Why do you dream about measuring your feet? Why do you dream about legs - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book. If you dream about Feet? In Islamic dream book of Ibn Sirin

If anyone sees the left foot affected by the same ailments- his daughter, if she has one, will be asked for her hand in marriage, and if she is not, then her birth awaits him.

If someone has a similar dream on the eve of a trip- he should abandon this idea.

If anyone sees his foot torn off- His wife will get sick.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Naked or weird- enter into new love relationships.

Look at your- loss of position.

Alien- threat.

Wide ones- misfortune.

Esoteric dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why do you dream about legs? Every day, when we fall asleep, we find ourselves in another world, the world of dreams. Trying to find out the meaning of dreams, people, first of all, tried to look into their future, to understand what fate had in store for them. IN different times dreams were interpreted in different ways.

Now there are many dream books that can warn you against certain actions, portend well-being and joy, or, on the contrary, illness and death. Let's understand why legs are seen in different dream books!

Why do you dream of legs in Miller’s dream book?

  • If your legs do not work or fail in a dream, this means the loss of loved ones.
  • If you have a dream in which you simply see your legs, this foretells the collapse of all hopes.
  • Washing your feet in a dream means deception, violation of hopes and betrayal of relatives.
  • If you see bare legs in a dream, it means that you are very impressionable and your desires often manifest themselves in your fantasies, and not in your real actions.
  • If you dream about terrible or scary legs, this is nervous disorders and traitors.
  • Wooden legs in dreams mean that you will find yourself in stupid situations in front of friends or close relatives.
  • If a girl has unshaven legs, this means that in the future she will be the mistress of the family.
  • If in a dream you see skinny legs with bleeding ulcers, this is a huge loss.
  • If a man dreams of a woman's legs, this leads to stupid frivolity and loss of reason.
  • If a girl admires her own legs in a dream, it means that her pride and selfishness will push away the man with whom she is in love.
  • Seeing sore or swollen feet in a dream leads to shame or humiliation.

Legs in a dream – Vanga’s dream book

  1. If you dreamed of large swollen feet, it means loss of money, serious illness and trouble.
  2. Kissing the feet of a close friend speaks of repentance and favorable changes in life.
  3. Seeing in a dream how you wash your dirty feet means a strong disorder, illness or serious problems.
  4. See in a dream a large number of human legs, this is to serious illnesses with legs.
  5. If you cannot stand on your feet in a dream, this leads to the collapse of your business.
  6. If you are kicked in a dream, it means a lot of money.
  7. Breaking a leg in a dream means breaking a love affair.

Seeing legs in a dream according to Hasse's dream book

  • Kissing another person's feet in a dream leads to humility and respect.
  • Skinny legs in a dream mean betrayal in the family.
  • Washing your feet in a dream means solving stupid problems.
  • If you break your leg in a dream, it will lead to unbreakable problems at work.
  • Having crooked legs in a dream means poverty, and seeing them means an extreme situation.
  • If you dreamed of many legs, then this foreshadows the discovery of a lost item.

What does it mean to see legs in a dream according to the Indian dream book?

  1. To dream that you are climbing or crawling on your knees leads to business failure and poverty.
  2. If in a dream you admire the feet of your grandchildren or children, this is good news, a solution to all problems.
  3. To dream of kissing someone else's feet symbolizes respect or admiration.
  4. To dream of a poisonous snake crawling along your legs leads to envy. If you are bitten by a snake, this means unpleasant situations and betrayal of loved ones.
  5. If you dream that you have more than two legs, then this promises problems with your legs or a mild illness.
  6. If you dream of someone washing your dirty feet, it symbolizes admiration, respect and humility.
  7. To see your legs burning in a dream is a sign of personal problems.

Why do you dream about legs according to the Ancient Dream Book?

  • Dirty feet dream of serious troubles.
  • If you wash your feet in a dream, this leads to a long trip or journey.
  • If in a dream you dream that you have sick, crooked legs, this leads to the exposure of your enemies.
  • If you see prosthetics instead of legs in a dream, it means a long trip.
  • Swollen, sore legs portend true friends who will always come to your aid.
  • Seeing slender, beautiful legs in a dream means suffering and separation.
  • Seeing one sore or crooked leg in a dream leads to serious illnesses relatives.
  • If a man sees the slender beautiful legs of a girl in a dream, this is how his secret sexual desires manifest themselves.

Why do you have dreams in which you wash or shave your legs?

A dream in which you wash your feet foretells a long trip that you will soon go on. In order for your trip to be successful, you plan everything carefully. Also, washing your feet means losing all doubts.

If you dream about shaving your legs, it means that you are defenseless against the outside world and the dangers that stand in your way. To dream of someone shaving your legs means trouble from loved ones. Such a dream tells you not to trust even the people closest to you, since even they can turn out to be insidious and vile.

Dream Interpretation – dirty, barefoot, sore feet.

Unwashed feet always dream of difficult situations and problems. These troubles can be of a personal nature or difficulties at work. If you dreamed of bare feet, it symbolizes good luck, career growth, prosperity and well-being.

Sore legs in dreams most often mean that a situation will arise that you cannot cope with. If you dream that you have sore legs, but they do not bother you at all, this symbolizes good news. Seeing skinny, unhealthy legs in a dream means betrayal and disappointment in a loved one. Swollen feet mean money problems and decreased income. Broken legs in a dream.

Broken legs are a terrible harbinger. Such a dream leads to upsetting events. These can be various kinds of troubles and difficulties. If you have such a dream, it is better for you to postpone all trips, since you may encounter unexpected stops and obstacles on the road. You need to deal with all your problems, both personal and work related. Only after this is it worth hitting the road. This dream could also foretell a bad business decision.

Why do you dream about a wound on your legs?

Wounds on the legs most often dream of serious problems and troubles. If you accidentally hurt your leg in a dream, this leads to loss of trust in a friend or relative. You must beware of various injuries, accidents, and be extremely careful. Such a dream is a symbol of a streak of failures. Also, this dream may portend betrayal by a loved one.

