Dream Interpretation dreamed of an elevator. Ride the elevator in a dream. Dream Interpretation: riding in an elevator, scary elevator. Dream interpretation

An elevator is one of the most ordinary and material things in our lives. We encounter it in reality almost every day. Coming in a dream, this image most often symbolizes the career, work sphere. It indicates the fate of your new endeavors and projects, and provides information about the activity of your rivals and enemies.

The elevator can also mean the dreamer himself, his condition inner world. Does the cabin move up or down? Or maybe she stopped altogether? We will find out in the article what mood of your soul characterizes and what future these falls, rises and stops predict for you.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to A. Menegeti’s dream book

In order for the elevator to start moving, we do not need to make a huge effort: we just need to press the button. Therefore, an elevator going up represents your desire to make global changes in your life, without doing anything, but waiting for the help of external circumstances, hoping for a miracle. Start taking responsibility for your life, take the initiative - and you will no longer have to see an elevator cabin in your night dreams.

If the elevator moves down in a dream, it means that in life you feel the loss of something important, your self-esteem is hurt. Accordingly, you dream of a stuck elevator when in reality you have reached a dead end, found yourself in hopeless situation.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to G. Miller’s dream book

This dream book interprets a dream in which you are going up an elevator as a harbinger of the fact that unprecedented wealth will soon fall on you, you will take steps up the steps of the social ladder. Moreover, this will happen not even thanks to your hard work, but due to the will of circumstances. In other words, luck will smile on you.

Going down the elevator, on the contrary, means that problems and failures will soon await you, which, again, arose unexpectedly from the outside, and not as a result of your mistake.

If in a dream you got out of an elevator, which then immediately went down, then in reality you will hardly be able to avoid trouble.

But a stopped elevator, which you are inside, predicts danger awaiting you from where you do not expect it.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The authors believe that the elevator personifies your life situation and your willingness to change it. So try to remember exactly what the cabin looked like from the inside. Was it modern, clean and silent, or did you wince in your sleep? unpleasant odor and a heartbreaking creak? Did the cabin rock or ride smoothly? Draw parallels with what is happening in your life now.

The direction the elevator moves will tell you what awaits you. In a dream, going up an elevator means in reality achieving success in your business without much stress. At the same time, the higher you rise, the more chances you have to achieve your plans. Descent means that calm times await you, when you can relax and unwind a little - major troubles are on your way. life path will not arise.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to S. Freud’s dream book

To a famous psychiatrist, the diverging elevator doors reminded, oddly enough, of a woman’s genitals. If a representative of the fair half of humanity has such a dream, then she clearly has a partner whose relationship she wants to keep secret. A broken elevator symbolizes the fear that you will be found out. You are worried about a premonition of an event that will not allow you to continue to hide this connection.

If you press the button for the elevator and it doesn't come, your relationship is in danger of breaking down.

The interpretation of this dream for men is completely different: the elevator portends a stormy sex life, full of novelty and originality.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to the Eastern Dream Book

A rapid ascent in an elevator, ending with a flight to the roof, in a dream predicts new friends and a change in social circle. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life forever, who will become very dear and close to you. If you dream that you are stuck in an elevator, then in life you will have to face problems that only you can solve.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to Tsvetkov, a very fast rise in an elevator in a dream foreshadows an equally rapid development of events in life, suddenness and surprise. You will be caught up and swirled around by the current of many things and concerns, both pleasant and not so pleasant. All you have to do is relax and follow where the current takes you. But a rapid descent is interpreted as the presence of an obstacle slowing down the development of affairs. If you dream that an elevator car takes you to the top floor, it is a sign that in reality you will have to lie and cheat in order to protect your loved one and protect him.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to the dream book of Simeon Prozorov

If in your dreams you see not the vehicle itself, but an elevator shaft, you should be careful and not take hasty steps. You are likely to face troubles that your enemies had a hand in causing. But don’t be alarmed: by carefully thinking through your every action, you will be able to cope with the situation.

