Hypercup: When carbon dioxide becomes dangerous to health and life. Hypercup Normal gas exchange in lungs - video

It is well known as the deficiency of oxygen and excess carbon dioxide equally poorly affecting human health. The flow of oxygen into the body should be regular and in the required quantity. Violation in the flow of oxygen and the reduction of its level in the body is called hypoxemia. The accumulation of carbon dioxide leading to hypoxia is called hypercup. Hypercapnia and hypoxemia are important symptoms of respiratory failure (ODN), which flow often at the same time.

Severe two types of one:

  • hypercapnic, caused by excess carbon dioxide;
  • hypochemic, due to oxygen deficiency.

Both types of respiratory failure must be considered separately from each other, as each of them is individual.

Hypercapnia - It is an increase in carbon dioxide indicators in a human circulatory system.

- This is a decrease in blood oxygen level ().

The mechanism for transporting oxygen in the bloodstream to the tissues is known from school bench. Transportation is carried out in which O2 is associated with hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin delivers oxygen into fabrics and organs, becomes restored, that is, it can attach any chemical compound, including carbon dioxide. And in the tissues at this time there are carbon dioxide, which enters the lungs with venous blood and to derive from the body. Connects CO2, thus turning into carbohemoglobin, which in the lungs falls on hemoglobin and carbon dioxide, derived when exhaling from the body.

Gas exchange for this scheme is running when the ratio of O2 and CO2 in the body is optimal: a person with inhale absorbs air enriched with oxygen, and in the exhalation, the exhalation is separated by carbon dioxide.

When the air is depleted O2, and CO2 accumulates in the body, then hemoglobin, connecting carbon dioxide, delivers it to the tissue, causing hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation. Hyperkapinia and hypoxemia in this case are called one. Both of these phenomena, together with hypoxia, are examined inseparably from each other.


According to the method of occurrence, the oxygen insufficiency of the body is divided into two groups: exogenous and endogenous:

  • Exogenous hypoxia It arises due to the decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the surrounding air, which is formed, forms a deficiency of oxygen in the blood. This is especially clearly manifested when flying at high height, with mountain campaigns, when immersed on a greater depth, as well as inhalation of severely polluted air.
  • Endogenous hypoxia associated with the pathology of the respiratory organs and the circulatory system.

4 groups of hypoxia are distinguished:

  1. respiratory, when the lung ventilation deficiency occurs after injury, oppression of the respiratory center, after various diseases, for example, pneumonia, COPD, and inhaling poisonous substances;
  2. circulatory, arising during acute and chronic insufficiency of the circulatory system caused;
  3. tissue, which occurs during intoxication;
  4. blood, as a result of a decrease in blood erythrocytes, which is determined by anemia of different origin.

The complex form of hypoxia is characterized by the bias of the skin, tachycardia, hypotension, which entails, leading often to death.


The development of hypercapnia affects the change in the ratio of pulmonary ventilation and accumulation in the tissues and blood of carbon dioxide. Normally, this indicator is no more than forty-five millimeters of mercury pillar.

Causes of the development of hypercaps:

  • disturbance of gas exchange caused by a respiratory system or a forced breathing delay to remove the pain inside the chest;
  • suppression of the function of the respiratory center and a change in respiratory control due to injuries, tumors, intoxication;
  • reducing the tone of the thoracic muscle due to pathological changes;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • disorder of acid-alkaline balance in the body;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory system;
  • chronic disease of cholesterol deposition of cholesterol on their walls;
  • profile care in people whose working conditions are associated with inhalation of polluted air;
  • inhalation of air depleted air.

Symptoms of manifestation of hypercupinia:

  • insomnia at night and drowsiness during the daytime;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • an increase in intracranial pressure;
  • labored breathing;

The rapid growth of the CO2 level in the blood becomes the cause of the coma that leads to.

Severity of hypercupinia:

  • Moderate - accompanied by euphoria, increased sweating, redness of skin cover, change in respiration, an increase in blood pressure, insomnia.
  • Deep - It is characterized by an increased excitability of the nervous system, an increase in intracranial pressure, superficial breathing difficult to urine, tachycardia.
  • Acidomic coma - exacerbated by the lack of consciousness and reflexes, pronounced cyanosis, which in the absence of medical care leads to a fatal outcome.