If you dream that you cut your foot, this may indicate very serious disagreements and conflict situations. Seeing a loved one with a cut leg in a dream indicates that you pay little attention to your loved ones. A bleeding wound in a dream means that misfortune will soon overtake you because you have offended a person and they will take revenge on you.


I'm floating on the river in a boat with my friend. The water is calm, the current is slow. He swings his leg overboard. And I understand that someone bit off his leg. I don’t remember, I think I even saw blood. I'm really scared. But he laughs, shows his whole leg and says that he was joking and his leg is intact.


In your psyche you have a set of ideas about your friend, with the help of which, in fact, you are able to maintain communication with him in reality. Dreams with this person will talk about the dynamics of these ideas. They are entirely in the area of ​​consciousness, but if with some edge they penetrate [he dangles his leg] into your unconscious [overboard into the water], then this gives rise to a conflict in you [I understand that someone bit off his leg. I don’t remember, I think I even saw blood]. To deprive someone of some part of their body in a dream means trying to forget something that concerns them directly. this person. By the way, sets of ideas about other people, our complexes and other quite voluminous mental formations have their own consciousness and their own life resources - that’s why the bitten off leg grows back [he laughs, shows the whole leg and says that he was joking]. The meaning of this dream is that some of your instincts come into conflict with ideas about a friend, which is probably reflected in real conflicts with him. You need to know that the cause of these conflicts is initially in your head.


I had this dream 2 or 3 times with a break of several years: A huge room with white walls, floor and ceiling, more like a hangar, because... there is an airplane in it. I walk past the plane, and then suddenly I see that I am missing one leg, and there is no pain, blood, etc. It’s just a fait accompli - I don’t have one leg (I don’t remember which one). In a dream, my thoughts: “My leg was cut off by an airplane.” But how this happened is unclear. And there are some strangers around, but they do not interfere, but walk around this hangar on their own.


Good afternoon, Yaroslav! I wanted to tell you my grandmother’s dream. She is 85 years old, she is seriously ill (she is sometimes better, sometimes worse). A few days ago she had a severe attack of suffocation; she kept saying that she was dying. But the doctors saved me. And before this attack, she had the following dream: “I see a lot of bare legs, I don’t see people, only legs. I don't see myself either. Yu.V. comes up to me. (friend) and says: “Give your legs here.” It’s as if he takes my legs, they are also bare, and places them next to other bare legs. And he says: “These are your mother’s legs.” They are warm. Do you feel it? That’s good, now you too will feel warm and good.”
My grandmother woke up after this dream and said: “I’ll probably die soon. After all, I dreamed of a dead mother. And I was next to her."
We all calmed her down, but at night she had a terrible attack. How can you explain such a strange dream? Thank you! (from translit)


It’s hard to say whether the dream foreshadowed a deterioration in her condition, or whether the grandmother’s pessimistic interpretation of the dream lowered her mood and “faith in life.” It's no joke - people of the older generation interpret dreams about dead loved ones in an unambiguous and primitive way: once you dream it, it means death. In fact, the psyche of even dying people is less concerned with the problems of the dying body than with the progress of individuation (the process of revealing all the abilities and capabilities of the psyche of a given individual). Some psychoanalysts even interpret this fact as a hint that the soul lives after the body, since such an “insignificant” fact is not reflected in dreams. Therefore, your grandmother’s dream needs to be considered in isolation from some points. Perhaps we are talking about understanding relationships with people, which are assessed somewhat truncatedly [I see a lot of bare legs, I don’t see people, only legs], since the dreamer herself can give no more in communication [takes my legs, they are also bare and substitutes them for others]. This (presumably) has something to do with the role of the mother [these are your mother's feet, they are warm]. Warm means alive. The question arises: does the grandmother herself feel (understand) this? (reasoning a little aside: if she is bedridden, then such a connection of relationships to someone’s feet is understandable: communication is feasible only with those who come to her).


In a figurative sense, the expression “doing the splits” means putting a very heavy load or responsibility. Perhaps this is why the dream brings you back to a thought that you abandoned during the day.
Another meaning of “doing the splits” is to spread your legs very wide. But the simple sentence “spread your thighs” even in an ordinary state causes your strong emotional reaction, so such a veiled hint became possible.


Hello, I would really like you to interpret my “schizophrenic” dream for me. I can't get it out of my head. I’m pregnant, at 11 weeks, maybe that’s why I perceive everything this way. I dream that I am missing both legs up to the knees, and after an operation that I underwent in childhood on my left leg (osteomyelitis, everything went away, there was nothing left on the bone, that was 15 years ago). So I dream that I have a very good dentures and they are almost invisible, I even look closely myself to see the junction of the leg and the prosthesis. At the same time, in a dream I am tormented by the question of why both legs are missing, because the operation was on one leg. All this time I have been lying in bed with my husband (28 years difference), everything is so calm, and I am tormented by the question: how did he marry me if I have no legs and in general, did he notice this, and if he notices, then how? will react. In general, a week has passed since the dream, and it still oppresses me. Thanks in advance for your answer.


The legs are the foundation. The function of the legs is support, balance, mobility. Perhaps this is what you are now deprived of, being pregnant, so you see yourself in a dream on dentures. Think about your independence. Rely on yourself more than on your spouse.


The dream is indeed bad, but not 100% schizophrenic and contains a hint of a solution. It shows that there is a lack of some experiences or impressions in your life (and you know which ones, since thoughts about this are constantly spinning in your head, as evidenced by the focus on the body), and in Lately this deficiency has become physically unbearable [I am missing both legs up to the knees] and disables the ego [the body in the dream], that is, it greatly affects the course of your thoughts.
I understand that you are now nearing the end of your second trimester of pregnancy (~27 weeks)? Have there been any other psychic signs since August? Have these disability dreams gone away or not? What do you attribute this to? Tell me, there will be time.


a large age difference with her husband - 28 years indicates a possible father-daughter relationship, reflecting the woman-girl's need for care and protection (infantile beginning) But pregnancy destroys this basis - the woman understands that she herself is becoming a parent, and here there is a feeling of threat to a previously established and established relationship with her husband. hence the fear of losing him as a substitute father figure, the feeling of instability, the disability of his position.


