy. Each time it was my decision. The only experience I don’t have is ultimatum or forced drug treatment. Therefore, the text is exclusively for those who are ready to make their decisions independently and independently bear responsibility for their consequences.

Now essentially

First. Depression is not only when a person is already lying with his nose against the wall, unable to get up, wash, go to work or meet with friends. And not even when the whole meaning of life is lost and there is no joy at all.

Depression - its more common forms - is often mild and medium degree gravity. This could be, among other things, everything that we habitually call laziness, procrastination, bad mood, spoiled character, etc. To avoid self-diagnosis, there will be no clear criteria. The diagnosis is made by a doctor . Yes, psychiatrist . And yes, he doesn't bite.

Second. There is no shame in taking antidepressants. Just like Corvalol or, for example, no-shpu or Nurofen, if something hurts. Or just as embarrassing as any other medication. Antidepressants, like intimate hygiene, are everyone’s personal business and you are not obligated to tell your boss, colleagues, friends, or relatives about this. Doctor and psychotherapist. The rest are optional. At your request.


Subjectively, a person may be filled with hopelessness and sadness. He cannot see the good in his life. He doesn’t want to and loves to suffer, but he just can’t. Your attempts to show him how beautiful the world is create the feeling that he is not understood and increase suffering.

And this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try - sometimes it works.

A depressed person is irritable and/or moody for no reason (to an outside observer) or for minor reasons. In fact, often very vulnerable and wounded. Not by you. And not now. And it flies to you. Because now/at Lately the brakes failed. Often, irritation and tears are the only ways to slightly relieve the colossal internal tension that such a person experiences. Tension, which quickly accumulates again, because these methods are precisely a release of tension, acting out, but not satisfying an urgent need. The tighter the depression loop, the more difficult it is to recognize this very need. Loved ones and children suffer the most from the mood swings of a depressed person. And, of course, himself. Because an emotional outburst is often followed by guilt or shame for the inadequacy of this outburst. Guilt or shame keeps the inner circle going.

If there is not much guilt and shame, then some time after the outbreak is a time of relief. The love and tenderness that a depressed person feels for someone who has just irritated him is completely sincere. It just became easier and these feelings can calmly flow for some time.

Children of depressed parents mature early, learning to care for their parents during episodes of deterioration. This is neither good nor bad - it is so.

From the inside, the world seems hostile, unwarm and ungiving to a depressed person. Self-hatred and self-blame are off the charts. People around you are seen as cold and rejecting. And, naturally, from there, from the inside, it is quite difficult to imagine turning to such people for help or support.

At the same time, having the greatest need for warming, supportive relationships, a person is extremely sensitive and vulnerable precisely in relationships. Everything hurts him: words, intonations, gestures. It is impossible to please him, and there is no need to, otherwise this is fraught with your tension and desire to break contact, which he, of course, will catch, even if you do not realize this impulse. Out of hunger, he reaches out to people. Out of vulnerability and pain, pushes them away. Such a push-pull.

Things that made him happy just recently cease to please him. If the work was loved and ceases to bring joy, the person becomes even more afraid. Not all is well here either.

Hobbies, sports, loved ones, pets, colors stop making you happy, and the sense of taste of your favorite foods disappears. Often a person begins to overeat or undereat. Smoking or drinking more than usual. Partly, trying to feel at least something, partly, unable to cope with recognizing the simplest bodily needs - hunger, cold, etc.

The difficulty of recognizing basic bodily needs and, therefore, their untimelyness - to eat, drink, sleep, go to the toilet on time - reduces the already small amount of energy in a depressed person, who has spent it on an internal struggle with himself. Depressive conditions can often be accompanied by sleep disorders - insomnia, disturbances in sleep-wake cycles. Naturally, the ability to work and energy for life decreases.

The longer a person remains depressed, the greater his real dissatisfaction with life. The fewer people in reality are willing and able to stay close and provide much-needed warmth in this state.

The longer depression lasts, the fewer memories there are of what once was different, memories that you can lean on to help you get out. It seems that “that me” was a completely different person or it was a different time/youth/marriage/health. A critical attitude towards one’s condition is lost precisely as a condition, a period, a problem in which help is needed. And this is replaced by experiencing it as a given, from which there is no way out. Next comes meaninglessness and despair.

How can antidepressants help?

Firstly, they relieve the severity of the condition. There is a little more strength for life and contact, which means there is a greater chance of receiving warmth, support, and more opportunities for psychotherapeutic help.

Secondly, medications gradually level out the emotional background, outbursts of irritation, sudden tears, acute vulnerability, and conditions when one feels hot or cold become much less frequent or go away completely. Removing acute peak emotional reactions allows you to better hear and recognize less vivid feelings, and therefore more accurately identify your needs. Most antidepressants have a calming effect and improve sleep.

A more complex effect of the drugs is to gradually equalize the hormonal balance in the body, which makes the body more stable and depressive episodes more rare.

In parallel with taking medications, therapeutic work is necessary, within which a person finds support, warmth, contact, as well as an analysis of the ways in which he involuntarily tightens his own noose of depression. A better awareness of situations and experiences that a person cannot cope with and that lead to depressive episodes allows each next time to go through this situation a little differently, more successfully, to organize the necessary amount of support inside and outside. Therapeutic, friendly, medicinal and any other that a person needs. This is all the work of psychotherapy. Without this work, the dependence on antidepressants that is so frightening for many may become a reality. Because if they put a cast on you, and after it is removed you persistently go and break the same arm again in the same way and come to the same emergency room again, then yes, you will become dependent on the cast. The more often you repeat this maneuver, the stronger it will be. It's the same with antidepressants.