Disruption of oxygen saturation of blood in the lungs causes hypoxemia. The main indicator on which is focused on the determination of the oxygen deficiency is partial tension. Its normal value should not be lower than eighty millimeters of mercury pillar.

The causes of hypoxemia may be as follows:

  • reducing ventilation in the lung alveoloh when in the inhaled air the oxygen content indicator is very low;
  • violation of the ratio of the volume of ventilation to the volume of blood flow, which occurs in chronic lung diseases;
  • shunting when changes in the circulatory system and the fall of venous blood in the left atrium;
  • functional disorders in the capillary membrane.

The exchange of oxygen with carbon dioxide occurs in lungs and tissues, but not all areas function equally. For example, with normal ventilation of some zones in the lungs, the provision of blood passes worse, and in some areas the blood flow is excellent, but they are badly ventilated and also do not participate in gas exchange. This leads to hypoxemia, which is conjugate with hypercaps.

Changes in blood flow occurs due to diseases of other organs, especially blood.

These violations also lead to a lack of oxygen in the blood:

  • bleeding;
  • acute fluid loss;
  • shock of different origin;
  • vasculitis.

Symptoms of hypoxemia manifestation:

  • scattering the skin with a strong manifestation of the disease, and the pallor of the skin with minor changes;
  • tachycardia when the heart tries to help the body in providing its oxygen;
  • hypotension;
  • loss of consciousness.

The lack of oxygen in the blood is the cause of memory violation, decline in attention, insomnia, pronounced chronic fatigue. The serious effect of hypercapinia and hypoxemia on the human body is due to a special role of respiratory and cardiovascular systems.


The basis of the diagnosis is the complaints of the patient, its inspection of the doctor and analysis of the survey results.

The study of the patient's condition includes:

  • blood test to the ratio of gases, that is, the measurement of the number of O2 in the blood after therapeutic procedures;
  • electrolyte analysis that determines the presence in light chronic diseases;
  • general blood test, reflecting the amount of hemoglobin;
  • measure blood levels using a unique device;
  • conducting X-ray to eliminate broncho-pulmonary diseases;
  • ECG and hearts to identify violations in its work and the presence of congenital anomalies.


Treatment of hypercapinia and hypoxemia is carried out in parallel, but there is a difference in therapeutic events. Any appointments for receiving medicines should be done by the attending physician. Specialists are recommended in the process of receiving drugs to carry out laboratory research to control the composition of blood.

The treatment suitable for both states is:

  • inhalation of a mixture of gases with an increased O2 content, and sometimes pure oxygen (the treatment diagram is developed and controlled by a doctor, taking into account the origin of the disease);
  • artificial lung ventilation, which is used even in a state of coma in a patient;
  • antibiotics, bronchopholics, diuretics;
  • medical physical education, thoracic massage.

Conducting hypoxia, the reasons for its occurrence should be taken into account. Experts recommend starting the therapy to eliminate these problems. The influence of negative factors on the development of hyperkapinia and hypoxemia is advised to minimize.


Hyperkapinia and hypoxemia, sufficiently unpleasant diseases for a person, so observance of simple rules will help prevent active development:

  • walking every day for 2 hours;
  • the ban on smoking is active and passive;
  • competent diagnosis of heart and lung diseases;
  • moderate physical exertion;
  • competently compiled diet.

To prevent the development of hypercapnia, it is necessary to treat the diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system in time, which are accompanied by respiratory failure.

Hypercapinia prevention includes:

  • organization of uninterrupted operation of equipment for divers, miners, astronauts and other professions related to temperature drop and pressure;
  • the content of the anesthesia in perfect condition;
  • daily walks;
  • carrying the premises, and if necessary, additional ventilation.

Hypercapnia is an increased maintenance of carbon dioxide in the blood; Poisoning caused by carbon dioxide.