Hello, Yaroslav!
I read the link: Walking, running, driving... are related to the effectiveness of achieving your goal. This is the second time I dream that at some point I suddenly stop being able to bend my knees. In the first dream, I was walking up the stairs and suddenly I felt it like numbness. I even put my hands on my legs to move them. In the second dream, which happened 1.5 months later, my husband and I are running under the canopy of the building, because... It started to rain and then I again felt this refusal to move. At the same time, I have no difficulties just standing, but walking... I remember even some grandmothers were ahead of me. I would like to know your opinion, how to understand this and what exactly is the problem? And one moment. The child in my dreams sometimes becomes very small, and then suddenly, literally in the next dream, he has already grown so much that all his clothes are too small for him. Yaroslav, if a dream is like a clue about what stage we are at, then it’s somehow surprising that these stages fluctuate like blood pressure in older people. Could you please clarify? In advance Thanks a lot for your work.


“Legs don’t obey”, “legs don’t obey”... you need to associate this expression, read the dream, and dream again. You know, Lena, this is the thought that came to my mind: since in a dream our ego (ego-image) is reflected by the body, conscious actions are expressions of our impulses, and the fabric of sleep is woven by the unconscious as compensation or correction of conscious impulses, then in dreams with “the legs don’t obey” may contain an unconscious element of reluctance a) to go up the stairs, that is, to analyze your destiny-staircase (see dreams about aunts with curlers and stairs) b) to hide in some life concept [house] from contact with emerging unconscious [rain] contents [we run with my husband under the canopy of the building, because It started to rain and here again I feel this refusal to move]
As for the child, we can talk not so much about the Inner Child itself, but rather about the style of behavior called Childish, Direct, Spontaneous. How younger child in a dream, the less civilized and more spontaneous he is (but also more dependent on an adult) than older child in a dream, the more “adult” he is and the less spontaneous.


Thanks for the transcript, Yaroslav. I missed that in the first dream my legs didn’t obey me to walk up the stairs from the subway. Interesting, right? The ego wanted to linger in the twilight, not to be aware of something, right? And in the second dream, the Ego wants to avoid contact by running for cover, but here it turns out to be unable to do this. Ego tossing? This is actually what is actually happening. Thanks for the tip.


Hello, I had a dream 2 days ago. I remember only a fragment, I’m trying to understand what it means. My husband and I came to visit another city, we stayed in a closet, such a gloomy, shabby room, gray walls, no furniture, just chairs, dirt. At some point I take off my shoes (shoes) and walk barefoot. Friends come to visit (from the next room) and we go to dinner with them, the same shabby room. I’m sitting at the head of the table, trying to start a conversation, but I’m not happy, neither the room nor the people. I always look back at my husband, looking for him with my eyes. I help the housewife, and when I was washing the dishes, water flooded my shoes, I hold them in my hands and try to attach them back, but, alas, the upper part, like paper, does not want to stick to the sole. I’m worried about how I’ll walk, where I’ll get more shoes, I’m not at home! Frustration and despair. We sit down at the table. The owner talks about her cats and they come up to me - such disgusting, fat, red cats, angry in their faces, they show me their teeth and claws, but at the same time they strive for me to stroke them. I stroke them and that’s even to me I like it, but at some point I feel disgusted, I get up from the table and immediately experience pain! My legs! At first it seemed to me that small crocodiles clung to them, and then when I sat back and began to look, it turned out that they were shells and they pierced my legs. I see how they left wounds and I see how my legs swelled! I remember why I am barefoot, about shoes, despair and not understanding why no one is helping me, my husband is on the sidelines, I begin to calm down, laugh and carefully remove the shells, blow on my feet. Anxiety, I don’t know what to do and what to do, the trip is ruined, I feel like I can’t walk, everything is covered in fog... and I wake up


Congratulations, you have finally begun to get closer and little by little to know your psychological shadow. This is a dream about how you visited her [in a closet, such a gloomy, shabby room, gray walls, no furniture, just chairs, dirt]. Actually simple level you easily contact (without masks) with the psychic background of this subpersonality [I take off my shoes (shoes) and walk barefoot].
The attitude towards conscious dominance of the type “I (ego-image) is the center of the Universe” still remains [I’m sitting at the head of the table, trying to start a conversation, but I don’t like the room or the people. I always look back at my husband, look for him with my eyes, help the hostess]. But when you wash the dishes, you put on a mask because you end up wearing shoes [I’m helping the housewife, and when I was washing the dishes, water flooded my shoes]. The hostess, by the way, is the personification of the shadow.
There is a correction of behavior - it is hidden in the symbolism of the transformation of shoes [water has flooded my shoes, I hold them in my hands and try to attach them back, but, alas, the upper part is like paper, does not want to stick to the sole], but due to the fact that you this life context is unusual, forcing you to reconsider your personal behavior [how will I walk, where can I get more shoes], you feel uncomfortable [I’m not at home! frustration and despair].
There are also shadow instincts [the owner talks about her cats and they come up to me - such disgusting, fat, red cats], they behave extremely typically [angry at their faces, they show me their teeth and claws]. You seem to get along with them too (this is a good sign that speaks of healthy personality resources) [at the same time they strive for me to stroke them, I stroke them and I even like it, but at some point I feel disgusted]. This rejection of myself [I become disgusted] causes negative reaction The unconscious, showing that refusal can lead to illness [I get up from the table and immediately experience pain! My legs! At first it seemed to me that small crocodiles clung to them, and then when I sat back and began to look, it turned out that they were shells and they pierced my legs. I see how they left wounds and I see how my legs swelled! ].
The final anxiety [anxiety, I don’t know what to do or what to do, the trip is ruined] is connected precisely with the ego-interference on the path of individuation. It is not yet clear how you are going to overcome self-dislike, but in a relationship with your husband, the desired answer does not seem to be expected [husband aside].