You can predict the outcome of the situation if you remember exactly with what feelings you looked into the elevator shaft. The anxious mood that took possession of you at that moment suggests that the solution to the problem depends on whether you perform some action that is usually not typical for you. If, when you look into the dark interior of the mine, you are overcome by calm, then in reality everything will end well, and it won’t even require any special efforts on your part. Dreamers who feel curiosity at the sight of this image are not afraid in life, but even thirst for change, they are drawn to experiments.

Falling down an elevator shaft is a sign that in reality you are being sucked into a routine, you are dreaming of breaking out of vicious circle household chores that seem to have no end. Find the strength and courage to resist this exhausting monotony, take the path of spirituality and creative development.

If in a dream you managed to cling to the edge of a mine, but you cannot get out of it, a period of stagnation and boredom is coming in life, which will help you survive with determination and a desire to change something.

Do you hear a cat meowing from the mine or even the furry body of a purr? Such a dream carries an alarming message - your enemies are more ready than ever to confront you. They are preparing a strike from behind, intending to take advantage of the effect of surprise. Keep your eyes open, think through your every step and you will be able to protect yourself.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to the Esoteric Dream Book

The elevator is a symbol of your inner world; the direction of its movement explains in which direction your spirit is developing and whether it is developing at all. So, rising means that you are doing everything right, skillfully maintaining a balance between the material world and the spiritual. You do not stand still, you are constantly growing morally and creatively.

The horizontal movement of the elevator in your dream, on the contrary, states that you have chosen the wrong road and are about to get bogged down in problems and troubles. You devote invaluable time of your life to caring for earthly goods, fleeting material things. You have completely forgotten that a person’s spiritual needs are no less important than physical ones. Pay more attention to what no amount of money can buy, do something you haven’t done since childhood.

If you dream that an elevator is falling into a shaft, then a huge failure awaits you. To avoid it, you will have to completely change your life and moral guidelines.

It is also worth paying attention to the presence or absence of persons accompanying you. If you are riding in an elevator alone, then in life you should not allow strangers to interfere in your affairs. Go your own way and don’t look back at the opinions of others. If you have one or more people with you, now you should work as a team. Don't be afraid to accept help from others, especially those who are truly professional.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to the dream book of the gypsy Seraphim

IN this dream book the situation is deciphered when the elevator in a dream goes up and down, as if it cannot decide on the direction of movement. Likewise, the person who sees this dream is not able to decide which path to choose. He is a restless soul, endlessly searching and not finding, striving for something unknown. But it’s not without reason that the subconscious sends you signals that come into your dreams in the form of an elevator. Perhaps you should come down to earth and finally decide on the direction of your activities.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which we dreamed of Climbing to the Floor

Elevator - A device that provides directional movement up and down. However, this movement is mechanical, in which the person does not make any personal effort. The upward movement is associated with a person’s hidden desire to change his life situation, to increase his luck, but at the expense of something external. Downward movement indicates a feeling of loss social status, difficulties. If a person gets stuck in an elevator, this is a symbol of life in stagnation, a feeling of a hopeless situation from which he cannot get out on his own (see cage).

Dream book for the whole family / E. Danilova

Why do you dream about an elevator?

Elevator – emotional ups and downs. Taking the elevator means confidence in success; going down means heavy feelings; failure; a stopped elevator means business is stagnant.

The meaning of a dream about an elevator cabin (Jewish dream book)

Elevator - Going up in an elevator means good luck. Going down in an elevator means losses and bad luck. Get stuck in an elevator between floors. For a woman, a dream on Monday night means that there will be an unexpected delay in the fulfillment of your desire; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - this dream means that minor troubles await you; seen on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that you will face a difficult choice on which a lot depends. For a man - A dream that occurred on Monday night says that it is better to wait a little and not take anything in the coming days important decisions; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it warns that you risk being drawn into the struggle of someone else’s interests; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it says that the coming days are an unfavorable time for you.

