The highest houses in the world. The highest constructions of the world

Hello, dear readers of the site "I and the world"! Today we present you the highest building in the world and its lower "fellow".

Modern technologies allow you to build. The gigantic height of the buildings fascinates, and someone even scares. So, the top 10 of the highest buildings of the world: built and still under construction, tell me how many floors in a skyscraper and height in meters, where is and what is called.

Opens a list of giants International Commercial Center - 484 m

There is a building in Hong Kong and is a height of 118 floors. Initially, it was planned to build this house 100 m above, but in China, the construction of skyscrapers above the mountains is prohibited, next to which construction is underway. Therefore, the building is below 100 m scheduled. The hotel "5 stars" on the last 17 floors is built and this is the highest hotel in the world.

On the 9th place World Financial Center - 492 m

Shanghai skyscraper Locals call the "opening" for an unusual hole at the very top of the house. Look at the photo - Like a discover for giants. This hole for the project should have been round, but the inhabitants of the city refused, considering the circle symbol of Japan. And the floors here are a little more than a hundred - 101.

8th place - Taipei 101 - 509 m

The height together with the spire reaches half a kilometer. All floors began to work since 2003, which occupy offices and shops. It is famous for the tower with high-speed elevators, on which you can literally take over 40 seconds to the very last 89 fl. In Taiwan, a constant seismic danger, so there is a huge sparkled pendulum in 660 tons (at the top of the building).

7th place - CTF Financial Center - 530 m

Residential space (private apartments), offices, shops and a hotel - all this is included in the building. The house was built in 5 years. At the "Rush Hour" for 111 floors, up to 30,000 people can be at the same time. In underground levels there are stops of public transport. And in Parking you can accommodate up to 1705 cars. At each stage of the building there is an observation deck overlooking the beautiful city.

On the 6th place we see the Freedom Tower - 541 m

Also half a kilometer of height, and even higher - breathtaking and not for people who are afraid of height. Although it is possible to fight perfectly with fear! 104 floors or 1776 feet - Number is not accidental - it was this year that a declaration of independence in the United States was adopted. There is a giant next to the former Destroyed "Gemini" in New York. It is like a symbol that world terrorism can be resolved.

5th placelet's give tower Lotte World Tower - 555m.

Inside this, 123 storey houses in Seoul are offices, shops, rich apartments and hotel rooms. Since the last four floors, you can admire the city and part of the Korean Peninsula. The convex shape of the tower with glass panels is the traditional design of buildings.

On the 4th place Tower Pinan - 600 m

Chinese city Shenzhen. Here is a major international financial center, and Pinan's skyscraper is included in it. It can be called a baby among all the skyscrapers of the world - he is only a year, he was built in mid-2017. His 115 floors occupy shops and business offices.

S place occupies a private royal tower - 601 m

"Queen" snaps among the rich complex in Mecca. Saudi Arabia is a country where Caaba Muslims is built. At the hotel complex can live until hundreds of thousands of pilgrims. On the 120 floor tower there are clock with a diameter of 43 m.

In second place - the Shanghai Tower - 632 m

The Shanghai Tower in 128 floors has a total area of \u200b\u200b380,000 square meters. m. Designed her American architect. Many offices, entertainment and shopping centers, luxury hotel. Many architects of the city were against another heavy skyscraper on the river bank, believing that the Earth could also seek the first floors. But for 3 years nothing is happening. There are places where flowers and trees are planted. The design has a swirling view that allows you to withstand the power of the hurricane wind to 51 m / s.

1st place - Burj Khalifa - 828 m

Burge Califa Leader rating the highest buildings in the world. An unusual structure in the form of stalagmites is built in the UAE. Only one building spire has a height of 180 m. The construction of 163 floors costs about $ 1.5 billion. Inside, there is a hotel, restaurant, apartments, offices and shopping centers. The air inside is constantly flavored by smells created precisely for Burge Califa. At the bottom of the skyscraper is the famous "singing" fountain in Dubai.

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I want to stay on the skyscraper under construction in Russia

In 2018, the construction project of Lakhta-Center in St. Petersburg should be fully commissioned. 462 m height is built on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, where strong winds are frequent, slightly twisted, as in the Shanghai Tower.