I don’t understand with cats, they are disgusting, they have evil faces with fangs, I stroke them, and they seem to be about to bite me and at the same time perceive me as a cat and want to copulate, this disgusts me (the cats themselves, not the cats) .If you look in the dream book, then “A cat or cat is a symbol of the female belief system: to resort to the help of men, while outwardly remaining independent and even dominating them. All stereotypes (whether female or male) are imitation, a retreat from oneself, even in the name of survival. “If you look at it this way, then I refused “this system of views” (I’m disgusted, I get up = run from the table), for which I was punished with shells by the Unconscious (in the form of illnesses) :-). In general, I was completely confused! And if cats are “shadow instincts”, then do they always behave aggressively?


I recently dreamed something interesting about this very topic. I was planning to go to Moscow to visit a friend for her birthday and I want to go alone, I ask my husband to let me go, and he offers to go on a visit. I agree and we end up visiting! I open the doors and see the same hostess (the same couple), they invite me in, we go in. This apartment is bright (compared to the previous dream, where there was a terrible closet), clean and very cozy. We head to the kitchen (like last time), but the hostess is located at the sink and I can’t come up, she’s talking affably about something, water is pouring, dissolving the yeast and starting to eat this mass! I am very surprised, I suggest making the dough and baking something for the table, as the men are sitting at the table and talking about something. But she eats with gusto, I understand that she will have a child and this is how I should eat yeast, I turn to my husband in confusion and he nods his head at me that everything is fine, that’s how it should be, okay, with bread, I look at the hostess, surprise passes, only doubts about what we will treat, which disappear gradually. That's where I wake up. So I visited the shadows again, this time I liked it in general, as the dream did not leave me discomfort(except perhaps surprise) and we “became friends”, especially since the shadow is expecting a child, and this really endears me to the person. I would like to add that the hostess was like a hostess (she let me near the sink) so friendly, I didn’t feel like a stranger or that I was disgusted to be there, but I understood that I was a guest and also understood that I needed to take care of her ( After all, she’s expecting a baby!), although they didn’t ask me about this.


Hello, Yaroslav. Satires, you say? I dream today: I look at my legs, and there... hairy growth. The feeling, it should be noted, is not the most pleasant. Then I look up and see a huge number of freckles on my shoulders. I think to myself - why did I sit under the sun for so long? I note that some time ago I dreamed of my hands being burnt black under the sun. It was as if it was not leather, but an overcooked steak. And then I dreamed of either Sting or Mick Jaeger, it seemed like they were both in one person. Me, him and his son - we walked slowly along some spacious corridor, it was evening and we felt so good together that words seemed superfluous. It seems that I was his child's nanny. Now, about freckles and hair. In real life this is not the case, I don’t like sunbathing, but in my dream I experienced a feeling close to a cosmetic shock, but a quiet one. I listen to singers (Sting and Jaeger), but I treat them evenly. If we talk about their appearance, then I simply adore people like Jaeger, I breathe unevenly and immediately forget about everything in the world. My favorite type, although I also like neat ones, but this is more like the other extreme.


Yes, after all, you are now working on the topic of satyrs [I dream today: I look at my legs, and there... hairy growth], with which the SuperEgo encourages you to fight [the feeling, it should be noted, is not the most pleasant].
At the same time, your ego-image [body, skin] changes [I look up and see a huge number of freckles on my shoulders].
In the next episode you are approaching an archetype personified by Sting or Jaeger [either Sting or Mick Jaeger, it seems that both are one person, we walked slowly along some spacious corridor, it was evening and we felt so good together, that words seemed superfluous]. Being his son's nanny is the same thing as developing your own personal understanding of this way of ordering ideas related to a given archetype. Strictly speaking, the archetype is a universal way of structuring, but in each individual psyche it can also receive an individual sound if this psyche is capable (has the resource) of the required sound.


I, purely, well, I don’t even know….. Once again, I’m washing the legs of a girl in a basin at home, whom I’ve known for a very long time, and with whom I’ve never had anything (intimate) connected…. Just acquaintances... I'm tired of seeing for the 999999th time how I wash her feet and then dry them.... I want to dream about something else, not related to this person but... I don’t even want to see her or even know her... We quarreled with her a long time ago and I don’t even know how she is and what’s wrong with her - I’m not interested in that... it seems... Help, please


The legs, as a support for man, symbolize the historical correspondence with natural potential. Your friend was probably very much in tune with her natural Self. The dream will stop tormenting you when you do the same, become authentic.




I am wandering around a half-abandoned school (the layout is ordinary, but there are a lot of floors), no one has been studying there for a long time, and some informal teenagers and a patrol are wandering around (the former are running from the latter). I’m walking, I feel that my right leg hurts all over, I look: all my light blue jeans are oozing blood (thick and dark) I went into some nook, I take it off (it hurts, but not scary) I see: there are holes all over my leg in pairs (as if for me someone was climbing) deep, but not large (in diameter), and between them there were random cuts (or torn, I don’t remember). Also deep and healthy 4-8 cm! I checked the depth with my fingers. It was a little disgusting and I thought: “Damn, I have to wash my jeans again.” By the way, everything is covered in viscous blood. I think: “I need to sew it up, otherwise it won’t heal.” I went to look for a thread and a needle. I found the former labor office (on the way I was hiding from the patrol. In general, everything around is sporty.) I went into the office, sat down on the desk, took a needle and silk thread, took off my jeans (from one leg) and began to sew myself up. Again, it’s a little disgusting, it hurts, but I don’t pay attention to it, as if this is what I’ve been doing all my life. I’m walking along the corridor of the Nth floor wearing stained jeans (they’re intact). Nothing seems to hurt. Towards my mother (my mother). And I know that she (??? through jeans, or what???) will see what’s wrong with me and begin to treat me, or even send me to the hospital, but I don’t want that. I think where can I get away from her, but she has already noticed me and with such a lazy reproach says: “Well, what is this?” and with your finger so disgustingly along the protruding seams - poke-poke. I didn't expect it, to be honest. (I was very surprised, I still remember how surprised I was!!) I was a little taken aback, and then there was a shout from behind. I turn around, my classmate was in camouflage. I wasn’t scared, I just thought: “I’m fucked (sorry, of course, but that’s what I thought) I need to get out of here.” I turn around, and my mother is no longer there. Well, I ran. I walk along the corridor again (the same place, but on a different floor). I don’t even walk, but hobble on my left leg (the other leg, who forgot). The middle toe on my foot hurts - I can’t, it’s terrible, and my white sneaker is already filled with blood and it’s squelching so disgustingly... I know that I can’t do without surgery again. I hobble around, trying to find the same labor office. I go into the recreation center and see some informal boys (all of them in torn jeans and handsome) sitting in a circle, as if they were burning a fire, but there is no fire. I'm coming to them. I ask: “Do you know where to get a thread and a needle?” - “What is it?” - “Yes, here...” I take off my sneaker, and my finger is so broken that the bone is even broken. Well, I think that's it. I just wish I didn't get sick of it at all. And I also think that you can’t get by with just thread, you need something strong, like plaster, otherwise the bone won’t heal. The boys say they don’t know where to get anything or how to help. And one says: “What is this?” and points to his right leg. And there the jeans are torn and you can see the scars have healed and the ends of the seams are sticking out. I shrugged it off and thought, I need to remove the stitches. Well, I put on my sneakers, said a brotherly goodbye (my own, after all), and hobbled on. And one thought in my head: “If only it didn’t fall off at all.” I woke up with this thought.