Why see the elevator? (according to the Magic Dream Book)

I dreamed about an Elevator - going up means good luck, going down means missing the right time, getting stuck in an elevator means you should be careful.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet Lift in a dream

Elevator – Rapid career growth. Imagine taking an elevator to the top floor of a huge skyscraper.

Big modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Elevator

Elevator - It’s as if you are going up an elevator - the dream guarantees you a good fate; your career will be rapid, dizzying; you can handle any task assigned to you. You go down in an elevator - so in life you gradually go down; look for the reason for your failures in yourself - in your passions, in your vices; you can come to terms with your conscience too easily. It’s as if you stepped out of an elevator and it went down - the dream suggests that you will happily avoid some kind of danger. You see that the elevator car has stopped; or you see an elevator shaft - be on your guard: you are in danger.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if you dream about an elevator?

Elevator - to rapid career growth. Imagine a huge skyscraper. You approach it, go inside, and a large, elegant, brightly lit elevator opens its doors in front of you. You walk in and press the button for the top floor. The elevator rises very smoothly and silently. You go out to top floor and you find yourself at a huge window through which. A beautiful panorama of the city spread out below is visible. You admire this picture and are glad that you achieved what you wanted.

Erickson's Dream Book

If you see an elevator, what is it for?

Elevator – Elevator usually refers to how we handle information. For example, an elevator going down implies a descent to the unconscious, while an elevator going up suggests a movement towards the spiritual peak. It is believed that during sleep we leave our bodies. Therefore, if we go down the Elevator and get stuck, it means that the spiritual is captured physical body. Rooms in dreams can represent different parts of our personality or levels of understanding, but are often associated with the womb or maternal image. This way, the kitchen will be part of creating coziness, while the living room will have a relaxing character, the comfortable side of yourself. A small closet with a single door or a basement with water is a direct connection with the womb, and can mean a return to the embryonic state. A number of Rooms are associated with various aspects of femininity, perfume. The meaning of basement or foundation is as basement can represent those parts of us that we are diligently trying to suppress. It also signifies the habits and customs of the family, especially if the foundation belongs to the parents. Moving from one room to another means a change of state and leaving something behind. Empty rooms – there is no comfort or support in our lives.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing an Elevator in a dream, what does it mean?

If you dreamed of an elevator at night, remember exactly what and how happened in your dream, whether you were going up or down. If you dreamed of a bodice that goes up, this predicts good luck in business, but if it went down, on the contrary, the dream foreshadows problems. A stopped elevator is a sign of an uncertain situation, and a stuck elevator warns of some kind of danger that threatens you. The meaning of the dream is enhanced if you yourself were in the elevator.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about an elevator?

When a woman dreams that she is going up in an elevator, the dream carries positive character, he says that you will be able to significantly improve your financial situation. It is possible that you will occupy some higher position at work - an elevator rising to the top often symbolizes career advancement. Accordingly, if you dreamed that you were going down an elevator, this means failures and problems in business. Seeing how the elevator from which you just exited began to go down is a prediction that some kind of trouble threatens you, but you will be able to miraculously avoid it. But getting stuck in an elevator between floors, staying in a stopped elevator is a sign of danger approaching you.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about an elevator

Elevator - Seeing elevator doors opening and closing in a dream - for men, this dream foreshadows a pleasant pastime with one or more representatives of the fair sex, prone to various sexual experiments. Riding in an elevator means you will experience incomparable sensations thanks to your acquaintance with unconventional methods of love (in particular oral sex).

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does Elevator mean in a dream?

The meaning of the dream in which you saw an elevator depends entirely on what exactly happened in it. Riding in an upward elevator is good sign, you will experience career advancement, improved well-being, and successful completion of the business you are involved in. To see that the elevator is going down, on the contrary, a dream predicts all sorts of failures and problems in business. If you dream that the elevator is moving quickly - this means an unexpected turn of events; if you dreamed of a slow elevator - expect obstacles and delays on your way. Operating the elevator yourself means profitable business, money matters, and financial success. If you have seen a freight elevator - a lift - you need to be careful. Otherwise, you may fall down.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Elevator in a dream?