In Russia, there is an abandoned building, which could be the first in Yekaterinburg skyscraper in 151 m

The lower floors are now working, and the upper is still not completed. The end of the construction is hampered by all new reasons: then violations in construction, then there is no conclusion of state expertise.

In 2019, a new building will be built in Baku (Azerbaijan), which will exceed 1000 meters in height

The Azerbaijan Tower Tower will be higher than the Kingdom Tower under construction in Saudi Arabia - the highest structure in the world, which is still unfinished. These magnificent giants do not go to any comparison with the built today. In the future, other skyscrapers may appear, but for now you can go and look at those that already have, while the construction of these are completed.

Wooden construction is not abandoned. In Vienna (Austria) will be built 84 meter house by 76% of wood

Firefighters, of course, were very opposed, but the project was still successfully completed.

We told and showed pictures of the most impressive giant buildings in the world. Now, going on a journey, you know where each of these buildings is located, what is the height, features. Over time, the rating of such houses, of course, will change, but while you can go and see with your own eyes. And now we say goodbye to the following ratings. Share the article with friends, and they will be grateful to you!

What is human labor capable of? The answer is simple, but almost all! No wonder people build such huge and inconceivable buildings as skyscrapers. Their inconspicuous amount in a variety of corners of the world, they are beautiful, unusual and spacious, which is very useful for the modern rhythm of life, but today we will talk about the highest of them. So what are the highest buildings in the world?

The highest buildings in the world

10th place: Willis Tower

Willis Tower was built for quite a long time in 1973, by that time it was the highest building in the world, and his height is really impressive 443.2 m. His location - Chicago (USA). If you fold all its total area, then in the amount it will work out 57 fields for football, there is some reason where it is roasted. Also, this building was famous for its participation in such films as: "Divergent" and "Transformers 3: Dark Side of the Moon."

9th place: High-rise building ZiFeng (Nanjing Greenland Financial Center)

This skyscraper is located in the city of Nanjing, PRC. Its height is 450 meters, and the construction of Zifegen was completed in 2009, so it can be considered a relatively young building. In addition to offices, shopping centers and everything else, it has a public observatory. And from the observation deck (287 m) opens an unforgettable view of the entire city of Nanjing.

8th place: Petronas Towers 1, 2

On 8th place the skyscraper accommodating 88 floors - the tower of Petronas. They are in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. Their height is 451.9 meters. For the construction of such a miracle, only 6 years old and the main condition was the fact that all materials used for construction should have been made in Malaysia. And the Prime Minister himself took part in the design of such beauty, it was he who proposed to make the twin towers in the Islamic style.

7th place: International Commercial Center

The skyscraper was built in Hong Kong in 2010. Its height is 484 meters, and the floors in it are 118. So for such a populated city as Hong Kong, this building has become a great place to create jobs. It also has an excellent five-star hotel at an altitude of 425 meters from the ground, which gives him the right to call himself the highest hotel in the world.

6th place: Shanghai World Financial Center

The height of this skyscraper is 492 meters, and the floors in it 101. It is located in Shanghai, PRC. Construction began in 1997, but at that time the crisis had occurred and therefore the construction was delayed and ended only in 2008. The Shanghai World Financial Center can withstand an earthquake of up to 7 points, which is a very important feature for seismic places. This building has records, he won the title of the highest in the world of the observation deck on the 100th floor, and in 2008 he became the best skyscraper of the world.

5th place: Taipei 101

The skyscraper is located in the Republic of China in Taipei. Its height is 509.2 m along with the spire, and has 101 floor. The building was built in the style of postmodernism, but the architects were also perfectly fit here and the ancient Chinese construction styles. The feature of this skyscraper is his elevators, they are the fastest in the world, so you can get in 39 seconds from 5 to 89 floors.

4th place: World Trade Center 1 (Freedom Tower)

The skyscraper is in New York and its construction took 8 years. But now in November 2014, this building struck visitors to their power and spaciousness. Its height is 541.3 meters, the floors 104 and another 5 are underground, and it is performed in the modern style of Hai-tech.