With hypercaping in the blood, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide increases, which leads to a displacement of the acid-alkaline state (ksp) of the blood in the acidic side, that is, to the development of respiratory acidosis. As a result, adaptive reactions are launched in the body aimed at the correction of KSP.

Against the background of hypercapinia and respiratory acidosis, breathing becomes deeper and frequent, which causes an increase in the minute volume of respiration and contributes to a decrease in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood, returning KSHC to the norm.

The reasons

The causes of the occurrence of hypercaps are diverse; They are divided into several large groups:

  1. Disorders of respiratory movements in some pathological conditions [in botulism, sclerosis, poliomyelitis, muscle dystrophy, miastic, the use of muscle relaxants, piquet syndrome, pathological obesity, sternum fractures and (or) ribs, scoliosis, expressed pneumosclerosis].
  2. The oppression of the respiratory center in the brain barrel (using narcotic analgesics and general anesthetics, stopping the blood circulation, damage to the central nervous system, long-term oxygen inhalation).
  3. Disturbance of gas exchange in pulmonary fabric (in Hamman's disease - Richa, Pneumothorax, Mendelssohn syndrome, respiratory distress syndrome, edema of light, chronic obstructive diseases of the lung, acute pneumonia).

Hypercup can develop with a forced long stay in a closed room without ventilation.

Hypercapnia is most dangerous for newborns and children of the first months of life. It can cause severe neurological disorders.


According to the nature of the leakage of hypercupnia, it happens:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

Depending on the reason:

  • endogenous - caused by internal reasons (primary disease);
  • exogenous - caused by external factors (for example, in a stuffy room).


Clinically hypercupnia can manifest itself a slow increase in symptoms for a long time, and sometimes it is formed lightning.

Signs of hypercapnia:

  • founded Breath (Tahipne);
  • sense of lack of air;
  • excitation, replaced in the further oppression of consciousness;
  • the marbling of the skin, which then goes into pronounced cyanosis;
  • participation in the act of breathing auxiliary muscles;
  • an increase in blood pressure and tachycardia, which, as the state deteriorates, is replaced by hypotension and bradycardia;
  • increased sweating (hyperhydrosis);
  • violations of the rhythm of heart abbreviations;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • reduced performance;
  • convulsive seizures.

Features of the leakage of hypercaps in children

In children, hypercups develop significantly faster and occurs harder than adults. This is explained by the anatomy-physiological features of the children's body, such as:

  • the narrowness of respiratory moves - the accumulation of mucus and swelling of the mucous membrane against the background of even minor inflammation can lead to a violation of their free patency;
  • underdevelopment and weakness of respiratory muscles;
  • the extension of the edges from the sternum is almost at right angles, which limits the tour (mobility) of the chest in the act of breathing.

Features of the leakage of hypercaps in pregnant women

In pregnant women, especially in the third trimester, any respiratory disorders can cause rapidly developing hypercaps, which is due to the following features:

  • oxygen consumption during pregnancy increases by 20-23%;
  • the type of breathing varies on the chest, the muscles of the abdominal press cease to play the role of auxiliary respiratory muscles;
  • there is a high standing diaphragm caused by a growing uterus, which prevents the deeper of the breath when the need arises.


The primary diagnosis of hyperkapinia is based on the analysis of the clinical picture. To confirm the diagnosis, as well as clarify the severity of respiratory failure, a study of the acid-alkali state of blood is carried out. Diagnostic signs of hypercapnia:

  • increasing the partial pressure of carbon dioxide - over 45 mm Hg. Art. (Norm - 35-45 mm Hg. Art.);
  • reducing blood pH - less than 7.35 (norm - 7.35-7.45);
  • an increase in blood bicarbonate, which is compensatory.
Hypercup can develop with a forced long stay in a closed room without ventilation.

Also analyze the content of carbon dioxide in the exhaled air with the help of a cap.


The therapy of hypercapnia is aimed at eliminating the cause, which caused it.

If the symptoms of the hypercapnia appeared after staying in the stuffy room, it is enough to go outside or to ventilate the room: it quickly leads to an improvement in the patient's condition.