If you had a dream in which you saw an elevator from the outside, the dream warns the dreamer to be careful. Riding in an elevator yourself in a dream: going up is very good, good luck and success await you, if you are interested in a career, then a promotion is likely. When the elevator you were in moved downwards, this predicts various failures for you. You suddenly got stuck in an elevator, this is a warning about the danger that threatens you in reality.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about an elevator in a dream?

Elevator - To dream that you are going up in an elevator is a prediction of rapid advancement to wealth and fame; if you go down, failures can destroy your life. If the elevator went down without you, in reality you will hardly avoid disappointment in some matter. Seeing a stopped elevator means impending danger; getting stuck in an elevator means that a misfortune will soon happen to you.

The meaning of the dream about the Lifter (dream book of Yogis)

Even if you can move up the stairs very quickly, the elevator will still take you up faster. Therefore, an elevator is the best thing you could dream of in terms of moving between floor levels. If you saw yourself going up the elevator, it means that you will very soon be able to rise to the next level in your life. spiritual development, but it is, not even one. You just need to go into the elevator and press the desired button. This is how the dream you saw last night is interpreted.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Elevators from your dream

An elevator in a dream has the same meaning as a staircase, only it requires significantly less effort to move, or rather, it does not require any at all. When a sleeper sees that he is going up in an elevator, this predicts a general rise for him vitality, energy, improved health. Often, if you dream that you are going up an elevator, the dream is a promise that you will climb the social ladder, move to a new level in a relationship, or get a promotion. In any case, this is good sign. But going down an elevator in a dream has exactly the opposite meaning. If the elevator has stopped or gotten stuck, it means that you need to wait for a certain period and not rush things.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about an Elevator, what does it mean?

According to the dream book, if you see an elevator, it indicates your desire to rise in life and change your status. In general, its meaning is very similar to what the stairs symbolize, with the only difference being that the elevator communicates that you are not making enough effort to grow. Therefore, if you are riding an elevator up in a dream, this predicts success for you, but not as quickly as you would like. You are going down the elevator, is negative and warns of a decline in business and that you may be thrown far back. If you dream that you are stuck in an elevator, your situation is uncertain at this stage of life. Seeing an old, creaky, collapsing elevator in a dream means be careful in reality, you are in some kind of danger.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Elevator in a dream?

In order to correctly understand the meaning of the dream in which you saw the elevator, try to remember in more detail what exactly happened in it. If you dreamed that you were going up an elevator, this is a good sign that predicts that you will be able to quickly achieve a high position and significantly improve your well-being. Perhaps you will gain wealth. But going down an elevator in a dream is not good. The dream means that failures await you, which can discourage and crush you. If you dream that the elevator you just got out of has gone down, you can consider yourself lucky because you will be able to miraculously avoid trouble in some matter. Seeing that you are stuck in an elevator; a stopped elevator warns of danger that threatens you.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of an Elevator

Elevator - You are stuck in an elevator - means that in reality you need to be afraid of deception and deception. The risk of being deceived is especially high in the first three days after sleep. Most likely we are talking about the purchase of some low-quality product - nothing more. Save your money! Going down the elevator at high speed - in reality, you will soon be lucky enough to meet a person the likes of whom you have never met before. He will literally change all your ideas about life, so you will greatly value your friendship. Rising in an elevator in a dream means that in reality, for some reason, you will have to hide the truth from others. Although many will not understand the meaning of your behavior, in fact you are going to deceive yourself so as not to harm to a loved one. However, the game is worth the trouble: the one for whose sake you will suffer and lose some of your authority in the eyes of the public will appreciate your action.

Esoteric dream book

Elevator in night dreams

Elevator - A very important image showing your spiritual state. There is an upward climb (see also floor). Down decline or return to reporting point. To the side of the horizontal path, everyday worries prevail over spiritual development and do not allow you to rise. The accompanying people or objects, the situation in the elevator shows the situation on the spiritual path, whether you should study in a group or whether you need to move on your own, whether additional classes are needed. It breaks off, collapses, a spiritual fall is possible. There is a stop along the way.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about an elevator in a dream?