3 place: Abraj Al-Beit (Clock Royal Tower)

This complex of buildings is built in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is rightfully considered the largest building around the world, but here is not the highest, since its height is 601 meters. Floors here 120, on which there are many apartments, both for visitors and permanent residents of Mecca. The peculiarity of this building is the world's largest hours, they can be seen from anywhere in the city, since their dials were installed on four sides of the world, probably in order to always focus on time and not spend it into empty.

2nd place: Shanghai Tower

By the way, the city has a 195 gigapixel panorama, which we told about. Look, quality is really impressive and you can see the smallest details.

1st place: Burj Khalifa (Khalifa Tower)

The highest building in the world is the Khalifa Tower, and not enough, because she broke away not at some couple of meters from its predecessor, but much more. Its height is 828 meters, and it is in Dubai. Number of floors - 163. This tower has quite a few titles and the highest structure in the world, the highest ever existed in the world. Burj Khalifa is the most confiscated building.

If you want to learn more, then go on the link!

It's like a city in the city, with your parks, shops and apartments, probably living in such a tower and there is no special need to go into the city, because there everything is there, well, except for just to resemble on the ground. At the sight, it looks like Stalagmites, which again gives the tower a special uniqueness, it is not worth talking about her beauty, it is not necessary to see it with its own eyes, but after seeing it, it is unlikely to forget.

14/03/2016 20/02/2019 Tanyavu. 2037


The construction consists of nine square pipes forming a large square building at the base. It stands on concrete with a stone mound of piles, driven into a firm breed under it. On 50 floors rise nine welded steel pipes. Then the building begins to narrow. Another seven pipes go to the 66th floor, and five rises to the 90th floor, and only two pipes form the remaining 20 floors. Two television antennas are installed on the roof.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe building is more than 418000 m 2, which is equal to 57 soccer fields. In the speed of 104 high-speed elevators that divide the building into three zones and help people navigate it. The refractory core is covered with black aluminum cladding with more than 16 thousand dark glass windows. Six automatic windows for washing windows clean the whole building eight times a year.


The Mixed Use Tower - Office Rooms are located in the building, the lower floors are equipped with shops, shopping centers and restaurants, there is also a public observatory.

The building is located at Lake Suanu. On the 72nd floor (287 m) there is an observation deck with a panoramic view of Nanjing and the neighboring river Yangtzi, two lakes and Ninzhgen Mountains.


The towers receive visitors only in a certain amount and at a certain time. You can get into the towers on weekdays from 9 to 17 hours. Tickets start starting from 8:30. On Friday - a short-range working day in connection with Friday prayer. A mini-excursion, which includes a short story about the device towers, visiting the observation deck on the 86th floor and the bridge between the towers will cost 80 ringgit. Independent visits to viewing sites is not provided.

There are no central rods and excess places in the towers. When installing elevators in a limited space, a witty principle was used: the elevators were made by two-storey two in each mine: one stops only on the readings, driving odd, the other, respectively, only on odd.

Towers can resist even with a loss of three of the sixteen carrier columns. Additional safety gives an air bridge supplied on giant ballproofs, as the towers swing and the bridge can not be rigible to fasten.


The height was reduced compared to the initial project due to the official ban on the construction of buildings above the surrounding mountains. The first project assumed the construction of a 102-storey building with a height of 574 m. In this case, the skyscraper would exceed the highest building in Hong Kong, International Financial Center II. The tower was designed by the American architectural firm Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) with partnership with Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd.

The upper part of the tower, from 102 to 118 floors inclusive, occupies a five-star hotel, managed by Ritz-Carlton. The hotel is located, at an altitude of 425 m above the surface of the Earth, which makes it the highest hotel in the world.


The construction of the building was actively supported by the Japanese magnate Minor Mori, so the skyscraper informally carries his name. The first stone was laid on August 27, 1997, but due to the financial crisis of 1998, construction was stretched for ten years. The construction process itself took four years, because Active funding began in 2003, another year was required on the internal finishing and installation of communications.

Investors wanted to increase the height of the building on it by the spire to beat the record of the height of Taipei 101 (509.2 m.), However, the architect William Pedersen and the developer Minouro Mori came up against adding a spire to the building, explaining that such a majestic building as SWFC is quite existing sizes. .