Treatment of hypercapnia Against the background of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs require the appointment of antibacterial agents, bronchodlators, anti-inflammatory drugs.

With hyperkapin, due to the overdose of narcotic analgesics, the introduction of a specific antidote - nipper is shown.

In acute hypercaps, the patient is allowed to breathe moistened oxygen through the nasal catheters or a facial mask. In the event of a severe general condition of the patient, the issue of intubation and translation into artificial ventilation of the lungs is solved.


In order to prevent hypercupinia, it is necessary:

  • regularly ventilate the premises;
  • spending time outdoors;
  • in time to treat diseases that can lead to the development of respiratory disorders;
  • refuse smoking and drug use.

Consequences and complications

Hypercapnia is most dangerous for newborns and children of the first months of life. It can cause the development of severe neurological disorders, including:

  • epilepsy;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • psychomotor Delay.

Long-term preserving hypoxia in adults may entail hypertensive crisis, hemorrhagic stroke, myocardial infarction.

Hypercapnia (XIP. Hypercarbium) is an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the blood, which is caused by a violation of respiratory processes. Partsal voltage exceeds 45 millimeters of mercury pillar. The disease can develop both adults and children.

The causes of the occurrence of the pathological condition are often a pathological nature and are to disorder ventilation against the background of diseases of the diseases of the respiratory system. Sources should include polluted air, addiction to harmful habits and other adverse factors.

The clinical picture is quite specific, expressed in the sensation of the lack of air, rapid breathing, increased sweating, behavioral disorders and changes from the skin.

The process of installing the correct diagnosis is based on the results of laboratory indicators. During the diagnostics process, instrumental procedures and manipulations conducted by the attending physician are necessary.

Tactics of therapy depends entirely on the root cause, more often has a conservative character. In some cases, refer to such a procedure as artificial ventilation of the lungs.


Hypercaping the causes of origin are the most diverse, divided into external and internal. The first category consists in the increased content of carbon dioxide in the air - if a person for a long time is in such an environment, a pathological state is developing. Such a group includes:

  • some professional features - in the risk group of bakers, divers and steelovers;
  • air pollution;
  • long residence of a person in an unbelievable room;
  • perennial addiction to cigarettes;
  • passive smoking;
  • inhalation of carbon dioxide during a fire;
  • immersion at great depth during diving;
  • excess nutrition;
  • incorrect operation of special respiratory equipment, which is used during the implementation of surgical operations - when the patient is under anesthesia.

Internal provocateurs are represented by such a list:

  • convulsive or epileptic seizures;
  • impaired integrity of the brain barrel, which can occur against the background of injury, the proceeding of the oncological process, inflammatory lesion or stroke;
  • leakage;
  • spinal cord pathology, for example,;
  • irrational use of drugs;
  • During sleep - there is a sudden cessation of respiratory movements;
  • muscle tissue dystrophy;
  • deformation changes of the chest, in particular;
  • severe form;
  • chronic bronchopulmonary diseases accompanied by obstructive syndrome;
  • defeat CNS;
  • fever;
  • violation of gas exchange in pulmonary fabric - disorder may occur due to Mendelssohn syndrome, Hamman-Richa disease, pneumothorax, respiratory distress syndrome, edema, or lung inflammation;
  • the period of having a child is often the disease develops in 3 trimester when any breathing problems can cause hypercupini;
  • respiratory acidosis;
  • malignant;

The condition is closely associated with hypoxia - the insufficient content of oxygen in the blood or oxygen starvation of the body.


Based on the nature of the flow, the hypercupnia happens:

  • acute - is characterized by a sharp appearance of clinical signs and a significant deterioration in the state, most often occurred in children;
  • chronic - clinic is expressed in slow symptoms for a long time.

There are several degrees of the severity of the disease.

  • moderate;
  • deep - symptoms from the CNS appear and grow manifestations of acute;
  • acidomic coma.

Depending on the causes of development, the disease happens:

  • endogenous - provocateurs are internal sources;
  • exogenous - develops against the background of external factors.

Separately, chronic compensated hyperkapinia - occurs when a person for a long period of time is located under conditions of slow increase in carbon dioxide in the air. The organism is activated by the adaptation processes to the new environment - this compensation for the state with strengthened respiratory movements.