Riding in a rising elevator in a dream is a good sign; promotion in your career, improved well-being, and successful completion of the business you are doing await you. To see that the elevator is going down, on the contrary, a dream predicts all sorts of failures and problems in business. If you dream that the elevator is moving quickly - this means an unexpected turn of events; if you dreamed of a slow elevator - expect obstacles and delays on your way. Operating the elevator yourself means profitable business, money matters, and financial success. If you have seen a freight elevator - a lift - you need to be careful. Otherwise, you may fall down.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Elevator as an image in a dream

If you dreamed that you were going up an elevator, this is a good sign that predicts that you will be able to quickly achieve a high position and significantly improve your well-being. But going down an elevator in a dream has the exact opposite meaning. If you dream that the elevator is moving quickly - this means an unexpected turn of events; if you dreamed of a slow elevator - expect obstacles and delays on your way. Operating the elevator yourself means profitable business, money matters, and financial success. If you have seen a freight elevator - a lift - you need to be careful. Otherwise, you may fall down.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with a Lift, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why dream of going up in a high-speed elevator and feeling how everything is shrinking inside - you will quickly make a career for yourself, but your health will stop your path to the top.

In the summer, why did you dream that you were stuck in an elevator and there was no hope that you would be freed soon, but you were already suffocating - problems with the respiratory tract would arise.

In the fall, why did you dream of seeing yourself going up in an elevator - good luck. Going down in an elevator means worsening circumstances.

In winter, why dream about an elevator breaking off and flying down means protracted troubles.

An elevator is a very useful invention and an indispensable attribute of modern multi-story buildings. In dreams, such a symbol appears often and therefore many are interested in why a lifting device is dreamed of. Most often, the elevator is associated with business events. But there are other interpretations, depending on the plot line of the dream.

It is not difficult to interpret dreams in which an elevator appears. But to understand why he dreamed, you need to remember the smallest nuances of your night dreams. Very often, such dreams simply repeat all the usual actions that a person performs when using an elevator. But there are also plots that are reminiscent of science fiction films, so they have a different meaning.

Why do you dream about a dirty elevator?

First of all, for correct interpretation dreams with an elevator need to remember it appearance. If it turns out to be dirty and spit-stained, then such a dream is a warning. He points out that in real life you may take on the wrong business or choose the wrong path.

Fairytale elevator - interpretation of sleep

If you dream of a fairy-tale elevator that is very bright and colorful, and you control it with magic, then this is a wonderful dream. Why do you have a wonderful dream? It indicates the well-being of your life. For you in reality, as if on cue magic wand, a fabulous period has come when all your endeavors will be successful. Your new ideas, which you bring to life, will bring you recognition and profit. You will be able to realize your maximum potential if you take action and are confident in your abilities.

Broken elevator

A broken elevator that does not work, seen in a dream, indicates that something has gone wrong in life. Most likely, your plans in reality will not come true. But you should not despair, you should modify them, because improvisation often gives good results.

Empty elevator - dream book

When you dream of an empty elevator, it could mean that:
    you will be able to achieve success in your undertakings with ease; all your efforts will not bring the desired result and satisfaction.

But if you dreamed of an elevator with a lot of people, then in order to get closer to the real goal, you will have to work a lot.

Why do you dream about waiting for an elevator?

If you dream that you are waiting for an elevator while standing at the entrance, then this indicates that your actions in real life are not enough to become successful person. It's time to be active in life. If you dream that you called an elevator, and it instantly opened the doors for you, then this represents the fact that in the near future you will have to do a new business that is very interesting to you. It will require a lot of time and effort, but the results will be worth it.

Going up or down in an elevator

If you dream that you are going up or down in an elevator, but at the same time you feel terrible discomfort, then this indicates that in real life, at a certain stage, you have completed all the tasks you have set for yourself and you need to move forward. In reality, a period has come that is very favorable for changes in business sphere. Also, such a dream may indicate that your family or colleagues are a limiting factor for you. If you get rid of external pressure, you will be able to reach new heights.