The construction of the skyscraper began in 1999. The official discovery took place on November 17, 2003, the building was commissioned on December 31, 2003. The cost of the skyscraper amounted to 1.7 billion dollars.

In this skyscraper there are the fastest elevators in the world, raising at a speed of 60.6 km / h. From the fifth floor until the survey site, 89 minutes can be reached in 39 seconds.

The building made of glass, steel and aluminum support 380 concrete supports, each of which goes to the ground by 80 m. The risk of collapse with a hurricane or earthquake reduces a huge 660-ton chamber pendulum, placed between 87 and 91 floors. According to the developers, the tower will be able to withstand the earthquake of such a force, which is in this area once every 2500 years.

The building is one of the main symbols of modern Taipei and Taiwan. It has 101 above-ground and 5 underground floors. His architectural style in the spirit of postmodernism combines modern traditions and ancient Chinese architecture. Multi-storey shopping complex in the tower contains hundreds of shops, restaurants and clubs.


The building is located in the north-western corner of a plot of 65,000 square meters, which was located destroyed on September 11, 2001, the previous complex of buildings of the World Trade Center, including famous twin towers.

The idea to perform the base of the building from reinforced concrete became the subject of disagreement. Some critics suggested that this is more demonstrating fear than liberty, calling the project of the "Fear Tower". Nikolai Urusov, Architectural critic The New York Times, called the basement of the foundation "ridiculous attempt to hide the paranoia lying on it."


Abraj Al-Bate Towers are the most noticeable buildings in Mecca due to their location. They are opposite (across the street) from the entrance to Al-Haram Mosque, in the yard of which Kaab is located, the main shrine of Islam. The highest tower in the complex, which serves as a hotel is designed to help accommodate accommodation about 100 thousand from more than five million pilgrims, who annually visit Mecca to participate in Hajj.

The top of the highest royal tower has a huge clock with a diameter of 43 meters, located at an altitude of more than 400 meters above the ground. Four of their dial are installed in the four parties of light. The giant hours are visible from anywhere in the city, and are the largest and most high-altitude hours in the world.

The highest of skyscrapers - the hotel "Royal Clock Tower" has a height of 601 meters. Construction ended in 2012.


The Shanghai Tower is an ultrahigh building in the Pudong district of Shanghai in China. The height of the building is 632 meters, the total area is 380 thousand m 2. Next to the skyscraper is the Tower Jin Mao and the Shanghai World Financial Center.

February 12, 2014 On the channel "On the roofs", YouTube video hosting was laid out a video in which two Russian-speaking young people make their way to the construction site of the Shanghai Tower, and then climb on the roof of the tower and an arrow of the construction crane on it, conquering a mark of 650 meters. The video was laid out on the canal themselves by extremes: Vitalya Raskalov and Vadim Makhorov. For two years, the video gained more than 55 million views and caused an excitement in the media.


Burj Khalifa - skyscraper 828 meters high in Dubai, the highest construction in the world. The form of the building resembles stalagmites.

Dubai Tower was designed as a "city in the city" - with its own lawns, boulevards and parks. The total cost of the construction is about $ 1.5 billion. Inside the complex posted hotel, apartments, offices and shopping centers. The building has 3 separate entrances: the entrance to the hotel, the entrance to the apartment and the entrance to office space. Air inside the building is not only cooled, but also flavored thanks to special membranes. This fragrance was created specifically for Burj Khalifa. Fragrant and fresh air is served through special lattices in the floor.

The building has 57 elevators. In this case, only the service elevator rises from the first floor to the last. Lives and visitors of the skyscraper will have to move between floors with transfers. Elevators installed in a skyscraper develop speed up to 10 m / s.

At the foot of the skyscraper in the artificial lake with an area of \u200b\u200b12 hectares is the musical fountain of Dubai. The fountain illuminate 6,600 light sources and 50 color spotlights. The length of the fountain is 275 m, and the height of the jets reaches 150 meters. The fountain has musical accompaniment from modern Arab and world musical works.

During the construction of the Burj Khalip Tower, only one death associated with construction was reported. However, injuries and deaths in the workplace in the UAE "poorly documented".