None of the classification includes permissive hypercapnia - a targeted limitation of the volume of ventilation of the lungs, which is necessary to avoid excessive stretching Alveol, despite the increase in CO2 beyond the norm, up to 50-100 millimeters of the Republic of Tajik. Art.


Typically, the disease develops slowly, with a gradual increase in the intensity of clinical manifestations. Extremely rarely occurs the lightning development of symptoms.

Symptoms of hypercaps will be somewhat different depending on the severity of the problem. For example, for moderate shape characteristic:

  • problems with sleep;
  • euphoria;
  • increased sweating;
  • skin;
  • amplification of respiratory movements;
  • increasing blood tone indicators;
  • the frequency of cardiac rhythm.

Deep stage is expressed by such symptoms:

  • increased aggressiveness and excitation;
  • strongest headache;
  • nausea and weakness;
  • the appearance of bruises under the eyes;
  • swelling;
  • reduction of visual acuity;
  • rare and superficial breathing;
  • skin sinusiness;
  • strong selection of cold sweat;
  • pulse increases up to 150 beats per minute;
  • dizziness;
  • difficulty urica.

Acidotic coma is expressed by such signs:

  • reducing reflexes;
  • sharp decrease in blood tone;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • cyanotic skin shade;
  • convulsive seizures.

In the event of chronic diseases of the disease, symptoms include:

  • constant fatigue;
  • disgraceability;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • excitation, replaced by the oppression of consciousness;
  • dyspnea;
  • breathing problems;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • headache and dizziness.

In children, symptoms are practically no different. It should be remembered that such a category of patients hypercapnia develops much faster and proceeds much harder than adults.

In those situations where the disease is developing against the background of other diseases, the likelihood of external signs of basic pathology does not exclude.

In the event of symptoms, it is very important to provide urgent assistance to the victim. You should call the medical team to the house, after which perform such actions:

  • withdraw or submit a person out of the room with a high content of carbon dioxide;
  • to carry out the trachea intubation (only in serious condition of the patient) - to do this can experienced clinician;
  • conduct emergency oxygen therapy.

The only measure of the help of a person who saved into the acidotic to whom - artificial ventilation of the lungs.


Put the correct diagnosis The experienced clinician will be able on the basis of symptoms and results of laboratory research.

Doctor need:

  • explore the history of the disease - to search for a possible basic disease;
  • collect and analyze life anamnesis - to identify external reasons, which will allow to establish whether the need for such a procedure as permissive hypercapnia;
  • evaluate the condition of the skin;
  • measure pulse, heart rate and blood tone;
  • in detail to interview the patient (if a person is conscious) or the one who delivered the victim to the medical institution is to compile a complete symptomatic picture and determining the severity of the state.

Laboratory research:

  • general blood test;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • estimate of the gas composition of biological fluid;
  • analysis on braids.

As for instrumental procedures, tests are performed:

  • radiography of the chest;
  • ultrasonography;


The tactics of therapy depends on the sources, against which hypercupnia occurred. If pathology is exogenous, it is necessary:

  • ventilate the room;
  • exit fresh air;
  • take a break in work;
  • drink a large amount of liquid.

If the ailment has become a secondary phenomenon, to eliminate pathology it is necessary to eliminate the main disease. You may need to receive such medicines:

  • bronchoranty substances;
  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory means;
  • hormonal medicines;
  • immunostimulants;
  • diuretics;
  • bronchodlatators;
  • medicines for the relief of symptoms.

Eliminate the negative effect of carbon dioxide on the body in such ways:

  • infusion therapy;
  • artificial ventilation of the lungs;
  • oxygen therapy;
  • massage of the chest;

Possible complications

Violation of the normal composition of blood can cause the formation of a large number of complications:

  • child delay in mental and psychomotor development;
  • without hypercaping in newborns;
  • miscarriage;
  • malignant hypertension;
  • acute respiratory failure.