I dream that in certain situations my legs give out, i.e. my legs become weak and it’s hard for me to walk, I try, but nothing works. Then I start to crawl. Somehow it works out. I dreamed that they were chasing me, and as soon as I thought that I needed to run away, I took two steps and my legs were heavy, and I felt danger on my back, they were about to catch up. Or another dream, when I, together with people I know, whom I haven’t actually seen for a long time, are making our way in sweatshirts and fur coats through some cubes. Sun, summer, heat, and we are bundled up. And now I want to go after them, but I can’t. I wake up and feel that my legs have just begun to recede. True, once I dreamed that I was crawling with all my strength, now they would catch up with me... And then I was lifted off the ground, and I wasn’t very high, but I was flying. My legs immediately became light, they barely touched the ground, but then I picked up good speed. I am a 19-year-old girl and this limitation in dreams leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.


In my practice as a psychotherapist, I have often had to treat people whose legs stopped working for several days or weeks. This usually happens after severe shocks and is classified as a hysterical reaction. In fact, such “numbness” is sometimes observed in the hands when the situation requires, for example, that a person strike his enemy, but he cannot afford to do so. That is, a partition is formed between a part of the body and the rest of the organism, or, as doctors say, an isolated energy container is formed in the limbs. As a rule, the ability to form such containers is associated with character traits. For example, a long-term grudge against someone is also a kind of energy container. Or better said: thermos. Usually, all this goes away on its own, but with a psychotherapist who can free the individual from the grip of character, everything heals faster.

In dreams, legs are associated with positive vitality which supports human existence. For flying, see fly. It talks about what it is functional sleep. Relate this information to your dreams. It is possible that the feeling of weakness in the legs is caused by physiological numbness from an uncomfortable position


I dreamed that my legs were once cut off and then sewn back in the area of ​​the knees and hips. In the places where they were sewn back, there are now neat pink scars. Although they are neat, they spoil the view! I look at my legs and think: how will I wear short skirts? Waking up was a great relief. Before this, I dreamed that two of my friends had their legs cut off at the shin area. These dreams were in different days. I'm 21 years old, gender - F, I'm getting married, and I recently went to cousin groom for a wedding, he married a girl without a leg (with a prosthesis). After that, I started having these dreams. I read that amputation of a leg means the loss of close friends and tyranny in the family, but the legs were reattached! I would be interested to know what my scars mean. Thank you in advance!


I broke my leg and arm open fractures I’m scared, but I overcame my fear, I’m looking for someone to put on a cast, then they come to my house, I start getting ready for a date, I dress up, I try to hide the injury, I put on high-heeled boots, I’m surprised that my leg doesn’t hurt, then I end up visiting Taras and he seems to leave, I’m not surprised by this, I remain calm. I am 21 years old beautiful girl I associate it with problems in personal life


I don’t remember the details - the gist is: my husband broke some woman’s leg with a kick, the fracture is open, you can see the meat and the blood is dangling from the leg. The aunt (a type of market trader) is yelling. I don’t remember the meaning - I’m terrified. I can't even scream


I stand on the floor of the room and pour water on my feet from a flexible hose with a shower head. The legs are white, beautiful, without a single hair. In real life I am happy with my legs, but in my dream they were whiter than mine. A man comes up from behind and wants to water them with me. I resist, but I give in. Then he inclines me to kiss, but I again resist and all he manages to do is put me on his lap and press me to him. I humble myself. Change of scenery. I am on the ocean shore at the moment of a lingering kiss with a young man. It seems to me that I don’t know him, but he seems to know me very well, he’s glad to be around and wants to run somewhere to bring a bar of soap for me. I KNOW that there is another young man who is also about to appear with a bar of soap for me. They are almost twins in dreams, but it is important for me to separate them so that they do not meet. I thoughtfully admire the landscape and the young people gradually fade into the background. I remember the landscape. The steep mountain is red, the sunset makes it even redder, the waves calmly roll over Sandy shore. Greatness and peace. Then again a change of scenery. I look in the mirror - naked, with heavily pumped up muscles in my back, arms, and legs. Bodybuilding type. In real life I don’t have such a developed relief, although yes, I have a certain body tone.


The dream is focused on positive emotions and sexuality. Both shower and soap caress and cleanse the body. The story of the two young men must have some reference to real events. Although - from the point of view of the unconscious - there should be as much good as possible. The only harmful image is the mirror. When we get the opportunity to “look at ourselves from the outside,” the deviation monitor takes advantage of this situation and introduces distortions. (“I follow other people’s advice”). In this sense, bodybuilding, by the way, is very indicative. The athlete has a high social significance, but he may have serious problems with life values.