A person is peculiar to the spirit of rivalry, what to talk about states, every strive to distinguish between culture, art and architecture. Year after year, as if the guards are gigid, in different parts of the world, skyscrapers are growing, striking with their sizes and beauty. Here are just a dozen of the highest and famous skyscrapers of the world.

1. Burj Khalifa Tower

It is possible without exaggeration to say that this is the highest building in all of Asia and all over the world as a whole. It is located in Dubai (UAE). Its molds are associated with stalagmites facing up. If you carefully look, it really seems to be further, such a form gives a greater stability design. A huge structure has grown 828 meters above the city and includes 163 floors, it originally had a "claim" on uniqueness. The tower is called "the city in the city" and there is a share of justice. On huge areas and numerous floors there is a hotel, its design was developed by Armani, rich apartments, offices, restaurants, boutiques, pools and fitness centers, etc. The favorite tourist destination is located on the 124th floor, the observation deck, with which the unique view of the city in the desert is opening before the eyes, by the way, you will deliver an elevator that develops speed up to 10 m / s.

2. Warsaw Radomach

This mast is in Poland. Its height reaches 647 meters. Before it collapsed, she was in the first place in height in the world. When Radomach fell, the Poles appeared a comic statement, they began to call it the longest structure in the world. Warsaw Radomache - only one such a half-life antenna for feeding and producing long waves, which ever existed. Even postage stamps with the image of this radio. When the Polish government decided to restore such a major structure, the locals began to resent. It was commented by the fact that the radiation of the Warsaw Tower is harmful to health.

3. Heavenly Tokyo Tree

This television tower has another name - Tokyo Skytree. It is located in one of the Tokyo regions and is considered a very high television in the world. If it is considered to be height together with an antenna, then it is 634 m. The Japanese didn't just choose such a figure for the height of the television tower. They wanted the name of the numbers to coincide with the title of the historical region, where modern Tokyo is located. From this tower received the second name "Musasi". If we translate, then "MU" is a number 6, "CA" - 3, "SI" - 4. There is one architectural feature in this tower. During construction, they created a special system, which should control the force of the jokes under the ground in time of the earthquake. So argued by Japanese architects. The tower is mainly used for digital television and broadcasting, mobile telephony and navigation systems. In addition, this tower is attended annually many tourists.

4. Shanghai Tower

Although she is now at the construction stage (interior decoration), and already won the honorable second place in the world of skyscrapers, shot at the sky at 632 meters.

This broadcasting is posted in Blanshire and reaches a height of 629 meters. There was a period when this construction was considered the highest in the entire history of mankind. The tower can transmit and receive a signal throughout Europe and North Africa. Radomach was held with fifteen dehages that were attached at various levels.

6. Towers Abraj Al-Byte

"Abraj Al-Bate" is a complex structure that consists of seven towers, their height ranges within 240-601 meters. There is a complex in Mecca (Saudi Arabia), directly opposite the main mosque. The clock on the royal tower is visible at a distance of 25 kilometers. Inside, it is filled with numerous shops, a hotel and apartments.

Tenerbashne was built on a height of 600 m. It received its name because of the city in which there is Guangzhou. The tower transmits television and radio signals. There is a separate place on the television, where 10 thousand tourists are placed. Here with a high building they can enjoy the beauty of Guangzhou. At the height of different levels there are overview platforms, glazed and open. At an altitude of 420 meters there is a rotating restaurant.

8. Si En Tower

The upper part of this high structure is also a television branch, the height of which is 53 m. The building is in Toronto. Since 1975, almost thirty years, Si-En Tower was the highest building around the world. Today, many no less high structures have already appeared. In this building there is an elevator that brings you to the right floor, it moves at a speed of 22 km / h. Thanks to such a speed, you will fall on the playground for the pailed seconds or the restaurant on the top of the tower. There are 78 cases of such cases. STI Tower is able to withstand even a strong wind-hurricane, which reaches a speed of 420 km / h. This structure is two times higher than the Eiffel Tower. On the observation platform, architects-designers made a glass floor. It is quite dense and can withstand 24 hypopotamus. Since 2011, the EDGE WALK attraction was invented in the tower: a walk (with insurance) around the sighting site at an altitude of 356 m.