Prevention and forecast

It is possible to avoid increasing carbon dioxide in the blood using simple preventive recommendations:

  • regular ventilation and ventilation of the premises;
  • carrying out respiratory gymnastics;
  • frequent stay in the fresh air;
  • compliance with adequate labor and recreation regime;
  • the rational use of medicines strictly to the appointment of the attending physician;
  • checking and eliminating malfunctions of anesthesia devices;
  • preventing the development of states when permissive hypercapnia may be needed;
  • ensuring adequate operation of the respiratory devices that are necessary for miners, fire and divers to work;
  • timely detection and treatment of any diseases of the respiratory system, which can lead not only to hyperkapin, but also to such a state as hypoxia without hypercapnia;
  • annual passage of complete preventive inspection in the clinic.

Hypercapnia has an ambiguous forecast, since it all depends on the severity of the pathology. Completely leads to stopping the respiration and heart work.

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Answer only if you have confirmed medical knowledge

Hypercapinia is an increased content of carbon dioxide in arterial blood and organism tissues. This term is not familiar to many, but the condition characterized by this word felt almost everyone.

Recall that you have experienced with a large crowd of the people– In the queues, in stuffy offices. Or a state during respiratory diseases, when the nose and bronchi are clogged with wets. It begins to spin or sick a head, there is a strong weakness, nausea, the heart is knocking rapidly, sweat appears.

In the article O. the benefits of carbon dioxide We have already affected the concept of hypercapnia. Let's look more in more info, what does this term mean?

What is hyperships?

Carbon dioxide in our organism, can be both useful and harmful. It all depends on the amount of its content. There is a balance of balance, the norm for this indicator is 4.7-6%.

Normal mechanism for removing carbon dioxide from the human body– Through the lungs, by penetrating the blood vessels in the Alveola. If for some reasons this process is broken, comeshypercapniaraising carbon dioxide content.

Then pressure Co.2 In the gas mixture rises to 5580 mm Hg, and the oxygen level decreases. Simply put, the poisoning of carbon dioxide comes.

Types of hypercapnia

Hypercapnia is by natureexogenousand endogenous.

Exogenous develops with an elevated carbon dioxide in the air. It arises, one can say for reasons external, independent of you: queues, stuffy space.

And the endogenous hypercapion causes internal reasons:

  1. Disturbance of the respiratory mechanism due to the weakness of skeletal muscles, injuries of the chest (squeezing, fractures), pathological obesity, scoliosis.
  2. The oppression of the respiratory center (more rare breathing) associated with the defeat of the central nervous system, the use of pharmaceuticals (anesthetics, narcotic analgesics), circulatory stop, etc.
  3. Violation of gas exchange: pulmonary edema, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), pleurisy (inflammation of the lungs), pneumothorax (accumulation of air in the pleural cavity), etc.

Increase from 2. It may also be a consequence of an increased formation of it in the very organism. The cause can be fever, sepsis, polytrauma, malignant hyperthermia.

What is dangerous hypercupnia and who is subject to it?

The shape of hypercupini may be light, such a person does not particularly feel. Leaving a stuffy room, he will quickly forget the sensations that experienced,– light dizziness, redness of the skin, rapid heartbeat and breathing.

With the hypercapper of the initial form, especially if it is "formed" gradually (for several days, even a month), the human body copes easier. Adaptation and compensation mechanisms are included.

With deep hypercaps, symptoms are more aggressive. There may be deviations from several organism systems at once.

  1. From the nervous system: the excitation appears, symptoms of increased intracranial pressure (nausea, headache, bruises under the eyes, swelling, etc.).
  2. From the side of the cardiovascular system: blood pressure continues to rise, the pulse reaches 150 wt. / Min., There is a risk of developing bleeding.
  3. By the respiratory system. The symptoms of acute respiratory failure are growing: the respiratory rhythm is disturbed, it becomes superficial and rare, bronchosecration is enhanced, the skin shade is shining, the sweating is strong.

The most severe degree of hypercapnia (it is the most dangerous)– hypercapnic coma. A person is in a state of coma there are no reflexes and consciousness, hell sharply decreases, the tint of the skin is cyanotic (shinny). The result can be stopped respiration and heart work, i.e., the fatal outcome.