Getting stuck in an elevator - the meaning of the dream

It’s not very good if, according to the plot of the dream, you are stuck in an elevator. Such a dream has a direct interpretation, that is, it indicates that you are very long time doing the same thing and not being able to move forward. You need to start expressing yourself more actively and an opportunity for career growth will definitely appear in life. But if you are stuck in a dream in an elevator with other people, then this indicates that the relationship with a certain person or other people has reached a dead end. You need to make an urgent decision to start a new life. Don't auspicious symbol is a dream in which you are stuck in an elevator alone. This promises deception or a thoughtless purchase. In addition, such a dream may indicate that you will not do anything in life important choice and are in limbo. After such a dream, it is recommended to think through each step in advance. During this period of life, you need to rely only on yourself to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Elevator movement

The movements of the elevator in different directions, which you noted in your night dreams, can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, the question of why such a dream is of interest to many. And so, the interpretations are as follows:
    a rapid upward movement foreshadows the dreamer's grandiose success in reality; a slow upward movement of an elevator symbolizes your prudence and prudence in making decisions; an elevator going down indicates your passivity, and if you do not change your behavior, then such an attitude towards life will lead to degradation.
An elevator falling down as a result of a breakdown foreshadows in reality a long streak of bad luck, which, if you are not prepared for it, can lead to depression and nervous breakdowns. When deciphering dreams with an elevator, you should remember that this symbol represents a person’s desire to become successful in life. It is from this perspective that the interpretation of dream books should be applied in relation to events in real life.

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

lifting - caution; going up - good, achievements; down - failures; slowly - fast, unexpected progress of affairs; very quickly - obstacles or slowness in business; you manage it yourself - money success, money matters; cargo - beware of other people's help.

I dreamed about an elevator

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are taking an elevator means that you will quickly rise to a high position and become rich. But if you take the elevator down, you will be overwhelmed and discouraged by failure. If you see the elevator you just exited descending, you will barely avoid trouble in some matter. Seeing a stopped elevator predicts imminent danger.

Why do you dream of climbing?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

difficult cases; if you climb to the top - success.

Why do you dream of climbing?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

up - good luck, to success; down - failures; on a rock - hostility, obstacles in business; on a tree - personal troubles.

Expert answers


I dreamed about the elevator all night. I went up and down in it. There was no way I could get to the floor I needed. There were people in the elevator, but there was no button with the 32nd floor I needed, and I didn’t dare ask how to get there. What does it mean? (Mylnikova, Dina)

The dream means that in reality you cannot cope withsome problem and are rushing between opposing solutions, but don’t dare ask for help.


In the dream, I was rising in a cramped elevator cabin with some wires tangled and broken in places very high up. The elevator wall moved apart during the ascent. When I arrived, I was very dizzy, I left in a fog. What does this mean? (Maria, Maria)

The dream means that in reality you will experience an unexpected rapid rise in your career or success in some serious business, and you subconsciously experience anxiety from the fear of not being able to cope.

Symbolizes the desire to rise in life, improve your status.

But unlike the stairs, the elevator tells you that you're not putting in enough effort to grow.

Riding the elevator up means there will be success, but not soon.

Going down means a decline in business.

Getting stuck in an elevator means an uncertain situation.

Dilapidated, falling apart elevator - something threatens your well-being.

An elevator in a dream means feeling the need to rise in life.

If the elevator rises or business declines.

If the elevator goes down.

However, it's an elevator ride.

Unlike a ladder, it indicates that a person is not putting in enough effort. own efforts to achieve success.

He hopes for someone's help.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Elevator

Taking the elevator up is a prediction of rapid advancement to wealth and fame.

If you go down, failures can ruin your life.

The elevator descends without you - in real life you will hardly avoid disappointment in some matter.

A stopped elevator means impending danger.

Getting stuck in an elevator means a misfortune will soon happen to you.

Interpretation of dreams from