9. World Trade Center-1

Another name of this building. Freedom Tower (New York). It is built on the site of the tragedy 11.09.11 and is the main in the complex of the newly rebuilt World Trade Center. Interior premises are given to the offices. The height of the building is 541 meters.

10. Ostankinskaya Tower

The height of the huge tower is 540 m. Located Ostankino in Moscow. This building is considered to be the highest in all of Europe. It can be called a full member of the International Federation of Great Towers. I built this tower Nikolai Nikitin, creating a project in just a day. If you include your imagination, then "Ostankino" looks like a flower Lily, only in an inverted world. Telebashin transmitters transmit signals for huge distances, or large areas with a population of over 15 million people.

The highest buildings in the world are the result of engineering achievements in the field of construction. Thanks to the development of technologies around the world, skyscrapers that are striking their heights appear.

Graph of the highest constructions of the world (Timsdad /

For many years, humanity pulled up into the sky. Even in the Bible there is a plot about the construction of the Babylonian Tower. The city of skyscrapers was destined to become not only New York. In many cities of Asia, one after another rose skyscrapers of the most interesting forms that replenished the list of the highest buildings. The list is presented below.

Kingkey 100 is located in Shenzhena. In the central part of the financial district in Guangdong Province. He stands in a tenth place in the list of the highest buildings. Its height is approximately 442 meters. It stands in the fourth place in height in all the ways.

As you can guess from the name, the skyscraper has 100 floors. This building is multifunctional. The first 67 of its floors belong to the offices. Above the shopping complexes and hotel are located. The most upper four floors occupy elite restaurants and a garden that bears the name "Heavenly".

Kingkey 100 (11 × 16 Design Studio /

9th place. Bashnya Willis (Willis Tower) - 443 meters, USA

Willis Tower is one of Chicago attractions. This is a city in which, as in New York, began to once build skyscrapers. And here the skyscraper was erected, which is in the ninth place in the list.

Observation platform Tower Willis (Dustin Gaffke /

The building was built in 1973, and as many as 25 years, it was the highest building of the world. How many floors did it have? Here 110 floors, and offices occupy a very considerable area - 418 thousand square meters.

It is in second place in height among skyscrapers in the United States of America. From such a height, you can see the entire state of Illinois. Neighboring states can be seen from the observation deck. Equipped place where a magnificent review opens, named Skinka. In general, the tower is very popular among visitors, so it is visited by about 25 thousand people a day.

Tower Willis (Dustin Gaffke /

8th place. Zipheng Tower - 450 meters, China

Located in Nanjing in the Financial Center Nanjing Greenland. This is one of the high-rise buildings of the new millennium - it was built in 2008. It is included in the list of the highest buildings in the world.

With its extraordinary view, the Tower is obliged to architect Adrian Smith. The tower seems to surround two interrelated elements, which symbolizes two dancing dragons.

It is in third place in height in China. Many windows glitters in the sun and something resembles the scales of giant reptiles. The building contains many offices, an intercontinental hotel, shops and observatory. On the roof there is a garden with a swimming pool.

Since the top of the building is equipped with lighting, the skyscraper looks at night as a lighthouse, and it can be used as a guide in a dark city.

From different sides, this structure looks every time in a new way, this feature is obliged to its unique design.

7th place. Twin Towers Petronas - 452 meters, Malaysia

These sparkling towers are located in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. They look like two giant maize corn connected by the bridge.

Towers Petronas (Davidlohr Bueso /

They are considered a real masterpiece of modern architecture. And they enter our list of buildings. On the plan of the whole complex you can see that the buildings have the appearance of the eight-pointed star. One of the symbols of the Muslim world.

Two identical skyscrapers are connected by a pedestrian span. In each tower on 88 floors. It took 6 years and 800 million dollars to build this structure. On the square of all its premises would fit 48 fields for football.

As in other similar buildings, there are offices of various companies. At the very bottom there is a huge shopping center occupying six floors. It has a lot of elite stores.

On the territory around the towers there is an extensive park with a swimming pool and a fountain, where you can see a unique spectacle - singing fountains. For some time, these towers were lucky to be the highest skyscrapers on the planet.