Hypercapnia is very much dangerous for women during pregnancy. Speech can go
about miscarriage due to the development of respiratory failure, an increase in blood pressure
and disorders of placental gas exchange.

Second Event Development– the child may be born with pathology (a delay of mental, psychomotor development, children's cerebral palsy, epilepsy, etc.). High level of s2 Negatively affects not yet fully developed the baby's nervous system.

How to stabilize the state of a person affected by hypercapnia?


The amount of assistance to the victim depends, of course, on the degree of poisoning with carbon dioxide. To stabilize the state of the person and reduce the risks of complications, it is necessary, firstly, to ensure a sufficient influx of oxygen. This is the simplest and at the same time the most important action.

If a person himself is not able to leave the stuffy room, you need to take it into the air. Most often this is enough to eliminate an exogenous hypertex.

With endogenous (internal) origin we are talking about eliminating the main disease or soften the severity of its symptoms. Some patients prescribe systematic cleaning of the respiratory tract, the discharge and excavation of a viscous bronchial secret.

A good effect gives a patient in a cool room with a humidity level of more than 50%. To improve the ventilation of the lungs, bronchylators are used - a group of drugs capable of relaxing the muscular wall of the bronchi and thereby increase their clearance, as well as respiratory stimulants. Thanks to these measures, the state of the patient is normalized.

In the case of severe poisoning with carbon dioxide, you will not hurt on your own, you will need help with doctors, sometimes emergency. Otherwise, a person can die.

In particularly severe cases, doctors conduct the trachea intubation (the introduction of a special tube for intensive therapy), oxygen therapy (patient breathes a balanced oxygen-nitric mixture), resort to artificial lung ventilation.

Hypercup and respiratory gymnastics

With endogenous hypercupinia, which appears due to internal violations in the work of the body, is contraindicated in respiratory gymnastics or conduct classes in respiratory training equipment.

But despite this, we were important to tell the blog about such a phenomenon and its consequences. After all, we are often talking about the benefits of carbon dioxide, so it would be silent about his dangers just dishonest.

If the doctor has given you a diagnosis of hypercupin or acidosis, in no case begin to occupy in the breathing simulators. This may aggravate the situation.

If you do not have such a diagnosis, and carbon dioxide content is below the norm, then you can purchase a breathing simulator. It does not need to be afraid that you will have a serious endogenous hypercupney.

First, the simulator cannot lead to such a result, it is directed only tohealing the body . Secondly, you can always measure the level of carbon dioxide using a special chamber that comes with a simulator.

Carefully watch your health, listen to all "signals" of your body
And subscribe to our blog to recognize them on time.

When staying for a long time, in a closed room with a large number of people, a person appears nausea, drowsiness and headaches. This suggests that the appearance of hypercaps is possible.

To understand how dangerous it may be such a state, it is necessary to figure out what it is and with what can be connected with.

Description of pathology

Hypercapnia is characterized by an increased level of carbon dioxide in the blood. Initially, such a state is associated with respiratory impairment.

In order to more fully understand the nuances of this disease, it is important not to forget about such a concept as an acid-base state (KS), which is characterized by the production and separation of acid in the human body aimed at maintaining blood pH at a normal level. The permissible value of this indicator is 7.35-7.45.

For its origin, hypercupinia is divided into:

  • Exogenous, its development contributes to the increased level of gaseous carbon dioxide. When a person is in such an environment, CO 2 in its blood is pathologically rising.
  • Endogenous. The provocateurs of its development become various pathologies occurring directly inside the body and accompanied by respiratory failure.

There is a close connection of hypercapinia with hypoxia and respiratory acidosis.

What provokes the development of the disease

Select a number of causes of hypercaps that can be divided into three groups.

In the normal state, the output of carbon dioxide occurs through the lungs by penetrating from the vessels in the alveoli. Due to the disruption of breathing or blood circulation in the body, its delay occurs.

In addition, the increased content of CO 2 in the body can be facilitated by some processes occurring in it:

  • fever;
  • excess nutrition;
  • sepsis;
  • polytrauma;
  • hypertermia of malignant shape.