The article on the topic: “dream book for men’s feet” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Modern Dream Interpretation

The foot (feet) is your point of support, those without whom you cannot imagine your own existence. Right leg – indicates the right methods and partners. Left - dreams if you prefer to rely on illegal actions. To have three limbs in a dream means to insure yourself in case of possible failure (it was unnecessary - you will not need additional insurance; it helped - on the contrary, any help will not be superfluous).

Seeing your legs in a dream - predictions concern only your own person. You dream of someone else's legs when a dream embraces with its prophecies not only you, but also people close to your soul. The legs of the deceased are interpreted as - lack of support, loss of connection with dear people, loneliness. Seeing a baby’s legs in a dream means that now you have no confidence in the reliability of the situation, but time will pass and your contribution will bear considerable fruit, be patient. Women's legs - rely on not entirely honest methods, more based on cunning and intrigue, but yielding significant results. Male limbs - rely on honesty, loyalty, nobility and moral principles.

I dreamed of big legs (large ones) - reliability and steadfastness. The people you rely on will not let you down. Long legs promise high-ranking well-wishers who are ready to provide you with protection. The dream also speaks of rising through the ranks or gaining a bit of fame. Fat people are generous help. Thin people - even if they want to help you, they will not be able to due to the current circumstances. Beautiful - a successful dream; now you can safely rely on both yourself and your support. Curves are an unstable position. A situation that could turn into collapse at any moment. One is shorter than the other - they help you with different sides, but this is of little use.

Bare feet (naked) - means defenselessness and openness to others. Barefoot dirty (to be barefoot in the mud) - to be unprotected from ridicule, attempts to humiliate and slander. Bare feet in the snow - defenselessness against human indifference; you are too susceptible to other people's callousness and indifference. Seeing hairy legs (hairy, unshaven) in a dream means paying a visit to relatives or friends. Your hairy ones - you will go to your relatives for personal needs. Hairy women are a nuisance on the way. Hairy men are a good way to connect with loved ones. Wet - to discomfort, an uncomfortable position. Dreaming of cold feet means cooling in relationships with loved ones.

I dreamed about my toes - a dream about reliable assistants in a matter that is important to you. Thumb legs - father; a leader who provides you with protection. The little finger is an insignificant, most helpless member of your team, however, its contribution to the plan is important. Extra toes (six toes for example) - remember what you felt during the dream, perhaps soon additional toes will not hurt you at all. Toenails are a sign of aggression and the desire to stand up for oneself. Seeing long toenails means distrust spoils the entire favorable image. You dream of a cast on your leg - attempts to improve relationships with people who wish you only the best, to correct past mistakes.

Shoes on your feet mean protection, the ability to overcome difficulties and obstacles. Different shoes are unexpected obstacles that you could not have foreseen before. However, they are quite insignificant, and are more likely simply unpleasant than complex and insurmountable. Different boots mean incompatibility of character with those who wholeheartedly support you. Different sandals - you feel some kind of support and moral support, but this is only an illusion and the benefit of your intercessors is minimal. Different shoes– disagreements in relationships with assistants. Shoes on one foot - difficulties in communicating with friends due to the similarity of shortcomings.

A tattoo on a limb means an ambiguous relationship with the people who help you. A mole is a family ties that will be very useful for realizing your plans. If you dreamed of a needle in your leg, other people’s caustic remarks will hurt your feelings and interests and become a small obstacle to your goal. A nail is a problem that will emerge when the plan is fulfilled. Glass in the leg (shard) is a danger that one brought upon oneself, not wanting to turn off the path to an illusory victory in time. A splinter is a long-term problem, the cause of which is difficult to find out. Leeches on limbs - someone is taking advantage of your weakness for friends and relatives, or your preoccupation with an idea. Remove the “vampire” from your environment, such people are rarely useful. A snake entwined - dependence on someone or something very harmful and unsafe, both for your plans and general life activity, and for your closest helpers.

Family Dream Book

Seeing your legs beautiful and slender in a dream means that good luck in business, a pleasant and successful journey awaits you. Looking at both legs in a dream means that you will think about your relationship with some person. Wounds, ulcers or broken legs in a dream foreshadow misfortunes, obstacles in business and failure of plans. Getting your feet dirty in a dream is a sign of a careless mistake that will end in shame for you, which will not be easy for you to survive. Seeing the calves of your legs in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business. A dream in which you saw that the calves of your legs are hard predicts that you will stand firmly on your feet.

If you dream that you are scraping someone’s legs until they bleed, then bad news awaits you about the troubles of loved ones who need your support and consolation. If you dream that your legs are on fire, then you should postpone your planned trip, even if it is very important to you. Sometimes such a dream predicts failure in business. A dream in which you saw yourself putting your feet into a fire foretells you that only by intervening in some kind of squabble can you put an end to it. Making any deft movements with your legs in a dream is a sign that your business will be successful thanks to your quick wits, ingenuity and ability to make the right contacts.

If you dream that you have become disabled and lost your legs, then expect great failures, hardships, and misfortunes. The same thing means a dream in which your legs do not obey you. If you dream that one of your legs has been taken away, then you will be separated from a loved one or a partner whom you valued. Spraining your leg in a dream is a sign that you will soon have so much trouble that headaches will begin. Admiring children's feet in a dream is a sign of consolation and pleasure. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving small profit. Having a wooden leg in a dream is a harbinger of deception. Having many legs in a dream is a sign that profit in trade or a profitable trip awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts leg disease, colds or swelling.

Seeing or having crooked legs in a dream is a sign of damage due to a risky business. Seeing or having thin legs in a dream means that some business is too tough for you and you better give it up. Seeing your feet dirty in a dream means trouble and shame. Washing your feet in a dream is a sign that you are about to travel. Wash your feet in a pond with clean and clear water- a sign of happiness and good luck. Sometimes such a dream predicts a slight cold (especially if the water was cold). If you dream that someone is washing your feet and rubbing them with aromatic substances, then great success, pleasure and prosperity await you. Washing someone's feet or kissing them in a dream means that you will have to repent of what you have done and come to terms with the circumstances.