Petronas Towers - 452 meters, Malaysia (Simon Clancy /

6th place. International Commercial Center (ICC, China) - 484 meters, China

Building with 118 floors. The third building in China is located in the Autonomous District of the People's Republic of China.

It rises over 4 thousand other high-altitude buildings in Hong Kong. Year of construction - 2010.

It is located in the West of Hong Kong in the Kowloon area on Unity Square. Originally conceived as a building with even greater height. But due to the ban on the construction of buildings in excess of the surrounding mountains, it has reduced it.

At the very bottom there is a shopping center. For tourists, an observation deck is open, which is located on the 100th floor.

Above there are elite five-star restaurants and a hotel, including the presidential number on the 117th floor. One day of stay in it costs 100 thousand Hong Kong dollars. Get on the last floors, or you can descend with the help of 30 working elevators.

The building of the World Financial Center is located in one of the major cities of the PRC - in Shanghai. This is the highest building in China.

Its fantastic species is obliged to architector from America - David Mallot. The skyscraper is popular and the local population got the nickname - "Opener".

Why he had occurring such a name, you can guess in appearance. The tourists come here are popular a souvenir - a drink opener in the form of this famous skyscraper.

On the hundredth floor you can see the city from the mark - 472 m. The hotel that is located on the upper floors, for some time was the highest hotel of the world.

The shape of the hole on the top of the building initially must be round, but the authorities decided that it symbolizes the country of the rising sun, so the window began to have a trapezoidal form.

4th place. Taipei 101 - 509 meters, Taiwan

Located in Taiwan's capital - Taipei. It has 101 floor. The design and construction work is spent more than one and a half billion dollars.

Construction was quite expensive. It was required to build a skyscraper, which was supposed to withstand the strongest earthquakes and typhoon. The appearance was also given sufficient attention. It is built in the style of postmodernism and has various elements of Asian culture and European innovations.

Taipei 101 - 509 meters, Taiwan (中 岑 范姜 /

3rd place. World Trade Center 1 - 541 meters, USA

It is located in the New York area, Manhattan. This is the highest skyscraper of the United States. Along with the antenna, the height of the structure is 541 meters, and without antenna - 417 meters. By doing simple calculations, it can be found out how many meters add a spire building. Its length is 124 meters.

The building was built just at the place where they were located until 2001 who died during the catastrophe of the twin tower. The new skyscraper is called the Freedom Tower. This building is the first of the complex of skyscrapers, which was supposed to become a reminder of the tragedy on September 11.

The memorial was opened in 2011 the current and previous presidents of the United States. For sure where there were two large pools for the foundations of two towers. Construction work began in 2006, and their end was planned for 2013. At the time of construction, the freedom tower was the highest skyscraper in the United States.

Freedom Tower, New York (Phil Dolby /

2nd place. Abraj Al Bate - 601 meters, Kuwait

This is a high tower with a huge clock than Big Ben looks in London. Time for them can also be viewed from four sides. Dial diameter - 43 meters. The height of them is 400 meters. These are the biggest and most highest hours in the world.

The spire, long 45 meters, connects the clock on the tower and the golden crescent - a religious symbol. The construction is located in Mecca. This is the highest building of Kuwait. Located on the other side of the Al-Haram Mosque, where the Great Islamic Shrine is located.

The building is located in the building, which is called the Royal Clock Tower. Pilgrims visiting Mecca stop here. Construction work on the construction of this tower ended in 2012.

1st place. Burj Khalifa - 828 meters, United Arab Emirates

Many are interested, what kind of building is the highest and how many floors in it? This is Burj Khalifa in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. This is the highest building in the world.

Burj Khalifa - 828 meters, United Arab Emirates (Mohammed J /

It is much ahead of the height of all skyscrapers and structures of the planet. The highest skyscraper outwardly resembles a giant mirror stalagmit.

Another name is Burj Dubai. The building is erected in early 2010. It has 163 floors. The floors of this facility are almost completely residential.

There is a hotel, various offices and a shopping center. Equipped for visitors observation deck. And also there is an underground parking that accommodates 3 thousand cars.