Also no less influence on the body and the development of hypercaps have such reasons as:

  • breakdown of equipment during the operation when the patient is under anesthesia;
  • inhalation of carbon monoxide, for example, in a fire;
  • finding in poorly ventilated rooms for a long time.

Immersion on a sufficiently large depth also leads to an increase in the level of carbon dioxide in human blood.

Main manifestations, signs

Pathology may have an acute or chronic form.

The first is characterized by such symptoms of hypercapnia as:

  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest;
  • redness of the skin;
  • nausea;
  • rapid pulse;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • confusion of consciousness.

The level of carbon dioxide in the blood will directly affect the severity of symptoms.

With short-term exposure (for several hours) will be observed:

  • apathy;
  • bad concentration of attention;
  • fresh air shortness;
  • feeling of heat;
  • fatigue;
  • eye irritation.

As a result of the regular effects of CO 2, many functions occur during several days or years. Consider how it is manifested.

  1. From the side of the nasopharynx and respiratory system:
    • rhinitis;
    • bouts of dry cough;
    • asthma;
    • allergic reactions;
    • dry mucous membranes.
  2. Impact on sleep:
    • stressed snoring;
    • insomnia;
    • no cheerfulness after awakening.

Clinical manifestations can be:

  • Early. The condition is characterized by the expansion of vessels, redness of the skin and abundant sweating. In the future, the high content of carbon dioxide encourages the body to engage in the mechanisms from the vessels and the heart for compensation. As a result, tachycardia begins to develop, an increase in the heart rate is noted, the tone of the veins increases. Such symptoms informs about the body's attempt to restore blood circulation, which is necessary for saturation of the CNS oxygen. Blood begins to flow to the brain and heart.
  • Late. They show decompensation due to nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. It is expressed by blue skin, overexcitation or inhibited state.

Signs of hypercapnia depending on what degree of gravity has pathology:

The chronic form of hypercaps is characterized by the manifestation of the following signs:

  • dyspnea;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • disturbing rhythm;
  • lack of health;
  • unstable mood;
  • lowering pressure.

It should be noted that with this form of the disease, changes are rarely observed. This is due to the gradual development of pathology, which allows the body to get used to such a state.

How the disease is diagnosed

The following methods are used to diagnose hypercupinia:

  1. Clinical data. First of all, symptoms accompanying such a condition should be estimated: cyanosis, shortness of breath, forced position and other characteristic features.
  2. Laboratory research:
  • aerotonometry - determination of gas in the blood;
  • analysis of the acid-base state.

Only after receiving results, the doctor will be able to put a final diagnosis and appoint true treatment of hypercaps.

Medical events

When detecting pathology, the first thing must be eliminated by the cause that provoked respiratory disorders, which led to a large cluster of carbon dioxide in the body. With an exogenous form of the disease, it is recommended:

  • make the room ventilating;
  • consume a large amount of fluid;
  • be sure to relax after the working day;
  • fresh air.

At the initial stage of development of respiratory failure, the use of folk remedies in the form of herbal decoctions is not excluded.

With a notable deterioration in the state, it is important to immediately appeal for help from specialists who, after inspection and confirmation of the diagnosis, prescribe, if necessary, therapeutic therapy, including:

  • reception of bronchusshiring drugs;
  • oxygen therapy;
  • introduction of fluid through vein;
  • connecting the machine of artificial ventilation of the lungs (the method is used in extreme cases).

In addition, depending on the form of disease, drugs may be appointed:

  • hormonal;
  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating.

To control the attacks, use such a device like a capnographer. It determines the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, exhaled by people.

Possible complications and consequences

Such a disease, as hypercupne, is capable of how to go imperceptibly to humans and cause a number of serious complications. Everything will depend on what kind of gravity has pathology and how correctly therapeutic therapy was chosen.

Respiratory failure is able to provoke many consequences from the fetus or a newborn, if during the pregnancy period the future motley observed respiratory acidosis. The increased maintenance of carbon dioxide in the body negatively affects not the end of the generated nervous system of the fetus.