Calluses on your feet in a dream are a sign that, despite obstacles, you will achieve your goal. If you dream that someone bit your leg, then grief, disappointment and trouble await you. A dream in which you felt that someone was tickling your feet or heels warns you of cunning flatterers. Limping in a dream is a sign of dishonor, loss and humiliation. A dream in which you saw that a legless man is threatening you or chasing you portends great difficulties and obstacles in business. If you dream that one leg is stuck and you cannot pull it out, then expect obstacles in business. If in a dream you were able to free your leg and continue the work you started, then success awaits you, no matter what.

To dream that you have a hole in your heel means: expect trouble. The situation will become even worse if the wound on the heel bleeds or the leg hurts. However, if you pulled out some foreign object from it, then your affairs will improve. If you dream that your legs hurt due to gout, then expect obstacles in getting money. There is an opinion that if in a dream your right leg hurts from gout, then the dream portends good luck for you, and if it left leg, then the dream portends the opposite. If in a dream you see your legs (feet) with your shoes off (naked), then a love adventure awaits you. Seeing other people's feet naked in a dream is a harbinger monetary losses. Wounded feet in a dream predict losses and failures.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of your own legs or individual parts of them - heels, toes, feet, etc., such a dream in many cases is fraught with the emergence of a situation in which you may fall into despair. The dream acts as a call to assert your life position more energetically. Washing your feet means someone’s cunning will interfere with your plans and take you out of peace of mind. If you scratched or scratched your heels in a dream, it means you will hit the road. If you saw your heels dirty and unkempt, it means that all trips in the near future will be unsuccessful.

In a dream, your legs were swollen and red - this means that various kinds of troubles will enter your life: things may go badly, there is a risk of parting with your family, and experiencing dishonor and humiliation. Seeing your feet covered in ulcers - such a dream warns that due to the fact that you will help people, your income will decrease. In a dream, you had more than two legs - this indicates that your entrepreneurial spirit is more reflected in fantasies than in real deeds. If you dreamed that your legs did not obey you, this means poverty. If you saw a wounded leg, expect losses. In a dream, one of your legs was wooden - it means you will find yourself in a false position in front of your friends, and through your own fault. An amputated leg is a harbinger of the loss of dear friends, as well as an almost unbearable life due to the despotism of family.

A young woman dreamed of admiring her own legs, which means that the person she adores will turn away from her because she will be overly vain. If she saw hairy legs, she would command her future husband. To have slender, proportionally developed legs of the correct shape - the dream suggests that your future will be bright, you will be surrounded faithful friends. Show interest in slender female legs - such a dream suggests that, having lost common sense, you will show undignified frivolity when communicating with some lovely person. Dreaming of ugly legs speaks of unprofitable occupations and irritable friends.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

Whoever dreams that he has one leg longer than the other will go to long trip. Anyone who sees himself lame, paralyzed or unable to move on his feet in a dream should take this dream as a sign of weakness or lack of support to which he is entitled to from relatives, whose symbol is legs in the interpretation of dreams. It is said that one who sees himself lame will strengthen his faith and deepen his religious knowledge.

A lame person in a dream also indicates that a person cannot do his job correctly and lives on little money. Whoever dreams of a lame woman will realize only a certain part of the business he has planned. Likewise for a woman, if she sees a lame man in a dream, then she will not fully realize her goal. The lame old man symbolizes the insufficient efforts of the author of the dream or his friend, affected by the same illness. If the sleeper sees himself walking on one leg, hiding the other behind it, then it will be known that he has hidden half of his wealth, and at the expense of the other he will carry out construction plans.

Freud's Dream Book

The leg in a dream is an obvious masculine symbol. A beautiful and strong leg symbolizes good sexual shape. A lame leg symbolizes the desire for sophisticated sexual fun. A skinny or dirty leg symbolizes problems with potency, and a broken leg symbolizes impotence. Scars, wounds or ulcers on the leg symbolize the desire for masochistic pleasures.

A clothed or shod foot symbolizes the desire to use condoms. Many legs symbolize active sex life. When a girl dreams of hair on her legs, this is a signal that in married life she is or will be in charge, and not her partner. If a man sees a similar picture, it speaks of an authoritarian or strong wife, as well as work under female leadership. It doesn’t matter whose legs you dreamed about – men’s, women’s, children’s, your own or someone else’s.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Your own legs were too thin - this means betrayal in relation to you; dirty - to hostility; wounded - to be in trouble; wooden - deception towards you; wash - you will be busy figuring out something meaningless. Sore legs dream that you will be confused in some difficult situation; had many legs in a dream - it means you will find what you lost. See curves - you will demonstrate pride where it is not needed, you will suffer losses; strangers - beware of the enemy; see other people's curves - you will start something risky; kissing someone else's feet means submitting to someone. Lost a leg in a dream - in reality you will lose a good friend; broken - you will be demoted at work; swollen - expect damages and losses.

English Dream Interpretation

Having hit, dislocated or broken your leg, you lost the ability to walk in a dream - for a young woman such a dream means that she is destined to be the wife of an intemperate, wasteful, lazy man, because of whom they will live their whole lives in need. After such a dream, a young man marries a girl who is loving, charming, tender, but at the same time irritable and inexperienced in economic matters, and therefore proper order will reign in their family nest only after a rather long period of time.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Legs - the financial situation of the sleeper; stability, confidence, stability in the main activity or in love relationships for woman; career advancement. Ugly things are bad things. Slender, beautiful - success in love and the main business. Limping means failure. Female - for a man an erotic symbol, for a woman - a situation with a lover; rival. Someone else's feet - get help, support. Filled with heaviness - stagnant time. With a hoof - intervention of demonic forces; your vices.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

If your legs hurt in a dream, such a dream suggests that in real life you overwork yourself with excessive sex, which makes itself known to your own ailments, as well as your partner. So don't look for a reason feeling unwell in other aspects of your life, it is better to ask your partner to replace active actions with calm love caresses for a while, or allow yourself a break from love, which is also sometimes useful.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Legs are the support. If you dreamed about your leg, you are a support for someone, so don’t forget about responsibility. To see someone else's - you yourself are relying on someone, the dream calls you to greater independence and activity. To dream of many legs means that in your business you have someone to rely on, because you have quite a lot of like-minded people and helpers. Your legs are tangled - one of your employees is harming your business, and quite actively.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed of large swollen feet, it means loss of money, serious illness and trouble. Seeing in a dream how you wash your dirty feet means a strong disorder, illness or serious problems. If you cannot stand on your feet in a dream, this leads to the collapse of your business. Breaking a leg in a dream means breaking a love affair. Kissing the feet of a close friend speaks of repentance and favorable changes in life.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Legs are a symbol of the foundation that supports the whole person. Represents the historical incarnation of In-se, high level life positivity. The meaning is inherent only when the legs are dreamed along with the rest of the body.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

A girl's leg was hit, sprained or broken this dream indicates that she will soon marry a lazy, wasteful and intemperate man, as a result of which they will be in financial need all their lives.

Loff's Dream Book

The legs symbolize the base. Weak legs indicate a shaky base and a lack of centering. Strong legs- evidence of strong support. Do you feel like you're not on your feet enough?

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Legs dream of success and good luck. Lose or break a leg - you will break up with a friend, there will be troubles at work.

Why do you dream about Legs? What does it mean to see Legs in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Legs in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Legs are the support of the spiritual state (interpretation is made depending on the context of the dream); legless - a bad foundation and futile attempts to solve pressing problems. Seeing another person legless means understanding him poorly, this is how this dream you are having is interpreted.

Feet - understanding; bare feet - true understanding; ugly legs are the wrong way to go.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do I dream about Legs?

Seeing Legs in a dream means – Legs. Washing your feet means traveling; calluses on the feet - wealth, profit; putting your feet in the fire means ending family quarrels. Having dentures (wooden) means unfair punishment, insult, false position; not having legs means success in work; put on shoes - to the fast road; losing shoes is a hindrance in a profitable business; being barefoot means things will get worse; shoes that are bad on your feet are unreliable; finding shoes and putting them on means profit. For a man to see beautiful female legs in a dream - he will become recklessly infatuated with a young lady. Ugly, ugly legs are an unprofitable business, conflicts with friends. Injuring your leg means loss. Seeing your feet covered in ulcers means a decrease in profits. Seeing that you have three or more legs means that your enterprise is not profitable, your actions are not professional enough. If your legs do not listen to you - loss, poverty. Having a leg amputated means loss of friends and despotism at home. If your legs are slender and in good shape in a dream, this means a happy future and true friends. Seeing your legs red, inflamed, swollen means a shameful act, humiliation, a sharp deterioration in affairs and a major quarrel in the family. For a young woman to admire her legs - inappropriate vanity will push away the man who adores her, this means a dream that you had.

Why do you dream about legs?

According to the dream book, seeing Legs symbolizes your path through life. Strong legs represent a strong position in life. Leg problems reflect insecurity. Beautiful male or female legs are a sign of sexuality. Legs with scabs, ulcers - a vulnerable position, anxiety, problems. Legs do not move - passivity, lack of strength, illness. Losing a leg means losing a good friend. Breaking a leg as a result of an accident means demotion. Swollen legs - losses and losses. A wooden crutch instead of a leg means you will be cunningly deceived. Dirty, unwashed feet mean hostility from family and friends. Wash your feet - you will be fussing about a difficult, but, alas, useless task. Sore legs - you will be confused difficult situation. To have many legs means you will find a long-lost very valuable thing. Alien legs walking separately from the body - beware of enemies and ill-wishers, they are up to no good. Crooked legs - your pride will not allow you to accept an unseemly offer. Kissing someone's feet means you are too soft and submissive

Why do you dream about Legs in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Legs - If you saw ugly legs, it means that you will have to do things that are obviously unsuccessful, and your friends will show their worst traits. Wounded legs dream of losses and illnesses. A wooden leg is dreamed of by those who may behave dishonestly towards friends. Are your feet covered in sores? Remember - wastefulness will destroy you. Did you dream that you had three legs or even more? Such a dream dispels illusions about expected income. A dream in which your legs gave out predicts poverty and deprivation. If your leg is amputated, it may result in the loss of friends or loved ones. If a woman dreams that she has hairy legs, she will have a henpecked husband. Seeing your legs slim and beautiful means a bright future and making true friends.

Grandma's old dream book

Why do I dream about Legs? What does this mean?

Seeing Legs in a dream: putting them in the fire means ending family quarrels; wash them - to the road; to have wooden (dentures) - to unfair punishment, offense; not having legs means success in work; put on shoes - to the fast road; losing shoes means interfering with a profitable business; being barefoot means things will get worse; bad shoes are an unreliable business; finding and putting on shoes means profit, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

The feet are the part of the human body that bears the entire load. The dream book explains feet in a dream positively, indicating that the sleeping person is a fairly self-confident person. For those who in reality cannot find peace, worry, right choice Whether he did, they determine the correctness of his direction. To find out the details of what these body parts represent in a dream, and when you should be more careful, you should look into the dream book!

Abbreviated interpretations

Dream books are excellent encyclopedias of dreams, with the help of which you can find any explanation for the dreamed plot, including without important points. Still, why do you dream about feet?

  • Having your own soles that look well-groomed and healthy is fortunate.
  • Large, men - your position among the people around you will be stable.
  • Seeing large ones in yourself means trouble.
  • Take it out - you will get rid of the difficulties of life.
  • I had a chance to apply it to right foot– you will be able to defend your point of view in a controversial conflict.
  • If you see blood from your feet behind you, it’s a sign of misfortune.
  • Black dry calluses on the soles of the feet represent enemies.
  • Someone kissed you in a night vision - it’s time to restore your health.
  • I had to pull my friend out of his way - you will help him in exposing the lies.
  • If you burn your foot in your dreams at night, and peel off the burnt skin, your lifestyle will change for a certain period.
  • You cut off the heel of another person in a dream - in reality you will cause embarrassment to strangers.

Miller's Dream Interpreter

When you need to find out why you dream about feet, look into Miller’s interpretation. As practice shows, he most accurately interprets the plots of dreams.

So, in a night vision you happened to look at washed feet - soon you will go on a long journey, which will bring you pleasure.